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Bengaluru Varanasi Patna
AND MYTHOLOGY HINDUISM AND ITS SOURCES (Vedic Literature-Tradition and 1
Mythology, Social and Religious Laws: Texts, Translations
Mahapuranas (100 Vols. Approx.) and Studies)
Translated into English PHILOSOPHY
(A) INDIAN (Saddarsanani-The six systems: Texts, Translations, 13
ISBN 978-81-208-0289-6
and Studies (i) Sankhya (ii) Yoga (iii) Nyaya (iv) Vaisesika
General Editor : G.C. Tripathi (v) Mimamsa (vi) Vedanta (including all schools like Advaita,
Founding Eds. Late J.L. Shastri and Late G.P. Bhatt Visistadvaita, etc.)
English translation of Puranas planned in a hundred volume (B) MODERN 21
series, of which 74 volumes have appeared so far. Translation BHAGAVAD GITA 28
of each Purana is accompanied by a critical introduction, YOGA(Texts, Translations, Studies, Modern Works on 29
general index and footnotes Practical Yoga, Meditation and Mysticism)
TANTRA(Texts, Translations and Studies) 35
Demy octavo, 300 to 400 pages per volume Each Volume 750
(cloth bound with plastic cover) BUDDHISM: Philosophy and Religion of All Schools
(Text, Translations & Studies) 39
PUBLISHED VOLUMES JAINISM (All Sects: Texts, Translation and Studies) 54
Vols. 1-4
SIVA PURANA Tr. J.L. Shastri RELIGION AND ETHICS (Including Lives and Teachings of Saints) 59
Vols. 5-6
Vols. 7-11
Vols. 12-14
Vols. 15-19
Vols. 20-21
KURMA PURANA Tr. G.V. Tagare LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS (Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, and 73
Vols. 22-26
BRAHMANDA PURANA Tr. G.V. Tagare other Indian Languages: Grammar, Philology,
Vols. 27-30
AGNI PURANA Tr. N. Gangadharan Phonetics, Semantics, Philosophy of Grammar)
Vols. 31-32
VARAHA PURANA Tr. S. Venkitasubramonia Iyer REFERENCE WORKS (Dictionaries, Concordance, 78
Vols. 33-36
BRAHMA PURANA Tr. J.L. Shastri Encyclopaedia, Indexes)
Vols. 37-38
VAYU PURANA Tr. G.V. Tagare LITERATURE (Sanskrit, Prakrit and other Literatures: Creative 79
Writings, Treatises on Poetics, Prosody and Dramaturgy,
Vols. 39-48
PADMA PURANA Tr. N.A. Deshpande
Texts, Translations and Studies)
Vols. 49-71
Tr. & Annot Shridhar Balooni & Pratosh Panda
Vols. 72-73 VAMANA PURANA Tr. & Annot. R.S. Shiva Ganesha Murthy
Vols. 74-76 GANESA PURANA Tr. & Annot. Greg Bailey
and other Positive Sciences
l Brahma-Vaivarta Purana (Vol. 77-82 AITM) ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE: Ayurveda, Homoeopathy & 94
l Vishnu Purana l Bhavisya Purana l Matsya Purana Other Healing Sciences
l Devi Bhagavata Purana l Kalika Purana SANSKRIT AND HINDI TITLES 102
l Markandeya Purana l Visnudharmottara Purana
(50 Volumes)
Ed. F. Max-Mller

ISBN: 978-81-208-0101-1 (Set) 20000 ( 400 Each Vol.)

These volumes of the Sacred Books of the East series include translations of all the most important
works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the
civilisations of the continent of Asia. The Vedic Brahmanic system claims 21 volumes, Buddhism
10, and Jainism 2; 8 volumes comprise Sacred Books of the Parsees; 2 volumes represent Islam;
and 6 the two main indigenous systems of China. Translated by twenty leading authorities
in their respective fields, the volumes have been edited by the late F. Max Mller. The inception,
publication and the compilation of these books cover 34 years.

Vol. 49: Buddhist Mahayana Texts (2 Parts)
Vol. 11: Buddhist Suttas
Vol. 10: The Dhammapada and Sutta Nipata
Vols. 35 & 36: The Questions of King Milinda (2 Parts)
Vol. 21: The Saddharma Pundarika or the Lotus of the True Law
Vols. 13, 17 & 20: Vinaya Texts (3 Parts)
Vols. 3, 16, 27, 28, 39 & 40: The Sacred Books of China (6 Parts)
Vol. 19: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King
Vols. 6 & 9: The Qur'an (2 Parts)
Vols. 22 & 45: The Jaina Sutras (2 Parts)
Vols. 5, 18, 24, 37 & 47: Pahlavi Texts (5 Parts)
Vols. 4, 23 & 31: The Zend-Avesta (3 Parts)
Vol. 50: A General Index to the Names and Subject-matter of the
Sacred Books of the East
Vol. 8: The Bhagavadgita with the Sanatsujatiya and the Anugita
Vols. 29 & 30: The Grihya-Sutras: Rules of Vedic Domestic
Ceremonies (2 Parts)
Vol. 42: Hymns of the Atharva Veda together with Extracts
from the Ritual Books and the Commentaries
Vol. 7: The Institutes of Vishnu
Vol. 25: The Laws of Manu
Vol. 33: The Minor Law Books
Vols. 2 & 14: The Sacred Laws of the Aryas as Taught in the Schools of
Apastamba, Gautama, Vasishtha and Baudhayana (2 Parts)
Vols. 12, 26, 41, 43 & 44: The Satapatha Brahmana According to the
Text of the Madhyandina School (5 Parts)
Vols. 1 & 15: The Upanishads (2 Parts)
Vols. 34 & 38: The Vedanta Sutras (2 Parts)
Vol. 48: The Vedanta-Sutras (with the commentary by Ramanuja)
Vols. 32 & 46: Vedic Hymns (2 Parts)
Hinduism and Its Sources
Vedic LiteratureTradition and Mythology, Social and Religious Laws: Texts, Translations, and Studies

1 ADVAITA TRADITION SERIES (12 Vols.) 8 *Arjuna in the Mahabharata

Devoted to the Study of Suresvaras Vartika Where Krishna is, There is Victory
on the Brhadaranyakopanisadbhasya by Ruth Cecily Katz
Sankara (F/C) [0744-0]
Ed., Tr. & Annot. K.P. Jog & Shoun Hino 9 The Arya Samaj Movement
7825 (Set) [3232-9] in South Africa
2 The Advaitic Theism of T. Naidoo
the Bhagavata Purana 200 [0769-3]
Daniel P. Sheridan 10 Aspects of Early Visnuism
295 [0179-0] J. Gonda
3 The Agamasastra of Gaudapada 495 [1087-7]
Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya 11 Aspects of Hindu Morality
595 [0652-8] Saral Jhingran
4 AGNI (2 Vols.) (F/C) [0574-3]
The Vedic Ritual of the Fire Alter 12 Asura in Early Vedic Religion
Frits Stall Text & Translation
5000 (Set) [1660-2] W. Edward Hale
AND MYTHOLOGY 13 The Asvamedha
Puranas Translated into English The Rite and its Logic
Ed. & Tr. J.L. Shastri, G.P. Bhatt, Subhash Kak
S.V. Iyer, N. Gangadharan, N.A. 250 [1877-4]
Deshpande, G.V. Tagare, Shridhar 14 *At Play with Krishna
Balooni, Pratosh Panda & Greg Bailey Pilgrimage Dramas from Brindavan
[0289-6] Each Vol. 750 John Stratton Hawley
Siva Mahapurana (Vols. 1-4) 3000 995 [0945-1](C); 595 [3486-6](P)
Linga Purana (Vols. 5-6) 1500
Bhagavata Purana (Vols. 7-11) 3750 15 ATHARVA-VEDA-SAMHITA (2 Vols.)
Garuda Purana (Vols. 12-14) 2350 Tr. into Eng. with Critical
Narada Purana (Vols. 15-19) 3750 and Exegetical Comm.
William Dwight Whitney, Rev. &
Kurma Purana (Vols. 20-21) 1500
Ed. Charles Rockwell Lanman
Brahmanda Purana (Vols. 22-26) 3750
1495 (Set) [1085-3]
Agni Purana (Vols. 27-30) 3000
Varaha Purana (Vols. 31-32) 1500 16 Aum Hindutvam
Brahma Purana (Vols. 33-36) 3000 Daily Religious Rites of the Hindus
Vayu Maha Purana (Vols. 37-38) 1500 Swami Vedananda
Padma Purana (Vols. 39-48) 7500 30 [1081-5]
Skanda Purana (Vols. 49-71) 17250 17 Bargaining With A Rising India
Vamana Purana (Vol. 72-73) 1500 Lessons from the Mahabharata
Ganesa Purana (Vol. 74-75) 1500 Amrita Narlikar & Aruna Narlikar
Brahmavaivarta Purana (Vol. 76-77) 1500 795
6 An Anthology of Writings on the Ganga Battles, Bards, Brahmans
Goddess and River in History, Ed. John Brockington
Culture and Society 750 [3604-4]
Eds. Assa Doron, Richard Barz & 19 *The Book of Hindu Imagery
Barbara Nelson Gods, Manifestations & their Meaning
895 Eva Rudy Jansen
7 Apad-Dharma in the Mahabharata 250 [056-3]
How to face Calamities at Personal, 20 BRHAD-DEVATA (2 Vols.)
State and Global Levels (Text. Eng. Tr.)
Satya P. Agarwal A.A. Macdonell
225 [361-2] 895 (Set) [1141-6] (In Press) Best Seller, * For Sale in South Asia Only 1

* For Sale in South Asia Only
21 The Bridge to the Three Holy Cities 32 The Cult of Vinayaka *Epic Mythology
Richard Salomon
400 [2083-8]
Shanti Lal Nagar
1200 [3686-0]
E.W. Hopkins
595 [0227-8]
22 The Call of the Upanishads
Rohit Mehta
33 Cultural History from
the Vayu Purana
46 Essays on Hinduism
Karan Singh
Tradition Series
Rajaram D.K. Patil 395 General Editor : JOHANNES BRONKHORST
395 [0749-5] (In Press) Editorial Board : SHRIKANT BAHULKAR,
495 [2085-2]
23 Candipathah 47 *Essays on the Mahabharata GREG BAILEY, ALF HILTEBEITEL RAFFAELE
34 *The Daily Evening and Ed. Arvind Sharma TORELLA, MICHAEL WITZEL
Incorporating Sridurgasaptasati
Morning Offering 695 [2738-7]
(Devimahatmyam) and the associate Agnihotra, According to the Brahmanas The Hindu Tradition Series aims to bring
Hymns (with text in Devanagari and H.W. Bodewitz 48 The Faith of Ascetics and Lay Smartas together books of the highest academic
Roman, Tr. & Introductory Essay by 395 [1924-5] (C); 250 [1951-1] (P) A Study of the Samkaran standard that critically interrogate Hindu
Allahabadia Pran Nath Pankaj, Tradition of Srngeri tradtion in the widest sense. Its focus is on
in association with Bhavana Pankaj 35 The Dance of Siva cultural and religious history, including
Religion, Art and Poetry in South India Y. Sawai
695 [3557-3](C); 395 [3619-8](P) = 26
C relevant political and social developments.
David Smith
24 A Catalogue of Vaisnava Literature 495 49 *From the River of Heaven No. 1:
(on microfilms in the Adyar Library Hindu and Vedic Knowledge The Mahabharata and Greek Mythology
*Dancing With Siva Fernando Wulff Alonso, Tr. Andrew Morrow
the Bodleian Library & the Hinduisms Contemporary Catechism for Modern Age
American University Library) The work was no doubt original, new and
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya-Swami David Frawley
loaded with significance for the society that
Charles S. J. White 1295 [3265-7] 395 [0971-0](C); 295 [1594-0](P)
gave it birth, for those societies which
495 [2067-8] 50 Ganesa follow, and to those which, by no accident,
37 *Darsan
25 Chinnamasta Seeing the Divine Image in India Unravelling an Enigma the work helped to shape.
The Aweful Buddhist and Diana L. Eck Yuvraj Krishan Delhi, 2014, 523p., biblio., index, notes
Hindu Tantric Goddess 195 [3266-4] 695 [1413-4] [978-81-208-3791-1] 1495
Elisabeth Anne Benard 38 Devi Mahatmya Gayatri No. 2:
550 [1065-5](C); 250 [1748-7](P) The Crystallization of The Highest Meditation Viraha-Bhakti: The Early History
the Goddess Tradition Sadguru Sant Keshavadas of Krsna Devotion in South India
26 The Citrasutra of Friedhelm Hardy
Visnudharmottara Purana Thomas B. Coburn 160 [0697-9]
595 [0557-6] (In Press) The present work is a detailed study of the
Critically Ed. & Tr. 52 Gayatri multifarious origins of viraha-bhakti in South
Parul Dave Mukherji 39 *Devimahatmayam The Profound Prayer India and its developments up to the point
995 [1805-7] In Praise of the Goddess R.K. Madhukar at which it entered the pan-Indian scene.
Tr. & Comm. Devadatta Kali Delhi, 2015, xxii, 692p., figs., maps,
Classical Hindu Mythology 375 [467-1]
595 [2931-2] (C); 350 [2953-4] (P) tables, append., biblio., index, notes
A Reader in the Sanskrit Puranas 53 Gems From Srimad Bhagavata
Edited and Translated by Cornella 40 Dharmasutra Parallels [978-81-208-3616-1] 1495
Containing the Dharmasutras (A Book of Short Stories)
Dimmitt & J.A.B. Van Buitenen Chandra Mauli Muni No. 3:
of Apastamba, Gautama,
` 995 [3972-4] 95 [690-0] Classical Hindu Mythology: A Reader in
Baudhayana and Vasistha
the Sanskrit PuranasEd. and Tr. by
28 A Commentator in Service of the Empire Ed. & Tr. Patrick Olivelle 54 Glimpses of Devayan Cornellia Dimmitt and J.A.B. Van Buitenen
Sayana and the Royal Project of 1200 [2970-1] (In Press) A Short Synopsis of The book is organized into six chapters.
Commenting on the Whole of the Veda 41 Divine Manifestation the third Epic of India Origins contains myths relating to
C. Galewicz A Rediscovery of the Lost Art of Prayer Hazari, Tr. Amita Nathwani creation, time and space. Seers, Kings and
= 33
C Rama & Susanne Reilly 250 (With CD) [284-4] Supernaturals relates tales of rivers, trees,
275 55 Gods Beyond Temples animals, demons, and men, particularly
29 Concept of Rudra-Siva
Through the Ages 42 The Doctrine of the Upanisads and Ed. Harsha V. Dehejia heroes and sages. Myths about the chief
the Early Buddhism 2500 [2963-3] gods are dealt with in three separate chapters:
Mahadeva Chakravarti
Hermann Oldenberg, Krsna, Visnu, and Siva. The chapter
450 [0053-3] 56 *Gods Sages and Kings
Tr. Shridhar B. Shrotri The Goddess presents stories of the wives
30 *The Cosmology of the 495 [0830-0] Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization and lovers of the gods, as well as of Kali,
Bhagavata Purana David Frawley the savage battle goddess.
43 *Encountering Kali 595 [1005-1](C); 395 [1624-4](P) 2015, Delhi, xiii, 373p., biblio., gloss., index, notes
Mysteries of the Sacred Universe
In the Margins at the Center, in the West [978-81-208-3972-4] 995
Richard L. Thompson Eds. Rachel Fell Mc Dermott & 57 Grihyasutras (SBE Vols. 29-30)
695 [1919-1] Jeffrey J. Kripal Trs. H. Oldenberg & F. Max Muller No. 4:
31 The Cult of Jagannatha 495 [2009-8] (C); 350 [2041-8] (P) 800 Mythology of BrahmaGregory Bailey (F/C)
Myths & Rituals 44 Encyclopaedia of Vedanta *Handbook of Hindu Mythology No. 5:
Jose Carlos Gomes da Silva Ram Murti Sharma George M. Williams Collected Works of Friedhelm HardyEd.
795 [3462-0] F/C [1934-4] 995 [4027-0] Aruna Hardy & David Shulman (F/C)

2 3
59 Hanuman 66 *The Hindu Mind 72 The Hindu Vision 85 Institutes of Vishnu
In Art Culture, Thought and Literature Fundamentals of Hindu Religion Anantanand Rambachan (SBE Vol.7)
Shanti Lal Nagar and Philosophy for all Ages 75 [1059-4] Tr. Julius Jolly
4000 [3687-7] Bansi Pandit 400
73 Hinduism
60 Hanuman 500 [007-9] Scriptures & Practices 86 An Introduction to Hinduism
In the Ramayana of Valmiki and the Prabha Duneja Gavin Flood
Ramacharitamanasa of Tulasidasa 67 Hindu Prayers and Meditation
D.N. Vidyarthi 400 [452-7] 495
Catherine Ludvik
295 [1122-5](C); 195 [1227-7](P) 125 74 Hinduism 87 Interpreting Ramakrishna
Path of the Ancient Wisdom Kalis Child Revisited
61 Heat and Sacrifice in the Vedas 68 Hindu Religious Thought Hiro G. Badlani
Uma Marina Vesci Y. Masih Swami Tyagananda &
450 [455-8] Pravrajika Vrajaprana
395 [0841-6] F/C
75 *Hinduism and Ecology 995 [3499-6](C); 795 [3532-0](P)
62 *The Hidden Wisdom of the Goddess 69 Hindu Samskaras Seeds of Truth
Devadatta Kali Rajbali Pandey 88 *Introduction to Hindu Dharma
Ranchor Prime
495 [3425-5] (C); 295 [3466-8] (P) (Illustrated)
595 [0396-1](C); 395 [0434-0](P) 295 [1248-2](C); 195 [1249-9](P)
Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati
63 Hindoo Stories 70 Hindu Scripture 76 *How to Become a Hindu
Anaryan Swamigal, Ed. Michael Oren
Ed. with new Tr. Dominic Goodall A Guide for Seekers and Born Hindus Fitzgerald
205 [02-1]
500 [1770-8] Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swami 995 [3477-4](C); 695 [3479-8] (P)
64 *Hindu Goddesses (F/C) [1811-8]
Vision of the Divine Feminine 71 *HINDU SPIRITUALITY (2 Vols.) 89 ISVARASAMHITA (5 Vols.)
Vol. I: Vedas Through Vedanta 77 Hymns of Sankara An Agamic Text of the Pancaratra
in the Hindu Religious Tradition
David Kinsley Krishnan Sivaraman Text, Eng. Tr. School of Vaisnavism
495 [0379-4](C); 295 [0394-7](P) 595 [1254-3] T.M.P. Mahadevan Ed., & Tr., M.A. Lakshmithathachar
(F/C) [0094-6](C), [0097-7](P) Rev. by V. Varadachari
65 Hindu Manners, Vol. II: Post Classical and Modern
Customs and Ceremonies Eds. K.R. Sundararajan 78 Hymns of the Atharva-Veda 6000 (Set) [3216-9]
Abbe J.A. Dubois & Bithika Mukerji (SBE Vol.42) 90 The Jaiminigrhyasutra
395 [45-1] 595 [1937-5] Tr. M. Bloomfield
Belonging to the Samaveda
W. Caland
HARVARD ORIENTAL SERIES 79 Hymns of the Rigveda
Eng. Tr. R.T.H. Griffith
395 [0782-2](C); 250 [0783-9](P)
(Vol. 3) Buddhism in TranslationsHenry Clarke Warren [978-81-208-1117-1] 495 995 [0046-5] (In Press) 91 Jaiminiya Brahmana of
( Vol. 4 ) Raja-Cekhara's Karpura-ManjariStein Konow, the Samaveda Text
80 In the Image of Fire Eds. Raghuvira & Lokesh Chandra
Tr. C.R. Lanman [978-81-208-1148-5] 595 The Vedic Experience of Heat
(Vol. 5 & 6) The Brhad Devata (2 Pts.)A.A. Macdonell 595 [0037-3]
David Knipe
[978-81-208-1141-6] (Set) 895 (In Press) 495 [2606-9] 92 Kailash Mansarovar
( Vol. 7 & 8 ) Atharvaveda Samhita ( 2 Pts.) William Dwight Whitney and Diary of a Pilgrim
81 In the Name of the Goddess Nilesh D. Nathwani
Charles Rockwell Lanman [978-81-208-1085-3] (Set ) 1495 The Durga Puja's of
(Vol. 10) A Vedic ConcordanceMaurice Bloomfield [978-81-208-0654-2] 1200 225 [054-7]
Contemporary Kolkata
(Vol. 17) The Yoga-System of PatanjaliJames H. Woods Tapati Guha Thakurta 93 *Kali
[978-81-208-0570-5] (C) F/C; [978-81-208-0577-4] (P ) F/C 5500 The Black Goddess of Dakshineshwar
( Vol. 18 & 19) The Veda of the Black Yajus schools (2 Pts.) Elizabeth U. Harding
82 Indian Fire Ritual
A.B. Keith [978-81-208-0886-7] ( Set) F/C Musashi Tachikawa, Shrikant Bahulkar
F/C [1450-9]
( Vol. 25 ) Rgveda Brahmanas : The Aitareya and Kautaki & Madhavi Kolhatkar 94 Kalikapurane Murtivinirdesah
Brahmanas of the RgvedaA.B. Keith [978-81-208-1359-5] 1200 (In Press) (F/C) [1781-4] Biswanarayan Shastri
( Vol. 26 & 27) Vikrama's Adventures (2 Pts.)Franklin Edgerton 395 [1124-9]
*The Indian Theogony
[978-81-208-0993-2] (Set) 995
A Comparative Study of Indian 95 KANVASATAPATHABRAHMANAM
( Vol. 28, 29, 30) Buddhist Legends (3 Pts.) Mythology from Vedas to the Puranas (7 Vols.) (Text with Eng. Tr.)
Charles Rockwell Lanman [978-81-208-2073-9] (Set ) 2900 Sukumari Bhattacharji C.R. Swaminathan
( Vol. 31 & 32 ) The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda And 695 [0588-0] (Vol.I) 300 [1126-3]
Upanisads ( 2 Pts.)A.B. Keith [978-81-208-0644-3] (Set) 1195 (Vol. II) (F/C) [1127-0]
84 *Initiation of the Vedas
( Vol. 37 ) Buddha's TeachingsLord Chalmers [978-81-208-1355-7] F/C An abridged edition of the Vedic (Vol. III) 700 [1549-0]
(Vol. 38 & 39) The Bhagavadgita (2 Vols. in One) [978-81-208-1138-6] (C) 495 Experience Mantramanjari (Vol.IV) 600 [1550-6]
Franklin Edgerton [978-81-208-1149-2] (P) 395 Raimon Panikar (Vol. V) 495 [2047-0]
( Vol. 40) Materials for the Study of Navya-Nyaya Logic Ed. Milena Carrara Pavan (Vol. VI) 1000 [3494-1]
Daniel H.H. Ingalls [978-81-208-0384-8] F/C 150 [2954-1] (Vol. VII) 1350 [3495-8]

4 5
96 The Kapalikas and Kalamukhas *Mahabharata 120 *Merging with Siva (f'kolk;qT;e~)
Two Lost Saivite Sects William Buck Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swami
David N. Lorenzen
(F/C) [0708-2]
425 [1719-7] 1990 [3263-3] (In Press) New Age
110 *The Mahabharata Mesocosm
97 Katyayana Srauta Sutra An Eng. Version Based Hinduism and the Oragnization and
Rules for the Vedic Sacrifices on selected verses of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal
(Tr. into Eng.) Chakravarthi V. Narasimhan
300 [1673-2]
Robert I. Levy, With the Collaboration Hinduism Series
H.G. Ranade of Kedar Raj Rajopadhyaya
300 111 The Mahabharat and Greek Mythology 1000 [1038-9] (In Press) Editorial Board:
98 *Krishna Fernando Wulff Alonso, 122 Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini Dr. Bansi Pandit
A Source Book Tr. Andrew Morrow Tr. Mohanlal Sandal Dr. Ashok Vohra (Delhi University)
Ed. Edwin F. Bryant 1495 [3791-1] 250 [1129-4]
1295 [4026-3] 112 *The Mahabharata and the Yugas 123 Minor Law Books (SBE Vol.33) Hinduism is a complex and
99 Krishna Hari Indias Great Epic Poem and Narada and Brihaspati Smriti rich religion. No founders
A Play the Hindu System of World Ages Tr. Julius Jolly
Luis Gonzalez Reimann initiative, no dogma, no reform
Nandlal Tulsiram 400
200 [1055-5](C); 150 [1037-2](P) 495 [3484-2] have imposed restrictions on its
124 Moral Dilemmas in the Mahabharata
100 The Krsna Cycle in the Puranas 113 Maha Calisa Samgraha Ed. Bimal Krishna Matilal domain; on the contrary, the
Benjamin Preciado Solis An Anthology of Calisas and Aratis 295 [0603-0] contributions of the centuries
250 [2421-8] forming part of the Hindu Religious
Poetry and Public Worship 125 Movements with the Cosmic Dancer have been superimposed
101 LATYAYANA SRAUTA SUTRA (3 Vols.) (Text in Nagari & Roman Scripts On Pilgrimage to Mount
Kailash and Lake Manasarovar without ever wearing out the
Critically Ed. & Tr. by H.G. Ranade with Hindi & Eng. Tr.)
2200 (Set) [1565-0] Tr. Atma Ram Sharma, Ed. R.C. Prasad Lakshmi Bandlamudi previous layers of development.
(F/C) [1199-7] 295 [280-9] The series aims to explore and
102 Laws of Manu (SBE Vol. 25)
Tr. Georg Buhler 114 Mahimnastava or Mahimnastrotra 126 The Mystique of Om study the major aspects of
400 W. Norman Brown Jayant Burde
90 295 [281-7] Hinduism in a concise and
103 Leaves of a Pipal Tree
Aesthetic Reflections on some 115 *The Mandukya Upanisad 127 The Myths and Gods of India readable format. It is meant for
Hindu Myths and Symbols and the Agama Sastra The Classic Work on Hindu Polytheism general readers who are
Harsha V. Dehejia An Investigation into the Alain Danielou
1500 [3638-9] (In Press)
interested in understanding
2500 [2760-8] Meaning of the Vedanta
Thomas E. Wood 128 The Naradasmrti
the general characteristics of
104 Life After
A Conceptual Study of Vedas,
495 [0930-7] R.W. Lariviere Hinduism. The different
Upanishads and Other Literature 116 *Mantra 1395 [1804-0] volume in it will be informative,
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Harold G. Coward & David J. Goa Ed. & Tr. Amos Nevo them.
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Elephant Faced God Tradition in South Asia Ed. Hans Bakker LiteratureEdited by L OUIS
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13-18 July, 2003 Ed. by Brendan S. Gillon
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Paratrisikavivarana = 32
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Skt. Text Swami Lakshmanjee 495 [1751-7] Vol. 2 Epic Undertakings Ed. by Klaus Karttunen
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M. Hara
= 32
1695(Set) [1792-0] Skandapura.) Ed. by Hans Bakker
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350 [0868-3] 495 [1532-2]

8 9
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Surevaras Vrtika on the
(F/C) [0387-9](C), [1383-0](P) Sally J. Sutherland, the Satapatha Brahmana
Bhadrayakopaniadbhya by akara
Naama Drury
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ISBN: 978-81-208-3089-9 (Set) (Text, Eng. Tr.) of this outstanding contribution to the
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Tr. into Eng. of Hermann Oldenbergs
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995 [1046-4](C); 795 [1072-3](P) to the national and international
Die Religion des Veda India has many versions of the story of
Shridhar B. Shrotri Rama composed in Sanskrit, Prakrit, and 171 The Sanskrit Epics community of vedanta scholars and
695 [0392-3] various vernaculars of the north & south. Representation of Vedic Myths indologists.
Yet the ancient Sanskrit version, attrib- Danielle Feller The Vartika of Surevara on the
160 Religious Doctrines in 695 [2008-1]
uted to the sage-poet Valmiki, by tradi- Bhadrayakopaniad is truly his magnum
the Mahabharata
tion the first work of true poetry, is the 172 Satapatha Brahmana opus and needed to be translated in full. It
Nicholas Sutton
source revered throughout India as the (SBE Vols. 12, 26, 41, 43, 44) is an analytical, critical and comprehensive
(F/C) [1700-5] (C) [1702-9] (P)
original account of the career of Rama, Tr. J. Eggeling work. The volumes of the series provide
161 RENUNCIATION IN HINDUISM 2000 translation together with annotation
ideal man and incarnation of the great god
(2 Vols.) maintaining the gravity of the original verses
Visnu. This great Sanskrit epic of ancient 173 Saundaryalahari of Sankaracharya
Patrick Olivelle of Surevara.
= 26 (Each Vol.) India has profoundly affected the Litera- Text, Eng. Tr.
C It is a series of 12 volumes. The volumes
ture, Art, Religions and Cultures of count- Tr. V.K. Subramaniam
162 Resistant Hinduism less millions of people in South and South- of the same discuss most important topics in
250 [0202-5](C); 150 [0208-7](P)
Sanskrit Sources on Anti-Christian east Asiaan influence that is perhaps un- the Bhadrayakopaniadbhya. These are :
Apologetics in Early Nineteenth paralleled in the history of World Litera- 174 Secrets of the Earth
Questions and Answers on the Line 1. YJAVALKYA-MAITREY DIALOGUE
Century India ture. The volumes of this work will present [ISBN: 978-81-208-0729-7] 550
R.F. Young of Ten Avatars of Vedic Tradition
the entire Ramayana for the first time
= 23
C Patrizia Norelli Bachelet 2. MADHU BRHMANA
translated on the basis of the critical edi-
270 [ISBN: 978-81-208-0438-4] 250
163 Rigveda Brahmanas tion, which is based on manuscripts rep-
resenting all recensional traditions. 175 Seer of the Fifth Veda 3. AVA AND AVAMEDHA BRHMANA
The Aitareya and Kausitaki Brahmanas [ISBN: 978-81-208-0643-6] 250
of the Rigveda (Text, Eng. Tr.) Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa
PUBLISHED:- in the Mahabharata 4. UDGTHA BRHMANA
Tr. A.B. Keith
Translation consortium as follows:- Bruce M. Sullivan [ISBN: 978-81-208-0867-6] 295
1200 [1359-5] (In Press)
295 [1676-3]
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and Return to Vedic Brotherhood) in Indian Philosophy
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1100 [0068-7] = 23
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Barin De
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20 21

AND PHILOSOPHY J. KRISHNAMURTI (18 Vols.) Vol. 9 The Answer Is in the Problem
ISBN: 978-81-208-3090-5 (Set)
Gen. Editor : Prof. Arvind Sharma Vol. 10 A Light to Yourself (1956-1957)
Until the end of his life at the age of ninety, Vol. 11 Crisis in Consciousness (1958-1960)
This series is designed to provide a forum for the discussion of Krishnamurtithe world teacher traveled the
Vol. 12 There Is No Thinker, Only Thought (1961)
world speaking as a private person. The rejection
contemporary trends in comparative religion and philosophy. Vol. 13 A Psychological Revolution (1962-1963)
of all spiritual and psychological authority,
Comparison is epistemologically fundamental to the acqusition of including his own, is a fundamental theme. A major Vol. 14 The New Mind (1963-1964)
knowledge about a phenemenon and the aim of this series is to use it to concern is the social structure and how it conditions Vol. 15 The Dignity of Living (1964-1965)
develop a proper understanding of what is happening in our own times the individual. The emphasis in his talks and Vol. 16 The Beauty of Death (1965-1966)
in the fields of religion and philosophy in particular and in the world in writings is on the psychological barriers that
Vol. 17 Perennial Questions (1966-1967)
prevent clarity of perception. The Collected Works
general. Vol. 18 The Concordance Index
are of compelling interest. Within his talks in any
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India and Europe: one year, Krishnamurti was not able to cover the
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volumes. The Collected Works contain
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J. Krishnamurti
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392 * The Era of the Individual
An Exploration into the Nature 2007, vii, 208p. index. comprehension of what Krishnamurti was
A contribution to a History of Subjectivity
of our Ultimate Identity conveying. Much of the material has been drawn
Alain Renaut, Trs. M.B. De [ISBN : 978-81-208-3241-1] 350
Robert Powell from The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti (Vols. 1-
Bevoise & Franklin Philip Vol. 2 What is Right Action? (1934-1935) 17) and the record of Krishnamurti's public talks
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2007, vii, 254p. index. from 1933 to 1967.
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Pointers to the Inexpressible 595 [1820-0] Vol. 3 The Mirror of Relationships. (1936-1944) [ISBN : 978-81-208-3273-2]
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225 [130-6] 394 *The Ethics of Deconstruction * The Meditative Mind
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145 [1416-5] of Life and Knowledge Vol. 5 Choiceless Awareness (1948-1949)
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Dehi 2013
295 [1097-6] [ISBN : 978-81-208-3275-6]
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22 23
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402 *God and Science
Divine Causation and the Laws of Nature Its Nature and Uses Epistemologies of Religious Experience in Indian Thought
Richard Thompson in Human Experiences in Classical and Modern Advaita Dale Riepe
595 [3254-1] Hope K. Fitz Thomas A. Forsthoefel 495 [1293-2]
250 [1772-2] 395 [2956-5]
403 The Great Mystery of 442 Nobody Home
Life Beyond Death 417 *The Intuitive Way 429 *Krishnamurti From Belief to Clarity
Hiralal L. Kaji A Guide to Living from Inner Wisdom Love and Freedom Jan Kersschot
225 [138-1] Penney Peirce Approaching a Mystery 175 [192-6]
395 [008-3] Peter Michel
404 *Heideggar and Asian Thought 443 *Of Grammatology by Jacques Derrida
418 *An Investigation into the Nature 195 [1368-7] Tr. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Ed. Graham Parkes
495 [0802-7] of Consciousness and Form 430 *Krishnamurti 645 [1187-4] (In Press)
Mechanistic and Non The Man, The Mystery & the Message
405 * Heideggers Philosophy of Being Mechanistic Science 444 Pandit N.R. Bhatt Felicitation Volume
A Critical Interpretation Stuart Holroyd P.S. Filliozat, S.P. Narang & C.P. Bhatta
Richard L. Thompson 195 [268-X]
Herman Philipse 395 [1920-7] 995 [1183-6]
795 [1684-8] 431 Life Surrendered in God Perception
419 J. Krishnamurti and Sant Kabir
406 History of American Philosophy The Philosophy and An Essay on Classical Indian Theories
A Study in Depth
H.W. Schneider Rohit Mehta & Shridevi Mehta Practices of Kriya Yoga of Knowledge
700 [2454-6] 295 [0667-2](C); 150 [0668-9](P) Roy Eugene Davis Bimal Krishna Matilal
495 [1495-0](C); 295 [1496-7](P) 995 [4063-8]
History of Pre-Buddhistic 420 J.Krishnamurti and the
Indian Philosophy Nameless Experience 432 The Light of Krishnamurti 446 *Phenomenology of Perception
B.M. Barua Rohit Mehta Gabriele Blackburn M. Merleau-Ponty, Tr. Colin Smith
1295 [0796-9] (F/C) [0589-7](C), [0590-3](P) 250 (F/C) [1346-5]

