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Its Going Down


What Anarchists Have Been Saying For Years .........4
Unyielding Before Power And Its Repression .........8
Milwaukee In Flames.......10
March In Solidarity With Milwaukee Uprising.......11
Welcome To The End Of The World.......12
Open To Unorthodox Methods.......15
A Rundown Of November 5th In Harrisburg And Some Reflections.......17
Black Blocs And Butterflies.......18
The Dreamers And The Provincial.......19
Fighting Fascists And The Liberal Establishment.......20
Front bottom: Clashes on the anniversary of the Ayotzinapa students disappearance in Chilpancingo, MEX

Autopsy Of An Election.......23
Make It Impossible For This System To Govern On Stolen Land.......24
NOLA Turns Up Against Trump.......25
Back top: Barricades block police movement as the summers revolt spreads across Oaxaca, MEX

Salute To Jordan McTaggart From Anarchists In New York.......28

Back bottom: Cars are burned and stores are looted during anti-police riot in Montreal, CAN

Seeds In The Snow: Anarchists Mourn Our Dead.......28

Destroy Gender.......29
The Untold Story.......30 Top: Anarcha-feminist demonstration in Oaxaca, MEX
Interview With Firehawk Of Unstoppable.......30
This Was About Unity.......31
Interview With Prisoner On Rebellion At Turbeville.......32
Bottom: Anarcha-feminist counter-demonstration to planned misogynist rally in New York, USA
Protest, Blockade, Banners To Resist CCA Shareholder Meeting.......33
Front middle: Car burned during anti-police riot in Milwaukee, USA

Blockade Of Correctional Officer Training Facility.......34

A Fire That Cannot Be Contained.......35
Report Back On September 9th Solidarity Demo.......36
Front top: Log loader sabotaged in British Columbia, CAN

War Against DAPL And Planetary Annihilation.......38

An Anarchist Perspective Of Resistance To LNG on Gitwilgyoots Territory.......42
From Freeway Shutdowns To Cop-Free Zones.......43
The ZAD, Destituent Association, And The Joy Of Pledging War.......45
Sounding Out The Void.......46
Explosive Attack At Headquarters Of Business Groups.......47
Defend The Hood.......48
Do Riots Work? Part II.......49
Pickets Against Starbucks And McDonalds.......50
Combative October 2nd.......51
Letter From Anarchist Prisoner Fernando Brcenas.......52
Some Disruptive Reflections On The Murder Of Compa Salvador Olmos.......53
A Flourishing Movement And A Laboratory Of Repression.......54
Action Round Up.......58
ANTI-FASCIST Its Going Down has grown incred- dreds-strong black bloc tearing apart focus to solidarity on the other side of
Anti-Fascist News [EN] Orlando Antifa [EN] ibly since its inception. However this corporate stores in Washington D.C. the bars. Tennessee rebels describe new
growth is only a side effect to the mo- Cities across the well as Mon- challenges in this unique moment, and mentum building in the streetsthe treal to the northfollowed suit. With A Fire That Cannot Be Contained
Antifa Dallas [EN] Philly Antifa [EN] eruptions of revolt that have spread this in mind, we have gathered several notes the qualitative step forward anar- across the country at an escalating pace. pieces published or re-published on Its chists in New York have taken, in con-
Antifa International [EN] Rocky Mountain Antifa [EN] Going Down over 2016 that we think text of prison strike organizing.
2016 ended on a dark note, with many
can best aid us moving forward. of us mourning our friends who passed War Against DAPL And Planetary
Antifa Sacramento [EN] Rose City Antifa [EN] in Decembers Ghost Ship fire, and anx- What Anarchists Have Been Saying Annihilation explores the blockade
iously awaiting Donald Trumps ascenst For Years opens with a quick re-intro- tactic in depth, looking at the recent sol-
to the U.S. presidency. Despite the many duction to several basic anarchist prin- idarity actions with water protectors in
Atlanta Antifascists [EN] San Gabriel Valley Anti-Repression [EN] somber moments of the year, 2016 saw ciples for those who find themselves in North Dakota. Trains, highways, bridg- many beautiful moments of joyful re- the streets for the first time this year. Its es and more were blockaded, elaborat-
International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund [EN] South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action [EN] sistance play out across the continent. followed by Unyielding Before Power ing an anti-infrastructural perspective
Fascist rallies were met with fierce con- And Its Repression, an uncompromis- that can inform our future practices.
frontations in Anaheim, Stone Moun- ing text in the face of repression.
North Star Antifa [EN] Three Way Fight [EN] The final selections take on various tac-
tain, Sacramento, Harrisburgnot to
Next are two report backs from the tical and strategic considerations that mention nearly every city on Donald
summers anti-police revolts: Milwau- remain open questions in 2017. How
Northern California Anti-Racist Action [EN] Torch Network [EN] Trumps campaign trail. A teachers
kee In Flames and Welcome To The can our actions move from the symbol- strike set off a massive rebellion across
End Of The World from Charlotte. ic taking of space and create cop-free
Mexico, mirroring the Oaxaca insurrec-
NYC Antifa [EN] Open To Unorthodox Methods is zones? Can we move beyond the punc-
tion ten years before. The summer was an interview on the uprising in Baton tual demonstration format and take ac-
marked with uprisings against police
Rouge, as well as other local dynamics. tion in exciting and inviting ways? What
One Peoples Project [EN] murdersBaton Rouge, St. Paul, Mil-
There appears to be no end to the rage would it take to regain even a slight waukee, Charlotte. Fall entered with an
over racist police shootings, and the amount of autonomy in our neigh-
unprecedented strike in prisons across
more prepared we are to contribute to borhoods? How do we engage with an
the U.S. This strike involved a wide va-
these eruptions, the better. increasing level of militancy amongst
riety of tactics used by prisoners across
people who still cling to statist politics?
the entire U.S. and even spread to Mex- The next series of essays examines the
We hope that you use this magazine to
ico. Solidarity from the other side of dynamics of various anti-fascist actions
open these critical conversations with
prison walls was also remarkable, with against the far-right and Trumps cam-
your friends and accomplices. Not in
accomplices in hundreds of cities step- paign events. Multi-directional con-
order to distill the one true theory, but
ping up to the plate with banners, noise flicts between rebels, fascists, cops, and
to brainstorm and experiment in prac-
demonstrations, attacks and more. liberals have become more visible as
protests against Trumps campaign and
A small encampment in North Dakota
the far-right groups he inspires gain Once again, we close with a round up of
grew to tens of thousands blockading
momentum. actions and a list of links to further re-
the construction of the Dakota Access
sources. The round up presents its own
Pipeline. The struggle exploded after We then take a moment to remember
set of questions as well. Does creating
police raided the camp, prompting fierce the comrades we lost this year with two
lists of direct actions undermine the im-
street fighting and solidarity blockades excerpts from memorial rallies.
portance of other forms of organizing
all over the continent. Just days later, the Destroy Gender applies an insur- that support those who attack? Does
unforseen election of Donald Trump rectional critique to gender, both the quantifying actions exceptionalize these
sparked widespread rioting in the U.S. traditional binary and Facebooks fif- attacks, contrary to their aim of gener-
Participants in several cities noted that ty options. The Untold Story and an alizing in everyday life? We take these
the intensity of local outbursts was un- additional excerpt explore the strug- concerns with us into the future.
paralleled in recent history. gles women, queer and trans prison-
As always, check out the website for
2017 has already proved that there will ers faceand more importantly, their
daily updates on when its going down:
be no slowing down. The first days of inspiring resistance. This Was About
the new year saw rage boil over at the Unity continues to highlight actions
undertaken by prisoners, in this case a
gasoline price hike as gas stations and
stores were attacked and looted across series of hunger strikes across Michi-
Mexico. Donald Trumps inaugura- gan.
tion day was interrupted by a hun- Next, a report from Nashville shifts the
Spontaneous sideshow during anti-Trump riot in Portland, USA
Atlanta Anarchist Black Cross [EN]
Anathema [Philadelphia, EN]

