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A Reaffirmation of Fracture

Toughness Requirements for

ASME Section VIII Vessels for
Service Temperatures Colder
Than 77 K
To assure adequate fracture resistance of cryogenic pressure vessels designed to operate
at a minimum design metal temperature (MDMT) colder than 77 K (196  C or
Krishnaswamy Sampath 320  F), current American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code, Section
Chart Industries, Inc., VIII, Division 1, UHA-51 Impact Test rule requires that the weld metal (WM) meets or
Ball Ground, GA 30107 exceeds 0.53 mm (21 mils) lateral expansion at 77 K, i.e., LE77K  0.53 mm (21 mils), as
determined using Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact testing. To the credit of this rule, cryo-
Thomas Drube genic pressure vessels fabricated to date meeting the above requirement had continued to
Chart Industries, Inc., serve wellwithout any adverse incidentin numerous applications across the world, at
New Prague, MN 56071 cryogenic temperatures colder than 77 K. However, a critical examination of the underly-
ing research which relied on a regression equation relating ratio of fracture toughness to
Mahendra Rana yield strength obtained at 4 K, i.e., KIc =YS4K with LE77K, revealed that the technical
Praxair, Inc., basis for establishing the above requirement is metallurgically unsustainable. To success-
Tonawanda, NY 14151 fully overcome this, the present research employed dimensional analysis and balancing
of the previously published regression equations and proposed KIc =YS277K as a valid
fracture resistance parameter applicable for MDMT 77 K and warmer, as well as MDMT
colder than 77 K. Related efforts offered equivalent fracture resistance as an insightful
concept, wherein the minimum fracture resistance parameter for a MDMT colder than 77
K is equated as a simple multiple of the minimum fracture resistance parameter at 77 K
MDMT. Concluding efforts applied numerical analysis to the equivalent fracture resist-
ance equation to reaffirm the current minimum 0.53 mm (21 mils) CVN LE77K require-
ment for WM when MDMT is colder than 77 K and to identify minimum required
KIc =YS277K values for cryogenic service at MDMT 77 K and warmer, and MDMT colder
than 77 K. Inherently, the use of KIc =YS277K as a fracture resistance parameter offers a
tremendous benefit to cryogenic equipment manufacturers, particularly in schedule and
cost savings, as LE, KIc, and YS measured at 77 K can be used to successfully assess the
fracture resistance at MDMT 77 K and warmer, as well as MDMT colder than 77 K.
[DOI: 10.1115/1.4036138]

Introduction KIc fracture toughness is determined per the ASTM standard

E399 [4].
Fracture toughness (KIc) is a critical property for structural
In particular, the fracture resistance of ASME Code, Section
materials used in manufacturing pressure vessels for cryogenic
VIII, Division 1 and 2 cryogenic pressure vessels is controlled by
service. Commonly, SA240 Type 304 austenitic stainless steel is
CVN impact test requirements. CVN impact testing employs LE
used as a pressure vessel material for cryogenic temperatures up
as a primary measurement method to evaluate the suitability of
to 77 K, while SA240 Type 316 austenitic stainless steel is pre-
candidate materials and weldments for cryogenic service. In the
ferred for cryogenic temperatures colder than 77 K. Often, both
U.S., commonly KIc is reported in ksiCin, YS in ksi, and LE in
these materials are fabricated using ER308L and/or ER316L type
mils. Elsewhere, commonly KIc is reported in MPaCm, YS in
welding electrodes and/or filler metals, with appropriate restric-
MPa, and LE in mm.
tions on weld metal d-ferrite content or ferrite number (FN) for
Previous research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
cryogenic service.
(MIT) [5] and National Institute of Standards and Technology
To determine the KIc of a weldment that typically includes dis-
(NIST) [6] had concluded that CVN impact test results are valid
tinct regions of base metal (BM), weld metal (WM), and weld
only at 77 K (196  C or 320  F) and warmer, due to adiabatic
heat affected zone (HAZ), the cryogenic or compressed gas indus-
heating of the relatively small sized (10 mm  10 mm  55 mm or
try often relies on the results of KIc fracture toughness test per-
lesser cross section) CVN impact test specimen at test tempera-
formed to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
tures colder than 77 K. In view of the above finding, Pressure Ves-
standard E1820 [1], which is the active standard. The ASTM
sel Research Committee (PVRC) recommended to ASME that for
standard E1820 superseded the ASTM standard E1737 [2], which
a MDMT 77 K and warmer, the minimum acceptable LE follow-
in turn superseded the ASTM standard E813 [3]. Alternatively,
ing CVN testing of weld metal at 77 K is 0.38 mm (15 mils). And
for a MDMT colder than 77 K, the minimum acceptable LE fol-
lowing CVN testing of weld metal at 77 K is 0.53 mm (21 mils).
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication The technical basis for the latter recommendation that has been
in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received March 16,
2016; final manuscript received February 17, 2017; published online April 24, 2017. incorporated as ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
Assoc. Editor: Yun-Jae Kim. VIII, Division 1, UHA-51 Impact Test rule [7] is described in a

