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animal life

August 2017
Tri-State Area Pet News

Your pet. Our purpose.

Pet Travel Safety page 3
Ice Cream for Pups page 4
Saying Goodbye page 7
Moving to Barker Rd page 11
Summer, Lanesboro, MA
Circus Animals page 14 Complimentary
Annual Fundraising Dog Walk
Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017

i BBerkshire
k hi Humane
H Socie
S i ty
t fo
for our annuall
Dog Walk celebrating you and your dog! Enjjoy games,
family-friendly activities, food, and local ven
Walk alone or foorm a team, with or without a dog.
Register online to secure a t-shirt and
other fundraising perks.
Cant walk with us on Sept. 10?
ou can now wa alk virtually!



Road Trip!

Travel Safety Tips for Your Pet
Kim Arre-Gerber 2016

Summertime is such a popular time of year for travel and, for many, the trip 5. Prepare a pet friendly travel kit- Your pet will need his own items from home
is just not as fun without our furry friend. Like any family member, we to help him feel more comfortable on the trip. Pack bowls, food, leash, waste
want them to enjoy the great adventures and have quality time with them. scoop, plastic bags, grooming supplies, medication and first aid and any travel
A trip with our furry friends can be highly stressful if you are not prepared documents. Bring a favorite toy, blanket or bed to give your pet a sense of famil-
iarity. Bring plenty of water or use bottled water because drinking water from a
ahead of time. There are some important tips to follow to help make the trip
different area could result in an upset stomach. Avoid feeding them in a moving
smooth, safe and comfortable.
vehicle for the same reason. Feed them a light meal 3-4 hours prior to departure
1. Proper identification- Having your pet properly identified with a registered to help prevent any stomach upset. Familiarize yourself with potential health risks
microchip with a collar and tag imprinted with your name, phone number and associated with the location you are visiting.
any relevant contact information. It would also be beneficial to have a temporary
6. Prep your pet for a long trip-If your pet is not used to long travel, take him
tag on the collar with your cell phone and destination information. Have a current
on a series of short drives gradually lengthening the time in the car. This will help
photo of your pet.
him acclimate to being in a car for longer periods.
2. Safe containment- Use a USDA approved carrier, especially if traveling by
7. Travel by plane- Travel by plane can be much more difficult than in your car.
plane. The carrier should be large enough for them to stand, sit, lie down and turn
If your pet is small enough, have them travel under your seat on the plane. It is
around in. Place some type of bedding in the carrier that is absorbent for comfort
advised to book a direct flight when possible. If your pet is too large to travel at
and in case of any accidents. If traveling by plane, mark the crate with your in-
your seat, be vocal and inform every airline employee that you are traveling with
formation as well. For a plane trip, secure a small pouch of dried food to the out-
a pet in the cargo hold. This way they will be ready if any additional attention is
side of the crate in case they need to be feed during a long trip. Freeze a bowl of
needed. For travel outside the U.S., extra planning and health care requirements
water ahead of time for your pet to put in the crate. The crate will also need to be
may be necessary. Contact the foreign office of the country you are traveling to
labeled with Live Animal. If traveling by car, secure the crate in the vehicle so
for more information.
it wont shift in event of an abrupt stop. If you choose not to use a crate in the car,
keep them harnessed to a seat buckle in the back seat. There are several pet seat 8. Veterinarian check-up- Prior to travel, bring your pet to the veterinarian to up-
belts that can be purchased. AS much as he might enjoy it, do not allow him to date any vaccinations. You will also need a health certificate dated within 10 days
hang his head out the window. It is dangerous in event of an accident and he can of departure. Carry with you your pets medical records and current rabies cer-
be injured by any debris that may fly up into his face. tificate. It is not recommended to tranquilize your pet as that can hinder their
breathing, so check with your veterinarian on other ways to help minimize any
3. Rest stops- Like you, your pet will need plenty of opportunity to go to the
anxiety or fear.
bathroom and get a little exercise. Make sure he has his identification on him at
all times.
Hopefully these tips help you prepare for your next great trip so that both you
4. Dont ever leave your pet alone in the car- Even on mild warm days, the and your furry friend can have a safe and fun adventure!
temperature in your car can skyrocket in minutes. As much as 10 degrees every
ten minutes. In the cold, your car will act as a refrigerator and make the car frigidly Donna Bragdon, C.V.T.
cold. VCA All Caring Animal Hospital

Animal Life r August 2017 3

Cool Homemade Dog Days of Summer
Treat for Fido
1 Cup Mango Skin removed and chopped
1 Banana Mashed
112 Cups Coconut Water
Put all the ingredients in a blender and puree for one minute or until
smooth. Pour into Ice Cube Trays, Silicone Molds or Repurposed
Yogurt Cups. Cover over with paper and freeze till solid and serve.

Dont leave Fido home!

Visit one of these Pet Friendly Ice Cream Shops.

Massachusetts Area
Outside tables and Dogs on a leash

Ben & Jerrys

The Scoop

Barking Beauties
Krispy Cone
Sweet Peas Ice Cream,
SoCo Creamery
Salon for Dogs & Cats Great Barrington
Luckys Ice Cream
Nail Clipping for $10 Rainbow Shack
Please call ahead Adams

Staci A. Barrett, Owner

20Years of Experience Gift Certificates Always Available
Connecticut Area
Outside tables and Dogs on a leash

165 Water Street, Lee, MA 413-243-2626


Caddie Shack, Canaan

New York Area



Lick Ice Cream

Keelers Esikimo Bar
Stewarts Shops
940 East Street, Lenox

Recognized by the Western

check individual shops for outdoor tables

New England Professional Horsemans Association

Gardners Ice Cream,

Through the generosity of the H Har
art F
amilyy, this benefit

show has rraised
aised $250,000+ over 25 years in support

Village Scoop
of Berrkshirre Humane
Humane Societyy..


4 Animal Life r August 2017

The Vet
I look at my dog who is still lying in the same spot that I found

her in this morning. She still has not moved or eaten.

