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PREP Reform & the Roaring Twenties

HW 6 A: Read Text, pages 272-274

Write in YOUR OWN WORDS Do NOT Copy from the internet, the book or a student
***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
1. Pendleton Act, 1883
2. Mugwamps and the Election of 1884
3. Interstate Commerce Act and the ICC

HW 6 B: Read Text, pages 275-277

IDENTIFICATIONs (IDs): Write 100 to 200 words EACH
4. Populism
5. The Grange
6. William Jennings Bryan and the Election of 1896

HW 6 C: Read Text, pages 279-280, 1006

***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
7. Poll Taxes and the Grandfather Clause
8. Jim Crow Laws and Segregation
9. Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 (See also Page 1006)

HW 6 D: Read Text, pages 280-281

***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
10. Ida B. Wells
11. W.E.B. Du Bois

HW 6 E: Read Text, pages 327-328

IDENTIFICATIONs (IDs): Write 100 to 200 words EACH
12. Progressives
13. Muckrakers (Include Jacob Riis)

HW 6 F: Read Text, pages 328-330

***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
14. Frederick W. Taylor
15. Robert La Follette and the Direct Primary
16. The Initiative, the Referendum and the Recall
17. Direct Election of Senators

HW 6 G: Read Text, pages 330-332

***DOUBLE IDENTIFICATION (ID): Write 200 to 400 words***
18. The Suffrage Movement
(Include: the split into the NAWSA and the American Woman Suffrage Association,
Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Carrie Chapman Catt and the Nineteenth Amendment)
HW 6 H: Read Text, pages 333-338, 344
***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
19. The Campaign Against Child Labor
20. Temperance Movement and Prohibition
IDENTIFICATION (ID): Write 100 to 200 words
21. Upton Sinclair and The Jungle (See pages 336-338, 344)

HW 6 I: Read Text, pages 341-343

***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
22. The Square Deal
23. Northern Securities v. U.S., 1904
24. United Mine Workers strike and Arbitration
25. The Bureau of Corporations

HW 6 J: Read Text, pages 344-347

***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
26. Gifford Pinchot
27. Roosevelts Legacy
IDENTIFICATION (ID): Write 100 to 200 words
28. The Story of Yosemite (See pages 346-347)

HW 6 K: Read Text, pages 349-351

***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
29. Tafts Approach to Government
30. Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act
31. The Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy
32. Tafts Progressive Reforms and Roosevelts Opposition

HW 6 L: Read Text, pages 353-356

***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
33. Bull Moose Party
34. Wilsons New Freedom Program
35. Underwood Tariff Act, 1913

HW 6 M: Read Text, pages 356-357

***DEFINITIONs: Write 50 to 100 words EACH***
36. Federal Reserve Act, 1913
37. Federal Trade Commission, 1914

HW 6 S: Projects Pick ONLY ONE: Research and Write ONE Double ID (200 to 400 words)
39. An Economy in Turmoil (Pages 391-392)
40. Racial Unrest, The Red Scare and the End to Progressivism (Pages 392-395)
41. Nativism Resurges and Controlling Immigration (Pages 407-410)
42. The New Morality and the Fundamentalist Movement (Pages 410-412)
43. Prohibition (Pages 412 and 413)
44. Art and Literature in the Roaring Twenties (Pages 419-420)
45. Popular Culture in the Roaring Twenties (Pages 420-423)
46. The Harlem Renaissance (Pages 427-429)
47. African American Politics (Pages 429-431)
HW 6 U: US Maps Due the day of the test with the Notes.
1. Use RED INK to DOT and LABEL the Capital of the U.S.
2. Use RED INK to LABEL each of the FIVE Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico
3. Use RED INK to DRAW and LABEL these FIVE Rivers: Mississippi, Ohio,
Missouri, St. Lawrence and the Rio Grande
4. Use BLACK INK to LABEL all 50 States
5. Use BLUE INK to LABEL all 50 Capitals of all 50 States
6. Use a HI-LITER to SHADE IN the original 13 colonies (Today 14 States)

HW 6 V: World Map Due the day of the test with the Notes.
1. Use RED INK to SHADE IN these seas: Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea,
Caspian Sea, Red Sea and the Persian Gulf
2. Use RED INK to LABEL all Continents and Oceans
3. Use RED INK to carefully CIRCLE Asia, North America and Latin America
(Use blue ink when drawing your circles through the shaded red ink)
4. Use BLACK INK to LABEL at least 50 Nations
5. Use BLUE INK to LABEL at least 50 Capitals of Nations

AD 1000 1588 1620 1763 1773 1776 1787 1812

1492 1607 1754 1770 1775 1781 1803

1820 1846 1850 1861 1865 1898 1915 1919

1832 1848 1860 1863 1877 1914 1918 1929

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