King Do: U. Department of Justice and War Intelligence Bureau Act

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nt; \ OTEO TO Till')

PBOlllOTlO~ 01"
1mL1C I01=S TO J, ERANCll

" TEAC'B .'\.LL ~ATlONl1"

"The Kingdom of Heaim is at lto11d "--Mattl1t!'lt' 3 :2

Vol. 1 NEW YORK CITY, APRIL 15, 1918 No. 2

'' ''

U. S. Department of Justice and INTOLERANCE

War Intelligence Bureau Act OF MODERN CLERGY

About the Mme tJm e, the P rcRident

o r lh U .\ to,.n cfilli11n u1li1:181>Nl U great
IDl\l<ll m 111tl11g al Los .\u~c l ri<, Call
torn la, on<~ or tho hifl<ll ng l>ll P"rs at
t ha t ell)' Cllrrylng a full Vl\S'O r eport
oC th e m cl'llng th o m e>rn1n" followl ng.
Tho ml11 il:l l!'ril\ I alli11nto ot thnl city
hnmt-dinle l)' held a ni.ctll\g und sent n
r11resenltlH\'e who w ai t ed upon t ho.t
Jla11e r "Ith a. view ot pre venting fur-
ther pulJlll"alJon or the Bible truths as
proclai m ed b) th e Internationa l Bible
Student Auociatio n. The clergy
failed In thi s mission. A few day"
later, certain officers swooped down
11pon the nil.le Students' head -
nuo.rte rs, t ouk vosiceRslon or their vari -
ous l>Ubllca tlon s, includi ng Blblea an d
h ym n books, and t ook them away
J .at .. r m :in' o r the boolal w~ro returned
Th .. y f orced an fntra11e e Into the pri-
Yate ofllC'l' ot o ne ur the elders of th ..
locl\I chl! r<'h, wi tho ut evn having a
Harc h warra nt. Tho n ext Sunday.
c ltrgy m e11 <it Lo11 J\ nK<'l ee o.dverUse1l
such R11hJ1>c:ts a s, "Is the End of Rus-
selllsm :-:t'ar! " One or the IMdl~
chrg)'tntn. from his pulpll BUld, "Thnnl;
G<>d, Russclll.:m Is now 1Jo'lll nP!I !or-

PVer." ln V:\r ious p :\rt!I o r the co u n-

try, m \'n :ind " oml'n recentl~
been nrrN11td and throw n Into Jail
Tn lhe Statu ot Okla h oma,, e. poor
woman, Sl'lllng bookR at a amall profit
tor o. living, was arres ted bl':cnu11e she
was s1>lll ng "1'l1e Finis hed ~t)'Sten,"
tbo SC\"(nlh or Pas to r RuMsl'll's Se>r le!t
or b ooks, h r r lond llxed at i10.oon.
wl1IC'h v.11s Impossible fo r her to gh't'.
a nd ahc- w:ui compell Nl to a t.ay t or som"
ti me lo a Jatl too fillh)' lo h ouse swloe.
'T'he purpose for whi ch these o rgan- In big hcndll nes, th e ('lergymen have
lzntlons nre creulNI 19 to prl'nc h the ad\'e1tli1cd the publlc1Hlom ot P1111tor
C':os11c:I or JeSU!I Chrlllt by the oral mes- Rui<scll o.s "Gcrnmn Pror>agnnda."
sage nnd by the printed r>age. For a Their e v ide nt obje ct was to s tir up the
n umlwr or brnnrh offices have minds or the peo ple against lhese Bible
bel'n molntnined In the !ollowlng Stud"ntl!. cl.Ossifying tb e m u C e rma.n
placl'i<, to w it: London. f:nslond: Ore- symptnhlzers. As an lllu>tratl<10, the
bro, Swl'den; Copenhagen, Denmark : Wloolpet; Tribune printed thl!! bold
BarmC>n. Germany: Zurich, Swlt.zer- heading: "R US!<<'lllsm Is Hun Pro pa-
l11nd : Capetown, Soulh Afrlcn; Mel- g:inda. Under n t' lonk." "An Infamous
bourne. J\ustrulla; a nd other points. Germnn propni:nnda. under the cover
This work Is managed from the B r ook- o r r c ll1rlon," s:1ld Dr. French E. Oliver
lyn heu<l11unrters, the executive offico! to n crowded a uljlence ut the Fltat
ot whi ch Is located l\l 124 Columbla Pre.sby ter lnn Church, " ' lnnlpe&'.
H elghta, Bro oklyn, X ow York, and the Neither The Watch T owel' nor any of In \ Vorcester, Mt1.SSac huaell11, Rev. B .
business operatl\'e offico at 13-17 Htcks their o ther publleatlon11 bu ~dltorlally F'. Wyland vubllshed In the Daily Tele
Street, Brookl)'TI. discussed the war wltb reference to g,.am, u nder lilg h endllnes, "Run Prop
The lnternatiom1 I Bible Studenh Aa- whether Jt Is right or w rong. All m- 111:11nd" h Ct>lng Pus hc-d In Worcester."
soeiat io n maln u1lns on the 'l'Oud n num- ~rence to the w ar bas been In the na- Amon ll ot h" r things, he sold, "And one
ber or travellng p rco.chera. It baa ture ot &A expla.naUo u of p rophecy. of your ri:1trlollc duties tbo.t contront.s

