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South East Queensland

Regional Plan 20092031

South East Queensland Regional Department of Infrastructure and Planning
Southern Region Division
Plan 20092031
PO Box 15009 City East
(SEQ Regional Plan)
Brisbane Qld 4002
Tel +61 7 3237 1809
regional planning Minister, in accordance with
the Queensland Integrated Planning Act 1997,
Section 2.5A 14 and 2.5C 10.
Regulatory maps
A set of regulatory maps (32 cadastre-based
In partnership with the Council of Mayors
(1:50 000) maps in total) form part of the State
(South East Queensland).
planning regulatory provisions associated with
the SEQ Regional Plan. The regulatory maps are
In consultation with the South East Queensland
available separately to the SEQ Regional Plan.
Regional Coordination Committee.
Contact the Department of Infrastructure and
Planning to request a copy of the regulatory
maps on CD.

Map disclaimer
The information on maps in this document is
July 2009
not intended for reference to specific parcels
of land, and should be treated as indicative
ISBN 978-0-9805449-1-6
only. In some parts of the mapping, one layer
obscures another; this is not meant to imply
The State of Queensland (Queensland
any order of importance or priority.
Department of Infrastructure and Planning) 2009.
The Department of Infrastructure and
Planning does not guarantee or make
Copyright protects this publication. Except for
any representations as to the accuracy or
purposes permitted by the Copyright Act 1968,
completeness of the information shown
no part may be reproduced by any means
on these maps, nor does it accept any
without the prior written permission of the
responsibility or liability for any loss or damage
Department of Infrastructure and Planning.
arising from their use.

Release notes: Data sources include:

20092031 is released by the Minister for  (ITEVXQIRXSJ)RZMVSRQIRXERH6IWSYVGI
Infrastructure and Planning in accordance with Management Translation statement
15 and 2.5C 11.  (ITEVXQIRXSJ)QTPS]QIRX)GSRSQMG providing accessible services to Queenslanders
Development and Innovation from all culturally and linguistically
Find out more  (ITEVXQIRXSJ)HYGEXMSRERH8VEMRMRK diverse backgrounds. If you have difficulty
For more information and copies of the SEQ  5YIIRWPERH,IEPXL understanding this document and need an
Regional Plan (including the state planning  +ISWGMIRGI%YWXVEPME interpreter, please call the Translating and
regulatory provisions) contact:  7SYXL)EWX5YIIRWPERH'EXGLQIRXW Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450
 1ETMRJS6SEHW and ask them to telephone the Queensland
Department of Infrastructure and Planning on
Map version: June 2009 07 3227 8548.

ISBN 978-0-9805449-1-6


As Australias fastest-growing state, all Queenslanders. The SEQ Regional Plan

Queensland needs a contemporary system GSRXVMFYXIWXSXLI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXW
of planning that is responsive to change Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland
and continues to deliver the lifestyle for 2020 vision by protecting greenspace and
which we are famous. supporting a sustainable environment.

The South East Queensland Regional Plan Importantly, the SEQ Regional Plan is
plan that will shape South East Queensland regularly updated South East Queensland
(SEQ) over the next 20 years and protect Infrastructure Plan and Program which
our wonderful way of life. lays the foundation for infrastructure that
anticipates growth and accommodates the
Its a plan for smart growth, to manage needs of the region.
our expanding population and tackle the
issues of today like housing affordability, The development of the regional plan has
congestion and climate change. been supported by the Council of Mayors
(SEQ) which is working closely with the
To manage growth, the regional plan 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXXSHIPMZIVERH
promotes compact settlement by implement the policies and programs set
consolidating growth in existing areas which out in the plan.
are close to public transport, to encourage
reduced car use and help fight congestion. We would like to acknowledge the Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the
The SEQ Regional Plan ensures there is first peoples of the land and recognise and
adequate land available for new homes, acknowledge the traditional owners and
businesses and infrastructure to 2031, elders of the region. The SEQ Regional Plan
while safeguarding more than 85 per cent will contribute to advancing reconciliation
of the region from inappropriate urban through engagement of Aboriginal and
development. Torres Strait Islander peoples in planning
processes and includes policies and
The existing Urban Footprint remains mostly programs that work towards closing the gap
unchanged, providing a clear boundary to in disadvantage to help meet their needs.
stop urban sprawl and protect our natural
environment, whilst providing enough land +SZIVRQIRX MW RS[ KIXXMRK SR [MXL XLI NSF
for anticipated population growth. of implementing the SEQ Regional Plan.
We are delivering on the commitments
The SEQ Regional Plan is the major made in the plan, including important new
planning document for SEQ and part initiatives to manage climate change, deliver
SJXLI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXWQSZI residential land supply, preserve green
towards planning for a better future for space and develop essential infrastructure.

The Honourable Anna Bligh MP The Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe MP 8LI6MKLX,SRSYVEFPIXLI0SVH1E]SV

Premier of Queensland Minister for Infrastructure and Planning of Brisbane, and the Council of Mayors
(SEQ) Chairman
Councillor Campbell Newman
2 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Foreword ..................................................................................1 6 Strong communities ....................................................... 77
6.1 Social planning .......................................................78
Part AIntroduction ............................................................... 4 6.2 Addressing disadvantage .......................................79
Purpose .............................................................................4   ,IEPXL]ERHWEJIGSQQYRMXMIW ...............................80
South East Queensland Regional Plan review .................4 6.4 Community engagement, capacity building
South East Queensland region .........................................5 and identity ............................................................82
Effect .................................................................................5 6.5 Cultural heritage, arts and
Planning period .................................................................7 cultural development..............................................83
Amending or replacing the regional plan .........................7 7 Engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait
The role of the SEQ Regional Plan ...................................7 Islander peoples............................................................. 84
Other SEQ regional planning documents .........................7 7.1 Traditional owner engagement...............................85
Inter-regional coordination ................................................7 7.2 Community engagement.........................................87
Definitions .........................................................................8 7.3 Social and economic equity ...................................88
 +VS[XLQEREKIQIRX .........................................................8 7.4 Cultural values ........................................................89
Structure ............................................................................9 8 Compact settlement........................................................ 90
8.1 Compact development............................................ 91
Part BRegional vision and strategic directions .................10 8.2 Containing growth ..................................................92
Regional vision ................................................................ 10 8.3 Urban character and design ...................................93
Strategic directions ..........................................................11 8.4 Urban greenspace ...................................................94
  ,SYWMRKGLSMGIERHEJJSVHEFMPMX] ...........................95
Part CRegional land use pattern .......................................13 8.6 Activity centres and transit corridors .....................96
Purpose ........................................................................... 13 8.7 Centres that support business ............................. 100
Regional land use categories.......................................... 13 8.8 Mixed-use activity centres .................................... 100
Sub-regional narratives ................................................... 17 8.9 Integrated land use and transport planning ........101
8.10 Development Area delivery .................................. 104
Part DRegional policies ..................................................... 38 8.11 Rural residential development ..............................110
1 Sustainability and climate change ................................. 39 9 Employment location ..................................................... 111
1.1 Sustainability principles .........................................40 9.1 Balanced and diverse employment .......................112
1.2 Sustainability monitoring ....................................... 41 9.2 Innovation and technology ...................................115
1.3 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions .....................42 9.3 Enterprise opportunities ....................................... 122
1.4 Natural hazards and climate change adaptation ......44 10 Infrastructure .................................................................124
1.5 Responding to oil supply vulnerability ..................46 10.1 Supporting regional growth ................................. 125
2 Natural environment ....................................................... 47 10.2 Infrastructure planning, coordination
2.1 Biodiversity .............................................................48 and funding .......................................................... 125
2.2 Koala conservation ................................................. 51 10.3 Managing demand ................................................ 126
2.3 Air and noise ..........................................................53 10.4 Protecting key sites and corridors ....................... 126
2.4 Managing the coast ................................................54 10.5 Energy ................................................................... 127
3 Regional landscape ........................................................ 55 10.6 Information and communication .......................... 128
3.1 Regional landscape values .....................................56 10.7 Waste .................................................................... 129
3.2 Regional landscape areas ......................................57 10.8 Social infrastructure.............................................. 130
3.3 Regional landscape management ..........................60 11 Water management .......................................................131
3.4 Community greenspace network ............................62 11.1 Total water cycle management............................. 132
3.5 Scenic amenity .......................................................64 11.2 Water supply planning ......................................... 133
  0ERHWGETILIVMXEKI ................................................64 11.3 Efficient water use ................................................ 135
3.7 Outdoor recreation .................................................66 11.4 Waterway health ................................................... 136
4 Natural resources ........................................................... 67 11.5 Drinking water catchment protection ................... 137
4.1 Natural resource management ...............................68 11.6 Overland flow and flood management ................ 138
  0ERHI\XVEGXMZIVIWSYVGIWQMRIVEPW 11.7 Rural water ........................................................... 138
forestry and fisheries .............................................68 12 Integrated transport ......................................................139
4.3 Ecosystem services ................................................. 71 12.1 Integrated transport planning .............................. 140
5 Rural futures................................................................... 72 12.2 Sustainable travel and improved accessibility..... 145
5.1 Rural futures strategy .............................................74 12.3 Effective transport investment ............................. 146
5.2 Rural planning ........................................................74 12.4 Transport system efficiency .................................. 147
5.3 Rural communities ..................................................75 12.5 Efficient freight services ....................................... 148
5.4 Rural industries ......................................................76 12.6 Coordinated air and sea transport....................... 148

Part EImplementation and monitoring .............................151

Statutory processes....................................................... 152 List of maps
 0MROMRK[MXLTPERRMRKWGLIQIW .................................... 152 Map 1: South East Queensland ........................................6
Desired regional outcomes ........................................... 152 Map 2: South East Queensland regional
Development Areas ....................................................... 152 land use categories ................................................ 14
 -HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEW ................................................. 153 Map 3: Areas of ecological significance .........................50
Infrastructure and services coordination ...................... 153 Map 4: Major koala population and habitats ................52
Monitoring, evaluation, review and improvement ........ 153 Map 5: Existing subdivision outside
Roles and responsibilities ............................................. 153 the Urban Footprint ................................................ 61
Map 6: Existing regional community
Glossary ..............................................................................155 greenspace network ...............................................63
Map 7: Scenic amenity ...................................................65
Abbreviations .......................................................................155 Map 8: Rural production and natural resources ............70
Map 9: South East Queensland Traditional
Acknowledgements ..............................................................156 Owner Alliance sub-regions and groups ................86
Map 10: Activity centres network....................................98
Bibliography ........................................................................157  1ET%GXMZMX]GIRXVIWRIX[SVO+VIEXIV
Brisbane and the Western Corridor........................99
Part FSouth East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 Map 12: Development Areas and
State planning regulatory provisions ..................................159  -HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEW ........................................ 108
Division 1 Preliminary.................................................... 160 Map 13: Science and technology
Division 2 Material change of use .................................161 opportunity areas ..................................................116
Division 3 Subdivision .................................................. 164 Map 14: Science and technology opportunity
Division 4 Assessment criteria for  EVIEW+VIEXIV&VMWFERIERHXLI
development applications ............................................. 166 Western Corridor....................................................117
Division 5 Regional Planning Minister Notices ............. 166  1ET,IEPXLIHYGEXMSRERHXVEMRMRK
Division 6 Contrary and inconsistent development ..... 166 opportunity areas ..................................................118
Schedules ...................................................................... 167  1ET,IEPXLIHYGEXMSRERHXVEMRMRK
List of tables and the Western Corridor.......................................119
Table 1: Description of targets relevant to Map 17: Employment opportunity areas ...................... 120
the SEQ Regional Plan ........................................... 41  1ET)QTPS]QIRXSTTSVXYRMX]EVIEW+VIEXIV
Table 2: Regional landscape areas .................................58 Brisbane and the Western Corridor.......................121
Table 3: Dwellings by local Map 19: Enterprise opportunity areas .......................... 123
government area (20062031) ............................... 91 Map 20: Water resources and water grid ..................... 134
Table 4: Transit oriented development Map 21: Strategic transport network 2031 ....................141
principles for South East Queensland ................. 102  1ET7XVEXIKMGXVERWTSVXRIX[SVO+VIEXIV
Table 5: Transit oriented development Brisbane and the Western Corridor...................... 142
precinct typology .................................................. 103 Map 23: Strategic transport network 2031
Table 6: Development Areas within the South West ........................................................... 143
Urban Footprint .................................................... 107 Map 24: Strategic transport network 2031
the Urban Footprint .............................................. 109 Map 25: Priority freight routes ..................................... 149
Table 8: Employment Opportunity Areas .......................114  1ET4VMSVMX]JVIMKLXVSYXIW+VIEXIV&VMWFERI
and the Western Corridor ..................................... 150
List of figures
for Queensland .........................................................7
Figure 2: Existing and planned dwelling
distribution by local government area to 2031 .......9
Figure 3: IPA Approvals framework for
Development Areas............................................... 105
Figure 4: State agency interests ................................... 106
4 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

PART AIntroduction

and the implications for accommodating consulting with the Regional

Purpose growth in SEQ have been examined. Coordination Committee (RCC).
The purpose of the South East To comply with these requirements,
Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 The SEQ Regional Plan and associated
the preparing and making of the SEQ
(SEQ Regional Plan) is to manage state planning regulatory provisions
Regional Plan included:
regional growth and change in the most (Part F) have been prepared in accordance
sustainable way to protect and enhance with sections 2.5A and 2.5C of the preparing the Draft South East
quality of life in the region. Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA). Queensland Regional Plan 20092031
(draft SEQ Regional Plan) and state
New state planning regulatory provisions
planning regulatory provisions, which
(South East Queensland Regional Plan
South East 20092031 State planning regulatory
were released on 7 December 2008

Queensland Regional provisions) and associated regulatory undertaking a comprehensive public

consultation program on the draft SEQ
maps have also been prepared. These
Plan review support the SEQ Regional Plan and Regional Plan and regulations, which
should be read in conjunction with it. The were on public display until 1 May
The state government reviewed the
regulatory provisions have effect from the 2009
South East Queensland Regional Plan
2005-2026 (SEQ Regional Plan 2005) date of their gazettal. reviewing 3500 formal submissions.
to determine the appropriate action Each submission was assessed and
The IPA sets out the required procedure summarised, and a consultation report
to address emerging regional growth
that the regional planning Minister must was prepared with recommendations
management issuescontinued high
follow in preparing and making the SEQ for the regional planning Minister
population growth, housing affordability,
Regional Plan. The key steps include:
transport congestion, climate change and the regional planning Minister
employment generation. consulting with the RCC during
preparing a draft plan and state
planning regulatory provisions preparation of the draft and final SEQ
This SEQ Regional Plan refines and
Regional Plan.
modifies the strategic directions, making the draft plan available for
principles and policies of the SEQ public consultation for a minimum of
Regional Plan 2005 to respond to 60 business days and the regulations
emerging issues. Population and housing for 30 business days
projections have been extended to 2031 considering all properly made
Part AIntroduction 5

development applications made

under the Integrated Development
Assessment System (IDAS) of the IPA.
Where local government planning
schemes materially contradict the regional
plan, the planning scheme must be
amended to ensure alignment with the
regional plan.

The following parts of the SEQ Regional

Plan are relevant when assessing a
development application or an application
for approval of a master plan against or
having regard to the SEQ Regional Plan:

the sub-regional narratives in Part C

the regional policies in Part D.
An application conflicts with the SEQ
Regional Plan if it does not comply
with the sub-regional narratives in
Part C or the regional policies in Part D.
South East Effect If there is an inconsistency between the
Queensland region The SEQ Regional Plan is the pre- sub-regional narratives in Part C
and the regional policies in Part D, the
eminent plan for the SEQ region and
The SEQ region comprises 11 regional takes precedence over all other planning sub-regional narratives prevail.
and city councils. The area covered by instruments. The particular effect of the
the SEQ Regional Plan includes the The regional plan also directs state
regional plan is established under section
following local governments and adjacent agencies, through Queensland
2.5A of the IPA as follows:
Queensland waters (as shown on Map 1): +SZIVRQIRXEKVIIHTVMRGMTPIWTSPMGMIW
For the purpose of the IPA, the and programs, for the future of SEQ.
Brisbane City Council regional plan is taken to be a state
The South East Queensland Regional
+SPH'SEWX'MX]'SYRGMP interest.
Plan 20092031 (the SEQ Regional Plan)
Ipswich City Council Under the IPA, the regional replaces the South East Queensland
plan prevails where there is any Regional Plan 2005-2026. The Draft
inconsistency with any other plan, South East Queensland Regional Plan
0SKER'MX]'SYRGMP policy or code, including any other 20092031 was released by the regional
Moreton Bay Regional Council planning instrument made under state planning Minister on 7 December 2008.
legislation that has effect within the The draft plan was subject to community
Toowoomba Regional Council (part of )
SEQ region. consultation and comment to 1 May 2009.
Redland City Council
Any plans, policies and codes being
Scenic Rim Regional Council prepared or amended by state The SEQ Regional Plan has been prepared
agencies that relate to the SEQ in good faith, taking into account
Somerset Regional Council all public submissions, to provide a
region must reflect and align with the
Sunshine Coast Regional Council. regional plan. framework for the management and
development of the SEQ region to 2031.
The state planning regulatory provisions
of the regional plan are required to The SEQ Regional Plan has effect on
be taken into account in planning and and from the day the notice about the
development decision-making processes, making of the plan is published in the
including: Government Gazette.

state government plans and policies The South East Queensland Regional
local government planning schemes Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory
and other plans and policies provisions (SEQ Regional Plan regulatory
provisions) have effect from the day they
planning and development processes
are published in the Government Gazette.
under the IPA
6 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 1: South East Queensland

Part AIntroduction 7

Figure 1: Land use planning framework for Queensland

Example Key delivery mechanism

Queensland State IPA, Q2

Region SEQ Regional Plan

South East Queensland

0SKER 7YFVIKMSR 0+% Strategic Plans

Planning Schemes
District Structure Plans Regional
Development Area Plan
Neighbourhood Neighbourhood Plans
Activity centre Zone Codes

0SX Site Development Approvals

Planning period The role of the SEQ Inter-regional

The SEQ Regional Plan provides the Regional Plan coordination
framework on which to manage growth,
change, land use and development in The SEQ Regional Plan sits within the The SEQ region has a close connection with
SEQ to 2031. Queensland land use planning framework the surrounding areas of Wide Bay Burnett
(Figure 1) and reflects and informs state (north), the Darling Downs (west) and the
It also considers the regions potential planning policy and priorities. It also informs Tweed Shire in New South Wales (south).
management needs beyond 2031 to local government plans and policies.
ensure planning decisions made today do Some of these areas are experiencing
not compromise options to meet longer The SEQ Regional Plan also informs non- comparable growth pressures and face
term needs. The SEQ Regional Plan statutory processes, such as planning similar issues to those affecting SEQ. In
also addresses long-term issues such as for natural resource management and particular, growth pressures in the Darling
climate change. the planning of urban renewal and Downs region and Tweed Shire are heavily
new growth areas at the district and influenced by growth within the SEQ region.
neighbourhood levels.
The SEQ Regional Plan does not directly
Amending or replacing influence the planning processes or
the regional plan Other SEQ regional regulate the use of land in areas outside
SEQ. It is important, however, that
Amendments to the SEQ Regional Plan planning documents potential cross-regional development
must be made in accordance with the issues be considered in a broader
procedures set down in section 2.5A of The SEQ Regional Plan is supported by a
planning context, and that arrangements
the IPA. range of documents including:
are put in place to address these issues.

The SEQ Regional Plan will be regularly the annual South East Queensland
Infrastructure Plan and Program
monitored and reviewed to ensure it
Darling Downs
continues to provide the most appropriate
framework for managing growth and change guidelines and codes associated In addition to its role in SEQ, Toowoomba
in SEQ. The monitoring will be undertaken with regional policies or regulatory is the major urban centre for the Darling
XLVSYKLFSXLXLI7)5+VS[XL1EREKIQIRX provisions Downs, which includes key agriculture
Program and State of the Region reporting. and rural areas stretching from Dalby
maps indicating areas where specific in the north to Warwick in the south.
regional policies or regulatory The Darling Downs takes in the regional
A formal reviewinformed by this
monitoringwill be undertaken every
five years. The next formal review will be associated strategies and non- Dalby and the remainder of the
undertaken by July 2014. statutory plans. Toowoomba Regional Council area not
included in SEQ.
The status of these documents will vary
Notwithstanding the above, the regional depending upon the enabling legislation
planning Minister can amend or replace and planning intent applied in the SEQ
the SEQ Regional Plan at any time under Regional Plan. The planning intent and
the procedures set out in the IPA. statutory basis is set out in each document.
8 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

by growth in SEQ, as well as the
development of the Surat Basin. The Terms used in this SEQ Regional Plan are which, subject to further investigations,
Department of Infrastructure and Planning as defined in the IPA, unless otherwise may accommodate growth in the long-
consults with local government to specified in the SEQ Regional Plan term, beyond 2031. Consideration of
coordinate planning across the regions. regulatory provisions or glossary. any development within an Identified
exceptional circumstances and where further
Tweed Shire +VS[XLQEREKIQIRX investigations address the Urban Footprint
principles and relevant studies identified in
The Tweed Shire is located in northern Over the 25 years to 2004, SEQs the sub-regional narratives. It is anticipated
City. The area has a close association around 1.5 million people to more than developed in the period prior to the next
[MXLXLI+SPH'SEWXERHXLI8[IIH,IEHW 2.5 million. Population growth, projected formal review of the SEQ Regional Plan.
to Pottsville Coastal Corridor, effectively demand for housing and anticipated
JSVQMRKERI\XIRWMSRSJXLIKVIEXIV+SPH distribution of development emphasised The strong link between the SEQ
Coast urban area. The majority of the the need to establish a plan to guide Regional Plan and South East Queensland
growth in the Tweed Shire is likely to take expected future growth in order to protect Infrastructure Plan and Program (SEQIPP)
place in the northern and coastal areas of and enhance the liveability of the region. is also continued. The SEQIPP outlines
XLIWLMVIGPSWIWXXS+SPH'SEWX'MX] the governments infrastructure priorities
The regional plan was established for the region. Together the plans
The Tweed Shire is facing many of in 2005 and given a statutory basis coordinate planning, infrastructure and
the same growth management issues to guide appropriate growth, change service delivery in SEQ to ensure that the
as SEQrapid population growth; and development, and to prevent desired, more compact urban settlement
high tourism visitations; development development inconsistent with the plan. pattern is achieved.
pressures on natural areas, the coastal
zone and agricultural lands; and a The key features introduced to manage An annual review of dwelling and
requirement to invest in additional growth within the South East Queensland employment land delivery will be
infrastructure and community services. Regional Plan 2005-2026 included: MRXVSHYGIHXLVSYKLER7)5+VS[XL
Management Program. It will inform
The Department of Infrastructure and promoting a compact urban form implementation priorities for the SEQ
Planning consults with the New South
identifying an Urban Footprint, as a Regional Plan and SEQIPPs annual review
Wales Department of Planning and
means to control unplanned urban to optimise the use of infrastructure
the Tweed Shire Council to coordinate
expansion delivered to support the regions growth.
planning across the two regions.
allocating land to accommodate future The SEQ Regional Plan refines the growth
urban growth management principles established under
Wide Bay Burnett supporting growth in the Western the South East Queensland Regional
The Wide Bay Burnett region is also Corridor Plan 2005-2026. It also adjusts aspects
experiencing rapid rates of growth. of policy and implementation to ensure
linking the plan with state
The region contains significant natural that it can better deliver its intended
infrastructure and service delivery
features and landscapes, including the outcomes, and respond to new and
informing local government important issues such as climate change.
infrastructure programs and budgets,
and providing certainty to the private
Island, the Bunya Mountains and Cania
sector. Population growth
population lives in the five major centres Notwithstanding the recent global
In order to cover the range of possible
SJ&YRHEFIVK1EV]FSVSYKL,IVZI]&E] economic downturn, substantial growth
outcomes, three population projection
+]QTMIERH/MRKEVS] is projected to continue to 2031 and
series were produced for the region
beyond, and the South East Queensland
low, medium and high projections
The Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan 2007 Regional Plan 20092031 will continue to
(Queenslands Future Populations 2008).
2026 was developed to ensure the regions provide for growth to occur in an orderly
new homes and jobs are accommodated manner. The SEQ Regional Plan is based on
without harming the environment, which the medium series projection; however,
underpins the regions agriculture- and The SEQ Regional Plan identifies sufficient
population growth will be monitored
tourism-based economy. The Department of land to accommodate a projected
and kept under review to ensure future
Infrastructure and Planning consults with population of 4.4 million people and their
planning uses the most up-to-date
local governments to coordinate regional employment and economic development
planning across SEQ and Wide Bay Burnett. needs up to 2031 in a more compact
Part AIntroduction 9

Dwelling demand Figure 2: Existing and planned dwelling distribution by local government area to 2031

From 2006 to 2031, 754 000 additional 600 000

dwellings will be required to cater for Additional dwellings in balance and/or existing urban area
population growth in SEQ and provide 500 000 Minimum additional dwellings in infill and redevelopment
housing choices for a more diverse
population. Existing dwellings at 2006
400 000
A detailed review of the Urban Footprint
found that it has the capacity to 300 000
accommodate in excess of 754 000
additional dwellings through a mix of
200 000
additional development in existing urban
areas and on broadhectare land. Further
land is also available in development 100 000
areas in the Western Corridor and
South Western Corridor capable of
accommodating growth beyond 2031.





Moreton Bay


Scenic Rim


Sunshine Coast

Toowoomba SSD
Demand and supply for dwellings within
each sub-region will be subject to
significant fluctuations within the life of
Management Program will inform the state
government each year on land delivery
Structure Part D Regional policies
and supply. This will help to determine if
regional and sub-regional land supply is The SEQ Regional Plan is set out under This part sets out the:
responding to demand, and where actions the following sections:
are required to assist in delivery. desired regional outcomes for the
SEQ region
The SEQ Regional Plan allocates the Part A Introduction principles necessary to achieve those
projected 754 000 additional dwellings outcomes
to local government areas based on the The introduction gives background
preferred settlement pattern principles of: information that explains the purpose, policies to be applied to guide state
intent and effect of the SEQ Regional Plan. and local government planning
relieving pressures on the coast processes and decision-making

redistributing growth to the Western programs to be implemented over the

Part B Regional vision life of the plan.
and strategic directions
promoting infill in existing centres
The desired future for South East
Part E Implementation
redeveloping infrastructure-rich areas
Queensland is outlined in the vision and monitoring
maximising residential yield in major statement. The strategic directions
new residential developments. This part sets out how the SEQ Regional
statements set out the broad policy
Plan will be implemented, and the
The distribution is shown graphically in framework for the SEQ Regional Plan.
monitoring requirements to inform
Figure 2. subsequent reviews of the SEQ Regional
In some instances the dwelling Part C Regional land
projections and the SEQ Regional Plan use pattern Part F Regulatory
dwelling allocations vary. The projections
of dwelling demand provide a reasonable Regional land use is established in the provisions
scenario of the future dwellings in SEQ SEQ Regional Plan by growth boundary
and land use categories that are applied The South East Queensland Regional
if relevant assumptions are realised
through the regulatory provisions. Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory
and are not constrained by land supply
provisions were established and have
and densities at a local level. The SEQ
Narratives for local government areas affect in accordance with the relevant
Regional Plan dwelling allocations reflect
indicate the general allocation of growth sections of the Integrated Planning Act
specific growth management policies
through the SEQ Regional Plan and will 1997. Where indicated in the regulatory
aimed at achieving urban consolidation
guide local planning and provide for the provisions, these apply to development
and encouraging infill and redevelopment
coordination of services. applications for material changes of use
in established urban areas.
and subdivision in the SEQ region.
10 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Part BRegional vision and

strategic directions


a 2020 vision in Toward Q2: Tomorrows
Regional vision future that is sustainable, affordable,
Queensland around five ambitions for The vision for SEQ is a region of prosperous, liveable and resilient to
communities across Queensland: interconnected communities, with climate change, where:
excellent accessibility and an extensive
Strong: Create a diverse economy and efficient public transport system communities are safe, healthy,
powered by bright ideas that contributes to reducing greenhouse accessible and inclusive
+VIIR4VSXIGXSYVPMJIWX]PIERH gas emissions. At its heart is Brisbane, there are diverse employment
environment state capital and subtropical world city. opportunities and quality
Surrounding the capital are several large infrastructure and services, including
Smart: Deliver world-class education urban areas separated by open space, education and health
and training and many small- to medium-sized towns
urban and rural areas are mutually
,IEPXL]1EOI5YIIRWPERHIVW and villages, each with its own character
and identity. It is a region characterised supportive and collaborative in
Australias healthiest people
by choice and diversity, with mountain creating wealth for the community
Fair: Support a safe and caring
ranges and hinterlands, Moreton Bay and development is sustainable and well
islands, extensive beaches, wetlands, designed, and where the subtropical
The regional vision defines the parks, bush and farmlands supporting a character of the region is recognised
communitys long-term aspirations for SEQ rich biodiversity. and reinforced
and contributes to the delivery of the Q2
ecological and culturally significant
vision and targets in the region. SEQ is well managed with a sustainable
landscapes are valued, celebrated,
quality of life based on a unique
protected and enhanced
landscape, quality built form and diverse
cultures, acknowledgement and respect the community has access to a range
of the significance of Aboriginal heritage of quality, open space, recreational
prior to and since European occupation. opportunities.
It has a progressive and well-informed
community and enjoys international
recognition for leadership in fostering
sustainable regional equality and
Part BRegional vision and strategic directions 11

Supporting rural production

Strong and viable rural communities are
to be maintained so that they continue
to contribute to not only the states
economy, but to the health, character,
liveability and self-sufficiency of the
region. Rural production lands will be
protected from further fragmentation and
urban encroachment.

Accommodating future
residential and employment
Residential and employment growth is
distributed across the region to facilitate
access and choice, assist housing
affordability and sub-regional self-
containment, and to strengthen regional
greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt identity.
Strategic directions to the effects of climate change by
The strategic directions outlined in the developing adaptation strategies and Future residential growth will be
SEQ Regional Plan establish the broad protecting areas at risk, such as low-lying accommodated through a combination of
policy framework for achieving the areas vulnerable to flooding from higher redevelopment and use of:
regional vision and intended growth sea levels.
underutilised land within the broader
management outcomes.
The increasing vulnerability of oil supply urban framework and established
will progressively affect liveability and urban areas
Creating a more affordability in SEQ. New development remnant broadhectare land
sustainable future must substantially reduce the need for
broadhectare development
fuel by reducing car dependency. A more
SEQ is to be managed in a sustainable compact urban form is preferred. This will limited rural living.
way by reducing the regions ecological be achieved through increased densities Future employment growth will be
footprint while enhancing its economy and mixed-use developments that support accommodated within urban areas
and residents quality of life. To achieve public transport, close to the city and through a combination of activity centres,
this, social, ecological and economic activity centres. specialised employment precincts and
improvements need to be made in an limited home-based business. Further
equitable and harmonious manner. employment growth will also occur in rural
Protecting the regional and regional landscape areas through
The SEQ Regional Plan aims to protect landscape greater rural production, diversification of
biodiversity, contain urban development, rural industries, tourism and recreation.
build and maintain community identity, SEQs rural and natural landscape areas
reduce car dependency, and support a support environmental, rural production,
prosperous economy. Communities are to recreational, cultural and scenic functions. Facilitating growth in the
be built and managed using contemporary They underpin the regions liveability
measures to conserve water and energy, and viability, and will be protected from
with buildings designed and sited to take urban development and rural residential An increased proportion of the regions
advantage of the subtropical climate. subdivision. future population will be accommodated
in the Western Corridor and South
The enhancement of bioregional corridors Western Corridor, making use of
Addressing climate change outside planned urban and rural significant areas of available land and
and oil supply vulnerability production areas will help to protect reducing pressure on the coast. Future
biodiversity and achieve carbon offsets growth in this corridor also provides
SEQ communities and industries are from urban development. the opportunity to achieve compatibility
vulnerable to the adverse effects of between employment, transport
climate change. The challenges are to infrastructure and population growth.
mitigate climate change by reducing
12 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

By identifying areas for future urban New residential areas will be developed regional communities. These inter-urban
development and giving priority to with mixed-uses and at densities that breaks range in scale from a separation
infrastructure and services, economic and support walkable communities, public of the Brisbane metropolitan area and
population growth will increase in the transport services and efficient delivery XLI+SPH'SEWXERH7YRWLMRI'SEWXXS
Western and South Western corridors. of infrastructure. Coordinated land use smaller inter-urban breaks defining local
and infrastructure plans supported by settlements. The preferred structure
New development is expected to provide agreed infrastructure arrangements and also encourages consolidating growth
a wide range of housing types, locations responsibilities will be required for within and immediately adjacent to rural
and densities to meet the communitys broadhectare development sites. townships.
needs and to complement priority
infrastructure investment.
Regional accessibility Providing infrastructure and
The South Western Corridor will emerge
in the medium- to long-term as a key The Urban Footprint establishes a services
provider for employment and residential boundary for urban development, Infrastructure needed to support the
growth. It is located in the south of containing urban growth and promoting future development of the region is
0SKER'MX]ERHXLIRSVXLIEWXIVRWIGXMSR a higher density urban form. By identified in order to manage future
of the Scenic Rim local government areas. consolidating urban growth into an growth patterns and to inform the
The corridor contains a series of areas identified area, travel times and distances implementation and review of the SEQIPP.
that are capable of accommodating new can be greatly reduced and accessibility The provision of roads and public
residential communities and employment to essential services improved. The SEQ transport to support current and future
precincts, and further areas thatsubject Regional Plan sets out the preferred residents is a priority. Water and energy
to investigationcan accommodate approach to land use planning. use will be an important focus across
growth. The corridor contains existing the regionto reduce consumption,
infrastructure including the Brisbane The impacts of traffic congestion on manage demand and increase the use of
7]HRI]VEMPPMRIERHXLI1SYRX0MRHIWE] the region can be greatly reduced by renewable resources in the interests of a
,MKL[E]FYX[MPPVIUYMVIWMKRMJMGERX locating self-contained activities in well- more sustainable region.
extensions of urban infrastructure defined nodes along existing and planned
networks, including roads and public transport corridors. Providing access to
transport. It also contains significant alternative transport options to reduce Supporting strong and
car dependancy will improve accessibility.
environmental values and natural
Alternative transport measures include
healthy communities
resources, which need to be protected.
increasing the availability of high-quality Creating liveable communities and
public transport, creating resiliency and improving quality of life for residents
Delivering smart growth connectivity within the transportation in growth areas is an essential part of
network, and ensuring pedestrian, bike, managing future growth in SEQ.
The SEQ Regional Plan requires a public transport and road facilities are
more efficient use of urban land by well connected. The coordinated and timely delivery
redeveloping older and under-used areas of social infrastructure is important
that are suitable and ready for renewal. The overall efficiency of existing and to support the range of community
This will be achieved by setting targets proposed investment in transport needs, including an ageing population,
for infill development across the region, infrastructure will be improved through disadvantaged communities and new
and by improving yields and housing better coordination and sequencing of neighbourhoods.
choice in these areas. land use and transportation approaches.
A significant proportion of future the physical and social environment,
residential growth will be accommodated Building a series of strong, including:
through infill and redevelopment within identifiable communities
the urban framework and established suitable areas for physical activity and
urban areas. Prime locations for infill The SEQ Regional Plan emphasises exercise
development are around urban activity building strong and well-serviced
well-connected communities with
centres that have existing facilities, communities with distinct local character
active transport networks
services and amenities, and along public and identity.
transport corridors and nodes where the accessible public spaces for
public transport system can best service +VS[MRKYVFEREVIEW[MPPFIGSRXEMRIH community activity
the additional population. ERHJVEQIHF]XLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETI
access to facilities and services
preserve key inter-urban breaks, which the development of strong community
define the extent and character of networks.
Part CRegional land use pattern 13

Part CRegional land

use pattern

Purpose Regional land use

The regional land use pattern defines categories
the spatial framework for the region to
achieve the desired regional outcomes. It The SEQ Regional Plan allocates all
identifies: land into one of three regional land use
regional land use categories
land that can accommodate urban Production Area
development to 2031
Urban Footprint
land that is protected from further
urban development 6YVEP0MZMRK%VIE

sub-regional narratives. These categories provide the spatial

context for the regulatory provisions of
It also helps to align regional the SEQ Regional Plan. They are shown in
infrastructure and transport systems with Map 2 and are more precisely defined on
urban and economic activity areas. the regulatory maps (at 1:50 000 scale)
that accompany the SEQ Regional Plan
and are contained within the South East
Queensland Regional Plan 20092031
State planning regulatory provisions.
14 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 2: South East Queensland regional land use categories

Part CRegional land use pattern 15

6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH coastal wetlands Description

Rural Production Area land that forms strategic and The Urban Footprint includes established
regionally significant inter-urban urban areas, broadhectare and remnant
Intent breaks. broadhectare areas that could be
8LI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH6YVEP 8LI6064%QEMRXEMRWI\MWXMRKPERHYWI suitable for future urban development. It
4VSHYGXMSR%VIE 6064% MHIRXMJMIWPERH rights. This ensures that significant incorporates the full range of urban uses,
with regional landscape, rural production activities such as agricultural production, including housing, industry, business,
or other non-urban values. It protects this access to natural resources, water infrastructure, community facilities and
land from inappropriate development, storage, tourism, outdoor recreation and urban open space.
particularly urban or rural residential nature conservation can continue.
Remnant broadhectare lands are
undeveloped lots that could potentially
Regulatory provisions be developed for urban residential
These areas support the lifestyle and
The regulatory provisions apply to the purposes but are not currently zoned
wellbeing of the regional population,
6064%8LIWITVSZMWMSRWVIWXVMGX for higher density development. They
primarily located in the Urban Footprint.
8LI6064%WREXYVEPEWWIXWVIUYMVI are located within the Urban Footprint,
further fragmentation of land holdings and are usually surrounded by urban
management to improve the capacity
to provide ecosystem services, increase urban development, except within development or near existing or planned
the regions resilience and support the established villages urban infrastructure services.
population. the expansion of rural residential The Urban Footprint defines the extent
development outside areas already of urban development to 2031 by
Description allocated in local government using cadastral or other clearly defined
8LI6064%MRGPYHIWPERH[MXLSRISV planning schemes. boundaries.
more of these values: The regulatory provisions support
diversification of rural economies by The Urban Footprint does not imply that
significant biodiversity allowing a range of developments, all included land can be developed for
regional ecosystems that are including: urban purposes. For example, national
endangered or of concern parks and state forests will continue
small- to medium-scale tourist to be protected and managed under
national parks, conservation activities state legislation such as the Nature
parks, resources reserves or other Conservation Act 1994 and the Forestry
conservation areas small-scale industry and business
Act 1959, and remnant vegetation will
koala habitat continue to be protected under the
sport and recreation facilities. Vegetation Management Act 1999.
good quality agricultural land and
other productive rural areas The regulatory provisions do not apply to
areas where the Minister has endorsed a 0ERHMRXLI9VFER*SSXTVMRXQE]FI
cultural and landscape heritage values rural precinct plan. unsuitable for urban development for
(traditional and non-Indigenous) other reasons, including constraints such
natural economic resources, including as flooding, land slope, scenic amenity,
extractive resources and forestry Urban Footprint and the need to protect significant
plantations biodiversity values.

water catchments, water storages and

groundwater resources The Urban Footprint identifies land that
the main instrument that will establish
can meet the regions urban development
native forests and refine the desired use of land and
needs to 2031 in a more compact form.
the preferred timing of development
within the Urban Footprint.
16 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

The Urban Footprint focuses urban growth

in locations that:

provide reliable and effective

transportation choices or otherwise
reduce car use, particularly for infill
and redevelopment in and around
existing urban centres, and along
high-frequency public transport
physically connect to existing
communities wherever possible, or
otherwise provide new development
with direct transport linkages to
established urban areas early in the
promote cohesive communities that
support a wide range of services and
include or have access to existing or
planned employment centres.
The Urban Footprint includes some areas
designated or already developed for
rural residential purposes that are well
located with respect to urban services
required to review these areas to identify 6YVEP0MZMRK%VIE Significant areas of land are already
potential opportunities for developing or developed or allocated for rural
redeveloping them for urban purposes. Intent residential development in the region.
Regulatory provisions currently designated for rural residential
Area to ensure future development is
Areas that the South East Queensland development in local government
appropriately located and access to
Regional Plan 2005-2026 previously planning schemes, and where further rural
services and facilities can be provided.
identified as major development areas residential development through infill and
are included as Development Areas where consolidation is permitted under the SEQ
appropriate. The regulatory provisions Regional Plan. Regulatory provisions
ensure that development does not The regulatory provisions allow the
adversely affect the future development Description HIZIPSTQIRXSJPERHMRXLI6YVEP0MZMRK
intent of these areas. Area for rural residential purposes. They
Rural residential areas within the Rural
also make development applications for
for rural residential purposes according
impact assessable.
to the relevant local government planning
scheme requirements.
Part CRegional land use pattern 17

Sub-regional Brisbane
narratives Population in 2006: 991 000

Introduction Indicative planning population 2031: 1 270 000

One of the SEQ Regional Plans key Dwellings in 2006: 397 000
objectives is to redirect growth to existing
urban areas, particularly activity centres Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 156 000
and corridors, while maintaining a supply
of broadhectare land for development.
Residential areas
Through smart growtha compact
development pattern that includes Broadhectare 6SGLIHEPI9TTIV/IHVSR0S[IV3\PI]'VIIO
appropriate access to services and Eastern Corridor, Northern Busway Corridor, Brisbane CBD and
transportSEQ can maintain its enviable surrounding frame areas (Milton, Albion, Newstead River Park,
Existing urban areas
lifestyle and accommodate anticipated ;SSPPSSRKEFFE&S[IR,MPPW7SYXL&VMWFERIERH;IWX)RH 
Regional activity centres
Sub-regional narratives have the status
Primary Brisbane CBD
of policies under the SEQ Regional Plan.
Major Toombul, Mitchelton, Wynnum Central, Toowong
provide more detailed information
Employment areas
about the pattern of expected growth
in each local government area, which %YWXVEPME8VEHI'SEWX7SYXL;IWX-RHYWXVMEP+EXI[E]2SVXLIVR
will be necessary to achieve the Industrial Region
address the planning and delivery of
land for employment growth across the
and BurandaBoggo Road
Identified Growth Areas
identify the key infrastructure
priorities that will support expected
growth The City of Brisbane supports the largest proposes to re-establish 40 per cent of
set out and explain the appropriate proportion of SEQs population, with an mainland Brisbane as natural habitat.
approach to development for each estimated residential population of 991 000
local government area in the region. in 2006. The City of Brisbane comprises Brisbanes residential and employment
significant economic drivers, including the growth will be achieved primarily within
The sub-regional narratives link state, CBD, adjacent employment areas, and the established areas through renewal,
regional and local government strategic regions main air and sea ports. particularly in and around the CBD,
planning. Each SEQ local government regional activity centres and growth
will use these narratives to prepare local Brisbanes existing and planned corridors.
strategic frameworks and schemes for inter- and intra-regional transport and
their areas. telecommunications infrastructure supports 0MQMXIHVIWMHIRXMEPERHIQTPS]QIRX
the citys highly skilled labour force and growth will be accommodated through
the export of goods and services. broadhectare development in areas such
as Rochedale.
Brisbane City comprises a series of
centres that support diverse communities, Residential
such as high-density apartments, well-
The SEQ Regional Plan focuses on retaining
established timber and tin suburbs and
the qualities that Brisbane residents value
new communities.
while accommodating expected growth.
Under the SEQ Regional Plan, an additional
The Urban Footprint promotes development
156 000 dwellings will be required to house
in existing urban areas, with a focus on
Brisbanes expected regional growth and
regional activity centres and public transport
demographic change. Most will be delivered
nodes and corridors. The Urban Footprint
in existing urban areas. Redevelopment and
also includes core biodiversity network
infill will need to deliver at least 138 000 of
areas, within which the Brisbane City Council
these additional dwellings.
18 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

The city provides many opportunities entertainment precincts, and a significant road network and constructing an orbital
to accommodate growth within regional in-centre residential population. These motorway system through projects such
activity centres, growth corridors areas also provide specialist employment EWXLI+EXI[E]1SXSV[E]YTKVEHI
and renewal areas, as well as other opportunities through partnerships with, NorthSouth Bypass Tunnel and Airport
infill opportunities. Accommodating a and in close proximity to, government 0MRO[MPPEPWSLIPTQEREKIGSRKIWXMSR
greater proportion of growth in these and private science, and health, education and travel demand.
areas will relieve growth pressures on and technology facilities.
other established residential areas. Transport corridors will also be preserved
A network of activity centres that focus to cater for future growth. Key projects
Regional activity centres outside the CBD on enterprise opportunities, innovation identified in the South East Queensland
will accommodate residential development and technology will complement Infrastructure Plan and Program (SEQIPP)
in identifiable precincts and mixed-use the CBD. These centres benefit from to support delivery of the SEQ Regional
settings. The CBD and inner city frame access to quality public transport and Plan include:
areas support large, in-centre resident major road networks, are close to the
populations. These areas are connected CBD, are characterised by significant Northern, Boggo Road and Eastern
by train and bus services, and can employment opportunities and residential busways
accommodate higher density residential development. Such locations include 1MXGLIPXSR*IVR]+VSZIVEMPPMRI
and mixed-use developments. &SKKS6SEH&YVERHE8SS[SRK,IVWXSR duplication
retail and residential activities, and have 7XVIIX0MROERH%MVTSVX0MRO
high-quality access to major transport Ongoing research and development activity Kurilpa pedestrian and cycle bridge
GSVVMHSVW+VS[XLGSVVMHSVWMRGPYHI around The University of Queensland, the
BrisbaneIndooroopilly, Brisbane University of Technology and Southbank 5YIIRWPERH'LMPHVIRW,SWTMXEP
Albion, BrisbaneYeerongpilly and Institute of Technology campuses will +EXI[E]1SXSV[E]YTKVEHIMRGPYHMRK
the proposed DarraRichlands railway generate further economic growth. New +EXI[E]&VMHKIHYTPMGEXMSR
lines economy employment opportunities will
also emerge in the science and technology Brisbane contains several potential renewal
the Boggo Road (BrisbaneBuranda)
precincts in Boggo RoadBuranda, and in areas, such as disused industrial and
Busway, and the Northern and Eastern
the research and development facilities government land, which may be suitable
MR4YPPIRZEPI4MRNEVVE,MPPWERH'SSTIVW for residential development. These areas
Opportunities for higher density Plains. include Newstead River Park, Northshore
residential and mixed-use development ,EQMPXSR1MPXSR;SSPPSSRKEFFE&S[IR
will be investigated at centres along ,MPPW7SYXL&VMWFERIERH%PFMSR8LIWI
these corridors.
Identied Growth Areas areas will require detailed planning
8LIVIEVIRSMHIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEWMR processes to identify opportunities for
the Brisbane local government area.
Economy and employment residential development.
Brisbane contains economic drivers of
regional, state and national importance,
Infrastructure Investigations into existing urban
Transport investment will be focused on areas and remnant broadhectare areas
such as the CBD and adjacent
both economic and commuter needs. The will progressively identify other infill
employment areas, the regions main
priority will be linking related economic residential opportunities. Realising the
air and sea ports, and the economic
activity centres; for example, the CBD to potential of these areas will require
development area of Australia TradeCoast.
Australia TradeCoast, and the South West community engagement and support. Any
-RHYWXVMEP+EXI[E]XSMRHYWXVMEPEVIEW new development in these areas will be
Brisbane will continue to generate a high
south of the city. sympathetic to local character, including
proportion of the regions employment
distinctive examples of timber and tin
growth by providing an attractive and
In terms of public transport and housing.
competitive business environment that
includes a highly skilled workforce, efficient community activity, the priority will be
linking regional activity centres through Although Brisbanes broadhectare land
and effective transport infrastructure,
quality public transport services, cross-city supply is becoming exhausted, new areas
suitable serviced accommodation for
roads, and walking and cycle networks. EVIPSGEXIHEX6SGLIHEPI0S[IV3\PI]
businesses and industries and an attractive
Creek and Upper Kedron. Developing
living environment.
The 2008 Inner City Rail Capacity Study these areas will deliver approximately
found that four additional rail tracks will 30 000 dwellings, in the short- to
Brisbanes CBD and frame area will
be required on two corridors through the medium-term.
remain the regions primary activity
centre, comprising distinct commercial, inner city to meet rail system demand
legal, government, retail, community and over the next 20 years. Upgrading the
Part CRegional land use pattern 19

