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GUI emx_tip_save_size

Save size information

Save size information

GUI emx_tip_del_dim
Delete dimension
Delete dimension

GUI emx_tip_del_plate
Delete plate
Delete plate

GUI emx_tip_del_feat
Delete feature
Delete feature

GUI emx_tip_add_dim
Add dimension
Add dimension

GUI emx_tip_add_plate
Add plate
Add plate

GUI emx_tip_add_feat
Add feature
Add feature

GUI emx_tip_hr_favourite
Show hot runner favorites
Show hot runner favorites

GUI emx_tip_show_detail
Show the detailed images
Show the detailed images

GUI emx_tip_bom_ascii
Export data to the file BOM_FILENAME
Export data to the file BOM_FILENAME

GUI emx_tip_bom_excel
Copy the data to the Windows clipboard
Copy the data to the Windows clipboard

GUI emx_tip_start_loop
Start the loop to select the models
Start the loop to select the models

GUI emx_tip_acc_abs
Set the accuracy to absolute
Set the accuracy to absolute

GUI emx_tip_acc_rel
Set the accuracy to relative
Set the accuracy to relative

GUI emx_tip_acc_val
Enter accuracy value
Enter accuracy value
GUI emx_tip_sel_model
Select the model
Select the model

GUI emx_tip_sel_csys
Select the coordinate system
Select the coordinate system

GUI emx_tip_calc_size
Calculate Size
Calculate Size

GUI emx_tip_start
Run the analysis
Run the analysis

GUI emx_tip_edmpos_file
Enter name of the result file
Enter name of the result file

GUI emx_tip_edmpos_param
Name of search parameter
Name of search parameter

GUI emx_tip_ok
Save modifications and close the dialog box
Save modifications and close the dialog box

GUI emx_tip_save_param_ok
Save SIZE Parameter and close the dialog box
Save SIZE Parameter and close the dialog box

GUI emx_tip_cancel
Discard all changes and close dialog box
Discard all changes and close dialog box

GUI emx_tip_exit
Close the dialog box
Close the dialog box

GUI emx_tip_zoom_reset
Reset pan/zoom
Reset pan/zoom

GUI emx_tip_hothalf
Open the hot half dialog box
Open the hot half dialog box

GUI emx_tip_cavity
Open the cavity dialog box
Open the cavity dialog box

GUI emx_tip_machine
Open the Machine dialog box
Open the Machine dialog box

GUI emx_tip_save_asm
Save the assembly definition to file
Save the assembly definition to file

GUI emx_tip_load_asm
Load assembly definition from file
Load assembly definition from file

GUI emx_tip_add_sub
Add a subassembly
Add a subassembly

GUI emx_tip_del_comp
Delete a component (select it in the side view).
Delete a component (select it in the side view).

GUI emx_tip_act_pat_list
Select the active pattern that is used when adding new guide components
Select the active pattern that is used when adding new guide components

GUI emx_tip_size_list
Select the mold base size
Select the mold base size

GUI emx_tip_supplier
Select the supplier
Select the supplier

GUI emx_tip_subasm
Select the subassembly
Select the subassembly

GUI emx_tip_unit_mm
Set the units to millimeters (mm) or inches (in).
Set the units to millimeters (mm) or inches (in).

GUI emx_tip_show_fh
Display the fixed or moving half in top view.
Display the fixed or moving half in top view.

GUI emx_tip_screw_list
Select the type to add/modify default screws
Select the type to add/modify default screws

GUI emx_tip_guide_list
Select the type to add a guide component
Select the type to add a guide component

GUI emx_tip_equip_list
Select the type to add/modify default equipment
Select the type to add/modify default equipment

GUI emx_tip_plate_list
Select type to add a plate
Select type to add a plate

GUI emx_tip_side_view
Select component, then right-click to open the Properties dialog box
Select component, then right-click to open the Properties dialog box

GUI emx_tip_top_view
Right-click the pattern to open the Properties dialog box
Right-click the pattern to open the Properties dialog box

GUI emx_tip_change_props
Select an object to change its properties
Select an object to change its properties

GUI emx_tip_name_of
Current selection for
Current selection for

GUI emx_tip_hr_series
Select the hot runner series
Select the hot runner series

GUI emx_tip_del_subasm
Delete the empty subassembly
Delete the empty subassembly

GUI emx_tip_option_list
Select the option to modify
Select the option to modify

GUI emx_tip_dbl_to_edit
Double-click to edit value
Double-click to edit value

GUI emx_tip_proj_name
Enter the assembly name
Enter the assembly name

GUI emx_tip_proj_asm
Create the new EMX assembly
Create the new EMX assembly

GUI emx_tip_proj_mfg
Create the new EMX manufacturing assembly
Create the new EMX manufacturing assembly

GUI emx_tip_proj_template
Select the assembly template
Select the assembly template

GUI emx_tip_copy_dwg
Create the drawing using this template
Create the drawing using this template

GUI emx_tip_copy_rep
Create the report using this template
Create the report using this template

GUI emx_tip_dwg_name
Drawing template
Drawing template

GUI emx_tip_rep_name
Report template
Report template
GUI emx_tip_param_list
Parameters will be stored locally
Parameters will be stored locally

GUI emx_tip_sel_all
Select all component types
Select all component types

GUI emx_tip_sel_none
Clear all component types
Clear all component types

GUI emx_tip_ignore_bom
Ignore this component in the BOM
Ignore this component in the BOM

GUI emx_tip_as_mdl
Assemble waterline curve as a model or user-defined feature.
Assemble waterline curve as a model or user-defined feature.

GUI emx_tip_calculate
Calculate a new result
Calculate a new result

GUI emx_tip_sim_run
Run the simulation of the mold base opening
Run the simulation of the mold base opening

GUI emx_tip_sim_comps
Components of this animation group
Components of this animation group

GUI emx_tip_sim_result
Click in line to open the mold base with this value
Click in line to open the mold base with this value

GUI emx_tip_sim_check
Type of interference check
Type of interference check

GUI emx_tip_add_trim
Select trim faces to add in 3D
Select trim faces to add in 3D

GUI emx_tip_param_add
Add a new parameter
Add a new parameter

GUI emx_tip_param_del
Delete the selected parameter
Delete the selected parameter

GUI emx_tip_del_trim
Remove selected trim faces from list
Remove selected trim faces from list

GUI emx_tip_dbl_to_high
Select a component to highlight in 3D
Select a component to highlight in 3D
GUI emx_tip_dbl_to_change
Double-click to modify entries
Double-click to modify entries

GUI emx_tip_rmb_to_change
Right-click to modify parameters
Right-click to modify parameters