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Copyright V

C 2017 by ASME AUGUST 2017, Vol. 139 / 041407-1

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research work performed under the aegis of a PVRC Task Group Cin) could provide adequate LE following CVN testing of weld
[8]. The consequent PVRC recommendations to ASME had four metal for either 77 K or 4 K temperature would remain debatable.
parts: For MDMT colder than 77 K, the minimum acceptable LE Interestingly, a comparative assessment of the data set in Tables
value in CVN testing of WM at 77 K is 0.53 mm (21 mils), when 1 and 2 shows that the value of the KIc =YS2 ratio at 4 K is only
the weld is produced using ER316L type filler metal, and the d- about 3040% of the value of the KIc =YS2 ratio at 77 K for both
ferrite content of the WM did not exceed 5 FN. When one or more wrought Type 304 BM and E316L-15 WM. The lockstep decrease
of the above three parts are not met, the minimum KIc should in the values of the KIc =YS2 ratio from 77 K to 4 K for both BM
be  132 MPaCm (120 ksiCin) at MDMT. and WM appears to further indicate that the same type of fracture
resistance mechanism might operate in both BM and WM at tem-
peratures colder than 77 K. This observation leads to a new per-
spective that KIc =YS2 ratio is likely a valid fracture resistance
A Critical Examination parameter commonly applicable to both BM and WM in cryo-
The technical basis for the above recommendations is built on a genic service. Possibly, this parameter could be more useful for
premise that for a given material, if KIc =YS ratio at 4 K and 77 developing correlations with LE77K values obtained from CVN
K is (set to) equal, then the material would exhibit equal fracture testing of weld metal consistent with ASME Code, Section VIII,
resistance in terms of critical-crack-size and crack tip constraint at Division 1 and 2 pressure vessels fracture resistance controlled by
the corresponding test or service temperature. CVN test results.
However, the related experimental test data as shown in Table In other words, between 77 K and 4 K service temperatures,
1 (in U.S. customary units) and Table 2 (in SI units) clearly reveal about 6070% reduction in the value of KIc =YS2 ratio or fracture
that KIc =YS at 4 K and 77 K are never equal for either wrought resistance occurs; to achieve equivalent fracture resistance as con-
Type 304 BM, HAZ or E316L-15 WM, undermining the basic trolled by the minimum CVN LE77K measurements of WM, a
premise of the recommendation made by PVRC. The value of weldment intended for service at 4 K should show a significant
KIc =YS at 4 K is only 62% of the value of KIc =YS at 77 K for increase in the value of minimum KIc =YS2 ratio obtained at 77
the wrought Type 304 BM which often remains metallurgically K than a weldment intended for service at 77 K. Inherently, this
and microstructurally homogenous at ambient temperature. The observation offers a huge benefit to the compressed gas industry
substantial decrease in KIc =YS ratio with decreasing temperature in both scheduling and cost savings, as both the minimum value
is commonly attributed to the following two primary effects: (1) of the weld metal fracture resistance parameter and the minimum
KIc decreases with decreasing temperature; while (2) YS increases value for LE77K of weld metal from CVN testing, for service at 77
with decreasing temperature. Secondarily, low-temperature phase K and 4 K MDMT, could be described and ascertained in terms of
transformations that might occur while cooling from 77 K to 4 K fracture toughness, tensile, and CVN impact test results obtained
could further accentuate the above primary effects. at 77 K. Laboratory facilities for the experimental determination
Particularly, in highly alloyed, polyphase WM containing small of KIc, YS, and CVN LE at 77 K test temperature are more widely
but varying quantities of d-ferrite in an austenitic matrix, both a available, further offering flexible scheduling and affordable cost.
decrease in KIc and an increase in YS with decreasing temperature The objectives of this research were three-fold: (1) to propose a
could be even more pronounced, when d-ferrite might also fracture resistance parameter that can be correlated with WM
undergo a ductile-to-brittle transition between 77 K and 4 K. CVN LE77K toughness measurements for pressure vessels
Therefore, one could not reasonably expect to achieve equal intended for cryogenic service; (2) to provide a rational basis to
KIc =YS value at both 77 K and 4 K for BM, WM, or HAZ. This equate the minimum fracture resistance parameter for a MDMT
means, the PVRC recommendation that the minimum LE77K of colder than 77 K with the minimum fracture resistance parameter
WM should be 0.53 mm (21 mils) for a MDMT colder than 77 K at 77 K MDMT; and (3) to harmonize the value of the fracture
is not sustainable, when the recommendation is based on the resistance parameter with the satisfactory service history of cryo-
above technical basis, even when ER316L type welding filler genic pressure vessels operating at MDMT colder than 77 K, that
metal had been used and the resulting weld metal d-ferrite content were fabricated to meet or exceed a minimum CVN LE77K
did not exceed 5 FN, leaving primarily the fourth PVRC recom- requirement of 0.53 mm (21 mils) for WM.
mendation that KIc should be  132 MPaCm (120 ksiCin) at
MDMT, to rely on. However, laboratory facilities for the experi-
mental determination of KIc at a test temperature corresponding to Analytical Procedure
a MDMT colder than 77 K are not readily available, and even The first part of this research used dimensional analysis and bal-
where available both scheduling and cost are huge considerations. ancing of the regression equations reported (originally in U.S. cus-
One could conceivably proffer that the minimum required tomary units) by Rana et al. [8] to further improve correlations
KIc =YS ratio at 4 K be set to numerically equal the minimum among measured values of LE, KIc, and YS for weld metal. The
required KIc =YS ratio at 77 K to achieve a minimum fracture second part of the research offered equivalent fracture resistance
resistance, e.g., based on test data shown in Tables 1 and 2, one as an insightful concept, wherein a simple multiplication factor is
could set the minimum required KIc =YS ratio at 5.04 Cmm (1.0 introduced to equate the minimum fracture resistance parameter
Cin) to achieve an arbitrary minimum fracture resistance at both for a MDMT colder than 77 K with the minimum fracture resist-
77 K and 4 K. However, without establishing valid correlations, ance parameter at 77 K MDMT and warmer. The third part of the
an expectation that a KIc =YS ratio set to equal 5.04 Cmm (1.0 research used numerical analysis to identify a value for the

Table 1 Selected mechanical properties of base metal, heat affected zone, and weld metal at 77 K and 4 K test temperatures [8]

At 77 K At 4 K

Test specimen [KIc]77K [YS]77K KIc =YS77K KIc =YS277K [KIc]4K [YS]4K KIc =YS4K 2
type (ksiCin) (ksi) (Cin) (in) (ksiCin) (ksi) (Cin) (in)

Base metal (type 304) 178 57.3 3.11 9.67 141.5 73.5 1.93 3.73
Heat affected zone (in type 304) 167 55.2 3.02 9.15 147 86.3 1.7 2.89
Weld metal (ER316L-15) 163.8 85.1 1.92 3.70 127 114.8 1.11 1.22

Note: KIc determined per ASTM E813 [3]. Per PVRC recommendation to ASME [8], the acceptance criterion is KIc should be  120 ksiCin at MDMT.

