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Most believe that Monet's character was killed at the end of the Punk Hazard Arc, but I disagree with that
assessment and I will explain myself in a short while, as first I would just like to note that while I will make
an effort to be as objective as I possibly can, there will be a certain degree of bias driving me during my
interpretation of the scenes which I will be using to support my theory surrounding Monet regarding her
potential as a Straw Hat nakama candidate as I have quite the obsession with her character. Be it my
delusion, hope, insanity, ego or something even more intangible, there is some incomprehensibly
mysterious force compelling me to follow through with this desire.

I was one of the first, if not the first, to correctly predict that Monet was a Logia Devil Fruit user - the Yuki-
Onna, so I have a certain attachment to her character and cannot not believe in my feeling that Monet has a
deeper relevance in the story than what we were shown.

Now before Monet's character can be considered a potential candidate for a Straw Hat nakama, there are
certain arguments that need to be addressed:

Monet's was killed by Caesar Clown on Punk Hazard;

Monet is a villainous and evil person;
Monet is loyal to Donquixote Doflamingo
Those are basically the three main elements preventing Monet's character from being considered anything
beyond a villain. Once I tackle those elements, I will express why I believe Monet has potential to become a
Straw Hat member.

Evidence against Monet being dead:

Now as I stated in the beginning of the post, many believe that Monet's apparent death scene is one of the
most clear-cut cases of a character being killed in One Piece - "heart being stabbed". I disagree with the
usual interpretation of the scene in question and feel Monet's death is one of the most ambiguous deaths in
One Piece, mainly because Oda structured the scene in a way to make it appear as if Caesar had [fully]
stabbed Monet's heart, but in actuality, he only managed to graze the "block of flesh". If you notice the
scene of Caesar lying unconscious in the chapter following the one where he attacked Monet's heart, you
notice that the item he used as a weapon is lying face up in the ground away from Monet's heart (not
lodged inside). Now why would that be the case?


I highly doubt Caesar used the item to stab the "heart", pulled it out and then proceeded to force it into the
ground next to the heart before passing out. The most logical explanation is as Caesar forced the item
down onto the "block of flesh" containing Monet's heart, it only grazed the side of the "block
of flesh" causing the "block of flesh" to slide away and subsequently the item Caesar was
using as a weapon ended up being forced into the ground. The "block of flesh" seems to have the
quality of being squishy, so it wouldn't be too surprising if the "block of flesh" slid forward as Caesar tried to
stab it. As a result the item Caesar used got lodged into the ground as he passed out from exhaustion
(and/or his injuries from Luffy).

One also has to wonder, if Oda had intended for Monet's character to die, why not show the weapon Caesar
used to attack Monet's heart to be left lodged inside Monet's heart? Why go out of his way to illustrate the
weapon stuck in the ground face-up away from her heart as if to convey that the majority of the force in
Caesar's strike was absorbed by the ground and not Monet's heart? Surely there must be a reason for why
Oda went about illustrating "Monet's death" scene in such a curious and ambiguous way =/.

As for why Monet coughed out blood and got knocked unconscious when her heart got stabbed, it is mainly
due to the force applied to her heart exacerbated by her weakened state after her battle with Zoro and
Tashigi. Law also coughed up blood and got knocked unconscious when Caesar applied force to his heart, so
regardless of actual physical damage to the heart, a person can be knocked unconscious with just force:

Also regarding the lab collapsing, it wasn't revealed whether the C-Block collapsed or not. Sure debris was
falling in the scene around Monet when she collapsed but that is hardly proof that the C-Block was fully
destroyed after the explosion in D-Block, plus no mention of the Shinokuni breaching the C-Block was
made by Oda. From the last update of the state of Caesar's Research Institute, C-Block was revealed to be
fine by Oda.


The final state of the C-Block at the end of the events at Punk Hazard wasn't revealed. So at this point we
cannot conclusively say that the C-Block was destroyed along with the rest of the lab.