Bay Area Anti-Repression Committee [EN] Avalanche [EN/ES/FR]
Bloomington ABC [EN] Conspiracin Acrata [Mexico, ES]
ORIGINALLY POSTED TO ITS GOING DOWN - DECEMBER 8TH, 2016 Cleveland Four [EN] Fire To The Prisons [EN]
On Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 at es which propels this system forward ing attacks on the entire population as
Texas A & M University, as FBI agents has continued to launch itself into basic social welfare programs are erod- CNA Mxico [ES] Negacin [Mexico, ES]
monitored hundreds of protesters from overdrive. This year marked a horrific ed, unions are assaulted, and wealth
the tops of roofs, heavily armed riot po- turning point, as we officially hit the continues to flow into the pockets of Denver ABC [EN] Nightfall [Minneapolis, EN]
lice clashed with demonstrators bent 400 parts per million carbon milestone. the rich.
on disrupting and shutting down an Now, many scientists and even govern- In the face of all of this, from a grow-
event organized by Preston Wiginton, a ment institutions are predicting drastic Free Jeremy [EN] The Transmetropolitan Review [Seattle, EN]
ing insurgent far-right, to the current
51 year old former student of the cam- climate change in our lifetimes as un- ecological collapse, broad attacks on
pus and long time white supremacist. avoidable and weather patterns are cur- workers, the poor, the environment, and Free Marius Mason [EN] Unstoppable [EN]
The event featured a talk by Richard rently already changing rapidly. Revolu- those most vulnerable, many ask: where
Spencer, a leading ideologue within the tion, in the sense that everything will be is the opposition? The answer is clear
growing Alt-Right, which attempts to turned upside down, is inevitable. The Free Red Fawn [EN] The Volcano [British Columbia, EN]
as day, but it isnt in the halls of pow-
re-brand fascist, neo-nazi, and white question is, what kind will it be? er, in the politicians, the leaders of the
nationalist ideas for the millennial gen- As ecological apocalypse defines the unions, or in the big NGOs. Instead its Houston ABC [EN] Wreck [Vancouver, EN]
eration in order to create an all-white present, all signs point towards the in the rioters. The blockaders. The peo-
fascist ethno-state. continued growth of the wealth gap, ple in ski masks and in the streets. The La Solide [EN/FR] Wildfire [EN]
The clashes that erupted on the campus inequality in all aspects, and amassing ones on the front lines fighting with the
are just the latest in a string of growing insecurity and precarity for workers and cops. The people attacking, defending,
confrontations between autonomous the poor. This is true in urban centers as organizing, building, and growing. Lucasville Amnesty [EN]
revolutionaries and the racist far-right it is in Appalachia. On a base line level, We live in a time that is marked by not
which is acting as an auxiliary force of wages have stagnated or fallen, poverty only increasing crisis and growing reac- Michael Kimble [EN]
the Trump regime while attempting to and homelessness grow, gentrification tion, but also in explosive and insurrec-
push it farther to the right. Suddenly, runs rampant, and overall conditions tionary mass resistance and refusal. At
anarchists and antifa, who have been have continued to erode for many New York City ABC [EN]
the same time, as it has never been so
demonized and sidelined by the left Americans while the most wealthy have clear to so many, that the institutional
have been hearing from liberals and grown even richer. Moreover, repression and electoral left is utterly and com- NATO Three [EN]
leftists, youve been right all along. on the streets of the US continues to pletely, useless.
But while revolutionary anarchist ideas ramp up, as the government continues
The crisis we face is not only one of cap- Prison Books [EN]
are starting to have a broader currency, to amass more powers of surveillance
many of the things that people are start- and spying, the prison population soars,
ital or industrial civilization, but that of PRISONER SUPPORT CONT.
its oh-so loyal opposition, the left.
ing to pick up on, we have been saying police kill on average around 3 people Portland ABC [EN] Support Nicole & Joseph [EN]
for years. per day, and law enforcement becomes Perhaps now, youll finally start listen-
And the stakes are only getting higher. more and more militarized. In short, for
Sacramento Prisoner Support [EN] Support Prisoner Resistance [EN]
Far-right forces are growing, both here most people, things are getting worse, THE STATE ISNT NEUTRAL
not better.
in the United States and around the Government has never been a tool to
world, but they are growing in the con- The coming to power of Donald Trump change peoples lives; its always been a Sean Swain [EN] Toronto ABC [EN]
text of a drastic failure of both neolib- only signals an acceleration of all of force which organizes them for the in-
eralism and socialist and leftist parties these realities. From Trumps plan to terests of the wealthy and powerful. Support Eric King [EN] Toute Dtention Est Politique [FR]
which grew out of social movements push through more resource extraction A state is a collection of hierarchal ap-
like SYRIZA and Podemos, and the projects while seeing the finishing of paratuses that holds a monopoly of vi-
Support Babygirl Gann [EN] Trans Prisoner Day Of Solidarity [EN]
continuing fallout of a restructured the Dakota Access Pipeline, the further olence in a given territory and has the
economy that has left behind literally growth of surveillance powers, attacks ability to enforce its power through
billions of people. Moreover, industrial on women, queer people, immigrant policing. States exist to ensure that the
production and extraction of resourc- workers, and Muslims, to broad sweep-
4 65
divisions that exist within society dont order to preserve the social peace. is available to further ingrain this elec-
make the overall power structure fall The State is designed to ensure the toral dissatisfaction and offer alternative
apart. As wrote in Work ability to govern and police a territory proposals for social functioning before the
Community Politics War: through force and violence for the inter- system has its next go at recuperation in
No matter who is in government, govern- est of those in power; it is not a means two years when, Weve got to take back
ment has its own logic. The fact that this in which our lives can be changed for the House Part of this is to challenge
NEWS INTERNATIONAL NEWS narratives around voting, to counter the
society is divided into classes with oppos- the better.
Anti-State STL [St. Louis, EN] 325 [EN] myth that the civil rights and Black Pow-
ing interests means that it is always at risk ELECTORALISM DOESNT LEAD of tearing itself apart. The government is er movements were about the right to vote,
BC Blackout [British Columbia, EN] Anti-Dveloppement [EN/FR] there to make sure that doesnt happen. that democracy is the highest expression of
The belief that the ballot box is the sin- human organization and freedom, and to Whether the government is a dictatorship
gle best way to not only create change, undermine the psychic weight and value
Conflict MN [Twin Cities, EN] or a democracy, it holds all the guns and
Attaque [France,, EN/ES/FR] but also hold on to gains made by ev- that voting carries in this society. To vote
will use them against its own population eryday people is a complete sham. It is or not vote is not the issue, rather it is to
to make sure that we keep going to work.
El Enemigo Comun [Oaxaca, EN/ES] also a hallmark of liberalism and much de-reify voting and properly situate it in
Bite Back [EN] But liberals paint a much different pic- of the left. Democracy is simply the our current context while suggesting that ture. They instead present a democratic window dressings we use to cover the
Final Straw Radio [Asheville, EN] the real work happens everywhere except
Chronik [Germany, EN/ES/FR] State as a neutral institution that simply dictatorship of everyday life. As Scott at the ballot box. needs enough good people to become in- Campbell wrote in Trumping Fear, If it didnt have such real consequences,
The Hamilton Institute [Hamilton, EN] volved in it. As someone wrote in After Finding Safety in Resistance:
Chuang [China, EN] Bern: An Open Letter To The Newly from a step back electoral politics would be With tens of millions feeling burned by laughably absurd. The notion of selecting Disheartened:
Filler [Pittsburgh, EN] Trumps election, and most of those not one person to rule over 320 million people
CrimethInc. [EN] There is an immense system of violence resonating with the slower death offered by based on the fact they all reside in a single, and domination in place over us that keeps Clinton, criticisms of the electoral system
Indigenous Action [EN] arbitrary territorial configuration is anti-
the wheels of this system running. While are running rampant: the convoluted pri-
Contra Info [EN/ES/FR] quated, incoherent with the current world it appears we have a hand in shaping our mary system, the corruption of the Dem- system and dictatorially unrepresentative.
Montral Counter-Information [Montral, EN/FR] lives, in reality there are clear systems of ocratic National Committee, the anachro-
Disaccords [Oceania, EN] control and management in place to make As Scott Jay writes in Jacobins Call for nism of the Electoral College, etc. Yet these sure that the overall structure of this society a New Party Means Only More Elec-
objections seek only ameliorative change,
Morgantown Ultra-Left Network [Morgantown, EN] is not threatened. No matter who is elected, toralism:
Earth First [EN] taking the current construct of governance no matter what political party you join, the as a given. Electoral strategies always seem to focus
Plain Words [Bloomington, EN] appearance of popular control, of democra- on funding and promoting themselves,
Insurrection News [EN] Rather than pointing to specific flaws cy, is a total illusion. with just enough lip service to give them a
within an oppressive framework, it is more But a State isnt a neutral coming to- gloss of social movement relevance, but not
Philly Anti-Capitalist [Philadelphia, EN] constructive to acknowledge that the system
LibCom [EN] gether of human-beings; it is instead an much more. Instead of being a launching actually worked as designed and provided
instrument of colonial and class dicta- point for social struggles, electoralism has voters will two physical representations of
Proyecto Ambulante [Oaxaca, ES] torship. This is how the American State been a one-trick pony whose only concrete
Noticias de la Guerra Social [Chile, ES] the core tenets of the United States. On one has always been organized: strategies feed directly back into itself and
side was the neoliberal imperialist and on
Puget Sound Anarchists [Pacific Northwest, EN] not into something greater. Rather than
America is a settler nation created out of the other the misogynistic white suprema-
Rabble [London, EN] providing a strategy for propelling social colonies managed by imperial powers. As cist. As the saying goes, No matter who movements, it is almost exclusively a jus-
Regeneracin Radio [Mexico City, ES] one of our founding fathers, John Jay put you vote for, they win. The source of our
tification for its own continuance. In the
Rebelin de las Palabras [ES] it, The people who own the country ought discontent, dispossession and death cannot context of a country dominated by two par- to govern it. be resolved at the ballot box. Social con-
Rififi [Bloomington, EN] ties, this often means at some level feeding
The reasons that everyday working-class structs of race and gender cannot be voted Recomposition [EN] back into the Democratic Party, reluctant
and poor people cant get ahead in pol- out of existence any more than capitalism to harm the only game in town.
Subversiones [Mexico, ES] itics is not because not enough people can be undone with the flick of a pen. Third
Squat!Net [EN/ES/FR] parties are nothing more than the systems Nowhere does this become more clear dont get involved in changing or par-
pressure valves, designed to channel dissent- than with the campaign of Bernie Sand-
Warrior Publications [EN] ticipating within the State, but because
ing energies into the electoral process where ers, as it was used to march millions of [EN] the people that run this government they can be rendered non-threatening. young, poor, and working-class voters
have invested interest in keeping the
Where The River Frowns [Evansville, EN] back into the arms of the Democratic
status-quo. This has not been anymore The illusion of choice and agency inher- Tahrir International Collective Network [Middle East, EN] Party after 8 years of being betrayed
clear than with the election of Donald ent in voting are rather acts of disempow-
by a President who ran on hope and
Workers Assemble [Durham, EN] Trump, as the entirety of the political erment and surrender. Now that the dis-
change, but delivered the opposite. Af- class lines up to work with a fascist in illusionment is spreading, the opportunity
ter Sanders was purposely destroyed by
64 5
the DNC, he then turned around and WE NEED TO BUILD A MOVE- system that is trying to kill them. October 22nd: Noise demonstration in November 5th: Train tracks blockaded ty with #NoDAPL in New York, USA
campaigned for Clinton, and has now MENT OUTSIDE OF POLITICAL solidarity with the prison strike in Minne- and burned during demonstration in soli- November 24th: Spontaneous demon-
But in all of these struggles, their log- apolis and Portland, USA darity with #NoDAPL in Atlanta, USA
even embraced working with Trump. PARTIES AND POLITICS ical and ethical conclusions come not stration in solidarity with evicted homeless
October 23rd: Fires set, guards attacked November 8th: Banner hung in solidarity encampment in Vancouver, CAN
Regardless, most people in the United Electoral politics feeds off of grassroots through politics, the election of a poli- and police property damaged in Goldsboro with #NoDAPL in Philadelphia, USA
States wanted nothing to do with the social movements and struggles, not tician, or through the State but in an November 25th: Locks glued at multi-
prison in North Carolina, USA November 8th: Spontaneous eruptions ple banks in solidarity with #NoDAPL in
election and didnt even bother to vote. into them. As Scott Jay wrote: insurrection and overthrowing of these October 24th: Dakota Access Pipeline against the election of Donald Trump take Minneapolis, USA
As the blog Where the River Frowns [E]lectoral activism feeds into electoral systems of power, exploitation, and po- construction site blockaded with new en- place in Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oakland, November 26th: Police attacked during shut-
pointed out in U.S. Elects President activism. It relies on itself to further itself. licing. campment in North Dakota, USA Olympia, and Pittsburgh, USA down of neo-nazi concert in Montreal, CAN
So-And-So, with 10% of Americans It attracts people who are attracted to elec- In all electoral campaigns, we see the October 24th: Dakota Access Pipeline November 8th: Barricades burned against November 27th: Graffiti painted in soli-
Strongly Supporting: toral politics and generally does not attract opposite growing of what is needed construction site blockaded in Iowa, USA the election of Donald Trump in Tucson, USA darity with #NoDAPL in Philadelphia, USA
Estimates indicate that 128.8 million peo- people engaging in class struggle. It does not however. As After Bern commented: October 24th: Posters wheatpasted and November 8th: Incendiary attack on Confed- November 27th: Anti-fascist graffiti
ple voted in Tuesdays Presidential election, need, nor does it feed class struggle, except graffiti painted in solidarity with the prison erate History Museum in New Orleans, USA painted in Portland, USA
Across the United States, the Sanders cam- strike in Denver, USA
which is 55.6% of the voting-eligible popu- to the extent that it might be able to take November 9th: Combative anti-Trump November 27th: Upscale businesses van-
paign has raised over $207 million dollars. October 24th: Starbucks vandalized in sol- demonstrations take place in dozens of cit-
lation. However, if people who are typically advantage of the sacrifices of militants in People knocked on doors, they put up stick- dalized in Montreal, CAN
idarity with the prison strike in Denver, USA ies across the country.
overlooked for reasons of age and felony order to declare itself a proper representa- ers, they organized rallies, and they made November 28th: Anti-fascist graffiti
October 24th: Trump supporters car November 10th: Riotous anti-Trump painted in Philadelphia, USA
status are included, the percentage drops tive of a social movement it did not create. phone calls. vandalized in Denver, USA demonstrations continue in several cities,
to only 39.6% of the total U.S. population This past 8 years weve seen a wide vari- including Atlanta, Los Angeles, Oakland, November 29th: Dakota Access Pipeline
What if we had put all of that [wasted] October 27th: Barricades and some con- construction site blockaded again in Iowa, USA
having voted. Of those who voted, 59 mil- ety of social movements rise and fall, all and Portland, USA
time, energy, and organization in building struction equipment are burned while
lion voted for the winnera mere 18.2% of to be recuperated and cast aside by elec- resisting the police eviction of the en- November 10th: Dakota Access Pipeline November 30th: Train tracks blockaded in
something that wasnt based around elect- solidarity with #NoDAPL in Quebec, CAN
the total population. According to a survey toralism and crushed by the State. Af- campment blockading the Dakota Access construction site blockaded in Iowa, USA
ing a politician? What if we put that time,
from the PEW Research Institute from late ter the economic crisis hit, we saw the Pipeline in North Dakota, USA November 11th: White supremacist stat- November 30th: Anti-fascist demonstra-
energy, organization, and hundreds of mil- tion in Cambridge, USA
October, of those who support a particular spread of occupations of college cam- October 27th: Sabal Trail Pipeline con- ue vandalized in Montreal, CAN
lions of dollars into building organizations struction site blockaded in Florida, USA
candidate, only 55% or 56% strongly sup- puses and the explosion of the Occupy November 10th: Dakota Access Pipeline Early December: Anti-fascist posters
that can fight, win, and seize land? wheatpasted in Berkeley, USA
port their candidate of choice. This brings Movement. Obama, with the help of October 27th: Banner hung in solidarity construction equipment and police vehicles
the proportion of the U.S. population who For all the rhetoric of the Sanders cam- with #NoDAPL in Minneapolis, USA vandalized in North Dakota, USA December 3rd: Union Bank vandalized in
Homeland Security, fusion centers, and
strongly support the President-elect to paign, his use of language of Occupy and October 28th: Bridge blockaded in soli- November 11th: Encampment blockades solidarity with #NoDAPL in Portland, USA
a collusion of local police departments,
10.2%. Black Lives Matter, both movements that darity with #NoDAPL in Quebec, CAN train tracks in solidarity with #NoDAPL in December 6th: Anti-fascist posters
crushed the encampments in a wave of Olympia, USA
the Democrats helped to crush under their October 28th: Form8 Tattoo shop van- wheatpasted in Orlando, USA
Moreover, whether in the Civil Rights violent repression.
own heels, there was not a political revo- dalized again in San Francisco, USA November 12th: Banks vandalized during December 6th: White nationalist presen-
or Labor movement, it was rioting, oc- Several years later, we saw the explo- anti-Trump demonstration in Berkeley, USA
lution. But moreover, those energized by October 28th: Police vehicles vandalized tation disrupted in Texas, USA
cupations, and mass resistance and dis- sion of the Ferguson Insurrection, Sanders are now free to be led directly into during demonstration in response to police November 14th: Graffiti painted in soli- December 7th: Incendiary attack on
ruption that forced the state to grant which then quickly spread to Baltimore, murder in Puebla, MEX darity with #NoDAPL in Philadelphia, USA ATM in Tijuana, MEX
the Democratic Party machine
concessions, not the slow, long march Oakland, Charlotte, Milwaukee, and
We need to build up strong, dynamic, October 29th: Demonstration in solidari- November 15th: Blockades in solidarity with December 8th: Locks glued at Rainbow
through the institutions. Further- elsewhere. Other mass struggles, move- ty with the prison strike in New York, USA #NoDAPL spread throughout continent. Bakery in solidarity with Feral Pines who died
more, the democratic process has only and grassroots organizations, crews,
ments, and upheavals soon followed, October 29th: TD Bank ATMs are van- November 16th: Train tracks blockaded in in the Ghost Ship fire in Bloomington, USA
allowed rights, living standards, and networks, and movements from the
from the #PrisonStrike, to #NoDAPL, dalized in solidarity with #NoDAPL in solidarity with #NoDAPL in Quebec, CAN December 9th: Graffiti painted during
better conditions to slowly be whittled ground up, not from the top down. Kingston, CAN
to the mass disruptions and riots that November 16th: Anti-state banner hung spontaneous demonstration in solidarity
away by more powerful forces backed These need to be based in our neigh- with Feral Pines in Olympia, USA
followed the election of Donald Trump. October 30th: Police vehicles and white in Seattle, USA
by the State itself. In short, undem- borhoods, workplaces, schools, and supremacist statues are vandalized during December 11th: Incendiary attacks on a
Again, Scott Jay: November 16th: Banner hung in solidarity
ocratic means forced the hand of the communities, not in the halls of power. Mischief Night demonstration in New bank and a government office in Oaxaca, MEX
[T]here are young people around the with the prison strike in Philadelphia, USA
State, while over the decades as struggle We need to find ways to come togeth- Orleans, USA December 13th: Multiple banks vandal-
country who have risen up in rebellion November 17th: Fires set after police evict
receded back into politics, these gains er to amplify our collective power and October 30th: Port of Olympia offices are ized in solidarity with #NoDAPL in Mon-
against the police killing them over the last rail blockade encampment in Olympia, USA
were lost. strength, not piss it away in votes. vandalized in solidarity with #NoDAPL in treal, CAN
few years. They probably did not bother to Olympia, USA November 17th: Citibank vandalized in
We need fighting movements with solidarity with #NoDAPL in Chicago, USA December 14th: Neo-nazis car vandal-
What this means is exactly what anar- ask themselves whether their actions were November: Twenty security cameras de-
teeth, not pathetic attempts at taking a ized in Chicago, USA
chists have been saying all along. That going to hurt the Democrats chances in get- stroyed in Montreal, CAN November 18th: Fascists attacked out-
seat at the table of power. side white nationalist meeting in Washing- December 15th: Neo-nazi attacked at
not only does the electoral path not lead ting reelected. They are living in completely November 3rd: Train tracks blockaded in concert in Minneapolis, USA
to social change, to say nothing of rev- DISRUPTIVE AND CONFRONTA- ton DC, USA
different worlds, one where people fight for solidarity with #NoDAPL in Quebec, CAN December 20th: Incendiary attacks on In-
olution but overall, the vast majori- their lives against a system trying to de- TIONAL ACTION BRINGS PEOPLE November 5th: Sabal Trail Pipeline con-
November 19th: Anti-fascist demonstra-
tion in Mexico City, MEX stitute of Women office in Mexico City, MEX
ty of Americans reject the democratic stroy them, another where people draw up INTO MOVEMENTS AND STRUG- struction site blockaded again in Florida, USA December 24th: Incendiary attack on
two-party sham that most liberals and blueprints for national organizations with GLES, NOT PUSH THEM AWAY November 5th: Fascists and police at-
November 19th: Anti-Trump demon-
strations in Denver, and Minneapolis, USA ATM in Mexico City, MEX
the left cling to or think they can create no discussion as to who is actually going Liberals and much of the left claim that tacked during counter-demonstration against
November 22nd: Another Citibank van- December 31st: Noise demos take place
an alternative to within its confines. to build the thing. The youth in the streets confrontational tactics hurt us more neo-nazi rally in Harrisburg, USA outside jails, prisons and detention centers
dalized in solidarity with #NoDAPL in
have been less concerned about ballot access than they help, from breaking windows November 5th: Trump Hotel and FBI Chicago, USA across the continent.
and more concerned about challenging the to blocking streets. But in reality, each offices vandalized during demonstration in
Washington DC, USA November 24th: Banner hung in solidari-

