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Zephyr Enterprise Tutorial

Zephyr Enterprise is an Enterprise test management platform. It is best suited for medium to large QA organziations that
have mature QA processes, run multiple projects in parallel with very structured Testing cycles, and a lot of manual or
automated testing. It is also considered best for SIs and professional service groups by enabling their global test
delivery management.

As a company, Zephyr is solely focused on developing best of breed Test Management solutions. Their two main
product lines are:

1. Zephyr Enterprise


Both product lines are available for both on-premise and SaaS deployments.

Here you will discover, ZEPHYR Enterprise

In this tutorial, you will learn-

Features of Zephyr Enterprise

How to use Zephyr for Test Management
Creating New Project and Assigning roles in Zephyr
Creating, Assigning and Executing Test in Zephyr
Zephyr Project Dashboards
Generate Test Reports and Metrics Analysis

Features of Zephyr Enterprise

Individual dashboard (Testing Desktops, Dept dashboard, Project Dashboard)

Leverage existing automation infrastructure
Two ways integration with JIRA
Reduced cost via simplified subscription model
Resource Management
QA Project Management
Test case repositories
Test case creation
Execution Scheduling
Test case execution
Defect Tracking
Document Management
Real-time Metrics and Trend Charts
Free Project Dashboards

New Features in Zephyr Enterprise

There are some new features introduced into Zephyr Enterprise,

Test cycle export capability

Visual marker to keep track of your test execution position in Test Cycle list
Quick execute capability via any mobile device
Test execution has test step level status changes
Scalability to multiple thousands of users
Support for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server in addition to existing support for MySQL
How to use Zephyr Enterprise Test Management

To get login into Zephyr Enterprise, first of all, you need to set up an instance like this, If your Zephyr page is not appearing on screen, then you might need to allow pop-up.
Soon you will be directed to Zephyr's Login page.

Once you click 'OK'. Zephyr will show various roles through which you connect to the server. Like Test Manager, Lead
and Tester, Defect Users, Zephyr Mobile, etc.

To see how to use Zephyr, we will take a demo example. Here you will create a project "Guru99test". For this, you will
mainly use three roles.

1. Test Manager: Create Project "Guru99test".

2. Test Leads: Assign test case to testers for execution
3. Tester: Execute test case assigned by Test Lead.

You can login into Zephyr as per your assigned role - Test Manager, Test Leads and Tester. First, you will login as a
Test Manager or administrator, and see what all things you can do as a Test Manager in Zephyr.

Creating New Project and Assigning roles in Zephyr Enterprise

First, you will create a New Project "Guru99Test".

Step 1) Login as Test Manager in Zephyr. Enter details like,

1. User Name
2. Password
3. Login
Step 2) On left corner, you will see features like Administration, resource management, a project set up, etc.

If you click on "Administration" tab, you will see detail as shown below. Like Admin username, email address, dashboard
URL, etc. On the same window top menu bar, you will also see other attributes that Admin can access like,

User Auth
Defect Tracking
System Config
Customizations ( change screen appearance)
You will close this window as everything is set up already. Now go back to the left panel and follow below step.

Step 3) In next step, you will create new roles. Go to the left panel, and select "Resource Management" Tab. It will open
another window where you can enter new users into the database.

Step 4) Enter all details and click on "Save" Button.

Once you click on "Save" button, you will see that new role "Ajay Tester" is created and added to the resource
management list.

Step 5) In the previous step, you added a new role. Now in this step, you will create a new project. For that follow below

1. You will first select option "Project Set Up."

2. Then click "Add" button to Create project "Guru99Test" in Zephyr Admin.

When you click on "Add" button, it will open another screen.

Step 6) In this screen, enter all details like

1. Name of project
2. Type (Normal, Restricted, and Isolated)
3. Lead
4. Start date and End date
5. Description
6. Resources ( assign role- Tester, Test Manager)
7. Click on "Save" button

You can assign Project to anyone added in the Test by selecting them individually. When you click on "Save" button,
you will notice the project "Guru99Test" is added in project setup window.

Step 7) In this step on the left panel, select tab Dept Dashboard tab. This will allow you to configure your Department
Dashboard. Note that access to the Department Dashboard is free so you can provide the URL of this dashboard to any
member of your project team and they can get visibility 24 x 7 without requiring a Zephyr license.
You will see following window. It will show various option to manage projects like Project release details, News, and
Reports. It will show metrics for resource distributed by location as well as by project.

Step 8) Now go to Project option and click on "edit" option. Follow below steps,

1. Mark the check box

2. Click on "Save" button
You will see that our newly created project "Guru99Test" is now active and appear on the project dashboard.

Step 9) Click on option "Metrics & Reports". It will show status for real-time metrics on global test case distribution,
global requirement distribution, etc.

Creating, Assigning and Executing Test in Zephyr

Now in this section, you will set up a test project and execute the test cases. For this Login into Zephyr as Test Lead.
This will bring you to the Project level view for the project "Guru99Test."
Step 1) Click on "Release Setup" in left-hand bar.

Add following details in "Release Setup."

1. Click on "Add" button

2. Name the release version
3. Give the start date and end date
4. Provide description for the release

At the end, Click on save button and close the window. Note that for agile teams, you can label this release as a Sprint.