Population in 2006: 466 500

Indicative planning population 2031: 749 000

Dwellings in 2006: 202 500

Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 143 000

Residential areas



Regional activity centres

Principal Southport and Robina

Employment areas

Burleigh, Oxenford and Steiglitz
Identified Growth Areas

Employment Ormeau

8LI+SPH'SEWXMWXLIWIGSRHPEVKIWX7)5 corridor and flood storage functions Urban growth within the north-eastern
sub-region, with a resident population of of the inter-urban break. This protects TEVXSJXLI+SPH'SEWXMWPMQMXIHXSPERH
ETTVS\MQEXIP]MR8LI+SPH its agricultural and landscape values at Steiglitz that has been identified as
Coasts urban development is concentrated while allowing ongoing sand extraction suitable for marine industry purposes.
between Yatala and Coolangatta, and and appropriate recreation and tourism 0ERHIEWXSJXLI3VQIEY9VFER*SSXTVMRX
continues south beyond the Queensland activities. and west of the proposed intra-regional
border into the Tweed Shire. transport corridor is designated as an
Springbrook Plateau contains rainforest -HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIE[LMGLWYFNIGXXS
The Urban Footprint ensures that growth LEFMXEXSJ;SVPH,IVMXEKIWXEXYW[MXLWSQI further investigation, may be suitable in
MWQEREKIHXSTVSXIGXXLI+SPH'SEWXW of the most spectacular scenery in Australia. the long-term for employment purposes.
coastal, estuarine, riverine and hinterland The plateau has an extremely diverse
environments. More than 60 per cent of range of plants and animalsmore than Residential
XLI+SPH'SEWXMWPSGEXIHMRXLI6064% 600 native plant species and 272 native
which supports rural production, water animal species recorded to date. The vision
residential environments, such as extensive
quality, scenic amenity and outdoor for Springbrook is of a vibrant community
low-density residential communities, canal
recreation. of residents and visitors sustaining and
estates and high-rise developments.
8LIRSVXLIEWXIVREVIESJXLI+SPH'SEWX mostly natural landscape that inspires and
Under the SEQ Regional Plan, by
is retained as a regionally significant revives the human spirit.
2031 an additional 143 000 dwellings
inter-urban break that separates the
Coasts expected regional growth and
Coast. The inter-urban break is bounded development and redevelopment on
demographic change.
F]XLI4MQTEQE6MZIVERH,SXLEQ'VIIO the Springbrook Plateau, and prevent
in the vicinity of the Pacific Motorway, further habitat fragmentation, forest edge
Broadhectare development can
widening to the foothills of the hinterland impacts, clearing and loss of connectivity
accommodate 32 000 dwellings, including
to the west and to the canelands, among habitat areas. Rehabilitation
estuaries and islands of Southern of cleared areas and avoiding the
Ormeau, Maudsland and Reedy Creek. The
Moreton Bay in the east. Inclusion in the introduction of incompatible land uses
broadhectare supply is expected to be
6064%EGORS[PIHKIWXLIQENSVIGSPSKMGEP are crucial long-term objectives.
largely exhausted by 2016.
20 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Settlement patterns will be configured to The coastal communities of Mermaid opportunities for health, education or
appropriately manage the environment &IEGL0EFVEHSV4EPQ&IEGL8YKYRERH training institutes, which could stimulate
and protect key features such as the Biggera Waters also demonstrate capacity future new economy business, such as
hinterland. To support this, development opportunities have been identified in and Bond University. The Knowledge
will be consolidated around transport proximity to existing and proposed public Precinct will incorporate the Robina
dwellings per hectare to efficiently use ,IEHWERH4EPQ&IEGL and its Medical School and Smart
the land and infrastructure. Water Research facility, and a mixed-use
Economy and employment community.
Coomera is the largest community on the
Further substantial employment growth
+SPH'SEWXXLEX[MPPFIEGGSQQSHEXIH The growth of manufacturing, logistics
will be required to support projected
through broadhectare development. It will ERHJVIMKLXHMWXVMFYXMSRSRXLI+SPH'SEWX
population growth to 2031.
be supported by high-density residential, will be located predominantly in Yatala,
entertainment, education, health, industry, and in smaller precincts in Ashmore,
retail, commercial, leisure and tourist- &YVPIMKL;IWX2IVERKERHXLI+SPH'SEWX
been linked to tourism and recreation
related activities. These activities will Airport.
help create a sustainable and attractive
and now comprises commercial, retail
mixed-use town centre environment. The marine industrys economic and
and industrial areas, and specialist
Northern Coomera provides additional employment growth will continue through
health, education and technology
opportunities for residential growth ERI\TERWMSRSJXLI+SPH'SEWX1EVMRI
consolidated around a future rail station Precinct at Coomera and the proposed
co-located with commercial activities at
in the Pimpama area. establishment of a marine industry
Southport, Nerang and Bundall.
precinct at Steiglitz.
The initial stages of Coomera, in and
adjacent to the town centre, will provide Tourism will continue to be a significant
activity centres at Southport and
broadhectare land supply in the short- IGSRSQMGHVMZIVJSVXLI+SPH'SEWX
Robina are expected to expand their
term, with further stages of development ,S[IZIVTVSXIGXMRKERHIRLERGMRKXLI
roles as commercial, retail, and
to provide additional residential and cultural and natural values of the coast
administrative and specialist centres,
employment land supply in the medium- and hinterland are essential for the long-
and evolve into mixed-use centres.
to long-term. Northern Coomera provides term sustainability of tourism and its
The rapid transit corridor will further
additional opportunities for residential contribution to the economy.
increase opportunities in Southport for
growth, subject to the provision of a
economic growth. Robina is expected Further opportunities for tourism and
train station in the Pimpama area and
to enhance links to medical, education associated development, integrated with
addressing biodiversity, flooding and
and technology industries by developing local services and residential activity, will
other environmental constraints. If this
specialist industry precincts, and to be accommodated in urban centres along
occurs, Pimpama and environs will be
generate higher levels of employment the coast, including Southport, Surfers
planned as an integrated community,
within mixed-use developments Paradise, Broadbeach, Mermaid Waters,
focused around the train station.
near the Robina rail station. 1MEQM&YVPIMKL,IEHW4EPQ&IEGL
As the supply of broadhectare land Currumbin, Tugun and Coolangatta.
is limited, infill development plays a
Coolangatta and Bundall will provide 0ERHMRXIRWMZIXSYVMWQEGXMZMXMIWWYGL
significant role in meeting the medium-
complementary district level retail, as theme parks, will continue to be
and long-term accommodation needs
commercial and specialist services. accommodated where appropriate along
Infill will come through high-density and XLI+SPH'SEWX&VMWFERIXVERWMXGSVVMHSV
A domestic and international airport, and
remnant broadhectare development. with easy access to public transport.
a growing regional and local population
base, will assist further economic and
Infill development will provide the
majority of the additional dwellings 0ERHEX3VQIEYMWHIWMKREXIHEW
needed between 2016 and 2031 ER-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIE[LMGL
approximately 97 000 dwellings. The main 8LI+SPH'SEWXSJJIVWEVERKISJRI[ acknowledges its potential to
focus will be the principal regional activity economy science and technology accommodate employment activities
centres of Southport and Robina, and the opportunities, including Oxenfords film and limited residential development in
major regional activity centres of Surfers and interactive media industry cluster, the long term. This will be subject to
Paradise, Broadbeach, Coolangatta, XLI+SPH'SEWX9RMZIVWMX],SWTMXEPERH assessment against the Urban Footprint
2IVERK,IPIRWZEPIERH&YRHEPP Knowledge Precinct, and Southports principles, and investigations considering
Queensland Academy of Medicine flooding and other physical constraints,
Part CRegional land use pattern 21

surrounding uses and access. The

outside the Urban Footprint between
Population in 2006: 295 000
Yatala and Ormeau, west of the proposed
intra-regional transport corridor and east
Indicative planning population 2031: 497 000
of the Pacific Motorway.
Dwellings in 2006: 130 000
The main focus for transport infrastructure Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 98 000
destinations and regional activity centres
Residential areas
by improving public transport services
and upgrading the road network to Broadhectare Caloundra South and Palmview
alleviate congestion. Transport corridors Maroochydore, Caloundra, Sippy Downs, Kawana, Nambour
will be preserved to cater for future Existing urban areas
and Beerwah
Regional activity centres
Noosa, Nambour, Kawana, Caloundra, Sippy Downs, Caloundra
rapid transit system will run along the Major
South and Beerwah
high-density coastal spine, and bus
services will provide interconnectivity. Employment areas
Other transport modes, such as ferries, Sunshine Coast Airport, Sunshine Coast Regional Business
cycling and walking, will also be Enterprise and Industrial Park, Kunda Park Business and Industrial Area,


support delivery of the SEQ Regional Plan and technology 7YRWLMRI'SEWX9RMZIVWMX],SWTMXEP
include: Identified Growth Areas
Employment Beerwah
Coolangatta employment BeerwahCaloundra South Corridor
Pacific Motorwayadditional Coomera
interchange The Sunshine Coast had an estimated and the Wide Bay region. Sunshine Coast
resident population of 295 000 in 2006 Regional Council will continue to work
and is expected to experience significant [MXL+]QTMI6IKMSREP'SYRGMPERHXLI
new passenger rail stock growth during the life of the plan. Department of Infrastructure and Planning
+SPH'SEWX,MKL[E]FYWTVMSVMX]ERH to coordinate planning approaches.
bus station Urban development on the Sunshine

Coast is concentrated mostly along the Residential
coast, with a high proportion located
upgrade The SEQ Regional Plan estimates
south of the Maroochy River between
that the Sunshine Coast will require
bus priority on Smith Street Caloundra and Maroochydore. A series of
98 000 additional dwellings by 2031
hinterland towns provide an alternative to
sub-regional cycle network. to accommodate its expected regional
coastal living.
3XLIVMRJVEWXVYGXYVITVMSVMXMIWJSVXLI+SPH growth. These additional dwellings can
Coast include: A major regional inter-urban break be accommodated by developing existing
FIX[IIRXLI7YRWLMRI'SEWXERH+VIEXIV urban-zoned land and the major long-
XLI+SPH'SEWX9RMZIVWMX],SWTMXEP Brisbane preserves the distinctive term Regional Development Areas of
character and identity of the Sunshine Caloundra South and Palmview.
I\TERWMSRSJ6SFMRE,SWTMXEP Coast and its many communities. The
The Sunshine Coasts residential growth
Urban Footprint ensures that anticipated
additional schools to accommodate areas will be further planned to create
urban development and growth will be
growth, particularly in the northern sustainable, balanced and affordable
managed to protect the Sunshine Coasts
corridor communities. This planning will ensure
rural and landscape areas.
that growth occurs in an appropriate
The Sunshine Coast adjoins the southern sequence and is coordinated with
XLI+SPH'SEWX'SRZIRXMSR'IRXVI necessary infrastructure.
22 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Infill is anticipated to provide Caloundra South is a Regional Retail and commercial employment
approximately 37 000 additional Development Area that will be developed dominates in the regional activity centres
dwellings by 2031 through higher density as a compact community with an of Maroochydore, Noosa, Nambour,
and remnant broadhectare development, efficient and effective public transport Kawana Waters, Caloundra and Sippy
subject to more detailed land capability system provided in sequence with Downs. To create more employment
assessments. Infill development will be urban development. Caloundra South opportunities, as well as accommodating
focused in Maroochydore, the principal will comprise a series of walkable further residential growth, centres on the
activity centre for the Sunshine Coast, neighbourhoods with a range of housing Sunshine Coast will provide for a mix of
and around the major regional activity choice and affordability, local employment land uses in a compact form with easy
centres of Caloundra, Sippy Downs, opportunities, retail and community access to public transport.
Kawana, Nambour and Beerwah. facilities, services and recreational
Communities at Birtinya and the proposed opportunities. As the Sunshine Coasts principal regional
Caloundra Aerodrome centred around activity centre, Maroochydore will be the
future public transport hubs will provide Opportunities are available in the most significant location for economic
additional infill opportunities. northern area of Caloundra South, and employment growth. The other
contiguous to existing urban major planned activity centres of Noosa,
The Sunshine Coasts remaining areas, development, for delivering short- Nambour, Kawana, Sippy Downs and
including broadhectare lands, are term residential land supply. Though Caloundra will supplement this growth.
anticipated to accommodate 61 000 Caloundra South is proximate to existing
dwellings to 2031. This includes residential infrastructure, due to its large scale it Maroochydore comprises the existing
growth in Caloundra South, Palmview, will require significant new infrastructure city centre and surrounds. It will be the
Mountain Creek, Peregian and hinterland investment. Consideration will be given office-based business, community services
townships. to an infrastructure agreement prior to and government administration focus
development. of the Sunshine Coast. It will provide
,MRXIVPERHXS[RW[MXLEGGIWWXSE a diverse range of housing, and an
passenger rail service provide further Planning for Caloundra South is a priority efficient and effective multi-modal public
opportunities to accommodate limited for the delivery of short- to medium-term transport system. It will contain office-
residential growth within transit oriented land supply on the Sunshine Coast. This based and mixed-use precincts to support
GSQQYRMXMIW,S[IZIVTVSXIGXMRKXLI includes detailed planning of initial stages employment diversity.
character and amenity of individual to assist in the delivery of residential
townships will be a high priority, and land in the short-term. The town centre of Nambour supports
all development will be subject to the the higher retail, employment and service
provision of adequate local infrastructure, Economy and employment needs of Nambour and surrounding
such as water and sewerage. hinterland areas, and will accommodate
Emphasis is required on the Sunshine
further housing development over time.
Coast towards promoting further
Palmview is a Regional Development
employment growth and diversification Service areas in and around Caloundra,
Area that will provide a range of
to avoid a jobs shortfall by 2031. Maroochydore, Kawana, Nambour and
housing choice and affordability, as
Development Areas will provide Noosa will continue to provide local
well as employment and recreation
high levels of self-containment and economic and employment opportunities
opportunities. Palmview will deliver
employment diversity to assist in to encourage self-containment.
short-term residential land supply,
achieving employment growth.
utilising areas contiguous to existing
YVFERHIZIPSTQIRX,S[IZIVJYPP Creating new activity centres within the
The Sunshine Coast seeks a diversified, Regional Development Areas of Palmview
development of Palmview will require
viable, interdependent and self-sufficient and Caloundra South, and redeveloping
significant new infrastructure investment
urban and rural economic base that the Caloundra Aerodrome site, will
and consideration will be given to the
maximises local job creation and provide further opportunities for a range
preparation of an infrastructure agreement
employment options, and builds economic of jobs, and help develop a high level
prior to development.
strength and resilience. Innovation, of employment self-containment on the
knowledge-based and creative industries, Sunshine Coast.
research and development, health,
tourism and sport are all essential to the
Sunshine Coasts economic development.
Part CRegional land use pattern 23

The sub-region has a number of Identied Growth Areas In addition, development within the
employment and enterprise areas, 'EPSYRHVE7SYXL ,EPPW'VIIO SV
The SEQ Regional Plan identifies
including industrial precincts at Nambour, &IIV[EL'EPSYRHVE7SYXL'SVVMHSV-+%W
additional land at Beerwah as an
=ERHMRE/YRHE4EVO*SVIWX+PIR2SSWE will need to demonstrate:
Cooroy and Beerwah. Service industry
further investigation, may accomodate
areas are located around Caloundra, sufficient demand for further urban
long-term employment growth.
Maroochydore, Kawana, Nambour land within the sub-region
and Noosa. In addition, the Sunshine accessibility to a public transit service
Coast Airport and associated aviation
Area includes land that is outside achieving compliance with the Urban
enterprises contribute to economic
the Urban Footprint to the east of Footprint principles
diversity and employment in the sub-
Beerwah and generally within one
kilometre of Steve Irwin Way. Subject achieving world leading
to further investigation, this area may environmental performance for any
The Sunshine Coast Regional Business urban development and related
accommodate long-term economic and
and Industrial Park is expected infrastructure
employment growth. Development in the
to accommodate the growth of
&IIV[EL-+%MWWYFNIGXXSXLIVIPIZERX materially assisting in the provision
manufacturing, logistics and freight
6064%VIUYMVIQIRXW[MXLMRXLI7)5 of infrastructure for the southern
distribution. Additional industry and
Regional Plan regulatory provisions. Sunshine Coast community
enterprise growth area opportunities
exist with the expansion of the Coolum demonstrated high levels of
Additional lands in the Caloundra South
(Quanda Road) industrial estate, and employment self-containment
WQEPPIVTVIGMRGXWEX=ERHMRE*SVIWX+PIR coordinated delivery of infrastructure.
South Corridor are designated as
and Beerwah.
-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEWMRXLI7)5 Development in the Caloundra South
Regional Plan. Further investigations ,EPPW'VIIO ERH&IIV[EL'EPSYRHVE
Specialist enterprise clusters, including
are required to determine which of 7SYXL'SVVMHSV-+%WMWWYFNIGXXSXLI
rural precincts, will help create a diverse
economy and employment growth. The
to accommodate long-term residential SEQ Regional Plan regulatory provisions.
Sunshine Coast Airport is a specialist
and employment growth on the
aviation and aerospace opportunity area
Sunshine Coast. To inform this decision, 8LIGEHEWXVEPFSYRHEVMIWJSVIEGL-+%
and one of SEQs major existing and
investigations into the Caloundra South will be determined through further
expanding specialist locations.
,EPPW'VIIO ERH&IIV[EL'EPSYRHVE investigations before consideration for
The expansion of science and technology
each sites ability to:
opportunities at the Noosa Business
comply with the Urban Footprint
will also facilitate employment growth Transport infrastructure is required to
principles and requirements within the
and diversity. In addition, the University facilitate the creation of a network of
Sunshine Coast sub-regional narrative
of the Sunshine Coast and proposed communities, linked through public
7YRWLMRI'SEWX9RMZIVWMX],SWTMXEP assist in the delivery and performance
transport with centres and enterprise
will provide opportunities in health, of infrastructure (including public
areas. Key projects identified in SEQIPP
education and training. transit) to the Sunshine Coast
to support the delivery of the SEQ
Regional Plan include:
The small rural hinterland centres and protect environmental values
surrounding rural production areas CoastConnecta road-based public
will continue to play an important role achieve urban consolidation and self-
transport link between Caloundra and
in diversifying the Sunshine Coasts containment
economy and lifestyle. They will also achieve coordinated delivery of
support the long-term sustainability of improved public transport connections
rural areas. The encouragement of home- between Beerwah and coastal
achieve high environmental centres from Caloundra South to
based businesses and rural enterprises
performance. Maroochydore
with access to high-speed broadband
telecommunications provides additional pedestrian and cycle network
economic and employment growth enhancements
opportunities outside the Urban Footprint.
24 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Moreton Bay
Population in 2006: 333 000

Indicative planning population 2031: 513 000

Dwellings in 2006: 123 900

Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 84 000

Residential areas

Existing urban areas Murrumba Downs, Dakabin, Narangba, Burpengary, Morayfield, CabooltureMorayfield, Scarborough and
Regional activity centres

Principal CabooltureMorayfield

Employment areas

Enterprise Caboolture Airport, Morayfield, Burpengary and Narangba

Identified Growth Areas
Residential and
Caboolture West

Moreton Bay includes a diverse range and enhanced to assist in the long-term Other significant infill opportunities will
of urban, coastal, hinterland and rural protection of biodiversity values in the be generated through efficient use of
communities. In 2006 the population was area. land close to the BrisbaneSunshine
approximately 333 000. Coast rail corridor, particularly the
Residential conversion of suitable rural residential
Two major areas of urban settlement lands and other remnant broadhectare
An estimated 84 000 additional
have been established in Moreton lands at Narangba, and between
dwellings will be required by 2031 to
Baya southern area and a northern Morayfield and Burpengary. Moreton Bay
accommodate Moreton Bays expected
growth corridor. The southern area is Regional Council will undertake planning
regional growth, population increase and
extensively developed and extends north and coordination to achieve orderly
demographic change.
from Brisbane to the North Pine River conversion to urban development.
and the Pine River. It is focused around
Urban growth will continue in the major
the Strathpine major regional activity Subject to further investigation, land in
centre. The northern growth corridor is XLI'EFSSPXYVI;IWX-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIE
focused around the CabooltureMorayfield could also help accommodate long-term
large broadhectare areas will provide
principal regional activity centre, and the residential growth.
Moreton Bay with a range of housing
major regional activity centres of North
types and densities.
0EOIWERH6IHGPMJJI Economy and employment
The CabooltureMorayfield principal Moreton Bay requires strong employment
Riparian and biodiversity corridors
regional activity centre will be the focus growth to prevent a future shortfall in
provide eastwest links across the
for infill development within the northern jobs and improve employment diversity.
Moreton Bay sub-region. This includes
KVS[XLGSVVMHSV,MKLIVHIRWMX]VIWMHIRXMEP Development Areas will assist by providing
The Mangroves to Mountains corridor,
development and mixed-use development high levels of self-containment and
linking the Boondall Wetlands to Brisbane
will be located within the Caboolture CBD, employment choice.
Forest Park in the west. The Mangroves
particularly in the vicinity of Cabooltures
to Mountains corridor will be retained
railway station.
Part CRegional land use pattern 25

,MWXSVMGEPP]1SVIXSR&E]WIGSRSQ]LEW Elimbah East will be a light industry area coordinating the delivery of
been supported by retail, manufacturing, that benefits from direct access to the infrastructure, including public
health care and social assistance, &VYGI,MKL[E]%R]YVFERHIZIPSTQIRX transport aligned with growth
education and training, and construction. in Elimbah East will be subject to
demonstrating high levels of
infrastructure and servicing requirements.
employment self-containment
Regional activity centres at Caboolture
1SVE]JMIPH6IHGPMJJI2SVXL0EOIWERH Subject to further investigation, land in demonstrating sufficient demand for
Strathpine are Moreton Bays major XLI'EFSSPXYVI;IWX-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL further urban land in this northern
centres for business, employment, Area may also help accommodate long- corridor.
research, education, services, term employment and enterprise growth. In the meantime, development in
higher density living and social Caboolture West is subject to the relevant
interaction. CabooltureMorayfield Additional land for other business 6064%VIUYMVIQIRXW[MXLMRXLI7)5
accommodates regional offices and industry employment (that is, Regional Plan regulatory provisions.
of health, education, cultural and large footprint uses) will need further
entertainment facilities that are centred investigation.
around public transport nodes.
While protected from large-scale urban The Moreton Bay area requires further
6IHGPMJJI2SVXL0EOIWERH7XVEXLTMRI development, the rural areas of Moreton capital investment to meet the demand
each provide a sub-regional focus for Bay will also continue to provide driven by growth and change. The
administration. They accommodate sub- economic and employment opportunities focus for infrastructure provision is on
regional or branch offices of government, by accommodating rural industries, linking major regional activity centres to
cultural and entertainment facilities of rural and home-based enterprises, small proposed areas of residential growth and
regional significance, and provide a focus business, industry and tourism. providing additional capacity to service
for residential intensification. new development areas.
Identied Growth Areas
Bellara, Burpengary, Deception Bay, Increasing road capacity and providing
The SEQ Regional Plan identifies public transport infrastructure and
Kallangur, Petrie, Warner, Albany Creek,
additional land west of Caboolture that, services along key routes is critical to
subject to further investigation, may in accommodate the sub-regions projected
Margate, Clontarf, Scarborough, Woody
the long-term accommodate significant growth.
Point, Woodford, Dayboro and Samford
growth in the Moreton Bay region.
all provide district level services. This
network of centres will continue to Key projects identified in SEQIPP to
8LI'EFSSPXYVI;IWX-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL support the delivery of the SEQ Regional
provide an appropriate mix of business, Area is located adjacent to the Caboolture
community and government services, Plan include:
Urban Footprint. It includes lands east
facilities and employment. of the north branch of the Caboolture northsouth arterial roads
Mixed-use development in accessible
Further investigation will determine the upgrades to eastwest links
local and district centres will create
cadastral boundaries before the area is YTKVEHIWXSXLI&VYGI,MKL[E]ERH
additional business and employment
considered for urban use. This includes intersections
opportunities. Promoting home-based
investigations into land capability and
businesses and community uses XLI,SYKLXSR,MKL[E]HYTPMGEXMSR
suitability, infrastructure requirements and
throughout urban and rural areas, and and bus priority
responsibilities, appropriate land uses,
encouraging rural and tourism-related XLI0E[RXSRXS4IXVMIXLMVHVEMPXVEGO
necessary corridors and other relevant
business opportunities outside the
matters. the Petrie to Redcliffe Rail Corridor
Urban Footprint, will achieve further
economic and employment diversity. This development also depends on: XLI2SVXL0EOIW,IEPXL4VIGMRGX
Other business and industry employment achieving compliance with the Urban
in Moreton Bay will be contained an upgrade to Redcliffes Aquatic
Footprint principles (Principle 8.2)
predominately within Caboolture, Centre.
Morayfield, Burpengary, Narangba, providing road and public transport
7XVEXLTMRI&VIRHEPI0E[RXSR4IXVMI2SVXL infrastructure that connects the
to develop these areas will produce a to the urban communities and activity
diverse range of employment and business centres of northern Moreton Bay
opportunities, and increase the level of achieving leading environmental
employment self-containment in the region. performance for any urban
development and related
26 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Population in 2006: 260 000

Indicative planning population 2031: 434 000

Dwellings in 2006: 90 000

Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 70 000

Residential areas

Broadhectare Park Ridge, Flagstone, Yarrabilba North, Bahrs Scrub and New Beith ForestRound Mountain
Existing urban areas
Regional activity centres

Principal Springwood, Beenleigh

Employment areas

Identified Growth Areas

Employment North Maclean

Residential and
Residential New BeithRound Mountain

8LI'MX]SJ0SKERGSQTVMWIWEVERKISJ South Western Corridor This will be achieved by establishing

urban and rural communities and had a a series of communities linked by a
population of around 260 000 people sub-regional public transport network
that could accommodate future urban
in 2006. Existing urban development ERHVSEHWXS+VIEXIV0SKER&VMWFERI
communities, and other localities that,
and a series of regional activity centres XLI+SPH'SEWXERH-TW[MGL8LI
subject to further planning, could
are located along major road and rail communities will be separated by
accommodate additional long-term urban
GSVVMHSVWTEVXMGYPEVP]XLI4EGMJMGERH0SKER landscape and biodiversity corridors,
development. These areas are located
QSXSV[E]W1SYRX0MRHIWE],MKL[E] which will establish inter-urban breaks
within the South Western Corridor,
ERHXLI&VMWFERI+SPH'SEWXVEMPPMRI and help develop separate and well-
between the existing urban area of
This transport network provides strong defined urban communities.
and Ipswich local government areas. Areas identified for further urban
located adjacent to existing urban
growth include Park Ridge, Bahrs
The availability of affordable housing and Scrub, Flagstone, Yarrabilba North and
or the BrisbaneSydney rail corridor.
generators in Ipswich, Brisbane and the EW+VIEXIV*PEKWXSRI+VIEXIV=EVVEFMPFE
The South Western Corridor has the
potential to accommodate regionally
existing urban settlement pattern and the &IMXLEVIHIWMKREXIHEW-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL
significant levels of residential and
level of employment self-containment. Areas and require further studies to
employment growth, which would alleviate
determine their capacity to accommodate
growth pressures on the southern area
urban development in the long-term.
Part CRegional land use pattern 27

The timing of land release in the Flagstone is a Regional Development ,MWXSVMGEPP]XLI0SKERIGSRSQ]LEW

South Western Corridor depends on Area proximate to existing urban been linked to retail, manufacturing,
the lands proximity to existing urban infrastructure. It will be developed as education, health and community
infrastructure, and any associated impacts an urban community with a full range WIVZMGIW,S[IZIVXLIEMQMWJSV0SKER
on infrastructure cost and delivery. of services, and employment and to greatly increase its commercial and
transport options. Ultimately, the area office-based employment opportunities.
Prior to any development, the corridor will become a major regional activity
needs coordinated planning to effectively centre with several employment clusters. 7TVMRK[SSHERH0SKER'IRXVEP[MPP
provide infrastructure services and a accommodate regional government and
network of centres, and to ensure high Development timing depends on meeting commercial precincts to service the sub-
levels of employment self-containment. water and sewerage infrastructure needs, region. Springwood will utilise its diverse
Investigations will assess land and coordinating the delivery of road and employment and economic base to
capability and suitability, infrastructure public transport infrastructure. Planning IWXEFPMWLEGSVIFYWMRIWWHMWXVMGX0SKER
requirements and responsibilities, for Flagstone will address but not Central will maintain its role as the sub-
appropriate land uses, necessary service depend on the potential development of regions strategic civic and cultural centre.
corridors and other related matters. +VIEXIV*PEKWXSRIXSIRWYVIETTVSTVMEXI
long-term land use patterns and Beenleigh will supplement the commercial
Residential infrastructure delivery. Opportunities and administrative roles of Springwood
are available in the northern area ERH0SKER'IRXVEP-X[MPPKIRIVEXI
By 2031, approximately 70 000
of Flagstone, contiguous to existing employment for the surrounding
additional dwellings will be required
residential development, for delivering community and provide business services
short-term residential land supply. to the northern parts of the adjoining
regional growth, population increase
and demographic change.
Yarrabilba North is a Regional enterprise areas at Yatala and Ormeau.
Development Area that is remote from
A range of infill and redevelopment
existing urban areas and requires Establishing government administration
significant extensions to existing transport and services and office-based business
established urban areas of Bethania
networks and new urban infrastructure precincts within Springwood, Beenleigh,
networks. It could potentially develop 0SKER,]TIVHSQIERH&VS[RW4PEMRW
and Eagleby can accommodate
into a self-contained community in the will help to provide diverse employment
further urban growth. Additionally,
short- to medium-term to accommodate a opportunities. Regional activity centres
redevelopment in regional activity centres,
residential neighbourhood, local services will also accommodate mixed-use
particularly Beenleigh, Springwood,
and a substantial employment area. precincts, help deliver anticipated
residential growth, provide more diverse
present further infill opportunities.
Planning for Yarrabilba North will employment and assist in place making.
need to demonstrate high levels of
Park Ridge is a Regional Development
employment self-containment and Planned and potential urban communities
environmental performance. Planning in the South Western Corridor, particularly
area. Park Ridge will comprise residential
will address the potential development Park Ridge, North Maclean, Flagstone
communities and employment precincts,
SJXLI+VIEXIV=EVVEFMPFE-HIRXMJMIH and Yarrabilba, must significantly
and offer diverse housing, community
+VS[XL%VIEXSIRWYVIETTVSTVMEXI contribute to employment and economic
facilities, knowledge-based employment
long-term land use patterns, and growth. The proposed communities at
opportunities and a mixed-use business
infrastructure delivery and funding. Flagstone and Yarrabilba will ultimately
park. Park Ridge can provide additional
provide major activity centres and
land supply in the short-term, utilising
6YVEPGSQQYRMXMIWWYGLEW0SKER employment clusters, with a focus on
:MPPEKIERH.MQFSSQFETVSZMHI the hospitality industry, major sports
ultimate delivery of Park Ridge will
limited opportunities for alternate venues and regional education facilities.
require significant upgrades to the
residential development. Additionally,
existing urban infrastructure network. +VIIRFERO'IRXVEPMWE0SGEP(IZIPSTQIRX
existing rural residential lands. Area that could potentially become
an employment precinct subject to
Area proximate to existing urban
infrastructure that can accommodate Economy and employment access to a passenger transport
service. Potentially, an eastwest road
urban residential development in the 0SKERVIUYMVIWJYVXLIVIQTPS]QIRX
system could also link to the Western
short-term, and provide recreation and growth and diversification to prevent
open space opportunities to residents. a jobs shortfall by 2031. Development
areas in the South Western Corridor MarsdenKingston and the proposed Park
will provide high levels of self- Ridge centre will provide supplementary
containment and employment diversity.
28 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031


They will also accommodate office- employment land supply beyond 2031. =EVVEFMPFE-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEW
based businesses, mixed-use precincts development depends on:
and transitional home businesses. Subject to further investigation, Yarrabilba
will be developed as a compact achieving compliance with the Urban
Park Ridge will offer diverse employment community with ready access to an Footprint principles (Principle 8.2)
options, a range of knowledge-based efficient and effective public transport providing road and public transport
employment opportunities and a mixed- system that will be provided in sequence infrastructure to link the area to
use business park. It will become a with urban development. It will also the urban communities of the
major economic hub and play a key role comprise a series of neighbourhoods, +SPH'SEWX0SKERERH-TW[MGL
in providing sub-regional employment. integrated with Yarrabilba North, with a
It will service the increased residential range of housing choices and affordability, achieving world leading environmental
densities of the neighbourhood local employment opportunities, retail performance for any urban
and the emerging communities at and community facilities and services, development and related infrastructure
+VIIRFERO*PEKWXSRIERH=EVVEFMPFE and recreational opportunities. materially assisting to provide
infrastructure for the South
offer light and general industry Area is located to the west and south-
employment opportunities while west of the Flagstone Urban Footprint. coordinating the delivery
Berrinba has additional potential for Further investigation will determine the of infrastructure, including
mixed industry and business. They EVIEWGEHEWXVEPFSYRHEVMIW+VIEXIV public transport, to the
will also accommodate ancillary Flagstone, in conjunction with the South Western Corridor
retail and commercial services. Flagstone Development Area, could demonstrating high levels of
accommodate a major centre for employment self-containment.
Meadowbrook will be established residential, employment, and other
as a specialist centre based around principal regional activity centre
Area comprises land outside the Urban
health, research and education. services. It could generate enough
It will benefit from opportunities demand to support the long-term
KIRIVEXIHF]XLI0SKER,SWTMXEP extension of a public rail corridor
0SKER8%*)ERH+VMJJMXL9RMZIVWMX] between Flagstone and Salisbury.
River. Further investigation will determine
Meadowbrook Campus and access to
the areas cadastral boundaries before
it can be considered for urban use.
Area and the Flagstone Development Area
Jimboomba will retain its role as a will be compact communities with ready
Subject to further investigation, this
major rural activity centre, providing access to an efficient and effective public
area could accommodate an enterprise
district level services to surrounding transport system provided in sequence
precinct with office, commercial,
rural residential development. with urban development. It will also
warehouse, retail services and low-
comprise walkable neighbourhoods with a
impact industrial uses. This use
Identied Growth Areas range of housing choices and affordability,
depends on responding to biodiversity
The SEQ Regional Plan identifies local employment opportunities, retail
values and physical constraints, and
additional land within the South and community facilities and services,
compliance with the remaining Urban
Western Corridor that, subject to further and recreational opportunities.
Footprint principles (Principle 8.2).
investigation, will accommodate a high
proportion of long-term growth. These 8LI+VIIRFERO-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL
areas are designated as Identified Area comprises land that borders the
potential to accommodate regionally
+VS[XL%VIEWERHMRGPYHI+VIEXIV eastern side of Middle Road, extending
significant levels of residential
=EVVEFMPFE2SVXL1EGPIER+VIEXIV approximately 1500 m to the east, and
further investigations are required to
New Beith ForestRound Mountain. Further investigation will determine
establish the capacity, performance,
the areas cadastral boundaries before
The Yarrabilba area comprises the former sequencing, costs and benefits of
being considered for urban use.
pine plantation land directly south of them delivering urban communities
Yarrabilba North and west of Plunkett to the South Western Corridor. Subject to further investigation, this
Conservation Park, and adjacent lands area could be developed as a residential
fronting the northern side of Plunkett and employment precinct that benefits
Road. The Yarrabilba area may provide from access to a passenger rail system.
Part CRegional land use pattern 29

Urban development and timing depends Corridor. This is particularly important 0SKERERH-TW[MGL4VSZMHMRKTYFPMG
on providing passenger rail services and for Yarrabilba and North Maclean, XVERWTSVXJSV2I[&IMXLERH+VIIRFERO
a rail station in the New Beith area. which are remote from existing urban and Flagstone, potentially utilising the
areas, and require major extensions existing BrisbaneSydney rail freight
The New BeithRound Mountain Identified to existing transport networks and corridor, is critical to their development.
+VS[XL%VIEGSQTVMWIWPERHSYXWMHIXLI new urban infrastructure networks.
is close to Flagstone and the Brisbane In the meantime, development in Transport Network Investigation currently
Sydney rail line. It consists of land both areas is subject to the relevant underway will determine the long-term
previously zoned as rural residential in 6064%VIUYMVIQIRXW[MXLMRXLI7)5 transport network requirements for
the local government planning scheme. Regional Plan regulatory provisions. eastwest and northsouth roads, public
transport, rail and cycle links to assist
Subject to further investigation, Infrastructure this area to service future growth.
New Beith could be developed as a
Developing regionally significant growth
consolidated residential community that Key projects identified in SEQIPP
benefits from access to a passenger to support the delivery of the
the timely delivery of state and local
rail system that links it to Flagstone SEQ Regional Plan include:
infrastructure, particularly water and
and Brisbane. Urban development and
sewerage, road and public transport Pacific Motorway transit lanes
timing depends on providing passenger
infrastructure. Further investigation must JVSQ7TVMRK[SSHXS(EMW],MPP
rail services and a rail station in the
confirm the need and location of the MRGPYHMRKXLI0SKERPIEMRXIVGLERKI
New Beith area. If further investigation
indicates that urban development is not 0SKER1SXSV[E]YTKVEHIJVSQXLI
a potential interchange at Park Ridge.
appropriate, the New Beith area will Ipswich Motorway to Pacific Motorway
Expanding the South Western Corridor 1SYRX0MRHIWE],MKL[E]YTKVEHI
Proximity to existing urban infrastructure
Flagstone and Yarrabilba will depend
and the associated effects on costs South East Busway extension
on the delivery of road and public
and delivery are important factors in to Springwood.
transport infrastructure to connect
determining an orderly development
sequence for the South Western
30 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Population in 2006: 131 000

Indicative planning population 2031: 169 000

Dwellings in 2006: 50 000

Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 21 000

Residential areas


Existing urban areas
Regional activity centres

Principal Capalaba and Cleveland

Employment areas

Enterprise Cleveland Enterprise Area and Redlands Business Park

,IEPXLIHYGEXMSRERH Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation Redland
Identified Growth Areas


Redland City is a coastal local Redlands urban koala population Infill development will be located around
government situated on Moreton Bay, must be protected to maintain a viable the regional activity centres of Cleveland
south-east of Brisbane. It comprises koala population in the wider region. ERH'ETEPEFE:MGXSVME4SMRXERHSXLIV
both nationally and regionally significant Further measures to protect the urban activity nodes on the public transport
areas of high environmental and visual koala population will be developed network stations and major bus routes.
quality. In 2006 Redlands population and implemented within Redland. These centres could accommodate
was approximately 131 000. residential dwelling units through
Broadhectare land availability in Redland multi-storey, mixed-use development.
Redland City comprises urban, rural, is restricted so that existing non-urban
bushland and island communities. land can be enhanced to accommodate The suburbs of Thorneside, Birkdale,
Urban development is focused around koala habitat. In response, appropriate Wellington Point and Ormiston are
a framework of activity centres that opportunities for urban development close to public transport, presenting
are linked through an established road within the Urban Footprint, particularly opportunities for further development
and rail network. The rail network those close to public transport, will be in the longer term, subject to detailed
is limited to the north-eastern part fully utilised to accommodate expected local planning. Future development
of the city. The edges of the urban residential and employment growth. opportunities also exist at Cleveland
communities are defined by open and Redland Bay, and in the Weinam
spaces that contain biodiversity Residential Creek marine area and environs. Detailed
corridors, waterways, wetlands, local planning and ferry passenger
By 2031, approximately 21 000
bushland habitat and the foreshore. terminal upgrades will guide and support
additional dwellings will be required
development in these locations.
to meet Redlands expected population
Redland City is predominantly within
growth and demographic change.
XLI6064%8LIWIEVIEWMRGPYHIWXVSRK Subject to environmental constraints
rural communities supported by viable including flooding, storm surge
Infill and redevelopment in existing
rural enterprises, and areas of scenic and drainage, development of
urban areas will accommodate
amenity, environmental and biodiversity existing vacant residential lots on
approximately 15 000 additional
value, including koala conservation Coochiemudlo, North Stradbroke and
dwellings, and the development of
areas and agricultural lands. other southern Moreton Bay islands will
the remaining supply of broadhectare
continue during the planning period.
land within the Urban Footprint will
accommodate the remaining dwellings.
Part CRegional land use pattern 31

Upgrading services, efficient water- The principal regional activity centres Infrastructure
based transport and protection of the of Cleveland and Capalaba will
The timely provision of transport
environmental values of the islands accommodate most of the expected
infrastructureincluding increased
and Moreton Bay are all necessary to centre-based employment growth. They
road capacity and quality public
manage growth on these islands. will become locations for major retail,
transport infrastructureis essential
commercial, community, administrative
to support Redland Citys expected
population and employment growth. This
EVI0SGEP(IZIPSTQIRX%VIEWTVS\MQEXI a major regional activity centre, and
infrastructure will lead the sequenced
to existing urban areas and infrastructure the lower-order centres across Redland
development of urban communities
and capable of accommodating urban City will accommodate the remaining
development in the short-term. Kinross centre-based employment growth.
Road has capacity for a residential
community in combination with additional The principal regional activity centres
approach to determine and address
employment opportunities, local retail will primarily accommodate the
the specific infrastructure needs of
and commercial functions, and community economic and employment growth
the southern Moreton Bay islands.
services. South East Thornlands will of industry and other enterprises.
accommodate a residential community
Key projects identified in SEQIPP
with local retail and service functions. Other employment growth will occur
to support the delivery of the
through non-centre based employment
SEQ Regional Plan include:
Planning for both Development Areas located across Redland City. They
will maximise opportunities for urban will include tourism, education,
the Eastern Busway from Buranda to
development where appropriate to help marine, construction and health, and
Capalaba, including interim measures
deliver the expected growth and establish will continue to be supported and
to provide priority bus access into
consolidated urban communities. Areas of protected from incompatible uses.
and out of the Capalaba principal
existing koala habitat will be protected.
regional activity centre
Examples include specialist services,
8LI:MGXSVME4SMRX0SGEP(IZIPSTQIRX educational and health clusters, bus priority measures between
Area is contiguous with existing including the state government Redlands Cleveland and Capalaba principal
local services and can accommodate Research Station, and the Cleveland VIKMSREPEGXMZMX]GIRXVIWERH:MGXSVME
additional residential development. hospitals and community health precinct. Point
The area requires further investigation Ecotourism and tourism opportunities passenger rail duplication between
and planning scheme amendments will continue to grow due to the citys Cleveland and Manly
before any development can proceed. extensive natural environmental assets,
including its bushland, koala habitat Redlands subarterial road upgrade

Economy and employment areas, Moreton Bay and its islands. the ClevelandRedland Bay road
To address existing low self-containment
levels, employment opportunities in Identied Growth Areas
Redlands will be identified and enhanced. 8LIVIEVIRSMHIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEWMR
Employment growth will be focused within the Redland local government area.
Redland Citys network of multi-purpose
activity centres and in an integrated
enterprise precinct at Redland Bay.
32 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

With a range of broadhectare, infill

Ipswich and other residential opportunities
available, Ipswich could exceed
Population in 2006: 142 400
both the projected total and infill
targets of the SEQ Regional Plan.
Indicative planning population 2031: 435 000
Dwellings in 2006: 52 300
smaller broadhectare areas such as
Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 118 000 South Redbank Plains, Walloon
Thagoona and West Brassall, will
provide most of the new residential
Residential areas development in the Western Corridor.

