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Eur. Phys. J.

B (2012) 85: 240

DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2012-30124-1 THE EUROPEAN

Advances in ab-initio theory of multiferroics

Materials and mechanisms: modelling and understanding
S. Picozzia and A. Stroppa
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR-SPIN U.O.S. LAquila, Via Vetoio 10, 67100 Coppito (LAquila), Italy

Received 10 February 2012 / Received in nal form 17 May 2012

Published online 11 July 2012 
c EDP Sciences, Societa Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract. Within the broad class of multiferroics (compounds showing a coexistence of magnetism and
ferroelectricity), we focus on the subclass of improper electronic ferroelectrics, i.e. correlated materials
where electronic degrees of freedom (such as spin, charge or orbital) drive ferroelectricity. In particular,
in spin-induced ferroelectrics, there is not only a coexistence of the two intriguing magnetic and dipolar
orders; rather, there is such an intimate link that one drives the other, suggesting a giant magnetoelectric
coupling. Via rst-principles approaches based on density functional theory, we review the microscopic
mechanisms at the basis of multiferroicity in several compounds, ranging from transition metal oxides to
organic multiferroics to organic-inorganic hybrids.

1 Introduction (spin, charge, orbital) degrees of freedom and structural

distortions and crystal symmetries. Multiferroics therefore
Materials where cooperative phenomena such as a constitute one of the most interesting though challenging
switchable long-range dipolar or magnetic ordering or a classes in modern materials science.
structural deformation spontaneously emerge below a Magnetism is likely one of the earliest discovered phe-
critical temperature are termed ferroic [1]. Compounds, nomenon in condensed matter, with lodestone properties
where more than one kind of ferroic order are established, already known around 600 BC; ferroelectricity, on the
are consequently denoted as multiferroics (MFs) [26]. other hand, is a property found rather recently, with its
In this Colloquium paper, we will concentrate on materials earliest observation probably going back to 1921 when
showing a coexistence between (anti-) ferroelectricity and Valasek observed an electric hysteresis in Rochelle salt [9].
(anti-) ferromagnetism. In these systems, many degrees of The combination between ferroelectricity and magnetism,
freedom are simultaneously active with competing energy i.e. multiferroicity, was for long time considered to be a
scales, which in turn make the response of multiferroics very rare phenomenon [10]. This common belief mostly
to external stimuli (electric and magnetic elds, pressure, derived from an early observation [11]: most of the fer-
strain, doping, . . .) unusually large. Indeed, multiferroics roelectric oxides (i.e. BaTiO3 , PbTiO3 , LiNbO3 ) have
oer a wide playground for colossal cross-coupled eects a perovskite-like structure where the perovskite B-site
to emerge. What is generally meant by cross-coupling is cation, which is the one that mostly o-centers and gives
a physical response not induced by its conjugate eld. Ex- rise to ferroelectricity, shows an electronic d0 conguration
amples are magnetoelectricity (change in magnetic prop- (i.e. Ti4+ , Nb5+ ). The empty d-shell required for ferro-
erties induced by electric elds or in ferroelectric (FE) electricity therefore seemed to preclude any coexistence
properties induced by magnetic elds), piezoelectricity with magnetism. More generally and very recently, the
(change in structural properties induced by electric elds conditions of multiferroicity in dn perovskites were derived
or in ferroelectric properties induced by structural defor- from the pseudo Jahn-Teller eect, which considers fer-
mation), magnetostriction (change in magnetic properties roelectric displacements as triggered by vibronic coupling
induced by structural deformation or in structural prop- between ground and excited electronic states of opposite
erties induced by magnetic elds). parity but same spin multiplicity. It takes place for some
Due to their multifunctional nature, multiferroics hold specic dn congurations and spin states only. In combi-
great potential for future technological applications (such nation with high-spin/low-spin crossover eects, this leads
as sensors, memories, actuators, switches) [7,8]. At the to a novel phenomenon, the magnetic-ferroelectric (mul-
same time, their complexity poses serious challenges for tiferroic) crossover, which predicts magnetoelectric eects
modelling: it calls for an accurate treatment of correlated with exciting functionalities, including electric magnetiza-
3d- or 4f -electrons and excited states, as well as for a care- tion and demagnetization [12].
ful description of the delicate coupling between electronic
Conventional multiferroics (whose class prototype
e-mail: is BiFeO3 [1315]), are materials where, e.g., lone-pair
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electrons of the A-site cation in the perovskite structure the primary order parameter is a (non-polar) structural
(such as Bi s with high polarizability) gives origin to the distortion (as already well investigated in Ref. [22]), and
ferroelectric order, whereas the magnetic order is deter- not necessarily an electronic order parameter.
mined by the exchange interaction among uncompensated
Further related to electronic ferroelectricity, wed like
spins of the B-site cation. When this conventional ap-
to make the following comment. Polarization can be de-
proach is pursued, it follows that magnetism and ferro-
ned as the sum of an electronic and of an ionic con-
electricity come from two dierent atomic sublattices and
tribution, which can be roughly understood as resulting
have a chemically dierent origin, thereby resulting in
from the polar charge rearrangement and polar distor-
dierent ordering temperatures and presumably a small
tions, respectively. Indeed, the denition of polarization
magnetoelectric (ME) coupling (although this is not al-
is rather tricky, in particular in a periodic system. Well
ways the case [15]). These drawbacks could be overcome
here only recall some of the relevant points and we re-
in materials where magnetism and ferroelectricity would
fer the interested reader to references [2325] where the
share the same microscopic origin (i.e. the two phenom-
topic is treated in deep details. A rough way of dening
ena physically originating from the same chemical species)
polarization is through the so called point-charge model
and where the expected coupling would therefore be much
(PCM), obtained as the sum of the displacements of the
stronger than in conventional multiferroics. Indeed, mate-
atoms (with respect to a reference centrosymmetric para-
rials like those attracted an incredible attention in the last
electric (PE) structure), each multiplied by the nominal
decade and will be the main topic of the present review.
valence of the corresponding ion. In this case, one adopts
Being multiferroics a rather new eld of materials sci- a purely ionic model and therefore neglects the details
ence, in most cases the nature of the coupling between of the real charge distribution resulting from hybridiza-
ferroelectricity and magnetism is unknown and the micro- tion and covalent eects. A rigorous way to overcome
scopic mechanisms at its basis have to be discovered. Very the diculties in dening polarization is therefore pro-
often, the magnetoelectric coupling is mediated by dif- vided in references [2325] by two equivalent quantum-
ferent degrees of freedom and interactions (orbital order- mechanical approaches, one based on the Berry phases
ing, spin-orbit coupling, charge disproportionation, etc.), and one based on Wannier function centers. According to
therefore becoming rather complex to unveil. In this con- the latter, the electronic charge is considered to be lo-
text, density functional theory [16,17] can be of paramount calized at the Wannier function centers, while the ionic
importance, since this ab-initio approach is in principle charges reside on the nuclear positions, so that the change
able to describe all the many active degrees of freedom in electronic polarization can be obtained as a vectorial
within the same level of accuracy, at variance with model- sum of the displacement of the Wannier-function cen-
Hamiltonian approaches where a choice has to be made ters. Following this approach, it is in principle possible
from the very beginning about the relevant interactions to have an electronic contribution to polarization, due
to be taken into account. exclusively to Wannier center displacements (say, follow-
The challenging issue of multiferroicity motivated our ing a non-centrosymmetric AFM arrangement) on top of
recent theoretical activity, which has been mainly focused a centrosymmetric atomic conguration (i.e. that would
on investigating microscopic mechanisms that could lead otherwise lead to a vanishing contribution within simpler
to ferroelectricity induced by breaking of inversion sym- classical models, such as PCM). We however remark that
metry (i.e. the necessary symmetry condition for ferroelec- there cannot be, strictly speaking, a purely electronic fer-
tricity to develop) via electronic degrees of freedom, such roelectricity, since polar atomic displacements induced by
as charge, spin, orbital order [2,5]. In these latter cases, a polar electronic order are always present, no matter how
in the framework of phase transitions, ferroelectricity is small. Furthermore, one of the information that can ac-
said to be improper, meaning that ferroelectric polar- tually be provided by a rst-principles approach (such as
ization appears as a secondary order parameter driven the one used by the present authors) is indeed the quan-
by a primary electronic order parameter. An example tication of electronic vs. ionic contribution to polariza-
will make things clearer: if one considers a (primary) anti- tion, as discussed below. In summary, what we mean in
ferromagnetic (AFM) phase transition in which the AFM this Colloquium by electronic ferroelectricity is the phe-
ordering pattern breaks inversion symmetry, then polar- nomenon by which a primary electronic phase transition
ization (secondary order parameter) is allowed only when breaks inversion symmetry and gives, as a by-product, a
the AFM order (primary order parameter) sets in. This ferroelectric polarization.
is what happens, for example, in ortho-HoMnO3 [18,19], A general characteristic of electronic ferroelectricity is
TbMn2 O5 [20], Ca3 CoMnO6 [21]. Incidentally, we here re- that the expected magnitude of the polarization is likely
mark that conventional ferroelectric oxides show proper smaller than in standard ferroelectrics; in the case of im-
ferroelectricity: polarization is the only order parameter proper ferroelectricity, in fact, the polarization is driven
in the phase transition and is not driven by (nor drives) by a polar electronic charge rearrangement, according to
any other electronic phase transition. which as a by-product the atoms are slightly displaced
In what will follow, we will generally consider improper in a non-centrosymmetric way. On the other hand, in the
ferroelectricity as electronic ferroelectricity, i.e. driven by a latter proper case (i.e. BiFeO3 ), the inversion symme-
spin, charge or orbital phase transition. In this regard, we try is broken primarily by structural distortions, involving
note that improper ferroelectricity can occur even when ionic displacements of the order of a tenth of an Angstrom
Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240 Page 3 of 22

