CEI Planet - Spring 2016

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VOL. 29, NO. 2 | SPRING 2016


The Environmentalist Campaign

to Punish Free Speech

Three Decades On, CEIs Fight for ith seven state attorneys general and
Economic Freedom Continues Al Gore sharing a New York City
stage, there was no doubt about it: It was
show time for a whodunit. The crime being
investigated? Dissent.
The March 29 news conference
unveiled, according to New York Attorney

6 General Eric T. Schneiderman, an

unprecedented coalition to fight not only
climate change but also allegedly deceptive
ANGELA LOGOMASINI speech about climate change. The group,
which dubbed itself AGs United for Clean
Outdated Science and Alarmism
Power, promised to use all the tools at our
Drives Flame Retardant Debate disposal to battle for progress on the most
consequential issue of our time.
Schneiderman was blunt about his goal
of shutting down debate: You have to tell
the truth. You cant make misrepresentations

11 of the kinds weve seen here.

This isnt a law-and-order drama.
Its politics clothed in messianic garb,
IAIN MURRAY and its primary tools are censorship and General Claude Walker for all CEI material
intimidation. on climate change and energy policy,
Lets Stop Making Air as well as information on our supporters,
Travel Security Worse The AGs are following a familiar script
here: target an unpopular, deep-pocketed over 10 years beginning in 1997. The
business, harass that business potential subpoenas purported focus is on our
allies with overly broad investigations, contacts with ExxonMobil, a former CEI
ALSO IN THIS ISSUE donor that publicly ended its support for
run roughshod over the targets First
Amendment protections, and settle once us after 2005. Nonetheless, the subpoena
Dodd-Frank Is Hurting Those Who Had the politically weakened company tires of calls for practically all of our material on
Nothing to Do With the Financial Crisis, fighting the endless resources of the state. climate change and energy policy, as well
by John Berlau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ExxonMobil was singled out by name as information on any donors who directly
Banning Cars from Urban Centers: at the news conference, but the coalition or indirectly supported that work.
Costly Policy with Few Benefits appears to be following the script perfectly. Thats one hell of a burden to slap
by Marc Scribner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Now its on to the fishing-expedition stage. on a nonprofit. The coalitions purported
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. . . . . . 14 On April 7, the Competitive Enterprise justification is that the risks of global
Institute was subpoenaed by coalition warming are so important and the scientific
Media Mentions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 basis for them so settled that disputing them
member and U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney
End Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 (continued on page 3)
Leading CEI into a New Era
by Kent Lassman

S ince its humble beginnings 32 years ago, the

Competitive Enterprise Institute has grown into a
leading pro-market voice in debates about economic
with our allies, are doing what we can to keep that
as part of the final budget that passes Congress.
Also, as you may have heard, CEI was recently
policy and regulations that shape peoples lives presented with a subpoena from the U.S. Virgin
and livelihoods. For that reason, I am honored to Islands attorney general for information regarding
be entrusted with its leadership. As it has since its our work on climate policy, as part of a fishing
founding, CEI will continue to promote the cause expedition to stifle ideas at odds with the official

of liberty and fight against government barriers to consensus. As with any such challenges, we
economic freedom. hold that the best defense is a good offense. We
One of the greatest threats to that freedom in have launched a counteroffensive, challenging
America is the overreaching administrative state, the subpoena in court, and we are confident we
which has grown unabated, regardless of which will ultimately prevail. The state attorneys general
party has controlled the White House. We will who are waging this political attack are targeting
continue to expose how government overregulation an unpopular, deep-pocketed business, harassing
impedes and displaces personal enterprise and potential allies with overly broad investigations,
economic growth, and show how private alternatives running roughshod over First Amendment
do more to provide individual choices and better protections, and hoping the company caves and
results for all. pays the ransom. That sort of government-led assault
We see the runaway power of the executive cannot be allowed to succeed. Already, prominent
branch in President Obamas signing of the Paris opinion leaders have spoken out against this attack,
climate treaty, which threatens to make energy including George Will and the editorial boards of
more expensive for all Americans. We also see it in The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times.
federal labor regulators unilaterally imposing new Its an honor to be entrusted with the leadership
overtime and joint employer mandates on American of a vital organization like CEI. Under the leadership
businesses large and small. These examples merely of Fred L. Smith, Jr. and then Lawson Bader, CEI has
hint at the scope of the problem. gone a long way toward a more reasonable policy
CEI has put forward a series of reforms to restore debate, in Washington and beyond. Yet, for its many
and strengthen some crucial checks and balances, victories, there are more challenges ahead. We have
working with policy makers to implement realistic our work cut out for us. I am eager to take on that
solutions. Just this year, the chairman of the House challenge.
Budget Committee included a proposal for a
regulatory budget, which CEI has long advocated,
in his budget plan. Thats a big deal. And we, along

Publisher The CEI Planet is produced by the Competitive Enterprise

Kent Lassman Institute, a pro-market public interest group dedicated to
Editor free enterprise and limited government.
Marc Scribner
CEI is a non-partisan, non-profit organization incorporated in the
Editorial Director District of Columbia and is classified by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3)
Ph (202) 331-1010
Ivan G. Osorio charity. CEI relies upon contributions from foundations, corporations
Fax (202) 331-0640
info@cei.org Contributing Editor and individuals for its support. Articles may be reprinted provided
Keara Vickers they are attributed to CEI.
ISSN#: 1086-3036