they realize the resurrection work

A.bout the same time that arrests
mental law, to declar e war and to
draft its cili:r.ens into military service.
:;pent to spread their doctrine. "7bere
the money com es from le unknown , but complete.''
Constitution of the United States, as understanding t he Bible and to t h rottle
well a,s of the law of Christ. all Bible t oac;hi ng uni It comes
I. B. S. A., Publisher. 'Were being maue In other places, the l l has no disposition to interfere With there is a strong susplcion thal it th rough them, While Amer io ' s ons
13, 15, 17 Hicks St., Broo kl)' n, N. Y. the draft or the war in any manner. emanales from German .sou.roes. In my SPIRIT OF THE DAR K AGES LUST FOR TEMPORAL POWER are fig hting for t he principles of li b-
public press throughout the country
.Monthly- 12c. a year. Single copies, lo. announced that a "raid" had been made The fact that some of 1ts members be.lier. the Cund would be a profitable Surely the people do not wish to re- lt is no secret that the clergy for erty, the clergy are seeking t o eat a b -
oo the Bethel Rome, Brooklyn, and a have sought to take advantage of the field for Government lnvestigallon. turn to the Dark Ages and have a few years have diligently sought to liah a policy of relig io ue intolerance
An Independent, Un1ec ta rian Re provision of the law has been use.d as My object in writing the book was to
lig iou1 Newspaper, Specially De powerful wireless receiving station was bigoted clergymen Lell t hem that they acquire greater political influence and w hich finds a precedent o nly in t h e
found in the cellar and a send m g sta- another means of persecution. Con- enlighten the American people; tor 1t should not r ead what the Bible says. power amongst tbc nations; and this is Da rk Age1.
voted t o the He ralding of the King gress passed the Selective Draft Act in th e !Jellef spreads, m a ny would n ot b l:' ""e h no criticism to make of
tlon on the l'oot, intimating t.llat this \\'P. are reminded tha t In the early days partlcuJarl)' true jn the -United States.
dom of Christ for the Glory of G od :\-lay, 1917, and In that law proviaed that able to see the neell for Ugh lini; for
was maintained In the inter e::sl of pro- of the Papacy it was made a crime for T hey now take advantage 1)f the con 0 hl'istians in any denomrnatlon. We
a nd Good of H 1>manit y. no person Shall be compelled to engage democracy. That the doctrine of the
German work. The tacts are these: a man to have a J3iblt'; and now the d it ion of at reH upon the nation to fu r- are glad to recognlze that in all t he
Some three years ago, Mr. Edward in combatant military service wno is a premill en narialls rut.s many supporters der gy men would tak e a way lhc Bible ther their selfish a im s. Long has t he churches, Cuthollc and Prote11tant,
~flnl!!Lrrs of the I. B. S. A. render their
MnwlJI nL fu11l'l't1IK trl'e of . d.1arg.... 'flwy Kuser of P ottstown, P a., presented mem~er of a well-recognized religious is certain, as t he Divinity School r e explanation from tbe people. Oul' Papacy looked w ith lu1tful eye fo r t he ther e have long been, and still are.
ul:-o ln\'l.Le t:orrei:-11on<l4'Ut'O f row tllose <lc- Pai;lor Russell with a receiving radio organi.zalion, the princivles of which ceives many commu nicat ions each w eek fon!lathers braved ltic storms of the co nt rol of American institu ti o ns. The true, Joyal Chrlstla.ns. But It Is the
~lriug Cl11:istU111 couus~I. machine and It was erecteil on the roof J>recl~de H:s members trom engaging from paator1 all over t he co unt ry ak Atlantic in open boats ~!ld came to wild sa m e a m bitio n th at act uatu t he Kaiser chu rch trust , composed chiefly of the
oC the Beth!!l Home. There never ha::s In war. Thus the Jaw-makers of the in g how to com bat t he idea.'' Am1irica. that they might eslabllsh au of Germ l!ny lurks in t he mi nd of t he cleigy cla'>ls. that seeks to crush others
~ >U as citizens is the suppression of been a. sending apparatus abuut the hmd r ecognized that there are con- The foregoing quotation is a. wicked asylum of r eligious llb.,rty wh ere they Pope. .Since the ilays of Napoleon who d iffer from them, against whom
the Internat ional Bible Students As- premises; not even the r ecei ver has ~c-ientious objectors who cannot con- charge without a sembla nce of truth on could worshtp God accordinit to the Bonaparte, it has been the desire of the the Bible levels it.s criticism, and to
sociation , with headquarters in Brook been used, except to experiment wltll s cientiously engage in mortal combat. which to base It. .Have such r~pre dictates of t h eir own consclen.:.e. Papal head to exercise tempora l power. Whicll we call attention In the interest