(10 or 100 times larger than in electronic improper ferro-

electrics). However, electronic ferroelectrics might oer a
signicant advantage over standard ferroelectrics, as for
what concerns the switching time-scale and the so called
fatigue. In general, the latter term means the deterio-
ration of the hysteresis loop and the decrease of switch- MULTI-
ing charge after many polarization reversal cycles. During FERROIC
switching processes in proper ferroelectrics, it is the (slow
and heavy) ions that displace, whereas in improper elec-
tronic ferroelectrics it is the (fast and light) electrons that
move: this fundamental dierence is denitely expected
to lead to a much quicker switching time [2629] and to
a strong reduction of fatigue-related problems (although
the origin of the latter is presently not well understood). Fig. 1. Pictorial representation of the dierent microscopic
mechanisms that can lead to multiferroicity.
As for the relevant materials, the natural class where
one expects multiferroicity to arise is represented by tran-
sition metal oxides, since they are probably the rich- cooperates with hydrogen bonding network to induce fer-
est class in materials science where structural and elec- roelectricity in a Cu-based metal-organic framework, as
tronic degrees of freedom are all simultaneously active reported in Section 3.3.1. The case of a donor-acceptor
and interacting. However, over the years, we showed molecular crystal, such as TTF-CA (see Sect. 3.4) is an ex-
that nice eects can be found in organic materials as ample of cooperation between charge transfer, structural
well [30,31], where various correlation phenomena usu- dimerization and possibly spin-Peierls transition, that ul-
ally show up and, additionally, low dimensionality can timately leads to a paradigmatic organic ferroelectric crys-
play a relevant role and can be considered as an ad- tal. In Section 3.5 we focus on recent developments in
ditional degree of freedom to be tuned and exploited. the eld, as well discuss the case of several multiple non-
Finally, very recently we discovered multiferroicity in polar instabilities which nally result in ferroelectricity,
organic-inorganic hybrids [32], such as perovskite-based as shown by our ab-initio calculations for NaLaMnWO6
metal-organic frameworks, where the unlimited variety double-perovskites. In Section 4 we draw some conclusions
of organic functional groups is nicely joined to the rich and oer a perspective view of the eld in the near future.
functionality arising from the perovskite network.
In this Colloquium paper, we put the emphasis on the
rich collection of microscopic mechanisms that can lead 2 Background and general Framework
to electronic ferroelectricity, each of them manifestly
at play in a dierent material and highlighted by means 2.1 Density functional: technicalities
of state-of-the-art rst-principles calculations in the dif-
ferent Sections. A pictorial representation of the dierent All the calculations presented here have been per-
possible origins of multiferrocity is shown in Figure 1. In formed within density functional theory (DFT) using
particular, following an extended introduction reported in the Vienna-ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) [33,34].
Section 2 (with computational technicalities, symmetry The electron-ion interaction is described by PAW poten-
analysis and a short review of magnetic interactions in tials [35,36] using a plane-wave basis set with appropriate
solids), we will rst discuss how the spin ordering can energy cut-o. For Brillouin zone integrations we used the
break inversion symmetry (see Sect. 3.1), by introduc- Monkhorst-Pack schemes. We refer to the original papers
ing general mechanisms based on the Heisenberg sym- (each mentioned in the appropriate section below) for the
metric exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya antisymmet- specic values and details of the computational parame-
ric exchange. Specic examples will be discussed, based on ters for the dierent compounds.
the Heisenberg exchange involving exchange coupling be- For the exchange-correlation functional, Exc , we used
tween 4f and 3d electrons in orthoferrites (see Sect. 3.1.1) several approximations depending on the specic problem
and V-V exchange coupling in vanadium-based spinel (see at hand. It is well known that there are wide classes of
Sect. 3.1.2). In Section 3.2 we will discuss how a specic materials where density-functional methods fail not only
charge-ordering can give rise to a polarization, either com- quantitatively but also qualitatively. Typical situations
bined with spin-ordering or by itself, as extensively re- are materials with localized orbitals, e.g. of transition met-
ported for magnetite in Section 3.2.1. Orbital order can als or rare earths. A second important class is comprised
also in principle break inversion symmetry and induce fer- of the correlated organic crystals like low-dimensional or-
roelectricity; however, we are not presently aware of any ganic charge-transfer salts.
material in which OO is the primary and unique cause The localized nature of the 3d electronic states limits
of polarization (with the possible exception of double- to the applicability of common density-functional methods
layer manganite, although the origin of ferroelectricity is like the local density approximation (LDA) or generalized
still not well understood in that compound). We argue, gradient approximation (GGA). In fact, these standard
anyway, that OO can be an important ingredient which approximations introduce a spurious Coulomb interaction
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of the electron with its own charge, i.e., the electro- calculating the polarization. Furthermore, useful tools for
static self-interaction is not entirely compensated. This the calculation of the polarization as well as for its analy-
causes fairly large errors for localized states (e.g., Mn sis, are those of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server [5368],
d states). It tends to destabilize the orbitals and de- or of the ISODISTORT web site [69].
creases their binding energy, leading to an overdelocal-
ization of the charge density [37]. The most commonly
applied generalized-gradient approximation, the Perdew- 2.3 Brief review on magnetic interactions and spin
Burke-Ernzerhof parametrization (PBE), is often insuf- Hamiltonian approach
cient to treat with these problems. To overcome these
failures of standard DFT approaches, we make use of pos-
In general, the interactions between magnetic centers in
sible ways out. One common approach is the DFT + U
condensed matter systems as well as in molecular systems
method [3840], where a Hubbard-like U term is intro-
have a twofold origin: one is purely magnetic and the other
duced into the DFT energy functional in order to take
electrostatic in nature. They can be described through-
correlations partially into account. The method usually
space and through-bond, respectively. The former is
improves the electronic-structure description, but it suf-
the usual point dipolar approximation between magnetic
fers from shortcomings associated with the U-dependence
centers, which, in most cases, can be safely disregarded
of the calculated properties [4143]. Unfortunately, there
due to its small magnitude. The latter relies on the elec-
is usually no obvious choice of the U value to be
trostatic interaction responsible for the formation of the
adopted; common choices are usually based either on ex-
chemical bonds. As a rule of thumb for the magnetic in-
perimental input or are derived from constrained DFT
teraction and considering the electronic states of the in-
calculations [44].
teracting centers as described by a set of orbitals, if the
Another approach which is becoming widely used in
singly occupied orbitals are orthogonal to each other, the
the solid-state community is the use of hybrid function-
two spins of the electrons will be parallel to each other
als. Hybrid functionals go beyond the usual Kohn-Sham
(ferromagnetic coupling), whereas if the orbitals have a
formalism and fall within the generalized Kohn-Sham real-
non-zero overlap the spins will tend to orient antiparallel
ization of DFT [45]. These functionals consider a weighted
to each other (antiferromagnetic coupling) [70,71].
mixture between exchange dened in Hartree-Fock the-
From a historical point of view, the description of
ory using DFT Kohn-Sham orbitals with DFT exchange.
the magnetic interaction was performed by using local-
Popular hybrid functionals B3LYP [46], PBE0 [47,48], and
ized magnetic orbitals or a valence-bond approach [7274].
HSE [49,50] have been constructed to give good structural,
Other procedures have been developed since then, which
thermodynamic, and bonding properties of solids [51,52].
rely on tight-binding formalisms [75,76], or density func-
In particular, we used the HSE06 functional, which is par-
tional theory [7780]. The basis of the magnetic interac-
ticularly suitable for solid state applications [4952].
tion is the antisymmetric nature of the total wavefunc-
The ferroelectric polarization is calculated within the
tion, which shows up as an eective exchange interaction.
modern theory of polarization [23,24]. where one com-
The exchange interaction may occur directly (direct ex-
putes the dierence of electric polarization, i.e. P =
change) or through a formally diamagnetic ligand (super-
PF E PP E = Pion + Pele , where the subscripts FE,
exchange). The famous Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson
PE, ion and ele denote ferroelectric, paraelectric, ionic
rules represent a (very often successful) way to qualita-
and electronic contribution, respectively. Pion is calcu-
tive describe the magnetic coupling between dierent cen-
lated by summing the position of each ion in the unit
ters [81,82].
cell times the number of its valence electrons. The elec-
tronic contribution is obtained by using the Berry phase It is useful at this point to introduce a spin
formalism [24,25]. Hamiltonian, in order to get rid of all the orbital degrees
of freedoms and replace them with spin coordinates. A
central approximation for such a mapping is that the or-
2.2 Symmetry analysis bital moment is essentially quenched as it often occurs
in solids and can be eventually treated as perturbation.
The use of symmetry analysis in this eld is very relevant, The spin Hamiltonian approach is most commonly used
as will be evident in the following sections. We recall in for treating:
this framework that, from the symmetry point of view, a Zeeman and crystal eld terms for isolated ions;
magnetic ordering breaks time-reversal symmetry, a ferro- electron-nucleus interaction terms (hyperne interac-
electric ordering breaks inversion symmetry, so that both tions);
time and space inversion symmetry are absent in multi- interaction betweeen spin pairs.
ferroics (although by two dierent order parameters, such
as for example magnetization and polarization). Symme- Hereafter, we will focus on the last term. It can be repre-
try analysis can be very helpful in identifying polar ionic sented by a spin-spin Hamiltonian, which can be written
or electronic arrangements or in suggesting a physically- as H = S 1 J12 S 2 where S 1,2 are the spin operators
sound paraelectric structure (i.e. reasonably close to the for the magnetic center 1 and 2, respectively. J12 is a ma-
ferroelectric structure, in terms of ionic displacements), trix which describes the interaction; the latter is in general
that can be taken as reference paraelectric structure when not symmetric and may have a non-zero trace. It is always
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possible to break-down the J12 tensor into three contribu- is zero by symmetry, while the only term contributing to
tions: spin canting is the magnetocrystalline anisotropy [87].

J12 S 1 S 2 + S 1 D12 S2 + d12 (S 1 S 2 )

