Heroes and Egos

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Heroic and Egotistical PMs

Well Balanced Project Manager working for the Team. Selfless management, effective
communication, efficient delegation.
Minimum Heroics Minimum Ego
Maximum Drive
Balanced PM Team Importance
Defending Team Reasonable Behaviour Supporting Team
Good delegation Gives credit were credit
Openness. Courage in is due. Standing up for

E x tr e m e B e h a v io u r
convictions. oneself.

Taking on board all Heroics Egos Taking credit for team's

challenges on a effort, blaming team
personnel level for shortfalls.

Taking on work Taking on more work

personally and letting for team but not
everybody know responsibility for
Restricted external Restricted external
reporting reporting
Awards for PM at Heroism Egotism Prima Donna attitude
expense of Team Others have failed
rather than PM.
Self sacrificing hero / martyrdom and posthumous awards / Blaming others for failure.
Taking credit for success. Self centred management.

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