Shepherds are discerning. That is one way to look at her refusal to partake of the this, but today, she has. In
mornings offerings. Another would be that she simply finds my culinary skills the rearview, I catch
lacking. That would not surprise me. She is that dog. Assuming that she is play- glimpses of her lying on the
ing the odds that I will up the ante on this particular hand, I grab a can of Wingal- backseat. Generally, she
ing and whip it into her bowl of kibble. The metallic pop of the can opening is would be standing on the
followed by the odor of baked roadkill stew. It quickly permeates the kitchen with armrest between the seats
an aroma that would usually cause my dog to walk through fire for a mere sniff scanning the road like any
of the remnants in the bowl after the Lab has eaten his fill. She does not stir. Its good co-pilot. The worry
official, I am now freaking out. This is simply not normal. gnaws at the pit of my stom-
I attempt to coax her outside for her morning walk. No dice. I try treats, toys, ach. I cannot understand
and a smorgasbord of goodies from the refrigerator. No response. I pick up the why she is so hurt or how
phone and feel a lump begin to form in my throat. I dial her vet. I am ready to this could have happened
plead for even a thirty-second appointment if they will allow us to squeeze her in. without me knowing about
I ask when he can see her today. What does she mean hes not in today? Thats it. I am quite possibly the
not even possible. Today is the day that my dog needs him. It never occurred to worlds most anal dog owner. I irritate
me that this man who I have relied on for everything for the last eleven years just my entire family with overly technical commands about how to properly care for
might have a life outside of the veterinary hospital. This was not even a possibility my dogs, and how not to. They would likely tell anyone who asks I am an over-
that I considered. Would you like to see someone else? the assistant asked bearing, controlling, Type A freak about the dogs. They might be right. Thank
again pulling me from the fog of my personal emotional meltdown. No one else God nobody has asked them.
could possibly take care of my girl as HER vet always has. This is exactly why We finally arrive at Hilltowns Veterinary Clinic, and like when she was only eight
we establish these relationships. For emergencies. Now I have an emergency. weeks old, I have to pick up my dog and lift her out of the car because she can-
She cannot stand and will not even eat. Introduce her to a complete stranger today; not or will not jump down. Thats the second time today girl not cool I think.
I cannot do this to her now. Im sorry, I manage to stutter, No thank you. I We shuffle up the walk into the office. Once inside a new place, she starts to relax
hang up the phone. Now what? In the middle of my personal semi-existential cri- and starts acting like the girl I know and love, albeit the stiff, elderly version of
sis, I failed to take into account that my inability to trust anyone except her vet her. She greats a Chihuahua and her elderly housemate and then acts as if she is
has left me in somewhat of a conundrum. the personal welcome wagon for a man coming in to pick up his dog. She has al-
I look at my dog who is still lying in the same spot that I found her in this morn- ways been the sweetest, most amazingly loveable dog that I have ever had the
ing. She still has not moved or eaten. I decide I cannot allow this to continue. She privilege of knowing. I watch her interact with all of these people and animals and
is clearly in pain. I can feel it. I am not sure how I will explain this to anyone other I am in awe of this amazing creature. I love her so much and I have spent the en-
than her vet, but I have to try. I place a call to Sharon, a colleague and dear tire day worrying about the mind-numbingly insane number of ridiculous possi-
friend with whom I have worked closely with at the shelter for the last few years, ble ailments my mind has created that could be afflicting my dog.
to see if she is available. My heart soars when she makes room in her schedule Sharon calls us in and quickly determines that my dear dogs puppy like antics
for my dog, an animal she has never seen before, for what is not, by any true are the likely cause of her sudden onset injury. After ruling out Lyme (which we
sense of the word an emergency. suspected was unlikely, but not impossible, with her vaccine and preventative),
I finally convince my old girl to stand up. It is clear that she is in pain. I cannot a quick laser treatment was given and some anti-inflammatory and pain relieving
tell where she hurts or what she did, but looking at her breaks my heart. She medication as well as a Labrador Retriever restriction were prescribed. My dog
walks gingerly, seeming to favor her rear legs or hips. Perhaps she has injured her not only walked out, but she was much more comfortable than when she walked
spine, as her entire rear end has stiffened. Her movements are strained and lack in, and was even able to climb into the car with some help. Within only three
fluidity. Although 11 years old in June, no one would know that watching her on days, she was even trying to tackle the Lab again. Moreover, she is back to walk-
any other day. She plays like a typical six-year old dog, chasing the Lab through ing through fire for anything that smells like roadkill.
the yard for hours.
I lift her into the backseat of my SUV. Typically, she would leap into the car the Thank you Sharon for being for my baby. Oh, and for
moment the door opened at the chance to go for a drive (any drive), but today, she keeping me sane at the same time.
just stood in the open door of the car and whimpered. Her eyes wanted to go, but
her body refused to cooperate. We head out. I am driving carefully so that I do not Krista Wroldson Miller
jostle her too much on the way. It is rare that my magnificent dog worries me like Sonsini Animal Shelter

Animal Life r August 2017 5

training the canine mind!
myth &truth about dog behavior

I took our dog to our veterinarian yesterday and well let's just say I couldn't
get her out of the car. She knew what was coming. It took two vet technicians
Training Services to help me lure/pry her out. Any suggestions? Shes way to big to carry. This
happens every time!

For appointment and/or You are right, your dog clearly associates--from past experiences--that this location
Upcoming Class Schedule is dangerous and must be avoided. She has even generalized the problem to the
call parking lot before you even enter the building. This is all about fear, and bribing her
518-764-1320 with food or forcing her into the building will never improve the situation or reduce
her anxiety. My suggestion is that you devote the necessary time to solving this
problem and helping your dog regain her confidence and reduce her fear about
going to the office.
Susan & George Clark, ABCDT You would need to start with a simple and progressive desensitizing and counter
conditioning protocol that advances at your dogs comfort pace. Your first step
would be to pack up some extra special treats--really good treats like steak. If your
dog is highly toy motivated, bring the favorite toy too. You and your dog are going
to the vets parking lot. Park there and let the fun begin. Feed lots of special treats

and/or play with the toys WHILE YOUR DOG REMAINS IN THE CAR. Do not
attempt to take her out. Do not ask her to do anything but sit in the car and enjoy
the treats and play. Drive away after 10 minutes, go around the block a few times
and come back to the parking lot and repeat. Do this at least 3 times/week until
your dog shows no signs of stress when you pull into the parking lot but instead gets
excited and eager for those special treats or fun play. Next step--do all of the above
Dedicated Professional

but with the car door open (be sure she is safely restrained so she cant bolt out).
Certified Professional Dog Trainer

Close the door, drive away and return again. You are watching at every step that
Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner II
Training for Real Life Needs

your dog is relaxed and shows no signs of stress. Next step--invite her out of the car,
AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator
Amer Red Cross Pet First Aid Instructor 413-445-8843
lots of treats, right back into the car and drive away after a few repetitions. Next
With 36 Years of

step--walk around the parking lot at the far end, not approaching the building, lots
Teaching Experience

of treats, back in the car and leave. Future small steps would take you closer to the
I believe that training should bring a smile to your face & a wag to your tail. I will never use

building, in and out of the building, visit with front desk staff, etc. From these first
force or intimidation to train your dog. Positive reinforcement and up-to-date scientifically
based behavior modification programs bring positive results and lasting change. Leea

steps I have outlined, you can see 2 things--this requires a big commitment on your
part to solve the problem AND you cannot advance the exercises any faster than

Taiz your dog is able to be fully relaxed or it will fall apart on you. If you are not familiar
with your dogs stress signals or you try the beginning procedures and make no
progress, I would recommend you seek out a professional behavior specialist to as-
sist you in simplifying the steps necessary to create success. In the meantime if
Shepherd your dog requires any minor treatment like vaccination boosters or nail trims, see
if you can arrange for a staff member from the hospital to come to your home for
the procedure.language.

