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Sociodemographic indicators

Sociodemographic indicators
Sociodemographic Adult literacy rate Percent

Sociodemographic Annual population growth rate Percent

Sociodemographic Crude birth rate Per 1000

Sociodemographic Crude birth rate Per 1000
Sociodemographic Crude birth rate Per 1000
Sociodemographic Crude death rate Per 1000
Sociodemographic GDP per capita (PPP) US$

Sociodemographic Health expenditure per capita (PPP) US$

Sociodemographic Human development index Index

Sociodemographic Human development index Rank

Sociodemographic Human poverty index Index

Sociodemographic Human poverty index Rank

Sociodemographic Life expectancy at birth Year

Sociodemographic Life expectancy at birth Year

Sociodemographic Life expectancy at birth Year

Sociodemographic Population living below US $2 a day Percent

Sociodemographic Population size Percent

Sociodemographic Population size Thousand

Sociodemographic Population size Thousand

Sociodemographic Population size Thousand

Sociodemographic Population size Thousand

Sociodemographic Population urbanised Percent

Sociodemographic Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education Percent

Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births

Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births

Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births

Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births

Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births

Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births

Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births
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live births
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Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births

Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000

live births
Sociodemographic Under-five mortality rate Deaths per 1000
live births

(1) Indonesia_Bakti Husada, BPS Statistic Indonesia & UNICEF. Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) 2000, NYHQ revision, 2002.
(2) Indonesia_BPS, UNICEF, Multiple indicator survey (MICS) 2000, Standard tables as of June 23, 2004
(3) Indonesia_CDC&EH, Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2004-2005, Communicable Disease Control and Environment Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia, Sep 2
(4) Indonesia_CDC-EH, WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 20
(5) Indonesia_Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(6) Indonesia_Department of Health Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia, National AIDS Commission, USAID, et al. (2007). Integrated Biological- Behavioral Surveillance
(7) Indonesia_Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia Reported through December 2009
(8) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(9) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(10) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2012). Progress Report HIV & AIDS Situation in Indonesia up t
(11) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in Indonesia UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(12) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(13) Indonesia_IBBS among most-at-risk groups, 2007
(14) Indonesia_Mathers B.M. et al. Global epidemiology of injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs: a systematic review. The Lancet (online editio
(15) Indonesia_Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health. Integrated Biological and Behavioural S
(16) Indonesia_Ministry of Health. (2009). Estimasi Populasi Dewasa Rawan Terinfeksi HIV 2009. (In Indonesian Language)
(17) Indonesia_MoH, A National Assessment for Preventing HIV in Mother and Children: An Indonesian Story, Directorate of Maternal Health, Sep 2006, Ministry of H
(18) Indonesia_MoH, National Estimates of Adult HIV Infection, 2002, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
(19) Indonesia_Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000
(20) Indonesia_NAC (2008), National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) cited in Indonesian UNGASS-AIDS Forum, Civil Society Report, 2010
(21) Indonesia_National AIDS Commission Indonesia (2012). Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Report, 2012.
(22) Indonesia_National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health cited in WHO. (2010). HIV/AIDS in the South-East Asia Region: Progress Report 2010.
(23) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997
(24) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Indonesia, Oct 1998
(25) Indonesia_Online HIV/AIDS database at
(26) Indonesia_Robert Magnani, Pandu Riono, Nurhayati, et al. Sexual Risk Behaviors, HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Female Sex Workers
(27) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia and Macro International, Indonesia Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey, 2007
(28) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinate Board, Ministry of Health. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007, December 20
(29) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Ministry of Health and ORC Macro. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2
(30) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(31) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008
(32) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(33) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010 citing Indonesia, CDC MoH report, 2009
(34) Indonesia_UNICEF, Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004
(35) Indonesia_UNICEF, End Decade Statistical Report: Data and Descriptive Analysis, 2000, BPS, Statistics Indonesia
(36) Indonesia_UNICEF, Population Council, Final Report of Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in Eas
(37) Indonesia_UoI, UNICEF, Executive Summary of Baseline Data collection for Intervention Aimed at Reducing HIV Vulnerability to Young People in Papua Provin
(38) Indonesia_Youth and Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(39) UN_Population Division at
(40) UN_Population Division. Online at
(41) UN_UN Statistics Division 2010
(42) UNAIDS_Data retrieved from
(43) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets December, 2006 Update
(44) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2006
(45) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2008
(46) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2006
(47) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2008
(48) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
(49) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006. GAE Report 2006 refers to UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(50) UNAIDS_Report on The Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
(51) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. UNAIDS Data Tables 2011
(52) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2012). Annexes - UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2012.
(53) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2013). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2013.
(54) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2006
(55) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2007-2008
(56) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2010
(57) UNFPA_State of World Population, 2010
(58) UNICEF_OVC survey 2007 cited in Indonesia, UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(59) UNICEF_PMTCT Report Card, 2005
(60) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Global HIV/AIDS Response - Epidemic Update and Health Sector Progress Towards Universal Access - Progress Report, 2011.
(61) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2008
(62) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2009
(63) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2010
(64) WHO_WHO (2011). Global Tuberculosis Control 2011.
(65) WHO_WHO (2013). Global tuberculosis report 2013.
(66) WHO_World Health Report, 2006
(67) WHO_World Health Statistics, 2010
(68) World Bank_World Development Indicators & Global Development Finace Database
(69) World Bank_World Development Indicators database, September 2008. Retrieved on 15 October, 2008, from
(70) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap Report.
(71) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). HIV Estimates 1990-2014.
(72) Indonesia_Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2015 based on Ministry of Health.(2013). Estimasi Populasi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia
(73) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). How AIDS Changed Every Thing. MDG 6: 15 Years, 15 Lessons of Hope From the AIDS Response.
2010-2015 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

Total 15+ yr
0.98 ( 41 )

18.569 ( 68 )

6.309 ( 68 )
4198.779 ( 68 )
81 ( 67 )
0.6 ( 56 )
108 ( 56 )
71.493 ( 56 )
Female 15-49 yr

116454.516 ( 41 )
116062.255 ( 41 )
232516.771 ( 41 )
Total 15-49 yr
44 ( 57 )
98.036 ( 68 ) 98 ( 69 )
Birth order 1

Birth order 2-3

Birth order 4-6

Birth order 7+

Both delivery and

antenatal care

Either delivery or
antenatal care

37 ( 67 )
Education: None

Education: Some
Education: Some


Java-Bali Rural

Java-Bali Urban

44 ( 67 )
Mother <20 yr

Mother 20-29 yr

Mother 30-39 yr

Mother 40-49 yr

Mother's age at
birth: <20 yr
Mother's age at
birth: 20-29 yr
Mother's age at
birth: 30-39 yr
Mother's age at
birth: 40-49 yr
education: None

Primary complete

Neither delivery
nor antenatal
Outer Java-Bali 1

Outer Java-Bali 2

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2
Previous birth
interval <2 yr
Previous birth
interval 2 yr
Previous birth
interval 3 yr
Previous birth
interval 4+ yr

Rural Female

41 ( 67 )

Urban Female

Wealth index
quintiles: Fourth
Wealth index
quintiles: Highest

Wealth index
quintiles: Lowest

Wealth index
quintiles: Middle
Wealth index
quintiles: Second

ealth, Indonesia, Sep 2005

Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 2007, Disease Control & Environment Health of Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Behavioral Surveillance among Most-at-Risk Groups in Indonesia, 2007: Surveillance Highlights- Injecting Drug Users

ation in Indonesia Up to December 2010, the Ministry of Health(Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia S
ation in Indonesia Up to June 2011, the Ministry of Health (Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia Samp
uation in Indonesia up to December 2011, the Ministry of Health

The Lancet (online edition), September 24th, 2008

gical and Behavioural Survey (IBBS) 2011

Sep 2006, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Oct 1998

g Female Sex Workers in Indonesia,, published online June 3, 2010

vey 2007, December 2008.

hic and Health Survey 2002-2003, December 2003

d Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004

People in Papua Province, 2003, Center for Health and Research, University of Indonesia

ss Report, 2011.
rtular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language).
2005-2010 2005-2008 2005 2004 2002-2003 2002 2000 1998-2002 1997

92 ( 56 ) 90.4 ( 54 )
1.16 ( 39 )

21.7 ( 29 )

18.7 ( 39 ) 21.9 ( 29 ) 22 ( 29 )

22.1 ( 29 )

6.3 ( 39 )
3843 ( 55 ) 3609 ( 54 )

0.728 ( 55 ) 0.711 ( 54 )
107 ( 55 ) 108 ( 54 )
18.2 ( 55 ) 18.5 ( 54 )
47 ( 55 ) 41 ( 54 )
72.7 ( 40 )
68.7 ( 40 )
70.7 ( 40 )

55 ( 40 )

226063 ( 39 )
127020 ( 39 )
48 ( 39 ) 44 ( 29 ) 42 ( 29 )

44 ( 29 )

48 ( 29 )

69 ( 29 )

112 ( 29 )

40 ( 24 )

61 ( 24 )

51 ( 29 ) 64 ( 24 )
108 ( 24 )

72 ( 24 )

86 ( 24 )

35 ( 24 )

62 ( 24 )

70 ( 24 )

46 ( 24 )

58 ( 29 ) 77 ( 24 )

84 ( 24 )

64 ( 24 )

80 ( 24 )

46 ( 24 )

62 ( 29 )

52 ( 29 )

56 ( 29 )

58 ( 29 )

90 ( 29 )

80 ( 29 )

54 ( 29 )

47 ( 29 )

28 ( 29 )

119 ( 24 )

80 ( 24 )

83 ( 24 )

87 ( 24 )

91 ( 24 )
51 ( 24 )

49 ( 24 )

126 ( 29 )

65 ( 29 )

39 ( 29 )

38 ( 29 )

65 ( 29 )

78 ( 24 )

32 ( 40 ) 46 ( 29 ) 71 ( 24 )

42 ( 29 )

48 ( 24 )

45 ( 29 )

22 ( 29 )

77 ( 29 )

56 ( 29 )

64 ( 29 )
1996-1999 1995-2005 1993-1997 1990-2005 1990-2004 1990 1988-1992 1986-1989

90.4 ( 55 )

23 ( 29 ) 28 ( 29 )

52 ( 55 ) 52 ( 54 )

31 ( 29 )
63 ( 29 ) 79 ( 29 )
HIV Prevalence and Epidemiology
HIV Prevalence and Epidemiology
Sex Workers (SW) Active syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Chlamydia prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Chlamydia prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Chlamydia prevalence among sex workers Percent

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Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported bad smelling or abnormal genital Percent
discharge in the last 12 months
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported bad smelling or abnormal genital Percent
discharge in the last 12 months
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported genital sore or ulcer in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported genital sore or ulcer in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

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Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Syphilis prevalence among sex workers Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Active syphilis prevalence among men who have sex with Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Chlamydia prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Chlamydia prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Chlamydia prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Chlamydia prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Chlamydia prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Chlamydia prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Estimated number of men who have sex with men Number (Estimate)

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Estimated number of men who have sex with men Number (High

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Estimated number of men who have sex with men Number (Low

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Gonorrhoea prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Gonorrhoea prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Gonorrhoea prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Gonorrhoea prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Gonorrhoea prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Gonorrhoea prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported genital sore or Percent
ulcer in the last 12 months
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported genital/anal Percent
discharge in the last 12 months
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Syphilis prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Syphilis prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Syphilis prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Syphilis prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Syphilis prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Syphilis prevalence among men who have sex with men Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Estimated HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent (Estimate)

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Estimated HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent (High
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Estimated HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent (Low
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Estimated number of partners of people who inject drugs Number (Estimate)

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Estimated number of people who inject drugs Number (Estimate)

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Estimated number of people who inject drugs Number (High
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Estimated number of people who inject drugs Number (Low
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent (High
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent (Low
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent (Median)

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported genital discharge in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported genital sore or ulcer in Percent
the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Syphilis prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Syphilis prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Syphilis prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Syphilis prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Syphilis prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Syphilis prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Syphilis prevalence among people who inject drugs Percent

Transgender people (TG) Chlamydia prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Chlamydia prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Chlamydia prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Chlamydia prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Chlamydia prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Chlamydia prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Estimated number of regular partners of Number (Estimate)

Transgender people (TG) Estimated number of transgender/Hijra/Waria Number (Estimate)

Transgender people (TG) Estimated number of transgender/Hijra/Waria living with HIV Number (Estimate)

Transgender people (TG) Gonorrhoea prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Gonorrhoea prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Gonorrhoea prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Gonorrhoea prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Gonorrhoea prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Gonorrhoea prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) HIV prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) HIV prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) HIV prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) HIV prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) HIV prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) HIV prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) HIV prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) HIV prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Syphilis prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Syphilis prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Syphilis prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Syphilis prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Syphilis prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Syphilis prevalence among transgender/Hijra/Waria Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported genital sore or ulcer in Percent
the last 12 months
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported genital/anal discharge Percent
in the last 12 months
High-risk Men Estimated number of clients of female sex workers Number (Estimate)

High-risk Men Estimated number of clients of female sex workers living with Number (Estimate)
High-risk Men Estimated number of clients of transgender/Hijra/Waria Number (Estimate)

High-risk Men Estimated number of clients of transgender/Hijra/Waria living Number (Estimate)

with HIV
High-risk Men Estimated number of prisoners Number (Estimate)

High-risk Men Estimated number of prisoners living with HIV Number (Estimate)

High-risk Men Estimated number of regular partners of clients of female sex Number (Estimate)
High-risk Men Estimated number of regular partners of clients of female sex Number (Estimate)
workers living with HIV
High-risk Men Estimated number of regular partners of Number (Estimate)
transgender/Hijra/Waria living with HIV
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported genital discharge in the last 12 months

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported genital sore or ulcer in the last 12

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)
High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy for Percent
clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men HIV prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)
High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among high-risk occupation group (proxy Percent
for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Syphilis prevalence among prisoners Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Cumulative HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated AIDS-related deaths Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB among people living with HIV Per 100,000

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB among people living with HIV Per 100,000
population (High

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB among people living with HIV Per 100,000
population (Low

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB among people living with HIV Thousands
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB among people living with HIV Thousands (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB among people living with HIV Thousands (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB cases who are HIV-positive Per 100,000

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB cases who are HIV-positive Per 100,000
population (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated incidence of TB cases who are HIV-positive Per 100,000
population (Low

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of new HIV infections Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (High
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people living with HIV Number (Low
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of people who inject drugs living with HIV Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Estimated number of street children living with HIV Number (Estimate)

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported AIDS deaths Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Number

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Percent

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new AIDS cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

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People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Number
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported new HIV cases Percent

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Reported number of HIV positive TB patients Number

People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Tested TB patients who are HIV positive Percent

Women and men Estimated deaths among HIV positive TB patients Per 100,000

Women and men Estimated deaths among HIV positive TB patients Per 100,000
population (High

Women and men Estimated deaths among HIV positive TB patients Per 100,000
population (Low

Women and men Estimated deaths among HIV positive TB patients Thousands
Women and men Estimated deaths among HIV positive TB patients Thousands (High
Women and men Estimated deaths among HIV positive TB patients Thousands (Low
Women and men Estimated deaths due to TB Per 100,000

Women and men Estimated deaths due to TB Per 100,000

population (High

Women and men Estimated deaths due to TB Per 100,000

population (Low

Women and men Estimated deaths due to TB Thousands

Women and men Estimated deaths due to TB Thousands (High
Women and men Estimated deaths due to TB Thousands (Low
Women and men Estimated incidence of TB (including HIV) Per 100,000

Women and men Estimated incidence of TB (including HIV) Per 100,000

population (High
Women and men Estimated incidence of TB (including HIV) Per 100,000
population (Low

Women and men Estimated incidence of TB (including HIV) Thousands

Women and men Estimated incidence of TB (including HIV) Thousands (High
Women and men Estimated incidence of TB (including HIV) Thousands (Low
Women and men Estimated number of adults and children with TB Thousands
Women and men Estimated number of adults and children with TB Thousands (High
Women and men Estimated number of adults and children with TB Thousands (Low
Women and men Estimated number of incident cases of TB Thousands
Women and men Estimated number of incident cases of TB Thousands (High
Women and men Estimated number of incident cases of TB Thousands (Low
Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB Per 100,000

Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB Per 100,000

population (High

Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB Per 100,000

population (Low

Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB (including HIV) Per 100,000


Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB (including HIV) Per 100,000

population (High

Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB (including HIV) Per 100,000

population (Low

Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB (including HIV) Thousands

Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB (including HIV) Thousands (High
Women and men Estimated prevalence of TB (including HIV) Thousands (Low
Women and men HIV incidence among adults (15-49) Percent (High
Women and men HIV incidence among adults (15-49) Percent (Low
Women and men HIV prevalence among adults (15-49) Percent (Estimate)

Women and men HIV prevalence among adults (15-49) Percent (High
Women and men HIV prevalence among adults (15-49) Percent (Low
Women and men HIV prevalence among pregnant women Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among pregnant women Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among pregnant women Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among pregnant women Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among STI patients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among STI patients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among STI patients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among STI patients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men HIV prevalence among VCT clients Percent

Women and men Syphilis prevalence among pregnant women Percent

Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (Estimate)

Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (Estimate)

Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (Estimate)

Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (Estimate)

Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (High
Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (High
Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (High
Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (High
Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (Low
Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (Low
Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (Low
Young people HIV prevalence among young people (15-24) Percent (Low
Children Estimated number of street children Number (Estimate)

(1) Indonesia_Bakti Husada, BPS Statistic Indonesia & UNICEF. Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) 2000, NYHQ revision, 2002.
(2) Indonesia_BPS, UNICEF, Multiple indicator survey (MICS) 2000, Standard tables as of June 23, 2004
(3) Indonesia_CDC&EH, Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2004-2005, Communicable Disease Control and Environment Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia, Sep 2
(4) Indonesia_CDC-EH, WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 20
(5) Indonesia_Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(6) Indonesia_Department of Health Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia, National AIDS Commission, USAID, et al. (2007). Integrated Biological- Behavioral Surveillance
(7) Indonesia_Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia Reported through December 2009
(8) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(9) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(10) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2012). Progress Report HIV & AIDS Situation in Indonesia up t
(11) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in Indonesia UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(12) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(13) Indonesia_IBBS among most-at-risk groups, 2007
(14) Indonesia_Mathers B.M. et al. Global epidemiology of injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs: a systematic review. The Lancet (online editio
(15) Indonesia_Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health. Integrated Biological and Behavioural S
(16) Indonesia_Ministry of Health. (2009). Estimasi Populasi Dewasa Rawan Terinfeksi HIV 2009. (In Indonesian Language)
(17) Indonesia_MoH, A National Assessment for Preventing HIV in Mother and Children: An Indonesian Story, Directorate of Maternal Health, Sep 2006, Ministry of H
(18) Indonesia_MoH, National Estimates of Adult HIV Infection, 2002, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
(19) Indonesia_Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000
(20) Indonesia_NAC (2008), National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) cited in Indonesian UNGASS-AIDS Forum, Civil Society Report, 2010
(21) Indonesia_National AIDS Commission Indonesia (2012). Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Report, 2012.
(22) Indonesia_National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health cited in WHO. (2010). HIV/AIDS in the South-East Asia Region: Progress Report 2010.
(23) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997
(24) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Indonesia, Oct 1998
(25) Indonesia_Online HIV/AIDS database at
(26) Indonesia_Robert Magnani, Pandu Riono, Nurhayati, et al. Sexual Risk Behaviors, HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Female Sex Workers
(27) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia and Macro International, Indonesia Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey, 2007
(28) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinate Board, Ministry of Health. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007, December 20
(29) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Ministry of Health and ORC Macro. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2
(30) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(31) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008
(32) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(33) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010 citing Indonesia, CDC MoH report, 2009
(34) Indonesia_UNICEF, Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004
(35) Indonesia_UNICEF, End Decade Statistical Report: Data and Descriptive Analysis, 2000, BPS, Statistics Indonesia
(36) Indonesia_UNICEF, Population Council, Final Report of Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in Eas
(37) Indonesia_UoI, UNICEF, Executive Summary of Baseline Data collection for Intervention Aimed at Reducing HIV Vulnerability to Young People in Papua Provin
(38) Indonesia_Youth and Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(39) UN_Population Division at
(40) UN_Population Division. Online at
(41) UN_UN Statistics Division 2010
(42) UNAIDS_Data retrieved from
(43) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets December, 2006 Update
(44) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2006
(45) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2008
(46) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2006
(47) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2008
(48) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
(49) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006. GAE Report 2006 refers to UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(50) UNAIDS_Report on The Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
(51) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. UNAIDS Data Tables 2011
(52) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2012). Annexes - UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2012.
(53) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2013). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2013.
(54) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2006
(55) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2007-2008
(56) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2010
(57) UNFPA_State of World Population, 2010
(58) UNICEF_OVC survey 2007 cited in Indonesia, UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(59) UNICEF_PMTCT Report Card, 2005
(60) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Global HIV/AIDS Response - Epidemic Update and Health Sector Progress Towards Universal Access - Progress Report, 2011.
(61) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2008
(62) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2009
(63) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2010
(64) WHO_WHO (2011). Global Tuberculosis Control 2011.
(65) WHO_WHO (2013). Global tuberculosis report 2013.
(66) WHO_World Health Report, 2006
(67) WHO_World Health Statistics, 2010
(68) World Bank_World Development Indicators & Global Development Finace Database
(69) World Bank_World Development Indicators database, September 2008. Retrieved on 15 October, 2008, from
(70) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap Report.
(71) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). HIV Estimates 1990-2014.
(72) Indonesia_Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2015 based on Ministry of Health.(2013). Estimasi Populasi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia
(73) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). How AIDS Changed Every Thing. MDG 6: 15 Years, 15 Lessons of Hope From the AIDS Response.
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009

6.1 ( 60 )
40.7 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batam
51.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Deli Serdang
32.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
47.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jakarta Utara
34.7 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandung
51.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batang
38.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Semarang
46 ( 15 )
DFSWs Banyuwangi
27.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Malang
34 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Surabaya
32.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Denpasar
50.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Ambon
49.5 ( 15 )
DFSWs Jayawijaya
44.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jayapura
31.2 ( 15 )
40.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Batam
57.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Medan
30.5 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
36.9 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jakarta Barat
38.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandung
42 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Semarang
50.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Malang
39.5 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Surabaya
27.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Denpasar
40.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Ambon
51.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jayapura
31.2 ( 15 )
229856 ( 72 ) 214054 ( 22 )
106011 ( 16 )
FSWs Non
108043 ( 16 )
258007 ( 22 )
177962 ( 22 )
37.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batam
42.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Deli Serdang
25.9 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
48.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jakarta Utara
35.5 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandung
48 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batang
28.5 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Semarang
38 ( 15 )
DFSWs Banyuwangi
31.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Malang
36.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Surabaya
31.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Denpasar
44.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Ambon
51 ( 15 )
DFSWs Jayawijaya
35.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jayapura
32.4 ( 15 )
18.7 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Batam
24.9 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Medan
22.9 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
17.1 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jakarta Barat
18 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandung
18 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Semarang
19.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Malang
13.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Surabaya
11.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Denpasar
17.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Ambon
23 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jayapura
18.8 ( 15 )
10.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batam
10 ( 15 )
DFSWs North Sumatera
DFSWs Deli Serdang
3.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
5.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Jakarta
DFSWs Kota Jakarta Utara
10.5 ( 15 )
DFSWs West Java
DFSWs Bekasi
6.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandung
11.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Central Java
DFSWs Batang
20.7 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Semarang
4.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs East Java
DFSWs Banyuwangi
7.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Malang
4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Surabaya
10.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Bali
DFSWs Kota Denpasar
16 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Kupang
8.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Ambon
12.3 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Sorong
DFSWs Jayawijaya
25 ( 15 )
DFSWs Jayapura
DFSWs Kota Jayapura
16 ( 15 )
6.99 ( 52 )
FSWs North Sumatera
FSWs Riau
6.32 ( 9 )
FSWs Jambi
9.18 ( 9 ) 7.75 ( 9 )
FSWs South Sumatera
FSWs Lampung
5.83 ( 9 )
FSWs Jakarta
FSWs West Java
FSWs Central Java
FSWs Yogyakarta
FSWs East Java
FSWs Banten
6.8 ( 9 )
FSWs Bali
6.06 ( 9 )
FSWs West Nusa Tenggara
FSWs East Nusa Tenggara
FSWs West Kalimantan
FSWs Central Kalimantan
4.69 ( 9 )
FSWs South Kalimantan
3.56 ( 9 )
FSWs East Kalimantan
FSWs North Sulawesi
FSWs Central Sulawesi
6.34 ( 9 )
FSWs South Sulawesi
5.81 ( 9 )
FSWs West Sulawesi
19 ( 9 )
FSWs Maluku
FSWs North Maluku
7.14 ( 9 )
FSWs Sorong
FSWs Papua
2.9 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Batam
6.9 ( 15 )
IDFSWs North Sumatera
IDFSWs Kota Medan
3.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
1.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Jakarta
IDFSWs Kota Jakarta Barat
5.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs West Java
IDFSWs Bekasi
1.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandung
0.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Central Java
IDFSWs Kota Semarang
0.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs East Java
IDFSWs Malang
0.5 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Surabaya
2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Denpasar
8.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Kupang
1.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Ambon
1.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Sorong
IDFSWs Jayapura
IDFSWs Kota Jayapura
3.2 ( 15 )
Major urban area Bali

Major urban area Jakarta

Major urban area Jakarta
Major urban area Bali
Major urban area Jakarta
Major urban area Jakarta
Major urban area
Major urban area
Registered (1)

Major urban area

Registered (2)

Major urban area


18.27 ( 52 )
MSWs Jakarta
Outside major South Sumatera
urban area
Outside major Banyuwangi
urban area
Outside major North Sulawesi
urban area
Outside major Southeast Sulawesi
urban area
Outside major Mataram
urban area
Outside major Karimun
urban area
Outside major Batam
urban area

Outside major Aceh

urban area
Outside major Kota Medan
urban area
Outside major Kota Padang
urban area

Outside major Pekanbaru

urban area
Outside major Kota Jambi
urban area

Outside major Kota Palembang

urban area
Outside major Bengkulu
urban area
Outside major Lampung
urban area

Outside major Kota Pangkalpinang

urban area
Outside major Bandung
urban area
Outside major Kota Bekasi
urban area

Outside major Kota Depok

urban area
Outside major Yogyakarta
urban area
Outside major Tulungagung
urban area

Outside major Banyuwangi

urban area
Outside major Kupang
urban area
Outside major Sambas
urban area

Outside major Pontianak

urban area
Outside major Kota Pontianak
urban area
Outside major Central Kalimantan
urban area

Outside major Banjarmasin

urban area
Outside major Kutai
urban area
Outside major Nunukan
urban area

Outside major Balikpapan

urban area
Outside major Kota Bitung
urban area
Outside major Central Sulawesi
urban area

Outside major Kota Makassar

urban area
Outside major Kendari
urban area
Outside major Gorontalo
urban area

Outside major Kota Ambon

urban area
Outside major Kota Sorong
urban area
Outside major Merauke
urban area

Outside major Jayapura

urban area
Outside major
urban area FSWs

Outside major Karimun

urban area FSWs

Outside major Batam

urban area FSWs

Outside major Aceh

urban area FSWs

Outside major North Sumatera

urban area FSWs

Outside major West Sumatera

urban area FSWs

Outside major Riau

urban area FSWs

Outside major South Sumatera

urban area FSWs

Outside major Kota Palembang

urban area FSWs

Outside major West Java

urban area FSWs

Outside major Central Java

urban area FSWs

Outside major Tegal

urban area FSWs

Outside major Kota Tegal

urban area FSWs
Outside major West Kalimantan
urban area FSWs

Outside major North Sulawesi

urban area FSWs

Outside major Kota Manado

urban area FSWs

Outside major Kota Makassar

urban area FSWs

Outside major Southeast Sulawesi

urban area FSWs

Outside major Sorong

urban area FSWs

Outside major Tarakan

urban area Gn.
Bakso FSWs

Outside major Kota Medan

urban area
Outside major Kota Bekasi
urban area
Outside major Kota Depok
urban area

Outside major Bali

urban area
Outside Major West Kalimantan
urban area

Outside major Batam

urban area site 1

Outside major Central Java

urban area site 1
Outside major Kota Sorong
urban area site 1

Outside major Karimun

urban area site 1
Outside major Central Java
urban area site 1
Outside major Batam
urban area site 2

Outside major Central Java

urban area site 2
Outside major Karimun
urban area site 2
Outside major Central Java
urban area site 2
Outside major Kota Sorong
urban area site 2

Outside major Aceh

urban area Site 3

Outside major North Maluku

urban area Sula
Island District
Outside major Bangka Belitung
urban area
Tanjung Pandan

Outside major Mimika

urban area
Timika DFSWs
Tanah Papua
Tanah Papua
Tanah Papua
8.99 ( 52 )
Total Kota Surabaya
Total <25 yr
8.02 ( 52 )
Total 25+ yr
9.37 ( 52 )
22 ( 15 )
19 ( 15 )
16 ( 15 )
7 ( 15 )
10.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batam
11.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Deli Serdang
16.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
9.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jakarta Utara
4.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Bekasi
15.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandung
10.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batang
13.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Semarang
0.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Banyuwangi
8.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Malang
7.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Surabaya
12.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Denpasar
4.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Kupang
10 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Ambon
5.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Jayawijaya
31.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jayapura
6 ( 15 )
3.1 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Batam
8.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Medan
11.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
3.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jakarta Barat
2.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Bekasi
2.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandung
0.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Semarang
1.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Malang
0.5 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Surabaya
0.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Denpasar
4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Kupang
1.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Ambon
1.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jayapura
2.8 ( 15 )
8 ( 60 )
20.5 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
14.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
32 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
0 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
0 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
15.2 ( 15 )
1095970 ( 72 ) 695026 ( 22 )
1358527 ( 22 )
423729 ( 22 )
20.8 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
18.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
2.88 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
0 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
0 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
15.2 ( 15 )
8.5 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
17.2 ( 15 )
Total Bandung

Total Kota Bandung

10.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
2.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
2.5 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
9.6 ( 15 )
Total <25 yr
6.14 ( 52 )
Total 25+ yr
9.82 ( 52 )
7 ( 15 )
17 ( 15 )
9.3 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
16.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
11.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
5.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
3.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
9.6 ( 15 )