24 * For Sale in South Asia Only * For Sale in South Asia Only 25
447 *Phenomenology of Spirit 461 Religion Philosophy Yoga
THE NOTE BOOKS OF PAUL BRUNTON (16 Vols.) G.W.F. Hegal, Tr. A.V. Miller A Selection of Articles
795 [1473-8] (In Press) Jean Filliozat, Tr. Maurice Shukla
This series of 16 books combines the essence of religion and ritual, and brings out the beliefs in the light
of the higher power. It gives an individualized, practical approach to honest communication with the 448 Philosophical Enquiries 495 [0718-1]
sacred through intelligent prayer, rational devotion and informed, mature humility. Margaret Chatterjee 462 *The Roots of Reference
(Vol-1) PERSPECTIVES ISBN: 978-81-7822-338-4 395 395 [0316-9](C); 295 [0317-6](P) The Paul Carus Lectures
(Vol-2) THE QUEST ISBN: 978-81-7822-347-6 395
449 Philosophical Essays W.V. Quine
(Vol-3) PRACTICES FOR THE QUEST RELAX AND RETREATPractices for the Quest, goes directly to
the heart of exercises, techniques, and mental attitudes useful at various stages of spiritual self-discovery S.N. Dasgupta 395 [3365-4]
and self-development. It explains what qualities must be developed, why they must be developed, how (F/C) [0750-1]
they can be developed, and how their development will be tested and proved by life itself. 463 Samkara and Bradley
ISBN: 978-81-7822-368-1 395 450 Philosophical Humanism S.N.L Shrivastava
(Vol-4, Part-1) MEDITATIONMeditation is an inspiring invitation to the most intimate adventure of and Contemporary India 395
human spiritualitythe direct experience of ones own beloved soul. V.P. Varma
ISBN: 978-81-7822-379-7 395 464 *Saussure and his Interpreters
395 [2101-9]
(Vol-4, Part-2) THE BODYThe body is a balanced course in perceiving and perfecting the physical bodys Roy Harris
potential to become an eloquent expression of the divine force within. All the exercises, breathings, 451 Philosophy and the Theistic 450 [2765-3]
hygienic and dietary suggestions collected in this second volume have a two-fold purpose; to develop Mysticism of the Alvars
intuition and making meditation easier; second, to assure physical, psychological and spiritual safety 465 Sayings of J. Krishnamurti
when awakening the energy-spirit locked within the unregenerated physical organism. S.M.S. Chari
395 [1342-7] Susunaga Weeraperuma
ISBN: 978-81-7822-380-3 295
195 [1421-9]
(Vol-5) EMOTIONS OF ETHICS: The IntellectThe book is a detailed guide to its spiritual development. 452 Philosophy in Classical India
It clearly shows how to claim ones full humanity through controlling, purifying and transmuting the 466 Seeking the Essence
flowers of passion inherited from our animal nature. The Proper work of Reason
ISBN: 978-81-7822-382-7 425 Jonardon Ganeri An Investigation into the search for the
(Vol-6) THE EGO: From Birth to RebirthThe ego is a unique and unprecedented contribution to the 645 [3953-3](C); 395 [3337-1](P) absolute (A Comparative Analysis of
literature of self-realization. It explains at an existential rather than psychological level, what ego is, how the Primary Philosophical and Religious
it works, and its place and role in spiritual life and practice. 453 Philosophy of Gorakhnath Conceptions of East and West)
ISBN: 978-81-7822-383-4 395 With Goraksha-Vacana-Sangraha B.S. Tridandi
(Vol-7) HEALING OF THE SELF: The NegativesHealing of the self treats the mind body relationship Akshaya Kumar Banerjea 480
and contrasts conventional, psychic and spiritual approaches to healing. Recommending a combination 895 [0534-7](C); 595 [0535-4](P)
of conventional and alternative methods, it gives a variety of practical techniques useful in self-healing. *The Shape of Ancient Thought
ISBN: 978-81-7822-439-8 325 454 Philosophy of Hindu Sadhana
(Vol-8) REFLECTIONS ON MY LIFE AND WRITINGSThe book contains Paul Bruntons reflections
Comparative Studies in Greek
Nalini Kanta Brahma
about himself through fifty years of research, practice and writing. He narrates his experiences from and Indian Philosophies
the West as well as the East, ranging from Christian mysticism to Hindu Occultism.
(F/C) [1066-2]
Thomas McEvilley
ISBN: 978-81-7822-440-4 400 455 The Philosophy of Lokayata 1595 [3339-5]
(Vol-9) HUMAN EXPERIENCE: The Arts in CultureHuman Experience teach us to convert our lives into A Review and Reconstruction
a process of spiritual discoveries. It explores causes and purposes of suffering, problems of marriage and
Bijayananda Kar 468 So You Shall Know The Truth
other relationships. The book highlights the sections of human life as inspired art, creativity, genius and A Collection of Discourses
the relationship of art and mystical experience. ISBN: 978-81-7822-441-1 500 295 [3692-1]
Svami Purna
(Vol-10) THE ORIENT: Its Legacy to the WestProviding a fascinating view of traditional and 456 Philosophy of Non-Attachment
contemporary oriental life, the book highlights the colors from India, China, Angkor, Wat, Ceylon, 275 [397-1]
Japan, Egypt, Tibet and other Himalayan countries. The author believes that a combination of thoughts M.M. Agrawal
and ideals will help us lead a fully and truly humane life. F/C 150 [2189-7] 469 Sphota Theory of Language
(Vol-11) THE SENSITIVES: Dynamics and Dangers of MysticismThe Sensitives is a timely, informed Harold G. Coward
457 *The Problem of Perception (F/C) [0181-3]
evaluation of mysticism, paranormal experience, sects and cults. Grounded in a clear distinction
between productive spiritual practice and dangerous fascination with the occult, it reports on: how to A.D. Smith
distinguish self-flattering illusion and spiritual intuition; how to distinguish authentic spiritual teachers 495 [2024-1] 470 Spiritual Revolution
from self-deluded cult leaders and dogmatic religionists. F/C Premananda Deva & Lakshmi Devi
(Vol-12) THE RELIGIOUS URGE: Reverential LifeThe Religious Urge distinguishes the hearts
458 The Quest for the Inner Man
395 [1859-0](C); 250 [1860-6](P)
ineradicable religious instinct from traditional religious forms, and clarifies the services and disservices Joseph Vrinte
of institutional religion. It gives an individualized, practical approach to honest communion with the 200 [1502-5] 471 *Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx
Sacred through intelligent prayer, rational devotion, and informed, mature humility. F/C Integral Sociology and
(Vol-13) RELATIVITY, PHILOSOPHY AND MINDThe author explains the philosophy of science of 459 Ramana Maharshis Philosophy
of Existence and Modern Science Dialectical Sociology
the deeper levels of mind. There is a deep meaning associated with our sleep and dreams. The book
explores the creative power of thought and the fourth state of individual human consciousness. F/C The Convergence in D.P. Chattopadhyaya
(Vol-14) INSPIRATION AND THE OVERSELFWhile we all come across swift elusive moments, where their vision of Reality 495 [0388-6]
we contract our own divine soul, the book explains on how to make the most of those moments. The J. Sithamparanathan
author explains the tests and methods to develop intuitions, making it a vitalizing power for our existence. 472 Studies in Philosophy
F/C 395 [3298-5] (2 Vols. in one)
(Vol-15) ADVANCED CONTEMPLATION: The Peace Within YouThe author believes that there is 460 *Reading the New Nietzsche K.C. Bhattacharya,
indeed no short path to peace within oneself. He describes in his writings here, the invisible threads that The Birth of Tragedy, The Gay Ed. Gopinath Bhattacharya
yield permanent results of a metaphysical, transpersonal and universal nature. The book is an uplifting
approach to the peace within, at the core of every human being. F/C Science, Thus spoke Zarathustra, 1195 [2972-5]
(Vol-16) ENGLIGHTENED MIND, DIVINE MINDThe book discovers a strong, controversial and and on the Genealogy of Morals 473 A Study in the Dialectics of Sphota
definitive account of what Enlightenment is. The book outlines the stages in spiritual hierarchy of David B. Allison Gaurinath Sastri
mystics, saints, messengers, prophets, sages and avatars. F/C 495 [3057-8] 295 [2778-3]
26 27
474 Sunya and Nothingness in 479 *Twenthieth Century 498 Gitanidarsana 504 *The Original Gita
Science Philosophy and Religion Analytic Philosophy Similes of the Bhagavadgita Striving for Oneness (Comments &
Jayant Burde Avrum Stroll Anantanand Rambachan Word For Word Sanskrit Translations)
795 [3343-2] 495 [3143-8] (F/C) [1695-4] Gerard D.C. Kuiken
475 The Teachings of Vimala Thakar 499 GOD TALKS WITH ARJUNA; 600 [3522-1]
480 *Understanding the Mind
Christine Townend, BHAGAVAD GITA (2 Vols.) 505 The Social Message of the Gita
An Explanation of the Nature Royal Science of God-Realization (The
Ed. & Tr. Jack Gontier and Functions of the Mind Symbolized as Lokasamgraha
250 [3335-7] Immortal Dialogue Between Soul and Satya P. Agarwal
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Spirit) (A New Tr. & Comm.)
476 That Pathless Land 350 [1891-0] Paramahansa Yogananda 395 [1319-9]
Essays on the Beauty & Uniqueness 625 (Set) (C) [3187-2] 506 The Social Role of the Gita
of J. Krishnamurtis Teachings 481 Vedic Physics
Towards Unification of Quantum 395 (Set)(P) [1897-2] How and Why
Susunaga Weeraperuma Satya P. Agarwal
Mechanics and General Relativity 500 The Holy Gita
195 [1424-0] 595(C); 395 [1524-7](P)
Keshav Dev Verma Srimad Bhagawad Geeta
477 *Thinking and Destiny 995 [3270-1] (In Press) Skt. & Romanized Text with Eng. Tr. 507 Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
Harold W. Percival Prabha Duneja (Introd., Skt. Text in Roman, Eng. Tr.
1295 [1783-8] (C); 995 [1809-5] (P) 482 *Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples 80 [451-0] including translation of every word).
Hajime Nakamura 501 Insights into the Bhagavad Gita Kailash Nath Kalia
478 The Truth will Set You Free
Swami Purna Ed. Philip P. Wiener Vimala Thakar 395 [306-3]
175 [314-8] 695 [0764-8] 495 [2675-5]
508 Srimad Bhagawad Gita
502 Introspections of the Gita The Spoken and Unspoken Thoughts
Narayan Singh Masuda, of Sri Krishna and Arjuna in the Srimad
Bhagavad Gita Ed. Indrajit Singh Rathore Bhagawad Gita Upanishad
225 [392-6]
Shibaram Debarao Ubhagaker
Anu-Gita in the Mahabharata 490 The Bhagavad Gita and 503 The Legacy of Yoga in Bhagawad Geeta 100
Re-affirming Bhagavadgitas Message Inner Transformation The Classical Text of Srimad Bhagawad
of Good-of-all Naina Lepes Geeta in Sanskrit its Romanized 509 TAT TVAM ASI (2 Vols.)
Satya P. Agarwal & Urmila Agarwal 695 [3186-5] Transliteration, Eng. Tr., Lucid Commen- The Universal Message in
500 [468-8] 491 Bhagavad Gita in 365 days tary and Indexes the Bhagavad Gita
The Spiritual Essence of the Gita Tr. & Comm. Prabha Duneja P.V. Nath
484 Astavakragita 995 (P) [1585-8]
Lata Jagtiani 500 [3688-4]
The Song of the Self Supreme (The
Classical text of Atmadvaita by Astavakra 195 [256-6]
with an Introductory Essay, Skt. Text, 492 Bhagavadgita with the Yoga
Eng. Tr., Annot. & Glossarial Index) Sanatsujatiya and Anugita (Texts, Translations, Studies, Modern Works on Practical Yoga, Meditation and Mysticism)
Radhakamal Mukerjee (SBE Vol. 8)
395 [1366-3](C); 275 [1367-0](P) Tr. K.T. Telang 510 *The ABCs of Chakra Therapy 515 The Ascent
485 Bhagavad Gita 400 A Workbook Yogi Mahajan
(2 Vols. Bound in One) 493 Concordence to Principal Deedre Diemer 195 [1182-9]
Franklin Edgerton Upanisads and Bhagavadgita 125 [1744-9] *Ashtanga Yoga
495 [1138-6](C); 395 [1149-2](P) Ed. G.A. Jacob Anatomy and Physiology Practice and Philosophy
486 The Bhagavadgita 1995 [1281-9] of Yogic Practices A Comprehensive Description of the
An Eng. Tr. & Comm. 494 From Mind to Super Mind Makarand Madhukar Gore Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga,
W. Douglas P. Hill A Commentary on Bhagavad Gita 325 [391-9](C); 295 [305-6](P) Following the Traditional Vinyasa
300, [4006-5] (In Press) Rohit Mehta 512 *The Art and Science of Raja Yoga Count, and Authentic Explanation of
487 The Bhagavad Gita 395 [0964-2](C); 295 [0965-9](P) Fourteen Steps to Higher Awareness the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The Song of God 495 The Gita and Tulasi Ramayana (Based on the Teachings of Gregor Maehle
Ramananda Prasad Their Common Call for the Good of all Paramhansa Yogananda) 850 [329-2]
295 [1390-8] Satya P. Agarwal J. Donald Walters
495 [1876-7] with CD. Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali
488 Bhagavad Gita 395 [1752-4]
Philosophy, Religion, Culture,
Richard Gotshalk 496 Gita for Success in Modern Life 513 Art as a Guide to Self Realization Ethos and Practices
175 [0006-9] R.S. Garg J. Donald Walters Prashant S. Iyenger
489 Bhagavadgita 250 [125-X] 195 [028-8] 750 [480-0]
The Dialogue between 497 Gitamrtam 514 Art of Blissful Living
Balanced Yoga
Sri Krsna and Arjuna The Essential Teachings Spiritual Laws of Vedic Philosophy
The Twelve Week Programme
Tr. & Comm. Gloria Areira, Tr. Ricky of the Bhagavadgita B.B. Puri Swami Purna
Toledano, Graphic Design Victor Mattos Anantanand Rambachan 225 [307-0]
700 [4011-9]; 500 [4012-6] 95 [1167-6] 175 [315-5]

28 29
519 *Beyond Religion 531 Divine Light 543 *Getting to Where You Are 555 *The Inner Life
Meditations on our True Nature Yoga Systems with The Life of Meditation Charles W. Leadbeater
Robert Powell their Secret Techniques Steven Harrison 395 [316-2]
225 [139-X] S.K.Das 195 [202-7] 556 Insights and Inspirations
295 [097-0]
520 Blossoms of Friendship 544 God & Self Realization Swami Venkatesananda
Vimala Thakar 532 The Divine Romance (A Scientific and Spiritual View) 450
125 [0088-5] Collected Talks and Essays Dharam Vir Mangla
on Realizing God in Daily Life 557 Insights into Spiritual Living
521 Book of Daily Prayer for All 295 [64-4] C.R. Bhansali
Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
Meditation on Siva-Sakti 545 *Great Treasury of Merit 400
(A prayer for protection, A Commentary to the practice of
533 *The Eight Limbs of Yoga 558 Inspiration Meditation
prosperity and perfection) offering to the Spiritual Guide
Pathway to Libration & Personal Wellbeing
Srikrishna Das Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
100 Bhava Ram A Practical Guide to Balanced Living
325 [1869-9] Ken Mellor
395 [3469-9](C); 195 [3461-3](P)
522 *Capturing the Aura 546 *Happy For No Good Reason 300 [386-5]
Integrating Science, 534 *Energies of Transformation Learn to Meditate: Become
Technology, and Metaphysics A Guide to the Kundalini Process 559 *Journey into Consciousness
Stronger, Calmer and Happier Charles Breaux
C. E. Lindgren Bonnie Greenwell Swami Shankarananda
495 [3361-6] (F/C) [1815-6] 250 [1449-3](C); 175 [1454-7](P)
350(C) with CD; [2005-0](C)
*The Chakra Handbook 535 Essence of Spiritual Wisdom 225(P) with CD; [2006-7(P). 560 *Journey Through Chakras
From Basic Understanding Inspirational Thoughts of Ravi Ratan & Minoo Ratan
547 Hatha Yoga 695 [3240-4]
to Pratical Application Eastern Masters
Its Context, Theory and Practice
Shalila Sharamon & Bodo Baginski Compiled by Rupali Segal & 561 Journey to Self-Realization
Mikel Burley
225 [1935-1] Anirudh Vasdev Collected Talks and Essays on
595 [1705-0] (C); 395 [1706-7] (P)
250 [444-2] Realizing God in Daily Life
524 *The Chakras and Esoteric Healing 548 Hatha Yoga for All
Zachary F. Lansdowne 536 The Eternal Way Paramahansa Yogananda
Roy Eugene Davis Rajeswari Raman 195(C), 125(P), [1900-9](P)
(F/C) [1157-7] 95 [0937-6]
250 [1780-7]
525 A Complete Guide to Managing Stress 562 Kundalini and Self Realization
537 Evolution of Yoga Hatha Yoga Pradipika The Journey Back to our True Home
Bimal Chhajer The Classic Guide for the
350 [186-1] Bharat Bhushan Sahi Through Spiritual Energy
225 [317-9] Advanced Practice of Hatha Yoga Ravindra Kumar
526 COLLECTED TALKS AND ESSAYS Yogi Svatmarama, Containing 400 [423-7]
ON REALIZING GOD IN DAILY LIFE 538 *The Experience of Nothingness the Practical Commentary of
(3 Vols.) Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's Swami Vishnudevananda 563 Kriya Yoga
Paramahansa Yogananda Talks on Realizing the Infinite 235 [1614-5] The Scientific Process of Soul Culture
Vol. I: Mans Eternal Quest Ed. Robert Powell and the Essence of All Religions
295 [1950-4] 550 Healing the Future Paramahamsa Hariharananda
195(C), 150(P) The Journey Within
Vol. II: The Divine Romance 539 Finding Soul in Work and Life 645 [3144-5](C); 445 [3141-4](P)
Deepak Kashyap
195(C), 150(P) Vasant Raval & Prafulla Raval 564 The Kundalini Book of
225 [039-3]
Vol. III: Journey to Self-Realization 295 [353-7] Living and Dying
195(C), 150(P) 551 The Healing Power of Yoga Gateways to Higher Consciousness
540 Finding the Joy within You
For Health, Well-Being & Inner Peace Ravindra Kumar & Jytte Kumar Larsen
527 Crystal Light & Love Personal Counsel for
Julie Frideberger 250 [3215-2]
Mary St. Claire & Maiya Kennedy God Centered Living
250 [181-6]
$ 6.95 Daya Mata 565 Kundalini Rising
90 [1895-8] 552 The Holy Science Exploring the Eneregy of Awakening
528 *Deep Yoga
541 The Forceful Yoga Kaivalya Darsanam Contributors: Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa,
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
Being the translation of Yukteswar Giri Sivananda Radha,
Bhava Ram
Hathayoga-Pradipika, 55 495 [3633-4]
195 [371-1]
Gheranda-Samhita and Siva-Samhita 553 How You Can Talk With God
529 *Development in Meditation 566 *Kundalini Yoga
Tr. into Eng. Pancham Sinh, Paramahansa Yogananda
and State of Consciousness Swami Sivananda Radha
Srisa Chandra Vasu, 65
Zen Brain Reflections Romanised Ed. by G.P. Bhatt 745 [0812-6](C); 445 [1014-3](P)
James H. Austin 545 [2054-8] (C); 345 [2055-5] (P) 554 * The Inner Guide Meditation 567 *Layayoga
1395 [3348-7] A Spiritual Technology The Definitive Guide to
Gayatri for the 21st Century
Discourses on Yog The Highest Meditation the Chakras and Kundalini
Prashant S. Iyengar Edwin C. Steinbrecher Shyam Sundar Goswami
Sadguru Sant Keshavadas 300 [060-1]
500 [481-7] 160 [0697-9] 695 [3516-0]

30 31
568 The Legacy of Yoga in Bhagawad Geeta 579 Meditation Differently
The Classical Text of Srimad Bhagawad Herbert V. Guenther
Geeta in Sanskrit its Romanized 350 [0870-6]
Transliteration, Eng. Tr., Lucid Commen- *Meditation Pure & Simple
tary and Indexes Ian Gawler
Tr. & Comm. Prabha Duneja 150 [340-7] YOG TRADITION OF INDIA
500 [3688-4]
581 *Meditation Revolution
569 Living in God A History and Theology of Editorial Board:
366 Themes for Daily Meditative the Siddha Yoga Lineage
Contemplation and Spiritual Enrichment Dauglas Renfrew Brooks & Others
Dr. Jitendra B. Shah, Dr. S. F. Biria,
(With Life Enhancing Affirmations and (F/C) [1647-3](C), [1648-0](P) Prashant S. Iyengar
Inspirational Quotations) *Meditative Yoga
Roy Eugene Davis Integrating body, breath and mind An anthology of the discourses were expounded by Prashant Iyengar
225 [1543-8](C); 125 [1544-5] (P) Are Holen & Torbjorn Hobbel for the students, scholars and sadhakas of Yog at different points of
570 *Living Intimately 595 [3618-1]
A Guide to Realizing Spiritual time, presented here in the form of books. The engaging style of
583 Metaphysical Meditations
Unity in Relationship Universal Prayers, Affirmations narration will appeal to the readers brain and heart while they imbibe
Judith Blackstone and Visualization the knowledge of Yog, For easy comprehension, the words in the Sandhis
195 [143-8] Paramahansa Yogananda
25 are separated in the Sanskrit quatation. The books selected to be
571 *Mandala Workbook
For Inner Self Development 584 Mysticism in Maharashtra published under the series are:
Anneke Huyser R.D. Ranade
225 [287-5] (F/C) [0575-0] 1. Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali: Philosophy, Religion, Culture, Ethos and
Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound 585 *The Nector of Immortality Practices Prashant S. Iyengar [978-81-7822-480-0] 750
Secrets of Seed (Bija) Mantras Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's
David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) Discourses on the Eternal 2. Discourses on YogPrashant S. Iyengar [978-81-7822-481-7] 500
325 [381-0] Ed. Robert Powell
495 [1733-3](C); 295 [1948-1](P)
3. A Manual on HumanicsPrashant S. Iyengar
A Manual on Humanics [978-81-7822-479-4] 200
Prashant S. Iyengar 586 Office Yoga
200 [479-4] Julie Friedeberger 4. Pranayama: A Classical and Traditional Approach Prashant S. Iyengar
125 [1542-1]
574 A Master Guide to Meditation [978-81-7822-482-4] 400
and Spiritual Growth 587 The Origin of Meditation
Roy Eugene Davis Sneh Chakraburtty
225 [323-0] 592 Practical Wisdom 597 Satisfying Our Innate Desire
125 [1245-1] Swami Purna To Know God (How we can be
575 Meditation 588 The Origin of Yoga and Tantra 195 [363-6] spiritually awake and Live as
Indic Religions to
A Practical Guidebook (Based on 593 Pranayam the Divine Beings we really are)
the Thirteenth Century
the Teachings of Vedanta, A Classical and Traditional Approach Roy Eugene Davis
Geoffery Samuel
Bhagavad Gita & Yoga Sutras) Prashant S. Iyengar 200 [198-5]
Swami Tadatmananda 400 [482-4]
589 The Path of Light 598 Sayings of Paramahansa
400 [424-4]
A Guide to 21st Century 594 *Psychology of the Chakras Yogananda
Meditation and Mantras Discipleship and Spiritual Practice Eye of the Lotus 25
Swami Vishnudevananda in the Kriya Yoga Tradition Richard A. Jelusich
245 [1615-2] (F/C) [2962-6] 599 The Science of Meditation
Roy Eugene Davis
195 [1657-2] Pure Yoga by Yogi Pranavananda Sneh Chakraburtty
577 *Meditation for People in Crisis
A Tr. from Skt. into Eng. of the 225 [322-3]
Selected from the 590 *Path of the Soul
Notebooks of Paul Brunton The Union of Eastern and Western Wisdom tantric work, the Gherandasamhita, 600 Science of Meditation
Eds. Sam & Leslie Cohen to Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul with a guiding commentary Rohit Mehta
95 [341-4] Ed. with Introd. by Tony Rodriguez
Ashok Bedi 495 [0298-8] (In Press)
& Kanshi Ram
578 Meditation in Sikh Religion 295 [221-3]
595 [0922-2](C), 395 [1508-7](P) 601 The Secret of Self-Transformation
Eight Spiritual Lessons 591 *Pathways to Higher Consciousness A Synthesis of Tantra and Yoga
596 Sanatan Kriya
on Finding the Truth The Master Game
Essence of Yoga Rohit Mehta
Bhagat Singh Thind Robert S. de Ropp
Yogi Ashwini (F/C) [0402-9]
195 [344-5] 295 [369-8]
300 with CD
32 * For Sale in South Asia Only 33
602 The Secret of the Creative Vacuam 613 Spirituality 626 *The Ultimate Medicine 636 *Yoga For Men
Man and the Energy Dance A Way of life As Prescribed by Postures for Healthy, Stress Free Living
John Davidson Indu Mittal Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Thomas Claire
425 [337-7] 195 [354-4] Ed. Robert Powell 295 [297-4]
603 The Self Revealed Knowledge 614 Sri Babaji 395 [1417-2](C); 195 [1418-9](P) *Yoga for Your Type
That Liberates the Spirit Immortal Yogi of the Himalayas 627 *Unconditional Bliss An Ayurvedic Approach to
Roy Eugene Davis Romola Butalia with an introd. Finding Happiness in Your Asana Practice
200 [050-4] Gorakh Babaji the Face of Hardship David Frawley, Sandra Summer-
295 [3257-2] Howard Raphael Cushnir Fields & M.S. Kozak
604 Seven Lessons in
575 [113-3]
Conscious Living 615 The Story of Meditation 125 [013-X]
A Progressive Program of Sneh Chakraburtty 638 Yoga in Modern India
628 Vital Energy
Higher Learning and Spiritual 225 [321-6] The Body Between Science
Energy for Normal Body Function and Philosophy
Practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition 616 Stress and its Management by Yoga B.B. Sahi Joseph S. Alter
Roy Eugene Davis K.N. Udupa, Ed. R.C. Prasad
195 [1750-0] 195 [081-4] 325 [324-7]
695 [0000-7](C); 395 [0052-6](P)
Siva Sutras 629 Where There is Light 639 The Yoga of Kashmir Shaivism
617 Superconsciousness Insight and Inspiration Consciousness is Everything
The Yoga of Supreme Identity How to Benefit from
Text Eng. Tr. for Meeting Lifes Challenges Swami Shankanananda
Emerging Spiritual Trends Paramahansa Yogananda 515 [2699-1]
Jaideva Singh J. Donald Walters
500 [0406-7](C); 300 [0407-4](P) 95
300 [026-1] 640 *The Yoga of Love
606 Soul Quest 630 Whispers from Eternity Based on Sri Aurbindo's
*Tantric Yoga and Paramahansa Yogananda Synthesis of Yoga
Journey from Death to Immortality the Wisdom Goddesses
Anand Krishnan 35 M.P. Pandit
(Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda) 150 [057-1]
195 [234-5] David Frawley (In Press) 631 Why Meditation
607 Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity 595 [1356-4](C); 395 [1357-1](P) Vimala Thakar 641 *The Yoga Tradition
How to always be in the Flow of (F/C) [0047-2] Its History, Literature,
619 *Theory and Practice of Yoga Philosophy and Practice
Resources and Supportive Events Essays in Honour of 632 Yoga
Relationship for Your Highest Goods Georg Feuerstein
Gerald James Larson Swami Venkatesananda 3000(C), 2000 [1923-8](P)
Roy Engene Davis Ed. Knut A. Jacobsen 250
200 [053-9] 595 [3232-9] 642 Yoga Unveiled (Pt. II)
633 Yoga and Parapsychology U.A. Asrani
Spiritual Consciousness 620 *Tibetan Wisdom for Modern Life
Eds. P. Sriramamurti, Prem Empirical Research 225 [0946-8]
Joseph Arpaia & Lobsang Rapgay and Theoretical Essays
Prashant & Anand Mohan 395 [1941-2](C); 250 [1955-9](P) 643 *The Yogi
350 [443-5] Ed. K. Ramakrishna Rao
Portraits of Swami Vishnu Devananda
*The Tibetan Yogas of 900 [3473-6] (In Press) Gopala Krishna
609 Spiritual Diary Dream and Sleep
An Inspirational Thought 634 Yoga and Western Psychology 195 [038-3]
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche A Comparison
for Each day of the Year 495 [2001-2] (C); 295 [2003-6] (P) 644 *Your Aura & Your Chakras
Paramahansa Yogananda Geraldine Coster The Owners Manual
55 622 Totality in Essence (F/C) [1560-5](C), 1561-2(P) Karla Mclaren
Vimala Thakar 635 *The Yoga Book 295 [1745-6]
610 Spiritual Management 95 [0048-9]
and Road to Eternity A Practical Guide to Self Realization 645 Zen Yoga
Secrets of Beauty, Health 623 *Transforming Self Through Yoga Stephen Sturgess P.J. Saher
Youth and Liberation Getting more than Exercise 295 [1990-0] 800 [0809-6]
Chan Baidjnath Misier from an Ancient Spiritual Practice
350 [278-7] Tom Pilarzyk
295 [370-4] Tantra
611 *Spiritual Revolution a Wayout Texts, Translations, Studies
A Personal Program for Building 624 *Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom
a Spiritual Life Outside the Walls A Collection of 10,000 Powerful
646 AJITAMAHATANTRAM (5 Vols.) 647 *Beating Tantra at its Own Game
of Traditional Religion Quotations for Transforming your Life Spiritual Sexuality
David N. Elkins Comp. Andy Zubko The Great Tantra of Ajita
Arthur Lytle
250 [339-1] 695 [1731-9](C); 495 [1949-8](P) Critically Ed. & Annot. Tr. by
250 [148-9]
625 The Two Traditions of N.R. Bhatt, Jean Filliozat &
612 *The Spiritual Roots of Yoga 648 The Buddhist Tantras
Royal Path to Freedom Meditation in Ancient India Pierre Sylvain Filliozat
Light on Indo Tibetan Esotericism
Ravi Ravindra, Ed. Priscilla Murray Johannes Bronkhorst 4500 (Set) [1974-0] Alex Wayman
225 [365-0] (F/C) [1114-0] (C), [1643-5] (P) 495 [0699-3](C); 395 [2700-4](P)