Kennel Leea Foran, CDBC, CPTA-KA is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and
Behavior consultant, Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2 and owner
of Foranimals, LLC in Lenox, MA.
For more information: www or 413-445-8843
Since 1972

Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

All Breed - All Ages
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problems of shelter and rescue dogs.
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Charlene Marchand is a syndicated columnist for training, behavior, and health issues. She is
actively involved in canine rescue and sheltering, and is the co-creator and trainer for Columbia
County Sheriffs highly acclaimed A New Leash On Life Cell Dog Program. WUDGHPDUNVRI,QYLVLEOH)HQFH,QF$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG
Optimal Wellness
Saying Good Bye Is Not Easy
A pet or companion animal is typically thought to be a dog or cat. But, people time made a pact with him telling him that if he were to founder, she will not
share their lives with countless other species besides the canine and feline. These allow suffering and let him go. In March of this year, she did just that. She relayed
can include bunnies, horses, goats, pigs, and reptiles, to name a few. No matter the it ripped my heart out but I am grateful for the veterinarian and the gift to end
species, it is the bond and attachment that is made that affects our emotional well- his suffering and let him go in peace. Five months later, her sadness has lessened
being when that pet is departing from us. and is thinking of getting another horse.
The loss can be an overwhelming life altering event. The impact Craig and Maureen Chittenden Corrigan had very similar feel-
of the loss one feels is related to the bond that existed between them ings. Maureen never owned pets until Craig came in her life. Craig
and their pet. Some people may develop an attachment with an an- had pets his entire life. It took little time for Maureen to learn how
imal that exceeds any relationship they share with another human deeply a pet affects your life. They got Dudley as a pup and had
being. According to Meyers, a researcher, and author of Disen- him 14 years. He was their only child. Dudleys health began to
franchised grief and the loss of an animal has stated the bond felt fail at age 13. Their veterinarian, Dr. Lemieux, had followed Dud-
between the pet and the owner should not be viewed as more or less ley as a pup. He offered all sorts of tests but both Maureen and
important than any other relationship: rather, it should be concep- Craig wanted comfort measures only. Their schedules were modi-
tualized as different to a relationship with member of same species, fied as well as their home to accommodate Dudley. About a year
but worthy of the same affirmation, validation, and respect. later, they decided Dudley would be better at the Rainbow Bridge
Some of the emotions experienced with loss of a pet are grief, and that is what they did. Shortly after the euthanasia, they
anger, denial, depression, and disbelief. Anticipatory and disen- removed anything that Dudley claimed as his such as his bed,
franchised griefs are the most often associated with pet loss. Some bowls, and toys. Seeing those things caused too much pain. It was
of the lesser observed types are: delayed, unresolved, and exagger- a month later they adopted a new pup and named him Squeak.
ated. For purpose of this column, I will focus on anticipatory and Squeak wiped their tears and sorrow away. Today, Squeak is 7
disenfranchised grief. No matter the type, it is a strong emotion and years young and running the home.
at times overwhelming. It is a natural reaction to a loss. It is not a June Greig owned Bailey, a retriever, for 10 years. Bailey was
process that is easily controlled as their are different stages of grief. in excellent health until one day when he became lethargic and
Mourning can last for months. Understanding why one feels the began coughing. He was rushed to their veterinarian. An ultrasound
sadness and is able to talk about it will aide in resolving the grief. showed a cardiac tumor. She and her husband decided to perform
Anticipatory grief is a reaction that occurs before an impending a few more tests and then took him home. Both she and her hus-
loss. It is commonly associated when the owner has a pet that is in band were angry and in disbelief. A few days went by and things
declining health and is contemplating euthanasia. During this time were no better and they made that gut wrenching decision to euth-
there is elevated concern about the pet and the owner will rehearse anize him. Their veterinarian came to their home and performed
the death. This grief can trigger feelings of dread, anxiety, help- the final act of love for their beloved Bailey. June relayed the cards
lessness, and guilt. Yet, it has the potential to allow us to come to terms with the and telephone calls were instrumental in her dealing with the loss. She thought that
upcoming death and make preparations. This early grief does not necessarily de- if these tangible things helped her, then they may help others as well.
crease the grief after the death. Reflection during this time can be helpful in the June started putting together pictures and writing her thoughts on paper. The
grief process. idea of writing a book had crossed her mind after Baileys passing. In 2011, June
Disenfranchised grief is when ones heart is grieving but you cannot talk about finished a book she had started a couple years earlier and published it. The writ-
or share your pain with others because its considered unacceptable. This may be ing was instrumental in the healing process. It is a simple book but yet so very
quite evident when the grieving person has placed more value on their pet than on poignant. I have had the opportunity to not only read it over the last couple years
some human relationships. Some members of a community view animals as fam- but share it with others that have grieved the loss of a pet. The title is A Dog to
ily members while others dont share these feelings. With this lack of having the Remember and can be obtained by visiting
same sentiments comes the lack of understanding what the owner is experiencing Anne Durkin wrote it best in the Journal of Psychsoc Mental Health July 2008
and thereby the loss is viewed as less important. when she said that the loss of a companion animal is often misunderstood and
Each pet parent is unique in the way they bond, the strength of that bond, and devalued despite the major role that pets play in the lives of so many people. I
the manner they approach a serious health crisis with their pet. Becky Craig, June hope that we all can show love, compassion, understanding, and patience with
Greig, and the Corrigans have similarities and differences. In no way is one those who are grieving the loss of a pet as we do when it is the loss of a human.
approach or one decision better than the other. Remember, we all are individuals Until we walk in someones shoes, we will never know the depth of their soul.
with our own set of coping skills and experiences.
Becky Craig is a Registered Nurse and was proud owner for 27 years of Jack
Happy Tails Until Next Month!
Eyed Gambler. Gambler was a thoroughbred-quarter horse mix. He was her soli- Kathy Mikaniewicz Hynes, RN BSN is a veteran AirForce Flight Nurse and has done
tude especially after working long shifts in the hospital caring for the sick and in- research on the Human-Animal Bond as well as used her rescue dogs as work partners .
firmed. She looked forward to grooming, feeding, and riding him. Mostly, Becky She is the owner/operator of Got Spots : an organization to promote optimal wellness
through the human-animal bond. The organization is pending 501c status. She is presently
just loved being with and talking to him. In 2015, he suffered a cruciate joint in-
employed as a psychiatric nurse for the Veteran Administration and a substitute nurse
jury and was too old for surgery. With the guidance of her veterinarian, modifi- and teacher for the City of Pittsfield.
cations were made in his barn and grazing areas. She cared for him as she did her