i)n. They have, under the tuise of r e - by some ot the younger m embers wbo The reason for this Is that some have sentatlons had anything to do wilh the These great principles were embodied we now aound a. warning- to the lib- of the common _people-Christians of
lig-ion, been catrylns on German propa- were trying to learn the operation of fully consecrated themselves to t he investigation of the AssoclatJon' ::i in t11e fundamental law of the land. ~tY-lovlng people against the en - all den ominations. We have malice
ganda in. Worcester by selling their the wireless, and not even tlils has been J.ord a .n d they conscientiously b elieve books? Something llas caused it. v\'e The Constitution guarantees the right croacbments ot the Papal system, aiderl towar d none, but Jove t or all. We
tiook, The Finished b<[yslery.' " He don~ during the past two yea rs. More It they faithful to him they shall here menl1on that recently the Gov- or petition and r edress, the right oC and supported by a class of clergymen wouJd not do Injury to any per!'!ons,
further called upon the autborllles to th a n a yea!" ago, the wlrele<;s was dis- have a part In his kingd om or right- ernment otlicials took possession of the freedom of speech In the interest of !rom other systems who have greed for but we conceive It to be our duty to
nrrest these Bible stuilents and pre- mantled and the poles sawed up and eousness, and that if th ey engage in the AJssocla t1on's accou nt books and made humankind. We hold that au -order- power and who are willing to perse- call your attention to t he tacts, that
vent tbem trom m eeting in halls f or used tor other purposes, and the re- Laking of human life this will destroy a. thorough investigation and found lovlng, law~ablding people should pro- cute any who seek to enlighten the peo- the principles of religious liberty may
Bible study. Thls Is a sample of what ceiving instrument safely stored away them eternally. The law prov1rles t ha t nothi ng t o indicate th at a co" t of t hei r t es t agalnst this unholy p ersecutio n of nle -upon the true teachingS ol'. the 11tlll be recognized In this go\'ernment
has been In progress throughout t he In the art room. It was 'Voluntarily such shall be given non-combatant money comes f rom Ger m a n aou rcea. Innocent men and women by men who Bible. Success of that ecclesiastical and t hat mankind may increase In a.
country in the past few weeks 1n the produced and by consent removed, be- service. Mem!Jers of the Internation al All the money used In this work Is vol- claim to teach the Bil.lie and who teach combin e will mar k the end or religious kllQWledge ot God'io wonderful plan for
way of a c;unpnlgn o.f misrepresenta- cause we have no use tor It. There Bib le Students Associatio n have untarily contributed by conscientious it not. liberty. There are thousands in the the blessing ot the people.
tion. Is not a person about the Bethel Home, claimed classlflcatlon under this stat- m an and women throughout the coun- Religious intolerance has brought world today who believe that the P ope WILL JUS TIC E BE LO NG DE NI ED?
How foolish to charge the Intern a- nor has there b een for two, who ute. try who rega rd it as a great privilege Russia. to her present condition. .All recently betrayed Italy into the hands
tional Bible Students AHociation with knows anything about the use ot a now to declare the message of hope arrogant, r eligious intolerance has of the Kaiser: but when his wrongful Since Issuing ''The Finished MYS
pubUshtng literature ln t he interest of wireless instrument. WH AT BIBLE S T U DENTS BELIE V E that the Bible holds out to the poor, made German autocracy possible. course discovered, he tuced about. tery," we have r eceived thousands ot
the German Go ve.rnment, when the Int ernational Bible Student s believe groaning creation, and which will be While the PE>Oples of the Allied nations \'le quote from T ho Litera ry Digest letters f r om persons w ho h ave greatly
greater portion of its publications re- THE I. B. S. A. AND THE WAR and teach that the Bible is God's in- realized after the trouble Is over. are fig hting tor principles oCJUsllce and for January 19, 1918: rejoiced and are rejoicing in the in-
lating to the present conditions was spired Word, giveQ to man tor his in- rig ht, let us see to it that these prin- "A $capegoat bas been found for creased knowledge which Its reading
written twenty year,a ago, as ls par- The Internati onal Bible Student.a are GREAT BABY LON
