PID Control: Block Diagram of A Process Under PID Control

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PID control

(Proportional integral derivative)

Proportional Integral Derivative control is also known as the PID control. The
proportional, integral and derivative control has their different uses in the system.
They are used in most automatic process control applications in industry such as
to regulate flow, temperature, pressure, level, and many other industrial process
variables. IN here you can see the design of PID controllers and explains the P, I
and D control modes used in them.

Block diagram of a process under PID Control

PID Controller
Lets use a gas fired heater as our example


An operator doing manual control

To keep the temperature of water discharged from an industrial gas-fired

heater constant we must watch the temperature gauge and adjust the fuel gas
valve accordingly. If the water temperature becomes too high, we must to close
the gas valve a bit just enough to bring the temperature back to the desired
value. If the water becomes too cold, we must open the gas valve.
In order for us to lessen human intervention for less effort we must automate the
control by:
Installing an electronic temperature measurement device.
Automate the gas valve by adding an actuator (and perhaps a positioner)
to it so that it can be driven electronically.
Install a controller (in this case a PID controller), and connect it to the
electronic temperature measurement and the automated control valve
PID elements

1. Set Point (SP)- is the desired or target value

2. Controllers Output (CO)- sets the position of the control
3. Process Variable (PV)- is the current status of a process
4. Error (E)-is the difference between set point and process variable
PID controller doing automatic control

PID in an automatic control

Control modes:
Proportional Control
Integral Control
Derivative Control

Proportional control- it is the main driving force in a controller

Proportional band-is the amount of proportional control action
Integral control- accelerates the movement of the process towards set point to
accumulate error.

Derivative Control -produces an output based on the rate of change of the

error. Derivative mode produces more control action if the error changes at a
faster rate.
P, PI, and PID controllers response

PID components
Sensor- to detect events or changes in its environment and send the
information to other electronics
Transducer-is a device that converts one form of energy to another
Manipulator- manipulator is a device used to manipulate materials without
direct contact

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