041407-2 / Vol. 139, AUGUST 2017 Transactions of the ASME

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multiplication factor that would harmonize the value of the mini-  
mum fracture resistance parameter with the current minimum 15:21 LE77K 1:28 for MDMT colder than 77K
CVN LE77K requirement [7] of 0.53 mm (21 mils) for WM for YS 4K
cryogenic service at a MDMT colder than 77 K, and to recom- (4)
mend minimum required values for the fracture resistance parame-
ter for cryogenic service at MDMT corresponding to 77 K and In both Eqs. (3) and (4), KIc =YS is expressed in mm and LE77K
warmer, or colder than 77 K. is expressed in mm, and the respective correlation coefficients (r2)
are 0.97 and 0.88.
Dimensional analysis of the above regression equations indi-
Dimensional Analysis and Balancing cates that the left-hand side (LHS) and the right-hand side (RHS)
A previous structural integrity assessment analysis performed of these equations are not dimensionally balanced. It appeared
by Rana et al. [9] showed that KIc =YS ratio can be used to that if the LHS and RHS of these equations were dimensionally
prescribe conditions sufficient to achieve a minimum acceptable balanced, one might also improve the correlation coefficient (r2),
fracture resistance for cryogenic service, in terms of either a leading to further improvements in identifying minimum required
critical-crack-size or a crack tip constraint. In a subsequent WM CVN LE77K values. Indeed, when the LHS of the above
research, a PVRC Task Group with Rana et al. [8] developed a set equations is squared to achieve a dimensional balance with the
of regression equations correlating KIc =YS ratio with CVN RHS, the correlation coefficient (r2) for both Eqs. (5) and (6)
LE77K values for WM. This work included an initial review and improved to 0.99 and 0.91, respectively,
compilation of the published test data (as shown in Table 3 in U.S.
customary units and Table 4 in SI units) from Read et al. [10] and KIc
Mazandarany et al. [11], supplemented by their own experimental 0:2666 LE77K  0:541 for MDMT 77 K and warmer
YS 77K
program that developed new KIc values that were determined per
ASTM standard E813 [3], and tensile test data at both 4 K and 77 (5)
K and CVN test data at 77 K. To this end, their experimental pro-  2
gram prepared a total of four 25.4 mm (1-in) thick weldments KIc
0:1727 LE77K  0:575 for MDMT colder than 77 K
from SA240, Type 304 stainless steel plates using the shielded YS 4K
metal arc welding (SMAW) process and E316L-15 electrodes that (6)
allowed four progressively higher levels of d-ferrite in WM.
Based on the experimental data reported by Read et al. [10] on In both Eqs. (5) and (6), KIc =YS2 is expressed in inches, and
weld metals containing various amounts of d-ferrite, Rana et al. LE77K is expressed in mils. Equations (7) and (8) below are in SI
[8] developed the following set of regression equations correlating units and correspond to Eqs. (5) and (6) in U.S. customary units
KIc =YS with LE77K of weld metal, which further allowed the
PVRC to formulate a set of recommendations to ASME. Both the  2
experimental test results shown in Table 3 and the regression Eqs. 236:68 LE77K 13:09 for MDMT 77K and warmer
(1) and (2) were originally reported in U.S. customary units. YS 77K
These correlations reveal material property relationships, but are (7)
valid strictly for ER316L-15 type shielded metal arc type weld
metals containing limited amounts of d-ferrite KIc
171:45 LE77K 14:38 for MDMT colder than 77 K
  YS 4K
0:094 LE77K 0:465 for MDMT 77 K and warmer (8)
YS 77K
(1) Both Eqs. (7) and (8) are dimensionally balanced, where
  KIc =YS2 is expressed in mm, and LE77K is expressed in mm, and
KIc the respective correlation coefficients (r2) are 0.99 and 0.84.
0:076 LE77K 0:261 for MDMT colder than 77 K
YS 4K While the correlation coefficient (r2) for Eq. (7) showed an
(2) improvement, that for Eq. (8) suffered a minor impairment,
presaging a possible anomaly.
In both Eqs. (1) and (2), KIc =YS is expressed in in and LE77K is The above dimensionally balanced equations show that consid-
expressed in mils, and the respective correlation coefficients (r2) ering WM, the correlation between KIc =YS2 and CVN LE77K is
are 0.97 and 0.88. Equations (3) and (4) below are in SI units and better than the one between KIc =YS and CVN LE77K, more so at
correspond to Eqs. (1) and (2) in U.S. customary units 77 K than at 4 K. Phenomenologically, the better fit between
KIc =YS2 and CVN LE77K appears to underscore a need to define
  fracture resistance parameter in a measurable unit that is readily
18:57 LE77K 2:38 for MDMT 77 K and warmer related to crack extension, or length as in lateral expansion. Nota-
YS 77K bly, the unit for KIc =YS2 is length, whereas the unit for KIc =YS
(3) is square root of length.