GUI emx_tip_lock_posid
Lock/unlock the Position ID
Lock/unlock the Position ID

GUI emx_tip_yes

GUI emx_tip_add_in_bom
Activate this component in the BOM
Activate this component in the BOM

GUI emx_tip_no

GUI emx_tip_sel_type
Select the type
Select the type

GUI emx_tip_is_standard
Handle as a standard part (replace model if modified)
Handle as a standard part (replace model if modified)

GUI emx_tip_preview
Preview the selected model in 3D
Preview the selected model in 3D

GUI emx_tip_preview_ce
Preview the Component Dialog Box
Preview the Component Dialog Box

GUI emx_tip_sel_to_show
Select the directory to view its contents
Select the directory to view its contents

GUI emx_tip_dbl_to_select
Double-click to select this library component
Double-click to select this library component

GUI emx_tip_delete_asm
Delete the selected assembly
Delete the selected assembly

GUI emx_tip_next_image
Open the next detailed image
Open the next detailed image

GUI emx_tip_prev_image
Open the previous detailed image
Open the previous detailed image

GUI emx_tip_sel_trailfile
Enter the trail file name
Enter the trail file name

GUI emx_tip_trail_play
Run the trail file
Run the trail file

GUI emx_tip_trail_stop
Stop the trail file
Stop the trail file

GUI emx_tip_trail_rec
Record the trail file
Record the trail file

GUI emx_tip_sel_constraint
Select the assembly constraint
Select the assembly constraint

GUI emx_tip_save_as_def
Save the current settings as the component default type
Save the current settings as the component default type

GUI emx_tip_mouse_pnts
Use the mouse to create placement points on the fly
Use the mouse to create placement points on the fly

GUI emx_tip_calc_patt
Recalculate the pattern
Recalculate the pattern

GUI emx_tip_auto_calc
Automatically recalculate the pattern for every value change
Automatically recalculate the pattern for every value change

GUI emx_tip_open_mdl
Open the model
Open the model

GUI emx_tip_save_udf_data
Save the cut data
Save the cut data

GUI emx_tip_save_comp_data
Save the component data
Save the component data

GUI emx_tip_snapshot
Create the new snapshot
Create the new snapshot

GUI emx_tip_get_id
Get the ID of the geometry item
Get the ID of the geometry item

GUI emx_tip_add_single_qmm
Add a point by selecting it in 3D model
Add a point by selecting it in 3D model

GUI emx_tip_rem_single_qmm
Remove selected point from the list
Remove selected point from the list

GUI emx_tip_add_grid_qmm
Add a pattern of points
Add a pattern of points

GUI emx_tip_result_ascii
Export the list to the QMM_FILENAME
Export the list to the QMM_FILENAME

GUI emx_use_this_size
Use this size and update all existing components?
Use this size and update all existing components?

GUI emx_comp_exist_no_del
Subassembly includes components. Cannot be deleted.
Subassembly includes components. Cannot be deleted.

GUI emx_cannot_load_model
Cannot load model.
Cannot load model.

GUI emx_all_inst_exp_ok
All instances have been created.
All instances have been created.

GUI emx_cannot_update_udfs
Cannot update UDFs.
Cannot update UDFs.

GUI emx_cannot_delete_udfs
Cannot delete UDFs.
Cannot delete UDFs.

GUI emx_no_ord_nr
Set one parameter as an ORD_NUMBER.
Set one parameter as an ORD_NUMBER.

GUI emx_datafile_convert_ok
Convert old data file?
Convert old data file?

GUI emx_content_copied
Content copied to the clipboard. Paste it in EXCEL via Edit > Paste Special.
Content copied to the clipboard. Paste it in EXCEL via Edit > Paste Special.

GUI emx_content_exported
The content was exported to file:
The content was exported to file:

GUI emx_edmpos_done
Positions of all CSYS have been saved in an ASCII file.
Positions of all CSYS have been saved in an ASCII file.
GUI emx_read_mb_runs
Reading mold base definition. Please wait.
Reading mold base definition. Please wait.

GUI emx_migration_complete
Migration complete. Your settings for EMX 4.1 have been applied to EMX 5.0.
Migration complete. Your settings for EMX 4.1 have been applied to EMX 5.0.

GUI emx_migration_dialog
Update the New Release with Previous Release Settings
Update the New Release with Previous Release Settings

GUI emx_migration_running
Migration is in progress. Please wait...
Migration is in progress. Please wait...

GUI emx_question_del_sub1
Delete subassembly and components?
Delete subassembly and components?

GUI emx_name_empty_error
Enter a valid part name.
Enter a valid part name.

GUI emx_delete_aborted
Deletion stopped by user.
Deletion stopped by user.

GUI emx_insert_aborted
Insertion stopped by user.
Insertion stopped by user.

GUI emx_discard_all_mod
Discard all modifications?
Discard all modifications?

GUI emx_delete_all_supp_feats
Delete all suppressed features in EMX plates?
Delete all suppressed features in EMX plates?

GUI emx_delete_entire_asm
Delete all plates and components?
Delete all plates and components?

GUI emx_datafile_format_error
Wrong format found in data file.
Wrong format found in data file.

GUI emx_datafile_old_format
Old data file format. Convert before proceeding.
Old data file format. Convert before proceeding.

GUI emx_moldbase_old_format
Old mold base format. Convert file?
Old mold base format. Convert file?

GUI emx_references_missing
References are missing.
References are missing.
GUI emx_no_reference_defined
No references are defined for this component.
No references are defined for this component.

GUI emx_model_load_error
Cannot load model.
Cannot load model.

GUI emx_load_mdl_or_dat
Load model or comp_data.txt file before proceeding.
Load model or comp_data.txt file before proceeding.

GUI emx_sel_mdl_or_dat
Select existing model or comp_data.txt file.
Select existing model or comp_data.txt file.

GUI emx_model_rename_error
Cannot rename model. Verify name format.
Cannot rename model. Verify name format.

GUI emx_delete_question
Delete highlighted components/features?
Delete highlighted components/features?

GUI emx_ref_data_incomplete
Reference group data is incomplete. Operation stopped.
Reference group data is incomplete. Operation stopped.

GUI emx_need_existing_models
No existing model. Modify component status before proceeding.
No existing model. Modify component status before proceeding.

GUI emx_cannot_find_skeleton
Cannot find skeleton model.
Cannot find skeleton model.

GUI emx_instance_not_found
Size does not exist in database
Size does not exist in database

GUI emx_model_with_name_exist
Model name already in use.
Model name already in use.

GUI emx_cannot_assemble_udfs
Cannot assemble the cutouts.
Cannot assemble the cutouts.

GUI emx_cannot_assemble_model
Cannot assemble the model.
Cannot assemble the model.

