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Gifts to Bring Home from the Mission Field

Quite a few years ago President Gordon B Hinckley was in an airport and happened to meet some
returning missionaries. Their families were there. They were picking up their baggage, and he said to
one of them, Whats all this you have? He answered, These are gifts I am bringing home. And that
experience was what gave him the title for his message of: Gifts to Bring Home from the Mission Field.

1. A knowledge of and love for God our Eternal Father and His Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent
(John 17:3) There is no greater gift that comes to anyone in this world than a certain, reassuring
conviction that God, our Eternal Father, lives and that Jesus is the Christ. I believe that. I think it is so
very, very important.
The Lord has also called you to His work, and He invites you to follow Him. The invitation to follow his
example and to become like him.
- Who would like to share their personal moment when they gained a testimony and love for God
our Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ?

2. A knowledge of and love for the scriptures, the word of the Lord.

President Hinckley said As a missionary, I read each evening before going to bed a few chapters of
the Book of Mormon, and there came into my heart a conviction which has never left: that this is the
word of God, restored to the earth by the power of the Almighty, translated by the gift and power of God
to the convincing of the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ. I thank the Lord for the testimony
which I have of the truth of the word of God as found in these sacred revealed books. I would hope that
every missionary would leave his or her field of labor with a conviction in his or her heart that these
things are true.
-The scriptures teach us about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and how to return to them.
-The Bible and the B of M testify of Jesus Christ.
-Book of Mormon and Bible Stories teach me how to live the Gospel.
How has the Saviors teaching influenced you?
From the beginning, Jesus Christ has revealed the gospel, which tells us what we must do to return to
our Heavenly Father. At the appointed time He came to earth Himself. He taught the plan of salvation
and exaltation by His word and by the way He lived. He established His Church and His priesthood on
the earth. He took our sins upon Himself. By following his teachings we can inherit a place in the
celestial kingdom. He did His part to help us return to our heavenly home. It is now up to each of us to
do our part and become worth of exaltation. (Gospel Principles pg 16)

Do you read the scriptures as though you were writing them a thousand, two thousand, or five thousand years
ago? Do you read them as though you stood in the place of the men who wrote them? If you do not feel thus, it is
your privilege to do so, that you may be familiar with the spirit and meaning of the written word of God When
you can thus feel, then you may begin to think that you can find out something about God, and begin to learn who
he is.
Brigham Young
The scriptures describe Christlike attributes that are essential for you to eventually develop as a
missionary and throughout your life. Christlike attributes are gifts from God.
Joseph Smith once said referring to a book of scriptures He who reads if oftenest will like it best.
- Share a favorite scripture story or person in the scriptures that inspires and motivates you or
has taught you something significant.
- Christlike attributes are abundant in the lives of men and women in the scriptures. Can you
give an example of one?

3. An increased love for parents.

I have attended hundreds of missionary meetings over the years. I love to hear missionaries speak of
their love for the Lord, but I also love to hear them speak with great appreciation and love concerning
their parents. Boys who had been careless and indifferent stand on their feet and with tears in their eyes
thank the Lord for their fathers and their mothers. In these days, what a salutary and wonderful thing it is
to hear a strong young man stand up and speak with great feeling concerning his father and his mother,
saying things he would never have said before in all of his life. Every boy and girl ought to come home
with an increased love for parents.

Now I know there are many among us who had a rough upbringing or were not fortunate enough to have
the support, love and teachings of quality parenting. And we recognize that you are will be responsible
to break that cycle and start a new with your own families when that time comes. We hope you look for
those examples that will inspire you and direct you as you parent your own children.
For those who were fortunate to have those quality examples:

- Share briefly a lesson you learned from them that has served you well here in the mission.
- Share a reason why you appreciate them so much more now that you are serving so far away
from your home.

To honor parents means to show love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and concern for them all of the days
of their lives. It means to help them preserve their dignity and self-respect in their declining years. It
means to honor their wishes and desires and their teachings both before and after they are dead.
James E Faust

Story of President Hinckleys Fathers response to when he wanted to return home from his mission.

4. A love for the people among whom they labor.

I love the English people. No one can sell the English short in my mind because I labored with them, I
lived with them, I was in their homes at their firesides, I learned to know their hearts, and I learned to
love them.

I have learned to love the people of Asia. I spent 11 years among them, and I love them. To me, I love
them as much as I love anybody because of the experience I have had as a missionary, as it were,
among them.

Theres something wrong if a missionary doesnt come back with a great love for the people among
whom he labored.

- When did you recognize that you truly love the people you are serving/teaching here in Mision Mexico

Charity is a gift from God. The prophet Mormon said that we should pray unto the Father with all the
energy of heart, that we may be filled with his love. (Moroni 7:48) As you follow his counsel and strive to
do righteous works, your love for all people will increase, especially those among who you labor. You
will come to feel a sincere concern for the eternal welfare and happiness of other people. You will see
them as children of God with the potential of becoming like our HF, and you will labor in their behalf.
Charity, like faith, leads to action. You will develop charity as you look for opportunities to serve others
and give of yourself. (PMG Pg 118)

- When did you witness your companion demonstrate a selfless or sincere act of love for others?