Table 2 Selected mechanical properties of base metal, heat affected zone, and weld metal at 77 K and 4 K test temperatures (after
Ref. [8])

At 77 K At 4 K

Test specimen [KIc]77K [YS]77K KIc =YS77K KIc =YS277K [KIc]4K [YS]4K KIc =YS4K KIc =YS24K
type (MPaCm) (MPa) (Cmm) (mm) (MPaCm) (MPa) (Cmm) (mm)

Base metal (type 304) 196 395 15.67 245.6 155.6 506.8 9.73 94.7
Heat affected zone (in type 304) 184 380.6 15.22 232.4 161.7 595 8.57 73.4
Weld metal (ER316L-15) 180 586.7 9.68 94.0 139.7 791.5 5.59 31.0

Note: KIc determined per ASTM E813 [3]. Per PVRC recommendation to ASME [8], the acceptance criterion is KIc should be  132 MPaCm at MDMT.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology AUGUST 2017, Vol. 139 / 041407-3

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Table 3 Experimental [8] versus predicted Charpy V-notch lateral expansion values at 77 K test temperature

Experimental Experimental

Equation (5) Equation (6) Equation (9)

predicted predicted predicted
Weld CVN CVN LE77K equivalent
metal CVN LE77K for for 4 K CVN LE77K
ferrite LE77K [KIc]77K KIc =YS77K KIc =YS277K 77 K service [KIc]4K KIc =YS4K KIc =YS24K service for 4 K
References ID number (mils) (ksiin) (in) (in) (mils)a (ksiin) (in) (in) (mils)b service (mils)c

[8] BM 71 178 3.11 9.67 38.3 140.5 1.91 3.66 24.5 26.9
[8] HAZ 57 167 2.9 8.41 33.6 147 1.7 2.89 20.1 23.6
[8] W1 1.7 29 166 2.05 4.20 17.8 128 1.19 1.42 11.5 12.8
[8] W2 4.6 24 174 2.52 6.35 25.8 145 1.62 2.62 18.5 18.3
[8] W3 9.3 23 163 1.66 2.76 12.4 120 0.93 0.86 8.3 9.1
[8] W4 8.1 19 152 1.65 2.72 12.2 115 0.86 0.74 7.6 9.0
[10] R1 16 184 1.92 3.69 15.9 162 1.60 2.57 18.2 11.5
[10] R2 13 164 1.72 2.96 13.1 128 1.1 1.21 10.3 9.6
[10] R3 8 130 1.19 1.42 7.4 98 0.76 0.58 6.7 5.7
[10] R4 4.7 90 0.86 0.73 4.8 90 0.70 0.49 6.2 3.9
[10] R5 9.4 144 1.46 2.12 10.0 140 1.05 1.09 9.7 7.5
[11] M1 28 107 0.95 0.9 8.5
[11] M2 20 86 0.67 0.5 5.9
[11] M3 34 157 1.21 1.5 11.8
[11] M4 20 119 0.95 0.9 8.5

Note: All weldments produced using SMAW process with E316L-15 electrode. All experimental values are average values. KIc determined per ASTM
E813 [3]. For acceptance to ASME Section VIII, Division I, UHA-51 Impact Test rule [7], measured KIc  120 ksiCin at MDMT.
a 2
KIc =YS77K 0.2666 LE77K  0.541 for MDMT 77 K and warmer.
KIc =YS24K 0.1727 LE77K  0.575 for MDMT colder than 77 K.
Min KIc =YS277K for MDMT colder than 77 K M  (0.2666 LE77K  0.541), where M 1.46.

Table 3 (in U.S. customary units) shows the predicted CVN correlation or regression equations are not valid for either BM or
LE77K values using Eqs. (5) and (6), while Table 4 (in SI units) HAZ. Tables 3 and 4 show the predicted CVN LE77K values for
shows the predicted CVN LE77K values using Eqs. (7) and (8). BM and HAZ for both 77 K and 4 K temperatures, as if both BM
These predicted values are based on measured KIc =YS277K and and HAZ contained d-ferrite in addition to athermal martensite at
KIc =YS24K values obtained from the limited experimental results test temperatures. While both BM and HAZ are almost free from
[8,10,11] involving ER316L-15 type shielded metal arc type weld ferrite at ambient temperature, at test temperatures colder than the
metals that contained small amounts of d-ferrite and perhaps vary- martensite-start (MS) temperature, athermal martensite with com-
ing amounts of numerous oxide inclusions. Notably, the above parable fracture resistance properties as ferrite would likely form.

Table 4 Experimental (after Ref. [8]) versus predicted Charpy V-notch lateral expansion values at 77 K test temperature

Experimental Experimental

Equation (7) Equation (8) Equation (10)

predicted predicted predicted
Weld CVN LE77K CVN LE77K equivalent CVN
metal CVN for 77 K for 4 K LE77K for
ferrite LE77K [KIc]77K KIc =YS77K KIc =YS277K service [KIc]4K KIc =YS4K KIc =YS24K service 4 K service
References ID number (mm) (MPam) (mm) (mm) (mm)a (MPam) (mm) (mm) (mm)b (mm)c