GUI emx_nominal_dim_not_found
Nominal diameter not found in data file. Operation stopped.
Nominal diameter not found in data file. Operation stopped.

GUI emx_hook_error
Cannot hook the journal. Operation stopped.
Cannot hook the journal. Operation stopped.

GUI emx_overwrite_file
Overwrite the file?
Overwrite the file?

GUI emx_ref_in_mdl_error
Cannot identify model references. Operation stopped.
Cannot identify model references. Operation stopped.

GUI emx_sel_no_valid_ref
The selected group is an invalid reference. Operation stopped.
The selected group is an invalid reference. Operation stopped.

GUI emx_face_point_missing
Select a valid plane and instance to proceed.
Select a valid plane and instance to proceed.

GUI emx_cannot_del_plate
Cannot delete plate. Remove plate and associated datum plane manually.
Cannot delete plate. Remove plate and associated datum plane manually.

GUI emx_assembly_exist
Assembly name already in use.
Assembly name already in use.

GUI emx_sel_temp_dir
Select assembly template.
Select assembly template.

GUI emx_template_not_valid
The selected template is not a valid EMX assembly.
The selected template is not a valid EMX assembly.

GUI emx_recording_stopped
Trail file recording has stopped.
Trail file recording has stopped.

GUI emx_playback_stopped
Trail file playing has stopped.
Trail file playing has stopped.

GUI emx_func_not_implement
Function is not implemented.
Function is not implemented.

GUI emx_select_file_list
Select an assembly before proceeding.
Select an assembly before proceeding.

GUI emx_no_size_found
Cannot find the specified size. Reset the supplier.
Cannot find the specified size. Reset the supplier.

GUI emx_cannot_add_type
Plate type cannot be added.
Plate type cannot be added.

GUI emx_use_this_outline
Use the selected insert assembly size
Use the selected insert assembly size

GUI emx_delete_moldbase_file
Delete the mold base file?
Delete the mold base file?

GUI emx_press_ok_to_continue
Click OK.
Click OK.

GUI emx_abort_search_process
Cancel the search?
Cancel the search?

GUI emx_select_model_first
Select a model to proceed.
Select a model to proceed.

GUI emx_sel_side_or_plate
Select reference side or plate.
Select reference side or plate.

GUI emx_sel_plate_to_place
Select reference plate.
Select reference plate.

GUI emx_edit_plate_process
Edit plate.
Edit plate.

GUI emx_edit_pattern_process
Edit the pattern.
Edit the pattern.

GUI emx_edit_equip_process
Edit the equipment.
Edit the equipment.

GUI emx_edit_screw_process
Edit the screw.
Edit the screw.

GUI emx_edit_guide_process
Edit guide component.
Edit guide component.

GUI emx_edit_hh_process
Edit the hot half.
Edit the hot half.

GUI emx_recording_process
Recording. Click Pause to stop.
Recording. Click Pause to stop.

GUI emx_add_entry_in_cfg
Add/Modify entry in part name configuration
Add/Modify entry in part name configuration
GUI emx_migrate_config_files
Update configuration files
Update configuration files

GUI emx_migrate_proe_models
Update Creo Parametric files
Update Creo Parametric files

GUI emx_migrate_supplier
Process supplier
Process supplier

GUI emx_def_pattern_first
Define pattern parameters first
Define pattern parameters first

GUI emx_length_not_found
The length of selected instance is shorter than the required length. Continue?
The length of selected instance is shorter than the required length. Continue?

GUI emx_enter_proper_value
Enter an appropriate value for the bore depth T5
Enter an appropriate value for the bore depth T5

GUI emx_update_depend_comps
Update dependent components (such as ejector pins, support pillars)?
Update dependent components (such as ejector pins, support pillars)?

GUI emx_invalid_depth_option
Select a valid depth option
Select a valid depth option

GUI emx_prefix_lg_warning
Prefix has reached 16 characters. Continue?
Prefix has reached 16 characters. Continue?

GUI emx_length_inst_not_found
Cannot find an ejector with the required length
Cannot find an ejector with the required length

GUI emx_tip_ref_three_plane
Add three datum plane references
Add three datum plane references

GUI emx_tip_ref_acpf_orient
Add a curve, axis or point a face and an orient face reference
Add a curve, axis or point a face and an orient face reference

GUI emx_tip_ref_acpf
Add a curve, axis or point and a face reference
Add a curve, axis or point and a face reference

GUI emx_tip_ref_csys
Add coordinate system references
Add coordinate system references

GUI emx_tip_ref_apf_orient
Add axis or point, face and orient face reference
Add axis or point, face and orient face reference
GUI emx_tip_ref_apf
Add axis or point and face reference
Add axis or point and face reference

GUI emx_tip_click_to_edit
Pick entry to modify it
Pick entry to modify it

GUI emx_tip_calculate_force
Calculate Projected Area and Clamping Force
Calculate Projected Area and Clamping Force

GUI emx_tip_del_runner_feat
Remove Runner Feature from list
Remove Runner Feature from list

GUI emx_tip_add_runner_feat
Add Runner Feature
Add Runner Feature

GUI emx_no_entry_selected
Please select an entry from the list first!
Please select an entry from the list first!

GUI emx_tip_form_export
Export selected files in this format
Export selected files in this format

GUI emx_replace_param
Replace all parameters in 'configuration/param_replace.cfg' in all models?
Replace all parameters in 'configuration/param_replace.cfg' in all models?

GUI emx_hr_legal_info1
Due to legal restrictions EMX no longer provides geometry data for hot runners.
Due to legal restrictions EMX no longer provides geometry data for hot runners.

GUI emx_hr_legal_info2
Please use the links below to navigate to the hot runner web-catalogs
Please use the links below to navigate to the hot runner web-catalogs

GUI emx_tip_favorite
Load a previously stored EMX assembly from favorites
Load a previously stored EMX assembly from favorites

GUI emx_tip_save_posid
Save Position ID
Save Position ID

GUI emx_tip_add_instance
Add new instance row
Add new instance row

GUI emx_tip_del_instance
Remove selected instance
Remove selected instance

GUI emx_tip_search_model
Find model using the search string in Input Panel beside the button
Find model using the search string in Input Panel beside the button

GUI emx_tip_add_change
Add or update selected option
Add or update selected option

GUI emx_tip_add_line
Add a new line
Add a new line

GUI emx_tip_del_line
Delete the selected line
Delete the selected line

GUI emx_cannot_regen_instance
Cannot regenerate instance:
Cannot regenerate instance:

GUI emx_check_out
Try to retrieve model from commonspace:
Try to retrieve model from commonspace:

GUI emx_long_paramname_cut
Parameter name has exceeded 31 characters and was truncated
Parameter name has exceeded 31 characters and was truncated

GUI emx_long_paramvalue_cut
Parameter value has exceeded 80 characters and was truncated
Parameter value has exceeded 80 characters and was truncated

GUI emx_tip_show_id
Show ID of a selected geometry item
Show ID of a selected geometry item

GUI emx_tip_next_detail
Display next detail image
Display next detail image

GUI emx_tip_prev_detail
Display previous detail image
Display previous detail image

GUI emx_tip_cut1
Define cutout type for cavity as round, rectangular, pattern, or none.
Define cutout type for cavity as round, rectangular, pattern, or none.