not against the war. They recognize struction,, polntlng out the only way clples are not dl'nled to order-loving the recent reverses In Italy In th e brings to them concerning God'$ pro-
lic1.1larly evidenced by r eference to the that leads to eternal lite and happiness; Tbe prophets of the Lord describe men and women who are attempting- to Visions for the human race, il\1any o!
preface in the book, "The Finished and have long taught that the Bible,
three thousand years ago, foretold the that all men are born sinners because Mystic Babylon ana show U1at the eo- help their fellow- men to a. bet ter un- person of Pope Benedict X'V, and
one or the leading English papers
t hese had n ever given any study to the
Mystery"; and the I. B. S. A. are a s of the disobedience ot' ta th er Adam, the clesiastlcal systems constitute BabY- deretanding of God's purposes concern- does not h esitate to accuse him of Dible until after reading "The l<'lnlshed
much p~rsecute d in Germany as in present great w:-, and that God's hand
would be in it. \Vhen In 191& Presi- "first man; that God provided redemp- Jon. 'fhe book that has recently been Ing their future wel tare and blessing. having turned f rom a ~asslve Aus- Mystery." By the su_ppresslon o! this
.\merlca or t>lse'l\here. tion for manl<lnd through the de11.Ui and so much commented upon in th e pfess, For more than th!rty years. Pastor trophil Into an active worker for book, a great in.Justice is done Chrls-
dent \\ Uson asked the mlnlsters to
PERSECUT ION I N GERMA NY pray for peace, Pastor Russell, in an resurrection of Jesus Christ; that "'l'be Finished :\1ystery," is a commen- Russell and other m embers of the As- the A.ustrlan, as against the ltaltan, tlan pl:'ople who are hungering and
address in the New York City T emple, "Jesus Christ tasted death for every tary upon these prophec ies, particularly socialion have been tt>lling the people cause. In a Jong editorial in the thirsting tor a clearer knowledge of
There ls a well-organized ef'l'ort on said: man,'' and in due tilne every man must Ezeki el and Revelation. These two that the war would begin In 1914. T :le the D lvJne prophecies. T h e que1tion
behalf o! the clergy to p ersecute these be brought to a knowledge of this tact great prophecies expose the clergy and clergy throughout the land :ridiculed London Morn ing Poat, the Vatican involved i1 not a political one. It does
"Our h onorablo Preeide nt with and ail its works are roundly de-
~~;.~~~d~~:hoe~~ !~ ~~~ee;o~rteh:~~~~~; ~~~!~~:re~~!s~~f !~~ath~~!t~~~:i?:~~~ ::~::ce~Th;~~~o:~;~o!i~r;,~~:a~
Bible students Whl'rever found-their
activities have not been confined to one
p raiaewoM.hy intent b as req uected
all Christ iana to make t his a day of
and given an opportunity to accept the
provisions and live (Hebrews 2:9; l ;h! ::'.ieecr~ t~: i~o;;~l;e.ntre~r:io::Yo~;
country, but apply to all countries. For prayer for peace in E urope. I h ave Timothy 2: 3-6); that from the time ot mankind, and confusing. Babylon Bible Student s A1aociation bet-n heeded, is necessa ry that the Allies should and ia opposed, n ot by t he com mo n
a numbPr of years the Inter nat ional Jesus ascended into heaven until the means confusion. They show that t he the people would not have been BO sur- consider w'ith some care what is people, but by a m ajority of profee
ben asked to s ermonize acoordi"g-
Bible S t ude nts Anociatio n has main- ly. H owever, I can not concu r with setting up of bis kingdom, the Lord clergy have been p reying upon t he peo prised when the war came, and would aional clergymen, w ho are seeking
tained an office In Germany and In has been gathering out from the earth ple and collecti" g mo ney. tro m the m have been better p repared and f or tified their position in relaUon to the t hrough m any channels to brin g pre
ou r worthy President in this m at- for it. Vatican. That the recent Italian
many other foreign countries. We cite te r. Much as I a ppreciate peace- the Chvrch, whi ch m~uns t he m embers upon t he pretense of teac h ' " g t hem t he e ure to bear upon t he Gove rnment t o
the following from a paper of recent a nd I have all m y life labored t o be of the body of Chr ist (Ephesians l: 22, Script urea; w hereas they have kept the The L B. S. A. arc attempting to reverse was largely due to the in- auppreH this p hila nt hropic a nd Chris
i;late publis hed In Copenhagen, Den- a peaoemaker--1 c annot pray the 23); that just before his ascension Into people in ign orahce of t he Bi ble. T '.le teach the veople what is going to f ol tluence o! treacherous r epresenta- ti a n work com pletely.