Everything about Monet's supposed "death" is ambiguous, including the fact that her heart was left at the
one place of Punk Hazard that the Shinokuni gas did not reach. This is why I want to know, if Oda wanted
Monet dead, why wasn't he more clear-cut/conclusive about her death? Why leave open the possibility of
her being alive?

Additionally, the oddities and strange circumstances surrounding Monet's character and the lack of
explanation we have gotten regarding her actions and intentions could definitely use with some
clarification, which would be quite hard if she were dead.

I am confident Oda just made it appear he killed Monet off when in fact he didn't have her die.

Furthermore, if you look at all the character who died in One Piece (important or seemingly relevant
characters), you will notice how Oda always has another character ready to inherit the dead characters will
and carry it into the future. The words Hiluluk stated before his death echoes quite prominently with all the
deaths in One Piece:
Hiluluk said:
When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No! When he suffers a disease? No! When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous
mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten!

Who would inherit Vergo and Monets will/remember them if they were really dead? Doflamingo?
Somehow I doubt someone as selfish and heartless as him would spend his time thinking about another
persons will let alone keep the memory of them alive even if they were his subordinates. Therefore, with no
one to inherit Vergo and Monets will/keep their existence alive through memory, the chances of them
actually being dead on Punk Hazard are almost certainly zero. Oda just doesnt cold-heartedly kill off
characters, it isnt his style, there is always a ray of sunshine waiting to illuminate a tragic moment.

Is Monet evil and irredeemable?

I honestly don't think Monet is evil, she may have helped Caesar during his experiments, but she was only
carrying out the orders she was given by her captain and ultimately Monet was never shown to kill anyone.
Her actions were conveyed as being incredibly ambiguous by Oda, and I have been wondering, why exactly
would Oda do such a thing?

Monet was never shown to hurt any of the children during the Punk Hazard Arc and even when Monet had
the opportunity to immobilize Mocha in Biscuit's Room while Mocha was running away with the "candy",
Monet didn't, she settled for only blocking the doorway. Monet also had the opportunity to kill or severely
wound Robin when Monet caught her by surprise, but Monet chose to only shallowly wound Robin to
"warn" her. Seeing as Robin is fine on Dressrosa a day after she received the injury from Monet, the injury
itself must not have been too serious (Robin is able to defend herself against Hakuba and defend Rebecca
against Diamante).

Monet going after Nami and Chopper wasn't a surprise, those two are also pirates, so from Monet's
perspective, not knowing that the Straw Hats were helping the children, she most likely thought that they
did some bad things to the children, being 'crude' pirates and all. It is unclear if Monet would have wounded
Nami and/or Chopper in the same way as Robin - a shallow wound. Additionally, Monet was actively
preventing the Straw Hats from following the children, but after Chopper mentioned it was the children
who asked them for help in response to Monet's comment about one of them planting the thought inside
Mocha to rebel, she turned her focus to Zoro and let Robin, Nami and Chopper go - well she didn't make
any more attempts to stop them or block the doorway again with snow. Monet could have continued to
pursue Nami, Chopper and Robin and avoid Zoro, but she didn't after Chopper made that comment.

As for Monet knowingly giving the children NHC10, it is arguable whether Monet was aware of the drug
inside the "candy" or even what the drugs exact effects were. The flashback scene with Momonosuke finding
out about Caesar's intentions implies that Monet was only told about the nature of the Giantification
experiments at that point. It would be quite redundant for Caesar to tell Monet about the limitations and
dangers of the Giantification experiments again if he had told Monet before. The fact that he mentions it
implies that it is Caesar's first time sharing that information with Monet. Monet had already expressed that
she had no idea what Caesar's "Smiley" experiment was about, so she may not have known about the
NHC10 in the "candy" or even known about the effects of NHC10 - according to Chopper NHC10 is
a rare drug for doctors to possess. Monet would have either had to researched what NHC10 was or have
Caesar tell her, but seeing as neither was expressly mentioned to have happened in the story arc, it is
possibly that Monet had no idea about the true nature of NHC10. Also the only reason Monet even knew
about Caesar's slime pet was because Caesar told her about it a few chapters prior to Monet mentioning
Smiley to Vergo. Monet didn't seem to have much interest in the workings of Caesar's experiments.
Furthermore, not even Law knew about the danger of the "candy" during his several month stay on Punk
Hazard within the facility, and Law is a doctor. Seeing as Caesar is cautious around "smart" people (taking
Law's heart), he may have purposefully withheld information from Monet, until of course he expressly
mentioned it to her.