Broadhectare Ripley and Springfield Numerous infill and redevelopment

+SSHRE6IHFERO6IHFERO4PEMRW7TVMRKJMIPH&SSZEP opportunities will provide alternate,
Existing urban areas higher density housing choices in more
Yamanto and Brassall
established urban areas. Ipswich CBD,
Principal Ipswich and Springfield further opportunities, as will other
locations accessible from existing and
Major +SSHREERH6MTPI] proposed public transit networks.
Employment areas
The Springfield town centre and its
Enterprise Swanbank, New Chum, Willowbank, Bundamba and Ebenezer surrounds will continue to provide an
extensive residential land supply and
Amberley, Springfield and Ipswich CBD infill opportunities. Establishing public
and technology
transit links with Brisbane and, in
Identified Growth Areas the longer term, Ipswich, will further
Residential and consolidate residential development
Purga within the town centre, providing both
mixed-use and residential precincts.
Area proximate to existing urban
The City of Ipswich forms most of Regionally significant employment areas infrastructure that has undergone
SEQs Western Corridor, stretching are located at Ebenezer, Swanbank and extensive planning. It will be developed
JVSQ+SSHREXS+VERHGLIWXIV-R Bundamba. Purga could also potentially as an urban community with a full range
Ipswichs population was 142 400. provide additional employment land of services and transport options. It will
in the medium- to long-term. provide a range of housing choices and
The Western Corridor will continue IQTPS]QIRXSTTSVXYRMXMIW6MTPI]:EPPI]
to experience significant growth The RAAF base at Amberley is a major will also provide a major regional activity
and plays a key role in the SEQ employment generator and will expand centre and several employment clusters.
Regional Plans preferred settlement its role to provide more employment to
pattern. The Western Corridor the region. To encourage its long-term The initial stages of development within
provides substantial opportunities viability, future planning will minimise 6MTPI]:EPPI][MPPFIYRHIVXEOIRMRXLI
to accommodate new residential and mitigate the affects of conflicting short-term. Further development of
communities and employment growth, development close to the base. 6MTPI]:EPPI]MWHITIRHERXSRQIIXMRK
supported by infrastructure provision. water and sewerage infrastructure needs,
Emerging communities south-east of coordinating the delivery of road and
Existing urban development is Ipswich City will also contribute to public transport infrastructure, and
concentrated along the IpswichBrisbane the urban open space network within facilitating the necessary approvals
rail line and is generally contained the Ipswich area and its surrounds. and infrastructure agreements.
between the Warrego and Cunningham
highways. The Urban Footprint includes Residential
existing urban areas and areas that
By 2031 approximately 118 000
could accommodate additional growth
additional dwellings will be needed
that are well serviced or located along
to accommodate Ipswichs expected
committed infrastructure corridors.
regional growth, population increase
and demographic change.
Part CRegional land use pattern 33

Economy and employment The employment areas of Ebenezer Centre park and as an inland port
Willowbank, Swanbank, New Chum, that comprises logistics, distribution,
The Ipswich local government area
Bundamba, Wulkuraka industrial area, warehousing and associated activities.
includes the principal regional activity
Carole Park, the RAAF Base Amberley,
centres of the Ipswich CBD and
and the Amberley Aerospace and Purga requires further planning to
Springfield, and the major regional
Defence Support Centre will ensure determine its development potential
a high level of self-containment and to guide development. This
and contribute significantly to includes determining land capability and
The Ipswich CBD is the historic centre
regional employment growth. suitability, infrastructure requirements
for commerce, and is strategically
and responsibilities, appropriate
located to function as the principal
Ebenezer is a Regional Development Area land uses, necessary corridors and
administrative, cultural and community
that can potentially accommodate a range other relevant matters. The timing
centre for Ipswich and surrounding
of manufacturing and logistics enterprises, of development will depend on
areas. This centre will also act as the
as well as heavy, difficult-to-locate and GSQTPIXMRKXLI'YRRMRKLEQ,MKL[E]
main retail and commercial centre
large-footprint industries. To deliver upgrade, and establishing Ebenezer
for Ipswichs central and western
employment and enterprise opportunities, and Amberley as employment areas.
suburbs and surrounding rural areas.
key infrastructure upgrades are needed
This centre is serviced by rail and bus
for regional road networks, water, Infrastructure
sewerage, telecommunications and energy
public transport infrastructure and will The timely provision of infrastructure
infrastructure. Ebenezer requires planning
include residential uses. Office-based is vital to lead the planned growth
and infrastructure arrangements and
business and government administration of the Western Corridor and sustain
responsibilities, to the state governments
precincts will be expanded and integrated the creation of new and varied
satisfaction, prior to development.
into mixed-use areas, promoting a range job opportunities. The focus is on
of housing options and small businesses. improving existing infrastructure
Identied Growth Areas and providing new infrastructure to
Springfield is the main retail, commercial, 0ERIJMIPH+VERHGLIWXIVMWER-HIRXMJMIH support growing population centres.
health and education centre for the +VS[XL%VIEXLEXWYFNIGXXSJYVXLIV
residential communities located along investigation, may accommodate Major road upgrades will result in a
XLI'IRXIREV],MKL[E]3TTSVXYRMXMIW long-term development needs after four-lane extension of the Centenary
generated by the university for specialised the development of communities ,MKL[E]JVSQXLI-TW[MGL1SXSV[E]
well as office-based business and Thagoona. Further investigation will Motorway interchange. A new rail line
government administration, and mixed- determine the areas boundaries. will connect Darra and Springfield.
use precincts that promote a range of
housing options and small businesses. Investigations must be undertaken Two new health precincts in Ipswich will
MRXSXLI0ERIJMIPH+VERHGLIWXIVEVIEW provide necessary services to support
Ripley town centre will provide major potential to accommodate long-term growth within the Western Corridor.
regional activity centre functions residential and employment growth. This
to supplement the commercial and includes determining land capability and A project identified in SEQIPP to
administrative roles of the Ipswich CBD suitability, infrastructure requirements and support these growing communities
and Springfield. It will generate most responsibilities, appropriate land uses, involves building new schools in
of the employment for the surrounding necessary corridors and other relevant the Western Corridor. This support
6MTPI]:EPPI]GSQQYRMX]ERH[MPP matters. In particular, geotechnical studies extends to the modernisation of
provide several employment clusters. are required. Additionally, sufficient the Bundamba TAFE campus.
demand for further urban land in the
It will create opportunities for office- Western Corridor must be demonstrated Key projects identified in SEQIPP
based business precincts within Ripley FIJSVI0ERIJMIPH+VERHGLIWXIVGERFI to support the delivery of the
town centre to assist in providing recognised as a Development Area. SEQ Regional Plan include:
diverse employment opportunities. The
town centre will also accommodate 4YVKEMWER-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEXLEX upgrading the Ipswich Motorway
mixed-use precincts to help deliver subject to further investigation, could providing additional line capacity
anticipated residential growth, provide employment and enterprise for the Ipswich rail line
provide greater employment diversity area opportunities in the medium- to
and assist in place making. upgrading rail and road
long-term. Potentially, it could be
access to Springfield.
developed as an extension to the
Amberley Aerospace and Defence Support
34 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Western councils
Population in 2006: 86 300

Indicative planning population 2031: 166 000

Dwellings in 2006: 33 000

Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 33 000

Residential areas


Regional activity centres


Employment areas

Identified Growth Areas

Residential Beaudesert South

In 2006, the western SEQ regional diverse economic, environmental and highways house a high proportion of the
GSYRGMPWSJ0SGO]IV:EPPI]7GIRMG6MQ cultural values for the region. sub-regions population and have the
and Somerset had a population of capacity, through existing zoned land
approximately 86 300. Rural centres, towns and villages provide and approvals, to accommodate further
local services and a mix of housing types growth.
0SGO]IV:EPPI]6IKMSREP'SYRGMPFSVHIVW to accommodate the changing needs
the significant growth areas of Ipswich of the community. They enable people Rural centres and towns will take a
to the east and Toowoomba to the west. to remain in the local area and provide greater role in accommodating future
The Scenic Rim Regional Council follows alternative housing options to those in KVS[XL+EXXSR&IEYHIWIVX0S[SSH
XLI*EWWMJIVR:EPPI]ERHYTTIVVIEGLIWSJ larger urban centres. and Fernvale have the capacity to
XLI0SKERERH%PFIVXZEPPI]W-XGSRXEMRW accommodate a considerable percentage
XLI;SVPH,IVMXEKIPMWXIHQSYRXEMRWXLEX The Urban Footprint enables existing of residential development, with
form the scenic rim, and it borders the towns and villages to accommodate additional housing supply provided in
southern, south-western and western expected residential and employment /MPGS]&SSREL0EMHPI]/EPFEV'ERYRKVE
growth corridors. Somerset Regional growth. It promotes compact and Kooralbyn. Some growth will also
'SYRGMPGSZIVWXLI&VMWFERI6MZIV:EPPI] development, and protects rural and occur in Esk, Fernvale, Toogoolawah,
and Stanley River catchments. natural values by preventing ad-hoc and ;MXLGSXXERH,IPMHSR
dispersed development throughout the
8LI;EVVIKS1SYRX0MRHIWE]ERH rural landscape. In response to an ageing population, rural
&VMWFERI:EPPI]LMKL[E]WERHXLI centres with access to local health and
BrisbaneToowoomba and Brisbane Residential community services will accommodate
Sydney rail lines, provide critical adaptable housing, allowing community
By 2031 dwelling numbers in the western
connections through the western council members to remain in the local area
SEQ sub-region will need to double
sub-region, establishing strong links with through each stage of life.
from 33 000 to 66 000 to accommodate
Toowoomba and Ipswich, and Brisbane to
expected regional growth, population
the east. The Urban Footprint of the Western
increase and demographic change.
Corridor can accommodate sufficient
The western councils are predominantly capacity for employment and residential
Rural residential areas located close
and Rural Production Area, and sustain available to increase supply in the long
term if required.
Part CRegional land use pattern 35

Economy and employment Bromelton is a Regional Development Identied Growth Areas

Area proximate to Beaudesert that needs
The economy of the western SEQ sub- &IEYHIWIVX7SYXLMWER-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL
major extensions to existing infrastructure
region is dominated by rural industry Area contiguous to existing urban
networks. It is part of the Bromelton
and associated activities on rural development that requires substantial
State Development Area declared by the
lands, and a series of rural centres, infrastructure extensions. Further planning
towns and villages. Rural industries will determine the areas boundaries
has the potential to become an
will be enhanced by increasing the before it is considered for development.
employment and enterprise precinct that
self-containment of processing and Beaudesert South has the potential
specialises in industries that need direct
packaging local produce, as well as to accommodate residential growth
access to the national standard gauge
expanding associated cottage industries, subject to land capability and suitability
rail network, and activities that need
tourism and recreation opportunities. assessments, riparian corridor protection,
substantial separation from residential
Rural industries will also grow through infrastructure requirements and
areas. Bromelton offers locational
increased adaptability and productivity, responsibilities, appropriate land uses
advantages for logistics operations
and improved access to markets. and other relevant matters.
involved in regional scale intermodal
freight handling.
+EXXSRERH&IEYHIWIVXEVITVMRGMTEP Bromeltons expansion into the Identified
rural activity centres, and the focus +VS[XL%VIEMWFIMRKGSRWMHIVIHMR
for sub-regional growth in office-based response to a State Development Area
business, retail and commercial activities, designation. Planning is underway for
township, requires major extensions
and government and health services. the Bromelton State Development Area to
to existing infrastructure networks. It
will function as an enterprise precinct
provide local services to surrounding rural
that provides land for industrial
communities, supplementing the roles large lot industrial uses that require
purposes. Further planning is required,
SJ+EXXSRERH&IEYHIWIVX8SS[SSQFE direct access to the national standard
and infrastructure costs and funding
arrangements determined to the state
regional level services. freight and logistics operations (major
governments satisfaction, prior to
development. intermodal freight terminal)
Retail, commercial and office-based
businesses within rural centres, towns medium- and large-scale
,IPMHSR,E^EVHSYW-RHYWXV]%VIE[MPP manufacturing and warehouse
and villages will integrate with the
continue to provide specialist services activities
established urban fabric to enhance
relating to explosives manufacturing
traditional main streets and respond to industry support services, freight
and distribution. To assist in its long-
cultural and heritage values. and logistics, and transport servicing
term viability, future planning will need
to investigate expanding the existing depots.
Industrial precincts in rural centres and
towns will be enhanced to help provide
precinct and protecting it from conflicting Infrastructure
land uses.
diverse employment opportunities and Providing and maintaining appropriate
protect them from conflicting land uses. levels of infrastructure and services
Sustainable rural villages to rural centres, towns and villages
4PEMRPERHMWE0SGEP(IZIPSTQIRX%VIE The expansion of Kooralbyn, Canungra is integral to long-term growth in the
that will develop as a service centre and rural villages outside the Urban western councils sub-region.
to accommodate surrounding rural Footprint will be considered through the
living areas and supplement activities planning scheme review process to help Key projects identified in SEQIPP to
MR+EXXSRERH0EMHPI]'YVVIRXVIXEMP them achieve long-term sustainability support the delivery of the SEQ Regional
development will be integrated with and self-contained employment. This Plan include:
office-based business to provide expansion is subject to land capability
specialist services and small business and suitability assessments, riparian safety improvements to increase the
opportunities. Opportunities to locate corridor protection, infrastructure capacity of the road network
government services, stemming from requirements and responsibilities, the construction of interchanges and
and Plainlands central location in matters. Additionally, areas considered for
the sub-region, will be considered. expansion must demonstrate compliance XLI+EXXSR'SVVIGXMSREP4VIGMRGX
with the Urban Footprint principles
To increase employment self-containment, (Principle 8.2), and materially assist in
rural centres will facilitate the the self-containment of employment and
development of small- to medium-scale residential growth in the sub-region.
incubator businesses. They will utilise
their locational and cost advantages over
the regions larger urban centres.
36 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Population in 2006: 121 800

Indicative planning population 2031: 197 000

Dwellings in 2006: 45 500

Forecast additional dwellings by 2031: 31 000

Residential areas


Existing urban areas Toowoomba City

Regional activity centres

Principal Toowoomba
Employment areas

Enterprise Charlton Wellcamp and Toowoomba Airport

Identified Growth Areas

Residential Westbrook

Toowoomba is located at the western The proportion and location of rural allocations for the sub-region in future
edge of the SEQ region and comprises residential development in fringe urban revisions of the SEQ Regional Plan.
a range of urban and semi-urban locations has important implications for
settlements. Toowoomba City is the growth management and infrastructure ,MKLJMIPHWLEWFIGSQI8SS[SSQFEW
principal activity centre for the sub-region provision. For this reason, the Urban primary urban growth front due to
and services the Darling Downs and Surat Footprint identifies existing settlements its relative proximity to Toowoomba
Basin. In 2006 Toowoombas resident and other development opportunities to City and available services, facilities
population was approximately 121 800. accommodate growth to 2031. and land. Broadhectare opportunities
The Toowoomba sub-region does not Council will undertake further studies and in smaller communities such as
include the entire Toowoomba Regional to detail local planning and sequencing /MRKWXLSVTI+S[VMI.YRGXMSRERH
'SYRGMPPSGEPKSZIVRQIRXEVIE,S[IZIV for Development Areas. To do this a Cambooya, will accommodate residential
the SEQ region boundary accommodates combined planning scheme will be growth. Ongoing, low-density residential
many of the anticipated growth localities prepared for the Toowoomba Regional development through existing approvals
and areas that require development Council to provide a uniform and [MPPEPWSGSRXVMFYXIXSKVS[XLMR,SHKWSR
controls close to Toowoomba City. consistent basis for strategic land use :EPI8SVVMRKXSR'SXW[SPH,MPPWERH
planning and development assessment. Meringandan West.
Urban development is focused around
Toowoomba City and various satellite Residential Infill development will be focused within
YVFERGIRXVIWWYGLEW,MKLJMIPHW Toowoomba City, with the CBD providing
By 2031 approximately 31 000 additional
+PIRZEPI'EQFSS]EERH/MRKWXLSVTI8LI opportunities for mixed-use and higher
dwellings will be needed to house
settlement pattern is also characterised by density development.
Toowoombas expected regional growth.
fringe urban and rural residential precincts
adjacent or close to these centres. Westbrook is an existing rural area
A combination of broadhectare, infill
that, subject to further planning, could
development and redevelopment will
The development of the Surat Energy accommodate some of Toowoombas
deliver these dwellings. Council will
and Resource Province, and major projected residential growth needs.
undertake local planning within the next
five years to identify additional medium-
to long-term broadhectare opportunities.
Bypass, will continue to drive population
These investigations will refine dwelling
growth in Toowoomba.
Part CRegional land use pattern 37

Economy and employment Toowoomba CBD, Kearneys Spring, Identied Growth Area
Toowoomba is the economic and ;IWXFVSSOMWER-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIE
are the major commercial centres. The
service hub for the Darling Downs and proximate to urban development that
Surat Basin. It is expected to benefit will need infrastructure extensions if it
a centre of sub-regional significance
significantly from mining activity in the is found to be suitable for residential
during the planning period.
Surat Basin, accommodating professional development. Further planning will
and other higher order services demanded confirm the areas boundaries before it is
A range of specialist activity centres that
by growth in the region. The challenge for considered for development. Development
cover the health, education and defence
the Toowoomba sub-region is to provide for residential use is subject to land
sectors are located throughout the sub-
adequate employment opportunities for capability and suitability assessments,
region. The Toowoomba aerodrome is
the expected population growth. infrastructure requirements, responsibility
a regionally significant specialist node.
identification and other relevant matters.
The challenge for the Toowoomba
Toowoombas sub-regional aviation hub
sub-region is to provide adequate
is constrained by numerous physical and Infrastructure
employment opportunities for the
spatial attributes, and the surrounding The sub-regions key infrastructure focus
expected population growth.
pattern of land use. It is anticipated that involves securing an adequate water
the long-term location of the aerodrome supply and improving inter-regional
The greater Toowoomba urban area
and the use of the existing site will be transport links for passengers and freight.
provides most of the sub-regions
investigated in the development of the
employment, which is focused around a
combined planning scheme. Key projects identified in SEQIPP to
series of commercial centres, specialist
support the delivery of the SEQ Regional
nodes and industrial precincts. It is
The sub-regions major industrial activity Plan include:
recognised as the gateway to the Darling
precincts are located at Wilsonton,
Downs, and is well located to support the
Drayton and Charlton Wellcamp. The ;EVVIKS,MKL[E]8SS[SSQFE
economic growth and development of the
Charlton Wellcamp industrial area is intersection upgrades
sub-region and the eastern downs.
located at the junctions of the Warrego, the Toowoomba Bypass
covers approximately 1000 hectares
significant employment areas outside the
of mostly undeveloped land, but is
Toowoomba urban area. Several smaller
anticipated to be the sub-regions major
rural village centres provide localised
industrial expansion area and multi-modal
employment opportunities.
freight hub.
38 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Part DRegional policies

Regional policies set out the desired The desired regional outcomes are an
regional outcomes, principles, policies integrated and holistic set, with no
and programs to address growth and intended priority. They appear under the
management of the region. following headings:

For each desired regional outcome, a 1 Sustainability and climate change

set of principles is identified to achieve
the outcome. 2 Natural environment

Specific policy statements indicate what 3 Regional landscape

must be done for the principles to have
effect. Programs identify actions that need 4 Natural resources
to be implemented over the life of the
plan. Notes are also included to provide 5 Rural futures
an explanation of the policy statements,
6 Strong communities
identify implementation processes and
provide additional relevant information.
7 Engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples
The principles and policies guide state
and local government in the formulation
8 Compact settlement
of their own policies as they are the
cornerstones to the correct functioning
9 Employment location
schemes must be consistent with the 10 Infrastructure
intent of the desired regional outcomes,
principles and policies. Programs may be 11 Water management
delivered by state or local government,
industry, non-government organisations or 12 Integrated transport.
community groups.
Part DRegional policies 39

1. Sustainability and climate change

Desired regional outcome 1

The region grows and changes in a sustainable mannergenerating prosperity, maintaining
and enhancing quality of life, minimising the use of resources, providing high levels of
environmental protection, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and becoming resilient to
natural hazards including the projected effects of climate change and oil supply vulnerability.

Since 1994, sustainable development generations Overwhelming scientific evidence indicates

principles have been included in a range intra-generational equity
that human-induced climate change is
of Queenslands legislative instruments ensuring a fair share of resources
occurring, primarily due to increasing
such as the Environmental Protection and opportunity among present
concentrations of greenhouse gases in the
Act 1994, Integrated Planning Act 1997 generations
atmosphere. Urgent action is necessary to
and Water Act 2000. The Australian stabilise greenhouse gas emissions at a
+SZIVRQIRXLEWTVSHYGIHE2EXMSREP conserving biological diversity and level where the effects of extreme climate
Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable ecological integrityprotecting the change can be avoided. The government
Development (ESD), which defines the variety of all life forms, their genetic must also move quickly to implement
goal of ESD as: diversity and the ecosystem of which measures that reduce the effects of
they form a part, recognising the natural hazards and climate change, and
Development that improves the total various services they provide to secure the sustainability and prosperity of
quality of life, both now and in the future, humans as well as their intrinsic value the region.
in a way that maintains the ecological internalising environmental costs
processes on which life depends. ensuring the true costs and life-cycle International and Australian research
costs (incurred from when inputs indicates that there are significant
The overriding intent of the SEQ Regional are produced through to waste benefits in responding immediately to
Plan is to ensure the region grows disposal) of protecting and restoring climate change. This response should
and changes in a sustainable way. environmental damage are reflected in include both reducing the emission of
The challenge is to reduce the regions the price of a product or service greenhouse gases and adapting to the
ecological footprint while enhancing the effects of climate change that will occur
regions economy and peoples quality of engaged governanceensuring broad regardless of global efforts to reduce
life. The SEQ Regional Plan achieves this community involvement in decisions emissions. The sooner we start reducing
through the desired regional outcomes to and actions that affect people. greenhouse gas emissions and adapting
realise concurrent social, ecological and Source: adapted from Premiers Policy to the effects of climate change, the
economic improvements. Scan Issue 4: Ecologically sustainable smaller the cost of climate change will be
development5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX in terms of the regions economic growth
The Queensland framework for 2002 and National Strategy for Ecologically and lifestyle.
ecologically sustainable decision-making Sustainable Development, 1992.
has been used to inform principles and Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland sets
polices of the SEQ Regional Plan. The The SEQ Regional Plan will guide the a target to cut Queenslanders carbon
framework commits to: region towards sustainable development. footprint by one-third through reduced
Setting targets for each of the desired car and electricity use by 2020. Regional
integrated and long-term decision- regional outcomes will help to guide climate change actions for SEQ will also
makingincorporating long- and actions required to achieve each of the be influenced by statewide and national
short-term environmental, economic outcomes. Monitoring and reporting on climate change initiatives and policies
and social considerations into progress towards achieving these targets MRGPYHMRKXLI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXW
decision-making and the desired regional outcomes are climate change strategy and the Australian
intergenerational equityensuring essential to the review and improvement +SZIVRQIRXWTVSTSWIH'EVFSR4SPPYXMSR
the health, diversity and productivity process for the SEQ Regional Plan. Reduction Scheme.
of the environment is maintained or
enhanced for the benefit of future
40 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

1.1 Sustainability principles

Principle Policies
Ensure ecologically sustainable development through the 1.1.1 All decisions should reflect the Queensland framework
application of the Queensland framework for ecologically for ecologically sustainable decision making.
sustainable decision-making.
1.1.2 Reflect the sustainability characteristics in all land use
and infrastructure planning.

Notes low levels of water, energy and material consumption,

The SEQ Regional Plan provides the overarching framework and high levels of recycling and re-use of natural
for ensuring the sustainability of the region. The desired resources, materials and waste products
regional outcomes are based on Queenslands framework generation and distribution of energy from renewable
for ecologically sustainable decision-making. The sources
principles, policies and programs provide direction on the
a well-protected system of wildlife habitats including
implementation of the SEQ Regional Plan to achieve the
open space, biodiversity networks and greenspace
desired regional outcomes. The sustainability characteristics
provide a description of the desired built and natural form of adequate and well-situated open spaceincluding public
the region to contribute to meeting these outcomes. parks, trails and sporting and recreational facilities
which supports healthy behaviour, social activity and
Sustainable development in SEQ is expected to include the physical and psychological wellbeing
following sustainability characteristics: total water cycle management to minimise impacts on
the natural water cycle, including aquatic ecosystems
compact urban form that minimises impacts on natural
resources and environmental values and reduces the protection from natural hazards, including the effects of
need for travel by private vehicles climate change

well-designed activity centres and corridors based on local and diverse employment opportunities
high-frequency public transport services and accessible retention of distinctive regional and local character and
active transport networks scenic amenity
high-level and equitable access to activities and services cultural and landscape heritage that is appreciated,
through transport and communication systems protected and managed.
buildings that are designed and oriented to take
advantage of the regions climate and reduce the use of
energy, especially for cooling and heating
Part DRegional policies 41

1.2 Sustainability monitoring

Principle Program
Monitor the progress made in SEQ towards achieving 1.2.2 Publish the SEQ State of the Region report using
sustainability. relevant and timely sustainability indicators to report
on the progress in achieving sustainability in the
Policy region.
1.2.1 Develop regional targets for desired regional
outcomes of the SEQ Regional Plan.

Notes Queensland Regional Plan 2005-2026 (SEQ Regional Plan

A State of the Region report will be produced as part of 2005), and provides a point of comparison for future reports.
the five-year review of the SEQ Regional Plan. Publication
of this information is important to ensure a consistent The South East Queensland State of the Region Technical
information base for reviewing the SEQ Regional Plan, and Report 2008 was produced to inform the review of the SEQ
to allow agencies, organisations and the community to Regional Plan 2005, and the development of the South East
participate more effectively in the management of the region. Queensland Regional Plan 20092031. It includes detailed
Sustainability indicators will be based on the regional targets information on the status of each of 76 sustainability
to measure progress in achieving the outcomes. indicators.

The South East Queensland State of Region Sustainability Regional targets will be prepared in consultation with
Indicators Baseline Review 2006 identifies sustainability relevant stakeholders and be consistent with existing federal,
indicators for use in State of the Region reporting. state and local government processes. Targets must be
measurable, achievable and time-bound, and relate to the
The State of Region Baseline Report 20052006 provides desired regional outcomes of the SEQ Regional Plan. Targets
information on the status of the sustainability indicators have already been established, or are in the process of
at the time of the commencement of the South East being established, through a number of programs (Table 1).

Table 1: Description of targets relevant to the SEQ Regional Plan

Target source Description Timeframe Spatial scale

Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland 2020 Queensland
smart, healthy, fair
Includes targets for air and atmosphere, coastal and
South East Queensland Natural Resource
marine, community, land, nature conservation, regional 2031 SEQ
Management Plan 20092031
landscape areas, traditional owners and water
Rural Futures Strategy for South East Includes targets for economic development, rural
20202031 SEQ
Queensland communities and rural land management
Includes targets to close the gap in health, education and
'3%+'PSWMRKXLI+ETGSQQMXQIRX employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait 10 years National
Islander peoples
SEQ Regional Plan Includes dwelling targets for existing urban areas 2031 SEQ
Draft South East Queensland Water
Includes targets for water supply and water use Immediate SEQ
South East Queensland Healthy
Includes targets for waterway health 2026 SEQ
Waterways Strategy 20072012
Connecting SEQ2031: An Integrated
Regional Transport Plan for South Proposes to include targets for transport 2031 SEQ
East Queensland
42 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

1.3 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Principle 1.3.4 Increase the local provision of renewable energy
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from development, land and low emission technology in Development Areas,
management and other planning decisions in the region. activity centres and other urban areas identified to
accommodate future growth.
1.3.5 Increase stored carbon through the retention or
1.3.1 Incorporate planning and design measures in
planting of trees or other vegetation, and other land
development, land management and other planning
management practices that also provide sustainability
decisions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in
and amenity outcomes.
accordance with agreed performance criteria.
1.3.6 Minimise greenhouse gas emissions from landfill and
1.3.2 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport
implement capture and re-use of landfill gas.
fuel consumption by adopting patterns of urban
development that reduce the need to travel and the
distance travelled and by increasing the provision of
active and public transport. 1.3.7 Align and coordinate the implementation of regional
policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
1.3.3 Improve energy efficiency through siting, design, through the South East Queensland Climate Change
construction and use of demand management Management Plan (SEQ Climate Change Management
technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Plan).
from electricity use.
1.3.8 Develop agreed performance criteria for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions in development, land
management and other planning decisions.

Notes As SEQ has the largest population and highest growth rate
The regional planning process in SEQ can make a significant of any region in Queensland, it has the opportunity and a
contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions major responsibility in contributing to state and national
through: greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Currently, about
40 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions in SEQ arise from
reducing the need for travel, particularly by private energy used by industry, 22 per cent from fuel consumed
vehicles by road transport, 13 per cent from energy consumed by
residential users, 12 per cent from commercial energy use, 7
providing active and public transport infrastructure
per cent from agricultural emissions, 3 per cent from clearing
increasing the efficient use of energy of woody vegetation, and 3 per cent from waste disposal
supporting the generation of renewable energy and use ERHXVIEXQIRX -RXIVREXMSREP'SYRGMPJSV0SGEP)RZMVSRQIRXEP
of low emission technologies Initiatives 2009).

increasing the sequestration of carbon dioxide Implementation of policies to reduce greenhouse gas
minimising emissions from landfill. emissions through planning and design will be achieved
by reinforcing activities such as the application of transit
These regional initiatives will help to achieve the target
oriented development and subtropical design principles,
in Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland to cut Queensland
urban consolidation, provision of greater public and active
households carbon footprint by one-third with reduced
transport and improved sustainable housing regulations.
car and electricity use and greenhouse gas emissions from
[EWXIF]8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXWGPMQEXI The contribution of these and other initiatives will be
change strategy commits Queensland to making an equitable strengthened over time by developing performance criteria
contribution towards the national target of reducing to assess the contribution of development to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions to 60 per cent below 2000 levels greenhouse gas emissions. The performance criteria will
by 2050. assist governments and the development industry to improve
the efficiency of the urban form, reduce resultant transport
fuel and energy use and maximise opportunities for the use
of low emission technologies.
Part DRegional policies 43

1.3 Reducing greenhouse gas emissionscontinued

Some of the mechanisms to achieve these outcomes include: Primary producers and other rural industries have an
important role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
consolidating urban growth by supporting higher As opportunities for global emissions trading emerge, the
densities of energy-efficient buildings in well-designed 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX[MPPMRGVIEWMRKP]HMVIGXVIWIEVGL
and appropriately located centres development and extension to help primary producers to
reducing the length and number of journeys by access opportunities for carbon sequestration in forestry,
grazing lands and cropping activities.
co-locating schools, shopping centres, other services and
major trip generators close to population centres
The Council of Mayors (SEQ) is developing a voluntary
improving the energy performance of buildings through regional carbon sink initiative to help offset the greenhouse
siting, design and orientation gas emissions from each of the 11 local governments in SEQ
increasing accessibility to high-quality public transport and contribute to offsetting community emissions. Sites
services and improved intermodal transport opportunities for tree plantings will be strategically selected to ensure
improved water quality and biodiversity outcomes. Planting
maximising opportunities and facilities for active trees in urban areas provides many benefits in addition
transport including walkways and cycleways to carbon sequestration such as shade, biodiversity and
increasing opportunities for the generation of solar and scenic amenity. Other methods to store carbon include
wind power or co-generation in key urban and rural land management practices that store carbon, such as local
locations cycling of organic waste, rotation grazing and enhancing the
ecological condition of natural vegetation.
increasing the planting of trees to store carbon and
provide shade and cooling in urban and rural areas.
The SEQ Climate Change Management Plan will provide an
8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXWGPMQEXIGLERKIWXVEXIK] integrated framework for implementing regional policies to
supports deployment of existing low emission renewable reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to
technologies such as solar power, wind, geothermal and natural hazards and climate change. It will describe programs
biomass (e.g. the waste from sugarcane milling) and and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
the development of emerging low emission renewable support transition of the SEQ community to a low-carbon
XIGLRSPSKMIW8LI%YWXVEPMER+SZIVRQIRXLEWEPWSGSQQMXXIH future. A core function will be to align and coordinate state
to ensuring that 20 per cent of the nations electricity supply and local government programs to reduce greenhouse gas
comes from renewable energy sources by 2020. Electricity emissions from development and land management.
use accounts for about 42 per cent of the emissions in the
Initiatives 2009).

mandatory compliance for all new houses and
townhouses to achieve a minimum 5 stars (out of 10)
energy equivalence rating. From 1 September 2009,
new or replacement air conditioners installed in new
or existing Queensland homes and units must have
a minimum tested average energy efficiency ratio of
2.9, which is equivalent to 4 stars on a current energy
rating label. Retrofitting existing buildings with energy
efficient fixtures and fittings can also achieve significant
reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
44 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

1.4 Natural hazards and climate change adaptation

Principle 1.4.3 Planning schemes and development decisions shall
Increase the resilience of communities, development, essential be in accordance with the Queensland Coastal Plan,
infrastructure, natural environments and economic sectors to including the range of potential sea level rises.
natural hazards including the projected effects of climate change.
Policies 1.4.4 Align and coordinate the implementation of regional
1.4.1 Reduce the risk from natural hazards, including the policies to increase resilience to and reduce risks
projected effects of climate change, by avoiding from natural hazards, including the projected effects
areas with high exposure and establishing adaptation of climate change, through the SEQ Climate Change
strategies to minimise vulnerability to riverine Management Plan.
flooding, storm tide or sea level rise inundation,
coastal erosion, bushfires and landslides. 1.4.5 Develop performance criteria for the planning and
design of development and infrastructure to manage
1.4.2 Reduce the risk from natural hazards, including the risks from natural hazards and climate change.
projected effects of climate change, by establishing
adaptation strategies to minimise vulnerability to
heatwaves and high temperatures, reduced and more
variable rainfall, cyclones and severe winds, and
severe storms and hail.

Notes communities and the natural environment, such as habitat

Implementation of natural hazard and climate change loss and fragmentation from development. SEQ has
adaptation policies will be achieved through building sustained Aboriginal populations for many tens of thousands
community resilience, avoiding vulnerable development in of years. Understanding how climate change has affected the
hazardous areas and incorporating design measures that are regions ecosystems in past periods of climate change can
suited to more varied climatic conditions. inform projections and management of climate change into
the future.
Natural hazards such as flooding, bushfires and storm surge
pose a significant risk to communities and infrastructure in The planning process in SEQ can reduce the risks from
SEQ. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency natural hazards and the projected effects of climate change
and severity of extreme weather events that cause these through:
natural hazards. In addition to factors such as rising sea
levels, natural hazards pose a significant risk to development avoiding hazardous areas
in SEQ. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on improving the design of developments and infrastructure
Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) has identified SEQ as one of six
improving community preparedness to respond to natural
hot spots in Australia where vulnerability to climate change
is likely to be high.
enhancing the resilience of natural systems
Natural hazards and the projected effects of climate change maximising opportunities for rural industries in the face
are likely to compound the effects of existing threats to of increasing climate variability.
Part DRegional policies 45

1.4 Natural hazards and climate change adaptationcontinued

Many of the effects of climate change will be experienced Information on climate change science from the Queensland
as an increase in the frequency and severity of hazards Centre for Climate Change Excellence, CSIRO and the Bureau
associated with extreme weather events. of Meteorology will ensure essential infrastructure, natural
environments, people and development are less vulnerable
SEQ local governments and the state government will to climate change impacts.
implement State Planning Policies (including State Planning
Policy 1/03 Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Flooding, Rapid onset hazards include heatwaves and high
&YWLJMVIERH0ERHWPMHI ERHXLIState Coastal Management temperatures, cyclones and severe winds, severe storms and
Plan and develop local disaster management plans for hail storms, riverine flooding and storm tides, bushfires,
sensitive locations such as areas that may be susceptible PERHWPMHIWERHGSEWXPMRIIVSWMSR+VEHYEPSRWIXLE^EVHW
to sea level rise, storm surge, coastal erosion and riverine include sea level rise and reduced and highly variable
flooding. For example, the International Panel for Climate rainfall. Other natural hazards, such as earthquakes and
Change (IPCC) projects a sea level rise range of 0.18 to 0.79 tsunamis, are unlikely to occur in SEQ.
metres by 2100. Planning for natural hazards in SEQ will
be informed by the projected sea level rise outlined in the Biological hazards such as pests and diseases will also be
Queensland Coastal Plan. affected by climate change and will be principally managed
through federal, state and local government biosecurity
The sea level rises in the Queensland Coastal Plan are: programs. For example, the incidence and distribution of
mosquito populations and mosquito-borne diseases (e.g.
for land not already subject to a development dengue fever and Ross River virus) are likely to change as a
commitment, a sea level rise of 0.8 m by 2100 will need result of changes in temperature and rainfall.
to be taken into account
The SEQ Climate Change Management Plan will provide an
for land already subject to a development commitment
integrated framework for implementing regional policies to
the following projected sea level rise needs to be
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to
accommodated for the year of end of planning period
natural hazards and climate change. It will describe programs
(asset life):
and actions needed to support adaptation to climate change.
2050 0.3 m A core function will be to align and coordinate state and
2060 0.4 m local government adaptation responses.
2070 0.5 m
2080 0.6 m
2090 0.7 m
2100 0.8 m.
46 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

1.5 Responding to oil supply vulnerability

Principle 1.5.3 Ensure transport infrastructure and service investment
Identify people, economic sectors and areas that are at risk actively reduces oil dependence, particularly for
due to oil supply vulnerability and increase their resilience to trips that could be undertaken by public or active
the effects of oil supply vulnerability. transport.

Policies 1.5.4 Reduce the length of trips and dependence on oil by

localising access to goods, services and employment
1.5.1 Manage risks and reduce impacts on people,
economic sectors and areas from the effects of oil
supply vulnerability.
1.5.2 Design Development Areas to encourage walking, 1.5.5 Identify, monitor and report on the risks to economic
cycling and public transport use to get to local sectors of the effects of oil supply vulnerability.
shopping facilities and employment locations, and
early provision of public transport services. 1.5.6 Identify the implications of oil supply vulnerability for
socially and locationally disadvantaged communities.

Notes The transport industry is the largest consumer of petroleum

Most of the world is now dependent on a diminishing products, accounting for almost three-quarters of all fuel
number of oil-producing countries for their oil needs. Current YWIH,S[IZIVSXLIVMRHYWXVMIWMRTEVXMGYPEVXLIQMRMRK
rates of global oil production are predicted to decline within agriculture, manufacturing and construction sectorsare
the next five years. Australia does not have enough oil also heavy users of oil-based fuels. While there is no easy
to meet the nations needs. Australia and Queensland are solution to replacing oil-based fuel and products with other
therefore becoming more dependent on imported oil and oil- energy sources, some of the opportunities for building
based fuels. The oil used by Queensland is therefore strongly a region that is more resilient to oil supply vulnerability
linked to global supply and demand. As in many parts of include:
the world, SEQ communities and economic sectors are firmly
structured around an abundant supply of low-cost oil. This providing enhanced public and active transport networks
puts SEQ, along with the rest of the world, at risk from and improved, safe walkways and cycleways
changes in the supply and price of oil. providing incentives for people to walk or cycle for short-
and medium-length journeys, or use public transport
Information on household exposure to higher oil prices
retaining agricultural production areas close to
such as that provided by the vulnerability assessment
population centres.
for mortgage, petroleum, and inflation risks expenditure
:%14-6) MRHI\ (SHWSRERH7MTI GERFIYWIHXS Many of these actions provide other benefits such as
inform planning by identifying communities vulnerable to contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
reductions in oil supply and increases in oil prices. Improving freight networks and increasing the production
and use of alternative fuels are also important mechanisms
Reducing travel by private vehicle is a key component in for reducing vulnerability to changes in oil supply.
achieving the Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland target to
cut the carbon footprint by one-third.
Part DRegional policies 47

2. Natural environment

Desired regional outcome 2

A healthy and resilient natural environment is protected, maintained and restored to
sustainably support the regions rich biodiversity and ecosystem services including clean
air and water, outdoor lifestyles and other community needs that critically underpin
economic and social development.

SEQ is one of Australias identified XLI+SRH[ERE6EMRJSVIWXWSJ health. Unless prevented, managed or

biodiversity hotspots and is renowned %YWXVEPME;SVPH,IVMXEKIEVIE reversed, these factors will continue to
for the quality and diversity of its natural including expansive rainforest threaten regional sustainability. Protecting
environment, which includes some VIWIVZIWMR0EQMRKXSR and managing the natural environment is
distinctive features: Springbrook, Mount Barney and fundamental to achieving a sustainable
Main Range national parks future for the region.
rich and diverse native flora and
fauna DAguilar Range, Blackall Ranges, 8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXLEW
8EQFSVMRI1SYRXEMRERHXLI+PEWW committed to protecting 50 per cent more
the largest urban koala population in
,SYWI1SYRXEMRW land for nature conservation statewide
by 2020 in Toward Q2: Tomorrows
a dynamic coastline and marine freshwater wetlands, waterways and Queensland.
waters that comprise floodplains, including the Noosa River
coastal wetlands, including and the extensive waterways of the A coordinated and collaborative
Pumicestone Passage and Carbrook &VMWFERI0SKERERH0SGO]IVZEPPI]W approach by government, industry and
the community, with full engagement of
generally good air and water quality.
unique sand islands, including traditional owners, has been enhanced by
SEQs population growth and related the establishment of the Chief Executive
Moreton, Stradbroke and Bribie
urban and rural development are Officers Committee for Natural Resource
increasing the pressure on the natural Management in South East Queensland
internationally recognised dugong, environment. SEQ was a vastly different and a new state agency designed to
turtle and wader bird habitats in place before European settlement in 1824. better coordinate environment and
Moreton Bay Although shaped by human occupants resource management across the state.
for tens of thousands of years prior to Community engagement is essential
open coastline including rocky that time, the regions lands, waters, to protect and strategically restore the
foreshores, reefs, headlands and atmosphere and biodiversity were regions natural environmental values in
surf beaches managed in a sustainable way. Continued order to build resilience, especially as
clearing and fragmentation of natural climatic conditions become more varied
spectacular forested mountain ranges areas and further degradation of natural and extreme. Strategic investment in
and peaks, including environmental processes will adversely new habitat areas and a viable network
affect the regions biodiversity, resilience of connecting corridors will be required
to climate change, air and water quality, to enable flora and fauna to move and
agriculture, economic potential and public adapt to changing conditions over time.
48 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

2.1 Biodiversity
Principle Programs
Protect, manage and enhance the regions biodiversity 2.1.7 In partnership with private and public landholders,
values and associated ecosystem services and maximise the identify and manage regional and local biodiversity
resilience of ecosystems to the impacts of climate change. networks, including areas with existing values
and areas suitable for rehabilitation as habitat or
Policies biodiversity corridors.
2.1.1 Avoid impacts on areas with significant biodiversity
ZEPYIWMRXLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH6YVEP 2.1.8 Establish information sharing and coordination
Production Area, including biodiversity corridors. mechanisms to integrate the location and
management of biodiversity networks within the
2.1.2 Avoid or minimise impacts on areas with significant broader open space network at regional and local
biodiversity values in the Urban Footprint or Rural scales.
2.1.9 Implement actions to help achieve the nature
2.1.3 Avoid offsite impacts from development or other conservation targets in the South East Queensland
activities on adjacent areas with significant Natural Resource Management Plan 20092031.
biodiversity values.
2.1.10 In consultation with governments, industry and
2.1.4 Where impacts on areas with significant biodiversity the community, develop and implement a regional
values cannot be avoided, offset impacts in environmental offsets framework to coordinate state
accordance with the principles of the Queensland and local offset policies and programs.
Government Environmental Offsets Policy and relevant
specific issue offset policies. 2.1.11 Integrate an agreed biodiversity mapping approach for
the region, including methods to map and represent
2.1.5 Within biodiversity networks, protect significant biodiversity networks for use in state, regional and
biodiversity values, improve ecological connectivity, local planning and management.
enhance habitat extent and condition, and rehabilitate
degraded areas.

2.1.6 Optimise biodiversity conservation outcomes by

locating environmental and carbon offsets within
identified biodiversity networks and other suitable
areas, giving a high priority to the protection or
rehabilitation of significant biodiversity values.

Notes Act 1999 and the proposed State Planning Policy for koala
Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland sets a statewide target conservation will assist in regulating vegetation clearing,
of protecting 50 per cent more land for nature conservation avoiding impacts on significant biodiversity values, and
statewide by 2020. The SEQ National Reserve System preventing new urban development and further subdivision
Partnership between local, state and federal governments MRXLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH6YVEP4VSHYGXMSR%VIE
assists with the prioritisation and purchase of land for nature
conservation. The SEQ Common Nature Conservation Classification System
has been used to generate assessments of biodiversity
The strategic intent of these policies is to ensure that values. There is a need to continue to refine and consolidate
development and other land use activities do not cause any a biodiversity evaluation and mapping approach, which
loss or degradation of areas with significant biodiversity effectively supports planning at the state, regional and local
values and that the overall biodiversity values of the region scales.
are enhanced over the longer term to support regional
development. The challenge is to re-connect wildlife habitats
Areas with significant biodiversity values include areas by clearly identifying and protecting biodiversity networks
of ecological significance (as shown in Map 3) and areas and corridors at regional and local scales. Biodiversity
identified in local government planning schemes or networks include:
master plans. Areas identified as being of high ecological
significance in Map 3 and bushland koala habitat areas existing areas of significant biodiversity values
described in section 2.2 indicate the general spatial extent of existing biodiversity corridors e.g. waterway corridors and
state interests in biodiversity conservation. Other plans and biodiversity corridors including mosaic, contiguous or
mapsincluding remnant and regrowth vegetation maps, stepping stone corridors
regional natural resource management plans, corporate plans
future biodiversity corridors and habitat areas e.g. areas
and environmental impact statementsmay also identify
currently developed or cleared that can be rehabilitated
areas with significant biodiversity values. These maps and
to restore connectivity.
plans should be used to inform and guide the application of
regional biodiversity policies. The Vegetation Management
Part DRegional policies 49

2.1 Biodiversitycontinued

Strategic expansion, connection and rehabilitation of is a non-statutory plan that establishes a collaborative
biodiversity networks will require an understanding of framework to link regional natural resource management
anticipated ecosystem vulnerability to climate change planning, investment and activities, to achieve a range of
induced increases in natural hazards (e.g. flood, sea level targets, including improved biodiversity outcomes. The SEQ
rise, bushfire, higher temperatures and heat waves). Natural Resource Management Plan includes targets to:

The regional landscape supports multiple values including maintain or increase the area and extent of regional
scenic amenity, outdoor recreation, cultural heritage and vegetation cover, habitat for priority species and
biodiversity. Integration of biodiversity networks with wetlands
the broader regional landscape framework will assist
ensure no net fragmentation of large tracts of vegetation
in protecting and enhancing a range of landscape and
over 5000 ha
biodiversity values, to achieve greater efficiencies and
improved outcomes at the landscape scale. protect vulnerable regional ecosystems
ensure no decline in the conservation status of native
Offsets are one mechanism to deliver improved biodiversity species.
outcomes, including connectivity. Offsets will be subject to
the principles of the Queensland Government Environmental Mechanisms to achieve these targets include native
Offsets Policy and relevant specific issue offset policies vegetation management, threatened species recovery plans
MRGPYHMRK:IKIXEXMSR1EREKIQIRX/SEPE,EFMXEX1EVMRI*MWL and proactive management of protected areas. Biodiversity
,EFMXEXERHTVSTSWIH&MSHMZIVWMX]3JJWIXWTSPMGMIW conservation stakeholders can use the SEQ Natural Resource
Management Plans collaborative framework to improve the
The South East Queensland Natural Resource Management way they identify, evaluate, protect, manage and report on
Plan 20092031 (SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan) SEQs biodiversity values.
50 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 3: Areas of ecological significance

Part DRegional policies 51

2.2 Koala conservation

Principle 2.2.5 Ensure planning and development seeks to maintain
Koala populations in the region are enhanced through the or enhance koala habitat values in areas of bushland
protection, management and the achievement of a net gain habitat, areas suitable for rehabilitation and other
in bushland koala habitat and through managing conflict areas of value to koalas.
with urban development.
Policies 2.2.6 Identify existing and potential koala habitat areas
2.2.1 Prioritise the establishment and implementation of suitable for protection, transfer, acquisition and
consistent planning requirements for the protection of rehabilitation in a State Planning Policy for koala
koala habitat areas across the region. conservation.
2.2.2 Ensure development impacts on koala habitat 2.2.7 Establish development codes within a State Planning
throughout SEQ are offset through the delivery Policy for koala conservation to ensure development
of a net benefit to koalas, including through the addresses adverse impacts on koalas and koala habitat.
expansion of habitat on lands identified as suitable
for rehabilitation. 2.2.8 Establish guidelines within a State Planning Policy
for koala conservation to ensure koala conservation
2.2.3 Ensure planning and development caters for koala MWGSRWMHIVIH[MXLMRTPERWJSV6IKMSREPERH0SGEP
movement between conserved areas of bushland Development Areas and strategic plans.
koala habitat.
2.2.9 Identify, monitor and report on health and risks to
2.2.4 Prioritise the protection and rehabilitation of koala koala populations across the region.
habitat areas outside the Urban Footprint as a key
source of long-term habitat for the regions koala

Notes A State Planning Policy (SPP) for koala conservation will be

The koala population of the region has, as a whole, declined framed to minimise the impact of development on koala
over the past 10 years. Some of the major populations within habitat. It will contain:
the region, particularly those populations in or near urban areas a statutory map that identifies different categories of
such as those in Pine Rivers and the Koala Coast, are seeing koala habitat areas across the region
larger declines than others. This is attributed to habitat loss
and fragmentation and to the generally high rates of mortality policies to inform local government planning schemes
from cars, domestic dogs and stress-induced disease that are and other planning documents
evident in and near urban areas. codes for development assessment purposes.
In contrast, major populations in the predominantly rural The SPP statutory map will be developed taking into
western areas of the region are generally believed to be consideration existing planning commitments and
stable, largely due to lower levels or absence of such threats. environmental requirements.