[8] BM 1.80 196 15.67 245.55 0.98 154.6 9.6 92.2 0.45 0.71
[8] HAZ 1.45 176 14.62 213.74 0.85 161.7 8.6 74.0 0.35 0.61
[8] W1 1.7 0.74 183 10.33 106.71 0.40 140.8 6.0 36.0 0.13 0.28
[8] W2 4.6 0.61 191 12.70 161.29 0.63 159.5 8.2 67.2 0.31 0.45
[8] W3 9.3 0.58 179.3 8.37 70.06 0.24 132.0 4.7 22.1 0.04 0.16
[8] W4 8.1 0.48 167.2 8.32 69.22 0.24 126.5 4.3 18.5 0.02 0.16
[10] R1 0.41 202.4 9.68 93.70 0.34 178.2 8.1 65.6 0.30 0.24
[10] R2 0.33 180.4 8.67 75.17 0.26 140.8 5.5 30.3 0.09 0.18
[10] R3 0.20 143 6.01 36.12 0.10 107.8 3.8 14.4 0.00 0.06
[10] R4 0.12 99 4.32 18.66 0.02 99.0 3.5 12.3 0.01 0.00
[10] R5 0.24 158.4 7.33 53.73 0.17 154.0 5.3 28.1 0.08 0.11
[11] M1 0.71 117.7 4.8 23.0 0.05
[11] M2 0.51 94.6 3.4 11.6 0.02
[11] M3 0.86 172.7 6.1 37.2 0.13
[11] M4 0.51 130.9 4.8 23.0 0.05

Note: All weldments produced using SMAW process with E316L-15 electrode. All experimental values are average values. KIc determined per ASTM
E813 [3]. For acceptance to ASME Section VIII, Division I, UHA-51 Impact Test rule [7], measured KIc  132 MPaCm at MDMT.
a 2
KIc =YS77K 236.68 LE77K 13.09 for MDMT 77 K and warmer.
KIc =YS24K 171.45 LE77K 14.38 for MDMT colder than 77 K.
Min KIc =YS277K for MDMT colder than 77 K M  (236.68 LE77K 13.09), where M 1.36.

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So, it is reasonable to conclude from Tables 3 and 4, that the pre- (3) A significant reduction in fracture resistance, i.e., in the
dicted values for CVN LE77K in BM and HAZ will remain sub- value of KIc =YS2 ratio, occurring between 77 K and 4 K
stantially lower than the respective experimentally obtained service temperatures is appropriately recognized.
measured values. (4) Equivalent fracture resistance is allowed to form a com-
As shown in Tables 3 and 4, the measured KIc toughness values mon link with the minimum required CVN LE77K for WM,
decrease with a decrease in test temperature for BM, HAZ, and for both 77 K and 4 K service temperatures.
WM. Evidently, at any test temperature, BM has the highest
Here, the insightful concept merely introduces equivalent frac-
toughness and highest CVN LE77K values, followed by HAZ and
ture resistance as a multiplication factor for Eqs. (5) and (7) to
WM, with WM being the weakest link. This can be readily attrib-
allow equating the minimum required KIc =YS277K for 4 K service
uted to the distinctive microstructure of the multipass WM con-
with the minimum required KIc =YS277K for 77 K service. As the
taining limited amounts of d-ferrite besides numerous inclusions,
minimum acceptable fracture resistance is related to a critical-
whose volume fraction and size distribution depend on welding
crack-size or a crack tip constraint [9], the behavior of a pre-
process selection, application, and the resultant WM oxygen
existing flaw in weld metal, at either 77 K or 4 K, depends only
on the minimum value of KIc =YS2 at that temperature. In other
More importantly, CVN LE77K for WM is also seen to decrease
words, a WM intended for 4 K service requires a significantly
with increasing d-ferrite content. Increasing the WM d-ferrite con-
higher minimum value of KIc =YS277K ratio than the WM intended
tent also increases the yield strength, more so at lower cryogenic
for 77 K service, the common link is expressed using a multiplica-
temperatures thus lowering the values of both KIc =YS and
tion factor, M, as shown below:
KIc =YS2 ratios. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to expect a cer-
Min KIc =YS277K for MDMT colder than 77 K M  Min
tain amount of scatter in test results. Nevertheless, the values for
KIc =YS277K for MDMT 77 K and warmer
the WM KIc =YS77K ratio always remain higher than the WM
The above considerations allow one to recast Eqs. (5) and (7) to
KIc =YS4K values. Accordingly, the data reported in Tables 14
predict a relationship between the minimum KIc =YS2 ratio at 77
remain consistent revealing that measured KIc =YS277K is
K and CVN LE77K for 4 K service as follows:
significantly higher than the measured KIc =YS24K for WM, HAZ,
and BM.  2
The regression Eq. (5) indicates that in order to obtain a 15 mils KIc
Min for MDMT colder than 77 K
(0.38 mm) minimum CVN LE77K for WM, one must achieve at YS 77K