6 63
September 9th: Guards attacked in Te- trucks looted during spontaneous eruption beville prison in South Carolina, USA and every time this plays out in the struggle is real; when there is skin in the more repressive. The ecological situa-
cumseh prison in Nebraska, USA in response to the police murder of Keith September 28th: Anarchist prisoners be- streets and in our communities, it is game, something to fight for, and people tion, more and more dire. The economy
September 9th: Guards attacked in Te- Lamont Scott in Charlotte, USA gin hunger strikes across Mexico. simply not the case. In fact, confron- are putting their bodies on the line, they continues to make us more and more
cumseh prison in Nebraska, USA September 20th: Enbridge office vandal- September 30th: Noise demonstration at tation and disruption, in other words: often come out in droves. It is symbolic impoverished and precarious. The far-
September 9th: McDonalds vandalized ized in solidarity with #NoDAPL in Ham- prison in San Pedro Tlanixco, MEX
ilton, CAN
physically fighting, brings more people and legalistic protest which is pointless right grows strong while the left in its
in solidarity with the prison strike in Oak- October 1st: Police station vandalized in in than sign holding or writing letters and doesnt work and ends up turning institutional form, weaker and weaker.
land, USA September 21st: Banner hung in solidar- Georgia, USA
ity with #NoDAPL in Bloomington, USA to the editor ever did. If anything, the many people away. The movement that we need doesnt
September 10th: Prisoners vandalize two October 1st: Banner hung in solidarity wet blanket and attempts to control
units after mass demonstration is repressed September 21st: Dorm taken over by pris- SELF-DEFENSE IS NOT THE look like a carbon copy from the past,
with #NoDAPL and Charlotte rebels in things by protest managers and liberals
at Kinross prison in Michigan, USA oners at Holman prison in Alabama, USA Asheville, USA
SAME THING AS FASCISM nor is there a scientific program of rev-
kills social movements, not combative olution that we can adhere too. We are
September 10th: Noise demonstrations September 21st: Graffiti painted in solidarity October 1st: Banner hung in solidarity Fascism aims at creating an authoritar-
in solidarity with the prison strike continue with anarchist prisoners in Mexico City, MEX actions which can be disruptive and at entering into territory that is new and
with the prison strike in Minneapolis, USA ian State and to do so, it must crush its
to take place in several cities around the U.S. times violent. different from any other time in history.
September 21st: Police attacked and October 1st: Banner hung in solidarity enemies in order to build up its pow-
September 10th: Banners hung in soli- stores looted during demonstration in re- with the prison strike in Mexico City, MEX We see this playing out in every so- er. If we are to stop them, were going What we do know is that we need a
darity with the prison strike in Los Angeles, sponse to the police murder of Keith Lam- cial struggle and movement. The riots, to have to shut them down and smash dynamic, fighting, and combative move-
and Tucson, USA ont Scott in Charlotte, USA October 1st: Starbucks and McDonalds
picketed in solidarity with the prisons strike blockades, and clashes with the police them off the streets, giving them no ment. We need networks of defense,
September 10th: Banners hung in solidar- September 22nd: Graffiti painted in solidar- in Bloomington, USA in Occupy Oakland grew the size and platform and no quarter. support, and offensive capacity that can
ity with the prison strike in Montreal, CAN ity with Charlotte rebels in Philadelphia, USA scale of the movement, and were them-
October 2nd: Combative demonstration But as the far-right has grown as a re- not only fight in the struggles that lay
September 10th: Graffiti painted in sol- September 23rd: Demonstration in solidari- against the 1968 Tlatelolco massacre in selves informed by the Oscar Grant ri-
idarity with the prison strike in Chicago, ty with Charlotte rebels in Pittsburgh, USA actionary movement in the wake of the all around us but can begin to build new
Mexico City, MEX ots and students occupations of several worlds.
Ohio and Tucson, USA September 23rd: Graffiti painted in soli- Black Lives Matter movement as well as
October 3rd: University blockaded during years prior.
September 11th: Banner hung in solidar- darity with Charlotte rebels in Minneapolis becoming a auxiliary force within the The left, as defined by the rules of social
student strike in solidarity with anarchist The Ferguson Insurrection inspired
ity with the prison strike in California, USA and Seattle, USA prisoners in Mexico City, MEX Trump campaign, liberals and some of change and revolution and put forward
September 11th: Graffiti painted in solidar- September 24th: Fascist confronted youth people across the country and led those within the left have repeated a by everyone from Marxist-Leninists to
October 4th: Streets barricaded during
ity with the prison strike in Montana, USA during anti-racist demonstration in New to other uprisings and rebellions which flurry of idiotic statements about those Bernie-Bros to bumper sticker liberals
student strike in Mexico City, MEX
September 12th: Dorm taken over at Co- Orleans, USA pulled in tens of thousands. Despite who risk everything to confront fascism. is over.
October 7th: Streets barricaded again in
lumbia prison in Florida, USA September 24th: Military base attacked leaders within the Black Lives Mat-
Mexico City, MEX Overall, liberals argue that to use vio- We are the ones in the street. We are the
September 12th: Department of Correc- with fireworks in Chilpancingo, MEX ter movement attempting to endorse
October 7th: Demonstration in solidarity lence against fascism, or to shut down ones who are fighting. From indigenous
tions vandalized in solidarity with the pris- September 24th: Power line sabotage is with the ZAD in Montreal, CAN the Democrats, channel the movement
fascists and give them no platform, is warriors, anti-fascist fighters, black lib-
on strike in Seattle, USA claimed in Quebec, CAN back into politics, and reduce it to sim-
October 7th: Lucasville prison vandalized actually just as bad as what the fascists eration militants, and anarchist revolu-
September 12th: UPS boxes vandalized September 25th: Noise demonstration in in solidarity with the prison strike in Ohio, ple reforms, the movement continues to
in solidarity with the prison strike in Phil- solidarity with the prison strike in Washing-
do in fact, its the real fascism. tionaries, we are all part of a growing
USA evolve and remain combative and dis-
adelphia, USA ton, USA We think that in reality the total op- force that is building something new.
October 12th: Demonstration in solidari- ruptive over a period of several years.
September 12th: Pipeline construction September 25th: Street fighting with po- posite is true. Since the election, hun- And we are the ones that will set the
ty with queer prisoners in Lansing, USA The national #PrisonStrike which was
site blockaded in solidarity with #NoDAPL lice in solidarity with 43 disappeared stu- dreds of hate crimes have taken place, course of our own destiny, and out of
in Vermont, USA dents in Chilpancingo, MEX October 13th: Form8 Tattoo shop van- coordinated by inside grassroots pris-
dalized again in San Francisco, USA
as Trumps win has embolden the au- this nightmare once and for all.
September 13th: Incendiary attack on September 25th: Demonstration in soli-
oners organizations and outside sup-
tonomous far-right like never before.
police vehicles in Ecatepec, MEX darity with Charlotte rebels in Oakland, USA October 14th: Mobile slaughter unit sab- porting groups, was kicked off by waves
otaged in Oregon, USA In the wake of attacks on people across
September 13th: Dakota Access Pipeline September 26th: Barricades burned in of violent riots, uprisings, and clashes
the US, that anti-fascist position that
construction site blockaded again in North solidarity with anarchist prisoners in Mex- October 15th: Posters wheatpasted and with guards.
graffiti painted in solidarity with the prison combative and militant action against
Dakota, USA ico City, MEX In the struggle against the Dakota Ac-
strike in Minneapolis, USA fascists is in fact community self-defense
September 15th: Banner hung in solidar- September 26th: Guards attacked at Tur- cess Pipeline, a wide range of tactics has never been stronger.
ity with the prison strike in Denver, USA beville prison in South Carolina, USA October 15th: Noise demonstration in soli-
darity with the prison strike in California, USA have been used to defeat the project,
If you dont want fascism, youre going
September 15th: Noise demonstration in September 26th: Pro-Trump Form8 Tat- from arson attacks against equipment,
solidarity with the prison strike in Denver, USA too shop vandalized in San Francisco, USA October 15th: Incendiary attack on Dakota to have to fight against it. Period. Those
Access Pipeline construction site in Iowa, USA to mass marches, to peaceful prayer
September 18th: Correctional Officers September 27th: Barricades burned during
that take on this fight are fighting in
vigils, to attacks on banks. In the wake
Training Academy blockaded in Tucson, USA highway blockade in Michoacn, MEX October 16th: Incendiary attack on GOP of- self-defense, and those taking risks de-
fice in North Carolina, USA of violent clashes between water pro-
September 19th: Timber sale tree-spiked September 27th: Equipment burned during serve our support.
October 16th: Incendiary attack in solidarity
tectors, police, and DAPL security, the
in Oregon, USA blockade of mining site in Chiapas, MEX movement exploded as protectors were A movement that sells out those that
with anarchist prisoners in Mexico City, MEX
September 20th: Noise demonstration September 27th: Dakota Access Pipeline seen heroically risking their lives on the fight to defend it are not worthy of the
in solidarity with #NoDAPL prisoners in construction site blockaded again in North October 17th: Anti-fascist banner hung name.
at prominent neo-nazi organizers college front lines. Currently, thousands are
North Dakota, USA Dakota, USA
campus in California, USA still streaming into Standing Rock. WE NEED A SOCIAL REVOLUTION
September 20th: Banner hung in solidar- September 27th: Guard attacked at Hol-
ity with the prison strike in Hamilton, CAN man prison in Alabama, USA October 17th: Highway blockaded in Liberals and leftists claim that con- The political, ecological, and econom-
Michoacn, MEX frontational actions scares away people ic forces and crises aimed against us
September 20th: Banner hung in solidarity September 28th: Graffiti painted in soli-
with the Rojava revolution in New York, USA darity with the prison strike in Lansing, USA October 19th: UPS lockers vandalized in from getting involved. But we find the means that time is not on our side. The
Philadelphia, USA opposite to be true. When people see a state continues to become more and
September 20th: Highway blockaded and September 28th: Guard attacked at Tur-

62 7
blockaded in solidarity with striking teach- with Waupun prisoners on hunger strike in August 30th: Anti-racist posters wheat-
ers in Chiapas, MEX Portland, USA pasted in Sacramento, USA
Late July: Logging operation sabotaged in Mid August: Police attacked and busi- August 31st: Energy Transfer Partners of-
British Columbia, CAN nesses burned for several nights during fice doorlocks are glued shut in Dallas, USA

