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Summary Report

Survey Findings Factors Affecting

Employee Recruitment in Greater

August 17, 2017

Summary Report
Survey Findings Factors Affecting Employee Recruitment in Greater Victoria

It is becoming increasingly common to hear concerns being expressed about the impact that the
shortage and cost of housing in Greater Victoria is having on the ability of employers to find and retain
staff. In order to determine the extent of this concern, Chemistry Consulting Group undertook a survey
of business operators on behalf of a number of local business organizations. The survey, which was
comprised of 12 questions, was distributed to members of VIATEC, Tourism Victoria, Downtown Victoria
Business Association, Vancouver Island Construction Association, WestShore Chamber of Commerce,
Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce.

The survey was open from July 15 August 10, 2017 and at the conclusion of the survey period, a total
of 250 responses had been received. The following provides an overview of the key findings of the
survey. While these findings largely focused on housing issues, the survey also included a question on
the availability of childcare, plus provided respondents with the opportunity to identify other factors
that are creating recruitment challenges.

Key Findings - Profile of Respondents

Survey respondents represent a range of industry sectors. As shown in the adjacent graph, respondents
represent 10 different industry sectors with the highest number of responses coming from businesses in
the accommodation, recreation & tourism services, professional services, retail, and food & beverage
Which of the following best describes the principal industry of
your organization?
20.0% 16.4%
14.8% 14.4%
4.0% 2.8%
5.0% 1.6% 0.8% 1.2%

Respondents represent a range of small, medium and larger companies and organizations: Many
thousands of employees are represented by the businesses that responded to the survey. As shown in
the graph, responses are well distributed by employee size range and, therefore, not skewed on the
basis of company size. Of note, is that more than one in five respondents is involved in a business with
more than 100 employees.

About how many employees work at your company?

20.0% 18.8%

15.0% 12.8%


1-5 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 50 51 - 100 101+

Respondents operate businesses located throughout the Greater Victoria area. While the greatest
percentage of respondents operate businesses within the boundaries of the City of Victoria (which is
consistent with the fact that the greatest number of overall businesses in the region are located in the
City of Victoria), overall, respondents represent businesses that are spread through Greater Victoria
(note that the percentages add to more than 100% as some respondents operate businesses in more
than one municipality).

In what region(s) do you operate?

Metchosin/Sooke 12.2%

Highlands/Malahat 8.9%

Westshore 12.2%

Sidney/Saanich Peninsula 33.3%

Saanich 18.7%

Oak Bay 15.4%

Victoria 68.7%

0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0%

The great majority of respondents have been trying to recruit employees in the last six months.
Almost nine out of ten respondents (87.6%) indicated that they have been on the hunt for employees
over the last six months. Even if each of these respondents were looking for only one employee, this
represents a search for 219 workers (i.e., 250 respondents x 87.6%).

Have you been recruiting employees in the past six months?
No, 12.4%

Yes, 87.6%

Key Findings - Impact of Housing and Other Issues on Recruitment

Well over half (57.2%) of respondents believe the current shortage of housing is making it difficult for
them to attract employees from outside of Victoria. Of remaining respondents, 19.2% are unsure if the
shortage of housing is having an impact and 23.6% indicated it is not having an impact on their ability to
attract employees.

Do you feel that the current shortage of housing, both rental and
for purchase, is affected your ability to attract potential employees
from outside of Victoria?

Not sure 19.2%

No 23.6%

Yes 57.2%

0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0%

The housing shortage is making it difficult for businesses to attract employees from outside Victoria at
all position levels. From entry-level to senior management positions, respondents indicated that
Greater Victorias housing shortage is making it hard to attract employees. As shown in the adjacent
graph (note that multiple responses were allowed), 78.1% of respondents (who indicated that the
housing shortage is making it difficult for them to recruit potential workers from outside of Greater
Victoria) have had difficulty finding employees to fill entry-level roles. However, respondents also
indicated that the housing shortage is making it difficult to attract employees at all other levels (e.g.,
from almost 42% for supervisory / middle-management roles to 24% for senior management roles).