AGs, continued
constitutes fraud. But the AGs rhetoric is blissfully oblivious to the First
Court rulings make it clear that broad subpoenas aimed at restricting
speech, especially in the context of policy debates, are invalid. Time and
again, the Supreme Court has held that the remedy for unwanted speech
is more speech in response. The chief law-enforcement officers of several
states should know better, but their reaction to a dissenting policy position is
punitive, coercive, and unconstitutional.
As for breaching donor confidentiality, the obvious aims here are
intimidation and to limit future use of the constitutionally protected right of
anonymous donation. In 1958, in NAACP v. Patterson, the Supreme Court

held that such attempts were illegal under the First Amendments right of
You might think that if the law is that clear, we have nothing to worry
about. But fighting a subpoena is incredibly costly and time-consuming,
especially when the attorneys general behind them have promised to use all
the tools at their disposal, courtesy of their states taxpayers.
Regardless of where you stand on global warming policy, the notion of a
multi-state campaign to end the debate ought to make you worry. After all,
there are many science-driven policy debates out there, on topics ranging
from genetically modified food to population control. It is not as if the Help the Competitive
government has a sterling reputation when it comes to science. From Galileo
to todays food plate, we know government politicizes science. It ought not
Enterprise Institute
to punish dissent, too. carry on its work for
generations by joining the
Kent Lassman (kent.lassman@cei.org) is President and CEO and Sam Kazman
R.M. Freedman society.
(sam.kazman@cei.org) is General Counsel of CEI. A version of this article origi-
nally appeared in The Washington Post. In 2013, CEI established the R.M. Freedman
Society in honor of Robert M. Freedman,
a business owner from West Bloomfield,
Michigan, who placed CEI in his estate

Stand with CEI

and, in 2009, sadly passed on and gave
CEI its first legacy gift. We named the
society in appreciation of his generosity.

for Free Speech Many of CEIs extended family choose to

include CEI in their estate plans through:
Twenty state attorneys general have formed a coalition
called AGs United for Clean Power. Their real purpose is Charitable Remainder Trusts,
to silence debate on the issue of climate change by using Charitable Lead Trusts, or as a
their prosecutorial power to criminalize dissent.
Life insurance beneficiary.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute recently received a subpoena
to that effect, demanding a decades worth of documents,
including private communications containing donor information. If you make the decision to include CEI in
your estate plans, please reach out and let
us know.
We will not let this stand. We will fight back.
We need your help to succeed. While these sorts of decisions should be
undertaken with the help of an estate
To learn more and help us defend free speech, please planner, Lauren Avey and Al Canata of
contact Coley Jackson at coley.jackson@cei.org. CEI can be a resource to you. You can
reach them anytime at 202-331-1010.


Three Decades On, CEIs Fight for
Economic Freedom Continues
We brought public attention to the Businesss message may be good
BY FRED L. SMITH, JR. perverse moral hazard associated with but it remains a suspect messenger.
federal banking policy. My Daddy Business needs credible, independent

T he growth in government has

many causes, but a key factor
has been the Traison de Clerics
used to say that banks would loan you
money if you could prove you didnt
need it. We noted that Fannie and
alliesand the free market movement
needs the economic and informational
support that only business can
the phenomenon of an intellectual Freddie would grant you a mortgage provide, I noted. Convincing
class realizing its power potential if you couldnt repay it. We reframed business that supporting our groups is
and exercising it to take control of the debate over federal auto fuel in its long term interest remains a key
the state and expand its reach. In efficiency standards, showing that tasks for CEI.
America, this took the shape of the forcing smaller cars on the driving CEI has grown greatly over the last
Progressive movement. When our best public led to more traffic deathsin three decades, fighting new battles as
and brightest abandoned Americas effect, death by regulation. the scope and scale of government
constitutional and cultural restraints In brief, CEI became the intervention in the economy has
on centralization, they began on the go-to group for regulatory reform continued to increase. Much of the
path to socialism on the left and crony from antitrust to FDA regulation. time, CEI plays a blocking role,
corporatism on the right. Wayne Crews has brought public which is valuable in itself. Yet, while
I launched the Competitive attention to the scale and costs of government still grew steadily, we
Enterprise Institute 32 years ago to the regulatory administrative state have remained hopeful, recalling the
address this challenge, seeing promise through his publication, Ten Thousand late Herbert Steins famous comment:
in an activist approach to policy Commandments, an annual survey of If something cannot go on forever, it
reform. Our goal was a vertically the federal regulatory state. will stop.
integrated approach to policy reform, In effect, weve functioned as a Our current administrative state
to move beyond the traditional think Battered Business Bureau, reaching out cannot go on forever. We can find
tank model and aggressively market to entrepreneurs suffering under unwise our way back to a government limited
our ideas to the media, policy makers, rules. For years, the left has been in scope and scale. That was the
and the general public; build alliances very effective at forming rent-seeking dream of our Founders. It undergirds
to gain support; and make our case alliances that enhance their ability to our Constitution, the great document
in the appropriate arena, whether in advance interventionist policies, while that checked Leviathan for our first
Congress, the agencies, or the courts. their economic partners gain political century. Twentieth century Progressives
And when appropriate, we add humor privileges. Our business outreach dismantled many of those constraints,
to make that case. Weve implemented sought to meet that challenge head-on. in the hopes of achieving heaven
that plan well. I became a student of business in on earth. Their utopian vision has
That required moving from the the political sphere, recognizing that become dystopic, but it still exercises
academic work of policy analysis to a many factors that led business leaders great power in politics. CEI works
more practical understanding of why, to seek to appease their critics. The continuously to restore legitimacy to
so often, bad policies have such strong challenge was clear: capitalism was limited government again. Its a long
support. On environmental issues, we unlikely to survive if capitalists werent and difficult struggle, but one that still
took on Superfund, a major green enlisted in its defense. How might the motivates me and CEIs staff.
pork barrel boondoggle, making the competitive business sector be enlisted
case that contracts are a more efficient in the liberty struggle? In my 1989 CEI
and cost-effective means to satisfy dinner talk, I made points that are now Fred L. Smith, Jr. (fred.smith@cei.org) is
concerns about waste sites. In the labor at the heart of the efforts of the Center Founder of CEI and Director of CEIs
policy area, we took on comparable for Advancing Capitalism, which I now Center for Advancing Capitalism. A
worth legislation, distributing thou- lead. version of this article originally appeared
sands of My Worth is Incomparable! in Forbes.
buttons at protest rallies.