3 Electronic ferroelectricity: mechanisms
where J12 =(1/3)Tr J12 ;
= (1/2)(J12
+ J12 ) and materials
(1/3)Tr(J12 ); d
12 = (1/2)(J
12 J
12 ) and , , 3.1 Spin ordering
are Cartesian components. The rst term in the previ-
ous formula is referred to as the isotropic contribution, In recent years, people have focused mainly on two
which tend to keep the spins collinear; the second as the dierent mechanisms of magnetically-induced ferroelec-
anisotropic term, which tends to orient the spins along a tric polarization, P , driven by either symmetric Si Sj
given orientation in space; the third as the antisymmetric Heisenberg (H) exchange [18,19] or antisymmetric Si Sj
spin-spin contribution to the magnetic interaction, which spin-orbit-like Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange [8890].
tends to cant the spins (ideally by 90 ). In many cases, the The prototypical materials taken as representative ex-
rst term is the dominant one, and the other terms can amples of the two mechanisms are by far HoMnO3 and
be introduced as perturbation. Here, for positive J12 we TbMnO3 , respectively: (i) the rst manganite shows a
have ferromagnetic coupling, while for antiferromagnetic collinear spin conguration along [101]
coupling J12 is negative. As briey pointed out above, the and [10-1] directions in the P nma setting; alternatively,
mechanisms at the basis of the exchange interactions were this peculiar AFM ordering can be seen as zig-zag ferro-
rst introduced and discussed by Anderson, and traslated magnetic chains antiferromagnetically coupled in the ac
in rule-of-thumbs by Goodenough and Kanamori [81,82]. MnO2 plane. This so-called AFM-E spin order (which is
In the following, we will discuss the origin of the so stable when the A-site ionic radii is small, such as Tm, Lu,
called weak ferromagnetism (playing a crucial role in Yb rare-earth cations in ortho-manganites) clearly lacks
many magnetic systems) and how it arises from the pre- inversion symmetry (see Fig. 2a). From the microscopic
vious spin Hamiltonian. The origin of weak-ferromagne- point of view, the polarization comes from the inequiva-
tism is usually ascribed to the so-called Dzyaloshinskii- lency between the oxygens bonded to two Mn with parallel
Moriya (DM) interaction, resulting from the interplay of spins, with respect to those linked to Mn with antiparal-
Coulomb interaction and spin-orbit coupling in systems lel spins, as discussed in detail in references [5,18,91] (ii)
with low crystal symmetry. The weak ferromagnetism is the second manganite, TbMnO3 shows as ground-state a
characterized by a small net magnetic moment result- spin cycloidal spiral in the bc plane. In that case, non-
ing from canted spin moments that nearly cancel each collinear spins induce polarization, as predicted by the
other. It was rst observed in haematite, -Fe2 O3 [83,84]. formula P en Q, where Q is the spiral wave-vector
Dzyaloshinskii showed that it was an intrinsic eect, due parallel to the chain direction and en Sn Sn+1 is the
to the particular symmetry properties of the crystal struc- spin-rotation axis (see Figs. 2c and 2d). The vector prod-
ture and to the magnetic moments arrangements [85]. Fur- uct Sn Sn+1 can be shown to be proportional to the
thermore, he showed that the second term and the third spin current js , in turn linked, via a vector-potential rela-
term in the previous spin Hamiltonian, i.e. magnetocrys- tion [88], to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, so that
talline anisotropy (or anisotropic term) and anisotropic the mechanism of ferroelectricity in spin-spirals is gener-
exchange (or antisymmetric spin-spin interaction) respec- ally labeled as spin-current-induced [88].
tively, can lead to a small ferromagnetic moment in an In the context of spin-induced ferroelectricity, it is
otherwise antiferromagnetic crystal. Moriya [86] showed interesting to discuss how switching of polarization
that Dzyaloshinskiis explanation could be interpreted in occurs. We recall that, in standard ferroelectrics, ionic dis-
the framework of Andersons perturbation approach to placements occur in equal magnitudes and opposite direc-
magnetic superexchange. Furthermore, he showed that, tions (with reference to the paraelectric state) when reach-
depending on the type of crystal structure, either of two ing the +P or P state. However, in spin-induced
mechanisms, magnetocrystalling anisotropy or antisym- ferroelectricity, since polarization is determined primarily
metric exchange, can be the source for the canting of by the spin ordering and not by ionic displacements, one
magnetic moments. For example, for -Fe2 O3 , it is the expects some changes to occur in the arrangement of mag-
antisymmetric exchange that plays the dominant role, netic moments. For example, in AFM-E ortho-manganites,
whereas in the case of NiF2 , antisymmetric exchange is switching occurs when half of the spins in the unit cells
ruled out in favor of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy have their direction ipped by 180 , so that all oxygens
which is here the important term, giving rise to the weak that were previously connected to parallel spins now be-
ferromagnetic component. In the triangular antiferromag- come oxygens being bonded to antiparallel spins (and
netic Mn3 Sn the antisymmetric exchange contributions viceversa, cf. Figs. 2a and 2b). When focusing on spiral
from dierent atoms fully cancel and cannot be the reason TbMnO3 , switching occurs when reversing the vector spin
for the observed weak ferromagnetism. There, the magne- chirality, i.e. when reversing a clockwise spiral into an an-
tocrystalline anisotropy term is the source of the spin cant- ticlockwise spiral, as shown in Figures 2c and 2d.
ing. Another example is a Cu-based metal-organic frame- What is important to emphasize for spin-driven ferro-
work, where it can be shown that antisymmetric exchange electricity is again the dierence between the electronic
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a paradigmatic case of Heisenberg-driven ferroelectricity.

Earlier experiments from Lorenz et al. [95] reported ferro-
electricity on polycrystalline samples of ortho- HoMnO3
of the order of 103 C/cm2 , three orders of magnitude
smaller than what predicted by our DFT calculations. Re-
cently, however, the group of Tokura [96], by means of ad-
vanced growth techniques and measurements, focused on
several rare-earth ortho-manganites (RMnO3 , R = Ho,
Lu, Eux Y1x ) estimated the genuine values of P (about
0.5 C/cm2 ) in the E-type phase, which is more than
10 times as large as that of the bc cycloidal phase. Slightly
earlier, a theoretical model was reported in the context
of electromagnon excitations in RMnO3 [97]. One of the
outcome was the estimate of the polarization in E-type
manganites based on optical absorption data measured
for TbMnO3 in the spiral-phase: P was found to be of
the order of 1 C/cm2 . Moreover, Pomyakushin et al. [98]
have reported the polarization of about 0.15 C/cm2 for
Fig. 2. Examples of polar spin congurations (shown in the E-type TmMnO3 . There is therefore now a growing con-
MnO2 basal plane of P nma manganites): (a) and (b) collinear sensus on the possibility of breaking inversion symme-
cases (such as AFM-E in HoMnO3 ) with opposite polarization, try (therefore paving the way to improper ferroelectricity)
induced by ipping the direction of two spins. (c) and (d) Spiral via the symmetric magnetic exchange (Heisenberg-like) in
cases (such as TbMnO3 ) with opposite polarization, induced by collinear frustrated systems, in addition to the (well con-
the dierent clockwise (CW) vs. counterclockwise (CCW) ro- solidated) analogous eect in the antisymmetric counter-
tation of spins in the vertical plane. The consequent exchange- part (Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-like) of magnetic exchange.
strictive mechanisms are also shown: semi-transparent oxygens In what follows, well discuss two peculiar cases in
schematically show the displaced atoms (exaggerated for clar- which the Heisenberg exchange striction is at play to in-
ity) occurring upon spin ordering: in (a) and (d) the spin con-
duce ferroelectricity, according to a microscopic mecha-
guration is such that oxygens move down, whereas in (b)
nism based on the up-up-down-down spin chain: a rare-
and (c) oxygens move up.
earth orthoferrite and Cd-based vanadate. Despite the
similarity with the prototypical HoMnO3 , both systems
show some peculiarities: in the rst case, it is the inter-
and ionic contributions to polarization: the rst arises action between 4f and 3d spins, a-priori not expected to
from the polar rearrangement of the electronic charge, it be very strong, that causes a sizeable P, whereas in the
is present even with ions arranged in a centrosymmet- second case, it is the peculiar spinel coordination and re-
ric way and was shown to be relevant in both the spi- lated oxygen arrangement which makes the mechanism
ral and AFM-E cases; the second is mainly referred to underlying ferroelectricity more intriguing.
as exchange-striction (symmetric for the Heisenberg case
and antisymmetric for the DM case), meaning that the
ions move, when the spin ordering is established, to gain 3.1.1 fd coupling in DyFeO3
energy from exchange terms (see Fig. 2 for a schematic
representation). Which of the two electronic vs ionic DyFeO3 has been studied since a long time for its
contributions is more relevant actually depends pretty interesting physical properties [99111]. Dysprosium-
much on the considered system: from rst-principles cal- Orthoferrite, DyFeO3 (cf. Fig. 3a), was suggested from
culations, the two were found to be almost the same in experiments [112] to show, below the ordering temper-
AFM-E HoMnO3 [18], whereas the ionic was estimated to ature of Dy and upon application of a magnetic eld
be much larger in spiral TbMnO3 [92]. parallel to the c-axis and larger than a specied critical
When comparing the two DM and H mechanisms, one magnetic eld, a MF phase, with weak ferromagnetism
expects that, being the former DM-induced polarization and ferroelectricity (M 0.5 B per formula-unit and
driven by relativistic eects which are not so strong in 3d- P 0.2 C/cm2 ). By performing accurate DFT calcula-
based materials, the DM-related polarization should be tions (see details in Ref. [113]), we focused on the mech-
weaker than the H-induced one. Indeed, in a variety of anism at the basis of the polar behavior, neglecting the
materials (ranging from nickelates, such as LuNiO3 [93], weak magnetic moment that most likely arises from a
to manganites, such as HoMnO3 [18], or suldes, such Fe spin-canting (not directly related to ferroelectricity)
as Cu2 MnSnS4 [94]), we have shown that the size of P and considering a simpler collinear spin arrangement. We
induced by the relativistic DM interaction (occurring in showed that 4f electrons, more-often-than-not neglected
spin-spiral-based oxides) is much lower than that caused in modelling studies, play an unexpected and important
by the H interaction. Related to this, a comment is in or- role in stabilizing the magnetic-eld-induced ferroelectric
der: it was very controversial how large the polarization state of DyFeO3 . Indeed, we found the FE polarization
actually was in AFM-E like rare-earth ortho-manganites, to be mainly driven by an exchange-strictive mechanism,
Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240 Page 7 of 22

Fig. 3. Orthorhombic DyFeO3 : (a) crystal structure (FeO6 octahedra and atomic planes highlighted); (b) spin conguration:
blue (red) arrows denote Dy (Fe) spins. Black bold arrows denote the displacement (with respect to the non-magnetic paraelectric
structure) of FeO2 planes, due to exchange-striction.