If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, what position
level(s) are you finding it difficult to recruit for due to the
housing shortage?
50.0% 41.8%
40.0% 35.6%
30.0% 24.0%
Entry level / Support / Supervisory / Technical / Senior
primary level administrative middle specialist roles management
roles roles management roles

26% of respondents indicate that the shortage of housing is having a serious or significant impact on
their ability to attract and retain workers. In total three-quarters of respondents believe the shortage
of housing is having some level of impact on their ability to recruit and retain talent for their business:

Respondents identify a range of factors affecting the availability of housing in Greater Victoria. 108
respondents answered this question and identified up to five factors each which they believe are
affecting the availability of housing. The key factors identified include the following:

High housing costs including unfordable rent or mortgage rates related to salaries (e.g., under
Lack of housing supply (rental or purchase)
Use of housing for short-term vacation rentals makes it unavailable for longer term rental
Limited affordable housing (including in proximity to place of employment)
Condos bought as secondary homes or by foreign investors and left empty most of the time
Conversion of rental units to condos for purchase
Speculative home buyers

Lack of pet-friendly rentals
Disproportionate amount of age-restricted dwellings
Affordable suites tend to be illegal or rundown and not suitable for working professionals
Lack of transit service and traffic congestion to outlying areas (where housing may be more
High cost to build new housing and lack of construction workers
Bylaws limiting secondary suites
Longer term leases being changed to month-to-month rentals
Landlords taking advantage of tight market to increase rents
Growing numbers of renovictions(leading to significant jumps in rental rates)
Not enough three-bedroom rentals
People from Vancouver are selling their homes and moving to Greater Victoria

Almost half of respondents (46.6%) believe the increase in the number of properties being used for
short-term rentals (STRs) is negatively affecting the availability of housing for their staff. Of remaining
respondents, about 27% are either unsure if STRs are having an impact on housing availability, or dont
believe they are having an impact.

Do you see the increase in short-term rentals (STRs) as a factor

affecting the availability of housing for your staff?
50.0% 46.6%
30.0% 27.0%
Yes No Not sure

Just over one-fifth of respondents indicated that they believe that the lack of child care is having an
impact on their ability to recruit employees.

Just over two-thirds of respondents indicated that they have had to raise salaries in order to attract
staff and management due to the regions low unemployment rate and the higher cost of housing.
More than one-third (34%) of respondents to this question indicated that they have had to raise salaries
and wages by 10%. Some of the respondents in the Other category indicated that they cannot afford
to raise salaries so are doing without staff. One respondent noted (I raised salaries) 35% and offer
exceptional tip pool options, and I still cannot find and retain staff.

As a result of the historically low unemployment rate in this region,

and/or the higher cost of housing, have you had to increase salaries
and wages to recruit staff and management? If yes, by about what
34.0% 33.3%
5% 10% 25% Other - please
identify the

Please see the attached information which presents the input provided in response to the question
Would you like to make any additional comments with regards to recruitment challenges?.

In conclusion, while there are many factors that influence the ability of businesses and organizations to
recruit employees, one of which is the low unemployment rate, the findings of this survey clearly
indicate that the lack of affordable housing and/or the lack of housing inventory, are currently having a
negative impact on the business community and, if these factors are not addressed, these impacts could
worsen in the future and have a restraining impact on the overall economic growth potential of the
Factors Affecting Employee Recruitment in Greater Victoria

Q12 Would you like to make any additional comments with

regards to recruitment challenges.
Answered: 59 Skipped: 189

# Responses Date
1 Many of our candidates for entry level positions reside in Langford. Public transportation is not 8/4/2017 3:50 PM
very practical. Efficient transportation from Langford/Victoria up to the Saanich peninsula is
simply not available in the early mornings. For example, getting to Sidney for a 6:00 a.m. shift is
simply not possible. During core hours, the bus trip from Langford to Sidney is more than 2

2 . 8/3/2017 10:41 PM
3 One of our biggest challenges is transportation as many food and beverage and accommodation 8/3/2017 5:27 PM
properties run 24/7 have buses only running from 6:00AM to midnight week days and a very
weak schedule Friday and Saturday till 1:30AM is a major issue. Entry level workers need
transportation 24/7 form the Western Communities and Saanich Peninsula areas where the
rents are more affordable.
4 As a locally owned small business we are being compressed on every front. For recruitment, not 8/3/2017 4:09 PM
only is there pressure to increase wages, but there is greater pressure for extended benefits,
which are quite expensive for a small team.

