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Materials Transactions, Vol. 44, No. 9 (2003) pp.

1671 to 1674
#2003 The Japan Institute of Metals

The Damping Behavior of Ni Added MnCu Damping Alloys*1

Fuxing Yin, Kotobu Nagai, Kenji Watanabe*2 and Kohji Kawahara*3
National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan

The temperature and frequency dependent damping behavior of Ni added MnCu alloys were investigated. Ni addition not only increased
the magnitude of the phase-transformation damping peak, but also decreased its frequency dependence. A decreased transformation temperature
was found in the Ni added MnCu alloys under the same treating condition, which suggested a retarding eect of Ni on the decomposition of Mn
phase during the slow-cooling process. The characteristic twin-boundary damping peak of MnCu alloys was enlarged and broadened with the
addition of Ni. According to the relaxation damping models the twin-boundaries in Ni added alloys had the larger activation energy, and also
exhibited a broader distribution of relaxation time during the stress induced movement. In Ni added MnCu alloys, the FCT Mn phase showed a
larger axis ratio, c=a and the Cu-rich Mn phase coexisting with the FCT phase showed the similar lattice constants at ambient temperature.
These microstructural features in Ni added MnCu alloys might contribute to the improved damping behavior of the twin-boundary damping

(Received April 18, 2003; Accepted June 17, 2003)

Keywords: manganesecopper damping alloy, damping capacity, Youngs modulus, twin-boundary, phase transformation

1. Introduction of TN , the Neel temperature of Mn phase. The transitory

damping peak is strongly dependent on external variables
Materials damping is considered to be the most direct and such as the temperature rate (T_ ) and the frequency (!).
eective damping measure for the vibration and noise Considering the inuence of applied stress on the nucleation
problems in elds of automobile, machinery and precision energy of the appearing phase, Wang et al. obtained the
equipments. Besides the essential high and stable damping equation Q1 ATT_ =!1r to express the transformation
capacity, the high elastic modulus, strength, and the excellent damping peak.6) AT is the coecient related to temperature
workability are also requisite for the damping materials and r characterizes the dependence of the damping peak on
orientated to industrial application.1) Among the investigated temperature rate and frequency. The second damping feature
alloys, MnCu damping alloys are well known to have the is related to the twin boundary relaxation peak. Twin
high damping capacity, accompanied with the satisfactory boundaries form in the FCT structured Mn phase and the
mechanical properties, such as strength and ductility.1,2) activation energy Hact is about 5  104 J/mol.7) The relaxa-
Historically the development of high damping alloys was tion damping peak shifts to higher temperatures with
conducted based on MnCu binary alloy. SONOSTON alloy increased frequency, coinciding with the equation of Debye
(Mn36.2Cu3.49Al3.04Fe1.17Ni mass%) was the rst peak, i.e. Ln!  0 Hact =k  1=TP 0. 0 is the character-
commercial version of MnCu based damping alloy used to istic relaxation time for the Debye peak. For the Debye
manufacture cast propellers for naval vessels.3) Almost relaxation with single relaxation time the width of the
concurrently, INCRAMUTE alloy (Mn48.1Cu1.55Al damping peak at half maximum can be given by
0.27Si mass%) was nominated with the lower Mn composi- T 1 2:635  k=Hact , however, much broader damping
tion than SONOSTON alloy.4) In both alloys Al was chosen peaks are usually observed in MnCu alloys.7) Therefore the
to improve the corrosion resistance of the alloy required for twin boundary damping in MnCu alloys should be charac-
marine propellers. Meanwhile the addition of Fe and Si in terized not only by the peak capacity but also the broadness
MnCu alloys was aimed to improve the castability and of the peak in order to obtain the damping capacity stable to
strength of binary MnCu alloys. Recently, the M2052 the variation of temperature. The third damping feature of
damping alloy (Mn20Cu5Ni2Fe at%) was developed by MnCu alloys, i.e. the megnetoelastic feature of the
adding Ni and Fe into MnCu alloy. It was shown that M2052 antiferromagnetic Mn phase, has well been used to explain
alloy exhibited excellent workability for casting, forging and the strain-amplitude dependent damping behavior in the
rolling, besides the increased damping capacity.1) Since the alloys. However, the update magenetoelastic damping mod-
damping capacity of MnCu based alloys depends on the els can be tted to the experimentally obtained strain-
measurement conditions, e.g. temperature, frequency and amplitude dependent damping behavior when only a quite
strain amplitude, the variation in damping behavior is also large saturation megnetostriction constant is applied. The
necessary in order to evaluate the eects of Ni addition on the constant was even larger than that of the ferromagnetic
damping properties of MnCu alloys. alloys, seemed infeasible in the MnCu alloys.8) In the
MnCu alloys are characteristic of three damping features. present work, the phase transformation and twin boundary
One is the phase-transformation damping peak in the vicinity damping features in MnCu alloys are emphasized, and
temperature and frequency dependent damping behavior are
*1This Paper was Presented at the Spring-Meeting of the Japan Institute of investigated to clarify the eects of Ni addition in MnCu
Metals, held in Chiba, on March 28, 2003. alloy.
*2Present address: Daido Steel Co. Ltd., Nagoya 457-8545, Japan.
*3Present address: B. B. Materia Co. Ltd., Chiba 267-0066, Japan.
1672 F. Yin, K. Nagai, K. Watanabe and K. Kawahara

