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Proceedings of the XVI ECSMGE

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

ISBN 978-0-7277-6067-8

The authors and ICE Publishing: All rights reserved, 2015


Evaluation of elastic modulus of fly ash embankment

by repeated load CBR test
valuation de module d'lasticit de cendres volantes remblai par
charge rpte essai CBR
S. Bhattacharjee*1 and K. Bandyopadhyay2
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
* Corresponding Author

ABSTRACT Development of mechanistic-empirical pavement design procedures and material specifications requires fundamental ma-
terial property data in order to characterize pavement responses. The basic principle of repeated load CBR testing is similar to convention-
al CBR testing method but repeated load is applied during a number of cycles until the steady state is reached. Conventional CBR testing
is used for empirical based design but repeated load CBR testing is used for mechanistic-empirical pavement design which is also a realis-
tic tool for indicating degraded properties of embankment material. At repeated load CBR test for different degree of compaction, elastic
modulus is determined on a quick and simple way considering plunger load is dispersed over the height of CBR mould with the dispersion
angle of 45o. The stress under the plunger is the main important criteria which are compared with load bearing capacity or ability to sup-
port foundation of embankment fill without suffering detrimental long term settlement. In this study repeated load CBR test is performed
by taking core from model fly ash embankment in tank at different degree of compaction for maximum dry density and optimum moisture
content levels. The test is conducted until a penetration of 2.5 mm is obtained. After that the sample is unloaded until the load is zero and
reloaded again until the load that is needed to obtain the 2.5mm penetration. This sequence is applied a number of times until the elastic
deformation reaches a constant value.

RSUM Dveloppement des mcaniste - empirique des procdures de conception des chausses et les spcifications matrielles de-
mande pour les proprits fondamentales des matriaux afin de caractriser les rponses de la chausse . Le principe de base de tests
rpts charge de CBR est similaire la mthode d'essai CBR classique mais charge rpte est applique pendant un certain nombre de
cycles jusqu' ce que l'tat d'quilibre est atteint . Essais CBR classique est utilis pour la conception base empirique, mais les tests de la
RBC de charge rpte est utilise pour la conception des chausses mcaniste - empirique qui est aussi un outil raliste pour indiquer des
proprits dgrades du matriau remblai . Au rpte essai CBR de charge pour diffrents degrs de compactage , module d'lasticit est
dtermin sur une voie compte tenu de la charge de piston simple et rapide est dispers sur toute la hauteur du moule CBR avec l'angle de
dispersion de 45 . Le stress sous le piston est les principaux critres importants qui sont compars avec une capacit de charge ou capa-
cit soutenir la fondation de remplissage remblai sans souffrir rglement prjudiciable long terme . Dans cet essai, la charge de CBR
tude rpte est effectue en prenant noyau de modle cendres volantes remblai dans le rservoir au degr de compactage diffrent pour
la densit sche maximum et des niveaux de taux d'humidit optimales . L'essai est effectu jusqu' une pntration de 2,5 mm est obtenue
. Aprs que l'chantillon est dcharg jusqu' ce que la charge est gale zro et recharg nouveau jusqu' ce que la charge qui est nces-
saire pour obtenir la pntration de 2,5 mm . Cette squence est applique un certain nombre de fois jusqu' ce que la dformation lasti-
que atteint une valeur constante .

1 INTRODUCTION al will perform adequately in a certain application.

Despite major advances in construction procedures
Testing under laboratory conditions was not ideal, in and development of sophisticated analytical tools
terms of being directly representative of a materials for design method, a gap still exists between actual
field behaviour but it is required to give confidence material behaviours and theory. Many countries,
(in absence of case study data sets) that a materi- particularly developing countries still rely on empir-

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

ical methods. The disadvantage of an empirical me- accurate values of penetration. Molenaar (2008)
thod is that it can be applied only to a given set of concluded that repeated load CBR test is a simple
environment, material and loading conditions. If and quick test to obtain good estimates of an effec-
these conditions are changed, the design is no longer tive elastic modulus (Eeff) in cases where repeated
valid and a new method must be developed through load triaxial data are not available. Molenaar also
trial and error to conform to the new condition. compared (Eeff) determined by means of repeated
Therefore for developing countries like India, the load CBR test and the resilient modulus (Mr) ob-
most appropriate laboratory characterization tech- tained from repeated load triaxial test. Opiyo (1995)
nique for fly ash material is the repeated load CBR has developed empirical equations to estimate the
test, which should be evaluated as a substitute for effective elastic modulus (Eeff) from the applied
the repeated load triaxial test in terms of provision stress under the plunger and the measured vertical
of reasonable estimates of mechanical parameters deformation in the final load application. Opiyo de-
according to the simplicity, availability and afforda- rived two methods to compute the modulus (Eeff): an
bility criterion. In this way the overall practical im- approximate solution and a solution based on finite
plications of the research are conducted. element analysis. In this study only approximate so-
lution is followed. For the approximate solution an
assumption is made by Opiyo about how the load is
2 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY spread over the height of the CBR sample. In that
case an estimate has to be made about the angle of
The main purpose of this research is to identify a spreading, Figure1. Opiyo described that elastic
relatively simple test (Repeated load CBR test) deformation occurs in two parts of the specimen: a
which is capable of estimating the required mechan- conical and a cylindrical part shown in Figure 1.
ical properties for input into analytical design. The F
practical accessibility for characterization of me- d
chanical behaviour for embankment material can
therefore be enhanced through repeated load CBR
test. Repeated load CBR test was performed to esti-
mate mainly the equivalent elastic modulus by in- Conical part H
vestigating permanent deformation of fly ash ma-
terial used in embankment.
3 LITERATURE REVIEW cylindrical part