To assist the recovery of the koala population, the Queensland As a component, the SPP will require the provision of an
+SZIVRQIRXLEWGSQQMXXIHXSMRGVIEWIXLIGYVVIRXI\XIRXSJ offset where new development in a koala habitat area will
mature and actively regenerating koala habitat by 2020 and to have unavoidable impacts on koalas. Offset contributions will
implement a range of other supporting measures informed by be used to:
comprehensive koala habitat mapping.
acquire additional koala bushland
Map 4 identifies the general location of major koala rehabilitate potential koala bushland habitat areas
populations across the region and shows the specific outside the Urban Footprint
location of three habitat strata. Map 4 is not a statutory map
and has no regulatory effect. implement measures that will reduce koala deaths in
urbanised areas and along transport corridors.
In addition to the governments overarching commitment to
Opportunities for exchange of land to accommodate
increase koala habitat by 2020, the new goals will:
development in koala habitat areas in the Urban Footprint
ensure adequate connectivity between major populations will also be considered as part of an offset package.
to allow for genetic exchange The SPP will also require koala-sensitive design outcomes to
apply measures that address the different circumstances be provided in urban areas that form a connection between
of each habitat strata and the role they can play in conserved bushland koala habitats.
ensuring long-term koala viability The draft State Planning Policy for koala conservation will
focus priority actions in the first five years of the SEQ be released for consultation in the second half of 2009.
Regional Plan on addressing the decline of the most The Draft South East Queensland Koala State Planning
at-risk populations, with detailed strategies for these Regulatory Provisions and the current assessment provisions
priority actions to be in place by December 2009. of the Koala Conservation Plan will be extended to cover the
period before the koala conservation SPP takes effect.
The key outcome is to maintain all current major koala
populations across the region at viable levels.
52 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 4: Major koala population and habitats

Part DRegional policies 53

2.3 Air and noise

Principle 2.3.3 Separate sensitive land uses from activities that
Protect and manage the air and acoustic environments to generate noise and air emissions, including
maintain the health and wellbeing of the community and the commercial, recreational activities such as motor
natural environment. sports, intensive agricultural land uses, major
transport facilities and corridors, and industrial
Policies developments to ensure that existing activities are not
affected by the encroachment of sensitive land uses.
2.3.1 Design and operate development to minimise air,
odour and noise emissions and the impacts of
2.3.4 Noisy outdoor recreational activities, such as motor
emissions on sensitive land uses.
sports, are designed, located and managed to avoid
conflicts with adjacent residential areas.
2.3.2 Adequately separate, plan, design, construct and
operate development to ensure the impacts of air,
odour and noise emissions on sensitive land uses
meet the objectives of the Environmental Protection 2.3.5 Implement actions to achieve the air quality and
(Air) Policy 1997 and the Environmental Protection noise pollution targets in the SEQ Natural Resource
(Noise) Policy 2008 under the Environmental Management Plan.
Protection Act 1994, the Road Traffic Noise
Management Code of Practice and local government
noise management policies.

Notes from industrial or intensive agricultural land uses and major

The air and acoustic environments are natural assets that transport routes. As far as possible, permanent facilities
play a vital role in ensuring the health of the community, for noisy outdoor recreational activities, such as motor
protecting the environment and fostering economic sports, should be located away from residential areas.
be located close to residential areas. These facilities may
SEQs air quality generally meets national standards with enjoy existing use rights for a range of outdoor recreational
only infrequent exceptions. The major sources of air activities. Similarly, temporary events may sometimes occur
pollutants in SEQ are motor vehicle use, industrial and close to residential areas.
domestic energy consumption, and bushfires (both fuel
reduction and wildfires). Population growth, household Air and noise pollution is currently managed through:
numbers and the increasing reliance on motor vehicles in
urban areas all pose a threat to future air quality. The SEQ Environmental Protection Act 1994
Natural Resource Management Plan includes targets for air Environmental Protection Regulation 2008
and noise pollution.
Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008
Eliminating the impacts of air and noise emissions is not Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008
always possible. Providing separation distances between Road Traffic Noise Management Code of Practice.
industry and other sensitive land uses serves to reduce the
impacts on health, amenity, quality of life and the natural This legislation establishes standards for air and acoustic
environment that may result from hazards or from air or quality. The purpose of the Code of Practice is to provide
noise emissions. Wherever possible, sensitive land uses, guidance and instruction for the assessment, design and
such as residential development, should be located away management of the impact of road traffic noise.
54 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

2.4 Managing the coast

Principle 2.4.4 Maintain and enhance safe public access to the
Maintain, protect and enhance the values of the regions foreshore and coastal waters and ensure public access
coast, including the foreshore, coastal wetlands, dunes, is designed and maintained to conserve coastal
coastal processes, marine ecosystems, significant coastal resources.
values and marine waters.
2.4.5 Ensure land use and infrastructure plans are consistent
Policies with the Moreton Bay Marine Park zones and fish
habitat zones and management plans for the region.
avoid or mitigate adverse effects on coastal values.
2.4.2 Ensure development other than maritime 2.4.6 Identify and protect areas that provide for the
infrastructure avoids erosion prone areas, storm landward retreat of coastal habitats and species at
tide inundation hazard areas, and undeveloped risk from predicted sea level rise.
sections of tidal waterways in accordance with the
Queensland Coastal Plan. 2.4.7 Implement actions to achieve the coastal and marine
targets in the SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan.
2.4.3 Ensure that development on the coast or in tidal
waters maintains natural physical coastal processes 2.4.8 Manage erosion prone areas to reduce the risk of
or ensures that there is no increased risk of shoreline erosion.
erosion to adjacent areas of coastline.
2.4.9 Identify the preferred locations for maritime
development to minimise impacts on coastal values.

Notes incorporate best practice stormwater and wastewater

SEQs coastline supports diverse values and resources, quality management, including water sensitive urban
including biodiversity, scenic amenity, outdoor recreation, design and sediment controls.
economic activities and cultural heritage. Urban development, Whole-of-government regional studies should identify
vegetation clearing, water pollution and climate change suitable locations for maritime infrastructure. These locations
impacts are all increasing pressure on the coast. Climate must minimise the need for capital and maintenance
change effects, such as sea level rise, increased erosion dredging, be compatible with adjacent marine park zones
rates and extreme weather events including flooding, will and the development status of tidal waterways, and
exacerbate these pressures. For example, the International minimise adverse effects on coastal wetlands and other
Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) projects a sea level rise coastal resources.
range of 0.18 to 0.79 metres by 2100. Planning for natural
hazards in SEQ will be informed by the projected sea level Other programs, strategies and guidelines that assist in
rise outlined in the Queensland Coastal Plan. achieving the desired regional outcome include:

Allowing coastal processes such as beach accretion and Queensland Coastal Plan
loss (erosion) and the associated migration of plant and
Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Storm Tide Inundation
animal species to occur naturally protects coastal values.
These processes may cause significant changes to coastal
landforms in response to climate change effects such as sea State and regional coastal management plans
PIZIPVMWI0ERHYWISRXLIGSEWX[MPPRIIHXSEPPS[JSVXLMW Queenslands coastal policy: Implementation guideline
natural fluctuation of the coastline to ensure the protection for planning schemes
of human life and property as well as coastal values. Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995
Avoiding development in coastal erosion prone areas is a
guidelines for planning scheme level hazard mapping for
key mechanism to achieving this.
indicative nutrient levels.
The preferred land use types, developments and activities for The SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan includes targets
areas of greater risk are those that: for the coastal zone to:

maintain groundwater levels to prevent or minimise maintain or improve the extent and condition of
alterations to the natural hydrological regime seagrass, coastal wetlands, mangrove and coral
prevent or minimise the release or export of surface run- ecosystems and habitat for key species
off that contains nutrients of concern maintain or enhance the condition of open coastlines
reduce the extent and frequency of coastal algal blooms.
Part DRegional policies 55

3. Regional landscape

Desired regional outcome 3

Key environmental, economic, social and cultural values of the regional landscape are
identified and secured to meet community needs and achieve ecological sustainability.

Residents and visitors value the Regional sustainability and prosperity +MZIRXLIQYPXMTPIZEPYIWZEV]MRK
combination of diverse and culturally require understanding and careful interests and wide range of stakeholders
significant landscapes that shape the management of the interdependencies involved, collaboration between
regions economy, culture, liveability and between people, urban, peri-urban state agencies, local government,
lifestyles. This quality and diversity of the and rural land uses, and regional regional natural resource management
regions landscapes are major reasons for landscape values. For example, the organisations, industry, community groups
migration into and within the region. regional landscape is being increasingly and traditional owners is essential. Wide
used to locate major infrastructure that stakeholder representation and inclusive
To remain attractive and functional, the services growing urban communities. consultation processes are necessary
regional landscape must continue to 0EVKIMRJVEWXVYGXYVITVSNIGXWWYGL to gain agreement on evidence-based
support values such as biodiversity, rural as powerlines, pipelines, roads targets and management practices.
production, scenic amenity, landscape and railways, have the potential to These collaborative institutional
heritage and outdoor recreation. undermine the attractiveness and arrangements are helping to integrate
function of the regional landscape. statutory and non-statutory initiatives
Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland to deliver better and more coordinated
establishes targets for environment Regional planning must help to ensure regional landscape outcomes.
and lifestyle, economy, education and regional landscape values are resilient to
skills, health and community. It makes pressures from rapid population growth, A major feature and challenge of the
a commitment to achieve a statewide infrastructure development, known climate SEQ regional landscape is the fact
target to protect 50 per cent more variability and future climate change. that approximately 83 per cent of
land for public recreation by 2020. The the region is privately owned and
achievement of other Q2 targets for the Planning for resilience requires a better that historic subdivision has resulted
economy, health and community will also understanding of the current state of in highly fragmented land uses. In
be assisted by effective protection and landscape values, as well as how to peri-urban areas, a diverse range of
management of regional landscape values maintain and enhance the capacity of the management, uses and lifestyles have
across the state. regional landscape to deliver ecosystem emerged and are now well established.
services to all communities in the region. As these areas are not well suited to
Regional landscape values occur in urban, This requires programs that prioritise either traditional planning or rural land
peri-urban and rural areas. Communities where, when and how investment can be management approaches, protecting
across the region recognise that these most effectively targeted to restore and regional landscape values in these areas
values influence the character and quality maintain landscape values. will require specific forms of regional
of the places where they choose to live, landscape planning, management,
work and play. incentives and collaboration.
56 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

3.1 Regional landscape values

Principle Programs
Protect, manage and enhance the multiple values of the 3.1.2 Use the SEQ Ecosystem Services Framework to
regional landscape and optimise the contribution these identify and evaluate the multiple benefits provided to
values make to the regions liveability, health, lifestyle and communities by regional landscapes and ecosystems.
3.1.3 Identify and map regional landscape values to inform
Policy regional and local planning and define regional
3.1.1 Plan, design and manage development, infrastructure landscape areas.
and activities to protect, manage and enhance
regional landscape values.

Notes Regional landscape areas support significant regional

The community recognises that the many qualities and landscape values and functions. Types of key regional
values of the regional landscape contribute significantly landscape areas are identified in Table 2.
to the economy and liveability of the region. These values
include: Regional prosperity requires a long-term commitment to
preserving landscape values and maintaining and improving
biodiversity environmental infrastructure. This involves coordinating
actions across all levels of planning, and cost-effective
rural production (including natural economic resources) management to sustain the multiple community benefits
scenic amenity derived from regional landscapes.
landscape heritage (non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal cultural
In addition to the production of food, fibre, timber and water
for human use, rural production also creates rural landscapes
outdoor recreation. with a range of aesthetic and cultural attributes linked to
Any part of a landscape may have one or more of these scenic amenity and landscape heritage. In turn, each of these
values. Areas of highest landscape value have a coincidence values can also be described as services that the landscape
of different, high-quality values. The SEQ region is renowned provides to the people of SEQ.
for its multiple landscape values.
The SEQ Ecosystem Services Framework is emerging as an
Some of these landscape values can be quantified in terms important tool to evaluate the range and extent of benefits
of the regional economy and environment. Scenic amenity provided to SEQ residents and visitors by ecosystems. The
and biodiversity values can be evaluated according to framework can also be used to identify the most highly
existing regional methodologies. Research on landscape valued landscapes. Enhanced awareness of the critical
heritage values, especially traditional cultural values, is role landscape values and associated ecosystem services
YRHIV[E] 0S['LS]IXEP 3XLIVPERHWGETIZEPYIW play in supporting the communities of SEQ will help to
are more difficult to define, but are widely recognised as focus effective investment in planning, management and
underpinning the quality of life and sense of place of SEQ. restoration of the regional landscape.
Part DRegional policies 57

3.2 Regional landscape areas

Principle Programs
Focus coordinated planning, management and investment 3.2.5 Identify regional landscape areas with a high
in priority regional landscape areas to optimise multiple confluence of existing values and with a high priority
community benefits. for protection, management, rehabilitation and
3.2.1 In collaboration with stakeholders, identify regional 3.2.6 Identify current and potential landscape corridors to
landscape areas and corridors of highest priority connect priority regional landscape areas.
for protection, management, rehabilitation and
restoration. 3.2.7 Investigate mechanisms to offset impacts on
regional landscape values through coordination with
3.2.2 Avoid or minimise impacts on identified priority environmental offset programs.
regional landscape areas.
3.2.8 Work with tourism service providers to develop a
3.2.3 Coordinate the locations of environmental, carbon consistent approach to the assessment, approval and
and other development offsets to establish multiple- management of rural, nature-based and ecotourism
value regional offset areas in strategic locations within facilities, based on an appreciation of the values of
priority regional landscape areas. regional landscape areas.

3.2.4 Protect, maintain and enhance the function of inter- 3.2.9 Investigate the existing and potential contributions
urban breaks. of regional inter-urban breaks to defining regional
communities, supporting ecosystem services and
regional landscape values and providing land for
public recreation.

3.2.10 Research, design and develop alternative peri-urban

land use models that achieve a mutual benefit for
stakeholders and landowners.

Notes Inter-urban breaks

A regional landscape planning framework Urban settlement is contained within the Urban Footprint
Prioritising regional landscape areas that demonstrate a with distinctive inter-urban breaks framing each sub-
range of values and community benefits can help to build region and enhancing a sense of place for regional
and sustain the capacity of regional landscapes to provide communities. The benefits provided by inter-urban breaks
ecosystem services. can be compromised by some land uses and activities. To
provide clarity and certainty for land use planning, further
In partnership, regional stakeholders can identify priorities investigation is warranted. This will ensure:
and share information and resources to ensure a better
alignment of regional landscape policies and programs. the long-term viability of maintaining inter-urban breaks
through effective management and by supporting
This regional landscape planning framework can be used appropriate rural industries, including rural production,
by all stakeholders to inform and target strategic planning, tourism and recreation opportunities
management and investment actions. the clear identification of the important landscape
planning and management functions of inter-urban
Regional offset areas breaks.
A range of existing and proposed environmental offset
policies address unavoidable impacts on remnant
vegetation, koalas, marine fish habitat and biodiversity
values. Regional offset areas can be identified that support
multiple landscape values and that could be used to deliver
consolidated offsets at a regional scale.
58 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

3.2 Regional landscape areascontinued

Table 2: Regional landscape areas

Single value landscape areasareas identified by individually mapping and evaluating a primary landscape value

Networks of wildlife habitats and connecting biodiversity corridors designed and

Biodiversity networks
managed to sustain significant biodiversity values at regional and local scales
(including rural production) resources and minerals
Scenic amenity areas
having scenic amenity value (see Map 7)
Landscape heritage areas
landscapes with cultural significance to Aboriginal people

Multiple value landscape areasareas identified by mapping and evaluating a combination of different landscape values
in the same area

Areas of highest confluence of multiple regional landscape values and ecosystem

Benefits: concentration of multiple landscape values, functions, ecosystem services
and community benefits
Examples include:
DAguilar Range
Tamborine Mountain Escarpment
Core landscape areas Blackall Ranges
Koala Coast
Moreton Bay and islands
Wivenhoe, Somerset and Wyaralong dams
Mount Coot-tha and Taylor Range
Scenic Rim.
ecosystem services that have the capacity to improve connectivity between core
landscape areas, people, places, infrastructure and ecosystems
Benefits: increased connectivity, resilience and sustainability of multiple regional
landscape values and land use efficiency
Examples include:
and the Scenic Rim region
Mountains to Mangroves Corridor linking the DAguilar Range to Moreton Bay
Brisbane River Corridor
Areas separating major urban development areas
Benefits: Enhanced community and sub-regional identity and sense of place,
definition of landscape corridors, potential provision of land for public recreation and
other ecosystem services close to population centres
Examples include:
Inter-urban breaks Moreton BaySunshine Coast inter-urban break
Part DRegional policies 59

3.2 Regional landscape areascontinued

Strategically located areas managed to offset the impacts of major development on

regional landscape values

Regional offset areas Benefits: account for impacts on a range of landscape values, provide certainty for
investors, potential to help expand the regional community greenspace network,
restore critical landscape and ecosystem functions, and improve the resilience of
environmental assets
The regional community greenspace network comprises land that is publicly owned
or managed and to which the community generally has a legal right of access
Regional community greenspace network Benefits: improved community health and wellbeing through physical activity, direct
experience of landscapes and nature, social interaction increased employment and
Areas that support tourism and tourism facilities compatible with and based on the
Rural, nature-based and ecotourism protection and presentation of regional landscape values
Benefits: economic development, education and landscape protection
Benefits: fisheries habitat, recreation opportunities, fishing, transport, extractive
Coastal waters and foreshores industry, tourism, scenic amenity and resilience to natural hazards and climate
Waterways, wetlands, water sources and Benefits: safer drinking water, more reliable water supply, reduced water treatment
catchments costs, and healthy receiving waters in waterways, wetlands and Moreton Bay
60 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

3.3 Regional landscape management

Principle Programs
Support and align research, planning, investment and 3.3.6 Use regional natural resource management
institutional arrangements to protect, manage, monitor and institutional arrangements to ensure coordination
restore priority regional landscape areas. between the Rural Futures Strategy for South East
Queensland (SEQ Rural Futures Strategy), South East
Policies Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan
3.3.1 Ensure coordination of state and local government 20092031 (SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan),
land use and infrastructure planning to protect and local government plans and other relevant strategies
manage priority regional landscape areas. and programs.

3.3.2 Coordinate strategic planning, management, 3.3.7 Investigate planning tools, incentives and other
monitoring and investment by multiple stakeholders mechanisms to address the regions peri-urban areas.
in priority regional landscape areas.
3.3.8 Investigate and report on opportunities to enhance
3.3.3 Support further evidence-based research to address the status of environmental infrastructure identified
key knowledge gaps, inform regional planning in the South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and
and build stakeholder capacity in best practice Program and its application in regional landscape
management of the regional landscape. planning.

3.3.4 Further develop processes and mechanisms to align 3.3.9 Monitor the condition of the regional landscape and
statutory and non-statutory plans and programs to report on its status through the State of the Region
deliver integrated landscape outcomes. and SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan reporting
3.3.5 Improve collaborative institutional arrangements to
achieve stakeholder agreement and provide certainty for
ongoing investment in priority regional landscape areas.

Notes Coordination and implementation mechanisms in SEQ will

To achieve desired regional outcomes for the regional continue to facilitate partnerships and information sharing
landscape, natural environment, natural resources and rural and to manage the regional landscape values critical to
futures, an agreed framework for coordinated planning and ensuring regional sustainability.
investment across agencies and disciplines is required.
Fragmentation of the regions peri-urban areas threatens the
The many and varied policies, plans and programs that sustainability of regional natural resources and landscape
influence regional landscape outcomes require better ZEPYIW 0S['LS]IXEP 8LMWJVEKQIRXEXMSRMRGPYHIW
coordination and alignment to ensure responsive decision- existing subdivisions (Map 5), and different forms of
making and certainty. ownership and land management. Initiatives that limit further
fragmentation, amalgamate existing small lots, and enhance
An important step towards improved coordination has stakeholder capacity for improved management of regional
already been taken with the revision of the SEQ Natural landscape values and functions need to be developed.
Resource Management Plan and the establishment of new
regional natural resource management arrangements.
Part DRegional policies 61

Map 5: Existing subdivision outside the Urban Footprint

62 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

3.4 Community greenspace network

Principle 3.4.4 Define, identify and map a preferred future regional
Provide an integrated, high-quality, regional community community greenspace network, including new
greenspace network to cater for a range of community and regional parks, regional trails and corridors, especially
environmental needs. in areas accessible by public transport within 25 km
Policies City.
3.4.1 Expand and develop the capacity of the existing
3.4.5 Investigate the potential to integrate regional
regional community greenspace network to meet
carbon sink and environmental offset programs with
current and future community needs.
and the development of the regional community
3.4.2 Retain state and local government managed lands,
greenspace network.
including unformed roads, stock routes, waterways,
cemeteries, caravan parks, camping sites, utility
3.4.6 Facilitate collaborative provision and management of
corridors and community purpose reserves for
the regional community greenspace network by state
potential inclusion in the regional community
agencies, local governments, the community sector,
greenspace network.
private landholders and private enterprises.
3.4.3 Develop and implement the South East Queensland
Greenspace Strategy 7)5+VIIRWTEGI7XVEXIK] XS
help meet the Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland
statewide target to protect 50 per cent more land for
public recreation.

Notes trails, water supply dams and major urban parks. In the
The regional community greenspace network preserves and future, it may include strategically located private lands
protects regionally significant open space for public access under voluntary arrangements (see Map 6).
and provides for outdoor recreation, nature conservation,
scenic amenity, water catchment management, forest An integrated regional community greenspace network
production, spiritual connections, cultural heritage, education incorporates urban and non-urban areas and:
and scientific research.
connects urban and rural communities
The existing regional community greenspace network connects people and landscapes
comprises less than 20 per cent of the regions land area.
reconnects fragmented landscapes
Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland sets a statewide target
of protecting 50 per cent more land for nature conservation protects and enhances regional landscape values
and public recreation by 2020. The proposed SEQ recognises Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultural and

Most of the existing regional community greenspace network The regional community greenspace networks effectiveness
is owned and managed by state or local government, and depends on connectivity, size, quality, proximity, diversity
includes national parks, marine parks, state forests, beaches, and coordinated planning and management.
major waterways and Moreton Bay, regional parks, recreation
Part DRegional policies 63

Map 6: Existing regional community greenspace network

64 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

3.5 Scenic amenity

Principle 3.5.4 Increase the scenic amenity value of highly visible
Identify and protect important scenic amenity areas, view landscapes of low scenic amenity by reducing their
corridors and viewpoints. visual exposure and improving scenic preference
3.5.1 Identify regionally significant and locally important
areas of scenic amenity, view corridors and popular 3.5.5 Monitor and report on major changes in scenic
and significant viewpoints, and protect them from amenity values resulting from changes in land
intrusive development. cover and land use or the visibility from important
3.5.2 Integrate intrusive built elements into the landscape
through design that minimises visual impacts on 3.5.6 Investigate approaches to the evaluation of scenic
locally important scenic amenity. amenity in urban areas.

3.5.3 Retain and enhance public access to significant and

popular viewpoints.

Notes locations). Poorly designed urban and industrial development

The outstanding scenic qualities of SEQs beaches, oceans, that is highly visible from rural roads poses one of the
waterways, ranges, parks and farmlands are some of the greatest threats to the regions scenic amenity.
regions most memorable assets. Scenic locations such as the
7YRWLMRI'SEWXXLI+SPH'SEWX1SVIXSR&E]XLI7GIRMG6MQ South East Queensland Regional Plan 2005-2026
ERHXLI+PEWW,SYWI1SYRXEMRWHVE[XSYVMWXWJVSQEGVSWW Implementation Guideline No. 8: Identifying and Protecting
the world, and provide breathtaking views for local residents Scenic Amenity Values outlines a common method and
and holiday-makers. assessment criteria for assessing scenic amenity, and
describes acceptable solutions for maintaining and managing
Scenic amenity is the measure of a landscapes scenic scenic amenity areas, view corridors and viewpoints.
qualities, reflecting the psychological benefit that the
community derives from viewing the regions wide variety of In 2004, 15 per cent of SEQ had high scenic amenity
landscapes. Scenic amenity is a function of scenic preference (Map 7). The SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan sets
(relative preference for different landscape features) and targets to maintain areas of regional and locally significant
visual exposure (relative visibility from public viewing scenic amenity.

Principle Programs
Recognise and manage landscape heritage to maintain 3.6.3 Develop and adopt regionally consistent methods of
character, culture and sense of place. assessing Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal landscape
heritage to inform regional and local planning and
Policies decision-making.
3.6.1 Identify, evaluate and manage landscape heritage and
cultural components of the regional landscape. 3.6.4 Document and publicise landscape heritage values to
enrich regional landscape experiences for residents
3.6.2 Through the planning process, identify, recognise and and visitors.
respect Aboriginal peoples cultural connections to the
regional landscape.

SEQs rich and varied landscape heritage includes both Aboriginal cultural heritage across the state through the
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal connections with natural, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003. The main purpose
rural, productive and scenic landscapes. This connectivity of the Act is to provide effective recognition, protection
helps create the special character, culture and sense of place and conservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage. Involving
of SEQ. The SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan sets traditional owners is vital to identifying and protecting
targets to retain regionally important landscape heritage. Aboriginal landscape heritage, and managing access to
significant places in the regional landscape. Aboriginal
Traditional cultural landscapes are important to Aboriginal landscape heritage should be identified and mapped using a
peoples, providing present and future generations with a protocol agreed with traditional owners.
sense of identity and a rich sense of place. The Queensland
Part DRegional policies 65

Map 7: Scenic amenity

66 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

3.7 Outdoor recreation

Principle Programs
Provide a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities to meet 3.7.3 Establish a mechanism to coordinate the delivery of
priority community needs, while protecting other regional outdoor recreation services by all providers.
landscape values.
3.7.4 Identify planned investment in outdoor recreation
Policies infrastructure and services by state and local
3.7.1 Incorporate outdoor recreation activities, infrastructure government to align investment and deliver the
and opportunities in planning and management for priorities of the SEQ Outdoor Recreation Strategy and
land use, priority infrastructure and natural resources. XLI7)5+VIIRWTEGI7XVEXIK]

3.7.2 Develop and implement the South East Queensland 3.7.5 Develop and maintain a regional inventory of places
Outdoor Recreation Strategy (SEQ Outdoor Recreation for public recreation as part of the Toward Q2:
Strategy) to coordinate outdoor recreation services Tomorrows Queensland statewide inventory of land
including policy, planning, development, management for public recreation.
and regulationacross the region.
3.7.6 Review, refine and implement the South East
Queensland Active Trails Strategy in consultation with
local government.

Notes Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland sets a statewide target

Outdoor recreation activities contribute to better social, of protecting 50 per cent more land for nature conservation
health, economic, tourism, cultural and environmental and public recreation by 2020. A critical first step to achieve
outcomes. The SEQ Outdoor Recreation Strategy and SEQ this is the development of a regional inventory of land
+VIIRWTEGI7XVEXIK]EVIFIMRKJMREPMWIHERH[MPPMRGPYHI for public recreation. Continued implementation of the
initiatives to coordinate outdoor recreation services. South East Queensland Regional Recreation Trails Program
will help to achieve this target. The SEQ Natural Resource
Management Plan includes targets to meet the demand for
outdoor recreation.
Part DRegional policies 67

4. Natural resources

Desired regional outcome 4

Regional natural resources and rural production areas are protected, managed,
enhanced and used sustainably.

Natural resources include land, The SEQ Regional Plan promotes The natural resources of the SEQ region
fresh and marine water, air, forests, the sustainable management of rural provide a wide range of ecosystem
minerals, native animals and plants. For production and natural resource areas services to the people of SEQ. These
traditional owners, these are cultural by protecting them from incompatible include cultural services such as
resources and are inseparable from development. It also supports the opportunities for outdoor recreation
their culture. These resources underpin livelihoods of people who work in and scenery to enjoy, provisioning
the regions major economic activities, and depend on rural and natural services such as the production
and support diverse industries that resource-based industries. Natural of food and timber and regulating
rely on their quality and accessibility. resources provide lifestyle and services such as clean air and water.
economic benefits to the regions
communities through outdoor recreation,
ecotourism and related activities.
68 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

4.1 Natural resource management

Principle Programs
Coordinate the management and use of natural resources to 4.1.3 Further develop the SEQ Natural Resource
enhance community, economic and environmental values. Management Atlas and enQuire information
management system to implement a strategic
Policies and coordinated process for capturing, analysing,
4.1.1 Coordinate regional natural resource management, managing and monitoring natural resource
planning, investment, monitoring and reporting management information and landholder knowledge.
through implementation of the South East Queensland
Natural Resource Management Plan 20092031 (SEQ 4.1.4 Implement actions to achieve the regional natural
Natural Resource Management Plan). resource targets in the SEQ Natural Resource
Management Plan.
4.1.2 Engage the community, traditional owners, landowners
and industry in promoting and practising sustainable
natural resource management.

Notes The SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan acknowledges

Natural resource management should be undertaken in that natural resources are managed differently across
a coordinated, collaborative and integrated manner with regional land use categories. Reference to the SEQ
effective partnerships between government and non- Natural Resource Management Plan in a policy under this
government organisations, landowners and traditional desired regional outcome indicates its status as a key
owners. implementation mechanism for natural resource management
in SEQ, and does not alter its non-statutory status.
The SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan:
Implementing the SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan
establishes a commitment by all contributors to a will also require coordination with the Condamine Alliance
coordinated planning framework, measurable natural ERH&YVRIXX1EV]+VSYTREXYVEPVIWSYVGIQEREKIQIRXTPERW
resource targets and to monitoring, reporting and which specifically address the Toowoomba region and the
coordinating institutional arrangements upper reaches of the Mary River catchment respectively.
outlines a common direction for managing natural The SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan includes
resources in SEQ, particularly in research, planning, a target that natural resource managers, government
investment and on-ground activity. and non-government organisations are resourced and
8LI7)56IKMSREP'SSVHMREXMSR+VSYTERH'LMIJ)\IGYXMZI working together to implement the SEQ Natural Resource
Officers Committee for Natural Resource Management in SEQ Management Plan.
coordinate the implementation of the SEQ Natural Resource
Management Plan.

Principle appropriate transport corridors and buffers, and
Manage the regions natural economic resources to ensuring that planning preserves the opportunity
sustainably and efficiently meet the needs of existing and for discovery and development of new resources in
future communities. appropriate areas.

Policies 4.2.4 Protect, enhance and sustainably manage the regions

native and plantation forests.
4.2.1 Identify and protect natural economic resource areas
from further fragmentation and inappropriate land
4.2.5 Protect, manage and enhance marine, estuarine and
freshwater habitats to sustain fish stock levels and
maximise fisheries production for the ongoing benefit
4.2.2 Protect the regions good quality agricultural land and
of the community.
provide for its long-term and sustainable agricultural
4.2.6 Manage the regions fish habitats and fisheries
resources in consultation with all stakeholders
4.2.3 Identify and protect extractive and mineral resources
including commercial fishers, traditional owners,
for potential future extraction, including providing
recreational fishers and conservation groups.
Part DRegional policies 69


Notes The regions mineral resources include coal, metallic ores and
The distribution and accessibility of the regions natural industrial minerals such as rutile, zircon, silica and foundry
resources influence where economic activities such as WERH0SGEXMSRWMRGPYHIXLIGSEPJMIPHWEVSYRH-TW[MGL
farming, forestry and mining are located. Many natural mineral sands on North Stradbroke Island and sandstone
resources are limited and some are non-renewable. Overuse RIEV,IPMHSR3XLIVORS[RHITSWMXWMRGPYHIWMPMGEWERH
or irreversible loss of natural resources could have significant HSPSQMXIHMEXSQMXITIVPMXIERHGIVEQMGGPE]+VERXIHQMRMRK
environmental, economic or social impacts on the region. leases, claims, licences or applications cover most of the
The location of these resources is shown in Map 8. regions valuable resources.

Most of the regions agricultural area is used for beef Mining activities are undertaken according to the
farming, though some dairy farming is located on productive requirements of the Mineral Resources Act 1989.0SGEP
grazing land. The rich alluvial soils along the valleys in government planning schemes will continue to identify
the regions west and south support an array of cropping and protect key mineral resource areas from inappropriate
GVSTTMRKMRHYWXVMIWEVIPSGEXIHMRXLI+SPH'SEWX6IHPERHW SEQ has significant forestry plantation areas that incorporate
+PEWW,SYWI1SYRXEMRWERH7YRWLMRI'SEWXHMWXVMGXW approximately 15 per cent of state-owned plantations. The
regions forestry resources include exotic plantations (mostly
State Planning Policy 1/92: Development and the Conservation pine), hardwood plantations and native forests. Under the
SJ%KVMGYPXYVEP0ERH 744 TVSZMHIWKYMHERGISR SEQ Forests Agreement, harvesting from public native forests
identifying and protecting good quality agricultural land will be phased out by 2024 and hardwood plantations will
through local government planning schemes. The policy replace the supply. The hardwood and softwood timber
focuses on good quality cropping lands; however, some local industries in SEQ are resource constrained and have limited
government planning schemes also protect intensive grazing potential for expansion, but are expected to maintain a
lands suitable for dairy farming to recognise the contribution constant supply.
of this activity to the regional economy.
SEQ has important freshwater and estuarine fisheries,
Within the Urban Footprint, SPP 1/92 does not preclude the and fish habitats. Moreton Bay accounts for 20 per cent
conversion of good quality agricultural land to urban uses of Queenslands commercial fisheries catch. Recreational
during the life of the plan, but decisions on development fisheries, including estuaries, bays and ocean beaches, are
sequencing should seek to retain these lands in production important to the lifestyle of the regions communities. Fish
for as long as possible. habitats and fisheries need to be protected from the release
of acid into the aquatic environment by the disturbance
SEQs extractive resources are dispersed across the region. of acid sulfate soils. State Planning Policy 2/02: Planning
Major hard rock resource deposits include those in the and Managing Development involving acid sulfate soils
PetrieNarangba and Darlington Range areas and at Bli Bli, is a measure that can support healthy and productive
Yandina Creek, Bracalba, Kholo Creek, Mount Cotton, Nerang, fish habitats by not disturbing these types of soils or by
Bromelton and Wellcamp Downs. Important sand and gravel identifying and managing them.
resources are located in the alluvial flats of the Brisbane,
1SSPSSPEL4MRI'SSQIVEERH0SKERVMZIVWERHMRGSEWXEP Active fish restocking programs support freshwater fishing
deposits at Beachmere and Jacobs Well. in rivers and impoundments. Aquaculture is a key emerging
industry in the region, particularly freshwater finfish and
State Planning Policy 2/07: Protection of Extractive Resources crayfish, marine oysters and prawns. The SEQ Natural
(SPP 2/07) ensures the long-term availability of extractive Resource Management Plan includes targets to sustain the
resources of state or regional significance, and provides the condition of wild fishery stocks, protect land for sustainable
basis for identifying and protecting key resource areas in agriculture and forestry and ensure extractive resources are
local government planning schemes. Future iterations of SPP available for their highest use while ensuring no net loss to
2/07 and local government planning schemes will continue other environmental or landscape values.
to identify and protect the additional resources required to
ensure supply. Planning schemes must define relevant land
use zones in a way that permits resource development where
70 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 8: Rural production and natural resources

Part DRegional policies 71

4.3 Ecosystem services

Principle Programs
Protect, maintain and enhance the capacity of the regions 4.3.2 Use the SEQ Ecosystem Services Framework to
ecosystems to supply ecosystem services. identify and measure ecosystem services.

Policy 4.3.3 Support landholders to protect, maintain and enhance

4.3.1 Protect areas supplying high levels of ecosystem the provision of ecosystem services.
services from development impacts.

Notes The framework recognises that the regions ecosystems

Ecosystem services are the goods and services provided by perform functions (the ecological processes that occur within
ecosystems that benefit, sustain and support the wellbeing an ecosystem), which provide services (the benefits people
of people. They include production of food and medicines, obtain from ecosystems), which in turn contribute to the
regulation of climate and disease, provision of productive wellbeing of people in the region. The framework recognises
soils, clean water and air, opportunities for recreation and 28 ecosystem services:
spiritual benefits.
Coordination of actions to maintain SEQs ecosystem water for consumption
services should be aligned with the SEQ Ecosystem Services building and fibre
Framework, which lists, defines and maps the regions fuel
ecosystem services. genetic resources
biochemicals, medicines and pharmaceuticals
The SEQ Ecosystem Services Framework has been developed ornamental resources
in collaboration with key stakeholders and the wider transport infrastructure
SEQ community. The framework has the potential to be air quality
applied in a variety of management contexts, including habitable climate
prioritising natural resource investment in strategic locations water quality
and assessing the health of the regions landscapes and arable land
ecosystems. buffering against extremes
Recognising the critical relationship between natural resource reduced pests and diseases
management and the provision of ecosystem services is productive soils
one of the guiding principles of the SEQ Natural Resource noise abatement
Management Plan. The Rural Futures Strategy for South East iconic species
Queensland also has an important role in facilitating the cultural diversity
continued production of ecosystem services for the benefit of spiritual and religious values
the community. The SEQ Ecosystem Services Framework also knowledge systems
incorporates mapping of ecosystem services for the region inspiration
that can be used to implement actions to enhance the aesthetic values
provision of ecosystem services. effect on social interactions
sense of place
iconic landscapes
recreational opportunities
therapeutic landscapes.
72 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

5. Rural futures

Desired regional outcome 5

Rural communities are strong and viable with sustainable economies contributing
to the health, wealth, character and liveability of the region.

Rural communities, industries and Balancing regional growth and land use The SEQ Regional Plan identifies around
environments make an important and change with increased rural production 85 per cent of the region as Regional
often under-recognised contribution to and protecting regional landscape values 0ERHWGETIERH6YVEP4VSHYGXMSR%VIE
peoples quality of life in the region. can be achieved by: A proportion of this area comprises
SEQs rural communities are a major protected national and conservation
contributor to Queenslands economy, promoting profitable and sustainable parks, water storages and state forests.
providing diverse agriculture, grazing, rural industries The majority, however, is privately-owned
forestry and fishing opportunities. supporting diversified economic farmland, generally designated rural in
development opportunities for rural local government planning schemes.
The intent of this desired regional
outcome is that it will lead to strong rural The community is genuinely interested
communities with sustainable economies raising awareness of the in the future of rural areas and wants
that will contribute to the health, wealth, interdependence between rural and to see rural communities remain
character and liveability and maintain the urban communities sustainable. In these constantly changing
natural resource condition of the region. improving on-farm water use efficiency times, rural communities and industries
and vegetation management are facing financial, economic, social,
The core requirements for sustainable environmental and climatic challenges.
rural communities are economic developing rural infrastructure
While it is critical for a healthy region to
development, healthy and productive improving the delivery of government ensure rural communities and industries
rural landscapes, water resources, services to rural communities. remain sustainable, rural issues must be
community development and leadership considered in the context of national and
and collaboration. international economic and social forces.
Part DRegional policies 73

Along with increasing global competition, development are likely to continue. In the ensuring suitable management of land
key issues affecting the profitability of the past, conflict between rural activities and at the interface between rural and
rural sector include: urban uses has generally seen farming urban areas
curtailed where housing has been allowed providing required infrastructure,
the accessibility and cost of water to encroach into agricultural areas. facilities and transport services in
the availability and affordability of The financial burden of servicing urban rural areas
labour encroachment scattered around the urban
fringe is not sustainable and is curtailed encouraging appropriate growth in
the increase in regulation by the Urban Footprint and the urban rural towns and villages.
challenges surrounding climate change consolidation policy framework of the Planning for the SEQ region can affect the
and climate variability SEQ Regional Plan. future of rural areas by:
declining terms of trade.
Planning for rural communitieslarge reducing development pressure,
1YGLSJXLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETI geographical areas with small and thereby reducing pressure on
and Rural Production Area is already dispersed populationsrequires a agricultural land values
fragmented into small rural allotments different approach from past regional
encouraging efficient use of water
(see Map 5), even though the right to initiatives. Rural communities have a
and energy in rural communities,
build a dwelling has not always been low rate base, are highly dependent
agriculture and rural industries
exercised. In some parts of the region, on resource-based industries and often
this has been the predominant form of have a limited capacity to participate in encouraging rural communities to
development over the past three decades planning and related activities. identify, celebrate and capitalise on
and has provided lifestyle opportunities. their unique characteristics.
The SEQ Regional Plan includes strategies
Investment strategies through the South
By prohibiting further fragmentation to support rural production areas and
East Queensland Natural Resource
and urban development in the Regional proposes a framework on which to
Management Plan 20092031 (SEQ
0ERHWGETIERH6YVEP4VSHYGXMSR%VIE develop more detailed planning, with the
Natural Resource Management Plan),
the SEQ Regional Plan makes a strong following objectives:
the Burnett Mary Natural Resource
statement about protecting the future of
Management Plan and the South East
agricultural lands and rural communities. protecting productive rural lands from
Queensland Healthy Waterways Strategy
incompatible land uses
20072012 also provide an opportunity to
On the urban fringe, however, where rural
identifying alternative economic uses achieve positive long-term outcomes that
lands are close to urban development,
of rural land support sustainable rural and regional
community expectations and speculation
about the potential for future urban
74 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

5.1 Rural futures strategy

Principle Programs
Recognise the significant and increasing role rural areas and 5.1.2 Implement the SEQ Rural Futures Strategy to
rural landholders play in SEQ; ensure healthy, productive and coordinate rural policies through planning schemes,
sustainable rural futures; and enhance the interdependence policies and other programs.
of urban and rural communities.
5.1.3 Improve coordination of rural issues and service
Policy delivery, rural land use policy and implementation
5.1.1 Ensure sustainable rural communities consistent with through appropriate engagement with stakeholders.
the Rural Futures Strategy for South East Queensland
(SEQ Rural Futures Strategy).

Notes The strategy includes current programs and proposed

The SEQ Rural Futures Strategy highlights the following five actions, including ongoing research and planning, protection
areas for action to sustain rural areas: of waterways and ecosystems, workforce initiatives,
infrastructure provision, social support and promotion
economic development to enhance food security, products and activities. It is
healthy and productive rural landscapes underpinned by the Sustainable Agriculture Strategy prepared
water resources by the Queensland Farmers Federation.
community development
leadership and collaboration.

5.2 Rural planning

Principle 5.2.4 Minimise the impact of climate change and rising
Conserve and manage rural areas to enhance their energy costs on regional food production by
contribution to the regional economy, rural industries and enhancing and encouraging compatible agricultural
regional landscape values. enterprises in proximity to urban areas and associated
market outlets.
5.2.5 Ensure land use and water management policies
5.2.1 Consolidate future rural population growth within
and regulations do not unreasonably constrain the
existing towns and villages.
development of agriculture, agribusiness, appropriate
ecotourism and recreation opportunities in rural areas.
5.2.2 Ensure the consolidation of future rural population
growth within existing towns and villages does not
5.2.6 Protect areas of good quality agricultural land from
fragment productive rural land.
incompatible development and provide for the
expansion of agricultural production.
5.2.3 Encourage the development of sustainable rural
areas by supporting innovative planning approaches
5.2.7 Identify strategic agricultural production areas
consistent with the nature and diversity of the regions
productive capacity and agricultural land uses.

Notes preventing inappropriate fragmentation of rural land

The future of rural areas in SEQ depends on sustainable improving infrastructure and investment opportunities for
and diverse rural industries, reliable and efficient water agriculture
resource management, and flexible and responsive rural
protecting farming operations from conflict with non-
land use planning. The emerging opportunities from policy
farming or rural lifestyle residents
developments in natural resource management, such as
ecosystem services, carbon trading and green energy enabling rural industries to diversify, adjust, innovate and
production, highlight the need for a systematic approach value-add
to rural land use planning and management. This approach identifying preferred future uses of unproductive lands,
includes: recognising that some forms of agricultural production
are not necessarily constrained by soil type or fertility
identifying strategic agricultural production areas through
classifying land based on relevant biophysical and socio- assisting local government to protect and enhance
economic factors productive rural lands and their associated environmental
and landscape values
recognising the importance of agricultural land and
industries near major population centres as a key maintaining benefits to the community that are derived
determinant of future food costs and liveability from the natural environment.
Part DRegional policies 75

5.2 Rural planningcontinued

The intent, scope, context, matters for consideration and established within the relevant planning scheme for each
process for rural precinct planning are set out in the South rural subdivision precinct, which respond to the types of
East Queensland Regional Plan 20052026 Implementation rural production prevalent in the area.
Guideline No.6 Rural Precinct Guidelines.
The South East Queensland Regional Plan State planning for further subdivision below 100 hectares, where further
regulatory provisions 20092031 (SEQ Regional Plan subdivision assists in the long-term use of the land for
regulatory provisions) have been amended to reflect the agricultural production and the lot sizes proposed are
intentions of policies regarding rural planning, particularly consistent with the relevant local government planning
the need to facilitate economic diversification and scheme requirements.
sustainability in rural areas.
Adopting best practice land management in relation to
To support long-term sustainability of agricultural lands, issues such as stormwater run-off, erosion control, salinity
various local governments have identified areas within and disturbance of acid sulfate soils, water management,
their planning schemes that generally correspond with vegetation clearing and stock management can help to
good quality agricultural land or land identified as being maintain and enhance the quality of the regions rural lands
predominantly for agricultural purposes. These areas are and ecosystems, and the services they provide.
identified within the SEQ Regional Plan regulatory provisions
as rural subdivision precincts. Minimum lot sizes are

5.3 Rural communities

Principle 5.3.2 Accommodate the required growth of rural villages
Ensure rural communities benefit from regional growth, and through the planning scheme revision process.
participate fully in the planning and development of the
region. Program
5.3.3 Assist rural communities to identify strategies for
Policies economic development and growth that capitalise
5.3.1 Provide and maintain appropriate levels of on their rural character, local attributes and cultural
infrastructure and services to rural towns and villages. heritage values.