Dodd-Frank Is Hurting Those Who Had
Nothing to Do With the Financial Crisis
the Congo region altogether.
BY JOHN BERLAU According to Aronson, this
created a de facto embargo
Almost six years on
since Dodd-Franks
T he Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act
has done too little to address the
on the minerals mined in the
region that impoverished
poor villagers and made war- passage, big banks
real causes of the financial crisis lords more powerful.
and too much to add red tape that Meanwhile, left untouched continue to dominate,
hamstrings consumers, investors, and
entrepreneurs who had nothing to do
by Dodd-Frank are the gov-
ernment-sponsored enterprises while community
with it. Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac. While there is debate on
banks loss of market
Indeed, some provisions of the law
have virtually nothing to do with ensur- whether these entitieswhich share has accelerated
ing financial stability. Take Section have implicit taxpayer back-
1502, the conflict minerals provi- ing and purchase mortgages dramatically.
sion. This requires public companies from bankswere a principal
to disclose in their annual reports any cause of the financial crisis,
use of five mineralsincluding gold, there is widespread agreement Though Dodd-Frank may not be
tin, and tungstenthat may have that they at least played a significant solely to blame for this decline, com-
been sourced from the conflict zones role. The 2010 majority report of the munity banks and credit unions have
of the Democratic Republic of Congo Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission become increasingly vocal about the
and adjoining countries. Although this called Fannie and Freddie the kings costs of compliance, which are much
provision concerns a serious moral and of leverage in the years leading up to more easily absorbed by large banks
geopolitical issue, no one can plausi- the crisis. that can hire armies of attorneys,
bly claim it would help avert the next Yet Dodd-Frank does nothing to accountants, and information technol-
financial crisis. shore up Fannie and Freddies capital ogy specialists.
Moreover, shoehorning the conflict requirements and contains a host of Dodd-Frank should be changed
minerals provision into a bank bill and exemptions for them in its new mort- so it does more to prevent the next
placing enforcement into the hands of gage rules. And Fannie and Freddie financial crisis and less to harm
a governmental entitythe Securities backed roughly 60 percent of new innocent investors, entrepreneurs, and
and Exchange Commissionthat lacks mortgages from 2008 to 2013, leaving consumers.
foreign policy expertise has hurt the taxpayers holding the bag.
very people it was intended to help. Almost six years on since Dodd-
As journalist David Aronson wrote in Franks passage, big banks continue John Berlau (john.berlau@cei.org) is a
The New York Times, since manufactur- to dominate, while community banks Senior Fellow at CEI. A version of this
ers often cant be sure of the sources loss of market share has accelerated article appeared at The New York Times
of their materials, many now avoid dramatically. Room for Debate.

I, Whiskey: The Movie

Coming Soon from CEI


Outdated Science and Alarmism Drive
Flame Retardant Debate
it admitted in the Federal
BY ANGELA LOGOMASINI Register that it had no
conclusive data that

L earning from history should keep

us from repeating our mistakes.
Yet when it comes to environmental
establish TRIS has caused
cancer in humans. CPSC
banned the chemical
politics, the opposite seems to be true. solely because it caused
History and improved scientific under- tumors in rodents exposed
standing fail to inform, while alarmism to very high levels. At the
and irrational fears drive policy. time, scientists believed
The current debate related to that was enough to
flame retardant chemicals is a prime demonstrate cancer risk in
example. Environmental activist humans. After all, CPSC
groups have petitioned the Consumer noted, all known human
Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to carcinogens have been
ban an entire class of flame retardant shown to be carcinogenic in labora-
chemicals called organohalogens, tory animals.
with a decision expected this year.
Yet, the scientific justification for such
However, Ames did not continue
to advocate bans. Instead, he and his
Even the now world-
bans has long been invalidated.
The debate about flame retardants
colleague Lois Swirsky Gold decided
to critically evaluate the prevailing
renowned scientist
began back in the early 1970s, with
the emergence of the environmental
wisdom about rodent tests. Ironically,
within a decade, Amess research
Bruce Ameswho
movement and newfound fears that
synthetic chemicals posed significant
thoroughly debunked claims that such
trace chemicals pose a significant
later proved these
cancer risks. Even the now world-
renowned scientist Bruce Ameswho
cancer risk, which invalidated his
own fears about tris.
fears unfounded
later proved these fears unfounded
once expressed concerns that trace
Ames and Gold found that it
wasnt the chemicals themselves that
once expressed
synthetic chemicals were a significant
cause of cancer.
caused cancer in rodents, but the
high doses. High doses can cause
concerns that trace
I didnt want to put my kids in
these pajamas [which were treated
chronic wounding of tissues, cell
death, and consequent chronic cell
synthetic chemicals
with chemical flame retardants], so we
bought their pajamas in Europe when
division of neighboring cells, which
is a risk factor for cancer, Ames and
were a significant
we were there, he recalls in a 2014
interview. In 1977, Ames and Arlene
Gold explained in a 1997 research
cause of cancer.
Blum published an article in Science In fact, Ames and Gold found that
that advocated banning of tris(2,3- these tests caused tumors in rodents Yet the facts dont seem to matter
dibromopropyl)phosphate, commonly even when the chemical tested were much in this debate. Even today, faulty
known as tris, for use in pajamas. At naturally occurring chemicals found in rodent tests are being used as the basis
the time, tris was applied to sleepwear many healthy foods, such as apples, for banning flame retardant chemicals.
in order to meet federal flammability carrots, and other fruits and veggies. Consider the evolution of policy
standards set by CPSC. They concluded: There is no convinc- regarding three Polybrominated
That same year, CPSC banned ing evidence that synthetic chemical Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) flame
the use of tris in sleepwear, even as pollutants are important as a cause of retardants: penta-BDE (used for foam
human cancer.


