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Date : 14 Aug 2017

Day : Monday
Time : 6.55 - 7.55 am
Class : 1D
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 6. Periodic Table
Content Standard : 6.1 Classification of element
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) conclude that all matter consists of atom
ii) differentiate between atoms and molecules as well as elements and
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students a matter consist of what.
Content: Discussion by using power-point about atomic structure, sub-
atomic particles; differences between atoms and molecule, and the
differences between elements and compounds.
Closure: Students state the meaning of diffusion.
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation, workbook
Reflection : About 90% students could conclude that all matter consist of atom.

Tarikh : 14 Ogos 2017

Hari : Isnin
Masa : 9.25 - 9.55 am
Tingkatan : 3A
Mata pelajaran : Bacaan Nilam
Objektif : Memastikan semua murid membaca dan mencatat ke dalam buku nilam
Refleksi :

Date : 14 Aug 2017

Day : Monday
Time : 11.15 - 12.15 pm
Class : 1A
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 6. Periodic Table
Content Standard : 6.1 Classification of element
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) identify the position of metal, non-metal and inert gases in the periodic
ii) differentiate the characteristics of metals and non-metals
iii) appreciate the order of elements that exist in nature that has allowed
people to organize them in the form of a table
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students to give examples on metal and non
Content: Students carry out activities to differentiate the characteristics of
metal and non-metal.
Closure: Students state the position of metals, non-metals and inert gases
in the periodic table.
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting, observing
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation, workbook
Reflection : The activity was done successfully.

Date : 14 Aug 2017
Day : Monday
Time : 12.15 - 1.15 pm
Class : PB
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 7. Air
Content Standard : 7.1 Composition of air
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) justify the importance of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and inert gases
in daily life.
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students the percentage of each gases in air.
Content: Discussion about the importance of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide and inert gases in daily life.
Closure: Teacher ask students to give one importance of each gases.
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation
Reflection : About 70% students able to state the uses of oxygen, carbon
dioxide,nitrogen and inert gases in daily life.

Date : 15 Aug 2017
Day : Tuesday
Time : 11.15 - 12.15 pm
Class : 1A
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 6. Periodic Table
Content Standard : 6.1 Classification of elements
6.2 Mixture
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) identify the position of metal, non-metal and inert gases in the periodic
ii) differentiate the characteristics of metals and non-metals
iii) communicate about examples of mixtures in daily life
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students to give examples on metal and non
Content: 1. Discussion about the differences of characteristics of metals and
2. Discussion about mixtures and its examples.
Closure: Students list the differences between element, compound, and
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation, workbook
Reflection :

Date : 16 Aug 2017

Day : Wednesday
Time : 7.55 - 8.55 am
Class : 1A
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 6. Periodic Table
Content Standard : 6.2 Mixture
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) communicate about examples of mixtures in daily life
ii) solve problem of separating mixtures through activities based on the
different characteristics of material and physical methods
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students to define mixtures.
Content: Students carry out activities to separate a mixture using various
methods (magnetic separation, sedimentation, chromatography, filtration,
Closure: Students list the methods to separate mixtures.
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting, observing
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation, workbook, activitys materials and
Reflection :

Date : 16 Aug 2017
Day : Wednesday
Time : 8.55 - 9.55 am
Class : 1D
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 6. Periodic Table
Content Standard : 6.1 Classification of element
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) conclude that all matter consists of atom
ii) differentiate between atoms and molecules as well as elements and
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students to define atom.
Content: 1. Discussion by using power-point about atomic structure,
sub-atomic particles; differences between atoms and molecule, and the
differences between elements and compounds.
2. Teacher carry out a quiz to differentiate between element and compound.
Closure: Students state the differences between element and compound.
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation, workbook
Reflection :

Date : 16 Aug 2017

Day : Wednesday
Time : 11.15 - 12.15 pm
Class : PB
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 7. Air
Content Standard : 7.1 Composition of air
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) plan ways to determine and record the composition of air
ii) synthesise the composition of air from a pie chart.
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students about the percentage of oxygen in air.
Content: Students carry out an activity to determine the percentage of
oxygen in air.
Closure: Students state the importance of oxygen.
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation, activitys material and apparatus.
Reflection :