A review of the available literature showed a gap

between the relatively fundamental research tests
and a simplified approach that could provide a rou-
tine design input for the road industry. Therefore D
development of a simplified laboratory test capable
of estimating mechanical properties was needed for Figure 1. Conical and cylindrical deformation parts
embankment material. Hight & Stevens (1982) con- in the approximate solution of the CBR test
sidered the full load penetration curve which was Where, d = plunger diameter=49.63mm.
used to improve the estimate of stiffness. Loach H = height of the conical part = 50 tan 45o
(1987) carried out some repeated load CBR tests on = 50mm.
overconsolidated silty clay. Initial slopes of the Eeff = material elastic modulus (MPa)
load-penetration curves, whether in the first cycle or D = diameter of the CBR mould =150mm
subsequently, correlated with CBR. Loach noted L = height of specimen =175mm
that there was experimental difficulty in obtaining

Bhattacharjee and Bandyopadhyay

The total deformation is therefore taken as the Maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum
sum of elastic deformation from the two parts which moisture content (OMC) were found out from
are shown below: both modified and standard proctor energy level
Eeff = {od/uD}[ H + d(L-H)/D] at 100 mm diameter (1000cc volume) mould as
Substituting the values of the variables from per IS:2720 (Part 8) and IS:2720 (Part 7) respec-
above, tively.
Eeff = 30.56{o/u} Air dried fly ash sample was taken at required
Where, o = maximum plunger stress (MPa) quantity predetermined from the volume of tank
u = elastic deformation (mm) for each layer and maximum dry density ob-
Araya (2011) concluded that curve for elastic tained from particular energy level of proctor
modulus from repeated load CBR test and modulus compaction to achieve a target degree of com-
from repeated load triaxial test differed only neglig- paction.
ibly. Moisture content of the bulk material was pre-
determined and the required quantity of water
was added to bring the material to the required
4 PRINCIPLE OF REPEATED LOAD CBR level of optimum moisture content for that par-
TEST ticular energy level of proctor compaction.
The chosen degree of compaction for preparation
The principle of repeated load CBR test is similar to of embankment in tank was 100 and 97 percent of
the standard CBR test but repeated loads are applied proctor density for modified and standard energy
upon multiple repetitions of the same magnitude of level. Mixing was done in a mechanical mixer. Tank
loading until a stabilized state was reached. All is divided three equal segmental parts according to
strain under a load application is recoverable. The the height and an additional free board of 25mm is
permanent (plastic) strain becomes negligible and maintained. Therefore the specimen was compacted
the material behaves basically elastic that is stable in three equal layers. The mixed sample was poured
recoverable deformation. From the applied stress into each layer and compacted to the required densi-
and the measured recoverable strain, an elastic ty. The compacted layer thickness was controlled by
modulus was estimated. measuring the level of compaction head with respect
to top of each segment of tank. Same procedure was
followed for the remaining two layers. The surface
5 METHODOLOGY of each layer was mechanically scarified before add-
ing the next layer on top to obtain a good layer inter-
In this research repeated load CBR tests were per- lock and a homogeneous sample.
formed in Jadavpur university laboratory, Kolkata, Repeated load CBR test was carried out at con-
India on fly ash embankment material by taking ventional CBR testing equipment and moulds used
cores from model embankment prepared in a tank at as per Indian standards, IS:2720 (Part 16). This was
different conditions. Repeated load CBR is a simple a displacement control test using a displacement rate
method of testing which is developed for character- 1.25mm/min. For each test three numbers of undis-
ize the mechanical behavior of the specimen. The turbed specimens were collected by fitting with cut-
effect of influence factors such as moisture content, ting edge of 150 mm internal diameter to the CBR
degree of compaction, type of specimen was inves- mould and pushed each mould as gently as possible
tigated. Moisture content is more important factor into the compacted fly ash embankment bed pre-
compared to factors affecting by degree of compac- pared in tank. After completion of pushing sample
tion. was filled up into each mould, it was taken out and
In this work the source of fly ash used in labora- the cutter was removed and mould was weighed and
tory was procured from Farakka Thermal Power sta- specimen was collected for moisture checking. The
tion, West Bengal, India. The test programme was collar was fitted on the mould and placed into CBR
carried out by following steps: testing machine. Loading of the specimen was ob-