working between adjacent spin-polarized Fe and Dy lay- From the symmetry point of view, the conguration
ers arranged in a Fe-Dy-Fe-Dy fashion (see Fig. 3b): with orthogonal spins shows the magnetic space group
DyO atomic planes move towards FeO2 ionic planes so P 212121 (N. 19.1.119), and therefore the space group for
as to maximize the energy gain coming from a Fe-3d/Dy- the nuclear sites is P 212121 (N. 19). This means that
4f ferromagnetic coupling. Here, at variance with AFM- the magnetic ordering breaks all the symmetry opera-
E HoMnO3 where the spins are all equivalent, we tions containing time inversion, plus the inversion centre
have an intrinsic inequivalency between Fe-d and Dy-f and all mirror planes. However, we remark that, although
spins, so that Fe-Dy-Fe-Dy chains dimerize and the magnetic ordering breaks the inversion centre, the re-
give rise to polarization. Indeed, the distortions lead to sulting space group symmetry is non-polar. It should be
an alternate short-long-short-long interlayer distance be- noted that the nuclei are not constrained by this symme-
tween DyO and FeO2 planes, with dF M = 1.898 A and try to stay in the ideal P nma conguration that we used,
dAF M = 1.910 A, to be compared with dideal = 1.904 A in and can in principle relax to a more general arrangement
the unrelaxed non-spin-polarized case (cf. Fig. 3). Indeed, compatible with the P 212121 space group, by means of
we were able to identify two degenerate and switchable po- a non-polar distortion. Also the magnetic symmetry does
lar states, i.e. characterized by a sign-reversal of the FE not force the magnetic moments to be strictly orthogonal.
polarization (P) and connected by a relative rotation of Both Fe and Dy magnetic moments could have some an-
the direction of Dy spins (with respect to Fe spins). The tiferromagnetic components along some of the other axes
estimated FE polarization, in good agreement with ex- (with dierent sign correlations among sites) [114]. In our
periments [112] shows an unexpectedly large magnitude work, we have disregarded these (presumably small) devi-
(0.10.2 C/cm2 ). ations from the collinear spin conguration.
So far we have discussed the exchange striction mech- The conguration with collinear spins has the mag-
anism in the Heisenberg framework. Obviously, this cou- netic space group P n21 a (N. 33.1.226 in non-standard set-
pling must have a microscopic explanation in terms of in- ting), and therefore the space group for the nuclear sites
teraction between electronic orbitals. In order to unveil is P n21 a (N. 33 in non standard setting). This means that
the microscopic origin of the polarization, a careful anal- the magnetic ordering breaks all the symmetry operations
ysis of atomic displacements as well as of the electronic containing time inversion, plus the inversion centre, the
structure is needed. binary axes along x and z, and the mirror plane perpen-
Lets consider the virtual paraelectric phase where the dicular to y. This magnetic ordering breaks the inversion
ions are locked in centrosymmetric (CS) positions (P nma centre as in the previous case, but now the resulting space
setting, point group D2h ). A suitable spin conguration group symmetry is indeed polar along the b-axis. Again,
which does not break the inversion symmetry shows the the nuclei are not constrained to stay in the ideal P nma
Dy spin intralayer FM coupled, but rotated with respect conguration that we used, and could relax to a more gen-
to the Fe spins by 90 . The FE1 (+P ) or FE2 (P ) state eral arrangement compatible with the space group P n21 a,
can be obtained by progressively rotating the Dy spins through a distortion which will be polar along y. So in
in the ac plane, counter-clockwise for FE1 or clockwise principle, it is quite similar to the rst case above, the dif-
for FE2 , when viewed from the positive direction of the b ference being that the possible distortions relaxing the nu-
axis [113]. In this way, one recovers the AFM-A spin con- clear positions will be polar, and therefore can yield some
guration, i.e. ferromagnetic planes antiferromagnetically macroscopic polarization along the b-axis, while in the pre-
coupled along the b axis. vious case the possible relaxations of the nuclear structure
Page 8 of 22 Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240

are necessarily non-polar. As in the previous case, the 2.487 A). This would suggest that a weak bonding inter-
magnetic symmetry of the conguration does not force the action is active between the FM layers, in turn responsible
magnetic moments to be strictly collinear, and some addi- for the changes in the distances the magnetic layers, i.e.
tional antiferromagnetic arrangements of other additional for the dimerization and the rising of the polarization.
components of the magnetic moments (with dierent sign
A useful tool to study tiny dierences in bonding in-
relations among the sites) are allowed by symmetry, and,
teraction in solid state systems is the electron localization
however small, they will in principle be present in a fully
function (ELF) [116,117]. The electron localization func-
relaxed structure [115]. Also in this case, we have not con-
tion was introduced by Becke and Edgecombe as a mea-
sidered these spin components.
sure of the probability of nding an electron in the neigh-
Lets focus on equatorial oxygens, Oeq , which occupy borhood of another electron with the same spin [116,117].
the 8d Wycko positions (WPs). In the FE phase, when ELF is thus a measure of the Pauli repulsion, which is
the symmetry is lowered to C2v , the Oeq become inequiv- active when same-spin electronic wavefunctions start to
alent and a WP splitting 8d 4a + 4a shows up. Inspec- overlap causing a repulsion due to antisymmetrization
tion into the local spin conguration around Oeq s explains postulate. The ELF values lie by denition between zero
the reason of this inequivalency: the Oeq sandwiched by and one. Values are close to 1, if in the vicinity of one
FM coupled Fe and Dy layers, have two Fe and two Dy electron no other electron with the same spin may be
atoms as nearest neighbors (labelled as O, eq ); when sand- found, for instance as occurring in bonding pairs or lone
wiched by Fe and Dy layers AFM coupled, they have two pairs [117].
Fe and two Dy atoms as nearest neighbors (labelled as
eq ). The inequivalency due to the local spin environment
We here look for a signature that two ferromagnetic
is conrmed by the following computational experiment: layers interact through exchange striction. In terms of
if we impose the FE1 (or FE2 ) spin conguration on top of chemical bond picture, there should be a bond forma-
the centrosymmetric (CS) ionic structure, O, eq and Oeq
, tion between the two layers. In our case, we want to show
become inequivalent : Oeq has 0.194 B and Oeq has , that this bond formation is basically due to the presence
0.207 B as induced spin moment. This time, however, of f -electrons of Dy through a direct (or indirect) interac-
no WP splitting is involved, since the ions are frozen in tion. Indeed, we have seen that if we consider the f elec-
CS positions. To rule out any numerical artifact on this trons in the core (i.e. using the VASP code, we use the
small dierence, we impose the PE spin conguration on Dy 3 potential), we dont observe any exchange striction
top of the CS ionic structure. In this case, all Oeq s carry eect. If we consider them in the valence (and so let them
induced spin moments of exactly the same magnitude, be- eventually interact), we do have an exchange striction ef-
coming again equivalent. This leads to the conclusion that fect, i.e. the two ferromagnetic sheets approach each other.
the change of spin state in going from PE to FE1 must be Although the eect is small, it disappears completely when
the source of the inequivalency of Oeq s, and, eventually, using Dy 3. This is clearly conrmed by the following com-
it should be strongly correlated to the presence of ferro- putational experiment: starting from the FE1 ionic struc-
electricity. If so, the ferroelectric state in our toy-model ture, we freeze the f electrons in the core (using Dy 3
is spin-induced. To support this conclusion we note that POTCAR le within VASP). Obviously the Dy atoms are
in the PE spin conguration on top of the CS positions, not spin-polarized in this case. We let the system to relax
Ptot = 0, while in FE1 Ptot is dierent from zero, even to its new electronic and ionic ground state. Not surpris-
when the ions are at CS positions. ingly, we found that the system relax to a non-polar state
(PE state). Viceversa, starting from the PE ionic struc-
In passing we note that all oxygens remain equiva-
ture, and treating the f electrons in the valence, the FE
lent when the Dy-f electrons are not treated (as done so
state is stabilized. In summary, when considering the f
far) as valence electrons, but they are treated as frozen
electrons as valence states, the PE state becomes unsta-
in the core. In this computational experiment, the Dy
ble, the D2h point group symmetry is spontaneously bro-
atoms lose their spins and O, eq Oeq
and O, eq
,nospin ,nospin ,nospin
ken to C2v and the system evolves towards a stable and
Oeq : Oeq is equivalent to Oeq since here polar state. If the f electrons are removed from the va-
we are neglecting the spin-orbit coupling. We are, there- lence and frozen in the core, the PE state remains stable.
fore, led to the conclusion that a signature of the FE in- This unambiguously conrms that f states are a necessary
stability is the spin-induced inequivalency of Oeq , which, ingredient for ferroelectricity in DyFeO3 . So, coming back
in turn, must be correlated to Dy-f states, which carry to our ELF function, we consider the dierence in ELF
the Dy spins. An analysis of the symmetry breaking dis- (DELF) between the situation when f electrons are in the
tortions [5369] sheds further light into the microscopic valence (which stabilizes the FE state, as previously ob-
mechanism. The mode decomposition conrms that a po- served) and when they are frozen in the core (thus stabiliz-
lar mode is involved, called GM 4. The corresponding ing the PE state), for the same ionic conguration (for in-
pattern of atomic displacements (not shown here, for de- stance the CS), i.e. DELF(r) = ELFfval (r) ELFfcore (r).
tails see Ref. [113]) with respect to the CS structure high- The physical interpretation is as follows: positive values
lights the subtle inequivalency of Oeq s: O, ,
eq (Oeq ) move in of DELF show up in regions where the electron local-
such a way to decrease (increase) the distance to its neigh- ization is higher, i.e. the bonding between FM layers is
bor Dy atom. For O, ,
eq , dDyO is 2.478 A; for Oeq , dDyO strengthened. It can be shown [113] that a positive iso-
is 2.496 A (the corresponding distance in the PE phase is surface of DELF projected into the ab plane is mainly
Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240 Page 9 of 22

localized between FM layers and, more specically, in the

region between Dy and O, eq . This points therefore to a
bonding interaction between FM layers mediated by O, eq .
Our electronic structure analysis interpret this nd-
ing as an ecient mediation of O-2p and Dy-d between
the relevant Dy-4f and Fe-3d electrons. For details, see
reference [113]. These results pave therefore the way to
the interaction between f and d electronic states as an
additional degree of freedom to tailor ferroelectric and
magnetic properties in multiferroic compounds. Addition-
ally, the fact that the Dy and Fe interaction is mediated
by O-2p states suggests possible routes to tailor the FE
polarization. For instance, compressive or tensile strain
along the polar axis might change the octahedral tilt-
ing, favoring or disfavoring the interaction via the inter-
mediate O states, eventually leading to a change in the
FE polarization. From the methodological point of view,
Dy-ferrite constituted a nice benchmark for the theoreti-
cal treatment of 4f electrons, usually a hard task within
ab-initio approaches. Our results were shown to be ro- Fig. 4. Perspective view of the spin and crystal structure of
bust with respect to the dierent state-of-the-art compu- the CdV2 O4 .
tational schemes used for d and f localized states, such as
the DFT + U method, the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernherof (HSE) which has an unquenched value of the orbital angular mo-
hybrid functional, and the GW approach [113]. mentum; a third model takes into account the proximity
of ZnV2 O4 to the itinerant-electron boundary, showing a
dimerization along the V-V chains, which is described by
3.1.2 spin arrangement in CdV2 O4 the formation of homopolar molecular V-V bonds, char-
acterized by a partial electronic delocalization (the orbital
Spinels exhibit several unusual features, which make them wave functions in this case would be a real combination
an emerging class of materials in several elds, including of orbitals (dyz dxz ) with no net orbital moment). As
magnetoelectricity and multiferroicity. Most oxide-based far as the magnetic structure is concerned, chains in the
spinels contain trivalent and divalent cations and have the xy (ab) plane show an AFM ordering, while chains in the
general formula A+2 B+3 2 O4 . The structure type is that of xz and yz plane have spins. The overall spin struc-
the MgAl2 O4 mineral, which is cubic and contains eight ture is thus collinear. It must be noted that magnetic A
formula units. Oxygen ions show a cubic close-packed ar- sites like Mn or Fe have a much more complicated mag-
rangement and the cations occupy both octahedral and netic structure. The multiferroic behaviour in the spinel
tetrahedral sites. When the tetrahedral sites are occupied class of materials is very rare. The only few exceptions
by divalent cations only and the octahedral sites by triva- are CoCr2 O4 , HgCr2 S4 or CdCr2 S4 . Usually, a more com-
lent ions only, the structure is termed a normal spinel. plex magnetic structure is involved there, such as spiral
The series of vanadium oxide spinels with A = Cd, magnetism.
Mn, Zn or Mg and B = V is particularly interesting, since A multiferroic behaviour was recently reported in a
it approaches a Mott transition when the V-V distance ternary spinel, CdV2 O4 (hereafter called CVO) with colli-
is suciently reduced, either by applying pressure or by near antiferromagnetic ground state, where the ferro-
changing the size of the A cation [118,119]. ZnV2 O4 is electricity arises from a local-exchange striction mecha-
the member of the series which is closest to the metal- nism. This shows that not only spiral magnetism can give
rise to polarization in spinels, but also collinear struc-
lic state. The ground state of the spinel compounds has
stimulated an intense theoretical research in the last few tures through exchange striction, thus broadening the
years [120124]. A tetragonal distortion induces the t2g class of multiferroic systems by including this class of ox-
levels to split into a lower dxy level and a twofold degen- ides [125130].
In Figure 4 we show a perspective view of the unit
erate dxz and dyz level. It is clear that the rst electron of
V+3 (d2 ) occupies the dxy level, whereas the second one cell of CVO, along with the spin structure. It is easy
is located in a combination of the other t2g -orbitals (dxz to recognize the chains. In this particular case, ab-
and dyz ). initio calculations proved to be very useful to highlight
the microscopic mechanism leading to a nite P , espe-
Three main models have been proposed to describe
cially through a series of computational experiments and
the dxz and dyz occupations: the real orbital-ordered
a trend study as a function of the U parameter. Our study
model, where the ground state consists of alternating oc-
can be summarized as follows:
cupation of the dyz or dxz orbital in adjacent layers along
the c axis; the complex orbital order model, where the We started from the centric I41 /amd space group
second electron occupies the complex orbital (dyz dxz ) and we imposed spins. In this initial ionic
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conguration, there was no V-V dimerization. Then,

