Prospective Observation of CAD/CAM Titanium Ceramic Single Crowns: A Three-Year Follow Up

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Prospective observation of CAD/CAM

titanium ceramic single crowns: A three-

year follow up
Arne F. Boeckler, DMD, Dr Med Dent,a Heeje Lee, DDS,b Anke
Stadler, DMD, Dr Med Dent,c and Jrgen M. Setz, DMD, Dr
Med Dent Habild
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Center for Dentistry
and Oral Medicine, Halle (Saale), Germany; Louisiana State
University Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry,
New Orleans, La
Statement of problem. Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) titanium ceramic res-
torations were developed with the potential for replacing expensive, high noble metal ceramic restorations. However,
there is a lack of information about the clinical performance of CAD/CAM titanium ceramic single crowns.

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate CAD/CAM titanium ceramic single crowns after 3 years in func-

Material and methods. A total of 41 crowns were fabricated for 21 patients. The titanium copings were CAD/CAM
milled (Everest CAD/CAM system) with an even thickness of 0.5 mm, and low-fusing veneering porcelain (Vita Tita-
nium Porcelain) was added incrementally. The crowns were cemented using zinc phosphate cement after confirming
that there were no mechanical and biological complications. The patients were recalled at 12, 24, and 36 months
after cementation to examine the presence of any complications and measure periodontal parameters such as probing
depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP), and plaque index (PI). The success and survival rates were estimated using
the Kaplan-Meier analysis.

Results. The success rate of CAD/CAM titanium ceramic crowns with regard to mechanical complications was 82.3%
(95% confidence interval: 71.2% to 95.1%). The cumulative survival rate of the crowns was 94.9% (95% confidence
interval: 88.3% to 100%) after 3 years. No biological complications were observed. At the end of the follow up, PD
was 2.93 mm, percentile of surface with BOP was 29.2, and PI was 0.31.

Conclusions. The clinical performances of the CAD/CAM titanium ceramic crowns for 3 years were acceptable, with
no biologic complications and a high cumulative survival rate. (J Prosthet Dent 2009;102:290-297)

Clinical Implications
The CAD/CAM titanium ceramic crown may be an affordable
substitute for a conventional high noble metal ceramic crown.
In the future, technical improvements that allow milling of an
anatomic coping may increase the success rate of these crowns.

The results of the present study were presented in part at the Arthur R. Frechette Research Award competition at the International
Association of Dental Research 86th General Session and Exhibition, Toronto, July 2008.

This study was partially supported by KaVo Dental GmbH, Biberach, Germany.