human patients by administering medications and doing his therapy. She at that

Animal Life August 2017 7

this side of purradise
Just a Big Softie

Iris Bass

Interested in her surroundings and playfulshe even knows

how to catch or bat back toys that are tossed to her,
When exceptionally pretty eight-year-old Joanneall white except for a streak of Interested in her surroundings and playfulshe even knows how to catch or bat
gray at the top of her head and again at the tip of her tailarrived at Purradise, back toys that are tossed to her, Jane saidJoanne occupied herself with several
she was afraid of being touched, of other cats, of sounds...of just about every- of the rooms many kitty toys, as well as climbed right into and tested out a cat
thing. But the staff and volunteers at the shelter suspectedrightly, bed I offered to her. The sound and activity of the birds just
as it happensthat behind her defenses lived a lovable, outside, gathering by the shelters several feeders,
trusting lady, and worked with her to let down her also drew her attention; she chattered excitedly
guard even while they respected her need to ex- at the sight of them, as well as meowed at
press her fears. In fairly short order, she is us occasionally in a conversational
turning into quite the snuggle-bug, says tone, as if to join in our human-lan-
Purradise staffer Jane. She has come so guage discussion.
far; we are so proud of her, she added. Joanne is rapidly approaching
Because Joanne, who seems to like an- adoptability, providing she meets
swering to the nickname Jo-Jo, is still the right, affectionate person who
afraid of the other kitties, she has been will respect her boundaries and pro-
given her own large space, the enclosed vide a quiet, safe home for her while
porch known as the Sunshine Spa, to call her working patiently to earn and further
own, shielded strategically here and there with extend her trust. Even during the hour or
Joanne 2017 Jane Burt.
cloths hung to conceal the kitty condos on the other so I spent with her, it was clear that Joanne
side of the connective glass wall to the shelter-proper. wishes to make that kind of connection. Once she
Jane came in there with me for some visiting time with Joanne on discovers the instant gratification of belly rubs, or perhaps
July 28. spending the night curled up with her special someone, therell be no going back
Joanne immediately approached me to offer a head-bump against my legs and to the Joanne who initially entered Purradise as a scaredy-cat.
accept a head scratch, then sprawled against Jane, who joined her on the floor, and
rubbed her head against her. Although Jane told me Joanne will sit on the lap of This series follows the special human-feline bond at Purradise, the Berkshire Hu-
her colleague Cathy, not there at the time, she has not yet progressed to being so mane Society Cat Adoption Center at 301 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington,
trusting other people to climb onto them and still doesnt like to be picked up. MA 01230 (413-717-4244), Open Wed., Fri., & Sat. 10
But given those limits, Joanne returned to me periodically for more head-bumps, a.m.4 p.m.; Thurs. 10 a.m.6 p.m.; and Sun. noon4 p.m.
rubs, and scratches, as well as rolled on her back for us, demonstrating how safe
and relaxed she felt with our being in her space. Once she gets comfortable Iris Bass, coauthor of the Cat Lovers Daily Companion, shares her Lee home
with someone, shes just fine, observed Jane. with five shelter cats.


simple, direct and personal banking


8 Animal Life r August 2017

Come Dance with Your Dog
and Celebrate

National Dog Day!

Dance Exchange Artist Elizabeth Johnson will lead you and your leashed canine
through a series of simple and fun movements designed to highlight the beauty
of our pets, and the unique relationships we share with our dogs. No experience
for humans or dogs needed (we just ask that your dog is comfortable being around
others and around loud sounds). The event will also feature local pet vendors and
the opportunity to win pet prizes.

All ages welcome, children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Saturday, August 26, 2017; 11am-12pm,
Great Lawn, Jacob's Pillow Dance.
Free with suggested donation to Berkshire Humane Society.
RSVP contact 413-243-9919 x165 for more information. SELF SERVE
Or reservations made at
Dog Wash
Do It Yourself Dog Washing includes

15 D

Premium USAbrands of D D
foods and treats Saturday, August 26th 12:30-2:30

Toys Essentials Gifts

Natural and Organic Products
Lots of Fun Stuff! WE OFFER
Monday - Friday 10 am - 5:30 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Service!

OPEN Sundays 11 am - 3 pm

Lenox Commons 55 Pittsfield Road, Lenox, MA

Helping Lily The Lab
How The Ken Freeburg Fund Assists Animals
in Need of Extraordinary Medical Care

Lily, a 3-year-old yellow lab, was surrendered wanted to do something to memorialize his
to Berkshire Humane Society (BHS) because legacy and compassion, so we started this fund
of her severe allergies. Her family could no in his name. Because of Ken, we have saved
longer afford her medical care, and her condi- and rehomed countless animals.
tion had flared over the past six months. Severe Lily has already met with a few potential

When the shelter staff feels that

itchiness led to incessant scratching, breaking families, but the perfect match has yet to be
open the hairless, scabby hives all over her found. Bringing home a special needs animal
body, causing a skin infection. Despite her extraordinary medical care might grant an has multiple considerations, from cost to pos-
discomfort, Lily greeted everyone happily, her
animal a shot at regaining its health and sibly providing special care for the duration of
patchy body wiggling from side to side as she
met shelter staff roaming the hallways. finding a new home, they turn to the
an animals life.
Not everyone is in a position to take a special
Shes a very sweet dog, said Roberta
Townsend, Canine Services Manager for BHS.
Ken Freeburg Fund. needs dog, said Roberta. But sometimes a
condition is curative, and in that case, its much
Her family switched her food, butit still had easier. Dentistry can be taken care of, and then
something shes allergic to. She got better for a adopters dont have to deal with that. Allergies
while, but then it flared up even worse. Our visiting vet put her on prednisone, are more challenging. It can be hard to pinpoint what the animal is allergic to.
and shes taking two antibiotics to knock out the infection. Could be environment, could be food. There are tests, and we are looking
When situations like this happen at the shelter, staff rely on into that for Lily. That will help us figure out how to minimize her expo-
the Ken Freeburg Fund, along with community donations, sure to allergens and determine her treatment and diet needs.
to help offset the cost of extraordinary medical care. Be- In many ways, Lily is a lucky pup. She has made her way into lov-
cause BHS is open-admission, animals with grave health ing hands. Lily was loved by her first family and will continue to be
concerns make their way through our doors on a regular loved during her stay at BHS while she waits for her new forever
basis. From allergies to IBS to infected teeth and gums, these home. There is also a great deal to admire about Lily her opti-
conditions can cause animals to be unadoptable unless they re- mism, her joy for life, her love of people. In the face of illness
ceive specialized medical attention. When the shelter staff feels and great change, she remains eager to experience the
that extraordinary medical care might grant an animal a shot at world. This story is dedicated to you, Lily.
regaining its health and finding a new home, they turn to the If you would like to help Lily and other animals in sim-
Ken Freeburg Fund. ilar situations, please consider giving to the Ken Free-
Named after Ken Freeburg, a devoted and extremely generous burg Fun. Visit Berkshire Humanes website at
volunteer, the fund was established in 2005 with the express or visit the shelter at 214 Barker
purpose of covering expensive, specialized medical care for an- Road. From Lily and all of us, thank you for your support!
imals that might otherwise not find homes. This fund has been
crucial to the survival of many cats and dogs. Elizabeth Nelson,
Ken was an invaluable volunteer, said John Perreault, Executive Marketing & Communications Manager
Director for BHS. He always went out of his way to identify an-
imals that needed above-and-beyond care, and he often paid for Photos by Mary McGurn
that care out of his own pocket. When he passed in 2005, we

Do You Have the Ultimate Dog?

