Lecture Examples - Control de Procesos

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Control de Procesos (2015710-1 y 3) 2017-II
Modulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith
Profesor Emrito de la Universidad del Sur de la Florida (Estados Unidos)

Simulation Examples
Problem 1
Consider the waste treating unit and waste disposal service shown in Fig. 1.





Figure 1 Waste disposal process

The waste treating unit is a batch process. At the end of the batch the liquid must be transferred to the
disposal system as fast as possible so that a new batch can start. The disposal unit consists of a tank
where a fast final treatment is done. From the tank the liquid is disposed, through a long line, to a
The liquid is pumped from the treating unit to the disposal tank by three identical pumps, each
pumping 90 ft3/sec. If all three pumps start pumping simultaneously to the disposal tank, the level will
overflow before the outlet flow can balance the input flow. Thus, it is necessary to establish the
minimum time sequence to turn on the three pumps, without overflowing the tank.
Tank: 25 ft. in diameter, 9 ft. tall
Discharge line from disposal tank: 2 ft. in diameter, 166 ft. long
Mass Balance in disposal tank:
dh(t )
f 1 (t ) f 2 (t ) f 3 (t ) f o (t ) A (1)
1 eq., 2 unk.[ f o (t ), h(t ) ]
= density of liquid, lb/ft3
A = cross-sectional area of tank, ft2
h(t) = height in disposal tank, ft

It has been determined experimentally that the friction losses in the pipe can be expressed by

. x105 f o2 (t )
lw 0.0185 f o (t ) 36

lw = lost work due to friction, ft-lbf/lb

Mechanical Energy Balance on exit pipe:

d f o (t ) AP gC g 5 2

h(t ) 0.0185 f o (t ) 3.6x10 f o ( t ) (2)
dt LP gC
2 eq., 2 unk.
AP = cross-sectional area of pipe, ft2
gC = 32.2 lb-ft/lbf-s2
LP = length of pipe, ft
g = acceleration due to gravity, 32.2 ft/s2

Problem 2

Bacteria in milk are destroyed through a process called Pasteurization, which is mild heating over a
specified period of time. The amount of time required depends on the temperature.

In pasteurization the number of bacteria N decays with time according to:

dN 2.303
dt D

where D is the decimal reduction time and is a function of temperature. Values of D are generally
scaled to those at a reference temperature of 150 oF according to the following relationship:
DT D15010 z

where DT is the D value at temperature T (in oF) and D150 is the D value at 150 oF. The quantity z, for
pasteurization, has a value of 9. The value of D150 may be taken to be 2.0 minutes.

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 2
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
Milk may be considered pasteurized if it is held at 150 oF for 30 minutes. However, in a
process that a company uses, the milk starts out at 60 oF and is heated over time. The temperature of
the milk varies with time according to:

0.2(T 150) with the initial temperature T(0) = 60.

Please determine the number of minutes that the milk should be heated to achieve the same
bacteria level as it would if it was heated at a constant temperature of 150 oF for 30 minutes. You may
assume that before the pasteurization process begins, there are one million bacteria in the vat that will
be heated to purify the milk.

Modeling - Examples
Problem 3

Example 3-3.1 Consider the tank shown in Figure 3-3.1. Constant and equal inlet and outlet
volumetric flows, liquid densities, and heat capacities are assumed; all of these properties are known.
The liquid in the tank is assumed to be well mixed, and the energy input by the stirrer is negligible.
The tank is not well insulated so, there are energy losses to the surroundings.

Develop the mathematical model that describes how the outlet temperature, T2 (t ) , responds to
changes in inlet temperature, T1 (t ) , and in surrounding temperature TS (t ) . You may assume a
constant overall heat transfer coefficient between the tank contents and the surroundings of
24.39 J / m2 oC min , and a heat transfer area 10.6 m2. The surrounding temperature is 25 oC.

f 3 m
2 min

T2 48.5 oC

TS 25 oC
f 3 m
T1 50 oC 1

Figure 3-3.1 Thermal process

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 3
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
Problem 4

Example 3-3.2 Diethylene (DEA) is to be extracted from an aqueous solution by countercurrent

extraction with toluene in a single extraction unit, shown in Fig.3-3.2.

c2W (t ) c1W (t )
f 2W (t ) f1W (t )
2 1
3 4
f (t )
3 f (t )
c (t )
3 c (t )