Assistant Professor, Center for Oral Medicine, Department of Prosthodontics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.
Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry.
Resident, Center for Oral Medicine, Department of Prosthodontics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.
Professor and Chair, Center for Oral Medicine, Department of Prosthodontics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Boeckler et al
November 2009 291
Titanium as a coping material for beta phase, causing a critical dimen- ramic crowns were fabricated, there
metal ceramic restorations has re- sional change in the coping.21 More- was a difference in the shape of the
ceived attention in dentistry, with the over, firing the veneering porcelain at coping compared to that of conven-
idea that it could be used as an af- a higher temperature was found to tional metal ceramic crowns. Since
fordable alternative for expensive pre- create the oxide layer that resulted in the porcelain is not resistant to tensile
cious metal alloys. Despite the long- reduced oxide adherence to the sur- or shear stress, it was believed that
term clinical success of restorations face of the metal coping.11 the veneering porcelain should not
using precious metal alloys,1-5 the in- The titanium ceramic crowns fab- be added in excessive amounts to the
creasing price of gold has become a ricated with the previously described metal coping, so as to avoid increas-
significant driving force to seek alter- methods (copy milling, spark erosion, ing the tensile or shear stress.36 For
natives. Besides its lower cost, other and low-fusing porcelain) were ap- conventional metal ceramic crowns,
characteristics of titanium, such as its plied in several clinical studies, and full-contour waxing and cutting back
excellent biocompatibility, high cor- consistent results were reported.22-27 the wax with an even thickness result
rosion resistance, low specific gravity, During 2 to 6 years of follow up, few in anatomic copings that provide ad-
and appropriate mechanical proper- crowns needed to be replaced due equate space for the veneering porce-
ties, are appealing to clinicians.6-8 to veneering porcelain fracture and lain with proper support. However,
However, the high melting tem- caries. Of the various clinical factors the earlier version of CAD software
perature of titanium has made the evaluated, only surface texture and was limited to designing the metal
casting process difficult, and the high shade of the low-fusing veneering coping with an even thickness all
affinity of molten titanium to invest- porcelain were found to deteriorate. around, on the given shape of the die.
ment materials has created reactive Otherwise, the crowns demonstrated As a result, crowns were fabricated
alpha-case layers during the cast- optimal results, and it was found that with excess veneering porcelain in cer-
ing process.9,10 It was found that the the titanium ceramic crowns were tain areas. However, the authors iden-
bond strength between titanium and comparable to conventional metal tified no clinical studies that describe
porcelain was compromised due to ceramic crowns in terms of clinical the general performance of the CAD/
the existence of the reactive layer.11,12 performance.23,27 CAM titanium ceramic crowns with
While several methods, such as modi- Later, computer-aided design/ the specific coping design. Therefore,
fying air pressure and burn-out tem- computer -aided manufac tur ing the purpose of the prospective clini-
perature or using different investment (CAD/CAM) technology was incor- cal study was to evaluate the success,
materials, were evaluated to improve porated to make the titanium coping survival rate, and clinical parameters
the quality of the titanium casting,13-17 fabrication process simpler and fast- of CAD/CAM titanium ceramic single
a noncasting method was also devel- er.28 In the CAD/CAM method, the die crowns after 3 years in function. The
oped to fabricate the metal copings on the definitive cast was scanned, us- null hypotheses were: (1) the CAD/
of the titanium ceramic crowns. ing either an optical or touch probe CAM titanium ceramic crowns would
An initial alternative method used scanner, to send data to a computer. function intraorally with no mechani-
machine duplication and spark ero- After digitizing the die, the coping was cal complications for 3 years; and
sion techniques.18 The external form virtually designed on the computer (2) the CAD/CAM titanium ceramic
of the coping was made by copy mill- using the acquired data and system- crowns would survive intraorally with-
ing from a titanium rod, and its inter- specific CAD software, and then the out requiring replacement for 3 years.
nal surface was processed by spark electronic file was transferred to a
erosion using a graphite electrode special milling unit to fabricate the MATERIAL AND METHODS
that was also formed by copy milling coping. Contemporary CAD/CAM
from the die. The resultant titanium systems are able to fabricate not only This prospective clinical trial was
