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mag Facing Race Mal Embracing Equity tochester’s racial equity initiative ‘An Open Letter to the Greater Rochester Community August 15, 2017 Facing Race, Embracing Equity (FF ‘community dialogues on race in the process of leading actions to eliminate structural barriers that maintain racial oppression and inequities in Greater Rochester. E ) convenes and encourages candi, respectful and inclusive This letter i intended to serve as both a reminder of FF E's origins and its ongoing commitment to Its ‘mission, as well as an invitation to join us as we evaluate the ever-changing landscape of racism in Rochester, ‘and how the linkages among existing efforts to bring about racial justice can be strengthened. By way of background, the seeds for FREE were planted in 2011, when the Rochester Initiative for Structural Equality (RISE)[I), the Rochester Museum & Science Center, and the Rochester Institute of Technology collaboratively approached the Rochester Area Community Foundation seeking the funding needed to bring the prestigious exhibition, "RACE: Are We So Diflerent?" to Rochester in 2013. Fifly thousand residents deepened their understanding of race and racism as a result of this effort When RACF committed to underwrite the exhibition, it also charged the requesting partes to create ongoing dialogues and positive community "change" related tothe teachings ofthe exhibit. In response, the stakeholders of RISE took the lead by broadening its tent to include a greater and more diverse set of participants. Itis in that context that RISE evolved into FR=EE in the summer of 2012. FR=EE was publicly launched in January 2013, with the announced purpose of being a community collaborative to promote greater awareness and action to address racism in all its forms across the community ‘Since that launch, much has happened—both locally and nationally. These events have caused FR=EE's stakeholders to reassess the role of FR=EE in this community and how it can most effectively fuflits mission to eliminate structural racism from the Greater Rochester area. ‘As racism exists in many forms—from the subconscious, tothe interpersonal, the institutional and the structural, multiple approaches, knowledgeable and skiled leaders, and significant collaboration are required to impact itn significant, concrete, and measureable ways. FREE aspires to more effectively encourage these efforts, help develop and support these leaders, and be a table around which collaboration can be fostered, and anti-racist stances and campaigns can be developed and/or supported. In the last four years, FR=EE, has collaboratively helped to facilitate, influence, or actively support a number of ‘important achievernents at the local level 1] Before FR to the National Community Action Partnership. Action for @ Better Community was selected as one of seven sites across the country to pilot racial equity efforts that would also address issues of poverty and economic E, there was RISE—formed in 2009, which evolved from a grant made by the Ford Foundation security. ABC formed the RISE coalition to implement related local itiatives. Inclusion of attention to structural racism an explicit principle ofthe Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative. ‘© Removal of a 110 year old racist panel from the Dentzel carousel at Ontario Beach Park, ‘spearheaded by the “Take it Down" campaign and ensuring thatthe panel would be preserved in a ‘proper context to continuously educate residents of the history and ongoing pervasiveness of racism ‘+ Promotion of numerous community discussions, workshops and professional development events to ‘educate local leaders about etructural racism. ‘+ Participation of youth inthe "'m Not Racist, Am 1?" curriculum ~ an effort that has gained significant traction in several local schools. © Organization and convening of Four Annual Summits on Race that have maintained a community focus on racism and provided opportunities for engagement, networking and collaboration. * Participation on the Rochester City Schoo! Districts School Climate Task Force, Advocacy related to the “Ban the Box" campaign to prohibit employers from asking about criminal background in the city of Rochester when not relevant tothe position advertised, * Advocacy related to the Police-Community Relations to include body Worn Cameras and Police Accountability Board, + Advocacy related tothe Raise the Age ‘© Leadership regarding the planning efforts to secure the Health Profession Opportunity Grant (ROC- HPOG—administered by ABC, that will connect 1,000 residents to job training and careers in the heath fil. While we are understandably proud of what has been accomplished locally, itis clear that much more action is required. Indeed, Fi efforts that are sill required to mobilize the community and the need to advocate for immediate change, E has struggled with the tension between the massive education and engagement Itis this tension that brings FR=EE to its present point: charting a course for the future that strategically deploys its resources in the ways that will result in more visible positive change at the community level. Given the work to be done and the individuals and organizations already engaged, FR=EE is endeavoring to Klentify the best space for FREE to exercise its leadership. Over the next two months, two of FR=EE's most committed volunteers, Shirley Thompson and Mike Bleeg, will continue reaching out to community groups, leaders and residents to learn more about where our community finds itself, and where we can move forward, Ithas always been @ core value of FR=EE that this work be done by and with the community, in partnership, rather than being done “for” the community from a position of E's efforts being guided by the lived experience of those most power. We value the Importance of Fi severely impacted by structural racism. We ask that you help us inthis effort — bringing forth our vision that Greater Rochester has dismantied racial oppression and achieved social equily and justice for all. ‘Share with us your experiences, your concerns, your frustrations. Connect us with others who are doing the ‘work or who are seeking to join an effort, Our goal is not to direct or coordinate, Our goal is to connect people ‘of good will with one another, and to work directly with them, supporting any and every effort that will make: residents’ lives better and promote eqully. Please email with your thoughts. COvertuming a system and culture of racial hierarchy and oppression is no easy task - but ifitis true, as Dr. ‘King said, that the are of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” then it wll take all hands to push our community forward. FR=EE offers its hands in that effor. Sincerely, Kate Bennett and James Norman FREE Co-Chairs

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