34 * For Sale in South Asia Only 35

THE SELECTED WORKS OF 649 The Chinese Hevajratantra
The Scriptural Text of the Ritual of the
661 Kularnava Tantra
Text and Readings Introd. by
Great King of the Teaching the Arthur Avalon (John Woodroffe)
SIR JOHN WOODROFFE Adamantine one with Great Compassion Readings : M.P. Pandit, (In Press)
and Knowledge of the Void Skt. Text Ed. by Taranatha Vidyaratna
(Arthur Avalon) Ch. Willemen 595 [0972-7](C); 445 [0973-4](P)
395 [1945-0] 662 Laksmi Tantra
The Serpent Power : Sat-Cakra-Nirupana and Paduka-Panchka 650 The Cosmic Play of Power A Pancaratra Text
(Published) 978-81-7822-378-0 500 Goddess, Tantra and Women Tr. & Notes with Introd. Sanjukta Gupta
Sanjukta Gupta 1100 [1735-7] (In Press)
The Garland of Letters (Published) 978-81-7822-400-8 400
1000 [3542-9] 663 The Lalita Cult
The Great Liberation : (Mahanirvana Tantra) 651 *Eros, Consciousness and Kundalini V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar
(Published) 978-81-7822-422-0 400 Deepening Sensuality Through Tantric 295 [1498-1](P) (In Press)
The World As Power (Published) 978-81-7822-421-3 400 Celibacy and Spiritual Intimacy 664 Mahanirvana Tantra
Stuart Sovatsky Ed. Arthur Avalon
Principles of Tantra (2 Vols. in One) 325 [179-9] 595 [0541-5]
(Published) 978-81-7822-454-1 1000 652 Exploring Mysticism 665 Prapancasara Tantra of Sankaracarya
A Methodological Essay (2 Pts. in one)
Hymns to the Goddess and Hymns to Kali (Karpuradi-Stotra)
Frits Staal With the Comm. Vivarna by Padma-
(Published) 978-81-7822-448-0 500 495 [3556-6] padacarya and Prayogakramadipika
Shakti and Shakta F/C 653 *Guide to Dakini Land A Vrtti on the Vivarna Rev. &
The Highest Yoga Tantra Practice Introd.Arthur Avalon,
Introduction to Tantra Sastra F/C of Buddha Vajrayogini Ed. Atalananda Sarasvati
Is India Civilized ? F/C Geshe Kelsang Gyatso (F/C) [0523-1]
395 [1725-8] 666 *Pratyabhijnahrdayam
Kamakalavilasa F/C The Secret of Self-Recognition
654 *Himalayan Mysticism
Mahamaya (Citi-Shakti or Power as Consciousness) F/C Shivas Disc to Cut Asunder Skt. Text with Eng. Tr., Notes & Introd.
and Open the Mystic Heart Jaideva Singh
Ralph Nataraj 445 [0322-0](C); 295 [0323-7](P)
The Launch of a New Series
325 [289-9](C); 225 [290-6](P) Pure Yoga by Yogi Pranavananda
A Tr. from the Sanskrit into English of
The Tantric Traditions of India 655 Hindu Mysticism
S.N. Dasgupta the tantric work, the Gherandasamhita,
250 [0303-9] with a guiding commentary
The MLBD proposes to launch a new series The Tantric Traditions of India to Ed. with Introd. by
disseminate a better understanding of the rapidly growing interest in the scholarly 656 *Inner Tantric Yoga Tony Rodriguez & Kanshi Ram
studies of the Tantric traditions of India. The principle aim of the series is to promote Working with the Universal 595 [0922-2](C); 395 [1508-7](P)
critical investigation in all aspects of the study of Tantra to provide a forum for Shakti (Secrets of Mantras,
Deities and Meditation) 668 *Ritual and Mantras
scholarly and definitive studies on its multifaceted aspects. The series focuses on Rules without Meaning
critical editions with translations in English and Hindi on primary sources of Tantra in David Frawley
Frits Staal
395 [3421-7]
Sanskrit and other Indian languages. Its overriding aim, however, is to encourage new (F/C) [1411-0](C), [1412-7](P)
perspectives on traditional text-based and field-based studies; interdisciplinary Introduction to The Tantraloka
669 Sarada Tilaka Tantra (Text)
discourses; cross-cultural explorations of Tantra across sectarian traditions of India for Navjivan Rastogi
Ed. Arthur Avalon
1400 [0180-6] (In Press)
a shared understanding of Asian religions; and exploration of innovative hermeneutics (F/C) [1338-0]
and new methodologies for the study of Tantra. 658 Jnana Sankalini Tantra
670 The Science and Essence of Srividya
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
Editorial Board Swami Nadananda Tirth
395 [3145-2](C); 225 [3142-1](P)
Prof. G.C. Tripathi Prof. Sanjukta Gupta-Gombrich Krama Tantricism of Kashmir (Vol.I)
Director, B.L. Institute of Indology, Delhi University of Oxford, UK Siva Sutras
Navjivan Rastogi The Yoga of Supreme Identity
General Editor 800 [1302-1] (In Press) Text Eng. Tr. Jaideva Singh
Prof. Madhu Khanna 660 The Kula Ritual by Abhinavagupta 500 [0406-7](C); 300 [0407-4](P)
Centre for Study for Comparative Religions & Civilizations, As Elaborated in Chapter
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Spanda-Karikas
29 of the Tantraloka The Divine Creative Pulsation
John R. Dupuche Text. Eng. Tr. Ed. Jaideva Singh
Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra 978-81-208-3639-6 400 (F/C) [1979-5] 415 [0816-4](C); 315 [0821-8](P)

36 37
673 Sritattvachintamani of Purnananda 684 *Tantric Grounds and Paths Buddhism : Philosophy and Religion of All Schools
Critically Ed. from original MSS How to enter, Progress on, and Text, Translations, Studies
(Ch. I-VIII) with an original Comm. by Complete the Vajrayana Path
Bhuvanmohan Sankhyatirtha & Geshe Kelsang Gyatso 695 ABHIDHARMAKOSA BHASYAM 704 Atisa and Tibet
(Ch. XIX-XXVI) with Notes by 350 [1726-5] OF VASUBANDU (4 Vols) Life and Works of Dipamkara Srijnana
Chintamani Bhattacharya The Treasury of the Abhidharma in relation to the History and Religion
685 Tantric Revisionings
with an Introd. by and its (Auto) Commentary of the Tibet with Tibetan Sources
Prabodha Candra Bagchi New Understanding of Tibetan
Buddhism and Indian Religion Tr. into French by Louis de La Vallee Alaka Chattopadhyaya,
695 [1184-3] Poussin, Annot. Eng. Tr. by Gelong Tr. Lama Chimpa
Ed. Geoffrey Samuel
674 Studies in Indian and Lodro Sangpo, with a New Introd. by 695 [0928-4]
550 [2752-3]
Indo-Indonesian Tantrism Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti 705 *Becoming the Buddha
The Kunjarakarnadharmakathana *Tantric Sex 5500 (Set) [3607-5] The Ritual of Image
and the Yogatantra A Unique Guide to Love 696 Abhidharma Samuccaya consecration in Thailand
M. Nihom and Sexual Fulfilment The Compendium of the Higher Donald K. Swearer
= 29
C Diana Richardson Teaching (Philosophy) by Asanga 495 [3109-4]
350 [188-5] Tr. Walpola Rahula,
675 *Tantra 706 Being as Consciousness
Sex, Secrecy, Politics and 687 * Tantric Visions of Eng. version Sara Boin Webb Yogacara Philosophy of Buddhism
the Divine Feminine $75 Fernando Tola & Carmen Dragonetti
Power in the Study of Religion
Hugh B. Urban The Ten Mahavidyas 697 ABHISAMAYALANKARA WITH 595 [1967-2]
400 [2932-9] David Kinsley VRTTI AND ALOKA (3 Vols.) 707 The Bhadramayakaravyakarana
425 [1523-0] Vrtti by Arya Vimuktisena, Introd., Tibetan Text, Tr. and Notes
676 *Tantra Aloka by Haribhadra
688 *Tantric Yoga Konstanty Regamey
The Cult of the Feminine Eng. Tr. Gareth Sparham
The Royal Path to 295 [0761-7]
Andre Van Lysebeth $ 90 (Each Vol.)
550 [1759-3] (In Press) Raising Kundalini Power 708 BIBLIOTHECA BUDDHICA
Gavin, Tr. Yvonne Frost 698 Alambanapariksa and Vrtti (30 Vols. in 32 Pts.)
677 *Tantra in Practice 545 [1231-4](C); 345 [1153-9](P) by Dinnaga with the commentary of Sobranie Buddijskich Tekstov
Ed. David Gordon White Dharmapala Restored into Sanskrit from 10000 (Set) [0976-5]
1100 [1778-4] 689 Triadic Mysticism the Tibetan and Chinese versions and
The Mystical Theology of edited with English Translations and Blue Annals
678 *Tantra in Tibet the Saivism of Kashmir Notes and with copious extracts from (A New Revised Edition which
The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra I Paul E. Murphy Vinitadevas Commentary Include A Place Name Index)
Tsong-Ka-Pa (F/C) [0010-6] G.N. Roerich
$ 30
295 [0376-3] 1895 [0471-5]
690 *Understanding Mantras 699 *Ambedkar and Buddhism
679 The Tantra of Svayambhu Vidyapada 710 *The Bodhicaryavatara of Santideva
Harvey P. Alper Sangharakshita
Entering the Path of Enlightenment
With the Commentrary of Sadyojyoti 695 [0746-4] (C); 495 [1896-5] (P) 250 [3023-3] (In Press)
M.L. Matics
Ed. & Tr. Pierre Sylvain Filliozat 700 Anagatavamsa Desana
691 Vedic Tantrism 495 [3237-4]
200 [1125-6] The Sermon of the Chronicle To-Be
A Study of Rgvidhana 711 Bodhisattva Doctrine in
680 Tantra Vidya of Saunaka (The Brief Calalogues to the
Buddhist Sanskrit Literature
Based on Archaic Astronomy (Text, Eng. Tr.) Nrthahgand the Lhasa Kanjurs) Hardayal
and Tantric Yoga M.S. Bhat Udaya Meddegama 1000 [1257-4] (In Press)
Oscar Marcel Hinze, Tr. V.M. Bedekar (F/C) [0197-4] Ed. John C. Holt,
(F/C) [0524-8](C), [0560-6](P) 250 [1133-1] 712 *The Bodhisattva Path
Vijnana-Bhairava or Based on the Ugrapariprccha
Divine Consciousness 701 Analysis of the Abhisamayalamkara a Mahayana Sutra
681 *Tantra Without Tears
E. Obermiller Jan Nattier
Christopher S. Hyatt & S. Jason Black (Text, Eng. Tr.)
$ 40 495 [2048-7]
225 [027-X] Jaideva Singh
395 [0817-1](C); 295 [0820-1](P) 702 *Apparitions of the Self 713 *Bodhisattvas of the Forest and
682 TANTRALOKA OF The Secret Autobiographies
ABHINAVAGUPTA (8 Vols.) 693 Vinasikha Tantra the Formation of the Mahayana
of a Tibetan Visionary A Study and Translation of the
Text in Devanagari with (A Saiva Tantra of the Left Current) Janet Gyatso,
Ed. Teun Goudriaan Rastrapalapariprccha-Sutra
Exhaustive Eng. Introd. & Indices 395 [1796-8]
(F/C) Daniel Boucher
Ed. R.C. Dwivedi & Navjivan Rastogi
703 *Approaching the Land of Bliss 595 [3423-1]
(F/C) [0240-7] (Set) 694 The Yoga of Tibet Religious Praxis in 714 *The Bodhisattva Vow
683 Tantraraja Tantra The Great Exposition of the cult of Amitabha The Essential Practices of
(Text) Introd. by Arthur Avalon, Secret Mantra 2 & 3 Eds. Richard K. Payne & Mahayana Buddhism
Ed. Lakshman Shastri Tsong-Ka-Pa Kenneth K. Tanaka Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
(F/C) [1252-9](C), [1253-6](P) 295 [0374-9] 495 [3194-0] 150 [067-9]

38 39
715 *The Bodhisattva Warriors 725 Budha-Kausikas Ramaraksastotra 738 Buddhism Transformed 749 Buddhistische Begriffsreihen
The Origin, Inner Philosophy, History A Contribution to the Study of Sanskrit Religious Change in Sri Lanka Als Skizzen Des Erlosungsweges
and Symbolism of the Buddhist Devotional Poetry Richard Gombrich & Helmut Eimer
Martial Art within India and China G. Buhnemann Gananath Obeyesekere 2200
Shifu Nagaboshi Tomio = 20
C 1000 [0702-0] (In Press)
595 [1723-4] 726 The Buddha Nature 739 *Buddhisms and Deconstructions Tr. Eugene Watson Burlingame,
716 * Bodily Self-Sacrifice in A Study of Tathagathagarbha Ed. Jin. Y. Park Ed. Charles Rockwell Lanman
Indian Buddhist Literature and Alayavijnana 495 [3386-9] 2900 (Set) [2073-9]
Brian E. Brown
Reiko Ohnuma 740 The Buddhist Art of 751 BUDDHIST LOGIC (2 Vols.)
595 [0631-3]
695 [3360-9] Nagarjunakonda Th. Stcherbatsky
727 Buddhas Law Among the Birds Elizabeth Rosen Stone 895 (Set) [1019-8]
717 *The Book of Buddhas Edward Conze (F/C) [0828-7]
Ritual Symbolism used on Buddhist (F/C) [0198-1] 752 Buddhist Logic
Statuary and Ritual Objects 741 *Buddhists, Brahmins and Belief and Quantam Dilemma
Eva Rudy Jansen 728 *Buddhas Not Smiling Epistemology in South Asian
Jayant Burde
195 [055-5] Uncovering Corruption at the Philosophy of Religion
545 [3552-8]
Heart of Tibetan Buddhism Today Dan Arnold
718 *THE BOOK OF THE Erik D. Curren 495 [3293-0] 753 Buddhist Mahayana Texts
GRADUAL SAYINGS (5 Pts.) 695 [3420-0](C); 495 [3331-9](P) (SBE Vol. 49)
742 Buddhist Cosmology
(Anguttara Nikaya) Tr. E.B. Cowell
729 Buddhas Teachings Science and Theology in the
or more numbered Sutas Images of Motion and Light 400 [0028-1]
Being the Sutta-Nipata or
Trs. F. L. Woodward & E. M. Hare Discourse Collection W. Randolph Kloetzli 754 A Buddhist Manual
1595 (Set) [1901-6] Lord Chalmers 395 [0463-0] of Psychological Ethics
719 *THE BOOK OF THE (F/C) [1355-7] 743 Buddhist Critical Spirituality Being a translation, now made for the
KINDRED SAYINGS 730 Buddhism Prajna & Sunyata first time, from the Original Pali, of the
(Sanyutta-Nikaya or A Way of Values (A Dialogue on Shohei Ichimura first Book in the Abhidhamma Pitaka
Grouped Suttas (5 Pts.) Valorisation Across Time and Space 795 [1798-2] entitled Dhammasangani
Tr., Ed. &Introd. Rhys Davids Lokesh Chandra & Dalsaku Ikeda With Introd. Essay & Notes by
744 *The Buddhist Dead
& F.L. Woodward, 300 Caroline A.F. Rhys Davids
Practices, Discourses, Representations
1595 (Set) [1911-5] 1200 [4041-6]
731 *Buddhism and Ecology Eds. Bryan J. Cuevas &
720 Brains, Buddhas and Believing Martine Batchelor & Kerry Brown Jacqueline I. Stone 755 *Buddhist Monastic Discipline
The Problem of Intentionality in 395 [1247-5] (In Press) 795 [3424-8] The Sanskrit Pratimoksa Sutras of the
Classical Buddhist and Cognitive 745 Buddhist Doctrine of Experience Mahasamghikas and Mulasarvastivadins
732 *Buddhism and Science Charles S. Prebish
Scientific Philosophy of Mind Breaking New Ground A New Translation and
Dan Arnold Interpretation of the Works of 395 [1339-7]
B. Alan Wallace
(F/C) [4073-7] 695 [2025-8] Vasubandhu and Yogacarin 756 Buddhist Monks and
Thomas A. Kochumuttom Monasteries of India
721 The Brief Catalogues to the 733 Buddhism and Science 595 [0662-7] (In Press)
Narthang and the Lhasa Kanjurs Their History and their
Buddhadasa P. Kirtisinghe
746 Buddhist Formal Logic contribution to Indian Culture
1500 395 [0803-4]
A Study of Dignagas Hetucakra Sukumar Dutt
722 Buddha 734 Buddhism in Comparative Light and Keui-Chis Great Comm. 900 [0498-2]
His Life, His Doctrine, His Order Hajime Nakamura on the Nyayapravesa
395 [0184-4] 757 Buddhist Parables
Hermann Oldenberg, Tr. William Hoey R.S.Y. Chi Eugene Watson Burlinghame
495 [1497-4] (In Press) 735 *Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet (F/C) [0730-3]
895 [0738-9](C), [1682-4](P)
723 Buddhacarita or Acts of the Buddha Religious Revival and Cultural Identity 747 Buddhist Images
Eds. Melvyn C. Goldstein & 758 Buddhist Philosophy of Universal Flux
by Asvaghosa (3 Pts. in one) of Human Perfection
Matthew T. Kapstein Satkari Mookerjee
E.H. Johnston The Arhant of the Sutta Pitaka
395 [1623-7](C); 250 [1628-2](P) compared with the Bodhisattva 695 [0737-2]
795 [1279-6]
736 *Buddhism in Translations and the Mahasiddha 759 The Buddhist Pilgrimage
724 *The Buddha from Dolpo Henry Clarke Warren Nathan Katz Duncan Forbes
A Study of the Life and 495 [1117-1] 595 [0647-4] 495 [1650-3]
Thought of the Tibetan Master
737 *The Buddhism of Tibet 748 Buddhist Insight 760 Buddhist Positiveness
Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen Essays by Alex Wayman
Dalai Lama, Trs. Jeffrey Hopkins Studies on the Lotus Sutra
Cyrus Stearns George R. Elder
& Lati Rimpoche Fernando Tola & Carmen Dragonetti
495 [1833-0](C); 350 [1936-8](P) (F/C) [0675-7]
295 [0375-6] 695 [3191-9](C); 495 [3406-4] (P)

40 41
761 *Buddhist Precept and Practice 774 *Caste and Buddhist Philosophy 786 *THE COLLECTION OF THE
Traditional Buddhism in the
Rural Highlands of Ceylon
Continuity of some Buddhist Arguments
against the Realist Interpretation of Social
(Majjhima Nikaya)
Collected Works
Richard F. Gombrich
595 [0780-8] Vincent Eltschinger,
Tr. from the Pali I.B. Horner
1595 (Set) [1907-8] of
Tr. by Raynold Prevereau
762 *Buddhist Reflections
Lama Anagarika Govinda
650 [3559-7] 787 Collective Wisdom
Preservation and
Louis de La Valle Poussin:
775 The Central Conception of Development of Buddhism
195 [3095-0]
Buddhism and the Meaning of Ed. B.M. Pande Advisory Board:
763 *The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka the Word Dharma 395 [3792-8] Ernst Steinkellner,
George D. Bond Th. Stcherbatsky
800 [1047-1] (In Press) 295 [0512-5] (In Press) 788 A Comparative Study D. S. Ruegg, Schmithausen,
of the Pratimoksha K.L. Dhammajoti
764 Buddhist Sects in India 776 The Central Philosophy
on the Basis of its Chinese,
Nalinaksha Dutt of Buddhism
Tibetan, Sanskrit and Pali Versions Edited by:
550 [0428 9] A Study of Madhyamika System
T.R.V. Murti W. Pachow
765 *BUDDHIST SPIRITUALITY (2 Vols.) 395 [1572-8] Gelong Lodr Sangpo
495 [4007-2]
(Vol. I: Indian, South-East Asian,
Tibetan, Early Chinese) 777 The Centrality of Ethics in Buddhism 789 A Comparative Study of the Vol.I : Abhidharmakoshbhashaya of
Exploratory Essays Teachings of Don Juan and
Takeuchi Yoshinori Madhyamaka Buddhism
Vasubandhu (Four Parts) published
Hari Shankar Prasad
450 [1255-0]
795 [3239-8] Knowledge and Transformation 2012. Translator: Gelong Lodr
766 Vol. II: Later China, Korea, Mark Macdowell Sangpo; Introduction: Bhikkhu KL
778 Cetana and the Dynamics of (F/C) [0162-2]
Japan and the Modern World
Volition in Theravada Buddhism Dhammajoti.
Ed. Takeuchi Yoshinori Nalini Devdas 790 Conception of Buddhist [ISBN: 978-81-208-3607-5] (Set) 5500
550 [1944-3] 895 [3363-0] Nirvana of Stcherbatsky
767 Buddhist Studies 779 Chanting the Names of Manjusri
Ed. Jaideva Singh Vol.II in 3 Pts. : Vijnapti-Matrata-
Eds. Richard Gombrich & 595 [0529-3] (C); 395 [0591-0] (P) Siddhi . A Commentary (Cheng
The Manjusri Nama-Samgiti
Cristina Scherrer Schaub (Skt. & Tibetan Texts) 791 *CONTRIBUTION OF TIBETAN Weishi Lun) on Vasubandhu's
795 [3248-0] Tr. with Annot. & Introd. Alex Wayman LANGUAGE, HISTORY AND Trimsika by Xuanzang) Tr. from Chi-
768 *The Buddhist Studies 600 [1653-4] (In Press) CULTURE (2 Vols.) nese into French & Annot. by Louis
Legacy of Gadjin M. Nagao 780 The Chinese Madhyama Agama Ernst Steinkellner & Helmut Tauscher
995 (Set) [1039-6] De La Vallee Poussion Eng. Tr.
(Wisdom Compassion and and the Pali Majjhima Nikaya
the Search for Understanding) A Comparative Study Gelong Lodro Sangpo & Gelongma
792 *The Dalai Lama
Ed. Jonathan A. Silk Bhiksu Thich Minh Chau A Policy of Kindness Migme Chodron. with the assistance
595 [3285-5] 495 [0794-5] (An Anthology of writings by of Alexander Leonard Mayer.
769 Buddhist Suttas (SBE Vol. 11) 781 Chinese Monks in India and about the Dalai Lama) [ISBN: 978-81-208-4067-6] (Set) (F/C)
T.W. Rhys Davids Latika Lahiri Comp. & Ed. Sidney Piburn
400 395 [0062-5] 195 [1512-4] Vol.III: Studies on Abhidharma,
770 The Buddhist Tantras 782 Chinnamasta 793 Dana Yogacara, and Madhyamaka. Trans-
Light on Indo-Tibetan Esotericism The Aweful Buddhist and Giving and Getting in Pali Buddhism lators: Gelong Lodr Sangpo and
Alex Wayman Hindu Tantric Goddess Ellison Banks Findly Gelongma Migme Chdrn; Preface:
495 [0699-3](C); 395 [2700-4](P) Elisabeth Anne Benard (F/C) [1956-6]
550 [1065-5](C); 250 [1748-7](P) David Seyfort Ruegg.
771 *Buddhist Thought and Ritual 794 The Debate of King Milinda
David J. Kalupahana
783 *Clear Light of Bliss An Abridgement of the Milinda Panha Vol.IV: Studies on Tantra, Vinaya,
The Practice of Mahamudra Bhikkhu Pesala
295 [1773-9] in Vajrayana Buddhism
Hastings articles, Buddhist Notes.
595 [0893-5]
772 Buddhist Wisdom Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Translators: Gelong Lodr Sangpo
The Mystery of the Self 250 [1666-4] 795 Dhammapada and the Suttanipata and Gelongma Migme Chdrn; Pref-
(SBE Vol. 10)
George Grimm, Tr. Carroll Aikins, 784 Collected Papers on Buddhist Studies Trs. F. Max Muller & V. Fausball
ace: David Seyfort Ruegg .
Ed. M.Keller Grimm Ed. P.S. Jaini 400
150 [3291-6] 995 [1776-0] Vol.V: Miscellaneous Works. Trans-
796 Dharmakirtis Theory of lators: Gelong Lodr Sangpo and
773 Calming the Mind and 785 Collected Papers on the Hetu-Centricity of Anumana
Discerning the Real Tathagatagarbha Doctrine
Mangala R. Chinchore
Gelongma Migme Chdrn; Preface:
Tr. Alex Wayman Jikido Takasaki David Seyfort Ruegg.
(F/C) [0623-8]
550 [0648-1] 1100 [3944-1]
42 43
797 The Dialectical Method of Nagarjuna 810 Elements of Tibetan Buddhism 822 *The Essential Teachings 835 Gatakamala
Vigrahavyavartani (Text, Eng Tr.) Richard E. Farkas of the Buddha Garland of Birth Stories
Tr. K. Bhattacharya (In Press) 495 Sangarakshita of Arya Sura (Eng. Tr.)
350 [0176-9](C); 250 [0215-5](P) 811 *Emptiness Appraised 225 [270-7] Tr. J.S. Speyer
798 *DIALOGUES OF THE BUDDHA (3 Pts.) A Critical Study of (F/C) [0707-5]
823 *Ethics in Early Buddhism
Tr. from the Pali of the Digha Nikaya Nagarjuna's Philosophy David J. Kalupahana 836 Gathering the Meanings
T.W. Rhys Davids & C.A.F. Rhys Davids David F. Burton 350 [3280-0] The Compendium of Categories
2500 (C), [1668-8] (C) (Set) (In Press) 395 [1814-9] (The Arthaviniscaya Sutra and its
824 An Evaluation of the Vedantic Commentary Nibandhana)
799 The Diamond Isle 812 *The Emptiness of Emptiness Critique of Buddhism
(A Catalogue of Buddhist Writings in An Introduction to Early Tr. From the Skt. With an
Gregory Joseph Darling Introd. & Notes N.H. Samtani
the Library of Ogyen Choling, Bhutan) Indian Madhyamika
495 [0363-3] $ 25
Samtan G. Karmey C.W. Hutington, Jr. with
1600 Geshe Namgyal Wangchen 825 Facets of Buddhism 837 *Gender, Identity and
795 [0814-0] (In Press) Shotaro Ilda Tibetan Buddhism
800 Dictionary of Buddhism 295 [0693-1]
813 *Emptiness Yoga June Campbell
of Soka Gakkai
The Tibetan Middle Way 826 The Far Shore 295 [1782-1]
1450 [3334-0] (In Press)
Jeffery Hopkins, Ed. Joe B. Wilson Vipassana, The Practice of Insight 838 The Genesis of an Orientalist
801 Discipline (F/C) [1516-2] Mitchell Ginsberg Thomas William Rhys Davids
The Canonical Buddhism 275 [1348-9]
814 Engaged Buddhism and Buddhism in Sri Lanka
of the Vinayapitaka
The Dalai Lamas Worldview 827 The First and Best A. Wickremeratne
John C. Holt
Bharati Puri Buddhist Teachings 250 [2361-7]
495 [1051-8]
310 Sutta Nipata Selections 839 *The Glorious Deeds of Purna
802 Divinity Secularized and Inspired Essays
815 Engaging Buddhism A Translation and Study
An Inquiry into the Nature Susunaga Weeraperuma
Why It Matters to Philosophy of the Purnavadana
and Form of the Songs 250 [257-4] Joel Tatelman
P.K. Sorensen Jay L. Garfield
895 295 [1807-1]
2100 828 Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King
816 The Enlightenment of Vairocana (SBE Vol. 19) 840 Gods Own Death
803 Doctrine of the Buddha Raj Kotwal
Book I: Study of the Vairocanabhisam- Samuel Beal
The Religion of Reason & Meditation 499
bodhitantra, Book II: Study of the 400
George Grimm, Eds. M.Keller
Grimm & Max Hoppe Mahavairocana-Sutra 829 The Foundation of Buddhism *Healing Anger
1495 [1194-2] Alex Wayman & R. Tajima Rupert Gethin The Power of Patience from
(F/C) [0640-5] 895 a Buddhist Perspective
804 Early Buddhism and Christianity Dalai Lama, Tr. Geshe Thupten Jinpa
A Comparative Study of 817 *Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra 830 *Four Lamas of Dolpo
Including Seven initiation Rituals and 195 [1515-5]
the Founders Authority, the Tibetan Biographies
the Six Yogas of Naropa in Tsong-Kha- Ed. & Tr. David L. Snellgrove 842 *The Healing Power of Compassion
Community and the Discipline
Pas Commentary The Essence of Buddhist Acts
Chai-Shin Yu 395
Tr. Chang Chen Chi, Ed. C.A. Muses Comp. & Ed. Pamela Bloom
700 [0050-2] (In Press) 831 Fragments from Dinnaga
400 [3639-6] (In Press) 150 [227-2]
805 Early Buddhism and the Bhagavadgita H.N. Randle
818 Essays in Buddhist Theology 843 *Healing with Form, Energy and Light
K.N. Upadhyaya 150 [2980-0]
Musashi Tachikawa The Five Elements in Tibetan,
695 [0880-5]
500 [3540-5] 832 Freeing the Buddha Shamanism, Tantra and Dzogchen
806 Early Buddhist Philosophy in Diversity on a Sacred Path-Large Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche,
819 The Essence of Scholasticism
the Light of the Four Noble Truths Abhidharmahrdaya TI550. (Rev. Ed. Scale Concerns (A course on Ed. Mark Dahlby
Alfonso Verdu with a Completely new introduction) major aspects of Buddhism plus a 200 [101-2]
495 [0001-4] (In Press) Charles Willemen dangerous collection of essays (Pt. I)
844 *Heart Jewel
807 Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge 595 [3094-3] Brian Ruhe
A Commentary to the Essential
K.N. Jayatilleke 595 [1835-4]
820 *Essence of Vajrayana Practice of the New Kadampa
795 [0619-1] The Highest Yoga Tantra Practice 833 *The Gandhari Dharmapada Tradition of Mahayana Buddhism
808 Early Madhyamika in India and China of Heruka Body Mandala Ed. with an Introd. & Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Richard H. Robinson Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Comm. John Brough 195 [1870-5]
(F/C) [2654-0] (F/C) [1729-6] (F/C) [1740-1] 845 *Heart of Wisdom
809 Ecstatic Spontaneity 821 Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy 834 A Garland of Light The Essential Wisdom
Sarahas Three Cycles of Doha Junjiro Takakusu Eds. Wing-Tsit Kambalas Alokamala Teachings of Buddha
Herbert Guenther Chan & Charles A. Moore Tr. Christian Lindtner Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
$ 30 600 [1592-6] $ 60 225 [1728-9]

