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August 10th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew

Edublogger Review
Doing this job well, I’m increasingly convinced, means playing
A "mash-up" of postings from nine engaging educational the long game. It means having patience, accepting setbacks,
and e-learning bloggers. and keeping your expectations realistic. Quick hits happen, but
forcing them to happen usually costs far more than it’s worth.
If you’re planning to stick around for the entire game, you
Pulling the Goalie don’t pull your goalie early.
By Dean Dad on August 10th, 2010 Wise and worldly readers, have you seen administrators pull
In conversation recently with a colleague at another college, the goalie on your campus? If so, how did the campus recover?
I realized that what she was describing something I’ve seen a
few times, too. I call it pulling the goalie.

In hockey, if a team is behind near the end of the game, it Agility through collaboration
will sometimes take out its goalie and put in another offensive
By Harold Jarche on August 10th, 2010
player. (The total number of players on the ice is six per team.)
The rationale is that it’s easier to score with an extra shooter, Instead of factory-style production teams, agile programming
and if you’re losing anyway, what’s the difference between uses far fewer, but better, programmers. The principles of
losing by one and losing by two? It’s a high-risk maneuver, communicating, focusi
obviously, and it would be suicidal to try to play an entire game
that way. But when you have little to lose and you need a quick
score, it’s a reasonable strategy.

I’ve seen administrators who are angling for higher-level jobs

in other places do the equivalent of pulling the goalie on their
home campus. ng on simplicity, releasing often and testing often are also
applicable to developing good instructional programs. Does
It works like this: Dean X wants to be a Vice President instructional systems design (ISD) need more agility? An ISD
elsewhere. She tries for a while, to no avail. Out of impatience, project team should be able to return to the Analysis or
she pulls the goalie by abruptly going from a traditional Design phase and make changes while instructional content
management approach to rampant backroom deal-making, Development is taking place. If not, changing conditions
complete with mutually contradictory promises behind the cannot be accommodated and the programme is outdated
scenes. The idea is to “get things done” in a hurry, to make before it’s even finished. I wonder how many content
a conspicuous splash and line up support artificially to put development shops actually have a process that enables them
her application over the top before people figure out what has to rebuild after the design specification has been signed off.
happened. Let the next person clean up the mess. The root of the problem is that ISD views instruction as
separate from work. Instruction is perceived as something that
In the very short term, it can work. If you have a reputation can be designed, developed and delivered as a programme,
for being trustworthy, there will be a time lag between when not integrated with the work to be done. Subject matter
you start lying and when people figure it out. If you can land experts are consulted, but the ISD professionals remain in
another job during that lag, you win. control. It’s a good model when things change slowly. The
current fascination with rapid e-learning only exacerbates
But the clock is ticking, and if you don’t beat the clock, things the problems with ISD. Rapid is just a faster version of
will get ugly. And even if you do, things will get ugly on the ADDIE, with less time for reflection and feedback: Garbage-
campus you left. In; Garbage-Out.

Unlike the hockey move, I consider this a major ethical I think that ISD and agility are fundamentally incompatible.
violation, since it subordinates the good of the campus to one Clark Quinn proposes a better approach, collaborative co-
person’s career ambitions. It also makes the job much harder design:
for whomever comes next, since folks who’ve been burned are Things are moving so fast, and increasingly the
much slower to trust again. The first few months are sort of like work will be solving new problems, designing new
the Spring thaw in the East River, when all the mob victims solutions/products/services, etc, that we won’t be
suddenly turn up as floaters. Ugliness keeps getting unearthed, able to anticipate the actual work needs. What we
and just when you think it’s over, there’s more. will need to do, instead, is ensure that a full suite
of tools are available, and provide individuals with

