Luke Thominet Curriculum Vitae 8-16-2017

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Luke Thominet

Curriculum Vitae
August 16, 2017


2016-Present Assistant Professor

Florida International University

2016 Ph.D., English, Wayne State University
Concentration: Rhetoric and Composition
Specialization: Technical and Professional Communication
Dissertation: Emerging Genres of Online Technical Communication
2012 M.F.A. Creative Writing, Northern Michigan University
2008 B.A. English/International Relations, University of Southern California

Refereed Journal Articles
2016 10/10 Would Review Again: Variation in the Video Game Review Genre.
Technical Communication Quarterly. Special Issue on Technical
Communication and Video Games.
Co-Authored Referred Journal Articles
Forthcoming Barton, E.; Thominet, L.; Boeder, R.; & Primeau, S. Do Community
Members Have an Effective Voice in the Deliberation of a Behavioral
IRB? Journal of Business and Technical Communication.

2016 Carcone, A. I., Barton, E., Eggly, S., Hartlieb, K. E. B., Thominet, L., &
Naar, S. (2016). Exploring ambivalence in motivational interviewing with
obese African American adolescents and their caregivers: A mixed
methods analysis. Patient Education and Counseling, 99(7), 11621169.
2017 Tracing player experience: a content analysis of player feedback tickets.
In Proceedings of the 35th ACM International Conference on the Design
of Communication (p. 11). ACM

2015 Building Foundations for the Crowd: Minimalist Author Support Guides
for Crowdsourced Documentation Wikis. Proceedings of the 33rd ACM
International Conference on Design of Communication.
2013 "Creating a Collaborative Online Resource for Integrating Videogames
into the Composition Classroom." GLS 9.0 Proceedings, June 12-14, 2013,
Madison, WI. 400-406.
Other Publications
2015 Review of Solving Problems in Technical Communication.
Enculturation. May 15.
2010 Operation New Dawn: The Iraq War Debate Seven Years Later. Politics
and Culture. 2010: Issues 3&4.


2017 Keynote Presentation. Invited by Corridors: The Great Lakes Writing and
Rhetoric Conference. September 30.

2017 Equal Measures of Luck and Planning: Tales and Tips from the Academic
Job Search. Invited by Wayne State Rhetoric Program and Wayne
English Graduate Organization. September 29.

2017 Growing a Professional Writing Program for a Dynamic Student
Population. Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific
Communication Annual Meeting. October 5-7.

2017 Tracing Player Experience: A Content Analysis of Player Feedback

Tickets. Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication
Conference. August 11-13.

2017 Facilitating Dynamic Teamwork Online. Conference of Writing Program

Administrators. July 20-23.

2017 After Careful Consideration, Weve Selected Another Candidate: A

Directed Content Analysis of Academic Job Candidate Rejection Letters.
Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 1518.

2016 "Think Like a Student: Usability Testing to Evaluate Curriculum Design.

Conference on College Composition and Communication, April 6-9.
2015 Building Foundations for the Crowd: Minimalist Author Support Guides
for Crowdsourced Documentation Wikis. Special Interest Group on the
Design of Communication Conference. July 16-17.
2014 Creating Productive Digital Spaces for Students. Conference on College
Composition and Communication, Digital Pedagogy Poster. March 19-22.
2014 A Whole New Game: Periodizing Postpostmodern Videogames.
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference. February
2014 Adventures in Writing: Composition, Pedagogy, and Video Games. City
University of New York Games Festival. January 17-18.
2013 Tech-ing out the Writing Center. Midwest Writing Center Association
Conference. October 17-19.
2013 "Creating a Collaborative Online Resource for Integrating Videogames
into the Composition Classroom." Games/Learning/Society Conference.
June 12-14.
2012 High Tech/Low Tech: Creating Technology Redundancies in Rural
Classrooms. College English Association Conference. March 29-31.


2015 Designing Collaborative Writing Assignments. WSU Composition
Curriculum Workshop Series.
2015 Giving Conference Presentations. Wayne English Graduate
Organization Workshop Series.
2015 Digital Teaching Portfolios. WSU English Mentoring Workshop.
2014 Preparing for the Qualifying Exam. Wayne English Graduate
Organization Workshop Series.
2014 Digital Platforms for Teaching Portfolios. WSU English Mentoring
2013 How to Teach: Introduction to College Composition. WSU Composition
Program Orientation.
2012 High Tech/Low Tech: Creating Technology Redundancies in Rural
Classrooms. NMU Celebration of Student Research.
2012 How to Teach Technical Writing. NMU English Professional
Development Workshop.

2016-Present Florida International University
Professional and Technical Writing for Computing
Professional and Technical Writing (Online)

2012-2014 Wayne State University

Technical Communication I: Reports (Online)
Introduction to College Writing
Basic Writing (Apex Summer Bridge Program)
2009-2012 Northern Michigan University
Technical and Report Writing
Narrative and Descriptive Writing
College Composition I
Developmental Composition


2015-2016 Rumble Dissertation Completion Fellowship, WSU
2015 Heberlein GTA Teaching Award, WSU
2015 Terrance King Memorial Fellowship in English, WSU
2014 Fellowship Writing Boot Camp Research Grant, WSU
2014, 2015 English Department Travel Award, WSU
2012 Future Faculty Fellowship, King-Chavez-Parks Initiative, NMU
2011 Excellence in Education Research Grant, NMU


2017 Student Research Competition Judge, SIGDOC

2017 ENC 3213, Assessment and Outcomes Restructure, FIU, w/M.

2016-Present Professional and Technical Writing Committee, FIU, Member

2016-2017 English Department Secretary, FIU

2015 - 2016 Business Communication Working Group, Leader

Leading group in designing new business communication course for
2015 - 2016 Medical Communication Working Group, Member
Developing new medical communication course for department.
2015-2016 Composition Executive Committee, Member
Advising Director of Composition on Program Issues and set agenda for
all composition committees and working groups.
2015-2016 Tech Comm @ TechTown, Liason
Built connections for composition program with local startups at an
incubator space. Arranged for classroom-based client projects.

2015 Technical Communication Teaching Circle, Co-Leader

Supported instructors of general education technical communication
2015 Online Technical Communication I: Reports, Designer
Independently designed online implementation of most popular technical
communication course for use by all departmental instructors.
2015 Introduction to College Writing Working Group, Member
Redesigned curriculum for freshman composition course.
2014-2015 Technical Communication Working Group, Member
Redesigned curriculum for two general education technical
communication courses.
2014-Present Wayne English Graduate Organization, Steering Committee
Planned workshops to support professionalization and collegiality of
English graduate students.
2013-2015 Composition Mentoring Committee, Member
Mentored three new graduate teaching assistants and organized yearly
teaching orientation program.
2013-2014 Appointments Committee, Nonvoting Student Member
Assisted in search for technical communication hire.
2012-2015 Composition Curriculum Committee, Member
Planned teaching workshops and co-authored Analyzing Media section
of custom textbook used in general education writing courses.
2012 Developmental Writing Student Retention Taskforce, Member
Developed program to improve student retention.

2015-Present The Online and Hybrid English Teachers' Support Group, WSU, Member
2012-Present Rhetoric Society of America, Wayne State University Chapter, Member
President, 2015-2016
2013 -2014 HASTAC Scholars
Contributed web page on video game composition pedagogy to HASTAC
Scholars Pedagogy Project
2009-2012 Passage North Literary Journal, Copy Editor and Reviewer

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