44 45
846 Heaven and Hell in 859 *Indian Monastic Buddhism 871 *The Land of Bliss 883 Love and Sympathy in
Buddhist Perspective Collected Papers on Textual, Inscrip- The Paradise of the Buddha of Theravada Buddhism
Bimala Charan Law tional and Archaeological Evidence Measureless Light (Skt. & Chinese Harvey B. Aronson
195 [25-7] Gregory Schopen Versions of the Sukhavativyuha Sutras) 195 [1403-5](P)
995 [3411-8] Introd. & Eng. Tr. Luis O. Gomez 884 THE MADHYAMAKASASTRAM
847 Hermeneutics and Tradition in
595 [1813-2] OF NAGARJUNA (2 Vols.)
the Samadhinirmocana-Sutra 860 An Introduction to Buddhism
John Powers Teaching, History and Practices 872 The Lankavatara Sutra Text in Skt. & Comm. restored
295 [1926-9] Peter Harvey A Mahayana Text (Tr. for the first from Tibetan Texts
695 time from the original Sanskrit) Ed. Raghunath Pandeya.
848 High Religion Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (Vol. I) (F/C), [0554-5]
A Cultural and Political History 861 An Introduction to Buddhist Esoterism 495 [3389-0] (Vol. II) 695, [0555-2]
of Sherpa Buddhism Benoytosh Bhattacharyya
873 *Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom 885 Madhyamaka Schools in India
Sherry B. Ortner 395 [0625-2]
Edward Conze Peter Della Santina
445 [0949-9](C); 245 [3553-5](P) 862 An Introduction to 395 [0153-0]
(F/C) [0752-5]
849 The Historical Buddha Madhyamaka Philosophy 886 The Madhyamika Mind
The Times, Life and Teachings Jaideva Singh 874 *The Legend and Cult of Upagupta
Harsh Narain
of the Founder of Buddhism 145 [0326-8] Sanskrit Buddhism in North India
250 [1202-4]
H.W. Schumann Tr. from the and Southeast Asia
863 Introduction to the John S. Strong 887 Madhyanta-Vibhaga-Sastra
German M.O'c Walshe Buddhist Tantric Systems R.C. Pandeya
(F/C) [1154-6]
695 [1817-0] With Original Text & Annot. 450 [0733-4]
F.D. Lessing & Alex Wayman 875 *The Legend of King Asoka
850 The History of the Buddhas 888 *Magic and Mysticism in Tibet
595 [0834-8] A Study and Translation of Asokavadana
Religion (Sasanavamsa) J.H. Brennan
John S. Strong
Tr. Bimla Churan Law 864 Introduction to the (O/S) [359-9]
545 [0616-0]
400 [3954-0] (In Press) Philosophy of Nagarjuna 889 *Magic and Ritual in Tibet
Musashi Tachikawa, Tr. Rolf W. Giebel 876 The Life of Buddha The Cult of Tara
851 *A History of Buddhist Philosophy As Legend and History
Continuties and Discontinuties (F/C) [1466-0] Stephen Beyer
Edward J. Thomas 495 [0489-0]
David J. Kalupahana 865 *THE JATAKA STORIES OF THE 495 [0984-0]
695 [1191-1] BUDDHAS FORMER BIRTHS 890 The Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya
(6 Vols. in 3 Pts.) 877 *The Life of Buddhism Ryojun Sato
852 *A History of Indian Buddhism Eds. Frank E. Reynolds &
Ed. E.B. Cowell, Tr. Robert 400 [4025-6](P)
From Sakyamuni to Early Mahayana Jason A. Carbine
Hirakawa Akira, Tr. & Ed. Paul Groner Chalmers & others 891 *Mahamudra
4000 (Set) [0725-9] 595 [2007-4] (C); 395 [2042-5] (P)
800 [0955-0] (In Press) The Moonlight Quintessence of Mind
866 *The Jewel Ornament of Liberation 878 The Light of Asia or and Meditation (2nd Rev. Ed.)
853 The Holy Madmen of Tibet the Great Renunciation Dakpo Tashi Namgyal, Tr. &
David M. Divalerio The Wish Fulfilling Gem
(Mahabhinishkramana) Being the Life Annot. Lobsang P. Lhalungpa
1495 of the Noble Teachings
and Teaching of Gautama Buddha 995 [1064-8] (C); 795 [1074-7] (P)
Je Gampopa, Comm. by
854 The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti Edwin Arnold
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche 892 Mahayana Buddhism
Robert A.F. Turman 500 [3681-5]
700 [3698-3] Nalinaksha Dutt
(F/C) [0874-4] 879 The Lions Roar of Queen Srimala (F/C)
867 *Jnanagarbha on the Two Truths
855 *Imaging Wisdom Alex Wayman & Hideko Wayman
An Eight Century Handbook 893 *Mahayana Buddhist Meditation
Seeing and Knowing in 295 [0731-0]
of Madhyamaka Philosophy Theory and Practice
the Art of Indian Buddhism Malcolm David Eckel 880 *The Literature of the Ed. Minoru Kiyota
Jacob N. Kinnard 295 [0778-5] Personalists of Early Buddhism 595 [0760-0]
195 [1793-7] Eng. Tr. by Sara Boin Webb
868 *Joyful Path of Good Fortune 894 Manual of Indian Buddhism
Bhikshu Thich Thien Chau
856 Indian Buddhism The Stages of Path to Enlightenment H. Kern
495 [1622-0]
A.K. Warder Geshe Kelsang Gyatso 295 [0457-9]
995 [0818-8] (C); 695 [1741-8] (P) 395 [1667-1] *Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully
895 Materials for the Study of Aryadeva,
The Profound Practice of
857 Indian Buddhism 869 *Kindness Clarity and Insight Dharmapala and Candrakirti
Transference of Consciousness
A Survey with Bibliographical Notes Tenzin Gyatso, Tr. & Ed. Jeffrey Hopkins The Catuhsataka of Aryadeva,
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Hajime Nakamura 295 [1513-1] Chapters XII & XIII, with the
250 [058-X]
1395 [0272-8] (In Press) Commentaries of Dharmapala and
870 Knowledge and Reality 882 *The Lost Teachings of Lama Govinda Candrakirti: Introduction, Translations,
858 *Indian Esoteric Buddhism A Comparative Study of Divine Living Wisdom from a Notes Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese
A Social History of the Tantric Movement and Some Buddhist Logicians Modern Tibetan Master Text, Indexes (2 Vols. in one)
Ronald M. Davidson Kaisa Puhakka Richard Power Tom J. F. Tillemans
495 [1991-7] 195 [1174-4] 225 [336-0] 1350 [3112-4)
46 47
896 *Meaningful to Behold 908 *Mulamadhyamakakarika 918 The Notion of Emptiness 930 Philosophy and its Development
The Bodhisattvas Way of Life of Nagarjuna in Early Buddhism in the Nikayas and Abdhidhamma
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso The Philosophy of the Middle Way Choong Mun-Keat Fumimaro Watanabe
295 [1727-2] David J. Kalupahana 195 [1649-7] 600 [1181-2] (In Press)
897 Meditation Differently 645 [0774-7] 919 *Ocean of Nectar 931 Philosophy and Psychology
Phenomenological-Psychological *Mystical Verses of a Dalai Lama Wisdom and Compassion in the Abhidharma
Aspects of Tibetan Buddhist Glenn H. Mullin in Mahayana Buddhism Herbert V. Guenther
(Mahamudra and SNying-thig) 175 [117-9] Geshe Kelsang Gyatso 495 [0773-0]
Practices from Original Tibetan Sources 695 [1730-2]
Herbert V. Guenther 910 *Nagarjuna in Context 932 Philosophy in the
350 [0870-6] Mahayana Buddhism and 920 *On Knowing Reality Samadhirajasutra
Early Indian Culture The Tattvartha Chapter of Konstanty Regamey
898 *Meeting the Buddhas Asangas Bodhisattva Bhumi
A Guide To Buddhas, Joseph Walser 250 [0763-1]
495 [3260-2] J.D. Wills
Bodhisattvas and Tantric Deities 933 The Philosophy of Buddhism
295 [1106-5]
Vessantara 911 Nagarjuniana Erich Frauwallner, Tr. Gelong Lodro
495 [2946-6] Studies in the Writings and 921 On Voidness Sangpo, with the assistance of
899 *Meeting the Great Bliss Queen Philosophy of Nagarjuna A Study of Buddhist Nihilism Jigme Sheldron, under the
Buddhist, Feminists and Chr. Lindtner Fernando Tola & Carmen Dragonetti supervision of Ernst Steinkellner
the Art of the self 550 [0288-9](C); 350 [0395-4](P) (F/C) [1061-7] 795 [3481-1]
Anne Carolyn Klein 912 Nagarjunas Letter to 922 Otto Ottonovich Rosenberg Practical Buddhism
495 [3404-0](C); 295 [3407-1] (P) King Gautamiputra and his contribution to Living Everyday Life
900 Memorial Sylvain Levy with Explanatory Notes Based on Buddhology in Russia Kenneth Liberman
1595 [1343-4] Tibetan Commentaries and a Eds. K. Kollmar-Paulenz & J.S. Barlow 800 [4024-9]
Preface by his Holiness Sakya Trizin 600
901 A Metaphorical Study 935 The Pramanavarttikam
of Saundarananda Tr. into Eng. from the Tibetan by 923 *Pain and its Ending of Acarya Dharmakirti
Linda Covill Lozang Jamspal, Ngawang Samten The Four Noble Truths in the With the commentaries Svopajnavrtti of
595 [3367-8] Chophel & Peter Della Santina Theravada Buddhist Canon the author and Prama-navarttikavrtti of
350 [1375-5] Carol S. Anderson Manorathanandin
902 *The Middle Way
A Commentary on Santaraksitas 913 Nagarjunas Philosophy 295 [1806-4] Ed. Ram Chandra Pandeya
Madhyamakalamkara K. Venkata Ramanan 924 The Panchem Lamas Debate Between 695 [0546-0]
Mipham Jamyang Namgyal Gyatso, 745 [0159-2](C); 445 [0214-8](P) Wisdom and the Reifying Habit by 936 Questions of King Milinda
Tr. Thomas H. Doctor Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen
914 Nagarjunas Refutation of Logic (SBE Vols. 35, 36)
1495 [3413-2] Tr. Kenneth Liberman
(Nyaya) Vaidalyaprakarana T.W. Rhys Davids
903 A Millennium of Buddhist Logic Edition of the Tibetan Text, Eng. 800 [3951-9] 800
Alex Wayman Tr. Comm. with Introd., & Notes 925 The Path of Serenity and Insight
(F/C) [1646-6] 937 Rationality and Mind
Fernando Tola & Carmen Dragonetti An Explanation of Buddhist Jhanas in Early Buddhism
904 *Mind Only 395 [0920-8] Henepola Gunaratna Frank J. Hoffman
A Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis 915 Naked Seeing 525 [0871-3](C); 325 [1236-9](P) 295 [0211-7] (C); 195 [1927-6](P)
of the Vijnanavada The Great Perfection, the Wheel 926 Path of the Buddha
Thomas E. Wood 938 *Reflections on Reality
of Time and Visionary Buddhism Buddhism Interpreted by Buddhists
495 [1239-0] The Three Natures and Non-Natures
in Renaissance Tibet Ed. Kenneth W. Morgan
in the Mind only School
905 *Mipam on Buddha-Nature Christopher Hatchell (F/C) [0030-4]
Jeffrey Hopkins
The Ground of the Nyingma Tradition 1395 *The Path to Awakening 695 [2610-6]
Douglas S. Duckworth
800 [3605-1] Nirvana A Commentary on Ja Chekawa Yeshe
939 *The Reflexive Nature of Awareness
The Highest Happiness Dorjes Seven Points of Mind Training
906 *Monks and Magicians A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence
Meditations on Buddhist Issues Shamar Rinpoche,
Religious Biographies in Asia Paul Williams
Susunaga Weeraperuma Ed. & Tr. Lara Braitstein (In Press)
Eds. Phyllis Granoff 495 [1714-2]
195 [266-3] 350 [3440-8](C); 250 [3450-7] (P)
& Koichi Shinohara 940 Relics of the Buddha
395 [1186-7] 917 Northern Frontiers of Buddhism 928 *The Path to Enlightenment
John S. Strong
Buddhist Heritage of Afghanistan, Dalai Lama, Ed. & Tr. Glenn H. Mullin
907 Monk, Householder and Tantric Priest 595 [3139-1]
Uzbekistan, Kalmykla, Tibet, China, 295 [1514-8]
Newar Buddhism and The Religion of Tibet
its Hierarchy of Ritual Mongolia and Siberia 929 Perennial Questions
Benoy Behl George Grimm Charles Bell
David N. Gellner
2200 [3813-0] 150 [2100-2] 495 [1069-3](C); 295 [1050-1](P)
48 49
942 *The Religions of Tibet 953 The Salistamba Sutra 964 *The Speech of Gold
Giuseppe Tucci, Tr. from the German & Tibetan Original Sanskrit Reason and Enlightenment in
Italian by Geoffrey Samuel New Age Reconstruction, English
Translation Critical Notes (Including
the Tibetan Buddhism
400 [360-5] Robert A.F. Thurman
943 Researches in Indian and and Pali Parallels, Chinese Version and
Ancient Tibetan Fragments)
(F/C) [0451-7]
Buddhist Philosophy 965 Splendor of Tibet
Volume in Honour of Prof. Alex Wayman Buddhism Series N. Ross Reat
(F/C) [1135-5]
The Potala Palace
Ram Karan Sharma Ed. Phuntsok Namgyal
450 [0994-9] Editor : Hari Shankar Prasad 954 SAMYUKTABHIDHARMAHRDAYA 2200
944 *The Resonance of Emptiness (3 Pts.) Heart of Scholasticism with
Miscellaneous Additions 966 Studies in the Astasahasrika
A Buddhist Inspiration for a The Series aims to fulfil the Prjnaparamita and Other Essays
contemporary Psychotherapy Bart Dessein
Linnart Mall
Gay Watson global demand of readers, 2995 (Set) [1583-4]
295 [2747-9]
295 [1808-8] general public as well as students 955 Sarvadurgati Parishodhana Tantra
(Skt. and Tibetan Text Romanised 967 Studies in the Buddhistic
945 Rethinking the Buddha and teachers, who are desirous Culture of India
Early Buddhist Philosophy with Eng. Tr. Introd. Notes etc.)
of knowing about Buddhism as a Tadeusz Skorupski L.M. Joshi
as Meditative Perception 1200 [0281-0] (In Press)
Eviatar Shulman wholeits literature, history, art, (F/C) [2296-2]
395 culture, psychology, religion, 956 The Selfs Awareness of Itself 968 Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra
Bhatta Ramakanthass Arguments One of the Most Important Texts of
946 The Revival of Buddhist ethics, philosophy, meditative against of Buddhist Doctrine of No-Self Mahayana Buddhism in Which Almost
Pilgrimage at Bodh Gaya
1811-1949 (Anagarika Dharmapala
techniques, liberal thought, and A. Watson all Its Princi-pal Tenets are Presented,
= 43
C Including the Teaching of Zen
and the Mahabodhi Temple) above all its social engagement
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Alan Trevithick to address contemporary 957 Serenity Here and Now
(F/C) [1656-5]
395 [3107-0] The Buddhas Sutta-Nipata Sermons
challenges. Buddhism is today Susunaga Weeraperuma 969 Studies in the Origins of Buddhism
947 Rise of the Esoteric
Buddhism in Tibet known as an ethicized religion, 350 [333-9] G.C. Pandey
which even in its encounter with 1200 [1016-7]
Eva Dargyay 958 Seven Works of Vasubandhu
(F/C) [1577-3](C), [1579-7](P) other world cultures has always The Buddhist Psychological Doctor 970 *Studies in the Philosophy of
948 The Romantic Legend Stefan Anacker the Bodhicaryavatara
been peacefully respectful and 1000 [0203-2] Altruism and Reality
of Sakya Buddha
Samuel Beal tolerant. The present series 959 *Shaman of Tibet Paul Williams
(F/C) [2519-2] confines itself to secondary Milarepa from Anger to 495 [1716-6]
Enlightenment 1040-1143 A.D. 971 Studies on the Doctrine of Trairupya
949 RULES FOR NUNS ACCORDING Buddhist literature written in Winged Wolf
English only for publication. (F/C) [1414-1] 1300
(3 Pts.) The Discipline in Four Parts
Ann Heirman 960 Siksa Samuccaya 972 A Study on the Ratnagotravibhaga
2500 (Set) [1800-2] Along The Buddhist Path : The A Compendium of Buddhist Doctrine (Uttaratantra) Being a Treatise on
950 *Sacred Biography in Meditators Companion to the Sacred Comp. by Santideva, Trs. the Tathagatagarbha Theory of
Cecil Bendall & W.H.D. Rouse Mahayana Buddhism
the Buddhist Traditions of Sites in India & Nepal KORY 595 [0732-7] (C); 395 [1633-6] (P)
South and Southeast Asia Jikido Takasaki
Ed. Juliane Schober
GOLDBERG & MICHELLE DECARY 961 *Skillful Means 695 [3642-6]
495 [1812-5] [978-81-7822-471-8] 600 The Heart of Buddhist Compassion 973 *Sudden and Gradual
951 Saddharmapundarika John W. Schroeder Approaches to Enlightenment
Socially Engaged Buddhism 395 [1999-3] (C), 295 [2002-9](P)
(SBE Vol. 21) in Chinese Thought
Tr. H. Kern SALLIE B. KING (F/C) The Skill in Means Ed. Peter N. Gregory
400 (Upayakausalya) Sutra (F/C) [0819-5]
Uncompromising Truth for a Tr. Mark Tatz
952 Sadhanasataka and Compromised World: Tibetan 974 *Suramgamasamadhisutra
350 [0915-4] (In Press)
Sadhanasatapancasika The Concentration of Heroic Progress
Two Buddhist Sadhana Buddhism and Todays World 963 *Speaking of Monks From (An Early Mahayana Buddhist Scripture)
Collections in Sanskrit Manuscripts SAMDHONG RINPOCHE. Benares to Beijing Tr.& Annot. Etienne Lamotte,
Gudrun Buhnemann Koichi Shinohara & Phyllis Granoff Eng. Tr. Sara Boin Webb
[978-81-7822-388-9] (F/C) 395 [235-3] 495 [1931-3]

50 * For Sale in South Asia Only 51

975 *A Survey of Buddhism *Tibetan Buddhism BUDDHIST TRADITION SERIES
Its Doctrines and Methods An Introduction Gen. Ed. ERNST STEINKELLNER, Joint Gen. Ed. ALEXANDER VON ROSPATT,
Through the Ages Sangharakshita Founder Ed. Late ALEX WAYMAN [ISBN: 978-81-208-0287-2]
Sangharaksita 175 [271-4]
695 [2949-7] 1 Indian BuddhismHajime Nakamura 2 9 Early Buddhist Theory of KnowledgeK.N.
988 *Tibetan Buddhism [0272-8] 1395 Jayatilleke [0619-1] 795
976 *A Survey of Buddhist Thought and Modern Physics 2 NagarjunianaChr. Lindtner 3 0 Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real
Alfred Scheepers A Quantum Mechanical [0288-9] (C) 550 [0395-4] (P) 350 Tr. Alex Wayman [0648-1] 550
395 [3344-9] Challenge to Tibetan Buddhism 3 Chinese Monks in IndiaLatika Lahiri 3 1 A Comparative Study of the PratimokshaW.
[0062-5] 395 Pachow [1572-8] 395
977 *The Symbolism of the Stupa Vic Mansfield 3 2 Rise of the Esoteric Buddhism in the Tibet
295 [376-6] 4 Buddhism in Central AsiaB.N. Puri
Adrian Snodgrass [0372-5] 795
Eva M. Dargyay
995 [0781-5] 989 The Tibetan Corpse Stories [1577-3] (C) (F/C) [1579-7] (P) (F/C)
5 Dharmakrtis Theory of Hetu-Centricity of
by Acharya Nagarjuna and 33-35 Sayuktbhidharmahdaya (3 Parts) Bart
978 Taming the Monkey Mind AnumnaMangala R. Chinchore
Dessein [1583-4] (Set) 2995
Thubten Chodron King Gautami Putra [0623-8] (F/C) 3 6 A Millennium of Buddhist Logic (Pt. I)Alex
Tr. Ryoshun Kajihama 6 The Legend of King AokaJohn S. Strong Wayman [1646-6] (F/C)
495 [0616-0] 495
600 [3631-0] 3 7 The Buddhist PilgrimageDuncan Forbes
979 Taranathas History of 7 Buddhist InsightGeorge R. Elder [1650-3] 495
Buddhism in India 990 Tibetan Religious Dances [0675-7] (F/C) 3 8 Chanting the Name of MajurAlex Wayman
Alaka Chattopadhyaya, Rene De Nebesky Wojkowitz, 8 Buddhism TransformedRichard Gombrich and [1653-4] 600
Ed. Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya Ed. Christoph Von Furer Haimendorf Gananath Obeyesekere [0702-0] 1000 3 9 The Literature of the Personalists of Early
545 9 The Buddhist TantrasAlex Wayman BuddhismBhikshu Thich Thien Chau
695 [0696-2](C); 495 [3470-5](P) [0699-3] (C) 495, [2700-4] (P) 395 [1622-0] 495
980 THE TATTVA SANGRAHA 991 *Tibetan Renaissance 1 0 The Lions Roar of Queen rmlAlex 4 0 The Lakvatra Sutra D.T. Suzuki
OF SANTARAKSITA (2 Vols.) Tantric Buddhism in the Wayman and Hideko Wayman [0731-0] 295 [3389-0] (P) 495
with comm. of Kamalasila Rebirth of Tibetan Culture 1 1 The Buddha NatureBrian E. Brown 4 1 Studies in the Lakvatra S u tra
Tr. Ganganath Jha Ronald M. Davidson [0631-3] 595 D.T. Suzuki [1656-5] (F/C)
795 [3278-7] 1 2 Evolution of Stupas in BurmaSujata Soni 4 2 The Vimalakrti SutraBurton Watson
2000 [0058-8] (Set) [1672-5] 395
[0626-9] (F/C)
981 *Teachings of Vimalakirti 992 *Tibetan Treasure Literature 1 3 Buddhist ParablesEugene Watson Burlingame 4 3 The Gndhr DharmapadaJohn Brough
Demonstration Through Revelation, Tradition and [0738-9] 895 [1740-1] (F/C)
Accomplishment in Visionary Buddhism 1 4 The Debate of King MilindaBhikku Pesala 4 4 Imaging WisdomJacob N. Kinnard
Magic and Miracles [1793-7] 195
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195 [269-8] [1806-4] 295
Pli Majjhima NikyaBhiksu Thich Minh
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295 [252-3] 47-49 Rules for Nuns according to the
With Special Reference to the Modern [0819-5] (F/C)
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995 Treasury of Good Sayings 1 9 A History of Indian BuddhismTr. Hirakawa from the German M.Oc Walshe
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400 [0842-3]
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[1065-5](C) 550; [1748-7](P) 250 [1999-3] (C) 395, [2002-9] (P) 295
Told & Illus by Yeshi Dorjee, (Tr. from the Chinese by the Buddhist
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Felicitation Volume Tibetan Buddhism and Todays World [1181-2] 600 Tr. by Raynold Pre-vereau [3559-7] 650
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1800 [2468-3] [1321-2] 595 [4073-7] (F/C)
(F/C) [388-9]

52 53
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The Buddhist Vision
Selected Essays
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R.F. Young & G.P.V. Somaratna Kathryn R. Blackstone 8. Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics (Vol. II)
= 29
C (F/C) [1715-9] V.M. Kulkarni [4049-2] 950
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Wonhyos Exposition I.B. Horner
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495 [1479-0](P)
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1200 2395 (Set)[3299-2] 23. Prakrit Vyakaran PraveshikaS.R. Banerjee (Reprint) [4060-7] 50
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Jainism 25. Prakrit Path Chayanika (Advance Course) [4062-1] 100
All Sects: Texts, Translations, Studies 26. Prerna Ke Paavanmurti Sadhvishree Mrigawatiji ka Jivan Charit
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1350 [3600-6]
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850 [1485-1]
thoughtEd. G.C. Tripathi & Ashok Kumar Singh [4059-1] (F/C)

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550 [0036-6]
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295 [1760-9]
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ISBN: 978-81-208-1349-6 325 W. Schubring
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Eng. by B.S. Dahiya From the mid-nineteenth to the Vol. XIII: The Architecture of Knowledge: Quantum 250 [2461-4]
3000 (Set) [1993-1] end of the twentieth cenury Mechanics, Neuro Science Computers and
Eds., Chahyar Adle, Madhavan Consciousness Subhash Kak 375 1289 Jainism in Early
1276 History of Indological Studies K. Palat & Anara Tabyshalieva
Vol. XIV: Karnataka Music as Aesthetic Form
Medieval Karnatak
Ed. Klaus Karttunen R. Sathyanarayana 330
[ISBN: 978-81-208-3354-8] Vol. XV: Indian Philosophy and Philosophy of Science R.B.P. Singh
1000 [3994-6] [F/C] Sundar Sarukkai 450 295 [3323-4]

68 69
1290 JURIDICAL STUDIES IN 1304 Position of Women in 1317 *Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women 1326 Studies in the Religious Life of
ANCIENT INDIAN LAW (2 Vols.) Hindu Civilization Julia Leslie Ancient and Medieval India
L. Sternbach A.S. Altekar 595 [1036-5] D.C. Sircar
(F/C) (Set) [1325-0] 695 [0324-4] (C); 375 [0325-1](P) 1318 Science, Culture and Man 495 [2790-5]
1291 Kangra Valley Positive Sciences of Ancient Hindus Bepin Behari 1327 Sudras in Ancient India
My Spiritual Journey Brajendranath Seal 100 [2593-2] R.S. Sharma
Rinchen Wangchuk 595 [0925-3] 1319 Shahanshah 545 [0873-7] (In Press)
2200 [453-4] 1306 *The Presence of Siva The Study of Monarchy of Iran
1328 *Through A Feudal Window
Stella Kramrisch E. Burke Inlow
1292 Kingdom of Ahmadnagar 595 [2292-4] Chronicles of a Rajput Clan
Radhey Shyam 1295 [0491-3] Indrajit Singh Rathore
(F/C) [2651-9] 1307 Priesthood in Ancient India 1320 Some Early Dynasties of South India 800 [466-4]
S. Chattopadhyaya
1293 Kingship in Northern India A Study of the Maitravaruna Preist 1329 Tibet Past and Present
395 [2941-1]
R.C.P. Singh Christopher Z. Minkowski Charles Bell
= 26
C 1321 *Sources for the History of Bhutan
250 [1263-5] 295 [1067-9](C); 195 [1048-8](P)
Michael Aris
1294 Literary and Historical 1308 RAJATARANGINI BY 595 [3409-5] 1330 Vakataka Gupta Age
Studies in Indology KALHANA (3 Vols.) R.C. Majumdar & A.S. Altekar
A Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir 1322 South Asian Texts in History
V.V. Mirashi Critical Engagements 595 [0026-7](C), 395 [0043-4](P)
Text, Eng. Tr. M.A. Stein
495 [0417-3] with Sheldon Pollock
Vol. I & II 1995 [0370-1] 1331 The Veda and Indian Culture
1295 Logic in Earliest Classical India (Vol. III) 350 [0371-8] Eds. Yigal Bronner & Others An Introductory Essay
Ed. Brendan S. Gillon 1750 Kireet Joshi
1309 *Recent Research on Ladakh 4 & 5
750 [3449-1] 1323 Studies in Mughal History 150 [0889-8]
Proceedings of the Fourth and Fifth
Ashvini Agrawal
1296 Maharana Raj Singh and His Times International Colloquia on Ladakh 1332 Voices of the Indian Diaspora
(F/C) [2326-6]
Sri Ram Sharma Eds. Henry Osmaston & Philip Denwood Anand Mulloo
100 [2398-3] 425 [1404-2] 1324 Studies in the Geography 395 [3197-1]
of Ancient and Medieval India
1297 Malwa Through the Ages 1310 *Recent Research on Ladakh 6 D.C. Sircar 1333 War in Ancient India
K.C. Jain Proceedings of the sixth International (F/C) [0690-0] V.R. Ramchandra Dikshitar
795 [0824-9] Colloquium on Ladakh Leh 1993 (F/C) [0382-4]
Henry Osmaston & Nowang Tsering 1325 Studies in the Political and
1298 Megasthenes and Indian Religion Administrative Systems 1334 * Worshiping Siva in Medieval India
300 [1432-5]
Allan Dahlaquist in Ancient and Medieval India Ritual in an Oscillating Universe
395 [1323-6] 1311 Readings in Early Indian History D.C. Sircar Richard H. Davis
Romila Thapar 695 [1250-5] 495 [1747-0]
1299 Men and Thought in Ancient India
Radhakumud Mookerji
250 [1171-3] 1312 The Religion of Tibet
Polity, Economics and Sociology
Charles Bell
1300 Migrant Brahmanas in Northern India 495 [1069-3](C); 295 [1050-1](P)
Their Settlement and General 1335 Aspects of Indian Society and 1339 Economic Life of Northern India
Impact (C.A.D. 475-1030) 1313 *Resistance and Reform in Tibet Economy in the Nineteenth Century Lallanji Gopal
Swati Datta Ed. Robert Barnett, V. Gautam 595 [0302-2]
495 [0067-0] Gen. Ed. Shirin Akiner 250 [0057-1]
495 [1371-7] 1340 Environmental Sanitation and
1301 *Order in Paradox 1336 Aspects of Political Ideas and Eradication of Scavenging in
Myth, Ritual and Exchange 1314 Rethinking Indias Past Institutions in Ancient India
among Nepals Tamang R.S. Sharma Ram Sharan Sharma
Bindeshwar Pathak
395 795 [0827-0](C); 495 [0898-0](P)
David H. Holmberg 650 [1380-9]
350 [1369-4] 1315 Rise and Fall of the Imperial Guptas 1337 Creating a Transparent Democracy
Ashvini Agrawal A New Model 1341 Faiths, Fairs & Festivals of India
1302 Peacock Throne C.H. Buck
395 [0592-7] Shamar Rinpoche
The Drama of Mogul India 175 [37-0]
150 [310-0]
Waldemar Hansen 1316 The Rise and Fall of
595 [0225-4] the Pahlavi Dynasty 1338 Dharam Sutras 1342 *Gender, Genre and Power in South
Memoirs of Former The Law Codes of Apastamba, Asian Expressive Traditions
1303 The People of Tibet Gautama Baudhayana and Vasistha Arjun Appadurai, Frank J. Korom &
General Hussein Fardust
Charles Bell Annot. Text & Tr. Patrick Olivelle Margaret A. Mills
Tr. & Annot. Ali Akbar Dareini
295 [1068-6](C); 195 [1049-5](P) 2495 [1739-5] (In Press) 595 [1178-2]
795 [1642-8]
70 71
1343 Grounds for Divorce in 1355 Political History of Ancient India Language and Linguistics
Hindu and English Law From the Accession of Parikshit to Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit and other Indian Languages : Grammar,
P.K. Virdi the Extinction of the Gupta Dynasty Philology, Phonetics, Semantics, Philosophy of Grammar
295 [2453-9] Hemchandra Raychaudhuri, with a
Commentary by B.N. Mukherjee 1381 A Grammar of the Prakrit Languages
1344 The Gupta Polity 1368 Apabhramsa Language and
695 R. Pischel, Tr. S. Jha
V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar Literature (A Short Introduction)
1356 Political and Social H.C. Bhayani (F/C) [1680-0]
(F/C) [1024-2]
Movements in Ancient Punjab 100 [4050-8] 1382 Grammar of Tibetan Language
1345 Hinduism and Law Buddha Prakash 1369 ASHTADHYAYI OF PANINI (2 Vols.) H.B. Hannah
An Introduction 150 [2458-4] Text, Eng. Tr. by S.C. Vasu (F/C) [0786-0](C), [0787-7](P)
Eds. Timothy Lubin, Donald R. Davis 1357 Political Institutions 3995 (Set) [0409-8] (In Press)
& Jayanth K. Krishnan 1383 A Higher Sanskrit Grammar
and Administration 1370 Aspects of Hindi Phonology Ed. M.R. Kale
895 P.B. Udgaonkar Manjari Ohala 495 [0177-6](C); 275 [0178-3](P)
1346 *The India China Border 395 [2087-6] 300 [2655-7]
1384 Hindi Morphology
A Reappraisal 1358 Polyandry in Ancient India 1371 *Astadhyayi of Panini A Word based Description
Gondker Narayana Rao Sarva Daman Singh Tr. Sumitra M. Katre Rajendra Singh & R.K. Agnihotri
750 [3454-5] 395 [0487-6] 2495 [0521-7] 395 [1446-2]
1347 India Under Nehru 1359 The Positive Background 1372 Bhartrhari 1385 Historical Grammar of Apabhramsa
S. Jagannarayanan of Hindu Sociology Language Thought and Reality Ganesh Vasudev Tagare
195 [2456-0] Benoy Kumar Sarkar (Proceedings of the International 495 [0290-2]
1295 [2664-9] Seminar, Delhi, Dec. 12-14, 2003)
1348 Indian Fire Ritual 1386 *Ideology and Status of Sanksrit
1360 Reflections on Finance, Ed. Mithilesh Chaturvedi
Musashi Tachikawa, Shrikant Contributions to the History of
Education and Society 1595 [3399-9]
Bahulkar & Madhavi Kolhatkar the Sanskrit Language
C.D. Deshmukh 1373 Bhartrhari Ed. Jan E.M. Houben
(F/C) [1781-4]
595 [2650-2] Philosopher and Grammarian 795 [3501-6]
1349 THE KAUTILIYA ARTHASASTRA (3 Pts.) 1361 Religion in India Eds. Saroja Bhate &
R.P. Kangle Johannes Bronkhorst 1387 Indian Grammars
Ed. T.N. Madan Philology and History
895 (Pt. I) [0039-7] 475 (F/C) [1198-0]
1495 (Pt. II) [0040-3] Eds. George Cardona &
1362 Road to Freedom 1374 A Course in Advanced Hindi Madhav M. Deshpande
895 (Pt. III) [0041-0] (2 Pts. in one)
A Sociological Study on the 750 [3555-9]
3000 (Set) [0042-7] Sheela Verma
Abolition of Scavenging in India 1388 Indian Linguistic Studies
1350 King, Governance and Bindeshwar Pathak 595 [1470-7](C) (In Press)
Festschrift in Honor of George Cardona
Law in Ancient India 395 [0704-4](C) 295 [1258-1](P) *Devavanipraveshika Eds. Madhav M. Deshpande
Kautilyas Arthasastra 1363 Sati An Introduction to the Sanskrit Language & Peter N. Hook
A New Annotaled Translation by Historical and Phenomenological Essays Robert P. Goldman & Sally J. Sutherland (F/C) [1885-9]
Patrick Olivelle Arvind Sharma 750 [3294-7](C); 500 [3375-3](P)
1389 Intermediate Hindi
1695 295 [0464-7](C); 195 [0561-3](P) 1376 Dravidian Studies Yamuna Kachru &
1351 A Lament 1364 Socio-Political Study of Selected Papers M.B. Emaneau Rajeshwari Pandharipande
the Valmiki Ramayana Introd. by Bh. Krishnamurti 450 [0558-3](C); 250 [0559-0](P)
Was Partition Inescapable?
Ramashraya Sharma 750 [0858-4]
V.N. Sekhri 1390 Introduction to Prakrit
350 [206-X] 595 [0078-6] 1377 Dravidian Theories Alfred C. Woolner
1365 The Spirit of Hindu Law R. Swaminatha Aiyer 395 [0188-2](C); 250 [0189-9](P)
1352 The Mauryan Polity 750 [0331-2]
V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar Donald R. Davis 1391 INTRODUCTION TO SANSKRIT (2 Pts.)
795 1378 An Early Upanisadic Reader Thomas Egenes
695 [1023-5]
1366 State and Government Hans Henrich Hock 675(C) [1140-9] (Pt. I)
1353 New Patterns of Democracy in India 595 [3213-8] (C); 395 [3214-5] (P)
in Ancient India 475(P) [3814-7] (Pt. I)
V.M. Dean A.S. Altekar 1379 Evolution of Awadhi 695(C) [1693-0] (Pt. II)
24 545 [1008-2](C); 345 [1009-9](P) B.R. Saksena 495(P) [3601-3] (Pt. II)
1354 The North Indian Peasant 395 [0855-3]
1367 Trade and Economic Structure 1392 An Introduction to the Grammar
Goes to Market Models and Methods 1380 Formation of the Marathi Language of the Tibetan Language
Leon Jr. Swartzberg R.E. Caves J. Bloch, Tr. D.R. Chanana Sarat Chandra Das
250 [3039-4] 300 [0157-8] 395 [2322-8] 695 [1211-6]
72 * For Sale in South Asia Only 73
1393 Kalasamuddesa of Bhartriharis A New Course in Reading Pali PANINI HIS WORK AND
Vakyapadiya with Helarajas Comm. MLBD SERIES IN Entering the Word of the Buddha
(Text Eng. Tr.)
Tr. P.S. Sharma 525 [1440-0] (C); 325 [1441-7] (P)
(F/C) [0598-9] Gen. Editor : Dhanesh Jain George Cardona
1405 The Nighantu and the Nirukta
1394 Laghu Kaumudi of Varadaraja ISBN : 978-81-208-3251-0 (Set) of Sri Yaskacarya (3 Pts. in one) ISBN : 978-81-208-0393-0 (Set)
(Text, Eng. Tr.) Vol. 1 : Language and Society in South Asia The Oldest Indian Treatise on Vol. I Background and Introduction
Tr. J.R. Ballantyne Michael C. Shapiro and Harold F. Schiffman Etymology, Philology and Semantics by George Cardona
500 [0916-1] (In Press) ISBN: 978-81-208-2607-6 495 (The first critical Edition, Translation, xiv, 763p. (2nd Rev. & Enl. Ed.)
Vol.2 : Aspects of Hindi Phonology showing relation of the Nirukta to [978-81-208-0419--7] 2000
Manjari Ohala Samhita, Brahmana, Pratisakhya Under Preparation : -
ISBN: 978-81-208-2655-7 300 Astadhyayi, Mahabhasya etc.,
A Primer of Paninis Grammar Vol. II.Kinds of rules in the Astadhyayi and how they
Vol. 3 : South Asian Languages: Structure, Exegetical & Critical Notes, Indexes
Tr. & Elucidated by Kanshi Ram are related.
Convergence and DiglossiaBh. Krishna- & Appendices) (Skt. Text with Eng.
Ed. Mithilesh Chaturvedi
murti, Colin P. Masica and Anjani Sinha Tr. Introd.) Vol. III. Metalanguage: III 1. Paribhasa-sutras III. 2.
Vol. I : 1495 [3451-4] ISBN: 978-81-208-0033-5 695 Ed. & Tr. Lakshman Sarup Samjnasutras: Rules concerning general con-
Vol. II : 1695 [3533-7] Vol. 4: The Serial Verb Formation in Dravidian 995 [1381-6](C); 795 [3993-9](P) ventions and classes of elements other than
Vol. III : 1500 [3616-7] LanguagesSanford B. Steever markers of karakas (Appendix: Sound classes
1406 The Noun Phrase in Bengali
1396 Language ISBN: 978-81-208-0378-7 295 recognized in pratisakhya and siksa works)
Vol. 5 : Language in a Plural Society Assignment of Role and III. 3. Samjnasutras: Markers III. 4.
Leonard Bloomfield
Lachman M.Khubchandani the Karaka Theory Samjnasutras: Karaka classes.
700 [1195-9](C); 500 [1196-6](P)
ISBN: 978-81-208-0460-9 (F/C) Malaya Gangopadhyay Vol. IV. Affixation rules: IV. 1. Verbal affixes. IV. 2.
1397 Language and Society in South Asia Vol. 6 : Sanskrit and Prakrit: Socio-linguistic 450 [0377-0] Nominal affixes.
Michael C. Shapiro & Harold F. Schiffman IssuesMadhav M. Deshpande Vol. V. Formation of derived bases: V: 1: Derived
1407 Old and New Perspectives
495 [2607-6] ISBN: 978-81-208-1136-2 395 verbs V. 2. Derived nominals: V. 2. 1. Derivates
on South Asian Languages
1398 Language Shifts Among Vol. 7 : Dravidian Studies: Selected Papers by Grammar and Semantics with krt affixes V. 2.2. Compounds V.2.3.
the Scheduled Tribes in India M.B. Emeneau, Introduction by Bh. Derivates with taddhita affixes.
(Papers growing out of the fifth
A Geographical Study Krishnamurti Vol. VI. Rules providing for augments replace-
International Conference on South
M. Ishtiaq ISBN: 978-81-208-0858-4 750 ments, and accentuation: VI 1. Verb
Asian Linguistics (ICOSAL-5), held at suppletion VI. 2. Iterating padas VI. 3. Base
595 [1617-6] Vol. 8 : The Structure and Development of Moscow, Russia in July 2003)
Middle Indo-Aryan DialectsVit Bubenik and affix substitution and augmenting VI. 4.
1399 Languages of Tribal and Ed. Colin P. Masica Background for Paninis phonological sutras;
ISBN: 978-81-208-1317-5 (F/C)
Indigeneous Peoples of India 1195 [3208-4] Pratisakhya rules VI.5. Sound replacement
Vol. 9 : Hindi Morphology: A Word Based
The Ethnic Space Description Rajendra Singh and 1408 Pancagranthi Vyakarana in general VI. 6.Accentual rules.
Anvita Abbi Ramakant Agnihotri of Buddhisagarsuri Vol. VII. Paninian sutras concerning dialects: VIII. 1.
(F/C) [1374-8] ISBN: 978-81-208-1446-2 395 A Critical Edition Vedic rules VII. 2. Others.
Vol. VIII. Syntax and stylistics of the Astadhyayi: VIII.
1400 Linguistic Issues in Vol. 10 : Languages of Tribal and Indigenous Ed. N.M. Kansara
1. Syntax of sutras VIII. 2. Stylistics VIII. 3.
Encoding Sanskrit Peoples of IndiaEd. Anvita Abbi 1495 [2950-3]
Peter M. Scharf & Malcolm D. Hyman ISBN: 978-81-208-1374-8 (F/C)
1409 Panini
600 [3539-9] Vol. 11 : Maithili: Some Aspects of its Phonetics
and PhonologySunil Kumar Jha
A Survey of Research CRITICAL STUDIES IN
1401 Linguistic Structure and Language George Cardona
Dynamics in South Asia
ISBN: 978-81-208-1320-5 695
495 [1494-3]
Vol. 12 : Essays on Vedic and Indo-European
Papers from the Proceedings CultureBoris Oguibenine 1410 Paninis Grammatik (2 Pts. in One) General Editor : DR. KANSHI RAM
of SALA XVIII Roundtable ISBN: 978-81-208-1499-8 595 Otto Bohtlingk Editorial Board Members : DR. MITHILESH
Eds. Anvita Abbi, R.S. Gupta & Vol. 13 : Language Shifts Among the Scheduled 1195 (Set) [1025-9] CHATURVEDI, MADHAV DESHPANDE,
Ayesha Kidwai Tribes in India: A Geographical Study PROF. ASHOK AKLUJKAR
1195 [1765-4] M. Ishtiaq 1411 Prakrit Grammarians
L.N. Dolci, Tr. Prabhakar Jha Metarules of Paninian Grammar : The
ISBN: 978-81-208-1617-6 595
1402 Maithili 395 [2977-0] Vyadiyaparibhasavritti (2 Vols.)
Vol.14 :Sound ChangeD.N.S. Bhat
Some Aspects of its Critically edited with Translation and
ISBN: 978-81-208-1766-1 395 1412 A Primer of Modern Standard Hindi
Phonetics and Phonology Vol.15 : Linguistic Structure and Language CommentaryDOMINIK W UZASTIK
Sunil Kumar Jha Michael C. Shapiro
Dynamics in South AsiaEds. Anvita Abbi 545 [0508-8] [978-81-208-3980-9] (Set) ` 1600
695 [1320-5] & others. The Principle of Suspension in
1403 Metarules of Paninian Grammar ISBN: 978-81-208-1765-4 1195 1413 Process and Language
Paninian GrammarD R . M ALGORZATA
The Vyadiyaparibhasavrtti (2 Vols.) Vol.16 :Old and New Perspectives on South A Study of the Mahabhasya ad.
Critically Ed. with Tr. & Comm. Asian Languages: Grammar and Semantics A1.3.1. bhuvadayo dhatavah
Dominik Wujastyk Ed. by Colin P. Masica. Hideyo Ogawa Paninis MetalanguageProf. Hartmut
1600 [3980-9] (In Press) ISBN: 978-81-208-3208-4 1195 695 [2951-0] Scharfe