Monet is also of the opinion that Caesar is a man with "atrocious taste", implying that she doesn't agree with
his ways of handling things. This is further supported by how Monet takes a jab at Caesar and calls his
experiment after killing a person (his subordinate who believed in him) a "failure". Monet also brings to
Caesar's attention the Den Den Mushi call with his subordinates asking for help and in another occasion,
she inquires with Caesar about his men being left outside with the Shino Kuni and how they are going to be
let in. Monet also questioned Caesar's decision to release the Shino Kuni where Sanji and Vergo were
fighting. As you can see, Monet doesn't agree with Caesar and has expressed on several occasions how
different she is from him.

Whatever Monet's intentions were with the children, what is certain is that Monet made sure the children
were cared for and comforted while they were in the facility, she seemed to genuinely care for how they
were treated and while carrying out her "mission" she made sure the children got along with each other.
One of the kids even said that 'they have fun in the Biscuit Room and can forget their troubles'. Certainly
that proves that the children were looked after and weren't mistreated to the point of them falling into
despair and wishing to die. I highly doubt it was under Caesar's guidance or the former prisoners care (who
the children were seemingly afraid of) that led to the kids maintaining such a peaceful environment and
joyous attitude. Monet was the one caring for the children and made sure that the kids had a comfortable
and stress free time in the Biscuit Room. Ultimately Monet was under orders from Doflamingo, who
would eliminate her if she failed in performing them. Due to her orders (and belief in Doflamingo), Monet
had a reason to continue allowing Caesar to experiment on the children regardless of whether she knew the
risk he was putting the children under with the drugs.

Monet was also the one who suggested to Law to use his Ope Ope no Mi ability and medical skills to heal the
ex-prisoners who had been ravaged by the poison gas on Punk Hazard. I find it hard to believe that a person
without compassion would make such a request, especially when they just found out that there was a doctor
in possession of the Ope Ope no Mi in their presence. Requesting Law to heal the former prisoners was
beyond Monet's scope of duty, and if she were evil and cold-hearted, one would expect her not to give a dam
about anybody else (i.e. Caesar), but instead we have Monet coming up with a solution to end the suffering
of the former prisoners afflicted by Caesar's poison gas. Once again we have evidence of Monet caring about
Caesar's subordinates.

There is also the possibility that Viola was able to be kept alive because it was Monet who brought her Devil
Fruit ability to Doflamingo's attention. There is nothing at this point in the story to indicate that
Doflamingo knew anything about Viola's ability before he began his takeover ten years ago, but we know for
a fact that Monet was aware of Viola's Senrigan and what it could do. During the takeover, the Riku Family
members were being targeted and killed, which is why Scarlett ended up dead as opposed to captured. Viola
may have ended up the same way, but Monet captured her instead, I wonder why? Most likely so Viola
could be of use to Doflamingo? Monet having some skills in scouting and information gathering, could have
allowed her to realise the value in the Giro Giro no Mi which Viola possessed.

Monet certainly did contribute to the children's problems in Punk Hazard, but based on how Oda conveyed
Monet's character, she genuinely had a heart capable of compassion and love conveyed through her making
sure the children on Punk Hazard were looked after and happy as well as trying to help Caesar's
subordinates by trying to get Caesar to help/care for them (unfortunately Caesar didn't give a dam about

Monet's loyalty to Doflamingo:

Given the way Monet was prepared to sacrifice herself for her captain, there is certainly a deep level of
loyalty between Monet and Doflamingo. But what exactly founded such a loyalty and what keeps Monet
maintaining such a loyalty towards Doflamingo?