furniture) and octa-BDE (used in
plastics for business equipment),
and deca-BDE (used in electron- Old and faulty
science coupled
ics such as television sets). These
chemicals are not dangerous
when used in consumer products.
Activists are targeting them for the
same faulty reason they targeted
with activist-
tristhey are rodent carcinogens.
But again, so are chemicals that
generated fear is Molecular structure of
are naturally found in carrots,
apples, and plums. driving this debate. flame retardant TRIS

Green activists have been able

to generate enough scary head-
lines to press manufacturers to vol-
untarily phase out these chemicals. on its website. However, due to PBDEs, petitioning CPSC to ban all
The Chemtura Corporation (then called growing concerns, EPA believes that organohalogen flame retardants with-
Great Lakes Chemical Corporation) the phase out and the regulatory out any real scientific justification.
was among the first, deciding in 2004 action taken in this announcement are And there you have it: Old and
to phase out penta-BDE and octa-BDE. useful steps to minimize and ultimately faulty science coupled with activist-
The EPA took this opportunity to help prevent further exposure to these generated fear is driving this debate.
essentially ban these chemicals with- chemicals. As a result, these chemi- Banning flame retardants simply
out any scientific justification. As the cals are now effectively banned. because they may kill rats in labs is
only U.S. manufacturer of these two In 2009, the EPA pressured absurd, given the fact that fires actu-
chemicals, Chemtura eliminated the two U.S. producers (Chemtura and ally kill people in their homes. If we
only legal domestic uses. The agency Albemarle) and one importer (Israels continue to eliminate flame retardants,
then quickly issued a rule that bars ICL Industrial Products) of deca-BDE we can expect that fires will burn
any new significant uses without first to voluntarily phase it out as well, hotter and move faster, and more
gaining EPA approval under the Toxic ending production and importation people will die as a result.
Substances Control Act (TSCA). by 2013.
The EPA admits it had no health risk Now activistsincluding Arlene
justification for its action. EPA has not Blum, who unlike her 1977 co-author Angela Logomasini (angela.logomasini@
concluded that PBDEs pose an unrea- Bruce Ames continues to believe that cei.org) is a senior fellow at CEI. A ver-
sonable risk to human health or the if its carcinogenic in rats it should sion of this article originally appeared in
environment, the agency explained be banned in humanswant to ban Science 2.0
potential replacement products for the

Realclear Radio offers listeners a

fresh perspective on political and
social issues of the day through
informative interviews and dis-
cussions. Brought to you by the
Competitive Enterprise Institute
and RealClearPolitics, and hosted
by CEI Fellow Bill Frezza.
Learn more at RealClearRadio.org.


A Night in Casablanca

Register online at CEI.org/CEIDinner

KEYNOTE In 1996 and 2000, Forbes campaigned for the Repub-

lican presidential nomination. A flat tax, medical
ADDRESS savings accounts, a new Social Security system for
working Americans, parental choice of schools for
their children, term limits, and a strong national
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF defense were key to Forbess platform, and he contin-
FORBES MEDIA ues to promote this agenda.

Steve Forbes is Chairman The author of several books, Forbes co-authored

and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Reviving America: How Repealing Obamacare, Replac-
Media. Forbes Magazine is the nations leading busi- ing the Tax Code and Reforming the Fed will Restore
ness magazine with a circulation of more than Hope and Prosperity with Elizabeth Ames (McGraw-
900,000. Combined with Forbes Asia, Forbes Europe, Hill Professional), which was published in December
and the companys licensee editions, Forbes Magazine 2015. He is the only writer to win the prestigious Crys-
reaches a worldwide audience of more than 5 million tal Owl Award four times.
readers. Forbes.com is one of the worlds most influ-
ential websites, with more than 60 million unique In 1985, President Reagan named Forbes Chairman of
visitors each month. the bipartisan Board for International Broadcasting
(BIB). He was reappointed to this post by President
George H. W. Bush and served until 1993.