74 * For Sale in South Asia Only 75

1414 A Rapid Sanskrit Method 1427 SARASVATIKANTHABHARANAM 1438 Themes and Tasks in Old and
George L. Hart
Ten Sanskrit Course OF KING BHOJA (3 Vols.) Middle Indo-Aryan Linguistics
350 [0173-8](C); 195 [0199-8](P) books for Beginners & On Poetics Eds. Bertil Tikkanen &
1415 *A Reader on the Sanskrit Intermediates Text and Translations Heinrich Hettrich
Grammarians Ed. & Tr. Sundari Siddhartha, 600 [3062-2]
Ed. J.F. Staal Assisted by Hema Ramanathan 1439 Topics in Pali Historical Phonology
(F/C) [0029-8] 3000 (Set) [3284-8]
Sanskrit is Fun (Parts I-III) I.Y. Junghare
1416 Recent Research in Paninian Studies Delhi, 2012. Pp. viii, 76 (Pt. I); Pp. viii, 76 (Pt. II); Pp. viii, 60 (Pt. III). 1428 The Serial Verb Formation 295 [2293-1]
George Cardona ISBN: 978-81-208-3545-0 Pt. I (Paper) 135 in Dravidian Languages 1440 *Tradition and Argument in
595 [1637-4] ISBN: 978-81-208-3590-0 (Spiral Bound) 150 Sanford B. Steever
ISBN: 978-81-208-3546-7 Pt. II (Paper) 95 Classical Indian Linguistics
1417 Root, Verb-Forms and Primary ISBN: 978-81-208-3591-7 (Spiral Bound) 150
295 [0378-7] The Bahiranga Paribhasa in
Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language ISBN: 978-81-208-3547-4 Pt. III (Paper) 95 1429 SIDDHANTA KAUMADI (2 Vols.) the Paribhasendusekhara
William Dwight Whitney (In Press) ISBN: 978-81-208-3592-4 (Spiral Bound) 150
Text, Eng. Tr. S.C. Vasu Johannes Bronkhorst
495 [0484-5](C); 295 [0485-2](P) ISBN: 978-81-208-3597-9 (3 Pts. Cloth Set) 650
5000 (Set) [1290-1] 495 [1883-5]
1418 Sanskrit and Prakrit The Stories of Krishna (Parts I-II) 1430 Sound Change 1441 VAIYAKARANA SIDDHANTA KAUMUDI
Socio-Linguistic Issues The second group of books seeks to teach Sanskrit
Madhav M. Deshpande D.N.S. Bhat OF BHATTOJI DIKSHITA (2 Vols.)
with reference to the age-old stories of Krishna
395 [1136-2] and Rama. The Stories of Krishna (Parts I-II) covers 395 [1766-1] An Analysis in English
full declensions of the most common type of
1431 South Asian Languages P.V. Naganatha Sastri
1419 Sanskrit Grammar masculine, feminine and neuter nouns:
Structure, Convergence and Diglossia (Vol. I) 395, [0679-5],
William Dwight Whitney conjugations of a simple verb in the present, future
(Vol. II) 395 [2999-2]
895 [0620-7](C); 595 [0621-4](P) and past tenses and twelve stories based on the Ed. Bh. Krishnamurti & Others
childhood of Krishna. 695 [0033-5] 1442 The Vakyapadiya of Bhartrihari
1420 Sanskrit Grammar for Students
Delhi, 2012. Pp. xiv, 162 (Pt. I); Pp. xv, 189 (Pt. II). Eng. Tr. with Exegetical Notes
A.A. Macdonell ISBN: 978-81-208-3548-1 Pt. I (Paper) 175
1432 Srngara-Tilaka of Kalidasa
345 [0504-0](C); 195 [0505-7](P) Text, Eng.Tr. Tr. K.A. Subramania Iyer
ISBN: 978-81-208-3593-1 (Spiral Bound) 250
ISBN: 978-81-208-3549-8 Pt. II (Paper) 225 Kanda II: An Ancient Treatise on
1421 The Sanskrit Language Ed. C.R. Devadhar
ISBN: 978-81-208-3594-8 (Spiral Bound) 250 the Philosophy of Sanskrit Grammar
T. Burrow (F/C) [0014-4]
ISBN: 978-81-208-3598-6 (2 Pts. Cloth Set) 750 (containing the Tika of Punyaraja
595 [1767-8] 1433 Structure and Development of and the ancient vritti)
1422 Sanskrit Manual The Story of Rama (Parts III) Middle Indo Aryan Dialects 595 [2988-6]
A Quick Reference Guide to The Story of Rama books (Parts III) together relate,
Vit Bubenik
in 16 episodes, the story of the Ramayana. Part I 1443 *Valmiki's Sanskrit
the Phonology and Grammar introduces the standard method of transliteration; (F/C) [1317-5]
of Classical Sanskrit L.A. Van Daalen
the gerund (having done something); and the 1434 Structure of the Noun Phrase
Roderick S. Bucknell declension of the Sanskrit word for that in all three 450 [1925-2]
595 [1188-1](C); 395(P) [1189-8](P) genders. Part II covers an introduction to the in English and Hindi
1444 Vedic and Sanskrit
imperative mood; other important noun and M.K. Verma
1423 Sanskrit Primer pronoun declensions; having done something used Historical Linguistics
695 [2295-5]
E.D. Perry (In Press) with prefixes; the past passive participle; the Ed. Jared Klein & Elizabeth Tucker
495 [0206-3](C); 295 [0207-0](P) conjugation of the middle voice and the verb to be 1435 Studies in Sanskrit Syntex 750 [3632-7]
in present, future and past tenses; and the completion A Volume in Honor of
1424 A Sanskrit Reader of the standard method of transliteration. 1445 A Vedic Grammar
Text, Vocabulary and Notes the Centennial of Speijers
Delhi, 2012. Pp. xviii, 125 (Pt. I); Pp. xiv, 137 (Pt. II). for Students
C.R. Lanman (In Press) ISBN: 978-81-208-3550-4 Pt. I (Paper) 225
Sanskrit Syntax (1886-1986)
A.A. Macdonell
595 [1362-5](C); 395 [1363-2](P) ISBN: 978-81-208-3595-5 (Spiral Bound) 250 Hans Henrich Hock
ISBN: 978-81-208-3551-1 Pt. II (Paper) 225 395 [1052-5](C); 195 [1053-2](P)
1425 Sanskrit Syntex (F/C) [0837-9](C), [0869-0](P)
ISBN: 978-81-208-3596-2 (Spiral Bound) 250
1446 A Vedic Reader for Students
J.S. Speijer (In Press) ISBN: 978-81-208-3599-3 (2 Pts. Cloth Set) 750 1436 Studies in the Semantic
795 [0482-1] (C); 495 [0483-8](P) A.A. Macdonell
Structure of Hindi
The Story of Mahabharata (3 Pts.) 400 [1017-4](C); 295 [1018-1](P)
1426 Saraswatikanthabharan-Vedic Kali Charan Bahl
Vyakaranam of Bhojdev Delhi, 2016. Pp. xii, 175 (Pt. I);
995 [2781-3] 1447 Vyakarana Mahabhasya of
Pp. xii, 187 (Pt. II), Pp. xii, 203 (Pt. III) Patanjali on Panini 3.1
8th Ch. in 4 Pts.
ISBN: 978-81-208-4014-0 Pt. I (Paper) 395 1437 Telegu Verbal Bases
Pt. I-II (Vediki Prakriya) ISBN: 978-81-208-4015-7 Pt. II (Paper) 425 (Ahnikas 1 to 6)
Pt. III-IV (Swar Prakriya) ISBN: 978-81-208-4016-4 Pt. III (Paper) 425
A Comparative and Descriptive Study Tr. with Introd., Critical Notes &
Ed., Tr. & Annot. Narayan M. Kansara ISBN: 978-81-208-4013-3 Set (Cloth) 1995 Bh. Krishnamurti & Others Conclusion Stephen Peter Thompson
400 [1091-4] 795 [2324-2] 1500 [3444-6]
76 * For Sale in South Asia Only 77
Reference Works 1471 Pali-English Dictionary 1479 A Sanskrit Dictionary
Dictionaries, Concordances, Encyclopaedias, Indexes T.W. Rhys Davids & William Stede of Law and Statecraft
1195 [1144-7] Ed. Patrick Olivelle
1448 Amarakosa with the 1461 Dictionary of Tibetan Materia Medica 1795
1472 A Practical Vedic Dictionary
Commentary of Mahesvara Comm. Pasang Yonten Arya, Suryakanta 1480 SANSKRIT WORTERBUCH (7 Vols.)
Enlarged by Tr. & Ed. Yonten Gyatso (F/C) [4028-7] Otto Bohtlingk & Rudolph Roth
Raghunath Shastri Talekar, (F/C) [1567-4] 9500 (Set) [0724-2]
Vamanacharya Jhalakikar 1473 A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary
1462 *The Encyclopedia of 1481 Sanskrit Worterbuch
650 [3643-3] with Transliteration, Accentuation & Nachtrage
Dream Interpretation Etymological Analysis, throughout
Eili Goldberg Arthur Anthony Macdonell
(30 Vols. in 32 Pts.) 700 [0790-7]
695 [348-3] 995 [2000-5] (In Press)
Sobranie Buddhijskech tekstov 1482 Sanskrit Worterbuch in Kurzerer
10000 (Set) [0976-5] 1463 English-Pali Dictionary 1474 Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary Fassung (3 Pts. in One)
1450 BUDDHIST HYBRID SANSKRIT A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera Ed. V.S. Apte Otto Bohtlingk
GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY (2 Vols.) 495 [0606-1] 1245 [0567-5] (Enlarged Ed.) 3900 [0907-9]
F. Edgerton 1464 A General Index to the Names 795 [1568-1] (Compact Ed.) 1483 Students English-Sanskrit Dictionary
1695 (Set) [0997-0] and Subject-Matter of The Sacred 1475 THE PURANA INDEX (3 Vols.) V.S. Apte
1451 Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Reader Books of the East (SBE Vol. 50) V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar 545 [0299-5](C); 245 [0300-8] (P)
F. Edgerton M. Winternitz 2995 (Set) [1273-4] Students Sanskrit-English Dictionary
(F/C) [0481-4] 400 V.S. Apte
1476 Puranic Encyclopaedia 800 [0044-1](C); 600 [0045-8] (P)
1452 *A COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY 1465 *Hobson Jobson A Comprehensive Dictionary with
OF THE INDO-ARYAN A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo Indian Special Reference to the Epic 1485 Tibetan-English Dictionary
LANGUAGES (4 Vols.) Ed. Sarat Chandra Das, Rev. & Ed.
Words and Phrases, and of Kindred and Puranic Literature
R.L. Turner Graham Sandberg & A. William Heyde
Terms, Etymological, Historical, Ed. Vettam Mani
4995 (Set) [1665-7] (Enlarged Ed.) 1500 [0887-4] (In Press)
Geographical, and Discursive 1995 [0597-2] (Compact Ed.) 695 [3949-6](C)
1453 Concise Pali-English Dictionary Henry Yule & A.C. Burnell, 1477 SACRED BOOKS OF THE EAST 395 [1713-5](P)
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera New Ed. by William Crooke (50 Vols.)
545 [0604-7](C); 345 [0605-4](P) 1100 [442-8] 1486 A Tibetan-English Dictionary
Eds. F. Maxmuller & H. Oldenberg H.A. Jaschke
The Concise 1466 ILLUSTRATED ARDHA-MAGADHI 15000 (Set) [0101-1], (Enlarged Ed.); 995 [0321-3]
Sanskrit-English Dictionary DICTIONARY (5 Vols.) 350 (Each Vol.) (Compact Ed.) 495 [3093-6]
Ed. V.G. Apte Shatavadhani Jain Muni
445 [0151-6](C); 245 [0152-3](P) Sanskrit-English Dictionary 1487 A Vedic Concordance
Ratanchandraji Maharaj Etymologically and Philologically Maurice Bloomfield
1455 *The Definitive Dream Dictionary 9995 (Set) [0507-1] (In Press) Arranged with special reference to 1200 [0654-2]
Diane Bellchambers cognate Indo-European Languages
395 [267-1] 1467 Illustrated Dictionary of Vedic Rituals 1488 Vedic Index of Names
H.G. Ranade (New Ed. greatly Enl. & Improved) and Subjects (2 Vols.)
1456 *Dictionary of Buddhism 1500 Monier Williams A.A. Macdonell & A.B. Keith
of Soka Gakkai 995 [3105-6] 1495 [1331-1] (Set)
1450 [3334-0] (In Press) 1468 An Index to the Names in Mahabharata
S. Sorensen
1457 A Dictionary, English and Sanskrit Literature
1500 [2011-1]
M. Monier Williams Sanskrit, Prakrit and other Literatures : Creative writings,
950 [0454-8] 1469 Jaina Uddharana Kosa treatises on poetics, prosody, and dramaturgy : texts, translations, studies
1458 A Dictionary of Chinese A Collection of the Citations of the Prakrit
Buddhist Terms and Sanskrit Languages as found in 1489 Abhijnanasakuntalam of Kalidasa 1492 Aesthetic Theories
Comp. W.E. Soothill & Lewis Hodous the Jaina Texts, Commentaries and the Skt. Text, Eng. Tr. of India (Vol. III)
995 [0319-0] like (Vol. I) Comp. & Ed. with Introd., Ed. C.R. Devadhar & N.G. Suru Padma Sudhi
Bibliographies, Variants, Indices etc. 295 [0556-9] 1000 [3682-2]
PROPER NAMES (2 Vols.) by Kamlesh Kumar Jain
1490 Abhijnanasakuntalam of Kalidasa 1493 Amarusatakam
P. Malalasekera Vol. I : 2100 [1980-1]
Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. With Srngaradipika of
1695 (Set) [3020-2] Vol. II : 2500 [4053-9] Ed. M.R. Kale
Vol. III : (F/C)0 [4057-7] Vemabhupala (A Centum
1460 *The Dictionary of the Esoteric 595 [0282-7](C); 395 [0283-4](P)
of Ancient Love
3000 Enteries on the Mystical 1470 JATARUPAS COMMENTARY ON 1491 The Aesthetics of Wonder Lyrics of Amaruka)
and Occult Traditions THE AMARAKOSA (2 Pts.) New Findings in Sanskrit Alankarasastra C.R. Devadhar
Nevill Drury Mahes Raj Pant A.V. Subramanian (F/C) [1638-1]
395 [1989-4] 1295 (Set) [1690-9] 395 [0444-9]
78 79
1494 Ancestral Voices 1507 Dasakumaracarita of Dandin 1520 The Great Epic of India
Reflections on Vedic,
Classical and Bhakti Poetry
Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. Character and Origin A History of
Ed. M.R. Kale (In Press) of the Mahabharata
Ramesh Chandra Shah
250 [3054-7]
695 [0171-4](C); 495 [0172-1](P) E. Washburn Hopkins Indian Literature
1508 Dhavanyaloka of Anandavardhana 595 [0995-6] (3 Vols.)
1495 An Anthology of Indian English Prose K. Krishnamoorthy 1521 *Hallas Sattasai
Eds. R.C. Prasad & J.P. Singh 995 [1164-5](C) Gatha Saptasati in Prakrit
95 [0533-0]
1509 Drama of Prince Arjuna (Poems on Life and ISBN: 978-81-208-0263-6
1496 Baital Pachchisi S.M. Imam Love in Ancient India)
John Platts (Set) 2985
195 [2663-2] Tr. from the Prakrit and Introd. by
195 [300-0] The present English Translation is
1510 East and West in Aesthetics Peter Khoroche & Herman Tieken
1497 Barahmasa in Indian Literature Ed. Grazia Marchiano 345 [3701-0] based on the original German work and
Songs of the Twelve Months in has been revised in the light of fur-
300 1522 Harshacarita of Bana
Indo-Aryan Literatures ther researches on the subject by dif-
Charlotte Vaudville 1511 The Eighty Four Hymns Eng. Tr. ferent scholars in India and elsewhere.
250 [0185-1] of Hita Harivamsa E.B.Cowell & F.W. Thomas
An Edition of the Caurasi Pada (F/C) [0791-4] Volume I : Introduction, Veda,
1498 The Bhaktirasamrtasindhu
of Rupa Gosvamin Rupert Snell
1523 Harshacarita of Bana Bhatta
Epics, Puranas and Tantras
Tr., Introd. & Notes 795 [0629-0]
(ext of Uchchvasas I-VIII Tr. V.S. Sarma
David L. Haberman 1512 Elements of Poetry Ed. P.V. Kane This is divided into two sections. Sec-
1600 [1861-3] in the Mahabharata (F/C) [0032-8](C), [0051-9](P) tion I relates to Veda (the Four
1499 Bhaminivilasa of Jagannath Pandit Ram Karan Sharma Sahits), Brhmaas, rayakas,
295 [0544-6] 1524 *Himalayan Voices
Prastavikavilasa and Shantivilasa Upaniads, Vedgas and the litera-
An Introduction to Modern
(Ed., Order, Introd., Notes & Append.) 1513 The Elephant-Lore of the Hindus ture of the Ritual. Section II relates
E.V. Dadape & D.G. Apte Nepali Literature
The Elephant sports Tr. & Ed. Michael James Hutt to the study of two great Epics of In-
175 [1170-6] (Matangalila) of Nilakanth
Franklin Edgerton
395 [1156-0] diathe Rmyaa and the
1500 The Bharata-Manjari of Ksemendra
Skt. Text 195 [0005-2] 1525 The Hindi Padavali of Namdev Mahbhrata. It carries out a gen-
Eds. Sivadatta & Winand M. Callewaert & Mukund Lath eral survey of the Puric literature,
1514 Figurative Poetry in
Kasinath Pandurang Parab
Sanskrit Literature
395 [0607-8] and provides ample information
495 [2459-1](C); 250 [2460-7](P) about the Tantras too.
K.N. Jha 1526 History of Sanskrit Poetics
1501 Bhaskarakanthas MoksopayaTika 350 [2669-4] P.V. Kane [978-81-208-0264-3] 995
Walter Slaje 995 [0274-2]
DM 69 1515 The Gahakosa of Hala (Vol. II) Volume II : Buddhist and Jaina
Ed. V.M. Patwardhan 1527 Hitopadesa of Narayana LiteratureTr. V.S. Sarma
1502 Bhasnatakchakram 250 [4047-8]
Plays Ascribed to Bhasa
Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. It contains two section viz. Section
1516 The Garden of Loneliness Ed. M.R. Kale III and Section IV relating to Bud-
(Original Thirteen Texts in
Devanagari Critically Edited) A Translation of Jayshankar 245 [0602-3] dhism and Jainism literature respec-
C.R. Devadhar Prasads Ansu, Tears 1528 India in Russian Literature tively. (In Press)
(F/C) [0333-6] Charles S. J. White Robert H. Stacy
295 [3137-7] [978-81-208-0265-0] 995
1503 Bhavabhuti 195 [2457-7]
V.V. Mirashi 1517 *The Garden of Love Volume III (2 Pts. in One)
1529 Jankiharana of Kumaradasa Pt. I : Classical Sanskrit Literature
595 [1180-5] Mystical Symbolism in
A Critical Study (Text & Eng. Tr.)
1504 Birds in Sanskrit Literature
Layla Majnun and Gita Govinda Pt. II : Scientific Literature
(Cantos. 16-20)
K.N. Dave
Nizami & Jayadeva, Tr. Lalita Sinha
Ed. V. Raghavan,
Tr. S. Jha
1250 [1842-2] 195 [374-2] It covers the history of Classical San-
Tr. C.R. Swaminathan
1505 The Birth Place of Kalidasa 1518 Gatakamala 450 [0975-8] skrit literature and the Scientific litera-
Lachhmi Dhar Kalla Garland of Birth Stories of ture with its characteristics, grammar,
Arya Sura (Eng. Tr.) 1530 Kadambari of Bana
Puravabhaga Complete lexicography, philosophy, dharma-
Tr. J.S. Speyer
1506 *Dance of Divine Love (F/C) [0707-5] (dknEcjh&ck.kHkViz .khr~) Ed. with new Skt. stra, architecture, sagtastra,
The Rasa Lila of Krishna from
Comm. Tattvaprakasika Introd., Notes Kmastra, yurveda, astronomy,
the Bhagavata Purana, Indias 1519 *Gita Govinda of Jayadeva
and a Literal Eng. Tr. by astrology and mathematics and also
Classic Sacred Love Story. Love Song of The Dark Lord
Introd., & Tr. Graham M. Schweig Ed & Tr. Barbara Stoler Miller M.R. Kale (In Press) has an appendix.
650[3140-7] 395 [0366-4](C); 295 [0367-1](P) 995 [0740-2](C); 445 [0742-6](P) [ISBN: 978-81-208-0056-4] 995
80 81
1531 Kamasvaho by Rama Panivada 1543 Kumara Sambhava of Kalidas 1556 Mricchakatika of Sudraka
INDIAN KVYA Text, Tr. & Notes (Canto III) Text, Eng. Tr.& Introd.
Ed. A.N. Upadhye Ed. C.R. Devadhar Ed. M.R. Kale
LITERATURE 145 [2400-3] 12 [2942-8] 895 [0081-6](C), 525 [0082-3](P)
1532 Karpuramanjari of Rajasekhara
A. K. WARDER Text Skt. Comm. by Vasudeva &
1544 Kundamala of Dinnaga
Ed. J.L. Shastri
Mricchakatika of Sudraka
Ed. Kuljeet Singh, Eng. Tr. M.R. Kale
(8 Vols.) Bala Bharatam (F/C) [3082-0] 225 [4010-2]
150(C), 75 [3277-0](P)
ISBN : 978-81-208-0445-6 (Set) 1533 Karpura Manjari of Rajasekhara
1545 Literary Heritage 1558 Mudrarakshasa of Visakhadatta
A New Anthology of Text, Eng. Tr. Introd.
Vol. I : Literary Criticism : presents A Drama by the Indian Poet Prose and Short Story
Indian literary criticism including Rajasekhara (About 900 A.D.) Ed. M.R. Kale
Hari Mohan Prasad & Others 395 [0947-5] (In Press)
the aesthetic theories about the (Critically Ed. in the original Prakrit 115 [2921-3]
nature of enjoyment of literature, with a Glossarial Index, and an Essay 1559 The Niti and Vairagya
the techniques of dramaturgy and on the Life and writings of the Poet) 1546 Love in Sanskrit and Tamil Literature Satakas of Bhartrhari
poetics, the nature of the literary Ed. Sten Konow, Tr. C.R. Lanman A Study of Characters and Nature M.R. Kale
genres and a sketch of the milieu 595 [1148-5] 200 B.C.-A.D. 500 400 [0642-9] (In Press)
of the writers and critics. 1534 Kathasaritsagara of Devapoopathy Nadarajah
ISBN : 978-81-208-0446-3 495 475 [1215-4] 1560 Orientalism, Poetry and
Somadeva Bhatta the Millennium
Vol. II : Origins and Formation of the Text in Devanagari 1547 Mahabharata Based Plays The Checkered Life of N.B. Halhed
Classical Kavya : deals with the Ed. J.L. Shastri and Epics (In Gujrati) Rosane Rocher
formation of the tradition known 795 [3010-3](C); 495 [3011-0](P) S.M. Pandya (F/C)
as Kvya, and the early classical 1535 KATHASARITSAGARA OR OCEAN 300 [4051-5]
models created by Vlmki and 1561 *Origin of the Young God
OF STREAMS OF STORY (10 Vols.) 1548 Malatimadhava of Bhavabhuti
others. Rev. by N.M. Penzer Kalidasas Kumarasambhava
Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. Hank Heifetz
ISBN : 978-81-208-0447-0 595 Tr. C.H. Tawney Ed. M.R. Kale (F/C) [0754-9]
Vol. III : Early Medieval Period : surveys (F/C) (F/C) [1305-2](C), [1306-9](P)
the works of u draka, Viu- 1536 Kavyalankara of Bhamaha 1562 *Panchatantra
arman, Klidsa, Pravara-sena, 1549 Malavikagnimitra Five Wise Lessons
Ed. with Eng. Tr. and Notes A Critical Study
Amaruka, and others. (In Press) P.V. Naganatha Sastry (A Vivid Retelling of Indias Most
ISBN : 978-81-208-0448-7 695 M.D. Paradkar
142 [0863-8] Famous Collection of Fables)
10 [2503-1]
Vol. IV : The Ways of Originality : details Retold by Krishna Dharma
1537 Kekavali of Moropanta
the extensive literature from the 1550 Malavikagnimitra of Kalidasa 195 [232-9]
A Series of the Peacocks Screams
7th and 8th centuries. Text, Eng. Tr.
Tr. P.V. Bobde 1563 Panchatantra of Visnusarman
ISBN : 978-81-208-0449-4 400 195 [1115-7] Ed. C.R. Devadhar
Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd.
Vol. V : The Bold Style : displays some of 85 [0221-6]
1538 *The King and the Corpse Ed. M.R. Kale
the riches and diversity of Indian 1551 Malavikagnimitram 695 [0219-3](C); 395 [0220-9](P)
Tales of the Souls Conquest of Evil
culture in the ninth and tenth Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd.
Heinrich Zimmer, Ed. Jospeh Campbell 1564 *The Plays of Kalidasa
centuries. (In Press) Ed. M.R. Kale
495 [1625-1](C), 295 [1629-9](P) Theatre of Memory
ISBN : 978-81-208-0450-0 1600 (F/C) [1685-5]
1539 Kiratarjuninyam of Bharavi Ed. Barbara Stoller Miller,
Vol. VI : The Art of Storytelling : deals with 1552 Man in Kavya
Cantos I-III (Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd.) Trs. Edwin Gerow, David Gitomer &
the Indian literature produced Usharbuddha Arya
Ed. M.R. Kale Barbara Stoller Miller
in the 11th century. (In Press) 50 [2442-3]
ISBN : 978-81-208-0615-3 1395 445 [0571-2](C); 245 [0573-6](P) 595 [1681-7]
Vol. VII : The Wheel of Time (2 Pts.) : 1540 Krishna Hari 1553 Meghaduta of Kalidasa 1565 POETIC LIGHT (2 Vols.)
presents the Indian literature of A Play Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. (Kavyaprakash of Mammata)
12th & 13th centuries Nandlal Tulsiram Ed. M.R. Kale (Text, Eng. Tr., Notes, Introd. etc.)
ISBN : 978-81-208-2028-9 1995 200 [1055-5](C); 150 [1037-2](P) 225 [0420-3] Ed. R.C. Dwivedi
Vol. VIII : The Performance of Kavya in the 1541 Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa 1554 Meghaduta of Kalidasa Vol. I: Ullasas I-VI
+14 : details the performance in Text, Eng. Tr. Text, Eng. Tr. (F/C) [0080-9]
the streets and on stages, Ed. C.R. Devadhar Ed. C.R. Devadhar Vol. II: Ullasas VII-X
especially in theatres, where kayva (F/C) [0012-0] 95 [0016-8] (F/C) [0099-1]
flourished everywhere to the 1542 Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa 1555 Mr. Abhimanyu 1566 Prabodhacandrodaya of Krsna Misra
south, also in Mithila and Nepala Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. A Play Text, With Eng. Tr. & Notes, Introd. etc.
in 14th century and later period. Ed. M.R. Kale Lakshmi Narain Lal, Tr. S. Kohli Tr. S.K. Nambiar
ISBN : 978-81-208-3448-4 995 495 [0160-8](C); 295 [0161-5](P) 45 [2556-7] 275 [1518-6]