74326 ( 72 ) 105784 ( 22 )
201131 ( 22 )
73663 ( 22 )
Major urban area Jakarta

Major urban area Bali

Outside major Bogor
urban area
Outside major Bandung
urban area
Outside major Tasikmalaya
urban area
Outside major Bekasi
urban area
Outside major
urban area
Harapan Permati
hati kita

36.4 ( 15 )
Total North Sumatera
23.32 ( 9 )
Total Kota Medan
39.2 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
56.4 ( 15 )
Total West Java
12.8 ( 9 )
Total Kota Bandung
25.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
1.2 ( 15 )
Total Yogyakarta
Total Kota Malang
36.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
48.8 ( 15 )
Total Banten
Total Bali
Total <25 yr
11.59 ( 52 )
Total 25+ yr
43.9 ( 52 )


8 ( 15 )
6 ( 15 )
2.1 ( 15 )
Total Kota Medan
5.6 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
4.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
0.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
0.6 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
0.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
0.4 ( 15 )
28.3 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
23.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
44.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
23.5 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
27.6 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
19.6 ( 15 )


28.8 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
25.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
38.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
22.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
29.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
24.4 ( 15 )
Not specified
21.9 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
30.8 ( 15 )
Total Bandung
Total Kota Bandung
14.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
24.7 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
16.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
24.4 ( 15 )
25.3 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
31.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
26.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
18 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
20.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
25.2 ( 15 )
11 ( 15 )
6 ( 15 )





Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

4 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

2 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.7 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batam
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Deli Serdang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Medan
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

1.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Lampung
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jakarta Utara
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

1 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Semarang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Surabaya
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Denpasar
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

2.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Kupang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Ambon
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jayapura
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

2 ( 15 )
3 ( 15 )
Total Batam
1 ( 15 )
Total Aceh
0.36 ( 9 )
Total North Sumatera
2.73 ( 9 )
Total Jambi
2.39 ( 9 )
Total South Sumatera
0.5 ( 9 )
Total Lampung
1.47 ( 9 )
Total Jakarta
Total Kota Jakarta Pusat
8 ( 15 )
Total West Java
0.31 ( 9 )
Total Kota Semarang
0.8 ( 15 )
Total Yogyakarta
4.41 ( 9 )
Total East Java
Total Kota Malang
0.8 ( 15 )
Total Banten
5.97 ( 9 )
Total Bali
Total Kota Denpasar
4.3 ( 15 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
0.53 ( 9 )
Total West Kalimantan
1.49 ( 9 )
Total South Kalimantan
0.22 ( 9 )
Total East Kalimantan
Total South Sulawesi
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

4.4 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batam
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

5.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Deli Serdang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

2.2 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Medan
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

1 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Lampung
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

7.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jakarta Utara
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

9.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Semarang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

3.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Surabaya
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Denpasar
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

3.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Kupang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Ambon
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

1.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jayapura
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

6.3 ( 15 )
4.8 ( 15 )
Total Batam
8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Jakarta Pusat
4.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
3 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Denpasar
6 ( 15 )
7255 ( 9 ) 6416 ( 8 )
Female PWID
685 ( 9 ) 661 ( 8 )
19139 ( 9 ) 17626 ( 8 )
8819 ( 9 ) 8520 ( 8 )
Mode of
Blood transfusion

68 ( 10 )
Mode of
16842 ( 10 )
Mode of
933 ( 10 )
Mode of
818 ( 10 )
Mode of
10118 ( 10 )
Mode of
1100 ( 10 )
9233 ( 8 )
PWID Riau Islands
31 ( 9 ) 31 ( 8 )
21 ( 9 ) 17 ( 8 )
PWID North Sumatera
222 ( 9 ) 222 ( 8 )
PWID West Sumatera
273 ( 9 ) 268 ( 8 )
135 ( 9 ) 135 ( 8 )
PWID Jambi
164 ( 9 ) 155 ( 8 )
PWID South Sumatera
104 ( 9 ) 104 ( 8 )
PWID Bengkulu
68 ( 9 ) 66 ( 8 )
PWID Lampung
112 ( 9 ) 112 ( 8 )
PWID Bangka Belitung
41 ( 9 ) 41 ( 8 )
PWID Jakarta
2802 ( 9 ) 2801 ( 8 )
PWID West Java
2750 ( 9 ) 2706 ( 8 )
PWID Central Java
195 ( 9 ) 178 ( 8 )
PWID Yogyakarta
177 ( 9 ) 140 ( 8 )
PWID East Java
1046 ( 9 ) 1046 ( 8 )
PWID Banten
250 ( 9 ) 247 ( 8 )
269 ( 9 ) 269 ( 8 )
PWID West Nusa Tenggara
22 ( 9 ) 50 ( 8 )
PWID East Nusa Tenggara
27 ( 9 ) 15 ( 8 )
PWID West Kalimantan
197 ( 9 ) 197 ( 8 )
PWID Central Kalimantan
18 ( 9 ) 14 ( 8 )
PWID South Kalimantan
10 ( 9 ) 9(8)
PWID East Kalimantan
5(9) 4(8)
PWID North Sulawesi
81 ( 9 ) 40 ( 8 )
PWID Central Sulawesi
6(9) 6(8)
PWID South Sulawesi
478 ( 9 ) 265 ( 8 )
PWID Southeast Sulawesi
1(9) 1(8)
PWID Gorontalo
2(9) 2(8)
PWID Maluku
79 ( 9 ) 79 ( 8 )
PWID North Maluku
5(9) 5(8)
PWID West Papua
5(9) 5(8)
PWID Papua
1(9) 3(8)
29879 ( 10 ) 24131 ( 9 ) 19973 ( 7 )
Total Riau Islands
404 ( 10 ) 374 ( 8 )
Total Aceh
90 ( 10 ) 53 ( 8 )
Total North Sumatera
515 ( 10 ) 507 ( 8 )
Total West Sumatera
428 ( 10 ) 410 ( 8 )
Total Riau
705 ( 10 ) 477 ( 8 )
Total Jambi
290 ( 10 ) 268 ( 8 )
Total South Sumatera
260 ( 10 ) 219 ( 8 )
Total Bengkulu
149 ( 10 ) 131 ( 8 )
Total Lampung
192 ( 10 ) 144 ( 8 )
Total Bangka Belitung
122 ( 10 ) 120 ( 8 )
Total Jakarta
5117 ( 10 ) 3995 ( 8 )
Total West Java
3939 ( 10 ) 3728 ( 8 )
Total Central Java
1602 ( 10 ) 944 ( 8 )
Total Yogyakarta
536 ( 10 ) 505 ( 8 )
Total East Java
4598 ( 10 ) 3771 ( 8 )
Total Banten
408 ( 10 ) 401 ( 8 )
Total Bali
2428 ( 10 ) 1747 ( 8 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
219 ( 10 ) 142 ( 8 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
338 ( 10 ) 242 ( 8 )
Total West Kalimantan
1269 ( 10 ) 1125 ( 8 )
Total Central Kalimantan
94 ( 10 ) 57 ( 8 )
Total South Kalimantan
27 ( 10 ) 27 ( 8 )
Total East Kalimantan
14 ( 10 ) 11 ( 8 )
Total North Sulawesi
361 ( 10 ) 173 ( 8 )
Total Central Sulawesi
12 ( 10 ) 12 ( 8 )
Total South Sulawesi
874 ( 10 ) 591 ( 8 )
Total Southeast Sulawesi
58 ( 10 ) 22 ( 8 )
Total Gorontalo
13 ( 10 ) 3(8)
Total West Sulawesi
0 ( 10 )
Total Maluku
195 ( 10 ) 192 ( 8 )
Total North Maluku
17 ( 10 ) 17 ( 8 )
Total West Papua
156 ( 10 ) 58 ( 8 )
Total Papua
4449 ( 10 ) 3665 ( 8 )
Total <1 yr
Total >=60 yr
Total 1-4 yr
Total 15-19 yr
Total 20-29 yr
Total 30-39 yr
Total 40-49 yr
Total 50-59 yr
Total 5-14 yr
Unknown age
Unknown gender
89 ( 9 ) 89 ( 8 )
Unknown gender
PWID 93 ( 9 ) 52 ( 8 )
Blood transfusion
0.2 ( 9 ) 0.2 ( 8 ) 0.1 ( 7 )
28.2 ( 10 ) 26.6 ( 8 )
54.8 ( 9 ) 52.7 ( 8 ) 50.3 ( 7 )
3.3 ( 7 )
70.8 ( 10 ) 73 ( 8 )
2.9 ( 9 ) 3(8)
2.8 ( 9 ) 2.6 ( 8 ) 2.6 ( 7 )
36.2 ( 9 ) 38.3 ( 8 ) 40.2 ( 7 )
Total <1 yr
0.9 ( 10 ) 0.9 ( 8 ) 0.9 ( 7 )
Total >=60 yr
0.8 ( 10 )
Total >60 yr
0.5 ( 7 )
Total 1-4 yr
1.4 ( 10 ) 1.1 ( 8 ) 1.1 ( 7 )
Total 15-19 yr
3.7 ( 10 ) 3.1 ( 8 ) 3.1 ( 7 )
Total 20-29 yr
45.4 ( 10 ) 47.4 ( 8 ) 49.1 ( 7 )
Total 30-39 yr
30.7 ( 10 ) 31.3 ( 8 ) 30.1 ( 7 )
Total 40-49 yr
9.9 ( 10 ) 9.4 ( 8 ) 8.8 ( 7 )
Total 50-59 yr
3.1 ( 10 ) 2.6 ( 8 ) 2.5 ( 7 )
Total 5-14 yr
0.7 ( 10 ) 0.8 ( 8 ) 0.6 ( 7 )
Total 60+ yr
0.4 ( 8 )
Total 69+ yr
Unknown age
group 3.4 ( 10 ) 3(8) 3.3 ( 7 )
Unknown gender
1 ( 10 ) 0.4 ( 8 )
Unknown mode
of transmission 3(9) 3.2 ( 8 ) 3.6 ( 7 )
5430 ( 10 ) 4539 ( 8 )
Total Riau Islands
148 ( 9 ) 143 ( 8 )
Total Aceh
14 ( 9 ) 12 ( 8 )
Total North Sumatera
94 ( 9 ) 94 ( 8 )
Total West Sumatera
104 ( 9 ) 99 ( 8 )
Total Riau
132 ( 9 ) 132 ( 8 )
Total Jambi
66 ( 9 ) 62 ( 8 )
Total South Sumatera
38 ( 9 ) 38 ( 8 )
Total Bengkulu
30 ( 9 ) 29 ( 8 )
Total Lampung
42 ( 9 ) 42 ( 8 )
Total Bangka Belitung
18 ( 9 ) 18 ( 8 )
Total Jakarta
577 ( 9 ) 576 ( 8 )
Total West Java
678 ( 9 ) 665 ( 8 )
Total Central Java
370 ( 9 ) 289 ( 8 )
Total Yogyakarta
134 ( 9 ) 108 ( 8 )
Total East Java
779 ( 9 ) 779 ( 8 )
Total Banten
68 ( 9 ) 67 ( 8 )
Total Bali
311 ( 9 ) 311 ( 8 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
110 ( 9 ) 69 ( 8 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
50 ( 9 ) 36 ( 8 )
Total West Kalimantan
138 ( 9 ) 138 ( 8 )
Total Central Kalimantan
4(9) 4(8)
Total South Kalimantan
5(9) 5(8)
Total East Kalimantan
10 ( 9 ) 10 ( 8 )
Total North Sulawesi
125 ( 9 ) 62 ( 8 )
Total Central Sulawesi
6(9) 6(8)
Total South Sulawesi
167 ( 9 ) 62 ( 8 )
Total Southeast Sulawesi
5(9) 5(8)
Total Gorontalo
1(9) 1(8)
Total West Sulawesi
Total Maluku
70 ( 9 ) 70 ( 8 )
Total North Maluku
8(9) 8(8)
Total West Papua
152 ( 9 ) 19 ( 8 )
Total Papua
602 ( 9 ) 580 ( 8 )
Total <1 yr
Total >=60 yr
Total 1-4 yr
Total 15-19 yr
Total 20-29 yr
Total 30-39 yr
Total 40-49 yr
Total 50-59 yr
Total 5-14 yr
Unknown age
Unknown gender

76879 ( 10 )
Total Riau Islands
2184 ( 10 )
Total Aceh
59 ( 10 )
Total North Sumatera
5027 ( 10 )
Total West Sumatera
568 ( 10 )
Total Riau
1007 ( 10 )
Total Jambi
231 ( 10 )
Total South Sumatera
969 ( 10 )
Total Bengkulu
117 ( 10 )
Total Lampung
415 ( 10 )
Total Bangka Belitung
200 ( 10 )
Total Jakarta
19899 ( 10 )
Total West Java
5741 ( 10 )
Total Central Java
3531 ( 10 )
Total Yogyakarta
1418 ( 10 )
Total East Java
9950 ( 10 )
Total Banten
2282 ( 10 )
Total Bali
4643 ( 10 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
430 ( 10 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
1080 ( 10 )
Total West Kalimantan
3145 ( 10 )
Total Central Kalimantan
89 ( 10 )
Total South Kalimantan
104 ( 10 )
Total East Kalimantan
1340 ( 10 )
Total North Sulawesi
1567 ( 10 )
Total Central Sulawesi
75 ( 10 )
Total South Sulawesi
2448 ( 10 )
Total Southeast Sulawesi
55 ( 10 )
Total Gorontalo
17 ( 10 )
Total West Sulawesi
26 ( 10 )
Total Maluku
656 ( 10 )
Total North Maluku
60 ( 10 )
Total West Papua
1361 ( 10 )
Total Papua
7085 ( 10 )
34000 ( 71 ) 30000 ( 71 ) 27000 ( 71 ) 23000 ( 71 ) 18000 ( 71 ) 15000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
2100 ( 71 ) 1900 ( 71 ) 1800 ( 71 ) 1600 ( 71 ) 1500 ( 71 ) 1300 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
32000 ( 71 ) 28000 ( 71 ) 25000 ( 71 ) 21000 ( 71 ) 17000 ( 71 ) 14000 ( 71 )
60000 ( 71 ) 53000 ( 71 ) 44000 ( 71 ) 34000 ( 71 ) 26000 ( 71 ) 30000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
2500 ( 71 ) 2300 ( 71 ) 2100 ( 71 ) 1900 ( 71 ) 1700 ( 71 ) 1500 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
71000 ( 71 ) 62000 ( 71 ) 51000 ( 71 ) 36000 ( 71 ) 25000 ( 71 ) 44000 ( 71 )
26000 ( 71 ) 23000 ( 71 ) 21000 ( 71 ) 18000 ( 71 ) 15000 ( 71 ) 11000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
1700 ( 71 ) 1600 ( 71 ) 1500 ( 71 ) 1400 ( 71 ) 1300 ( 71 ) 1100 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
20000 ( 71 ) 18000 ( 71 ) 17000 ( 71 ) 16000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 ) 5900 ( 71 )

3.1 ( 65 ) 2.7 ( 65 ) 2.4 ( 65 )


3.9 ( 65 ) 3.5 ( 65 ) 3 ( 65 )

2.3 ( 65 ) 2.1 ( 65 ) 1.8 ( 65 )

7.5 ( 65 ) 6.7 ( 65 ) 5.7 ( 65 )
9.7 ( 65 ) 8.5 ( 65 ) 7.3 ( 65 )
5.6 ( 65 ) 5 ( 65 ) 4.3 ( 65 )

7.6 ( 64 ) 6.8 ( 64 )

12 ( 64 ) 11 ( 64 )

4.1 ( 64 ) 3.7 ( 64 )
Female 15+ yr
25,000 ( 73 )
69000 ( 71 ) 69000 ( 71 ) 69000 ( 71 ) 69000 ( 71 ) 68000 ( 71 ) 67000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
4500 ( 71 ) 4200 ( 71 ) 4100 ( 71 ) 3800 ( 71 ) 3700 ( 71 ) 3400 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
65000 ( 71 ) 65000 ( 71 ) 65000 ( 71 ) 65000 ( 71 ) 65000 ( 71 ) 64000 ( 71 )
Female 15+ yr
27,000 ( 73 )
76000 ( 71 ) 75000 ( 71 ) 75000 ( 71 ) 75000 ( 71 ) 75000 ( 71 ) 73000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
5500 ( 71 ) 5100 ( 71 ) 4900 ( 71 ) 4600 ( 71 ) 4400 ( 71 ) 4000 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
71000 ( 71 ) 71000 ( 71 ) 71000 ( 71 ) 71000 ( 71 ) 71000 ( 71 ) 70000 ( 71 )
Female 15+ yr
22,000 ( 73 )
63000 ( 71 ) 62000 ( 71 ) 62000 ( 71 ) 62000 ( 71 ) 62000 ( 71 ) 61000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
3700 ( 71 ) 3300 ( 71 ) 3300 ( 71 ) 3200 ( 71 ) 3100 ( 71 ) 2800 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
59000 ( 71 ) 59000 ( 71 ) 59000 ( 71 ) 59000 ( 71 ) 58000 ( 71 ) 58000 ( 71 )
Female 15+ yr
230000 ( 71 ) 220000 ( 71 ) 200000 ( 71 ) 190000 ( 71 ) 170000 ( 71 ) 150000 ( 71 )
660000 ( 71 ) 630000 ( 71 ) 590000 ( 71 ) 550000 ( 71 ) 500000 ( 71 ) 460000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
19000 ( 71 ) 17000 ( 71 ) 15000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 ) 11000 ( 71 ) 9300 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
640000 ( 71 ) 610000 ( 71 ) 570000 ( 71 ) 540000 ( 71 ) 490000 ( 71 ) 450000 ( 71 )
Female 15+ yr
260000 ( 71 ) 240000 ( 71 ) 220000 ( 71 ) 200000 ( 71 ) 180000 ( 71 ) 160000 ( 71 )
720000 ( 71 ) 680000 ( 71 ) 640000 ( 71 ) 600000 ( 71 ) 550000 ( 71 ) 500000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
22000 ( 71 ) 20000 ( 71 ) 18000 ( 71 ) 15000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 ) 11000 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
700000 ( 71 ) 670000 ( 71 ) 630000 ( 71 ) 580000 ( 71 ) 540000 ( 71 ) 490000 ( 71 )
Female 15+ yr
210000 ( 71 ) 200000 ( 71 ) 180000 ( 71 ) 170000 ( 71 ) 150000 ( 71 ) 130000 ( 71 )
600000 ( 71 ) 570000 ( 71 ) 530000 ( 71 ) 500000 ( 71 ) 460000 ( 71 ) 410000 ( 71 )
Total 0-14 yr
17000 ( 71 ) 15000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 ) 11000 ( 71 ) 9800 ( 71 ) 8000 ( 71 )
Total 15+ yr
580000 ( 71 ) 550000 ( 71 ) 520000 ( 71 ) 480000 ( 71 ) 440000 ( 71 ) 400000 ( 71 )

125 ( 10 ) 292 ( 10 ) 99 ( 10 )
248 ( 10 ) 672 ( 10 ) 232 ( 10 )
597 ( 10 ) 979 ( 10 ) 331 ( 10 )
Total Riau Islands
13 ( 8 )
Total Aceh
Total North Sumatera
Total West Sumatera
18 ( 8 )
Total Riau
Total Jambi
12 ( 8 )
Total Bengkulu
Total Bangka Belitung
Total Jakarta
150 ( 8 )
Total West Java
31 ( 8 )
Total Central Java
43 ( 8 )
Total Yogyakarta
66 ( 8 )
Total East Java
93 ( 8 )
Total Banten
10 ( 8 )
Total Bali
28 ( 8 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
Total East Nusa Tenggara
11 ( 8 )
Total West Kalimantan
21 ( 8 )
Total Central Kalimantan
Total Southeast Sulawesi
Total North Maluku
Total Papua
97 ( 8 )
Total <1 yr
7 ( 10 ) 15 ( 10 ) 6 ( 10 )
Total >=60 yr
9 ( 10 ) 5 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 )
Total 1-4 yr
15 ( 10 ) 18 ( 10 ) 7 ( 10 )
Total 15-19 yr
5 ( 10 ) 39 ( 10 ) 6 ( 10 )
Total 20-29 yr
107 ( 10 ) 340 ( 10 ) 113 ( 10 )
Total 30-39 yr
134 ( 10 ) 327 ( 10 ) 129 ( 10 )
Total 40-49 yr
59 ( 10 ) 121 ( 10 ) 47 ( 10 )
Total 50-59 yr
26 ( 10 ) 34 ( 10 ) 16 ( 10 )
Total 5-14 yr
4 ( 10 ) 17 ( 10 ) 5 ( 10 )
Unknown age
group 231 ( 10 ) 63 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 )
Unknown gender
224 ( 10 ) 15 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 )
1033 ( 10 ) 1926 ( 10 ) 1193 ( 10 )
Female PWID
108 ( 8 )
1918 ( 10 ) 3695 ( 10 ) 2659 ( 10 )
1053 ( 8 )
Mode of
Blood transfusion

18 ( 10 ) 20 ( 10 ) 20 ( 10 )
Mode of
2954 ( 10 ) 3855 ( 10 ) 2306 ( 10 )
Mode of
163 ( 10 ) 111 ( 10 ) 50 ( 10 )
Mode of
113 ( 10 ) 186 ( 10 ) 168 ( 10 )
Mode of
779 ( 10 ) 1322 ( 10 ) 1209 ( 10 )
Mode of
135 ( 10 ) 250 ( 10 ) 110 ( 10 )
1170 ( 8 )
PWID Riau Islands
PWID North Sumatera
13 ( 8 )
PWID West Sumatera
44 ( 8 )
PWID Jambi
59 ( 8 )
PWID Bengkulu
19 ( 8 )
PWID Bangka Belitung
PWID Jakarta
729 ( 8 )
PWID West Java
77 ( 8 )
PWID Central Java
26 ( 8 )
PWID Yogyakarta
46 ( 8 )
PWID East Java
35 ( 8 )
PWID Banten
43 ( 8 )
PWID West Nusa Tenggara
PWID East Nusa Tenggara
PWID West Kalimantan
51 ( 8 )
PWID Central Kalimantan
PWID Southeast Sulawesi
PWID North Maluku
PWID Papua
4162 ( 10 ) 5744 ( 10 ) 3863 ( 10 )
Total Riau Islands
30 ( 10 ) 41 ( 10 ) 56 ( 10 )
Total Aceh
32 ( 10 ) 17 ( 10 ) 15 ( 10 )
Total North Sumatera
6 ( 10 ) 22 ( 10 )
Total West Sumatera
18 ( 10 ) 80 ( 10 ) 126 ( 10 )
Total Riau
99 ( 10 ) 131 ( 10 ) 111 ( 10 )
Total Jambi
22 ( 10 ) 103 ( 10 ) 59 ( 10 )
Total South Sumatera
41 ( 10 ) 66 ( 10 )
Total Bengkulu
18 ( 10 ) 40 ( 10 ) 45 ( 10 )
Total Lampung
11 ( 10 ) 37 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 )
Total Bangka Belitung
2 ( 10 ) 3 ( 10 ) 22 ( 10 )
Total Jakarta
1122 ( 10 ) 1167 ( 10 ) 47 ( 10 )
Total West Java
211 ( 10 ) 130 ( 10 ) 710 ( 10 )
Total Central Java
412 ( 10 ) 473 ( 10 ) 187 ( 10 )
Total Yogyakarta
31 ( 10 ) 215 ( 10 ) 44 ( 10 )
Total East Java
520 ( 10 ) 851 ( 10 ) 636 ( 10 )
Total Banten
8 ( 10 ) 82 ( 10 ) 244 ( 10 )
Total Bali
370 ( 10 ) 443 ( 10 ) 438 ( 10 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
77 ( 10 ) 23 ( 10 ) 39 ( 10 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
22 ( 10 ) 178 ( 10 ) 28 ( 10 )
Total West Kalimantan
150 ( 10 ) 325 ( 10 ) 64 ( 10 )
Total Central Kalimantan
37 ( 10 ) 36 ( 10 ) 12 ( 10 )
Total South Kalimantan
0 ( 10 ) 5 ( 10 )
Total East Kalimantan
3 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 )
Total North Sulawesi
74 ( 10 ) 114 ( 10 ) 12 ( 10 )
Total Central Sulawesi
0 ( 10 ) 4 ( 10 )
Total South Sulawesi
129 ( 10 ) 154 ( 10 ) 448 ( 10 )
Total Southeast Sulawesi
36 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 ) 10 ( 10 )
Total Gorontalo
6 ( 10 ) 4 ( 10 )
Total West Sulawesi
0 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 )
Total Maluku
3 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 ) 5 ( 10 )
Total North Maluku
7 ( 10 ) 3 ( 10 )
Total West Papua
71 ( 10 ) 27 ( 10 )
Total Papua
601 ( 10 ) 1040 ( 10 ) 426 ( 10 )
Total <1 yr
24 ( 10 ) 59 ( 10 ) 68 ( 10 )
Total >=60 yr
40 ( 10 ) 39 ( 10 ) 13 ( 10 )
Total 1-4 yr
65 ( 10 ) 101 ( 10 ) 62 ( 10 )
Total 15-19 yr
91 ( 10 ) 369 ( 10 ) 115 ( 10 )
Total 20-29 yr
1010 ( 10 ) 2242 ( 10 ) 1614 ( 10 )
Total 30-39 yr
1045 ( 10 ) 1767 ( 10 ) 1290 ( 10 )
Total 40-49 yr
427 ( 10 ) 652 ( 10 ) 392 ( 10 )
Total 50-59 yr
168 ( 10 ) 226 ( 10 ) 115 ( 10 )
Total 5-14 yr
28 ( 10 ) 54 ( 10 ) 32 ( 10 )
Unknown age
group 142 ( 10 ) 235 ( 10 ) 162 ( 10 )
Unknown gender
89 ( 10 ) 123 ( 10 ) 11 ( 10 )
Unknown gender
PWID 9(8)
34 ( 10 ) 33.5 ( 10 ) 30.9 ( 10 )
63.1 ( 10 ) 64.3 ( 10 ) 68.8 ( 10 )
Mode of
Blood transfusion

0.4 ( 10 )
Mode of
71 ( 10 )
Mode of
3.9 ( 10 )
Mode of
2.7 ( 10 )
Mode of
18.7 ( 10 )
Mode of
3.3 ( 10 )
Total <1 yr
0.8 ( 10 )
Total >=60 yr
1.3 ( 10 )
Total 1-4 yr
2.1 ( 10 )
Total 15-19 yr
3 ( 10 )
Total 20-29 yr
33.2 ( 10 )
Total 30-39 yr
34.4 ( 10 )
Total 40-49 yr
14.1 ( 10 )
Total 50-59 yr
5.5 ( 10 )
Total 5-14 yr
0.9 ( 10 )
Unknown age
group 4.7 ( 10 )
Unknown gender
2.9 ( 10 ) 2.1 ( 10 ) 0.3 ( 10 )
9265 ( 10 ) 8360 ( 10 ) 3459 ( 10 )
11766 ( 10 ) 13231 ( 10 ) 6334 ( 10 )
Mode of
10668 ( 10 ) 6623 ( 10 )
Mode of
1040 ( 10 ) 506 ( 10 )
Mode of
6549 ( 10 ) 4362 ( 10 )
Mode of
3299 ( 10 ) 2780 ( 10 )
Mode of
7320 ( 10 )
21031 ( 10 ) 21591 ( 10 ) 9793 ( 10 )
Total Riau Islands
674 ( 10 ) 743 ( 10 ) 311 ( 10 )
Total Aceh
31 ( 10 ) 26 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 )
Total North Sumatera
1251 ( 10 ) 1347 ( 10 ) 677 ( 10 )
Total West Sumatera
132 ( 10 ) 212 ( 10 ) 224 ( 10 )
Total Riau
439 ( 10 ) 337 ( 10 ) 112 ( 10 )
Total Jambi
105 ( 10 ) 86 ( 10 ) 40 ( 10 )
Total South Sumatera
265 ( 10 ) 226 ( 10 ) 119 ( 10 )
Total Bengkulu
33 ( 10 ) 55 ( 10 ) 29 ( 10 )
Total Lampung
295 ( 10 ) 93 ( 10 ) 27 ( 10 )
Total Bangka Belitung
103 ( 10 ) 85 ( 10 ) 12 ( 10 )
Total Jakarta
4012 ( 10 ) 5186 ( 10 ) 2679 ( 10 )
Total West Java
1429 ( 10 ) 1535 ( 10 ) 726 ( 10 )
Total Central Java
1057 ( 10 ) 993 ( 10 ) 443 ( 10 )
Total Yogyakarta
310 ( 10 ) 310 ( 10 ) 179 ( 10 )
Total East Java
2715 ( 10 ) 2731 ( 10 ) 1222 ( 10 )
Total Banten
433 ( 10 ) 400 ( 10 ) 182 ( 10 )
Total Bali
1557 ( 10 ) 1628 ( 10 ) 717 ( 10 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
132 ( 10 ) 93 ( 10 ) 41 ( 10 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
352 ( 10 ) 360 ( 10 ) 144 ( 10 )
Total West Kalimantan
499 ( 10 ) 643 ( 10 ) 379 ( 10 )
Total Central Kalimantan
68 ( 10 ) 21 ( 10 )
Total South Kalimantan
83 ( 10 ) 21 ( 10 )
Total East Kalimantan
429 ( 10 ) 392 ( 10 ) 180 ( 10 )
Total North Sulawesi
222 ( 10 ) 186 ( 10 ) 94 ( 10 )
Total Central Sulawesi
37 ( 10 ) 38 ( 10 )
Total South Sulawesi
611 ( 10 ) 692 ( 10 ) 375 ( 10 )
Total Southeast Sulawesi
49 ( 10 ) 6 ( 10 )
Total Gorontalo
11 ( 10 ) 6 ( 10 )
Total West Sulawesi
5 ( 10 ) 21 ( 10 )
Total Maluku
440 ( 10 ) 216 ( 10 )
Total North Maluku
46 ( 10 ) 14 ( 10 )
Total West Papua
356 ( 10 ) 390 ( 10 ) 192 ( 10 )
Total Papua
2850 ( 10 ) 2499 ( 10 ) 687 ( 10 )
Total <=4 yr
547 ( 10 ) 390 ( 10 )
Total >=50 yr
956 ( 10 ) 841 ( 10 )
Total 15-19 yr
683 ( 10 ) 827 ( 10 )
Total 20-24 yr
3113 ( 10 ) 3480 ( 10 )
Total 25-49 yr
15490 ( 10 ) 15648 ( 10 )
Total 5-14 yr
242 ( 10 ) 405 ( 10 )
44.1 ( 10 ) 38.7 ( 10 ) 35.3 ( 10 )
55.9 ( 10 ) 61.3 ( 10 ) 64.7 ( 10 )
Mode of
49.5 ( 10 ) 30.7 ( 10 )
Mode of
4.8 ( 10 ) 2.3 ( 10 )
Mode of
30.4 ( 10 ) 20.2 ( 10 )
Mode of
15.3 ( 10 ) 12.9 ( 10 )
Mode of
33.9 ( 10 )
Total <=4 yr
2.6 ( 10 ) 1.8 ( 10 )
Total >=50 yr
4.5 ( 10 ) 3.9 ( 10 )
Total 15-19 yr
3.2 ( 10 ) 3.8 ( 10 )
Total 20-24 yr
14.8 ( 10 ) 16.1 ( 10 )
Total 25-49 yr
73.7 ( 10 ) 72.5 ( 10 )
Total 5-14 yr
1.2 ( 10 ) 1.9 ( 10 )
754 ( 65 ) 2547 ( 65 ) 1106 ( 65 )
28 ( 65 ) 42 ( 65 ) 40 ( 65 ) 17 ( 64 )