Notes The regional land use pattern provides sufficient land

Rural communities generally have less access to social around rural towns to facilitate future planning and growth
infrastructure and diverse employment opportunities than of these centres. The intent is to reduce isolated rural
XLIMVGMX]GSYRXIVTEVXW0SRKHMWXERGIWXSTVMRGMTEPERHQENSV residential developments by consolidating growth around
activity centres and a lack of public transport services often discrete, serviceable urban centres. The SEQ Regional Plan
compound this situation. also identifies a number of rural activity centres that deliver
higher order infrastructure, community services, commercial
To address this, state and local governments will work activities and transport into rural areas.
together to improve infrastructure and services to rural areas.
Partnerships between government and local communities 0SGEPKSZIVRQIRXW[MPPRIIHXSHIQSRWXVEXIXLEX
can promote leadership and encourage social networking in
local communities to enhance communication and facilitate extensions to rural villages are required to assist in the
proactive and positive changes. Initiatives to achieve these provision of housing, employment, services or facilities
partnerships include: for the locality and do not undermine the roles of nearby
towns or urban areas
assisting rural communities to respond to changing rural the villages character and surrounding rural production
industries and economic circumstances capacity will be protected
improving community capacity to contribute to planning there is insufficient supply within existing and proposed
and other regional engagement processes urban lands.
investigating alternative strategies for economic
development and growth in rural communities
addressing the potential for social and land use conflict
at the interface between urban and agricultural areas.
76 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

5.4 Rural industries

Principle 5.4.2 Identify and support sustainable, new and innovative
Maintain a sustainable rural production sector that rural industries and uses for rural land.
capitalises on existing advantages and is ready to meet
changing circumstances. 5.4.3 Recognise the potential contribution of places of
cultural heritage significance in rural areas to rural
Policies economic development.
5.4.1 Strengthen rural industries by increasing compatibility,
adaptability and productivity, value-adding and
improving access to markets. 5.4.4 Promote better understanding, knowledge and
community support for agricultural industries.

Notes For example, expansion of industrial and service activity in

The rural sector continues to experience structural the Western Corridor should yield benefits for surrounding
adjustment due to a range of factors, including competition, rural areas.
deregulation and changing product demands. The intent of
the SEQ Regional Plan is to maintain competitive industries The cultural heritage and tourism appeal of the regions rural
and to transition others to new activities. towns and villages are becoming increasingly important.
Building awareness of traditional cultural heritage values
Changes in rural areas provide opportunities to develop will add to this appeal. The unique character of rural towns
new activities based on rural and ecotourism, carbon and villages and the diversity of natural features provide
sequestration, green energy production, new agricultural significant opportunities to boost these activities.
products, sport and recreation activities, the regions unique
cultural and heritage values, and local arts and crafts. Access to a reliable water supply as well as infrastructure
and services is crucial to the ongoing sustainability of rural
Providing an expanded range of services to surrounding industries and communities.
areas will generate a variety of employment opportunities.
Part DRegional policies 77

6. Strong communities

Desired regional outcome 6

Cohesive, inclusive and healthy communities have a strong sense of identity
and place, and access to a full range of services and facilities that meet diverse
community needs.

SEQs socioeconomic profile will change Many live in urban fringe locations and using community engagement and
markedly over the next 20 years. rural areas with limited services and high capacity building processes
Demographic factors, such as an ageing transport costs. Increasing population integrating land use planning and
population, declining fertility rates and density and future urban development
social infrastructure planning
changing migration patterns, will increase creates opportunities for some sections
the number of people living in the region, of the community, but disadvantages and ensuring that all members of the
and increase the number and proportion limits the choices of others. community have access and mobility.
of smaller households. Economic 8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXLEW
development, and employment, education Building strong SEQ communities will be committed in Toward Q2: Tomorrows
and training opportunities will also assisted by: Queensland to delivering world-
influence the number and type of people class education and training, making
who choose to live in SEQ. understanding the characteristics and Queenslanders Australias healthiest
needs of the community to positively people, and supporting safe and caring
Some sections of the community inform planning and development communities.
face social, cultural and locational processes and outcomes
disadvantages. The availability of providing healthy, safe and inclusive
affordable housing affects where different places and spaces
people in the community are able to live.
78 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

6.1 Social planning

Principle Programs
Consider and respond to changing community characteristics, 6.1.4 Develop a research and monitoring program for key
issues and needs in planning processes to support socioeconomic characteristics and demographic trends
community wellbeing and quality of life for all. affecting SEQ regional communities to provide an
evidence base to inform planning and infrastructure
Policies provision.
6.1.1 Consider and incorporate social and community issues
and needs in land use and infrastructure planning 6.1.5 Plan for an ageing population, including housing
processes. options suitable for older people, retirement and
aged-care accommodation, access to services and
6.1.2 Identify, acknowledge and respond to the social public transport, and use of universal design in
effects of growth and change in regional communities. development to enable people to age in place.

6.1.3 Identify and address the social and community needs

of higher density development when preparing plans
for activity centres and established urban areas
identified to accommodate future growth.

Notes community needs. For example, the implications of an ageing

Social planning involves investigating, understanding and population and changes to household size and composition
responding to social and community issues, as well as are important land use and infrastructure planning
the needs and aspirations of people and communities. considerations. An ageing population will need access to
Consideration of social and community trends, issues and a diverse range of housing and accommodation choices,
changes in planning processes will help develop better appropriate services, and public transport to age in place.
community outcomes.
Consideration of the social and community wellbeing
Important planning information includes current and likely implications of higher density urban development can
future socio-demographic characteristics, the social impacts also inform good planning outcomes. Integrating emerging
of growth and development, and current and emerging communities with established communities is important to
minimise social exclusion and build community cohesion.
Part DRegional policies 79

6.2 Addressing disadvantage

Principle 6.2.3 Integrate and connect communities in new
Address issues of social and locational disadvantage in development with existing or adjacent communities to
communities. prevent areas of social and locational disadvantage.

Policies Programs
6.2.1 Ensure the planning and development of residential 6.2.4 Investigate the contributing factors to, and spatial
areas avoids creating communities of social and patterns of, social and locational disadvantage in
locational disadvantage. SEQ, and the relationship with and implications for
land use planning.
6.2.2 Provide adequate and appropriate social infrastructure
in development. 6.2.5 Implement best practice social inclusion, and
prevention and early intervention programs to
positively address social and locational disadvantage.

Notes who rely on their cars for transport. Climate change in SEQ
Many factors influence social disadvantage, including will also affect groups in various ways. Disadvantaged groups
housing, income, employment, education, health and access are some of the most vulnerable to climate change effects.
to services. Many groups face a range of social, cultural,
financial or locational disadvantages. These groups include Preventing areas of future disadvantage requires meeting
people on low incomes, unemployed people, people living basic human service needs. These needs include affordable
in rural areas, young people, elderly people, people from a housing, education, training and employment, social
culturally and linguistically diverse background, people from infrastructure, health, recreation and leisure opportunities,
an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background, people public transport and community development initiatives.
with disabilities, people experiencing mental illness, and
Mechanisms to achieve integration include physical links
people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
between, and access to, neighbouring communities, shared
0ERHYWITPERRMRKSYXGSQIWMRJPYIRGIWTEXMEPTEXXIVRWSJ access to services and facilities, and community development
concentrated in urban fringe locations, rural areas, and some
Considering social justice principles, including access,
suburbs where public transport and services are unavailable
equity, participation and inclusiveness, in development and
or inadequate.
infrastructure planning will help prevent disadvantage, social
Increased fuel prices as a result of oil-supply vulnerability are polarisation and displacement. It can also increase social
likely to become a major contributor to disadvantage. This will diversity and inclusion in new development. Implementing
significantly affect residents in urban fringe and rural areas prevention and early intervention programs is crucial to
prevent inter-generational disadvantage.
80 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Principle 6.3.5 Apply a health and social impact assessment
Develop healthy and safe environments that encourage framework to planning processes to identify and
community activity, participation and healthy lifestyles, and manage likely health and community wellbeing effects
prevent crime. of development.

Policies Programs
6.3.1 Integrate health and community safety considerations 6.3.6 Research and monitor major broadhectare and
in the design and delivery of broadhectare redevelopment projects to evaluate the delivery of
development, Development Areas, activity centres and health and community wellbeing outcomes.
other urban areas identified to accommodate future
growth. 6.3.7 Develop an implementation guideline on the
development of healthy communities in strategic and
6.3.2 Implement best practice urban design to create built statutory land use planning processes.
environments that enable walking and cycling, support
community safety and provide adequate shade. 6.3.8 Support initiatives that increase access to fresh food
in urban environments, including provision of space
6.3.3 Provide adequate and appropriate community for fresh food markets and community gardens.
greenspace for outdoor recreation, built spaces and
facilities for recreation and sport, and community 6.3.9 Prevent the spread of mosquito-borne diseases
facilities and spaces to enable community activity and by identifying significant mosquito breeding sites,
healthier lifestyles. including temporary water pools, to inform planning
and development processes.
6.3.4 Plan for broadhectare development and development
in established urban areas using the Crime Prevention
Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Guidelines for
Queensland to optimise community safety.
Part DRegional policies 81


Notes provide access and mobility for all community members

There are key links between health, community wellbeing encourage increased physical activity through provision
and the physical environment. The health of a community of community greenspace for outdoor recreation, sport
is determined by a range of factors including social and recreation facilities, cycling and pedestrian pathways
disadvantage, population characteristics, social cohesion and networks, and community spaces and facilities
and sense of community, access to social infrastructure,
optimise walking and cycling by providing safe,
safety and perceptions of safety, housing affordability and
accessible routes and footpaths that link to local
density, transport and accessibility, physical activity and
destinations and facilities, such as shops, schools, public
the availability of open space, exposure to pollutants and
transport and local parks
hazards, and climate change.
provide inclusive public spaces for community interaction
Best practice planning and design of the built environment and activity
encourages physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices,
provide access to community services, including health
provides a sense of community safety, and assists in
preventing crime. Communities that comprise a range
of housing choices, efficient public transport systems, develop and maintain healthy buildings for home and
sufficient employment opportunities, appropriate local work
support services, adequate social infrastructure and provide adequate shade and shelter to protect people
strong community networks tend to be safe communities. from unsafe sun exposure
Community safety is also enhanced through good access and
provide accessible and appropriate public transport
connectivity, adaptability and versatility, pedestrian-focused
services that link residential areas with employment,
approaches, sight lines and surveillance, appropriate lighting,
education, services and commercial areas
and variety of venues for activities.
conserve agricultural land for food production, provide
Sedentary lifestyles and poor diets result in high obesity spaces for urban agriculture such as community gardens,
levels and poor health. Physical activity through everyday and enable access to fresh, quality, seasonal local
life, including work, travel, recreation and sporting activities, produce
leads to improved mental health and reduces the risk of
address social and locational disadvantage, particularly
preventable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart
for high-needs groups
disease. Protecting agricultural land and developing urban
gardens and spaces for local markets will increase access to address environmental health issues, including noise,
fresh, local, seasonal produce. odour, air quality and waste management in natural and
built environment planning
The Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland targets for health consider major emergency situations, such as floods,
involve making Queenslanders Australias healthiest people, chemical hazards, fires and traffic accidents, which
with the shortest public hospital waiting times, and cutting require efficient emergency services.
by one-third obesity, smoking, heavy drinking and unsafe
sun exposure. The health of the community is also reliant upon appropriate
planning and design of water flows to prevent mosquito
,IEPXL]ERHWEJIGSQQYRMXMIW breeding. Risks of contracting mosquito-borne diseases are
increased through residential development located close to
use best practice urban design to create built major mosquito breeding sites, designs that impede surface
environments that foster and enhance community safety water drainage and enable water pooling and water storage
practices. Temporary pools of water formed after rain or
apply the principles and strategies of CPTED guidelines
tidal inundation generally provide greater opportunities for
for Queensland to improve safety
mosquito breeding than permanent water, which usually
establish safe, convenient and legible pathways and houses the natural predators of mosquitoes.
movement systems with good connectivity between
activity locations
82 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

6.4 Community engagement, capacity building and identity

Principle 6.4.3 Provide adequate and accessible public spaces and
Develop and support strong, functional and connected places for a diverse range of community uses and
communities through the process of growth and change in activities in development.
Policies 6.4.4 Implement community development and capacity-
6.4.1 Incorporate community engagement in planning building strategies and programs in broadhectare
processes and decision-making, enabling local development and development in established urban
communities to identify, articulate and contribute their areas.
6.4.5 Implement collaborative community engagement
6.4.2 Identify, reflect and maintain unique and important programs to ensure that communities in established
local characteristics to enhance a strong sense of urban areas are informed and actively involved in
place and community identity. planning for proposed changes in local communities.

Notes is an important part of building capacity and resilience in

Planning and developing new communities involves not communities.
only the built environment, but how people will live and
work together, form relationships, develop their community Developing communities and building capacity are
over time, and deal with and respond to change. Strong, particularly important in new development areas and
functional, connected communities provide a great social and areas undergoing significant change. Community capacity-
economic benefit to SEQ. building events and activities enable people to participate
in community life and create a strong sense of identity and
Community engagement refers to the connections between belonging. The Strong Communities Handbook provides
governments and communities regarding policy, program and advice on building community capacity.
service issues. This includes information sharing, community
consultation and, in some instances, active participation in Sense of place is found in the distinctive features of an
government decision-making. areas physical landscape, built environment, population
characteristics, economy, arts and cultural heritage. It is also
Community engagement is a powerful mechanism to identify based upon the relationships, connections and networks
new approaches and solutions for managing growth and between the people who live and work in a community. A
development. Involving people in planning and decision-making sense of belonging to and identifying with a place is an
processes can improve planning outcomes and create a greater essential part of building a community.
community understanding and ownership of those outcomes.
Public spaces and places, which are available for a diverse
Community capacity describes the set of skills, relationships range of community uses, are also essential in community
and networks in a community. These capacities provide building. Accessible and informal public space enables
social support, particularly when people need assistance. people to interact, connect and participate in community
The more capacity a community possesses, the more activity. Development should include a vital public domain
likely it is to participate in, and influence decisions and that welcomes and accommodates diverse users and uses.
processes for, change.
The success of any development process depends on
Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland sets a state target of making changes to the built environment, as well as building
a 50 per cent increase in the proportion of Queenslanders inclusive and diverse communities that reflect local character,
Part DRegional policies 83

6.5 Cultural heritage, arts and cultural development

Principle 6.5.2 Plan for the future provision of arts and cultural
Identify, protect and manage the regions unique cultural infrastructure and facilities, including cultural precincts
heritage, including historic places, landscapes of significance in developments.
and traditional Aboriginal culturally significant places, and
support the arts and cultural development through the 6.5.3 Provide appropriate public spaces for cultural
planning and provision of cultural infrastructure and spaces. activities, events and festivals when planning
6.5.1 Identify and protect Queensland heritage places and
local heritage places and ensure development in or 6.5.4 Identify local heritage places of cultural significance
adjacent to those places does not compromise their through a heritage survey using key historical themes
cultural heritage significance. for SEQ.

Notes Redevelopment involving heritage places is particularly

SEQ has diverse cultures that demonstrate the unique complex, but offers the opportunity to bring a vitality and
values, beliefs, ideas, knowledge, symbols, ways of life character to communities that is difficult to replicate through
and traditions of the regions many different communities. new development alone. Planning and design processes
Architecture, crafts, design, festivals, multimedia, tourism, should recognise and reflect an areas unique character,
heritage, leisure, sport and recreation, and the arts, historic fabric and potential contribution to the life of the
including public art, all represent culture. Spaces, facilities new community.
and infrastructure for cultural activity are focal points for
communities to develop cohesion, cultural identity and sense The Queensland Heritage Act 1992 provides for the
of place. conservation of Queenslands cultural heritage by protecting
SEQ has many distinctive places that reinforce the sense of Register. The register comprises state heritage places,
place and identity of local communities through historical archaeological places and protected areas. Development of a
and cultural associations. These places, including landscapes, place registered under the Act is assessable development.
landmarks, streetscapes, buildings and other structures, form
an integral part of the regions appeal, image and identity. The Act also requires a local government to keep a local
heritage register of places of cultural heritage significance in
Places of significant cultural heritage should be protected its local government area.
and conserved for future generations. Processes of growth
and change must not cause important places to lose the The Department of Environment and Resource Management
history, meaning and community identity that they capture is currently undertaking a statewide survey of Queenslands
and reflect. The SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan sets heritage places. Key historical themes that are relevant to the
targets to retain regionally important landscape heritage. different regions of Queensland have been identified in the
Queensland Cultural Heritage Places Context Study (Blake,
2005). These themes should be used by a local government
when undertaking a local heritage survey of its area.
84 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

7. Engaging Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander peoples
Desired regional outcome 7
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are actively involved in community
planning and decision-making processes, and Aboriginal traditional owners are
engaged in business about their country.

Approximately 35 per cent of The intent of this desired regional

Queenslands Aboriginal and Torres outcome is that:
Strait Islander population live in SEQ.
This figure includes those who identify engagement of Aboriginal and Torres
as descendants of the regions original Strait Islander communities recognises
inhabitants (traditional owners) and those both traditional owners and historical
who moved to the region (historical and and contemporary residents as
contemporary residents). important stakeholders with differing
needs and aspirations in relation to
all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples are able to enjoy a
high standard of living similar to that
of other residents and participate fully
as residents of the region.
Part DRegional policies 85

7.1 Traditional owner engagement

Principle Programs
Recognise Aboriginal traditional owners as stakeholders, 7.1.3 Engage with traditional owners through recognised
involve them in planning, and understand and respect their cultural group organisations or the South East
relationship with the land, sea and natural resources. Queensland Traditional Owners Alliance.

Policies 7.1.4 Support traditional owners to engage with local

7.1.1 Consult with traditional owners in the development governments in planning, and natural and cultural
of planning schemes and planning for Regional and resource management activities.
inclusion of processes for identifying and conserving 7.1.5 Identify opportunities for collaborative partnership
Aboriginal cultural heritage sites and landscapes. EKVIIQIRXW WYGLEW-RHMKIRSYW0ERH9WI
Agreements) to address, resolve and support
7.1.2 Recognise traditional owners procedural rights to be traditional owner issues.
consulted at the outset in relation to matters that
may affect their native title rights, the alienation of
unallocated state land or traditional cultural heritage

Notes Involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in

SEQ is home to several traditional owner groups (Map 9). planning empowers their communities to identify their own
As traditional owners, Aboriginal people have a unique issues, strategic directions and solutions. This requires
connection to their ancestral lands and have responsibilities appropriate mechanisms that acknowledge the diversity of
to the land under their traditional law and customs. the communities and the resources they need to participate.

Consultation processes with traditional owners regarding The South East Queensland Traditional Owners Alliance
land and resource planning must be inclusive and culturally facilitates wider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
appropriate and conducted with the people entitled to speak engagement in the SEQ Regional Plans implementation and
for country. Organisations and agencies should engage within monitoring processes. This transparent and inclusive process
traditional owner boundaries. This engagement must be uses the strengths of existing engagement processes,
effective at regional, sub-regional and local planning levels. including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Traditional owners build their capacity to engage in these under the Department of Communities.
planning processes through the South East Queensland
Traditional Owners Alliance, a culturally appropriate Traditional owners desire to have their interests and
engagement framework. Engagement with traditional owners responsibilities acknowledged, respected, and progressed
on matters of native title or cultural heritage should be through planning processes. They ask to be involved in
through recognised cultural group organisations. On issues all land use planning that relates to areas and values of
of a regional scale, engagement is most appropriate through traditional cultural heritage significance.
the South East Queensland Traditional Owners Alliance.
Resourcing is an important part of effective engagement.
Regional and local land use planning processes must
complement other regional traditional owner processes, such
as native title and cultural heritage activities.
86 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 9: South East Queensland Traditional Owner Alliance sub-regions and groups
Part DRegional policies 87

7.2 Community engagement

Principle Programs
Provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who 7.2.2 Establish a regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait
have traditional, historical and contemporary connections to Islander coordination mechanism through an
SEQ with the opportunity for active involvement in planning agreed engagement framework, with appropriate
processes. representatives from relevant state agencies, local
governments and traditional owner and Aboriginal and
Policy Torres Strait Islander community organisations.
7.2.1 Recognise the cultural need for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander representatives to obtain group 7.2.3 Establish a scientific expert panel to coordinate data
endorsement of consultation responses, and provide collection and research.
periodic forums for the provision of information to
the broader community of Aboriginal and Torres Strait 7.2.4 Provide training opportunities to enhance the capacity
Islander peoples. of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to play
a more active role in planning and land management

7.2.5 Provide more extensive cultural awareness training to

state agencies and local government.

Notes A regional coordination mechanism would report on

The policies of the SEQ Regional Plan that address the programs and progress, consult with Aboriginal and Torres
principle of community engagement provide partnership and Strait Islander representatives about delivering planning
KSZIVRERGIQIGLERMWQW0SGEPMWIHTPEGIFEWIHTEVXRIVWLMTW and service, and help coordinate actions under the SEQ
are effective mechanisms to engage Aboriginal and Torres Regional Plan. The group would include senior officers and
7XVEMX-WPERHIVTISTPIW0SGEPKSZIVRQIRXWLSYPHTVSQSXI agreed representatives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait
localised partnerships with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Any actions that address the needs
Islander community. These partnerships should demonstrate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must be
an understanding and respect for cultural difference. State effectively monitored and evaluated, and all programs
and local governments responsible for planning and land must be adaptively managed. An Aboriginal and Torres
management must fully understand and appreciate the Strait Islander scientific expert panel could coordinate the
valuable contribution that Aboriginal and Torres Strait development of an effective system to monitor, evaluate,
Islander peoples can provide, and invite them into planning report on and improve actions and programs.
processes at an early stage.
88 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

7.3 Social and economic equity

Principle 7.3.5 Plan for the social infrastructure needs of Aboriginal
Assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in and Torres Strait Islander communities, including
SEQ to have equal access to as high a standard of living, their needs for coordinated facilities, in all social
good economic prospects and general wellbeing as other infrastructure planning and in consultation with
residents of the region. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Policies Programs
7.3.1 Assess and improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait 7.3.6 Develop and implement regional and local housing
Islander peoples access to community services, strategies in collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres
facilities and social infrastructure. Strait Islander housing organisations to address the
housing and housing affordability needs of Aboriginal
7.3.2 Improve the quality of data relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and use this
information to inform and guide local and coordinated 7.3.7 Address the employment and business development
regional planning processes, infrastructure and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
services planning, decision-making, reporting adaptive through the provision of land, employment, business
management and the monitoring of progress towards opportunities, development of business skills, training
'PSWMRKXLI+ETXEVKIXW and investment to foster enterprise.

7.3.3 Identify and manage the social and economic impacts 7.3.8 Identify localities of extreme poverty, and implement
of development and growth on Aboriginal and Torres measures to address and manage the support of
Strait Islander peoples living in both urban and rural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with
areas. multiple support needs, and break the poverty cycle.

7.3.4 Recognise economic development for Aboriginal 7.3.9 Identify opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
and Torres Strait Islander communities as a priority Islander enterprises to supply relevant services to
RIIHXSEGLMIZIXLI'PSWMRKXLI+ETXEVKIXWERHXS state and local government and government-owned
maximise wider community prosperity. corporations through targeted procurement policies.

Notes The government will consider both urban and rural Aboriginal
8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXLEWGSQQMXXIHXSXLI'SYRGMP and Torres Strait Islander communities, and consider specific
SJ%YWXVEPMER+SZIVRQIRXW'PSWMRKXLI+ETXEVKIXWMRVIPEXMSR cultural values and needs in the delivery of services. This
to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including: may require tailoring policy responses and service delivery
mechanisms to suit particular communities. Programs
halving infant mortality rates in 10 years
to address extreme poverty and multiple support needs
halving the gap in reading, writing and numeracy in 10
should be culturally sensitive and supportive of the family
unit and community participation. To break the poverty
halving the gap in employment outcomes in 10 years
cycle, programs around educational attainment, training
closing the life expectancy gap within a generation
participation and business development can be implemented
at least halving the gap in Year 12 (or equivalent)
and geared towards meeting critical skills shortages.
student attainment rates by 2020.
To achieve these targets, the government must effectively 0IZIPWSJ[SVOJSVGITEVXMGMTEXMSRIQTPS]QIRXERHFYWMRIWW
address the many areas of Aboriginal and Torres Strait ownership among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Islander disadvantage and enhance Aboriginal and Torres peoples are lower than those among the wider community.
Strait Islander peoples socioeconomic wellbeing. Improvements in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health,
labour force participation and educational opportunities will
Collecting and analysing data about Aboriginal and Torres result in significant benefits for the wider community.
Strait Islander communities will help the government plan,
evaluate and service their needs across agencies and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment and
improve information sharing. The Productivity Commissions economic development can be promoted through a
Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2007 commitment to business partnerships in a wide range
details wide-ranging measures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait SJ[E]W8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXW0SSOMRK%JXIV
Islander social and economic equity. Country Together program offers options to develop better
employment and business outcomes for Aboriginal and
8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXLEWTYFPMWLIHXLIQueensland Torres Strait Islander peoples. The purchasing power of
Closing the Gap Report: 2007/08 Indicators and Initiatives and business partnerships with government and industry,
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This first including targeted procurement policies and the engagement
'PSWMRKXLI+ET6ITSVXTVSZMHIWEWXEXI[MHIWRETWLSXSJXLI of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consultants and
most recent available data on the gap in life outcomes and contractors, can support increased employment and
aligned with directions identified by the Council of Australian unemployed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to
+SZIVRQIRXW;SVOMRK+VSYTSR-RHMKIRSYW6IJSVQ job opportunities and workplace mentoring, and programs of
innovative enterprise training and investment can assist in
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must be
fostering enterprise development.
able to access the same range of services, housing and
economic opportunities available to the wider community.
Part DRegional policies 89

7.4 Cultural values

Principle 7.4.2 Manage areas of high historical or contemporary
Recognise, protect and conserve traditional Aboriginal cultural significance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
cultural values in land, water and natural resources, and Islander communities in collaboration with those
historical or contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait communities.
Islander values in places.
Policies 7.4.3 Implement the South East Queensland Traditional
7.4.1 Protect and maintain traditional Aboriginal cultural Owner Cultural Resource Management Plan to support
landscapes and culturally significant places in land Aboriginal traditional owner issues in relation to land,
use, planning and management arrangements in water and natural resources.
partnership with the traditional owners of those
landscapes and places, and maintain or improve
traditional owners access to cultural resources.

Notes Traditional owners have intimate traditional relationships with

Cultural heritage is important to Aboriginal and Torres all aspects of their country and regard all natural resource
Strait Islander peoples as it provides present and future assetssuch as land, water and biodiversityas cultural
generations with a sense of identity. The Queensland resources. A knowledge of cultural places and their values is
+SZIVRQIRXLEWPIKMWPEXIHXSTVSXIGXGSRWIVZIERHQEREKI often confidential and difficult to obtain. Traditional owners
Aboriginal cultural heritage across the state through the aspire to systematically collecting traditional knowledge of
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003. places, landscapes and biological relationships.

TVSKVEQERH0SSOMRK%JXIV'SYRXV]8SKIXLIVTVSKVEQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities would
contribute to managing natural and cultural resources provide opportunities to share information and effectively
and conserving places of cultural heritage significance. manage cultural values and heritage. Information about
8LI0SSOMRKEJXIV'SYRXV]8SKIXLIVTVSKVEQTVSZMHIW places of cultural significance must be managed in a way
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with access to that satisfies the traditional custodians of the area, and
and involvement in managing land and sea country. It also enables those managing the land to access sufficient
provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with the data to manage effectively and adaptively. State and
resources and skills to plan for and sustainably manage land local government policy, planning and land management
and sea country to meet their objectives. arrangements must acknowledge and protect Aboriginal
cultural heritage, and places of cultural significance to
The South East Queensland Natural Resource Management Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Plan 20092031 (SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan)
includes a target for implementing the South East Queensland
Traditional Owner Cultural Resource Management Plan.
90 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8. Compact settlement

Desired regional outcome 8

A compact urban structure of well-planned communities, supported by a network of
accessible and convenient centres and transit corridors linking residential areas to
employment locations establishes the context for achieving a consolidated urban
settlement pattern.

SEQ is the third largest urban region in connections to be made in a timely and Providing mixed land uses is another
Australia and is experiencing sustained cost-effective manner, reducing reliance on important factor in creating better places
growth pressure. What, where and how private vehicle travel in new communities. to live. Placing a mix of uses in close
we build to accommodate more people New communities should be designed as proximity makes alternatives to driving
in SEQ will have major effects on quality attractive, walkable neighbourhoods that such as walking or cyclingmore viable.
of life. support community life. This also creates a more diverse and
sizable population, and a commercial
SEQ has developed historically in Development Areas, regional activity base to support viable public transport.
a dispersed, low-density settlement centres and other suitable established Transit oriented communities have mixed
pattern, which has moved outward into urban areas, are the focus for uses at key public transport stops, such
the regional landscape. This pattern accommodating regional dwelling as rail stations, to create quality lifestyle
has become unsustainable. The natural and employment targets, and will alternatives for residents. Provision
landscape and regional ecosystems are accommodate projected growth to 2031. of housing options should include
experiencing increasingly adverse effects, consideration of the costs of access to
and SEQ residents are experiencing In addition, if required, further lands employment, facilities and services.
increasing traffic congestion and, therefore, are recognised as potentially suitable
longer journeys to and from work. for accommodating urban growth. Such Changing household demographics,
PERHWEVI[MXLMRXLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETI including an ageing population and more
In response, the SEQ Regional Plan ERH6YVEP4VSHYGXMSR%VIE 6064% ERH diverse households, are increasing the
concentrates urban development in EVIHIWMKREXIHEWPHIRXMJMIH+VS[XL demand for wider housing choice in
the Urban Footprint and redirects an %VIEW -+%W *SVER-+%XSFIJYVXLIV SEQ. The balanced growth approach of
increased proportion of new growth considered for urban development the SEQ Regional Plan provides housing
to existing communities. Containing within the life of the SEQ Regional Plan, choices for all SEQ residentssuch as a
urban growth pressures will preserve extensive investigations are required in garden apartment, new unit, or traditional
the regions landscape, open spaces relation to land capability and suitability, suburban homeand accommodates
and farmland, and provide significant infrastructure requirements, the principles growth at the same time. In this way,
environmental quality and health benefits. used for defining the boundary of the diverse housing choices help provide
Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland Urban Footprint, and other relevant affordable housing and can also mitigate
makes a commitment to preserving matters described in the local government the environmental costs of car-dependent
land for nature conservation and public sub-regional narratives. development, use infrastructure resources
recreation. more efficiently, and ensure a better jobs
Transport plays a fundamental role in to housing balance.
The SEQ Regional Plans balanced SEQs sustainability and is best supported
approach to settlement ensures the in a compact urban form. The SEQ
efficient use of land and infrastructure. Regional Plan outlines a self-contained
It does this by requiring the efficient use development pattern that places regional
of infrastructure in the city before new activity centres at strategic locations on
infrastructure is built further out. the transport network. This reduces the
need for travel and provides transport
Development Areas provide additional alternatives to private car use. Reduced
land supply in areas within the Urban car use will also contribute to achieving
Footprint adjacent or proximate to the Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland
existing infrastructure networks. This target to cut the carbon footprint by one-
will allow new road and public transport third by 2020.
Part DRegional policies 91

8.1 Compact development

Principle 8.1.3 Include in Development Areas a diversity of uses and
Conserve land by making the most efficient use of land employment opportunities at densities that support
allocated for urban development. walkable communities, shorter vehicle trips and
efficient public transport services.
8.1.4 Achieve a minimum dwelling yield of 15 dwellings
8.1.1 Accommodate a higher proportion of growth through
per hectare net for new residential development in
infill and redevelopment of existing urban areas to
Development Areas.
meet the dwelling targets in Table 3.
8.1.2 Focus higher density and mixed-use development
in and around regional activity centres and public 8.1.5 Monitor the rates of development in broadhectare
transport nodes and corridors. and infill areas and the availability of land stocks
Management Program.

Notes To promote a balanced settlement pattern and more compact

The population of SEQ is expected to increase from development within the Urban Footprint, the SEQ Regional Plan:
2.8 million in 2006 to 4.4 million in 2031. The SEQ
Regional Plan provides sufficient land to accommodate sets targets by local government area to contribute to
the additional 754 000 dwellings required to 2031, taking an increase in the proportion of additional dwellings
into account land required for residential, employment constructed through new development or redevelopment in
and other purposes, as well as physical constraints. Urban existing urban areas to 50 per cent by 2031 (see Table 3)
development capacity is provided in the Urban Footprint. requires new residential developments in Development
Areas to achieve a minimum net dwelling yield of 15
The historically low density settlement in the region provides dwellings per hectare (with the potential for higher
significant opportunities for infill development. In addition, densities as appropriate through the planning process).
large areas of remnant broadhectare lands are suitable for This will help to provide a mix of dwelling types to
further development. Through the effective use of infill, match the communitys changing needs, household sizes
remnant broadhectare and broadhectare lands, the Urban and structures
Footprint can accommodate projected growth to 2031.
requires higher density residential development to be
%R7)5+VS[XL1EREKIQIRX4VSKVEQ[MPPERRYEPP]QSRMXSV focused within and around regional activity centres, and
the supply of land and dwellings in broadhectare and public transport nodes and corridors. This will improve
existing urban areas. The regions dwelling capacity will access to existing and planned facilities and services
be reviewed at each five-year SEQ Regional Plan review to restricts further land allocation for rural residential
maintain a sufficient housing supply. development and promotes a more sustainable use of
existing rural residential areas.

Table 3: Dwellings by local government area (20062031)

2006 20062031
Existing dwellings Infill and Balance areas and/or
Source: Australian Bureau of
Statistics (ABS) 2006 Census, Total additional redevelopment additional in existing
0SGEPKSZIVRQIRXEVIE for 2006 existing dwellings dwellings (minimum) urban area
Brisbane 397 007 156 000 138 000 18 000
+SPH'SEWX 202 588 143 000 97 000 46 000
Ipswich 52 357 118 000 18 000 100 000
0SGO]IV:EPPI] 11 554 11 500 0 11 500
0SKER 90 179 70 000 28 000 42 000
Moreton Bay 123 900 84 000 35 000 49 000
Redland 49 779 21 000 15 000 6 000
Scenic Rim 13 652 15 000 2 000 13 000
Somerset 7 818 6 500 0 6 500
Sunshine Coast 130 016 98 000 37 000 61 000
Toowoomba SSD 45 538 31 000 4 000 27 000
Total 1 124 388 754 000 374 000 380 000
92 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8.2 Containing growth

Principle 8.2.2 Make Development Areas contiguous with existing
To promote liveability and transport efficiency and reduce communities wherever possible, or otherwise provide
car dependence and private vehicle travel, locate urban development with direct transport linkages to
development in the Urban Footprint either within or near established urban areas early in the development.
existing communities to utilise their infrastructure and
services, or within existing activity centres and at key 8.2.3 Ensure physical and social infrastructure can be
locations along planned public transportation infrastructure. adequately funded and delivered before permitting
development of Development Areas.
8.2.4 Proponents must demonstrate how necessary
8.2.1 Accommodate regional growth in locations that provide
infrastructure and services for broadhectare
superior transportation choices or otherwise reduce
areas outside current state and local government
car use, particularly through supporting growth in
infrastructure delivery programs will be delivered and
established urban areas and redevelopment in and
around existing urban centres, and along priority transit
networks and other high-frequency transit corridors.

Notes be appropriately separated from incompatible land

The following are the principles to define the boundary of uses
the Urban Footprint in the SEQ Regional Plan.
be either a logical expansion of an existing urban
General principles area, or of sufficient size to support the efficient
provision of social and economic infrastructure.
1. The Urban Footprint is a tool for managing, rather than
simply accommodating, regional growth.
8. New Urban Footprint areas should be located to:
2. The Urban Footprint sets the context to achieving a
achieve a balanced settlement pattern across SEQ and
pattern of development that is consistent with the
within sub-regions over the planning period
strategic directions and regional policies set out in the
regional plan. maintain a well-planned region of distinct cities,
towns and villages
3. The Urban Footprint should accommodate the regions
urban development needs to 2031 based on population, maintain the integrity of inter-urban breaks
housing and employment projections, and reasonable
assumptions about future growth. minimise impacts on natural resources

4. Opportunities for increasing the capacity of the existing maximise the use of committed and planned major
Urban Footprint should be given higher priority than transport and water infrastructure
expanding the Urban Footprint, and it should only be
expanded if there is insufficient capacity to accommodate enable the efficient provision of physical and social
the planned distribution of regional growth. infrastructure, including public transport

5. Economic opportunities in rural areas should be have ready access to services and employment
accommodated where there is adequate or planned
infrastructure to service the development and where the ensure significant non-residential activities
development will not prejudice orderly planning of the achieve specific locational, infrastructure and site
locality. requirements.

6. Minor adjustments should be made to include land in or 9. Priority for new Urban Footprint areas should be given
remove land from the Urban Footprint to reflect changed XS-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEW [LIVIWYTTSVXIHF]WTIGMJMG
circumstances including new or better information, to investigations).
correct existing anomalies or to recognise constraints.
10. The boundary of the Urban Footprint should be:
Operational principles
7. Areas to be considered for inclusion in the Urban Footprint cadastrally based or otherwise clearly defined,
should: preferably using a major feature such as a road
or stream to provide a clear boundary and buffer
be physically suitable between urban and non-urban land uses

exclude areas with an unacceptable risk of natural consistent with existing planning scheme zonings or
hazards including predicted impacts of climate change development commitments

exclude areas with significant biodiversity values continuous around each discrete urban area.
Part DRegional policies 93

8.3 Urban character and design

Principle 8.3.4 Achieve design excellence for all new prominent
Design and site development to reflect SEQs subtropical buildings and public spaces in the Brisbane central
climate, reinforce local character and achieve innovation and business district, regional activity centres and transit
design excellence. communities.

Policies 8.3.5 Provide an accessible and high-quality public realm

in all Development Areas by allocating or revitalising
8.3.1 Ensure that new development and redevelopment in
open space and creating well-designed public places.
established urban areas reinforce the strengths and
individual character of the urban area in which the
development occurs.
8.3.2 Ensure that new government buildings respond with and local governments on sustainable approaches to
high-quality design to the urban context in which TPERRMRKSJ6IKMSREPERH0SGEP(IZIPSTQIRX%VIEW
they are to be located, and that particular attention is and development standards for new urban areas.
afforded to making high-quality public spaces.
8.3.7 Utilise the Board for Urban Places to deliver high-
8.3.3 Ensure all development and appropriate infrastructure, quality urban design outcomes in the regions urban
such as public transport stations, incorporate environment.
subtropical design principles, including orientation,
siting and passive climate control.

Notes Respect topography: protect the integrity and character

The Urban Design Alliance of Queensland outlines the of the hills, mountains and ridgelines that frame and
following fundamental ideas that can be used as a define the subtropical environment.
framework to achieve desirable urban qualities. Cities and Diversify the built environment: incorporate diverse
towns must be: building densities, heights, types, and scales into new
Consider local character and design: recognise how
liveable contemporary design and appropriate building materials
viable contribute to the subtropical environments character and
Integrate with nature: design for appropriate climate-
based orientation, provide shade and allow the breeze,
8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXIWXEFPMWLIHXLI&SEVHJSV sunlight and natural environment to penetrate.
Urban Places to advise on high-quality urban design and to
Acknowledge informality: recognise the informal
provide general and project-specific advice on urban design,
relationships among the natural, built and rural
planning, architecture, landscape architecture, sustainability
and built environment issues.
Use vegetation: use extensive native vegetation and large
Subtropical environment shade trees in private and public spaces, particularly
Increased energy consumption has become a substantial along pedestrian and cycling corridors.
national trend. Despite this, the orientation, siting and Ensure open space diversity: diversify, integrate and
design of buildings to respond to local climatic conditions design open space to form networks.
are largely neglected. The building industry, designers,
Incorporate access to open space: reflect the proximity
developers and owners need to consider local climatic
of nature in subtropical environments and SEQs outdoor-
factors during design and construction.
based lifestyle in the access to open space.
Climate-responsive buildingor passive climate control Design for water: reflect the importance and presence
involves using natural methods to reduce energy of water, and provide public access to any natural or
consumption by designing, constructing and using materials artificial waterways.
appropriate to a specific climate. SEQ is Australias only Develop outdoor centres: include outdoor dining,
subtropical metropolitan region. Design must be more entertainment, recreation, sheltered public transport
responsive to the subtropical environment and appropriate access and shaded pedestrian pathways to create
design principles should guide all planning and design informality and a village-like character.
Develop outdoor meeting places: incorporate outdoor
Subtropical design principles for SEQ meeting places into building and design.
Recognise sub-regions: recognise and reflect SEQs
diverse climatic, landscape, cultural, and habitat sub-
regions when applying design principles.
94 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8.4 Urban greenspace

Principle 8.4.4 Facilitate adequate and timely provision of urban
Provide an integrated, high-quality, urban community community greenspace through appropriate
greenspace network to cater for community and infrastructure charging and other mechanisms.
environmental needs in development areas and existing
communities. Programs
8.4.5 Establish partnerships between urban community
Policies greenspace providers across governments, business
8.4.1 Identify and respond to community needs for urban and the community.
community greenspace, generated as a result of urban
development, especially in activity centres and areas 8.4.6 Identify new standards of service based on quality
of higher density residential development. of experience, functions, diversity of settings,
and connectivity of urban community greenspace
8.4.2 Ensure urban community greenspace is integrated into networks.
the urban structure of development areas to provide
for land use efficiencies and long-term sustainability. 8.4.7 Identify and improve links between urban community
greenspace networks in adjacent local government
8.4.3 Integrate planning and delivery of urban community areas.
greenspace networks with regional landscape areas
and the regional community greenspace network.

Notes The need to protect the regions unique biodiversity,

Urban greenspace is publicly accessible land for community landscapes and natural areas from the impacts of urban
activities including sport, recreation, outdoor education, growth is also being increasingly recognised. The biodiversity
community services and tourism. It is used by a wide range and scenic values of the regions urban areas support
of people living and working in urban areas and contributes recreation and tourism, and help to define the character of
significantly to quality of life. the regions major urban centres. The retention of natural
features and conservation values is highly respected by the
Urban greenspace at regional, district and local levels can community, with a balance needing to be struck between
be created efficiently though careful planning and site- retaining bushland and providing parkland for active
responsive design. Urban greenspace can contribute to the community use.
legibility, identity and sense of place that helps build and
maintain communities. There is also a growing awareness of the need for urban
community greenspace to accommodate an expanding range
Climate change and other emerging global issues have of outdoor recreation activities, including walking, cycling,
highlighted some other benefits of urban greenspace such as dog walking, mountain biking, skate boarding and rock
urban water management, cooling services for hot cities and climbing.
space for community gardens.
Part DRegional policies 95

Principle 8.5.4 Encourage all major development to incorporate
Provide a variety of housing options to meet diverse affordable housing, including appropriate housing for
community needs, and achieve housing choice and the entry buyer and low-income housing markets.
8.5.5 Consider affordable housing in decisions on the
Policies disposal or redevelopment of government property
and surplus land.
8.5.1 Prioritise the short- to medium-term supply of
broadhectare land in SEQ.
8.5.2 Provide housing choice through a range and mix 8.5.6 Monitor housing prices, land availability and
of dwelling type, size and location in residential other factors that affect housing costs as part the

8.5.3 Support an increased provision of affordable housing  4VITEVIE1SHIP'SHIJSV7QEVX+VS[XLXSKYMHIWXEXI

through community-based, not-for-profit entities and and local governments on sustainable approaches to
housing cooperatives. planning and development standards for residential
subdivision, and dwelling location and design.