Monet wasn't featured in the Law/Doflamingo flashback during the Dressrosa arc, so there is currently no
information surrounding the manner in how Monet ended up being a part of the Donquixote Pirates.
Logically though, Monet would have joined after the incident with Rosinante on Minion as for that
operation, Doflamingo had gathered his full force to attempt to steal the Ope Ope no Mi. If Monet was a
part of the crew back than, Doflamingo would have had her join in the operation as well. It is likely that
Monet only became a part of the Donquixote Pirates after the events on Minion and within the three years
preceding the Dressrosa takeover operation.

>>Monet's past:

Monet's loyalty to Doflamingo could be due to a specific reason from the past. One I have been entertaining
is that Monet was a former [Tenryuubito] slave and Doflamingo freed her while carrying out his mission of
destroying the 'world' the Tenryuubito control.

If Monet were a former slave, it could explain her relationship to Doflamingo, why she is so loyal to him and
possibly why Monet's character seems so strange (and borderline twisted at times). Also we do know that
the Tenryuubito are open to feeding some of their slaves Devil Fruits for entertainment purposes, it
wouldn't be too surprising that a rare Devil Fruit like the Yuki Yuki no Mi was given to Monet by the
Tenryuubito. It is also possible that Doflamingo could have given Monet's the Yuki Yuki no Mi after he
liberated her from slavery.

When Doflamingo decided to become a pirate and target the Tenryuubito, on one of his operations he may
have attacked a Tenryuubito and taken one (or more) of the slaves/prisoners which the Tenryuubito
"controlled" with him, specifically Monet (because of her ability?). The Yuki Yuki no Mi is a rare fruit and
seeing as Doflamingo was actively searching for Devil Fruits prior to the Dressrosa takeover, he could have
seen value in what Monet could do. Just like it was with Jean Bart, Boa Hancock and her sisters, and Koala,
they are extremely indebted to their saviors. If Monet were a slave and subject to torment and suffering that
caused her to only think about dying, Doflamingo saving her would explain the level of loyalty she has for
him. Also with Doflamingo holding a certain "trump card" against the Tenryuubito (the secret of the
National Treasure of Mariejois), the Tenryuubito wouldn't risk targeting him even if he stole one (or more)
of their slaves - they could just buy more after all.

Given that Monet has wings now replacing her arms, not just wings on top of keeping her arms, it can be
argued that Monet requested Law (if he did use his ability as Usopp gathered) to carry out such an act to
remove her limbs for a reason. If her arms and legs were tainted with the memories of her traumatic past
(memories of the shackles once binding her), it could explain why she had them removed, in order to escape
such pain from resurfacing. With Oda going through the effort of explaining certain oddities of the
Donquixote Pirates - Baby 5's tendency to feel needed and Senor Pink's clothes, it is very likely that there is
a genuine reason tying into Monet's past for Monet replacing her arms and legs with wings and talons

Monet being a former [Tenryuubito] slave could also help explain why she suffered from extreme paralysing
fear when Zoro came at her with intent to slice her (which she believed would be backed with Haki). Once
becoming a Logia Devil Fruit user (if the Tenryuubito fed her the Yuki Yuki no Mi), Monet may have been
disciplined by a male 'master' (a Tenryuubito or a subordinate of one) who could use Busoshoku Haki, so a
terror associated with Haki used by an intimidating male could have been engraved in Monet. Monet's body
having felt the effects of Haki and Zoro approaching her with his sword having his Haki ready and
conveying every intention to cut her could have taken Monet back to a past memory of her being abused by
Haki. The overwhelming fear from back then could have subconsciously came rushing out during her fight
with Zoro and froze her body in place when Zoro charged her. That rush of fear could also be responsible for
Monet losing control over her ability with her mind being shaken up so intensely. If instead Monet only
received the Yuki Yuki no Mi when she became a Donquixote Pirate, there still would be trauma associated
with a male when she was a [Tenryuubito] slave. Zoro projecting his killing intent may have been what
caused Monet to recall painful memories from her past and subsequently freeze up.

Since the incident of Zoro's intent to kill freezing an opponent is isolated to Monet as of yet, it is possible
that more than Zoro overwhelming Monet, it was also in part due to Monet's personal circumstances (her
past) that caused her to suffer such mental anguish from the threat Zoro imposed on her.