0.86 ( 65 )

1.2 ( 65 )

0.74 ( 65 )
2.1 ( 65 )
3 ( 65 )
1.8 ( 65 )

27 ( 65 ) 27 ( 65 ) 28 ( 65 )

38 ( 65 ) 49 ( 65 ) 50 ( 65 )

12 ( 65 ) 12 ( 65 ) 12 ( 65 )
67 ( 65 ) 67 ( 65 ) 64 ( 64 ) 63 ( 64 )
120 ( 65 ) 120 ( 65 ) 91 ( 64 ) 92 ( 64 )
30 ( 65 ) 30 ( 65 ) 42 ( 64 ) 41 ( 64 )

185 ( 65 ) 187 ( 65 ) 189 ( 65 )


220 ( 65 ) 222 ( 65 ) 224 ( 65 )


153 ( 65 ) 155 ( 65 ) 156 ( 65 )

460 ( 65 ) 460 ( 65 ) 450 ( 65 )
540 ( 65 ) 540 ( 65 ) 540 ( 65 )
380 ( 65 ) 380 ( 65 ) 380 ( 65 )
690 ( 64 ) 690 ( 64 )
1200 ( 64 ) 1100 ( 64 )
300 ( 64 ) 290 ( 64 )
450 ( 64 ) 450 ( 64 )
540 ( 64 ) 540 ( 64 )
370 ( 64 ) 370 ( 64 )

289 ( 64 ) 289 ( 64 )

484 ( 64 ) 484 ( 64 )

123 ( 64 ) 123 ( 64 )

297 ( 65 ) 301 ( 65 ) 306 ( 65 )


506 ( 65 ) 512 ( 65 ) 521 ( 65 )


144 ( 65 ) 145 ( 65 ) 148 ( 65 )

730 ( 65 ) 730 ( 65 ) 740 ( 65 )
1200 ( 65 ) 1200 ( 65 ) 1300 ( 65 )
350 ( 65 ) 350 ( 65 ) 360 ( 65 )
<0.1 ( 50 )
<0.1 ( 50 )
0.5 ( 71 ) 0.5 ( 70 ) 0.4 ( 53 ) 0.3 ( 52 ) 0.4 ( 71 ) 0.2 ( 50 )
0.5 ( 71 ) 0.7 ( 70 ) 0.7 ( 53 ) 0.4 ( 52 ) 0.4 ( 71 ) 0.3 ( 50 )
0.4 ( 71 ) 0.3 ( 70 ) 0.3 ( 53 ) 0.2 ( 52 ) 0.3 ( 71 ) 0.1 ( 50 )
ANC settings
Major urban area Bali

Outside major
urban area
Outside major Kota Surabaya
urban area
Major urban area Bali
Outside major
urban area
Outside major Kota Medan
urban area
Outside major Kota Denpasar
urban area
22.5 ( 8 )
10.4 ( 8 )
Total Riau Islands
Total Aceh
26.3 ( 8 )
Total North Sumatera
10.4 ( 8 )
Total West Sumatera
40.5 ( 8 )
Total Riau
4.9 ( 8 )
Total Jambi
40 ( 8 )
Total South Sumatera
Total Bengkulu
30.9 ( 8 )
Total Lampung
31.9 ( 8 )
Total Bangka Belitung
42.9 ( 8 )
Total Jakarta
28.2 ( 8 )
Total West Java
11.2 ( 8 )
Total Central Java
8.5 ( 8 )
Total Yogyakarta
14.7 ( 8 )
Total East Java
5.9 ( 8 )
Total Banten
5.3 ( 8 )
Total Bali
16.8 ( 8 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
1.6 ( 8 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
10.6 ( 8 )
Total West Kalimantan
Total Central Kalimantan
22.6 ( 8 )
Total South Kalimantan
5.4 ( 8 )
Total East Kalimantan
6.3 ( 8 )
Total Central Sulawesi
24.7 ( 8 )
Total South Sulawesi
13.9 ( 8 )
Total Gorontalo
10.9 ( 8 )
Total West Sulawesi
14.5 ( 8 )
Total Maluku
17.2 ( 8 )
Total West Papua
11.9 ( 8 )
Total Papua
10.4 ( 8 )
0.8 ( 8 )
ANC settings
1.17 ( 63 )
0.5 ( 70 ) 0.2 ( 52 ) <0.1 ( 50 )
Female 15-24 yr
0.5 ( 53 )
0.4 ( 70 ) 0.2 ( 52 ) 0.1 ( 50 )
Male 15-24 yr
0.4 ( 53 )
0.9 ( 70 ) 0.4 ( 52 ) 0.1 ( 50 )
Female 15-24 yr
0.8 ( 53 )
0.9 ( 70 ) 0.8 ( 52 ) 0.1 ( 50 )
Male 15-24 yr
0.8 ( 53 )
0.3 ( 70 ) 0.1 ( 52 ) <0.1 ( 50 )
Female 15-24 yr
0.3 ( 53 )
0.2 ( 70 ) 0.1 ( 52 ) <0.1 ( 50 )
Male 15-24 yr
0.2 ( 53 )

alth, Indonesia, Sep 2005

donesia, 5-17 Feb 2007, Disease Control & Environment Health of Ministry of Health, Indonesia

ehavioral Surveillance among Most-at-Risk Groups in Indonesia, 2007: Surveillance Highlights- Injecting Drug Users

on in Indonesia Up to December 2010, the Ministry of Health(Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia S
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ular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language).

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

25 ( 15 ) 21 ( 15 )

33 ( 15 )

221190 ( 4 ) 233039 ( 18 )

2500 ( 18 )
8860 ( 4 ) 8369 ( 18 )
27.3 ( 15 ) 29.3 ( 15 )

22.7 ( 15 )

10.4 ( 11 )
12.3 ( 26 )
6.1 ( 13 )

10.2 ( 13 )

11.6 ( 13 )

6.6 ( 13 )

6.5 ( 13 )
2.8 ( 26 )

10.2 ( 26 )
14.1 ( 13 )
16.9 ( 26 )

14.8 ( 26 )

7.8 ( 50 ) 4 ( 18 ) 0 ( 48 )
2.31 ( 9 )
5.85 ( 9 )
4.8 ( 9 ) 6.45 ( 9 )
3.13 ( 9 )
3.16 ( 9 )
14.63 ( 9 ) 7.89 ( 9 ) 4 ( 30 ) 6 ( 30 ) 3 ( 30 )
8.39 ( 9 )
4.51 ( 9 ) 2.9 ( 9 ) 2.69 ( 9 )
6.67 ( 9 ) 6.64 ( 9 ) 6.04 ( 9 )
6.22 ( 9 ) 7.28 ( 9 ) 0.61 ( 9 ) 1.28 ( 9 )
2.17 ( 9 ) 4.21 ( 9 )
4.08 ( 9 ) 4.86 ( 9 ) 2.29 ( 9 ) 2.13 ( 9 )
1.64 ( 9 )
2.05 ( 9 ) 0.71 ( 9 )

2.59 ( 9 ) 2.6 ( 9 )
0(9) 2(9) 4.12 ( 9 )
1.27 ( 9 ) 6.38 ( 9 ) 0.63 ( 9 )
0(9) 0.22 ( 9 ) 2.16 ( 9 )

1.98 ( 9 )

8.89 ( 9 ) 3.11 ( 9 ) 2.71 ( 9 )

3.65 ( 9 ) 1.31 ( 9 )
23 ( 4 ) 13 ( 4 ) 17 ( 4 ) 7(4)
22.81 ( 9 )
4.6 ( 11 )
9 ( 26 )
4 ( 13 )

5.7 ( 13 )

3.3 ( 13 )

1.6 ( 13 )

2.4 ( 13 )
8.3 ( 26 )
2.5 ( 26 )

6.37 ( 43 ) 2.7 ( 43 ) 0.99 ( 43 )

0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )

0.62 ( 43 ) 1.23 ( 43 ) 0.48 ( 43 ) 1.19 ( 43 )

2.5 ( 43 )

24.4 ( 32 ) 6(3) 4.02 ( 18 )


1.88 ( 43 ) 1.2 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

7.69 ( 43 ) 8.72 ( 43 ) 8.61 ( 43 ) 5.93 ( 43 ) 8 ( 43 )

4.84 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0.75 ( 43 ) 3.69 ( 43 ) 1.36 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0.99 ( 43 ) 0.8 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0.39 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

5.85 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 4.46 ( 43 ) 0.74 ( 43 )

6.75 ( 43 ) 8.18 ( 43 ) 0.76 ( 43 )

3.13 ( 43 )

2.5 ( 43 )

3.16 ( 43 ) 3 ( 43 ) 0.9 ( 43 ) 2.78 ( 43 )

1.72 ( 43 )

8.38 ( 43 ) 14.1 ( 43 ) 2.56 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 5.9 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

1.81 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 1.3 ( 43 ) 0.6 ( 43 )

1.1 ( 43 )

6.04 ( 43 ) 3.26 ( 43 ) 1.52 ( 43 ) 0.3 ( 43 )

1 ( 43 ) 2 ( 43 ) 1.15 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0.71 ( 43 ) 0.6 ( 43 ) 1.2 ( 43 ) 1.45 ( 43 )

3.7 ( 43 ) 6.9 ( 43 ) 5.9 ( 43 ) 3.9 ( 43 )

3.23 ( 43 ) 1.27 ( 43 ) 0.6 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

3.55 ( 43 ) 5.56 ( 43 ) 0.67 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

4.48 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

4.76 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

1.36 ( 43 ) 0.47 ( 43 ) 0.38 ( 43 ) 0.5 ( 43 )

0.97 ( 43 ) 0.98 ( 43 )

0.63 ( 43 ) 0.34 ( 43 ) 1.34 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

2.16 ( 43 )
3.92 ( 43 ) 3.92 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

4.17 ( 43 )

0.7 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

2.79 ( 43 ) 1.14 ( 43 ) 0.89 ( 43 )

22.8 ( 43 ) 16.7 ( 43 ) 5.4 ( 43 )

26.5 ( 43 )

5.79 ( 43 ) 5 ( 43 ) 2.5 ( 43 ) 1.08 ( 43 )

4 ( 47 )

2 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )

0.5 ( 45 )
1.08 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

1.89 ( 43 )

7 ( 47 )

4.73 ( 43 )

3.2 ( 43 ) 0.1 ( 43 )

0.46 ( 43 ) 1.4 ( 43 ) 3.6 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0.5 ( 43 )

0.6 ( 43 ) 1.7 ( 43 )

2.13 ( 43 ) 0.34 ( 43 ) 0.25 ( 43 ) 0.79 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

1.26 ( 43 ) 1.89 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

1.4 ( 45 )

3.73 ( 43 ) 1.67 ( 43 ) 0.96 ( 43 ) 0.77 ( 43 ) 1.14 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

5.4 ( 45 )

8 ( 45 )

1.98 ( 43 )

2.1 ( 45 )

2.5 ( 43 ) 0.6 ( 43 ) 0.34 ( 43 )

3.5 ( 45 )

2.17 ( 43 ) 0.42 ( 43 )
6.7 ( 45 )

5.22 ( 43 ) 0.8 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

1.95 ( 43 )

6.28 ( 43 ) 2.97 ( 43 )
16.7 ( 3 )

15.9 ( 13 )

5.5 ( 13 )
10.2 ( 32 )
2.4 ( 26 )
10.4 ( 32 )
10.1 ( 32 )

9 ( 15 ) 8 ( 15 )

6 ( 15 )
766450 ( 4 ) 1149809 ( 18 )

5.2 ( 50 ) 0.87 ( 18 )

8.1 ( 13 )

2 ( 13 )
5.6 ( 13 )

4.2 ( 32 )

6 ( 32 )

42.5 ( 14 )

53.3 ( 14 )

31.7 ( 14 )
93420 ( 4 ) 121389 ( 18 )
219130 ( 14 ) 159723 ( 18 )

247800 ( 14 )

190460 ( 14 )
57.1 ( 32 )

48 ( 45 ) 47.9 ( 43 )

53 ( 45 )
52.1 ( 32 )

16 ( 45 )

60 ( 43 )

12.5 ( 43 ) 23.5 ( 43 ) 23.8 ( 43 ) 17.5 ( 43 )

42.9 ( 43 ) 31.6 ( 43 ) 43.8 ( 43 )

46.7 ( 43 ) 45.2 ( 45 ) 16 ( 45 )
52.4 ( 50 ) 43 ( 30 ) 26.76 ( 18 ) 66 ( 48 )
56 ( 13 )

25 ( 9 ) 69.63 ( 9 ) 13.31 ( 9 ) 48 ( 3 )
2.66 ( 9 ) 7.59 ( 9 ) 13.08 ( 9 ) 42.9 ( 30 )
2.5 ( 9 ) 1.28 ( 9 )

56 ( 13 )
25 ( 9 )
44.37 ( 9 )
41.5 ( 32 )
58 ( 32 )

53 ( 14 )

32 ( 14 )
42 ( 14 )

3050 ( 18 )
27980 ( 4 ) 11272 ( 18 )

3790 ( 4 ) 1334 ( 18 )

21.7 ( 3 )
24.4 ( 13 ) 11.8 ( 18 )
34 ( 13 ) 25.7 ( 43 ) 22.8 ( 43 )
14 ( 13 )

25.2 ( 13 )
3124370 ( 4 ) 8222253 ( 18 )

28290 ( 4 ) 32922 ( 18 )
83150 ( 4 ) 256488 ( 18 )

2250 ( 4 ) 6085 ( 18 )
96310 ( 4 ) 73794 ( 18 )
5230 ( 4 ) 8851 ( 18 )

1813880 ( 4 ) 6113833 ( 18 )

5200 ( 4 ) 4457 ( 18 )

167 ( 18 )
11.9 ( 18 )

2.82 ( 9 )
26.25 ( 9 ) 20.48 ( 9 ) 14.69 ( 9 ) 19.7 ( 43 ) 25 ( 3 )

2.51 ( 9 ) 4.25 ( 9 ) 4.75 ( 9 )

3.13 ( 9 ) 0.88 ( 9 )

19.87 ( 9 ) 18.48 ( 9 )
7(9) 6(9) 3.41 ( 9 ) 4.5 ( 9 )
0.18 ( 9 ) 0.22 ( 9 )
6.06 ( 9 ) 10.29 ( 9 ) 4.73 ( 9 )
443 ( 10 )

2193 ( 10 )

6 ( 10 )

1172 ( 10 )

147 ( 10 )

48 ( 10 )

1183 ( 10 )

126 ( 10 )
16110 ( 9 ) 11141 ( 7 ) 8194 ( 4 ) 5321 ( 17 ) 2682 ( 10 ) 1487 ( 17 ) 1171 ( 17 ) 826 ( 17 ) 607 ( 17 )
277 ( 10 )
26 ( 10 )
487 ( 10 )
204 ( 10 )
364 ( 10 )
106 ( 10 )
153 ( 10 )
46 ( 10 )
143 ( 10 )
95 ( 10 )
2781 ( 10 )
2888 ( 10 )
530 ( 10 )
246 ( 10 )
2591 ( 10 )
74 ( 10 )
1177 ( 10 )
80 ( 10 )
110 ( 10 )
730 ( 10 )
9 ( 10 )
22 ( 10 )
11 ( 10 )
161 ( 10 )
8 ( 10 )
143 ( 10 )
11 ( 10 )
3 ( 10 )
0 ( 10 )
187 ( 10 )
7 ( 10 )
58 ( 10 )
2382 ( 10 )
17 ( 10 )
85 ( 10 )
14 ( 10 )
119 ( 10 )
1418 ( 10 )
686 ( 10 )
235 ( 10 )
56 ( 10 )
5 ( 10 )

47 ( 10 )

46 ( 10 )

0.1 ( 17 )
16.5 ( 10 )
37.2 ( 17 )
4.5 ( 17 )
81.8 ( 10 )

1.4 ( 17 )
52.6 ( 17 )
0.46 ( 17 )

0.49 ( 17 )
0.76 ( 17 )
3.02 ( 17 )
54.77 ( 17 )
26.56 ( 17 )
8.04 ( 17 )
2.18 ( 17 )
0.27 ( 17 )

0 ( 17 )

3.45 ( 17 )

1.7 ( 10 )

4 ( 17 )
135 ( 10 )
745 ( 10 )
880 ( 10 )
8 ( 10 )
1 ( 10 )
8 ( 10 )
33 ( 10 )
444 ( 10 )
258 ( 10 )
88 ( 10 )
16 ( 10 )
4 ( 10 )

20 ( 10 )

0 ( 10 )
859 ( 10 )

49 ( 10 )

52 ( 10 )

69 ( 10 )
47 ( 10 )
66 ( 10 )
88 ( 10 )
48 ( 10 )

12 ( 10 )
2 ( 10 )
227 ( 10 )

13 ( 10 )
18 ( 10 )

65 ( 10 )

86 ( 10 )
17 ( 10 )
12000 ( 71 ) 9100 ( 71 ) 7400 ( 71 ) 5400 ( 71 ) 3800 ( 71 ) 2500 ( 71 ) 1600 ( 71 ) 1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )
1100 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
11000 ( 71 ) 8200 ( 71 ) 6700 ( 71 ) 4900 ( 71 ) 3400 ( 71 ) 2300 ( 71 ) 1400 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )

23000 ( 71 ) 18000 ( 71 ) 15000 ( 71 ) 11000 ( 71 ) 7800 ( 71 ) 5100 ( 71 ) 3300 ( 71 ) 2100 ( 71 ) 1300 ( 71 )

1200 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

34000 ( 71 ) 27000 ( 71 ) 22000 ( 71 ) 17000 ( 71 ) 12000 ( 71 ) 7600 ( 71 ) 4900 ( 71 ) 3100 ( 71 ) 2000 ( 71 )

8500 ( 71 ) 6600 ( 71 ) 5400 ( 71 ) 3900 ( 71 ) 2700 ( 71 ) 1800 ( 71 ) 1200 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

<1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

4600 ( 71 ) 3500 ( 71 ) 3000 ( 71 ) 2000 ( 71 ) 1300 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

0.8 ( 65 ) <0.1 ( 65 )

0.94 ( 65 ) <0.1 ( 65 )

0.59 ( 65 ) <0.1 ( 65 )

1.7 ( 65 ) 0.085 ( 65 )

2.1 ( 65 ) 0.1 ( 65 )

1.3 ( 65 ) 0.068 ( 65 )

6 ( 64 ) 3.5 ( 64 ) <1 ( 64 )

9.5 ( 64 ) 5.8 ( 64 ) <1 ( 64 )

3.2 ( 64 ) 1.8 ( 64 ) <1 ( 64 )
3,500 ( 73 )
63000 ( 71 ) 66000 ( 71 ) 63000 ( 71 ) 59000 ( 71 ) 55000 ( 71 ) 50000 ( 71 ) 37000 ( 71 ) 22000 ( 71 ) 14000 ( 71 )
3000 ( 71 ) 2500 ( 71 ) 2000 ( 71 ) 1600 ( 71 ) 1200 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )
60000 ( 71 ) 64000 ( 71 ) 61000 ( 71 ) 57000 ( 71 ) 54000 ( 71 ) 49000 ( 71 ) 37000 ( 71 ) 22000 ( 71 ) 14000 ( 71 )

3,800 ( 73 )

69000 ( 71 ) 73000 ( 71 ) 69000 ( 71 ) 65000 ( 71 ) 60000 ( 71 ) 55000 ( 71 ) 41000 ( 71 ) 25000 ( 71 ) 16000 ( 71 )

3500 ( 71 ) 3000 ( 71 ) 2400 ( 71 ) 1900 ( 71 ) 1400 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

66000 ( 71 ) 70000 ( 71 ) 67000 ( 71 ) 63000 ( 71 ) 59000 ( 71 ) 54000 ( 71 ) 40000 ( 71 ) 24000 ( 71 ) 15000 ( 71 )

3,100 ( 73 )

57000 ( 71 ) 60000 ( 71 ) 57000 ( 71 ) 53000 ( 71 ) 50000 ( 71 ) 46000 ( 71 ) 34000 ( 71 ) 20000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 )

2500 ( 71 ) 2100 ( 71 ) 1700 ( 71 ) 1300 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 )

55000 ( 71 ) 58000 ( 71 ) 56000 ( 71 ) 52000 ( 71 ) 49000 ( 71 ) 45000 ( 71 ) 33000 ( 71 ) 20000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 )

130000 ( 71 ) 100000 ( 71 ) 84000 ( 71 ) 65000 ( 71 ) 47000 ( 71 ) 33000 ( 71 ) 22000 ( 71 ) 14000 ( 71 ) 9400 ( 71 )
400000 ( 71 ) 350000 ( 71 ) 300000 ( 71 ) 240000 ( 71 ) 190000 ( 71 ) 140000 ( 71 ) 97000 ( 71 ) 62000 ( 71 ) 41000 ( 71 )
7400 ( 71 ) 5700 ( 71 ) 4300 ( 71 ) 3100 ( 71 ) 2200 ( 71 ) 1500 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )
400000 ( 71 ) 350000 ( 71 ) 290000 ( 71 ) 240000 ( 71 ) 190000 ( 71 ) 140000 ( 71 ) 96000 ( 71 ) 62000 ( 71 ) 41000 ( 71 )

140000 ( 71 ) 120000 ( 71 ) 92000 ( 71 ) 71000 ( 71 ) 52000 ( 71 ) 36000 ( 71 ) 24000 ( 71 ) 16000 ( 71 ) 10000 ( 71 )

440000 ( 71 ) 390000 ( 71 ) 330000 ( 71 ) 270000 ( 71 ) 210000 ( 71 ) 160000 ( 71 ) 110000 ( 71 ) 68000 ( 71 ) 45000 ( 71 )

8500 ( 71 ) 6600 ( 71 ) 4900 ( 71 ) 3600 ( 71 ) 2500 ( 71 ) 1700 ( 71 ) 1100 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

430000 ( 71 ) 380000 ( 71 ) 320000 ( 71 ) 260000 ( 71 ) 210000 ( 71 ) 150000 ( 71 ) 100000 ( 71 ) 67000 ( 71 ) 45000 ( 71 )

110000 ( 71 ) 94000 ( 71 ) 75000 ( 71 ) 58000 ( 71 ) 42000 ( 71 ) 29000 ( 71 ) 20000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 ) 8500 ( 71 )

370000 ( 71 ) 320000 ( 71 ) 270000 ( 71 ) 220000 ( 71 ) 170000 ( 71 ) 130000 ( 71 ) 88000 ( 71 ) 56000 ( 71 ) 38000 ( 71 )

6300 ( 71 ) 4900 ( 71 ) 3700 ( 71 ) 2700 ( 71 ) 1900 ( 71 ) 1300 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

360000 ( 71 ) 320000 ( 71 ) 270000 ( 71 ) 220000 ( 71 ) 170000 ( 71 ) 130000 ( 71 ) 87000 ( 71 ) 56000 ( 71 ) 37000 ( 71 )

90030 ( 4 ) 42749 ( 18 )
59 ( 18 )
191 ( 10 ) 166 ( 10 ) 124 ( 10 ) 102 ( 10 )
520 ( 10 ) 622 ( 10 ) 511 ( 10 ) 406 ( 10 )
711 ( 10 ) 788 ( 10 ) 635 ( 10 ) 509 ( 10 ) 420 ( 10 ) 140 ( 10 ) 86 ( 10 ) 45 ( 10 ) 83 ( 10 )
10 ( 10 ) 8 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 )
2 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 )
13 ( 10 ) 7 ( 10 ) 7 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 )
13 ( 10 ) 8 ( 10 ) 10 ( 10 ) 15 ( 10 )
317 ( 10 ) 393 ( 10 ) 324 ( 10 ) 247 ( 10 )
244 ( 10 ) 258 ( 10 ) 203 ( 10 ) 156 ( 10 )
60 ( 10 ) 67 ( 10 ) 58 ( 10 ) 57 ( 10 )
21 ( 10 ) 19 ( 10 ) 14 ( 10 ) 13 ( 10 )
5 ( 10 ) 5 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 )

26 ( 10 ) 22 ( 10 ) 17 ( 10 ) 15 ( 10 )

0 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 )
1755 ( 10 ) 686 ( 10 ) 572 ( 10 ) 514 ( 10 )

3197 ( 10 ) 2260 ( 10 ) 2299 ( 10 ) 2112 ( 10 )

0 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 )

3066 ( 10 ) 1359 ( 10 ) 1205 ( 10 ) 925 ( 10 )

175 ( 10 ) 90 ( 10 ) 88 ( 10 ) 109 ( 10 )

162 ( 10 ) 66 ( 10 ) 57 ( 10 ) 18 ( 10 )

1256 ( 10 ) 1430 ( 10 ) 1520 ( 10 ) 1419 ( 10 )

310 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 ) 168 ( 10 )
4969 ( 10 ) 2947 ( 10 ) 2873 ( 10 ) 2639 ( 10 ) 1195 ( 9 ) 316 ( 9 ) 345 ( 9 ) 219 ( 9 ) 255 ( 9 )
65 ( 10 ) 14 ( 10 ) 8 ( 10 ) 12 ( 10 )
40 ( 10 ) 11 ( 10 ) 5 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 )
56 ( 10 ) 41 ( 10 ) 46 ( 10 ) 10 ( 10 )
216 ( 10 ) 56 ( 10 ) 29 ( 10 ) 74 ( 10 )
2165 ( 10 ) 1535 ( 10 ) 1610 ( 10 ) 1459 ( 10 )
1615 ( 10 ) 889 ( 10 ) 850 ( 10 ) 690 ( 10 )
475 ( 10 ) 247 ( 10 ) 196 ( 10 ) 216 ( 10 )
152 ( 10 ) 56 ( 10 ) 60 ( 10 ) 60 ( 10 )
45 ( 10 ) 17 ( 10 ) 10 ( 10 ) 7 ( 10 )

140 ( 10 ) 81 ( 10 ) 59 ( 10 ) 111 ( 10 )

17 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 ) 13 ( 10 )

35.3 ( 10 ) 23.3 ( 10 ) 19.9 ( 10 ) 19.5 ( 10 )

64.3 ( 10 ) 76.7 ( 10 ) 80 ( 10 ) 80 ( 10 )

0.3 ( 10 ) 0 ( 10 ) 0.1 ( 10 ) 0.5 ( 10 )

3565 ( 10 )
6797 ( 10 )
10362 ( 10 ) 6048 ( 10 ) 7195 ( 10 ) 859 ( 10 )
456 ( 10 )

626 ( 10 ) 511 ( 10 ) 566 ( 10 )

119 ( 10 )

149 ( 10 ) 32 ( 10 ) 126 ( 10 )

3145 ( 10 ) 1584 ( 10 ) 2393 ( 10 )

605 ( 10 ) 736 ( 10 ) 641 ( 10 )
343 ( 10 ) 266 ( 10 ) 382 ( 10 )
306 ( 10 ) 121 ( 10 ) 126 ( 10 )
1576 ( 10 ) 635 ( 10 ) 983 ( 10 )
299 ( 10 ) 572 ( 10 ) 348 ( 10 )
730 ( 10 ) 11 ( 10 )
48 ( 10 ) 65 ( 10 ) 39 ( 10 )
133 ( 10 ) 57 ( 10 ) 32 ( 10 )
463 ( 10 ) 387 ( 10 ) 547 ( 10 )

112 ( 10 ) 81 ( 10 ) 133 ( 10 )
155 ( 10 ) 469 ( 10 ) 423 ( 10 )

484 ( 10 ) 132 ( 10 ) 89 ( 10 )

160 ( 10 ) 77 ( 10 ) 100 ( 10 )
453 ( 10 ) 323 ( 10 ) 256 ( 10 )
34.4 ( 10 )
65.6 ( 10 )

29 ( 64 )

38 ( 65 ) 55 ( 65 )

70 ( 65 ) 107 ( 65 )

15 ( 65 ) 20 ( 65 )

64 ( 64 ) 71 ( 64 ) 110 ( 64 )

93 ( 64 ) 99 ( 64 ) 130 ( 64 )

42 ( 64 ) 49 ( 64 ) 84 ( 64 )

199 ( 65 ) 204 ( 65 )

242 ( 65 ) 249 ( 65 )
160 ( 65 ) 164 ( 65 )

450 ( 65 ) 430 ( 65 )

540 ( 65 ) 520 ( 65 )

360 ( 65 ) 340 ( 65 )

690 ( 64 ) 720 ( 64 ) 890 ( 64 )

1200 ( 64 ) 1200 ( 64 ) 1500 ( 64 )

300 ( 64 ) 320 ( 64 ) 410 ( 64 )

440 ( 64 ) 430 ( 64 ) 400 ( 64 )

540 ( 64 ) 520 ( 64 ) 490 ( 64 )

360 ( 64 ) 350 ( 64 ) 330 ( 64 )

294 ( 64 ) 315 ( 64 ) 418 ( 64 )

493 ( 64 ) 523 ( 64 ) 687 ( 64 )

127 ( 64 ) 141 ( 64 ) 190 ( 64 )

369 ( 65 ) 474 ( 65 )