Bruce Yandle is Dean Emeritus of Clemson Univer- Mary Katharine Ham is a CNN Political Commenta-
sitys College of Business and Behavioral Science, a tor and a Senior Writer at The Federalist. During the
Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the Mercatus 2016 presidential election cycle, she co-moderated a
Center at George Mason University, and a Senior GOP primary debate on ABC. Prior to joining CNN,
Fellow Emeritus at the Property and Environment she was a weekly commentator on Fox News The
Research Center. During his distinguished career, he OReilly Factor. She is the co-author of End of Dis-
served as a senior White House economist during the cussion: How the Lefts Outrage Industry Shuts Down
Ford Administration, Executive Director of the Fed- Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less
eral Trade Commission during the Reagan Adminis- Free (and Fun) and has written for HotAir, The Weekly
tration, and as member and chairman of the South Standard, and The Daily Caller.
Carolina State Board of Economic Advisors.
A fourth-generation journalist, she did a stint cov-
Yandle is best known for his Bootleggers and Bap- ering NASCAR, high school football, and her coun-
tists theory of interest group lobbying. The theory, tys largest legumes before embracing new media
which illuminates how strange-bedfellow alliances and heading to Washington, D.C. Her career goal
promote shared political aims, is now standard in has been to discover the formula for talking about
political science and economic curricula. politics without being a blowhard. She is a Twitter
enthusiast, and a mother of two who hiked Kiliman-
Several of Yandles 17 books, and much of his schol-
jaro on her honeymoon.
arly research, examine how secure property rights
and enforced common law principles lead to better
environmental and natural resource protection than
regulatory restrictions. This work makes him an ideal
recipient of the Julian Simon Memorial Award.

Yandle received his AB degree from Mercer University,

and his MBA and PhD degrees from Georgia State
University. Prior to his academic career, he worked in
the industrial machinery business for 15 years.
Banning Cars from Urban Centers:
Costly Policy with Few Benefits
jobs in 60 minutes. New Yorkers
BY MARC SCRIBNER dependent on transit suffer from
the longest commutes in America The myth that mass
T ake back our streets! is a common
refrain among urban activists. No,
even longer than New York
drivers. transit can serve
theyre not talking about reducing
violent crime, as many of them reside
Closing some streets to auto
traffic can occasionally make most people does
in affluent neighborhoods. What they
want to take city streets back from is
sense. New Yorks Times Square
pedestrian plaza is often touted more than just waste
cars, which they see as a scourge that
lowers cities quality of life. But the
as a successful example. But
most cities are not New York and taxpayer funds.
alternatives they propose are much
more costly and provide far fewer
the nations experiments with
converting streets to pedestrian Reducing access to
When mass transit use plummeted in
malls have mostly ended in failure.
When cities including Chicago, cars contributes to
the 1970s, anti-car activists succeeded
in distorting government transportation
Philadelphia, and Sacramento
tried this in the 1960s and 70s unemployment and
funding to greatly advantage transit
over highways. Today, even though
in an attempt to revive their
downtowns, customers stopped poverty.
more than 90 percent of households coming and businesses closed.
have cars, government spends 28 By the 2000s, nearly all these
percent of total transportation funds on cities had reopened their streets Americans live. The rest largely occur
transit, with most of that money coming to auto traffic. These cities attempted in auto-oriented suburbs where most
from state and federal fuel taxes, as to create small car-free zones, not the Americans reside, not urban cores.
well as local property taxes. car-free cities envisioned by activists. Attempting to seriously reduce auto
Yet, despite this government gravy Following their advice and closing off injuries and fatalities by banning cars in
train, transits market share is lower most urban streets to auto traffic would the dense cities where crashes pose the
than it was in 1980, at less than 2 be a disaster. lowest risk is both an overreaction and
percent of trips made nationwide. Even Environmental activists claim a misapprehension of the problem.
when looking only at commuting trips, automobiles should be banned to curb None of this means there arent
where trains and buses do best, transit air pollution, but thats not quite right. problems with cars in our major cities,
accounts for less than 5 percent of the Yes, cars pollute, but they have become many arising from poor highway
market shareone-fifth of its share of far cleaner over the last few decades planning in the 1950s and 60s.
funding. and will be even cleaner still in the near Introducing congestion tolls and
The myth that mass transit can serve future as automakers achieve greater market-rate parking are the places to
most people does more than just waste fuel efficiency. And environmentalists start. But 21st century problems will
taxpayer funds. Reducing access to dont mention the polluting impact of not be solved by trying to return our
cars contributes to unemployment and traffic congestion. Instead, they often cities to the auto-free 19th century. We
poverty. In the New York metropolitan promote congestion and the resulting should work to improve technology, not
area, where 40 percent of all U.S. driver misery as a way to deter driving. outlaw it.
transit trips occur and where one-third Then there is the issue of traffic
of the residents take transit to work, safety. The traffic congestion and
only 15 percent of jobs are accessible low speeds in Americas downtowns Marc Scribner (marc.scribner@cei.
by transit in less than an hour. In help keep serious car accidents rare org) is a Fellow at CEI. A version of this
contrast, New Yorkers with cars can relative to the rest of the country. The article was syndicated by Tribune News
access more than five times as many majority of road fatalities occur in rural Service.
areas, where fewer than 20 percent of


Lets Stop Making Air Travel Security Worse
check baggage are often long as well. fortune. We learned recently that one
BY IAIN MURRAY The thing is, not every passenger poses of its grand schemes to shorten lines
equal risk. In fact, the vast majority of involved spending $1.4 million on

