Final Gender Equity Fall 2016

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Project: Wednesday December 14, 2016

Gender Equity: Is Equity Enough?

Your final project is an 11 x 14 or larger collage piece based on the SMCs 2015-2016 Global
Citizenship theme: Gender Equity: Is Equity Enough?

Project elements should be created in Photoshop with at least one obvious element created
in Illustrator. This vector element CANNOT be text, or simple geometrical shapes that can
be created easily in Photoshop. Make use of your own original images as much as possible.

Keep it simpleuse patterns and symbols to communicate your message. Avoid clichd


Your work is a visual response to the gender equity theme. It should communicate your
views on the topic.
Use images that are meaningful to the topic and scan additional photos or drawings as
As usual, any filters used should not be too obviousyour goal is to keep make it
difficult for seasoned Photoshop users to point out what filters youve used. In addition
to filters, image adjustments and layer styles, play with blending modessee what
Composition should be cohesive, balanced and unified.
Avoid low quality web images.
Avoid using other peoples artwork.


When scanning, be aware of the final output. Scan at the resolution of your final
composition. Remember the crap in and crap out theory. If you scan something that looks
bad from the beginning, it would certainly look bad in your final print.


1. Command/Control J > Edit Menu: Copy and paste selection into new layer
2. Command/Control T > Edit Menu: Transform
3. Command/Control U > Image Menu: Adjust Hue Saturation
4. Command/Control L > Image Menu: Adjust Levels
5. Command/Control M > Image Menu: Adjust Curves
6. Command/Control E > Layer Menu: Merge Selected
7. Command/Control Option-E > Layer Menu: Merge Selected Layers without flattening
original layers.

*A persons gender greatly impacts ones opportunities and constraints in all aspects of
life. Globally whether we are discussing inadequate access to education, a lack of access to
health care, the achievement gap between boys and girls, forced early marriages in some
countries, or unequal employment opportunities, gender inequities remain shockingly
persistent. One of United Nations 2015 Millennial Development Goals is the promotion of
gender equity and the empowerment of women.

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