mark, rP.spectlng clerical persecution Almighty t o ch ange h ia pla ns to heaven Jesus promised that he would creeds taught by the clergymen h ave low after this war. not teaching ac- lions disseminated among the The suppression of "The Finished
eminatlng fr om the heart of Germany:
conform to t ho1e of our honored come again and receive his church unto held out no _hope f o r any one except cording to their own wisdom,, but ac Italian armies is known; that the Mystery" is clearly In contravention o.t
himself; that he would then set up his t he few t hat go t o heaven. They have cording to wha,t the great Teachl!r, V'aU.can was implicated in that the First Amendment to the Constltu-
"A W a rn in g Ag ainst t he Millen P remident. Fo r 2,500 yeara God, propaganda. 1s also known; and the tton (Article I), because It prohibits
t hrough tho Bible Prophets, haa kingdom tor the blessing of all man- t:lught that the mass or hu.manlty Christ Jesus, made clear, Again the
niu m S ect l<lnd, and that the present world would wo1:ld have to spend eternJty in a state clergy a n d their emissaries, by mlsrep- result W1l;S a disaster so that the tree exerche of the reUglon ot
bean tell in g h ia people a bout thi
"The Consistory ot Kiel (Hol- great war and concerning t he more then end and a. reign ot righteousness of torment-a Ja:,e ol burning flre and r e.sentatton, are trying to keep both the Its effects cannot yet be measured. Jesus Christ, believed and taught by
ateln, Germany) is calling the at- 1Jegin; that all the kingdoms and na- bl'lmstone, which th ey call "'hell.'' governments and the people in lgnor- Since the beginning ot the war, the thou sands of people. In many places,
te rrib le A rmageddo n which wi ll On the con~r:uy, the Scriptures hold ance. The clergy. cry Jong- and loud Vatican, ln so far e.s political ac - officers of the law have. with.out even
tention of the (Lutheran) priests follow it; a nd ca n we expect hi m to t111ns of the earth must come under the
to the activities carried on by the ,..verile t he program a t our be- rule ot the great Me:islah and tha.t this out a wondertul hope tor ma.nklnd. rn about their own loyalty and patriotism; tlon I'll concerned. has maintained a. warrant, seized great quantities oC
Millennium sect, whlch calls itself wlU take place Jn the closing days of obedlenco to their coontry's call, thou- whereas, as a matter of fac t, many o r an attitude which, as lt WO.!! tem- the books. have intimidated many a n ('I
'Watch Tower Bible and Tract So- Pastor Russell recognized that this the kings of this earth, as suggested sands of young m en of ametlca. l\re them are J'eally a menace to both gov- porarlly neutral, was spiritually interrupted their peaceable s tudy of the
ciety; and also 'Bible Students As- war, foretold J.n the Bible by Jehovah, ltS' tbe .Prophet Daniel: "In the days f:lcing the enemy upon the battlefield. ernments a nd people. The Amer ican incomprehensible, Inasmuch as v1o- 'Wot'd of God, which ls clearly contrary
sociation.' The Imper ial War De- wUl be 'erruled by him nnd re11ult tn. of these kings shall the God of h<-aven Doubtless many of tl>ese do :not claim )>eop\e can be trus ted with all tbe latlons of law and ol'tenses against to the fundamental law of the land.
partment ha.a recently requested u.s set up a klngdom which shall never be to be Chi lstians; and lf th-. t<!u.Chlng,, Oltile kuuwledS'., possible to tie given. hu,manlty were tacitly condoned.'' (Article JV-, Con2tltutlon, atnended.)
good to mankind. The Bible aays,
t o keep a watchful eye on the ac- destroyed; and the klngdom shall not of the clergy are correct, tllen. those them. X:nowJedge ot righteousness- THE CHURCH TRUST We !eel sure that no Part of "'l'he Fln-
"There .shall be a. time of trouble such
tivities of thJs sect, which consist as was not since there was a. nation, be left to other people, but it shall boys would have no hope, Tbe Inter- will do good and not harm. Let the lshed Mystery'' bas been, or can ln a ny
In selling the writings of Its break in pieces and consume all these national Blble Stude.1ts are trylng to people understand that the future holds It ls no secret that the Catholic and way be, Inimical to the Government of
even to that same time: (Daniel 12 : 1;
founder, the recently deceased Pas- ~tatthew 24: 21) If it ie di1loyal to call
kingdoms, and Jt shall sta nd forever .'' teach them and every one else that th e great blessings ror them and th eir f ears Protestant clergy are joining hands in the United States: or has Influenced, or
Rus!!ell, of Brooklyn, North Amer- attent ion to t ho m eaning of th is great (Daniel 2: 44) .AgaJn, Jesus said, "lie I:lble holds that only the cons~crated wUl be calmed. T he Int ernationa l persecution against the Inter national can in any wa,y influence, any peri,on