82 * For Sale in South Asia Only 83

1567 Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit 1579 Sahityakantakoddhara 1592 Thirteen Plays of Bhasa 1599 Venisamharam of Bhatta Narayana
Works on Poetics (2 Vols.) T. Venkatacharya (2 Vols. in one) (Text with Eng. Tr.)
Ed. V.M. Kulkarni 95 [2779-0] A.C. Woolner & Laksman Swarup Tr. C.S. Rama Sastri
Vol. I 750 [4048-5] 595 [0908-6] (F/C)
1580 The Samdesarasaka of Abdul Rahman
Vol. II 950 [4049-2] 1593 The Ubhayabhisarika 1600 VIKRAMAS ADVENTURES OR
with Indexes
1568 Pratima Nataka of Bhasa or Both Go To Meet THE THIRTY TWO TALES OF
C.M. Mayrhofer
Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. (A Satirical Monologue or Bhana) THE THRONE (2 Pts.)
400 [1428-8] A Collection of stories about King
Ed. M.R. Kale Vararuci, Ed. & Tr. T. Venkatacharya
1581 The Sanskrit Drama & A.K. Warder Vikrama as told by the thirty two
(F/C) [0852-2]
In its Origin, Development 75 statuettes that supported his throne
1569 Priyadarsika of Sriharsa Theory and Practice Ed., Tr. & Introd. Franklin Edgerton
1594 Under the Painted Eyes 995 (Set) [0993-2]
Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. A.B. Keith A Story of Nepal
Ed. M.R. Kale 795 [1530-8] (The Gurkha King/The 1601 Vikramorvasiyam of Kalidasa
(F/C) [1679-4] Great Mountains Weep/ Text,Eng. Tr.
1582 *Sanskrit Drama in Performance
1570 Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa The Rising Mist) Ed. C.R. Devadhar
Rachel Van Baumer & (F/C) [1922-1]
Text, Eng. Tr. Ferd Mahler
James R. Brandon
Ed. C.R. Devadhar 495 [1683-1] 1602 Vikramorvasiyam of Kalidasa
395 [0772-3]
595 [0015-1] 1595 Uttaramacarita of Bhavabhuti Text,Eng. Tr.
1583 Savitri Unveiled Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. Ed. M.R. Kale
1571 Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa S.M. Imam Ed. M.R. Kale 300 [0865-2]
Cantos I-V (Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd.) 195 [2548-2]
Ed. M.R. Kale 595 [0519-4](C); 395 [0520-0](P) 1603 Way of Life
325 [0861-4] 1584 Scientific Literature in Sanskrit 1596 Vasavadatta King, Householder Renouncer
Eds. S.R. Sarma & Gyula Wojtilla of Subandhu (Essays in Honour of Louis Dumont)
1572 Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa Ed. T.N. Madan
750 [3529-0] A Sanskrit Romance
Text with Mallinatha Comm., 495 [0527-9]
Tr. with an Introd. &
Notes, Introd. & Eng. Tr. 1585 Selections from Ramachandrika
Notes Louis H. Gray 1604 Wings of the White Crane
Tr. G.R. Nandargikar of Kesavadasa
195 [1675-6] Poems of Tshangs dbangs rgya mtsho
(F/C) K.P. Bahadur
1597 Veda-Laksana Tr. G.W. Houston
60 [2789-9] 125 [2554-3]
1573 Rasikapriya of Keshavadasa Vedic Ancillary Literature
Tr. K.P. Bahadur 1586 A Slice of Life (A Descriptive Bibliography) 1605 Women Pioneers of Oriya Literature
295 [0734-1] An Anthology of Short Stories K. Parameswara Aithal Savitri Rout
1574 Ratnavali of Sri Harsadeva Ed. Radha Mohan Singh & Others 895 [1120-1] 95 [2546-8]
Text, Eng. Tr. 95 [3471-2]
1598 Venisamhara of Bhatta Narayana 1606 WORKS OF KALIDASA (2 Vols.)
Ed. M.R. Kale 1587 Stolen Sunshine Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. Ed. C.R. Devadhar
495 [1042-6](C); 250 [1043-3](P) (A Womens Quest for Herself) Ed. M.R. Kale Vol. I : Drama 995 [0023-6]
Smita Jhavar 350 [0587-3] Vol. II : Poetry 995 [0024-3] (In Press)
1575 Rtusamhara of Kalidasa
Text, Eng. Tr. 150 [080-6]
Ed. C.R. Devadhar 1588 Studies in Sanskrit Sahitya Sastra History of Literature and Criticism
(F/C) [0013-7] V.M. Kulkarni
1576 The Rtusamhara of Kalidasa 400 [4043-0] 1607 A Companion to Sanskrit Literature 1611 History of Sanskrit Literature
Text, Eng. Tr. & Introd. 1589 Sudha (Nectar) S.C. Banerjee A.A. Macdonell
Ed. M.R. Kale Chalam, Tr. J.S.R.L. 1495 [0063-2] 395 [0095-3](P)
145 [0031-1] Narayana Moorthy 1612 History of Sanskrit Literature
1608 A Concise History of
1577 Sahityadarpana 150 [0614-6] A.B. Keith
Classical Sanskrit Literature 1200 [0979-6]
Parichedas I, II, X Arthalankaras 1590 The Surya-Sataka of Mayura G. Sastri
with Exhaustive Notes With the Skt. Commentary 1613 *Sanskrit Criticism
395 [0027-4](C), 295 [0175-2](P)
Ed. P.V. Kane V.K. Chari
Tribhuvanapala 425 [0956-7]
795 [1277-2](C), 595 [1278-9](P) 1609 G.K. Chesterton
30 [2387-7]
The Dynamic Classicist 1614 Social Conscience
1578 Sahitya Darpana or the Mirror of Svapnavasavadatta of Bhasa M. Carol in Sanskrit Literature
Composition of Visvanatha Daniel James Bisgaard
Ed. with a Short Skt. Comm., 75 [2482-9]
A Treatise on Poetical Criticism 295 [1116-4]
Eng. Tr. & Critical Notes
Trs. J.R. Ballantyne & 1610 History of Classical Sanskrit Literature
Ed. & Introd. M.R. Kale, H.S. Bhandare 1615 Studies in Sanskrit Dramatic Criticism
Pramada Dasa Mitra M. Krishnamachariar
245 [0572-9] T.G. Mainkar
695 [1145-4] 1795 [0284-1] 250 [2547-5]
84 85
1616 W.B. Yeats 1617 Waste Land
and Occultism A Critical Study SERIES NO.: KALAMULASASTRA SERIES ISBN: 3245-9(Set)
Haribans Rai Bachchan Vikramaditya Rai
(F/C) (F/C) [0537-8] (1) MATRALAKSANAMEd. & Wayne Howard. [0585-9] 150
(2) DATTILAMEd.& Tr. by Mukund Lath. [0586-6] 395
(3) SRI HASTAMUKTAVALIEd. & Tr. by Maheswar Neog. [0829-4] 300
Music and Dance (4-7) PALAS OF SRI KAVIKARNA (4 Vols.)Ed. & Tr. by Bishnupada Panda. [0958-1] 1500 (Set)
(8&10) BRHADDESI OF SRI MATANGA MUNI (2 Vols.)Ed. & Tr. by Premlata Sharma.
1618 Bharatanatyam 1630 Matralaksanam [1031-0] (Vol. I) 350, (Vol. II) [1032-7] 350
A Reader Text, Translations, Extracts from (9) KALIKAPURANE MURTIVINIRDESAHEd. & Tr. by Biswanarayana Shastri. [1124-9] 395
Ed. Davesh Soneji the commentary and Notes, (11) KRIYAKRAMADYOTIKAEd. &Tr. by S.S. Janaki (F/C)
495 Including References to Two (12,22,30,31,39,40 & 41) KANVASATAPATHABRAHMANA (7 Vols.)Ed. & Tr. by C.R. Swaminathan. (PUBLISHED)
1619 *Bharata Natyam Oral Traditional of South India (Vol. I) [1126-3] 300, (Vol. II) [1127-0] (F/C), (Vol. III) [1549-0] 700
on the Global Stage Wayne Howard, (Vol. IV) [1550-6] 600, (Vol. V) [2047-0] 495
At Home in the World 150 [0585-9] (Vol. VI) [3494-1] 1000, (Vol. VII) [3495-8] 1350, (Vol. VIII) (F/C)
Janet OShea (13) TANTRA OF SVAYAMBHU SUTRASAMGRAHAEd. & Tr. by Pierre Sylvain Filliozat. [1125-6] 200
395 [3362-3] (14-15) MAYAMATAM (2 Vols.)Ed. & Tr. by BrunoDagens. [1226-0] (Set) 2500
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MATANGA MUNI (Vol. I & II) (17-19) NARTANANIRNAYA OF SRI PANDARIKA VITTHALA (3 Vols.)Ed. & Tr. by R.Sathyanarayana.
450 (Vol. I) [1217-8] (Vol. I) [1217-8] 450, (Vol. II) [1218-5] 650,
Ed. Prem Lata Sharma, 650 (Vol. II) [1218-5]
Vol. I 350 [1031-0] (Vol. III) [1219-2] 800
800 (Vol. III) [1219-2] (20) KRSNAGITI OF MANAVEDAEd. & Tr. by C.R. Swaminathan & Sudha Gopalakrishnan
Vol. II 350 [1032-7]
1632 Natyasastra of Muni Bharata (Vol. I) [1478-3] 650
Chapter I-XIV, Nepal Version
VENKATAMAKHIN (2 Vols.) Ed.Tr. by Shahab Sarmadee. [1282-6] 500
(Critically Edited)
Critically Ed. & Tr. with Comm. (23) THE SANGITOPANISAT-SARODDHARAEd. & Tr. by Allyn Miner. [1548-3] 450
& Notes R. Sathyanarayana Ed. Kamalesh Datta,
Assist Ed. Narendra Dutt Tiwari (24-25) CATURDANDIPRAKASIKA OF VENKATAMAKHIN (2 Vols.)Ed. & Tr. by Sathyanarayana.
3000 (Set) [1851-4]
2100 [3984-7] [1851-4] (Set) 3000
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Ragini Devi 1633 Nityasumangali (27-29) LATYAYANA-SRAUTA-SUTRA (3 Vols.)Ed. & Tr. by H. G. Ranade. [1565-0] Set) 2200
(F/C) [0674-0] Devadasi Tradition in South India (32) THE CITRASUTRA OF THE VISNUDHARMOTTARA PURANAEd. & Tr. by Parul Dave Mukherji.
S.C. Kersenboom Story (In Press) [1805-7] 995
1623 Dattilam 695 [0330-5](C); 495 [1527-8](P)
Mukund Lath (33&34) THE PUSPASUTRA (2 Vols.)Ed. & Tr. G.H. Tarlekar. [1792-0] (Set) 1695
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1624 The Dictionary of [3220-8] (Set) 6000
Hindustani Classical Music Bisnupada Panda
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Bimalakanta Roychaudhuri Sylvain Fillozat. [1974-0] (Set) 4500
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Natalia Lidova, 350 [1589-6] [2052-4] 1795
225 [1234-5] 1636 Ragalaksanam of (53-54) SANGITA NARAYANA OF PURUSOTTAM MISRA (2 Vols.):Enriched by Gajapati Narayanadeva,
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Birgit Abels Critically Ed. Text with Critically (55-57) SARASVATIKANTHABHARANAM OF KING BHOJA: On Poetics (Text & Translations) (3 Vols.)
195 [309-4] Notes, Translation, Commentary Ed. & Tr. by Sundari Siddhartha, Assisted by Hema Ramanathan. [3284-8] (Set) 3000
(Vimarsa) and Indexes by (58) RAGALAKSANAEd. & Tr. by R.Sathyanarayana. [3408-8] 900
1627 Hindustani Lyrics (59) NATYASASTRA OF MUNI BHARATA (Vol. I: Chapter I-XIV, Nepal Version (Critically Editled)
Rendered from the Urdu by Inayat Khan R. Sathyanarayana
900 [3408-8] Ed. Kamalesh Datta, Assist Ed. Narendra Dutt Tiwari. [3984-7] 2100
& Jessie Duncan Westbrook (60) RAGAVIBODHA OF SOMANATHACritically Ed. & Tr. by Ranganayaki V. Ayyangar [3794-2] 2500
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B.S. Raikote Critically Ed. & Tr. by KOHALAMATAM OF KOHALA MUNICritically Ed. & Tr. into Eng. by R. Sathyanarayana [4023-2] (F/C)

695 [3691-4] (In Press) Ranganayaki V. Ayyangar SANGITASUDHAKARA OF HARIPALADEVA (2 VOLS.)

2500 [3794-2] Critically Ed. & Tr. into Eng. by R. Sathyanarayana (Set) [4020-1] (F/C)
1629 *Indian Theatre
Traditions of Performance 1638 *Rasa
Eds. Farley P. Richmond, Performing the Divine in India Critically Ed. & Tr. into Eng. by Anasuya Bhowmick [4019-5] (F/C)
Darius L. Swann & Phillip B. Zarrilli Susan L. Schwartz
650 [0981-9] 195 [3262-6]

86 * For Sale in South Asia Only 87

1639 Rukmini Devi Arundale (1904-1986)
A Visionary Architect of Indian- PERFORMING NEW AGE MUSIC
Culture and the Performing Arts Music for Mind, Body & Spirit
Ed. Avanthi Meduri ARTS SERIES
1640 *Sacred Sound Gen. Ed. FARLEY P. RICHMOND
1. BEYOND WORLDSMichael Wild 25. MASSAGE MUSIC (Vol. I & II)Amrita
Experiencing Music (Instrumental/62 Minutes/1CD) 325 (Instrumental/74 Minutes/2CDs) (Vol.1) 299
in World Religions ISBN : 978-81-208-3252-7 (Set) 2. BREATHING RHYTHMSGlen Velez (Vol.2) 325
Guy L. Beck (Music/55 Minutes 26. MEDITATION WITH BAMBOOSPadmanabha Bapu
495 [3482-8] I. Indian Theatre: Traditions of Perfor- 9-pages study guide/1CD) 299 (Instrumental/74 Minutes/1CD) 325
manceFarley P. Richmond, Darius 3. CAROLINE MYSS' CHAKRA 27. MUSIC FOR RELAXING (Vol. I) Amrita
1641 SANGITANARAYANA OF L. Swann and Phillip B Zarrilli MEDITATION MUSICStevin McNamara (Instrumental 65 Minutes/1CD) 299
(Music/73 Minutes/1 CD
PURUSOTTAMA MISRA (2 Vols.) [978-81-208-0981-9] 650 21-pages study guide) 299 28. MUSIC FOR RELAXING (Vol. 2)David Mcgerty
A Seventeenth century text 4. CELESTIAL SOUNDS Michael Wild
(Instrumental 57 Minutes/1CD) 325
on music and dance from orissa II. Sanskrit Drama in PerformanceEds. (Instrumental /65 Minutes/1CD) 325 29. MUSIC TO AWAKEN SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS
Enriched by Gajapati Narayanadeva, Rachel Van M. Baumer and James R. 5. CELTIAMark Winterborne
Donald Walters
(Instrumental 65 Minutes/1CD) 299
Ed, & Tr. by Mandakranta Bose Brandon (Instrumental/64 Minutes/1CD) 325
30. THE MYSTIC HARP (Vol. I)Derek Bell
2100 (Set) [3288-6] [978-81-208-0772-3] 395 6. CELTIC MEDITATION MUSIC
(Instrumental/70 Minutes/1CD) 299
Aine Minogue (Instrumental/
1642 The Sangitopanisat Saroddharah III. Sitar Music in Calcutta: 70 Minutes/1CD) 299 31. THE MYSTIC HARP (Vol. II)Derek Bell

of Vacanacarya Sri Sudhakalasa An Ethno-musicological Study 7. CHANTING THE CHAKRALayne Redmond (Instrumental/72 Minutes/1CD) 299

James Sadler Hamilton (Music/46 Minutes/1CD 32. OCEAN DAWNAmrita

A Fourteenth Century Text on 24 pages study guide) 299 (Instrumental 58 Minutes/1CD) 325
Music from Western India [978-81-208-1210-9] 595
8. DANCING LOTUSBapu Padmanabha 33. PACHELBELS CANONChristopher Buckman
Ed. & Tr. Allyn Miner IV. Drama and Ritual of Early (Instrumental/53 Minutes/1CD) 325 (Instrumental/ 45 Minutes/1CD) 325
400 [1548-3] HinduismNatalia Lidova 9. DOLPHIN FANTASYNicholas Dodd 34. RELAX: Meditations for Flute & Cello
(Instrumental/65 Minutes/1CD) 325 Sharon Brooks and David Eby
1643 Sanskrit Play Production [978-81-208-1234-5] 225
10. DRUMGeoff Johns (Instrumental 60 Minutes/1CD) 299
in Ancient India V. Sanskrit Play Production in Ancient (Instrumental/71 Minutes/1CD) 299 35. RELAX: Meditations for PianoDavid Miller
Tarla Mehta IndiaTarla Mehta 11. ECHOES OF THE SPIRITGentle Thunder (Instrumental/61 Minutes/1CD) 299
(Instrumental/52.37 Minutes/1CD) 325
595 [1057-0] [978-81-208-1057-0] 595 36. RHYTHMS OF THE CHAKRASGlen Velez
12. EYE OF THE WOLFMedwyn Goodall (Music/ 52 Minutes/1CD
1644 *Self-Transformation VI. Sitar Technique in Nibaddha (Instrumental/45 Minutes/1CD) 325 10 pages study guide) 299
Through Music FormsStephen Slawek 13. FREE SPIRITChristopher Buckman 37. SECRETS OF LOVE: Melodies to
Joanne Crandall (Instrumental/60 Minutes/1CD) 299 Open Your HeartDonald Walters
[978-81-208-0200-1] 495 14. HANDS OF GOLD Amrita (Instrumental/70 Minutes/1CD) 299
225 [024-5]
VII. Sitar and Sarod in the 18th & 19th (Instrumental 59 Minutes/1CD) 325 38. SHAKUHACHI MEDITATION MUSIC
1645 Semiosis in Hindustani Music CenturiesAllyn Miner 15. HIMALAYAN NIGHTS Sitar and Tabla Stan Richardson
Jose Luiz Martinez Backgrounds for RelaxationAgni & Lewis Howard (Music/142 Minutes/2CDs) 399
[978-81-208-1299-4] (C) (F/C) (Instrumental/59 Minutes/1CD) 299
495 [1801-9] [978-81-208-1493-6] (P) (F/C) 39. SLEEP SOUNDAmrita
16. HIMALAYAN SUNRISE Sitar and Tabla (Instrumental/61 Minutes/1CD) 325
1646 *Singing Bowls Backgrounds for VitalityAgni & Lewis Howard
VIII. The Dictionary of Hindustani (Instrumental/60 Minutes/1CD) 299
40. SOLO TABLARobert Gottlieb
A Practical Handbook Classical MusicBimalakanta (Instrumental/120 Minutes/2CDs) 425
17. HIMALAYAN TOUCH Sitar and Tabla
of Instruction and Use Roychaudhuri Backgrounds for HealingAgni & Lewis Howard 41. STAR DREAMSMichael Wild
Eva Rudy Jansen (Instrumental/63 Minutes/1CD 299 (Instrumental/61 Minutes/1CD) 325
[978-81-208-1708-1] 350 42. STILLNESSPadmanabha Bapu
200 [103-9] 18. HOPE Padmanabha Bapu (Instrumental/
IX. Semiosis in Hindustani Music 74 Minutes/1CD) 325 (Instrumental/70 Minutes/1CD) 325
1647 *Sitar and Sarod in the 43. TAI CHIAmrita
18th & 19th Centuries
Jose Luiz Martinez 19. I, OMAR Donald Walters (Music/
61 Minutes/1CD) 299 (Instrumental/61 Minutes/1CD) 325
Allyn Miner [978-81-208-1801-9] 495
20. ILLUSIONSPadmanabha Bapu 44. THE ESSENTIAL KAMASUTRAWendy Doniger
(F/C) [1299-4] (C), [1493-6](P) X. Bharata Natyam on the Global (Instrumental/56 Minutes/1CD) 325 (Spoken-Word Audio 150 Minutes/2CDs) 399

1648 *Sitar Music in Calcutta Stage: At Home in the world 21. LAND OF THE INCAMedwyn Goodall 45. UNIVERSAL LOVE Nawang Khechog
(Instrumental/52.37 Minutes/1CD) 325 (Music/75 Minutes/1CD) 299
An Ethnomusicological Study Janet OShea
22. LET GOPadmanabha Bapu 46. WAVESNicholas Dodd
James Sadler Hamilton [978-81-208-3362-3] 395 (Instrumental/72 Minutes/1CD) 325 (Instrumental/42 Minutes/1CD) 325
595 [1210-9]
XI. Indian Philosophy of Nada and Its 23. LUCID DREAMERPaul Lawler 47. WHISPERS TO THE MINDAmrita
1649 Sitar Technique in Nibaddh Forms (Instrumental/50.36 Minutes/1CD) 325 (Instrumental/61 Minutes/1CD) 325
Stephen Slawek
Vocal ApplicationsB.S. Raikoti
24. MANTRANilesh D. Nathwani 48. ZEN GARDENAmrita
495 [0200-1] [978-81-208-3691-4] 695 (Instrumental/67 Minutes/1CD) 325 (Instrumental/61 Minutes/1CD) 299

88 89
1650 SOLO TABLA DRUMMING 1652 Studies in Natya Sastra 1671 Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira 1681 How to Read a Horoscope
OF NORTH INDIA (2 Vols.) T.G. Tarlekar B. Suryanarain Rao P.V.R. Rayudu
Its Repertoire, Styles and (F/C) [0660-3] 795 [1395-3](C); 595 [1396-0](P) 695 [1458-5](C); 495 [1459-2](P)
Performance Practices 1682 The Indian Calendar
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Robert S. Gottlieb with tables of the conversion of
and Risala-i-Raga Darpana NOSTRADAMUS (3 Vols.)
Vol. I Text and Commentary, Hindu and Muhammadan into
Faqirullah (Nawab Saif Khan), His Prophecies Explained
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Ed. & Annot. Shahab Sarmadee Dolares Cannon
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500 [1282-6] 975 [229-5]
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1654 Tyagaraja and the 1673 *THE COSMIC CALCULATOR (5Pts.) in India by Robert Schram
1651 Srihastamuktavali
Renewal of Tradition A Vedic Mathematics Course for Schools 595 [1207-9]
Maheswar Neog, Translation and Reflections (In 3 Books with Teacher's Guide
Gen. Ed. Kapila Vatsyayan (Notes, hundreds of mental tests, 1683 Issues in Vedic Astronomy
William J. Jackson and Astrology
300 [0829-4] 350 [1146-1] extension sheets, revision tests,
Haribhai Pandya, Somdutt Dikshit
games, worksheets, unified Field
& N.M. Kansara
charts etc. & Answer Book) (F/C) [1089-1]
Astrology, Astronomy, Palmistry, Mathematics and Other Positive Sciences Kenneth Williams & Mark Gaskell
1750 (Set) (C) [2014-2] 1684 Issues in Vedic Mathematics
1000 (Set) (P) [1871-2] Proceedings of the National
1655 The Art of Interpreting Horoscopes 1664 Astrology and You Workshop on Vedic Mathematics
Gayatri Devi Vasudev Gopesh Kumar Ojha The Curious Hats of Magical Maths Ed. H.C. Khare
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Kenneth Williams,
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Seventeen Examples Astrology or Prasnapadavi 395 [1834-7]
The Knowledge, Love
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Self Healing Through the Stars Marathi Translation of Lilavati)
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125 M.R. Bhat
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1662 Astrology and Pseudo
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Points based on Moon and other
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Aspects as per Hindu Astrology
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250 [1587-2] Vol. II 995 [0301-5] (In Press) 95 [1721-0]
90 * For Sale in South Asia Only * For Sale in South Asia Only 91
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1693 *Out of the Labyrinth Founder Editor Late L.M. Singhvi, (Pt. I) 135 [1318-2], CD 499
For those who want to believe but can't (2 Vols.) [3378-4], with CD, 525 [2992-3],
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295 [1933-7] ISBN: 978-81-208-3364-7
1000 (Set) [1351-9] (In Press) [3379-1], with CD 775 [2993-0],
1 . Vedic Mathematics (Revised & Enlarged)
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Simple Formulae from the VedasKenneth A Text Book of Hindu Astronomy
Phaldeepika-Bhavarthabodhini R. Williams, Foreword by L.M . Singhvi.
Kenneth R. Williams
Ed. Phanindralal Gangooly Set (F/C) (C) [2773-8]
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1702 *Retrograde Planets Philosophy and ReligionJayant D. Burde
Traversing the Inner Landscape ISBN: 3343-2 795
Erin Sullivan 11. Rituals, Mantras and Science: Psychology
295 [1831-6] An Integral PerspectiveJayant Burde
ISBN: 2053-1 495 1722 Clinical Psychology 1725 Elementary Psychology
1703 *Saturn in Transit 12. Vedic Mathematics for All Ages:
Boundaries of Mind, Body and Soul A Beginners GuideVandana Singhal R.M. Verma S.M. Mohsin
Erin Sullivan ISBN: 3211-4 565 (C) 45 [0025-0] 190 [0499-9](C); 125 [0500-2](P)
495 [1829-3] ISBN: 3230-5 365 (P)
1723 Comprehensive History 1726 Experiments in Psychology
13. Vedic PhysicsKeshav Dev Verma
1704 Sawai Jai Singh and His Astronomy ISBN: 3270-1 995 of Psychology S.M. Mohsin
Virendra Nath Sharma 14. Changing MindsMichele Mari Desmarais Arun Kumar Singh 495 [2975-6](C); 295 [0875-1] (P)
795 [1256-7] ISBN: 3328-9 695 (C) 595 [0804-1](C); 395 [0859-1](P)
ISBN: 3336-4 395 (P) 1727 How to Develop your Psychic Powers
1705 The Solar Return or Varshaphal 15. Buddhist Logic and Quantum Dilemma 1724 Creativity
Art and Science of Psychic Healing
The Tajik System of the Year Jayant Burde ISBN: 3552-8 545 Concept and Findings
16. Jaina Relativism and Relativity Physics Larry McDoniel & Phyllies McDaniel
Gopesh Kumar Ojha & Ashutosh Ojha Shamshad Hussain
595 [2656-4](C); 395 2674-8](P) Jayant Burde ISBN: 3815-4 395 195 [326-1]
60 [0391-6](C), 38 [0470-8](P)