POWER AND ITS REPRESSION Late July: Incendiary attacks on three Da- eruptions in response to the police murder August 31st: Police vehicles are vandal-
kota Access Pipeline construction sites in of Sylville Smith in Milwaukee, USA ized during disruption of US-appointed
Iowa, USA August 13th: Graffiti painted in solidarity PROMESA meeting in Puerto Rico
FROM ICONOCLASIA - TRANSLATED BY SCOTT CAMPBELL - MARCH 4TH, 2016 August 1st: Anti-police and anti-racist with Milwaukee rioters in Atlanta, Denver September 1st: Banners hung in solidar-
banners hung in Tucson, USA and New Orleans, USA ity with the prison strike in Evansville and
On the repressive circus mounted by the of domination spread rapidly. Sabotage constant shadowing of compaeros car-
August 1st: Prisoners take over a dorm and August 14th: Anti-police graffiti painted Indianapolis, USA
Mexican State and attacks of all kinds spread through- ried out by police in recent weeks using in solidarity with Milwaukee rioters in Min-
out the territory. In those moments of private cars, the intimidating telephone set fires at Holman prison in Alabama, USA Early September: Fires set during
what is condemned about anarchists neapolis, USA demonstration in response to the police
subversion of the existing order and the calls, the constant surveillance outside August 1st: Prisoners vandalize the facil-
is not the violence, but their having tran- ity and fight with guards at Vanderburgh August 14th: Police station windows murder of Levonia Riggins in Florida, USA
scended denunciations and conferences, destruction of social peacethat is, the the home of some compas, the visits smashed and anti-police graffiti painted
County Jail in Evansville, USA Early September: Anti-fascist graffiti
bringing disobedience, insubordination peace of the powerfulthe repressive from ministerial police at the homes of during spontaneous demonstration in solidar- painted in Oakland, USA
August 1st: Venue hosting pro-police ity with Milwaukee rioters in Olympia, USA
and the capacity for revolt to this point. responses from the dominators were several compaeros involved in various event is vandalized in Bloomington, USA September 4th: Banner hung in solidarity
What is condemned is precisely the fact not lacking. Monitoring, surveillance, parts of the anarchist movement, these August 15th: Dakota Access Pipeline with the prison strike in Chicago, USA
August 2nd: Noise demonstration in soli- construction site blockaded again in North
of their standing up and walking from the searches, arrests, and even attempts are part of the same story. darity with the September 9th prison strike September 4th: A second Starbucks is
Dakota, USA
point of a radical critique of power and an at disappearances, were what we lived Included in this repressive climate is the in Durham, USA vandalized in Georgia, USA
with in those days, in the years past. August 15th: Graffiti painted in solidarity
intransigent ethic of freedom; and, more- arrest of compaero Yorch Punk, one August 3rd: Prisoners set fires at Henry with the prison strike in Houston, USA September 6th: Graffiti painted in solidar-
over, to do so until the very end. The climate today is not so different of those who for years have inhabited County Jail in Indiana, USA ity with the prison strike in Lansing, USA
August 15th: Road sign hacked with an-
Daniel Barret (Rafael Spsito) and beyond a campaign of harassment, Okupa Che in the Philosophy and August 3rd: Police memorial vandalized ti-police message in Denver, USA September 6th: Construction equipment
what is happening today is a continua- Letters Department at UNAM. Last again in solidarity with the prison strike in is vandalized as the Dakota Access Pipe-
When the unyielding have declared war Philadelphia, USA August 16th: Luxury stores and cars are line construction site is blockaded again in
tion of the repressive actions the State Wednesday night, February 24, around vandalized in Montreal, CAN
on power with their daily, consistent August 4th: Mt Polley mine blockaded in North Dakota, USA
has directed against anarchists in recent 9:45pm, ten individuals with military August 17th: Banners hung in solidarity
action, there is not much need for pre- British Columbia, CAN September 6th: Fires set in Lincoln pris-
years. Just read the stories about the appearances forced compaero Yorch with the prison strike in New Orleans, USA
texts in order to attack the subversives. August 4th: Women prisoners set fires at on in Nebraska, USA
climate of tension experienced during into a white truck without license August 18th: Graffiti painted in solidarity
For power, the fact that anarchists are Henry County Jail in Indiana, USA September 6th: Guards attacked in Nas-
the Informal Anarchist Symposium; plates, threatening the two people who with the prison strike in California, USA
unyielding to powers norms, that they August 4th: Banner hung in solidarity sau County jail in New York, USA
just consult the statements from Oku- accompanied him with weapons. The August 20th: A Starbucks is vandalized in
cant be corrupted and dont make alli- with Korryn Gaines, murdered by police in September 7th: Multiple dorms taken
pa Che and take a look at the anarchist morning of the 25th, at around 5am, Georgia, USA
ances, is enough of a reason to attack New York, USA over by hundreds of prisoners in Holmes
websites and independent media to get masked individuals burned an auto- August 20th: Venue hosting a Trump cam- prison in Florida, USA
them. Its true, many times those who August 6th: Anti-police graffiti painted in
a sense of these repressive actions. mobile belonging to UNAM Securi- paign fundraiser is vandalized and the mo- September 8th: Banner hung in solidarity
rule the world have to carry out crimi- Philadelphia, USA
This year seems to already be highlight- ty and built barricades on the interior torcade is disrupted in Minneapolis, USA with the prison strike in Lexington, USA
nalization campaigns in order to attack August 6th: Anarchist graffiti painted in
ed in the calendar of power, and we thoroughfare of the university, in front Montreal, CAN Mid August: Posters wheatpasted and September 8th: Guards attacked in Val-
various struggles, anarchists included.
dont say that with a prophetic voice, of the squatted auditorium. Hours lat- graffiti painted in solidarity with the prison dosta prison in Georgia, USA
However, other times these campaigns August 8th: Prisoners stage a hunger strike in Minneapolis, USA
the facts simply make it quite clear to er it was finally known that compae- strike at Berks immigration detention cen- September 8th: Democratic Party Head-
are much more than a campaign to August 22nd: Highways blockades are es-
us. For some months now (a little be- ro Yorch was being held in the Federal ter in Pennsylvania, USA quarters disrupted in solidarity with the
discredit; besides, who wants credit? tablished in solidarity with striking teachers
fore the start of the new year), the police Attorney Generals office located in August 8th: Anti-fascist graffiti painted in prison strike in Bloomington, USA
Do we need it? The vast majority of across the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, MEX
forces of the Mexican State have been the historic city center. But the system Indiana, USA September 8th: Gas terminal expropriated
the time, these campaigns are part of a August 23rd: Anti-Hydro Line 735 ban-
carrying out acts of espionage, intim- didnt hesitate in starting up its ma- August 10th: Dakota Access Pipeline con- and shopping centers blockaded in solidarity
strike of greater magnitude, form part ner hung in Quebec, CAN with striking teachers in Oaxaca, MEX
idation and attacks against anarchist, nipulative machinery, which forms an struction site blockaded in North Dakota, USA
of an overwhelming strike that the State August 23rd: Banner hung in solidarity
libertarian and subversive individuals; important part in the repressive exper- August 10th: Banners hung in solidarity September 9th: Over 50,000 prisoners
plans to inflict. It is within this context with the prison strike in Athens, USA are estimated to have been involved in pris-
and also against projects that, for pow- iment of social pedagogy. In the after- with the prison strike in Texas, USA
one can place recent events, part of August 23rd: Salmon feedlot industry on strike activities, such as work or hunger
er, constitute a real threat. Messages noon, all the news outlets announced August 10th: Noise demonstration in soli-
powers repression of the local anarchist disrupted by indigenous warriors in British strikes, in over twenty states.
with a link sent to the telephones of the capture of an alleged drug dealer darity with the prison strike in Atlanta, USA Columbia, CAN
or libertarian landscape, that is to say, in September 9th: Noise demonstrations in
common people; emails sent to some in the vicinity of University City, who, August 11th: Graffiti painted in solidarity August 24th: Noise demonstration in soli- solidarity with the prison strike take place
the Federal District [Mexico City].
anarchist projects with attached links to give coherence to their circus, they with the prison strike in Philadelphia, USA darity with the prison strike in Atlanta, USA in numerous cities around the U.S.
The subversive struggle in the region pointed to as the leader of Okupa Che.
containing a malware product called Da August 11th: Train tracks blockaded in sol- August 24th: Mink freed from fur farm in September 9th: Banners hung in solidar-
has gained in strength and form in the Some outlets accused Yorch of pos- idarity with striking teachers in Michoacn,
Vinci, acquired by the Mexican State Ontario, CAN ity with the prison strike in a dozen cities
past three years. In years prior, attacks sessing marijuana, others of possessing MEX around the U.S.
from HackingTeam as a means to in- Late August: Posters wheatpasted and
on power were carried out, in general, amphetamines, some of diazepam and August 12th: Dakota Access Pipeline
filtrate computers and telephones, are graffiti painted in solidarity with the prison September 9th: Graffiti painted in soli-
from the shadows, but they began to even cocaine. If Yorch drank, if he took construction site blockaded again in North strike in Denver and Philadelphia, USA darity with the prison strike in Denver, New
part of these repressive actions, of the Dakota, USA
happen in the light of day as well. Op- drugs or if he was straightedge is some- York, Oakland, Providence, Seattle, and St
continuation of what the State has been August 27th: Coal train blockaded in
position took the form of possible wide- thing that should matter little to us, as August 12th: Police memorial vandalized Bellingham, USA Louis, USA
doing to subversives for the past two again in Richmond, USA
spread revolt, disturbances took on con- the strategy of power is more than clear: August 29th: National Energy Board September 9th: Major disturbances occur
years. But not just that. There is also the in multiple prisons in Florida, USA
sciousness and attacks on the structures August 12th: Banner hung in solidarity meeting shut down in Montreal, CAN
8 61
Late May: Incendiary attack on North Olympia, USA tion in Phoenix, USA a campaign of criminalization, possibly is uncomfortable to power, hence the The tiger does not lose sleep over the
American Fur Auction in Toronto, CAN June 26th: Fascists attacked during count- July 9th: Police attacked during demon- preceding a great repressive event. That criminalization in the news, as a way opinion of sheep; this is how we should
May 28th: A grocery store is vandalized er-demonstration against neo-nazi rally in stration in response to the police murder of statement is not for nothing, just look to have a minimal justification for stu- move forward, without the opinions of
and looted in the daylight in Montreal, Sacramento, USA Philando Castile in St Paul, USA at the context of the compaeros arrest, dents and society in case of an excessive others about us as anarchists imped-
CAN June 26th: Pro-gentrification tour is dis- July 10th: Anti-police demonstration in which occurred at the end of an activ- use of force. But this is not a separate ing our ability to realize our dreams, as
May 28th: Confrontations with police rupted and participants sprayed with rotten San Jose, USA ity held at the squatted auditorium in issue, as it is indisputably linked to all we do not seek prestige; this is how we
outside Trump rally in San Diego, USA milk in Hamilton, CAN July 10th: Police station painted during an- solidarity with imprisoned compaeros. of the monitoring, the visits by the fed- should advance against the wind, with-
May 29th: The Mauricio Morales social June 27th: Anti-prison graffiti painted in ti-police demonstration in Carbondale, USA Adding to this the fact that the follow- eral ministerial police at compaeros out the repression of the State (selec-
center is squatted in Tijuana, MEX Durham, USA July 10th: Noise demonstration outside ing day the director of the Philosophy homes, the harassment, the sending of tive or daily) being able to paralyze our
June 2nd: Anti-gentrification demonstra- Early July: Banners hung in solidarity with jail holding arrestees from previous nights and Letters Department called for the messages, making clear what they are struggle or keep us inactive or in con-
tion in New York, USA Sacramento anti-fascists in Tijuana, MEX riot in St Paul, USA
prompt eviction of the squat, the sus- preparing. Repression, like any other stant weariness; as such, like the tiger
June 5th: Graffiti in solidarity with anar- July 1st: Banner hung in solidarity with Sac- July 10th: Anti-police graffiti painted in
pension of intra-campus transporta- method, has a before, has its central who doesnt lose sleep but stays wide
chist prisoners is painted in Oaxaca, MEX ramento anti-fascists in Minneapolis, USA Philadelphia, USA
tion, and in the afternoon of the 25th, moment, and has an after. The repres- awake, that is how we should advance
June 10th: Prisoners begin a hunger strike July 1st: The Canada Day parade is disrupt- July 10th: Anti-fascist posters wheatpast-
in Wisconsin, USA ed with a flag burning in Kingston, CAN ed and graffiti painted in Berkeley, USA
the announcement of a meeting be- sive strike is being prepared, practiced in the face of all adversities, generating
tween the President of UNAM and the and justified, although all this is done in projects of freedom capable of subvert-
June 11th: Old growth mill spiked in Or- July 1st: Banners in solidarity with Sacra- July 10th: Pro-police flag stolen and
egon, USA mento anti-fascists is hung in Berkeley, USA burned in Oakland, USA police to arrange the eviction. order to maintain a faade, as the State ing the relations of domination, capable
But this is not the first time theyve does not need to justify anything, it sim- of contributing to the spreading and in-
June 11th: Banner in solidarity with anar- July 3rd: Explosive attacks on various busi- July 10th: Anti-fascist anti-police graffiti
chist prisoners hung in Elgin, USA ness associations in Toluca, MEX painted in Seattle, USA tried to do their worst to Yorch. Two ply makes use of its authority. But re- tensification of the conflict against au-
years ago, in 2014, Yorch was viciously pression is not just the repressive strike thority. Determination is what we have,
June 11th: Anti-colonial posters wheat- July 4th: Vandalized American flag is hung July 10th: Anti-fascist graffiti painted in
pasted in Minneapolis, USA in Elgin, USA Minneapolis, USA beaten by a paramilitary group when itself, nor the arrest of compaeros, nor though many become disheartened and
June 11th: Probation office vandalized in July 4th: Noise demonstrations outside July 11th: Blockades of train tracks in soli- they tried to retake the squatted audito- the kettling of a demonstration. The everything seems difficult.
Bloomington, USA jails in Bloomington and New York, USA darity with striking teachers all over Mexico. rium, a group that was beaten back by a State practices repression in everyday There is nothing left but to send a greet-
June 11th: In the following days, barri- July 5th: Prisoners stage a hunger strike at July 13th: Police memorial vandalized in large group of anarchist compaeros in ways, through the classroom, through ing of support to compaero Yorch
cades and street fighting spreads through Waupun prison in Wisconsin, USA Richmond, USA December 2013. On this occasion, they the television, through the family; at Punk. All our solidarity to the com-
the state after authorities attack striking July 5th: Spontaneous demonstration July 13th: Prisoners stage a hunger strike severely beat Yorch, burned him with a work, in the jails, in the psychiatrists of- paero and to all compaeros facing
teachers in Oaxaca, MEX against the police murder of Jerry Jai Wil- at Green Bay prison in Wisconsin, USA blowtorch, opened up his head, and em- fice; the repression the State practices is repression, imprisoned, and those who
Early June: Banners hung in solidarity liams in Asheville, USA July 14th: Anti-police graffiti painted in bedded metal pellets in his skin. To the also in the power relations that prevail are on the run, transgressing the laws of
with Oaxaca rebels in Tijuana, MEX July 5th: Banner in solidarity with Ryan Philadelphia, USA in society, therefore, a fight against re-
misfortune of those reds, the following power.
June 13th: Anti-prison demonstration in Ronquillo murdered by the police two years July 15th: Banner hung in solidarity with day a large group of compaeros again pression is a fight for the destruction of
Washington DC, USA earlier in Denver, USA Against power and against all authority,
Oaxaca rebels in Pennsylvania, USA retook the auditorium, so their failed power. Without abolition and without
social war without agreement or medi-
June 13th: Anti-police graffiti painted in July 5th: Blockades take place across the city July 15th: Demonstration in solidarity assault did not last long, as we say. mediation, a precise attack against the
Chicago, USA against police repression in Mexico City, MEX ation!
with Oaxaca rebels in San Francisco, USA structures, the representatives and the
In any light, what has happened to Some anarchists from the Mexican region,
June 14th: A car with a confederate flag July 5th: Construction site sabotaged in July 15th: Streets barricaded for dance social relations that sustain this domi-
sticker is vandalized in Olympia, USA Philadelphia, USA Yorch is nothing more than part of a February 26, 2016
party in Carbondale, USA nation.
June 16th: Graffiti in solidarity with the July 6th: Anti-police graffiti painted in At-
plan to evict a space that in some way
July 16th: Banner hung in solidarity with
victims of the Orlando shooting is painted lanta, USA those killed by the police in Bloomington,
in Minneapolis, USA July 7th: White supremacist memorial USA
June 16th: Politician attacked at vigil for vandalized in Austin, USA July 19th: Far-right Alex Jones punched
victims of the Orlando shooting in Montreal, July 7th: Various right-wingers are con- during protests at the Republican National
CAN fronted during an anti-police demonstra- Convention in Cleveland, USA
June 17th: Explosive attack on Federal Com- tion in Olympia, USA July 21st: Invesco targeted with anti-ani-
mission of Electricity office in Oaxaca, MEX July 7th: Highway blocked and police sta- mal lab posters in Vancouver, CAN
June 17th: Explosive attack on Banorte tion painted during anti-police demonstra- July 22nd: Anti-police occupation estab-
bank in Oaxaca, MEX tion in Oakland, USA lished in Chicago, USA
June 17th: Thirteen TELMEX telephone July 7th: Police and a jewelry store at- July 22nd: Police memorial vandalized in
booths sabotaged in Mexico City, MEX tacked during demonstration in response to Philadelphia, USA
June 19th: Street fighting escalates after the police murder of Philando Castile in St
Paul, USA July 25th: Banners hung in solidarity with
police attack highway blockade in solidarity anti-fascist prisoners in Denver and Minne-
with striking teachers in Nochixtln, MEX July 8th: Anti-racist graffiti painted in Phi- apolis, USA
June 22nd: Traffic blocked during demon- lapdelphia, USA
July 27th: Prisoners stage a hunger strike
stration in response to police repression in July 8th: Anti-fascist posters wheatpasted at Lucasville prison in Ohio, USA
Mexico City, MEX in Dallas, USA
July 30th: Fascists attacked during count-
June 24th: Large crowd attacks police and July 8th: Anti-clearcut banner hung in er-demonstration against neo-nazi rally in
attacks many businesses following music British Columbia, CAN Buffalo, USA
festival in Montreal, CAN July 9th: Police and a Trump supporter are Late July: Airports and shopping malls
June 26th: Anti-police banner hung in attacked during an anti-police demonstra- Barricades in solidarity with Okupa Che in Mexico City, MEX
60 4
ers hung in Minneapolis, USA April 6th: Anti-police graffiti painted in April 28th: Trump supporters are at-
March 15th: Anti-police demonstration Minneapolis, USA tacked and police vehicles are vandalized
in Montreal, CAN April 8th: Anti-police graffiti painted in outside campaign rally in Costa Mesa, USA


