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Talked in Contemporary Phil.


-Recently on the last talked related to arts in our subject to Maam Esmaya Ive learn a lot
of things not only in the arts itself but also Ive learn a lot of things in the culture of the Panay-
Bukidnon Tribe which also reflects our rich culture here in Panay. And as a Calinogon I am
proud that the GAMABA awardee Federico Caballero was my kasimanwa who also lives in
Calinog. Now as to the talked related to the arts and culture of the Panay-Bukidnon I am glad
that Mommy and Daddy the representatives of the tribe share their knowledge and time both
to my classmates and batch mates. I find their talk very informative as they try to demonstrate
the chants of the Sugidanon epics and the traditional courtship dance and also I find it very
entertaining the way they deliver their speech as they try to catch the attention of the audience. I
also find it interesting the time when Mommy and Daddy had given the chance to tell their
love story while answering some questions and some part of it really shocked and amazed me.
One of the topics that really caught me is about the Binukot to which makes me wonder how
did they come up with a kind of custom and how the Binukot herself manage to be one. Sadly
the last Binukot had just died last July and I sympathize for the loss of her family and tribe.
During the afternoon session which was about other forms of art such as for painting and
photography. So first is for Sir who spoke about painting and drawing, I must admit that he
really has the talent and passion in such field. I was just amazed to some of his artworks from the
time he starts to like drawing until it evolves to painting. Even if it is just a sketch but how he
carries himself as an artist differs from any other normal person who is beginning to love art at a
very young age in short he has this natural talent and passion in art. I also find his talked very
informative and inspirational in a way that he teaches us not to give up and just pursue our
dreams no matter how many challenges we faced along our way. That even for a long period of
time when you are not in a field you liked but for his situation still art will find its way. And
lastly about Sir who spoke about photography I also learned a lot from him that even though I do
not have the talent in photography but till I can relate myself to him because photography is not
really just holding expensive DSLR cams but how you take a picture that even if you have only a
piece of cell phone you can still consider it as a photography as long as you are able to take the
picture you want in a artistic and creative manner.

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