August 10th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
the ability to work together to create worthwhile Nothing illustrates an idea quite like real world examples. Of
working/learning environments. course, with it being summer, some of these blogs are not
particularly active right now, but all of them look like they’re
In short, tying back to my post on collaboratively
quite active during the school year.
designing job aids, I think we need to be
collaboratively designing workflows. What I mean Example Classroom Blogs
is that the learning function role will move to Huzzah! - A grade 5 & 6 class of 10 & 11 year old learners, in
facilitating individuals tailoring content and tools to “the beautiful Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, British
achieve their learning goals. Columbia, Canada”. This is a nice looking site with good use
Collaborative co-design is one more way to integrate work and of visuals like pictures, slideshows, and videos. There are
learning, and give our organizations more agility. Embedding also links to student blogs, and a great set of other classroom
the principles of communicating, focusing on simplicity, blogs in the “blogroll” listing on the right side of this page(I
releasing and testing often; just make sense in an increasingly would think this right hand column should be visible on the
complex workplace. Once again, the major barrier, like home page too, but it wasn’t – maybe its just a glitch).
Enterprise 2.0 or social media for work, is that the traditional
gatekeepers have to give up control.
The New Improved CChat
Mideast Countries The New August 10th, 2010

Destination Of Choice For

Study Abroad I'm pleased to announce that everybody can now use my
backchannel system for their own presentations. The idea is,
Source: at a live event, such as a conference presentation or speech,
the-new-destination-of-choice-for-study-abroad.html people can send messages to each other and comment about
By StevenB on August 10th, 2010 the presentation. Normally, this would happen in secret, but
In what educators are calling the fastest growing study-abroad it's more fun if you take the conversation and put it up on the
program, American college students are increasingly choosing screen. CChat, my backchannel system, allows you to do that.
to spend their traditional junior year abroad in places like
Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, Comments
wanting to experience the Arab world beyond America’s
borders and viewpoints. the number of American students Comment
studying in Arabic-speaking countries increased sixfold to
3,399 in 2007 from 562 in 2002. Read more at: Title
fashion/08Abroad.html?_r=1 Your comment:

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Blogging in Education Today replies:

(part 2 in a series) Your comments always remain your property, but in posting
Source: them here you agree to license under the same terms as this
By kwalsh1 on August 10th, 2010 site (Creative Commons). If your comment is offensive it will
be deleted.
This week we’re learning about teachers
using “classroom blogs” Automated Spam-checking is in effect. If you are a registered
user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users
cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain
Last week we started this series examining the current state
words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to
of blogging in education by looking at how today’s teachers
make sure it makes sense.
are using blogs. Our first post focused on teachers blogging
about various experiences and ideas, with the intended
audience essentially being other teachers, and to a lesser
degree, the general internet audience.
Five Ways To Cut College
This week we examine another category of teacher Costs
blogging, probably best referred to as “classroom blogging”. Source:
These are blogs in which teachers blog about classroom college-costs.html
activities and experiences, often with students participating By StevenB on August 10th, 2010
and blogging as well. The intended audience here can be the In addition to tuition, there are "lab fees, recreation fees,
students, parents, other teachers, administrators, and so on. computer fees, materials fees, and then a bus pass! We didn't
As with last week’s post, I’ve combed through many examples realize nearly every class would have fees associated with
of classroom blogs and selected a few examples to share here. it," says Judy McNary, a financial adviser in Broomfield,
August 10th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
Colo., who has three children attending the University of
Colorado. With all the added costs associated with the A Guide To Paying Less For
academic side of college, it can pay greatly to look for ways to Textbooks
cut back in different areas of college life. Here are five areas Source:
where you can cut college costs . Read more at: less-for-textbooks.html By StevenB on August 10th, 2010
You might call it the college student’s first lesson in
exploitation: paying $100 for a textbook, then getting
Tips for Safe and Secure a mere $12 when reselling to the campus bookstore at
the end of the semester. College textbook prices rose
Social Networking about 6 percent, on average, every year — that’s twice
Source: the rate of inflation — from 1986 to 2004. there’s
By vvogel on August 10th, 2010 nothing more infuriating then paying the sticker price on
According to US-CERT : "The popularity of social networking textbooks (well, with the exception of tuition itself), when
sites continues to increase, especially among teenagers and many other books are available at a discount. Read more
young adults. The nature of these sites introduces security at:
risks, so you should take certain precautions." In an effort to find-cheaper-college-textbooks/?
help institutions as they prepare to educate students returning ex=1296532800&en=af62294e8c7b67fe&ei=5087&WT.mc_id=BU-
to campus for the fall semester, the EDUCAUSE & Internet2 D-I-NYT-MOD-MOD-M160-ROS-0810-L1&WT.mc_ev=click
Higher Education Information Security Council ( HEISC ) has
created a list of suggested tips for safe and secure social
networking . This new wiki page includes higher education IT Accessibiliy Center
resources, industry resources, and recent articles. Source:
By drupal on August 10th, 2010