coping required special veneering the single crown coping, but also the designed according to the Consoli-
porcelain that was developed with a metal framework for a fixed partial dated Standards of Reporting Trials
low coefficient of thermal expansion, denture of up to 14 units, or custom- (CONSORT ) r ecomme ndat ions
because titaniums coefficient of ther- ized implant abutments.29,30 As for for improving the quality of clinical
mal expansion is significantly lower the accuracy of the products, even trials.37 The requirements of the
than that of conventional noble metal though CAD/CAM technology is rela- Helsinki declaration were fulfilled and
alloys.19,20 Also, the coping required tively new and requires improvement, approved by the Ethical Committee of
veneering porcelain with a firing the speed with which it has been de- the Martin-Luther-University Halle-
temperature below 880C, because veloped to yield results comparable to Wittenberg (#05032004).
heating above this temperature trans- the conventional lost-wax technique Twenty-one patients (8 men,
forms titanium from the hexagonal al- is noteworthy.31-35 13 women) between the ages of
pha phase to the body-centered cubic When CAD/CAM titanium ce- 26 and 67 (average age, 49.4)
Boeckler et al
292 Volume 102 Issue 5
participated in the study. Since the members of the Department of silicone material (Fit Checker; GC
study design was developed as a Prosthodontics who had 4 to 6 years Corp, Tokyo, Japan). Once the fit
prospective observation without a of clinical experience. The teeth were was confirmed to be satisfactory,
control group, no statistical method prepared according to preparation the coping was veneered with low-
was applied to determine adequate guidelines for conventional metal fusing porcelain (VITA Titanium
sample size. Instead, the authors ceramic crowns. A circumferential Porcelain; VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad
attempted to maximize the number deep chamfer margin (1.2 mm in Sckingen, Germany). The crowns
of subjects within the limitations width) was created, and occlusal in the area up to and including the
of the allowable study budget so as reduction of 1.5 to 2 mm was made. second premolar were fabricated with
to collect nonbiased, generalizable After the preparation, a complete the buccal porcelain butt margin.
results. When a patient visited the De- arch impression was made using a As a result, 20 crowns were made
partment of Prosthodontics, Martin- combination of heavy- and light- with a buccal porcelain butt margin,
Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, body polyether (Impregum, Heavy whereas 21 were made with a metal
Germany, with his/her restorative Body and Permadyne, Light Body; margin. At the time of insertion, the
needs, the patient was introduced 3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) with a proximal contacts and occlusion
to CAD/CAM titanium ceramic custom impression tray (Diatray Top; were adjusted as needed, and the
restorations as a treatment option. Dental Kontor GmbH, Stockelsdorf, crowns were cemented using zinc
The patients were informed about Germany). Provisional crowns were phosphate cement (Harvard; Richter
benefits/risks of the clinical trial fabricated using bis-GMA material & Hoffmann Harvard Dental GmbH,
on this new restorative system, (Protemp Garant; 3M ESPE) and Berlin, Germany).
and were asked if they were willing cemented using provisional cement Immediately after cementation,
to participate. When the patient (TempBond; KerrHawe SA, Bioggio, probing depth (PD), bleeding on
comprehended the research project Switzerland). probing (BOP), and plaque index38 (PI)
and signed the consent form, the The final crowns were fabricated of the restored teeth were measured.
patient was registered as a study using a CAD/CAM system (Everest Probing depth was measured to the
patient and followed for 3 years. CAD/CAM System; KaVo Dental nearest level marked on a periodontal
All patients needed at least 1 GmbH, Biberach, Germany). The probe (Williams SE Probe; Hu-Friedy
crown. To be included in the study, impression was poured in a type IV Mfg Co).39 Bleeding on probing was
the prospective tooth for the single dental stone (Everest Rock; KaVo observed, waiting for 30 seconds
crown had to fulfill several clinical Dental GmbH). After separation from after removal of the periodontal
criteria; assessment was performed the impression, the definitive cast probe from the gingival crevice.40
with medical/dental history taking was trimmed and scanned using a Criteria for the PI was as follows; 0,
and clinical and radiographic exam- special, coded-light charge-coupled no plaque; 1, no plaque visible, but
inations. The tooth was required to device (CCD) camera (Everest Scan; plaque is visible on the point of the
be: (1) periodontally healthy; (2) KaVo Dental GmbH). The software probe after it has been moved across
vital, or with root canal treatment (Everest Design Sherpa; KaVo Dental the surface of the gingival crevice; 2,