Common traits among former slaves (Hancock and Koala) include distant personalities and imprisoned
emotions, and this is exactly how Monet came off during the Punk Hazard Arc, distant and emotionless.
Only during the moment when Monet was at death's door did she express genuine emotion, probably
because she may not have minded dying, as it would end her suffering originating from her past. Even if
Doflamingo saved Monet from her life as a former slave, he had not healed her heart, illustrated by how she
still appears distant and emotionless.

The reason Monet may have been so passionate about her captain (Doflamingo) becoming the Pirate King is
because the Pirate King embodies the person who stands against everything the World
Government and Tenryuubito represent, and such a person is important to Monet given her
circumstances (if Monet were a former [Tenryuubito] slave).

>>How will Monet's loyalty to Doflamingo shatter?

Rosinante had mentioned that only the inner circle members (Trebol, Diamante, Pica, Vergo and himself)
knew about Doflamingo's true nature and madness. Monet may have become part of the inner circle
members some time after she joined but I seriously doubt it given the nature of her role within the crew and
how she had to spend time away from the rest of the crew in order to complete the missions she was given.
There is also the fact that only the Donquixote Pirate members who held the Executive seats knew about
true nature and madness of Doflamingo, Monet being a regular officer may not have been privy to such
information. Given that Law did not know Doflamingo was a Tenryuubito until the day the Dressrosa Arc
began, it suggest that Doflamingo wasn't openly expressive of his roots as a Tenryuubito. Most likely only
the inner circle members knew of Doflamingo and Rosinante's past of being former Tenryuubito.

Not knowing about the true nature and history of Doflamingo, Monet may have had a false impression on
who Doflamingo was and what he represented.

It is clear that Monet hasn't been told everything by Doflamingo, otherwise Monet would have known about
Law being a former Donquixote Pirate member. Monet also hadn't been told about the purpose of SAD and
most likely the existence of SMILE, otherwise once she learned that Law and Luffy entered into
an alliance to target Kaidou, she would have realised that since the SMILE is being bought by Kaidou to
empower his army, the SAD ingredient would be targeted, as well as the man who makes it - Caesar Clown.
Monet as well didn't convey to Caesar and Vergo that Law entered into an alliance with Luffy to target
Kaidou, if she did, the two of them would have without a doubt instantly realised what Law was planning.
The fact that they only found out what Law's goal was on Punk Hazard the moment he entered the SAD
room means that they didn't know that Law was targeting Kaidou until that point. Monet may not have
been aware of the connection between SMILE and Kaidou, so she didn't see the need to convey any
information beyond Law betraying Caesar by entering into an alliance with Luffy. And if Monet was aware
of the importance of SAD, did she purposefully hold information back?

It is also weird that after her encounter with Luffy, Monet went to secure the children, rather than the SAD
production room, which Vergo knew to be the most important of Caesar's experiments. If Monet really was
protecting Caesar's "important experiments", she should have gone to the SAD production room, the fact
that she didn't implies that she may not have known about the importance of SAD. If Doflamingo has kept
information from Monet, what else is he hiding from her? Does Monet know about Doflamingo's slave
trading auction house he had operating two years ago?
Monet also doesn't seem very close to the rest of the Donquixote Pirate crew. She didn't seem awfully
connected with Vergo when he was there on Punk Hazard and due to her mission being away from
Dressrosa, there wouldn't have been much opportunity for her to get close to the other Donquixote Pirates.
Given that Monet isn't publicly known as a member of the Donquixote Pirates, which is why Law didn't
initially know of Monet's affiliation with Doflamingo, it suggest that Monet must not have spent much time
together with the crew to be marked as being associated with them (much like Vergo once his mission to
become a marine began). It seems to me that Doflamingo is the reason for Monet being part of the
Donquixote Pirates and she remains a member because shes believes in him.