for any U between 0 and 8 eV, we let the ionic de-
grees of freedoms relax. What about the nal ionic
and electronic ground states? We found: (i) no V-V
dimerization; (ii) no inversion symmetry-breaking and
thus, no polarization (for U suciently large to keep
the system insulating, i.e. larger than U = 4 eV);
starting from the centric I41 /amd symmetry, we then
imposed spins along the [101] and [011] directions.
After ionic relaxations, we found: (i) the formation of
short (S) and long (L) bonds between and spins,
respectively; (ii) inversion symmetry breaking and ap-
pearance of a nite polarization. Although we found it
dicult to unambiguously extract the nal symmetry
group of the relaxed structure, due to numerical noise,
a compatible symmetry group may be the space group
80, C4-6, I41 (the threshold on the atomic position for
the symmetry check has been xed to 0.001 A).
Further inspection in the mechanism for ferroelectricity,
shows that: the spin order, imposed onto the centric
I41 /amd structure, gives rise to an electronic instability
that ultimately results in (i) a V-V dimerization and (ii)
formation of short and long V-O bonds, compatible with Fig. 5. Sketch of the V spin chain in the (a) centric and in
a staggered xz, yz orbital ordering. It is worthwhile to the (b) polar phase. Lower panel: relevant V-O-V angles (as
note that this electronic driving force towards (i) and (ii) dened in (b)) along the spin chain as a function of the eective
shows up already before performing ionic relaxations: the Coulomb parameter (U -J) within the DFT + U formalism.
two () V sites are inequivalent and such inequivalency, (Adapted from Fig. 1 of Ref. [131]).
upon relaxations, drives the V-V dimerization. In fact, the
two oxygens bonded to , V (or , V) are inequivalent,
action, Jahn-Teller eects, etc.), can lead to electronic
in turn giving rise, upon ionic relaxations, to a weakly
charges being localized on dierent ionic sites (the lat-
staggered orbital ordering. We believe that both eects,
ter belonging to the same chemical species) in an or-
i.e. dimerization and orbital ordering, cooperate to induce
dered fashion: this phenomenon is labeled as charge-
polarization. In Figure 5 we show the centric phase with
disproportionation or Charge ordering (CO) and it is a
a FM spin chain, and the polar phase with an spin
(rst- or second-order) phase transition, with well dened
chain. In the centric phase, all V-O-V angles are equivalent
critical temperatures. Charge ordering (CO) was proposed
along the chain, see Figure 5a. Note, however, that V-O
as a phenomenon that can induce ferroelectricity in those
distances are slightly dierent, due to the peculiar coor-
cases where, similar to spin ordering, the symmetry of
dination of the spinel structure: each O is an apical one
the CO pattern below the critical ordering temperature
with respect to one V ion and a planar one with respect
lacks inversion symmetry [132]. Several examples were
to the other neighboring V ion. This is in principle com-
put forward: Polar CO was identied in Fe2+ /Fe3+ oc-
patible with the presence of partial orbital ordering, even
curring in magnetite [26,133,134], Mn3+ /Mn4+ in half-
in the FM spin chain. As expected from the centrosym-
doped manganites [135,136], Ni2+ /Ni4+ in rare-earth nick-
metric space group, no polarization is found from our cal-
elates [93]. Abinitio calculations showed that a polar CO
culations for this case. In the polar phase, see Figure 5b,
can lead to potentially large polarization (of the order
(i) the angles 1 and 2 (2 and 1 ) become inequivalent
of few C/cm2 ), so that it can be considered as an e-
due to the formation of short and long V-V bonds; (ii) 1
cient mechanism in the context of electronic ferroelectric-
and 1 become dierent. The long V-O bonds are com-
ity. Among the mentioned systems, however, one has to
patible with a weakly staggered xz, yz orbital ordering.
make an important distinction as for the driving mecha-
As a result, local dipole moments, originating from the in-
nisms: there are cases, such as nickelates and manganites,
equivalency of oxygens, appear due to dierent 1 and 2
where multiferroicity shows up when both spin and charge
(2 and 1 ) angles; since the dipoles do not compensate,
orders occur. It is actually their combination that drives
we observe a net P in the unit cell. Further details can be
ferroelectricity (see Fig. 6a). In this situation, magnetism
found in reference [131].
has a relevant role in the development of the dipolar order
(actually, magnetism and ferroelectricity share the same
3.2 Charge ordering physical origin) and a large ME coupling is therefore ex-
pected. In other cases, such as magnetite, deeply discussed
Transition metal oxides often show correlated electrons, in the following paragraph, magnetism seems not to be in-
which, under certain conditions (due to a complex in- volved in the ferroelectric transition. In this case, a large
terplay among Coulomb repulsion, electron-phonon inter- magnetoelectric coupling is a-priori not to be expected,
Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240 Page 11 of 22

A [Fe
Fe3+ ]B O2
4 ). The pattern of the charge or-
dering, however, constitutes a matter of debate and it is
still unknown. Anderson has pointed out [138] that, when
putting two Fe2+ and two Fe3+ sites on each FeB tetrahe-
dron (so called 2:2 pattern), the number of Fe2+ -Fe3+
ion pairs is maximized, therefore giving rise to the low-
est possible energy from the Coulomb repulsion point of
view. However, the Anderson criterion for low tempera-
ture magnetite is inconsistent with recent experimental
results and alternative patterns with 3:1 CO arrange-
ment (three Fe2+ and one Fe3+ ions in a tetrahedron, or
viceversa) or even mixed 75% 3:1 and 25% 2:2 have been
put forward.
In our recent works, pure charge-order (CO) was care-
fully investigated as a potential source of inversion-sym-
metry-breaking electronic order. Indeed, this mechanism
was explored in magnetite below the Verwey metal/insu-
lator transition. In a joint theory-experiment study [26]
and in following purely theoretical studies [133,134], we
showed that magnetite in the Cc symmetry (predicted by
Fig. 6. (a) Coexistence of charge and spin orders, whose coop- densityfunctional-theory (DFT) to be the ground state
eration breaks inversion symmetry and gives rise to ferroelec- and suggested to experimentally occur at very low tem-
tricity. Shown is the case of RNiO3 (R = rare earth), where peratures) shows a non-centrosymmetric CO of Fe2+ /Fe3+
Ni nominally trivalent charge-disproportionates into Ni2+ on octahedral FeB sites of Fe3 O4 , with P 5 C/cm2 .
and Ni4+ and magnetically orders in an fash- Magnetite might therefore be considered as one of the
ion along the [111] pseudo-cubic direction. Due to the Ni spin rst multiferroics known to mankind. Remarkably, it is
and charge inequivalence, a dimerization is induced along [111]
a beautiful example from another point of view: since
and polarization arises. (b) Pure charge-ordering giving rise to
what is usually searched for in electrically-controllable
polarization. Shown is the case of Fe in magnetite along the
b direction, where a dimerized chain of Fe2+ -Fe3+ forms, due
spintronic devices is a net magnetization, magnetite, be-
to a complex interplay between Coulomb repulsion in the Fe ing a ferri-magnet, overcomes the limitation of a zero
tetrahedral network, entropy, electron-phonon interaction, etc. (and therefore uncontrollable) magnetization that occurs
Black thin arrows denote Fe displacements with respect to the in many other multiferroic antiferromagnets.
centrosymmetric conguration. As shown in Figure 7, octahedral Fe sites, arranged in
the corner sharing tetrahedral network are located in xy
planes with z = i/8 (i = 0 . . . 7). The P 2/c paraelectric
also given the dierent origin and ordering temperatures state has E, C2b + (0, 0, 1/2), I, 2b + (0, 0, 1/2) symme-
for the magnetic and dipolar orders. tries (with a full 3:1 tetrahedron CO arrangement) and
the Cc ferroelectric state has E, 2b + (0, 0, 1/2) symme-
tries (with a mixed CO pattern) in a conventional base-
3.2.1 Fe2+ /Fe3+ charge patterns in magnetite centered monoclinic cell so that there are two equivalent
atoms (cf. B12 and B12 sites in Fig. 7). We remark that
Magnetite is probably one of the (if not the) most stud- the mirror symmetry along with the translation vector for-
ied magnets: it was discovered in Greece around 6th cen- bids any net polarization along b and nite P is allowed
tury before Christ and, since then, it has always attracted only along the a and c directions. The dierence between
lots of interests. Fe3 O4 (formally Fe3+A [Fe
Fe2.5+ ]B the two Cc ferroelectric and P 2/c paraelectric CO dis-
O4 ) shows an inverted cubic spinel structure with a tributions (see Figs. 7a and 7b) can be understood when
F d3m space group at room temperature. The inverted assuming a charge shift from B12 to B14 site and in the
spinel structure shows FeA and FeB ion sites coordinated upper part of the cell, from B12 to B14 , all the other sites
to O ions, i.e. tetrahedral Fe sites are occupied by FeA keeping their valence state unaltered. Each charge shift
ions, whereas octahedral Fe sites are occupied by FeB ions. creates two 2:2 CO tetrahedra, so as to form, in total, four
The latter form a network of corner sharing tetrahedra. 2:2 tetrahedra in the unit cell (cf. Fig. 7). The resulting
Magnetic moments on FeA sites are antiparallel to those CO pattern lacks inversion symmetry, therefore allowing
of FeB sites, so that ferrimagnetism is the ground state. FE polarization. The Berry phase approach predicts quite
Magnetite undergoes a rst order metal/insulator tran- a large polarization, its direction lying in the ac-mirror
sition (called Verwey transition) at around 120 K [137], plane. The DFT results are in excellent agreement with
where the resistivity increases by two orders of magnitude. recently reported experimental values for magnetite thin
Correspondingly, the crystal structure changes from cubic lms (reporting P of the order of 5.5 C/cm2 in the ab
to monoclinic. Verwey has proposed the metal-insulator plane with the c component not measured) as well as with
transition to originate from charge ordering at FeB sites earlier experiments on single crystals (Pa = 4.8 C/cm2
Page 12 of 22 Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240