92 93
1728 INDIAN PSYCHOLOGY (3 Vols.) 1736 *Psychology of The Chakras 1748 Asceticism and Healing in Ancient India 1760 *Ayurveda Natures Medicine
Vol. I: Cognition Eye of the Lotus Medicine in the Buddhist Monastery David Frawley & Subhash Ranade
Vol. II: Emotion and Will Richard A. Jelusich Kenneth G. Zysk 295 [2040-1]
Vol. III: Epistemology of Perception 395 [1507-0](C); 250 [1528-5](P)
Jadunath Sinha (F/C) [2962-6] 1761 *Ayurveda Revolutionized
2250 (Set) [0165-3] 1749 *Asian Medical Systems Integrating Ancient and
1737 *Psychophysics and A Comparative Study Modern Ayurveda
*Mandala Human Interactions Ed. Charles Leslie Edward F. Tarabilda
The Art of Creating Future Art and Science of Intergrating (F/C) [1536-0](C), [1537-7](P)
June-Elleni Laine 195 [1554-4]
200 [389-6] Body Mind and Soul 1750 *Awakening Natures 1762 *Ayurvedic Beauty Care
Radhey Shyam Kaushal Healing Intelligence Ageless Techniques to
1730 *A New Look at Past Lives
Deja Who? 400 [475-6] Expanding Ayurveda Through the Invoke Natural Beauty
Judy Hall Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health Malanie Sachs
1738 *The Rays and Esoteric Psychology Hari Sharma
225 [015-6] 475 [1294-9](C); 275 [1880-4](P)
Zachary F. Lansdowne 295 [1591-9]
1731 The Perennial Quest for a 225 [021-0] *The Ayurvedic Cook Book
Psychology with a Soul 1751 *Ayurveda A Personalized Guide to
An inquiry into the relevance of 1739 *The Spectrum A Life of Balance Good Nutrition and Health
Sri Aurobindo's Metaphysical Yoga of Consciousness (A Complete Guide To Ayurvedic Amadea Morningstar with Urmila Desai
Psychology in the Context of Ken Ken Wilber Nutrition and Body Types with Recipes) 475 [1176-8](C); 275 [1966-5](P)
Wilber's integral Psychology Maya Tiwari
595 [1836-1] (C); 395 [1848-4](P) 1764 *Ayurvedic Cooking
Joseph Vrinte 695 [2076-0]
895 [1932-0] 1740 The Web of Life Ramesh Patel
*Ayurveda (F/C) [016-4]
1732 Philosophy and Psychology Life Force (The Energetic Secrets of Healing
in the Abhidharma Constitution of Man and the Maya Tiwari 1765 *Ayurvedic Cooking for All
Herbert V. Guenther Neuro Endocrine Connection) 895 [1452-3](C); 595 [2004-3](P) Familiar Food Prepared
495 [0773-0] John Davidson with Ayurvedic Principles
1753 *Ayurveda Amadea Morningstar
1733 *Practical Psychology 295 [346-9] The Gentle Health System
of Yoga Wisdom 425 [075-8]
Hans H. Rhyner
Based on Psychosynthesis, 1741 *Yoga *Ayurvedic Cooking
450 [1500-1](C); 250 [1501-8](P)
The Teachings of Paramahansa A Synthesis of Psychology for Self-Healing
Yogananda and the Bhagavad Gita and Metaphysics 1754 *Ayurveda Usha Lad & Vasant Lad
Reinhard Kowalski The Science of Self Healing 245 [2023-4] (In Press)
Swami Rajarshi Muni
225 [330-8] (a Practical Guide)
250 [3098-1] Vasant Lad (In Press) *Ayurvedic Healing
1734 Prescription for Stress A Comprehensive Guide
Kenneth Matheny & 1742 Yoga and Western Psychology 375 [1130-0](C); 275 [1839-2](P)
David Frawley
Christopher J. McCarthy A Comparison *Ayurveda and Aromatherapy 495 [0957-4](C); 350 [1003-7](P)
300 [032-6] Geraldine Coster The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient
1735 The Psychological Attitude (F/C) [1560-5](C), [1561-2](P) Wisdom and Modern Healing 1768 *Ayurvedic Healing for Women
of Early Buddhist Philosophy Light Miller & Bryan Miller Herbal Gynecology
And its Systematic Representation 1743 *Yogacara Buddhism 300 [1593-3] Atreya Smith
according to Abhidhamma Tradition and Modern Psychology 375 [1746-3]
1756 *Ayurveda and Life
Lama Anagarika Govinda Tao Jiang Impressions Body Work 1769 *Ayurvedic Nutrition
(F/C) [0941-3](C), [0952-9](P) 395 [3422-4] Seeking Our Healing Memories Atreya Smith
Donald Van Howten 445 [3537-5]
295 [1520-9]
Alternative Medicine 1770 *Ayurvedic Remedies for
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy & other Healing Sciences 1757 *Ayurveda and Panchakarma the Whole Family
The Science of Healing Light Miller
1746 *Ancient Roots, Many Branches and Rejuvenation 395 [1828-6]
1744 Absolute Beauty
Sunil V. Joshi *Ayurvedic Spa
Radiant Skin and Inner Energetics of Healing Across
545 [1526-1] (C); 345 [2960-2] (P) Treatments for Large and Small
Harmony Through the Cultures & Through Time
Ancient Secrets of Ayurveda Darlena L. Orange & Gary Dolowich *Ayurveda and The Mind Spas as well as home care to
395 [126-8] The Healing of Consciousness help everyone become healthy,
Pratima Raichur with Marian Cohn David Frawley happy and inspired
1500 1747 *The Art of Getting Well 495 [1521-6] (C); 295 [2010-4] (P) Melanie Sachs & Robert Sachs
1745 *Abundance Through Reiki A Five-Step Plan for Maximizing Health *Ayurveda for Women 695 [328-5]
Paula Horan when you have a chronic Illness A Guide to Vitality and Health 1772 *Ayurvedic Tongue Diagnosis
250, [1477-6] David Spero Robert F.Svoboda Walter Shantree Kacera
195 [288-2] 700 [105-5] 595 [3238-1] (C); 395 [3231-2](P)
94 95
1773 *The Back to Eden Cookbook 1784 *A Concise Introduction 1796 *Health Through Balance 1808 *Love Your Eyes
Original Recipes and Nutritional to Indian Medicine An Introduction to Tibetan Medicine Enjoy Better Vision by Yoga and
Information in the imaginative La Medecine indienne Alternative Natural Treatment
Yeshi Donden, Ed. & Tr. Jeffrey Hopkins
use of Natural Foods Guy Mazars, Tr. T.K. Gopalan
Jethro Kloss, Promise Kloss Moffett, 395 [3058-5] 225 [1519-3] M.S. Agarwal
Doris Kloss Gardiner 195 [319-3]
1785 *Degrees of Reiki 1797 Heart of Healing
150 [219-1] Maureen J. Kelly Body, Mind and Spirit 1809 *Luminous Essence
1774 *Balanced Diet 225 [2066-1] Caroline Latham Exploring the Body Consciousness
Ayurvedic Balancing 1786 *Empowerment Through Reiki 150 [019-9] Daniel Santos
(An Integration of Western The Path to Personal 195 [033-4]
Fitness with Eastern Wellness) 1798 History of Mental Illness in India
and Global Trnasformation A Cultural Psychiatry Retrospective 1810 *The Madhavanidana
Joyce Bueker Paula Horan
(O/S) [110-6] 195 [1474-5](C); 125 [1475-2](P) Horacio Fabrega Jr. with Madhukosa the commentary
1775 *Breath of Life 1695 [3370-8] by Vijayaraksita and Srikanthadatta
1787 *Energetic Bodywork (chapter 1-10)
Breathing for Health, Practical Techniques 1799 *Homeopathy
Vitality and Meditation Rita J. McNamara G.J. Meulenbeld
For Common Ailments
Dharmananda Saraswati 150 [1832-3] 1495 [3330-2]
Robin Hayfield
150 [1686-2] (In Press)
1788 *Energetic Healing 395 [044-X] 1811 *Magnetic Healing
1776 *Breathe Free Embracing the Life Force Advanced Techniques for the
Nutritional and Herbal Care for 1800 *Homoeopathy
Arnie Lade application of Magnetic Forces
your Respiratory System 225 [005-9] Heart and Soul
Buryl Payne
Daniel Gagnon & (Treatment for Emotional Problems)
Amadea Morningstar 1789 Essentials of Ayurveda 325 [002-4]
Keith M. Souter
225 [018-0] Text & Tr. of Sodasangahrdayam
395 [1415-8](C), 295 [1419-6](P) 1812 Making Health Care Whole
Priya Vrat Sharma
1777 *Buddha in the Waiting Room 495 [0978-9] (C); 350 [1517-9](P) Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care
1801 *How the Weather Affects your Health
Simple Truths about Health, Christina M. Puchalski & Betty
1790 Eternal Health Manfred Kaiser
Illness and Healing Ferrell
The Essence of Ayurveda 195 [320-9]
Paul Brenner 450 [377-3]
150 [173-1] Pratap Chauhan
295 1802 Hypnosis for Change
1813 *The Medicine Buddha
1778 *Chakra Energy Massage Josie Hadley & Carol Staudacher
1791 *Feng Shui for the Body A Himalayan Journey
Spiritual Evolution into the 300 [029-6]
Balancing Body and Mind David Crow
Subconscious through activation 1803 Indian Alchemy or Rasayana
for Healthier Life 325 [264-7]
of the Energy points of the feet
Daniel Santos In the light of Asceticism and Geriatrics
Marianne Uhl 1814 Medicine in the Veda
300 [012-1] S.Mahdihassan
175 [004-8] Religious Healing in the Veda
1792 *Forever Healthy (F/C) [0788-4](C) [1881-1](P)
1779 *The Chinese Herbalists Handbook Introduction to Maharishi (With Translations and Annotations
A Practitioners Reference Guide to Ayurveda Health Care 1804 Indias Indigenous Medical Systems of Medical Hymns from the Rgveda &
Traditional Chinese Herbs and Formulas Kumuda Reddy A Cross-Disciplinary Approach the Atharvaveda & Renderings from
Dagmar Ehling & Steve Swart 195 [171-3] Ed. Syed Ejaz Hussain & Mohit Saha the Corresponding Ritual Texts)
595 [196-9] 1395
1793 Glossary of Indian Herbs Kenneth G. Zysk
1780 *Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda With Botonical Names 1805 *The Jungle and the Aroma of Meats 795 [1400-4](C); 495 [1401-1](P)
Robert Svoboda & Arnie Lade & Vernacular Synonyms
295 [1472-1] An Ecological Theme in Hindu Medicine 1815 *Meditative Therapy
Gyan C. Jain Francis Zimmermann
999 Facilitating inner-Directed Healing
1781 *The Chinese Way to Keep Fit 450 [1618-3]
Traditional Chinese Movements Michael L. Emmons &
1794 Handbook of Aroma Therapy Jannet Emmons
for Health and Rejuvenation A Complete guide to essential & Carrier Living Ahimsa Diet
Jiawen Miao Nourishing Love and Life 225 [146-2]
oils, their application & therapeutic use
(O/S) [124-1] for Holistic Health & Wellbeing Maya Tiwari 1816 *The Middle Path of Tai Chi
1782 Color Therapy Ravi Ratan 700 [473-2] Peter Newton
Unleast Your Inner Power 799 [3111-7] 195 [312-4]
1807 *The Lost Secrets of
Raymond Buckland 1795 *The Healing Power of Essential Oils
295 [68-4] Ayurvedic Acupuncture 1817 Namarupajnanam
Fragrance Secrets for Everyday use An Ayurvedic Guide to Acupuncture
(This Handbook is a compact reference Characterization of Medicinal Plants
1783 *The Complete Reiki Handbook (Based upon the Suchiveda
Basic Introduction and Methods work on the effects and Applications of Based on Etymological Derivation of
248 essential oils for health, fitness and Science of Acupuncture, the Names and Synonyms
of Natural Application
(A Complete Guide for Reiki Practice) well being) Traditional Indian system) (A Study on 150 Plants)
Walter Lubeck Rodolphe Balz Frank Ros Priya Vrat Sharma
245 [1557-5] 295 [1612-1] 195 [2697-7] 250
96 97
1818 *Natural Birth Control Made Simple 1830 *Practical Chinese Medicine *Secrets of the Pulse 1852 *Tibetan Buddhist Medicine
Barbara Kass Annese & Hal C. Danzer Penelope Ody The Ancient Art of and Psychiatry
195 [292-9] 595 [123-3] Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis The Diamond Healing
Terry Clifford
1819 *Natural Healthcare at Home *Prakruti Vasant D. Lad
(F/C) [1205-5](C), [1784-5](P)
Doctor Mums Quick Reference Guide Your Ayurvedic Constitution 450 [2026-5]
Kathy Duerr 1853 Tibetan Medicine and Your Health
Robert E. Svaboda 1842 *Singing Bowl Exercises
125 [017-2] Tove Langemyr Larsen
295 [1840-8](P) for Personal Harmony 300 [3445-3]
1820 The Nature of the Whole
Holism in Ancient Greek 1832 *Quantam Touch Anneke Huyser 1854 Tibetan Medicine Among the
and Indian Medicine The Power to Heal 175 [286-8] Buddhist Dards of Ladakh
Vicki Pitman Richard Gordon Stephan Kloos
1843 *Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda
495 [2734-9] 395 [009-3] 1100
The Power of Rejuvenation
*The Nepal Cookbook 1833 *Principles of Tibetan Medicine and Immortality 1855 *Understanding Your Body Alignment
illus. Padden Choedak Oshoe Tamdin Sither Bradley David Frawley Health and Longevity
225 [200-0] 195 [364-3] 395 [3630-3] Harmon Hathaway
75 [001-6]
1822 *Neti 1834 *Rainbow Reiki 1844 *A Spiritual Guide to 1856 Vedic Health Care System
Healing Secrets of Yoga and Ayurveda Expanding the Reiki System
David Frawley Heal Your Chronic Pain Clinical Practice of Sushrutokta
with Powerful Spiritual Abilities Backaches, Headaches,
350 [299-8] Marm Chikitsa and Siravedhan
Walter Lubeck Shoulderpain, Arthritis and High-lighting Acupuncture
1823 *New Age Encyclopedia 85 [1555-1]
Fibromyalgia Binod Kumar Joshi & Others
A Mind Body Spirit Reference Guide
1835 *The Reflexology Manual Greg Fors 225 [041-5]
Belinda Whitworth
325 [239-6] An easy to use guide to treating (O/S) [356-8] 1857 *The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs
the body through the feet and hands The Most complete Guide
1824 The Origin of the Life of a Human Being 1845 *Spiritual Healing
Pauline Wills to Natural Healing and
Conception and the Female Doctor's Examine Therapeutic
695 [276-0] Health with traditional
According to Ancient Indian Medical Touch and other Holistic Treatments Ayurvedic Herbalism
and Sexological Literature 1836 *Reiki Fire Comp. Dora Kunz Karta Purakh Singh Khalsa
Rahul Peter Das New Information about the origins of 275 [011-6] & Michael Tierra (In Press)
1250 [1998-6] the Reiki Power (A Complete Manual) 595 [3412-5](C); 395 [3463-7](P)
1825 *The Path of Practice Frank Arjava Petter 1846 *Step By Step Head Massage
Eilean Bentley *Women's Power to Heal
The Ayurvedic Book of Healing 195 [1556-8]
595 [045-8] Through Inner Medicine
with Food, Breath and Sound
1837 *Reiki Maya Tiwari
Maya Tiwari (In Press)
Way of the Heart 1847 Studies on Indian Medical History 900 [4033-1] (In Press)
595 [1857-6](C); 395 [1858-3](P)
(The Reiki Path of Initiation, G. Jan Meulenbeld & Dominik Wujastyk *Yoga and Ayurveda
1826 *Planetary Herbology A wonderful Method for Inner 495 [1768-5] Self Healing and Self Realization
An Integration of Western Herbs Development and Holistic Healing)
1848 A Study of Buddhist Medicine David Frawley
into the Traditional Chinese
Walter Lubeck 535 [1699-2](C); 335 [1879-8] (P)
and Ayurvedic System and Surgery in Gandhara
Michael Tierra, Ed. David Frawley (F/C) [1621-3] 1860 *Yoga and the Sacred Fire
Nasim H. Naqvi
595 [1616-9] (In Press) 1838 *Reiki with Gemstones 495 [3502-3] Self-Realization and
Activating Your Self Healing Powers Planatary Transformation
1827 Plant Lives 1849 *Tantric Yoga and the
Connecting the Universal Life-Force David Frawley
Borderline Beings in Indian Traditions
Energy with Gemstone Therapy Wisdom Goddesses 295 [2746-2] (In Press)
Ellison Banks Findly
1095 [3292-3] Ursula Klinger Omenka Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda *The Yoga Cookbook
140 [1619-0](C); 85 [1764-7](P) David Frawley Vegetarian Food for
Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic
295 [1357-1] Body and Mind
Materia Medica 1839 *Religious Therapeutics 800 [048-2]
Comprising the Characteristic and Body and Health in Yoga, 1850 *35 Golden Keys to Who You
Guiding Symptoms of all Remedies Ayurveda and Tantra are and Why You're Here *The Yoga of Herbs
(Clinical and Pathogenetic) Linda C. Anderson An Ayurvedic Guide to
Gregory P. Fields
William Boericke Herbal Medicine
295 [1875-0] 450 [037-7] David Frawley & Vasant Lad
545 [1123-2]
1840 *The Secret of Loving Touch 1851 *Tibetan Ayurveda 395 [1172-0](C); 250 [2034-0] (P)
1829 *Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
The Victims Guide For Health, Happiness and Beauty Health Secrets from the 1863 *Your Secret Energy Centre
to Healing and Recovery Franz Benedikter, Roof of the World Taking Care of Your Dan-Tien
Raymond B. Flannery Tr. into Eng. Christine M. Grimm Robert Sachs Christopher J. Martkert
225 [128-4] 150 [211-6] 295 [327-8] 150 [212-4]

98 99


Eds. Dominik Wujastyk & Kenneth G. Zysk ISBN: 978-81-208-3253-4
The series aim to publish scholarly works devoted to Indias medical heritage and related & WELLNESS SERIES
subject. The scholarship in this area provides an academic approach to Indias medical
heritage founded on solid scholarship. General Editor : Dr. David Frawley
Vicki Pitman
Editorial Board :
This volume shows how Vedic medicine relied on
close observation of phenomena in order to develop This book places the texts of Caraka and the Dr. Shekhar Annambhotla, Dr. Sunil V. Joshi,
its unique form of mythical and religious Hippocratic corpus within their respective
classifications and provides an accurate picture of historical and philosophical contents. Dr. Suhas G. Kshirsagar, Dr. G.C. Jain
medicine in ancient India and a comprehensive ISBN: 978-81-208-2734-9 495
analysis of healing contained in Vedic texts. 1. The Ayurvedic Diet: The Ancient Way to Health Rejuvenation and
ISBN: 978-81-208-1400-4(Cloth) 795 Vol. VIII: A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO
ISBN: 978-81-208-1401-1(Paper) 495 INDIAN MEDICINE (LA MEDICINE Weight Control DENNIS THOMPSON [978-81-7822-014-7] 350
INDIENNE) Guy Mazars, Tr. Gopalan
Vol. II: ASCETICISM AND HEALING IN The book presents an overall view of the 2. Tibetan AyurvedaROBERT SACHS [978-81-7822-327-8] 295
ANCIENT INDIAKenneth G. Zysk traditional medicine of India from its origins
until the present day, describing in turn its 3. Vedic Health Care System RAM LAL SHAH,
Drawing on a wide range of textual, archaeological,
and secondary sources, author presents an overview history, its theoretical foundations, its methods BINOD KUMAR JOSHI & OTHERS [978-81-7822-041-5] 225
of the history of Indian medicine in its religious of prevention and treatment, the medical
context. profession and lastly its present status and future 4. Neti DAVID FRAWLEY [978-81-7822-299-X] 350
ISBN: 978-81-208-1507-0(Cloth) 395
ISBN: 978-81-208-1528-5(Paper) 250 ISBN: 978-81-208-3058-5 395 5. Ayurvedic Healing DAVID FRAWLEY [978-81-208-0957-4](C) 495
Vol. IX: THE MADHAVANIDANA (With [978-81-208-1003-7](P) 350
Madhukosa the commentary by
The work contains three great traditions of medical Vijayaraksita and Srikanthadatta).
6. Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda
science in Chinese, Indian, and Mediterranean
civilizations their history, sociology, anthropology,
(Chapters 1-10) Introd., Tr. & DAVID FRAWLEY [978-81-208-3630-3](P) 395
Notes by G.J. Meulenbeld
public health, pharmacology, epidemiology,
cosmopolitan medicine, and philosophy. In this Study of Madhavas Seminal treatise,
Meulenbeld offers a rich and detailed
ISBN: 978-81-208-1536-x(Cloth) (F/C)
translation of the first ten chapters of the work,
ISBN: 978-81-208-1537-8(Paper) (F/C)
with full scholarly attention to issues of MEDICINE & SPIRITUALITY SERIES
philology, pharmacology and medical history.
MEATSEd. Francis Zimmermann ISBN: 978-81-208-3330-2 1495 General Editor : Dr. V.K. Nigam
In classical Ayurvedic medicine, a comprehensive Vol. X : HISTORY OF MENTAL ILLNESS
view of the whole human person is included in the IN INDIA : A Cultural Psychiatry Editorial Board :
patients humoral integration into the surrounding Retrospective Horacio Fabrega
soil and the Jungle has been the most crucial Dr. J.K. Sharma, Dr. A.S. Puri
Discussion of approach to conditions of
ISBN: 978-81-208-1618-3 450
psychiatric interest rooted in traditional Dr. M.M. Gore, Dr. N.A. Gaur
Indian values provides a basis for critique
and plea for broadening the scope and
Vol. V: STUDIES ON INDIAN MEDICAL depth of the already vibrant and Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic PracticesDr. M.M. Gore
HISTORY G. Jan Meulenbeld & Dominik scientifically compelling psychiatry of
Wujastyk contemporary India.
[ISBN : 978-81-7822-391-9](C) 375
The historical sources used range from ancient ISBN: 978-81-208-3370-8 1695 [ISBN : 978-81-7822-305-6](P) 295
Sanskrit manuscripts and Tibetan blockprints to
conversation held in the consulting rooms of Vol. XI : A STUDY OF BUDDHIST Making Health Care WholeChristina M. Puchalski & Betty Ferrell
contemporary Ayurvedic doctors. MEDICINE AND SURGERY IN
ISBN: 978-81-208-1768-5 495 GANDHARA Nasim H. Naqvi [ISBN : 978-81-7822-377-3] 450
This study approaches Buddhist Medicine
Vol. VI: THE ORIGIN OF THE LIFE OF and Surgery by comparing the medico- Healing Our Hormones Healing Our LivesLinda Crockett &
A HUMAN BEINGRahul Peter Das social events, people who were involved
It penetrates deeply into Indian medical literature in it and the tools they used; from mainly Alizabeth Mellor [ISBN : 978-81-7822-395-7] 400
and examines a Sanskrit text of Kmstra and other three civilisations of contemporary
relevant literatures to reveal process of conception period, the Greeks, Romans and Medicine Religion Health: Where Science
and birth. Buddhists who prospered in Gandhara.
ISBN: 978-81-208-1998-6 1295
and Spirituality MeetHarold G. Koeing (F/C)
ISBN: 978-81-208-3502-3 495

100 101


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(F/C) [2613-7] () 995 [0336-7] ()
L 125 [2701-1] ()
150 [2245-0] (F/C) [2614-4] () 495 [0337-4] ()
103 104
n'kZu (v) n'kZu (v)
44 ff ( G) 49 U- U () 71 U--UU
S S U (S S (S U U) 0 S U,
60 [3427-9] S ) S 0 0 U
235 [2225-2] 695 [1209-3]
45 rU (2 ) S
(F/C) [0514-9]() 62 72 U-&vfHkuo xqIr iz.khr~U
( U , eFkqjkukFk rdZokxh'k] m
S S U ) (F/C) [0515-6] ()
0 , 150 [2334-1]
S 50 Jhjke ds ;qx dk frfFk fu/kZj.k S l 73 U
(F/C) (U) [2092-0] Hkxoku jke ds thoudky dh 595 [2549-9] U MU
46 , okLrfod frfFk;ksa dh [kkst 63 (F/C) [2544-4]()
U iq"dj HkVukxj ( U% (F/C) [2545-1] ()
400 U U) 74 ,
195 [2998-5] 51 SS 0 0 U (c, U
995 [2030-2] U )
47 U
(m ) 70 [0079-3] 64 0 UUUU U,
U 52 U (U p) 0 UU ^
U 595 [2255-9] ()
10 [2570-3] US 395 [2256-6]()
395 [3135-3] ()
48 (F/C) [1531-5]
195 [3136-0] ()
(U, U , 0 53 UUp 75 N ( U )
65 U
U) ( )
U frokjh 175 [2102-6] (In Press)
375 [3175-9] () 76 r-c
295 [2933-6] 40 [2405-8]
145 [2360-0] () (, S, U c S)
66 S MU S
n'kZu (v) 1595 [0525-5] ()
Hkkjrh; ewy] vuqokn ,oa v;;u lka[;] ;ksx] U;k; oS'ksf"kd] 295 [3206-0] () 895 [0526-2] ()
ehekalk] osnkUr rFkk buds fofHkUu laiznk;] 'kSo] 'kfDr] ra=k 125 [3207-7] () 77 U
67 - Mh
54 S 57 vUuHkV f ojfpr S 10 [3119-3]

(VUc, , ) (LoksiK nhfidk lfgr) 50 78 U S U

fg vuq ,oa O;k dka'khjke ,oa lU;k jkBkSj (An Introduction to Indian Logic)
0 VU U 400 [3267-1](lftYn) 68 h- U U
60 [2378-5]
245 [3268-8](vftYn) ( U) 140 [2757-8] (In Press)
55 U-X S U
58 -U 195 [2356-3]

U U ( S ) U U U
125 [2058-6]
69 h- U
m (U) 495 [2133-0] ()
4 [2552-9] 59 -U (, U U) S 195 [2134-7] ()
c U 195 [2564-2]
56 (S U ) (F/C) [2476-8] 80 U
U 70 U SM (Indian Philosophy)
60 -U (U U) (U MU) U, 0 ^U
375 [2226-9]() U U 325 [2131-6] ()
275 [2227-6]() 13 [2477-5] 250 [2099-9] 225 [2132-3] ()
105 106
n'kZu (v) n'kZu (c)
U 90 U (3 ) n'kZu (c)
(Indian Philosophy) U lkekU;] ik'pkR;] vk/qfud Hkkjrh; bR;kfn
( 1) U c
345 [2415-7] () 995 [0285-8] () 96 vkdk'k HkSjo dYie~ dh :ijs[kk
245 [2416-4] () 695 [0286-5] () (izR;{k&flfizna mekegs'oj&laokn#ie~) UU U
82 U ( 2) U c ukudpanz 'kek Z 545 [2290-0] ()
395 [2064-7] () 245 [2291-7] ()
0 U U, 300 [2733-2]
195 [2065-4] ()
0 U 97 S 106 /eZn'kZu
( 3) rU c
(F/C) U U lkekU; ,oa rqYukRed
595 [2495-9] ()
U M 148 [2974-9] () jkesUnz
395 [2496-6] ()
UU U 48 [2243-6] () 295 3181&0 (lftYn)
355 [2143-9] ()
98 U 120 3182&7 (vftYn)
155 [2144-6] ()
dk'ehj 'kSon'kZu ds vk|&vkpk;Z Jh olqxIq r
ds f'kolw=kksa dh uohure~ fgUnh O;k[;k , h 107 S
84 Hkkjrh; n'kZu esa roksa vk'khokZn % Lokeh y{e.ktw 0 U U U
dk leL;kRed foospu 50 [2677-9]
48 [2816-2]
A Problematic Analysis of the 135 [2769-1] (In Press) 99
Elements in Indian Philosophy () 108 ( U)
jek ik.Ms; U-cU U
(--Uc-c- U U
245 [3517-7] () 295 [2377-8] ()
20 [2676-2]
U- U U U)
115 [3518-4] () 0 0 S 125 [2702-8] ()
85 Hkkjrh; Kkueheka l k 70 [2640-3] 100 U U U
uhfyekfla g U, 0 U 345 [2235-1] ()
93 ()
395 () [3064-6] (EUc U 12 [2694-6] 145 [2236-8]
245 () [2732-5] S 101 rdZ'kkL=k ,ao oSKkfud ifr ik'pkR; n'kZu dk ,sfrgkfld los{ Z k.k
86 DU- (2 ) U 0 ) (fcgkj lLadj.k) 'kksHkk fuxe (In Press)
0 U UU ^ dsnkjukFk frokjh 445 [2708-0] ()
2495 (U ) [3146-9] 415 () [3195-7] 225 [3384-5] () 245 [2709-7] ()
1995 (U ) [3147-6] 215 () [3196-4] 125 [3385-2] ()
111 U
87 cU c 94 102 rdZ'kkL=k ,oa oSKkfud ifr 0 U
( U) (Lh, (>kj[kaM lLadj.k) 445 [2470-6] ()
0 U U, dsnkjukFk frokjh 245 [2471-3]()
c, ^ 225 3092&9 ()
595 [0055-7]
cU C US 125 [3065-3] ()
88 -U (S-U ) U UC U)
103 S U 355 [3455-2] ()
m 0 S U (An Introduction to Logic)
275 [2391-4] () 495 [2298-6] () U U 155 [2469-0] ()
175 [2392-1] () 200 [2299-3] () ()
300 [3015-8] 113 S
89 U- 95 SU^UU ()
195 [3016-5] (2 )
(S U U) (U ) 104 U (In Press)
U U MU 0 U ( 1) 95 [2794-3]
325 [2393-8] () 300 [2331-0] () 425 [2229-0] () ( 2); 445 [3178-0] (lftYn)
225 [2394-5] () 175 [2332-7] () 225 [2230-6]() 245 [2795-0] (vftYn)
107 108
n'kZu (c) ;ksx
114 U U 123 ;ksx
U U (In Press) (ewy] vuqokn] v;;u O;kogkfjd ;ksx ij vk/qfud xzUFk rFkk jgL;okn)
295 [3176-6] () 495 [2233-7]()
295 [2234-4] () 132 U U 138 ;ksxh dFkke`r
195 [3177-3] ()
124 ledkyhu ik'pkR; n'kZu (F/C) ijegal ;ksxkuUn
115 U p
U U fuR;kuan feJ 133 U 125
395 3296&1 (lftYn) U, 0 0 0 U 139 - S
345 [3153-7] () (F/C) [2282-5]
195 3297&8 (vftYn) S "-, 0
145 [3154-4] () 134 U
U U 595 [3256-5]
116 Hkkjrh; n'kZu ds ewy laizR;; U (In Press) 75 [2404-1]
dk;kZuUn 'kekZ 140 N (la'kksf/r laLdj.k)
475 [2231-3] () 135
145 [4075-1] (In Press) 275 [2232-0] () vuq- ,oa la- o m
117 HkkSfrdh dk lriFkU vk/qfud HkkSfrdh 126 U L 495 [3513-9] ()

vkSj izkP; jgL;okn ds e; lekUrjrkvksa 950 [1787-6] 295 [3514-6] ()

(S , U,
dk vUos"k.k (The Tao of Physics: An Uc) ( SU) 136 U
141 U
Exploration of the Parallels between U 400 [3099-8] UU
Modern Physics and Easter Mysticism) 34 [2228-3]
137 U - U U (F/C) [2289-4]
fQYtkdkizh] fg-vuq- /eZjkt ok?ksyk
127 lekt ,oa jktuhfr n'kZu (S U U 142 gB;ksx & lHkh ds fy,
275 [463-3]
jkesU U U)
(In Press)
0 0 jkts'ojh jeu
118 SU U 495 [2712-7] ()
295 [2259-7] 75 3353&1
U 295 [2713-4] ()
50 [2798-1] 128 U U ckS /eZ vkSj n'kZu
119 - lHkh 'kk[kkvksa vkSj mi'kk[kkvksa lfgr (ewy] vuqokn vkSj v;;u)
U, 0 U U (In Press)
9 545 [2241-2] () 143 vonku&dYiyrk&{ksesUfojfprk 147 h U
345 [2242-9] () (nks [kaMksa esa) (ikyh Hkk"kk) ( )
120 U S la- Jh/j f=kikBh
U 129 (U , UU,
([kaM 1) 250_ ([kaM 2) 250
195 [2366-2]()
U )
144 (S U )
75 [2367-9] ()
25 [2797-4]
U U U U U (In Press)
130 oSKkfud izfof/ ,oa rdZ'kkL=k 324 [2309-9] 650 ( ) [2178-1]
121 U S (Scientific Method & Logic) 550 (m ) [2179-8]
U 145
v'kksd dqekj oekZ (, S U ) 1200 () [2180-4]
255 [2971-8] () 250 [3368-5] () U
155 [2365-5]() 125 [3369-2] () 85 [2550-5] 148 h-S U
122 131 US mU 0 S U, U
0 U 146 h , S 0 UU
600 [2237-5] () U 200 [2207-8] ()
1195 [3012-7] ()
295 [2238-2] () 38 [2793-6] 645 [3507-8] () 125 [2208-5] ()

109 110

tSu /eZ vkSj n'kZu tSu /eZ vkSj n'kZu
149 ckS lkfgR; eas Hkkjrh; lekt 155 ---U (S) 166 -U () 177 UU
ijekuUn flag (In Press) 0 U UU, U U
345 [2758-5] (lftYn) (F/C) [0273-5] U UU, U
245 [2759-2] (vftYn) 0 U 100 [3496-5]
156 h 195 [3106-3]
150 hU- 178 U -U
U 167 SU U
0 0 U U
245 [2215-3]
28 [2784-4] 0 UU, U U
0 60 [3036-3]
151 egk;kulw=kkykj&vlfojfpr 157 hXU (F/C) [3025-7]
h 13 # 179 U
(2 [kaMksa esa) (ikyh Hkk"kk) 168 U UU
la- ,l- ckxph U ( U ) 75 [3037-0]
([kaM 1) 300 0 0 h L
([kaM 2) 500 950 [1787-6] 180
350 [3003-5]
152 ewylokZfLroknkfou;oLrq 169 U-----U U
158 15
(2 [kaMksa esa) (ikyh Hkk"kk) U0
la- ,l- ckxph U 950 [1709-8] 181 CLU
([kaM 1) 400 145 [2333-4] 170 izkd`r ikB p;fudk 0 l
([kaM 2) 300 (izkjfEHkd ikB~;;) 100

153 egkoLrq vonku (izFke [kaM) 159 U 200 [4061-4] 182 SU

la- ,l- ckxph UU 171 izkd`r ikB p;fudk UU (, VU
250 95 [2922-0] (mPpkj ikB~;;) -U U)
154 Jh xqlektrU=ke~ 200 [4062-1] 0 UU
(ikyh Hkk"kk) 160 lo.kZizHkkllw=ke~ (ikyh Hkk"kk) 172 izkd`r Hkk"kk foe'kZ 200 (lftYn)
la- ,l- ckxph la- ,l- ckxph iQwypUn tSu ^izseh* 183 (--)
200 200 45 [4054-6] UEU UU
173 izkd`r O;kdj.k izosf'kdk 100
tSu /eZ vkSj n'kZu lR;jtu cuthZ 184 'kkfUr&iFk izn'kZu
100 [4060-7] ftusU
161 v; 163 -
'kkfUr lkSjHk tSu ekfld ds U U U 174 izsj.kk dh ikouewfrZ 90
v;kRe& foHkkx esa mU U , (lkohJh e`xkorhth dk thou pfj=k) 185 lfp=k tSu jkek;.k
U U la ftrsUnz ch- 'kkg fo'on'kZu o tSu laLd`fr dk vuwBk laxe
izdkf'kr ys[kksa dk laxzg
U S 250 [4055-3]
xq.kjRu lwjh/jth e0 l0
izopu fot; dykiw.kZlwjh'ojth] la- 0 175 400
eqfDrpUnz fot;th ,oa eqfupUnz fot;th 30 [2483-6] 0
5 186 U
164 - U U U
162 xka/h fciQksj xka/h ohjpan xka/h 0 U 176 U l -
fot; fuR;kuan lwjh'ojth e-lk-] 30 U-U
95 [2487-4]

ew-ys- fcfiu nks'kh ,oa izhfr 'kkg (S U U 187 U-

165 tSu Hkk"kk n'kZu
Tr. with additions, inclusious & U U) U UU,
lkxjey tSu
Extensions by egsUnz tSu ^eLr* 0 0 U000U0UU
300 [4045-4]
200 [3990-6] 295 [2259-7] 15
111 112
/eZ vkSj uhfr bfrgkl] laLd`fr] dyk] LFkkiR; iqjkkRo vkfn
188 189 Kkulkj&;'kksfot;thfojfpr 206 U U 216 U
U UU (ewy 'yksd] 'yksdkFkZ vkSj foospu lfgr) (Economic History of Modern India) U
fot;HknzxqIrlwjhth Jhj U (In Press) UU
10 995 [3464-4] () (F/C) [3072-1]
300 [3487-3]
395 [3465-1] () 217 i;ZVu fl}kUr vkSj izcU?ku
/eZ vkSj uhfr 207 U U rFkk Hkkjr esa i;ZVu
U f'koLo:i lgk;
190 US h 145 [2883-4] () 260 3051&6 (lftYn)
195 UU-h
160 3052&3 (vftYn)
Lh U U U 208 M
140 (lftYn) 60 [2467-6] 0 0 218 U U
40 (vftYn)[2799-8] 140 [2806-3] () SM U
196 Ikje iwT; egf"kZ Ekgs'k ;ksXkh 95 [2807-0] () 90 ()
191 vf/uhfr ,oa O;kogkfjd uhfr'kkL=k uo lgL=kkCnh ds yC/izfr"B lUr ds vesfjdk 55 () [2881-0]
jesUnz 209 U
es FkEk vkxeu ij vk/kfjr dFkk, U 219 U U U
245 [4070-6] (In Press)
gsfyuk ,oa jkSyMa s vkylu] vuq0 fpUe; yksgkuh 58 [2891-9] U U U
192 vuqi;z Dq r uhfr'kkL=k (Applied Ethics) 250 [349-0] 210 U- 400 [2375-4] ()
,e ih pkSjfl;k U U 195 [2376-1] (vftYn)
295 [3160&5] (lftYn) 197 U US
410 [3173-5] () 220
135 3161&2 (vftYn) U 210 [2900-8] () U
32 [3127-8]
193 S MU 211 XU 95 [2888-9]
U 198 U U UU X U SU 221 U
375 [2957-2] (lftYn) 0 0 U U U U
175 [2958-9] (vftYn) (F/C) [2200-9] 95 [2836-0]
80 [2244-3]
194 uhfr'kkL=k (flkar rFkk iz;ksx) 199 U h 222 U
( U) 212 U U U U U
fuR;kuUn feJ U
645 [2716-5] (lftYn) U , 0 S 495 [2257-3] ()
345 [2717-2] (vftYn) 295 [2258-0] ()
8 [2436-2] 160 [2893-3] ()
60 [2894-0] () 223 U U
bfrgkl] laLd`fr] dyk] LFkkiR;] iqjkro vkfn 213 #U U UU U (In Press)
U U 475 [2155-2] ()
200 203 U U (550 S 1200 S ) 275 [2156-9] ()
345 [2201-6]
U U U U 224 U U
58 [2892-6] 195 [2239-9] () U S U
201 U 95 [2240-5] ()
( S UU, 204 U U (U 1) U
, UU, U U U 214 - U 225 [2379-2] ()
S ) S U 148 [2884-1] () 0 U S, 125 [2380-8] ()
U U 48.75 [2885-8] () 0 U
575 [2103-3] ()
225 U
50 [2209-2]
205 U U (U 2) 375 [2104-0] ()
202 U U SM U
U (In Press) 215 U UUU U UU 495 [2363-1] ()
155 [2886-5] ()
695 [2723-3] () UU U U
55.75 [2887-9] () 295 [2364-8]()
395 [2724-0] () 300 [2633-5]
113 114
bfrgkl] laLd`fr] dyk] LFkkiR; iqjkkRo vkfn Hkkjrh; jktuhfr] vFkZ'kkL=k ,oa lekt'kkL=k
226 U 236 U US 247 S U 252 U U U
SM U U, 0 U 0 U U U U U U
495 [2368-6] () 200 [3400-2]
18 350 [2802-5] ()
295 [2369-3] () 237 U U
248 MU (S-U) 150 [2803-2] ()
227 U SM U
545 [2203-0] ()
U S 253 U U
U (In Press)
415 [2370-9]() 345 [2204-7] () 195 [2517-8] SM U
215 [2371-6] () 238 Hkkjrh; Hkou fuekZ.k ;kstuk 249 U- 180 [2652-6] ()
228 U LokLF; lq[k ,oa le`f ds fy, ( 200-550 0 ) 80 [2653-3] ()
0 U U U U okLrq'kkL=k ds ljyhd`r flkUr U U 254 U
445 [2372-3] () uUnfd'kksj >k>fj;k U
100 U U U
245 [2373-0] () 595 [3055-4] ()
275 [3498-9] ()
229 izkphu Hkkjrh; foKku vkSj izk| S ksfxdh 239 U U 395 [3056-1] ()
U 145 [2902-2] ()
f'koLo:i lgk; 250 U (2 4 )
195 [3078-6]
195 [2202-3] 255 S U S