Figure 3-3.2 Single DEA absorbing stage

The aqueous solution is fed to the stage at a flow rate, f1W (t ) , of 0.1 ft3/sec, and analyzes,
c1W (t ) , 0.03 lbmole DEA/ft3. The flow rate of pure toluene to the stage, f3T (t ) , is also 0.1 ft3/sec; there
is no DEA in the toluene entering the stage, c3T (t ) 0 lbmole ft 3 . Assume that the water and toluene
are completely immiscible. That each phase occupies 30 ft3, and that equilibrium is attained with the
following equilibrium relationship

c2W (t ) 1.2* c4T (t )

c2W (t ) = lbmole of DEA in water phase/ft3
c4T (t ) = lbmole of DEA in toluene phase/ft3

The following assumptions can be made

Isothermal and isobaric operation
Mass transfer rate is rather fast and equilibrium conditions are satisfied
Negligible heat of mixing
Because the concentrations of DEA are low, the flow rates are approximately constants,
and because these are incompressible fluids, f1W (t ) f 2W (t ) and f3T (t ) f 4T (t ) .

Develop the mathematical model that describes the exit concentration of DEA in the aqueous
solution, c2W (t ) as a function of c1W (t ) .

The design conditions are f1W f3T 0.1 ft 3 sec , c1W 0.03 lbmole ft 3 ,
c2W 0.01636 lbmole ft 3 , and c4T 0.0136 lbmole ft 3

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 4
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
Problem 5

Example 3-3.4 Consider the process shown in Fig. 3-3.4. This is an "old process" in which two similar
stream are mixed as shown. Due to process improvements, it was decided that the outlet temperature must be
controlled. It was mechanically easier to install an in-line heater in the recycle stream than in one of the
tanks. The amount of energy added to the stream can be dialed in the electrical box. We consider the automatic
control of the outlet temperature in a later chapter. For now, develop the mathematical model that relates the
signal from the transmitter, c(t) in %TO(t), to the flows, f1 (t ) and f3 (t ) , to the inlet temperatures, T1 (t ) and
T3 (t ) , and to the heat added q(t ) . You may assume that the process is well insulated with no heat losses to the
surroundings, that all the densities and heat capacities are the same and constants, that the recycle stream is
equal to 20% of the outlet flow f 6 (t ) , and that the outlet streams from the tanks are by overflow. The steady
state conditions and other process information are given next.

f1 37.5 m3 min , f3 25 m3 min , f6 12.5 m3 min , T1 100 oC , T3 300 oC , T2 177.1 oC

T4 218.1 oC , q 10 x106 kJ min , V1 100 m3 , V2 150 m3 , c 45.4%TO ,
1000 kg m3 , and CP 4.2 kJ kg oC

q (t ), kJ min

T4 (t ), oC
f 6 (t ), m3 min

c(t), %TO

2 4 5
o T4 (t ), oC
T2 (t ), C

1 3
T1 (t ), C T3 (t ), oC
f3 (t ), m3 min
f1 (t ), m3 min

Figure 3-3.4 Thermal process with recycle

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 5
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
Problem 6

Example 3-4.1 Your supervisor goes over to your office and says that the gas plant is having
problems with a unit where they upgraded the heating value of a waste gas by mixing it with natural
gas. He is recommending modeling and simulating the unit; that is your project.

m (t ), % c (t ), %TO

HVT f 3 (t ) 110 scfm

Natural gas
1 3 4
f1 (t ) 60 scfm
P4 25 psia

f 2 (t ) 50 scfm 2
Waste gas

Figure 3-4.1 Gas plant tank

You go to the gas plant and talk to the engineer in charge. After a discussion with the engineer, and
going over the plant files, you are able to draw the process, including some design and operating
conditions, as shown in Fig. 3-4.1.

Problem 7

Example 4-2.1 Consider a reactor where the reaction S P takes place and P is the desired
product. It happens that once P is produced, it may react giving back the reactants that is, the actual
reaction is reversible and shown as,

There is no heat of reaction and the reaction occurs isothermally. The forward reaction rate producing
product P is given by r S 0.085 C S in . For the backward reaction breaking
P back into S again, the reaction rate is given by r 0.025 C in

The reaction takes place in the reactor shown in Fig. 4-2.1; the reactor is full of the reacting
mass with a volume of 2.5 m3 , and it is desired to obtain a conversion of 80% of reactant S. The walls
of the reactor are formed by a membrane permeable to P and not to S. The purpose is to remove
product P from the reacting mass to avoid the backward reaction. The transfer of P to the water
stream can be described by N P k A (C2P Cwater
) 0.05(C2P Cwater
) with units of moles of P/h. In an
effort to remove P as fast as possible, the water flow rate through the jacket is very high and therefore,
the concentration of P in the water is negligible that is, Cwater 0 moles m3 . Thus, the mass transfer
rate is described by N P 0.05 C2P .

