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SAP-1(Simple as Possible-1) Computer Architecture

The Simple-As-Possible (SAP)-1 computer is a very basic model of a microprocessor

explained by Albert Paul Malvino. The SAP-1 design contains the basic necessities
for a functional Microprocessor. Its primary purpose is to develop a basic
understanding of how a microprocessor works, interacts with memory and other parts
of the system like input and output. The instruction set is very limited and is simple.
The features in SAP-1 computer are:
W bus A single 8 bit bus for address and data transfer.
16 Bytes memory (RAM)
Registers are accumulator and B-register each of 8 bits.
Program counter initializes from 0000 to 1111 during program execution.
Memory Address Register (MAR) to store memory addresses.
Adder/ Subtracter for addition and subtraction instructions.
A Control Unit
A Simple Output.
6 machine state reserved for each instruction
The instruction format of SAP-1 Computer is

The first four bits make the Opcode while the last four bits make the operand

Program Counter:
The program/Instructions are stored at the beginning of the memory with the first
instruction at binary address 0000, the second at 0001 and so on. The PC is a part of
the control unit. Its job is to send to the memory address register, the address of the
next instruction to be executed and fetched. The PC is reset to 0000 before each
computer run

Input and MAR:

The memory address register (MAR) is latched with the address of the pc during a
computer run. A bit later, the MAR applies this 4-bit address to the RAM, where a
real read operation is performed. It has some switch registers which helps it to do so.

The RAM is a 168 static TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) RAM. During a
computer run, the RAM receives 4-bit addresses from the MAR and a READ
operation is performed. In this way, the instruction or data word stored in the RAM is
placed on the W-bus.

Instruction Register:
1) The instruction register is part of the control unit.
2) To fetch an instruction from the memory the computer does a memory read
operation. This places the contents of the addressed memory location on the W-bus.
3) At the same time, the IR is set up for loading on the next positive clock edge.
4) The contents of the IR are split into two nibbles.
5) The upper nibble is a two state output that goes directly to the block labeled
6) The lower nibble is a three state output that is read onto the W-bus when needed.

1) Before each computer run, (CLR) signal is sent to the PC and CLR signal to the
2) This resets the PC to 0000 and wipes out the last instruction in the IR.
3) A clock signal CLK is sent to all buffer registers, this synchronizes the operation of
the computer.
4) The 12 bits that come out of the CS form a word controlling the rest of the
computer. The 12 wires carrying the control word are called the control bus.
5) The control word has the format:

This word determines how the registers will react to the next positive CLK edge.

1) The accumulator is a buffer register that stores immediate answers during a
computer run.
2) It has two output. The first one goes directly to the Adder-Subtracter.
3) The three state output goes to the W-bus when EA is high.
1) When SU is low, the sum out of the adder-subtracter is

2) When SU is high, the sum out of the adder-subtracter is


3) The adder-subtractor is asynchronous (unlocked); this means that its contents can
change as soon as the input words change.

4) When EU is high, these contents appear on the W-bus.

B Register:
1) The B register is also a buffer register.
2) A low LB and positive CLK edge load the word on the W-bus into the B-register.
3) The two state output of the B register drives the B- register.
Output Register:
1) At the end of a computer run, the accumulator contains the answer to the problem
being solved.
2) At this point, we need to transfer the answer to the outside world. This is where the
output register is used.
3) When EA is high, is low, the next positive clock edge loads the word of the
accumulator into the output register.
4) The output register is often called an output port processed data can leave the
computer through these register.
Output Port:
1) The binary display is a row of 8 LEDs.
2) Each LED connects to one flip-flop of the output port.
3) After we have transferred an answer from the accumulator to the output port, we
can see the answer in binary form.

Instruction of SAP-1 is of 8 bit length


First 4 bits are Opcode and last 4 bits are Operand

Example: LDA 9H and its binary equivalent is 0000 1001


Write a program to compute 16+20+24-32 (decimal) and display result in SAP-1
Instruction Cycle:
Fetch Cycle
T1 (Address State)
T2 (Increment State)
T3 (Memory State)
Execution Cycle
3 step (T4, T5, T6), but the task of each steps depends on the instruction
The control unit is the key to a computers automatic operation. The CU generates the
control words that fetch and execute each instruction. While each instruction is
fetched and executed, the computer passes through different timing states (T states),
periods during which register contents modify
Control Signal During Each T state

Execution Cycle (LDA Instruction)

For LDA instruction, only T4 and T5 states that will be active
T4: memory address is sent from IR to MAR
T5: data from memory is fetched and send to ACC
T6: do nothing (No Op)
Execution Cycle (ADD and SUB Instruction)
For ADD instruction, T4, T5 and T6 states that will be active
T4: memory address is sent from IR to MAR
T5: data from memory is fetched and send to B register
T6: Addition/ Subtraction takes place using the values stored in accumulator and
B register. Addition takes place in ALU if SU low, Subtraction takes place if SU is
high. Calculated value is stored in ACC when EU is high through w-bus.
Execution Cycle (OUT Instruction)
For OUT instruction, only T4 state will be active
T4: EA and LO will be active so data stored in Accumulator is loaded into Output
register and displayed in the output unit.
Execution Cycle (HLT Instruction)
There is no execution cycle for HLT Cycle. When IR sends 1111 to the controller, it
halts computer by turning off the clock

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