ica, In untiring propaganda work, t ro uble upon tho ea rth, then it la d la tha t overcometb and keepetl) my wo rks Christian ls now on triaJ ! or life, and Bible S t udents AHociation Is earne.s tly Billie Students, bot h i n America. and against the Government or embarrass
accomplished Wlth American loya l t o repeat t he l,.o rd' prayer. He unto the end, to him will I give power that when Messia h's Kingdom is in enileavorirg to help the people along other countries; not l>ecause they be- the Government in the p r osecution of
money. The Consistory does, taught a ll his followers to pray, "Thy oyer the nations; and he shall r ule operation all persons will have an op- this very line. lleve that the Blble Students dls- the war.
therefore, call the priests' ~tten I~lngdom come: thy wlll be dope on
them with a rod or iron; as the vessels portunity tor everlasting life In hap- loyal to any government, but because Religious fntolerane.e has marked th.e
llon to this sect and requests that of a potter shall they be broken to pines$: that then t he dead shall return THE RIGH T O F BIBLE S TUDY they know that the true teachings ot pages ot European history with h uman
earth as It is in heavPn." Tbat King-
they take action against it and re- dom could :not come until after this shivers; even as I received of my from their tombs and have an oppur- Thousands or Christians throughout the Bible expoiie their errors and show blood-the bloo('I or martyr s to the
port to the Consistory their ob F.ather."-Revelatlon 2; 26, 27. tunlty to gain ev(!J'la..stlng blPssings. the United State!! assemble several how they have kept the people In dark- cause of righteousness a:nd liberty.
world travau. times each week t or Bible study. At
11e.rvatlons or. lts dangerous activi- Further.more, the L ord said: ''Wait T)le Bible Students al~o believe t hat f:oldlers who die upnn the battlefteld, ness for so many centuries. Now t he May the falr name or America never
ties." ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the the reign of Christ will be for the pur- faose who die at hume f r om disease lenS't once each week they use '' The clergy, posing as patriots and support- be blackened by even the temporar y
day t hat 1 rise up to the pr ey; tor my pose or. granting to every man one fair and other caus('s; in tact, a ll, sball .hear F inished Mystery" as a text book.. It ers of the Government, a r e really tak- success of religious Intolerance. us
NOT AGA INST THE GOVERN ME NT determination is to gather the natlous, a nd impartial trial for Ute everlasting the voice ot the Son of Man and come Is the only book which ever made clear Ing advanta ge of the occasion to op- trust the people to read what God has
These clergymen, Catholic and Prot- that 1 may assemble the kingdoms, to (Acts 17:31; John 6:28, 29; :\fatttJeW .forth ttom the tomb. (John 5:28) The the pr ophecies of Ezekiel and Revela- press those who dll'rer f r om them. We caused to be recorded in hl11 Word tor
estant. who are Joining bands together pour upon them mine indignation. even 2;;:30- 46): that during his r eign the l::ible is full of coni101ing promises ~or lion. Thousands are rejoicing in the tnke this opportunity to wa rn tho them, becau11e, as St. Paul wrote, "All
~Hrully wicked, after being given a full m ankind. ~Ye hold that th ese great !net that they are now able to under- American peop le a nd order- lovi n g peo- Scripture given by Inspiration ot Ood 111
to gain greater political J.ntluence in all my fierce angN: for all the
the land and who ate unahle to an- earth shall be devou red with the fire lmo'\\ledge, wfll be :i.nnlhilatl'd, and all truths bring consol:irion to the people stand these books. The suppression or pie eve rywh e,.. ag a inst a bigoted class for Ins truction In rlghteou1<ness, tbat
the obedient ones wlll be fully restored as nothing els& cau do. Surely the "The Finished Fyscery" m~a.ns the sup of clergymen who have sy tem atica lly the man of God may be thoroughly f ur
swer the teac~ings of the Bible con- or my jealousy [not literal fire] . F o-r
to the perfection that Adam had priQT p eople are at Jll:ien y to seek comfort p re.sslon of the Biblt>-lhe denial t o endeavored to p revent t h e people fro m 11lshed unto all good works.''
cerning themselves. like the _persecu- then will I turn to tile people a. pure the Word ot G?d The great Ad - American cillz"'"n.s ot the right ot Bible _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _..:..__ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _

m essage, that they may all call upon to his sin (Ac~ 3:19-24); that hlsre!gn
-tors o.f our Lord, have raised a greal will result in the ilestructlon or every ver!!ary, by his var.ous machlnattons. study. We feel Quite su re that our
roar that the l"ternationa l ,B ible S tu
d ent. are dl11ioyal and against the Gov-
the nam e of the Lor d, to serve him with
one consent." (Zephaniah 3: 8, 9) Tb us enemy, the last enemy being death (1 has kept the people In Ignorance or
Corinthians lli:25, 26); thRt then he th~se great t r uths for centurles. Now,
President, Woodrow Wilson, does
not approve such a course in the
Petition to the President
ernment of the United States, and Jehovah points out that after the trou-
therefore g'Ullty of tre.a son. Nothi ng is ble, ther e will be given the people a who llves and believes in Jesus eha.11 In this hour ot groat l!tress upon the
ne,er die (J olin 11:26) ; that the earth world, he is despP.1ately striving to
sllghtesl measure. \\' e are certain be
is wo broad-minded to try to thus sup. All )overs of religious liberty should sign the following petition,
f urther f rom the t ruth. The re is not pure message aT\d a blessing sh~ll press Bible s t udy. Proof or this ls a nd mail immediately to KINGDOM NEW S, 13 H icks St., Brook
come to the people. itself v.ill be made a beautiful place throttle th ose who ~re earnestly and
di1loyal one amon<11t t he me m ber for the habitation of man, and peace faithfully endeavoring to teach the peo- given ln his own words, recently pub- lyn, N. Y .. to be presented in one monster petition to the Govern
of the Int ern ational Bi ble S t udents A'S and love of f ellow-men and rigbteo11s- ple this consoling m essage contained Jn lished broadcast throughout the coun- m ent. DO I T N OW !
aociation. They a re not aga inst the H OW THE DRA FT IS REGA RDED
nt'ss and truth will prevail. T hey the Bible. It ls the Devil's old t rick try, as follows:
Govern men t in "Y 1en1e. They recog - 'l'he Inter nationa l Bible Student Aa further believe that this reign of Christ of intolerance In the nam e of reUglon "The Bible Is the Word of Lite.
n ize t he Un ited States Gove rnment as s ociation r ecognizes that the United which is n ow bef>lnnlng will Jast a. against the glorious hope that God has I beg that you w!ll read it an d find
th e best government o n earth a nd States Gover nment, being a poHUcal thousand years and this thousand-year .set before all who love r ighteousness. this out tor yourselv es. Read not To President Wilson:
President Wilaon as t he great est of :11>d economic lnsUtutlon, has the period H1 desig.n ated the Miiiennium; li llle snatcbes here and there. but \\'<.', t he undersigned Aml'rican s. hold that any interference by
earth's r ulers, power and ~utborlty, un der !ta tunda- PASTOR RU S SELL'S MESSAGE long pasi;ages that will really be
that 1t Is the great pr iv ilege and duty t he cl ergy with independent Bible study is intolerant, un-Amcrican
ot. Christians at this time to announce .As a sample of the teachings of the road to t he heart of It. Yo u
that the kingdom or heaven jg at hand: Pastol' Russell's writings concerning wlll .find It full or rtal m en and and un-Christian; and that any attempt to combine Ch urch ancl
that at the time or this great distress this hope set before mankind and the wom en not only, but also of things ~late is radically wrong. In the interest of liberty and religiou s
upon the nations it ls our duty a nd !uture condition of m en on earth, we you have wondered about and b een freedom, we solemnly protest against the suppressiou of The