Once you are done release set up, next step is setting up requirement

Step 2) Next step is to add requirement. Click on option "requirements" from left corner panel. It will open another

Now add details in this window,

1. Select the project under repository
2. Click on Add button
3. Enter details

Tutorial name
Map requirement to test cases
Alternate ID
Attachment (if there is any)
Link (if there is any)
Set Priority

4. OK

Next step is to create a repository, which you will see in next step. The test repository consists of a detailed tree
organized in a way that shows how you undertake your testing activities and contains nodes and test cases. The test
repository with Zephyr can be accessed either from "Test case repository" or "Test case creation" application.

Step 3) Click on "Repository Setup" option from left control panel.

It will open a new window. To set repository use option to add, delete, rename, import and export

test cases. Here you will add subsystem by clicking on add button.

Add details as shown below

When you click on "save" button, you will see the repository is created now in this order.

1. Release 1.0
2. Test PDF tab
3. Guru99 functional test cases

NOTE: From Repository Window, you can also assign tester to test the test cases. After repository set up, next step is
Testcase Creation

Step 4) In this step we see Testcase Creation. In test case creation you create a test case. Remember Testcase
Creation application can be found in the Test Lead's Desktop, Tester's Desktop and any other role's Desktop that has
been given access to this application.

First, click on option "Testcase Creation" Option. It will open a window for creating a test case.
In this window,

1. First select the Test Cycle "Test PDF Tab" from repository for which you want to create test case then
2. Click on "Add" button on the top corner of the window to add a test case.

A test case will be added to the test case repository. Now, double click this test case from test repository. A new window
will open

In the new window, add details as shown in the screenshot and click "Save" button.

1. Name of the test

2. Add details like Alternate ID, comment, priority, supporting attachment
3. Click on "Add" button to add test steps
4. Click on Save button
After clicking on save button, you need to close the window manually.

NOTE: While creating test creation, you will notice two trees or repository- Global and Local.

Global Tree is used to

Explore test areas and test cases across all projects and releases
View test cases in a read-only mode
Copy phases, systems, sub-systems and test cases under them to the Local Tree via drag-n-drop operations.

Once test case creation is done, next step is assigning test case through Test Case EAS.

Step 5) From here you can assign test case to the tester or any other personnel. From left control panel select "Test
Case EAS" option. A new window will open.

In this window click on button "Add New", and enter details as shown below.

1. The name you chose for your test cycle is "Guru99 GUI". Enter all details as shown
2. Click on "Save" button.

Now you have created a Test cycle "Guru99 GUI". The next step is to allocate your test under this Test Cycle.

1. Choose phase "Test PDF Tab" under which you want to execute test
2. Enter start date and end date
3. Click on save button and close the window.
Now click on Assign tab. A new window will open (see next step).

Step 6) In next step we assign test case to designated person. Enter detail as shown here.

1. Mark checkbox against functional test

2. Assign test to tester
3. Click "Save" button and close the window
For test execution, the designated person will login to the system and execute the test.

Step 7) Test execution phase. The test case is executed by the tester. Status of the test case is changed to "pass".

To generate test report in a pdf format right click on option . It will open the following window.

Zephyr Project Dashboards

One of the prominent features of Zephyr Enterprise is Zephyr's Project Dashboards. The project dashboard allows users
to see various releases/iterations of the project in tabs along the top. Each of them are encompassed of many sections
and the content in them can be modified and turned on/off by the Test Lead.
Through Zephyr Project Dashboards, the user can do following things.

Release Timeline: This section displays the various Test Execution Cycles that have been scheduled by the
Test Lead in the Testcase EAS application in the Test Lead's Desktop.
News and Project Status: This section displays the latest Project/Release-level news that the Test Lead wants
to share.
Project Team: This displays all the team members working on this Project. This information comes from the
Project Setup application in the Test Manager's Desktop.
Documents: This section displays all the documents that the Test Lead has linked/uploaded in the document
application of their desktop
Real Time Metrics and Reports: To check the details of the project, select this option. It will show detailed
statistics about the Project/Release in various areas of Requirements, Test Creation, Test Execution, and
Defects as well as Trend Reports.

Generate Test Reports and Metrics Analysis

After clicking on option in the previous step. It will open the following window. Choose the option for the report
format (pdf, HTML or word).
A test report is generated in pdf format (or whatever format you selected) as shown below. The PDF shows 2 records.
To view the graphs of test case status, Click on option "Metrics and Reports". It will open window displaying reports on
test cases.

In the following window, if you click on test case execution and hover on the graph. It displays details about the test
case details. The graph is showing a number of test cases executed and their status.


Zephyr Enterprise provides comprehensive Enterprise level test management features with tight integrations
with JIRA, Confluence and other Atlassian and various automation tools.
With Zephyr, tests can be created and viewed globally, shortens release cycles, provides real-time status
visibility and so on
Zephyr comes with new features like,
o Visual marker to keep track of your test execution position in Test Cycle
o Test cycle export capability
o Scalability to multiple thousands of users
o Support for Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server in addition to the existing support for MySQL.

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