E arlier this year, I planned a trip

to Berlin for mid-March. I initially
thought to tack on a couple of extra
passengers pose no risk at all. Yet, as
we saw in Brussels, they are placed at
extra risk thanks to a one-size fits all
an iPad app that randomizes which
security line people should go toan
app so simple I could probably build it.
days to conduct some business in security mindset. What America and the world
Brussels, but decided against it. Had In fact, there is strong evidence need is a genuine risk-based security
I not changed my mind, I probably that extra wait times deter people approach that focuses on finding
would have been checking into my from flying at all and cause them to dangerous people rather than
return flight when the airport bomb choose to drive instead. Driving is much dangerous objects. Most travelers
went off. And the awful realization more dangerous than flying, terrorist would go through security quickly. This
of what could have happened to me atrocities notwithstanding. Nearly would include business travelers who
concentrated my thinking as a frequent 1,600 people died the year after 9/11 have pre-registered with a scheme like
traveler on changes to airport security because they chose to drive instead of TSA PreCheck (one of the good things
since 9/11. In trying to secure planes, flying. TSA has done), families with children
we have made airports more of a We might just regard this as a trade- or elderly relatives who are also
target, and in doing so have not made off of risks if we had firm knowledge very unlikely to pose a threat, tourist
travel safer. that the security procedures stopped groups, and other sets of people who
Thats because the security aimed terrorist attacks. Yet, Americans have clear mutual trust with low-risk
at keeping terrorists off planes were outraged last year when an individuals.
concentrates large numbers of people internal investigation revealed that the People outside these categories
in security lines. As we learned in Transportation Security Administration would have to suffer through a more
Brussels, those lines are tempting (TSA) failed 95 percent of tests rigorous procedure like we have now
targets for terrorists seeking to inflict a designed to see whether it would (or perhaps more so), but as their
lot of casualties. This isnt the first time stop weapons, explosives, or other numbers would be lessened, even
airports have come under attack. In contraband getting through. Proposals those lines would go faster.
2007, terrorists deliberately crashed a to move the screening area to the The result of cutting lines in this way
jeep loaded with propane into the main terminal entrance merely move the would be happier travelers, less cost to
entrance of Glasgow International potential target, doing nothing to the public, and a less tempting target
Airport in Scotland, but it burst into increase security. to the worlds terrorists. As a frequent
flames rather than explode. If your The TSAs reaction to its lapses was flyer, all three of those things are
aim is to kill large numbers of people, predictable: tighten security by creating important to me and I hope to see them
a suicide attack on an international longer lines, beginning the cycle all implemented.
departures hall is an easy way to do it. over again. The agency would also
As is well known, boarding a flight like to see more use of whole body
is a lengthy business these days. Not scanners, which evidence suggests Iain Murray (iain.murray@cei.org) is Vice
only are security lines long, lines to are ineffective, create longer lines as President for Strategy at CEI. A version of
people opt out, and cost taxpayers a this article originally appeared on CapX.


Center for Advancing Capitalism
Co-Hosts Conference with
University of Maryland
On March 10, CEIs Center for Advancing Capitalism (CAC)
partnered with the Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets
at the University of Marylands Robert H. Smith School of
Business to host the New Intellectual Forum, a new initiative
aimed at creating an integrated alliance of business and
intellectual supporters to defend and promote capitalisms
contributions to economic and societal prosperity. CEI Founder
and CAC Director Fred Smith and CAC Program Manager
Richard Morrison participated in the panel. Joining them on
the panel were Andrew Sherman, Rajshree Agarwal, Rudolph
Lamone, and Christina Elson of the Ed Snider Center.

John Berlau at South by Southwest

On March 14, John Berlau addressed entrepreneurs attending
the South by Southwest technology and entertainment festival in
Austin, Texas. Berlau was interviewed by Richard Swart, scholar-
in-residence at the University of California-Berkeley and chief
strategy officer of NextGen Crowdfunding, which sponsored the
event. Berlau discussed how the Jumpstart Our Business Startups
Act has helped entrepreneurs by liberalizing some rules that held
back investment-based crowdfunding, but Congress still needs to
give much more freedom to investors and entrepreneurs. (Photo
by Sara Harris Photography)

William Yeatman Testifies in

Congress on EPA Regional Haze Rule
On March 23, CEIs William Yeatman testified before the
Environment Subcommittee, of the House Science, Space,
and Technology Committee, on the Environmental Protection
Agencys regional haze rule. As Yeatman noted, the Regional
Haze program is an aesthetic regulation that costs billions
but whose benefits are literally invisible. For example, it
would impose almost $375 million in compliance costs on
New Mexico utility ratepayers to achieve an imperceptible
visibility improvement. The program requires states to come
up with their own implementation plans. The EPA has imposed
Regional Haze implementation plans on states that have not
issued their own plans, including Oklahoma, New Mexico,
and North Dakota, over the staunch objections of state
officials. These plans imposed by the EPA will cost at least $5
billion more than the states plans.


Capitol Hill Briefing on Paris Climate
On April 10, the Cooler Heads Coalition hosted a congressional staff
and media briefing on the Paris Climate Treaty and the Green Climate
Fund, featuring CEIs Chris Horner, Myron Ebell, and Marlo Lewis,
along with David Kreutzer of the Heritage Foundation. As the panelists
made clear, the recently concluded Paris Climate Agreement is clearly
a treaty, contrary to the Obama administrations claim. The agreement,
negotiated at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris, is self-renewing,
which means it could bind U.S. policy indefinitely. This is one reason
why, the panelists argue, it should be called a treaty and submitted to
the Senate for its review.