the 77 K test temperature a minimum KIc =YS 1.86 Cin (9.4 M  0:2666 LE77K  0:541 (9)
Cmm) or KIc =YS2 3.46 in (87.9 mm). In comparison, the
regression Eq. (7) indicates that in order to obtain a 0.38 mm mini-  2
mum CVN LE77K for WM, one must achieve at the 77 K test tem- KIc
Min for MDMT colder than 77 K
perature a minimum KIc =YS 10.1 Cmm or KIc =YS2 YS 77K
102.01 mm. Such variations between the predicted values M  236:68 LE77K 13:09 (10)
shown in Tables 3 and 4 are attributed to conversion and
rounding-off errors, as the actual experimental measurements
In Eq. (9), KIc =YS277K is expressed in inches, and LE77K in mils.
were made in U.S. customary units.
In Eq. (10), KIc =YS277K is expressed in mm, and LE77K in mm.
Considering weldments identified as W1W4 in Tables 3 and 4,
the above minimum values correlate to less than eight ferrite num-
ber (FN) in WM. As a higher FN or amount of d-ferrite in WM
substantially degrades both KIc =YS and KIc =YS2 ratios, one
could expect that a WM with a lower amount of d-ferrite, or FN Reaffirmation
 8 is desirable for cryogenic service at MDMT colder than To determine the value of M in the equivalent fracture resist-
77 K. ance equation, a constraints based modeling (CBM) approach was
used. In a typical application of the CBM approach, two or more
constitutive equations representing a variety of often competing
Equivalent Fracture Resistance but mutually inclusive constraints are simultaneously solved to
reach a unique, low-cost, and low-risk solution. Previously, the
Despite agreement with these well-known trends, there is one
CBM approach has been successfully applied to identify high-
primary concern in using regression Eq. (2), (6), or (8). Tables 3
performance electrode specifications for gas metal arc welding
and 4 show the predicted CVN LE77K values for BM, HAZ, and
(GMAW) of HSLA-100, HSLA-80 [13], and HSLA-65 [14] steels
WM for 77 K and 4 K service temperatures, with the WM contain-
that provided WMs with high strength and exceptional impact
ing varying amounts of d-ferrite. The predicted CVN LE77K val-
toughness at subzero temperatures, primarily for U.S. Navy appli-
ues shown in Table 3 based on Eqs. (5) and (6) or in Table 4
cations. In the current application, to identify a unique value for
based on Eqs. (7) and (8) are derived from the measured KIc and
M in the equivalent fracture resistance equation, the following
YS values at 77 K and 4 K test temperatures. For example, substi-
mutually inclusive constraints are used as preconditions: (1) as
tuting the required 21 mils (0.53 mm) minimum CVN LE77K value
stated already, the value of M should be greater than 1 to allow
for WM in Eq. (6) provides KIc =YS24K 3.05 in (77.5 mm) for 4
WM intended for service at 4 K to provide a higher minimum
K service, which is as good as one could obtain for the wrought
value of KIc =YS277K than the WM intended for service at 77 K;
Type 304 base metal but not for WM produced using E316L-15
(2) per measured test data reported in Tables 14 [8,10], the value
electrodes or even weld HAZ. This observation while disconcert-
of M should let KIc =YS277K for WM stay lower than KIc =YS277K
ing to using Eq. (2), (6), or (8), supports a prior evaluation [12]
for HAZ; (3) the value of M should yield a KIc =YS277K for WM
that correlating CVN LE77K with either KIc =YS4K or KIc =YS24K
that would coincidentally provide LE77K 0.53 mm (21 mils) for
does not appear useful.
a presumed 77 K service, but an equivalent LE77K 0.38 mm (15
Fortuitously, the above concern can be overcome when insight-
mils) for 4 K service; and (4) when more than one value of M
fully using Eq. (5) or (7) but involving the following four
would meet the above mutually inclusive constraints, the lowest
value should be selected to set the minimum KIc =YS277K for 4 K
(1) KIc =YS277K ratio is used as a valid fracture resistance service. The above four conditions allow one to apply a numerical
parameter for WM for cryogenic service. analysis technique, wherein the value of M in Eqs. (9) and (10) is
(2) KIc =YS277K ratio for WM is correlated with CVN LE77K progressively increased from a minimum value of 1 to a higher
for WM for service at both 77 K and 4 K. value, but in small increments, till Eqs. (5) and (7) are satisfied