Fig. 7. Ionic structure of Fe octahedral sites in (a) P 2/c and (b) Cc. Orange and blue balls show Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions, respectively.
Fe tetrahedra of 2:2 and 3:1 CO patterns are highlighted by yellow and black color planes, respectively. Electric dipole moments
caused by charge shifts are indicated by red arrows. For details, see reference [133]. In the four squared blue boxes, we show the
charge/orbital ordering of Fe minority t2g states in PE and FE states at dierent planes for dierent z internal coordinates in
the unit cell: (upper-left, a1): PE for z = 3/8; (lower-left, a2): PE for z = 2/8; (upper-right, b1): FE for z = 3/8; (lower-right,
b2): FE for z = 3/8.

Table 1. Charge separation (cs, i.e. dierence of d-charges be- 3.3 Orbital ordering
tween Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in the atomic sphere with 1 A radius)
and the corresponding FE PBerry (in C/cm2 ) vs. Coulomb In addition to charge and spin, electronic degrees of free-
repulsion U (J is xed to 0.89 eV). dom include the orbital one. Indeed, many transition
metal oxides clearly show, below a critical temperature,
U (eV) 4.5 6.0 8.0
an orbital-order (OO), often driven by the Jahn-Teller
cs 0.17 0.23 0.30
PBerry (4.41, 0, 4.12) (4.42, 0, 4.81) (4.33, 0, 5.07) eect and accompanied by structural distortions in the
octahedral or tetrahedral oxygen cages which surround
transition metal ions. In principle, there seems to be no
obstacle, from the symmetry point of view, to the fact that
OO itself could break inversion symmetry and give rise
and Pc = 1.5 C/cm2 ). Weve veried that the polar-
to polarization, i.e. nothing precludes orbital-induced fer-
ization values are not largely aected by the value of the
roelectricity. However, there are no established examples
Hubbard U parameter, as shown in Table 1. What we also
where this happens in a clear and simple way. For exam-
note is that, upon increasing U and keeping the atomic
ple, the RuddlesdenPopper bilayer manganite, Pr(Sr0.1
conguration xed to that obtained for U = 4.5 eV, the
Ca0.9 )2 Mn2 O7 [139], was proposed as a candidate mate-
charge separation between Fe2+ and Fe3+ is increased, in
rial in this context, since the rotation of orbital pattern
agreement with what intuitively expected: a full charge
below a dened critical temperature was found to happen
disproportionation to occur in the limit of an innitely
along with a ferroelectric state. However, many degrees of
large Coulomb repulsion.
freedom were active at the same time in that compound: in
We remark that, especially in CO-materials (such addition to OO and ferroelectricity, CO coupled with the
as magnetite), we ve often found an antiferroelectric underlying lattice distortion was also occurring, so that
(AFE) phase energetically competing with a ferroelectric the link between OO and polarization is actually under
one [134]. For example, in magnetite, the ground-state FE debate. A pure system in which OO by itself drives ferro-
Cc symmetry is only a few meV/unit-cell lower than AFE electricity is still to be found. What we will discuss in the
P 2/c; also in the case of Fe3 O4 phases in which an inter- following section is, on the other hand, a compound where
mediate bond-and-site-centered CO occurs, the AFE P 2/c orbital-order occurs and, indirectly via hydrogen bonds,
symmetry competes with the FE P 2 symmetry [134]. induces a polar state in an organic-inorganic hybrid [32].
Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240 Page 13 of 22

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 8. Crystal structure of the Cu-MOF: (a) side view, (b) a single linear chain along the c polar axis, (c) an octahedron with
the HCOO organic linkers, (d) perspective view of the Guanidinium ion.

3.3.1 Cu-based metal-organic-framework: role of orbital A magnetic ordering in a polar space group immediately
order and hydrogen-bond calls for a possible multiferroic behaviour, although no
ferroelectric hysteresis loop has been measured yet. Our
theoretical study predicts and supports a multiferroic be-
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are an interesting new
haviour. Furthermore it highlights interesting features in
class of materials made up of extended ordered networks of
metal cations linked by organic bridges [140]. They are hy- this appealing class of materials, such as an unusual mi-
croscopic mechanism for ferroelectricity and the magneto-
brid organic-inorganic materials at the interface between
electric eect.
molecular chemistry and materials science. There is a huge
interest in these materials for their potential technologi- In Figure 8, we show: (a) side view of the Cu-MOF;
cal applications such as gas storage, exchange or separa- (b) a single chain of octahedra connected by the HCOO
tion, catalysis, drug delivery, optics, magnetism [141,142]. organic linkers along the polar c axis; (c) Cu octahedra
Furthermore, due to their dual nature, they can be en- with HCOO groups; (d) perspective view of Guanidinium
gineered in almost innite ways by playing with the or- ion. The Jahn-Teller distortion of the Cu octahedra give
ganic/inorganic components [143,144]. A very recent fam- rise to two short (s) and two long (l) equatorial Cu-Oeq
ily of MOFs, with a more dense topology, mimics the bonds with lengths 2.0 A and 2.4 A respectively, and
ABX3 perovskite inorganic topology. These compounds two medium (m) apical Cu-Oap bonds. The cooperative
show interesting magnetic, optical, electronic and dielec- Jahn-Teller distortion is characterized by CuO6 octahedra
tric properties and, last but not least, coexistence of fer- elongated along the [1,1,0] and [1,1,0] in the ab plane.
roelectricity and magnetism, i.e. multiferroicity [145150]. Our calculations show that the most stable magnetic
We have recently studied a Cu based MOF, namely conguration is the AFM-A type, which shows ab intra-
[C(NH2 )3 ]Cu[(HCOO)3 ], rst synthesized by Ke-Li Hu plane ferromagnetically aligned spins which are inter-
et al. [151] In this compound, hereafter called Cu-MOF, plane antiferromagnetically coupled. When including spin-
A is the guanidinium ion C(NH2 )+ , B is the Jahn-Teller orbit coupling in the calculation, a weak-ferromagnetic
Cu+2 ion with d9 with t62 e3 electronic conguration and (FM) component arises due to a small canting of the spins.
X is the carboxylic linker HCCO . At low temperature, it The weak-FM component Ma is along the a axis, perpen-
crystallizes in a polar space group P na21 . Furthermore, a dicular to c axis. The presence of weak-ferromagnetism
magnetic study revealed that it displays spin-canted anti- is in agreement with experimental observations [151]. The
ferromagnetism, with a Neel temperature of 4.6 K. In ad- perovskite Cu-MOF is very similar to KCuF3 which is con-
dition to the general spin-canted antiferromagnetism, it is sidered as a prototypical system for a cooperative Jahn-
a magnetic system with low dimensional character [151]. Teller eect, orbital ordering, and a quasi-one-dimensional
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antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain. In fact, the Cu-MOF Incidentally, we note that ab-initio characterization of
shows a particular type of orbital order, in which a single MF-MOFs are almost totally lacking in the current lit-
hole alternately occupies 3dx2 z2 and 3dy2 z2 orbital erature, and our recent study [32] is certainly encouraging
states of the Cu+2 ions (3d9 electronic conguration) [152]. in terms of interesting results.
The cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion is characterized
by Cu(HCOO)6 octahedra alternatively elongated along
the perpendicular [1,1,0] or [1,1,0] directions in the ab- 3.4 Charge-spin dimers in donor-acceptor TTF-CA
plane, i.e. giving rise to an antiferrodistortive pattern. It
is important to note that the anti-ferro-distortive (AFD) In comparison with inorganic materials, organic com-
modes are usually non-polar distortions in standard inor- pounds have been synthesized in large number but fer-
ganic perovskite like compounds, and, as such, they should roelectric properties have been found only rarely in that
not give rise to ferroelectric polarization. Despite this, our class of materials [155]. A breakthrough in organic ferro-
calculations show that the AFD distortions in Cu-MOF electricity was recently achieved by the discovery of very
are strictly correlated to the presence of the polarization. large room-temperature ferroelectric polarization in the
Our study highlights very interesting properties of this croconic acid, a well-known low-molecular-weight organic
compound: compound [31]. It is believed that it may be fruitful to
search among known but poorly characterized organic
(i) it is ferroelectric with an estimated polarization P of compounds for ferroelectrics with enhanced polar proper-
2 ties suitable for device applications [156].
0.37 C/cm , with polar axis along c;
(ii) the microscopic mechanism is very intriguing: we Coexistence of ferroelectric and magnetic order in or-
found that non-polar AFD distortions are intimately ganic materials is an even rarer property. Recently, we
related to ferroelectric polarization suggesting that have predicted by ab-initio calculations that multifer-
they may be the source of ferroelectricity; roicity may be found in TTF-CA molecular crystal [30],
(iii) inspection into the microscopic mechanism of (ii) a multi-component molecular system which produces a
shows that AFD distortions acting on the BX3 frame- typical displacive-type ferroelectricity by displacing op-
work are coupled to A-group ions through inter- positely charged species. TTF-CA is a charge-transfer
vening hydrogen-bonds between the oxygens of the (CT) complex composed of electron donor (D) and ac-
Cu(HCOO)6 and the H atoms of the A-group. While ceptor (A) molecules, such as tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)
the AFD distortions alone would preserve centrosym- and tetrachloro-pbenzoquinone (CA) [157167]. This com-
metry, the O H bonds induce asymmetric distor- pound is particularly interesting because it shows a
tions into the A-group, ultimately responsible for the neutral-ionic (NI) phase transition, i.e. a transition be-
presence of dipoles mainly localized at the A-group tween a van der Waals molecular assembly to an ionic
which, in turn, give rise to a nite polarization; solid [160,161]. The ionized molecules form DA dimers,
(iv) the weak-ferromagnetic component is strictly corre- D+ -A , where is a degree of charge transfer, with
lated with the ferroelectric polarization: when P is a lowering of the crystal symmetry from P n to a po-
equal to zero, the weak-FM components goes to zero; lar P 21 /n space group, where the originally non po-
at the +P state, it is +Ma and at the P state it lar D A D A sequence with regular intermolecular
is Ma . Therefore, our calculations predicts that the separation is symmetry broken to a polar chain formed
Cu-MOF should be a magnetoelectric multiferroic: by DA dimers characterized by the formation of pairs
it should be possible to control the magnetization of short and long bonds along the stacking axis a. In
by an external electric eld. In particular, an elec- essence, above the NI transition temperature TN I of
tric eld along the c axis, which would switch the 84 K [161] the system is in a neutral and paraelectric
spontaneous polarization, would at the same time state with D+ A D+ A with = 0.20.3.
switch the sign of Ma . Although both P and M Below TN I the system becomes ferroelectric with a stack-
are small in magnitude, this opens new avenues in ing D+ A D+ A with 0.6, with an
the multiferroic research in such a novel and excit- ionic and ferroelectric state characterized by a Peierls-like
ing class of materials. It goes without saying that dimerization.
there could be large room for engineering these com- In this framework, we have performed ab-initio calcu-
pounds for enhancing these magnetoelectric eects lations by using the recently introduced screened hybrid
due to the organic-inorganic duality characteristic of functional Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) [30]. The use of
MOFs. More discussions about the Cu-MOF can be the hybrid functional has been particularly important here
found in reference [32]. for several reasons. First, it is important to improve the
description of the HOMO-LUMO gap which governs the
In conclusion, MOFs are materials at the border-line degree of charge transfer between molecular units; second,
between chemistry and solid state physics and MF- we found it impossible to stabilize a magnetic state by us-
MOFs represents a dual-bridge between the two elds, ing the local or semilocal approximation to the exchange-
exploiting knowledges from the inorganic as well as or- correlation functional (LDA or GGA); third, the DFT+U
ganic material science. We expect that this dual-bridge method commonly used to improve the electronic struc-
will be the source of new and interesting physical proper- ture of strongly correlated system can not be directly
ties [153,154], which ab-initio studies can easily unveil [32]. applied here: the reason is that in molecules, the localized
Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240 Page 15 of 22