621 ( 65 ) 821 ( 65 )

183 ( 65 ) 222 ( 65 )

830 ( 65 ) 990 ( 65 )

1400 ( 65 ) 1700 ( 65 )

410 ( 65 ) 460 ( 65 )

<0.1 ( 50 )

<0.1 ( 50 )
0.3 ( 71 ) 0.2 ( 47 ) 0.2 ( 71 ) 0.1 ( 48 ) 0.2 ( 71 ) 0.1 ( 48 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 50 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

0.4 ( 71 ) 0.3 ( 71 ) 0.3 ( 71 ) 0.3 ( 70 ) 0.2 ( 71 ) 0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 50 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

0.3 ( 71 ) 0.2 ( 71 ) 0.2 ( 71 ) 0.1 ( 70 ) 0.1 ( 71 ) 0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 50 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

1.04 ( 59 )
0.1 ( 47 )

0.3 ( 47 )
70872 ( 18 )
1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994-1995 1994 1993-1994 1993
7 ( 30 ) 0(4) 0(4)

0 ( 30 )

0(4) 1(4)
0 ( 45 ) 0.2 ( 45 )

0.25 ( 43 ) 0.4 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0.05 ( 43 ) 0.1 ( 43 ) 0.16 ( 43 )

0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 )

0.5 ( 43 ) 0.17 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0.3 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 )

0.2 ( 45 ) 0.1 ( 45 ) 0.2 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 )

0 ( 45 )

0.2 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 )

0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 )

0 ( 45 )

0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

2.6 ( 43 ) 0.89 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 1.31 ( 43 ) 0.84 ( 43 )

1.6 ( 43 ) 0.5 ( 43 ) 0.8 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )
0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

1.31 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0.6 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 2.3 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0.6 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )
0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

6.7 ( 43 ) 0.5 ( 43 ) 0.8 ( 43 )

3.2 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 1.5 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 )

0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 )

0.3 ( 45 ) 0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 )

0.13 ( 43 ) 0.26 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0.1 ( 43 ) 0.06 ( 43 ) 0.05 ( 43 )

0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 )

0 ( 43 )

0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 ) 0.4 ( 45 )

0 ( 43 )

0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0.28 ( 43 ) 0.36 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0.24 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )

0.58 ( 43 ) 0.76 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 ) 0 ( 43 )
0 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 )

0.87 ( 43 ) 1.5 ( 43 )
6.7 ( 30 )
15.8 ( 43 ) 0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 )

14 ( 45 ) 0 ( 45 )
0.03 ( 4 ) 0.01 ( 4 ) 0(4)
6 ( 43 ) 3.2 ( 43 ) 0.3 ( 43 ) 0.2 ( 43 )
1.7 ( 43 )
352 ( 17 ) 258 ( 17 ) 198 ( 17 )
<500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
<500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

1200 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<1 ( 64 )

<1 ( 64 )
<1 ( 64 )

10000 ( 71 ) 7400 ( 71 ) 5100 ( 71 ) 3300 ( 71 ) 1800 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

<200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
9800 ( 71 ) 7300 ( 71 ) 5100 ( 71 ) 3300 ( 71 ) 1800 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

11000 ( 71 ) 8000 ( 71 ) 5700 ( 71 ) 3500 ( 71 ) 2000 ( 71 ) 1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

<200 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

11000 ( 71 ) 7900 ( 71 ) 5600 ( 71 ) 3500 ( 71 ) 2000 ( 71 ) 1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

8900 ( 71 ) 6700 ( 71 ) 4700 ( 71 ) 3000 ( 71 ) 1700 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

<200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

8800 ( 71 ) 6600 ( 71 ) 4600 ( 71 ) 3000 ( 71 ) 1700 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

6100 ( 71 ) 3800 ( 71 ) 2200 ( 71 ) 1200 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 )
28000 ( 71 ) 19000 ( 71 ) 12000 ( 71 ) 6800 ( 71 ) 3500 ( 71 ) 1800 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )
<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
28000 ( 71 ) 19000 ( 71 ) 12000 ( 71 ) 6700 ( 71 ) 3500 ( 71 ) 1800 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )

6800 ( 71 ) 4200 ( 71 ) 2500 ( 71 ) 1400 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 )

31000 ( 71 ) 21000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 ) 7400 ( 71 ) 3900 ( 71 ) 1900 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

31000 ( 71 ) 20000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 ) 7300 ( 71 ) 3900 ( 71 ) 1900 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )

5400 ( 71 ) 3400 ( 71 ) 2000 ( 71 ) 1100 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 )

26000 ( 71 ) 17000 ( 71 ) 11000 ( 71 ) 6100 ( 71 ) 3200 ( 71 ) 1500 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

25000 ( 71 ) 17000 ( 71 ) 11000 ( 71 ) 6100 ( 71 ) 3200 ( 71 ) 1500 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )

22 ( 10 ) 20 ( 10 ) 4 ( 10 ) 10 ( 10 ) 10 ( 10 ) 9 ( 10 ) 9 ( 10 )
94 ( 9 ) 60 ( 9 ) 44 ( 9 ) 42 ( 9 ) 23 ( 9 ) 20 ( 9 ) 24 ( 9 )
61 ( 65 )

120 ( 65 )

21 ( 65 )

110 ( 64 )

130 ( 64 )

88 ( 64 )

205 ( 65 )

256 ( 65 )
159 ( 65 )

400 ( 65 )

500 ( 65 )

310 ( 65 )

890 ( 64 )

1500 ( 64 )

390 ( 64 )

380 ( 64 )

450 ( 64 )

310 ( 64 )

445 ( 64 )

738 ( 64 )

196 ( 64 )

483 ( 65 )

878 ( 65 )

205 ( 65 )

940 ( 65 )

1700 ( 65 )

400 ( 65 )

<0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

<0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

<0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 ) 0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )
2.9 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )

0 ( 45 )
1992-1993 1992 1991-1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987
0(4) 0(4) 0(4)
0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )

0 ( 45 )

0 ( 45 )
0 ( 47 )
0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )
0 ( 47 )

0 ( 47 )
0 ( 47 )
<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<1 ( 64 )

<1 ( 64 )
<1 ( 64 )

<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
<500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 )
<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )
<500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 )

<200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

<500 ( 71 ) <200 ( 71 ) <100 ( 71 )

3 ( 10 ) 10 ( 10 ) 1 ( 10 ) 4 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 ) 2 ( 10 )
13 ( 9 ) 15 ( 9 ) 5(9) 5(9) 2(9) 5(9)
53 ( 65 )

106 ( 65 )

18 ( 65 )

93 ( 64 )

140 ( 64 )

54 ( 64 )

206 ( 65 )

271 ( 65 )
149 ( 65 )

370 ( 65 )

480 ( 65 )

270 ( 65 )

780 ( 64 )

1500 ( 64 )

310 ( 64 )

350 ( 64 )

520 ( 64 )

210 ( 64 )

423 ( 64 )

804 ( 64 )

168 ( 64 )

442 ( 65 )

806 ( 65 )

186 ( 65 )

790 ( 65 )

1400 ( 65 )

330 ( 65 )

<0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

<0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

<0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 ) <0.1 ( 71 )

1.3 ( 47 )
Risk Behaviours
Risk Behaviours
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Median number of clients reported by sex workers in the last Number
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever injected drugs Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported anal sex in the last 12 months Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use at last sex with a non- Percent
commercial, non-regular partner
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use at last sex with a non- Percent
commercial, non-regular partner
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported condom use with their most recent Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with non- Percent
commercial, non-regular partners in the last 12 months

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with non- Percent
commercial, non-regular partners in the last 12 months

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported consistent condom use with their Percent
clients in the last week
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported injecting drug use in the last 12 Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who reported multiple sex partners Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever injected drugs Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported anal sex in the last Percent
12 months
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported buying sex in the Percent
last 12 months
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
anal sex with a male partner
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
anal sex with a male partner
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
anal sex with a male partner
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
anal sex with a male partner
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
anal sex with a male partner
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
paid sex
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
paid sex
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
paid sex
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
paid sex
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
paid sex
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
paid sex
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported condom use at last Percent
sex with a casual partner
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at insertive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at insertive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at insertive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at insertive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at insertive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at insertive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at receptive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at receptive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at receptive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at receptive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at receptive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use at receptive anal sex in the last month
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported consistent condom Percent
use with non-commercial non-regular partners in the last 12
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported injecting drug use Percent
in the last 12 months
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported multiple sex Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who reported selling sex in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who adopted behaviours that reduce Percent
transmission of HIV in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who always shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who always shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who always shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who always shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who always shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who bought sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who did not share needles at the last Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who discarded last needle safely Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who discarded last needle safely Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who discarded last needle safely Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who discarded last needle safely Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who discarded last needle safely Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who discarded last needle safely Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who mostly shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who mostly shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who mostly shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who mostly shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who mostly shared equipment in the Percent
last week they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who never shared injecting Percent
equipment in the last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who never shared injecting Percent
equipment in the last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who never shared injecting Percent
equipment in the last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who never shared injecting Percent
equipment in the last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who never shared injecting Percent
equipment in the last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who never shared needles in the last Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent
with a casual partner
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported condom use at last sex Percent
with a paid sexual partner
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported consistent condom use Percent
with casual partners in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported having paid sex in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported having paid sex in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported having paid sex in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported having paid sex in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported having paid sex in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported having paid sex in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported having paid sex in the Percent
last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported inconsistent condom Percent
use with female sex workers in the last 12 months

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported inconsistent condom Percent
use with female sex workers in the last 12 months

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported inconsistent condom Percent
use with female sex workers in the last 12 months

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported inconsistent condom Percent
use with female sex workers in the last 12 months

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported inconsistent condom Percent
use with female sex workers in the last 12 months

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported inconsistent condom Percent
use with female sex workers in the last 12 months

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported sharing injecting Percent
equipment at the last time they injected drugs
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported sharing needles in the Percent
last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported sharing needles in the Percent
last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported sharing needles in the Percent
last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported sharing needles in the Percent
last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported sharing needles in the Percent
last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported sharing needles in the Percent
last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported sharing needles in the Percent
last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported unprotected paid sex in Percent
the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported unprotected paid sex in Percent
the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported unprotected paid sex in Percent
the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported unprotected paid sex in Percent
the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who reported unprotected paid sex in Percent
the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who sold sex in the last 12 months Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used sterile injecting equipment Percent
at the last time they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used sterile injecting equipment Percent
at the last time they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used sterile injecting equipment Percent
at the last time they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used sterile injecting equipment Percent
at the last time they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used sterile injecting equipment Percent
at the last time they injected
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who used their own needles, by level Percent
of coverage
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Prevalence of injecting drug use among population (15-64) Percent (Estimate)

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Prevalence of injecting drug use among population (15-64) Percent (High
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Prevalence of injecting drug use among population (15-64) Percent (Low
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever injected drugs Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever injected drugs Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever injected drugs Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever injected drugs Percent
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever injected drugs Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever injected drugs Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever injected drugs Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever injected drugs Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who injected drugs in the last 12 Percent
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported anal sex in the last 12 Percent
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported buying sex in the last Percent
12 months
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported condom use at last sex Percent
with a casual partner
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported condom use with their Percent
most recent client
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported condom use with their Percent
most recent client
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported condom use with their Percent
most recent client
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported condom use with their Percent
most recent client
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported condom use with their Percent
most recent client
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported condom use with their Percent
most recent client
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported consistent condom use Percent
at receptive anal sex with clients in the last month
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported consistent condom use Percent
at receptive anal sex with clients in the last month
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported consistent condom use Percent
at receptive anal sex with clients in the last month
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported consistent condom use Percent
at receptive anal sex with clients in the last month
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported consistent condom use Percent
at receptive anal sex with clients in the last month
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported consistent condom use Percent
with casual partners in the last 12 months
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported multiple sex partners Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who reported selling sex in the last Percent
12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever injected drugs

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported anal sex in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported anal sex in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported anal sex in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported anal sex in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported anal sex in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported anal sex in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last paid sex
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last sex with a female
sex worker
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last sex with a female
sex worker
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last sex with a female
sex worker
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last sex with a female
sex worker
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last sex with a female
sex worker
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last sex with a female
sex worker
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported condom use at last sex with a non-
commercial partner

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported consistent condom use with casual
partners in the last 12 months

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported consistent condom use with paid
sexual partners in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported consistent condom use with paid
sexual partners in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported consistent condom use with paid
sexual partners in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported consistent condom use with paid
sexual partners in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported consistent condom use with paid
sexual partners in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported consistent condom use with paid
sexual partners in the last 12 months
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported injecting drug use in the last 12

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported multiple sex partners
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported multiple sex partners
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported multiple sex partners
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported multiple sex partners
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported multiple sex partners
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported multiple sex partners
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported paid sex in the last 12 months

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reported sex with sex workers in the last 12
High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever injected drugs Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever injected drugs Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever injected drugs Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever injected drugs Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever injected drugs Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever injected drugs Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever used needles and syringes Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who reported condom use at last sex with a Percent
commercial partner
High-risk Men Prisoners who reported condom use at last sex with a Percent
commercial partner
High-risk Men Prisoners who reported condom use at last sex with a Percent
commercial partner
High-risk Men Prisoners who reported condom use at last sex with a Percent
commercial partner
High-risk Men Prisoners who reported condom use at last sex with a Percent
commercial partner
High-risk Men Prisoners who reported condom use at last sex with a Percent
commercial partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who had sex with more than 1 partner in the Percent
last 12 months and who reported condom use at last sex
Women and men Adults (15-49) who had sex with more than 1 partner in the Percent
last 12 months and who reported condom use at last sex
Women and men Adults (15-49) who had sex with more than 1 partner in the Percent
last 12 months and who reported condom use at last sex
Women and men Adults (15-49) who had sex with more than 1 partner in the Percent
last 12 months and who reported condom use at last sex
Women and men Adults (15-49) who had sex with more than 1 partner in the Percent
last 12 months and who reported condom use at last sex
Women and men Adults (15-49) who had sex with more than 1 partner in the Percent
last 12 months and who reported condom use at last sex
Women and men Adults (15-49) who had sex with more than 1 partner in the Percent
last 12 months and who reported condom use at last sex
Women and men Adults (15-49) who had sex with more than 1 partner in the Percent
last 12 months and who reported condom use at last sex
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months

Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months

Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months

Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months

Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months

Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported higher-risk sex (with a non- Percent
marital, non-cohabiting partner) in the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-49) who reported sex with more than 1 partner in Percent
the last 12 months
Women and men Adults (15-54) who reported sex with a non-marital, non- Percent
cohabiting sexual partner in the last 12 months
Young people Young people (15-24) who have ever injected drugs Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who have ever reported sex Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who have ever tried any drug Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who reported condom use at last sex Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who reported sex before the age of 15 Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who reported sex before the age of 15 Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who reported sex before the age of 15 Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who reported sex before the age of 15 Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who reported sex before the age of 15 Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who reported sex before the age of 15 Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who reported sex before the age of 15 Percent

(1) Indonesia_Bakti Husada, BPS Statistic Indonesia & UNICEF. Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) 2000, NYHQ revision, 2002.
(2) Indonesia_BPS, UNICEF, Multiple indicator survey (MICS) 2000, Standard tables as of June 23, 2004
(3) Indonesia_CDC&EH, Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2004-2005, Communicable Disease Control and Environment Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia, Sep 2
(4) Indonesia_CDC-EH, WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 20
(5) Indonesia_Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(6) Indonesia_Department of Health Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia, National AIDS Commission, USAID, et al. (2007). Integrated Biological- Behavioral Surveillance
(7) Indonesia_Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia Reported through December 2009
(8) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(9) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(10) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2012). Progress Report HIV & AIDS Situation in Indonesia up t
(11) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in Indonesia UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(12) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(13) Indonesia_IBBS among most-at-risk groups, 2007
(14) Indonesia_Mathers B.M. et al. Global epidemiology of injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs: a systematic review. The Lancet (online editio
(15) Indonesia_Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health. Integrated Biological and Behavioural S
(16) Indonesia_Ministry of Health. (2009). Estimasi Populasi Dewasa Rawan Terinfeksi HIV 2009. (In Indonesian Language)
(17) Indonesia_MoH, A National Assessment for Preventing HIV in Mother and Children: An Indonesian Story, Directorate of Maternal Health, Sep 2006, Ministry of H
(18) Indonesia_MoH, National Estimates of Adult HIV Infection, 2002, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
(19) Indonesia_Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000
(20) Indonesia_NAC (2008), National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) cited in Indonesian UNGASS-AIDS Forum, Civil Society Report, 2010
(21) Indonesia_National AIDS Commission Indonesia (2012). Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Report, 2012.
(22) Indonesia_National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health cited in WHO. (2010). HIV/AIDS in the South-East Asia Region: Progress Report 2010.
(23) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997
(24) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Indonesia, Oct 1998
(25) Indonesia_Online HIV/AIDS database at
(26) Indonesia_Robert Magnani, Pandu Riono, Nurhayati, et al. Sexual Risk Behaviors, HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Female Sex Workers
(27) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia and Macro International, Indonesia Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey, 2007
(28) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinate Board, Ministry of Health. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007, December 20
(29) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Ministry of Health and ORC Macro. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2
(30) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(31) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008
(32) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(33) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010 citing Indonesia, CDC MoH report, 2009
(34) Indonesia_UNICEF, Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004
(35) Indonesia_UNICEF, End Decade Statistical Report: Data and Descriptive Analysis, 2000, BPS, Statistics Indonesia
(36) Indonesia_UNICEF, Population Council, Final Report of Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in Eas
(37) Indonesia_UoI, UNICEF, Executive Summary of Baseline Data collection for Intervention Aimed at Reducing HIV Vulnerability to Young People in Papua Provin
(38) Indonesia_Youth and Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(39) UN_Population Division at
(40) UN_Population Division. Online at
(41) UN_UN Statistics Division 2010
(42) UNAIDS_Data retrieved from
(43) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets December, 2006 Update
(44) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2006
(45) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2008
(46) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2006
(47) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2008
(48) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
(49) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006. GAE Report 2006 refers to UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(50) UNAIDS_Report on The Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
(51) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. UNAIDS Data Tables 2011
(52) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2012). Annexes - UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2012.
(53) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2013). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2013.
(54) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2006
(55) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2007-2008
(56) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2010
(57) UNFPA_State of World Population, 2010
(58) UNICEF_OVC survey 2007 cited in Indonesia, UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(59) UNICEF_PMTCT Report Card, 2005
(60) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Global HIV/AIDS Response - Epidemic Update and Health Sector Progress Towards Universal Access - Progress Report, 2011.
(61) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2008
(62) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2009
(63) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2010
(64) WHO_WHO (2011). Global Tuberculosis Control 2011.
(65) WHO_WHO (2013). Global tuberculosis report 2013.
(66) WHO_World Health Report, 2006
(67) WHO_World Health Statistics, 2010
(68) World Bank_World Development Indicators & Global Development Finace Database
(69) World Bank_World Development Indicators database, September 2008. Retrieved on 15 October, 2008, from
(70) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap Report.
(71) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). HIV Estimates 1990-2014.
(72) Indonesia_Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2015 based on Ministry of Health.(2013). Estimasi Populasi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia
(73) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). How AIDS Changed Every Thing. MDG 6: 15 Years, 15 Lessons of Hope From the AIDS Response.
2011 2007 2006 2005 2004-2005 2002-2003

DFSWs Batam
5 ( 13 )
DFSWs North Sumatera
5 ( 13 )
DFSWs Jakarta
8 ( 13 )
DFSWs West Java
6 ( 13 )
DFSWs Central Java
5 ( 13 )
DFSWs East Java
6 ( 13 )
DFSWs Bali
14 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Batam
4 ( 13 )
IDFSWs North Sumatera
3 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Jakarta
6 ( 13 )
IDFSWs West Java
1 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Central Java
6 ( 13 )
IDFSWs East Java
3 ( 13 )
Tanah Papua
4 ( 13 )
Tanah Papua
1 ( 13 )
0.7 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batam
0.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Deli Serdang
0.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
2.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jakarta Utara
0.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandung
1.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batang
0.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Banyuwangi
0.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Malang
0.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Denpasar
1.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Kupang
0.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Ambon
1 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jayapura
2 ( 15 )
0.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Batam
1.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
1.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Bekasi
0.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandung
1.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Malang
0.9 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Surabaya
0.9 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Denpasar
0.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jayapura
0.4 ( 15 )
80 ( 3 )
60 ( 15 )
70 ( 15 )
67.6 ( 15 ) 76 ( 3 )
DFSWs Batam
79.9 ( 15 )
DFSWs Deli Serdang
36.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
47 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jakarta Utara
49.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Bekasi
50.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandung
73.1 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batang
57.9 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Semarang
75.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Banyuwangi
71.1 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Malang
83.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Surabaya
59.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Denpasar
90 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Kupang
89.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Ambon
86.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Jayawijaya
28.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jayapura
95.2 ( 15 )
59.87 ( 52 ) 65.98 ( 50 ) 56.2 ( 50 )
75 ( 3 )
60.7 ( 15 ) 81 ( 3 )
IDFSWs Batam
77.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Medan
81.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
17.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jakarta Barat
90.7 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Bekasi
49 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandung
72.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Semarang
74.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Malang
30.3 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Surabaya
85.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Denpasar
50.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Kupang
52.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Ambon
19.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jayapura
57.7 ( 15 )
49.37 ( 52 ) 79.12 ( 50 ) 47.5 ( 50 ) 49 ( 3 )
58.01 ( 52 ) 67.8 ( 50 ) 54.7 ( 50 ) 48.4 ( 28 )
Total <25 yr
49.49 ( 52 ) 63.56 ( 32 )
Total 25+ yr
61.7 ( 52 ) 69.95 ( 32 )

11 ( 15 )

16 ( 15 )
29.8 ( 3 )
DFSWs Batam
30 ( 13 )
DFSWs North Sumatera
16 ( 13 )
DFSWs Jakarta
2 ( 13 )
DFSWs West Java
20 ( 13 )
DFSWs Central Java
17 ( 13 )
DFSWs East Java
32 ( 13 )
DFSWs Bali
38 ( 13 )
37.2 ( 3 )
35.6 ( 3 )
IDFSWs Batam
38 ( 13 )
IDFSWs North Sumatera
45 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Jakarta
34 ( 13 )
IDFSWs West Java
24 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Central Java
44 ( 13 )
IDFSWs East Java
30 ( 13 )
48.3 ( 3 )
Tanah Papua
72 ( 13 )
Tanah Papua
42 ( 13 )
39.1 ( 3 )
0.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batam
0.2 ( 13 )
DFSWs North Sumatera
2.6 ( 13 )
DFSWs Jakarta
0.9 ( 13 )
DFSWs West Java
0.1 ( 13 )
DFSWs Central Java
0.1 ( 13 )
DFSWs East Java
0 ( 13 )
DFSWs Bali
0.8 ( 13 )
0.3 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Batam
0.4 ( 13 )
IDFSWs North Sumatera
0.4 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Jakarta
0.2 ( 13 )
IDFSWs West Java
0 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Central Java
0.4 ( 13 )
IDFSWs East Java
0 ( 13 )
Tanah Papua
0.3 ( 13 )
Tanah Papua
0.3 ( 13 )
84 ( 3 )
2.4 ( 15 )
Total Batam
3.5 ( 13 )
Total Kota Medan
1.2 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
5.2 ( 15 ) 2.8 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
2 ( 13 )
Total Kota Bandung
0.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
0 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
4.6 ( 15 ) 2.4 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
1.2 ( 15 ) 1.6 ( 13 )
66 ( 3 )
19 ( 15 )
62.8 ( 3 )
76.3 ( 3 )
59.84 ( 52 ) 57 ( 50 ) 48 ( 50 ) 56.4 ( 30 )
Total <25 yr
63.82 ( 52 ) 55.7 ( 32 ) 46 ( 48 ) 54 ( 30 )
Total 25+ yr
58.07 ( 52 ) 58.2 ( 32 ) 49 ( 48 ) 57.7 ( 30 )
60.8 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
67.7 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
49 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
30.3 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
76.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
75.9 ( 15 )
54 ( 15 )
Total Batam
25 ( 13 )
Total Kota Medan
22.4 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
21.6 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
20 ( 13 )
Total Kota Malang
28.8 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
13.6 ( 13 )
Total Batam
15.5 ( 13 )
Total Kota Medan
19.2 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
19.2 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
18.4 ( 13 )
Total Kota Malang
26.4 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
12.8 ( 13 )

27 ( 15 )
1.5 ( 15 )
46 ( 3 )
49 ( 15 )
18 ( 30 )
Female <25 yr
27.3 ( 48 )
Female 25+ yr
8.7 ( 48 )
19.1 ( 30 )
Male <25 yr
18.9 ( 48 )
Male 25+ yr
19.2 ( 48 )
18.5 ( 30 )
Total <25 yr
23 ( 30 )
Total 25+ yr
13.9 ( 30 )
Total Kota Medan
22.4 ( 3 )
Total Jakarta
31.6 ( 3 )
Total Bandung
25.4 ( 3 )
Total Kota Surabaya
77.6 ( 3 )
Total Kota Denpasar
21.1 ( 3 )
19 ( 15 )
87 ( 15 )
Total Kota Medan
35 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
43 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
59 ( 13 )
Total Semarang
86 ( 13 )
Total Kota Malang
85 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
10 ( 13 )
Total Kota Medan
54.4 ( 3 )
Total Jakarta
36.6 ( 3 )
Total Bandung
33.8 ( 3 )
Total Kota Surabaya
75.2 ( 3 )
Total Kota Denpasar
32.2 ( 3 )
Total Kota Medan
16 ( 3 )
Total Jakarta
25.4 ( 3 )
Total Bandung
16.9 ( 3 )
Total Kota Surabaya
15.5 ( 3 )
Total Kota Denpasar
12.2 ( 3 )
38 ( 15 )
35.1 ( 50 )
35.8 ( 50 )
51.56 ( 52 ) 35.8 ( 50 )
Total Kota Medan
32.9 ( 3 )
Total Jakarta
31.5 ( 3 )
Total Bandung
44.2 ( 3 )
Total Kota Surabaya
25 ( 3 )
Total Kota Denpasar
38.8 ( 3 )
Total <25 yr
55.98 ( 52 ) 34.5 ( 32 )
Total 25+ yr
50.21 ( 52 ) 36.3 ( 32 )
56 ( 15 )
56 ( 15 )
41 ( 15 )
Male Kota Medan
20 ( 13 ) 31.6 ( 3 )
Male Jakarta
9 ( 13 ) 26.9 ( 3 )
Male Bandung
46 ( 13 ) 40.2 ( 3 )
Male Semarang
54 ( 13 )
Male Malang
27 ( 13 )
Male Kota Surabaya
44 ( 13 ) 51.6 ( 3 )
Male Kota Denpasar
44.1 ( 3 )
Male Kota Medan

88 ( 13 )
Male Jakarta

95 ( 13 )
Male Bandung

45 ( 13 )
Male Semarang

65 ( 13 )
Male Kota Malang

72 ( 13 )
Male Kota Surabaya

91 ( 13 )
13 ( 15 )
14 ( 15 )
Total Kota Medan
16 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
63 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
24 ( 13 )
Total Semarang
9 ( 13 )
Total Kota Malang
14 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
56 ( 13 )
Total Kota Medan
26 ( 3 )
Total Jakarta
24 ( 3 )
Total Bandung
29 ( 3 )
Total Kota Surabaya
45 ( 3 )
Total Kota Denpasar
35 ( 3 )
19 ( 13 )
3 ( 13 )
4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Medan
2 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
2 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
10 ( 13 )
Total Semarang
4 ( 13 )
Total Kota Malang
1 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
0 ( 13 )
94.4 ( 50 )
87.8 ( 50 )
87.05 ( 52 ) 88 ( 50 )
Total <25 yr
82.18 ( 52 ) 87 ( 32 )
Total 25+ yr
88.62 ( 52 ) 88.5 ( 32 )
Never received Kota Medan
visit from NGO
75 ( 3 )
Never received Jakarta
visit from NGO
88 ( 3 )
Never received Bandung
visit from NGO
32.7 ( 3 )
Never received Kota Surabaya
visit from NGO
66.9 ( 3 )
Never received Kota Denpasar
visit from NGO
52.5 ( 3 )
Received visit Kota Medan
from NGO
86.5 ( 3 )
Received visit Jakarta
from NGO
92 ( 3 )
Received visit Bandung
from NGO
48.9 ( 3 )
Received visit Kota Surabaya
from NGO
78.6 ( 3 )
Received visit Kota Denpasar
from NGO
47.7 ( 3 )
0.14 ( 14 )
0.16 ( 14 )
0.13 ( 14 )
1.2 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
2.4 ( 15 ) 1.2 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
2.8 ( 13 )
Total Kota Bandung
1.2 ( 15 )
Total Semarang
0.5 ( 13 )
Total Kota Semarang
1.1 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
0.8 ( 15 ) 2 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
0.4 ( 15 ) 1.2 ( 13 )
0.7 ( 15 )
85 ( 3 )
26 ( 15 )
70 ( 15 )
79.6 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
88.9 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
77.3 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
83.3 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
65.9 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
86.2 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
15 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
50 ( 13 )
Total Semarang
33.9 ( 13 )
Total Kota Malang
32 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
38.2 ( 13 )
36 ( 15 )
89 ( 3 )
81 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batam
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Deli Serdang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Medan
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Lampung
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jakarta Utara
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Semarang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

1.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Surabaya
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Denpasar
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Kupang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Ambon
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jayapura
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.7 ( 15 )
Male Civil
18.6 ( 3 )
Male Drivers or
1.3 ( 3 )
Male Employees
7.8 ( 3 )
Male Motorbike
or taxi drivers
0.3 ( 3 )
Male Port
Male Sailors
0.6 ( 3 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

60.6 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batam
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

74.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Deli Serdang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

67.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Medan
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

27.9 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Lampung
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

56.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jakarta Utara
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

7.1 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

21.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Semarang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

29 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Surabaya
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

70.7 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Denpasar
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

53.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Kupang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

72.2 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Ambon
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

70.1 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jayapura
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