Table 1 The chemical compositions of the three MnCu alloys (mass%). the lowest among the three experimental alloys.
Alloy Mn Cu Ni Fe Two characteristics can be found in the temperature-
Mn30 67.2 32.8
dependent variation of damping capacity in the three alloys.
Mn4Ni 72.4 21.5 4.14 1.92
One is the phase-transformation damping peak, occurred at a
Mn6Ni 71.6 20.2 6.19 1.99
temperature about 20 K lower than the respective phase
transformation temperature. A larger magnitude of damping
peak is observed in the Ni added alloys, as compared to that
2. Experimental Procedure in Mn30 alloys. Another characteristic is shown in the twin-
boundary damping peak, which appears in the vicinity of
Three MnCu alloys, nominated as Mn30, Mn4Ni and 220 K. Obviously, Ni addition in MnCu alloy has not only
Mn6Ni, respectively, were prepared by induction-melting the increased the magnitude of the twin-boundary damping peak,
industrially pure metals in an argon atmosphere. The but also shifted the peak to a higher temperature. Figure 2
respective chemical compositions are shown in Table 1. shows the temperature and damping capacity of the two
Cylindrical ingots of 7 kg were deformation processed by characteristic damping peaks after deconvoluting the two
forging and rolling at 1173 K, and nally 1  10  60 mm3 damping peaks from the corresponding background damping
beam samples were obtained. The alloys were solid solution components. The damping capacity at the temperature 20 K
treated at 1173 K for 3:6  103 s, and then water-quenched or above the respective transformation temperature is deter-
continuously cooled to room temperature in 3:6  104 s in the mined as the background damping of the phase-transforma-
argon-replaced quartz-capsules. tion damping peak and that at 180 K is assigned as the
The damping behavior of the alloys was evaluated on a background of twin-boundary damping peak, respectively. It
dynamical mechanical analyzer (DMA) in the 3-point is noted that the respectively independent two damping peaks
bending vibrating mode at a certain surface strain-amplitude in the binary MnCu alloys become approaching in the
of 2:5  105 . The concretes of the DMA method can be temperature range of 250350 K, while the magnitude of both
found in a previous work.9) The heating or cooling rate was peaks is increased attributing to the addition of Ni. As a
controlled at 0.05 K/s, and vibrating frequency applied were result, Ni addition in MnCu binary alloys produces the
0.1, 1 and 10 Hz, respectively. Finally, Youngs modulus and increased damping capacity and the improved damping
the damping capacity (tan ) were obtained as a function of behavior stable to the variation of temperature in the vicinity
temperature. The RINT 2500 X-ray diractometer operated of ambient temperature.
at 40 kV and 250 mA was used for phase structure analysis. Figures 3a) and b) show the temperature-dependent
variation of damping capacity under dierent vibration
3. Results and Discussion frequencies in Mn30 and Mn6Ni alloys, respectively. The