Providing diverse and affordable housing options is
an important issue and key challenge both nationally IWXEFPMWLIHER9VFER0ERH(IZIPSTQIRX%YXLSVMX] 90(%
and in SEQ. A range of housing choices helps create changed planning legislation to improve the quality and
diverse communities and prevent social polarisation and timeliness of planning and assessment processes
implemented measures to change planning and
assessment management practices.
With significant population growth, SEQ is undergoing
economic, social and demographic change. Traditional The strategy will also increase the short- to medium-term
households of couples with children are decreasing, and the supply of SEQs greenfield (broadhectare) land to bring
number of people living alone, without children or as lone appropriate and available land in the Urban Footprint to
parents, is increasing. This household change is creating market in a timely, cost-effective and efficient manner.
demand for more housing options, including more affordable
housing. Understanding these changes and the implications Other relevant strategies include:
for housing demand and supply at a local level can help
determine the type of housing needed in new development. regulating infrastructure charging plans across
Some groups are at risk of housing stress, including working identifying and developing appropriate, under-utilised
families, specific industry workers, Aboriginal and Torres government land for urban proposals
Strait Islander families, the unemployed and young single
enabling local governments to facilitate private sector
people on fixed incomes. These groups constitute the
infrastructure financing.
bottom 40 per cent of household income distribution, and
often pay more than 30 per cent of their household income
Urban Land Development Authority
in rent or on home loan repayments for appropriate housing
local landholders and industry representatives to deliver
Queensland Housing Affordability Strategy commercially viable developments that include diverse,
affordable, sustainable housing, using best-practice urban
The strategy will ensure that state land and housing is
brought to market quickly and at the lowest cost. This will
create a more competitive and responsive land and housing
market by reducing the timelines and associated holding
costs of bringing new housing to the market.
96 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8.6 Activity centres and transit corridors

Principle 8.6.4 Ensure that new state government facilities for health,
Focus employment, infill housing and community services in education, justice, community and administration
well-planned, vibrant and accessible regional activity centres and employment activities are located within regional
and along high-frequency transit corridors. activity centres on priority transit corridors and other
high-frequency transit corridors.
8.6.5 Exclude out-of-centre land use and development that
8.6.1 Ensure that development supports the activity centres
would detrimentally impact on activity centres.
network and the transport system.
8.6.6 Ensure optimal use of transport and service
availability in regional activity centres and corridors
activities in regional activity centres and on priority
by delivering appropriate residential densities and by
transit corridors and other high-frequency transit
maximising business location opportunities.
8.6.3 Encourage mixed-use development along priority
transit corridors and other high-frequency transit 8.6.7 Prepare detailed land use and infrastructure plans for
corridors. regional activity centres to guide land use, transport,
infrastructure delivery, quality urban design and public

Notes provide a focus for community and social interaction

Regional activity centres are accessible locations that encourage multi-purpose trips and shorter travel
have concentrated businesses, services and facilities for distances to reduce demand for private travel
employment, research and education, as well as higher
integrate land use and transport to support walking,
density residential development serving a regional
cycling and public transport
population. The SEQ Regional Plan proposes a strong
network of regional activity centres connected by quality accommodate higher density residential development,
public transport to create compact, self-contained and employment and trip-generating activities.
diverse communities. Regional activity centres are also a The transport and transit components of the SEQ Regional
key land use element to create an efficient public transport Plan will be underpinned by the development of Connecting
system. SEQ 2031: An Integrated Regional Transport Plan for
South East Queensland. Priority transit corridors are key
To achieve these objectives, regional activity centres need
public transport routes where mixed-use, public transport
to be more than retail and service providers. Regional
supportive activities and development are to occur.
activity centres can attract high-end creative and knowledge-
based businesses, and advanced business services. To 0SGEPKSZIVRQIRXTPERRMRKWGLIQIWWLSYPHEPPS[JSVE
create regional economic activity and generate local jobs, mix of land use (tertiary education, office, local retail,
regional activity centres must provide attractive, quality and entertainment, high density residential and professional
affordable premises for small businesses and for creative, services) that generates high demand for public transport
knowledge-based and new technology businesses. They within 400 to 800 metres of stops or stations in these
should also provide opportunities to expand home-based transit corridors.
businesses into commercial premises.
Similar land use outcomes are supported along other transit
The regional activity centres network encourages centres corridors and in other locations such as principal regional
are seen as the best opportunity for short- to medium-term
create economic growth by co-locating a mix of land uses
change and may be extended in the future.
concentrate goods and services more efficiently
Out-of-centre development is inconsistent with the SEQ
provide appropriate locations for government investment
Regional Plans strategic intent, as it can diminish the
in public transport, health, education, cultural and
vitality of activity centres and detract from economic growth
entertainment facilities
by diluting public and private investment in centre-related
activities, facilities and infrastructure.
Part DRegional policies 97

8.6 Activity centres and transit corridorscontinued

0EVKIJSVQEXVIXEMPTVIQMWIWWYGLEWFYPO]KSSHWVIXEMP provide a secondary administrative focus, accommodating

activities, can occupy large sites and should be located on a regional offices of health, education, cultural and
centres periphery. If there is no room in a centre, the out-of- entertainment facilities that have governmental and regional
centre location of these large premises should be assessed significance. Outside the Brisbane CBD, principal regional
in terms of community need and potential impact on the: activity centres serve as key focal points for regional
employment and in-centre regional development. As major
primacy and functionality of surrounding centres trip generators, these centres typically have existing or
maintenance of pedestrian convenience and transport planned, dedicated public transport, including rail, bus or
system efficiency light rail, and comprise key nodes in the regional public
transport system. Residential development densities in
amenity of surrounding residential neighbourhoods. principal regional activity centres should be around 40120
In preparing planning schemes, local governments should dwellings per hectare (net) or greater.
develop measures to support and reinforce the roles of
activity centres. This includes identifying activity centre Major regional activity centres
boundaries and determining the potential extent of These centres complement the principal regional activity
each centres growth, including residential development centres by serving catchments of sub-regional significance
opportunities. They should consider urban design principles, and accommodating key employment concentrations.
and the quality, functionality and interrelationships between They also provide business, service, and major retail and
building forms and public spaces. convenience functions. With a secondary, sub-regional
administration focus, they accommodate district or
Activity centres network branch offices of government facilities, and cultural and
Map 10 and Map 11 show SEQs activity centres network. entertainment facilities of regional significance. These centres
The network is based on the following definitions, and are typically located around key suburban or inter-urban
incorporates existing and planned activity centres. public transport stops, and provide frequent public transport
services to link the centre to surrounding communities.
Primary activity centre Residential development densities in major activity centres
The Brisbane central business district (CBD) is the regions should be around 3080 dwellings per hectare (net) or
primary activity centre, accommodating the largest and greater.
most diverse concentration of activities and land uses. For
some activities, it has a statewide functionit is the key Specialist activity centres
focus of government administration, retail, commercial, and As centres of regional economic significance, these provide a
specialised personal and professional services. In addition, it primary focus for specialised economic activity, employment
accommodates cultural, entertainment, health and education or education rather than having a retail function. The core
facilities of state, national and international significance. emphasis of these centres results in high levels of trip
The CBD is the focus of the regions radial public transport
system. As it is the centre of highest employment mix Principal rural activity centres
and density, and it supports a large, in-centre residential These centres are important service and community hubs in
population, the CBD generates and attracts a large number rural areas. They support a sub-regional rural catchment and
of transport trips. contain concentrated rural services, as well as commercial,
retail, government and community activities. Principal
The role of Brisbanes CBD as the primary activity centre rural activity centres have excellent roads and basic public
has expanded over time into the surrounding frame area XVERWTSVXPMROW+SZIVRQIRXLEWTVSZMHIHEHHMXMSREPPERH
MRGPYHMRK*SVXMXYHI:EPPI]7TVMRK,MPP1MPXSR%PFMSR within the Urban Footprint to encourage appropriate
2I[WXIEH;SSPPSSRKEFFE&S[IR,MPPW7SYXL&VMWFERIERH investment and residential development to support each
West End). The frame area provides distinct commercial, centres growth.
legal, government, retail, community and entertainment
precincts, and significant residential communities. The Major rural activity centres
increasing role of the frame area should be acknowledged
Rural towns that provide more than one function to the
and supported with appropriate land use forms of
surrounding rural catchment are major rural activity centres.
development and services.
They provide concentrated retail, commercial, community and
some government services. They also have excellent road
Principal regional activity centres
connections and possibly public transport services.
SEQs principal regional activity centres serve catchments
of regional significance and accommodate key employment
concentrations. They also serve business, major comparison
and convenience retail, and service uses. These centres
98 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 10: Activity centres network

Part DRegional policies 99

Map 11: Activity centres networkGreater Brisbane and the Western Corridor
100 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8.7 Centres that support business

Principle 8.7.2 For any extension of more than 10 000 sq m to an
Principal and major regional activity centres located on existing retail centre in an activity centre, provide
priority transit network and other high-frequency transit sufficient land with street frontage to accommodate
corridors should provide for the future growth of a broad non-retail business premises.
range of business uses to support employment growth.
Policies 8.7.3 Review activity centres to ensure that each has
8.7.1 Consider whether an activity centre is on an existing sufficient suitable land for creative and knowledge-
or proposed priority transit network or other high- based businesses into the future.
frequency transit corridor when making a decision
on a relevant planning scheme amendment or 8.7.4 Assess activity centres for their future growth
development application. potential, based on drivers of demand, possible
future jobs growth, accessibility and land available for

Notes amendments and development applications. The policy

Retail centres are to be designed to enhance connectivity seeks to ensure that activity centres support business and
with surrounding communities and include publicly accessible employment growth, and not retail alone.
spaces for social interaction. Active street frontages are
incorporated wherever appropriate and opportunities The policy asks for land that is well located and has
are taken to include a mix of uses and employment sufficient street frontage to accommodate affordable office
opportunities. The intent is to enable residents, business premises to be identified and secured. This land must be
people and workers to meet and interact, build social equivalent to at least 15 per cent of the proposed increase
capital, and create networking and business opportunities. in retail floor space. Alternatively, the policy could be met by
building up to two storeys, as long as the buildings occupy
Policy 8.7.2 is intended for planning authorities to have no more than 40 per cent of site cover.
regard for when making decisions on planning scheme

8.8 Mixed-use activity centres

Principle 8.8.3 Provide activity centres with attractive, high-amenity
Include a broad mix of land uses in activity centres and public areas at locations that encourage and support
structure them as mixed-use centres in a predominantly social interaction, casual meeting and active lifestyles.
main-street format to best serve their surrounding
communities. 8.8.4 Transform activity centres that are dominated
by enclosed retail into a main-street format as
Policies redevelopment occurs by including active street
frontages, integrating development with surrounding
8.8.1 Provide for a range of land uses to be incorporated
public spaces and activities, and introducing more
into activity centres appropriate to their roles and
employment opportunities and a wider range of
functions in the network.
8.8.2 Develop new activity centres with street-fronting retail
layouts instead of enclosed or parking-lot dominant
retail formats.

Notes All centres should be planned as activity centres, not just

Mixed-use centres on priority transit corridors and other high- shopping centres, and provide for high-yielding employment
frequency transit corridors improve environmental, economic uses as well as retail and residential land uses.
and social outcomes for regional communities. This results in:
Enclosed retail formats are generally not supported because
improved support for public transport, cycling and they connect poorly to the surrounding communities, do
walking not have streets for social interaction and do not support
sufficient non-retail jobs.
increased urban and streetscape amenity, and public
realm, with an enhanced sense of place and community If existing retail-dominated centres undergo necessary
ownership expansion, developers should take the opportunity to
support for a wider variety of uses, local employment introduce active street frontages, more employment and a
and small businesses wider range of services. This enables residents and workers
to meet and interact, builds social capital, and creates
an appropriate setting for higher density housing.
networking and business opportunities.
Part DRegional policies 101

8.9 Integrated land use and transport planning

Principle 8.9.5 Apply transit oriented development principles and
Ensure new development utilises existing infrastructure practices to the planning and development of transit
or can be provided with timely transport infrastructure, nodes, having regard for local circumstances and
community services and employment. character.

Policies 8.9.6 Manage car parking provision in regional activity

centres and high-capacity transport nodes to support
8.9.1 Prioritise new broadhectare development sites with
walking, cycling and public transport accessibility.
access to existing or planned transport infrastructure.
8.9.7 Ensure all new development within walking distance
8.9.2 Undertake land use and transport planning
of a transit node or regional activity centre maximises
concurrently and sequence development with timely
pedestrian amenity, connectivity and safety.
infrastructure provision.
8.9.3 Plan new public transport routes, facilities and
high-frequency services to ensure safe and 8.9.8 Prioritise amendments to planning schemes to
convenient passenger accessibility, and support the support delivery of transit oriented development
interrelationship between land use and transport. outcomes in activity centres and identified nodes on
priority transit corridors.
8.9.4 Connect active transport routes to improve
accessibility and encourage transport use by a 8.9.9 Identify areas in consultation with local government
broader range of people. that are suitable for the application of transit oriented
development principles.

Notes Prerequisites for transit oriented precincts include the

key role in achieving social, economic and environmental
sustainability for SEQ. By shaping the development pattern they are or will be serviced by quality and high-frequency
and influencing the location, scale, density, design and public transport
mix of land uses, integrated planning can create complete they have the capacity for development density and
communities. intensity levels to support public transport
they can provide a vital and active, pedestrian-friendly,
Integrating land use and transport reduces the need for
walkable catchment that is centred around a public
travel; results in shorter journeys; provides safer and easier
transport node or corridor.
access to jobs, schools and services; supports more efficient
land and existing infrastructure use; and maintains the Transit oriented development in SEQ will be based around
environmental benefits of compact development. frequent and high-capacity public transport systems,
primarily rail and busway. Regional activity centres are
Accommodating future residential and employment growth primary locations for the application of transit oriented
in areas with access to high-frequency public transport development principles. It is proposed to connect transit
and a mix of land uses promotes social equity and travel precincts of different scales and types into transit corridors
choice, and maximises efficient use of existing and planned across sub-regions in SEQ.
Transit oriented development precincts can be categorised in
Transit oriented development principles terms of the role they play (Table 5).
Transit oriented development principles (Table 4) are to be
applied to precincts within a comfortable 10-minute walk 0SGEPKSZIVRQIRXWWLSYPHYWIXVERWMXSVMIRXIHHIZIPSTQIRX
of a transit node. Principles ensure mixed-use residential principles for appropriate locations (Tables 4 and 5) in their
and employment areas are designed to maximise the areas when preparing local planning strategies, planning
efficient use of land through high levels of access to public schemes and amendments. They should determine the
transport. A transit oriented development precinct has a specific scale, intensity and land use mix for each precinct
walking and cycle-friendly core with a rail or bus station, through the planning process.
and is surrounded by relatively high-density residential
development, employment or mixed uses.
102 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8.9 Integrated land use and transport planningcontinued

Table 4: Transit oriented development principles for South East Queensland

services levels Prioritise locations with high levels of transit service frequency.
Development levels Ensure transit oriented development occurs at a scale that is appropriate for the location.
New development Apply transit oriented development principles in new communities where transit nodes exist or are proposed.
Land use
Type Ensure transit oriented development precincts are dominated by land uses that support transit.
Extent Transit oriented development precincts focus on the area within 5 to 10 minutes of the transit node
considering the nature of the topography.
Density Incorporate higher density residential uses in transit oriented development precincts to increase vitality and
provide more convenient access to services and transport. Use the following baseline density guidelines:
activity centres: 40120 dwellings per hectare (net) or greater
suburban and neighbourhood locations: 3080 dwellings per hectare (net) or greater
priority transit corridors: 40 dwellings per hectare (net) or greater
Intensity Incorporate high-employment intensities and a mix of employment opportunities.
Mix Provide and integrate a mix of uses to create a greater variety of services catering for the diverse needs of a
vibrant community.
Provide timely and convenient access to services and facilities required to support peoples daily needs,
including an appropriate mix of commercial and retail services, jobs, community infrastructure and open space
relevant to the context of the surrounding area.
Continuity Encourage continuous activity in transit oriented development precincts to provide a sense of vitality and
Adaptability Ensure development delivers a built form that is robust and flexible, allowing development to be adapted or
redeveloped over time to vary uses, increase densities or increase employment intensity.
Built form Ensure development features high-quality subtropical design that maximises amenity, street activity and
pedestrian connectivity.
Public realm Provide for a high-quality public realm to meet the needs of the surrounding community, including open
space, pedestrian areas and transit access.
Deliver design that promotes social interaction and inclusion, physical activity and a sense of place and
Integration Ensure design seamlessly integrates transit nodes and the community.
Safety and Ensure development promotes a high sense of personal and community safety, and equitable access to all
accessibility public areas.
cycling and public transport accessibility.
Mode share Create an increased mode share for walking, cycling and public transport by providing high levels of
accessibility and public amenity within precincts and to stations and surrounding areas for cyclists and
pedestrians, with priority for pedestrians.
Transport efficiency Facilitate a high level of intermodal connection.
Social diversity and Ensure development creates an environment that supports social inclusion and diversity of different age,
inclusion cultural, employment and income groups.
Provide a mix of housing types, tenures and affordability to support social diversity.
Promote physical and social connections between new and existing communities.
Ensure community development initiatives are carried out as an integral part of community building.
Coordination Planning for development in transit oriented development precincts requires the coordinated effort of all
stakeholders, including state agencies, local government and the development industry.
Community Engage with the community likely to experience change early and throughout planning and development
engagement processes to promote a sense of ownership and involvement.
Timeframes Transit oriented development outcomes take time to deliver, and precincts mature over time.
Part DRegional policies 103

8.9 Integrated land use and transport planningcontinued

Table 5: Transit oriented development precinct typology

Type Guidance
City centre Metropolitan capital with excellent transit connections and existing high-density and mixed-use built
Activity centre This broad typology includes principal and major regional activity centres designated in the SEQ
Regional Plan. These centres comprise:

traditional town centres undergoing renewal

major regional shopping centres adapting to become more transit-oriented
infill opportunities to expand existing centres
new activity centres within Development Areas where identified in the activity centres network.
These centres should provide a comprehensive range of retail, commercial, services, community facilities
however, the scale of development will vary significantly in different centres depending on the context
and transit services. In most cases the transit services will need to be improved to support transit
oriented development and to reflect the important role of these centres as key destinations that support
large catchments.
Specialist activity centres This type includes institutional uses, such as hospitals and universities, which generate significant levels
of activity and transit demand. They do not include major retail centres. The institution may anchor
supporting uses but have greater potential to develop a full mix of uses. They can support a transit
node because their many users come from a wide range of destinations.
Urban This type of precinct includes inner urban areas with frequent transit services that are well connected to
employment hubs and key destinations. Due to their accessible location and excellent transit services,
they can support high densities and a diverse range of land uses.

Urban precincts can accommodate high-density residential and commercial uses, as well as shops and
services to support the large local population.
Suburban This type of precinct includes locations with excellent development potential. They are located on transit
stations or corridors, and have reasonable services to support a significant provision of residential use
and a good mix of other uses.

Suburban precincts act as a hub for surrounding suburbs and should provide a range of shops,
employment opportunities and community facilities.
Neighbourhood This type of precinct includes locations with adequate transit services and the development potential
unsuitable as hubs or destinations for a wider suburban catchment.

Neighbourhood precincts should provide a basic mix of uses to meet local residents needs, but will
remain primarily residential with only moderate densities.
104 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8.10 Development Area delivery

Principle 8.10.5 Ensure state and trunk infrastructure planning, and
Development Areas, in addition to regional activity centres associated costing and funding arrangements are
and other suitable established urban areas, are the focus for determined prior to development.
accommodating regional dwelling and employment targets,
and require comprehensive planning to coordinate future 8.10.6 Complete infrastructure agreements in conjunction
development with infrastructure delivery. with Development Area plans, wherever appropriate.


accommodating long-term growth beyond the life of
8.10.1 Undertake necessary land use and infrastructure
the plan.
planning for all Development Areas using smart
growth principles and practices. Program

8.10.2 Facilitate the achievement of regional dwelling and  )WXEFPMWLER7)5+VS[XL1EREKIQIRX4VSKVEQERH

employment targets through Development Areas. update on an annual basis to monitor land supply
and to inform the delivery of development in existing
8.10.3 Ensure delivery of Development Areas is coordinated urban areas and broadhectare areas consistent with
with the provision of public transport. the intentions of the regional plan.

8.10.4 Ensure infrastructure delivery is timed and sequenced

with the development.

Notes Planning for a Development Area includes analysing the

Development Areas are fundamental to the delivery of Development Area and its context, considering council and
dwelling and employment targets in the SEQ Regional Plan. state agency policies and requirements, and examining
Their identification in the SEQ Regional Plan means that the infrastructure needs, staging, timing and funding.
state government is committed to ensuring that they can be
delivered through timely planning processes. The government Planning outcomes and requirements will vary in form
[MPPYWIXLI7)5+VS[XL1EREKIQIRX4VSKVEQXSQSRMXSV and content depending on the scale and significance of a
progress and intervene, if necessary, to ensure that land Development Area. Table 6 identifies Development Areas
supply outcomes are achieved. Development Areas and within the Urban Footprint and categorises them in terms of
-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEWEVIWLS[RMR1ET their predominant activity and whether they are regionally or
locally significant, as follows:
Planning and timing of delivery of Development Areas needs
to be coordinated to ensure that the local environment Regional Development Areas are likely to require
is protected, land uses are optimally distributed and substantial state infrastructure and are expected to yield
infrastructure is provided in an efficient and timely manner. regionally significant dwelling and employment yields.
of dwelling targets and employment for particular local
contiguous to existing urban development and require government areas.
infrastructure extensions
Plans for a Development Area can be:
proximate to established urban areas but still require
significant infrastructure augmentation such as new prepared and approved formally as a Structure Plan
headworks for water or sewerage, or road and public under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA)where the
transport infrastructure Minister declares an area as a master plan area
remote from established urban areas and require prepared informally and then used as a basis for
significant extensions to existing transport networks and submitting a proposed planning scheme amendment or
new urban infrastructure networks. an application for a preliminary approval.
It is proposed to undertake the planning of Development This is further illustrated in Figure 3.
Areas through planning initiated and led by councils,
developers or the state government as appropriate.
Part DRegional policies 105

8.10 Development Area deliverycontinued

Figure 3: IPA Approvals framework for Development Areas

Development Area Delivery

Department of Infrastructure and Planning responding to Urban Notes
Footprint principles (8.2), tests for Development Area delivery
(8.10) and relevant sub-regional narrative (Part C). Steps 1A & B and 2A can
Step 1 B DIP review and determine if sufficient information provided for be undertaken concurrently
Minister. (at risk of developer/local
(Development Area) through publicly notifiable change to the state no commitment by the
planning regulatory provisions. regional planning Minister
for Development Area
Subject to a) Minister endorsing change in regional land use category designation).
b) Development Area gazettal

Proposed guidelines
Step 2 A Develop a Structure Plan demonstrating compliance with relevant to provide guidance
tests in: on content rather than
Development Area delivery (8.10) process.
sub-regional narrative (Part C)
guidelines (8.10).
Step 2 B State considers adoption of Regional Development Area plan as Consider Cabinet
either: endorsement.
a Structure Plan under the master planned area (MPA)
process (2.5B IPA) Steps 2A and 3A can be
planning scheme amendment undertaken concurrently
preliminary Development Approval. (at risk of developer/local
government as there is
Subject to adoption of the Regional Development Area plan no statutory endorsement
Regional Development Areas

of Regional Development
Local Development Areas

Step 3 A Develop plans demonstrating compliance with relevant tests in: Area plan).
Identified Growth Areas

adopted Regional Development Area plan

guidelines (see DRO 8.10). assessment established in
Master Plan under the MPA process (2.5B IPA) plan, development may
planning scheme amendment proceed as self, code or
preliminary Development Approval. impact assessable.
106 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8.10 Development Area deliverycontinued

Scale is important in Development Area

planning. Regional Development Areas Figure 4: State agency interests
South) are initially planned at a broad
scale, typically through plans that look State Notes
at the strategic elements necessary to
coordinate future urban development Once items are dealt
such as: with they should
not be revisited at

the pattern of neighbourhoods around following levels of

town and neighbourhood centres planning unless they
Sub-region are departed from
arterial roads

the protection of natural features such
as water courses and vegetation Regional Strategic guidance

role in
major open spaces and parklands growth to be provided at
areas each level to inform
major public transport routes and

consideration of
facilities 0SGEP variations and to
growth ensure consistency
the pattern and disposition of land areas
uses with established
Site planning objectives.
schools and community facilities
staging, timing and responsibilities for
proposed infrastructure, including any
infrastructure agreements.
4PERRMRKSJIEGLWXEKISJ0SGEPSV Where possible, planning for state New planning guidelines for Development
Regional Development Areas is carried out interests will be resolved in the initial Areas will be prepared to:
through plans that may include: planning stage, reducing the role of the
state in subsequent detailed planning. guide who should initiate and
neighbourhood plans around undertake land use and infrastructure
Figure 4 gives an overview of how the
proposed neighbourhoods and town planning, and how key stakeholders
states role in decision making should
centres should work together, such as
reduce at more detailed levels of
existing and proposed commercial planning, with the notable exception of through the early establishment of
centres proposals for state-delivered infrastructure taskforces
natural features to be retained such as a hospital. guide the content of Regional and
street block layouts The Department of Infrastructure and
Planning will work to ensure that state guide the process for agency inputs
the street network including street
interests are included at the appropriate MRXS6IKMSREPERH0SGEP(IZIPSTQIRX
level in order to avoid delays, particularly Area plans
transportation corridors, public delays resulting from revisiting strategic clarify the way in which relevant
transport network, and cycle and level inputs during subsequent detailed factors need to be considered
pedestrian networks planning stages. Figure 4 illustrates the [LIREWWIWWMRKE6IKMSREPSV0SGEP
land uses including residential appropriate level of state government Development Area plan
densities, and estimates of population involvement proposed in establishing
and employment yield land use plans. Plans for Regional
Development Area plans work
Development Areas will be approved
schools and community facilities efficiently with statutory approvals
by the state government to ensure
public parklands processes, so that steps properly
all relevant agency inputs have been
urban water management areas properly considered and resolved.
Development Area plans do not need
local infrastructure needs, timing and to be repeated in the IPA approvals
proposed delivery mechanisms. process.
Part DRegional policies 107

8.10 Development Area deliverycontinued

The immediate aim of the SEQ Regional

Plan is for the planning for the Regional Table 6: Development Areas within the Urban Footprint
Development Areas identified in Table
6 to be prepared. This is required to Regional Development Areas
achieve on-going land supply through the Residential Employment Residential and employment
delivery of several large master-planned
Nil Ebenezer (Ipswich) 6MTPI]:EPPI] -TW[MGL
communities across the SEQ region. The
Department of Infrastructure and Planning Bromelton (Scenic Caloundra South (Sunshine Coast)
will collaborate with state agencies, local Rim)
Palmview (Sunshine Coast)
government and land owners to enable
Elimbah East
development where consistent with an 4EVO6MHKI 0SKER
(Moreton Bay)
endorsed Regional Development Area plan.
Infrastructure agreements 'SSQIVE +SPH'SEWX
Through the SEQIPP, the Queensland
Maroochydore (Sunshine Coast)
infrastructure expenditure, which will =EVVEFMPFE2SVXL 0SKER
provide many benefits to sections of Local Development Areas
the community. In these instances, the
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXGSRWMHIVWMX Residential Employment Residential and employment
reasonable for beneficiaries to bear some Kinross Road (Redland) +EXXSR2SVXL Nambour (Sunshine Coast)
of the cost of infrastructure provision. 0SGO]IV:EPPI]
South East Thornlands Narangba (Moreton Bay)
Where new major infrastructure is +VIIRFERO'IRXVEP 0SKER
required to lead regional development &ELVW7GVYF 0SKER
ahead of full anticipated demand, 4PEMRPERH 0SGO]IV:EPPI]
landowners and developers of Canungra (Scenic Rim)
broadhectare or redevelopment areas Beaudesert (Scenic Rim)
who will benefit must contribute to
infrastructure provision through an :MGXSVME4SMRX 6IHPERH
infrastructure agreement. Planning
Development Areas will be approved Map 12 shows both Development Areas,
only when a satisfactory infrastructure which are inside the Urban Footprint, and
agreement accompanies them. The -HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEW[LMGLEVISYXWMHI
agreement outlines contributions towards the Urban Footprint. Development Areas
priority state infrastructure and services are gazetted by the regional planning
where required. Minister and further details (including
boundaries) can be found in the relevant
developers or landowners will negotiate
an agreement on an area-by-area basis, -HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEWEVIWLS[R
taking into account the particular indicatively on this map. They will be
circumstances and exact nature of each subject to further review before their
infrastructure commitment. boundaries are finalised and the Minister
considers them for inclusion as a
Development Area.
108 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 12: Development Areas and Identified Growth Areas

Part DRegional policies 109

8.10 Development Area deliverycontinued

Identified Growth Areas

Table 7 identifies areas outside the
Urban Footprint which, subject to further
investigations, may accommodate growth
beyond 2031. The long-term viability
and fragmentation within the life of the
before 2031 will only occur in exceptional
circumstances, subject to achieving
compliance with the Urban Footprint
principles and relevant investigations
contained within the sub-regional
narratives. Any further consideration of an
into account proximity to existing and Table 7: Identified Growth Areas outside the Urban Footprint
planned urban infrastructure networks
and associated costs of expanding the Identified Growth Areas outside the Urban Footprint
network to accommodate growth in the [MXLMRXLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH6YVEP4VSHYGXMSR%VIE
Residential Employment Residential and
settlement pattern in the region.
Further investigations are required to New BeithRound Mountain +VIEXIV&VSQIPXSR =EVVEFMPFE 0SKER
determine which of the two residential 0SKER (Scenic Rim)
Coast will be seriously considered to Caboolture West
accommodate long-term growth. To 0ERIJMIPH+VERHGLIWXIV Beerwah (Sunshine Coast) (Moreton Bay)
inform this decision, investigations into (Ipswich)
Purga (Ipswich) +VIIRFERO 0SKER
Beaudesert South
(Scenic Rim)
will need to consider each sites ability Creek (Sunshine Coast)
to comply with the Urban Footprint
BeerwahCaloundra South
principles and requirements contained
Corridor (Sunshine Coast)
within the Sunshine Coast sub-regional
110 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

8.11 Rural residential development

Principle 8.11.2 Facilitate opportunities to consolidate existing rural
Contain and limit areas allocated for rural residential residential development in the Urban Footprint or
development to ensure efficient provision of services and convert it to an appropriate urban use wherever
infrastructure and limit further land fragmentation. possible.

Policies Program
8.11.1 Restrict further rural residential development to the 8.11.3 Support the conversion of rural residential lands
MHIRXMJMIH6YVEP0MZMRK%VIEERHMRXLI9VFER*SSXTVMRX for urban development by facilitating the orderly
where lands are unsuitable for urban use. planning and delivery of land use frameworks and

Notes investigating options to consolidate or convert to

Rural residential development is large lot residential appropriate urban uses any rural residential areas within
subdivision in a rural, semi-rural or conservation setting. the Urban Footprint.
Allotments usually have a power supply but a limited range While rural living is important to the lifestyle of people in
of other services, such as reticulated water and sewerage. the region and provides choices in living opportunities, it
has not always been well planned or located. If any more
Until now, a significant proportion of new development PERHMRXLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH6YVEP4VSHYGXMSR%VIE
in the regions rural and semi-rural areas has been rural is converted to rural residential uses, potential problems are
residential. Sufficient land is zoned or identified as rural likely to emerge, including:
residential to satisfy demand beyond the period of the SEQ
Regional Plan. The SEQ Regional Plan restricts the amount of scattered communities without access to services and
committed rural residential land and enables existing areas facilities
to be appropriately consolidated by:
lost productive agricultural land in some areas
stopping land being further allocated for rural residential declining rural character and lost regional liveability
potential poor land management resulting in land
restricting future rural residential development to areas degradation, loss of biodiversity and declining water
within the rural living areas and, in limited cases, the quality
Urban Footprint
fragmented land on the urban fringe that may be more
suitable for future urban development
long commutes to work.
Part DRegional policies 111

9. Employment location

Desired regional outcome 9

Plan for employment to support a strong, resilient and diversified economy that
grows prosperity in the region by using its competitive advantages to deliver exports,
investment and sustainable and accessible jobs.

In recent years, SEQs economy and To sustain the regions high living Continuing housing growth will increase
labour markets have grown faster than standards, it is necessary to strengthen population-led jobs in emerging
the Australian average. This has been and diversify the regions economy. residential areas. Creating appropriate
driven by a rapidly growing population Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland business settings in the planning of
and the need for services to support sets a target that Queensland will be new developments will stimulate further
Queenslands resources boom. Australias strongest economy and investment in these areas.
recognises that innovation and skills are
SEQs economy is based predominantly necessary to improve productivity. Creating highly skilled jobs in knowledge-
on services, although the nature of based industries will be important to
economic activity and employment vary To continue economic growth and achieve regional economic diversification.
throughout the region. The top four development, the government must: Attractive living and working
sectors for employment in SEQ are retail environments, and lifestyle opportunities,
trade, health care and social assistance, set aside sufficient land for future are essential to create communities with
manufacturing and construction. economic use high levels of self-contained employment.
provide infrastructure and services,
Tourism in SEQ contributes more than such as transport and freight
Employment is not evenly distributed
$5.2 billion to Queenslands economy networks and information and
across the region. To achieve balanced
and directly employs more than 68 000 communication technology
growth, consideration needs to be
people. The rural economy also plays given to the identification of additional
a significant role in the region and will create knowledge centres based business and industry needs in
expand through capitalising on existing on educational, scientific and appropriate locations throughout SEQ.
advantages, creating greater diversity, technological institutions
increasing adaptability and productivity, provide competitively priced services,
value-adding and improving access to including wastewater, water and power.
112 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

9.1 Balanced and diverse employment

Principle Programs
Develop a diversified regional economy within each sub- 9.1.4 Maintain the SEQ Regional Plan Economic
region that retains local jobs and builds on regional and Development Opportunities Profiles through the SEQ
sub-regional competitive advantages and specialisations. +VS[XL1EREKIQIRX4VSKVEQ

Policies 9.1.5 Consider employment needs and employment

9.1.1 Support expansion of the services sector and growth land requirements, including type, location and
of specialised technology-based manufacturing with timing, when preparing local government strategic
supportive locations and infrastructure. frameworks.

9.1.2 Target development of high value-added and 9.1.6 Develop industry clusters and partnerships, targeting
knowledge-based industries, and facilitate private industries relevant to each sub-regions competitive
sector investment in the regions economy. advantages and market opportunities.

9.1.3 Plan for balanced employment growth within each 9.1.7 Initiate and implement projects that support economic
sub-region that builds on competitive advantage, development of the Western Corridor.
including securing and protecting appropriate
locations for future employment and enterprise  0SGEPKSZIVRQIRXWXSHIQSRWXVEXIIQTPS]QIRXWIPJ
expansion. containment in planning decisions, including planning
scheme review.

Notes provide highly effective and efficient transport

0ERHGETEGMX]JSVIQTPS]QIRXMWTVSZMHIH[MXLMRXLI9VFER infrastructure, and make the best use of high-frequency
Footprint to 2031. The urban settlement pattern supports the public transport, active transport networks and freight
protection, expansion and enhancement of existing land and routes
identifies further land to accommodate anticipated growth for provide world-class, low-cost, high-speed
economic and employment needs. telecommunications infrastructure

The plan advocates that job creation and employment support the clustering of public and private research
diversification opportunities are maximised in all new major institutes, businesses that use the latest technology, and
urban development areas and regional activity centres, advanced business and support services.
including town centres, major industrial areas, ports and The SEQ Regional Plan provides for employment growth
knowledge centres. through:

Opportunities for sustainable economic growth are supported providing for employment opportunities in transit
through the identification and planning of appropriate land corridors, Development Areas, activity centres, and
areas with sufficient diversity to accommodate a range of enterprise precincts
industrial, commercial and retail models.
planning for industry and business lands and clusters of
science and technology, and clusters of health, education
The dominance of the services sector in the SEQ economy
and training, and protecting these lands and clusters
will strengthen, especially in advanced business services,
from incompatible development
knowledge-intensive industries and design-based and
creative industries that are trade exposed and compete in facilitating rural enterprises, recreation and tourism
the global economy. activities in the rural areas of the region.
Employment is not evenly distributed across the region. In
The region supports manufacturing and expanding food,
particular there is need for:
pharmaceutical and energy-related industries that also
compete in the global economy through applied research, office-based businesses and government and community
tailored design solutions and appropriate technologies. services in centres outside the Brisbane CBD, particularly
in high growth areas such as the Sunshine Coast,
To drive the future services sector and specialised,
technology-based manufacturing growth, the SEQ region
must: manufacturing and logistics employment in the Sunshine
provide business settings that accelerate innovation 8SS[SSQFE0SGO]IV:EPPI]7SQIVWIXERH0SKER
and creativity, and adopt appropriate technologies by
traditional and new economy industries
Part DRegional policies 113

9.1 Balanced and diverse employmentcontinued

Consideration therefore needs to be given to identifying precincts for local area planning by local government.
employment requirements for each sub-regionparticularly The relevant science and technology; health, education
in areas of high population growth. This will ensure that and training opportunities comprising each employment
sufficient land is set aside for future employment use. opportunity are listed in Table 8.

To achieve this, local government will consider employment Enterprise opportunity areas are also identified (see Map
needs and requirements for employment landincluding 19) where business and industry benefiting from high-quality
type, location and timingwhen preparing strategic access to regional freight corridors, proximity to workforce,
frameworks. This will position local government to ensure and separation from conflicting uses are expected to cluster.
that there is sufficient employment land available across
each sub-region. The opportunities have been included in the SEQ Regional
Plan to outline locations for economic development in
SEQ Regional Plan Economic Development Opportunities SEQ, and alert state and local governments to existing and
Profiles prospective locations. This will ensure that these areas
are not lost to other uses before having regard for their
Economic development opportunities throughout SEQ have potential for economic development and employment.
been identified and mapped, with profiles prepared for each
drafting planning schemes in order to draft statutory
0SGEXMSRWVIGSKRMWIHEWRI[IGSRSQ]WGMIRGIERH provisions that will facilitate appropriate uses and prevent
technology opportunity areas have been mapped and incompatible uses. In this way essential land can be set
profiles prepared (see Map 13 and Map 14). These areas aside for long-term economic development and employment.
occur where the government and private sector organisations
have invested major research infrastructure and where land The profiles are meant to be dynamic and are proposed to
must be secured to create future creative industry, science be released with and updated annually through the SEQ
agencies and local government. The update will review the
The plan also identifies locations for catalytic new health, opportunity area to see if it is still relevant to be listed,
education and training opportunity areas, such as hospitals, reflect any changes within the opportunity areas to be
education or training institutes, which could provide the retained, and list new opportunity areas as they arise. In
stimulus and focus for future new economy business this way industry, and state and local government will have
clusters (see Map 15 and Map 16). an up-to-date snapshot of key enterprise opportunities
throughout SEQfacilitating planning and investment for
Map 17 and Map 18 combine the economic development employment and enterprise activity.
opportunities clusters into larger employment opportunity
114 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

9.1 Balanced and diverse employmentcontinued

Table 8: Employment Opportunity Areas

Employment opportunity areas Science and technology opportunity areas Health, education and training opportunity
Maps 17 and 18 Maps 13 and 14 areas
Maps 15 and 16
B1 Boggo Road / Buranda B13 Pharmaceutical, Biomedical Education and &4VMRGIWW%PI\ERHVE,SWTMXEP
6IWIEVGL4VMRGIWW%PI\ERHVE,SWTMXEP B10 Ecosciences Precinct, Boggo Road
B14 Ecosciences Precinct, Boggo Road
&,IVWXSR/IPZMR+VSZI B9 Qld Academy for Creative Industries / Institute B6 Royal Brisbane and Royal Womens
B10 Qld Institute of Medical Research / Australian
B4 Toowong B5 Information Technology, Toowong &;IWPI],SWTMXEP
B3 Qld Academy of Science, Mathematics and
Technology, Toowong
B17 Innovation Park, Nathan
&4MRNEVVE,MPPW B4 UQ Pinjarra Aquatic Research Station
B7 South Brisbane B12 Education and Training Precinct, South Bank &5YIIRWPERH'LMPHVIRW,SWTMXEP7SYXL
B8 Enterprise and Training Precinct, South Bank
B8 University of Queensland, St &5PH&MSWGMIRGIW4VIGMRGX957X0YGME &957X0YGME'EQTYW
B9 Eight Mile Plains / Rochedale B6 Brisbane Technology Park, Eight Mile Plains
B10 Australia TradeCoast B1 Skills Tech Campus, Eagle Farm
I1 Amberley I1 Amberley Aerospace and Defence Support Centre
I4 UQ Ipswich Campus
I3 Springfield I1 Springfield Education City
S1 Sippy Downs S2 Information and Communication Technology S1 University of Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs
T1 University of Southern 88SV7XVIIX0EFSVEXSVMIW T1 USQ Campus, Toowoomba
Queensland, Toowoomba
Part DRegional policies 115

9.2 Innovation and technology

Principle Programs
Plan for existing and emerging clusters of science and 9.2.3 Create attractive business environments for each
technology, and health, education and training, and protect cluster that support creativity, innovation, research
them from incompatible development. and development, and are attractive to new business
founders and to employees with creative, business,
Policies research, technical, technology and trade skills.
9.2.1 Secure locations with significant investment in science
and technology, and health, education and training 9.2.4 Facilitate the provision of infrastructure support
infrastructure, and allow for future expansion of these (including advanced telecommunications and high-
activities together with complementary businesses and frequency public transport services) to underpin the
services. international competitiveness of the new economy
9.2.2 Protect science and technology, and health, education
and training clusters as identified in the SEQ Regional
Plan Economic Development Opportunities Profiles
from incompatible development when making a
decision on a planning scheme amendment or
development application.

Notes and productivity. Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland

The private sector and the state and federal governments sets a target to increase by 50 per cent the proportion
have invested heavily to create specialised science, of Queensland businesses undertaking research and
innovation and technology hubs; new health, education and development or innovation by 2020.
training institutes; and centres of business excellence. The
continuing growth of Queenslands international reputation SEQ competes directly with other Australian regions, as well
for research and development, and economic specialisations, as major North American, European and Asian cities. The SEQ
is crucial to the regions future competitive advantage. region therefore needs to provide lifestyle and residential
choices, as well as attractive working environments that
To retain and grow the regions global business appeal to new business founders, researchers and people
competitiveness and create region-wide employment with scarce creative, technical, technological and trade skills
outcomes, locations with the best opportunities to who want to live and work where they choose.
commercialise applied research and knowledge-intensive
industry clusters must be secured. These must also be linked The Brisbane CBD and surrounding inner suburbs
into a network of appropriately located business enterprise accommodate a range of specialised employment precincts
areas. including globally recognised knowledge clusters, a
developing information and communications technology
These specialised science, innovation and technology sector, and substantial research and development activity.
activities must be able to expand at these locations, with
complementary co-locating businesses and services, to create Other research and development opportunities in the science
new hubs of knowledge economy activity. This is essential and technology sector are located in other areas of Brisbane
to achieve efficient business, commercialise applied research, WYGLEWXLI4VMRGIWW%PI\ERHVE4VIGMRGX1SYRX+VEZEXXERH
stimulate creativity, and to accelerate innovation and the 2EXLERGEQTYWIWSJ+VMJJMXL9RMZIVWMX]4YPPIRZEPI1YVEVVMI
early adoption of appropriate technologies. and Coopers Plains.

Strategically located land for existing and future innovation, Other centres of applied research, commercialisation and
science and technology hubs should be protected for the business incubation are located at the University of the
long-term from inappropriate use and the encroachment of 7YRWLMRI'SEWX&SRH9RMZIVWMX]ERH+VMJJMXL9RMZIVWMX]W
incompatible land uses. Any proposal that could erode the +SPH'SEWXGEQTYW8LISRKSMRKHIZIPSTQIRXSJYRMZIVWMX]
future use of such land for industry and business purposes GEQTYWIWEX-TW[MGL7TVMRKJMIPHERH+EXXSR[MPPFIEOI]
should be reviewed against the long-term business and factor in diversifying economic activity, future business and
employment needs for the land. industry development, and increasing access to education
and training in the Western Corridor.
New and emerging business clusters are characterised by
their strong relationships with education, research and 8LI+SPH'SEWXMWEPWSLSQIXSEXLVMZMRKMRJSVQEXMSR
development, skills development and the community. Maps and communications technology industry, with its creative
1316 provide a snapshot of opportunity areas. industry, film, cinema and software product hub, and other
concentrations of technology-based enterprises associated
It is recognised that health, education and training with leisure and entertainment industries.
institutes could provide the stimulus and focus for future
new economy business clusters. Toward Q2: Tomorrows
Queensland recognises that research and development,
innovation and skills programs improve competitiveness
116 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 13: Science and technology opportunity areas

Part DRegional policies 117

Map 14: Science and technology opportunity areasGreater Brisbane and the Western Corridor
118 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 15: Health, education and training opportunity areas

Part DRegional policies 119

Map 16: Health, education and training opportunity areasGreater Brisbane and the Western Corridor
120 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 17: Employment opportunity areas

Part DRegional policies 121

Map 18: Employment opportunity areasGreater Brisbane and the Western Corridor
122 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

9.3 Enterprise opportunities

Principle 9.3.3 Protect and ensure the long-term security of transport
Provide sufficient land for business and industry to enable terminals (including ports), other utilities and special
diversified, broad-based, future economic and employment uses.
growth across the region. 9.3.4 Encourage the relocation of large-scale industrial,
warehousing, transport and storage businesses from inner
Policies suburbs to release these sites for higher and better use.
9.3.1 Secure strategically located land and facilitate
planning for future business and industry uses to Programs
meet current and future needs of business and 9.3.5 Facilitate planning and provide infrastructure support
industry requirements, including long-term provision to underpin the competitiveness of enterprise areas.
beyond the timeframe of the SEQ Regional Plan.
9.3.6 Create attractive enterprise business environments
9.3.2 Protect sites and areas suitable for enterprise location that support business and industry, and
from incompatible development, as identified in the complementary activities.
SEQ Regional Plan Economic Development Opportunities
Profiles, when making a decision on a planning scheme 9.3.7 Monitor industrial land supply through the SEQ
amendment or development application. +VS[XL1EREKIQIRX4VSKVEQ

Notes may have many other locational options. Strategically located

SEQs long-term economic future depends on improving the land for existing and future business and industry use should
competitiveness of local trade-exposed businesses. They be protected for the long-term from inappropriate use and
must be able to expand in particular locations, such as land the encroachment of incompatible land uses. Any proposal
for marine industries requiring deep water frontage, or land that could erode the future use of such land for industry and
for freight and logistics centres requiring rail and regional business purposes should be reviewed against the long-term
road access. This includes land for export and knowledge- business and employment needs for the land.
based businesses requiring ready port and airport access. Complementary and competing businesses and support
Strategically located land in areas with good motorway, services should be co-located in attractive business
regional arterial, port, airport or rail access should be environments. This will draw new business investment,
secured for business and industry serving the wider region, and attract experienced employees with scarce business,
or importing and exporting goods and services outside SEQ. technical, technology and trade skills.

Providing a broad range of economic and employment ,MKLMQTEGXERHPEVKIWGEPIXVERWTSVXQERYJEGXYVMRKERH

opportunities in each part of the region will reduce long- logistics industries often have specific site and location
distance commuting and employment difficulties, and help requirements. These include adequate road access; rail
grow local business. access; access to high-capacity power and water supplies;
access to the coast, deep water frontage, or proximity to
The Western Corridor and the Australia TradeCoast will a port; or access to airport or interstate transport services.
provide substantial opportunities for enterprise growth. Certain industrial activities also require spatial separation
The state government has also committed to significant from sensitive land uses, such as residential areas. This is
employment growth in the Western Corridor, identifying large also relevant for activities with possible off-site impacts or
areas of land for large-scale industries and logistics. These those which operate outside normal business hours.
areas are adequately separated from sensitive land uses and Investigations are underway in southern Queensland to
have excellent freight transport links to state and national identify a 50-year landbank for large-scale and high-impact
highways and rail networks. The Western Corridor will also industries to service the SEQ region. Studies are required
accommodate significant residential growth, providing easy to determine the suitability of areas within the region for
access to a workforce with the appropriate mix of skills for these types of industries. Such investigations would typically
local industries. Additionally, the South East Queensland address a wide range of environmental, land use, social, and
Infrastructure Plan and Program prioritises investment in infrastructure issues.
transport infrastructure, and training and upgrading skills in
the Western Corridor. Providing sufficient land for future large logistics operations
is important to SEQs continuing economic health and export
The Australia TradeCoast, which includes Brisbane Airport future. Major opportunities exist for a multi-modal inland
and the Port of Brisbane, is Queenslands gateway to the port at CharltonWellcamp in Toowoomba and at Ebenezer
world and SEQs main industrial, export and logistics hub. It Purga in the Western Corridor. Bromelton, located on the
is an essential driver of the regions economic growth and a standard gauge rail link near Beaudesert in the regions south,
significant employment generator. The area has potential to offers opportunities for longer term industrial development,
further develop as a major industrial and logistics hub on a particularly in large-scale logistics and light industry.
national and international scale.
Morayfield Business Park Enterprise, Wulkuraka Industrial
Additional lands will be required to ensure greater sub- Area, Coolum Industrial Area, Steiglitz Enterprise Areas and
regional self-containment of industry and business growth. An 2SVXL1EG0IER3TTSVXYRMX]%VIEEVIGSRWMHIVIHJSVPSRKXIVQ
increasingly pressing need exists to provide sites for regional development.
logistics operations that will support the rapidly growing
population and emerging industries on the Sunshine Coast. Enterprise opportunity areas have been identified in the SEQ
Regional Plan Economic Development Opportunities Profiles
Scarce land for business and industry at strategic locations (see Map 19).
must not be squandered on land uses and activities that
Part DRegional policies 123

Map 19: Enterprise opportunity areas

124 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

10. Infrastructure

Desired regional outcome 10

Plan, coordinate and deliver regional infrastructure and services in a timely manner to
support the regional settlement pattern and desired community outcomes.

Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland using demand management strategies Development proposed without existing
sets a target for 2020 that Queensland to maximise the use of existing or planned infrastructure will have to
is Australias strongest economy with infrastructure and minimise the need demonstrate how infrastructure can
infrastructure that anticipates growth. for new infrastructure be provided and funded prior to the
Within the context of the SEQ Regional establishing a balance between development being approved.
Plan, this includes economic (transport, upgrading existing infrastructure and
water and energy), social (education, The Smart State Strategy supports
prioritising, coordinating and funding
health, emergency services and corrective education, training and skills, research
new infrastructure projects
services) and environmental (natural areas, and development, and innovation
open space and recreational opportunities) giving priority to development in projects. It provides funding initiatives for
infrastructure that supports sustainable infrastructure-rich areas infrastructure to support research facilities
regional growth. One of the challenges of avoiding, minimising and offsetting and technology incubators.
rapid population growth with a dispersed the impacts of infrastructure
low-density urban settlement pattern in The South East Queensland Infrastructure
developing innovative funding and Plan and Program (SEQIPP) outlines the
SEQ has been providing well-located and
timely infrastructure. New development
should be situated in locations that allow The timely provision of appropriate priorities to support the SEQ Regional
efficient infrastructure extensions, and infrastructure is also critical to achieving Plan. It establishes priorities for regionally
its form and density must support cost- XLI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXWIGSRSQMG significant infrastructure within a 20-year
effective infrastructure provision. development and employment objectives. planning timeframe. The SEQIPP ensures
For example, industrial development in state agencies align their infrastructure and
Key challenges for infrastructure include: the Western Corridor is dependent on the service priorities with the SEQ Regional
availability of transport, power and water Plan. It also provides coordination of
maximising the use of existing infrastructure. infrastructure and services provided
infrastructure by managing it by state agencies, government-owned
efficiently and effectively corporations, local government and the
private sector.
Part DRegional policies 125

10.1 Supporting regional growth

Principle Program
Use infrastructure to support desired regional growth and 10.1.2 Upgrade infrastructure and services in a timely manner
help create a more compact urban pattern, cohesive urban to facilitate greater development and redevelopment
and rural communities, and regional economic development. in established urban areas, including in activity
10.1.1 Identify and plan infrastructure that supports the SEQ
Regional Plan, shapes the preferred settlement pattern
and provides greater certainty for development.

Notes Use of infrastructure programs to support and direct

Toward Q2: Tomorrows Queensland sets a target for 2020 development can substantially influence the preferred
that Queensland is Australias strongest economy with settlement pattern and urban form. This includes broadhectare
infrastructure that anticipates growth. The Queensland areas, urban infill and redevelopment sites and activity centres.
MRJVEWXVYGXYVITPERRMRKXLVSYKL7)5-44,S[IZIVXSVIQEMR The location and timing of infrastructure delivery can also
effective, this relies on sharing information among state drive economic development activities and the distribution of
agencies and local government to identify, fund and deliver employment opportunities.
significant infrastructure sequenced with development.

10.2 Infrastructure planning, coordination and funding

Principle 10.2.3 Update the SEQIPP annually to support the
Coordinate, prioritise and sequence infrastructure through implementation of the SEQ Regional Plan.
strategic plans, programs, budgets and statutory planning.
10.2.4 Align and coordinate infrastructure plans, priorities
Policy and budgets of state agencies with the SEQ Regional
Plan and SEQIPP.
10.2.1 Coordinate and integrate the planning and delivery of
infrastructure services at regional, sub-regional and
10.2.5 Identify the best delivery options and funding
local levels.
mechanisms for infrastructure projects with due
consideration of benefits, public interests and risk
Program, including demographic forecasts and 10.2.6 Develop mechanisms such as State Infrastructure
additional dwellings in existing urban areas, to inform Agreements for Development Areas where appropriate.
infrastructure planning and service delivery.

Notes funding and delivery of these projects will be evaluated

Significant cost and service efficiencies can be achieved XLVSYKLXLI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXWZEPYIJSVQSRI]
by improving coordination among individual infrastructure framework. This framework promotes innovation and ensures
agencies and among infrastructure, land use and economic maximum effectiveness of planned investment.
planning agencies. A number of funding and charging mechanisms are used to
The SEQIPP is the principal mechanism for identifying, finance infrastructure projects and services. These include
prioritising and delivering infrastructure projects to support federal and state taxes, local government rates, state
the SEQ Regional Plan. The SEQIPP is based on the principle agency funding, special-purpose levies, user charges, private
that strategically focused infrastructure investment will help investment, public private partnerships and developer
to lead and support the preferred pattern of development GSRXVMFYXMSRW8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXLEWETVSGIWWXS
and achieve key policy outcomes. In some instances, this identify projects that are suitable for public private partnerships.
means implementation ahead of existing need. ;LIVIXLI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXMWTVSZMHMRKRI[
Infrastructure coordination takes place at national, state, infrastructure to lead development ahead of anticipated
regional and local levels. To ensure coordination with demand, landowners and developers of new areas who
JIHIVEPERHPSGEPKSZIVRQIRXXLI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX stand to benefit significantly will be required to contribute
will continue to cooperate and consult extensively with to capital works infrastructure provision through mechanisms
stakeholders, industry and interest groups to achieve a such as a State Infrastructure Agreement, or contribute works
shared understanding of infrastructure issues and priorities. or land in lieu. In some instances, mechanisms such as State
Infrastructure Agreements can support the timely delivery of
Funding of regional infrastructure must address whole- infrastructure programs ahead of anticipated demand.
of-life costs to ensure equity between current and future
beneficiaries and users. Where appropriate, options for
126 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

10.3 Managing demand

Principle Policy
Manage demand and influence consumer behaviour to 10.3.1 Incorporate demand management principles in
maximise the use and benefits of existing infrastructure, and transport, water, energy, built and other infrastructure
minimise the need for additional infrastructure and services. planning.

Notes educational or incentive measures to bring about

Demand management aims to make better use of existing voluntary changes to consumer behaviour, including
infrastructure by modifying consumer behaviour, rather than reductions in use
directing limited resources towards major new or upgraded the introduction of technology to make better use of
infrastructure. It is commonly considered in relation to existing resources
transport, water and energy resources.
restrictive or pricing measures designed to reflect the
Demand management initiatives can include a broad range of true cost or increase the comparative attractiveness of
economic, social planning and regulatory tools, for example: alternatives.

10.4 Protecting key sites and corridors

Principle Programs
Identify, protect and manage key infrastructure sites and 10.4.2 Identify opportunities for co-location of joint
corridors. infrastructure services, sites and corridors.

Policy 10.4.3 Minimise impacts from essential economic

10.4.1 Identify, preserve and protect key sites, corridors infrastructure by providing offsets in accordance
and buffer areas for current and future regional with the principles of the Queensland Government
infrastructure and services. Environmental Offsets Policy and relevant specific
issue offset policies.

Notes Environmental Offsets Policy and relevant specific-issue

To achieve the strategic intent of the SEQ Regional Plan, SJJWIXTSPMGMIWMRGPYHMRK:IKIXEXMSR1EREKIQIRX/SEPE
sites and corridors for infrastructure such as transport ,EFMXEX1EVMRI*MWL,EFMXEXERHTVSTSWIH&MSHMZIVWMX]
and freight networks, pipelines, dams, transmission lines, Offsets policies. Offsets may also be provided to enhance
outdoor recreation trails and biodiversity networks must be community facilities and recreational opportunities.
identified and preserved well ahead of time. The SEQIPP
identifies a number of investigations where, dependent on Co-locating infrastructure has the potential to reduce the
circumstances, it would be prudent to preserve potential need for new infrastructure sites and corridors, thereby
corridors and sites at an early stage. reducing the overall cost to the community. For example,
emergency services, transport and public utilities could be
Environmental offsets are a key mechanism to co-located in generic infrastructure corridors.
counterbalance any unavoidable loss of environmental
values. Offsets requirements arising from infrastructure
development are subject to the Queensland Government
Part DRegional policies 127

10.5 Energy
Principle 10.5.4 Ensure the use of gas as an additional energy source
Provide energy generation production, transmission and is considered for new developments.
distribution capacity to meet the needs of a growing
population and support the use of viable low emission 10.5.5 Increase the proportion of energy derived from
energy sources where appropriate. low emission and renewable sources to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use.
10.5.6 Encourage opportunities for low emission, renewable
10.5.1 Identify and prioritise additional electricity
and decentralised sources of energy supply and
transmission lines, substations and auxiliary
supporting infrastructure.
infrastructure required to support the preferred
pattern of development. Program

10.5.2 Identify, preserve and acquire sites and corridors for 10.5.7 Identify and protect optimal locations for low
substations, easements and other necessary energy emission, renewable energy resources, taking into
infrastructure. consideration needs and constraints arising from
market mechanisms, infrastructure and growth.
10.5.3 Ensure energy infrastructure agencies address long-
term regional energy needs.

Notes renewable sources. New large-scale generation developments are

As a result of national competition reforms, the electricity likely to occur in locations that are outside the major electricity
industry in Queensland operates as an open market. The consumption centres in SEQ. As such, a stronger transmission
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXWTVMRGMTEPVSPIMRXLMWQEVOIXMWXS grid will be needed to transport electricity to consumers from
ensure a supportive investment climate exists to encourage new generators such as wind farms, geothermal (hot rocks)
timely investment to meet emerging demands. and large-scale solar thermal as well as clean coal and low CO2
emission gas generators. Powerlinks annual transmission network
The Queensland climate strategy includes a comprehensive planning process is already designed to accommodate market-
package of initiatives designed to secure the states stationary driven changes in generation and should be able to effectively
energy supply, and balance the governments climate change manage the impact of changes in the generation mix in response
response, while maintaining economic prosperity. The policy to climate change and carbon emissions. Significant new
measures will ensure that the Queensland stationary energy distribution infrastructure will also be required.
sector makes an equitable contribution to meeting a national
greenhouse gas reduction target of 60 per cent below 2000- Demand for gas in SEQ is increasing. As a result, challenges
level emissions by 2050. This will be achieved by accelerating for the gas industry in this region include:
the development and widespread deployment of low emission ensuring transmission and distribution infrastructure
and renewable technologies. can keep pace with future demand requirements and
The electricity generation sector is competitive, with changing customer use patterns, especially in the
substantial private sector interest in providing future domestic, commercial and small industrial sectors
KIRIVEXMRKGETEGMX]8LI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXQSRMXSVW expanding and optimising the use of gas distribution
investment activity to ensure there is adequate generation networks
capacity for the region as it grows.
maintaining growth in exploration and production of gas
Powerlinks annual transmission network planning process takes for the SEQ market
into account forecasts of future electricity demand growth and
anticipated power generation developments, including from providing a sound legislative and regulatory base for
future growth of competitive gas markets.
128 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

10.6 Information and communication

Principle Program
Provide affordable access to high-speed broadband 10.6.1 Expedite the deployment of high-speed broadband
telecommunications. telecommunications in SEQ.

Notes At present in Queensland, different processes are applied

8LI%YWXVEPMER+SZIVRQIRXLEWTVMRGMTEPVIWTSRWMFMPMX]JSVXLI by state and local governments when assessing approvals
policy and regulatory environment of the telecommunications for telecommunications infrastructure. State and local
industry. State and local governments are constrained in governments are working together to review this, with the
the range of actions available to influence investment in aim of providing a consistent approach to infrastructure
telecommunications infrastructure. approvals across the state.

In recent years, the policy environment has been Broadband services are an indispensable component of
progressively deregulated. While a more competitive business growth and efficiency in modern economies,
marketplace for telecommunications infrastructure has as well as being a powerful enabling technology for the
developed, the incumbent provider is still the primary information and communication technology (ICT) industry
supplier of the connection to the individual or end user, and an important ICT industry sector in their own right. The
mainly existing copper wire connections. need for broadband has been recognised by the Australian
There is duplicated access to advanced fibre optic network costing $4.7 billion and servicing 98 per cent of
telecommunications in many metropolitan areas, but gaps in the homes and businesses across Australia. The Australian
infrastructure provision to most outlying and more remote &VSEHFERH+YEVERXIIJYRHMRKTVSKVEQSJQMPPMSR
areas. Fibre optic cable is still considered to be the optimal over the next four years currently provides the basis for this
technology to provide the next generation broadband. improvement.
used in particular situations to satisfy demand, particularly in improvements in the telecommunications infrastructure in
multistorey buildings, and outlying and remote areas. Queensland through initiatives such as the Reef Network,
SmartNet and
Part DRegional policies 129

10.7 Waste
Principle 10.7.4 Develop an integrated and coordinated system for
Reduce the need for new landfill sites by minimising waste waste management across the region to encourage
and associated environmental impacts and maximising re-use efficiencies, economies of scale and innovation.
and recycling.
10.7.5 Make provision for location of adequate sites for
Policies future resource recovery facilities across the region,
including, where appropriate, creation of resource
10.7.1 Promote policies that recognise waste as a resource
recovery precincts.
and encourage re-use and recycling of waste to
reduce the proportion going to landfill.
10.7.6 Adopt local solutions for waste management and
resource recovery, except where sufficient economies
10.7.2 Minimise greenhouse gas emissions by diverting green
of scale can be gained in regional facilities located
and organic waste from landfill, and by implementing
close to transport infrastructure.
capture and re-use of landfill gas.
10.7.7 Adopt full-cost waste disposal pricing to balance the
10.7.3 Use demand management and pricing policies to
true cost of waste management and encourage waste
encourage better industry and community waste
reduction, re-use, and recycling.
management practices.

Notes the way waste services are planned and managed, and ensuring
The expanding population of SEQ results in more waste practices for the disposal of waste are safer and more cost-
being produced every year. Finding ways to curb waste effective.
production and make better use of finite and precious
resources is a key issue for the future sustainability of the The policy provides a preferred waste management hierarchy
region. and principles for achieving good waste management. The
waste management hierarchy moves from the most preferred
Some of the challenges for SEQ are: to least preferred method:

identifying appropriate locations for waste and resource waste avoidance

recovery infrastructure within planning schemes waste re-use
stimulating investment in new resource recovery waste recycling
infrastructure energy recovery from waste
improving resource recovery from households, business waste disposal.
and building construction
The principles for achieving good waste management
maximising transport efficiencies in the waste industry include:
finding ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from
the polluter-pays principleall costs associated with
landfills and throughout product lifecycles
waste management should, where possible, be met by
educating consumers about purchasing choices and the waste generator
the user-pays principleall costs associated with the
The State of Waste and Recycling in Queensland 2006 use of a resource should, where possible, be included
report gives a high-level overview of annual rates of waste in the price of goods and services developed from that
generation, recycling and waste sent to landfill. resource
the product-stewardship principlethe producer or
The Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Policy importer of a product should take all reasonable steps to
2000 and the Environmental Protection (Waste Management) minimise environmental harm from the production, use
Regulation 2000 establish waste management practices in and disposal of the product.
Queensland to provide improved environmental outcomes.
Developed in conjunction with local government and industry, These principles and the waste management hierarchy provide
this legislation benefits Queensland communities by improving a basis for waste management programs that may be required
as a condition of approval for an environmentally relevant
activity for industry, voluntary industry waste reduction
programs, and state and local government waste management
strategic plans.
130 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

10.8 Social infrastructure

Principle 10.8.6 Identify opportunities to use surplus government land
Plan and coordinate the effective and timely provision of or infrastructure for community purposes.
social infrastructure. 10.8.7 Engage in partnerships with the private, public and
non-government sectors to collaboratively plan and
Policies deliver affordable and accessible social infrastructure.
10.8.1 Identify and plan for social infrastructure provision in
sequence with residential development. Programs
10.8.2 Provide social infrastructure that is well located and 10.8.8 Update and implement the South East Queensland
accessible in relation to residential development, Regional Plan 20052026 Implementation Guideline
public transport services, employment and educational No. 5: Social Infrastructure Planning to inform
opportunities. planning for new development.

10.8.3 Identify and secure sites for social infrastructure, 10.8.9 Develop a recreation and sport infrastructure planning
particularly in broadhectare developments located implementation guideline.
in outlying areas with high service and transport 10.8.10 Establish a coordination mechanism to improve
needs, and in development in activity centres and information sharing and collaboration between all levels
established urban areas identified to accommodate of government, non-government and the private sector
further growth. for the planning and delivery of social infrastructure.
10.8.4 Provide multipurpose, flexible and adaptable social 10.8.11 Undertake research into best practice, contemporary
infrastructure that can respond to changing and models of social infrastructure planning and provision.
emerging community needs over time.
10.8.12 Develop strategies to address gaps in current social
10.8.5 Co-locate and integrate community facilities and services infrastructure planning and provision, including
to improve service delivery, and form accessible hubs and cemeteries.
focal points for community activity, where appropriate.

Notes gaining maximum benefit and resource efficiencies

Social infrastructure refers to the community facilities, through new models of social infrastructure development
services and networks that help individuals, families, groups and provision.
and communities meet their social needs and maximise To address these challenges, it is necessary to:
their potential for development, and enhance community provide social infrastructure in a timely, efficient,
wellbeing. They include: coordinated and integrated way
universal facilities and services such as education, ensure social infrastructure is accessible through the
training, health, open space, recreation and sport, safety integration of land use and infrastructure planning
and emergency services, religious, arts and cultural ensure new developments include the timely provision of
facilities, and community meeting places social infrastructure
lifecycle-targeted facilities and services, such as those for secure additional space, and retain, redevelop and
children, young people and older people retrofit existing social infrastructure in development in
targeted facilities and services for groups with special established urban areas to address changing community
needs, such as families, people with a disability, needs
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and provide additional and accessible social infrastructure in
culturally diverse people. urban-fringe developments, rural areas and urban areas
(Source: South East Queensland Regional Plan 20052026 of social disadvantage.
Implementation Guideline No.5: Social Infrastructure Social infrastructure must be responsive to changing
Planning). demographics and community needs. For example, an ageing
Investment in social infrastructure is essential for the health, population requires innovative service responses to meet
wellbeing and economic prosperity of communities. It plays changing needs. New models for the use of, and access
an important part in bringing people together, developing to existing and proposed community facilities and services
social capital, maintaining quality of life, and developing the will be required to maximise community benefit. Flexible,
skills and resilience essential to strong communities. adaptable, multipurpose and multifunctional facilities are
better able to respond to changing needs over time.
Key challenges in social infrastructure planning and provision
in SEQ include: Social infrastructure should be safely and conveniently located,
accessible to public transport and pedestrian and cycle paths,
ensuring that existing social infrastructure has the
and integrated with adjacent and compatible land uses.
capacity to respond to the diverse and changing
Integrating and co-locating services and facilities allows a number
community needs of the growing population in SEQ
gaining access to and providing social infrastructure in services in a common space or area can assist in cost-effective
rural and urban fringe areas delivery, enhancing access and maximising community use.
finding available space and land for social infrastructure Collaborative partnerships across government, non-
in established urban areas where land is limited and government and private sectors are increasingly required to
expensive fund, manage and deliver social infrastructure.
Part DRegional policies 131

11. Water management

Desired regional outcome 11

Water in the region is managed on a sustainable and total water cycle basis to provide
sufficient quantity and quality of water for human uses and to protect ecosystem health.

SEQ contains some of the most valuable change will put even more pressure cycle. This includes managing water
waterways and bays in the state. They on the states water resources. The resources, land use, waterways, and water
provide many ecosystem services such response to the drought and ongoing quality, to protect the significant aquatic
as water supply and water quality, water supply challenges has included environmental values that underpin
recreational opportunities, scenic amenity, a demand management program; a the economy, lifestyle and wellbeing of
transport and food production, and have range of infrastructure projects, which the regions residents. The SEQ Healthy
internationally recognised environmental JSVQXLI7)5;EXIV+VMHERHI\XIRWMZI Waterways Strategy 20072012 (SEQ
values. The sustainable management of institutional changes. These measures ,IEPXL];EXIV[E]W7XVEXIK] EHHVIWWIW
water and waterways requires protecting are described in the draft South East aquatic ecosystem health and water
the health of aquatic ecosystems so these Queensland Water Strategy (draft quality issues in SEQ, and provides
services can continue to meet human SEQ Water Strategy), which aims to measures to avoid or ameliorate the
needs. improve standards of water security and impacts of human activities on waterways
management to ensure a sustainable under an adaptive management
Freshwater is a limited resourcea water supply. framework.
fact made very real to the community
by the effects of the SEQ millennium To manage water sustainably, it is
drought. Population growth and climate necessary to address the total water
132 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

11.1 Total water cycle management

Principle Programs
Plan and manage water as a valuable and finite regional 11.1.3 Undertake sub-regional total water cycle planning
resource on a total water cycle basis. for key development areas and where major water
infrastructure is planned, to establish objectives,
Policies design parameters and a framework for works
11.1.1 Incorporate total water cycle management and water delivery.
sensitive urban design principles in land use and
infrastructure planning. 11.1.4 Develop and implement local total water cycle plans
to integrate water cycle management issues not
11.1.2 Ensure that planning and management of urban addressed by regional and sub-regional planning.
stormwater complies with the design objectives as
set out in the South East Queensland Regional Plan
20092031 Implementation Guideline No.7: Water
Sensitive Urban Design.

Notes For areas that are not covered by sub-regional plans,

Total water cycle management recognises the decision-making should also be based on total water cycle
interrelationships between the human uses of water and its management principles and should involve the relevant
role in the environment. Key principles include: IRXMXMIW[MXLVIWTSRWMFMPMXMIWJSVXLI[EXIVG]GPI0SGEP
governments should develop total water cycle management
natural cyclesminimising the alteration to natural flow plans that address their core responsibilities for the water
and water quality regimes cycle, while considering how they integrate with facets of the
water cycle managed by other entities.
sustainable limitsensuring that the volume of water
extracted from a source is sustainable for the community Councils total water cycle management plans will inform
and the environment planning schemes and development assessment decisions
demand managementreducing demand by minimising as well as local government works programs. Councils will
water use and losses, and maximising efficient use and continue to have a controlling influence over stormwater and
re-use local water cycle management through planning instruments.
diversity in new suppliesconsidering all potential
management plans under the Environmental Protection
sources of water when new supplies are needed,
(Water) Policy. These plans should be incorporated into local
including re-using water and stormwater
government total water cycle management plans, along with
water qualitymanaging the water cycle at all phases other relevant plans such as catchment management plans.
to preserve water quality for the community and the
environment. Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) integrates total water
Total water cycle management encompasses all aspects of cycle management into the urban built form to minimise
water management. This subsection provides a framework the effects of development on the natural water cycle and
for integrating planning by organisations responsible for environmental values, and to address water supply and use.
aspects of the water cycle. The following subsections address All development in SEQ is to incorporate total water cycle
elements of the water cycle, and include specific mechanisms management principles and water sensitive design.
for implementation.
Specific requirements for urban development and stormwater
In selected areas where large-scale development and are set out in the South East Queensland 20092031
significant infrastructure is to occur, the Queensland Water Regional Plan Implementation Guideline No. 7: Water
Commission will lead the development of sub-regional total sensitive urban designdesign objectives for urban
water cycle management plans. The sub-regional plans will stormwater management. This document sets minimum
integrate land use policy and decisions with waterway health urban stormwater management design objectives for water
and water supply planning for urban and rural purposes, quality, waterway stability and waterway management. The
and involve the key organisations responsible for managing ,IEPXL];EXIV[E]W4EVXRIVWLMTLEWTYFPMWLIHEVERKISJ
the water cycle. Plans will specify the location of key design and implementation guidelines to assist the uptake of
infrastructure, where major wastewater recycling will occur, WSUD by local governments and developers.
and high-level objectives for development to protect water
quality and to capture and use stormwater. The outcomes
from sub-regional planning will be recommended for
inclusion in the Regional Water Security Program under the
Water Act 2000.
Part DRegional policies 133

11.2 Water supply planning

Principle 11.2.4 Allocate water for all users through water resource
Supply sufficient water to support a comfortable, sustainable planning, including the provision of environmental
and prosperous lifestyle, while meeting the needs of urban, flows that protect the biological diversity and health
industrial and rural growth, and the environment. of natural ecosystems.

Policies Programs
11.2.1 Identify and protect existing and proposed 11.2.5 Secure future water supply by finalising the draft SEQ
water infrastructure sites and buffer areas from Water Strategy and updating and implementing the
encroachment by development that may compromise Regional Water Security Program.
their viability.
11.2.6 Undertake detailed planning and assessment to meet
11.2.2 Ensure the timing and sequencing of water supply the local water and sewage distribution needs for the
planning is consistent with the framework for urban region, within the context of regional, sub-regional,
settlement established within the SEQ Regional Plan. local land use and total water cycle plans.

11.2.3 Integrate water supply planning with planning for  (IPMZIVXLI7)5;EXIV+VMHMREGGSVHERGI[MXLXLI
other elements of the water cycle through sub- Water Regulation 2002.
regional and local total water cycle planning.
11.2.8 Complete detailed investigations of potential
sources of water supply, including centralised and
decentralised sources.

Notes location of potential desalination sites is being investigated

The Queensland Water Commission (QWC) was created in by the QWC, with interim advice released in February 2009.
June 2006 to ensure a secure water supply for SEQ. The Sites will be classified as priority or reserve. Priority sites
Commission developed the draft SEQ Water Strategy, to will be identified as potential responses to a short-term
provide a plan to meet future water supply requirements gap in supply (for example as a result of severe drought),
to 2056. The draft strategy builds on the significant while reserve sites are not expected to be required within
developments that have already occurred in response to the the life of the SEQ Regional Plan. Final priority and reserve
millennium drought. It includes a water supply guarantee sites should be incorporated into planning schemes in
with specified levels of service to be achieved by ensuring consultation with the QWC.
that available supplies always exceed demand, and water is
used efficiently. Forecasts indicate that supply infrastructure will not need
further augmentation until between 2028 and 2042, unless
New institutional arrangements for water supply comprise a brought forward as part of the response to a severe
bulk supply entity (Seqwater), a manufactured water entity drought. The draft SEQ Water Strategy provides a planning
;EXIV7IGYVI EFYPOHMWXVMFYXMSRIRXMX] 0MRO;EXIV ERHXLI framework for bringing on supplies at appropriate times to
7)5;EXIV+VMH1EREKIV2I[VIXEMPIVHMWXVMFYXSVIRXMXMIW meet projections of normal demand, and options for filling a
owned by councils, will be established to manage local water potential short-term gap in supply.
and sewage infrastructure, as well as water sales. These
entities will be based on geographic groupings of councils, The Water Act 2000 establishes a system for the planning,
to provide more coordinated service delivery. allocation and use of water. Sustainable management under
the Act requires that water be allocated for the wellbeing
The Regional Water Security Program will detail supply and of the people of Queensland and the protection of the
demand measures required to achieve water security for the biological diversity and health of natural ecosystems,
region. It is guided by sub-regional planning, and can specify within limits that can be sustained indefinitely. Catchment-
key water cycle objectives that must be reflected in land use based water resource plans take into account surface
and infrastructure planning. Within this framework, planning water, groundwater and overland flow, and provide for
and development to ensure that local water and sewage environmental needs as well as human uses by providing
infrastructure and services are sufficient will need to be secure water entitlements with a specified probability of
undertaken by the relevant entities. supply. Water resource plans have been completed for the
for water supply infrastructure from encroachment by state government, and legislative approvals may be required
development that would compromise their viability. The for taking water from these resources.
134 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 20: Water resources and water grid

Part DRegional policies 135

11.3 Efficient water use

Principle 11.3.3 Utilise water use targets to inform water supply and
Achieve targeted reductions in water consumption to infrastructure planning and financial assessment.
decrease pressure on water supplies and the environment.
Policies 11.3.4 Implement programs that facilitate non-residential
11.3.1 Ensure that new and refurbished buildings meet the users, including businesses, to move to best practice
water efficiency and water savings target requirements water use.
of the Queensland Development Code.
11.3.5 Implement demand management programs to meet
11.3.2 Exceed the water savings target in broadhectare the water use targets in the draft SEQ Water Strategy.
development, where cost-effective compared with
alternative sources of supply. 11.3.6 Design and manage water distribution infrastructure
to meet efficiency and loss-reduction targets.

Notes designing new buildings. New detached houses in SEQ must

Demand management measures significantly reduced water meet the water savings target by supplying 70 000 litres
consumption during the millennium drought under the Target of non-grid water per year, while each townhouse must
140 provisions, from an average of 296 litres per person per supply 42 000 litres. Water sensitive urban design options
day before restrictions were introduced, to 129 litres for the to achieve the targets include internally connected rainwater
year to end July 2008. These measures included: tanks, communal rainwater tanks, stormwater harvesting, and
dual-reticulation recycled water systems.
regulations to achieve structural water efficiency
Sub-regional or local planning may specify solutions for local
rebate schemes to achieve water efficiency in homes and water supply, or development proponents should consider
businesses the most appropriate option to achieve the water savings
community education and behavioural change campaigns XEVKIXSREWMXIWTIGMJMGFEWMW0EVKIVWGEPIHIZIPSTQIRXW
provide the opportunity to install cost-effective infrastructure,
water restrictions.
which exceeds the water savings target, and options should
At the height of the drought, dam levels sank to below 20 be considered as part of development planning.
per cent capacity. The drought ended on 20 May 2009, when
combined dam levels reached 60 per centfive years to From 1 January 2008, installation of rainwater tanks is
the day since dam levels where last at this level. With the mandatory on targeted categories of new commercial and
drought officially over, restrictions will be replaced across industrial buildings. Rainwater tanks must be plumbed
SEQ by ongoing permanent water conservation measures into toilet cisterns, washing machines and an external tap.
from 1 December 2009. All new buildings and refurbished bathrooms must have
water-efficient showers and toilets under the Queensland
The draft SEQ Water Strategy includes a demand Development Code.
management program to ensure that demand remains at
least 24 per cent lower than it was before the millennium All businesses must use water efficiently. Non-residential
drought. The residential consumption target will be 230 litres activities that use more than 10 million litres per year
or less per person per day on average across the region. must complete a water efficiency management plan that
Many households, particularly those with efficient appliances demonstrates how they are achieving, or will achieve, best
and alternative water sources, will achieve well below 230 practice water use. Businesses using more than one million
litres. To achieve these savings, efficient water use must litres per year must have water-efficient appliances such
be considered as part of planning new communities and as low-flow taps, trigger sprays, showerheads, urinals and
cooling towers.
136 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

11.4 Waterway health

Principle 11.4.5 Identify nutrient hazard areas and ensure development
Protect and enhance the ecological health, environmental and activities are located, designed and managed to
values and water quality of surface and groundwater, avoid the mobilisation and release of nutrients that
including waterways, wetlands, estuaries and Moreton Bay. increase the risk of algal blooms.


11.4.1 Ensure that development is planned, designed,
constructed and operated in accordance with
11.4.7 Ensure that the development of urban land draining
best practice environmental management to
protect environmental values and meet the water
the relevant urban stormwater design objectives.
quality objectives of all regional surface waters,
groundwaters, wetlands and coastal waters. Programs

11.4.2 Identify areas with high probability of acid sulfate 11.4.8 Protect, manage and rehabilitate riparian areas to
soils and comply with the requirements and maintain and enhance their water quality, scenic,
management measures in State Planning Policy 2/02: biodiversity, ecological, recreational and corridor
Planning and managing development involving acid values.
sulfate soils.
11.4.9 Monitor environmental values and the achievement
11.4.3 Avoid impacts on wetlands, waterways and associated of water quality objectives to assess the health of
buffers. waterways and the effectiveness of management
11.4.4 Minimise impacts from required community
infrastructure located in a wetland or waterway buffer 11.4.10 Implement actions to achieve the targets in the South
on water quality, natural hydrological processes, East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan
ecological functions and ecosystem services. (SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan), including

Notes Examples of the role of the support area include:

Water quality objectives are currently managed through the:
maintaining hydrological processes (connectivity,
Environmental Protection Act 1994 hydrological regimes)

Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 supporting biodiversity by providing habitat for semi-
aquatic wetland dependent species
Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 1997.
allowing for wetland migration due to, for example,
Environmental values for water are set under the erosion or sea level change
Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 1997, with more
detailed objectives set for key water quality parameters. adding to the aesthetic qualities of a wetland
of these values. Avoiding impacts from development within
shading fish habitats
and close to waterways and wetlands will help to preserve
the water quality, natural hydrological processes, ecological maintaining bank stability and condition.
functions and ecosystem services of these important The separation distance role includes:
landscape elements.
trapping and filtering sediments of surface run-off
Through WetlandInfo, the state government provides travelling to the wetland from surrounding land
assistance for wetland management, including mapping and
classification of wetlands. Key wetlands are identified on a providing a physical barrier to herbicide and pesticide
map of referable wetlands. spray drift from adjacent crop dusting activities
providing an attractive visual barrier to other adjacent
A wetland buffer has two components: land uses.

a support area adjacent to the wetland, which maintains The increasing frequency and severity of algal blooms in
and supports the environmental values of the wetland SEQ, including the toxic cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula,
pose threats to natural environments, human health, tourism
a separation area around the support area, which and local communities. Nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and
protects the wetland from external threats. organic matter (dissolved organic carbon) are nutrients of
concern that contribute to the growth of coastal algae.
Part DRegional policies 137

11.4 Waterway healthcontinued

The South East Queensland Regional Coastal Management Regional, sub-regional and local land use planning
Plan (2006) contains maps that indicate hazardous nutrient must consider the impact on environmental values of
export areas in SEQ. They also provide guidance for planning stormwater pollutants, changes to natural flow regimes and
and development and link to technical guidelines such as encroachment on waterways and wetlands. The impacts
methods for developing detailed (planning-scheme scale) associated with both the construction and operational
hazard maps and best practice management of nutrients of phases of development are to be addressed through water
concern (particularly iron and organic matter). sensitive urban design including compliance with South
East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 Implementation
,):[EXIVWEVIHIJMRIHMRXLI)RZMVSRQIRXEP4VSXIGXMSR Guideline No. 7: Water sensitive urban designdesign
(Water) Policy 1997 as effectively unmodified or other objectives for urban stormwater management.
highly valued systems, typically (but not always) occurring
in national parks, conservation reserves, or in remote or Programs to improve the management of existing uses
identified in SEQ, including Eastern Moreton Bay, Upper Strategy and the SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan.
Enoggera Creek and the upper Noosa River. To protect 8LI,IEPXL];EXIV[E]W)GSW]WXIQ,IEPXL1SRMXSVMRK4VSKVEQ
MHIRXMJMIH,):[EXIVWPERHYWIEPPSGEXMSRWTVSTSWIHJSV Report Card provides an annual assessment of the health of
PERHMR,):[EXIVWWLSYPHFIJSVTYVTSWIWSXLIVXLERYVFER fresh and tidal waters in SEQ to guide future management
developmentfor example, conservation, environmental, actions.

11.5 Drinking water catchment protection

Principle Programs
Manage risks in drinking water catchments to achieve 11.5.2 Manage risks to water quality from existing land uses
acceptable water quality. in drinking water catchments.

Policy 11.5.3 Address management of catchment risks in drinking

11.5.1 Identify and protect existing and potential drinking water quality management plans.
water catchments from inappropriate land use.
11.5.4 Operate water storages, treatment plants and
distribution infrastructure to ensure safe drinking
water quality.

Notes controls may be required to protect the natural water cycle.

The Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 includes Infrastructure should also be located and designed with
provisions dealing with drinking water that aim to protect regard to water quality risks.
public health by requiring drinking water service providers
to: Seqwater has prepared guidelines on how to address
development in drinking water catchments. These guidelines
undertake monitoring and reporting on drinking water should be considered in planning and development
quality assessment decisions for all land from which water flows to
drinking water supplies. Map 20 illustrates the catchment
develop and implement a Drinking Water Quality areas for key storages and distribution channels.
Management Plan approved by the Office of the Water
Supply Regulator. Management of existing uses and rehabilitation is core
Catchment management is a core element of managing business for drinking water providers. It will form part of
the quality of drinking water, and is achieved by managing their drinking water quality management plans. Actions under
existing uses, planning new development to manage risks, these plans will be complemented by programs under the
schemes must identify drinking water catchment areas and Management Plan and local government management plans.
include appropriate development controls. Planning studies Rehabilitation, such as tree planting, can have multiple
in these areas must consider how to avoid future types or benefits, including sequestration of carbon and protection of
scales of development that would pose an unacceptable habitat, as well as improved water quality for consumption
risk to water quality. Where development is permitted, strict and ecosystem health.
138 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

11.6 Overland flow and flood management

Principle 11.6.2 Achieve acceptable flood immunity through water
Provide necessary flood immunity for infrastructure and sensitive movement and detention infrastructure
buildings, and resilience to potential climate change that minimises alterations to natural flow regimes,
flooding, while seeking to maintain the natural flow regime. including floodplain connectivity.

Policies Programs
11.6.1 Avoid areas of unacceptable flood risk, including 11.6.3 Identify areas of flood risk, including the projected
additional risks from climate change, and areas where effects of climate change, and undertake programs to
development may unacceptably increase flood risk mitigate the risk.
11.6.4 Prepare for and respond to flooding events.

Notes and inundation patterns should be restored, including

*PSSHMRKMWYREZSMHEFPIMRGIVXEMRWXSVQIZIRXW,S[IZIV connectivity between rivers and floodplains and beneficial
planning and development decisions can reduce the flooding of agricultural areas. This will also minimise the
occurrence and severity of floods, minimise impacts, and concentration of flows and flooding downstream. The flood
provide a level of flood immunity. hazard area should be determined based on a defined flood
event, taking into account the effects of climate change on
State Planning Policy 1/03: Mitigating the adverse impacts rainfall and storm surges.
of floods, bushfires and landslides specifies requirements
for development in flood hazard areas. The policy states The natural overland flow regime can also be altered by
that planning schemes should include strategies to address development outside flood hazard areas, such as increased
how development will be managed in a flood hazard area to run-off from impervious areas as part of urban development,
achieve an acceptable level of risk on and off-site. and harvesting or interference with overland flows as part of
agricultural activities. In urban areas, these flow alterations
Development in a flood hazard area should be avoided should be managed by using water sensitive urban design. All
if the earthworks and infrastructure required to attain development should be assessed to ensure flow alterations
an acceptable level of flood immunity significantly alter are acceptable in relation to flood risk and environmental
the natural flow regime and have an unacceptable effect flows. Overland flow is regulated in the Moreton Basin under
on environmental values. Where feasible, natural flow the Water Resource (Moreton) Plan 2007.

11.7 Rural water

Principle 11.7.3 Create tradeable water entitlements under water
Supply and use rural water in an efficient and sustainable way. resource planning processes.

Policy 11.7.4 Investigate opportunities to provide recycled water for

rural irrigation.
11.7.1 Incorporate total water cycle planning and rural water
supply opportunities in planning processes for the
11.7.5 Improve the efficiency of rural water use, particularly
irrigation systems, through information and incentives.
11.7.2 Support land management practices to protect
waterway health through voluntary uptake of industry-
led programs and incentives.

Notes Opportunities to supply recycled water for rural production

Rural communities need reliable and safe water supplies to will be investigated as part of sub-regional total water cycle
meet domestic needs and support a diversity of agricultural planning, which may also reduce nutrient loads in waterways.
pursuits. Access to water has proved to be a major challenge As with new and existing urban development, planning and
for the rural sector in SEQ. In 2005, rural production in this management is necessary to ensure that rural activities do not
area of the state accounted for about 150 000 million litres, or JYVXLIVHIKVEHI[EXIV[E]LIEPXL8LI7)5,IEPXL];EXIV[E]W
improved management practices in rural areas, to maintain
The draft SEQ Water Strategy contains options for improving and improve water quality and waterways.
the reliability of supply and, where possible, providing
additional supplies. With limits on the supply of water in the Water resource plans and resource operations plans for the
region, water efficiency is as important for rural industries as region will progressively convert existing water authorities to
it is for urban users. The SEQ Irrigation Futures initiative helps secure water entitlements with a clear volume, and a specified
rural industries to be more productive with the water available probability of supply for tradable water allocations. These
and prepares them for future water trading. conversions will apply to priority areas including surface water
and groundwater.
Part DRegional policies 139

12. Integrated transport

Desired regional outcome 12

A connected and accessible region based on an integrated transport system that is
planned and managed to support more compact urban growth and efficient travel;
connect people, places, goods and services; and promote public transport use, walking
and cycling.

The quality of life for people living in SEQ on cars will cause financial stress to JIVV]ERHXVEMRYWIEGVSWWXLI8VERW0MRO
relies on a transport system that connects urban-fringe communities and vulnerable area. Further planned investment in public
the wider community with goods, services groups. The alternativespublic transport infrastructure and services,
and employment. transport, walking and cyclingare more especially the development of a high-
sustainable transport modes and must be frequency bus and rail network across
An effective, integrated network of roads, made more viable and attractive. SEQs urban areas, will make public
railways, ports and airports supports transport and active transport more
the competitiveness of industry and There will be a major increase in the freight attractive choices in the future. At the
business. Public transport provides task, particularly associated with continued same time, new roads, better orbital road
access for the whole community, growth in the Australia TradeCoast area and networks and improvements to existing
including those who do not have access the Western Corridor. Conflicts between the roads are being planned to improve
to a private vehicle or who choose not passenger and freight tasks are already regional connections.
to drive. Active transport networks, such evident on the road and rail networks.
as walking and cycling routes, provide These have the potential to increase as the The transport components of the SEQ
flexibility as well as significant health region develops. Regional Plan will be underpinned by the
and environmental benefits. development of Connecting SEQ 2031: An
The foundations are in place for an Integrated Regional Transport Plan for
Transport has some negative impacts integrated transport system in SEQ. South East Queensland (Connecting SEQ
including greenhouse gas emissions, Brisbane City saw a 40.9 per cent rise 2031). This will be the primary transport
air and noise pollution, accidents and in public transport patronage in the plan for the region and aims to manage
congestion. These impacts must be 10 years to 2007the highest of any congestion in the region, improve freight
managed effectively to ensure SEQs Australian city and more than twice movement and increase the use of public
future sustainability. the national average. A strong busway transport, cycling and walking.
network has been started in the Brisbane
Car use in SEQ is growing. Private cars EVIEERHXLI8VERW0MRO8VERWMX%YXLSVMX] All levels of government will continue to
will continue to be used into the future 8VERW0MRO MWHIPMZIVMRKERMRXIKVEXIH have a role in managing and developing
JSVXLIQENSVMX]SJXVMTWMR7)5,S[IZIV public transport system to increase bus, the SEQ transport system.
with oil supply vulnerability, dependency
140 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

12.1 Integrated transport planning

Principle 12.1.3 Support transit oriented communities and regional
Support integrated land use and transport planning, regional activity centres with priority public transport networks
connectivity and greater levels of trip self-containment within and services and safe cycling and walking routes.
12.1.4 Ensure the planning and development of urban areas
Policies supports walking, cycling and public transport.
12.1.1 Develop interconnected and coordinated rail and
12.1.5 Provide a multi-modal transport network to connect
busway networks to provide high-quality, dedicated
established urban areas to new broadhectare and
passenger transport links across all the regions major
employment areas.
urban areas.
12.1.6 Align transport plans, policies and implementation
12.1.2 Plan new public transport routes, facilities and high-
programs at regional and local levels across all modes.
frequency services, including priority transit corridors,
to ensure safe and convenient passenger accessibility, Program
and support the interrelationship between land use
12.1.7 Finalise and release Connecting SEQ 2031 to manage
and transport.
congestion, improve freight movement and increase
the use of public transport, cycling and walking.

Notes Priority transit corridors will be identified in Connecting SEQ

The SEQ Regional Plan emphasises the need for better 2031. They are key public transport routes where mixed-use,
integration of transport and land use planning. Integrated public transport supportive activities and development are
transport planning recognises the complementary roles to occur within 400800 m of public transport stops and
that roads, public transport, cycling, walking and land use stations. Development should achieve land use densities
arrangements play in a sustainable transport system. within these corridors of 40 dwellings per hectare or greater.

The ability to achieve the compact urban settlement pattern Jobs should be located in highly accessible locations,
advocated in desired regional outcome 8 is subject to a such as regional activity centres and high-frequency and
significant shift in the regions transport framework, with a priority public transport corridors, to maximise transport
strong emphasis on improving the public transport system. MRZIWXQIRXFIRIJMXW,S[IZIVWSQIEVIEW[MPPRIIHXSGEXIV
Policy directions include more compact forms of urban for employment that predominantly depends on private cars
development, self-containment of travel and developing and commercial vehicles. Consideration must be given to the
TYFPMGXVERWTSVXWTMRIWJSVXLI7YRWLMRIERH+SPH'SEWXW capacity of the transport system to deal with the resultant
and expanding Brisbanes busway and passenger rail increase in travel demand.
network. Fast passenger rail travel between all of the regions
major urban centres will be the backbone of the public Every community has individuals and groups for whom
transport system. The planned strategic transport network transport choice is limitedthese include the elderly,
of 2031 for the region and sub-regions is shown on Map 21, disabled, young and people without private transport. A
Map 22, Map 23 and Map 24. community-based transport solution, which can be initiated
at a local level, may provide access to activities and
The SEQ Regional Plan identifies some of the tools that services, reducing community isolation and encouraging
will be used to ensure better integration of land use and social interaction.
transport planning in urban developments. These include
the planning process for broadhectare areas and developing To provide further detail on implementing the integrated
State Infrastructure Agreements. transport and land use aspects of the SEQ Regional Plan,
the Department of Transport and Main Roads will develop
Transit oriented communities and regional activity centres are Connecting SEQ 2031. The transport policies and regional
essential components of urban structure and form. Transport transport infrastructure priorities of Connecting SEQ 2031
MRZIWXQIRXF]XLI5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXTEVXMGYPEVP]MR are intended to guide future SEQ Infrastructure Plan and
public transport, will support transit oriented communities, Program (SEQIPP) reviews. Connecting SEQ 2031 will be
regional activity centres and priority transit corridors. supported by integrated local transport plans which local
government will prepare and update.
Part DRegional policies 141

Map 21: Strategic transport network 2031

142 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 22: Strategic transport network 2031Greater Brisbane and the Western Corridor
Part DRegional policies 143

Map 23: Strategic transport network 2031South West

144 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 24: Strategic transport network 2031Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast
Part DRegional policies 145

12.2 Sustainable travel and improved accessibility

Principle 12.2.4 Adopt a regional approach to manage parking to
Provide sustainable travel choices to support the accessibility support transport objectives and regional activity
needs of all members of the community, manage congestion, centre functions.
reduce car dependency and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. 12.2.5 Support community-operated transport services that
connect rural communities to service centres.
12.2.1 Develop a high-quality and frequent public and active
transport network linked to regional activity centres 12.2.6 Develop and implement a 10-year Network Plan for

12.2.2 Support walking, cycling and public transport use with 12.2.7 Implement the South East Queensland Principal Cycle
new infrastructure, improved services and information. Network Plan and the Action Plan for Walking 2008
12.2.3 Increase awareness of options for sustainable travel
and influence travel behaviour to reduce dependence 12.2.8 Develop and implement an Urban Congestion
on private car travel. Management Strategy for SEQ.

Notes environmentally responsible transport

Access to a public transport system that conveniently individual physical activity for health
connects people with goods, services, places and other
a resilient system
people is essential in a large and vibrant urban region.
safety and security.
A high-quality public transport network in SEQ will:
From 2008 to 2012, the TravelSmart programs will continue
to promote a change in travel behaviour targeted at
support increased urban densities around public
communities, workplaces and schools.
transport nodes and along public transport corridors
provide access to community services and employment 8LI8VERW0MRO2IX[SVO4PERWIXWSYXE]IEVZMWMSRJSV
reduce commuter travel time, travel stress and loss of the public transport system. It includes a four-year program,
productive work time which will be updated annually and will cover rail, bus and
ferry public transport services, ticketing and information.
improve environmental outcomes by reducing the number
of private motor vehicle trips The SEQ Regional Cycle Network Plan identifies key links
improve travel choices, particularly for people in the regional cycle network. The plan is used to prioritise
disadvantaged in their access to transport. and guide state investment in cycling. The Action Plan for
Walking 20082010 focuses on acknowledging walking as a
Connecting SEQ 2031 will replace the Integrated Regional sustainable transport mode.
Transport Plan 1997 and will be based on achieving the
following desired outcomes: An Urban Congestion Task Force has been established
amenity and liveability government response to urban congestion and to develop an
equity and accessibility Urban Congestion Management Strategy.
economic prosperity and employment growth
efficient transport
managed congestion
146 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

12.3 Effective transport investment

Principle 12.3.3 Develop and manage strategic road and rail links to
Invest in the transport system to maximise the use of regional Queensland and other states.
existing infrastructure and community benefits, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerability to oil depletion. 12.3.4 Review transport investment priorities to take into
account the maximum use of existing infrastructure,
Policies the whole of life costs (construction plus operation)
and environmental implications.
12.3.1 Integrate transport infrastructure, services and land
use planning by sequencing Development Areas and
12.3.5 Review transport investment priorities to ensure that
aligning transport investment.
the future transport system is resilient to oil depletion
and climate change impacts.
12.3.2 Support a range of measures to improve travel
choices, including policy, education, infrastructure and
services, regulation, demand management, marketing
and non-transport solutions. 12.3.6 Prepare the South East Queensland Infrastructure
Plan and Program (SEQIPP) on an annual basis
to prioritise the provision and timing of transport
infrastructure investment.