5 A two tiered economy is developing and if it continues no one will benefit. The top tier is 8/2/2017 3:11 PM
experiencing increases in wealth and buying power. Conversely the lower tier is finding it
impossible to exist in this high priced economy where business continue to pursue the top tier
consumers but only pay works enough to reside in the bottom tier. This economic model runs
out of momentum as there are not enough consumers in the top tier and the bottom tier will
soon disapear and thus their is a shortage of service workers.

6 Schools do not provide education that has much relevance to real life. Grade 12 Math is 8/1/2017 5:01 PM
impossibly challenging, and rarely if ever needed later. No education on basic accounting or
7 I can well understand businesses having problems due to housing/rental shortages . As 7/31/2017 2:26 PM
mentioned this factor has not affected my small business and I do not for see this being a future
problem. .
8 Just because we haven't been directly affected, the impact on the community is obvious and 7/30/2017 1:30 AM
even if I have sufficient staff the complimentary businesses are struggling.
9 I try to do as much of the work as possible therefore with limited hours that have to be specific 7/28/2017 5:25 PM
it is hard to get someone reliable and trustworthy.
10 I am fortunate to have had the same staff over the last year so I am unsure as to how the 7/28/2017 2:33 PM
housing market has affected staff recruitment.
11 Increasing wage rates make it difficult for me to compete (as I'm a small family owned and 7/28/2017 1:45 PM
operated business). However increasing costs of living in Victoria make it difficult for young
people to stay here and work.
12 No 7/28/2017 1:15 PM
13 We are located in Tofino but from what I hear this is an Island-wide epidemic. In regards to child 7/28/2017 9:24 AM
care, we do not have many staff with children but more and more people are making Tofino
their permanent residence and we are seeing less transient people therefore I anticipate
childcare becoming an issue for us. We have just had our first 2 maternity leaves, in the
companies' 15 year history, this year. We are also finding that our staff are more long term and
making friends within the community so they are speaking to staff at other resorts and
comparing wages, benefits etc. This has been interesting... however, the resorts within the
community work very well together and we share information on a regular basis (we meet
monthly to discuss different issues etc.) and all of the employers are very similar in terms of
wages and benefits as well as offering different perks. This is difficult to explain to staff though
as everyone wants something different to feel appreciated. Thank you for this. I am curious to
see what will be done with the results of this survey!

Factors Affecting Employee Recruitment in Greater Victoria
14 It is very challenging to hire for our restaurant this year. Many young people are having to live at 7/27/2017 10:15 PM
their parents, or in tents in the 'suburbs' ie. highlands, Goldstream, Sooke, Cadboro Bay etc and
find commuting a challenge due to the restrictions of transit for late night travel home. To get
from downtown Victoria to Sooke after 11pm on a weekday is challenging. A more robust late
night service could eliminate some of these challenges. Obviously the ultimate answer is more
affordable housing with in the core, however, an expanded transit service would certainly help
in the short term.
15 Not just for entry level employees, but mid and Senior managers requirea monetary raise with 7/27/2017 4:13 PM
the higher cost of living as well.
16 For resident musicians it's not a problem. But I can see if I had to bring in new people I'd 7/27/2017 12:12 PM
probably have to put them up in my own home. They couldn't afford to rent anything and for
only a couple of weeks at a time.
17 I had a huge problem with: Question #1. Which of the following best describes the principal 7/27/2017 12:01 PM
industry of your organization? There was NO acknowledgement to the Performing Arts,
Creative Victoria. The lack of awareness by Tourism Victoria of how impactful the Artistic
Industry is in Victoria is offensive. We serve over 25,000 people a year with arts & culture,
which makes Victoria a vibrant, exciting and diverse place for tourists to experience. Tourism
Victoria needs to step it up with their support and partnerships with local arts companies.
18 -Even though I offer (on average and with tips) a $20/hour job, I cannot find cooks. -Everyone i 7/27/2017 11:48 AM
know in the restaurant business CANNOT find cooks. -The best cook I had left to move upisland
because he couldn't afford the rent down here anymore. -Finally I will be closing my business
within the next 2 years and leaving this city because I CANNOT AFFORD TO LIVE HERE, WILL
even though my business is thriving, i cannot continue to do business in this city.
19 I would like to see the minimum wage for greater Victoria raised to $15 per hour. If I do this 7/27/2017 11:35 AM
alone my expenses increase and my profits decrease. If the minimum wage is increased to $15
per hour, then all minimum wage employees have more spending money. The minimum wage
employees will most likely spend this money and it will generate more income for local
business thus offsetting the cost of increasing the minimum wage. Restaurants will probably
benefit the most and should not be excluded from the increase in minimum wage.