10 Animal Life r August 2017

The Move to Barker Road
By John Perreault, Executive Director

Berkshire Humane Society (BHS) was found in 1992 after the meeting, up in the old attic of the garage, and the board voted
closing of the failed Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of unanimously to move forward without being fully funded. We
Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA). In 2003, BHS moved from its could no longer stay in the building we were in. It was insuffi-
original property at 108 Cadwell Road to 214 Barker Road. In cient and physically underwater much of the time, and we
light of the shelters 25th anniversary this year, BHS Executive werent helping as many animals as we wanted to.
Director John Perreault shares his thoughts about the move and For many years, and still today, when I walk through our facil-
how it changed everything. ity it bothers me that we still have a mortgage. It also bothers me
Moving into 214 Barker Road changed what it means to be the that there is a perception that our building is paid for and that we

Berkshire Humane Society. Our building has allowed us to in- have money just because we have this building. But at the same
crease our programming, triple our capacity, and save thousands time, when I walk through in the morning and look at the cat mall
more animal lives. or see a couple of the dogs or kittens in the feature area, I realize
Back in the MSPCA days, before BHS existed, we were housed that while it may be taxing, its all worth it. When I see all those
in an old cow barn. It was dingy, dusty. We animal faces, and think about our operations
didnt get much respect and we had very just 14 years agoits all so worth it. Anything
little capacity to do our work. Dogs and
I realize that while it may be taxing, its all is possible.

They came in and we vaccinated them; if worth it. When I see all those animal faces, and As part of the shelters 25th anniversary year,
cats were housed together in a little room.

we had room, we moved them to the adop- think about our operations just 14 years ago Berkshire Humane Society is hosting a 25th

its all so worth it. Anything is possible.

tion area. We had eight or nine dog kennels Birthday Bash at the Colonial Theatre on Oc-
and a few cat cages that was it. tober 22nd. This special event featuring
We moved into our current building in brunch, auctions, and a live presentation on the
July of 2003. Fourteen years ago! Its hard beautiful stage of the Colonial Theatre, will be
to believe its been 14 years. We built this space for us to grow into, and we have. hosted by Pet Connections Steve Caporizzo. Learn more and purchase tickets at
That saying if you build it, they will come is true. Our numbers spiked that
year, and while we had been expanding our staff and preparing for the move, we
still didnt have enough people.
On the day of a move, everything becomes about all the little things that you
havent thought about. For the first six months, I probably had a staff member in
my office every day complaining about something. I kept saying, were trying,
well get there, its going to take a little bit.
No sooner did staff finish walking the dogs, it was 2 hours later and they had to
walk them again. They spent the entire day only cleaning and walking. They did-
nt even have time for lunch. From the day we opened our doors, it was a strug-
gle, but again, it gave us credibility. In our new building, we had a full-sized
classroom and training area. The space allowed us to build on the programs we
already had. Do better and offer more. We were able to reach more people and
help so many more animals.
Our building isnt paid off. September 11th happened weeks before we were to
break ground, which greatly affected many people's pledges. So we didnt have
all the money we needed in place by the time the facility was to be built, which
meant we were going to have to take out a loan. I remember being in a board

Animal Life r August 2017 11

Annual Fundraising Dog Walk in Downtown Pittsfield
Woofstock Returns to The Common

Berkshire Humane Society (BHS) is excited to announce that its annual fundrais-
ing dog walk, Woofstock, will take place at The Common in downtown Pittsfield
on Sunday, September 10th. Senior Greyhound and adoption alumna, Gabby, will
serve as the Grand Marshal. Woofstock invites participants to raise money on be-
half of BHSs shelter animals and register to walk a loop around downtown with
or without their dog.
The goal of this event is to celebrate the people in our community and their
dogs, said John Perreault, Executive Director of BHS. Its a fun way to raise
money to support our shelter animals. Since this is our 25th anniversary year, our
goal is $25,000. Its ambitious, but we know how much people love their dogs and
want to see all shelter animals find loving homes. If we can get 100 people to
each raise $250 were gold! Of course every little bit counts. If someone only
raises $25, were thrilled to have them walk with us.
Numerous prizes are available for increasing levels of fundraising, from BHS
25th anniversary apparel to tickets to special events. Raise $250 or more for a
one-on-one photo shoot with award-winning animal photographer Jesse Freidin.
Raise $500 or more for two tickets to BHSs 25th Birthday Bash, hosted by Pet
Connections Steve Caporizzo at the Colonial Theatre on October 22nd.
New to this years event is a Virtual Dog Walk option. People who are unable
to attend the actual event on Sept. 10th may participate virtually by signing up on-
line, raising money, and walking when/if they can on their own time.
We wanted to be as inclusive as possible, said Perreault. We have a fantastic
committee helping put this event together, and they felt strongly about including
people who may not live here year-round or who are physically unable to partic-
ipate. Everyone can help out and on the day of the event, were going to rec-
ognize our Virtual Walkers.

Participants are encouraged to register online to take advantage of social media
and sharing tools, as well as guarantee an event t-shirt in the preferred size (for a
minimum of $60 in donations).
Online registration ( is
strongly encouraged. Day-of registration begins at 10:00 a.m. with the dog walk
following at 11:00 a.m. Afterward, BHS, along with sponsors and vendors, will
host activities for families and canines on the lawn. Food vendors will also be Its a fun way to raise money to support

our shelter animals
present. More details will follow.

Sponsors for the event currently include: Pittsfield Cooperative Bank, Onyx Spe-
cialty Papers, Inc., Dettinger Lumber, Smith Bros McAndrews. Vendors include:
Animal DREAMS, Berkshire Disaster Animal Response Team, Berkshire Hu- ABOUT THE BERKSHIRE HUMANE SOCIETY
mane Society Humane Heroes, Markis French Fries & Fried Dough, and Star- The Berkshire Humane Society ( is a private, nonprofit,
bucks. Both sponsors and vendors are still being accepted. open-admission animal support organization with a twofold mission: to ensure
the compassionate care, treatment, and whenever possible, placement of home-
To register and learn more, visit You may also call (413) less animals through the shelter operation; and to promote and improve the
477-7878, ext. 131. welfare of all animals through community education and outreach.