5. An appreciation for hard work.

Every missionary ought to come to realize that work, work, work is the key to getting things done, the
key to success in life. There is no substitute for work, for getting up in the morning and getting at it and
staying with it to get the job done. I dont know of a greater asset for whatever lies ahead in life than the
capacity to discipline oneself to work.

President Ezra Taft Benson I have often said one of the greatest secrets of missionary work is work! If a
missionary works, he will get the Spirit; if he gets the Spirit, he will teach by the Spirit; and if he teaches
by the Spirit, he will touch the hearts of the people and he will be happy. There will be no homesickness,
no worrying about families, for all time and talents and interest are centered on the work of the ministry.
Work, work, work- there is no satisfactory substitute, especially in missionary work.

Diligence can be defined as a steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lords work
and that means any work. A diligent missionary works effectively and efficiently. Diligence in missionary
work is an expression of your love for the Lord and His work. (PMG pg 121)

- When have you worked with someone that has impressed you with their work ethic and diligence in
their responsibilities?

- Look at your name tag when you stop and consider who you represent- how does it change your
perspective on how obediently and diligent you work in the mission?

The best thing about hard work is that it does more than make our dreams come true. It has other
rewards and benefits. Here are ten of them:

1. Hard work helps us realize our potential

2. Hard work helps us face up to life. Life is hard and challenging but hard work and a good
attitude are the best tools we have.
3. Hard work makes us feel good.
4. Hard work builds character. Enduring/honest effort brings out the best in us.
5. Hard work earns the respect of others.
6. Hare work earns self-respect. Consistently giving our best also helps us develop respect for
ourselves. Whether we win or lose, we always feel better when we try.
7. Hard work add meaning. As long as we have goals and purpose, we have a good reason to
get out of bed in the morning.
8. Hard work gets the best results. Life is more enjoyable when we are productive. Fulfillment is
the result of wholehearted effort.
9. Hard work becomes a habit. We all know that habits are the key all success.
10. Hard work is healthy. Hard work is good for us mentally and physically. Its proven hard
workers are healthier and live longer.

6. The assurance that the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is available to each of us when we live for it.

The availability of inspirationeach of us, if we live for it, if we cultivate it, can have it. I love these great
words of revelation, these words of promise: God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea,
by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost (DC 121:26) What a precious gift to bring homethe
assurance, the certainty that if we live for it, we have available to us that which comes by the power of
the Holy Spirit.
- The Holy Ghost beareth record of the Father and of the Son
- The Holy Ghost teaches us all things and brings all things to our remembrance
- He guides us to truth and shows us things to come
- He lightens our minds and fills our soul with joy
- By His power we may know the truth of all things
- He will unfold the mysteries of God unto us
- He shows us what we should do
- He inspires those we teach
- More important, the remission of sins comes through the Atonement By baptism, and by fire,
yea, even the Holy Ghost, allowing us finally to be sanctified by his gift and to stand spotless
before Christ at the last day.
As disciples of Christ, we must make the gift of the Holy Ghost a conscious, daily, prayerful
part of our lives.
Elder Boyd K Packer said, No one of us can survive in the world of today, much less in what
it soon will become, without personal inspiration.

-How can we use this heavenly gift as a vital compass for our daily actions?

The Holy Ghost works daily in the lives of missionaries and are numerous and inspirational.
Most are quiet and personal, seen only as dramatic when we look back at the changes they
President Monson has counseled us to Never postpone a prompting. We watch. We wait.
We listen for that still, small voice, When it speaks, wise men and women obey. We do not
postpone following promptings of the Spirit.

Think of you own experiences here in the mission of when did you keep your heart open to
the Holy Ghost and responded to a prompting and the blessings that came because of this
- Heavenly Father Knows Page 21 story of President Monson as a bishop.