84.8 ( 15 )
Male Civil

52.4 ( 3 )
Male Drivers or

23.6 ( 3 ) 19.3 ( 3 )
Male Employed

44.4 ( 3 )
Male Motorbike
or taxi drivers

33.1 ( 3 ) 26.6 ( 3 )
Male Port

56.8 ( 3 ) 70.3 ( 3 )
Male Sailors

28.3 ( 3 ) 31.3 ( 3 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

84 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

6 ( 15 )
Male Civil

15 ( 3 )
Male Drivers or

11 ( 3 )
Male Employees

10 ( 3 )
Male Motorbike
or taxi drivers

24 ( 3 )
Male Port

43 ( 3 )
Male Sailors

13 ( 3 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

0.3 ( 15 )
Civil servants
18 ( 3 )
Drivers or
52 ( 3 )
Motorbike or taxi
28 ( 3 )
Port laborers
41 ( 3 )
51 ( 3 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

23 ( 15 )
Civil servants

30.7 ( 3 )
Civil servants -
paid for sex

30.2 ( 3 )
Drivers or

60.1 ( 3 ) 37.7 ( 28 )
Drivers or
helpers - paid for
58.7 ( 3 ) 40.3 ( 28 )

10.4 ( 3 )
Employees - paid
for sex

9.7 ( 3 )
Motorbike or taxi

25.4 ( 3 ) 23.7 ( 28 )
Motorbike or taxi
drivers - paid for
31 ( 3 ) 28.3 ( 28 )
Port laborers

37.4 ( 3 ) 47.3 ( 28 )
Port laborers -
paid for sex

38.4 ( 3 ) 46.3 ( 28 )

54.6 ( 3 ) 39.1 ( 28 )
Sailors - paid for

54.6 ( 3 ) 47.6 ( 28 )
6.4 ( 15 )
Total Batam
3.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Jakarta Pusat
13.3 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
2.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
4.1 ( 15 )
Total Kota Denpasar
8.1 ( 15 )
67 ( 15 )
96.5 ( 15 )
Total Batam
98.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Jakarta Pusat
88.9 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
97.7 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
98.7 ( 15 )
Total Kota Denpasar
98.3 ( 15 )
60 ( 50 )
Male <25 yr
100 ( 28 )
Male 20-24 yr
100 ( 50 )
Male 25+ yr
58.33 ( 28 )
Male 25-49 yr
58 ( 50 )
60 ( 11 )
Total <25 yr
100 ( 11 )
Total 25+ yr
58.33 ( 11 )
0.3 ( 28 )
Male 15-24 yr
0.1 ( 28 )
Male 20-24 yr
0.2 ( 28 )
Male 25-29 yr
0.3 ( 28 )
Male 30-39 yr
0.2 ( 28 )
Male 40-49 yr
0.5 ( 28 )
Male 50-54 yr
0.1 ( 28 )
Male Education:
0.1 ( 28 )
Male Education:
0.3 ( 28 )
Male Education:
Primary complete
0.1 ( 28 )
Male Education:
0.4 ( 28 )
Male Education:
0.5 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
0.1 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
0.4 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
0 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
0.5 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
0.4 ( 28 )
Rural Male
0.1 ( 28 )
Urban Male
0.5 ( 28 )
0.3 ( 50 )
Male <25 yr
0.23 ( 28 )
Male 15-19 yr
0 ( 50 )
Male 20-24 yr
0.2 ( 50 )
Male 25+ yr
0.34 ( 28 )
Male 25-49 yr
0.3 ( 50 )
0.33 ( 28 )
Total <25 yr
0.23 ( 11 )
Total 25+ yr
0.34 ( 11 )
Male 50-54 yr
0.1 ( 28 )
Senior high
school students 0.4 ( 15 )
Senior high
school students 7 ( 15 )
Senior high
school students 4 ( 15 )
Senior high
school students
51 ( 15 )
0.21 ( 50 ) 7.9 ( 28 )
Female 15-19 yr
0.29 ( 38 )
Female 20-24 yr
0.04 ( 38 )
0.33 ( 50 ) 0.2 ( 28 )
Male 15-19 yr
0.38 ( 38 )
Male 20-24 yr
0.26 ( 38 )
0.28 ( 50 )

alth, Indonesia, Sep 2005

donesia, 5-17 Feb 2007, Disease Control & Environment Health of Ministry of Health, Indonesia

ehavioral Surveillance among Most-at-Risk Groups in Indonesia, 2007: Surveillance Highlights- Injecting Drug Users

on in Indonesia Up to December 2010, the Ministry of Health(Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia S
on in Indonesia Up to June 2011, the Ministry of Health (Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia Samp
ation in Indonesia up to December 2011, the Ministry of Health

e Lancet (online edition), September 24th, 2008

cal and Behavioural Survey (IBBS) 2011

Sep 2006, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Oct 1998

Female Sex Workers in Indonesia,, published online June 3, 2010

y 2007, December 2008.

and Health Survey 2002-2003, December 2003

slamic Schools in East Java, 2004

ople in Papua Province, 2003, Center for Health and Research, University of Indonesia
Report, 2011.

ular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language).

2000 1999 1998 1997 1996
41 ( 25 ) 48 ( 25 ) 37 ( 25 ) 37 ( 25 ) 36 ( 25 )
Vulnerability and HIV Knowledge
Vulnerability and HIV Knowledge
Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among sex workers Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who do not know that condom use can prevent Percent
sexual transmission of HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV can be transmitted by sharing Percent
needles and syringes
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV can be transmitted by sharing Percent
needles and syringes
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV cannot be transmitted by sharing Percent
food with PLHIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know HIV cannot be transmitted by sharing Percent
food with PLHIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among men who have sex Percent
with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among men who have sex Percent
with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among men who have sex Percent
with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among men who have sex Percent
with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among men who have sex Percent
with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among men who have sex Percent
with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among men who have sex Percent
with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among men who have sex Percent
with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of STI and HIV among men who Percent
have sex with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of STI and HIV among men who Percent
have sex with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of STI and HIV among men who Percent
have sex with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of STI and HIV among men who Percent
have sex with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of STI and HIV among men who Percent
have sex with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Comprehensive knowledge of STI and HIV among men who Percent
have sex with men
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who know HIV can be prevented Percent
by having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who know HIV can be Percent
transmitted by sharing needles
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who know HIV can be Percent
transmitted from mother-to-child
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who know HIV cannot be Percent
transmitted by mosquito bites
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who know HIV cannot be Percent
transmitted by sharing food with PLHIV
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who know that a healthy-looking Percent
person can have HIV
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among people who inject Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV can be transmitted Percent
from mother-to-child
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV cannot be transmitted Percent
by mosquito bites
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know HIV cannot be transmitted Percent
by sharing food with PLHIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know that a healthy-looking Percent
person can have HIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
Transgender people (TG) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among Percent
Transgender people (TG) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among Percent
Transgender people (TG) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among Percent
Transgender people (TG) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among Percent
Transgender people (TG) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among Percent
Transgender people (TG) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among Percent
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know HIV can be transmitted Percent
from mother-to-child
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know HIV cannot be transmitted Percent
by mosquito bites
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know HIV cannot be transmitted Percent
by sharing food with PLHIV
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know that a condom protects Percent
against STI & HIV
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know that a condom protects Percent
against STI & HIV
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know that a condom protects Percent
against STI & HIV
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know that a condom protects Percent
against STI & HIV
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know that a condom protects Percent
against STI & HIV
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know that a healthy-looking Percent
person can have HIV
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among clients of female Percent
sex workers
High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among clients of female Percent
sex workers
High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among clients of female Percent
sex workers
High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among clients of female Percent
sex workers
High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent
occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)
High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent
occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among high-risk Percent

occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex workers)

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among prisoners Percent

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who know HIV can be transmitted by sharing

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother-to-
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by mosquito

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by sharing food
with PLHIV

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who know that a healthy-looking person can have

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who know that condom use can prevent HIV

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who know that HIV can be prevented by having 1
uninfected partner

High-risk Men Prisoners who know HIV can be prevented by having sex with Percent
only 1 uninfected partner
High-risk Men Prisoners who know HIV can be transmitted by sharing Percent
High-risk Men Prisoners who know HIV can be transmitted from mother-to- Percent
High-risk Men Prisoners who know HIV cannot be transmitted by mosquito Percent
High-risk Men Prisoners who know HIV cannot be transmitted by sharing Percent
food with PLHIV
High-risk Men Prisoners who know that a healthy-looking person can have Percent
High-risk Men Prisoners who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe that a female teacher with HIV Percent
infection who is not sick should not be allowed to continue
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who believe there is a way to avoid HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who correctly rejected common Percent
misconceptions about transmission of HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by abstinence Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
blood transfusions
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with homosexuals
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
sex with sex workers
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by avoiding Percent
used syringes
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having 1 Percent
uninfected partner and using condoms
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during delivery
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child during pregnancy
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
supernatural means
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would buy fresh vegetables from an HIV- Percent
infected shopkeeper
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV

Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-49) who would not care for a family member sick Percent
with HIV
Women and men Adults (15-54) who do not know any way of HIV prevention Percent

Women and men Adults (15-54) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Women and men Adults (15-54) who know HIV can be prevented by having sex Percent
with only 1 uninfected partner
Women and men Adults (15-54) who know HIV can be transmitted from mother- Percent
to-child through breastfeeding
Women and men Adults (15-54) who know that a healthy-looking person can Percent
have HIV
Women and men Adults (15-54) who know that condom use can prevent HIV Percent

Women and men Adults (15-54) who would care for a family member sick with Percent
Women and men Adults (15-54) who would not like to keep the HIV status of an Percent
infected family member a secret
Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent
Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent
Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-49) Percent

Women and men Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adults (15-54) Percent

Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young people (15- Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young population Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young population Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young population Percent
Young people Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young population Percent
Young people Young people (15-24) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent

Young people Young people (15-24) who know 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV can be transmitted by Percent
sharing needles
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
mosquito bites
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
sharing food with PLHIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
sharing food with PLHIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
sharing food with PLHIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
sharing food with PLHIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
sharing food with PLHIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
sharing food with PLHIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know HIV cannot be transmitted by Percent
sharing food with PLHIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that a healthy-looking person Percent
can have HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that a healthy-looking person Percent
can have HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that a healthy-looking person Percent
can have HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that a healthy-looking person Percent
can have HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that a healthy-looking person Percent
can have HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that a healthy-looking person Percent
can have HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that a healthy-looking person Percent
can have HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that condom use can prevent Percent
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that consistent condom use Percent
can prevent HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that consistent condom use Percent
can prevent HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that consistent condom use Percent
can prevent HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that consistent condom use Percent
can prevent HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that consistent condom use Percent
can prevent HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that consistent condom use Percent
can prevent HIV
Young people Young people (15-24) who know that consistent condom use Percent
can prevent HIV
Young people Young population (11-18) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Young people Young population (11-18) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Young people Young population (11-18) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Young people Young population (11-18) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Young people Young population (11-18) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Young people Young population (11-18) who know 3 of 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young population (11-18) who know 3 of 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young population (11-18) who know 3 of 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young population (11-18) who know 3 of 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young population (11-18) who know 3 of 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young population (11-18) who know 3 of 4 ways to prevent Percent
transmission of HIV
Young people Young population (13-15) who agreed that PLHIV should be Percent
allowed to continue working
Young people Young population (13-15) who agreed that PLHIV should be Percent
allowed to continue working
Young people Young population (13-15) who agreed that PLHIV should be Percent
allowed to continue working
Young people Young population (13-15) who agreed that PLHIV should be Percent
allowed to continue working
Young people Young population (13-15) who do not know any way of HIV Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who do not know any way of HIV Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who do not know any way of HIV Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who do not know any way of HIV Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who do not know any way of HIV Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who have ever heard of HIV/AIDS Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
avoiding used syringes
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
avoiding used syringes
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
avoiding used syringes
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
avoiding used syringes
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young population (13-15) who know HIV can be prevented by Percent
having sex with only 1 uninfected partner
Young people Young population (13-15) who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
Young people Young population (13-15) who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
Young people Young population (13-15) who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
Young people Young population (13-15) who know that condom use can Percent
prevent HIV
Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Children (under 15) with both parents dead Percent

Children Current school attendance among orphans and among non- Percent
orphans (10-14)
Children Current school attendance among orphans and among non- Percent
orphans (10-14)
Children Current school attendance among orphans and among non- Percent
orphans (10-14)
Children Current school attendance among orphans and among non- Percent
orphans (10-14)
Children Current school attendance among orphans and among non- Percent
orphans (10-14)
Children Current school attendance among orphans and among non- Percent
orphans (10-14)
Children Ratio of school attendance of double orphans to school Ratio
attendance of non-orphans
Children Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of Ratio

(1) Indonesia_Bakti Husada, BPS Statistic Indonesia & UNICEF. Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) 2000, NYHQ revision, 2002.
(2) Indonesia_BPS, UNICEF, Multiple indicator survey (MICS) 2000, Standard tables as of June 23, 2004
(3) Indonesia_CDC&EH, Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2004-2005, Communicable Disease Control and Environment Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia, Sep 2
(4) Indonesia_CDC-EH, WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 20
(5) Indonesia_Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(6) Indonesia_Department of Health Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia, National AIDS Commission, USAID, et al. (2007). Integrated Biological- Behavioral Surveillance
(7) Indonesia_Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia Reported through December 2009
(8) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(9) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(10) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2012). Progress Report HIV & AIDS Situation in Indonesia up t
(11) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in Indonesia UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(12) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(13) Indonesia_IBBS among most-at-risk groups, 2007
(14) Indonesia_Mathers B.M. et al. Global epidemiology of injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs: a systematic review. The Lancet (online editio
(15) Indonesia_Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health. Integrated Biological and Behavioural S
(16) Indonesia_Ministry of Health. (2009). Estimasi Populasi Dewasa Rawan Terinfeksi HIV 2009. (In Indonesian Language)
(17) Indonesia_MoH, A National Assessment for Preventing HIV in Mother and Children: An Indonesian Story, Directorate of Maternal Health, Sep 2006, Ministry of H
(18) Indonesia_MoH, National Estimates of Adult HIV Infection, 2002, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
(19) Indonesia_Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000
(20) Indonesia_NAC (2008), National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) cited in Indonesian UNGASS-AIDS Forum, Civil Society Report, 2010
(21) Indonesia_National AIDS Commission Indonesia (2012). Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Report, 2012.
(22) Indonesia_National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health cited in WHO. (2010). HIV/AIDS in the South-East Asia Region: Progress Report 2010.
(23) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997
(24) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Indonesia, Oct 1998
(25) Indonesia_Online HIV/AIDS database at
(26) Indonesia_Robert Magnani, Pandu Riono, Nurhayati, et al. Sexual Risk Behaviors, HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Female Sex Workers
(27) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia and Macro International, Indonesia Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey, 2007
(28) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinate Board, Ministry of Health. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007, December 20
(29) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Ministry of Health and ORC Macro. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2
(30) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(31) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008
(32) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(33) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010 citing Indonesia, CDC MoH report, 2009
(34) Indonesia_UNICEF, Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004
(35) Indonesia_UNICEF, End Decade Statistical Report: Data and Descriptive Analysis, 2000, BPS, Statistics Indonesia
(36) Indonesia_UNICEF, Population Council, Final Report of Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in Eas
(37) Indonesia_UoI, UNICEF, Executive Summary of Baseline Data collection for Intervention Aimed at Reducing HIV Vulnerability to Young People in Papua Provin
(38) Indonesia_Youth and Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(39) UN_Population Division at
(40) UN_Population Division. Online at
(41) UN_UN Statistics Division 2010
(42) UNAIDS_Data retrieved from
(43) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets December, 2006 Update
(44) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2006
(45) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2008
(46) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2006
(47) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2008
(48) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
(49) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006. GAE Report 2006 refers to UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(50) UNAIDS_Report on The Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
(51) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. UNAIDS Data Tables 2011
(52) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2012). Annexes - UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2012.
(53) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2013). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2013.
(54) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2006
(55) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2007-2008
(56) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2010
(57) UNFPA_State of World Population, 2010
(58) UNICEF_OVC survey 2007 cited in Indonesia, UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(59) UNICEF_PMTCT Report Card, 2005
(60) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Global HIV/AIDS Response - Epidemic Update and Health Sector Progress Towards Universal Access - Progress Report, 2011.
(61) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2008
(62) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2009
(63) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2010
(64) WHO_WHO (2011). Global Tuberculosis Control 2011.
(65) WHO_WHO (2013). Global tuberculosis report 2013.
(66) WHO_World Health Report, 2006
(67) WHO_World Health Statistics, 2010
(68) World Bank_World Development Indicators & Global Development Finace Database
(69) World Bank_World Development Indicators database, September 2008. Retrieved on 15 October, 2008, from
(70) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap Report.
(71) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). HIV Estimates 1990-2014.
(72) Indonesia_Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2015 based on Ministry of Health.(2013). Estimasi Populasi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia
(73) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). How AIDS Changed Every Thing. MDG 6: 15 Years, 15 Lessons of Hope From the AIDS Response.
2011 2007 2005 2004-2005 2004 2003

15.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batam
8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Deli Serdang
25.1 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
10 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jakarta Utara
8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Bekasi
12.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandung
2.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batang
17.3 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Semarang
30 ( 15 )
DFSWs Banyuwangi
8.7 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Malang
14.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Surabaya
4.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Denpasar
15.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Kupang
24.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Ambon
21.7 ( 15 )
DFSWs Jayawijaya
10.9 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jayapura
32.8 ( 15 )
25 ( 50 )
16.3 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Batam
7.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Medan
16.5 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
13.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jakarta Barat
15.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Bekasi
21.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandung
18.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Semarang
34.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Malang
5.1 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Surabaya
4.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Denpasar
16.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Kupang
22.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Ambon
14.6 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jayapura
19.6 ( 15 )
37 ( 50 ) 23.8 ( 30 )
27 ( 50 ) 24 ( 50 )
Total <25 yr
25.3 ( 50 )
Total 25+ yr
28 ( 50 )
DFSWs Batam
26 ( 13 )
DFSWs North Sumatera
39 ( 13 )
DFSWs Jakarta
53 ( 13 )
DFSWs West Java
28 ( 13 )
DFSWs Central Java
19 ( 13 )
DFSWs East Java
24 ( 13 )
DFSWs Bali
17 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Batam
21 ( 13 )
IDFSWs North Sumatera
38 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Jakarta
49 ( 13 )
IDFSWs West Java
28 ( 13 )
IDFSWs Central Java
23 ( 13 )
IDFSWs East Java
27 ( 13 )
Tanah Papua
34 ( 13 )
Tanah Papua
46 ( 13 )
66 ( 15 )
74 ( 15 )
82 ( 15 )
85 ( 15 )
78 ( 15 )
79 ( 15 )
41 ( 15 )
42 ( 15 )
47 ( 15 )
45 ( 15 )
65 ( 15 )
66 ( 15 )
80 ( 15 )
74 ( 15 )
25.6 ( 15 ) 44 ( 50 ) 43 ( 50 )
Total Jakarta
22.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
18 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
26 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
34.3 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
27.2 ( 15 )
Total <25 yr
40.3 ( 50 )
Total 25+ yr
46 ( 50 )
Total Batam
21 ( 13 )
Total Kota Medan
40 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
30.4 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
6 ( 13 )
Total Kota Malang
9.6 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
8 ( 13 )
80 ( 15 )
92 ( 15 )
83 ( 15 )
54 ( 15 )
60 ( 15 )
68 ( 15 )
83 ( 15 )
69 ( 50 )
58 ( 50 )
Male <25 yr
6.7 ( 30 )
43.9 ( 15 ) 59 ( 50 ) 7 ( 50 )
Total Kota Medan
42.8 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
30.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
38 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
24.1 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
46.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
74.4 ( 15 )
Total <25 yr
52.2 ( 50 )
Total 25+ yr
61.5 ( 50 )
92 ( 15 )
98 ( 15 )
Total Kota Medan
4 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
30 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
1 ( 13 )
Total Semarang
2 ( 13 )
Total Kota Malang
3 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
3 ( 13 )
88 ( 15 )
75 ( 15 )
78 ( 15 )
68 ( 15 )
90 ( 15 )
Total Kota Medan
91 ( 13 )
Total Jakarta
49 ( 13 )
Total Bandung
96 ( 13 )
Total Semarang
97 ( 13 )
Total Malang
99 ( 13 )
Total Kota Surabaya
92 ( 13 )
32 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
29.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
25.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
38.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
41.6 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
29.6 ( 15 )
86 ( 15 )
94 ( 15 )
88 ( 15 )
63 ( 15 )
69 ( 15 )
Male Jakarta
64.4 ( 13 )
Male Bandung
90.4 ( 13 )
Male Semarang
94 ( 13 )
Male Kota Malang
92 ( 13 )
Male Kota Surabaya
90 ( 13 )
65 ( 15 )
91 ( 15 )
23.7 ( 30 )
28.5 ( 11 )
Total <25 yr
27.5 ( 11 )
Total 25+ yr
29 ( 11 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

14.4 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batam
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

6.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Deli Serdang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

23.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Medan
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

11.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Lampung
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

6 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jakarta Utara
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

3.3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

16.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Semarang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

18.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Surabaya
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

21.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Denpasar
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

11.7 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Kupang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

20.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Ambon
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

6.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jayapura
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

23.7 ( 15 )
11.7 ( 15 )
Total Batam
11 ( 15 )
Total Kota Jakarta Pusat
8.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
14.5 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
10 ( 15 )
Total Kota Denpasar
13.9 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

84 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

72 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

41 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

41 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

63 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

66 ( 15 )
Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

76 ( 15 )
48 ( 15 )
64 ( 15 )
51 ( 15 )
39 ( 15 )
39 ( 15 )
33 ( 15 )
40 ( 15 )

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr
Female 45-49 yr


Education: High

Education: Junior

Education: None


Rural Female

Urban Female

Female North Sumatera
Female West Sumatera
Female Riau
Female Jambi
Female South Sumatera
Female Bengkulu
Female Lampung
Female Bangka Belitung
Female Jakarta
Female West Java
Female Central Java
Female Yogyakarta
Female East Java
Female Banten
Female Bali
Female West Nusa Tenggara
Female East Nusa Tenggara
Female West Kalimantan
Female Central Kalimantan
Female South Kalimantan
Female East Kalimantan
Female North Sulawesi
Female Central Sulawesi
Female South Sulawesi
Female Southeast Sulawesi
Female Gorontalo
Female 15-19 yr
Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Education: None


Primary complete


Female Married
Male North Sumatera
Male West Sumatera
Male Riau
Male Jambi
Male South Sumatera
Male Bengkulu
Male Lampung
Male Bangka Belitung
Male Jakarta
Male West Java
Male Central Java
Male Yogyakarta
Male East Java
Male Banten
Male Bali
Male West Nusa Tenggara
Male East Nusa Tenggara
Male West Kalimantan
Male Central Kalimantan
Male South Kalimantan
Male East Kalimantan
Male North Sulawesi
Male Central Sulawesi
Male South Sulawesi
Male Southeast Sulawesi
Male Gorontalo
Male 20-24 yr
Male 25-29 yr
Male 30-39 yr
Male 40-49 yr
Male 50-54 yr
Male Education:
Male Education:
Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:
Male Education:
Male Married
Rural Female
Rural Male
Urban Female
Urban Male

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 45-49 yr


Education: Junior

Education: None

Senior secondary

Rural Female

Urban Female
Female North Sumatera
Female West Sumatera
Female Riau
Female Jambi
Female South Sumatera
Female Bengkulu
Female Lampung
Female Bangka Belitung
Female Jakarta
Female West Java
Female Central Java
Female Yogyakarta
Female East Java
Female Banten
Female Bali
Female West Nusa Tenggara
Female East Nusa Tenggara
Female West Kalimantan
Female Central Kalimantan
Female South Kalimantan
Female East Kalimantan
Female North Sulawesi
Female Central Sulawesi
Female South Sulawesi
Female Southeast Sulawesi
Female Gorontalo
Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female 45-49 yr

Female Divorced


Education: Junior

Education: None


Primary complete

Senior secondary

Education: Some
Education: Some

Female Married
Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural
Java-Bali Urban
Outer Java-Bali 1
Outer Java-Bali 2
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female
Rural Female
Rural Female 15-
24 yr 22 ( 36 )
Rural Male 15-24
yr 22 ( 36 )
Total 15-24 yr
17 ( 36 )
Urban Female
Urban Female
15-24 yr 10 ( 36 )
Urban Male 15-
24 yr 13 ( 36 )
Female North Sumatera
Female West Sumatera
Female Riau
Female Jambi
Female South Sumatera
Female Bengkulu
Female Lampung
Female Bangka Belitung
Female Jakarta
Female West Java
Female Central Java
Female Yogyakarta
Female East Java
Female Banten
Female Bali
Female West Nusa Tenggara
Female East Nusa Tenggara
Female West Kalimantan
Female Central Kalimantan
Female South Kalimantan
Female East Kalimantan
Female North Sulawesi
Female Central Sulawesi
Female South Sulawesi
Female Southeast Sulawesi
Female Gorontalo
Female 15-19 yr
52.4 ( 28 )
Female 20-24 yr
68.8 ( 28 )
Female 25-29 yr
71.8 ( 28 )
Female 30-34 yr

Female 30-39 yr
65.4 ( 28 )
Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 40-49 yr
47.3 ( 28 )
Female 45-49 yr

Female Divorced

49.3 ( 28 )

Education: None
9.4 ( 28 )
52.8 ( 28 )
Primary complete

94.3 ( 28 )
Senior secondary

Education: Some
27.8 ( 28 )
Education: Some

77.6 ( 28 )
Female Married
Female Married
or living together
61.8 ( 28 )
Female Wealth
index quintile:
74.9 ( 28 )
Female Wealth
index quintile:
61.1 ( 28 )
Female Wealth
index quintile:
29.9 ( 28 )
Female Wealth
index quintile:
89.9 ( 28 )
Female Wealth
index quintile:
47.1 ( 28 )
Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural
Java-Bali Urban
Male North Sumatera
Male West Sumatera
Male Riau
Male Jambi
Male South Sumatera
Male Bengkulu
Male Lampung
Male Bangka Belitung
Male Jakarta
Male West Java
Male Central Java
Male Yogyakarta
Male East Java
Male Banten
Male Bali
Male West Nusa Tenggara
Male East Nusa Tenggara
Male West Kalimantan
Male Central Kalimantan
Male South Kalimantan
Male East Kalimantan
Male North Sulawesi
Male Central Sulawesi
Male South Sulawesi
Male Southeast Sulawesi
Male Gorontalo
Male 20-24 yr
68.7 ( 28 )
Male 25-29 yr
77.4 ( 28 )
Male 30-39 yr
79.4 ( 28 )
Male 40-49 yr
68.3 ( 28 )
Male 50-54 yr
Male Education:
None 18.7 ( 28 )
Male Education:
Primary 63.7 ( 28 )
Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:
Male Education:
Secondary+ 95.5 ( 28 )
Male Education:
Some primary 39.6 ( 28 )
Male Education:
Some secondary
84.6 ( 28 )
Male Married
Male Married or
living together 71.4 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
83.9 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
71.3 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
43.8 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
94.2 ( 28 )
Male Wealth
index quintile:
60.9 ( 28 )
Outer Java-Bali 1
Outer Java-Bali 2
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female
Rural Female
49.3 ( 28 )
Rural Male
61 ( 28 )
Urban Female
77.3 ( 28 )
Urban Male
85.5 ( 28 )

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female Divorced

Education: None

Education: Some

Education: Some

Female Married

Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural
Java-Bali Urban


Outer Java-Bali 1

Outer Java-Bali 2

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female Divorced

Education: None

Education: Some

Education: Some

Female Married

Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural

Java-Bali Urban

Outer Java-Bali 1

Outer Java-Bali 2

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female Divorced

Education: None


Education: Some
Education: Some

Female Married

Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural

Java-Bali Urban


Outer Java-Bali 1

Outer Java-Bali 2
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female Divorced

Education: None

Education: Some
Education: Some

Female Married

Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural

Java-Bali Urban


Outer Java-Bali 1

Outer Java-Bali 2

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female 15-19 yr

Female 15-19 yr

Female 15-19 yr

Female 15-19 yr
Education: Junior

Female 15-19 yr
Education: None

Female 15-19 yr
Senior secondary

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female 45-49 yr

Female Divorced


Education: Junior
Education: None

Senior secondary

Education: Some
Education: Some

Female Married

Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural

Java-Bali Urban


Outer Java-Bali 1

Outer Java-Bali 2

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female

Rural Female

Rural Female 15-

19 yr

Rural Female 15-

24 yr
41 ( 36 )
Rural Male 15-24
35 ( 36 )
Total 15-24 yr
79 ( 3 )
Total 15-24 yr Jakarta
83 ( 3 )
Urban Female

Urban Female
15-19 yr

Urban Female
15-24 yr
52 ( 36 )
Urban Male 15-
24 yr
50 ( 36 )

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 45-49 yr

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female North Sumatera

Female West Sumatera

Female Riau

Female Jambi

Female South Sumatera

Female Bengkulu

Female Lampung

Female Bangka Belitung

Female Jakarta

Female West Java

Female Central Java

Female Yogyakarta

Female East Java

Female Banten

Female Bali

Female West Nusa Tenggara

Female East Nusa Tenggara

Female West Kalimantan

Female Central Kalimantan

Female South Kalimantan

Female East Kalimantan

Female North Sulawesi

Female Central Sulawesi

Female South Sulawesi

Female Southeast Sulawesi

Female Gorontalo

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female 45-49 yr

Female Divorced



Education: Junior

Education: None

Primary complete


Senior secondary

Education: Some
Education: Some

Female Married

Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural

Java-Bali Urban


Male 20-24 yr

Male 25-29 yr

Male 30-39 yr

Male 40-49 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male Education:

Male Education:

Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:

Male Education:

Outer Java-Bali 1

Outer Java-Bali 2

Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female

Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female

Rural Female

Rural Male

Urban Female

Urban Male


Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 45-49 yr


Education: Junior

Education: None

Senior secondary

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female North Sumatera

Female West Sumatera

Female Riau

Female Jambi

Female South Sumatera

Female Bengkulu

Female Lampung

Female Bangka Belitung

Female Jakarta

Female West Java

Female Central Java

Female Yogyakarta

Female East Java

Female Banten

Female Bali

Female West Nusa Tenggara

Female East Nusa Tenggara

Female West Kalimantan

Female Central Kalimantan

Female South Kalimantan

Female East Kalimantan

Female North Sulawesi

Female Central Sulawesi

Female South Sulawesi

Female Southeast Sulawesi

Female Gorontalo

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr
Female 40-49 yr


Education: None

Primary complete


Female Married


Male 20-24 yr

Male 25-29 yr

Male 30-39 yr

Male 40-49 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male Education:

