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Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Subject: Global Dimensions of Management & International Business

Sample Question paper (Reference only)

Level 1: Objective Type (2 marks each)

1. Globalisation is:-

a. Shift of trade towards integrated independent economy

b. Shift away from local economy
c. World business activity
d. Global trading

2. Main reasons for globalisation:-

a. To achieve scale of economy

b. To reduce the cost of operation
c. To take advantage of competencies
d. To achieve global scale of business

3. Main drivers of globalisation:-

a. Political policies of the groups

b. Need for economic development
c. Reduced barriers & development of technology
d. Development of scientific innovations

4. Globalisation is taking place predominantly in:-

a. Service markets
b. Industrial markets
c. Consumer markets
d. Technology markets
5. Global brands are produced in:-

a. One country
b. One region
c. Different countries
d. None of the above

6. The legal & institutional framework to oversee international business:-

a. WTO
b. IMF
d. UN

7. The main purpose for creating United Nation is:-

a. To protect only the developed country's interest

b. To protect the world against natural calamities
c. To help world trading system
d. To preserve peace through international co-operation

8. Average tariff levels of developed countries during 1950's were in the range of:-

a. 8-15%
b. 14-20%
c. 10-15%
d. 4-6%

9. Average tariff of developed countries during 2000's was:-

a. 3.9%
b. 4%
c. <3%
d. 5%

10. The single most technology innovation aiding globalisation is:-

a. Pentium mother boards
b. Development of microprocessor
c. Computer technology
d. None of the above

11. Globalisation of production means:-

a. Reduced transport cost

b. Produce only for global markets
c. Producing in various countries
d. Having dispersal of production in many location

12. Share of the world output is shifting from developed countries to developing countries.

a. Agree totally
b. Totally disagree
c. Very small shift
d. Agree to some extent

13. The future economy hub will be Asian countries.

a. Agree to great extent

b. Somewhat agree

c. Disagree

d. Agree completely

14. The low labour carries the major reason, why Asian economies are getting investment by MNCs.

a. Disagree

b. Labour cost is very high

c. Agree

d. Possibly the only reason

15. The FDI inflows were mostly to:-

a. Developed countries
b. Developing countries
c. Major producing countries
d. None of the above

16. Higher nos. of MNCs originated from:-

a. USA
b. Germany
c. Japan
d. UK

17. The FDI of one country became dominant after 1980s:-

a. USA
b. Germany
c. Japan
d. UK

18. The country known for solid engineering:-

a. Sweden
b. Finland
c. Germany
d. Japan

19. The major technology innovators in the world:-

a. USA
b. UK
c. Germany
d. Japan

20. Globalisation is driving the world towards greater prosperity and growth.
a. Completely disagree
b. Agree to some extent
c. Neither agree nor disagree
d. Completely agree

21. Increased international trade & investment will result in lower prices for consumers.

a. Will result in globalisation

b. Disagree
c. Completely agree
d. Agree to some extent

22. Globalisation will stimulate economic growth.

a. Completely agree
b. Agree to some extent
c. Disagree
d. Liberalization will stimulate economic growth

23. Globalization is blamed for job losses in developed countries.

a. Completely agree
b. Disagree
c. Agreed to some extent
d. Liberalization is blame for job losses and not globalization

24. Inspite of economic prosperity of globalisation, we see lot of protests due to:-

a. Globalisation is only a myth, not a reality

b. Loss of sovereignty to nations
c. It has increased more poor people than rich
d. None of the above

25. Many people believe that W.T.O is the main promoter of globalisation.
a. Do not agree
b. Agreed to some extent
c. Completely agree
d. Free trade and not W.T.O

26. A lot of agreement is being made about globalisation which is nothing but the American cultural
imperialism on other countries.

a. Agreed to some extent

b. Agreed to little extent
c. Disagree
d. Completely agree

27. Indias economic progress is due to:-

a. Capitalism
b. Shift towards market economy
c. Mixed economy
d. None of the above

28. Indias Major Competitive advantages are:-

a. Availability of credits & scientific work force

b. Population
c. Big middle class society
d. Good governments

29. Political economy of a country influences the economic well being.

a. Financial and not political economy

b. Do not agree
c. Completely agree
d. Agreed to some extent

30. Individual societies have economically progressed because:-

a. Political system committed to free market economy
b. Political freedom
c. Political system
d. None of the above

31. Collectivism has failed because of:-

a. State directed economic system

b. Fixed economic system
c. Command economic system
d. None of the above

32. In the command economy:-

a. Property rights are shared

b. Property rights are given to people
c. Property rights are not given to people
d. None of the above

33. Free market system gets fostered because of:-

a. Collectivism
b. Capitalism
c. Socialism
d. Individualism

34. Intellectual property rights are:-

a. Protecting only scientific innovation

b. Protecting only intelligence of people
c. Only protecting patent act
d. Patent act, copyright & trade mark act

35. Broader concept of economic development according to Amartya Sen:-

a. GNP / PPP
b. G N P
c. G D P
d. H D I

36. Economic progress is an effect of:-

a. Innovation
b. Entrepreneurship
c. Right political system
d. All of the above

37. The nature of economic transformation is:-

a. Delicensing
b. Removal of barriers
c. Opening of market for FDI
d. Deregulation, privatization & laws to support market economy

38. Theocratic totalitarianism can be found dominantly in:-

a. Middle East countries

b. Asian countries
c. Western countries
d. Far East countries

39. A document issued to the exporter that the bank will pay a certain sum to him on presentation of the
same, is called:-

a. Bill of Lading
b. Draft
c. Exporting License
d. Letter of Credit

40. When parent country nationals are holding all key positions in a company, it signals _____ approach
of staffing.
(i) Ethnocentric (ii) Geocentric (iii) Polycentric (iv) Regio-centric

Level 2 : Descriptive Type(10 Marks Each)

1. How have changes in technology contributed to the globalization of markets and production? Would
the globalization of production and markets have been possible without these technological

2. Outline why the culture of a country might influence the costs of doing business in that country.
Illustrate your answer with examples.

3. Do you think that business practices in an Islamic country are likely to differ from business practises
in the United States, and if so, how?

4. What are the implications for International Business of differences in the dominant religion and/or
ethical system of a country?

5. It is unreasonable to expect Western businesses active in developing nations to adhere to the same
ethical standards they use at home. Discuss.

6. Mercantilism is a bankrupt theory that has no place in the modern world. Discuss.

7. Drawing on the Theory of Comparative Advantage to support your arguments, outline the case for
free trade.

8. In 1972, gold standard was abandoned for monetary purpose. Now what are the standards used by
Central bank to monitor currency value?

9. Compare & contrast the entry strategies of exporting, licensing & franchising.

10. What are the major differences between International Business & Domestic Business?

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