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Basic Plan

Commented [BH1]: 3,2

Name: Steven Posada Lopera

ID: 1036657125 Group: 61

Title: Water footprint of livestocks

1. Hook:

Fracking that is a polluting activity of groundwater reservoirs spend around 100

billions of gallons of water yearly in EEUU, this amount is not even 1% of the 34
trillions of gallons of water spend yearly in EEUU for the practice and
development of livestocks

2. Context (Write some background information):

Extensive livestock farming is one of the activities that most contaminates water
sources, besides being one of the activities that waste this resource and that for
its development must resort to deforestation of flora necessary for the generation
of O2 on the planet. Commented [BH2]: Las ideas principales
(mainideas) deben hacer parte de la thesis
3. Thesis statement: statement, no de la infoemacin de contexto.

water footprint generated for the extensive livestocks can be much bigger that Commented [BH3]: No se identifican las tres ideas
principales. Estn deben ser claramente
the generated for the use of vehicles or by the effect of industrial production.
identificables en la thesisi statement.


1st body paragraph:

1. Topic sentence:

Pollution of water sources. Commented [BH4]: Esto es un topic, no una topic

sentence. Topic sentences son oraciones con
2. Supporting details: sentido completo.

a. US Livestock produce around 335 million tons of waste per year.

b. Every minute, 7 million pounds of excrement are produced by animals

raised for food in the US.
c. Livestock operations on land have created more than 500 nitrogen
flooded deadzones around the world in our oceans.

3. Concluding sentence:

The contamination of water sources and the generation of dead zones in the
ocean around the world find their explanation in the inadequate disposition of
the residues generated by the extensive livestocks.

2nd body paragraph:

1. Topic sentence:

Waste of water. Commented [BH5]: Revisar comentario anterior.

2. Supporting details:

a. 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef.

b. Agriculture and livestock are responsible for 80-90% of US water


c. 5% of water consumed in the US is by private homes. 55% of water

consumed in the US is for animal agriculture.

3. Concluding sentence:

These figures demonstrate that waste of water by extensive livestock reduces the
attempt to save water in our homes to zero. it's very frustrating that governments
don't take actions for regulate this problem.

3rd body paragraph:

1. Topic sentence:

Deforestation of flora. Commented [BH6]: Revisar comentario anterior.

2. Supporting details:

a. Earth occupation by the livestock represent around 33 percent of earth's

free of the world; this figure was representative in 2006.
b. 2-5 acres of land are used per cow while five members of a family live in
sixty square meters
c. Animal agriculture and the extensive livestocks are responsible for up to
91% of Brazilian Amazon destruction.

3. Concluding sentence:

The fact that extensive livestock contaminates water sources and at the same
time significantly reduces the "lungs of the planet"; Makes it the activity that most
contaminates and which should be the most concern of environmental groups.


1. Restated Thesis Statement:

The idea that vehicles and waste of industry are the biggest source of pollution
on the planet is totally wrong. The media power of this idea causes people to
turn their eyes from the real problem, the livestock.

2. Summary of main ideas (Restate topic sentences):

a. Waste of water Because industrial processes do not generate products in

a sustainable way where the water resource is reused. Commented [BH7]: Revisar uso de maysculas.

b. Deforestation of flora Commented [BH8]: Deben ser oraciones con

sentido complete.
c. Pollution of water sources generated for the billions of pounds of waste
and excrements that generate dead zones in the oceans, because these
waste contain nitrogen.

3. Final thought:

If the governments of world don't act before this problem the next generations
will see behind and they will blame us for the condition of the planet that we left.

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