Male Education:

Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:

Male Education:

Rural Female

Rural Male

Urban Female

Urban Male


Female North Sumatera

Female West Sumatera

Female Riau

Female Jambi

Female South Sumatera

Female Bengkulu

Female Lampung

Female Bangka Belitung

Female Jakarta

Female West Java

Female Central Java

Female Yogyakarta

Female East Java

Female Banten

Female Bali

Female West Nusa Tenggara

Female East Nusa Tenggara

Female West Kalimantan

Female Central Kalimantan

Female South Kalimantan

Female East Kalimantan

Female North Sulawesi

Female Central Sulawesi

Female South Sulawesi

Female Southeast Sulawesi

Female Gorontalo

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr
Female 40-49 yr


Education: None

Primary complete


Female Married


Male 20-24 yr

Male 25-29 yr

Male 30-39 yr

Male 40-49 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male Education:

Male Education:

Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:

Male Education:

Rural Female

Rural Male

Urban Female

Urban Male


Female North Sumatera

Female West Sumatera

Female Riau

Female Jambi

Female South Sumatera

Female Bengkulu

Female Lampung

Female Bangka Belitung

Female Jakarta

Female West Java

Female Central Java

Female Yogyakarta

Female East Java

Female Banten

Female Bali

Female West Nusa Tenggara

Female East Nusa Tenggara

Female West Kalimantan

Female Central Kalimantan

Female South Kalimantan

Female East Kalimantan

Female North Sulawesi

Female Central Sulawesi

Female South Sulawesi

Female Southeast Sulawesi

Female Gorontalo

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr
Female 30-39 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female 45-49 yr


Education: Junior

Education: None


Primary complete


Senior secondary

Female Married


Male 20-24 yr

Male 25-29 yr

Male 30-39 yr

Male 40-49 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male Education:
Male Education:

Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:

Male Education:

Rural Female

Rural Male

Urban Female

Urban Male


Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 45-49 yr



Education: Junior

Education: None

Senior secondary

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female 15-19 yr
Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 45-49 yr



Education: Junior

Education: None

Senior secondary

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female North Sumatera

Female West Sumatera

Female Riau

Female Jambi

Female South Sumatera

Female Bengkulu

Female Lampung

Female Bangka Belitung

Female Jakarta

Female West Java

Female Central Java

Female Yogyakarta

Female East Java

Female Banten

Female Bali

Female West Nusa Tenggara

Female East Nusa Tenggara

Female West Kalimantan

Female Central Kalimantan

Female South Kalimantan

Female East Kalimantan

Female North Sulawesi

Female Central Sulawesi

Female South Sulawesi

Female Southeast Sulawesi

Female Gorontalo

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female 45-49 yr


Education: None

Primary complete




Education: Some
Education: Some

Female Married


Male 20-24 yr

Male 25-29 yr

Male 30-39 yr

Male 40-49 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male Education:

Male Education:

Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:

Male Education:

Rural Female

Rural Male

Urban Female

Urban Male

Female North Sumatera
Female West Sumatera
Female Riau
Female Jambi
Female South Sumatera
Female Bengkulu
Female Lampung
Female Bangka Belitung
Female Jakarta
Female West Java
Female Central Java
Female Yogyakarta
Female East Java
Female Banten
Female Bali
Female West Nusa Tenggara
Female East Nusa Tenggara
Female West Kalimantan
Female Central Kalimantan
Female South Kalimantan
Female East Kalimantan
Female North Sulawesi
Female Central Sulawesi
Female South Sulawesi
Female Southeast Sulawesi
Female Gorontalo
Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Female 45-49 yr

Female Divorced


Education: None

Primary complete



Education: Some
Education: Some

Female Married
Female Widowed

Java-Bali Female

Java-Bali Rural
Java-Bali Urban
Male 20-24 yr
Male 25-29 yr
Male 30-39 yr
Male 40-49 yr
Male 50-54 yr
Male Education:
Male Education:
Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:
Male Education:
Outer Java-Bali 1
Outer Java-Bali 2
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 1 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Rural 2 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 1 Female
Outer Java-Bali
Urban 2 Female
Rural Female
Rural Female 15-
24 yr 42.1 ( 36 )
Rural Male
Rural Male 15-24
yr 53.8 ( 36 )
Total 15-24 yr
Total 15-24 yr Jakarta
Urban Female
Urban Female
15-24 yr 37.7 ( 36 )
Urban Male
Urban Male 15-
24 yr 69.6 ( 36 )

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 45-49 yr


Education: Junior

Education: None

Senior secondary

Rural Female

Urban Female


Female North Sumatera

Female West Sumatera

Female Riau

Female Jambi

Female South Sumatera

Female Bengkulu

Female Lampung
Female Bangka Belitung

Female Jakarta

Female West Java

Female Central Java

Female Yogyakarta

Female East Java

Female Banten

Female Bali

Female West Nusa Tenggara

Female East Nusa Tenggara

Female West Kalimantan

Female Central Kalimantan

Female South Kalimantan

Female East Kalimantan

Female North Sulawesi

Female Central Sulawesi

Female South Sulawesi

Female Southeast Sulawesi

Female Gorontalo

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 40-49 yr


Education: None

Primary complete


Female Married


Male North Sumatera

Male West Sumatera

Male Riau

Male Jambi

Male South Sumatera

Male Bengkulu

Male Lampung

Male Bangka Belitung

Male Jakarta

Male West Java

Male Central Java

Male Yogyakarta

Male East Java

Male Banten

Male Bali

Male West Nusa Tenggara

Male East Nusa Tenggara

Male West Kalimantan

Male Central Kalimantan

Male South Kalimantan

Male East Kalimantan

Male North Sulawesi

Male Central Sulawesi

Male South Sulawesi

Male Southeast Sulawesi

Male Gorontalo

Male 20-24 yr

Male 25-29 yr

Male 30-39 yr

Male 40-49 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male Education:

Male Education:

Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:

Male Education:

Male Married

Rural Female

Rural Male

Urban Female

Urban Male


Female North Sumatera

Female West Sumatera

Female Riau

Female Jambi

Female South Sumatera

Female Bengkulu

Female Lampung

Female Bangka Belitung

Female Jakarta

Female West Java

Female Central Java

Female Yogyakarta

Female East Java

Female Banten

Female Bali

Female West Nusa Tenggara

Female East Nusa Tenggara

Female West Kalimantan

Female Central Kalimantan

Female South Kalimantan

Female East Kalimantan

Female North Sulawesi

Female Central Sulawesi

Female South Sulawesi

Female Southeast Sulawesi

Female Gorontalo

Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-39 yr

Female 40-49 yr

Education: None


Primary complete

Female Married


Male North Sumatera

Male West Sumatera

Male Riau

Male Jambi

Male South Sumatera

Male Bengkulu

Male Lampung

Male Bangka Belitung

Male Jakarta

Male West Java

Male Central Java

Male Yogyakarta

Male East Java

Male Banten

Male Bali

Male West Nusa Tenggara

Male East Nusa Tenggara

Male West Kalimantan

Male Central Kalimantan

Male South Kalimantan

Male East Kalimantan

Male North Sulawesi

Male Central Sulawesi

Male South Sulawesi

Male Southeast Sulawesi

Male Gorontalo

Male 20-24 yr

Male 25-29 yr

Male 30-39 yr

Male 40-49 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male Education:

Male Education:

Male Education:
Primary complete

Male Education:

Male Education:

Male Married

Rural Female

Rural Male

Urban Female

Urban Male

Male 50-54 yr
Male 50-54 yr
53.7 ( 28 )
Male 50-54 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male 50-54 yr

Male 50-54 yr
Male 50-54 yr

Male 50-54 yr

9.1 ( 28 )
Female Aceh
4.3 ( 28 )
Female North Sumatera
8.4 ( 28 )
Female West Sumatera
9.2 ( 28 )
Female Riau
7.9 ( 28 )
Female Jambi
6.9 ( 28 )
Female South Sumatera
3.7 ( 28 )
Female Bengkulu
7.4 ( 28 )
Female Lampung
6.3 ( 28 )
Female Bangka Belitung
10.5 ( 28 )
Female Jakarta
25.2 ( 28 )
Female West Java
10.9 ( 28 )
Female Central Java
9.1 ( 28 )
Female Yogyakarta
29 ( 28 )
Female East Java
7.2 ( 28 )
Female Banten
7.6 ( 28 )
Female Bali
11.4 ( 28 )
Female West Nusa Tenggara
2.3 ( 28 )
Female East Nusa Tenggara
3.1 ( 28 )
Female West Kalimantan
5.5 ( 28 )
Female Central Kalimantan
4.9 ( 28 )
Female South Kalimantan
6.3 ( 28 )
Female East Kalimantan
8.9 ( 28 )
Female North Sulawesi
8.7 ( 28 )
Female Central Sulawesi
4.2 ( 28 )
Female South Sulawesi
9.7 ( 28 )
Female Southeast Sulawesi
3.9 ( 28 )
Female Gorontalo
5.1 ( 28 )
Female Maluku
9.5 ( 28 )
Female North Maluku
1.1 ( 28 )
Female West Papua
7.6 ( 28 )
Female 15-19 yr
5.7 ( 28 )
Female 20-24 yr
10.3 ( 28 )
Female 25-29 yr
11.1 ( 28 )
Female 30-39 yr
10.8 ( 28 )
Female 40-49 yr
5.8 ( 28 )
12.7 ( 28 )
Male Aceh
6.8 ( 28 )
Male North Sumatera
16.6 ( 28 )
Male West Sumatera
3.9 ( 28 )
Male Riau
16.7 ( 28 )
Male Jambi
10.9 ( 28 )
Male South Sumatera
9.6 ( 28 )
Male Bengkulu
7.8 ( 28 )
Male Lampung
9.9 ( 28 )
Male Bangka Belitung
3.7 ( 28 )
Male Jakarta
27.6 ( 28 )
Male West Java
11.2 ( 28 )
Male Central Java
11.2 ( 28 )
Male Yogyakarta
34.9 ( 28 )
Male East Java
11.5 ( 28 )
Male Banten
15.7 ( 28 )
Male Bali
27.8 ( 28 )
Male West Nusa Tenggara
4.3 ( 28 )
Male East Nusa Tenggara
8.9 ( 28 )
Male West Kalimantan
12.7 ( 28 )
Male Central Kalimantan
10.7 ( 28 )
Male South Kalimantan
11.2 ( 28 )
Male East Kalimantan
12.9 ( 28 )
Male North Sulawesi
11.2 ( 28 )
Male Central Sulawesi
2.6 ( 28 )
Male South Sulawesi
13.5 ( 28 )
Male Southeast Sulawesi
10.7 ( 28 )
Male Gorontalo
2.9 ( 28 )
Male Maluku
10.6 ( 28 )
Male North Maluku
6 ( 28 )
Male West Papua
27.2 ( 28 )
Male 15-19 yr
2.1 ( 28 )
Male 20-24 yr
15.5 ( 28 )
Male 25-29 yr
16.2 ( 28 )
Male 30-39 yr
14.9 ( 28 )
Male 40-49 yr
11.4 ( 28 )
Papua Female
7.6 ( 28 )
Papua Male
8.7 ( 28 )
Riau Islands
Female 11.3 ( 28 )
Riau Islands
Male 15.1 ( 28 )
Rural Female
5 ( 28 )
Rural Male
8.4 ( 28 )
Urban Female
14.9 ( 28 )
Urban Male
18.5 ( 28 )
West Sulawesi
Female 3.1 ( 28 )
West Sulawesi
Male 4.4 ( 28 )
Male 50-54 yr
5.7 ( 28 )
15 ( 50 ) 7 ( 50 )
Female 15-19 yr
12.9 ( 50 )
Female 20-24 yr
20.1 ( 50 )
Female Married
9.5 ( 27 )
2.6 ( 27 )
14 ( 50 )
Male 15-19 yr
11.7 ( 50 )
Male 20-24 yr
16.7 ( 50 )
Male Married
14.7 ( 27 )
Male Unmarried
1.4 ( 27 )
Rural Female
6.3 ( 28 ) 0.4 ( 36 ) 10.2 ( 48 )
Rural Male
12.7 ( 28 ) 0 ( 36 )
Senior high
school students
22 ( 15 )
14 ( 50 ) 0.2 ( 36 )
Urban Female
15.6 ( 28 ) 0.4 ( 36 ) 4.2 ( 48 )
Urban Male
18.8 ( 28 ) 0 ( 36 )
Rural Female
0 ( 36 )
Rural Male
0 ( 36 )
Urban Female
0 ( 36 )
Urban Male
0.4 ( 36 )
66 ( 28 )
67.3 ( 28 )
98.8 ( 3 ) 95 ( 34 )
Total Jakarta
100 ( 3 )
Rural Female
17 ( 36 )
Rural Male
15 ( 36 )
11 ( 36 )
Urban Female
16 ( 36 )
Urban Male
23 ( 36 )
Rural Female
62 ( 36 )
Rural Male
60 ( 36 )

Total Jakarta

Urban Female
73 ( 36 )
Urban Male
56 ( 36 )
58.52 ( 52 )
Female 15-19 yr
55.82 ( 52 )
Female 20-24 yr
64.66 ( 52 )
49.8 ( 52 )
Male 15-19 yr
46.96 ( 52 )
Male 20-24 yr
54.14 ( 52 )
Rural Female
58 ( 36 )
Rural Male
52 ( 36 )
81 ( 15 ) 53.63 ( 52 )
Total Jakarta
49 ( 3 )
Total Kota Surabaya
62 ( 3 )
Urban Female
56 ( 36 )
Urban Male
63 ( 36 )
Senior high
school students
88 ( 15 )
43.23 ( 52 )
Female 15-19 yr
41.89 ( 52 )
Female 20-24 yr
46.27 ( 52 )
41.02 ( 52 )
Male 15-19 yr
40.66 ( 52 )
Male 20-24 yr
41.58 ( 52 )
67 ( 15 ) 41.99 ( 52 )
42.18 ( 52 )
Female 15-19 yr
39.56 ( 52 )
Female 20-24 yr
48.13 ( 52 )
40.03 ( 52 )
Male 15-19 yr
36.73 ( 52 )
Male 20-24 yr
45.09 ( 52 )
54 ( 15 ) 40.97 ( 52 )
71.58 ( 52 )
Female 15-19 yr
69.21 ( 52 )
Female 20-24 yr
76.98 ( 52 )
59.76 ( 52 )
Male 15-19 yr
57.02 ( 52 )
Male 20-24 yr
63.96 ( 52 )
64 ( 15 ) 64.95 ( 52 )
74 ( 15 )
54.99 ( 52 )
Female 15-19 yr
52.78 ( 52 )
Female 20-24 yr
60.02 ( 52 )
53.8 ( 52 )
Male 15-19 yr
51.25 ( 52 )
Male 20-24 yr
57.72 ( 52 )
54.33 ( 52 )
Total Manokwari
73 ( 37 )
Total Sorong
73 ( 37 )
Total Biak Numfor
56 ( 37 )
Total Jayawijaya
71 ( 37 )
Total Jayapura
76 ( 37 )
27 ( 37 )
Total Manokwari
28 ( 37 )
Total Sorong
25 ( 37 )
Total Biak Numfor
24 ( 37 )
Total Jayawijaya
27 ( 37 )
Total Jayapura
32 ( 37 )
Rural Female
32.1 ( 36 )
Rural Male
34.9 ( 36 )
Urban Female
35.6 ( 36 )
Urban Male
42.5 ( 36 )
Rural Female
45 ( 36 )
Rural Male
55 ( 36 )
48 ( 36 )
Urban Female
56 ( 36 )
Urban Male
36 ( 36 )
78.8 ( 34 )
Rural Female
42 ( 36 )
Rural Male
35 ( 36 )
Urban Female
31 ( 36 )
Urban Male
45 ( 36 )
Rural Female
13 ( 36 )
Rural Male
16 ( 36 )
Urban Female
19 ( 36 )
Urban Male
28 ( 36 )
Rural Female
22 ( 36 )
Rural Male
24 ( 36 )
Urban Female
24 ( 36 )
Urban Male
35 ( 36 )
Rural Female
20.1 ( 36 )
Rural Male
27 ( 36 )
Urban Female
15.2 ( 36 )
Urban Male
36.7 ( 36 )
Total <2 yr
Total 10-14 yr
Total 2-4 yr
Total 5-9 yr
Female Non-
93.5 ( 5 )
Female Orphans
91.2 ( 5 )
Male Non-
91.8 ( 5 )
Male Orphans
83.8 ( 5 )
92.6 ( 5 )
87.2 ( 5 )
0.94 ( 50 )
Total 10-14 yr
0.82 ( 48 )

f Health, Indonesia, Sep 2005

in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 2007, Disease Control & Environment Health of Ministry of Health, Indonesia

al- Behavioral Surveillance among Most-at-Risk Groups in Indonesia, 2007: Surveillance Highlights- Injecting Drug Users

ituation in Indonesia Up to December 2010, the Ministry of Health(Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia S
ituation in Indonesia Up to June 2011, the Ministry of Health (Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia Samp
Situation in Indonesia up to December 2011, the Ministry of Health

w. The Lancet (online edition), September 24th, 2008

ological and Behavioural Survey (IBBS) 2011

lth, Sep 2006, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

port 2010.

sia, Oct 1998

ong Female Sex Workers in Indonesia,, published online June 3, 2010

Survey 2007, December 2008.

aphic and Health Survey 2002-2003, December 2003

ted Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004

g People in Papua Province, 2003, Center for Health and Research, University of Indonesia
gress Report, 2011.

Tertular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language).

2002-2003 2002 2000 1997
19.4 ( 1 )

19.6 ( 1 )

20.8 ( 1 )

20.8 ( 1 )

20.3 ( 1 )

19.7 ( 1 )

16.3 ( 1 )
15.6 ( 1 )

14.4 ( 1 )

28.3 ( 1 )

25.2 ( 1 )

3.9 ( 1 )

26.3 ( 1 )

15.4 ( 1 )

24.6 ( 1 )
33.6 ( 29 )
34.1 ( 29 )
45.4 ( 29 )
38.8 ( 29 )
22.8 ( 29 )
27.3 ( 29 )
38.8 ( 29 )
31.1 ( 29 )
28.6 ( 29 )
63.9 ( 29 )
30.3 ( 29 )
30.6 ( 29 )
60.5 ( 29 )
34.2 ( 29 )
34.4 ( 29 )
28.5 ( 29 )
18.9 ( 29 )
18 ( 29 )
31.6 ( 29 )
61.5 ( 29 )
33.1 ( 29 )
54.1 ( 29 )
43.2 ( 29 )
24.2 ( 29 )
26.7 ( 29 )
21.5 ( 29 )
25 ( 29 )

29.2 ( 29 )
37.9 ( 29 )

41.8 ( 29 )

37.3 ( 29 )

22.6 ( 29 )

21.8 ( 29 )

2.7 ( 29 )

9.4 ( 29 )

20.8 ( 29 )

45.9 ( 29 )

79.4 ( 29 )
34.3 ( 29 )
53.7 ( 29 )
56 ( 29 )
43.4 ( 29 )
59.5 ( 29 )
43.5 ( 29 )
57.7 ( 29 )
50.1 ( 29 )
43.8 ( 29 )
67.7 ( 29 )
67.9 ( 29 )
50.7 ( 29 )
50.5 ( 29 )
75.4 ( 29 )
55.3 ( 29 )
62.3 ( 29 )
68.8 ( 29 )
38.7 ( 29 )
33.4 ( 29 )
50 ( 29 )
74.6 ( 29 )
46.8 ( 29 )
72.2 ( 29 )
70.8 ( 29 )
30.4 ( 29 )
55.8 ( 29 )
43.6 ( 29 )
19.3 ( 29 )
58.7 ( 29 )
61.5 ( 29 )
59.8 ( 29 )
48.4 ( 29 )
37.7 ( 29 )

10.7 ( 29 )

21.3 ( 29 )

41.8 ( 29 )

66.6 ( 29 )

89 ( 29 )
53.7 ( 29 )
22 ( 29 )
39.7 ( 29 )
47.3 ( 29 )
69.8 ( 29 )

15 ( 19 )

16 ( 19 )

17 ( 19 )

19 ( 19 )

17 ( 19 )

12 ( 19 )

9 ( 19 )

8 ( 19 )

7 ( 19 )

49 ( 19 )

15 ( 19 )

1 ( 19 )

27 ( 19 )

10 ( 19 )

21 ( 19 )
69.1 ( 29 ) 61 ( 19 ) 4 ( 24 )
68.6 ( 29 )
58.8 ( 29 )
64 ( 29 )
79.7 ( 29 )
74.4 ( 29 )
64.6 ( 29 )
69.6 ( 29 )
75.5 ( 29 )
37.8 ( 29 )
75.7 ( 29 )
71.5 ( 29 )
40.5 ( 29 )
66.1 ( 29 )
69.8 ( 29 )
71.6 ( 29 )
82.2 ( 29 )
82.8 ( 29 )
70.9 ( 29 )
38.3 ( 29 )
67.9 ( 29 )
50.8 ( 29 )
63 ( 29 )
79 ( 29 )
75.3 ( 29 )
79.5 ( 29 )
82.8 ( 29 )

74.6 ( 29 ) 59 ( 19 ) 7 ( 24 )

64.6 ( 29 ) 52 ( 19 ) 5 ( 24 )

60.8 ( 29 ) 54 ( 19 ) 4 ( 24 )

59 ( 19 )

65.9 ( 29 ) 4 ( 24 )

67 ( 19 )

74 ( 19 )

79.4 ( 29 ) 4 ( 24 )

77 ( 19 )

4 ( 24 )

80.2 ( 29 )

79 ( 19 )
9 ( 19 )

56 ( 19 )

97.6 ( 29 ) 95 ( 19 ) 4 ( 24 )

92 ( 29 ) 6 ( 24 )

81.7 ( 29 )

58.4 ( 29 )

24.4 ( 29 )

31 ( 19 )

7 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )
68.4 ( 29 ) 5 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

7 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )
79.9 ( 29 ) 73 ( 19 ) 5 ( 24 )

56.2 ( 29 ) 46 ( 19 ) 3 ( 24 )
58.8 ( 29 ) 62 ( 19 ) 51.4 ( 23 )
58.9 ( 29 )
67.6 ( 29 )
67.4 ( 29 )
45.9 ( 29 )
48.8 ( 29 )
60.1 ( 29 )
53.8 ( 29 )
65.4 ( 29 )
89.5 ( 29 )
63.2 ( 29 )
53.4 ( 29 )
75.5 ( 29 )
60.3 ( 29 )
53.8 ( 29 )
49.5 ( 29 )
34.8 ( 29 )
30.6 ( 29 )
51.8 ( 29 )
71.2 ( 29 )
59.3 ( 29 )
79.7 ( 29 )
74.2 ( 29 )
55.4 ( 29 )
46.4 ( 29 )
43.2 ( 29 )
48.6 ( 29 )

59.8 ( 29 ) 65.4 ( 35 ) 52.3 ( 23 )

67.3 ( 29 ) 72.6 ( 35 ) 60.1 ( 23 )

68.7 ( 29 ) 67.9 ( 35 ) 62.3 ( 23 )

65.9 ( 35 )

61.4 ( 29 ) 50.5 ( 23 )

57.3 ( 35 )

50.1 ( 35 )

45.7 ( 29 ) 39.9 ( 23 )

42.8 ( 35 )

35.4 ( 23 )
42.4 ( 29 )

47 ( 19 )

15.2 ( 29 ) 15.2 ( 19 ) 13.5 ( 23 )

33.5 ( 29 ) 89.9 ( 35 ) 53.7 ( 23 )

52.9 ( 29 )

77.9 ( 29 )

93.6 ( 29 ) 99.4 ( 19 )

90 ( 19 )

30 ( 23 )

73.9 ( 19 ) 88 ( 23 )
59.8 ( 29 ) 52.3 ( 23 )

44.1 ( 23 )

50.9 ( 23 )

39.6 ( 23 )

75.5 ( 23 )
72.8 ( 29 )
75.3 ( 29 )
74.9 ( 29 )
79.9 ( 29 )
80.5 ( 29 )
64.3 ( 29 )
67.6 ( 29 )
74 ( 29 )
89 ( 29 )
95.8 ( 29 )
70 ( 29 )
73 ( 29 )
83.8 ( 29 )
70.1 ( 29 )
74.4 ( 29 )
78.9 ( 29 )
61.4 ( 29 )
48 ( 29 )
71.3 ( 29 )
82.4 ( 29 )
73.6 ( 29 )
86.8 ( 29 )
89.5 ( 29 )
68.8 ( 29 )
73.2 ( 29 )
57.5 ( 29 )
29.3 ( 29 )
79.6 ( 29 )
79.7 ( 29 )
78.8 ( 29 )
66.4 ( 29 )
60.1 ( 29 )

21.2 ( 29 )

44.6 ( 29 )

67.7 ( 29 )

86.7 ( 29 )

98.2 ( 29 )

72.8 ( 29 )
53.9 ( 23 )

48.8 ( 23 )

46.7 ( 23 )

40.3 ( 23 )

80.3 ( 23 )

80.3 ( 23 )
46.2 ( 29 ) 50.1 ( 35 ) 41.9 ( 23 )
61.4 ( 29 )
73.7 ( 29 ) 78.3 ( 35 ) 76.9 ( 23 )
85.9 ( 29 )

1 ( 29 ) 1 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )
1 ( 24 )

1 ( 29 )

1 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

3 ( 29 ) 4 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

5 ( 24 )

5 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

8 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

3 ( 29 )
5 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

5 ( 24 )

9 ( 24 )

7 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

7 ( 24 )

2 ( 29 ) 3 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

5 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

2 ( 29 )

4 ( 24 )

5 ( 24 )
2 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

5 ( 24 )

16 ( 29 ) 24 ( 24 )

18 ( 24 )

24 ( 24 )

23 ( 24 )

25 ( 24 )

22 ( 24 )

22 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

18 ( 24 )

13 ( 24 )

32 ( 24 )

24 ( 24 )

24 ( 24 )

25 ( 24 )

19 ( 24 )

32 ( 24 )

41 ( 29 )

22 ( 24 )

22 ( 24 )

19 ( 24 )

19 ( 24 )
28 ( 24 )

26 ( 24 )

19 ( 24 )

30 ( 24 )

8 ( 29 ) 25 ( 19 ) 6 ( 24 )

16 ( 19 ) 4 ( 24 )

10 ( 19 )

67 ( 19 )

21 ( 19 )

3 ( 19 )

41 ( 19 )

14 ( 19 ) 5 ( 24 )

2 ( 19 ) 7 ( 24 )

10 ( 19 )

7 ( 24 )

26 ( 19 )

49 ( 19 )

6 ( 24 )

76 ( 19 )

5 ( 24 )

31 ( 19 )

21 ( 19 )

32 ( 19 )
26 ( 19 ) 4 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

28 ( 19 )

2 ( 24 )

10 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )

8 ( 24 )

5 ( 29 )

7 ( 24 )

7 ( 24 )

5 ( 24 )

6 ( 24 )

0 ( 24 )

9 ( 24 )

15 ( 19 ) 5 ( 24 )

18 ( 19 )

39 ( 19 ) 9 ( 24 )

36 ( 19 )
19 ( 19 )

18 ( 19 )

25 ( 19 )

23 ( 19 )

20 ( 19 )

16 ( 19 )

13 ( 19 )

12 ( 19 )

12 ( 19 )

28 ( 19 )

29.5 ( 29 ) 35 ( 19 ) 29 ( 24 )

30.1 ( 29 )

39.7 ( 29 )

34.1 ( 29 )

18.7 ( 29 )

25 ( 29 )

34.2 ( 29 )

29.7 ( 29 )

22.9 ( 29 )

60.3 ( 29 )

22.1 ( 29 )

27.3 ( 29 )

57.7 ( 29 )

33.1 ( 29 )

26.1 ( 29 )

27 ( 29 )

17.7 ( 29 )
16.9 ( 29 )

26.7 ( 29 )

60 ( 29 )

31.6 ( 29 )

44.9 ( 29 )

34.6 ( 29 )

20.1 ( 29 )

24.2 ( 29 )

20 ( 29 )

16.4 ( 29 )

23.9 ( 29 ) 37 ( 19 ) 22 ( 24 )

33.6 ( 29 ) 42 ( 19 ) 30 ( 24 )

37.4 ( 29 ) 40 ( 19 ) 31 ( 24 )

37 ( 19 )

32.4 ( 29 ) 29 ( 24 )

30 ( 19 )

24 ( 19 )

19.7 ( 29 ) 27 ( 24 )

21 ( 19 )

22 ( 24 )

19.2 ( 29 )

19 ( 19 )

81 ( 19 )

40 ( 19 )

2.3 ( 29 ) 5 ( 19 ) 12 ( 24 )

7.5 ( 29 ) 20 ( 24 )
17.2 ( 29 )

39.7 ( 29 )

72.4 ( 29 )

61 ( 19 )

15 ( 24 )

41 ( 24 )

30.1 ( 29 ) 29 ( 24 )

23 ( 24 )

33 ( 24 )

27 ( 24 )

40 ( 24 )

43.5 ( 29 )

41.9 ( 29 )

45.1 ( 29 )

44.2 ( 29 )

42.6 ( 29 )

42.5 ( 29 )

18.5 ( 29 )

27.3 ( 29 )

32.5 ( 29 )

47.5 ( 29 )

68.5 ( 29 )

22 ( 24 )

24 ( 24 )

18 ( 24 )
21 ( 24 )

29 ( 24 )

30 ( 24 )

19.1 ( 29 ) 25 ( 19 ) 23 ( 24 )

32.4 ( 29 )

41.7 ( 29 ) 47 ( 19 ) 37 ( 24 )

56.3 ( 29 )

38 ( 19 )

39 ( 19 )

47 ( 19 )

44 ( 19 )

41 ( 19 )

32 ( 19 )

30 ( 19 )

26 ( 19 )

24 ( 19 )

74 ( 19 )

46 ( 19 )

6 ( 19 )

63 ( 19 )

28 ( 19 )

52 ( 19 )

31.6 ( 29 )

28.4 ( 29 )

42.6 ( 29 )
41.3 ( 29 )

26.6 ( 29 )

20.4 ( 29 )

31.6 ( 29 )

24.6 ( 29 )