March 15th: Anti-police graffiti painted in Montreal, CAN April 29th: Trump supporters are attacked
Philadelphia, USA April 9th: Demonstrations in solidarity outside campaign event in California, USA
March 16th: Anti-prison demonstration with Texas prisoners in Austin and Kansas April 29th: Sarpy County jail vandalized
SUBMITTED TO ITS GOING DOWN - SEPTEMBER 28TH, 2016 in Lansing, USA City, USA in Nebraska, USA
It was a Saturday night. When we tion watching them cower. We listened us as if to shoo us along, but everyone March 17th: Prison vandalized in Quebec, April 9th: Noise demonstration at Hol- April 30th: Anti-police posters wheat-
CAN man prison in Alabama, USA pasted in Minneapolis, USA
caught word that the BP on Sherman to the mayor and police chief on the turned around and ran at the squad car.
and Burleigh was in flames, we hopped radio admit they have no control over They whipped around and dipped off. March 18th: Voting booths blocked from April 11th: Demonstration in solidarity Late April: Anti-police graffiti painted in
entering the city in Michoacn, MEX with Texas prisoners in Tucson, USA Bloomington, USA
in the car and headed over. It had final- the situation. They lamented that the Everyone cheered.
March 19th: Trump campaign headquar- April 11th: Log loader sabotaged in Brit- May 1st: Inmates begin work strike at
ly happened, like we all knew it would. criss-crossing streets of the neighbor- We marched west on Burleigh and
ters vandalized in Jacksonville, USA ish Columbia, CAN three prisons in Alabama, USA
Police murdered another Black man. hood made it hard for the cops to ma- blasted Lil Boosie Fuck the Police.
March 19th: Noise demonstration at Le- April 11th: Police and government offices May 1st: May Day demonstrations take
His name is Sylville Smith. We drove neuver. Everyone sung along to the chorus are attacked during demonstration in re- place in hundreds of cities across the con-
west on Burleigh from around Fon Du clerc prison in Quebec, CAN
The next day a crowd of a few hundred and as we approached the gas station sponse to the police murder of Sandy Tar- tinent.
Lac. Cars packed the streets, just cruis- March 19th: Confrontations with police zan Michel in Montreal, CAN
gathered outside the burnt out BP. Still we noticed some nervous looking pigs outside Trump rally in Salt Lake City, USA May 1st: Police and their vehicles are at-
ing and blasting music. Some people no cops in sight. An assembly of people posted up there. Now we were in the April 12th: Prisoners stage a hunger strike tacked during spontaneous eruption in
shot their pistols into the air. As we March 20th: Prisoners stage a hunger at Cotton prison in Michigan, USA Stockton, USA
from the neighborhood argued about intersection of Burleigh and Sherman. strike at Kinross prison in Michigan, USA
drove closer the air became thick with what to do next. As I walked up, a com- More people masked up seemed to April 12th: Train tracks blockaded in May 1st: Police station vandalized during an-
smoke. A huge black cloud poured from March 20th: Traffic blockaded outside Michoacn, MEX ti-prison demonstration in Philadelphia, USA
rade said to me It was a beautiful night manifest outta no where. Now we were Trump rally in Arizona, USA
the flames. Hundreds of people were last night. It was beautiful to watch deep. Now people were holding big ass April 13th: Brawls between anti-fascists May 1st: Graffiti is painted for Seattle reb-
gathered in the area. March 21st: Posters wheatpasted in soli- and Trump supporters erupt outside cam- els in Minneapolis, USA
people fight back against the occupy- stones and bricks. People felt powerful. darity with Holman prisoners in Philadel- paign rally in Pittsburgh, USA May 1st: Hundreds of mink are freed from
We went back the other way on ing forces. Not everyone thought that. A sheriff cruiser jetting up to the crowd. phia, USA
Burleigh and saw a group of about 50 A politician got up and started brow People let the bricks and stones fly. The April 14th: Police attacked with molotovs a fur farm in Ontario, CAN
March 22nd: Graffiti painted in solidarity and fireworks during spontaneous demo in
people masked up, smashing up huge beating people, telling them to pick up car got smashed up quick. Probably 15 with Holman prisoners in Durham, USA May 3rd: Prisoners take over a dorm and set
Montreal, CAN fires at Alcorn County jail in Mississippi, USA
cinder blocks to use as projectiles. They a garbage bag and get to cleaning up. huge stones came raining down on this March 23rd: Graffiti painted and posters April 16th: Government buildings burned May 4th: Incendiary attack on Sacmag de
were heading east toward the intersec- They got heckled until they shut up. idiot before they could dip off. What an wheatpasted in solidarity with anarchist during demonstration against education re-
prisoners in Tijuana, MEX Mxico office in Mexico City, MEX
tion of Fon Du Lac, 35th, and Burleigh. A few people said, Fuck it were going asshole. Now the pigs came cruising up form in Chiapas, MEX
We figured they might be going to the to the police station. We poured onto in huge buses. Rows of riot cops filed March 23rd: Posters wheatpasted in solidari- May 7th: Noise demonstration at Holman
April 19th: Anti-prison banner hung in prison in Alabama, USA
Police Station right there so we darted Burleigh and headed west, gaining more out and formed a line at the intersection. ty with Holman prisoners in Philadelphia, USA Bloomington, USA
over. The Station was boarded up with people along the way. It was broad day- The crowd lobbed bottles and rocks at March 26th: Prisoners stage a hunger May 9th: Anti-prison banner hung in Aus-
April 20th: Homophobic preacher at- tin, USA
no cops in sight. They had barricaded light, Sunday now. We got to the cop the line. People shot at them with small strike at Chippewa prison in Michigan, USA tacked by students in Los Angeles, USA
themselves inside, fearing the wrath of shop to find them standing there with caliber pistols. Cops returned fire with March 27th: Anti-gentrification graffiti May 9th: City Hall vandalized during
April 21st: Banner hung for the Stone demonstration in solidarity with Frisco5
the neighborhood. But when the crowd shot guns. We heckled them for a while bean bag rounds. A couple rebels got hit painted in Philadelphia, USA Mountain antifascist convergence in Bloom- hunger strikers in San Francisco, USA
showed up they didnt go for the police then shut down the major intersection with beanbags but walked it off. I could March 27th: Anti-police posters wheat- ington, USA
pasted in Minneapolis, USA May 12th: Four banners against private
station. People cracked open the beauty right there, held it for a while, then hear the bullets and bean bag rounds rip April 23rd: Police attacked by anti-fas- prison company CCA are hung, followed
shop and liberated everything inside. A headed back west to the BP. It was just through the leaves of the trees over head April: Four ATMs are sabotaged in Tijua- cists while attempting to confront a white by protests and traffic blockades outside the
rebel grinned as they walked into the the dress rehearsal for later that night. and ricochet off the ground around us. na, MEX supremacist rally in Stone Mountain, USA companys annual shareholders meeting in
street with a huge bouquet of red ros- We stood around for the rest of the I guess some kid caught a stray bullet April: Several dozen incidents of sabotage April 23rd: An encampment is formed to Nashville, USA
to network infrastructure is reported during blockade the construction of a highway in May 15th: Teachers begin a large strike,
es. Down the block the O Reilly Auto day, choppin it up with people. A few in the neck around that time. I have to
a strike against Verizon across the U.S. San Miguel Tocuila, MEX setting the stage for the next months upris-
parts store billowed black smoke. Then times cops tried to roll up, but teenagers admit that the cops looked pretty scary.
April 1st: Sacred Stone camp established April 23rd: Incendiary attack on CORTV ing in Oaxaca, MEX
the bank went up in flames. We sat chased them away. There were a lot of them. But it gave us offices in Oaxaca, MEX
against the Dakota Access Pipeline in North May 15th: Rojava solidarity demonstra-
there in the middle of the intersection As night fell the attitude changed. Peo- confidence when we realized that they Dakota, USA April 24th: Banners hung for Stone tion in Seattle, USA
and watched flames engulf every corner ple were ready for some action. A crowd were scared as fuck. Mountain anti-fascists in Sacramento, USA
April 3rd: Demonstration in response to May 19th: Rojava solidarity banner hung
for what seemed like forever. The fire- gathered and headed north on Sher- They didnt know the turf and had never the police murder of Loreal Tsinijini in Ar- April 24th: Anarcha-feminist demonstra- in New York, USA
men didnt come for hours. man. We took a right and headed east experienced something to this degree of izona, USA tion in Oaxaca, MEX May 22nd: Incendiary attack on govern-
Finally we watched as police in riot into the neighborhood toward the po- intensity before. They didnt want to die April 4th: Inmates strike at seven different April 25th: Banner hung for Stone Moun- ment vehicles in Cancn, MEX
gear escorted fire fighters to the front lice station. When we got there it was that night. As the crowd headed south prisons in Texas, USA tain anti-fascists in Minneapolis, USA May 22nd: Anti-fascist posters wheat-
of the auto parts store. As soon as they the same scene as earlier in the day, only on Sherman the pigs kept sending in April 4th: Highway blockaded during April 26th: Misogynist preacher attacked pasted and graffiti painted in Berkeley, USA
smashed open the door a massive plum with the younger people masked up. these armored vehicles called bearcats. demonstration in Guerrero, MEX in Arizona, USA May 23rd: Incendiary attack on Banamex
of black smoke engulfed the whole col- Pigs sat there with shot guns looking They would roll up and just get hit with April 6th: Businesses are attacked and April 26th: Incendiary attack on a car bank in Oaxaca, MEX
umn of cops. Things continued like this scared. We did the same thing, held the bricks and then go back toward the looted, fires are set and police are attacked dealership in Coacalco, MEX
in response to the police murder of Jean- May 24th: Police and their vehicles are
late into the night. A few of us sat in a intersection for a while and headed back line of cops by the gas station. Finally Pierre Bony in Montreal, CAN April 27th: Two officers attacked at Hol- attacked outside Trump campaign rally in
parking lot a block from the police sta- to the BP. A cop tried to roll up behind the crowd of rebels got to a construc- man prison in Alabama, USA Albuquerque, USA