The World Has Ended privilege to comfort the sad hearts by quote from hls tirst volume, "The Di-
calling the attention of the people to vine Plan ot the Ageti":
Ole Bfble nope. The Scripture$ alone
br ing tht\ satlstylng por tion, a11 n othing
else can do.
"Close your eyei< for a. moment
to the scenes of misery and woe,
degradation and sor row that yet
troubled about all your lit e, as men
have been always; n1:1d the more
you r ead the more it wm becom"
plain to you what things are worth
whlll:' and what are not, w hat
F inished .Mystery, and petition the Government to remo\'C all re-
strictions as tn its use, th at the peoplt' may hl permitted without
interference or molestation tn huy, :wll. han' anti re:ttl this ain to
Bible st-udy.
11revall on a cco unt of sin, and pic-
ture before your mental vision thl'
things make m en happy-loyalty,
r ight dealings, speaking the t ruth,
Name Full Address
The clergy have tau ght an entirely glory ot the perfect earth. Not a readiness to give everything for

WILL NEVER DIE! dltrerent doctrine; especially in recent

years. The Bible hope, as held out to
the people and to which the I . B . S. A.
stain of sin mars the harmony ancl
peace of a perfect society; 11ot a.
b itter thought, not an unkind look
what they th ink their d uty, and.
most of all, the wish that they may
have 1he r eal approval of the
have called attention, has greatly or word; Jove, w elling up from Chrlst who gave e verything for
angered many or the clergy. Seem every hear l, meets a kindred re- them-and th e things that are
lngly, t hey do no t wa nt the Lord t o sponse Jn every other hear t, a nd guarantPed to make men unhappy
reig n, because that would mean that b en evolence marks every act. -sel fishness, cowardlcec, greed, and
_\ free public lecture will be gi' en rn thi s Yicinity soon on this their teachings are wrong and that they There stckness aha.II be no mor e: everything that is low and m ea n.
wo uld have to chan ge thei r vocation. not an ache nor a pain, nor any \Vben you h.-we Tf'ad the Bible you
startling subject. Po!'itj,e pronf will lie suhmitted in e\>idencl'. U nable t o a n1we r the Bi ble trut h 1, t hey evidence of decay-not even the fear will kJlow t hat It ls the Wor-0 of
aHau lt any one w ho holds them forth, ot such t h ings. Think of al l the God, because you wilt have found it
cha rgi ng s uch with d isloyalty a nd p ictur es of comparative bealth and the key to your own heart, yuur
working in beh a lf of t he n ation' one beauty of human form and featur e happiness, and your O'l'Vn duty."
miea. As a sample, we quote from Dr. that you have ever seen, and know Mr. Wilson urges the ,peoples to
Shirley J. Case, of the Divinity School that perfect h umanity will be ot study tile Bible. The clergy, on tht
of the Chicago University, who has re- still surpassing loveliness. The in- contrary, say, in substance, "Do not
cently written a hook agalns t the B ible ward purity and mental and moral study It unless you take our lnterpreta
WATCH LOCAL NEWSPAPERS teachi~g concerning the thousand-year perf ection will stamp and glorify lion"; and they seek an arm ot the
reign of Christ to bless mankind. every radiant count enance. Such Government to suppress independent
FOR DATE AND PLACE Speaking against the lnter" ational will earth's society be; and weep- Bible study. It is nl:'edless for us t o
.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.
IBible S t udents AHociat ion, he says:
"Two thousand dollars a week is being
ing bereaved ones will have their
tears all wiped a way, w hen thus
say that this Is In clear violation of
both t he spl:rlt and the letter ot the

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