20 With a Vancouver based team as well, we've found it difficult to entice applicants on the 7/27/2017 11:32 AM
mainland to relocate to the island. A person can spend less on house in outlying regions in
Vancouver, and use the significantly better transit system to commute. In Victoria, lower cost
housing is located in regions where transit service is poor, irregular and time consuming.

21 Transportation - the time to travel from areas where housing is less expensive causes no end of 7/27/2017 11:21 AM
challenges for getting everyone here on time. We've had to time shift one of the staff in order to
manage the issue.

22 The restaurant industry always suffers when we approach full employment. We need to 7/27/2017 11:19 AM
improve the stature and conditions and make these jobs become more of a profession.

23 Salaries too low to attract workers from outside of Victoria not living with family or having 2 or 7/27/2017 11:15 AM
3 jobs

24 raise minimum wage. It will make a huge difference in new worker and make a level playing field 7/27/2017 11:11 AM
for employers.

25 Recruitment is an issue but more importantly is the lack of hosting for current staff. The stress 7/27/2017 9:01 AM
placed on employees searching for housing is very high emotionally and financially. The
difficulty the face in securing a place to live is tremendous. In the past 3 months, 2 staff were
given notice by landlords for take backs forcing them back into the market. Their focus shifted
from 110% on work because they were reasonably worried about where they were going to live!

26 Recruitment in food service jobs is and has always been difficult. The challenge to find and 7/26/2017 10:36 PM
maintain dedicated and talented workers who want to participate in the industry as a career
and not just as a stepping stone to another position when it becomes available is vey hard to
do. As primarily customers for food services do not want to pay the real price for food related
products or services just the highest quality for the cheapest price. This only promotes cheap or
poor quality products with low paid staff and lower or poorer quality service.
27 I moved here 3 years ago and found the wages on the low end and cost of living on the high end. 7/26/2017 5:42 PM
I strongly believe that salaries need to go up. I lived in Australia where everyone received a
living wage (about $18 per hour since 1999).

Factors Affecting Employee Recruitment in Greater Victoria
28 If something isn't done to stop the foreign investment, short term rentals and vacant 7/26/2017 3:18 PM
investment properties many industries here are going to die. Telling a young person or young
family that a 2 bedroom house is going to cost them $800,000.00 is going to force young people
to move from here and stop others from moving here. Raising the minimum wage is like putting
a band aid on a severed appendage. The local government here in the CRD is probably the most
corrupt and useless I've ever ever seen in my 43 years on this planet.
29 In our case, we had really significant difficulties recruiting a dishwasher who would meet our 7/26/2017 1:30 PM
requirements: motivated, willing to learn, multitasking, reliable. Even when we could hire
someone, we had a lot of turn-over for: accepting another position, no returning after first pay
cheque, not being resilient enough for job-related stress (working under pressure), alcohol and
drug use, lack of motivation, changing their mind. There is also a considerable high number of
people who apply, but when you contact them they don't return calls, are not interested any
more etc etc. It has been a VERY stressful time, always keeping in mind, if we can't hire to have
the option to close one more day... which would be not good for the business. We find, for
kitchen staff, in particular cooks and chefs, there is a lack of motivated young people who are
interested and willing in schooling and training. Insentives such as subsidiced tutition fees, etc.
might encourgage more young people to start and persue a professional career and start with a
basic formation, we think. Tution fees might be a barrier to start training. Recruiting people has
definitely been an issue. Thank you for addressing this issue. Housing is surely one big problem,
but not the only...
30 On the Peninsula, as much as anything I think the issue is the relatively good economy taking 7/26/2017 1:22 PM
40+ women out of the labour force because they don't need to work. Historically we relied on
local women who wanted part-time work for a little extra money but weren't interested in full
time work. They seem to have disappeared. Housing may have taken away some of the lower
income part of that group but higher family income and higher wealth in the form of increased
house values has probably taken away the top income end of the group. Increasing wages
doesn't help much, at least at the $15 range we can afford.
31 Lack of availability of techincal skills 7/26/2017 1:04 PM