Unless otherwise noted, EDUCAUSE holds the copyright

Access Copyright's excessive on all materials published by the association, whether in
$45 per university student print or electronic form. In certain cases the work remains
the intellectual property of the individual author(s) (see
proposed tariff - August 11, Special Circumstances ). Content from conference speeches,
2010 deadline presentations, blogs, wikis and feeds reflect the opinions of
the author, and not necessarily those of EDUCAUSE or its
Source: members.
August 10th, 2010

Access Copyright is proposing to charge Canadian universities

$45 per student, and colleges $35 per student, a rate increase A joint policy proposal for an
of about 1300 percent (that's not a typo) over current rates.
Access Copyright was originally founded to collect levies for
open Internet
photocopying, but this newest fee represents a tariff for digital
August 10th, 2010
copying. And then some. "Incredibly, the tariff defines a 'copy'
to include "posting a link or hyperlink to Digital Copy". So,
that would presumably include any website with copyrighted Following concerns they were about to jettison net neutrality,
material...! AC apparently expects to be paid whenever a Google and Verizon have done the opposite, coming out with a
professor posts a link on his or her website to my blog, or joint statement of seven principles that speaks largely in favour
Michael Geist's blog or the Globe and Mail or eBay. That is of an open and neutral internet, including this: "this new
simply absurd." Responses need to be filed by August 11 to nondiscrimination principle includes a presumption against
the Copyright Board, which "seems to have an unstated 'rocket prioritization of Internet traffic - including paid prioritization.
docket' policy when it comes to AC." Via Michael Geist. More So, in addition to not blocking or degrading of Internet content
from Techdirt. and applications, wireline broadband providers also could not
Your comments always remain your property, but in posting favor particular Internet traffic over other traffic." Awesome.
them here you agree to license under the same terms as this Via Jay Hathaway. More from Mashable.
site (Creative Commons). If your comment is offensive it will
be deleted. Comments
alqpr, August 9, 2010 5:39 p.m.
Automated Spam-checking is in effect. If you are a registered
user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users I share the doubts expressed by 'saltrix' and 'Alain' on
cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain Jay's posting, and by the critics quoted in the NYT's more
words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to recent article. Namely "protecting the internet" won't mean a
make sure it makes sense. damn once there's a new "differentiated" network on which
the anomaly of relatively cheap publication costs for small