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 6
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
The design process conditions are C1 5 mole m3 , C 2 1.0 mole m3 , and f 0.0298 m3 h .
Note that the inlet and exit volumetric flows are the same because the densities of the reactant S and
product P are very similar.

Process fluid 1
f (t ), m 3 h
C1 (t ), moles m 3



2 f (t ), m 3 h

C 2S (t ), moles m 3

Figure 4-2.1 Reactor for Example 4-2.1

Obtain the model that describes the concentration of reactant S when there is a change in inlet
concentration and flow rate of the process stream.

Problem 8

Example 4-2.2 Consider the chemical reactor system shown in Fig. 4-2.2 where the "well known"
exothermic reaction A B occurs. To remove the heat of reaction the reactor is surrounded by a
jacket through which cooling water flows. Let us assume that the heat losses to the surroundings are
negligible, and that the densities, and heat capacities of the reactants and products are both equal and
constant. The heat of reaction at 77 0F (25 0C ) is given by H r in Btu/lbmole of A reacted. Let us
also assume that the liquid level in the reactor tank is constant; that is, the rate of mass into the tank is
equal to the rate of mass out of the tank. Finally, the rate of reaction is given by
lbmoles of A produced
rA (t ) ko e RT ( t )
cA2 (t ) ,
where ft 3 min
rA (t) = rate of reaction of component A
c A (t) = concentration of component A in reactor,

ci (is
t ) desired to find out how the outlet concentration of A, c A (t ) , the outlet temperature, T (t ) ,
and the output signal from the concentration transmitter respond to changes in the inlet concentration
of A, c Ai (t ) ; the inlet temperature of the reactant, Ti (t ) ; the inlet temperature of the cooling liquid,
Tci (t ) ; and the flows f (t ) and f c (t ) . The objective, therefore, is to develop the mathematical model
relating c A (t ) , T (t ), and c(t ) (signal from the transmitter) to c Ai (t ) , Ti (t ) , , f(t) , and f c (t) .

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 7
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
Ti (t )
c Ai (t )

Cooling f c (t )
FO Tc (t )
f c (t )
Tci (t ) f(t)
c(t ), %TO T (t )
c A (t )
Figure 4-2.2 Chemical reactor

Process Information

Volume of reacting mixture, V 13.26 ft 3 ; k o 8.33E 8 ft 3 / lbmole min

E 27,820 Btu / lbmole ; R 1.987 Btu / lbmole R

Density of reactant and product, 55 lb / ft 3

Specific heat of reactant and product, CP 0.88 Btu (lbmole o F )
Heat of reaction, H r 12,000 Btu lbmole
Overall heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer area, U 75 Btu (h ft 2 o F ); A 36 ft 2
Volume of cooling jacket, VC 1.56 ft 3
Density of cooling water, C 62.4 lb / ft 3
Specific heat of cooling water, CPC 1.0 Btu (lbmole o F )
Concentration transmitter range: 0.1 0.3 lbmole ft 3

Steady-State Values

c Ai 0.5975 lbmole / ft 3 ; T i 175 o F ; T Ci 80 o F ; f 1.3364 ft 3 / min

c A 0.2068 lbmole / ft 3 ; T 218.9 o F ; T C 142.7 o F ; f C 0.8771 ft 3 / min ; c 53.4%TO

Problem 9

The liquid phase hydrolysis reaction of acetic anhydride to form acetic acid is carried out in a constant
volume batch reactor. The reaction is exothermic with the following stoichiometry
(CH 3CO) 2 O H 2 O 2CH 3COOH

The rate of reaction is given by the following first-order kinetic expression

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 8
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
rAN 6.915E 05* exp( 20000 /( R * T )) * C AN

where rAN is the rate of reaction to react acetic anhydride in lbmole /(min ft 3 ) ; T is the reaction
temperature in o R ; and C AN is the concentration of acetic anhydride in lbmole / ft 3 .

The process information is given below. The volume of the reacting mixture is considered constant,
meaning that the mass density of the reactants and products are all the same. The heat capacity of
reactants and products are also considered the same.