Marc Scribner Highlights Harmful Drone Regulations

In April, CEI Fellow Marc Scribner appeared on two panels on current
and forthcoming consumer and commercial drone regulations. The first,
hosted by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, featured a
discussion before congressional staff by Mercatus scholar Eli Dourado and
Scribner on the dangers of the precautionary principle approach to risk
and the unnecessary regulatory burdens created by the Federal Aviation
Administration. The second, hosted by the Heritage Foundation, featured
Scribner, along with a Maryland attorney suing the FAA over its recent
requirement that all hobby drones over 0.55 pounds be registered with
the agency. Scribner highlighted the absurdity of maintaining a federal
toy registry, as well as a dangerous new drone manufacturer certification
requirement buried in the Senates FAA reauthorization bill.

Iain Murray Joins the Free Market Road Show

CEI Vice President for Strategy Iain Murray was a featured speaker in
three cities in this years Free Market Road ShowBrussels; Jerusalem;
and Larnaca, Cyprus. Every year, the Free Market Road Show takes
liberty on the road with speakers from around the world to discuss free
market concepts in cities across Europe, from Edinburgh to Athens,
from Madrid to Talinn. This year, the Road Show toured from March 7
to May 27 through 45 capitals in Europe and the Caucasus. Murray
spoke alongside such luminaries as Professor Ben Powell, head of the
Free Market Institute at Texas Tech; John Fund of National Review, Syed
Kamall MEP, head of the European Conservatives and Reformists group in
the European Parliament; and Dr. Barbara Kolm of the Hayek Institute in
Vienna, who founded the Road Show. Murrays lectures covered financial
privacy, the sharing economy, and entrepreneurship; they are available
on the CEI website. For more on the Road Show, see:



Supreme Court CEI Receives, Fights

CEI Files Two Legal Deadlocks on Illegal Bullying
Challenges to Aviation Friedrichs Labor Union Subpoena from Virgin
Regulations Case Islands

In late April and early May, On March 29, the U.S. Supreme On April 7, CEI denounced a
CEI filed two federal lawsuits Court announced a deadlock, 4 to subpoena from Attorney General
challenging new regulations on 4 decision, in a major case involving Claude E. Walker of the U.S. Virgin
electronic cigarette use on airplanes forced labor union dues, Friedrichs v. Islands that attempts to unearth a
and the Transportation Security California Teachers Association. With decade of CEIs materials and work on
Administrations body scanners. the court gridlocked, government climate change policy. This is the latest
On e-cigarettes, CEI accuses the unions will continue to take dues from effort in an intimidation campaign to
Department of Transportation of non-members, whether they like it criminalize speech and research on
illegally stretching the language or not, said Iain Murray, CEI Vice the climate debate, led by New York
of the anti-smoking law to cover President for Strategy. Four justices Attorney General Eric Schneiderman
e-cigarettes, which do not produce have voted against the free speech and former Vice President Al Gore.
harmful smoke. On the TSAs rights of workers to prop up labor CEI will vigorously fight to quash
body scanners, CEI alleges that union power. CEI Policy Analyst Trey this subpoena. It is an affront to our
the agency failed to consider the Kovacs urged state legislators to use First Amendment rights of free speech
costs of security measures in terms the tools at their disposal to protect and association for Attorney General
of deterred flyers, some of whom government workers rights. State Walker to bring such intimidating
will be injured and die by instead legislatures can take action to help demands against a nonprofit group,
driving on much more dangerous teachers, librarians, bus drivers, and said CEI General Counsel Sam
roads. CEI argues both of the rules a whole host of other state and local Kazman. CEI served Walker with its
should be vacated as arbitrary and public employees, said Kovacs. official response on April 20, detailing
capricious under the Administrative Lawmakers can implement specific 23 legal objections and vowing a
Procedure Act. reforms to increase worker choice or fight if the subpoena was not
allow non-union members to withdrawn. Your demand on CEI
stop paying dues to a union they is offensive, it is un-American, it is
do not want. unlawful, and it will not stand, CEI
wrote in a letter to Walker.