32 housing is not the issue a lack of opportunity, real or perceived, and the fact that this is an 7/26/2017 11:37 AM
island are the issues
33 We are a small retail business that recruits locally by word of mouth but I believe that high 7/26/2017 11:34 AM
rents and lack of accommodation is affecting Sidney as a whole
34 Recruiting websites don't have the pull that they used to 7/26/2017 11:02 AM

35 Qualified culinary personnel shortage most challenging. 7/26/2017 10:54 AM

36 We are a great location but have affordability challenges that is increasingly difficult with unfair 7/25/2017 8:48 AM
competition in the local market by big employers like the provincial government.
37 I have had several candidates apply from Alberta and they all have shared they are looking for 7/24/2017 4:22 PM
housing but find it difficult as they are not getting responses from property management
companies. Some people that I have interviewed in person have shared it took no time to find a
place but out of the downtown core. Some candidate have moved to Langford but find it
cheaper to live in Langford and commute. The problem there is the constant bottle neck for
commuters which is not acceptable. Saying that our newest hire, Michelle and her mom just
moved to Victoria two weeks ago and found a rental property on Foul Bay and Gonzales with no
problems. Luck of the draw I suppose.
38 There has been way to much focus on affordable housing and very little attention on solutions 7/21/2017 11:50 AM
to boost the local economy by creating a incentives and subsidies to help employers from small
to mid-size businesses to increase wages for employees. If employers had the tools and
financial solutions to increase wages, they could create a business environment where they
could open stores longer, have employees that spend more in the local economy and that have
disposable income beyond housing.

39 Lack of affordable housing within our area, employees are moving further from Downtown and 7/21/2017 11:09 AM
it increases the stress on their life with a decrease in quality. Who wants to spend 1.5 hours on a
40 Candidates are telling us that they are finding it exceedingly difficult to find suitable housing in 7/21/2017 8:38 AM
Victoria. And we have had 2 of our current leaders advised by their landlord that they will have
to move as they are going to rent monthly instead of seeking an annual lease.

Factors Affecting Employee Recruitment in Greater Victoria
41 We happen to be particularly effected by the popularity of our area as a Canadian retirement 7/21/2017 8:15 AM
hub... which artificially supports higher home prices due to the demand from outside our
immediate area. The resulting competition ( ability to pay / afford )for real estate between
established and or semi retired people and the first time buyer becomes heavily one sided in
favour of the established. Entering the house market for many first time buyers, virtually leaves
them on the knife edge of affordability.
42 It is simply hard to find quality employees in the current market. Entry level are prevalent but 7/20/2017 12:30 PM
qualified long term staff are hard to find.
43 We are a seasonal operation - most of the people employed understand this and take the winter 7/20/2017 9:23 AM
off or are students and return to school. That being said, the housing "crisis" does affect
families and their ability to survive in the area. Rents have surpassed wages and most people
are struggling to get by - it affects long term savings and even day to day purchasing decisions
(ie. food or rent).
44 Question 10 asks a yes/no question but doesn't provide no as a possible answer. Questions are 7/20/2017 8:55 AM
misleading as they assume that the housing shortage is a result of increased short-term
housing rentals which is not a cause but a symptom. Population growth and a lack of adequate
building starts is the main cause of increased cost of housing.
45 Recruitment can be challenging for small business, we do not necessarily have the means for all 7/19/2017 4:22 PM
of the the benefits. Lower wages prevent viable recruitment of well educated and experienced
people. If the rent continues to increase, we will not be able to sustain entry level and hard
labor positions. How are we going to operate?

46 I do not offer full time employment and I need a reliable hardworking person s to assist in the 7/19/2017 4:07 PM
delivery of a wonderful customer experience

47 It seems the challenge is generally finding specific skills in candidates. Last year it was Kitchen 7/19/2017 3:23 PM
staff, this year it is Esthetics and Supervisory positions.