orbitals are multicenter rather than single-center, since the double-perovkite NaLaMnWO6 [179181], which belongs
basis set correspond to ortho-normal molecular orbitals in- to this class of materials, by combining group-theoretical
stead of orthonormal atomic orbitals. The main results of analysis and rst-principles calculations to explore the ori-
our study can be summarized as follows: the HSE ground gin of the polar state in this compound. NaLaMnWO6
state of the TTF-CA crystal shows an antiferromagnetic orders magnetically at low temperature in a polar space
(AFM) ordering, more stable than a non-magnetic one by group. However, the ferroelectricity has neither been cal-
80 meV per unit cell. Note that starting with an initial culated nor measured yet. We found that ferroelectricity
ferromagnetic (FM) conguration, the solution converges originates not from a usual type of lattice distortion in-
again to an AFM one. This demonstrates the robustness of volving small o-centerings of ions, as usually occurring in
our AFM solution. The single TTF and CA units become the prototypical ferroelectric BaTiO3 , but from the com-
spin-polarized with a net polarization of 0.40 B per bination of two oxygen rotational distortions.
molecule. The HSE energy gap of spin-polarized dimer- This idea of rotation driven ferroelectricity is a very ex-
ized state is 0.5 eV. A ferroelectric state with a coexisting citing recent development in the eld of ferroelectrics as
magnetic ordering as ground state characterizes the TTF- well as in the related eld of multiferroics. This represents
CA as the rst multiferroic organic crystals, predicted by an interesting new route to produce new multiferroic and
ab-initio calculations. The calculated ferroelectric polar- magnetoelectric materials, relying on the idea of starting
ization in the AFM state is 3.5 C/cm , while in the NM with non-polar materials and then induce multiple non-
state is 8.0 C/cm . The sensitivity of the polarization to polar instabilities; under appropriate circumstances, this
the magnetic state is mainly due to the large increase of can induce a ferroelectric polarization, as rst predicted in
the electronic component of polarization upon changing reference [182] based on general group theory arguments
from the NM to AFM state. The ionic one, on the other and analyzed in the SrBi2 Nb2 O9 compound by means of a
hand, does not depend much on the magnetic state, and symmetry analysis combined with density-functional the-
it is always opposite to the electronic one. Further details ory calculations by Perez-Mato et al. [183]. In that case,
can be found in the original article [30]. Finally, the mul- ferroelectricity was found to arise from the interplay of
tiferroicity in TTF-CA has been independently conrmed several degrees of freedom, not all of them associated with
by theoretical calculations [168]. Recent experimental re- unstable or nearly-unstable modes. In particular, a cou-
sults show that one-dimensional quantum magnets, such pling between polarization and two octahedral-rotation
as organic charge-transfer complexes, could be promising modes was invoked to explain the behavior [183]. Bousquet
candidates in the development of magnetically control- et al. have demonstrated that ferroelectricity is produced
lable ferroelectric materials [169172]. by local rotational modes in a SrTiO3 /PbTiO3 superlat-
tice [184]. Benedek and Fennie proposed that the combi-
nation of two lattice rotations, neither of which produces
3.5 Coupled distortions in NaLaMnWO6 ferroelectric properties individually, can induce a ME
coupling, weak ferromagnetism, and ferroelectricity [185].
Indeed, we now know that rotations of the oxygen oc-
As well discussed so far, perovskite (with formula ABX3 )
tahedra, both in combination [185187] or even individ-
is one of the crystalline structures which is most commonly
ually [188,189], can produce ferroelectricity, modify the
occurring and most important in all of materials science.
magnetic order, and favor magnetoelectricity.
Because of the great exibility inherent in the perovskite
structure, mainly due to the corner sharing octahedra, Our study on NaLaMnWO6 represents another step
there are many dierent types of distortions which oc- forward along this new emerging direction. In Figure 9
cur starting from the ideal cubic structure. These include we show a perspective (a) and side (b) view of the mag-
tilting of the octahedra, displacements of the cations out netic unit cell of the compound. We note that the B-
of the centers of their coordination polyhedra and distor- site cations, Mn and W, are arranged in a checkerboard
tions of the octahedra driven by electronic factors (i.e. fashion, whereas the A-site cations follow a layer-like
Jahn-Teller distortions). Many of the physical properties arrangements.
of perovskites depend crucially on the details of these dis- In reference [190] we showed that this compound is
tortions, particularly the electronic, magnetic and dielec- a potentially very interesting multiferroic compounds for
tric properties which are so important for many of the several reasons: (i) the estimated polarization is very large,
applications of perovskite materials. about 16 C/cm2 ; (ii) an intriguing mechanism is at the
The new class of double perovskites AA BB O6 intro- basis of the ferroelecticity: two primary non-polar distor-
duces yet another degree of freedom, namely the possibil- tions such as tilting and rotation of octahedra typical of
ity of cation ordering on both A and B sites. Obviously, perovskite systems in combination with cation ordering
this greatly increases the possibility of functional design induce the breaking of inversion symmetry and allows for
in this class of compounds. More than 20 new examples of a ferroelectric polarization. By comparing the low sym-
this structure type have been discovered so far. These ma- metry structure with a parent phase of P 4/nmm sym-
terials were found to have highly complex microstructures metry, two distortion modes are found dominant. They
and show potential for multiferroic behavior [173178]. correspond to MnO6 and WO6 octahedron tilt modes,
We have recently presented a theoretical study of often found in many simple perovskites. While in the
the structural and ferroelectric properties of the new latter these common tilting instabilities yield non-polar
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Fig. 9. Crystal structure of the NaLaMnWO6 compound: (a) perspective view and (b) side view. The Mn spins are shown as
arrows only in (a).

phases, in NaLaMnWO6 the additional presence of the electronic (charge, spin and orbital) degrees of freedom
A-A cation ordering is sucient to make these rigid unit are intimately linked, so that, for example, structural dis-
modes as a source of improper ferroelectricity. Through tortions could have an impact on magnetic interactions
a trilinear coupling with the two unstable tilting modes, and the trilinear coupling could be then exploited as an
a polar distortion is induced: a negligible polar instabil- additional tool to be used in the functional materials de-
ity does exist, but the additional A cation layer ordering sign of novel improper magnetic ferroelectrics.
ferroelectrically activate some tilting modes of the octa-
hedra that in simple perovskites and in B-ordered double
perovskites only give rise to non-polar behaviour. Despite 4 Conclusions and perspectives
its secondary character, this polarization is coupled with
the dominant tilting modes and its switching is bound
It is evident that multiferroics currently represent a vivid
to produce the switching of one of two tilts, enhancing
and promising eld of materials science, the enthusiasm
in this way a possible interaction with the magnetic or-
being mainly driven by (i) the impression that multifer-
dering. Through a trilinear coupling with the two unsta-
roics are much more common than what originally thought
ble tilting modes, a signicant polarization is induced. We
and (ii) the rich and still largely unexplored variety of
hope that this study will stimulate further investigation of
mechanisms leading to the coexistence of multiple orders.
cation ordering as a tool to convert ubiquitous well-known
Density functional theory is able to identify the micro-
steric non-polar instabilities into mechanisms to produce
scopic mechanisms, their strengths as well as their limi-
improper ferroelectrics, as well as new multiferroics. Fur-
tations, their chemical and physical origin, so it seems a
ther details can be found in reference [190].
particularly suited technique for the analysis of this com-
We conclude by saying that the material presented in plex class of materials.
this section, NaLaMnWO6 , cannot be rigorously classied As shown in this paper, our recent activity was de-
as a case of electronic ferroelectricity, but it is rather an voted to those materials where ferroelectricity is induced
example of improper ferroelectricity driven by structural by peculiar charge, spin or orbital orders which lack inver-
eects. Indeed, in all cases, polarization is a secondary or- sion symmetry, i.e. to the so called improper electronic
der parameter, but whereas in the rst case the driving or- ferroelectrics. Well try in this conclusive paragraph to
der parameter is an electronic one, such as ferromagnetism summarize the main ndings of our recent activity as well
or OO, here in AA BB O6 perovskites it is the combina- as to give guidelines towards an ecient materials-design
tion of two tilting modes rst driving the phase transi- for optimized multiferroics.
tion. The reason behind the inclusion of NaLaMnWO6 in
this review is that this represents a promising avenue in When dealing with spin-driven ferroelectricity, two
the eld of electronic ferroelectricity as well. Indeed as mechanisms have been mainly explored so far: the
well known in transition metal oxides structural and rst one is based on Heisenberg exchange coupling,
Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240 Page 17 of 22

