The Lazy Monkey By: Nurazliyina BT Aziz SK Telok Kerang

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The Lazy Monkey

By: Nurazliyina bt Aziz

SK Telok Kerang

There once lived a lazy monkey in a jungle. He would rest and sleep all day.
He would eat anything that he sees around him. He did not try to look for food on
his own.

Why are you crying? asked the crow.

Im crying because my parents had just died, said the monkey sadly.

Im so hungry. I dont know how to find my own food.

Why is that? asked the crow.

My parents had never taught me how to find food. They usually feed me,
said the monkey. They loved me very much. I dont know what to do. Im going to
die in hunger!

The crow finally believed the monkey. I feel sorry for you. From now on, I
will find food for you, said the crow. However, I will help you on one condition.

What Is it? asked the monkey. Im willing to do anything.

You have to learn to do things on your own, said the crow.

Thats easy. I can do that, said the monkey happily.

Thats good, replied the crow.

The crow then started to feed the monkey. Every day, he would bring fruits
for the monkey.

As the days went by, the monkey was still same. He slept after he had his
meal. The crow was very disappointed.
The crow scolded the monkey, You are never going to change!

I will change, if you agree to follow me to an island. We can find much food

The crow agreed. They stole a small boat and headed for the island. The
crow found it weird when the monkey did not row the boat at all. The boat sailed
away without any direction.

A few days later, the monkey still did not do anything. The crow still had to
feed the monkey.

We will reach the island soon, said the monkey.

The crow finally realized that the monkey had tricked him!

He wanted me to come along so that he wouldnt have to find food himself!

said the crow angrily.

Suddenly, the boat hit a rock and started to sink. The monkey awoke and
panicked. He was so afraid because did not know how to swim.

Help me! Help me! yelled the monkey as he was drowning.

However, the crow did not listen to the monkeys cry for help.

I told you to look for your own food. But, you tricked me! said the crow

Now you have to learn how to save yourself! The crow flew and left the
monkey alone.

My dear friends, the moral of the story are dont be lazy and selfish.

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