10 59
tion site on Center and Sherman. Tons the intersection to see which way the body fell to ground. I thought of the
of stuff to throw at the cops was every police were coming. Cops combed the times they smashed my face in, bashed
where. Another bearcat came barreling neighborhood as the militants dipped my head into the sidewalk and knocked
down Sherman. It got showered with off down different alleys and gangways. out my teeth, stripped me naked and
The following list of actions is shaped by many different factors. We prioritize direct actions over protests, and focus on the actions of explicit bricks and stones and a few orange bar- So many people were still out that the humiliated me, so I laughed as the in-
anarchists as well as autonomous rebels. Most importantly, we had to hear about the actions themselves. This in particular forces us to examine rels. Next came a black van full of cops brick throwers were able to blend in. It jured cop was dragged away.
not only our limited, primarily anglophonic perspectives, but the usefulness of communicating and quantifying actions online. For these reasons in riot gear. They pulled up right next was like what I imagine a protracted in-
and others, this list cannot be considered comprehensive. Once again, for accessibility and brevity, colonial land names are used. Let an insurgency infect every city in
to the crowd and rolled open the side surgency looks like. Militants knew the America. This is just the beginning.
January 1st: Law enforcement attacked February 4th: Banner for Sean Swain Lake City, USA door, revealing a cop raising a gun, pre- terrain better than the cops, so we used Were crouching in the alleyways wait-
during sideshow in Los Angeles, USA hung in Bloomington, USA February 28th: Pheasants liberated from sumably about to fire a bean bag round. that to our advantage. ing with bricks.
January 1st: Incendiary attack on luxury February 5th: Anti-fascist graffiti painted a fur farm in Oregon, USA Before he could even aim stones rained Fuck the Milwaukee Police forever.
car in Montreal, CAN where far-right group planned to rally the Early March: Banner hung in solidarity down on the side of the van and the pigs They murder people, strip people na-
January 3rd: Line 7 pipeline sabotaged in next day in Montreal, CAN with Anaheim anti-fascists in Tucson, USA closed the door and drove off. ked in the street, and harass kids on the
Ontario, CAN February 5th: Far-right group chased March 1st: Demonstration in response to Now the crew headed west on center. playground. While we were on Burleigh
January 9th: Police attacked and their away from their rally in Montreal, CAN the police murder of Akiel Denkins in Ra- It was time to slip away and blend into and it first cracked off I watched a stone
vehicles burned during anti-government February 6th: Feminist counter-demon- leigh, USA
the neighborhood. The crew headed up fall from the sky, hitting a cop square in
demonstration in Chiapas, MEX strations against planned pro-rape rallies March 1st: Neo-fascists attacked outside
that dont pan out across the continent. alleys. Scouts were going ahead to check the head. I laughed and cheered as their
January 12th: Colonial statues are vandal- an event in Portland, USA
ized in Puerto Rico February 7th: Police attacked and motor- March 2nd: Anti-Trump posters wheat-
January 15th: Government buildings van- cycle burnt during spontaneous eruption in pasted in Salt Lake City, USA
dalized during demonstration in response San Francisco, USA
to the housing crisis in Portland, USA February 7th: Anti-gentrification graffiti
March 3rd: Locks glued, anti-police and
anti-gentrification slogans painted and a
January 16th: New UBER headquarters painted in Chicago, USA camera is destroyed in Philadelphia, USA Communique
vandalized in Oakland, USA February 11th: Fires set by prisoners at March 5th: Anti-racist demonstration in
January 16th: Demonstration outside Topo Chico prison during riot in Monter- Los Angeles, USA On Sunday night, anarchists in Olym- tunity to sabotage parking meters others in the Northwest and across
Skanska CEOs house in New York, USA rey, MEX pia marched in solidarity with rioters as well, and covered the new condo the country take actions against the
March 5th: Police cruiser attacked in
January 16th: Metro blocked during February 11th: Rowdy demonstration for Montreal, CAN and rebels in Milwaukee. After Sylville on 4th with graffiti and wheat-paste. police on their own terms. The police
demonstration against the police murder of Kayden Clark, a transman killed by police Smith was gunned down by the police The parking meters, new condos, and are not omnipotent, and they are not
in Tucson, USA March 7th: Banner hung in solidarity with
Noel Aguilar in Los Angeles, USA Anaheim antifascists in Portland, USA in Milwaukee on Saturday, residents downtown development are all part of an indivisible force; they have names
January 17th: Kinder Morgan rig disrupt- February 13th: Rowdy demonstration for rose up and fought the police, burning an attempt to gentrify downtown and and addresses, cars and offices, fueling
Gustavo Najera killed by police in Anaheim, March 7th: Demonstration in solidarity with
ed in British Columbia, CAN Anaheim antifascists in Minneapolis, USA down buildings and destroying police to exclude houseless people and oth- stations and warehouses. It only takes a
January 22nd: Noise demonstrations for March 8th: Banner hung in solidarity with cruisers. We are saddened that an- er undesirables so that yuppies feel friend and a plan to put up some post-
February 15th: Police memorial vandal-
the International Day of Solidarity with Calais refugees on hunger strike in Boston, USA other person lost his life to the police safe shopping. We hope the vandalism ers or to slash some tires, and for each
Queer & Trans prisoners in Minneapolis ized in Denver, USA
March 9th: Trump supporters house van- and white supremacy, but we are also makes them feel a little less safe, and cruiser that cant drive thats one less
and Philadelphia, USA February 18th: Banner drop for anarchist
dalized in Virginia, USA inspired by the response in Milwaukee. we hope some people get free parking cop on the streets waiting to harass,
January 22nd: Graffiti is painted for queer prisoner Fernando Brcenas in Blooming-
ton, USA March 9th: Guards attacked in Lincoln We took to the streets to amplify their tomorrow. arrest, beat, or kill someone.
and trans prisoners in Montreal, CAN
prison in Nebraska, USA struggle, to make sure that the names The cop shop also got a visit and a As the quartersheet handed out to by-
January 25th: Line 9 pipeline sabotaged February 20th: A pro-police demonstra-
tion is disrupted in San Francisco, USA March 11th: Several hundred prisoners of those murdered by the police are makeover, with some cracked windows standers proposed:
in Hamilton, CAN
take over dorms and set fire to guard towers heard by all, and to remind Olympia and a new paint job. We expect that
Late January: Super Bowl statues are re- February 24th: Graffiti is painted and When the police kill, let us turn the
banners are hung in solidarity with Fernan- at Holman prison in Alabama, USA that the struggle against the police is some pigs will be demoralized tomor-
peatedly vandalized in San Francisco, USA cities into burial pyres for the dead.
do Brcenas in Tijuana, MEX March 11th: Brawls between anti-fascists ongoing and everywhere. row when they show up for work and
January 27th: Police vehicle vandalized and Trump supporters erupt outside cam- REST IN POWER, SYLVILLE SMITH.
during student walkout in Oakland, USA February 25th: Barricades burned and A crowd of around forty took to the see our hatred writ large across their
police attacked in response to police repres- paign rally in in St Louis, USA streets just before 11 PM, chanting walls. FUCK THE POLICE, FROM OLY TO
January 29th: Pipeline construction site sion in Mexico City, MEX March 11th: Police and Trump supporters MKE.
blockaded in Vermont, USA All Cops Are Bastards! ACAB! Peo- The march continued for about 30
February 25th: Upscale businesses van- are attacked and their property vandalized out- ple handed out spray paint, wheat- a few uncontrollables
January 30th: March and noise demon- side cancelled campaign rally in Chicago, USA minutes, complete with flares, roman
dalized in Montreal, CAN paste, and posters, and soon 4th Av-
stration at the city jail in Durham, USA candles, and mortars, and then every-
February 27th: Posters wheatpasted in sol- March 12th: Confrontations with police enue was covered in posters declaring
January 30th: Several expensive cars are outside Trump rally in Kansas City, USA one safely dispersed into surround-
idarity with the ZAD in Philadelphia, USA War Against the Racist Police State
vandalized in Los Angeles, USA March 12th: Trump sign set on fire in ing alleys downtown. By the time the
February 27th: Brawls with white su- and anti-police graffiti. Many onlook- police mobilized a response every-
January 31st: Anti-prison banners premacists at KKK rally in Anaheim, USA New Jersey, USA
dropped in Mexico City, MEX ers joined the march, and many more one had disappeared, leaving behind
February 27th: Demonstration in re- March 13th: Police attacked during spon-
were supportive and appreciative. We a downtown covered with paint and
January 31st: Incendiary attack on TEL- sponse to the police murder of Ernesto taneous eruption in response to the police
MEX car in Mexico City, MEX murder in Chester, USA marched up and down 4th Ave cover- posters. We hope this small gesture
Canepa in Santa Ana, USA
ing walls, windows, and poles with our warms hearts in Milwaukee, and that
February 2nd: An officer is stabbed while February 27th: Police attacked during March 14th: Prisoners take over a dorm at
evicting a homeless encampment in San Holman prison in Alabama, USA messages of rebellion and resistance. rebels there and elsewhere know that Its Going Down
spontaneous eruption in response to the
Francisco, USA police murder of Abdi Mohamed in Salt People took advantage of the oppor- they arent alone. We also hope that August 15th, 2016
March 15th: Banner for Holman prison-

cusations mentioned above), the anar- with the administration and its strate- of National Liberation. (Zapatismo was
chists, thankfully, show much solidarity gies of co-optation and infiltration or originally an early-twentieth century peas-
with prisoners. faced with other organisations, a work- ants movement inspired by Emiliano Zapa-
ta Salazar, the main leader in the state of
ing relationship with self-proclaimed