GUI emx_tip_second_name
Toggle between optional part names from EMX > Options > Part names
Toggle between optional part names from EMX > Options > Part names

GUI emx_tip_sel_asm
Select Owner assembly
Select Owner assembly

GUI emx_tip_rename_pos
Rename selected models using the format of EMX Option PART_RENAME_FORMAT
Rename selected models using the format of EMX Option PART_RENAME_FORMAT

GUI emx_tip_rename_back
Rename selected models back to their original name
Rename selected models back to their original name

GUI emx_update_all_dwg_formats
Update all drawings in this directory?
Update all drawings in this directory?

GUI emx_p_plate_warning
Please verify if plate geometry still matches to catalog.
Please verify if plate geometry still matches to catalog.

GUI emx_modify_info
Component and cutout will be temporarily removed. Do you wish to continue?
Component and cutout will be temporarily removed. Do you wish to continue?

GUI emx_size_warning
Warning: Size-values might be incorrect
Warning: Size-values might be incorrect

GUI emx_tip_sel_face
Select face to set current color
Select face to set current color

GUI emx_no_emx_comp
The selected model is not an EMX component.
The selected model is not an EMX component.

GUI emx_ejp_pnts_offset
The z-position range of selected points is too big. Please separate references.
The z-position range of selected points is too big. Please separate references.

GUI emx_tip_up
Move up
Move up

GUI emx_tip_down
Move down
Move down

GUI emx_tip_refresh
Refresh list content
Refresh list content

GUI emx_tip_predefine_comp
Define component data in part mode
Define component data in part mode

GUI emx_tip_drawing_position
Enter the height where the waterline will be drawn within the plate
Enter the height where the waterline will be drawn within the plate

GUI emx_tip_waterline_diameter
Enter the diameter of the waterline bore
Enter the diameter of the waterline bore

GUI emx_tip_show_list
Show list of already defined waterlines
Show list of already defined waterlines
GUI emx_tip_symmetry
Snapping to symmetric points around one of the main axis (X or Y)
Snapping to symmetric points around one of the main axis (X or Y)

GUI emx_tip_main_axis
Snapping to one of the main axis (X or Y)
Snapping to one of the main axis (X or Y)

GUI emx_tip_aligning_knots
Snapping to the same X or Y coordinate of neighbour knots
Snapping to the same X or Y coordinate of neighbour knots

GUI emx_tip_aligning_waterlines
Snapping to the neighboring waterlines.
Snapping to the neighboring waterlines.

GUI emx_tip_orthogonal
Snapping to a direction parallel to one of the main axis (X or Y)
Snapping to a direction parallel to one of the main axis (X or Y)

GUI emx_tip_coincident_knots
Snapping to a knot next to the mouse position
Snapping to a knot next to the mouse position

GUI emx_tip_show_grid
Show a grid of help lines in the plate
Show a grid of help lines in the plate

GUI emx_tip_width
Enter the width of the grid
Enter the width of the grid

GUI emx_tip_collision_control
Activate the collision control checking
Activate the collision control checking

GUI emx_tip_add_waterline
Add a waterline to the model
Add a waterline to the model

GUI emx_tip_modify_waterline
Modify an existing waterline in the model
Modify an existing waterline in the model

GUI emx_tip_remove_waterline
Remove a waterline from the model
Remove a waterline from the model

GUI emx_tip_assemble_components
Assemble all predefined components for the defined waterlines
Assemble all predefined components for the defined waterlines

GUI emx_tip_select_part_waterline_start
Select component for the waterline start bore
Select component for the waterline start bore

GUI emx_tip_select_part_waterline_end
Select component for the waterline end bore
Select component for the waterline end bore
GUI emx_tip_activate_waterline_start_bore
Activate start bore of waterline
Activate start bore of waterline

GUI emx_tip_activate_waterline_end_bore
Activate end bore of waterline
Activate end bore of waterline

GUI emx_tip_x_coordinates
Enter X value of the currently selected knot
Enter X value of the currently selected knot

GUI emx_tip_y_coordinates
Enter Y value of the currently selected knot
Enter Y value of the currently selected knot

GUI emx_tip_z_coordinates
Enter Z value of the currently selected knot
Enter Z value of the currently selected knot

GUI emx_tip_shift_all_aligned_knots
Shift all knots on the same X or Y coordinate with currently selected knot.
Shift all knots on the same X or Y coordinate with currently selected knot.

GUI emx_tip_copy_instances_to_excel
Copy instances data to clipboard to paste in Excel
Copy instances data to clipboard to paste in Excel

GUI emx_tip_paste_instances_from_excel
Paste instances data from clipboard
Paste instances data from clipboard

GUI emx_tip_subcomponents

GUI emx_tip_status_subcomp
Suppress or resume subcomponent.
Suppress or resume subcomponent.

GUI emx_tip_asm_pattern
Assemble on all instances of a pattern.
Assemble on all instances of a pattern.

GUI emx_tip_asm_models
Assemble on all occurences of a model
Assemble on all occurences of a model

GUI emx_tip_coll_check
Run an interference check after model is assembled, to add missing cutouts.
Run an interference check after model is assembled, to add missing cutouts.

GUI emx_tip_no_cuts
Do not add cutouts.
Do not add cutouts.

GUI emx_tip_no_components
Do not assemble component.
Do not assemble component.

GUI emx_tip_material
Select material of the component.
Select material of the component.

GUI emx_tip_relation
This relation will be added to the component.
This relation will be added to the component.

GUI emx_tip_list_cut_parts
Click in list to toggle cut-status of a part
Click in list to toggle cut-status of a part

GUI emx_tip_measure_dia
Measure diameter of a selected edge.
Measure diameter of a selected edge.

GUI emx_tip_measure_length
Measure length of a selected edge.
Measure length of a selected edge.

GUI emx_tip_measure_offset
Measure offset between two selected points.
Measure offset between two selected points.

GUI emx_tip_comp_dimensions
Dimensions of the component
Dimensions of the component

GUI emx_tip_part_name
Part name
Part name

GUI emx_tip_dwg_files
Available drawing files.
Available drawing files.