230 izkphu Hkkjrh; flDds 240 Hkkjrh; LFkkiR; ,ao dyk U
(F/C) [0191-2] ()
f'koLo:i lgk; (In Press) mn; ukjk;.k mik?;k; ,oa xkSre frokjh 15 [2981-7]
195 2901&5 251
455 2929&9 (lftYn) 256 U S
(Hindi Tr. of Classical Age)
255 2930&5 (vftYn) 241 eaxye; okLrq foKku
(izkphu x`g&fuekZ.k 'kkL=k) 0 U U,
231 U ch-,u- jsM~Mh 0 U U SM U F/C
74 995 [2287-0] () (In Press) [2531-4] ()
160 [2889-6] ()
242 U 495 [2288-7] () [2532-1] ()
95 [2890-2] ()
232 495 [2060-9] ()
0 0 0 U, U Hkkjrh; jktuhfr] vFkZ'kkL=k ,oa lekt'kkL=k
295 [2061-6] ()
150 [2961-9] ()
95 [2374-7] ()
243 U 257 261 U U U -
233 U h 30 [2918-3] 98 [2696-0]
Uc U 300 [2390-7]
244 262 U
10 [3004-2]
ij oqQN fopkj 258 U U
234 U L U
(SM, U U) 18 [3041-7]
38 [3081-3]
0 0 0 U^U, 245 U
125 [2820-9]
0 U 259 -UU 263 izkphu Hkkjrh; 'kklu vkSj fof/

395 [2211-5] (In Press)
50 () U U f'koLo#i lgk;
235 Hkkjrh; iqjkro vkSj 25 () [3395-1] 30 [2688-5] 235 [2693-9](lftYn);
izkxSfrgkfld laLfr;k 135 [2698-4] (vftYn)
246 egku ns'kksa dk vkfFkZd fodkl 260 UM-U U
f'ko Lo#i lgk; Jh/j ik.Ms; (In Press) 0 U, 264 U U UU
295 [3201-5]() 895 [2725-7] (lftYn) 0 0 U, 0 UUc U
140 [2078-4] () 495 [2730-1] (vftYn) (F/C) [2200-9]
125 [2634-2]
115 116
Hkk"kk ,oa Hkk"kkfoKku Hkk"kk ,oa Hkk"kkfoKku
265 U 268 US h 281 U L&;kLdiz . khr 292 Hkk"kk fo'ys"k.k (Hkkjrh;)
0 U U, U U fuoZpu] Hkk"kkfoKku ,oa 'kCnkFkZfoKku ujs'k izlkn frokjh
0 U dk izkphure~ Hkkjrh; xzUFk (ewy Hkwfedk] 95 [3955-7]
250 [3006-6] () fg vuq rFkk ifjf'k"V)
40 [2686-1]
115 [2910-7] () la- ,oa vaxzsth Hkk- lM] fg-Hkk- 293 h &ojnjktiz.khr
266 CUU lR;Hkw"k.k ;ksxh rFkk 'kf'k dqekj la S]
U U 269 UCU U 1600 [3996-0] (In Press) ifjf'k"Vdkj fuxekuUn 'kkL=kh
0 S U U 445 [2424-9] ()
495 [2205-4] ()
282 U
295 [3005-9] () UUU 245 [2425-6]()
250 [2206-1]()
145 [2911-4] () 4 [2514-7] h-U
267 Q U 283 -UU (S )
U U U 270 UU S U

S ( U cU 595 [2320-4]() 18 [2537-6]
UU U U U ) 0 0 S 295 [2321-1]()
0 U U, 295 U-U
(F/C) [2074-6] () 284 U UUU
0 U U U U U
(F/C) [2075-3] () 5 [2527-7]
245 [2177-4]
395 [3505-4]()
195 [3506-1]()
296 Uc
Hkk"kk ,oa Hkk"kkfoKku UUU
285 4 [2645-8]
(laLd`r] ikfy] izkd`r rFkk vU; Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk,a% O;kdj.k] 0 U U
ofu'kkL=k] 'kCnkFkZ foKku] O;kdj.k ehekalk bR;kfn) 60 [2385-3] 297 MU
286 (M M)
271 vfuok;Z jk"VHkk"kk fgUnh 276 CU U U U
fo|kjkuh ,oa uhye egrks ( U, U 125 [2553-6]
298 M-UU (4 Hkkxksa es)a
50 [2707-3] -- U) 287 iz;kstuewyd fgUnh
fnus'k izlkn flag (U U)
272 - UU 0 UU 325 [3503-0]() U
150 [2748-6] 175 [2673-1]() 100 [2623-6] ( )
150 [2624-3] (m )
(F/C) [2247-4] 277 -S U 288 U 100 [2625-0] ( )
273 S (U-h ) (U )
150 [2626-7] ( )
S 175 [2494-2]
50 [2388-4] 299 h (U U)
15 [2441-6] 278 U-- 0 0
274 UU S 0 U, 0 UU U U U 50 [2582-6]

U, 0 0 UUX U 795 [2114-9] () 300 h-

U U U 295 [2115-6] () (U )
495 [2952-7]
22 [2813-1] 279 U (U Language 13 [2586-4]
275 -h 0 S U ) h-UU
0 U U ( U U )
(h- UUU 125 [2493-5]
C U) O;k o la U S]
291 - ifj"drkZ ijes'ojkuUn 'kkL=kh
UU U U U (The Science of Language)
645 [2213-9] ()
0 U, 0 U U
100 [2445-4] 95 [2212-2]
(F/C) [4000-3] 245 [2214-6] ()

117 118

Hkk"kk ,oa Hkk"kkfoKku lanHkZ xzUFk
h-UU 309 U-h ^U- 317 U (5 [k.Mksa esa) 322 S U
(, U-) U ( ) (S) M S U S U U
U ( U % U )
S (F/C) 95 [2518-5] 323 S U U
75 [2427-0] 310 U-h - (m U % m)
(h ) (F/C)
303 h -UU U S ( %U U) 324 S U
(-- U) ( (F/C) (m U) [2584-0] 395 0 m
U U) 1.75 ( U) [2638-0] ( U % S , ) 325 [2336-5] (In Press)
U U 325 S U U
311 U-h ^U - 195
125 [2583-3] (In Press)
U (U U) (U ) ( U % , U, U X) U S
304 UU ( S) U U 195 [2533-8] 20 [2646-5]
M S 95 [2148-4] U-Uc- 326 h-
50 [2681-6] (SU U)
312 oS;j.k&flkUrdkSeqnh&Hkksft& U ( ) U
305 U nhf{krfojfpr (lfoe'kZ fgUnh) O;k[;k) (U U) (F/C)
0 U U, ( ,oa laKk foospue~) 0 0 M S 327 h-
S O;k l jkefoykl pkSkjh 775 [2350-1] () (S )
(F/C) [2124-8] () 125 [2751-6] 275 [2351-8] () 0
(F/C) [2125-5]()
U-h ^U- 319 U-Uc- 1.00
306 U U U ( U) U ( q) 328 h -
UUU (U ) (S-U ) sU (4 [k.Mksa esa)
2.50 [2629-8] S U (F/C) ( U)
145 [2349-5]
307 U U 95 [2352-5] 15 [2636-6] (m U)
U 314 U h 320 (F/C) ( U);
70 () ^U U (S) 10 [2637-3] ( U)
60 () (rf}r ewRoFkhZ; izdj.k ,oa U S 329 S U
7 [2690-8] U S
U h (4 Hkkxksa esa)
frMUrs Hkw&,/&/krq&foospue~)
( U) 321 laLd`r Kku fuf/ 10 [2639-7]
(U- U)
0 0 U U O;kdj.k] vuqokn] 330 U
UU UU okP;ifjorZu] NUn 'kCndks"k UcU, U U
35 [2353-2]
( % U U) jkefoykl pkS/jh ,oa /zoq dqekjh pkS/jh
545 [2341-9] () 315 U-h 15 [2925-1]
195 [2879-7]
245 [2342-6] () (S )
(m % U) U U U lanHkZxzUFk
695 [2343-3] () 95 [2585-7]
(dks'k] fo'odks'k] bR;kfn)
245 [2344-0] () 316 U-h-
( % U U) ^U- U 331 U (3 [k.Mksa esa) 332 --U
( U ) ( U U) (A Comprehensive
395 [2345-7] ()
195 [2346-4] () ( -US- 65 [2617-5] ( U)
Prakrit Hindi Dictionary)

( % U) U U, ) 115 [2618-2] (m U) UU U0 U
395 [2347-1] () 0 0 U U 55 [2619-9] (U) (F/C) [0239-1]

225 [2348-8] () 75 [2647-2] 515 [2620-5] ()

119 120

lkfgR; lkfgR;
333 U S-U 353 UU 364 -UU
U U (U U) (S) (2 Hkkxksa esa)
U S 345 [2098-2]; 0 U (c U, U )
50 [2181-1] 2000 [2097-5] (In Press) 150 (); UU U
(U SU) 75 [3277-0] () (1-3 U)
354 UU-UUU 395 [2682-3] ()
lkfgR; ( S, U ) 295 [2683-0] ()
(laLd`r] izkd`r rFkk vU; lkfgR;) (jpukRed ys[ku] dkO;'kkL=k] U U m (7-10 U)
NUn% 'kkL=k] ukV~;'kkL=k] ewy xzUFk] vuqokn] v;;u) 395 [2611-3] ()
355 UU- 295 [2612-0] ()
(S-U )
335 V- 344 U U0 365 -U U
^V U Lc , 99 [2622-9] (U U, U )
0 UU S 0 0 U U (In Press)
356 U-^U
300 (S-U ) (In Press) 795 () [3077-6]
336 U- 345 S- U U ] vuq gfj'pUnz fo|kyadkj 595 () [3948-9]
(U ) S 745 [3078-3] ()
(F/C) 366 -UU U
U 445 [3258-9] () h
346 U (S U, U U)
345 [3079-0] ()
20 [2509-3]
U S 245 [3259-6] () UU
- U U 6 [2692-2]
( S-U ) 70 [2508-6]
(-) U U 367 dkO;kyadkj&:Vkpk;Zfojfpr
0 347 UCU U U 145 [4005-8]
295 [2153-8] () lU U 115 [2406-5] 368 VUU - U
150 [2154-5] () 48 [2707-3]
358 ( U S )
338 - U UUUU-U U 0 U U
( ) (S, U ) (S U, U ) (F/C) [2488-1] () 38
0 S 0 S U (F/C) [2489-8] ()
0 SM 369 l
1.25 [2578-9]
545 [2106-4] ()
359 U U Uc ^U
339 UU 245 [2107-1] ()
U lU, 0 UU 10 [3080-6]
0 U m, UU U 250 [2183-5] ()
349 UM- 125 [2184-2] () 370
( S U U)
340 U 0 U S 360 -
60 [3388-3]
1.25 [2580-2]
12 [2455-3] 24 [2903-9] 371 U-(3-6 )
350 ,dkad ipn'kh U
341 U (fgUnh vFkZ lfgr 2009-2010 bZ-) 361 -
(F/C) [2983-1]
S U eFkqjknk ik.Ms
195 [3508-5] 24 [2904-6] 372 U-UU
1 [3074-5]
362 -- (4 lxks esa)
342 US- 351 UU- U (S) (S-U )
0 S (U S)
(U ) U U
795 [3010-3] ()
0 0 U m 495 [3011-0] () 9 [2525-3] ( ) 45 [2512-3]
363 (m ) 50 [2541-3]
352 U- ( ) 50 [2526-0]
343 U S () (S, U, ) (S U )
0 U m 0 UU U 0 0 UU ( ) 2
(F/C) 2 [2492-8] 95 [2355-6] (1&3 ) 120 [3817-8]
121 122
lkfgR; lkfgR;
373 U U- U 384 394 (-U) 405 -c ()
(S, U ) U U (S-U )
S 10 [2695-3]
8.74 [3050-9] 0 U U
( ) 35 [3226-8] 395 575 [2157-6] ()
385 -UU (CU U)
(1-5 ) 124 [2660-1] 275 [2158-3] ()
(5 ) (F/C)
80 [2437-9] UU
386 UU () 135 406 -c
374 U U- U 396
( S-U )
(S-U ) UU U S U
275 [2145-3] () (In Press) U U
0 0 S 2.25
( ) 12 [2661-8] 387 UU-UU ( UU) 2 [2530-7]
(-U) 397 - ^UU ()
(1-2) (F/C) ( UU)
15 [2569-7]
(S-U ) () (F/C)
375 -U (S)
0 U S 35 [2504-8] U S () (F/C)

(F/C) 388 UU-UU 75 [2522-2] (In Press) ( ) (F/C)

(S U U) 398 407 U-
376 (U) 0 U U
U 12 [3120-9] (S-U )
2.50 [2536-9] 10 [2515-4] (CU UU) 0 0 S
377 -U 389 M-U 0 UU 3.50 [2528-4]
(S U, U ) (S U ) 10.75 [3121-6] 408 l ()
U 400 U-U ( U )
65 [2506-2] 415 [2079-1] (S-U ) 0 UUU
390 U- U
378 60 [2358-7] 5 [2573-4]
U (S U, U )
401 - 409 UU
10 UU U
10 [2505-5]
379 M- (F/C) [2985-5]
(S U ) 391 - 402 U-UU
0 U m (S-U ) ( ) (S-U ) 410 U U
25 [2581-9] UU U U ( 0 U)
7.50 [2551-2]
(F/C) 0 U U
380 -e~ 403 -UUU 10 [2649-6]
UM U 392 mU- U U U (S U )
112 [2671-7] 0 S U 411 U
381 225 48 [2689-2]
U 393 - U 404 U-UU 22 [2908-4]
(S-U ) 412 U
100 [2659-5] (S U ) U
382 U UU U 85 ( ) [2565-9] U
0 U m 175 [2337-2] ( Ul) 2 (m ) 15
1 175 [2338-9] (m Ul) (In Press) 130 (-m ) [3947-2] 413 U- -U
( Ul) 65 ( ) [2566-7]
383 UUUU 10 (2-)
( S-U )
U 295 [2339-6] ()
6 (2-3 ) 0 0 U S
195 [2340-2] ()
3.50 [2572-7] 145 (6-9 ) [2605-2] 175 [2105-7]
123 124
lkfgR; lkfgR;
414 U 425 U--U 435 U U- U 442 U U- U U
U U , (S-U ) (S-U )
20 [2435-5] 0 S U 0 0 U
37 [3179-7]
415 U-U 125 [2186-6] 9
( S-U ) 426 e;dkyhu fgUnh dkO; 436 U U- U 443 - U
UU U la- oh.kk JhokLro ,oa fnus'k izlkn flag ( S U )
(S-U ) (13-14 )
275 [2658-8] 45 [2896-4] 0 U U
S U (F/C)
416 (U) 427 -U U 5
444 m T U-
U U (S-U ) 437 UU U UU U
95 [2520-8] U (19 lxks esa) 0 S
417 U U- U 75 [2403-4]
(S-U U) (F/C) [3084-4]
U 428 U-^U 0 0 U 445 UU-^UUU
5 [2579-6] (U U) 40 ( ) [2560-4] (S-U )
418 U , 0 UU lU 25 (m ) [2561-1]
S 15 [2539-0] 2.50 ( ) [2662-5]
155 [2678-6] (In Press)
1.50 [3073-8] 429 - U 14 ( ) [3070-7] 446 UUU-^UU
419 ^U-^UU ( S-, U U, (F/C) ( )
(S-U )
(U ) , - U S 6 (cDU # )
0 0 UU U
195 [2310-5] (In Press)
0 U U U) 24 (CU )
(F/C) (1-4 ) U U 40 (11-12 ) 447 U
420 ^U-^UU (F/C)
40 (11-19 ) [3083-7]
(U ) 430 UU- U U
995 [2395-2]()()
0 U U (S-U ) 695 [2396-9] ()

7 [2599-4] (5-8 ) UU U (In Press) 448 'kfDrfot;e~ (fgUnh vFkZ lfgr)

975 [2500-0] () 438 UU-U eFkqjknk ik.Ms;
421 U U U U (S-U )
375 [2501-7] () 245 [3531-3] (lftYn)
U U 195 [3519-1] (vftYn)
(F/C) [2248-1] 431 - U
135 [2383-9]
422 U (U ) 449 UU-
0 S , 0 0 S U 439 UU-U U
U S 55 [2438-6] (S U U ) U (1-4 )
UU 0 U
9 [2563-5] 432 - U 225 [2312-9]
423 Hkkjretjh&{ksesUnzr (S-U )
f'konk ,oa dk'khukFk ik.Mqj a ijc U U 440 UXUU-UU 450 U-
495 [2459-1] (lftYn) 145 [2357-0] U U ^U U (4 lxks esa)
0 U S (S-U )
250 [2460-7] (vftYn) 433
800 [2472-0] () S U
424 U U U U 75 ( ) [2567-3]
600 [2473-7] ()
( U U UU 45 [2848-3] 60 (m ) [2568-0]
) 434 U U (13 ) 441 U 30 ( ) [3068-4]
UU U , U U S U U 30 ( ) [3069-1]
150 [2452-2] 16 [2562-8] 95 [2628-1] (F/C) (1&2 ) [4018-8]
125 126
lkfgR; lkfgR; dk bfrgkl ,oa lekykspu
451 ( ) 461 S U 471 S S U U 478 UU-U
U U U (h U ) 0 U U ( UU ) (S-U )
6 [2687-8] U U 25 U
(F/C) [3043-1]
452 -^U 395 [2443-0] () 472 S-S-l U 479 U
(S-U U) 295 [2444-7] () (S-U )
0 U 0 UU lU 462 S-U 12 [3071-4]
95 [2080-7] 473 S- U
U 65 [2521-5]
453 UUe~-U 6 [2783-7] (S-U ) 480 U U
UU (S) lU 0
463 U U
0 U 145 [2426-3] 80 [2382-2]
495 [2596-3] () 474 S- U 481 fgUnh ds tuin lar
95 [2538-3]
295 [2597-0] () (S-U ) dkdk lkgsc dkysydj rFkk vU;
454 cU ( ) 464 U U S 100 [2938-1]

U S 95 [2513-0] 482 U l U (2 )
295 ()
30 [2384-6] U
475 UU-^U- 30 ( 1) [2897-1]
145 () U- U U (1-8 U) 65 ( 2) [2898-8]
455 U-MS (S-U ) () U
0 S 483 U l l U (2 )
(2 U ) 195
(U U) 445 [2253-5] () 476 g"kZpfjre~&ck.kHk&iz.khr 70 ( 1) [3366-1]
245 [2254-2] () U 70 ( 2) [3437-8]U
850 (U) [1546-9] 466 U- U (iwoZ Hkkx 1-4 UU) 484 U l U (2 )
1400 (mU) [1985-6] (1-3 UU) 245 [2615-1] (In Press) la oh.kk JhokLro ,oa U
456 -U S (mkj Hkkx 5-8 UU) 40 ( 1) [2739-4]
(S-U ) 295 [2995-4] (In Press) 215 () 60 ( 2) [2899-5]
U 467 -UU 195 () [2616-8] 485 U l U
12 [2576-5] 0 477 UU-U ( U)
457 S- 30 [2387-7]
0.50 [2558-1]
U 468 U-U-U
1.50 [2529-1]
(S-U U) lkfgR; dk bfrgkl ,oa lekykspuk
458 S- U U
mU 275 [2335-8] (In Press) 486 U -UUU 488 U U S
100 [3138-4] (U, U
469 S- -U U) 10 [2670-0]
459 S U U U U U
UU S 489 U U
295 [2641-0] 295 ( 1 U) [3030-1] U-UUU
95 [2680-9] 40 ( 1 m U) (S U-
470 S S l U
460 S l-l U U U 487 S ) ( U )
U UU 12 U
4 20 [2876-6] 80 [2598-7]
127 128
vk;qfoZKku vk;qfoZKku
490 U U U 493 S U 509 U UU (5 ) 519 U
U U Ul U U U
100 [2523-9] () 2500 (U) ()
75 [2524-6] ()
U U 1.50
U U 520 U
195 [2878-0]
491 S S U (U U) U
, S 494 S-U lU, l 195 [2589-5]
995 [2171-2] ()
545 [2431-7] ()
10 [2667-0] 795 [2172-9] () 521
492 S U U 511 U () U
, 0 S 495 U U 250 [2591-8] ()
895 [2642-7] () U U 2.25 195 [2592-5] ()
595 [2643-4] () 45 [2877-3] 522 U (UU U)
512 -U
( S U, U ) U
vk;qfoZKku U S (In Press) 195 [2590-1]
995 [2484-3] ()
496 U, 502 U (U ) 523 lU
595 [2485-0] ()
U UU S ( U) U
UU , (F/C) 513 UU-U (3 Hkkxksa esa) U U
503 SS SS SM 1.50 [2648-9]
350 [2266-5] ()
195 [2185-9] SL 524 - (2 Hkkxksa esa)
250 [2267-2] ()
497 cU N-U (U ) 145 [2666-3]
300 m [2268-9]() U
l U 200 [2269-6] () 15 [2600-7]
945 [2095-1] () UU l 395 [2270-2] () m 45 [2601-4] ()
545 [2096-8] () 115 [2386-0] 295 [2271-9] () 30 [2602-1] ()
498 S 505 514 U U U
l 525 l
(UU U) U U U UU ,
1195 [2093-7] () U0 0 U
595 [2094-4] ()
95 [2603-8] 250 [2315-0] ()
100 [2630-4] ( 1)
U- (U ) (F/C) [2704-2] ()
499 U 125 [2631-1] ( 2)
S 526
U 506 UU 795 [2542-0] ()
U (, , U UU)
325 [2543-7] ()
500 595 [2635-9]
(UU U ) 516 U 195 [2595-6]
l 507 -U
16 [2481-2] U (S U) 795 [2478-2] 527 -U ( S U U)
l 0
501 UU- (2 Hkkxksa es)a 517 UU-U-c ^
(F/C) (h) [3204-6] 995 [2432-4] ()
(U ) (U )
(F/C) (UUh) [3205-3] U 595 [2433-1] ()
( ) 645 [2301-3] () -U (U U) 395 [2627-4] 528 -U UU- U
345 [2304-4] () m 518 U U U (U )
(UU ) 645 [2302-0] () 445 [2151-4] () mU 0 U0
345 [2305-1] () 245 [2152-1] () 1 [2644-1] 8
129 130] T;ksfr"k] T;ksfr"k
529 ( ) 530 NU-U U (2 Hkkxksa esa) S U
U U ( U U)
(F/C) (F/C)
U 345 [2056-2] (l)
655 [2260-3] () 245 [2057-9] ()] T;ksfr"k
425 [2263-4] () 557 S SU U
531 vad T;ksfr"k ds jgL; 541 UU--- m 595 [2261-0] () U
johUnz dqekj ,oa eukst dqekj (U U U , 295 [2264-1] () 95 [2300-6]
345 [3606-8]
, U) 548 - 558 - US
l () ( UU U )
145 [2559-8]
195 [2311-2]
U m
115 [2119-4]
(F/C) [2280-1] ()
533 -U ( ) 542 U-U 549 U (F/C) [2281-8] ()
(U ) 0 U U
195 [2130-9] U 559 XU U
645 [3510-8] ()
534 - (Urdu Ed.) 495 [2285-6] () (m SU)
345 [3511-5] ()
295 [2286-3] () U
10 550 U UU 95 [2604-5]
543 S 0 0
535 U U U UU 560 -
295 [2283-2] () ( Uh SU)
l 195 [2284-9] ()
(F/C) [2182-8] U
595 [3170-4] ()
536 UU- 551 T;ksfr"k vkSj ge 75 [2574-1]
(UU-U) (U U) 395 [3172-8] ()
vk'kqrks"k vks>k 561
544 US 95 [3244-2] 0 0 U
80 [2555-0]
95 [2571-0]
537 995 [2307-5] () 552
( U-
495 [2308-2] ()
US U) (h 75 [2480-5] U U
h S ) U--^UU U (S-U U)
` U00 (U ) 553 (U U) U
695 [3108-7] () U0 U, 500 [2112-5] ()
495 [3133-9] () 345 [2062-3] () 295 [2113-2] ()
0 UU
UM 575 [2497-3] () 295 [2063-0] () U

275 [2498-0] () -U 0 0 U, 0 U0 U
110 [2359-4]
539 (2 [k.Mksa esa) U (In Press) 145 [2116-3]

0 U U U U U 745 [2313-6] () 564

2.50 [2557-4] 0 0 U, 0 U0 U 445 [2314-3] () ( ,
540 U U (U 1) 225 [2274-0] () U UU U
555 UUS U )
(U U 125 [2277-1] ()

U m ) (U 2) 295 [2275-7] () U
00 U, 0 310 [2329-7] (lftYn) 295 [2108-8] ()
195 [2278-8] ()
75 [2440-9] (In Press) 210 [3352-4] () 175 [2109-5] ()
131 132] T;ksfr"k] T;ksfr"k
U 574 U U 583 UU 595 U
( U U U) U ( U U)
85 [2499-7]
195 [2330-3] (In Press)
95 [2252-8] (In Press) 795 [2249-8] ()
75 HkkX; fpUrkef.k 395 [2250-4] ()
566 iq=ksf"V vuq"Bku 584 U-
e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vh-ih- f=kosnh (m Uh SU)
e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vh-ih- f=kosnh U c , 0 0 0 ,
695 [3492-7] (lftYn) 495 (lftYn) [3941-0] U
(F/C) [2772-1] 0 U U
395 [3493-4] (vftYn) 295 (vftYn) [3942-7] 395 [2173-6] ()
585 U 195 [2174-3] ()
567 iq=ksf"V fo/ku 576 esykid ehekalk (UU SU U)
e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vh-ih- f=kosnh e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vhih f=kosnh 597 oSfnd (ejkBh laLdj.k)
1195 [3523-8] (lftYn) 95 [2510-9] vuq lanhi nkk=ks; ysy]s la l-uk- Hkkolkj
450 [3234-3]
695 [3524-5] (vftYn) 200 [3975-5]
577 Ikq"ikth 586 -
568 -- 598 (2 Hkkxksa esa)
e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vhih f=kosnh
495 [2149-1]
500 (Hkkx 1) [3543-6]
145 [2140-8] 595 [3452-1] ()
587 UU UU 300 (Hkkx 2) [3544-3]
- 395 [3453-8] () U 599
U 578 & 95 [2354-9]
495 [2146-0] () 588 UU c 495 [2122-4] ()
e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vhih f=kosnh
245 [2147-7] () U U 295 [2123-1] ()
595 [3418-7] ()
570 545 [2137-8] () 600 'k=kqat;
295 [3419-4] ()
U U 345 [2138-5] () e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vh-ih- f=kosnh
145 [2139-2] U-U U 589 UU h 495 [4003-4] ()
(U U U U) 295 [4002-7] ()
571 U (U U) 0 0
U 645 [2135-4] () 601 'kkjnk iznhi
595 [2490-4] () 445 [2136-1] () Elevation of Education
195 [2141-5] Spiritual Remedies
U 395 [2491-1] () 590 okLrq&cksf/uh e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vh ih f=kosnh
0 U fouksn 'kekZ ,oa lhrkjke 'kekZ 495 [3801-7] ()
580 U 125 [3302-9]
595 [2117-0] () 602 'kkjnk lqnhi
UU 591 - Astro Calculus of
295 [2118-7] ()
545 [2422-5] () Education & Profession
572 gU (2 ) 345 [2423-2] () (F/C) e`ny
q k f=kosnh ,oa Vh-ih- f=kosnh
U 900 [3635-8] ()
581 U U 592 - 500 [3636-5] ()
(U U)
0 UU U 25 [2251-1]
603 U
595 [2217-7] () 335 [2428-7] ()
395 [2220-7] ()
593 fookg foe'kZ 65 [2111-8]
235 [2429-4] ()
e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vh ih f=kosnh 604 (10 [k.Mksa esa)
595 m [2218-4] ()
395 [2221-4] ()
582 ;ksx k`a[kyk (2 [k.Mksa esa) 425 [3556-2]
0 0 UU (In Press)
e`nqyk f=kosnh ,oa Vh-ih- f=kosnh 594 U U 245 [2159-0] (
573 UUUU (U ) 1295 [3490-3] (lftYn lSV) U
0 U 795 [3491-0] (vftYn lSV)
625 [2753-0] () 950 [2160-6] ()
35 [2577-2] 325 [2754-7] () 550 [2161-3] ()

133 134

euksfoKku euksfoKku
U m 609 620 UU
315 [2162-0] (In Press) (h, , , SU, U S U
U U UA 465 [3236-7] ()
325 [2164-4] 595 [3060-8] ()
U) 265 [2418-8] ()
U m (In Press) 395 [2808-7] ()
vuq , 0 S U
450 [2165-1] () 630 UU
1495 [2684-7] () 621
395 [2166-8] () 0
U 995 [2685-4] () U S
995 [2996-1] ()
345 [2167-5] 400 [3117-9] ()
195 - U [2168-2] 445 [2997-8] ()
U 215 [2810-0] ()
245 U [2169-9] (In 115 [2110-1] UU
Press) 622 L U U
145 U U [2059-3] 611 XU
265 U U [2150-7]
U 995 [2081-4] ()

80 [3046-2] 615 [2082-1] ()
605 SU 395 [2176-7]
0 0 UU SU- 632 U
145 [2170-5] (In Press)
(UU- U) L U U ,oa vk'kh"k dqekj flag U U
606 -h U 800 [2187-3] () 410 [2407-2] ()
395 [2534-5] () 210 [2408-9] ()
50 [2516-1] 315 [2188-0] () (In Press)
195 [2535-2] () 633
U- U 624
0 UU 613 UUU- U U U
(2 Hkkxksa esa) (U ) UU U
575 [2126-2] () 190 ()
0 U 145 [2841-4] ()
275 [2127-9] () 90 [2414-0] ()
645 [2446-1] () 45 [2842-1] ()
608 hU U (In Press)
345 [2447-8] ()
U 625 vejukFk jk; ,oa S
645 [2474-4] () 745 [2448-5] () m
U S 595 [2192-7] ()
345 [2475-1] () 445 [2449-2] ()
275 [2412-6] () 295 [2193-4] ()
135 [2413-3] () 635 U;wjks euksfoKku ds ewy rRo
626 U ( XI) v:.k dqekj flag (In Press)
614 U S 617 vk/qfud ijke'kZu euksfoKku M U U U 255 3228&2 (vftYn)
0 U S vejukFk jk; ,oa e/q vLFkkuk 300 [3431-6] () i;kZoj.k
565 [3475-0] (lftYn)
(F/C) [2811-7] 135 [3432-3] () ,d laf{kIr v;;u
265 [3476-7] ()
615 e/q vLFkkuk
618 627
140 3325&8
400 [3504-7] () 345 [3488-0] () 775 [3019-6] ()
637 i;kZoj.k v;;u
175 [2409-6] () 145 [3489-7] () 375 [2909-1] ()
n;k'kadj f=kikBh (In Press)
195 [2750-9] (vftYn)
l UU
U 638 U
795 [2223-8] () 775 [2401-0] () 375 [3013-4] ()
445 [2718-9] ()
445 [2224-5] () 245 [2719-6] () 375 [2402-7] () 195 [3014-1] ()
135 136
euksfoKku euksfoKku
639 U U 650 euksfoKku vkSj lkekftd leL;k, 659 euksfoKku esa iz;ksx vkSj ifj;kstuk 670
U0 0 U (Psychology and Social Issues) v:.k dqekj flag U SU
100 [2814-8] eq lqyseku ,oa fnus'k dqekj 75 3322&7
945 [2936-7] ()
415 [3467-5] (lftYn) 660 euksfoKkku esa iz;ksx ,oa ijh{k.k
640 U 445 [2937-4] ()
225 [3468-2] (vftYn) eq lqyes ku ,oa fjtokuk rjUuqe
(F/C) 651 euksfoKku] f'k{kk rFkk vU; lkekftd 745 [2710-3] () (In Press) 671 U
foKkuksa esa vuqla/ku fof/;k 445 [2711-0] () M fU ,oa vk'kh"k oqQekj flag
L U U jketh JhokLro o vU; (In Press) 661 U 85 [2731-8]
1175 [2462-1] () 495 [3303-6] (lftYn) U S 672 U kt
475 [2463-8] () 295 [3304-3] (vftYn) 425 [3091-2] ()
225 [3045-5] ()
642 75 [3396-8]
662 ;ksx euksfoKku (Yoga Psychology)
300 [3429-3] () eq lqyseku :ie 673 ljy O;kogkfjd euksfoKku
125 [3430-9] () 575 [2741-7] () 135 [3945-8] v#.k oqQekj flag
643 jksx 275 [2767-7] () 663 90 [2726-4]
eq lqyseku 653 U U
625 [3433-0] ()
395 [2964-0] () U S
195 [2965-7] () 325 [3434-7] () U S
595 [3950-2] ()
62.70 [3049-3]
644 - 395 [2419-5] () 664
, 0 U S UU U 675 lkekU; euksfoKku
654 # U
575 [2417-1] () 35 [2843-8] ewy izfrf;k, ,oa laKkukRed izfrf;k,
UU tkoSn v'kj
275 [2959-6] () eq lqyseku
395 [2800-1] ()
645 ( XI) L U U 845 [3183-4] ()
195 [2801-8] ()
M 595 [2198-9] ()
445 [3184-1] ()
345 [3376-0] () U 295 [2199-6] ()
145 [3377-7] () L U U 666 676 U
775 [2190-3] () S U UU
646 ( XII)
375 [2191-0] () 495 [2195-8] () 995 [3417-0] ()
375 [3602-0] () 656 U U MU 195 [2196-5] () 495 [2197-2] ()
175 [3603-7] () 0 U 667 677
647 75 [3033-2] U S
235 ()
U U 657 ,
135 () [2809-4] 80 [2812-4]
25 [3044-8] S
648 h U S 668 laxBukRed O;ogkj (In Press) 678
0 0 U 295 () eq lqyseku ,oa fnus'k dqekj UUU U
12 [2919-0] 195 () [2420-1] 495 [3059-2] (lftYn)
45 [2844 -5]
295 [3076-9] (vftYn)
649 U , S LU

595 [2737-0] () 995 [2720-2] ()
225 [3371-5] () 725 [2410-2] ()
295 [2194-1] () 415 [2721-9] ()
125 [2849-0] () 325 [2411-9] ()
137 138
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