7. To stay on a shitty subject, could you Chiapas during the Mexican Revolution.)
recount what happened when a false com- self-managed groups who arent neces- Here are some thoughts by Carlos Lpez
munique was issued about the so-called sarily clear on their practices and aims. (see Towards the Unknown) on the mat-
death of a comrade in Mexico? This non- What are the issues? On what basis? ter. An example of these inconsistencies
event, a serious thing for me, provoked It seems to me that the defense of the is the EZLN where a clear contradiction
SUBMITTED TO ITS GOING DOWN - SEPTEMBER 26TH, 2016 quite a few lively polemics, here and prob- space against the elements that would is shown in that many anarchists, or anar-
want to seize it often prevents that the cho-zapatistas, of alleged anti-authoritari-
Nothing can close the window of mass tionary black proletarians, anarchists, were left undefended. Trash cans were ably elsewhere as well. Also, a bit of time an posture, support and identify with this
disaffection opened by the revolt in communist groups, street gangs and an- set on fire and police cruisers were has passed, do you have more info today question is asked on the basis of strat- army, of communist tendency and author-
Ferguson. The unending tide of criti- gry working class elements. smashed with hammers. Elements in on the why and how (and who) of this egy. Its necessary to do this as to have itarian structure. These anarco-zapatistas
cisms leveled against the insurrection- At only 7:30 pm, on the night of Sep- the crowd attacked random cars, while somber story? a critical analysis of the organisation of are influenced by slogans such as command
al movement, the pacifiers in the left- tember 21st, 600 marched to a church others smoked weed and rapped Lil the Informal Anarchic Days of Decem- by obeying, and we say that command al-
The matter remains very shady, and the
wing and community organizations, Boosies now famous Fuck the Police, ber 2013.6 ways generates power and therefore there
in downtown Charlotte. Just as the members of the collective responsible
the National Guard and the resurgent the anthem of the movement. will always be someone to obey, despite the
prayers began, masked youth in the for the diffusion of this false info re- 9. What are, in your view, the most im- Zapatistas saying that it is the people who
fascist grassroots have given a staccato crowd interrupted. Fuck this Jesus shit When the line of riot police finally ap- jected responsibility without having portant objectives that anarchists in Mex- command and the government that obeys.
structure to the rebellions, but have so they screamed. A clear demarcation was proached the crowd, under a hail of clearly established what happened and ico must give themselves? It is goes without saying that I do not refuse
far failed to stamp them out completely. made between the elements that want- stones and some fireworks, they began explained their error. What this betrays, Developing a critical analysis of the ex- to acknowledge the worthy struggle under-
No falsehood can reverse the intoxicat- ed the night to proceed into the disor- shooting more tear gas and rubber bul- is above all a lack of experience and of istent and some clearer anarchist posi- taken in 1994 by the EZLN against the
ing effects of the truth. der of the night before and those trying lets. The crowd split into at least two State, earning hundreds of supporters all
principles in the internal workings of tions in relation to the questions asked over the world for their cause; and it hap-
No one can doubt the absolute strategic to keep it from reaching that threshold. sections, engaging in vandalism and certain collectives, which manifests in the radical milieu: social movements pened that many anarchists were captivated
clarity of the insurgents on September Most of the crowd chased the police looting whenever possible for the rest through, among other things, an unre- (Zapatismo, autonomies, syndicalist by the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon
20th, who broke with the insane delu- away. A small group of cops sought of the night. strained poorly controlled use of social struggles, self-defense groups,7 etc.), Jungle, but the disappointment of realising
sions millions hold onto which deprive refuge in the Omni Hotel, which was A guy is in agony while his friend dabs his networks. One imagines that this could strong influence of the university mi- that an authoritarian practice continued
them of basic fighting skills in light of attacked. Justin Carr, a demonstrator, eyes with a hoodie to stop the burning. I contribute to other levels The lack lieu or counter-cultures, technology, to exist, despite the alleged libertarian dis-
racist police executions. In a beautiful was shot in the head. Blood spilled of responsibility of certain individuals commerce, cooperatives and self-man- course, soon arrived.
take someones bottle of water, make a hole
and creative development on a common across the sidewalk. The situation had in the cap and flush his eyes. He pops back unfortunately leaves the way to all spec- aged projects, management of collective 4. Coordination built by democratic
tactic from the last two years of revolt, changed. Hundreds ransacked the NC unions of the SNTE (Unique Union of
up to his feet, pulls something out from his ulations, especially knowing the degree spaces like the Che occupation. Because
Education Workers), a corrupt and bureau-
they rushed onto I-85, looted the con- Hornets store just around the corner. A pocket and yells, Who knows how to pull of infiltration of anarchist milieus in for the most part of these questions, the cratic organisation. There develops all the
tents of stalled semi-trucks and burned convenience store, a sandwich shop. a pin from a grenade? Before throwing Mexico. positions and practices of anarchists tendencies of Leftism of Mexico.
them in the middle of the interstate. We receive messages that someone has one of the police concussion grenades back 8. Could you also tell use some thoughts on separate themselves still too little from 5. In reference to the massacre of students
SEPTEMBER 21 - DAY 2 been shot at the Omni Hotel. We park at a line of bike cops. Yeah we got that the Okupa Che where international and the influence of the milieus of Leftists, on October 2th, 1968 in Tlatelolco in Mex-
On the second night of disorder, it took and run toward the demonstration. Just as shit too! After a few more rocks they bike informal anarchist gatherings took place reformists, etc. and occasionally leads to ico City. [ed. An estimated 300 shot down
we catch our breathe, tear gas is fired into away from us. The crowd cheers. some time ago? certain ambiguities. To strengthen the by military and police during a demon-
only thirty minutes to unmask the ethi-
the crowd. Flash bang grenades explode contacts and regular exchanges with the stration 10 days before the opening of the
cal polarization underpinning the entire ITS GOING DOWN IN UPTOWN There is a long history of battles be- Olympic Games, in a country wracked by
Black Lives Matter movement. What is by our feet. To my left and right, masked comrades of Spanish speaking coun-
The shooting of Keith Scott occurred tween the university, Leftist organi- rising social tensions. The event is consid-
commonly described as one movement people are kicking and throwing back the tries. To leave the university milieu to
in an area of North Charlotte, far away sations, and more-or-less self-man- ered part of the Mexican Dirty War, when
is, in reality, at least two. Even this is a spinning canisters on the ground. I pull a which all the tendencies of anarchism the government used its forces to outright
from the cluster of financial towers and aged and anarchist collectives for the
simplification. The capillary structure t-shirt over my face. Hundreds of people still remain very confined and to con- suppress political opposition.]
economic powerhouses that Charlotte management of this occupied space
of power has likely produced 5, 10, 20 are cheering and jumping, a few are cough- tinue on the direction the support of 6. ed. Comrades from as far away as
is well known for. Its remarkable to note of UNAM, the largest university of
bases of affective re-aggregation and ing. A young man with tattoos all over his imprisoned comrades. Greece, England, U.S.A., Italy, and Chile
that the riot on Wednesday occurred in the country, in Mexico City. This has
transformations all under the same slo- torso and hands looks to me and says, Footnotes attended the event, during which Cuban an-
the very heart of Charlotte and that the manifested in the past, and again more archist Gustavo Rodriguez was kidnapped
gans. In any case, it is clear that there through his mask, This is it! Welcome to recently, by very violent events (in Feb- 1. ed. Reference to a series of insurrec-
demonstrations that have followed con- by federal agents, tortured, interrogated and
are forces invested in policy-friendly the end of the world! In front of me, a gi- ruary the anarchists there were attacked tions for Land & Liberty leading into the
tinue to happen in this area. This sets deported to the U.S.A.
restructuring around diversity train- ant cloud of gas thinly veils a wall of police by a very well armed Leftist group). If it Mexican Revolution, of which the part-in-
it apart from the rioting that recently digenous (Zapotec) anarchist Ricardo 7. A complex popular movement recently
ings, indictments, body cameras, review in riot gear. is evidently necessary to denounce these
took place in Milwaukee. On the second Flores Magon was an instigator and intel- emerged in the narco-state of Michoacn
boards, etc. These factions of which For an hour the crowd controlled the night of rioting in Sherman Park (Mil- attacks (which was done), it seems to lectual contributor. The rebellions were to struggle against the presence of several
the organized BLM chapters, the left streets around the EpiCentre, utiliz- waukee) almost every business in the me equally necessary that the anarchist betrayed by reformists, and Magon died in cartels.. with quite an unclear articulation,
wing groups, the churches, the student ing police barricades and dumpsters to area had either been burned, looted, or presence in such a large space poses nu- prison in the U.S.A. the strong influence of landowners who
organizations, and the white allies, block the road. The rioters methodical- arm their agricultural workers in which
smashed with the only immediate tar- merous questions for us: it is situated 2. ed. actually to date there has only been
we certainly see an attempt at capitalist
more or less comprise the base of are ly destroyed the veneer and windows gets being the police and media. In Up- in the university, implies a permanent one confirmed fatality from actions theyve
recomposition of the regions, although the
the obvious revisionist tendencies in a of the Hyatt Hotel and other business- town Charlotte everything was there to presence (notably during the night), to claimed.
movement isnt limited to this.
historical sequence opened by insurrec- es over that time, while the barricades permanently be on the lookout faced 3. ed. E.Z.L.N. is the Zapatista Army
12 57
in traditional marriages, and keep quiet biguous history, are authoritarian and tion and co-optation of movements. be destroyed, even the Nascar Museum. flash bang grenades to send the pacifiers wards our highway blockade. Everyone
about our differences and reject them as alienating dont exist here. Authoritar- For some time now, it particularly puts Of course the fact that the riot took running home for the night. Window starts scrambling up a hill towards what
secondary seems to us fitting, appropri- ianism comes rather from the substan- emphasis on the repression of anar- place in a major financial center also smashers could expect cheers to accom- we thought was the street, but is actually a
ate and coherent. All this implies a con- tial number of Marxist organisations. chists: there are arrests during all the meant that there were different limits. pany their courage. Hundreds of people light rail station. Finally we have enough
frontation of ideas, the preparation, the In certain cases, this can come also from demonstrations, movements and im- Most urban centers have been totally were helping one another mask up, set rocks and we launch dozens from the
rejection of the idealisation of other so- anarchist groups or collectives more or portant events (in addition to more tar- renovated to meet the new demands things on fire, kick back tear gas, make bridge down onto the cops below. One of
cieties (of which many of us have a pen- less juvenile, lacking the experience and geted arrests), and often convictions. It of counter-insurgency that followed projectiles, and stay safe from the po- them must have had good aim cause a few
chant for). Its much more difficult that with vague principles. It seems to me is important to specify that the media the last great wave of rebellions in the lice. However, hostilities were not solely tear gas canisters land up on the bridge.
the outrageous simplifications which we that the main problem remains the lack regularly insist on the danger that the 1960s. Everything that can be bolt- directed at the police and property, and We move on through a hotel, down sever-
are used to on minority societies. And of assertion mentioned above. Many encapuchadxs (hooded ones) in the ed down is bolted down, cameras are to dwell on racial dynamics inside and al flights of stairs and back onto the street.
the anarchist anthropologists, the uni- anarchists, for example, participated in demonstrations represent, and one saw everywhere, and people are funneled outside of the crowd is of grave strategic Windows drop everywhere. A 7-11 is be-
versity thinkers and the new libertarian recent school teachers movement, with- many times over different tendencies of seamlessly via smart infrastructure importance. ing looted. Rocks tossed at bicycle-mount-
currents, obsessed by the questions of out this participation being translated the Left reproach them by their own between various business and shopping 1. White rioters were more or less ac- ed police miss and smash windows behind
race and difference, arent ultimately are by an important theoretical or practical account. The result of these politics is corridors. Throughout the night, scarce cepted by the majority-black crowd, as them. Smash that shit, Smash that shit!,
big help to us in these questions. contribution: or a distancing regarding a certain stigmatisation of anarchists projectiles made it difficult to defend was also the case in Milwaukee. As an someone screams at the top of their lungs
5. Its very interesting This demagogu- the strategies and reformist functions of for their violence There are several against police incursions. In fact, with- influential participant declared, Ev- as we come over a hill and see a bright-
ery that you speak of, we find it over here the CNTE.4 tensions between groups around the out tactically experienced persons, there erybodys black tonight, after watching ly lit Bank of America lobby. The entire
especially in the struggles on the side of There exists an enormous difference be- question of violent actions, a bit like may have been almost no projectiles at some white people participate in the block of it is destroyed. Police are more de-
migrants or homeless people, or any other tween the aim of the democratisation elsewhere. And the same sectarian ar- all. This proved a major stumbling block riot. termined to disperse us now and we are a
category of which the struggle is generally of structure, very strong the Mexican guments are sometimes used against by the end of the night when a barricade little skittish ourselves. Weve been holding
2. White motorists were subjected to a
related to the immediate needs rather than social movement (tied to their vertical- those who carry them out. Its true that was not defended and a relatively small space well for a few hours but our ability to
kind of shibboleth, being asked to raise
to more general aspirations. But even if we ity and control from above), and anar- the anarchist milieu, just as the rest of number of riot police in an armored do this is becoming limited.
their fists and declare that black lives
could believe that the inspiration of these chist aims. This can create confusion, the social movement, is quite infiltrat- golf cart where able to disperse a much On September 22nd, three days after
matter. For those who refused, their
struggles today is uniquely the Left, we and anarchists have the largest interest ed. This doesnt justify the accusations larger group of fighters who were un- the shooting of Keith Scott, another
vehicles were smashed or stomped.
would be mistaken, since the autonomous in distinguishing themselves from it. In of certain anarchists against the com- able to come up with anything to fight demonstration was scheduled to take
This did happen occasionally to black
movement of the 70s and after generally a general way, the small self-managed rades, even if they may make errors or them off with. The golf cart was a ma- place in Uptown Charlotte. The ar-
motorists as well, suggesting a general
centered its struggles on the issues of needs projects, cooperatives, and socialising lack experience. jor material advantage for the police, restees from the night before were still
anti-social current in the crowd, but the
too (through rent or electricity strikes, activities occupy a very important place The most recent news to date is the ex- who were able to use it to transport riot overall tendency was to racially order locked up, reportedly at the requests
auto-reductions [ed. public collective in the movement. Of course, it poses the tended detentions (despite the absence cops very quickly. It played a key role the situation. of the National Guard. Congressman
shoplifting] inspired by humanitarianism, same questions and has the same limits of proof against them and the legal limit in breaking up a crowd that had been Robert Pittenger tells the news that
a. This mainly was occurring when
etc.), a tradition which we, anarchists, as in France, even if one cant bring them of detention) of Mario El Tripa Lpez rolling together for hours. It gave them all of the protesters hate white people
there was nothing to set on fire, no po-
are a few of those trying to take apart to- all together under the same banner, or and of Carlos, Fallon, and Amlie (ac- a mobile dimension that isnt typically because white people are successful.
lice, no windows to smash.
day. But its a tradition that doesnt exist reject them all entirely. But it is certain cused of terrorism) [ed. for more re- associated with riot control in the US, Right wing news outlets manufacture
in Mexico, for instance. One wonders a that many conditions seem gathered in cent info, see Towards the Unknown]. but is the norm in places like Greece or 3. Therefore, it seems that race was and exaggerate racial tensions which
bit, as a result, what are the most prom- order for anarchist to be able to develop Mario Gonzlez was sentenced in Jan- Catalonia. Developments like this must used as a vector for determining ethics. were minimal or nonexistent. Left wing
inent tendencies in the radical milieus in in an important way in Mexico. What uary to five years and nine months of be countered in the future. Toward that Weve been holding the intersection by personalities deliberately and naively
Mexico? Do the anarchists have lots of remains to be seen is how. mandatory imprisonment for attacks end, we submit: these golf carts are the Hyatt for over an hour, setting fires surrender agency to the police, reposi-
theoretical space to move and create, or is 6. Exactly! There is the Mexican state on the public order [ed. i.e. rioting; like any other, have normal tires which and destroying the hotel. Two masked tioning the insurgent party as a mere
the terrain already, as it is here in France, who in this moment appears to have un- he is now free]. Eight [other] comrades can be punctured and are window and kids start moving a large piece of concrete protest movement shamefully victim-
undermined by tendencies barely critical derstood that anarchism is in process of arrested during the commemorative doorless leaving occupants vulnerable into the crowd so that it can be broken up ized by an excessively militarized ene-
of authoritarianism? quickly developing, and one saw quite a march of October 2nd5 are awaiting to attack. They are mounted with a loud into projectiles to use against the police my.
Its a difficult topic. What you say is few instances of anti-anarchist repression their sentencing. Its clearly a matter noise cannon and fit up to 5 fully out- charge that seems imminent. A woman Hundreds gathered and managed
true, and at the same time the prob- pile up on each other these last months. of making examples. These cases add fitted riot cops (if 1 or 2 stand on the starts shouting to no one in particular to briefly shut down I-277. Police