whereas the second one is based on relativistic Fe sublattices, we expect a smaller polarization than
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. An important issue in, say, orthomanganites, as indeed predicted by our
regards the eciency of these mechanisms, or equiv- ab-initio simulations. Incidentally, we note that spin-
alently, the magnitude of the polarization induced driven ferroelectricity based on 4f states is likely to
by the two mechanisms. According to our estimates develop only at temperatures as low as 10 K, where
based on density functional theory, the polarization the rare-earth ions order, as is the case of DyFeO3 .
caused by Heisenberg exchange (at play in collinear How to increase the ordering temperatures for magne-
spin congurations) is much larger than that driven tically-induced ferroelectrics (commonly of the order
by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange (at play in non- of few tens of Kelvins) represents in general one of the
collinear spin congurations). This was quantitatively toughest challenges towards nding a so-called killer-
shown, for example, in nickelates [93], when we com- app in the eld of multiferroics for them to become
pared rstprinciples estimates obtained for polariza- really technologically appealing. Although progresses
tion in both collinear or spiral spin arrangements, as were made in recent years (for example, by focusing on
experimentally proposed [191193], the two values dif- combined charge- and spin-ordered materials, such as
fering by approximately two orders of magnitude. This nickelates [93] and hole-doped manganites [135], show-
is consistent with what expected, based on the argu- ing ordering temperatures of 150200 K), room tem-
ment that relativistic eects are not very sizeable in perature operation is still a dream. One of the limita-
3d transition metal oxides and that the symmetric ex- tions might be constituted by the fact that electronic
change coupling is much larger than the corresponding magnetic ferroelectrics are generally frustrated mate-
antisymmetric component. rials (showing either spin or charge or orbital frustra-
Many systems were studied, all of them showing tion), whose ordering temperatures are due to com-
Heisenberg-driven polarization [18,93,94]. The mag- peting interactions intrinsically small. The possible
nitude of the latter, as expected, is strongly depen- way out could be to deal with large exchange-coupling
dent on the involved transition metal and spin-state. constants, which is what happens in nickelates and in
In a rather qualitative, general and naive way, one CuO tenorite [194,195]. The latter material, in particu-
can invoke the size of spin moments and exchange- lar, oers an example of spin-spiral-based multiferroic
interactions to rationalize the dierent behaviour in with a large ordering temperature (230 K).
dierent oxides. In particular, we have quantitatively When dealing with CO-induced ferroelectricity, po-
estimated the biggest eect to occur in rare-earth man- lar CO (as identied in Fe2+ /Fe3+ occurring in
ganites involving Mn3+ (d4 ), with polarization of the magnetite [133], Mn3 +/Mn4+ in half-doped mangan-
order of C/cm . This big value is reasonably due to ites [135], Ni2+ /Ni4+ in rare-earth nickelates [93]) can
the large size of the spin moment (4 B ) and to lead to potentially large ferroelectric polarization (of
rather strong interactions between Mn eg and oxygen the order of few C/cm2 ). In this respect, CO-driven
p states which are able to well mediate the Mn-Mn ferroelectricity is an ecient mechanism and more
exchange interaction in ortho-manganites. As a result, work towards a better understanding should be def-
the (large) generic Heisenberg term, Ji,j Si Sj , can initely carried out. There is an important distinction
induce appreciable changes in the energy and related to be made as for the microscopic origin of ferroelec-
sizeable (local) distortions, depending on whether Si tricity. In nickelates and manganites, multiferroicity
and Sj spins are parallel or antiparallel. A large polar- shows up when both spin and charge orders occur: it
ization is therefore expected when all the (local) dis- is actually their combination that drives ferroelectric-
tortions are summed up over the magnetically-ordered ity. In this case, magnetism has a relevant role in the
unit cell, given the overall polar distortion pattern and development of the dipolar order (actually, magnetism
non-centrosymmetric spin conguration. For a similar and ferroelectricity share the same physical origin) and
reason (but producing an opposite result), the V-V a large magnetoelectric (ME) coupling is therefore ex-
dimerization is able to induce a much smaller polar- pected. In magnetite, on the other hand, where CO
2 alone drives ferroelectricity, magnetism seems not to
ization (order of few tenths of a C/cm ) in spinel
Cd-based vanadate (cf. Sect. 3.1.2): spin moments are be involved in the ferroelectric transition (Fe3 O4 be-
smaller in size and the states at play are t2g (i.e. comes ferrimagnetic at around 860 K and remains so
much less prone than eg to interactions with oxygen, down to very low temperatures, all over the metal-
due to their main non-bonding character, with likely insulator Verwey transition). In this case, a large mag-
smaller exchange constants and related smaller distor- netoelectric coupling is a-priori not to be expected,
tions). Also in the case of spin-driven ferroelectricity also given the dierent origin and ordering tempera-
for f d systems, of which the prototypical DyFeO3 tures for the magnetic and dipolar orders. A possible
case was discussed in Section 3.1.1, one can expect reason for the magnetoelectric coupling to occur (as
a smaller exchange interaction between localized 4f reported in a very early study back into 1994 [196],
states and semilocalized 3d states, compared to the involves the relativistic spin-orbit coupling in the pe-
exchange interaction between 3d states. Since it is the culiar Cc symmetry [197].
f d coupling that induces the polar conguration in As a general rule-of-thumb for a larger CO-
DyFeO3 and the spins have to order on both Dy and induced polarization, we remark that, in the
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case of non-centrosymmetric CO, the charge a small ferroelectric polarization. Moreover, following
disproportionation (CD) should be maximized. a trilinear coupling between magnetization, antifer-
In fact, according to a picture based on point- romagnetism and polarization allowed by symmetry
charge dipoles, valid mostly for systems where the in the ferroelectric crystal, we reported a linear pro-
bond is largely ionic, this would guarantee a larger portionality between weak-magnetization and polar-
polarization. To our experience, we focused on ox- ization, pointing to the long-sought electrical control
ides (magnetite, Fe3 O4 ) [26,133,134] and uorides of magnetization.
(K0.6 Fe2+ 3+
0.6 Fe0.4 F3 ) [198], both with Fe
/Fe3+ charge Most of the multiferroics discovered so far are an-
disproportionation: the comparison between mag- tiferromagnets (due to usual strong superexchange
netite and uorides showed that a larger CD occurs in oxides which often favors antiparallel spins), so
when iron is bonded to Fluorine rather than to that their technological appeal is poor. In order to
Oxygen. Therefore, choosing a more ionic compound overcome this limitation, we mention two possible
seems promising to achieve a large CD and related solutions: (i) choose a compound where ferrimag-
higher polarization. netism (quite a common spin conguration, occur-
On the theory-side, as from the methodological point ring in spinels, such as magnetite, or in double per-
of view, we remark that the treatment of correlation ovskites, etc.) is the magnetic ground state, so as
eects is often important to get a quantitatively re- to show a net magnetization that can be well con-
liable description of multiferroics. In addition to the trolled via a magnetic eld. (ii) Consider (multi-
common DFT + U approach, that we have used in ferroic)-antiferromagnets exchange-linked to ferromag-
a variety of studies [93,133,135], we have carried out nets, so as to build an articial heterostructure where
careful simulations of prototypical multiferroics, such both electric and magnetic degrees of freedom are si-
as the proper BiFeO3 and the improper AFM-E multaneously active [200202]. There, the phenomenon
HoMnO3 , using a state of the art hybrid exchange- of exchange-bias can be used, for example, to control
correlation functional, obtained by mixing the non- the magnetization of a FM overlayer by means of an
local Fock exchange with a standard parametrized electric eld which primarily modies the ferroelec-
exchange functional, with encouraging results [43]. In tric as well as the antiferromagnetic properties of a
particular, hybrid-functionals with the ideal mixing multiferroic layer, which the FM overlayer is, in turn,
between 3/4 local and 1/4 nonlocal exchangecorre- exchange-coupled to (proposals for applications in this
laton potential, appear to give an accurate description direction already came [8]).
of structural, electronic, ferroelectric, magnetic proper- The TTF-CA donor-acceptor organic crystal was prob-
ties for most of the studied materials. This same tech- ably one of the rst examples of organic ferroelectrics
nique was later applied to the TTF-CA organic [30] treated from rst-principles [30] (incidentally, we re-
and DyFeO3 multiferroics [113]. A correct descrip- mark that a breakthrough in the eld was later
tion of the vibrational as well as spin-phonon coupling achieved in 2010 [31], when the croconic acid in crys-
within hybrid functionals was also recently shown for talline form was discovered to be ferroelectric with
many well-characterized oxides [199]. large polarization persisting at least up to 400 K, show-
We have abundantly shown that ferroelectricity driven ing an excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement
by electronic degrees of freedom can occur (and has between ab-initio theory and experiments). When
actually been experimentally observed) in many sys- looking at TTF-CA, the combination of charge trans-
tems where spin-order and charge-orders drive the ris- fer and structural dimerization results in an oppo-
ing of polarization. On the other hand, ferroelectricty site behavior for the electronic and ionic contribution
induced by orbital order has remained for long elu- to polarization, which was rst predicted from rst-
sive. In Section 3.3.1 and in reference [32], we focused principles and later conrmed by experiments. The
on a class of materials called metal-organic frame- eld of organic crystals might be richer of ferroelectrics
works, i.e. corresponding organic-inorganic hybrids of than what originally thought, and eorts should be de-
perovskite crystals. This architecture is much more voted in the near future to investigating polarization
exible (due to organic groups instead of single oxy- in many charge-transfer salts, charge-ordered systems
gen anions) and chemically more rich than usual inor- and other strongly-correlated organics. Proposals to-
ganic perovskites (in terms, for example, of organic wards this direction already appeared in the literature,
polar or non-polar groups which occupy the empty for example pointing to the quasi-two dimensional or-
site corresponding to the A-site cation). This chemi- ganic salt -(BEDT-TTF)2 I3 [203205].
cal richness suggests that new mechanisms might arise Among the many dierent routes to new multi-
in this class of materials. In particular, we considered ferroics, particular interest has been raised by the
a MOF based on Cu2+ ions at the center of octa- idea of a trilinear coupling among polarization and
hedral cages of COOH- groups and with guanidium dierent octahedral distortions. The idea has been
molecules occupying A sites. A delicate interplay be- originally proposed for ferroelectric Aurivillius com-
tween Jahn-Teller distortions around Cu2+ (in turn pounds [183] and recently rediscovered in the context
related to the antiferrodistortive orbital-ordering) and of layered manganites, such as Ca3 Mn2 O7 [206]. In the
hydrogen bonding with guanidinium groups induces present work, weve suggested yet another possibility
Eur. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 240 Page 19 of 22

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