August 10th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
independent sources can be done away with. At present presentations, blogs, wikis and feeds reflect the opinions of
the internet is supported by the traffic of big and small the author, and not necessarily those of EDUCAUSE or its
transmitters, but if the big ones leave it may get squeezed members.
- and if the big corporate entities find it more congenial
to competerate with one another rather than with the less
predictable challenges afforded by upstarts then squeeze they Ideagora
will. [Comment] [Permalink] [Previous][Next] Source:
August 10th, 2010
Comment Well here's one way to respond to the Ning paywall. The former
Title Ideagora Ning group has moved to "Ideagora is
growing and adapting as a professional network of individuals,
Your comment: organizations and professional groups engaged in knowledge
and resource sharing, research, social policy, political strategy,
Enter email to receive
technology issues, and business policies."
Your comments always remain your property, but in posting
Your comments always remain your property, but in posting them here you agree to license under the same terms as this
them here you agree to license under the same terms as this site (Creative Commons). If your comment is offensive it will
site (Creative Commons). If your comment is offensive it will be deleted.
be deleted.
Automated Spam-checking is in effect. If you are a registered
Automated Spam-checking is in effect. If you are a registered user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users
user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain
cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to
words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to make sure it makes sense.
make sure it makes sense.
Foreign B-Schools Luring U.S.
Students And Parent Can Faculty Overseas
Communicate Anytime But Is Source:
That A Good Thing By StevenB on August 10th, 2010
Business schools in Asia are courting professors in the U.S.
with the prospect of doing leading research work as the schools
By StevenB on August 10th, 2010
aim to strengthen the credibility of their graduate programs.
Nineteen-year-old Taylor Matichak calls her mom several As business schools in Asia work aggressively to become
times a day, in between the flurry of text messages they brand names in business education, their dominant strategy
send one another discussing academics, social life or just has been targeting and recruiting Western-trained professors.
daily chit-chat. It's profoundly different from the college Deans at those schools say nabbing "star" professors is critical
days of her mother, Debbie Matichak, 52, who remembers for building clout in the research world and subsequently
waiting in long lines at her dormitory pay phone to make attracting the brightest students to their graduate programs.
the obligatory Sunday collect call home. As college students The defections are adding to a problem American b-schools
prepare to descend on campuses in the coming weeks, many have faced for the better part of the past decade: a shortage of
will find that with the ease of cell phones, unlimited text business Ph.D.s to teach the 100,000-plus students who enroll
message plans, e-mail, Facebook, and Skype, they can have in graduate-level business programs each year. Read more at:
near-constant access to mom and dad. Read more at:
connected-parents-20100805,0,7352817.story Shared Decisions and
Abolishing Awards
This content has been flagged Source:
August 10th, 2010
for review Interesting: if your goal is "for each student in our school to
recognize and develop his/her unique talents and interests..."
By PODEducation on August 10th, 2010
then you may have a non-mainstream view on awards. "The
Unless otherwise noted, EDUCAUSE holds the copyright key words in this are 'each student'. We do not want to
on all materials published by the association, whether in just recognize those that excel in specific areas, we want to
print or electronic form. In certain cases the work remains recognize EACH student for the areas in which he/she excels.
the intellectual property of the individual author(s) (see As a school, we need to continue to move away from the
Special Circumstances ). Content from conference speeches, traditional educational hierarchy that says those students who

August 10th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
excel in language arts and maths are more important than
those who excel in fine art." And, presumably, the one that says Automated Spam-checking is in effect. If you are a registered
that students who excel in sports are better than any of them. user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users
Awards collectivize. They force people into pursuing the same cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain
achievement rather than their individual achievements. It is words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to
ironic to see people who celebrate individuality also celebrate make sure it makes sense.
awards. Via The Innovative Educator.
Your comments always remain your property, but in posting
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user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users
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make sure it makes sense.

U Of Michigan Open First New

Dorm In Forty Years
By StevenB on August 10th, 2010

The University of Michigan today publicly unveiled the

first new residence hall to be built on campus in more than
40 years – a $175-million residential and academic building
that will blend living and learning in one complex and includes
many high-tech features. It will house 450 students, many of
them enrolled in one of six academic programs that also will
be housed in the building. It’s the first building on campus to
be built with the dual purposes in mind. Read more at:

Power laws
August 10th, 2010

Nice post on types of inference and in particular about

abduction. Abduction is also known as 'inference to the
best explanation'. It's what we have to do with respect
to complex phenomena; it is most tentative of the three
inferential strategies and gives us, as Dave Snowden says,
anticipation rather than prediction. That doesn't mean it is
without evaluative standards; I discuss those here, in my
discussion of the logical fallacies. I like the presentation of
the coherence requirement in this post. "He rightly headed
the slide Complements, not alternatives. Abductive techniques
are in effect means of generating coherent hypotheses under
conditions of uncertainty. The coherence word is key here, just
because we don't know everything it doesn't mean that all ideas
have equal value."
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