37.2 ( 29 )

58.8 ( 29 )

28.1 ( 29 )

32.3 ( 29 )

47.4 ( 29 )

33.1 ( 29 )

35.5 ( 29 )

36 ( 29 )

18.2 ( 29 )

17.7 ( 29 )

33.5 ( 29 )

51 ( 29 )

23.7 ( 29 )

47.7 ( 29 )

42.5 ( 29 )

24.2 ( 29 )

18 ( 29 )

21.8 ( 29 )

20.8 ( 29 )

25.2 ( 29 )

33.5 ( 29 )

38.2 ( 29 )

35.2 ( 29 )
23 ( 29 )

20.1 ( 29 )

4.7 ( 29 )

10.8 ( 29 )

21.7 ( 29 )

44.4 ( 29 )

67.4 ( 29 )

32.3 ( 29 )

44.8 ( 29 )

49 ( 29 )

50.7 ( 29 )

51.2 ( 29 )

39.6 ( 29 )

29.9 ( 29 )

9.9 ( 29 )

16.8 ( 29 )

34.2 ( 29 )

56.5 ( 29 )

74.8 ( 29 )

20.9 ( 29 )

31.9 ( 29 )

44.3 ( 29 )

59.6 ( 29 )

35.5 ( 29 )

35.9 ( 29 )

49 ( 29 )
45.8 ( 29 )

28.9 ( 29 )

22 ( 29 )

38.1 ( 29 )

32 ( 29 )

40.8 ( 29 )

63.1 ( 29 )

32.1 ( 29 )

35.5 ( 29 )

55.4 ( 29 )

35.9 ( 29 )

38.9 ( 29 )

36.3 ( 29 )

18.2 ( 29 )

19 ( 29 )

38.5 ( 29 )

50 ( 29 )

29.5 ( 29 )

53.5 ( 29 )

43 ( 29 )

27.8 ( 29 )

23.8 ( 29 )

24.7 ( 29 )

22.8 ( 29 )

29.1 ( 29 )

38.7 ( 29 )

43.7 ( 29 )

39.1 ( 29 )
25.4 ( 29 )

22.7 ( 29 )

4.9 ( 29 )

12.4 ( 29 )

24.7 ( 29 )

48.4 ( 29 )

76.4 ( 29 )

36.3 ( 29 )

48.4 ( 29 )

53.6 ( 29 )

55.2 ( 29 )

55 ( 29 )

43 ( 29 )

32 ( 29 )

10.5 ( 29 )

18.1 ( 29 )

37.6 ( 29 )

59.8 ( 29 )

80.9 ( 29 )

23.7 ( 29 )

35 ( 29 )

49.6 ( 29 )

63.8 ( 29 )

34 ( 29 ) 37 ( 19 )

33.8 ( 29 )

45.8 ( 29 )
43.3 ( 29 )

24.3 ( 29 )

20.1 ( 29 )

33.9 ( 29 )

29.3 ( 29 )

38.5 ( 29 )

64.3 ( 29 )

30.5 ( 29 )

32.5 ( 29 )

50.9 ( 29 )

35.7 ( 29 )

38.2 ( 29 )

35.6 ( 29 )

18.5 ( 29 )

18.3 ( 29 )

36.9 ( 29 )

62.6 ( 29 )

27.8 ( 29 )

45 ( 29 )

42.8 ( 29 )

26 ( 29 )

22.3 ( 29 )

23.6 ( 29 )

23.5 ( 29 )

27.7 ( 29 ) 38 ( 19 )

37.8 ( 29 ) 43 ( 19 )

40.8 ( 29 ) 43 ( 19 )

40 ( 19 )
37.5 ( 29 )

34 ( 19 )

29 ( 19 )

24.6 ( 29 )

23 ( 19 )

21.7 ( 29 )

23 ( 19 )

77 ( 19 )

46 ( 19 )

5 ( 29 ) 5 ( 19 )

12.2 ( 29 )

24 ( 29 )

46.9 ( 29 )

71.7 ( 29 )

60 ( 19 )

34.7 ( 29 )

45.7 ( 29 )

51.9 ( 29 )

53.1 ( 29 )

52.1 ( 29 )

40.1 ( 29 )

29.7 ( 29 )

10.7 ( 29 )
17.3 ( 29 )

36.1 ( 29 )

57.5 ( 29 )

75 ( 29 )

23.2 ( 29 ) 27 ( 19 )

33.4 ( 29 )

46.9 ( 29 ) 50 ( 19 )

59.9 ( 29 )

28 ( 19 )

31 ( 19 )

34 ( 19 )

33 ( 19 )

30 ( 19 )

24 ( 19 )

20 ( 19 )

18 ( 19 )

17 ( 19 )

67 ( 19 )

30 ( 19 )

5 ( 19 )

48 ( 19 )

21 ( 19 )

38 ( 19 )

42 ( 19 )

44 ( 19 )
50 ( 19 )

48 ( 19 )

44 ( 19 )

36 ( 19 )

30 ( 19 )

27 ( 19 )

26 ( 19 )

86 ( 19 )

47 ( 19 )

7 ( 19 )

68 ( 19 )

30 ( 19 )

56 ( 19 )

6.2 ( 29 ) 28.5 ( 19 )

4.4 ( 29 )

10.1 ( 29 )

6.5 ( 29 )

2.9 ( 29 )

1.5 ( 29 )

4.6 ( 29 )

7.5 ( 29 )

6.9 ( 29 )

21 ( 29 )

5.1 ( 29 )

5.2 ( 29 )
6.4 ( 29 )

8.3 ( 29 )

5.1 ( 29 )

2.9 ( 29 )

3 ( 29 )

4.3 ( 29 )

3.8 ( 29 )

4.7 ( 29 )

4.7 ( 29 )

6.7 ( 29 )

6.8 ( 29 )

5.6 ( 29 )

5.1 ( 29 )

3.7 ( 29 )

6.9 ( 29 )

6.8 ( 29 ) 30.9 ( 19 )

7.1 ( 29 ) 33.6 ( 19 )

7.1 ( 29 ) 33.8 ( 19 )

32 ( 19 )

6.6 ( 29 ) 31.7 ( 29 )

24 ( 19 )

20 ( 19 )

4.8 ( 29 ) 23.7 ( 29 )

17 ( 19 )

4.1 ( 29 )

0.6 ( 29 ) 3.2 ( 19 )

2.4 ( 29 )
4.1 ( 29 )

7.7 ( 29 )

33.8 ( 19 )

14.4 ( 29 ) 74.4 ( 19 )

14.7 ( 19 )

49.4 ( 19 )

6.4 ( 29 )

7.3 ( 29 )

5.1 ( 29 )

9.7 ( 29 )

9.1 ( 29 )

6.3 ( 29 )

2.6 ( 29 )

1.1 ( 29 )

3.3 ( 29 )

5 ( 29 )

10.1 ( 29 )

12 ( 29 )

4.3 ( 29 ) 19 ( 19 )

5.5 ( 29 )

8.6 ( 29 ) 41 ( 19 )

9.4 ( 29 )
22 ( 29 ) 20.7 ( 2 ) 3.9 ( 24 )
22.5 ( 29 )
24.7 ( 29 )
22.7 ( 29 )
14.2 ( 29 )
16.5 ( 29 )
24.4 ( 29 )
18.2 ( 29 )
16.7 ( 29 )
44 ( 29 )
17.9 ( 29 )
20.8 ( 29 )
41.8 ( 29 )
26.2 ( 29 )
21.7 ( 29 )
23.5 ( 29 )
10.9 ( 29 )
8.8 ( 29 )
17.5 ( 29 )
49.4 ( 29 )
23.3 ( 29 )
32.7 ( 29 )
21.9 ( 29 )
12 ( 29 )
14.5 ( 29 )
13.7 ( 29 )
12.6 ( 29 )

18.4 ( 29 ) 19.5 ( 2 ) 0.6 ( 24 )

25.3 ( 29 ) 27.4 ( 2 ) 2.8 ( 24 )

28 ( 29 ) 25.2 ( 2 ) 4.7 ( 24 )

23 ( 2 )

24.3 ( 29 ) 22.8 ( 29 ) 4 ( 24 )

18 ( 2 )

14 ( 2 )

14.4 ( 29 ) 17.6 ( 29 ) 4.4 ( 24 )

13 ( 2 )

2.9 ( 29 )

13.5 ( 29 )

1.1 ( 29 ) 1.8 ( 2 ) 1.4 ( 24 )

5 ( 29 ) 2 ( 24 )

11.6 ( 29 )

28.6 ( 29 )
21.1 ( 2 )

57.8 ( 29 ) 61.2 ( 2 )

9.7 ( 2 ) 1.1 ( 24 )

39.1 ( 2 ) 6.3 ( 24 )
22.5 ( 29 ) 3.9 ( 24 )

3.6 ( 24 )

5 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

7 ( 24 )
38.1 ( 29 )
40.4 ( 29 )
44.7 ( 29 )
43.5 ( 29 )
33.2 ( 29 )
26.1 ( 29 )

6.2 ( 29 )

10.7 ( 29 )

27.7 ( 29 )

46.9 ( 29 )

69 ( 29 )

2 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

2 ( 24 )

1 ( 24 )

3 ( 24 )

4 ( 24 )
13.3 ( 29 ) 13.4 ( 2 ) 2.3 ( 24 )

26 ( 29 )

72 ( 3 )
67 ( 3 )
32.3 ( 29 ) 30.4 ( 2 ) 6.1 ( 24 )
52.1 ( 29 )

65.2 ( 35 )

65.5 ( 35 )

60.6 ( 35 )

63.5 ( 35 )

62.1 ( 35 )

66.6 ( 35 )

68.3 ( 35 )

76.5 ( 35 )

73.5 ( 35 )

53.6 ( 35 )

56 ( 35 )

91.2 ( 35 )

49.9 ( 35 )

71.7 ( 35 )

56.6 ( 35 )

23.9 ( 29 )

18.5 ( 29 )

36.5 ( 29 )

19.3 ( 29 )

17.5 ( 29 )

22.9 ( 29 )

27.3 ( 29 )

26.4 ( 29 )
17.5 ( 29 )

18.1 ( 29 )

18.6 ( 29 )

34 ( 29 )

21.5 ( 29 )

29.3 ( 29 )

38.1 ( 29 )

7.1 ( 29 )

26 ( 29 )

14.5 ( 29 )

23.3 ( 29 )

21.5 ( 29 )

22.3 ( 29 )

24 ( 29 )

5.4 ( 29 )

6.8 ( 29 )

11.4 ( 29 )

8.3 ( 29 )

14.1 ( 29 )

26.4 ( 29 )

27.4 ( 29 )

26.9 ( 29 )

23 ( 29 )

19.9 ( 29 )

21.1 ( 29 )

22.5 ( 29 )

23.4 ( 29 )
21.9 ( 29 )

23.7 ( 29 )

26.2 ( 29 )

24 ( 29 )

20 ( 29 )

11.3 ( 29 )

26.3 ( 29 )

14.1 ( 29 )

16.3 ( 29 )

26.5 ( 29 )

28.1 ( 29 )

25.7 ( 29 )

11.1 ( 29 )

39.8 ( 29 )

9.9 ( 29 )

24.7 ( 29 )

13.6 ( 29 )

27.5 ( 29 )

28.9 ( 29 )

1.9 ( 29 )

37.9 ( 29 )

7.4 ( 29 )

20.5 ( 29 )

11.3 ( 29 )

25.6 ( 29 )

21.9 ( 29 )

3.1 ( 29 )
7.2 ( 29 )

9.7 ( 29 )

2.5 ( 29 )

8 ( 29 )

20.5 ( 29 )

21.9 ( 29 )

19.9 ( 29 )

20.3 ( 29 )

15.9 ( 29 )

6.8 ( 29 )

23 ( 29 )

18.3 ( 29 )

21.1 ( 29 )

19.9 ( 29 )

20 ( 29 )

23.1 ( 29 )

20.8 ( 29 )

24.6 ( 29 )

19.3 ( 29 )

31.4 ( 29 )

30.5 ( 29 )

22.5 ( 29 )

19.2 ( 29 )

30 ( 29 )

25.2 ( 29 )

21.2 ( 29 )

22.8 ( 29 )

37.4 ( 29 )
22 ( 29 )

24.5 ( 29 )

38.9 ( 29 )

23.3 ( 29 )

35.3 ( 29 )

40 ( 29 )

47.3 ( 29 )

43.5 ( 29 )

41.1 ( 29 )

36.3 ( 29 )

14.6 ( 29 )

32.3 ( 29 )

36.2 ( 29 )

43.9 ( 29 )

41.3 ( 29 )

41.7 ( 29 )

38.4 ( 29 )

49.6 ( 29 )

25.4 ( 29 )

29.3 ( 29 )

29.7 ( 29 )

33.8 ( 29 )

31.4 ( 29 )

28.9 ( 29 )

42.1 ( 29 )

32.1 ( 29 )

31.1 ( 29 )
30.3 ( 29 )

31.6 ( 29 )

31.5 ( 29 )

28.1 ( 29 )

27.2 ( 29 )

9.6 ( 29 )

24.2 ( 29 )

10.6 ( 29 )

13.5 ( 29 )

21 ( 29 )

19.7 ( 29 )

20.1 ( 29 )

15.7 ( 29 )

47.8 ( 29 )

17.9 ( 29 )

37.6 ( 29 )

21.5 ( 29 )

28.9 ( 29 )

41.2 ( 29 )

40.7 ( 29 )

22.6 ( 29 )

25.8 ( 29 )

10.8 ( 29 )

19 ( 29 )

13 ( 29 )

75.4 ( 29 )

36 ( 29 )

29.6 ( 29 )
79.2 ( 29 )

85.8 ( 29 )

23 ( 29 )

29.3 ( 29 )

25.7 ( 29 )

32.1 ( 29 )

27.8 ( 29 )

28.9 ( 29 )

31.2 ( 29 )

29.3 ( 29 )

26.5 ( 29 )

27.2 ( 29 )

28.1 ( 29 )

33.4 ( 29 )

26.6 ( 29 )

30 ( 29 )

29.4 ( 29 )
60 ( 29 )
60.1 ( 29 )

42 ( 29 )

30 ( 29 )

3 ( 29 )
26 ( 29 )

72 ( 29 )

84 ( 29 )
1 ( 29 )
1 ( 29 )
54 ( 3 )

64 ( 3 )
84.4 ( 35 )

83.7 ( 35 )
12.8 ( 29 )

13.5 ( 29 )

0.2 ( 29 )
0.3 ( 29 )
0.2 ( 29 )
0.2 ( 29 )
0 ( 29 )
0.4 ( 29 )
0.1 ( 29 )
0.2 ( 29 )
0.2 ( 29 )

0.84 ( 50 )
HIV Expenditure
HIV Expenditure
AIDS spending by service categories Percent Care and treatment
AIDS spending by service categories Percent Prevention MSM

AIDS spending by service categories Percent Prevention MSM, SW

and their clients
AIDS spending by service categories Percent Prevention PWID-
Harm reduction

AIDS spending by service categories Percent Prevention SW and

their clients
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million AIDS-specific
programmes focused
on women

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Care and treatment

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Care and treatment
ART (International)
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Care and treatment
ART (Public)
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Care and treatment
ART (Total)
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Enabling environment
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Human rights
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Incentives for human
resources (Total)

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Orphans and

vulnerable children

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Other HIV

expenditures (Total)
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention (Total)

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention Behavioral

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention Condoms

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention KAPs

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention MSM

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention MSM, SW

and their clients
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention of HIV
transmission aimed at

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention PMTCT

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention PWID-

Harm reduction
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention SW and
their clients
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention VCCT

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention Youth In-

school programmes

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Prevention Youth Out-

of-school programmes

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Programme Support M

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Programme Support
Management (Total)
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Programme Support
AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Research (Total)

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Social protection and

social services
excluding orphans and
vulnerable children

AIDS spending by service categories US$ million Total

Amount of domestic and international AIDS spending US$ million International

Amount of domestic and international AIDS spending US$ million Public

Amount of domestic and international AIDS spending US$ million Total

Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing Percent Domestic (Public)

Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing Percent International (All other
international sources)

Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing Percent International (All other
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing Percent International
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing Percent International (Global
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing Percent International (UN)
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing US$ million Domestic (Public)
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing US$ million International
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing US$ million International (All other
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing US$ million International
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing US$ million International
(Development Banks)

Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing US$ million International (Global
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing US$ million International (UN)
Domestic and International AIDS spending by financing US$ million Total
Expenditure on health as a percentage of GDP Percent Total

Government funding shared in total AIDS funds Percent Total

HIV prevention spending per capita US$ per person Total

HIV prevention spending per people living with HIV US$ per person Total

National funds spent by governments from domestic sources US$ million Total
for AIDS
Per capita total expenditure on health at average exchange US$ Total
Spending per pregnant woman living with HIV on treatment US$ per person Total

(1) Indonesia_Bakti Husada, BPS Statistic Indonesia & UNICEF. Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) 2000, NYHQ revision, 2002.
(2) Indonesia_BPS, UNICEF, Multiple indicator survey (MICS) 2000, Standard tables as of June 23, 2004
(3) Indonesia_CDC&EH, Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2004-2005, Communicable Disease Control and Environment Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia, Sep 2
(4) Indonesia_CDC-EH, WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 20
(5) Indonesia_Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(6) Indonesia_Department of Health Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia, National AIDS Commission, USAID, et al. (2007). Integrated Biological- Behavioral Surveillance
(7) Indonesia_Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia Reported through December 2009
(8) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(9) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(10) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2012). Progress Report HIV & AIDS Situation in Indonesia up t
(11) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in Indonesia UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(12) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(13) Indonesia_IBBS among most-at-risk groups, 2007
(14) Indonesia_Mathers B.M. et al. Global epidemiology of injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs: a systematic review. The Lancet (online editio
(15) Indonesia_Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health. Integrated Biological and Behavioural S
(16) Indonesia_Ministry of Health. (2009). Estimasi Populasi Dewasa Rawan Terinfeksi HIV 2009. (In Indonesian Language)
(17) Indonesia_MoH, A National Assessment for Preventing HIV in Mother and Children: An Indonesian Story, Directorate of Maternal Health, Sep 2006, Ministry of H
(18) Indonesia_MoH, National Estimates of Adult HIV Infection, 2002, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
(19) Indonesia_Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000
(20) Indonesia_NAC (2008), National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) cited in Indonesian UNGASS-AIDS Forum, Civil Society Report, 2010
(21) Indonesia_National AIDS Commission Indonesia (2012). Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Report, 2012.
(22) Indonesia_National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health cited in WHO. (2010). HIV/AIDS in the South-East Asia Region: Progress Report 2010.
(23) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997
(24) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Indonesia, Oct 1998
(25) Indonesia_Online HIV/AIDS database at
(26) Indonesia_Robert Magnani, Pandu Riono, Nurhayati, et al. Sexual Risk Behaviors, HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Female Sex Workers
(27) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia and Macro International, Indonesia Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey, 2007
(28) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinate Board, Ministry of Health. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007, December 20
(29) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Ministry of Health and ORC Macro. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2
(30) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(31) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008
(32) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(33) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010 citing Indonesia, CDC MoH report, 2009
(34) Indonesia_UNICEF, Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004
(35) Indonesia_UNICEF, End Decade Statistical Report: Data and Descriptive Analysis, 2000, BPS, Statistics Indonesia
(36) Indonesia_UNICEF, Population Council, Final Report of Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in Eas
(37) Indonesia_UoI, UNICEF, Executive Summary of Baseline Data collection for Intervention Aimed at Reducing HIV Vulnerability to Young People in Papua Provin
(38) Indonesia_Youth and Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(39) UN_Population Division at
(40) UN_Population Division. Online at
(41) UN_UN Statistics Division 2010
(42) UNAIDS_Data retrieved from
(43) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets December, 2006 Update
(44) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2006
(45) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2008
(46) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2006
(47) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2008
(48) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
(49) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006. GAE Report 2006 refers to UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(50) UNAIDS_Report on The Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
(51) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. UNAIDS Data Tables 2011
(52) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2012). Annexes - UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2012.
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(56) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2010
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2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002

14.8 ( 42 ) 15.8 ( 42 ) 24.9 ( 42 )

5.3 ( 42 )

13.3 ( 42 ) 0.1 ( 42 )

9.6 ( 42 ) 8 ( 42 ) 0.5 ( 42 )

8 ( 42 ) 0.1 ( 42 )

0.093 ( 21 ) 0.02 ( 21 ) 0.043 ( 21 ) 0.05 ( 21 ) 0.02 ( 21 )

24.12 ( 21 ) 21.083 ( 21 ) 7.325 ( 50 ) 9.27 ( 50 ) 14.074 ( 21 )

0.202 ( 42 )

5.302 ( 42 ) 0.083 ( 42 ) 0.092 ( 42 )

14.494 ( 21 ) 11.28 ( 21 ) 5.504 ( 50 ) 0.083 ( 50 ) 0.092 ( 21 )

6.887 ( 21 ) 8.017 ( 21 ) 2.361 ( 21 ) 2.372 ( 21 ) 2.413 ( 21 )

0.221 ( 21 ) 0.049 ( 21 ) 0.007 ( 21 )

3.132 ( 21 ) 1.528 ( 21 ) 4.462 ( 21 ) 1.889 ( 21 ) 4.563 ( 21 )

0.129 ( 21 ) 0.082 ( 21 ) 0.032 ( 50 ) 0.046 ( 21 )

7.197 ( 50 ) 4.841 ( 50 )
20.413 ( 21 ) 19.411 ( 21 ) 24.703 ( 50 ) 24.369 ( 50 ) 23.18 ( 21 )

0.649 ( 50 ) 0.532 ( 50 )
0.183 ( 50 ) 0.136 ( 50 )
5.641 ( 50 ) 1.961 ( 50 )
0.15 ( 21 ) 0.023 ( 21 ) 1.301 ( 42 )

3.279 ( 42 ) 0.018 ( 42 )

0.6 ( 21 ) 0.398 ( 21 ) 0.79 ( 21 ) 0.008 ( 21 ) 0.109 ( 21 )

0.085 ( 21 ) 0.108 ( 21 ) 0.003 ( 50 ) 0.017 ( 50 ) 0.022 ( 21 )

2.06 ( 21 ) 1.474 ( 21 ) 2.362 ( 42 ) 1.961 ( 42 ) 0.124 ( 42 )

1.045 ( 21 ) 0.605 ( 21 ) 1.978 ( 42 ) 0.018 ( 42 )
3.021 ( 50 ) 0.008 ( 50 )

0.693 ( 21 ) 0.452 ( 21 ) 0.593 ( 42 ) 0.066 ( 42 ) 0.103 ( 42 )

0.357 ( 21 ) 0.321 ( 21 ) 0.216 ( 21 ) 0.012 ( 21 ) 0.007 ( 21 )

1.353 ( 50 ) 0.056 ( 50 )

3.528 ( 50 ) 0.03 ( 50 )

13.406 ( 21 ) 9.162 ( 21 ) 10.307 ( 50 ) 20.191 ( 50 ) 12.161 ( 21 )

0.926 ( 21 ) 0.758 ( 21 ) 0.357 ( 21 ) 0.374 ( 21 ) 0.113 ( 21 )

0.134 ( 21 ) 0.243 ( 21 ) 0.018 ( 21 ) 0.207 ( 21 ) 0.027 ( 21 )

69.147 ( 21 ) 60.285 ( 21 ) 49.563 ( 21 ) 58.671 ( 21 ) 56.577 ( 21 )
29.718 ( 42 ) 43.258 ( 42 ) 41.538 ( 42 )
19.845 ( 42 ) 15.413 ( 42 ) 15.038 ( 42 )
49.563 ( 50 ) 58.671 ( 50 )

40 ( 50 ) 26.3 ( 50 )

1.1 ( 50 ) 0 ( 50 )

3 ( 50 ) 1.1 ( 50 )

39.5 ( 50 ) 57.2 ( 50 )

11.7 ( 50 ) 6.2 ( 50 )

4.5 ( 50 ) 9.2 ( 50 )

27.779 ( 52 ) 21.319 ( 52 )

38.967 ( 52 )

28.194 ( 53 )

13.174 ( 52 ) 14.895 ( 52 )

0.192 ( 52 ) 0.189 ( 52 )

23.589 ( 52 ) 19.208 ( 52 )

4.413 ( 52 ) 4.675 ( 52 )

68.801 ( 53 ) 60.285 ( 52 )
3 ( 66 )
39 ( 20 )
0.1 ( 42 ) 0.1 ( 42 )
93 ( 42 ) 108 ( 42 ) 125 ( 42 )

19.8 ( 20 ) 13 ( 48 ) 9.6 ( 48 ) 6.4 ( 48 ) 3.5 ( 48 )

30 ( 66 )
190 ( 42 ) 543 ( 42 )

n, 2002.

Ministry of Health, Indonesia, Sep 2005

S Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 2007, Disease Control & Environment Health of Ministry of Health, Indonesia

d Biological- Behavioral Surveillance among Most-at-Risk Groups in Indonesia, 2007: Surveillance Highlights- Injecting Drug Users

V & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to December 2010, the Ministry of Health(Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia S
V & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to June 2011, the Ministry of Health (Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia Samp
IV & AIDS Situation in Indonesia up to December 2011, the Ministry of Health

matic review. The Lancet (online edition), September 24th, 2008

egrated Biological and Behavioural Survey (IBBS) 2011

ternal Health, Sep 2006, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

ety Report, 2010

ogress Report 2010.

d, Indonesia, Oct 1998

ections among Female Sex Workers in Indonesia,, published online June 3, 2010

d Health Survey 2007, December 2008.

a Demographic and Health Survey 2002-2003, December 2003

st Java, 2004

on in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004

ity to Young People in Papua Province, 2003, Center for Health and Research, University of Indonesia
port, 2005

cess - Progress Report, 2011.

ss Report, 2008
ss Report, 2009
ss Report, 2010

asi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language).
3 ( 48 )
National Response
National Response
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes in the Percent
last 12 months
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes in the Percent
last 12 months
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes in the Percent
last 12 months
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes in the Percent
last 12 months
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes in the Percent
last 12 months
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Sex Workers (SW) Sex workers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Sex Workers (SW) Targeted service delivery points for sex workers where Per 1000 sex
sexually transmitted infection services are provided
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men reached with HIV prevention Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men reached with HIV prevention Percent

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever received an HIV Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever received an HIV Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever received an HIV Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever received an HIV Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever received an HIV Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who have ever received an HIV Percent
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who received an HIV test in the Percent
last 12 months and knew the results
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who received an HIV test in the Percent
last 12 months and knew the results
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who received an HIV test in the Percent
last 12 months and knew the results
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who received an HIV test in the Percent
last 12 months and knew the results
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who received an HIV test in the Percent
last 12 months and knew the results
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Men who have sex with men who received an HIV test in the Percent
last 12 months and knew the results
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of methadone maintenance therapy sites Number

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of Needle & Syringe Programme sites Per 1000 PWID

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of Opioid Substitution Therapy sites Per 1000 PWID

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of people on opioid substitution therapy in all OST Number
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) Number of syringes/needles distributed by NSP Per PWID per year

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with HIV prevention Percent
programmes in the last 12 months
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with methadone Percent
maintenance therapy (MMT) in the last year
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs reached with needle exchange Percent
programme (NEP) in the last week
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who have ever received an HIV test Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who have ever received an HIV test Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who have ever received an HIV test Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who have ever received an HIV test Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who have ever received an HIV test Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who have ever received an HIV test Percent

People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who have ever received an HIV test Percent
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who received an HIV test in the last Percent
12 months and knew the results
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who received an HIV test in the last Percent
12 months and knew the results
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who received an HIV test in the last Percent
12 months and knew the results
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who received an HIV test in the last Percent
12 months and knew the results
People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) People who inject drugs who received an HIV test in the last Percent
12 months and knew the results
Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Transgender people (TG) Transgender/Hijra/Waria who received an HIV test in the last Percent
12 months and knew the results
High-risk Men Clients of female sex workers reached with HIV prevention Percent
High-risk Men Clients of female sex workers who received an HIV test in the Percent
last 12 months and knew the results
High-risk Men Drivers or helpers reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

High-risk Men Drivers or helpers who received an HIV test in the last 12 Percent
months and knew the results
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test
High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who have ever received an HIV test

High-risk Men High-risk occupation group (proxy for clients of female sex Percent
workers) who reached with HIV prevention programmes

High-risk Men Motorbike/taxi drivers who received an HIV test in the last 12 Percent
months and knew the results
High-risk Men Port laborers reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

High-risk Men Port laborers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever received an HIV test Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever received an HIV test Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever received an HIV test Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever received an HIV test Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever received an HIV test Percent

High-risk Men Prisoners who have ever received an HIV test Percent

High-risk Men Sailors reached with HIV prevention programmes Percent

High-risk Men Sailors who received an HIV test in the last 12 months and Percent
knew the results
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) TB patients with known HIV status Number
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) TB patients with known HIV status Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who have ever received an HIV test Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent
Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Adults (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested Percent

Women and men Donated blood units screened for HIV in a quality assured Percent
Young people Schools which provided life skill-based HIV education in the Percent
last academic year
Children Orphans and vulnerable children whose households received Percent
free basic external support in caring for the child
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Number
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Number
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Number
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Number
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Number
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Number
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Number
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Estimate)
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Estimate)
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Estimate)
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Estimate)
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Estimate)

Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Estimate)

Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Estimate)
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Estimate)
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (High
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (High
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (High

Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (High

Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (High
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (High
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Low
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Low
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Low

Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Low

Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Low
Treatment Adults and children living with HIV receiving antiretroviral Percent (Low
Treatment Adults and children with HIV known to be on treatment 12 Percent
months after initiation of ART
Treatment Civil servants who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Treatment Employees who received an HIV test in the last 12 months Percent
and knew the results
Treatment Estimated HIV+ incident TB cases that received treatment for Number
TB and HIV
Treatment Estimated HIV+ incident TB cases that received treatment for Percent
TB and HIV
Treatment Estimated HIV+ incident TB cases that received treatment for Percent
TB and HIV
Treatment Estimated HIV+ incident TB cases that received treatment for Percent
TB and HIV
Treatment Estimated HIV+ incident TB cases that received treatment for Percent
TB and HIV
Treatment Estimated HIV+ incident TB cases that received treatment for Percent
TB and HIV
Treatment Estimated number of people living with HIV in need of ART Number (Estimate)
(WHO 2013 guidelines)
Treatment Estimated number of people living with HIV in need of ART Number (High
(WHO 2013 guidelines)
Treatment Estimated number of people living with HIV in need of ART Number (Low
(WHO 2013 guidelines)
Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (Estimate)
in need of ART
Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (Estimate)
in need of ART

Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (Estimate)
in need of ART

Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (Estimate)
in need of ART
Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (High
in need of ART

Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (High
in need of ART

Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (High
in need of ART
Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (High
in need of ART
Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (Low
in need of ART

Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (Low
in need of ART

Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (Low
in need of ART

Treatment Estimated number of population with advanced HIV infection Number (Low
in need of ART
Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Estimated number
per 100,000 adult

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Health facilities with HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment HIV positive TB patients on ART Number

Treatment HIV positive TB patients on ART Percent

Treatment HIV positive TB patients on co-trimoxazole preventive therapy Percent

Treatment People living with HIV screened for TB Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Number

Treatment Population (15+) who received HIV testing and counselling Per 1000 adult
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least four times by any provider) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least four times by any provider) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least four times by any provider) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)

Preventing mother-to-child Antenatal care coverage (at least once by skilled personnel) Percent
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Estimated number of pregnant women who are living with HIV Number (Estimate)
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Estimated number of pregnant women who are living with HIV Number (High
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Estimated number of pregnant women who are living with HIV Number (Low
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child Health facilities that provide PMTCT services Number
transmission (PMTCT)
Preventing mother-to-child HIV+ pregnant women who received ARVs to reduce the risk Number
transmission (PMTCT) of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Preventing mother-to-child HIV+ pregnant women who received ARVs to reduce the risk Number
transmission (PMTCT) of mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Preventing mother-to-child HIV+ pregnant women who received ARVs to reduce the risk Percent (Estimate)
transmission (PMTCT) of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Preventing mother-to-child HIV+ pregnant women who received ARVs to reduce the risk Percent (High
transmission (PMTCT) of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Preventing mother-to-child HIV+ pregnant women who received ARVs to reduce the risk Percent (Low
transmission (PMTCT) of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Preventing mother-to-child Infants born to HIV-infected mothers receiving any ARV Number
transmission (PMTCT) prophylaxis for PMTCT
Preventing mother-to-child Infants born to HIV-infected mothers receiving any ARV Percent (Estimate)
transmission (PMTCT) prophylaxis for PMTCT
Preventing mother-to-child Infants born to HIV-infected mothers receiving any ARV Percent (High
transmission (PMTCT) prophylaxis for PMTCT
Preventing mother-to-child Infants born to HIV-infected mothers receiving any ARV Percent (Low
transmission (PMTCT) prophylaxis for PMTCT
Preventing mother-to-child Infants born to HIV-infected pregnant women receiving Number
transmission (PMTCT) cotrimoxazole prophylaxis within 2 months of birth
Preventing mother-to-child Infants born to HIV-infected pregnant women receiving Percent (Estimate)
transmission (PMTCT) cotrimoxazole prophylaxis within 2 months of birth
Preventing mother-to-child Pregnant women (15-49) who received an HIV test and knew Number
transmission (PMTCT) the results
Preventing mother-to-child Pregnant women (15-49) who received an HIV test and knew Percent (Estimate)
transmission (PMTCT) the results
Preventing mother-to-child Pregnant women (15-49) who were counselled and tested for Percent
transmission (PMTCT) HIV

(1) Indonesia_Bakti Husada, BPS Statistic Indonesia & UNICEF. Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) 2000, NYHQ revision, 2002.
(2) Indonesia_BPS, UNICEF, Multiple indicator survey (MICS) 2000, Standard tables as of June 23, 2004
(3) Indonesia_CDC&EH, Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2004-2005, Communicable Disease Control and Environment Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia, Sep 2
(4) Indonesia_CDC-EH, WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 20
(5) Indonesia_Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(6) Indonesia_Department of Health Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia, National AIDS Commission, USAID, et al. (2007). Integrated Biological- Behavioral Surveillance
(7) Indonesia_Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia Reported through December 2009
(8) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(9) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2011). Progress Report HIV & AIDS situation in Indonesia Up to
(10) Indonesia_Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (2012). Progress Report HIV & AIDS Situation in Indonesia up t
(11) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in Indonesia UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(12) Indonesia_IBBS 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(13) Indonesia_IBBS among most-at-risk groups, 2007
(14) Indonesia_Mathers B.M. et al. Global epidemiology of injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs: a systematic review. The Lancet (online editio
(15) Indonesia_Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health. Integrated Biological and Behavioural S
(16) Indonesia_Ministry of Health. (2009). Estimasi Populasi Dewasa Rawan Terinfeksi HIV 2009. (In Indonesian Language)
(17) Indonesia_MoH, A National Assessment for Preventing HIV in Mother and Children: An Indonesian Story, Directorate of Maternal Health, Sep 2006, Ministry of H
(18) Indonesia_MoH, National Estimates of Adult HIV Infection, 2002, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
(19) Indonesia_Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000
(20) Indonesia_NAC (2008), National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) cited in Indonesian UNGASS-AIDS Forum, Civil Society Report, 2010
(21) Indonesia_National AIDS Commission Indonesia (2012). Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Report, 2012.
(22) Indonesia_National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health cited in WHO. (2010). HIV/AIDS in the South-East Asia Region: Progress Report 2010.
(23) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997
(24) Indonesia_NFPCB, BPS, ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, 1997, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Indonesia, Oct 1998
(25) Indonesia_Online HIV/AIDS database at
(26) Indonesia_Robert Magnani, Pandu Riono, Nurhayati, et al. Sexual Risk Behaviors, HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Female Sex Workers
(27) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia and Macro International, Indonesia Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey, 2007
(28) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinate Board, Ministry of Health. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007, December 20
(29) Indonesia_Statistics Indonesia, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Ministry of Health and ORC Macro. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2
(30) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(31) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008
(32) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(33) Indonesia_UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010 citing Indonesia, CDC MoH report, 2009
(34) Indonesia_UNICEF, Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004
(35) Indonesia_UNICEF, End Decade Statistical Report: Data and Descriptive Analysis, 2000, BPS, Statistics Indonesia
(36) Indonesia_UNICEF, Population Council, Final Report of Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in Eas
(37) Indonesia_UoI, UNICEF, Executive Summary of Baseline Data collection for Intervention Aimed at Reducing HIV Vulnerability to Young People in Papua Provin
(38) Indonesia_Youth and Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey 2007 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(39) UN_Population Division at
(40) UN_Population Division. Online at
(41) UN_UN Statistics Division 2010
(42) UNAIDS_Data retrieved from
(43) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets December, 2006 Update
(44) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2006
(45) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets update, 2008
(46) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2006
(47) UNAIDS_Epidemiological fact sheets, 2008
(48) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
(49) UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006. GAE Report 2006 refers to UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005
(50) UNAIDS_Report on The Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
(51) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. UNAIDS Data Tables 2011
(52) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2012). Annexes - UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2012.
(53) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2013). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2013.
(54) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2006
(55) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2007-2008
(56) UNDP_Human Development Report, 2010
(57) UNFPA_State of World Population, 2010
(58) UNICEF_OVC survey 2007 cited in Indonesia, UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
(59) UNICEF_PMTCT Report Card, 2005
(60) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Global HIV/AIDS Response - Epidemic Update and Health Sector Progress Towards Universal Access - Progress Report, 2011.
(61) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2008
(62) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2009
(63) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF_Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2010
(64) WHO_WHO (2011). Global Tuberculosis Control 2011.
(65) WHO_WHO (2013). Global tuberculosis report 2013.
(66) WHO_World Health Report, 2006
(67) WHO_World Health Statistics, 2010
(68) World Bank_World Development Indicators & Global Development Finace Database
(69) World Bank_World Development Indicators database, September 2008. Retrieved on 15 October, 2008, from
(70) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap Report.
(71) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). HIV Estimates 1990-2014.
(72) Indonesia_Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2015 based on Ministry of Health.(2013). Estimasi Populasi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia
(73) UNAIDS_UNAIDS. (2015). How AIDS Changed Every Thing. MDG 6: 15 Years, 15 Lessons of Hope From the AIDS Response.
2014 (June) 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

DFSWs Outreach

DSWs Outreach

FSWs Outreach
IDSWs Outreach

MSWs Outreach

19.91 ( 52 )
11.85 ( 52 )
18.48 ( 52 )
Total <25 yr
14.15 ( 52 )
Total 25+ yr
20.29 ( 52 )
56.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batam
44 ( 15 )
DFSWs Deli Serdang
35.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
36.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jakarta Utara
22 ( 15 )
DFSWs Bekasi
46 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Bandung
47.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Batang
45.3 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Semarang
82 ( 15 )
DFSWs Banyuwangi
58.3 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Malang
88.8 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Surabaya
63.2 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Denpasar
65.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Kupang
67.6 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Ambon
79.3 ( 15 )
DFSWs Jayawijaya
34.4 ( 15 )
DFSWs Kota Jayapura
88.8 ( 15 )
35.8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Batam
25.3 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Medan
51.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandar Lampung
8 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jakarta Barat
53.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Bekasi
9.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Bandung
18.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Semarang
58 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Malang
16.5 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Surabaya
22 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Denpasar
36 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Kupang
27.2 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Ambon
55.4 ( 15 )
IDFSWs Kota Jayapura
74.4 ( 15 )

76.96 ( 52 )

89.18 ( 52 )
79.36 ( 52 )
Total <25 yr
78.04 ( 52 )
Total 25+ yr
79.81 ( 52 )


23.36 ( 52 )
Total <25 yr
20.45 ( 52 )
Total 25+ yr
25.16 ( 52 )
39.3 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
43.2 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
31.6 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
25.6 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
58.1 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
38.4 ( 15 )
MSM <25 yr

MSM 25+ yr


91.98 ( 52 )
Total <25 yr
92.31 ( 52 )
Total 25+ yr
91.85 ( 52 )
74 ( 10 )
Total Riau Islands
1 ( 10 )
Total North Sumatera
3 ( 10 )
Total West Sumatera
1 ( 10 )
Total Riau
1 ( 10 )
Total South Sumatera
2 ( 10 )
Total Jakarta
18 ( 10 )
Total West Java
10 ( 10 )
Total Central Java
5 ( 10 )
Total Yogyakarta
5 ( 10 )
Total East Java
8 ( 10 )
Total Banten
5 ( 10 )
Total Bali
6 ( 10 )
Total West Kalimantan
3 ( 10 )
Total East Kalimantan
1 ( 10 )
Total South Sulawesi
5 ( 10 )
5332 ( 42 )
44 ( 42 ) 26 ( 42 ) 22 ( 53 ) 6.52 ( 52 ) 10 ( 53 )
Harm reduction

Harm reduction Kota Medan

programme (By
NGO Workers)
Harm reduction Jakarta
programme (By
NGO Workers)
Harm reduction Bandung
programme (By
NGO Workers)
Harm reduction Kota Surabaya
programme (By
NGO Workers)
Harm reduction Kota Denpasar
programme (By
NGO Workers)

Harm reduction Kota Medan

programme (Who
visited NGOs)
Harm reduction Jakarta
programme (Who
visited NGOs)

Harm reduction Bandung

programme (Who
visited NGOs)

Harm reduction Kota Surabaya

programme (Who
visited NGOs)

Harm reduction Kota Denpasar

programme (Who
visited NGOs)

Total <25 yr

Total 25+ yr




Total Kota Medan

Total Jakarta

Total Bandung

Total Kota Surabaya

Total Kota Denpasar

Total <25 yr

Total 25+ yr

53 ( 15 )
50 ( 15 )
62.5 ( 15 )
Total Kota Medan
63.6 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
71.6 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
59.6 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
27.1 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
64.4 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
77.6 ( 15 )


90.64 ( 52 )
Total <25 yr
83.7 ( 52 )
Total 25+ yr
92.05 ( 52 )
72.2 ( 15 )
Total Jakarta
72 ( 15 )
Total Kota Bandung
74.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
70.8 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
58 ( 15 )
Total Kota Surabaya
84.4 ( 15 )





Male seafarers,
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

6.6 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batam
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

7 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Deli Serdang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

1.7 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Medan
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

12 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Lampung
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

1.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jakarta Utara
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

3 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Batang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

3.8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Semarang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

8 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Surabaya
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

3.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Denpasar
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

2.7 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Kupang
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

9.5 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Ambon
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

10 ( 15 )
Male seafarers, Kota Jayapura
dock workers,
truck drivers and
moto-taxi drivers

22.3 ( 15 )
Moto-taxi drivers



24.5 ( 15 )
Total Batam
36 ( 15 )
Total Kota Jakarta Pusat
24 ( 15 )
Total Kota Semarang
14.5 ( 15 )
Total Kota Malang
19 ( 15 )
Total Kota Denpasar
28.9 ( 15 )

2676 ( 65 ) 6003 ( 65 ) 2751 ( 65 )
0.81 ( 65 ) 1.9 ( 65 ) 0.91 ( 65 )
Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 45-49 yr


Education: Junior

Education: None

Senior secondary

Rural Female
Urban Female
Female 15-19 yr

Female 20-24 yr

Female 25-29 yr

Female 30-34 yr

Female 35-39 yr

Female 40-44 yr

Female 45-49 yr



Education: Junior
Education: None

Senior secondary

Rural Female
Urban Female



4652 ( 60 )
Female 15+ yr
18,711 ( 73 )
12426 ( 60 )
43677 ( 42 ) 50400 ( 71 ) 39418 ( 42 ) 31655 ( 42 ) 24410 ( 52 ) 19572 ( 9 )
Total <15 yr
759 ( 52 )
Total 0-14 yr
1631 ( 70 ) 1695 ( 53 ) 759 ( 60 )
Total 15+ yr
37787 ( 70 ) 29960 ( 53 ) 18813 ( 60 )

Female 15+ yr
8 ( 73 )

8 ( 71 ) 6 ( 71 ) 5 ( 71 ) 24 ( 52 ) 24 ( 51 )
Total (Based on
WHO 2006
Total (Based on
WHO 2010
24 ( 60 )
Total 0-14 yr

Total 15+ yr
18 ( 53 )
Female 15+ yr
9 ( 73 )
36 ( 52 ) 35 ( 51 )
Total (Based on
WHO 2006
Total (Based on
WHO 2010
35 ( 60 )
Total 0-14 yr
31 ( 60 )
Total 15+ yr
25 ( 53 )
Female 15+ yr
7 ( 73 )
17 ( 52 ) 17 ( 51 )
Total (Based on
WHO 2006
Total (Based on
WHO 2010
17 ( 60 )
Total 0-14 yr
11 ( 60 )
Total 15+ yr
12 ( 53 )
71 ( 42 ) 66 ( 53 ) 68 ( 42 )



1.37 ( 52 )
2.55 ( 52 )
56 ( 53 ) 3.92 ( 52 )
Total <15 yr
0.13 ( 52 )
Total 15+ yr
3.8 ( 52 )
540000 ( 53 )
780000 ( 53 )
380000 ( 53 )
Total (Based on
country report)

Total (Based on
WHO 2006
Total (Based on
WHO 2010
100000 ( 52 ) 82000 ( 60 )
Total 15+ yr
170000 ( 53 )
Total (Based on
WHO 2006
Total (Based on
WHO 2010
140000 ( 52 ) 120000 ( 60 )
Total 0-14 yr
(Based on
6600 ( 60 )
Total 15+ yr
240000 ( 53 )
Total (Based on
WHO 2006

Total (Based on
WHO 2010
68000 ( 52 ) 55000 ( 60 )
Total 0-14 yr
(Based on
2400 ( 60 )
Total 15+ yr
120000 ( 53 )

0.3 ( 60 )
500 ( 10 ) 388 ( 60 )
Total Riau Islands
10 ( 10 )
Total Aceh
7 ( 10 )
Total North Sumatera
43 ( 10 )
Total West Sumatera
6 ( 10 )
Total Riau
12 ( 10 )
Total Jambi
5 ( 10 )
Total South Sumatera
15 ( 10 )
Total Bengkulu
2 ( 10 )
Total Lampung
6 ( 10 )
Total Bangka Belitung
6 ( 10 )
Total Jakarta
56 ( 10 )
Total West Java
47 ( 10 )
Total Central Java
20 ( 10 )
Total Yogyakarta
12 ( 10 )
Total East Java
34 ( 10 )
Total Banten
12 ( 10 )
Total Bali
24 ( 10 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
7 ( 10 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
17 ( 10 )
Total West Kalimantan
20 ( 10 )
Total Central Kalimantan
4 ( 10 )
Total South Kalimantan
5 ( 10 )
Total East Kalimantan
16 ( 10 )
Total North Sulawesi
5 ( 10 )
Total Central Sulawesi
10 ( 10 )
Total South Sulawesi
19 ( 10 )
Total Southeast Sulawesi
3 ( 10 )
Total Gorontalo
2 ( 10 )
Total West Sulawesi
4 ( 10 )
Total Maluku
4 ( 10 )
Total North Maluku
3 ( 10 )
Total West Papua
12 ( 10 )
Total Papua
52 ( 10 )
4209 ( 53 )
29 ( 65 ) 39 ( 65 ) 29 ( 65 )
18 ( 65 ) 67 ( 65 ) 63 ( 65 )
22677 ( 65 )
3453 ( 8 )
278608 ( 10 ) 189729 ( 60 )
Total Riau Islands
14175 ( 10 ) 8897 ( 8 )
Total Aceh
462 ( 10 ) 80 ( 8 )
Total North Sumatera
23716 ( 10 ) 9583 ( 8 )
Total West Sumatera
1138 ( 10 ) 518 ( 8 )
Total Riau
15700 ( 10 ) 5100 ( 8 )
Total Jambi
958 ( 10 ) 310 ( 8 )
Total South Sumatera
13940 ( 10 ) 12229 ( 8 )
Total Bengkulu
577 ( 10 ) 272 ( 8 )
Total Lampung
3833 ( 10 ) 229 ( 8 )
Total Bangka Belitung
1252 ( 10 ) 119 ( 8 )
Total Jakarta
19318 ( 10 ) 20955 ( 8 )
Total West Java
18039 ( 10 ) 10651 ( 8 )
Total Central Java
12721 ( 10 ) 8739 ( 8 )
Total Yogyakarta
3230 ( 10 ) 2094 ( 8 )
Total East Java
40876 ( 10 ) 42336 ( 8 )
Total Banten
4945 ( 10 ) 1949 ( 8 )
Total Bali
9872 ( 10 ) 8123 ( 8 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
4831 ( 10 ) 4488 ( 8 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
4233 ( 10 ) 2652 ( 8 )
Total West Kalimantan
8484 ( 10 ) 9805 ( 8 )
Total Central Kalimantan
636 ( 10 ) 93 ( 8 )
Total South Kalimantan
1668 ( 10 ) 369 ( 8 )
Total East Kalimantan
9482 ( 10 ) 5477 ( 8 )
Total North Sulawesi
3839 ( 10 ) 2406 ( 8 )
Total Central Sulawesi
967 ( 10 ) 77 ( 8 )
Total South Sulawesi
11261 ( 10 ) 4799 ( 8 )
Total Southeast Sulawesi
1188 ( 10 ) 14 ( 8 )
Total Gorontalo
365 ( 10 ) 55 ( 8 )
Total West Sulawesi
240 ( 10 ) 138 ( 8 )
Total Maluku
6159 ( 10 ) 1042 ( 8 )
Total North Maluku
306 ( 10 ) 43 ( 8 )
Total West Papua
5707 ( 10 ) 3156 ( 8 )
Total Papua
34490 ( 10 ) 17616 ( 8 )
4209 ( 8 )
1.4 ( 60 )
Rural 15-49 yr

Total 15-49 yr

Urban 15-49 yr

Rural 15-49 yr
Total 15-49 yr

Total 15-49 yr
Birth order 1

Total 15-49 yr
Birth order 2-3

Total 15-49 yr
Birth order 4-5

Total 15-49 yr
Birth order 6+

Total 15-49 yr
education: None

Total 15-49 yr
Primary complete

Total 15-49 yr
Total 15-49 yr
Education: Some
Total 15-49 yr
Education: Some

Total 15-49 yr
Mother's age at
birth: <20 yr

Total 15-49 yr
Mother's age at
birth: 20-34 yr
Total 15-49 yr
Mother's age at
birth: 35-49 yr
Total 15-49 yr
Wealth index
quintile: Fourth

Total 15-49 yr
Wealth index
quintile: Middle
Total 15-49 yr
Wealth index
quintile: Poorest
Total 15-49 yr
Wealth index
quintile: Richest

Total 15-49 yr
Wealth index
quintile: Second
Urban 15-49 yr

14000 ( 71 ) 13000 ( 71 ) 12000 ( 71 ) 12000 ( 71 ) 10000 ( 71 )
17000 ( 71 ) 16000 ( 71 ) 15000 ( 71 ) 14000 ( 71 ) 12000 ( 71 )
12000 ( 71 ) 11000 ( 71 ) 10000 ( 71 ) 9600 ( 71 ) 8900 ( 71 )
90 ( 10 )
Total Riau Islands
4 ( 10 )
Total Aceh
1 ( 10 )
Total North Sumatera
2 ( 10 )
Total West Sumatera
1 ( 10 )
Total Riau
1 ( 10 )
Total Jambi
1 ( 10 )
Total South Sumatera
1 ( 10 )
Total Lampung
1 ( 10 )
Total Bangka Belitung
1 ( 10 )
Total Jakarta
7 ( 10 )
Total West Java
6 ( 10 )
Total Central Java
4 ( 10 )
Total Yogyakarta
1 ( 10 )
Total East Java
12 ( 10 )
Total Banten
4 ( 10 )
Total Bali
2 ( 10 )
Total West Nusa Tenggara
4 ( 10 )
Total East Nusa Tenggara
3 ( 10 )
Total West Kalimantan
2 ( 10 )
Total South Kalimantan
1 ( 10 )
Total East Kalimantan
3 ( 10 )
Total North Sulawesi
3 ( 10 )
Total Central Sulawesi
1 ( 10 )
Total South Sulawesi
3 ( 10 )
Total Southeast Sulawesi
1 ( 10 )
Total Maluku
2 ( 10 )
Total North Maluku
1 ( 10 )
Total West Papua
3 ( 10 )
Total Papua
14 ( 10 )
1368 ( 73 ) 1551 ( 70 ) 1048 ( 53 ) 813 ( 52 ) 468 ( 51 )
Total (Only the
most effective
regimens as
recommended by
468 ( 60 )
10 ( 73 ) 9 ( 70 )
11 ( 73 ) 15 ( 70 ) 23 ( 52 ) 15 ( 60 )
8 ( 73 ) 6 ( 70 ) 8 ( 52 ) 5 ( 60 )
250 ( 60 )

8 ( 60 )
3 ( 60 )


13140 ( 60 )
<1 ( 60 )

alth, Indonesia, Sep 2005

donesia, 5-17 Feb 2007, Disease Control & Environment Health of Ministry of Health, Indonesia

ehavioral Surveillance among Most-at-Risk Groups in Indonesia, 2007: Surveillance Highlights- Injecting Drug Users

on in Indonesia Up to December 2010, the Ministry of Health(Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia S
on in Indonesia Up to June 2011, the Ministry of Health (Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia Samp
ation in Indonesia up to December 2011, the Ministry of Health

e Lancet (online edition), September 24th, 2008

cal and Behavioural Survey (IBBS) 2011

Sep 2006, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Oct 1998

Female Sex Workers in Indonesia,, published online June 3, 2010

y 2007, December 2008.

and Health Survey 2002-2003, December 2003

slamic Schools in East Java, 2004

ople in Papua Province, 2003, Center for Health and Research, University of Indonesia

Report, 2011.
ular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language).
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004-2005 2004 2003 2002-2003

54 ( 3 )

53.5 ( 3 )

50 ( 48 ) 18.3 ( 3 )

34 ( 3 )

33.8 ( 3 )

38.4 ( 3 ) 38 ( 3 )

24 ( 50 ) 34 ( 31 )

55 ( 50 ) 60 ( 31 )

29 ( 50 ) 40 ( 31 )

25.7 ( 32 ) 37 ( 31 )

30.6 ( 32 ) 41 ( 31 )
29.2 ( 3 )

28 ( 50 ) 14.8 ( 3 )

25 ( 3 )

57 ( 50 ) 31.4 ( 3 )

25 ( 60 ) 33 ( 50 ) 15 ( 50 )

27.3 ( 32 )

35.2 ( 32 )

1.31 ( 63 )

27 ( 3 )

1.9 ( 30 )

43.99 ( 12 )

37.59 ( 12 )

47.89 ( 12 )
0 ( 42 )

0 ( 42 )

19.2 ( 3 )

16 ( 60 ) 34 ( 50 ) 15 ( 50 ) 15.4 ( 3 )

31.4 ( 32 )

35.1 ( 32 )

2.7 ( 62 )
0.4 ( 62 )

6.8 ( 62 )

89 ( 48 )

67.6 ( 3 )

73.6 ( 3 )

36.4 ( 3 )

16.7 ( 3 )

78.3 ( 3 )

68 ( 3 )
74.6 ( 3 )

30 ( 3 )

20.8 ( 3 )

79.9 ( 3 )

36.84 ( 12 )

46.33 ( 12 )

52 ( 50 )

43 ( 50 )

43 ( 50 ) 39 ( 31 ) 15 ( 48 ) 6 ( 30 )

60 ( 3 )

70 ( 3 )

30 ( 3 )

12 ( 3 )

74 ( 3 )

47 ( 31 )

45 ( 31 )
61 ( 50 ) 42 ( 42 )

43 ( 50 ) 36 ( 42 )

20 ( 60 ) 44 ( 50 ) 18 ( 50 ) 18.1 ( 3 )

36.61 ( 12 ) 33 ( 42 )

47.57 ( 12 ) 37 ( 42 )

44.6 ( 3 )

7 ( 30 )

3.3 ( 30 )

3.1 ( 3 )

1.3 ( 3 )
40 ( 3 )

4.5 ( 3 )

49.9 ( 3 )

17.3 ( 3 )

13 ( 3 )

5.8 ( 3 )
1 ( 64 ) 0 ( 64 )
100 ( 50 ) 90 ( 44 ) 100 ( 31 )

10 ( 50 ) 10 ( 31 ) 7 ( 30 )

13 ( 58 )

2682 ( 63 )

7934 ( 63 )

15442 ( 63 ) 10606 ( 63 ) 6600 ( 47 ) 5100 ( 31 ) 5000 ( 30 ) 2500 ( 30 ) 350 ( 30 )

356 ( 63 )

10260 ( 63 )

49.2 ( 32 ) 43.8 ( 31 )

32 ( 32 ) 22.2 ( 31 )

35.2 ( 32 ) 15 ( 47 ) 15 ( 47 ) 26 ( 46 ) 25 ( 30 ) 3 ( 48 )

34 ( 63 )

21 ( 63 )

25.3 ( 31 )

24.8 ( 31 )

35 ( 51 )

58 ( 63 )

31 ( 63 )

48 ( 63 )
16 ( 51 )

24 ( 63 )

14 ( 63 )

14 ( 63 )

65 ( 50 )

11.7 ( 3 )

7.4 ( 3 )

2976 ( 50 )

2.4 ( 33 )

2.7 ( 33 )

3 ( 50 )

40200 ( 63 )

45000 ( 63 )

73000 ( 63 )

64000 ( 50 )

110000 ( 63 )

2600 ( 50 )
26000 ( 63 )

50000 ( 50 )

<1000 ( 50 )

0.4 ( 63 )
565 ( 60 )
42 ( 64 )

170791 ( 60 )

1.3 ( 63 )

75.5 ( 28 ) 75.2 ( 29 )

81.5 ( 28 ) 81 ( 29 )

89.9 ( 28 ) 87.5 ( 29 )

90.1 ( 28 )
93.3 ( 28 ) 92 ( 44 )

95.2 ( 28 )

94.4 ( 28 )

90.4 ( 28 )

78.1 ( 28 )

62.6 ( 28 )

92.4 ( 28 )

99.1 ( 28 )

82.2 ( 28 )

96.4 ( 28 )

90.8 ( 28 )

94.2 ( 28 )

90.1 ( 28 )

98.5 ( 28 )

95.5 ( 28 )

82.2 ( 28 )

99.2 ( 28 )

92.1 ( 28 )

97.7 ( 28 )

9200 ( 71 ) 7900 ( 71 ) 6500 ( 71 ) 5100 ( 71 ) 3800 ( 71 ) 2700 ( 71 ) 1900 ( 71 )

11000 ( 71 ) 9300 ( 71 ) 7500 ( 71 ) 5900 ( 71 ) 4400 ( 71 ) 3200 ( 71 ) 2200 ( 71 )

7800 ( 71 ) 6700 ( 71 ) 5400 ( 71 ) 4200 ( 71 ) 3200 ( 71 ) 2300 ( 71 ) 1600 ( 71 )

196 ( 51 ) 165 ( 51 ) 89 ( 51 ) 40 ( 51 ) 4 ( 51 ) 15 ( 51 )

3.8 ( 33 ) 3.5 ( 31 ) 1 ( 45 ) 0.7 ( 48 ) <1 ( 30 ) 0.5 ( 48 )

17 ( 63 )

4 ( 63 )

165 ( 63 )

6 ( 63 )

25 ( 63 )

1 ( 63 )

10026 ( 63 )

<1 ( 63 )

<1 ( 62 ) 0 ( 61 ) 0 ( 59 )
2002 2001 2000-2006 2000

50 ( 3 )

35 ( 3 )
10 ( 3 )

59 ( 3 )

10 ( 3 )
0.6 ( 35 )

0.4 ( 35 )

0.8 ( 35 )

1 ( 35 )

0.4 ( 35 )

0.7 ( 35 )

0.6 ( 35 )

0.3 ( 35 )

0.2 ( 35 )

2.2 ( 35 )

0.5 ( 35 )

0 ( 35 )

1.2 ( 35 )
0.3 ( 35 )
1 ( 35 )
24 ( 35 )

26 ( 35 )

28 ( 35 )

28 ( 35 )

26 ( 35 )

22 ( 35 )

18 ( 35 )

16 ( 35 )

14 ( 35 )

64 ( 35 )

27 ( 35 )
4 ( 35 )

41 ( 35 )
17 ( 35 )
34 ( 35 )

100 ( 49 )
92 ( 47 )

1200 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )

1400 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 )

1000 ( 71 ) <1000 ( 71 ) <500 ( 71 )

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