The Pirate King embodies freedom whereas the Tenryuubito seek to usurp the freedom of others. Given the
importance of the Pirate King to Monet (the subject of her "final thought" as she attempted to use her life to
help her captain) she likely believed that her captain was the kind of man who would genuinely stand
against the Tenryuubito and the injustices the Tenryuubito effect. Monet genuinely expressed emotion (her
smile) in the moment she desired her captain to become the Pirate King, the first time she had expressed
such pure and heartfelt emotion. In that moment you get the feeling that you are seeing Monet's true
personality show.

Knowing the importance the concept of the Pirate King holds to Monet, it is highly likely that she was
unaware of the fact that Doflamingo was a former Tenryuubito. Doflamingo's past isn't something he openly
shares as not even Law knew of Doflamingo's roots, so it makes sense that Monet wouldn't have known
about the origins of Doflamingo. Bellamy himself was surprised when Doflamingo revealed he was a

Doflamingo himself hasn't yet shown any interest and desire to attain the title of "Pirate King", let alone
have any pride in being a pirate. Based on the conversation Doflamingo had with Bellamy and how he
expressed Bellamy always having a different objective from him - wanting to become a pirate, Doflamingo's
true nature is one of someone who doesn't seem to care for such a title as "Pirate King". Even in the
flashbacks, Doflamingo had shown zero interest in becoming Pirate King. If Oda really intended for
Doflamingo to have such a dream, it would have been more apparent than such a dream being isolated to
Monet's belief in Doflamingo. It is likely that Doflamingo used Monet's obsession with the Pirate King, by
lying to her with the pretense that he in fact sought to become Pirate King, in order to motivate her to join
his pirate crew and follow his orders. Doflamingo hasn't been against using others to further his own ends;
Law, Bellamy and Baby 5 are testament to that. Doflamingo lying to Monet to use her wouldn't be all that
out of character and surprising for him. Ultimately though, one has to seriously wonder why Monet desiring
Doflamingo to be Pirate King is such an isolated event =/.

So what happens when Monet finds out Doflamingo is a former Tenryuubito and has no desire to become
Pirate King?

Much like how Brownbeard's loyalty to Caesar shattered when he found out Caesar's true nature, Monet
would also come to realise that the man she believed in never existed and the real Doflamingo was someone
totally different from the man she initially committed herself to. Law's attitude towards Doflamingo also
completely shifted when he seen the person Doflamingo really was. Baby 5's situation is also relevant, as
despite spending at least 16 years with the Donquixote Pirates, once she realised the truth behind how the
core members of the crew saw her (a "convenient woman"), her loyalty to them began to dissipate.

If Oda has plans for Monet to find out the true nature of Doflamingo and the lies he fed her, the question
becomes, how will Monet actually come to learn about the fact that Doflamingo was lying to her?

The theory I have in mind is that currently Monet is flying towards Dressrosa and during the moment
Doflamingo is facing off against Luffy and the conversation begins to center around the "Pirate King",
Monet will arrive at the scene and witness Doflamingo express his lack of interest in such a title. As a result
of the realisation that Doflamingo isn't the man she believed, I can see the loyalty Monet has for Doflamingo
crumble away.

With Monet's loyalty to Doflamingo shattered, the chances for Monet to travel with the Straw Hats becomes
a notable possibility.

The next issue in hand though is...

How will Monet become relevant to the story?
I have stated that Monet is currently heading towards Dressrosa, but there are some other events which I
believe took place during the previous day on Punk Hazard that will force Monet to interact with the Straw
Hat Pirates again.

With there being evidence that Monet's heart may not have been fully stabbed and still beating, one begins
to wonder whatever happened to it while it was still at the harbor of Punk Hazard?