GUI emx_tip_special_rail
Enter rail dimensions manually in feature list
Enter rail dimensions manually in feature list

GUI emx_tip_auto_thickness
Set thickness of cavity plates automatically.
Set thickness of cavity plates automatically.

GUI emx_tip_shot_number
Select shot where this plate should be assembled.
Select shot where this plate should be assembled.

GUI emx_tip_plate_features
Features of this plate type
Features of this plate type

GUI emx_tip_status_features
Resume or suppress this feature.
Resume or suppress this feature.

GUI emx_tip_wl_overmeasure
Waterline diameter overmeasure
Waterline diameter overmeasure

GUI emx_tip_wl_options
Options for waterline definition
Options for waterline definition

GUI emx_tip_wl_show_grid
Show or hide the grid.
Show or hide the grid.

GUI emx_tip_wl_gridwidth
Grid width for sketching
Grid width for sketching

GUI emx_tip_wl_asm_comps
Assemble waterline components.
Assemble waterline components.

GUI emx_tip_wl_pos_x
X-Position of the active knot
X-Position of the active knot

GUI emx_tip_wl_pos_y
Y-Position of the active knot
Y-Position of the active knot

GUI emx_tip_wl_pos_z
Z-Position of the active knot
Z-Position of the active knot

GUI emx_tip_wl_aligned_knots
Move all aligned knots parallel to the vertical plane.
Move all aligned knots parallel to the vertical plane.

GUI emx_tip_wl_table
List of all waterline curves in current model
List of all waterline curves in current model

GUI emx_tip_waterline_list
Predefined waterline types
Predefined waterline types

GUI emx_tip_waterline_name
Name of the waterline model
Name of the waterline model

GUI emx_tip_waterline_csys
Name of the waterline placement CSYS.
Name of the waterline placement CSYS.

GUI emx_tip_waterline_mirror
Add waterline twice, mirrored relative to CSYS.
Add waterline twice, mirrored relative to CSYS.

GUI emx_tip_find_entry
Type the name for which you want to search.
Type the name for which you want to search.
GUI emx_tip_comp_name
Component name
Component name

GUI emx_tip_create_cuts
Create cuts after model has been assembled.
Create cuts after model has been assembled.

GUI emx_tip_fav_folder
Contents of the favorites folder in the directory.
Contents of the favorites folder in the directory.

GUI emx_tip_fav_info
Information about this favorite moldbase
Information about this favorite moldbase

GUI emx_tip_prefix
Project Prefix. This is used in partnames.
Project Prefix. This is used in partnames.

GUI emx_tip_postfix
Project Postfix. This is used in partnames.
Project Postfix. This is used in partnames.

GUI emx_tip_username
User name. This will be used in &user parameter.
User name. This will be used in &user parameter.

GUI emx_tip_date
Current date.
Current date.

GUI emx_tip_project_note
Note to describe the current project
Note to describe the current project

GUI emx_tip_local_param
Save these parameters to the assembly or in the project_parameters.cfg file.
Save these parameters to the assembly or in the project_parameters.cfg file.

GUI emx_tip_save_outline
Click here to calculate outline of all extracts.
Click here to calculate outline of all extracts.

GUI emx_tip_rename_extracts
Click here to rename extracts with names from column Model Name.
Click here to rename extracts with names from column Model Name.

GUI emx_tip_tech_color
Double-click to enter a value or change color.
Double-click to enter a value or change color.

GUI emx_tip_current_color
Current color setting.
Current color setting.

GUI emx_tip_option_name
Current active option.
Current active option.
GUI emx_tip_option_value
Type or select the option value.
Type or select the option value.

GUI emx_tip_quantity
Total quantity of assemblies that should be created
Total quantity of assemblies that should be created

GUI emx_tip_mirrored
Number of mirrored copies. This must be smaller than Quantity.
Number of mirrored copies. This must be smaller than Quantity.

GUI emx_tip_wildcard
Name-wildcard for new components. (%%i for qty) Will be added to current name
Name-wildcard for new components. (%%i for qty) Will be added to current name

GUI emx_tip_doubleshot_size
Total size of the double shot moldbase
Total size of the double shot moldbase

GUI emx_tip_doubleshot_pitch
Pitch of the double shot moldbase
Pitch of the double shot moldbase

GUI emx_tip_cavity_posx
Positive x-value of insert size
Positive x-value of insert size

GUI emx_tip_cavity_posy
Positive y-value of insert size
Positive y-value of insert size

GUI emx_tip_cavity_posz
Positive z-value of insert size
Positive z-value of insert size

GUI emx_tip_cavity_negx
Negative x-value of insert size
Negative x-value of insert size

GUI emx_tip_cavity_negy
Negative y-value of insert size
Negative y-value of insert size

GUI emx_tip_cavity_negz
Negative z-value of insert size
Negative z-value of insert size

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_type
Select Pattern Type for the placement csys.
Select Pattern Type for the placement csys.

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_rows
Quantity of pattern instances in second direction.
Quantity of pattern instances in second direction.

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_qty
Quantity of pattern instances in first direction.
Quantity of pattern instances in first direction.

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_dia
Pattern diameter
Pattern diameter

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_width
Pattern width
Pattern width

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_length
Pattern length
Pattern length

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_z_angle
Use this z-angle for all instances when recalculating.
Use this z-angle for all instances when recalculating.

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_off_y
Use this y-offset for all instances when recalculating.
Use this y-offset for all instances when recalculating.

GUI emx_tip_cavity_pat_off_x
Use this x-offset for all instances when recalculating.
Use this x-offset for all instances when recalculating.

GUI emx_tip_cavity_show_gui
Display cavity inserts as blue boxes in the user interface.
Display cavity inserts as blue boxes in the user interface.

GUI emx_tip_cutout_depth_es
Depth in Moving Half
Depth in Moving Half

GUI emx_tip_cutout_depth_is
Depth in Fixed Half
Depth in Fixed Half

GUI emx_tip_cutout_length_es
Length of rectangular cut in Moving Half
Length of rectangular cut in Moving Half

GUI emx_tip_cutout_length_is
Length of rectangular cut in Fixed Half
Length of rectangular cut in Fixed Half

GUI emx_tip_cutout_width_es
Width of rectangular cut in Moving Half
Width of rectangular cut in Moving Half

GUI emx_tip_cutout_width_is
Width of rectangular cut in Fixed Half
Width of rectangular cut in Fixed Half

GUI emx_tip_cutout_cbdepth_es
Counterbore Depth of round cut in Moving Half
Counterbore Depth of round cut in Moving Half

GUI emx_tip_cutout_cbdepth_is
Counterbore Depth of round cut in Fixed Half.
Counterbore Depth of round cut in Fixed Half.

GUI emx_tip_cutout_cbdia_es
Counterbore Diameter of round cut in Moving Half.
Counterbore Diameter of round cut in Moving Half.