Notes New connections in the road system, where needed, will

Investment in transport infrastructure, public transport assist in improving traffic flow and supporting growth.
services and new policy measures will be a major contributor This can also be achieved through using road space more
to the preferred future for SEQ. efficiently, for example through providing bus-priority or
high-occupancy vehicle lanes in peak periods. Ensuring easy
The SEQ Regional Plan strongly supports public transport movement for commercial and freight vehicles, particularly in
and active transport modes such as walking and cycling. off-peak times, is also important.
The early planning and provision of public transport services
and walking and cycling networks in emerging communities The SEQIPP is the main instrument for coordinating the
will ensure residents have access to sustainable transport planning and prioritising the delivery of regionally significant
choices from the outset. transport infrastructure within SEQ. Detailed implementation
of transport projects in the SEQIPP will occur through agency
programs such as the Roads Implementation Program, the
program and through local government works programs.
Part DRegional policies 147

12.4 Transport system efficiency

Principle 12.4.2 Identify, protect and manage key existing and future
Provide an efficient and integrated transport system for the transport sites and corridors.
12.4.3 Improve connectivity to regional activity centres and
Policies cross-regional links between centres and enhance
road and public transport networks to provide a
12.4.1 Maximise the use of existing transport assets and
hierarchy of alternative routes.
services by effective transport investments and policies,
demand management and the use of new technologies.

Notes AusLink
Transport system efficiency refers to the ability of the 8LI%YWXVEPMER+SZIVRQIRXFEWIWXVERWTSVXMRZIWXQIRX
transport system to satisfy the communitys transport SRXLI%YW0MRO2EXMSREP8VERWTSVX2IX[SVO8LIREXMSREP
needs at least cost. This includes maximising benefits from network is an integrated network of land transport corridors
investment in existing transport infrastructure and systems. It of national importance.
considers whole-of-life asset costs, system connectivity, travel
speeds and economic and social costs. The SEQ Regional /I]XVERWTSVXGSVVMHSVWSJMRXIVIWXXS%YW0MROMR7)5EVIXLI
Plan promotes a future transport system for the region that
will provide the maximum transport benefit for the lowest Ipswich Motorway
transport cost, for both people and freight movement. &VYGI,MKL[E]

It is critical to identify and protect future transport corridors Brisbane Urban Corridor
to support longer term land use and development. A joint 'YRRMRKLEQ,MKL[E]
approach between state and local government will ensure
Port of Brisbane Motorway
that planning schemes reflect the strategic long-term
importance of these corridors. The corridors include principal Sydney to Brisbane Railway

In parts of SEQ there are missing links in the transport ;EVVIKS,MKL[E]

network that result in poor connectivity for some urban +EXI[E]1SXSV[E]ERH&VMHKI
areas. These deficiencies limit opportunities for desired local
interaction and self-containment. In these locations new or
upgraded arterial routes are required to provide for efficient proposed inland rail freight corridor
movement and other desired regional outcomes. North coast rail line.

Designing and maintaining infrastructure so that whole-of- Improvements to the above assets will be negotiated with
life asset costs are minimised is particularly important in XLI%YWXVEPMER+SZIVRQIRXXLVSYKLXLI%YW0MROTVSGIWW
the regions high-traffic areas, where maintenance works on
major roads and rail systems can cause significant delays. Infrastructure Australia
Infrastructure Australia is a statutory advisory council
New technology provides the opportunity to significantly XLEXEHZMWIWXLI%YWXVEPMER+SZIVRQIRXSRMRJVEWXVYGXYVI
enhance the operation of the road network. A cooperative priorities and investments. It conducts audits to determine
approach between all levels of government in applying new the adequacy and capacity of nationally significant
technology will improve road system efficiency. Examples infrastructure, including transport infrastructure. It develops
include managing access to the road network for higher an infrastructure priority list to guide public and private
mass limit vehicles, providing information to road users, investment.
and coordinating traffic signals and other road network
management initiatives. Similar benefits from new technology
are also available for rail, sea and air networks.

The region has several important national and inter-regional

transport assets that must be supported with local transport
links. These include the:

Australian TradeCoast including the Port of Brisbane and

Brisbane Airport
rail links to regional Queensland and the standard gauge
line to Sydney and Melbourne
national and state highway networks.
148 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

12.5 Efficient freight services

Principle 12.5.3 Protect the strategic freight network while managing
Provide an efficient and integrated freight transport system the impacts of freight in urban areas.
for the region to enhance SEQs position as a major national
and international freight and logistics centre servicing the 12.5.4 Ensure that land accessible to the priority freight
Australian east coast. corridors and the ports is protected for industry, logistics
and other low-density uses that require space or
Policies necessitate high volumes of commercial or freight trips.
12.5.1 Develop partnerships between all levels of government
and industry stakeholders to improve freight efficiency
and movement to, from and within the region. 12.5.5 Develop and implement an SEQ regional freight network
strategy, including freight interchange requirements.
12.5.2 Integrate planning for freight services into all
transport and land use planning for SEQ.

Notes increasing rail capacity through the metropolitan network

Freight movements across Queensland are forecast to double to the Port of Brisbane
by 2020. There will be rapid growth in SEQ with expanding increasing capacity on the northern line
import and export activities in the Australia TradeCoast area.
investigating new inland port options and associated
The ability to easily move freight into and around SEQ will
infrastructure upgrades
be essential for economic growth.
integrating with any future inland rail proposals.
The challenges in managing road freight include protecting
For road freight, initiatives in the SEQIPP include:
future freight routes and ensuring road space is shared
effectively among heavy vehicles, passenger vehicles and other supporting economic development in the Western
road users. For rail, challenges lie in improving rails share of Corridor by upgrading strategic road freight corridors
the freight task, particularly for heavy long distance loads, and
in managing the demand from rail passengers and freight on a improving freight flows into and around the Australia
limited number of rail lines in the metropolitan network. TradeCoast
ensuring Priority One road freight routes are adequately
It is important to clearly define the required freight function developed to handle their share of the freight task.
of road and rail networks, to inform the location of future
Map 25 and Map 26 show a strategic freight network for
economic activities.
SEQ. Priority One road freight routes facilitate high-volume,
For rail freight, initiatives in the SEQIPP include: business-to-business freight movements. Priority Two road
freight routes allow freight to be distributed from factories or
expanding the capacity of the Acacia Ridge rail terminal distribution centres to retail outlets or warehouses. The maps
also include priority freight links for further investigation.

12.6 Coordinated air and sea transport

Principle 12.6.2 Provide transport infrastructure to support the primary
Provide efficient air and sea transport to service both freight role of regional air and sea ports.
and passenger needs in SEQ.
12.6.3 Protect and enhance the freight routes to the Australia
Policies TradeCoast.
12.6.1 Support development of regional airports as significant
economic and social links for regional communities.

Notes Development areas related to the air transport industry are

Brisbane Airport is a major international gateway for air located around the Brisbane Airport and Amberley Airbase.
XVERWTSVXXSERHJVSQIEWXIVR%YWXVEPMEERH7)5+SPH The Australia TradeCoast will continue as a major regional
Coast (Coolangatta) and Sunshine Coast (Maroochydore) employment generator in the future. The Amberley aerospace
airports also provide scheduled services to and from the precinct will also have a major role to play as a significant
region. A major Royal Australian Air Force Base is located at and increasing employment generator in the Western Corridor.
Amberley. SEQ also has a number of other airports, including
Sea transport is important to SEQ and the Port of Brisbane makes
Archerfield, Caboolture, Caloundra, Toowoomba and Redcliffe.
a major contribution to the regional, state and national economy.
A study on the relocation of the Caloundra Airport is
The Port of Brisbane handles more than 25 million tonnes of
underway. These and other local airports play an important
bulk and non-bulk freight, and in excess of 650 000 standard
economic and social role in SEQ. Increasingly, they are a
containers each year. Access to the port is by a dual gauge rail
focus for a range of employment and land use options.
line and the Port of Brisbane Motorway. Continued development
of the Port of Brisbane and associated land facilities have the
potential to make the port a major national logistics centre.
Part DRegional policies 149

Map 25: Priority freight routes

150 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Map 26: Priority freight routesGreater Brisbane and the Western Corridor
Part EImplementation and monitoring 151

Part EImplementation and monitoring

The regional plan is a framework to the urban growth boundary that sets The SEQ Regional Plan contains programs
achieve good planning, management, and out the Urban Footprint to be implemented over the life of the
development in the SEQ region. It is both plan for the coordination of activities to
a regional land use map that
a statutory and strategic plan. achieve the desired regional outcomes
indicates which areas are protected
(DROs). Implementing the SEQ Regional
The regional plan is given statutory effect Plan also involves coordinating and
by: reviewing the plans, infrastructure
regulations that restrict urban projects and services of other government
its inclusion in the statutory development outside the Urban agencies.
processes of the Integrated Planning Footprint
Act 1997 (IPA) the identification of Development The SEQ Regional Plan is given strategic
the desired regional outcomes (DROs), Areas in the Urban Footprint effect by the cooperation of the
which establish principles and policies community, industry and stakeholders
the process within the IPA for in coordination with government. This
that must be followed for the regional development of Development Areas.
plan to achieve the vision strategic implementation is central to
The regional plan operates in conjunction achieving a sustainable region, as it
the sub-regional narratives, which with other statutory planning tools creates an informed community and
inform delivery of the regional including state planning policies, local enables a broad cross section of SEQ
plan through strategic frameworks, government planning schemes, state to apply skills, energy and resources to
structure planning for Development planning regulatory provisions and implementation.
Areas, investigations required development assessment process.
JSV-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEWERH The regional plan also reflects other
development decisions legislation and state policies relevant to
planning in SEQ.
152 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Statutory processes 0MROMRK[MXLTPERRMRK State agencies must implement the

regional plan, and adopt its principles
The regional plan is a statutory schemes and policies, in their own planning.
instrument under the Statutory Instrument 0SGEPKSZIVRQIRXWQYWXEQIRHTPERRMRK
Act 1992. Its effects are established under When a local government creates a schemes and adopt other policies to align
the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA). planning scheme or an amendment, it with the regional plan.
indicates how the planning scheme will
Relevant provisions of the legislation reflect the regional plan. Programs outline actions that need
include: to be undertaken over the life of the
To do this, a local government should, regional plan to implement the principles
establishing the Regional Coordination among other matters, address any: and achieve the DRO. State or local
Committee (RCC) to advise the governments or non-government bodies
regional planning Minister on regional content and directions in the sub-
can undertake the programs.
issues regional narrative

ensuring local government planning any conflict between each policy Other groups, including regional natural
that becomes a provision of the SEQ resource management bodies, water
schemes reflect the regional plan
Regional Plan regulatory provisions, management agencies and industry
ensuring state and local governments and therefore a matter that the bodies, are also encouraged to align their
take account of the regional plan assessment manager will have regard planning and programs with the regional
when preparing or amending a plan, to, and any provisions of the planning plans principles, policies and programs to
policy or code that may affect a scheme coordinate the effort across the region.
matter covered by the regional plan
steps taken in the planning scheme to
ensuring development assessment reflect the desired regional outcomes
processesincluding referral (DROs), particularly Sustainability and Development Areas
agency obligations for development climate change (DRO 1), Compact The SEQ Regional Plan outlines
applicationsaddress matters covered settlement (DRO 8) and Employment Development Areas within the Urban
in the regional plan location (DRO 9) Footprint where future growth is expected.
allowing the regional planning any zones in the planning scheme Development Areas require coordinated
Minister to exercise call-in powers that are inconsistent with the future land use and infrastructure planning. The
establishing processes for amending planning intent for a Development Area. regional planning Minister will remain part
the regional plan. of the process to ensure the DROs are
followed as the area becomes ready for
South East Queensland Regional Plan
20092031 State planning regulatory
Desired regional urban development.

provisions have been prepared in outcomes Regional plan regulations state that
accordance with the IPA. They have effect development that is incompatible with the
The SEQ Regional Plan establishes DROs,
from the day they are published in the lands potential use as a Development Area
principles and policies that will guide the
Government Gazette. Relevant provisions should not be approved in these areas.
development of SEQ.
Each DRO is a set of goals, aspirations
restrictions on urban development
and requirements for the regions
outside the Urban Footprint
future development. Each DRO sets
a regional land use map that out principles that must be followed to
indicates which areas are to be achieve the outcome. State and local
TVSXIGXIHEW6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH governments must reflect these principles
6YVEP4VSHYGXMSR%VIEWSV6YVEP0MZMRK in their own policies, as they are essential
Areas, and which are designated as to the correct functioning of the region.
Urban Footprint
Policy and program statements follow the
restrictions on development
principles. Policies outline what must be
within Development Areas, where
done for the principles to have any effect.
development is inconsistent with the
The policies are specific and should direct
future planning intent.
local government and state agencies in
which steps to follow.
Part EImplementation and monitoring 153

-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL aggregated information to ensure better

decision-making and more effective action.
Analysis of the take-up of available land
and the amount of growth in existing
Areas Monitoring provides information on
urban areas is critical to understanding
the operation of land and housing supply
-HIRXMJMIH+VS[XL%VIEW -+%W EVIPMWXIH progress in implementing and achieving MRXLI9VFER*SSXTVMRX%R7)5+VS[XL
in the SEQ Regional Plan. These areas are outcomes to improve strategies. With Management Program will annually
not required to accommodate projected appropriate reporting, monitoring monitor the supply of land, dwellings and
KVS[XLXS,S[IZIVXLI][MPPFI promotes public interest and information industrial land.
considered for future urban development on the regions sustainability.
beyond the life of the plan. The state government will produce
Reporting on progress in achieving the program in consultation with local
These areas need further investigation sustainability outcomes will be publicly government and the development
to confirm their suitability for urban available through the SEQ State of the industry. The program will estimate the
development consistent with the Region report. current state of land supply and dwelling
objectives of the relevant sub-regional yields, including growth accommodated
narrative, the Urban Footprint principles Evaluation measures and calibrates in existing urban areas and broadhectare
and relevant DROs. progress towards DROs, associated targets dwelling potential. The annual report on
and performance indicators, and assesses land supply will identify the number of
SEQ Regional Plan regulations contain the effectiveness of policies and actions. years of land supply available in each
-+%W[MXLMRXLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH Based on an adaptive management sub-region and the amount of land and
Rural Production Area designation to approach, evaluation facilitates policy dwellings potentially available in the
prevent urban development in the interim. responses and the adjustment of policy short- to medium-term.
interventions to changing conditions
throughout implementation. The State of the Region reporting process
Infrastructure and will assess progress against regional
Effectively monitoring, evaluating targets. Targets will be established for
services coordination and reviewing existing policies, their each DRO and will reflect existing targets,
The South East Queensland Infrastructure implementation and their effectiveness such as those in Toward Q2: Tomorrows
Plan and Program (SEQIPP) identifies the in achieving the desired outcomes will Queensland. The State of the Region
regional infrastructure priorities required continually improve policy development report will provide information on progress
to support the regional plan. It is updated and implementation. towards achieving these targets and the
annually. To ensure budget proposals DROs required to achieve sustainability.
The regional plan will be formally
align, state agencies should prepare their
reviewed every five years. The regional Independent experts may provide
infrastructure and services plans in line
planning Minister may then amend or recommendations for reviews. These
with the regional plan. To support this,
replace the regional plan. The regional recommendations will be based on
the Department of Infrastructure and
planning Minister may approve minor available information about implementation
Planning coordinates annual consultation
revisions of the regional plan at any time and progress towards achieving the
with local government on infrastructure
if required. outcomes of the regional plan.
priorities and budgets.
The following information is critical to SEQ is subject to changes in population
The IPA also allows State Infrastructure
regular reviews of the regional plan: growth and demographics. These aspects
Agreements to be used to help fund and
deliver infrastructure. will be monitored and reviewed annually.
XLI7)5+VS[XL1EREKIQIRX4VSKVEQ This information will also inform annual
population and dwelling projections reviews of SEQIPP.

Monitoring, employment growth

evaluation, review and annual reviews of the SEQIPP

Roles and
progress on the implementation of
improvement regional plan policies and actions responsibilities
To manage regional growth and change in progress against regional targets The Department of Infrastructure and
the most sustainable way, a monitoring, Planning works collaboratively with
evaluation and reporting framework progress against targets in Toward
aligned to DROs and sustainability Q2: Tomorrows Queensland
local governments and stakeholders
indicators is required. The framework State of the Region reporting to facilitate and coordinate the
simplifies, clarifies and provides implementation of the regional plan.
emerging regional issues.
154 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

The Regional Coordination Committee Collaborative implementation and activity centres and the application of
(RCC) was established in accordance coordination mechanisms will assist transit oriented principles
with the Integrated Planning Act 1997. governments to implement the following
employment land delivery.
Through the regional planning Minister, SEQ Regional Plan priorities:
the RCC advises the Queensland Advisory committees currently exist
+SZIVRQIRXSRXLIVIKMSREPTPERW climate change for some of these priorities, including
development and implementation. The XLI6IKMSREP0ERHWGETIERH3TIR
monitoring and reporting
RCC will play a key role in confirming Space Advisory Committee, the Chief
priorities and monitoring implementation. regional landscapes and open space Executive Officers Committee for Natural
natural resource management Resource Management in SEQ and
Coordination and monitoring of the Sustainability and Environmental
rural futures Reporting Interdepartmental Committee.
implementation of the regional plan
across state and local governments is social infrastructure and social
essential to ensure effective delivery. planning Where coordination and advice
mechanisms do not currently exist,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
new mechanisms will be established in
response to new and emerging priorities.
Glossary 155

Active transport: Physical acitivity Inter-urban breaks: Non-urban land areas Abbreviations
undertaken as a means of transport; for that separate or surround urban villages,
example, walking or cycling. towns and metropolitan areas. CBD central business district

Agriculture: The use of land and premises Net residential density: A measure of CEO chief executive officer
to grow and produce food, fibre, flowers housing density expressed as dwellings or
and foliage for human consumption or lots per hectare. It is calculated by adding COAG Council of Australian Governments
use. the area of residential lots to the area of
local roads and parks, and then dividing CPTED Crime Prevention Through
Biodiversity: Biological diversitythe by the number of dwellings or residential Environmental Design Guidelines
natural diversity of wildlife and the lots created.
environmental conditions necessary for its DRO desired regional outcome
survival. Open space: An area of land and/or water
HEV high ecological value
that has no or very few built structures,
Bio-sequestration: The removal from the and which has most of its surface open
IDAS Integrated Development
atmosphere and storage of greenhouse to the sky. The surface may be modified
Assessment System
gases through biological processes, such from its natural condition (such as by
as growing trees and using practices that clearing, ploughing, mowing or grazing) IGA Identified Growth Area
enhance soil carbon in agriculture. but is usually substantially unpaved.
Open space can include forests, farm IPA Integrated Planning Act
Cadastre: A public register that spatially lands, beaches, swamps, natural lakes,
represents separate properties. lakes formed by dams, estuaries, inshore MPA Master Planned Area
coastal waters, deserts and urban parks
Co-generation: The use of waste heat with no or few built structures. Open RCC Regional Coordination Committee
energy to produce heat or electricity. space may be owned publicly or privately.
RLRPA Regional Landscape and Rural
Community greenspace: An area of open Peri-urban: The area of influence between Production Area
space on land that is publicly owned or rural and urban areas, usually located
managed, and to which the community near urban areas but with no planning SEQ South East Queensland
generally has a legal right of access. intent for urban development.
SEQIPP South East Queensland
Concurrence agency: An entity prescribed Public recreation: Any outdoor sport Infrastructure Plan and Program
under the Integrated Planning Act or recreation activity undertaken on
Regulation 1998 as a Concurrence Agency land that is allocated or managed SPP State Planning Policy
for a development made under the IPA. for recreation use, and to which the
community generally has a legal right of ULDA Urban Land Development Authority
Infill development: New development that access. Public recreation excludes sport
occurs within established urban areas or recreation activities that take place on
where the site or area is either vacant land that is managed for the exclusive
or has previously been used for another benefit of paying customers or members
urban purpose. The scale of development of a club or association.
can range from the creation of one
additional residential lot to a major,
mixed-use redevelopment.
156 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

A large number of individuals and Cr Campbell Newman, Mayor of Brisbane Local governments
organisations have contributed to the City Council and Chair of the Council of
SEQ Regional Plan. Although it is not Mayors (SEQ) Brisbane City Council
possible to list all of these individually, +SPH'SEWX'MX]'SYRGMP
Cr Paul Pisasale, Mayor of Ipswich City
their contributions are acknowledged and
Council Ipswich City Council
Cr Allan Sutherland, Mayor of Moreton 0SGO]IV:EPPI]6IKMSREP'SYRGMP
The contributions of the following
Bay Regional Council
individuals and groups are acknowledged: 0SKER'MX]'SYRGMP
Ms Felicity McNeill, The Australian
members of the Regional Coordination Moreton Bay Regional Council
Transport, Regional Development and Redland City Council
regional interest groups 0SGEP+SZIVRQIRX
Scenic Rim Regional Council
state agencies Queensland Government Somerset Regional Council
local government departments
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
Council of Mayors (SEQ) Department of Communities
Toowoomba Regional Council
industry and community Department of Community Safety
Department of Education and Training
Images courtesy of:
staff from the Department of Brisbane City Council
Infrastructure and Planning. Department of Employment, Economic
Development and Innovation Department of Employment, Economic
Development and Innovation
Department of Environment and Resource
Special thanks Management Department of Environment and Resource
The RCC membership Department of Infrastructure and Planning

8LI,SR7XMVPMRK,MRGLPMJJI14 'LEMV  Department of Infrastructure and Planning

Department of Justice and Attorney
Minister for Infrastructure and Planning +IRIVEP +VMJJMXL9RMZIVWMX]
8LI,SR%RHVI[*VEWIV148VIEWYVIVERH Department of Public Works Ipswich City Council
Minister for Employment and Economic
Development Department of the Premier and Cabinet 0SGO]IV:EPPI]6IKMSREP'SYRGMP

8LI,SR/EXI.SRIW141MRMWXIVJSV Department of Transport and Main Roads 0SKER'MX]'SYRGMP

Climate Change and Sustainability 5YIIRWPERH,IEPXL Mark Straker Photography
8LI,SR8MQ1YPLIVMR141MRMWXIVJSV Queensland Police Service Mick Capelin
Primary Industries, Fisheries and Rural
and Regional Queensland Queensland Treasury Moreton Bay Regional Council


Transport 8VERW0MRO
for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
and Minister for Trade
Minister for Women
Main Roads
Cr Bob Abbot, Mayor of Sunshine Coast
Regional Council
Cr John Brent, Mayor of Scenic Rim
Regional Council
Bibliography 157

Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Queensland State of the Region Technical of Infrastructure and Planning) 2009,
Development%YWXVEPMER+SZIVRQIRX Report 20085YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX South East Queensland Climate Change
Publishing Service, Canberra. Brisbane. Management Plan, (draft for public
consultation) Department of Infrastructure
Blake, T. 2005, Queensland Cultural 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRXSJ and Planning, Brisbane.
Heritage Places Context Study, Report Communities) 2008, Queensland Closing
to the Environmental Protection Agency, the Gap Report: 2007/08 Indicators and 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX
Brisbane. Initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres of Infrastructure and Planning) 2009,
Strait Islander Peoples, Department of South East Queensland Regional Plan
&YVRIXX1EV]6IKMSREP+VSYT Communities, Brisbane. 20092031 Implementation Guideline
Country to CoastA healthy sustainable No. 7 Water sensitive urban design:
future&YVRIXX1EV]6IKMSREP+VSYT 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX Design objectives for urban stormwater
Bundaberg. of Infrastructure) 2007, Queensland management, Department of Infrastructure
Government Housing Affordability and Planning, Brisbane.
Dodson, J. & Sipe, N. 2008, Unsettling Strategy, Department of Infrastructure,
Suburbia: The New Landscape of Oil Brisbane. 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX
and Mortgage Vulnerability in Australian SJ0SGEP+SZIVRQIRXERH4PERRMRK
Cities. Research Paper No. 17, Urban 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX Department of Emergency Services) 2003,
6IWIEVGL4VSKVEQ+VMJJMXL9RMZIVWMX] of Infrastructure) 2007, South East State Planning Policy 1/03 Mitigating
Brisbane. Queensland Regional Plan 20052026 the Adverse Impacts of Flooding,
Implementation Guideline No. 5 Social Bushfire and Landslide, Department of
South East Queensland Healthy Infrastructure, Brisbane. Department of Emergency Services,
Waterways Strategy 20072012,IEPXL] Brisbane.
Waterways Partnership, Brisbane. 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX
of Infrastructure) 2007, South East 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX
-'0)-0SGEP+SZIVRQIRXWJSV7YWXEMREFMPMX] Queensland Regional Plan 20052026 of Main Roads) 2007, Road Traffic
2009, SEQ Regional Plan Climate Change Implementation Guideline No. 6 Rural Noise ManagementCode of Practice,
Project Phase 2 Emissions Analysis, Precinct Guidelines. Department of Department of Main Roads, Brisbane.
Unpublished report to the Department of Infrastructure, Brisbane.
Infrastructure and Planning, Brisbane. 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX of Mines and Energy) 2007, State
0S['LS](7YXLIVPERH'+PIIWSR of Infrastructure) 2007, South East Planning Policy 2/07 Protection of
B., Snipe, N. & Dodson, J. 2008, Change Queensland Regional Plan 20052026 Extractive Resources(ITEVXQIRXSJ0SGEP
and continuity in peri-urban Australia: Implementation Guideline No. 8 +SZIVRQIRXERH4PERRMRK&VMWFERI
Peri-urban futures and sustainable Identifying and protecting scenic amenity
development1SRSKVETL+VMJJMXL values, Department of Infrastructure, 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRXSJ
University, Brisbane. Brisbane. Mines and Energy) 2007, State Planning
Policy 2/07 Guideline Protection of
D. 2009, Identifying and incorporating of Infrastructure and Planning) 2008, +SZIVRQIRXERH4PERRMRK&VMWFERI
Indigenous landscape values into Queenslands Future Populations 2008
regional planning processes, Urban Edition, Department of Infrastructure and 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX
6IWIEVGL4VSKVEQ+VMJJMXL9RMZIVWMX] Planning, Brisbane. of Natural Resources and Mines) 2002,
Brisbane. State Planning Policy 2/02 Planning
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRXSJ and Managing Development Involving
Productivity Commission (Steering Infrastructure and Planning) 2009, South Acid Sulfate Soils(ITEVXQIRXSJ0SGEP
Service Provision) 2007, Overcoming Program 20092026, Department of
Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators Infrastructure and Planning, Brisbane. 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRXSJ
2007, Productivity Commission, Canberra. Natural Resources and Mines) 2002, State
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX (ITEVXQIRX Planning Policy 2/02 Guideline Planning
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRXState of of Infrastructure and Planning) 2009, and Managing Development Involving
Region Sustainability Indicators Baseline Rural futures strategy for South East Acid Sulfate Soils(ITEVXQIRXSJ0SGEP
Review 20065YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX Queensland, Department of Infrastructure +SZIVRQIRXERH4PERRMRK&VMWFERI
Brisbane. and Planning, Brisbane.
158 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031


the Premier and Cabinet) 2002, Premiers Urban Management) 2007, South East
Policy Scan Issue 4: Ecologically Queensland State of Region Baseline
sustainable development, Department of Report 20052006, Office of Urban
the Premier and Cabinet, Brisbane. Management, Brisbane.


the Premier and Cabinet) 2008, Toward Police Service) 2007, Crime Prevention
Q2: Tomorrows Queensland, Department through Environmental Design: Guidelines
of the Premier and Cabinet, Brisbane. for Queensland, Queensland Police
Service, Brisbane.
of Primary Industries) 1992, State 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX 5YIIRWPERH
Planning Policy 1/92 Development and Transport) 2007, South East Queensland
the Conservation of Agricultural Land, Principal Cycle Network Plan, Queensland
and Planning, Brisbane.
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX )RZMVSRQIRXEP Transport) 2008, Inner City Rail Capacity
Protection Agency) 2002, State Coastal Study Pre-feasibility Report, Queensland
Management Plan, Environmental Transport, Brisbane.
Protection Agency, Brisbane.
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX )RZMVSRQIRXEP Transport) 2009, Action Plan for Walking
Protection Agency) 2006, South 20082010, Queensland Transport,
East Queensland Regional Coastal Brisbane.
Management Plan, Environmental
Protection Agency, Brisbane. 5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX 7SYXL)EWX
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX )RZMVSRQIRXEP 2009, South East Queensland Natural
Protection Agency) 2006, The State of Resource Management Plan 20092031,
Waste and Recycling in Queensland, South East Queensland Regional
Environmental Protection Agency, 'SSVHMREXMSR+VSYT&VMWFERI
Queensland Water Commission 2008,
Protection Agency) 2008, State Strategy, Queensland Water Commission,
and Regional Coastal Management Brisbane.
Plans Queenslands Coastal Policy:
Implementation Guideline for Planning Queensland University of Technology,
Schemes, Environmental Protection Department of Communities, Queensland
Agency, Brisbane. Council of Social Services & Office
of Urban Management 2006, Strong
5YIIRWPERH+SZIVRQIRX )RZMVSRQIRXEP Communities Handbook, Queensland
Protection Agency 2008) Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
Government Environmental Offsets
Policy, Environmental Protection Agency, South East Queensland Traditional Owner
Our Plan, the South East Queensland
Traditional Owner Cultural Resource
Management Plan, SEQTOA, Brisbane.
Part FSouth East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory provisions 159

Part FSouth East Queensland

Regional Plan 20092031 State
planning regulatory provisions
160 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Division 1 Preliminary
1.1 Short title
These State planning regulatory provisions may be cited as the South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory

1.2 Definitions
The dictionary in schedule 10 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997 defines particular words used in these State planning regulatory provisions
unless otherwise defined in schedule 2.

1.3 Relationship to SEQ Regional Plan

These State planning regulatory provisions implement the regional plan for the SEQ region (South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031).

1.4 SEQ region divided into categories

(1) The SEQ Regional Plan allocates all land in the SEQ region into one of the following categories:


(b) Urban Footprint; and


(2) The maps referred to in schedule 1 show these areas.

1.5 When these State planning regulatory provisions do not apply


(a) an urban area under a planning scheme (other than a transitional planning scheme); or

(b) a biodiversity development offset area approved under a State Planning Instrument.

(2) These State planning regulatory provisions do not apply to

(a) development in a rural precinct if the development is consistent with the rural precinct; or

(b) development that is exempt from assessment against a planning scheme under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, schedule 9; or

(c) development carried out under a development approval which has not lapsed for a development application

(i) that was properly made before these State planning regulatory provisions commenced; or

(ii) to which Division 2 of these State planning regulatory provisions applied; or

(d) development that is consistent with a preliminary approval which has not lapsed, for the part of a development application
mentioned in section 3.1.6 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997 that states the way in which the effect of a local planning instrument
is varied, where the development application for the preliminary approval was

(i) properly made before these State planning regulatory provisions commenced; or

(ii) assessed against Division 2 of these State planning regulatory provisions; or

Part FSouth East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory provisions 161

(e) development that is generally in accordance with a rezoning approval where the development entitlements from the rezoning
approval are conferred by the following

(i) the resulting zone in a transitional planning scheme;

(ii) a development permit or acknowledgement notice mentioned in section 3.2.5(1)(a) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997 for
a development application (superseded planning scheme) for the resulting zone in a transitional planning scheme which is a
superseded planning scheme;

(iii) a planning scheme (other than a transitional planning scheme); or

(f ) development that is

(i) declared to be a significant project under section 26(1)(a) of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971;

(ii) in a State development area under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971.

Division 2 Material change of use

2.1 Material change of use outside the Urban Footprint

(a) does not require assessment by the referral agency for these State planning regulatory provisions, if the material change of use
is identified in Column 1 of the applicable table identified in Columns 2 and 3 of Table 2A;

(b) requires assessment by the referral agency for these State planning regulatory provisions and impact assessment against the
identified assessment criteria, if the material change of use is identified in Column 2 of the applicable table identified in Columns
2 and 3 of Table 2A.

Table 2AMaterial change of use in the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area and Rural Living Area

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Use Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area Rural Living Area
Tourist activity Table 2B Table 2B
Sport and recreation Table 2B Table 2B
Community activities Table 2B Table 2B
Urban activities
Indoor recreation Table 2C Table 2C
Residential development Table 2D Table 2D
Rural residential Table 2D Not applicable
Other urban activities Table 2E Table 2E

Table 2BCommunity activity, sport and recreation and tourist activity

Column 1 Column 2
Material change of use not requiring referral agency assessment Material change of use requiring referral agency assessment and
impact assessment
A material change of use having a gfa of no more than 5000 m2 A material change of use not identified in Column 1 must comply
on the premises (excluding short-term accommodation) where with the site, use and strategic intent requirements under
(a) any incidental commercial or retail activity on the premises Schedule 4 of these regulatory provisions.
is no more than 250 m2; and
(b) short-term accommodation on the premises contains no
more than 300 persons.
162 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Table 2Cindoor recreation

Column 1 Column 2
Material change of use not requiring referral agency assessment Material change of use requiring referral agency assessment and
impact assessment
A material change of use having a gfa of no more than 3000 m2 A material change of use not identified in Column 1 must comply
on the premises (excluding short-term accommodation) where with the following assessment criteria
(a) the premises caters for no more than 250 persons; and (a) the locational requirements or environmental impacts of
(b) short-term accommodation on the premises contains no the development necessitate its location outside the Urban
more than 100 persons. Footprint;
(b) there is an overriding need for the development in the
public interest.

Table 2Dresidential development and rural residential development

Column 1 Column 2
Material change of use not requiring referral agency assessment Material change of use requiring referral agency assessment and
impact assessment
A material change of use for a private residence on an A material change of use not identified in Column 1 must comply
existing lot. with the following criteria
(a) the locational requirements or environmental impacts of
the development necessitate its location outside the Urban
(b) there is an overriding need for the development in the
public interest.

Table 2EOther urban activities

Column 1 Column 2
Material change of use not requiring referral agency assessment Material change of use requiring referral agency assessment and
impact assessment
1. A material change of use for an industrial and commercial A material change of use not identified in Column 1 must comply
purpose having a gfa of no more than with the following assessment criteria
750 m2 on the premises where (a) the locational requirements or environmental impacts
(a) any incidental retail activity on the premises of the development necessitate its location outside the
is no more than 50 m2; and Urban Footprint;
(b) any associated outdoor area on the premises is no more (b) there is an overriding need for the development in the
than 1500 m2. public interest.
2. A material change of use for a service station having
a gfa of no more than 1000 m2 on the premises
where any
(a) incidental retail activity on the premises is no more than
250 m2; and
(b) associated outdoor area on the premises is no more than
2000 m2.
Part FSouth East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory provisions 163

2.2 Material change of use in a development area

A material change of use in a development area identified in

(a) Column 1 of Table 2F, does not require assessment by the referral agency for these State planning regulatory provisions; and

(b) Column 2 of Table 2F, is required to be assessed by the referral agency for these State planning regulatory provisions against the
identified assessment criteria.

Table 2Fland within a development area

Column 1 Column 2
Material change of use not requiring referral agency assessment Material change of use requiring referral agency assessment and
impact assessment
A material change of use involving exempt, self and code Development not identified in Column 1 must be consistent with
assessable development under the planning scheme where the future planning intent for the area.
(a) the gfa on the premises is no more than 10 000 m2; and
(b) the premises is no more than 10 000 m2.
164 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Division 3 Subdivision
provisions and may not occur if identified in Column 2 of Table 3A.

assessment by the referral agency for these State planning regulatory provisions.

Table 3ASubdivision in the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area

Column 1 Column 2
Subdivision compliant with Division 3.1 Subdivision which may not occur
(1) The subdivision is consistent with an rural subdivision Development not identified in Column 1.
(2) The subdivision results in lots of 100 hectares or greater.
(3) The subdivision of a lot results in no additional lots, for
example, amalgamation or boundary realignment.
(4) The subdivision is
(a) in an area designated by the regional planning
Minister in a gazette notice as having a rural
residential purpose; and
(b) subject to a development application that is properly
made on or before 6 December 2010.
(5) The subdivision is limited to one additional lot created to
accommodate the following
(a) an emergency services facility;
(b) water cycle management infrastructure;
(c) a waste management facility;
(d) telecommunication infrastructure;
(e) electricity infrastructure;
(f ) a cemetery or crematorium; or
(g) a correctional facility.
(6) The subdivision divides one lot into two where
(a) the existing lot is severed by a road that was gazetted
before 2 March 2006; and
(b) the resulting lot boundaries use the road as the
boundary of division.
(7) The subdivision is consistent with a development approval
for a material change of use of premises that has not
lapsed, where
(a) the application for the development approval was
properly made before 31 October 2006; or
(b) the material change of use was assessed by a referral
agency against Division 2 of the applicable State
planning regulatory provisions.
Part FSouth East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory provisions 165

3.2 Subdivision in a development area

A subdivision of land in a development area

(a) identified in Column 1 of Table 3B, does not require assessment by the referral agency for these State planning regulatory
provisions; and

(b) identified in Column 2 of Table 3B, requires assessment by the referral agency for these State planning regulatory provisions and
impact assessment against the identified assessment criteria.

Table 3BSubdivision involving land within a development area

Column 1 Column 2
Subdivision not requiring referral agency assessment Subdivision requiring referral agency assessment and impact
(1) The subdivision complies with a master plan for a declared Development not identified in Column 1 must be consistent with
master planned area. the future planning intent for the area.
(2) The subdivision results in no additional lots, for example,
amalgamation or boundary realignment.
(3) The subdivision is limited to one additional lot created to
accommodate the following
(a) an emergency services facility;
(b) water cycle management infrastructure;
(c) a waste management facility;
(d) telecommunication infrastructure;
(e) electricity infrastructure;
(f ) a cemetery or crematorium; or
(g) a correctional facility.
(4) The subdivision divides one lot into two where
(a) the existing lot is severed by a road that was gazetted
before 2 March 2006; and
(b) the resulting lot boundaries use the road as the
boundary of division.
(5) The subdivision is consistent with a development approval
for a material change of use of premises that has not
lapsed, where
(a) the application for the development approval was
properly made before 31 October 2006; or
(b) the material change of use was assessed by a referral
agency against Division 2 of the applicable State
planning regulatory provisions.
166 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Division 4 Assessment criteria for development applications

4.1 Assessment criteria for development applications

The assessment manager for a development application involving a material change of use involving an extension of more than
10 000 m2 of retail floor space must assess the application against the following assessment criteria.

Assessment criteria
The development must have regard to the provision of sufficient land with street frontage for non-retail business premises.

Division 5 Regional Planning Minister Notices

5.1 Regional Planning Minister notices

(1) The regional planning Minister may by gazette notice designate an area within the SEQ Region to be:

(a) a local development area;

(b) a regional development area;

(c) an rural subdivision precinct;

(d) a rural precinct; or

(e) an area having a rural residential purpose.

(2) The referral agency for these State planning regulatory provisions must publish a copy of each gazette notice issued under
section 5.1(1) on its webpage.

(3) Failure to comply with section 5.1(2) does not affect the validity of the gazette notice.

Division 6 Contrary and inconsistent development

6.1 Contrary and inconsistent development

(1) Development is only contrary to, or inconsistent1 with, these State planning regulatory provisions to the extent the development
is identified in Column 2 of Table 3A.

(2) Nothing in this section prevents the referral agency for these State planning regulatory provisions exercising its powers under the
IDAS including directing refusal of, or imposing conditions on, a development.

The reference to inconsistent development is to clarify the expected impact of section 324 of the Sustainable Planning Bill 2009.
Part FSouth East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory provisions 167

Schedule 1Maps
South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 regulatory maps numbered SEQ RP 1 to SEQ RP 32.

Schedule 2Dictionary
2.1 Use denitions
community activities means an activity limited to a place of worship, an education facility, a community hall, a childcare centre,
hospice, institution, associated short-term accommodation and incidental commercial and retail activity.

indoor recreation means an activity limited to indoor sport, recreation and entertainment purposes. It includes an indoor sport and
function centre facility, wedding chapel, restaurant, tavern with associated short-term accommodation and an incidental commercial
and retail activity.

institution means an activity limited to

(a) the care, treatment or accommodation of a mentally ill person admitted thereto pursuant to legislation; or

(b) the detention, reform or training of a person admitted thereto pursuant to legislation.

outdoor recreation means a recreation or sports activity that

(a) has a direct connection to the rural, natural or resource value of the premises;

(b) is carried on outside of a building;

(c) requires areas of open space; and

(d) may include works necessary to manage safety and ecological impacts.

overriding need in the public interest has the meaning provided for by schedule 3.

primary industry means agriculture, apiculture, aquaculture, horticulture, pastoral industry, intensive animal husbandry and extractive

private residence means a residential activity limited to no more than

(a) a primary residence;

(b) secondary residence (e.g. granny flat); and

(c) managers residence.

residential development means development for a residential purpose. It includes a rural residential development, relocatable home
park, retirement village and a private residence. It does not include short-term accommodation or an institution.

short-term accommodation means a facility which is purpose built for non-permanent accommodation and makes individual units or
spaces available for separate hire for periods of no more than 12 weeks to tourists and travellers. It includes, but is not limited to a
holiday cabin, motel, hotel, holiday apartment, guesthouse, dormitory, backpackers hostel, camping site and caravan park. It does not
include residential development.
168 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

sport and recreation activities means a purpose-built outdoor sport and recreation facility, including a clubhouse, short-term
accommodation, grandstand and storage facility.

tourist activities means an activity which is reliant on the tourist trade. It includes short-term accommodation and an incidental
commercial and retail activity.

urban activity means a residential, industrial, retail, or commercial activity. It does not include the following

(a) tourist activity;

(b) sport and recreation activity;

(c) community activity;

(d) outdoor recreation;

(e) forestry and primary industry activity or an activity reasonably associated with such a purpose for which the premises or
surrounding area is used, including, for example the following

(i) farm workers accommodation;

(ii) a mechanical repair workshop for farm machinery or vehicles;

(iii) vehicle storage associated with transporting forestry or primary industry produce or resources;

(iv) processing and packaging forestry or primary industry goods, including crushing and screening of extracted materials and
wholesale nurseries.

(f ) an aeronautical facility;

(g) an emergency services facility;

(h) water cycle, waste management, telecommunications and electricity infrastructure;

(i) a cemetery crematorium;

(j) an animal boarding facility.

2.2 Administrative denitions

applicable State planning regulatory provisions means the version of the State planning regulatory provisions for the SEQ region in
effect at the time the application for the development approval was properly made.

associated outdoor area means the total outdoor area of the site used for or in association with an urban activity, tourist activity or
sport and recreation. It includes an unenclosed covered area, parking area and a manoeuvring, loading and outdoor storage area. It
does not include a landscaped area and driveway.

development area means land designated by the regional planning Minister in a gazette notice as:

(a) a local development area; or

(b) a regional development area

for the purposes of these State planning regulatory provisions.

gross floor area (gfa) means the total floor area of all stories of a building measured from the outside of the external walls or the
centre of a common wall.
Part FSouth East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 State planning regulatory provisions 169

rezoning approval means an approval given under the following

(a) the Local Government (Planning and Environment) Act 1990 (repealed), section 4.5(6), 4.8(6), 4.10(6) or 8.10(9A);

(b) the Local Government Act 1936 (repealed), section 33(5)(K) to which section 33(5)(M) also applied;

(c) the Integrated Planning Act 1997, section 6.1.26.

rural subdivision precinct means an area designated by the regional planning Minister in a gazette notice as a rural subdivision
precinct for the purposes of these State planning regulatory provisions.

rural precinct means land endorsed by the regional planning Minister in a gazette notice as a rural precinct for the purposes of these
regulatory provisions.

subdivision means creating a lot by subdividing another lot, or dividing land into parts by agreement rendering different parts of a
lot immediately available for separate disposition or separate occupation, and does not include a lease for a term, including renewal
options, not exceeding 10 years.

transitional planning scheme has the meaning given by the Integrated Planning Act 1997, Chapter 6, Part 1, Division 2.

To determine an overriding need for the development in the public interest an application must establish

(a) the overall social, economic and environmental benefits of the material change of use weighed against

(i) any detrimental impact upon the natural values of the site; and

(ii) conflicts with the desired regional outcomes of the SEQ Regional Plan, especially in relation to promoting the consolidation
Production Area; and

(b) that the community would experience significant adverse economic, social or environmental impacts if the material change of use
proposal were not to proceed.

This may require an assessment to determine if the material change of use could reasonably be located in the Urban Footprint.

The following do not establish an overriding need in the public interest

(a) activities with relatively few locational requirements such as residential development and shopping centres; or

(b) interests in or options over the site; or

(c) the sites availability or ownership.

170 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Schedule 4Site, use and strategic intent requirements for community activities, sport
and recreation and tourist activities
For Column 2 Table 2B, Section 2.1, Division 2 of these State planning regulatory provisions the site, use and strategic intent
requirements are as follows:

(1) The proposed site must

(a) be directly accessible to appropriate existing or proposed transport infrastructure, including public transport;

(b) be able to be serviced with efficient provision of physical infrastructure, including water and sewerage;

(c) have timely access to a suitable workforce;

(d) be physically suitable; and

(e) be appropriately separated from incompatible uses.

(2) Development on the proposed site must exclude areas of

(a) significant biodiversity values;

(b) koala habitat;

(c) unacceptable risk from natural hazards, including predicted impacts of climate change; and

(d) good quality agricultural land.

(3) The use of the premises must not include residential development and

(a) for community activities limits

(i) short-term accommodation to a maximum of 300 persons; and

(ii) use of the premises for urban activities (other than short term accommodation) to no more than 50 m2 gfa; and

(b) for tourist activities and sport and recreation activities limits

(i) short-term accommodation to a maximum of 300 persons; and

(ii) use of the premises for urban activities (other than short term accommodation) to no more than 1000 m2 gfa.

(4) The strategic intent of the SEQ Regional Plan must be met, including all relevant Desired Regional Outcomes.

172 South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031

Department of Infrastructure and Planning
PO Box 15009 City East Qld 4002 Australia
tel +61 7 3237 1809
fax +61 7 3235 4563

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