12 Animal Life r August 2017

The Stray Cat Controversy

A cat that you havent seen before is roaming feed the ferals and build them shelters. By performing
your neighborhood. It seems to be abandoned, the spay and neuter services, the intent is to eventually
hungry and surviving in a local vacant building. ensure that there are no feral cats in our future.
Perhaps he even seems sick or appears injured. Generally, cats are much safer indoors. There are so
Your first impulse, like so many of us, is to pro- many risks involved with allowing them to roam. A
vide food, capture this cat and save it, but is wandering cat can be injured when he is hit by a vehi-
this really an appropriate response? The answer cle, or attacked by another animal. A wise owner en-
is more complicated than you would think. First sures that their cats have been properly vaccinated and
of all, there is technically no such thing as a wear proper identification, including a collar with tags
stray cat in our state. Cats are not subject to including your name, address & phone number on it. In
town licensing requirements and no leash laws exist to require owners to their addition, cats should also be microchipped in the event that he loses his collar. In
cats or keep them on their premises. the event your cat accidentally gets out, you should alert your neighbors, animal
An unidentified roaming cat may be lost, may be exploring or it might be owned control and contact your local shelter. Most shelters will help by posting pictures
by a neighbor that lives on the next block. By bringing a cat into your home, you on their social media pages to help find your pet.
are preventing that animal from returning home if it has one. In trying to save
the kitty, you could actually be stealing someones property. If you are certain the Gloria McClay
cat is lost, it is best to canvas your area and ask neighbors, or take a picture of it Gloria is the owner/operator of Canine Connection dog-training & Grooming facility in
and post it on social media. Another possible way to find the owner would be to Cheshire. She was a breeder/owner/handler of Schipperkes and Rottweilers, is presently
put a collar on the cat with your phone number and a small note. Something as a member and on the Board of Great Barrington Kennel Club, Board Member of Sonsini
simple as please call if found is the advice we give at Sonsini. This way you can Animal Shelter, and the author of Dog Sense.
be fairly certain that there is not another owner if after a week you havent been
called. Then, if it is truly abandoned, or if the animal appears sick or injured, call
your local Animal Control. Making decisions to take the law into your own
hands can result in charges against you. And saving a sick cat may result in the
transmission of a disease or illness to you or one of your own pets. Unfortunately,
there really is no way to know whether an animal has been exposed to rabies, fe-
line leukemia, or a multitude of other diseases that outdoor and stray animals are
exposed to. And while we would all love it if pet health care was free, it isnt and
bringing the stray to the veterinarian will cost you. Shelters all have different
policies and you have to call them to find out their individual policy. As for Son-
sini, expect to hear the advice above first as we dont want to catnap anyones
pet. If you have looked for an owner and the cat is clearly abandoned, we will take
abandoned animals if we have the space to do so.
Of course, there are many feral cats throughout the county as well. Often the de-
scendants of abandoned pets who were unneutered and unsprayed, feral cats,
which are wild and are not socialized. Unless taken at four to six weeks of age,
it is very difficult, if not impossible, to tame a feral cat. Ferals do not do well in
captivity and should not be captured to save them. There are professional or-
ganizations that have been formed specifically to address the issues faced by feral
cats. One such organization in Berkshire County works diligently to alleviate the
problems faced by and caused with the feral colonies by trapping adults, vacci-
nating them and altering the males and females. Once they are spay or neutered,
they are reintroduced to their feral communities. These animals do well in their
colonies with the assistance of the many volunteers throughout the county that
feed the ferals and build them shelters. By performing the spay and neuter serv-
ices, the intent is to eventually ensure that there are no feral cats in our future.
Of course, there are many feral cats throughout the county as well. Often the de-
scendants of abandoned pets who were unneutered and unsprayed, feral cats,
which are wild and are not socialized. Unless taken at four to six weeks of age,
it is very difficult, if not impossible, to tame a feral cat. Ferals do not do well in
captivity and should not be captured to save them. There are professional or-
ganizations that have been formed specifically to address the issues faced by feral
cats. One such organization in Berkshire County works diligently to alleviate the
problems faced by and caused with the feral colonies by trapping adults, vacci-
nating them and altering the males and females. Once they are spay or neutered,
they are reintroduced to their feral communities. These animals do well in their
colonies with the assistance of the many volunteers throughout the county that

Animal Life r August 2017 13

Helping Circus Animals in Massachusetts
and throughout the U.S.
The circus is coming to town! The House Chair is Smitty Pignatelli 617-722-2575

Its the Greatest Show on Earth!

Finally, legislation at the federal level has bipartisan support. The Traveling Ex-
otic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSA! H.R. 1759) will prohibit
But while all might seem happy and exciting beneath the Big Top, the use of exotic and wild animals in performances throughout the United States.
This House Bill currently has 29 co-sponsors. Western Massachusetts residents
there is suffering and misery just a few steps away. There is no joy for can contact our federal representative, Richard Neal at 202 225-5601 and ask him
the animals who are forced to perform in circuses. to co-sponsor this bill.

Circus animals are more than a tradition. They are a big part of the bottom line
for this industry which uses the animals as a draw to sell tickets. Even when cir-
cus owners are well-intentioned, the reality is that it is not possible to give these
animals a good life.
They may receive adequate food and water, but any animals welfare goes well
beyond these basic necessities.
To meet the physical and behavioral needs of wild animals like elephants and
lions, circus owners would have to allow them to wander over many acres of land
and to socialize with others of their kind. Instead, animals are confined in small
spaces and deprived of their inherent social needs. When not performing, they
spend most of their time shut in trailers and train cars. It is a miserable life and that
misery is reflected in the abnormal behaviors they sometimes show rocking,

swaying, and pacing all activities indicating they are in distress and not coping
with their environment.
Many of the animals live in fear since the techniques used to train them to do
tricks sometimes employ painful tactics. Their performances are the end result of
whips, bull hooks, electric prods, and deprivation.
The irony is that these performances are largely aimed at children, a segment of
the population who have the most affinity for animals. Most children would be
Many of the animals live in fear since the
techniques used to train them to do tricks sometimes
devastated to learn how the animals they love are actually treated.
Fortunately, the public is increasingly aware that animals dont belong in the en-
tertainment industry. As the reality of these animals lives is exposed, more peo- employ painful tactics. Their performances are the
end result of whips, bull hooks, electric prods,
ple are turning their backs on traditional circuses.

You can make a difference for circus animals. and deprivation.

