Hydraulic of Flow Through Intake

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Hydraulic of Flow in Approach Channel, Reservoir Area, Inlet pipe and Pump Sump

1 Data and specification

1.1 Approach channel

- Design Flow 10 m/s
- Allowable Maximum flow velocity in approch channel section 0.3 m/s
- Low Water Level in Bang Pakong river -1.85 m msl
- High water level in Bang Pakong river 2.11 m msl
- Approach channel Bed level -3.4 m msl
- Required minimum flow depth in approach channel 1.5 m
- Required clearance width not less than 22.25 m

1.2 Inlet pipe

- Pipe diameter 2,000 mm
- Design discharge for each pipe 10 m/s
- Minimum flow velocity in pipe not less than 3 m/s
- Top of pipe below minimum water level at least 1.5 m
2 Parameter and loss calculation

2.1 Head loss in approach channel up to reservoir

- Plan - Section

(1) Data
- Length of channel section 28.00 m
- Width of intake channel 31.65 m
- Flow depth at inlet mouth during lowest water level 1.55 m
- Adopted Manning' s n 0.016
(2) Head loss calculation

1 2 1 where v = mean flow velocity, m/s

v= R3 S 2
n n = Manning coefficient
R = hydraulic radius
S = water surface slope
Roughness coefficient of flow in concrete channel use 0.016
Manning's n
Type of Lining
Minimum Maximum

Unlined rock 0.030 0.035

Shotcrete 0.025 0.030
Formed concrete 0.012 0.016
Grassed earth 0.030 0.100

Calculated water surface slope at inlet section

Flow depth 1.55 m
Flow area 49.06 m
Calculated flow velocity 0.204 m/s
Wettted perimeter 34.750 m
Hydraulic radius 1.412 m
Calculated water surface slope 6.7152E-06

Check water surface slope at middle and end section

Dd, m assume depth, d A, m2 V, m/s P, m R, m s, m/m Dd, m Calculated

- at Middle section 0.0001 1.5499 49.0548 0.2039 34.7498 1.4117 6.72E-06 0.0001
- at End section 0.0002 1.5498 49.0521 0.2039 34.7497 1.4116 6.72E-06 0.0001

The calculation indicates uniform water surface slope in approach channel 6.7152E-06
Calculated head loss due to friction in approach channel section 0.00019 m

It is concluded that the flow along approach channel follow a uniform flow with very mild slope
2.2 Head loss of flow through trash rack

(1) Data
- Clear width of trash rack section 31.65 m
- Depth of flow at trash rack section 1.550 m
- Coarse bar screen 50*50 mm
- Fine bar screen 10*10 mm

(2) Head loss calculation

K t Vn2
hL =
Where Vn = velocity based on the net area, K t = 1.45 - 0.45 n n , An = net area of trashrack and support structure,
Ag Ag
and Ag = gross area of trashrack and support structure.

3 Head loss calculation

Parameter Coarse screen Fine Screen

An/Ag 0.743 0.309
Kt of flow through screen 0.563 1.216
Channel width at screen 31.65 31.65
Gross area at screen 49.058 48.989
Net area 36.458 15.120
Flow velocity 0.274 0.661
Head loss 0.002 0.027
Depth of flow after trash rack 1.548 1.521

Total head loss in approch channel 0.029 m

Flow depth in approch channel at end section 1.52052 m msl
Water level at end section during lowest level in Bang Pakong River -1.87948 m msl
2.3 Head loss of flow through reservoir section

(1) Data
- Length of flow along reservoir section 42.000 m
- Width vary 31.65 to 50 m
- Bed level in reservoir -6.200 m msl

(2) Head loss calculation

- It is conservative to use the same water surface slope with approach channel 6.7152E-06
- Head loss in the section 0.0003 m
- Water level in front of inlet pipe -1.8798 m msl
- Top level of inlet pipe from drawing -3.50 m msl
- Calculated water depth above top of inlet pipe 1.6202 m
The design got the minimum water level at 1.623 m above top of inlet pipe
which is more than the required 1.5 m so satisfy the specification

2.4 Head loss of flow through pipe section

- Longitudinal section along pipe under Bang Nang Canal

2.4.1 Head loss of flow through pipe inlet

Head loss, hl KV22/2g

Area of flow in pipe 3.1429 m2
Bed level of reservoir section -6.20 m ms
Depth of flow in reservoir section 4.32 m
Area of flow in reservoir section 136.74 m2
A2/A1 0.0230
Adopted K value for sharp edge pipe inlet 0.5
Velocity of flow in pipe 3.18 m/s
head loss due to flow contraction at pipe inlet 0.2583 m

2.4.2 Head loss through pipe

Head loss through pipe, hL f*L*V2


Where: HL = Head loss due to friction, m

f = Friction factor a dimensionless number,
L = Length of pipe in m,
D = Pipe diameter in m,
V = Average flow velocity in m/s,
g = Gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2)
Determination of friction factor from Moody Chart
For galvanised steel pipe, e 0.15 mm
Pipe diameter, D 2,000 mm
e/D 0.000075
Kinetic viscosity of water, 0.000001 m2/s
Average flow velocity, V 3.18 m/s
Calculated value of Reynold number 6,363,636
Adopted Friction factor from Moody Chart 0.012
Length of pipe 55.46 m
Head loss due to friction, 0.1719 m

2.4.3 Head loss in Bend

Head loss in bend, hl kV2 /2g

Adopted bend coefficient 0.2
Head loss 0.103 m

2.4.4 Head loss at pipe outlet (Exit loss)

Head loss, hl V12/2g

Velocity in pipe at outlet 3.18 m/s
Head loss 0.52 m

2.4.5 Total loss of flow through pipe 1.050 m

Water level at inlet pipe -1.880 m msl
Water level at outlet -2.930 m msl
Bed level at pump sump -7.700 m msl
Flow depth at pipe outlet 4.770 m
2.5 Head loss of flow from pipe outlet to pumping point

Length of channel section 27 m

It is conservative to adopt the same water surface slope with approach section 6.7152E-06
Drop in water level of the section 0.0002 m
It is concluded that the head drop is neglecgible
Water level at the pumping point -2.930 m msl
Water depth above bed level 4.770 m

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