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

tained by pushing the button plunger down on the crease of density and energy level of proctor com-
control unit. Normally the load level was restricted paction. Similarly it was expressed from Table1 that
until a 2.5 mm penetration was obtained. Then the when optimum moisture content was increased from
test was stopped and unloading was obtained by 36 to 45 percent, both CBR values and elastic mod-
pushing the plunger up button until the load was ulus decreased.CBR values and effective elastic
zero and then reloaded again for next loading cycle modulus both were decreased when degree of com-
until the load gave a penetration of 2.5mm.It im- paction was decreased from 100 to 97 percent. Max-
plied that rate of unloading was the same as the rate imum plunger stress followed similar trend as that
of loading. This sequence was applied for ten of of CBR and elastic modulus (Figure 4).It was also
cycles when elastic deformation reached a constant observed from Table 1 and Figure 5 that elastic de-
value. The load level was restricted to an initial 2.5 formation increased with decrease of density and
mm penetration to avoid excessive permanent de- degree of compaction. Figure 6 shows that elastic
formation during the repeated load cycles applied modulus increased with the CBR value due to in-
after the first load cycle to determine the CBR Mo- crease of strength and stiffness. Figure 7 shows typ-
lenaar (2008). ical load penetration curves for different cycles.
Elastic modulus was calculated from the elastic Peak load for different cycles shows an increasing
deformation based on assumption described by trend which might be due to strain hardening effect.
Opiyo (1995) that was stated in literature review. In
that assumption angle of load spreading over the
height of the CBR sample was considered 45o.


Maximum dry densities and optimum moisture con-

tents were obtained as 11.45kN/m3 and 36% at mod-
ified (heavy) compaction energy level and
9.75kN/m3 and 45% at standard (light) proctor ener-
gy level respectively. It was observed from Table1
and Figures 2 and 3 that CBR values and effective
elastic modulus both were decreased when density Figure 2. CBR at different degree of compaction for
was decreased from11.45 to 9.75kN/m3 at 100 per- different density level.
cent degree of compaction. It happened due to de-

Table 1. Different properties under different conditions from Repeated CBR test.
Maxi- Elastic
mum Defor- Elastic
Description Designation Plunger mation Modulus
No (%)
Stress (u)(mm) (Eeff)
(o)(MPa) (MPa)
1 MDD=11.45KN/m3,OMC=36%at 100% MDD 100% of 11.45 19 1.421 0.46 94
2 MDD=11.45KN/m ,OMC=36%at 97% MDD 97% of 11.45 16 1.318 0.51 79
3 MDD= 9.75KN/m3,OMC=45%at 100% MDD 100% of 9.75 13 1.273 0.54 72
4 MDD=9.75KN/m3,OMC=45%at 97% MDD 97% of 9.75 12 1.192 0.59 62

Bhattacharjee and Bandyopadhyay

Figure 3. Elastic modulus at different degree of Figure 5. Elastic deformation at different degree
compaction for different density level. of compaction for different density level.

Figure 4. Maximum plunger stress at different de- Figure 6. CBR versus Elastic modulus at different
gree of compaction for different density level. degree of compaction for different density level.

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

comes dominating criteria for failure of road



Araya, A. A. 2011. Characterization of unbound

granular materials for pavements, MSc Thesis,
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences,
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Brown, S.F. 1996. Soil mechanics in pavement
engineering, Geotechnique 46(3) 383-426.
Hight, D.W. & Stevens, M.G.H. 1982. An analysis
of the California Bearing Ratio test in saturated
clays, Geotechnique 32,315-322.
IS: 2720 (Part 7) 1980. Methods of test for soils:
Part 7 Determination of water content-dry density
Figure 7. Typical load penetration curve for dif- relation using light compaction, Bureau of Indian
ferent load cycles. Standards, New Delhi.
IS: 2720 (Part 8) 1983. Methods of test for soils:
Part 8 Determination of water content-dry density
7 CONCLUSIONS relation using heavy compaction, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
This study concludes that elastic modulus de- IS: 2720 (Part 16) 1979. Methods of test for soils:
creased with decrease of density and degree of Part 16 Laboratory determination of CBR, Bureau
compaction and increase of optimum moisture of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
content. From the present investigation it is also Loach, S.C. 1987. Repeated loading of fine grained
revealed that elastic modulus of fly ash embank- soils for pavement design. PhD thesis, University
ment increases with increasing CBR values. But of Nottingham.
this increase is not linear rather non linear showing Molenaar, A.A.A. 2008. Repeated load CBR
more increasing trend against higher CBR values. testing, a simple but effective tool for the
With regard to the repeated CBR test, it is found characterization of soils and unbound materials.
that load versus penetration curves show conti- Journal of theTransport Research
nuously increasing trend. On reversal of the load Board,1989(2),186-193,Washington DC.
and subsequent reloading shows increase in values Opiyo, T.O. 1995. A mechanistic approach to
of the peak load which is due to strain hardening Laterite-based pavements in transport and road
effect but generally failure becomes imminent due engineering, MSc Thesis IP047, International
to fatigue stress. In such cases fatigue failure be- Institute for Infrastructure, Hydraulics and
Environment Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands.


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