Given the scene in chapter 696 where the G-5 Marines separated the harbor into pirate and marine
sections, it just so happens that the place where Monet's heart was left by Caesar Clown was situated on the
side the Straw Hat Pirates were separated towards (interesting move by Oda). With the Straw Hats being
active on that side in front of the SAD tanker setting up the dining area where the party was held, it seems
likely that one of the Straw Hat members could have picked up Monet's heart and taken it with them. I
could easily see Luffy becoming interested and fascinated by a beating heart and as a result taking it with
him aboard the Thousand Sunny. With there being a gap in time between the events at the end of chapter
695 and the beginning of chapter 696 - we do not see the Straw Hat Pirates go back to the Thousand Sunny
to get their coats, Luffy may have picked up Monet's heart and taken it aboard the Thousand Sunny in that

The scenario of Luffy saving Monet's heart would in my opinion parallel Luffy saving Robin in Alabasta.
Just like how such a scene was revealed a short while prior to Robin joining, a mini-flashback at the end of
the Dressrosa Arc explaining what Luffy did at the end of Punk Hazard would precede Monet beginning to
travel with the Straw Hat Pirates.

It may be nothing, but I would like to note that there are certain parallels between Monet and Robin [as


What will Monet's role in the story be?

If Monet really is an astronomer, we may very well get an arc/saga centered around the moons and space in
the future. How exciting would it be to see the Straw Hat Pirates sail across the "Black Sea" towards one of
the moons of the One Piece world?

The fact that Oda had revealed in the Enel's Great Space Operation cover story that there are Space
Pirates and Space Pirate ships within the One Piece universe, the possibility of space being sailed upon does
exist. Since a precedent has been set, it is possible for the Straw Hat Pirates to "sail" in space like the Space
Pirates do.

There is a certain reason for why I believe Monet may have knowledge on astronomy - the reference Oda
placed in chapter 666 of Monet reading a book with the title beginning with the letters "ASTRO" (middle
left panel). There aren't many words that begin with "ASTRO" that a book could be titled after, and the
word that would currently be the most relevant in the story of One Piece is "Astronomy" as Oda himself has
made space relevant to the story of One Piece. It also seems likely that a role such as "astronomer" may
become relevant to the Straw Hat Pirates adventure if Oda is planning to have them travel to space and
include more nakama in the crew. In this case, Monet's knowledge on space may become critical in the
Straw Hat Pirates future adventures.

Additionally there is a second book which Monet reads with a word comprising the letters "CLIP" (bottom
middle panel of Monet). If Astronomy is the subject Monet was reading about, the title of this book could be
"ECLIPSE", which is also relevant to space and the moons.

Allowing astronomy to become relevant in the story of One Piece could help in understanding the
connection between the civilisations that came from the moon to the One Piece world and their connection
to the ancient civilisation that was dominant in the One Piece world over 900 years ago (before the Void
Century). Information concerning the "D"'s may also become fleshed out with exposure to the moons and
the history surrounding the ancient civilisations.

The Tenryuubito wearing garments that look like a "spacesuit" makes one tempted to reach the conclusion
that space is in some manner or form relevant and/or connected with the Tenryuubito and the history of the
Twenty Kings. The name the leaders of the World Government go by also seems to suggest some form of
relation to space and astronomy - the Gorosei (Five Elder Stars).

Also with Monet's dream centering around the Pirate King, astronomy may be relevant in locating Raftel, as
from Roger's comment to Whitebeard, getting to Raftel doesn't seem as simple as just sailing towards the
end of the Grand Line. The fact that Oda made the Pirate King such an important concept to Monet that her
seemingly final thoughts were about it, adds to the support of Monet becoming a Straw Hat nakama as her
dream is apparently deeply connected with the Pirate King, which is exactly what Luffy dreams to become.

After the events on Dressrosa, Monet will end up traveling with Luffy and Co. in order to retrieve her heart
from the Thousand Sunny. During that journey Monet may begin to see the passion Luffy has towards the
dream of becoming Pirate King and subsequently find herself opening up to him to the point of wanting to
travel with the Straw Hat Pirates. And with Monet traveling with the Straw Hats an opportunity for her to
finally begin to heal (like Nami and Robin) may be created. Luffy would definitely love Monet once he finds
out she is a Yuki-Onna (snow-woman), if he doesn't know already.