Tarikh : 16 Ogos 2017
Hari : Rabu
Masa : 12.15 - 1.15 pm
Tingkatan : 2B
Mata pelajaran : Pendidikan Moral
Tajuk/ Bidang : 6. Nilai yang Berkaitan dengan Demokrasi
Nilai : 6.3 Kebebasan Beragama
Hasil pembelajaran : Di akhir unit, murid dapat:
i. meraikan upacara keagamaan sendiri
ii. menunjukkan rasa hormat terhadap upacara keagamaan yang lain
Mod pembelajaran : Perbincangan Simulasi Integrasi Teknologi Maklumat
Pembentangan Lawatan Luar Bilik Darjah
Aras pembelajaran : Pengetahuan Kefahaman Aplikasi Analisis Penilaian
KBAT : Buih
Kemahiran insaniah : Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat
Ringkasan aktiviti : Set induksi: Guru menyoal murid tentang contoh amalan kebebasan
beragama di Malaysia.
Isi: Pembentangan mengenai amalan kebebasan beragama dalam kehidupan
Penutup: Guru menyoal murid tentang kepentingan mengamalkan
kebebasan beragama.
Pentaksiran/penilaian : Latihan Bertulis Laporan Amali Kuiz Pembentangan
ABM : Buku teks Buku kerja Powerpoint/LCD/Projektor
Refleksi :

Date : 17 Aug 2017

Day : Thursday
Time : 7.55 - 8.55 am
Class : 1D
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 6. Periodic Table
Content Standard : 6.1 Classification of element
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) identify the position of metal, non-metal and inert gases in the periodic
ii) differentiate the characteristics of metals and non-metals
iii) appreciate the order of elements that exist in nature that has allowed
people to organize them in the form of a table
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students to give examples on metal and non
Content: Students carry out activities to differentiate the characteristics of
metal and non-metal.
Closure: Students state the position of metals, non-metals and inert gases
in the periodic table.
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting, observing
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation, workbook
Reflection :

Tarikh : 17 Ogos 2017
Hari : Khamis
Masa : 8.55 - 9.55 am
Tingkatan : 3D
Mata pelajaran : Pendidikan Moral
Aktiviti : Perbincangan jawapan Ujian Setara II
Objektif : Memastikan semua murid membuat pembetulan
Refleksi :

Tarikh : 17 Ogos 2017

Hari : Khamis
Masa : 11.15 - 12.15 pm
Tingkatan : 3F
Mata pelajaran : Pendidikan Moral
Tajuk/ Bidang : 7. Nilai yang Berkaitan dengan Keamanan dan Keharmonian
Nilai : 7.2 Saling Membantu dan Bekerjasama
Hasil pembelajaran : Di akhir unit, murid dapat:
i. mengetahui kepentingan menjayakan dasar negara
ii. bersama-sama menjayakan dasar negara
Mod pembelajaran : Perbincangan Simulasi Integrasi Teknologi Maklumat
Pembentangan Lawatan Luar Bilik Darjah
Aras pembelajaran : Pengetahuan Kefahaman Aplikasi Analisis Penilaian
KBAT : Buih
Kemahiran insaniah : Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat
Ringkasan aktiviti : Set induksi: Guru menyoal murid tentang contoh sikap saling membantu
dan bekerjasama.
Isi: Perbincangan dan pembentangan dalam kumpulan mengenai dasar
dasar negara dan kepentingan menjayakan dasar tersebut.
Penutup: Murid menyatakan kepentingan sikap saling membantu
dan bekerjasama.
Pentaksiran/penilaian : Latihan Bertulis Laporan Amali Kuiz Pembentangan
ABM : Buku teks Buku kerja Powerpoint/LCD/Projektor
Refleksi :