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology AUGUST 2017, Vol. 139 / 041407-5

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yielding a value of 0.53 mm (21 mils), while Eqs. (9) and (10) are temperature a minimum KIc =YS77K ratio 2.25 Cin
simultaneously satisfied yielding a value of 0.38 mm (15 mils). (11.34Cmm) or KIc =YS277K 5.06 in (128.5 mm). Here, it is
Tables 3 and 5 show the results of regression Eq. (9) with pertinent to recognize that while the M value in Eq. (9) is higher
M 1.46 for the experimentally determined KIc =YS77K values than in Eq. (10), the minimum KIc =YS277K value at 139.2 mm for
[8,10] reported in Table 3. Table 5 provides KIc =YS77K values in 4 K service while using the SI units remains higher than the
the ascending order. Table 5 also includes two additional rows of respective value obtained while using the U.S. customary units.
values corresponding to KIc =YS77K 1.86 in (9.37 mm) and Experimentally measured values shown in Tables 14 under-
2.25 in (11.34 mm). The first of the two added rows shows that score that a KIc =YS277K 161.3 mm (6.35 in) can be achieved in
Eq. (5) predicts a minimum 15 mils (0.38 mm) CVN LE77K when WM to provide a WM CVN LE77K 0.61 mm (24 mils), while
KIc =YS77K exceeds 1.86 in (9.37 mm). The second additional the values for KIc =YS2 77K ratio for both HAZ and BM remain
row corresponding to KIc =YS77K 2.25 in (11.8 mm) or progressively higher at 213.7 mm (8.4 in) and 245.6 mm (9.67 in),
KIc =YS277K 5.06 in (128.5 mm) shows that when CVN LE77K respectively.
value predicted by Eq. (5) is 21 mils (0.53 mm), the corresponding Interestingly, while the regression Eqs. (5) and (7) predict a
CVN LE77K value predicted by Eq. (9) is 15 mils (0.38 mm), thus CVN LE77K of 0.53 mm (21 mils) for WM for 77 K service, the
satisfying the above set of mutually inclusive constraints. Simi- modified regression Eqs. (9) and (10) predict an equivalent CVN
larly, Tables 4 and 6 show the results of regression Eq. (10) with LE77K of 0.38 mm (15 mils) for WM for 4 K service, when multi-
M 1.36 for the experimentally determined KIc =YS77K values plication factor M equals 1.46 (when based on U.S. customary
[8,10] reported in Table 4. Table 6 provides KIc =YS77K values in units) or 1.36 (when based on SI units), thus validating the use of
the ascending order. Table 6 also includes two additional rows of multiplication factor M in determining equivalent fracture resist-
values corresponding to KIc =YS77K 10.1 mm (2.01 in) and ance at 4 K using LE, KIc, and YS values measured at 77 K.
11.8 mm (2.25 in). The first of the two added rows shows that Based on the above research, Table 7 (in U.S. customary units)
Eq. (7) predicts a minimum 0.38 mm (15 mils) CVN LE77K when and Table 8 (in SI units) provide a summary of the predicted mini-
KIc =YS77K exceeds 10.1 mm (2.01 in). The second additional mum values for the fracture resistance parameter, KIc =YS277K
row corresponding to KIc =YS77K 11.8 mm (2.34 in) shows versus current ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, UHA-51
that when CVN LE77K value predicted by Eq. (7) is 0.53 mm (21 impact test CVN LE77K rule [7] requirements for WM when the
mils), the corresponding CVN LE77K value predicted by Eq. (10) MDMT is either 77 K and warmer or colder than 77 K.
is 0.38 mm (15 mils), thus satisfying the above set of mutually Second, pressure vessels fabricated to date with a minimum
inclusive constraints. As seen in Tables 5 and 6, the minor differ- CVN LE77K of 0.53 mm (21 mils) for WM in conformance with
ences in the identified values for M and the resulting minimum the current ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, UHA-51
values of KIc =YS77K in achieving either the equivalent 0.38 mm Impact Test rule [7] requirements had continued to serve satisfac-
(15 mils) values for 4 K service or 0.53 mm (21 mils) CVN LE77K torily in 4 K service, further affirming the field experience that a
are attributed to conversion and rounding-off errors, as the actual minimum CVN LE77K of 0.53 mm (21 mils) for WM has been
underlying experimental measurements were made in U.S. cus- adequate for satisfactory service at 4 K. Equivalent fracture resist-
tomary units. ance expressed as a minimum KIc =YS277K  5.06 in (128.5 mm)
for WM allows one to reaffirm (or harmonize) the current 21 mils
(0.53 mm) CVN LE77K requirement for MDMT colder than 77 K.
Discussion Third, compared to WMs produced using inert-gas shielded
As shown in Tables 36, for a given value of either welding processes such as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and
KIc =YS77K or KIc =YS277K, the predicted equivalent CVN LE77K gas metal arc welding (GMAW), the SMAW type weld metals,
for 4 K service is always lower than the corresponding predicted depending on the specific electrode type or flux covering, most
CVN LE77K for 77 K service. Additionally, as shown in Table 5, often might present a worst case scenario in terms of oxygen
the predicted results from using Eq. (9) further indicate that in content and resultant inclusion content that includes type, size dis-
order to obtain the equivalent 15 mils (0.38 mm) minimum WM tribution, and volume fraction of inclusions. Dirty weld metals
CVN LE77K for 4 K service, one must achieve at the 77 K test containing excessive inclusion content are known to offer poor

Table 5 Results of modified regression equation for 4 K serv- Table 6 Results of modified regression equation for 4 K service,
ice, with M 5 1.46 with M 5 1.36

Equation (5) Equation (9) Equation (7) Equation (10)

predicted predicted equivalent predicted CVN predicted equivalent
CVN LE77K CVN LE77K for LE77K for CVN LE77K
Corresponding for MDMT 77 K MDMT colder than Corresponding MDMT 77 K for MDMT
KIc =YS77K KIc =YS277K and warmer 77 K, with KIc =YS77K KIc =YS277K and warmer colder than 77 K,
(in) (in) (mils)a M 1.46 (mils)b (mm) (mm) (mm)a with M 1.36 (mm)b

0.86 0.73 4.8 3.9 4.32 18.66 0.02 0.00

1.19 1.42 7.4 5.7 6.01 36.12 0.10 0.06
1.46 2.12 10.0 7.5 7.33 53.73 0.17 0.11
1.65 2.72 12.7 9.0 8.32 69.22 0.24 0.16
1.66 2.76 12.4 9.1 8.37 70.10 0.24 0.16
1.72 2.96 13.1 9.6 8.67 75.17 0.26 0.18
1.86 3.46 15.0 10.9 9.68 93.70 0.34 0.24
1.92 3.69 15.9 11.5 10.1 102.01 0.38 0.26
2.05 4.20 17.8 12.8 10.33 106.7 0.40 0.28
2.25 5.06 21.0 15.0 11.8 139.2 0.53 0.38
2.53 6.35 25.8 18.3 12.7 161.3 0.63 0.45
2.9 8.41 36.4 23.6 14.62 213.74 0.85 0.61
3.11 9.67 38.2 26.9 15.67 245.55 0.98 0.71
a 2 a
KIc =YS77K 0.2666 LE77K  0.541 for MDMT 77 K and warmer. KIc =YS277K 236.68 LE77K 13.09 for MDMT 77 K and warmer.
Min KIc =YS277K for MDMT colder than 77 K M  (0.2666 LE77K b
Min KIc =YS277K for MDMT colder than 77 K M  (236.68 LE77K
 0.541), where M 1.46. 13.09), where M 1.36.