GUI emx_tip_cutout_cbdia_is
Counterbore Diameter of round cut in Fixed Half.
Counterbore Diameter of round cut in Fixed Half.

GUI emx_tip_cutout_dia_es
Diameter of round cutout in Moving Half.
Diameter of round cutout in Moving Half.

GUI emx_tip_cutout_dia_is
Diameter of round cutout in Fixed Half
Diameter of round cutout in Fixed Half

GUI emx_tip_cutout_mouseear
Add mouse ears in rectangular cutout
Add mouse ears in rectangular cutout

GUI emx_tip_cutout_mouseear_dia
Mouse ear diameter
Mouse ear diameter

GUI emx_tip_cutout_mouseear_off
Mouse ear center offset from corner.
Mouse ear center offset from corner.

GUI emx_tip_cutout_rad
Use this radius in corners of rectangular cutout.
Use this radius in corners of rectangular cutout.

GUI emx_tip_asm_receipts
Stored moldbase assembly recipes
Stored moldbase assembly recipes

GUI emx_tip_asm_mb_name
Enter name for new assembly recipe.
Enter name for new assembly recipe.

GUI emx_tip_keep_info
Keep current insert pattern and moldbase size when retrieving the recipe.
Keep current insert pattern and moldbase size when retrieving the recipe.

GUI emx_tip_asm_action
Load or save the assembly.
Load or save the assembly.

GUI emx_tip_axis_off_x
X-position of locating axis
X-position of locating axis

GUI emx_tip_axis_off_y
Y-position of locating axis
Y-position of locating axis
GUI emx_tip_mach_show_gui
Show Machine plates and Bar in the user interface.
Show Machine plates and Bar in the user interface.

GUI emx_tip_mach_name
Machine Name
Machine Name

GUI emx_tip_holm_rows
Quantity of Machine bar pattern rows.
Quantity of Machine bar pattern rows.

GUI emx_tip_holm_qty
Total quantity of Machine Bars.
Total quantity of Machine Bars.

GUI emx_tip_holm_pat_lg
Length of Machine bar pattern
Length of Machine bar pattern

GUI emx_tip_holm_pat_wi
Width of Machine bar pattern
Width of Machine bar pattern

GUI emx_tip_holm_dia
Machine Bar diameter
Machine Bar diameter

GUI emx_tip_knockout_rows
Quantity of Knockout pattern rows.
Quantity of Knockout pattern rows

GUI emx_tip_knockout_qty
Total quantity of knockout patterns.
Total quantity of knockout patterns.

GUI emx_tip_ko_pat_lg
Length of Knockout pattern
Length of Knockout pattern

GUI emx_tip_ko_pat_wi
Width of Knockout pattern
Width of Knockout pattern

GUI emx_tip_ko_dia
Knockout diameter
Knockout diameter

GUI emx_tip_mb_pattern
Select a pattern from the list to edit its properties.
Select a pattern from the list to edit its properties.

GUI emx_tip_mb_asm_new
Remove all components to start with a blank moldbase.
Remove all components to start with a blank moldbase.

GUI emx_tip_mb_asm_regen
Regenerate current assembly in 3D when EMX option DELAY_MOLDBASE_REGEN is YES.
Regenerate current assembly in 3D when EMX option DELAY_MOLDBASE_REGEN is YES.
GUI emx_tip_mb_define_2shot
Define main parameters for a double shot moldbase.
Define main parameters for a double shot moldbase.

GUI emx_tip_mb_loc_off
Define x- and y-offset of main axis.
Define x- and y-offset of main axis.

GUI emx_tip_mb_zoom_reset
Reset the zoom factor.
Reset the zoom factor.

GUI emx_tip_pattern_dia
Nominal diameter of the component on this pattern
Nominal diameter of the component on this pattern

GUI emx_tip_pattern_rows
Quantity of rows of this pattern.
Quantity of rows of this pattern.

GUI emx_tip_pattern_qty
Total quantity of this pattern
Total quantity of this pattern

GUI emx_tip_pattern_lg
Pattern length
Pattern length

GUI emx_tip_pattern_wi
Pattern width
Pattern width

GUI emx_tip_pattern_lg2
Length of inner pattern instances
Length of inner pattern instances

GUI emx_tip_pattern_wi2
Width of inner pattern instances
Width of inner pattern instances

GUI emx_tip_sa_list
Select an EMX subassembly from the list.
Select an EMX subassembly from the list.

GUI emx_tip_sa_comp_list
Components in the active subassembly.
Components in the active subassembly.

GUI emx_tip_status_guides
Assemble and display guide components.
Assemble and display guide components.

GUI emx_tip_status_equipment
Assemble and display equipment parts.
Assemble and display equipment parts.

GUI emx_tip_status_screws
Assemble and display screws.
Assemble and display screws.

GUI emx_tip_status_stop
Assemble and display stop pins and stop discs.
Assemble and display stop pins and stop discs.

GUI emx_tip_status_dowelpin
Assemble and display dowel pins.
Assemble and display dowel pins.

GUI emx_tip_status_cooling
Assemble and display cooling components.
Assemble and display cooling components.

GUI emx_tip_status_ejector
Assemble and display ejector pins.
Assemble and display ejector pins.

GUI emx_tip_status_support
Assemble and display support pillars.
Assemble and display support pillars.

GUI emx_tip_status_slider
Assemble and display slider.
Assemble and display slider.

GUI emx_tip_status_lifter
Assemble and display lifter.
Assemble and display lifter.

GUI emx_tip_status_latchlock
Assemble and display latchlock.
Assemble and display latchlock.

GUI emx_tip_status_hotrunner
Assemble and display hotrunner.
Assemble and display hotrunner.

GUI emx_tip_status_transmission
Assemble and display transmission.
Assemble and display transmission.

GUI emx_tip_status_castsprue
Assemble and display cast sprues.
Assemble and display cast sprues.

GUI emx_tip_status_library
Assemble and display library components.
Assemble and display library components.

GUI emx_tip_bom_list
Double-click line to edit BOM parameters of these components.
Double-click line to edit BOM parameters of these components.

GUI emx_tip_bom_export_format
Select format to be used for data export.
Select format to be used for data export.

GUI emx_tip_bom_rmb_this
Change visibility of the current model only.
Change visibility of the current model only.

GUI emx_tip_bom_rmb_all
Change visibility of all models to match the current model.
Change visibility of all models to match the current model.

GUI emx_tip_bom_rmb_asm
Change visibility of this assembly and all included models.
Change visibility of this assembly and all included models.

GUI emx_tip_sim_groups
Existing animation groups
Existing animation groups

GUI emx_tip_sim_step_width
Enter step width for the opening calculation.
Enter step width for the opening calculation.