The variations of Youngs modulus and tan  with heating

temperature of the slowly-cooled experimental alloys, meas-
ured at the oscillation frequency of 1 Hz, and surface strain
amplitude of 2:5  105 , are shown in Figs. 1a) and b),
respectively. The temperature where the lowest Youngs
modulus occurs corresponds to the magnetic transition or
structural transformation of Mn phase in MnCu alloys. It is
clear that the phase transformation temperature decreases
with the increase of added Ni content. Under the same
cooling condition from the solid solution temperature,
1173 K, Mn content in the Mn-rich regions formed during
the slow cooling is obviously reduced by Ni addition. In other Fig. 2 The damping capacities of phase transformation damping peak and
words, Ni addition obviously retards the phase decomposi- twin-boundary damping peak, as well as the respective background
tion of Mn since the average Mn content in the Mn30 alloy is damping components, plotted to the occurring temperatures.

Fig. 1 The variations of Youngs modulus, a) and damping capacity, b) of the three experimental MnCu alloys during heating in the rate
of 0.05 K/s.
The Damping Behavior of Ni Added MnCu Damping Alloys 1673

Fig. 3 The temperature dependent damping behavior of the Mn30 alloy, a) and Mn6Ni alloy, b), measured at dierent vibration
frequencies, 0.1, 1, 10 Hz, respectively.

Fig. 4 The frequency sensitivity factor r of the phase transformation

damping peak in binary MnCu alloys and Ni added MnCu alloys,
plotted to the peak damping capacity obtained at 1 Hz.
Fig. 5 The reduced Youngs modulus E=E00 of the experimental MnCu
alloys varying with the increases of temperature.
phase transformation damping peaks in the two alloys exhibit
the contrasting dierence in the frequency dependence of modulus in MnCu alloys.11) The authors gave out the
their magnitude. Applying the transient damping equation of Youngs modulus at the Neel temperature in the equation;
Wang et al.6) to characterize the transformation damping
E00 6fE00 Q2 kTN
peaks obtained at the same heating rate of 0.05 K/s, one can 1 1
nd that the frequency dependence factor r is obviously E 1  3K
increased in the Ni added MnCu alloys. As shown in Fig. 4, in which f is the number of magnetic spin moment per Mn
Ni added alloys show the r value as high as 0.95 as compared atom and  is the volume of unit cell of the high temperature
with the r value of 0.60.75 in MnCu binary alloys. It is FCC Mn phase. Q is such a parameter that characterizes the
meant that Ni addition not only increases the magnitude of stress sensibility of the Neel temperature. The stresses caused
phase transformation damping, but also improves its stability by the nucleus of FCT phase lower the Neel temperature of
to the variation of vibration frequency. In the transient the retained FCC phase. K is the ordering rate parameter of
damping model of Wang et al.,6) the stress enhanced the FCT phase, which becomes magnetically ordered with
nucleation rate of the appearing phase was linearly related decreased temperature. Plotting the Youngs modulus versus
to the transient damping capacity, and determined by the temperature in the form of E00 =E  1=E00  TN , the max-
elastic softening appearing during the transformation. On the imum occurred at TN shows the higher values in both Ni
other hand, Stoiber studied the damping behavior during added MnCu alloys. Apparently, the larger Q or K value,
martensite transformation in CuZnAl alloy, and showed a and the lower  value are responsible for the higher E00 =E 
direct relevance between the damping peak and the elastic 1=E00  TN according to eq. (1). The inuences of Ni
softening.10) It is therefore feasible to consider the physical addition in MnCu alloy on Q or K value have not been
reasons for elastic softening also valid for the phase trans- experimentally determined in this work, but the eects are
formation damping. considered quite small based the temperature dependent
Figure 5 shows the reduced variation of Youngs modulus variation of Youngs modulus in the temperatures above or
of Mn30, Mn4Ni and Mn6Ni alloy to the changes of below TN . Lattice constant measurement indicates that Ni
temperature. The saturated Youngs modulus of the FCC addition apparently decreases the unit cell volume of Mn
structured Mn phase is nominated as E00 . It is observed that phase. It is also valid for the slowly cooled samples since the
the lower E=E00 at TN temperature occurs in the Ni added lattice constant a of the FCC Mn phase is nearly the same as
alloys, together with the higher starting temperatures for the a of the tetragonal FCT Mn phase. The decreased unit
elastic softening. Makhurane and Gaunt succeeded in apply- cell volume of FCC Mn phase in the Ni added alloys can
ing the strain-dependent Weiss molecular eld model to therefore be considered to be one of the reasons accounting
simulate the temperature-dependent variation of Youngs for the larger elastic softening at the Neel temperature. The
1674 F. Yin, K. Nagai, K. Watanabe and K. Kawahara