Process information
Volume of reacting mixture = 7.6336 ft 3
Mass in reactor = 500 lbm; with acetic anhydride = 2.1% and the rest water
Density of mass in reactor = 63.2 lbm / ft 3
Heat capacity of reactants and product = 0.9 Btu /(lbm oR)
Heat of reaction = 25000 Btu / lbmole

a) Assuming adiabatic operation, what initial temperature is required to give 99% conversion if
the batch temperature must not exceed 600 oR , and at the same time minimize the batch time?
What is the batch time?
b) To obtain the same conversion, what is the batch time required for the reactor operating
isothermally at 60 oF ? How must the heat requirement, in BTU/min, vary during the batch in
order to maintain the batch temperature constant (give a graph)?

Problem 10
Consider the tank shown below. A 10% ( 0.2 %) by weight NaOH solution is being used for a
caustic washing process. In order to smooth variations in flow rate and concentration, a 8000-gallon
tank is being used as surge tank. The steady-state conditions are as follows

V = 4000 gal ; f i = f o = 2500 gph ; c i = c o = 10 wt %

The tank contents are well mixed, and the density of all streams is 8.8 lbm/gal .

a) An alarm will sound when the outlet concentration drops to 9.8 wt % (or rises to 10.2 wt % ). Assume
that the flows are constant. Because of an upset, the inlet concentration, ci (t) , drops to 8% NaOH
instantaneously. Determine how long it will take before the alarm sounds.
b) Consider now that the inlet flow, f i (t) , can vary whereas the outlet flow is mass 2500 gph .
Therefore, the volume in the tank can also vary. Suppose now that the inlet flow to the tank drops to
1000 gph . Determine how long it takes to empty the tank.

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 9
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
Problem 11

A water treatment plant uses large mixed basins in series in order to remove volatile pollutants from
inlet water; the figure below shows the process.

N1 , g/ hr N2 , g/hr

f , m3 /hr f , m3 /hr f , m3 /hr

C0bz (t ) , g/m
3 C1bz (t ) , g/m3 C2bz (t ) , g/m3

The flow rate of water entering the basin system is f = 100 m3/hr containing the volatile organic
pollutant (benzene in this case) at a concentration of C0bz , g m 3 . Each basin is assumed to be well-
mixed. The feed enters the first basin where benzene evaporates at a rate of N1 (t ) (in g/hr), then flows
to the second basin where benzene evaporates at a rate N 2 (t ) . The rate N i (t ) (in g/hr) of benzene
evaporation from basin i is given by the expression
N i (t ) AK Cibz (t )

where A is the surface area (m2) of the basin (both basins have the same diameter), K is a mass transfer
coefficient and Cibz (t ) is the concentration of benzene in basin i. The mass transfer coefficient for
benzene in this situation is estimated to be 15 m/hr. The diameter of each basin is 10 m and each has a
depth of 0.5 m
Suppose that initially there is no benzene in the inlet streams or in the basins. At t=0 the
entering concentration C 0bz spikes to 5 gr/m3 and remains there for 0.5 hours, at which point it drops
back to zero.
Determine the concentration of benzene as a function of time in each basin for the period from
0 to 1 hour. Plot the results for both basins in the form of Cibz (t ) versus t. What maximum
concentration will be reached in the second basin and when will it occur? We would like for the
concentration C 2bz (t ) to never exceed 1 g/m3. Will that happen here? If so, what might be done to
avoid the problem in the future?

Problem 12
Example 12-1.2 Consider the process shown in Fig. 12-1.5 which flour, water and oil are mixed to
make dough. From the dough hopper the dough flows to a cooker. The process is designed so that
under normal operating conditions 100 lbm/min of dough is produced, with a maximum of 200

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 10
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot
lbm/min. The recipe for dough making calls for 0.2 oil mass fraction, 0.5 flour mass fraction, and the
rest water.

It is necessary to control the level in the dough hopper and it is propose to do so by

manipulating the flows into the mixer. The figure shows a flow loop in the oil and water streams. The
flour flow is not so easy to measure however, based on design and past experience shows that at a
speed of 200 rpm the flour enters the mixer at a rate of 125 lbm/min.

Propose a control scheme to control the level in the dough hopper. Suggest transmitter
calibrations for the water and oil flow transmitters, and show the numerical value(s) for any required

13 FT
ST 12
14 Flour FT
12 Oil


Dough LT LC
15 15

Figure 12-1.5 Dough making process

The maximum oil flow will be 0.2(200) = 24 lbm/min, and that of the water flow will be
0.3(200) = 60 lbm/min. With these flows we select the transmitters range as FT12: 0-30 lbm/min, and
FT13: 0-80 lbm/min. (Any other ranges could have been selected.)

Control de Procesos (2015710-1y 3) 2017-II Mdulo Profesor Carlos A. Smith Depto. de Ing. Qumica y Ambiental 11
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot

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