48 We need more choices for rental of apartments within the downtown core 7/19/2017 3:18 PM
49 Traditional recruiting channels produce virtually no response. It would be helpful if government 7/19/2017 2:36 PM
identified a central place to post for both employees and employers.
50 Any recruitment challenges have been with the dearth of trained available people. Wage 7/19/2017 2:22 PM
increase have not been to allure staff from competitors but to pay a "living wage" and
encourage new entrants into the hospitality industry. The tourism industry's troubles and
lessened R.O.I. are an unintended consequence of much larger problems of which the industry
is or has been in denial for some time. The focus on new competitive entrants and housing
issues is diversionary at best ... we need to vision a changed future and plan for it! Thanks for
the opportunity to input ....
51 I currently have a student that sleeps in her car for lack of housing opportunities. I have two 7/19/2017 1:52 PM
others students who need to use our staff housing, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to
accept their role.
52 In the past year we have had a number of new employees, from junior staffers to senior 7/19/2017 1:49 PM
managers with families, couch surfing and living separate from their families for months at a
time. We have lost two employees who gave up trying to find housing to meet their families's
needs and moved away.

53 Since Victoria is a year round destination short term housing is not a feasible option for Tourism 7/19/2017 1:05 PM
Employees. Subsideed housing programs and Rent controlled long term rentals would be a
huge help to ensuring the tourism industry in Victoria. FOr expample some of the huge towers
being built would benefit Victoria housing crisis if a number of units are set aside for
afforadbale living units for employed Victorias. (NOT welfare cases)
54 Prefer out of town employees as they have a better work ethic - islanders have a hard time 7/19/2017 12:50 PM
committing to work duties and schedules.

Factors Affecting Employee Recruitment in Greater Victoria
55 We operate a salon in downtown Victoria. The majority of our staff live close to the salon and 7/19/2017 12:46 PM
within distance. In part due to the high cost of rentals and lack of options our staff are
questioning their future. One stylist has already left to go back to school elsewhere as it is
difficult to imagine starting a life in Victoria with the current cost of living. Another stylist is
putting serious thought into moving back home (outside of Victoria) as she is struggling to find
an affordable place yet again (has moved three times in the past month). In the five years we've
been operating our business we've noticed a declined in applications from outside the city.
Which isn't too surprising as rental prices have likely caused young adults to look to other cities
for work. There are few affordable places to rent downtown but yet there are 100s of short term
rentals downtown. The housing/rental crisis has been demoralizing on both a business and
personal level. It has been difficult for out staff and my spouse and I are seriously questioning
whether we'll remain in Victoria as we were set to buy a home as part of starting a family but
have been priced out of the housing market. It is very likely we will sell our business and
relocate elsewhere to raise a family within a year, primarily driven by the skyrocketing housing
prices and rental market instability. I'm stunned our landlords haven't cashed in and sold the
home we rent and I don't want that uncertainty with young children.
56 Being in a semi rural area, the drive southbound on the Pat Bay Hwy is also a factor. Not many 7/19/2017 12:40 PM
employees enjoying the commute. The nearest bus route is a 30 minute walk and takes roughly
45mins to an hour to get into town. Tram service or light rail would benefit the Peninsula &
Ferries. Less traffic congestion on the Hwy. More room on buses (they are often full and no bike
racks available).
57 Too many uneducated, self-entitled, unmotivated people in Victoria. The attitude employees 7/19/2017 12:39 PM
should have is "Thank you for employing me." Instead the attitude most commonly
demonstrated is "You should be thankful that I work for you." despite not having a proper
education, social skills or out-going attitude. The problem is not housing or childcare
availability, it is the lack of quality individuals worth hiring, and these and people fill the homes
that could be better used by individuals with quality skills that would improve our community.

58 As an employer on the Saanich Peninsula, we have found people get tired of commuting on the 7/19/2017 11:27 AM
Pat Bay Hwy. As the jobs are more competitive and in an employee market it is more difficult as
wages tend to be slightly higher in Victoria and work-life balance people should be working
close to home, in my opinion.
59 We are going to need to be willing to allow more people (skilled workers) to come to Canada and 7/19/2017 10:43 AM
BC as our workforce retires.


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