Given time, Monet could follow similar developments to Nami and Robin and want to join the crew
permanently. Being a former [Tenryuubito] slave (if the theory is right) would also allow for a further story
centering around Monet to unravel in the future, like what happened with Nami and Robin. With the
Tenryuubito seemingly playing a big part in how the politics of nations run - nations sending a Tenjoukin
(Heavenly Tribute) to the Tenryuubito - and with the focus of nations and their structure hinted at changing
with the upcoming Reverie, it would be interesting if Luffy had a reason to directly go against the
Tenryuubito in the New World (that reason being connected with Monet and her past).

Luffy's love for snow:

There is also the fact that one of the two things Luffy currently doesn't have (well three if you include meat
when it runs out) which he has repeatedly shown excitement for throughout One Piece is snow (the other
being a giant [bronze] statue). Generally whatever Luffy has shown repeated interest in and excitement for
throughout the series, he has got; such as beams, a robot, a skeleton, and a musician.


For Oda to repeatedly make Luffy express how much he loves snow throughout the One Piece manga, and
then to have a character who is able to control snow show up only to have them die in the same arc, I
honestly dont believe Oda would do such a thing. There must be more Oda has planned for Monet seeing
that she is a Devil Fruit user who can control snow, something which Luffy loves a lot. Luffy when
encountering Monet was likely too tunnel-visioned (being focused on Caesar) and probably didn't realise
that Monet was a snow user. If Oda wanted, he could so easily have Luffy invite/accept Monet into the crew.

Other Possible Hints:

It may be meaningless, but I find it interesting and note-worthy that there is an astronomical telescope in
the Thousand Sunny's Crows Nest:


For what purpose does the astronomical telescope serve at moment in the Straw Hat crew? I doubt it would
be used for scouting when there are binoculars available. It may be used for star-gazing by the members
merely because some have interest in space, but if space does become relevant to the Straw Hats adventure
in the future and they gain a nakama who is an astronomer (Monet), I can certainly see that astronomical
telescope being put to serious use.

Another note-worthy point is the mystery surrounding the sea/snow rabbits that appeared in the sea
around the Thousand Sunny in chapter 700when the Thousand Sunny was traveling towards Dressrosa.
Those sea/snow rabbits bear a ridiculously uncanny resemblance to the snow rabbitswhich Monet creates
with her Yuki Yuki no Mi. Is it coincidence or intentional by Oda? The anime did make them out to be Sea
Lapahns, but seeing as they weren't in the manga and were an original addition to the One Piece world
creatures by the anime, I won't take that anime filler arc seriously.

The fact that Oda in the volume 71 SBS makes note of that scene from chapter 700 but avoids explaining
what exactly they were/are has me believing that Oda was teasing us with that comment and was
intentional in making the sea/snow rabbits resemble Monet's Snow Rabbit attack.

It could be nothing, but the way Oda completely avoided addressing the scene about the sea/snow rabbits in
the ocean yet chose that particular question to include in the SBS of the volume has me wondering whether
Oda wanted to hint towards something.

Final thoughts:
Anyway, I can see much appeal to Monet's character; such as her playful personality, her really unique
design, her amusing characteristics, an interesting fighting style (utilising unique weapons) and an overall
mystery surrounding her character. To me, Monet has to be one of the most uniquely designed female
characters in One Piece, especially seeing that her Harpy form likely didn't come about through natural
means (meaning Monet may be the only harpy in the series). Her epithet being a Yuki-Onna is also
incredibly fitting and cool for her Logia ability, which has been highlighted quite comprehensively in the
short time she was focused on. You can tell Oda put a lot of thought into her character, especially with her
abilities and differentiating them from the Hie Hie no Mi abilities.

Monet already shares the unique design and quirky personality qualities the other Straw Hats share, so
there are some factors that support her being a potential Straw Hat nakama. Plus Luffy absolutely loves

Ultimately though, the key questions become:

Will space and the moons be relevant to the Straw Hat Pirates adventure?
If so, will they end up traveling to space and the moons?
If yes, would the Straw Hat Pirates need an astronomer?
Is Monet an astronomer?
If yes, would Monet become the astronomer the Straw Hats require for their adventure?
Is Monet a former Tenryuubito slave?
This theory is based on a lot of speculation, but I just can't help but feel that there really is something about

Thank you for reading!

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