larger elastic softening consequently induces the larger little interface strains may be easily moved under the
damping capacity at the transformation damping peaks. application of external oscillating stresses. The other feature
Figure 6 shows the calculated activation energy results is the interface coherence between the transformed Mn-rich
using the peak shift method. In contrast to the MnCu binary regions and the retained FCC structured Cu-rich regions. The
alloys, a higher activation energy is found in the Ni added elastically distorted interfaces between the two regions work
alloys, as high as 5:5  104 J/mol. According to the Debye to hinder the movement of the twin boundaries.14) XRD
equation the width of the damping peak becomes smaller proles of 200 and 002 shows the specic lattice constant for
with the increased activation energy.7) However, the broader the Cu-rich region in the Mn30 alloy, while that in Ni added
twin-boundary damping peak is observed in the Ni added alloys is nearly the same as that of the a axis of FCT Mn-rich
alloys. It is therefore reasonable to suppose a statistical region. The higher twin-boundary damping can be partly
distribution of relaxation time, instead of the single relaxa- attributed to those coherent interfaces between the two phase
tion time characterized by a unique activation enthalpy Hact decomposed regions.
and a limit relaxation time 0 .12) As a result the average
activation energy Hact can be obtained with the proles of the 4. Conclusions
damping peak according to the following equation:
 0  The damping behavior of MnCu alloys is characteristic of
tan  tan max  cosh1 act  1=T  1=TP 2 the phase transformation damping peak occurred at about
20 K below the FCC-FCT transformation temperature TN of
Hact are then derived from the twin-boundary damping peak Mn phase, and the twin-boundary damping peak in the
shown in Fig. 1b) and also plotted in Fig. 6. Supposing  is vicinity of 220 K at the frequency of 1 Hz.
the measure of the width of the Gaussian distribution of Ni addition in MnCu alloys, for the investigated contents
relaxation time, the damping peak width can be dened as of <6 at%, obviously increases the damping capacity of both
r2   T 1 =T 1 0 Hact =Hact
, and  0 corre- damping peaks, while the transformation temperature of the
sponds to the linear standard solid. As shown in Fig. 6 that Ni added alloy is decreased by the retarded phase decom-
the twin-boundary damping peak in MnCu alloys are position of Mn phase. The enhanced phase-transformation
considerably broadened by the addition of Ni. The phenom- damping peak in Ni added alloys is related to the larger
enological damping behavior indicates that the twin bounda- anomaly of Youngs modulus at the transformation temper-
ries in the Ni added MnCu alloys have more energetically ature. The smaller unit cell volume of the Ni added Mn phase
stable positions to locate and meanwhile stress-assisted contributes to the larger anomaly, and hence the larger
movement of the boundaries can overcome the larger energy damping capacity. Meanwhile, the frequency dependence of
barriers. the phase-transformation damping peak becomes decreased
Two microstructural features are responsible for the with the addition of Ni.
preferred behaviors of the twin-boundary damping. One is A higher activation energy has been derived for the twin-
the higher axis ratio, i.e. c=a of the FCT Mn phase in Ni boundary damping peak in Ni added MnCu alloys, when
added MnCu alloys. According to the equation for the considering the damping as a single-time relaxation process.
temperature-dependent variation of c=a,11) the c=a results On the other hand, the broadened twin-boundary damping
obtained in ambient temperature can be extrapolated to the peak in Ni added alloys indicates a broader distribution of
temperature of T=TN 0:5. It is found that c=a of the FCT relaxation time.
Mn phase at T=TN 0:5 in Ni added alloys is about 0.975,
while that in Mn20Cu and Mn30Cu alloys is about 0.955. REFERENCES
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