Tarikh : 17 Ogos 2017
Hari : Khamis
Masa : 12.15 - 1.15 pm
Tingkatan : 2B
Mata pelajaran : Pendidikan Moral
Tajuk/ Bidang : 6. Nilai yang Berkaitan dengan Demokrasi
Nilai : 6.4 Penglibatan Diri dalam Pembangunan Negara
Hasil pembelajaran : Di akhir unit, murid dapat:
i. mengenal pasti aktiviti kemasyarakatan yang boleh diceburi
ii. melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti kemasyarakatan yang berfaedah
Mod pembelajaran : Perbincangan Simulasi Integrasi Teknologi Maklumat
Pembentangan Lawatan Luar Bilik Darjah
Aras pembelajaran : Pengetahuan Kefahaman Aplikasi Analisis Penilaian
KBAT : Buih
Kemahiran insaniah : Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat
Ringkasan aktiviti : Set induksi: Guru menyoal murid tentang contoh aktiviti melibatkan diri
dalam pembangunan negara.
Isi: Perbincangan mengenai aktiviti kemasyarakatan yang boleh diceburi.
Penutup: Guru menyoal murid tentang kepentingan melibatkan diri
dalam pembangunan negara.
Pentaksiran/penilaian : Latihan Bertulis Laporan Amali Kuiz Pembentangan
ABM : Buku teks Buku kerja Powerpoint/LCD/Projektor
Refleksi :

Tarikh : 18 Ogos 2017

Hari : Jumaat
Masa : 10.15
8.55 - -9.55 amam
Tingkatan : 3D
Mata pelajaran : Pendidikan Moral
Tajuk/ Bidang : 7. Nilai yang Berkaitan dengan Keamanan dan Keharmonian
Nilai : 7.3 Saling Menghormati antara Negara
Hasil pembelajaran : Di akhir unit, murid dapat:
i. memahami bahawa kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan sesebuah negara tidak
boleh dicerobohi
ii. menghargai hubungan antara negara
iii. menghormati kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan sesebuah negara
Mod pembelajaran : Perbincangan Simulasi Integrasi Teknologi Maklumat
Pembentangan Lawatan Luar Bilik Darjah
Aras pembelajaran : Pengetahuan Kefahaman Aplikasi Analisis Penilaian
KBAT : Buih
Kemahiran insaniah : Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat
Ringkasan aktiviti : Set induksi: Guru menyoal murid tentang contoh sikap saling menghormati
antara negara.
Isi: Perbincangan mengenai kesan pencerobohan sesebuah negara terhadap
negara yang lain.
Penutup: Murid menyatakan kepentingan sikap saling menghormati antara
Pentaksiran/penilaian : Latihan Bertulis Laporan Amali Kuiz Pembentangan
ABM : Buku teks Buku kerja Powerpoint/LCD/Projektor
Refleksi :

Date : 21 Aug 2017 7

Day : Monday
Time : 6.55 - 7.55 am
Class : 1D
Tarikh : 21 Ogos 2017
Hari : Isnin
Masa : 9.25 - 9.55 am
Tingkatan : 3A
Mata pelajaran : Bacaan Nilam
Objektif : Memastikan semua murid membaca dan mencatat ke dalam buku nilam
Refleksi :

Date : 21 Aug 2017

Day : Monday
Time : 11.15 - 12.15 pm
Class : 1A
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 6. Periodic Table
Content Standard : 6.3 Compound
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) communicate about compounds in daily life
ii) demonstrate the formation of compounds between metal and non-metal
iii) conclude that mass is conserved during chemical change.
iv) differentiate between chemical change and physical change.
v) differentiate between mixtures and compounds.
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students to define compound.
Content: Students carry out activities of heating metal and non-metal to
produce a compound.
Closure: Students differentiate between chemical change and physical
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting, observing
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation, workbook, activitys materials and
Reflection :

Date : 21 Aug 2017

Day : Monday
Time : 12.15 - 1.15 pm
Class : PB
Subject : Science
Learning Area : 7. Air
Content Standard : 7.1 Composition of air
Learning Standard : A student is able to:
i) appreciate the carbon cycle and the oxygen cycle in maintaining the
composition of gases in the air
ii) solve problems when there is/are interference to the oxygen and the
carbon cycle.
Learning activity : Induction set: Teacher asks students about the importance of carbon dioxide
and oxygen.
Content: Discussion about carbon cycle and oxygen cycle.
Closure: Students state the processes involve in carbon cycle and oxygen
Science Process Skill : Inferring, predicting
T&L Approach : Communicating
T&L material/apparatus : Text book, power-point presentation
Reflection :

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