that was adequate (no clinical sign GmbH) automatically captured gingival area is covered with a thin to
or symptom, no apical radiolucency); the preparation margin and the moderately thick layer of plaque; 3,
(3) correctly positioned in the dental die surface, and then the dental heavy accumulation of soft matter.38
arch; and (4) with a sufficient amount laborator y technician designed Periapical radiographs (Fig. 1) and
of coronal tooth structure and a ferrule the coping using the software. A clinical photographs of the crowns
at least 2 in mm height in dentin after 0.5-mm-thick coping, as commonly were also made, and it was confirmed
preparation. Furthermore, normal used for conventional metal ceramic that all of the restorations were free
occlusal function, a healthy temporo- restorations, was designed. The final of any technical complications such
mandibular joint, and a favorable data were transferred to the 5-axis as cracks or other defects on the
interocclusal relationship were milling unit (Everest Engine; KaVo veneering porcelain.
required. Patients with untreated Dental GmbH) so that the coping At 12, 24, and 36 months after
temporomandibular disorders could be made by milling a grade-2 cementation, the patients were
or untreated systemic or infectious titanium blank (Everest T-Blank; KaVo recalled and the restorations were
diseases were excluded from the Dental GmbH). examined for technical and biological
study. Pregnant women were also The fit of the titanium copings complications by 2 calibrated faculty
excluded from the study. was evaluated intraorally prior to members. The calibration training was
Forty-one CAD/CAM titanium porcelain addition using a dental provided by a senior prosthodontist
ceramic single crowns (12 anterior, explorer (EXS3A6; Hu-Friedy Mfg before the study began. The follow-
29 posterior) were placed by faculty Co, Chicago, Ill) and disclosing up examinations consisted of clin-
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Boeckler et al
November 2009 293
caries, periapical radiolucency,
and loss of tooth vitality were
observed and reported if found.
The periodontal parameters (PD,
BOP, and PI) were measured to be
compared with those of the baseline.
The crown was categorized as
success if it was free from any me-
chanical and biological complica-
tions, while it was categorized as
survival if it was functioning in
place with complication(s), but not
replaced. The success and survival
1 Radiograph showing unsupported porcelain in marginal ridge areas. rates were estimated using the Ka-
plan-Meier analysis with 95% confi-
ical, radiographic, and clinical porcelain with metal coping exposure. dence intervals.
photographic examinations. The Other mechanical complications of
clinical photographs were made the crowns, if any, were observed and RESULTS
from the buccal and occlusal views reported.
for each tooth using a standardized If porcelain fracture occurred, the During the 3-year follow up, ve-
camera setting (aperture 22, shutter situation was managed according to neering porcelain fracture occurred
speed 1/80) (EOS 300D; Canon, Inc, the severity of the incidence. Most on 7 crowns that resulted in replace-
Tokyo, Japan) and lens setting (1:1 of the fractures (n=5) were managed ment of 2 crowns. The fractured
ratio) (SP AF90mm F/2.8 Di 1:1; by procedures ranging from simple crowns were found in different pa-
Tamron USA, Inc, Commack, NY). polishing to repairing using a self- tients. Mechanical complications
Radiographs were made to examine etching bonding system (Clearfil SE were found in 1 anterior crown and 6
possible periapical radiolucencies. If Bond; Kuraray Co, Ltd, Osaka, Japan) posterior crowns, and 5 crowns had
apical radiolucency was suspected, and a silane coupling agent (Clearfil porcelain chipping off (Class III or IV)
additional radiographs from different Porcelain Bond Activator; Kuraray (Fig. 2). The 2 crowns that needed
angles were made. Co, Ltd) in combination with a com- to be replaced were both posterior
As regards the evaluation of the posite resin material (Tetric Ceram; crowns, and the fracture of the por-
mechanical complications of the Ivoclar Vivadent). celain caused loss of either occlusal or
veneering porcelain, a new, practical A possible deterioration in the proximal contact. No biologic com-
classification was introduced and shade of the veneering porcelain plications were found during the fol-
used as follows: (1) Class I: minute was assessed using a shade guide low-up examinations. The PD mean
crack that is visible by changing the (V ITA Toothguide 3D-MASTER; constantly increased from 2.20 mm
direction of the light source; (2) Class VITA Zahnfabrik). The change in (baseline) to 2.93 mm (36 months),
II: clear fissure with discoloration; (3) the porcelain shade was confirmed but the rate of increase diminished
Class III: chipping within the body of by 2 investigators. Biological from 24 to 36 months (Table I). The PI
porcelain; and (4) Class IV: flaking of complications such as secondar y mean and the percentage of surfaces