GUI emx_tip_sim_total
Enter total opening value for the opening calculation.
Enter total opening value for the opening calculation.

GUI emx_tip_sim_screw_ignore
Ignore screws when running the interference check.
Ignore screws when running the interference check.

GUI emx_tip_force_mach_ip
Maximum injection pressure of the active machine
Maximum injection pressure of the active machine

GUI emx_tip_force_mach_cf
Clamping force of the active machine.
Clamping force of the active machine.

GUI emx_tip_force_ip
Injection pressure to be used for calculation
Injection pressure to be used for calculation

GUI emx_tip_force_pa
Projected area of reference models and additional features
Projected area of reference models and additional features

GUI emx_tip_force_req_force
Calculated required clamping force.
Calculated required clamping force.

GUI emx_tip_force_add_feats
List of features to be considered for calculating the projected area
List of features to be considered for calculating the projected area

GUI emx_tip_calc_volume
Volume of the calculated bounding box
Volume of the calculated bounding box

GUI emx_tip_mp_csys_name
Name of the reference Csys
Name of the reference Csys
GUI emx_tip_mp_list
Click on a line to highlight point in 3D window.
Click on a line to highlight point in 3D window.

GUI emx_tip_mp_gridwidth
Grid width that will be used when generating the point pattern
Grid width that will be used when generating the point pattern

GUI emx_tip_mp_probe_dia
Probe diameter that is considered when calculating center-position.
Probe diameter that is considered when calculating center-position.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_type
Select the moldbase form. The form can be rectangular or round.
Select the moldbase form. The form can be rectangular or round.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_size
Moldbase size. This is width x length.
Moldbase size. This is width x length.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_railwidth
Rail width. This is considered when calculating the ejector plate width.
Rail width. This is considered when calculating the ejector plate width.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_dimlist
Dimension that will be used in feature data to set feature dimensions.
Dimension that will be used in feature data to set feature dimensions.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_dim_name
Dimension symbolic name
Dimension symbolic name

GUI emx_tip_mbe_dim_val
Dimension value
Dimension value

GUI emx_tip_mbe_pattern_name
Select pattern to edit its properties.
Select pattern to edit its properties.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_comp
Component to be assembled on selected pattern.
Component to be assembled on selected pattern.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_stopcomp
Stop component from being assembled on selected pattern.
Stop component from being assembled on selected pattern.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_pattern_off
Offset value for nonsymmetric patterns.
Offset value for nosymmetric patterns.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_pattern_list
Pattern instances position
Pattern instances position

GUI emx_tip_mbe_features
List of suppressed features in the current plate type
List of suppressed features in the current plate type
GUI emx_tip_mbe_plate_name
Plate name
Plate name

GUI emx_tip_mbe_disp_name
Feature name displayed in the Plate dialog box.
Feature name displayed in the Plate dialog box.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_featname
Name of the feature in the Creo model.
Name of the feature in the Creo model.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_feat_vis
Default setting for feature visibility when adding the plate.
Default setting for feature visibility when adding the plate.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_feat_dims
Feature dimension
Feature dimension

GUI emx_tip_mbe_plate_props
Plate properties
Plate properties

GUI emx_tip_mbe_plate_temp
Plate model template name
Plate model template name

GUI emx_tip_mbe_plate_side
Plate side. This is IS Fixed Half divided by ES for Moving Half.
Plate side. This is IS Fixed Half divided by ES for Moving Half.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_plate_mat
Plate material
Plate material

GUI emx_tip_mbe_plate_lg
Plate length
Plate length

GUI emx_tip_mbe_plate_wi
Plate width
Plate width

GUI emx_tip_mbe_plate_th
Plate thickness
Plate thickness

GUI emx_tip_mbe_thread
Length of the thread bore, for cavity plates only.
Length of the thread bore, for cavity plates only.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_core
Depth of the core bore, for cavity plates only.
Depth of the core bore, for cavity plates only.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_insert
Insert depth, for cavity plates only.
Insert depth, for cavity plates only.

GUI emx_tip_mbe_instancename
Instance name of this plate
Instance name of this plate

GUI emx_tip_mbe_ord
Ordering number of this plate
Ordering number of this plate

GUI emx_tip_mbe_customer
Customer number of this plate
Customer number of this plate

GUI emx_tip_alternate_name
Alternate part name
Alternate part name

GUI emx_tip_me_refid
Reference ID of the assembly reference
Reference ID of the assembly reference

GUI emx_tip_me_ref_display
Reference name displayed in the user interface.
Reference name displayed in the user interface.

GUI emx_tip_me_refname
Feature name of model reference
Feature name of model reference

GUI emx_tip_me_ref_featid
Feature ID of model reference
Feature ID of model reference

GUI emx_tip_me_constr_type
Placement constraint type
Placement constraint type

GUI emx_tip_me_asm_reftype
Reference type in assembly
Reference type in assembly

GUI emx_tip_me_comp_reftype
Reference type in component
Reference type in component

GUI emx_tip_me_skel_name
Default name of a skeleton feature to be used as default reference.
Default name of a skeleton feature to be used as default reference.

GUI emx_tip_me_dimlist
Nominal dimensions for this component. Click line to edit entries
Nominal dimensions for this component. Click line to edit entries

GUI emx_tip_me_cut_quilts
Quilts in the model to be used for cutting plates later
Quilts in the model to be used for cutting plates later

GUI emx_tip_me_cut_thread
Predefine threads that have data for automatic threading of plates later.
Predefine threads that have data for automatic threading of plates later.

GUI emx_tip_me_option_list
List of options that can be used to drive features or cutouts
List of options that can be used to drive features or cutouts

GUI emx_tip_me_feat_list
List of features and their visibility settings, due to the options.
List of features and their visibility settings, due to the options.

GUI emx_tip_me_feat
List of features found in the model
List of features found in the model

GUI emx_tip_me_feat_opt
Select from the list, an option that controls the feature visibility.
Select from the list, an option that controls the feature visibility.

GUI emx_tip_me_featopt_val
Define the option value that will resume the feature
Define the option value that will resume the feature

GUI emx_tip_me_comp_instances
Instances for the component. Double-click a value to edit that value.
Instances for the component. Double-click a value to edit that value.

GUI emx_tip_me_subc_list
Click a row to change the side for a subcomponent.
Click a row to change the side for a subcomponent.

GUI emx_tip_me_subc_side
Click a row to change the side for a subcomponent.
Click a row to change the side for a subcomponent.

GUI emx_tip_me_complist
Click row to activate component.
Click row to activate component.