041407-6 / Vol. 139, AUGUST 2017 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 7 Summary of predicted values of fracture resistance parameter (in U.S. customary units)

WM CVN LE77K Predictive Minimum Minimum

MDMT requirement [7] equation KIc =YS77K KIc =YS277K

77 K and warmer 15 mils Equation (5) KIc =YS277K 0.2666 LE77K  0.541 1.86 Cin (9.4 Cmm) 3.46 in (87.9 mm)
Colder than 77 K 21 mils Equation (9) Min KIc =YS277K 2.25Cin (11.34 Cmm) 5.06 in (128.5 mm)
M  (0.2666 LE77K  0.541), where M 1.46

Table 8 Summary of predicted values of fracture resistance parameter (in SI units)

WM CVN LE77K Predictive Minimum Minimum

MDMT requirement [7] equation KIc =YS77K KIc =YS277K

77 K and warmer 0.38 mm Equation (7) KIc =YS277K 236.68 LE77K 13.09 10.1 Cmm (2.01 Cin) 102.01 mm (4.02 in)
Colder than 77 K 0.53 mm Equation (10) Min KIc =YS277K 11.8 Cmm (2.34 Cin) 139.2 mm (5.48 in)
M  (236.68 LE77K 13.09), where M 1.36

Table 9 Results of weld process study on weld metal properties [16]


316L weld wire type Welding process Weld metal FN CVN LE77K (mils) [YS]4K (ksi) [KIc]4K (ksiCin) KIc =YS24K (in)

Bare wire GTAW 1.5 46 117 165 1.99

GMAW 4.1 81 113 148 1.72
Tubular wire with GMAW 0.9 43 88.2 145 2.70
Ti addition SAW with high heat input 1.8 38 87.9 94 1.14

Note: KIc determined per ASTM E399 [4].

Table 10 Results of weld process study on weld metal properties (after Ref. [16])


316L weld wire type Welding process Weld metal FN CVN LE77K (mm) [YS]4K (MPa) [KIc]4K (MPaCm) KIc =YS24K (mm)

Bare wire GTAW 1.5 1.17 807 181.5 50.5

GMAW 4.1 2.06 779 162.8 43.7
Tubular wire GMAW 0.9 1.09 608 159.5 68.6
with Ti addition SAW with high heat input 1.8 0.97 606 103.4 29.0

Note: KIc determined per ASTM E399 [4].

fracture toughness even at ambient temperature, with cryogenic meant for 4 K service sets a low bar for various types of WM pro-
temperatures further accentuating the response [15]. duced using other acceptable fusion welding processes such as
Tables 9 (in U.S. customary units) and 10 (in SI units) [16] pro- GTAW, GMAW, and SAW when adequate control of weld metal
vide an interesting comparison of experimentally determined val- chemical composition in terms of low interstitial content (carbon,
ues of FN, CVN LE77K, [YS]4K, and [KIc]4K for WM produced nitrogen, and oxygen), low sulfur and phosphorus contents, and
using three candidate welding processes, viz., GTAW, GMAW, control of both weld metal chemical composition and process
and submerged arc welding (SAW) that used either ER316L bare parameter to minimize grain size, restrict weld metal FN, and
or tubular wires. The tubular wire contained titanium (Ti) addition limit inclusion content are adequately realized.
to enable grain size control when relatively high heat input weld-
ing conditions were employed to produce the test weldments. It is
important to note that these experimentally determined values of Conclusions
CVN LE77K, [YS]4K, and [KIc]4K are either superior or compara-
ble to the experimentally determined values of CVN LE77K, (1) KIc =YS2 ratio is offered as a valid fracture resistance
[YS]4K, and KIc =YS24K reported in Tables 14 for SMAW, even parameter as the measured KIc =YS277K ratio for weld metal
when values for WM d-ferrite content remained below 5 FN. In correlated extremely well with measured CVN LE77K value
particular, the reported values for WM CVN LE77K in Tables 9 for weld metal. Furthermore, equivalent fracture resistance
and 10 ranged from a low value of 38 mils (0.97 mm) for high is offered as a viable concept, wherein the minimum
heat input SAW to a high value of 81 mils (2.06 mm) for GMAW. KIc =YS277K for MDMT colder than 77 K is equated with
These results confirm that the 0.53 mm (21 mils) minimum the minimum KIc =YS277K for MDMT 77 K and warmer. In
acceptable CVN LE77K requirement for SMAW type weld metal mathematical terms, the minimum fracture resistance at a

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology AUGUST 2017, Vol. 139 / 041407-7

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units, a KIc =YS277K  3.46 in (87.9 mm) is required to satisfy jima, H., and Shimamoto, S., 1991, Charpy Impact Tests Near Absolute Zero,
the current 15 mils (0.38 mm) minimum CVN LE77K require- J. Test. Eval., 19(1), pp. 3440.
ment for WM for MDMT 77 K and warmer. Similarly, a [7] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code-Section VIII, 2013, Division 1
KIc =YS277K  5.06 in (128.5 mm) is required to satisfy the Pressure Vessels, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International,
New York, p. 214.
current 21 mils (0.53 mm) minimum CVN LE77K requirement [8] Rana, M. D., Doty, W. D., Yukawa, S., and Zawierucha, R., 2000, Fracture Tough-
for WM for MDMT colder than 77 K. ness Requirements for ASME Section VIII Vessels for Service Temperatures Colder
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While developing the draft of this manuscript, the primary in Cryogenic Engineering Materials, Vol. 26, Springer, New York, pp. 158170.
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citations and helpful discussions and comments on the manuscript: Energy Applications at Low Temperatures-II, Vol. NBSIR 79-1609, F. R. Fickett, and
Dr. Thomas Siewert and Mr. Christopher McCowan (both for- R. P. Reed, eds., National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, CO, pp. 299312.
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(Sandvik), William (Bill) Layo (Midalloy), and David McColskey HSLA-65 Steel, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 17(6), pp. 808830.
(NIST). Their immense cooperation and excellent support are [15] Kane, S. F., Farland, A. L., Siewert, T. A., and McCowan, C. N., 1999,
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ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, Standard No. ASTM E1820-15. Boulder, CO, pp. 303321.

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