2 Clinical photograph showing veneering porcelain fracture.

Boeckler et al
294 Volume 102 Issue 5

Table I. Results of periodontal examinations

Baseline 12 Months 24 Months 36 Months
Parameter (n=41) (n=37) (n=37) (n=36)

Mean probing 2.20 2.22 2.74 2.93

depth (mm)

Percentage of surface 17.1 25.7 29.1 29.2

with bleeding on probing

Mean plaque index 0 0.35 0.35 0.31


Success Rate




0 6 12 18 24 30 36
3 Success rate of CAD/CAM titanium ceramic crown over 3 years by Kaplan-
Meier cumulative analysis with 95% confidence interval.


Survival Rate




0 6 12 18 24 30 36
4 Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rate with 95% confidence interval of
CAD/CAM titanium ceramic crown over 3 years.

with BOP also increased initially, but 2 posterior crowns) did not return cal complications was 82.3% (95%
there was no increase at 12 (PI) or 24 at the 12-month follow-up due to a confidence interval: 71.2% to 95.1%)
months (BOP). No deterioration in medical condition (n=2) or inability by the Kaplan-Meier cumulative sur-
the shade of the veneering porcelain to locate (n=1) and were withdrawn vival analysis (Fig. 3). The cumulative
was observed during the recall from the study. Therefore, the success survival rate of the crown was 94.9%
examinations. rate of CAD/CAM titanium ceramic (95% confidence interval: 88.3% to
Three patients (1 anterior and crowns with regard to the mechani- 100%) after 3 years (Fig. 4).
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Boeckler et al
November 2009 295
DISCUSSION coping could have resulted in the could have been fabricated in an ana-
cohesive porcelain failure in the area tomic form by the copy milling tech-
The first null hypothesis, that the where shear occlusal force occurred. nique, whereas the CAD/CAM tech-
CAD/CAM titanium ceramic crowns For example, the porcelain fractures nique used in the current study was
would function intraorally with no were observed on the proximal mar- capable of fabricating only copings
mechanical complications for 3 years, ginal ridges or distolingual cusps of with an even thickness (nonanatomic
was rejected, as the success rate of mandibular molars. Even though the form). The difference in support for
CAD/CAM titanium ceramic crowns CAD/CAM titanium ceramic crowns the veneering porcelain could have
with regard to the mechanical com- showed a clinically acceptable sur- resulted in different incidences of me-
plications demonstrated a 95% confi- vival rate of approximately 95%, they chanical complications. As described
dence interval from 71.2% to 95.1%. may not be recommended for areas previously, the crowns with veneering
The second hypothesis, that the CAD/ where heavy occlusal forces are antici- porcelain fracture were managed by
CAM titanium ceramic crowns would pated, to minimize the incidence of procedures ranging from simple pol-
survive intraorally without replace- mechanical complications. ishing to repairing using composite
ment for 3 years, was not rejected, As for the frequency of the me- resin, according to the severity of the
as the 95% confidence interval of the chanical complications, it was found incidence. Unfortunately, 2 crowns
survival rate of the crown was from that the success rate according to showed significant loss of function
88.3% to 100%. the Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival that resulted in replacement (failure),
The present clinical study demon- analysis (82.3%) was lower than re- as they could not be repaired.
strated that the CAD/CAM titanium ported success rates of other studies It was found that the CAD/CAM
ceramic single crowns developed sev- that investigated porcelain titanium titanium ceramic crowns did not have
eral veneering porcelain fractures, crowns fabricated by former meth- any biologic complications. The fit
primarily for the posterior crowns. ods (copy milling and spark erosion). of the crowns was confirmed to be
This finding was not consistent with These studies reported that the in- acceptable at the time of insertion
the outcomes of previous studies that cidence of porcelain fracture was and did not demonstrate open or
investigated the conventional metal small,22,23,27 or 6%26 out of the entire defective margins during the 3-year
ceramic system. Walton2 reported group. Since the system used for the observation period. The periodontal
significantly higher retreatment needs present study was new, there may be parameters appeared to increase in
for anterior metal ceramic crowns a learning-curve factor influencing severity over time, but the increase
than posterior. However, the retreat- the results. Although the incidence of either diminished or was eliminated
ment was primarily linked to biologic porcelain fracture occurred as long during the later stages of follow up.
complications such as caries or root as 28 months after cementation, al- The mean probing depth was main-
fracture, not to mechanical prob- most half of the porcelain fractures tained at 3 mm, and approximately
lems. Also, De Backer et al4 reported a occurred within the first 6 months. 30% of surfaces showed bleeding on
higher survival rate for metal ceramic This phenomenon may have resulted probing at the end of the observation
crowns on molars compared to pre- from flaws included during the crown period. A similar trend was found in
molars or anterior teeth. Since the dif- fabrication process that went un- an earlier study that investigated ti-
ferences were not significant, the au- noticed. As the CAD/CAM system tanium ceramic crowns made using
thors did not explain the rationale for for fabricating the titanium ceramic previous fabrication methods (copy
the finding. However, biologic com- crowns was a newly developed sys- milling, spark erosion, and low-fusing
plications were responsible for most tem, more flaws could have been in- porcelain) over 5 years.26 It was also
of the failures. The findings from the corporated in the crowns due to in- reported in a literature review article
present CAD/CAM titanium ceramic sufficient experience of clinicians and that conventional restorations could
study indicate that heavy occlusal laboratory technicians. Other patient cause slight gingival inflammation re-
force was related to the incidence of factors such as parafunctional habits gardless of the quality of the restora-
porcelain fracture. With regard to the or excessive occlusal forces that were tions.41 Therefore, the authors of the
classification of the porcelain frac- not carefully screened in the begin- present study believe that the effect
ture, both cohesive (Class III) and ning may also have resulted in those of the CAD/CAM titanium ceramic
adhesive (Class IV) failures were ob- early failures. Therefore, to verify that crown on periodontal tissues after 3
served. Therefore, the bond strength the porcelain failures of CAD/CAM years of use was minimal and com-
between titanium and porcelain may titanium ceramic crowns occur more parable to other restorative systems.
have been insufficient to resist the oc- frequently earlier in function, and to Nonetheless, since the probing depth
clusal force at the posterior region, determine the causes of the failures, a remained increased at the end of the
or the lack of metal support result- follow-up study for a longer duration study, it was not clear whether the
ing from the use of the nonanatomic is indicated. Furthermore, the coping PD would constantly increase in the
Boeckler et al
296 Volume 102 Issue 5
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Copyright 2009 by the Editorial Council for