Policy Analyst Trey Kovacs The Financial Times editorial The Wall Street
discusses the Supreme Court board denounces the global Journals edito-
deadlock in the Friedrichs case: warming witch hunt against CEI rial board blasts
With a divided court, thousands and others: state AGs war on
of public servants around the nation The targets of the investigations, skeptics:
must still financially assist a government Exxon, the Competitive Enterprise Sometimes we
union that they disagree with, said Trey Institute, a think-tank, and DCI Group, wonder if were still
Kovacs, an analyst with the Competitive a PR and lobbying firm, are being living in the land of
Enterprise Institute, a libertarian group. pursued under various different laws, the free. Witness
Now it is up to state legislatures to pro- but the common theme is that they are the subpoena from
vide public employees with the freedom suspected of having knowingly made Claude Walker, attorney general of
to choose whether or not to pay for false statements that played down the the U.S. Virgin Islands, demanding
union representation. risks of climate change. that the Competitive Enterprise Institute
MARCH 29, The New York Times The legal basis for these actions cough up a decade of emails and
seems flimsy: Exxon has no operations policy work, as well as a list of private
Reuters speaks with CEI Vice in the Virgin Islands. Beyond that, the donors.
President for Strategy Iain implications of the investigations for Mr. Walker is frustrated that the
Murray about the impact of free speech on public policy issues are free-market think tank wont join the
Justice Scalias passing on a alarming. Everyone ought to be able modern church of climatology, so he
labor union case: to take part in policy debates without has joined the rapidly expanding club
The death of Justice Scalia has worrying that their opponents will be of Democratic politicians and pros-
proved a disaster for public sector able to use the law to go on fishing ecutors harassing dissenters
workers who have their paychecks expeditions through their private com- APRIL 30, The Wall Street Journal
raided by unions, said Iain Murray, munications, looking for embarrassing
vice president for strategy at the tit-bits that can be used against them. The Wall Street Journal high-
Competitive Enterprise Institute, a con- APRIL 25, The Financial Times lights the 2016 edition of Wayne
servative think tank in Washington. Crewss annual survey of the
MARCH 30, Reuters Congressional Quarterly profiles federal regulatory state:
new CEI President Kent Lassman: Fridays jobs report from the Labor
General Counsel Sam Kazman Most dinners benefiting Washington Department brought the latest reminder
explains why CEI is challenging think tanks feel staid compared with the that the U.S. economy isnt creating
an out-of-control federal agency: Competitive Enterprise Institutes annual opportunities like it used to. A separate
The judge pointed out that gala. The libertarian group might treat report released this week goes a long
[Consumer Financial Protection Bureau its supporters to e-cigarettes, free rides way toward explaining why.
Chairman Richard] Cordrays five-year on Uber, or T-shirts that sport the mes- On Wednesday Wayne Crews
term ends in 2018, meaning the next sage, Rachel was wrong, deriding the of the Competitive Enterprise Institute
president will have to leave him in place famed conservationist, Rachael Carson. rolled out his annual report card on
for more than a year, even if the two This is a place where people have federal regulation, Ten Thousand
disagree on policy. fun, says the groups new president, Commandments. Beltway rules are
That fact, combined with the CFPBs Kent Lassman, who joined April 6 from now imposing $1.9 trillion of annual
independence from the congressional the public relations outfit DCI Group. costs on the U.S. economy. Thats the
appropriations process, creates a The institute, which has been around same level as last year, but when
complete lack of accountability, which for more than three decades and oper- combined with on-the-books federal
should be fatal to the agency, says ates on a $7 million annual budget, spending, which is $3.9 trillion, the
Sam Kazman, general counsel for the does a lot more than put on its annual feds are taking a record-setting bite out
advocacy group Competitive Enterprise dinner, though the shindig has helped of private commerce and wealth.
Institute. The institute filed a brief sup- CEI cultivate its brand as a hub for free- MAY 9, The Wall Street Journal
porting [mortgage lender] PHH and is market policy and advocacy. Steering it
itself challenging the CFPBs legitimacy is now Lassmans job.
in a separate lawsuit. APRIL 25, CQ Magazine
APRIL 21, Bloomberg


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New York Senate Proposes Criminalizing Machete Film Censors Literally Watch Paint Dry for 10 Hours
Possession British filmmaker Charlie Lyne is well-known to contro-
The nannies in the New York State Senate have found versy and recently decided to exact some revenge on the
another target of their tut-tutting: machetes. Legislation countrys film censors. The British Board of Film Classification
passed in April would criminalize the procession of machetes rates and classifies movies. But unlike the U.S., it is actually
with a penalty of up to a year in jail. The vote was 54-5 illegal to screen or sell an unrated film and the Board has
and now awaits companion legislation from the Assembly. veto power over all movie content. Even worse, the Board
The bill adds machetes to the list of deadly weapons in the forces filmmakers to pay for their censorship, with fees for
state to include switchblades, gravity and ballistic knives, feature films often running more than $1,000. Lyne decided
daggers, metal or plastic knuckles, and billy clubs and to use crowdsourcing website Kickstarter to fund the most
blackjacks. This oversight is surprising given the common boring movie ever made. As the price is based on the films
knowledge that machetes have often been used as weapons runtime, the more money Lyne raised, the longer his pro-
and are actually defined as such in Websters dictionary test film could be. Over a month, 686 backers offered up
Machetea large heavy knife used for cutting sugarcane $8,666 and the film, Paint Drying, is 607 minutes long.
and underbrush and as a weapon, said state Sen. Tony
Avella, a Queens Democrat leading the charge to outlaw TSA Pays $47,400 for Randomizer App that Chooses
the home and garden tool. Left or Right
Frequent travelers are aware of the two screening paths
Mayor Charged with Stealing 111 Road Signs at U.S. airports: very invasive general screening with body
State police say an upstate New York mayor illegally scanners or less invasive PreCheck screening. Those who
provided his village with 111 road signs belonging to the havent enrolled in PreCheck are sometimes surprised to be
state Department of Transportation (DOT). Frank Moracco randomly directed to the quicker lines by TSA personnel.
was charged in April with official misconduct and petit PreCheck enrollees are sometimes surprised, and angered,
larceny. Investigators say Moracco works as a sign shop to be directed to general screening. Thats where the
foreman for the New York DOT. Hes accused of stealing the Randomizer app comes in. The app randomly directs travel-
signs and giving them to the Herkimer County, New York, ers to go left or right, so fliers will not be able to figure out
village of Frankfort. Village clerk Karlee Tamburro told The how to get random checks. However, the Randomizer comes
Observer-Dispatch of Utica that Moracco will continue to at an astonishing cost. According to government documents,
serve as mayor and the Mohawk Valley village isnt com- the TSA paid IBM more than $47,400 to develop the app.
menting on the charges and Moracco did not comment on Programmers know that random number generators are one
the charges. of the easiest applications to code and free coin flip pro-
grams are widely available on the Internet.


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