7. An understanding of the importance of teamwork.

No one can do this work alone. We work in pairs. In the mouth of two or more witnesses shall [all
things] be established (2 Corinthians 13:1). We work together. There is no place for prima donnas in the
mission field. Our efforts are largely team efforts, and what a marvelous thing it is to learn to work with
other people.
In 99% of life you work with others- even as the big boss of any company your ability to work with others
is vital. Good people build their lives on a foundation of respect. Since the beginning of time, the worlds
most successful people have shown respect in four ways.
1. Manners- Call them anything you want- courtesy, respect, politeness, kindness, consideration,
etiquette, thoughtfulness, graciousness, etc our manners are who we are. Well always be
known by the way we treat others. And the way we treat others will always be a key factor in
determining how successful we become. Thank you for being kind... Pg 24 of President
Monsons story.
2. Language- A mans words will always express what has been treasured in his heart. Luke 6:45
3. Honoring the rules- When.we, as individuals, obey laws that direct us to behave for the
welfare of the community as a whole, we are indirectly helping to promote the pursuit of
happiness by our fellow human beings. (Aristotle) Imagine for a minute what a professional
soccer games would be like with no rules. Chaos? Mayhem? How about a mission with no
guidelines or no handbook? Unproductive? Ineffective? Chaos? Wonder if there were rules, but
only one team or companion had to obey them? How would you feel if you were the team or
companion that was obeying the rules? One time a text book defined rules and laws as
Regulations for human relations. That really is one of the big reason we have them- to help us
be more considerate of one another. Rules arent made to be broken- they are made to be
honored. Obeying the rules means we want to play fair. It also means that life will be simpler and
more peaceful. The people who succeed in life are the ones who show respect in all its forms.
4. Appreciating differences- The truth never becomes clear as long as we assume that each one
of us, individually, is the center of the universe. (T.Merton) We have heard great talks about the
dangers of judging others. Something I have struggled with my whole life- something I work on
continually. Join me in looking for the good in other, and saying positive things. If we can change
this in our life it will have a powerful effect. It will give you a more positive perspective of other
people and improve relationships at the same time. So simple put, overcoming self-centeredness
and our narrow way of looking at life will help us appreciate others and the differences and
uniqueness we each possess.
So understanding the importance of teamwork begins with treating others the way wed like them
to treat us:
We develop effective social skill and habits
We make other people feel good
We earn the respect of others.
We are treated better by other people
We improve our feelings of self-worth
We build a solid reputation.
Good people and team players build their lives on a foundation of respect.

8. The value of personal virtue.

I think there is no greater thing concerning future integrity that a missionary can learn than the value of
personal virtue. I think there are fewer words greater than the promise given under the inspiration of the
Lord as set forth by the Prophet Joseph Smith: Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly. Thats the
commandment. And then the promise: Thy confidence [shall] wax strong in the presence of God (D&C
121:45). Thats the promise to those who walk in virtue.

In PMG on pg 118 it says Virtue originates in your innermost thoughts and desires. It is a pattern of
though and behavior based on high moral standards. Since the Holy Ghost does not dwell in unclean
tabernacles, virtue is pre-requisite to receiving the Spirits guidance. What you choose to think and do
when you are alone and you believe no one is watching is a strong measure of your virtue. Virtuous
people are clean and pure spiritually. They focus on righteous, uplifting thoughts and put unworthy
thoughts that lead to inappropriate actions out of their minds. They obey Gods commandments and
follow the counsel of Church leaders. They pray for the strength to resist temptation and do what is right.
They quickly repent of any sins or wrongdoings. They live worthy of a temple recommend. Your mind is
like a stage of a theater. By controlling the stage of your mind you can become pure and virtuous.

9. The faith to act.

I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no
commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way that they may accomplish the
thing which he commandeth (1 Nephi 3:7).
We ask tremendous things of missionaries. It is so hard for shy and insecure young people to do the
things we sometimes ask them to do. But what a marvelous thing that they try. They have the faith to do,
the faith to act, the faith to go forward and make the effort. And what a marvelous gift that is to bring

Nephi made a new bow, Rebekah watered 30 camels, Joseph Smith applied the principles in
James 1:5, Emma Smith created our first hymnbook, President Thomas S. Monson acts on
promptings to rescue the lonely, and, more important than any other act, the Savior Jesus
Christ completed the Atonement for all mankind. All of these noble men and womenmost
of all the Lordacted. They understood and brought blessings to mankind. Bringing forth
blessings requires particular actions.

As you learn doctrinal truth you must do more than simply accept it intellectually said Sister
Marriott. In order for truth to bring blessings and personal conversion, we must live by that
truth. We must act on it in faith, even when we dont know all the results our actions may
bring. Ours is a living, active faith, not a passive one. In the New Testament, James speaks
of the man who continues in the law, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work,
this man shall be blessed in his deed (James 1 :35)

Understanding that the iron rod is the word of God is not a guarantee that it alone will safely
guide [you] through. We must take action and place our hand firmly and steadfastly on that
iron rod, thereby acting on the truth we learn. We must experiment upon the word of God
and actually do something with our understanding.

Elder Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles counseled, Young people increasingly
need to be learners who act. This counsel to act contains a promised blessingadditional
light and knowledge by the power of the Holy Ghost.
10. The humility to pray.

Recognize that there is a power greater than ours, that no matter how good a man is, he is not good
enough, that no matter how wise he is, he is not wise enough, that no matter how strong he is, he is not
strong enough for all of the things which he will face in life, and that there is a source of power to which
he can go with the assurance that he will be listened to and that there will be a response.

The marvelous thing about prayer is that it is personal, it is individual, it is the most intimate
communication between us and our Father. We should not hesitate to ask Him to bless us, to help us
realize our righteous ambitions. We can ask Him for the important things that mean so much to us in life.
He stands ready to help, strengthen and comfort.

- What is one specific time that you have experienced Heavenly Fathers direct answer to a
prayer while serving here in the mission?

These are 10 gifts that I would hope every missionary would bring home with him or hernot a lot of
tinsel, not a lot of dolls, not a lot of rugs or furs or dresses or plates, but these great, enduring, wonderful
things. God bless you to keep the faith, and while doing so, enjoy with great happiness that which you
are called to do.

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