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.

Noteworthy Abstracts of the Current Literature

Prosthetic screw detorque values in implants retained as cast bar superstructures or
bars modified by the Cresco Ti Precision technique-- A comparative in vivo study

Schmitt J, Holst S, Eitner S, Schlegel A, Wichmann M, Hamel J.

Int J Prosthodont 2009;22:193200.

Purpose: This prospective clinical trial investigated the effect of different fabrication techniques on screw-joint stabil-
ity in implant-retained frameworks.

Materials and Methods: Seventy-nine dental implants (39 Branemark System and 40 Straumann) were inserted into
20 patients with an edentulous mandible. One of two fabrication techniques was randomly chosen as a definitive
restoration, either a cast bar or a bar superstructure modified with the Cresco Ti Precision (CTiP) technique. The pa-
tients were divided into four groups depending on the type of implant and prosthetic superstructure: Straumann-con-
ventional (Sc), Straumann-Cresco (SCr), Branemark-conventional (Bc), and Branemark-Cresco (BCr). Initial torque
values and removal torque values were recorded with a custom-made digital torque controller both 1 week (T1) and 3
months (T2) after clinical function.

Results: Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in absolute detorque values at T1 (P = .002) with 4.51
Ncm (SD = 3.80) for the Sc group, 10.65 Ncm (SD = 4.42) for SCr, 11.24 Ncm (SD = 4.00) for Bc, and 9.02 Ncm
(SD = 3.81) for BCr. At T2 (P = .000) the median values of lost torque were 5.08 Ncm (SD = 4.05) for the Sc group,
10.51 (SD = 3.00) for SCr, 7.50 (SD = 5.86) for Bc, and 9.41 Ncm (SD = 4.54) for BCr. However, when correlation of
detorque values to initial torque values was performed, no statistical differences were found between groups or time
points. The percentage of lost torque at T1 (P = .849) and T2 (P = .058) was 28.60% (SD = 21.80) and 32.85% (SD =
24.65), 30.04% (SD = 12.49) and 30.80% (SD = 8.66), 32.11% (SD = 11.37) and 21.03% (SD = 16.53), and 25.33%
(SD = 10.69) and 27.83% (SD = 12.57) for the Sc, SCr, Bc, and BCr groups, respectively.

Conclusions: The screw-joint stability of passivated bars is not superior to cast superstructures. A general decrease of
approximately 30% of initial torque values can be expected in clinical situations, independent of the implant system

Reprinted with permission of Quintessence Publishing.

Boeckler et al

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