You can help end animal cruelty in the circus through your personal choices as If it passes, the United States will proudly join 34 other countries that ban these
well as through support of legislation. First, support circuses that dont use ani- circus acts. Clearly, there is considerable momentum to make circus animal acts
mals. These performances are extraordinary fun for people of all ages. They in- a thing of an inglorious past!
clude entertainment by clowns, contortionists, fire eaters, acrobats, jugglers, Edna Dugas is a member of Berkshire Voters for Animals
trapeze artists, and tightrope walkers.
For a fun local option, check out Circus Smirkus, a Vermont-based international
youth circus that is touring New England this summer. Their performances are
For more information about how you can help circus animals, visit the
free of animal acts and instead promote the skills, culture and traditions of the
Berkshire Voters for Animals page on facebook or contact
traveling circus, inspiring youth to engage in life-changing adventures in the cir-
cus arts.
In fact, circuses without animals are the status quo in many parts of the world.
In the United States, 71 jurisdictions have some form of ban or restriction on wild
animal acts. Through the efforts of Berkshire Voters for Animals, the city of Pitts-
field recently banned traveling circuses that use animals in their shows. Its not just
smaller cities that are taking this step, though. Circuses with wild animal shows
are also banned in Los Angeles and New York City. In Massachusetts Senate mi-
nority leader, Bruce Tarr is sponsoring a bill (S.490) that will ban wild and exotic
animals from performing anywhere in the state. Representative Lori Ehrlich has
sponsored H. 418, a house bill that bans performing elephants.
You can help these efforts by contacting the chairs of the Committee on Environ-
ment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. Ask them to report these bills favorable
out of committee.
The Senate Chair is Senator Anne Gobi (617) 722-2210.

14 Animal Life r August 2017

North County Spay/Neuter Project
Cats Awaiting Surgery, Two Young Feral Cats, Volunteers watch cats assuring that they awake from surgery

On Monday, July 24th, with the help of several organizations, Animal DREAMS
was able to spay/neuter and rabies vaccinate 54 cats from areas of Northern Berk- Our top priority was
shire County that have long been cat overpopulation hot spots.
to fix un-owned feral
cats in a specific
Our top priority was to fix un-owned feral cats in a specific neighborhood. With
the help of their caretakers, we trapped about a dozen feral cats. This was some-
what disappointing to us as there were more cats to trap. But one caretaker in the
neighborhood was not completely on board with the project and was feeding the
cats elsewhere, making it impossible to succeed. Fortunately, after several con-
versations, he is now enthusiastic to cooperate with a TNR (trap, neuter, return)
This is the 1,000th cat whose
project for the cats he cares for in the near future.
surgery was paid for in 2017
From that same neighborhood, we spayed and neutered thirteen owned cats, by the Massachusetts Animal Fund
many of whom go outside and contribute to the large cat population there. We
spayed and neutered nineteen cats from one household in a different area where
cat reproduction had gotten out of hand. The remaining ten cats were owned by
people who lived in Northern Berkshire County and who had received vouchers
through the Massachusetts Animal Fund; Some had been waiting for appoint-
Custom Veterinary Medications
ments from local veterinarians who are back logged, and others didnt have trans-
portation to get their cats to those participating vets.
if only my pi n
Working together with other organizations is what made our success possible.
tasted like b
Berkshire Humane Society held a free rabies clinic in the targeted neighborhood
or cheese!

where Animal DREAMS was able to meet cat-caretakers and explained the proj-
or liver
ect. At that time, we were also able to meet owners of unfixed cats and signed
them up for spay/neuter vouchers through the Massachusetts Animal Fund.
Second Chance Animal Shelter Mobile Clinic traveled several hours from North
Brookfield, MA with their two spay/neuter vans to spend the day prepping for
and performing surgeries. They were a dynamite team of women who worked
late into the afternoon getting the job done before their long trip home.
help is here for pets & vets!
Sheri Gustafson, Spay/Neuter Community Liaison for the Massachusetts Animal
Fund came from the Boston area to help during the big event, assuring that pa-
Your dog resists swallowing pills, your cat spits out her medication and your

perwork was properly done so that the voucher program could fund the surgeries.
hamster is not a happy patientWe can help! Our pharmacists can compound your

Sherri didnt mind getting her hands dirty; she helped us check in owned cats in,
pets medications into tasty snacks or other easy to administer forms (creams, gels,

and she coach volunteers as they helped cats through the post-surgery phase.
protective coatings) and in dosages adjusted to the size and type of animal.

Animal DREAMS volunteers were on hand the day of the surgeries making sure
From house pets to horses, we can provide unique solutions for a wide variety of

all cats were cared for, identified properly, and that they came out of surgery with
ailments and most veterinary medical specialties. We use the highest standards,

no hitches.
purest chemicals and the latest technology.

The folks in the neighborhood came together to help these cats in a big way;
they provided a perfect location to care for cats before and during the spay day,
and they even made a donation to Animal DREAMS in gratitude for the project.
Though TNR can sometimes seem like a steep uphill climb with no end, there
is no doubt that when we work to spay and neuter all of the cats in a particular
area, it does solve the problem in that area. And that makes a great positive im-
call for more information, or visit compounding at

pact for the felines and the people who live there.
also discover
Carol Lew
our all-natural
5 Walker Street
Lenox, MA 413.637.4700

TNR Coordinator
888.796.1222 open mon-fri 9-6 sat 9-5
pet products!

Delivery to your home or office!
independent / local / family owned & operated

Animal Life August 2017 15

pet sitting &day care
Gin a s
K-9 Bed & Breakfast

518-329-4675 D 349 Farm Rd., Copake, New York


Call to set up your dogs interview

Canine lodging 365 days/year

Salon services for canine and feline Monday-Saturday
Serving area pets since 1995

Pet Sitting 92 Cook Road, Sheffield, MA
(413) 229-0035

Walk In The Park

Lynn Pfeiler
Dog Walking/Pet Sitting Services

Insured & Bonded







Day Care, Boarding & Training Services

Putting a Smile on Your Dogs Face
ABC Certified Professional Training Classes
No Kennels (APDT) Insured
Safe Home Environment NAPPS
Independent Field Representative for Lifes Abundance

518-764-1320 88 County Rt. 21, Hillsdale, NY 12529

Susan & George Clark, ABCDT
At the
Berkshire Humane Society
I am a sweet girl that loves everyone.I enjoy playing
with toys and I am good at retrieving and giving up toys
to chase some more. Tennis balls and plush toys are
my favorites. I lived with another big dog and did well
in the tri-state area together. I ride well in the car. I will shower you with
kisses and roll over to have my belly rubbed. I would
appreciate an active owner for walks and playtime. I will
need some patience as I adapt into my new surround-
ings and fine tune my house training.
Sponsored by:

36 Pittsfield Road
Lenox, MA

At the
Berkshire Humane Society
Tye dye
I am a very shy and sensitive girl.I am outdoors going
for walks and playing in the fenced yard. I would appre-
ciate a home that is more quiet as I am sound sensitive.
I will need a patient owner to help build my confidence
and work on my house training skills. I am slowly coming
out of my shell and blossom with your love, a lot of work

At the
and time. Call or visit the shelter if you are interested in
meeting me. Thanks!

Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter

Sponsored by:
Locations throughout

Berkshire County

At the
Larry is a 1-year-old hound/boxer mix that was surren-
dered when his owner could no longer care for him. He

Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter

has not had much training in his former home so he is
a huge bundle of energy. He is working on his leash
manners and basic obedience. He enjoys the company
of most dogs but would do best with a female. Larry is
eager to please and ready and waiting for a family to
call his own!! Kids 10 & up for this boy
Sponsored by: Juniper is your typical loveable hound. At 9 months old,
she is looking for an active family that can give her the
exercise and training she needs. She might be able to
Merrill Road, live with a male dog her size, meet and greet will be re-
Pittsfield quired to see if it is a possibility. She is very reactive to cats so she will need a feline free home. We think she
would be fine with children 5 and up. She is not ready
to go but we are accepting applications

Double the Love Campaign

Sponsored by:

36 Pittsfield Road
Now through August 31st, 2017 Lenox, MA

At the
Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter
Friends of Eleanor Sonsini
Animal Shelter, Inc.

63 Downing Parkway
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Wednesday is a 1 year old hound/boxer mix who is looking for a new home! Wednesday is a sweet girl
who loves everyone she meets, and we feel she would
do best in an active home that can keep up with her
Our generous donors & corporate endless energy. We see her being a candidate for
Staff doggy daycare or Agility/Nose Work classes that would
Danielle LaPointe,
sponsors have agreed to mentally and psychically drain her. We can't say


enough good things about Wednesday and feel as long
Manager as she is given the proper exercise and structure that
Emily Chasse, she will make someone and AMAZING dog!
that you donate.
Assistant Manager
Staff Email: Your donation will go twice as far to provide food, toys, medical care and treats to our animals.

Animal Life r August 2017 17

Elizabeth Tullett
Certified in Dr. Sharon Lynch, Veterinarian
Veterinary Acupuncture Fred Davis III, CVT
Comprehensive Veterinary Services
289 Dalton Avenue
Low Cost Individual Attention
Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat. 8-12
Pittsfield, MA 01201

413-443-4949 Caring & Compassionate Washington State Road, Washington, MA 01223

cattle, horses, goats, sheep, llamas

and alpacas at your farm or home



Open 7 Days
a week

Provides. . .
Food for needy dogs & cats
Reduced rate spay/neuter
Assistance with basic
veterinary care costs  
Call 518-781-0362
A 501(c) (3) Non Profit Organization

 House Calls
VCA All Caring Animal Hospital
Conventional & Holistic Veterinary Medicine
& Acupuncture
440 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington, MA
*HRUJL%HHEH 413-528-8020
animal life go-to directory
boarding rescues & shelters veterinarian services
BowMeow Regency Allen Heights Veterinary Hospital
A Daycare, Boarding & Grooming Facility for Dogs. Berkshire Humane Society Dog and Cat Grooming
Open Tues.- Sat. 10am to 4pm, Thurs Eve. 5 - 8pm
92 Cook Road, Sheffield, MA 01257 Amanda Bevens,
Honor S. Blume 413-229-0035
Sun. Afternoon 1 - 4pm Closed Mondays
289 Dalton Ave., Pittsfield, MA

Ginas K-9 Bed & Breakfast D 214 Barker Road, Pittsfield, MA

Animal DREAMS Berkshire Ambulatory

Veterinary Services
Quality care pet sitting in my safe, comfortable home
Stray & Feral Cat Advocates
349 Farm Road, Copake, NY 12516 413-997-2287
Gina 518-329-4675

Shaker Hill Pet Resort

Bluebird Farm Animal Sanctuary

D Yoanna Y. Maitre, DVM
Mobile practice providing quality medical and surgical care
for horses and farm animals. Vaccination, strategic deworming,
Coggins & health certificates, custom dentistry (hand & Power-
Day Care Pet Resort 413-446-3345 float), castrations, dehorning, & more. Serving MA & NY
1634 West Housatonic St., Pittsfield by appointment.

Dalmatian Rescue
413-499-1580 413-637-2223
Harriet Koss

The Playyard
Day Care Boarding Training
D (917) 670-3892

Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter

Pittsfield Veterinary Hospital &
Shaker Hill Pet Resort
88 County Rt. 21, Hillsdale, NY Open Tues.-Fri. 12 to 6pm, Sat. & Sun. 12 - 5pm Open 7 days a week.
Susan & George Clark 518-764-1320

pet stores
Closed Mondays
413-448-9800 Animal Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Dental Surgical
63 Downing Parkway, Pittsfield, MA Procedures. Pet Resort, Day Care, Retail and Grooming.
John C. Reynolds, DVM; Madeleine Hoog-Crellin, DVM;

Little Guild of St. Francis Michelle P. Looney, DVM; Elizabeth G. Kulik, DVM;

BensDotters Pet
Bridget E. Pope, DVM; Rebecca Barclay, DVM
285 Sharon Goshen Turnpike, W. Cornwall, CT Hours: Daily Mon-Fri. 8am to 8pm, Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sun 10am-5pm
Quality Foods & Supplies, Raw Diet Specialists.

NE Basset Hound Rescue, Inc.

1634 West Housatonic St., Pittsfield
940 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 413-499-1580

Dawna Hartman, Intake Coordinator,,

Chez Pet D (508) 243-3622 MA

NE Pyreness Rescue
Premium foods and treats. A neighborhood pet
supply store with everything you need for (toll free) 877-528-0637
a healthy pet. Special orders welcome.
animal life
Berkshire Disaster Animal Response Team
Lenox Commons, 55 Pittsfield Rd., Lenox, MA
Reducing risk for pets during disasters and more!
Corrine McKeown, Director

Meow Growl
Open Wed. & Fri. 10am - 4pm, Thurs. 10am - 6pm,
Sunday 12 - 4pm
301 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington, MA
All organic-Natural Dog & Cat Food 413-717-4244

Self Serve Dog Wash Stations!
59 Main St., Lee, MA

Ultimate Dog Spa & Boutique

Meow Growl
Celebrating Our 20th Year!
Your pet. Our purpose.

Boutique, Full Service Dog Grooming Publisher/Owner

Self Serve Dog Wash Stations! Self Serve Dog Wash Stations!
Kim Arre-Gerber

9 Academy St., Salisbury, CT 06068 59 Main St., Lee, MA Contributing Writers

860-435-8353 413-243-1220
Iris Bass Fran Martino Carol Lew Yoanna Y. Maitre Kathy Heinz
Karen Karlberg Rebecca Stanard Leea Foran

Poochinis Pet Salon

Circulation Fred Speyrer & Martha Chiorgno
Cover photo by Renee Dodds, Love Us and Leave Us4

From Bubbles to Special Services

Mailing Address: 9 County Court, Pittsfield, MA 01201
Dawn Gardina, Owner A Paw Print Division of Animal Laughter Studio. All original content copyright 2017 Animal Life.

Copake Lake, Craryville, NY

D 518-325-4150 or 518-821-3959
Original content contained herin can not be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Convenient Location with Ample Parking
Monday-Friday 10a-6p Saturday-Sunday 10a-4p

She was not quite what you would call refined.

She was not quite what you would call unrefined.
She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot.
- Mark Twain -

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