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Ideas/house rules for OSR D&D

- Usage die from the Black Hack. An item with charges has a usage die associated with it.
Each time a charges or charges are used, roll the usage die: if the result is 1 or 2, the
then the usage die is downgraded to the next lower die in the following chain:
- d30 > d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4
- When you roll a 1-2 on a d4 the item is expended and the character has no more of it
left or there are no more charges.

Proficiency and non-proficiency

- Proficiency with weapons, armour, and tools (e.g. thieves tools) are determined by
class. If you are not proficient with an item, you can still use it but with a penalty. (What
penalty? -2, -4, or -5 on d20?)

Shields shall be splintered: lose your shield to avoid taking damage from an attack; can decide
after damage is rolled.

Helms shall be sundered: lose your helm to avoid taking damage from an attack: can decide
after damage is rolled. Stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Tasks: roll d20 under a relevant attribute. Lower, success; higher, failure; spot on, succeed with
a complication. Natural 20: botch with serious consequences (damage or serious setback);
natural 1, stellar success with unhoped-for bonus.

Skills: if your class or background plausibly gives you some kind of skill at a task, roll d20
under a relevant attribute with advantage (i.e., roll two and take the best result).

Attacks: Critical hit (natural 20): regain hp equal to 1d6 x level or roll on Arduin Critical Hit table.
Your enemies do the same, but randomly (1-3 hp boost, 4-6 crit table).

Fumble (natural 1): Consult the damage die: 1-5, stumble or lose grip, spend one round to
recover; 6, break weapon.

Two-handed weapons: deal +1 damage on a hit, always attack last in round.

Dual-wielding: gain +1 to hit, light one-handed weapons only.

Injury and death: When reduced to 0 hit points, save vs death: if successful, you are
unconscious for 1d6 rounds then awaken at 1 hp. Failure signifies death. (Does not apply to
critical hit results that cause death.)

Spellcasters have a grimoire (MUs) or a holy book (clerics) containing the spells they know.
Non-literate spellcasters have analogous mnemonic devices (string of bones, carved staff,
inscribed stones, etc.).

SPELL ROLL: Arcane spellcasters

may attempt to retain a spell in
memory by passing a saving throw vs.
spells minus the spells level plus their
Int modifier. If the roll fails, the spell
is cast and forgotten as normal. If the
roll is passed, the spell is retained to
be cast again. If a 1 is rolled the spell
fails, is lost, and something weird may
happen. If a 20 is rolled something
amazing may happen. Elves do not
make spell rolls. (From James V. Wests house rules for LL.)

DETECT MAGIC: Arcane casters

may detect the presence of magic
on a 1-in-6 without using the detect
magic spell. For every 3 levels of
experience this ability improves by 1,
though it is never better than 5-in-6.
They cannot know the nature of
magic using this intuitive ability. (From James V. Wests house rules for LL.)

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