GUI emx_tip_me_curr_mdl
Current model
Current model

GUI emx_tip_me_archive_inst
Regenerate component for all instances and save it to the ARCHIVE_PATH.
Regenerate component for all instances and save it to the ARCHIVE_PATH.

GUI emx_tip_me_creotype
Select component type.
Select component type.

GUI emx_sel_mdl_dat_new
Select existing model or *.dat-file.
Select existing model or *.dat-file.

GUI emx_files_have_been_copied
EMX has copied *.dat files and *.gif images to the current working directory.
EMX has copied *.dat files and *.gif images to the current working directory.
GUI emx_default_waterline_component_is_invalid
The Option DEFAULT_WATERLINE_COMPONENT is not a valid component.
The Option DEFAULT_WATERLINE_COMPONENT is not a valid component.

GUI emx_check_proper_dir
Working directory must be in format .../components/<unit>/<type>/<supplier>.
Working directory must be in format .../components/<unit>/<type>/<supplier>.

GUI emx_qty_subasm_differs
Amount of Subassemblies in current model and current recipe is different, abort
Amount of Subassemblies in current model and current recipe is different, abort

GUI emx_tip_om_working_model
Select active working model by name of component.
Select active working model by name of component.

GUI emx_tip_pb_working_model
Select active working model by selecting the component in 3D View.
Select active working model by selecting the component in 3D View.

GUI emx_tip_pb_add_working_model
Add components to list of working models by selecting them in 3D View.
Add components to list of working models by selecting them in 3D View.

GUI emx_tip_tbl_sketch_plane_pos
List of sketch planes on which to define waterlines.
List of sketch planes on which to define waterlines.

GUI emx_tip_pb_sketch_plane_pos
Add new sketch plane to current list of sketch planes.
Add new sketch plane to current list of sketch planes.

GUI emx_tip_tbl_cooling_circuits
List of cooling circuits with id, defined color and assigned diameter.
List of cooling circuits with id, defined color and assigned diameter.

GUI emx_tip_lb_show_info
Shows instance name of currently selected component in waterline list.
Shows instance name of currently selected component in waterline list.

GUI emx_tip_list_all
Show all waterlines of all selected working models in list.
Show all waterlines of all selected working models in list.

GUI emx_tip_list_active_working_mdl
Show only waterlines in active working models in list.
Show only waterlines in active working models in list.

GUI emx_tip_list_active_circuit
Show only waterlines in active cooling circuit in list.
Show only waterlines in active cooling circuit in list.

GUI emx_param_value_form_err
Value size exceeds the format defined in EMX Options.
Value size exceeds the format defined in EMX Options.

GUI emx_display_unit_result
Convert outline result to:
Convert outline result to:
GUI emx_tip_display_unit_result
Select the unit system in which to convert the result.
Select the unit system in which to convert the result.

GUI emx_tip_tbl_insert_asm
List of insert assemblies in the current subassembly.
List of insert assemblies in the current subassembly.

GUI emx_tip_pb_insert_asm
Load the insert assembly and add to list.
Load the insert assembly and add to list.

GUI emx_tip_owner_sub_asm
Select current subassembly from list of EMX subassemblies.
Select current subassembly from list of EMX subassemblies.

GUI emx_continue_pattern_process
Pattern the first insert assembly and remove existing. Do you want to continue?
Pattern the first insert assembly and remove existing. Do you want to continue?

GUI emx_tip_rename_mdl
Rename core/cavity models with one of the names in column 3
Rename core/cavity models with one of the names in column 3

GUI emx_partnames_entry_too_long
Part name entry in EMX Options exceeds 31 characters. Do you want to continue?
Part name entry in EMX Options exceeds 31 characters. Do you want to continue?

GUI emx_no_regular_comps
Regular EMX components cannot be used as library components.
Regular EMX components cannot be used as library components.

GUI emx_tip_mechanism
Create a Mechanism assembly.
Create a Mechanism assembly.

GUI emx_bom_dialog_still_open_close_yesno
The BOM dialog box is open. Do you want to close it?
The BOM dialog box is open. Do you want to close it?

GUI emx_tip_subasm_function
Assign function which describes role in main assembly context.
Assign function which describes role in main assembly context.

GUI emx_tip_pattern_insert_asm
Pattern the insert assembly which is assembled to CAVITY_1 coordinate system.
Pattern the insert assembly which is assembled to CAVITY_1 coordinate system.

GUI emx_tip_placement_surface_type
Select plate to which ejector pin head should be assembled.
Select plate to which ejector pin head should be assembled.

GUI emx_tip_placement_surface_side
Select side to which ejector pin should be assembled.
Select side to which ejector pin should be assembled.

GUI emx_tip_type_definition
Select type and size to use for 2D preview when adding a new ejector pin.
Select type and size to use for 2D preview when adding a new ejector pin.

GUI emx_tip_add_ejectorpin
Predefine new ejector pin in 2D preview.
Predefine new ejector pin in 2D preview.

GUI emx_tip_modify_ejectorpin
Modify existing ejector pins in 2D preview.
Modify existing ejector pins in 2D preview.

GUI emx_tip_delete_ejectorpin
Delete existing ejector pins in 2D preview.
Delete existing ejector pins in 2D preview.

GUI emx_tip_ejectorpin_table
Double-click line to modify ejector pin. Right-click line to delete ejector pin
Double-click line to modify ejector pin. Right-click line to delete ejector pin

GUI emx_tip_orient
Reorientate model into 2D preview.
Reorientate model into 2D preview.

GUI emx_tip_assemble_ejectorpins
Assemble all predefined components for the defined ejector pins.
Assemble all predefined components for the defined ejector pins.

GUI emx_tip_snap_tolerance
Set minimal distance from which to snap to current point.
Set minimal distance from which to snap to current point.

GUI emx_tip_snap_existing_points
Enable or disable snapping to existing points.
Enable or disable snapping to existing points.

GUI emx_qty_necessary_subasm
Number of required EMX subassemblies:
Number of required EMX subassemblies:

GUI emx_dont_delete_cavity_asms_have_children
Cavity assemblies cannot be deleted by EMX. Children exist.
Cavity assemblies cannot be deleted by EMX. Children exist.

GUI emx_no_pattern_in_split
Pattern options will be reset when adding a component in the split assembly
Pattern options will be reset when adding a component in the split assembly

GUI emx_param_type_err
Entered value does not match the defined parameter type in EMX Options.
Entered value does not match the defined parameter type in EMX Options.

GUI emx_reopen_bom_dialog_to_recollect_models
Reopen BOM Dialog box to recollect BOM Models.
Reopen BOM Dialog box to recollect BOM Models.

GUI emx_tip_mark_as_purchased_part
Mark model to ignore it's subassemblies and subcomponents in BOM.
Mark model to ignore it's subassemblies and subcomponents in BOM.

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