lem of the relevance to participate in Could you give us several clarifications to the already very numerous cases of back). that these white people are not with us launched tear gas and rubber bullets
movements and those of methods of and briefly summarise all these matters? militants from diverse tendencies that QUICKLY, ON INTRA-CROWD and need to leave. She walks over and into the crowd. Clergy, lawyers, leftists,
intervention is always posed to anar- We speak of the climate that this repres- are regularly imprisoned or assassinat- DYNAMICS pushes the piece of concrete out of their and others used physical force and in-
chists. What is quite embarrassing, in sion establishes among the comrades? And ed. Nothing indicates a priori that this hands. A large group sees this and encour- timidation to insure the relative docil-
On the night of the 21st the crowd
my mind, is rather that which currently especially, do you think that this repression repression affects the growth of the ages the kids to pick the concrete back up. ity of the crowd, at times shoving and
seemed to be almost entirely unified
occurs a bit everywhere in the world: a affects the growth of the movement, or the movement, even if it can weaken cer- While she keeps yelling to leave it, a black ejecting people wearing masks, throw-
in its objective: Occupy spaces outside
barely critical active participation, the opposite? tain groups. The country is used to a man picks up the piece himself and starts ing bottles, or even cursing at the police.
of police control and loot and destroy
lack of highlighting of our practices and high level of repression, and individuals breaking it. The police tear gas and clear Here, counter-revolutionaries, reaction-
There were so many cases in 2013 that everything in them. With Uptown
clear aims. It seems to me that Mexican who frequent the revolutionary milieus the area. aries, pacifiers, and reformers hope to
it would be long to list them. Mexico is Charlotte being nothing more than a
anarchists have a fair bit of room to understand these risks. On the whole, THE NECESSITY OF THE PARTY outmaneuver the insurrection and to
a true labratory of repression, and the glorified shopping district, theres real-
move: organisations that have long am- despite their disagreements (and the ac- Riot police charge down the on-ramp to- crush its revolutionary horizon. This
state has a long experience of infiltra- ly nothing to spare. It took only a few
56 13
should be impossible. ed the balance of forces for the coming we can and smash what is within our archist movement, a certain admiration indigenous populations, they are rarely nous world. This is filled by many more
The experimental powers and rhythms week. Is it too impossible to imagine a reach. Living and fighting together. The for the movements of armed struggle critical of nationalism, or the concepts of contradictions and issues that dont give
that are splitting America open, expos- collective of herbalists and acupuncture powers established in the breakdown of of the guerrilla variety. These move- a people, of nation, of spiritual lead- a hint of these texts. We only rarely
ing it to uncertainty and transforma- students organizing a temporary clinic, apparatuses must be made irreversible, ments were very strong in the 70s-80s, ers or earthly leaders, who are however mention the infiltration of ideologies in
tion, must compose themselves into advertising treatments for tear gas, pep- or else new controls will emerge which and continue to exist, several which are very often present in these communities. the communities (socialism, Marxism,
a plane of consistency. There should per spray, rubber bullets? What recent- are less attackable, more obscure, more active in the country. We sometimes We know that numerous comrades, from etc), the relationships with modernity
have been space and time established to ly-evicted apartment complex could resilient. The most dedicated cannot find, in certain communiques of activ- South America to Canada, are implicated and the outside, their long tradition of
meet and to discuss. We need churches, have been taken over and transformed satisfy ourselves with riots alone. ist groups, some pronounced militarist in their struggles, but dont always demon- organisation (and the phenomenon of
parks, radio stations, collective houses, into a laboratory of revolutionary po- Truth is in revolt. emphasis a bit problematic for some strate a critical attitude towards these con- bureaucratisation of their structures),
centers, businesses, or any place that can tential? These skills, powers, capacities, anarchists. But in the majority of cas- ceptions. Is this also the case in Mexico? the forms that take the universal ten-
host a public event to combat the idiocy and tools do not develop overnight. es, these communiques more resem- And could you tell us more on this subject? sion between people and community
Keith Lamont Scott ble those coming from [anarchists in] (the important departure of youth to-
of the reformers and the police. Perhaps It is clear that something is growing I think that there is a lack of critical re-
a false organizational front group could between the No Dakota Access Pipe- and Greece or elsewhere. The case of ITS is flection among many anarchists, of all wards the US, including in Zapatista
have made a bold statement to the press line blockade, the ongoing nation-wide Justin Carr a bit different: like they clearly say in a tendencies, on what could be encom- communities, for instance, the aspira-
calling for deeper and bolder forms of prison strike, and the movements and AGITATORS INTERNATIONAL recent interview with Contra Info, they passed in certain community demands. tions, the forms, the deviances, etc.)
disorder. Perhaps a small band of ded- uprisings against racially-motivated dont claim to be anarchist. And the It seems to me that it is too common, I think that the demands focused on
September 2016 possible comparisons stop there.
icated people could have extended the police killings. There has been a great that this exists for a long time in the culture, costumes, traditions, very pres-
imagination of the rioters with a well outburst of protest energy since Fergu- It doesnt seem to me that the social vi- movement, and that it touches the fair- ent in Zapatismo and in the struggles
timed disruption of a news station as son, and especially since the beginning olence known to the country actually ly taboo question of demagoguery: the of the communities, often obscures am-
occurred during the 2008 Greek insur- of the year. We must continue to elab- evolves the practices of the social move- need to get closer, to be involved in the biguous notions for those who are at-
rection or with a highly destructive orate on and intensify the insurrection- ment or of the anarchist movement struggles, often meaning a casualness tached to individual freedom: religion,
flash mob they could have renegotiat- ary process, to build what we can, where (taken as a whole) towards being more concerning our own conceptions, a lack practices tainted by authoritarianism
violent. These consequences are, how- of affirmation of what we are and what (concerning age, status, for example),
ever, important: infiltration, weakening we want, under the argument of open- detainment of people in frameworks
or quasi-devastation of the centres of ing, of solidarity with the oppressed, and defined practices. In Juchitn, in the
struggle in certain parts of the coun- to not shock people, etc. It is essential, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where a very
try. The insurrectionalist practices have in my mind, to refine our analyses and strong struggle is taking place against
only recently known a certain populari- our positions on this theme: to know the wind turbines, several demands of
ty, in the poor neighbourhoods of Mexi- what we support in the struggles and the Popular Assembly of the Juchitn
co City for instance. There are probably, the demands, and what seems to be People are very conservative: strength-
at least in part, a very logical response contrary to us to the idea of freedom, ening (Catholic) religious practices,
to the military occupation these neigh- emancipation, etc. Indigenous commu- wearing traditional Zapotec clothing.
borhoods (and the country in its entire- nities make up perhaps the avant-garde And their seeing in the Muxes (trans
ty) are known for, where it is practical- of the Mexican social movement. The people) the testimony of an astounding
ly impossible to go for a walk without fact remains that numerous demands, freedom of morals, that reveals a very
finding yourself in front of units of di- conceptions and workings are prob- limited analysis of Zapotec society to
verse and varied armed forces. And per- lematic: identitarian demands, forms of us. I dont believe that the objective is to
haps also to the recent establishment traditional authority, idealisation of the leave out indigenous struggles or to de-
of narco-trafficers from cartels, who community, internal inequalities, etc. nounce, with a very intellectual venom,
enormously weaken social links, make Whether many hope to hide them or the peculiarities of communities.
difficult collective struggle and favour only mention them quickly to minimise Its necessary to know them, to under-
clandestinity. The practice of violence the effects doesnt change much. stand them. The processes that unfold
is part of the Mexican social movement, The virtual absence of critical texts on are interesting, like many practices,
and even more so indigenous commu- Zapatismo [ed. culture of acclaim activities, understandings. Many com-
nities. Armed communities are far from around the Zapatistas3], for a move- rades who struggle there demonstrate
the exception. Their very solid forma- ment of such a large scale, that many an impressive courage and persistence.
tion is born from diverse experiences know from experience (the communi- But more of a critical perspective (that
(colonisation, the Mexican revolution, ties welcome many people), that in gen- we invoke everywhere else) is essential.
guerillas, etc) which makes their prepa- eral publishes texts of weak theoretical At least we dont want to continue to
ration and their capacity for action truly and analytical content, says a lot about visit communities where it happens
impressive. Which is why comrades fre- it. Or the European analyses of differ- that we, anarchists, are quietly served by
quently visit them and draw teachings ent indigenous struggles, often strongly women, where we kindly assist elders
from them. tinged with essentialism, and which dis- councils (which in the demagogic lan-
4. In fact, in regards to the struggle of play schematic readings of the indige- guage transforms into assemblies) or
Fires set during anti-police riots in Charlotte, USA
9 55
INTERVIEW WITH A MEXICAN COMRADE On July 5, police in Baton Rouge shot and
killed Alton Sterling in the parking lot of
was a much more conflictual situation
in which almost twice as many people
rally in 2008.
FROM DES RUINES - TRANSLATED BY RETURN FIRE - JUNE 21ST, 2016 After the rally left the capitol, and once
the Triple S convenience store. For many were arrested. That Saturday was when there was no more programming left
1. Can you introduce yourself? lationships between individuals and by ment is large and active, that knows a nights after there were sizable gatherings protest tactics shifted from hanging to hold peoples attention, hundreds of
I align myself with an anarchism of re- a discourse of rupture. strong history of local resistance or at the site and marches and clashes with near the Triple S to rallying outside the people defied the peace marshals or-
volt, of rage and action that leaves full 2. From here in France, we often hear guerrilla movements, there exists a real the police. When did you first go to Baton BPD First District Police Station and ders to remain on the sidewalk, moving
scope for individual autonomy that, in more spoken about and contacts are dynamism, of experience, a strong in- Rouge, what was the vibe, and what was marching down Airline Highway in an instead to take Interstate 12. About a
general, [organised] structures know equally more numerous from Chilean, volvement of individuals on the ground. your reading of the situation and composi- attempt to block Interstate 12. block from the on-ramp is when the
how to stifle so well. I have many doubts Argentine or North American anarchism. It seems to me that the primary speci- tion of the crowd? Saturdays march to I-12 was the first confrontation in the videos and photos
about organised anarchism and difficult Can you try to identify some specificities ficity of Mexican anarchism is to be in I first went to Baton Rouge that Thurs- big march of the weekend. Unlike Sun- took place. Blocked from the interstate
relationships with it. In theory, I think and similarities of the Mexican movement its ties to communitarian struggles, in day, two nights after Alton was killed. day it was not well-promoted on social by tanks and riot cops, people tried in-
that an organisation with clear anar- with these other countries? particular the regions indigenous peo- At that point the rallies were still in media, nor was it sanctioned by the stead to hold an intersection. This was
chist principles (like the Spanish CNT ples. With the recent furthering of the their first phase, a kind of block-party police. There also werent many out-of- complicated by the number of self-ap-
After the Magonistas defeat,1 the insti-
[ed. National Confederation of La- process of indigenous autonomy in the outside of the Triple S. At times there towners or professional activists, which pointed leaders frantically telling the
tutionalisation of the Mexican Revo-
bour, anarcho-syndicalist trade union]) majority of the regions of the country, were about a thousand people attend- might explain the lack of attention it re- crowd to get on the sidewalk and be
lution and the integration of the labor
can be a good tool. In practice, its obvi- these ties are strengthening. Which ing these rallies, which would run late ceived on social media. There were a few peaceful. These folks had a demoral-
movement in the 20s, the Mexican an-
ously more complicated. In any case, its poses quite a few questions. into the night. It definitely helped that activist groups, however, though mostly izing and panicky effect on the crowd,
archist movement of action had more
an eternal debate and there have always or less disappeared. There was a cer- 3. We can easily affirm with certainty, the owner of the Triple S was very sym- the more militant-type. The Revolu- contributing to how easy it was for the
been points of contact between tenden- tain libertarian revival from the 90s, then, that the anarchist movement in pathetic to what was going on, as were tionary Communist Party was there police to pick people off.
cies, more than we usually say. particularly through the punk scene. Mexico is a young movement. I imag- several other nearby businesses. hawking their endless supply of papers. In general, the movement was most
In any case, I think that the existing The anarchist movement today consists ine that this implies both some qualities The mood at these gatherings was There was also the New Black Panther vibrant when crowds were working
organisations offer an anarchism thats of a fairly large number of collectives, and some faults. We could, for instance, tinged with anger and rowdiness, but Party, decked out with their fatigues together to overcome a clearly-defined
dusty, distant from action. As for me, I mainly in a few big cities. Libertarian lament the lack of critical or theoretical with respect to the environment, which and shotguns, making the police uneasy. obstacle whether it was blocking
therefore remain committed to evolv- thought and practices are developing analysis, which probably must be felt in was a black, low-income neighborhood. By all accounts the cops totally reversed an interstate, defending a parking lot,
ing, according to affinities with groups very rapidly and evoke a lot of interest. practice. But on the other hand, Mexico Fireworks were lit. Cars peeled out in their approach on this march, driving or keeping the riot police-lines at bay.
or conscious individuals, in maintaining being a particularly socially violent coun- the intersection. Graffiti and anti-police their SWAT tanks into the crowds Sometimes this process was compli-
As for the difference with other coun-
an affirmed libertarian position, within try, the level of violence that comes from memorials for Alton went up. Home- and, with AR-15s drawn, tackling and cated by arguments about the right
tries on the continent, the production
social movements if there should be this the movement is very symptomatic of this. town-hero Lil Boosies anthem Fuck the arresting as many people as they could. way to protest, but after dark this was
of theory here is still very weak, with-
work. Generally speaking, I consider We could take as example the group In- Police could usually be heard coming rarely a problem as many ideologues
out doubt due to anarchism oriented That night hundreds of people gathered
that many current professions of anar- dividualidades Tendiendo a lo Salvaje from somewhere. wouldnt come out past a certain hour.
towards action being relatively new, the at the Circle K across from the police
chist radicalism are often smokescreens (ITS) which claimed assassinations of Seemingly our capacity for action con-
difficulty of getting a hold of materials, During the first few nights the police precinct. Dozens more people were ar-
allowing them to make surprising leaps scientists,2 or several attacks signed by the tinued to grow insofar as crowds were
the absence of spaces to meet (they can were nowhere to be seen. By the time rested as riot cops repeatedly lined up
from the basic principles, and to display FAI or [the Mexican chapter of] the CCF open to unorthodox methods, while
be counted, for the country, on the fin- Id arrived it was dawning on lots of and rushed the crowd, targeting those
a beautiful demagoguery in the dis- of which the level of intensity is probably still paying attention to the more practi-
gers of one hand). There are many ex- people that the cops were playing a who were more outspoken. That said
course and historical interpretation of higher than in the rest of the world. Thus, cal concerns. During these moments of
changes, discussion, and relationships kind of containment strategy; by being almost everyones charges from both
their own movement. we find ourselves with an inverse situation creativity and courage our line of ques-
between individuals and collectives of in a friendly neighborhood the crowds Saturday and Sunday have since been
to many countries, where the practical tioning mightve been posed as: what is
While the re-appropriation and critical different tendencies (anarchist and an- mood was tempered, that is so long as dropped.
experimentation is much more developed most practical and possible at a given
revaluation of anarchist history the ti-authoritarian): at the same time be- the cops didnt make an appearance, a To get back to your question, the pro-
than the more theoretical and sometimes moment; what is going to increase our
struggle against the demagogic dis- cause the state of mind is very positive sacrifice they were more than willing to test on Sunday was very interesting,
detached. Could you share your feelings on power in relation to the cops.
courses are important issues, not in and open, and also, in my opinion, be- make until things cooled down. although probably not in the way the
this with us, and try to describe the recep-
the aim of leaving people in total doubt cause the lines of these groups are still On July 10 there was another major pro- community leaders, police and city of- Finally, on July 17, a Missouri man
tion that armed-struggle-ist theories could
(which is what so many professionals very vague. Relatively often, there are test, leading multiple confrontations with ficials who organized it intended. The Gavin Long shot and killed 3 cops in Ba-
have amongst comrades?
of pseudo-deconstruction do so well), positions or actions that one could find police and instances of excessive force. days events began with a sanctioned ton Rouge. Did this mark the end of the
but rather to clarify strong collective to be very surprising in a country where It is certain that the practices suffer events there? Has the flooding in Louisi-
from the lack of theoretical analyses. It Were you in Baton Rouge then and if so march to the capitol, followed by a rally.
and individual perspectives, to struggle an anarchist presence is more rooted, what can you tell us? Nearly two thousand people came ana since then had any overlap or inter-
with more relevance and sharpen our and sometimes very ambiguous things. seems to me to be a fundamental point, section with the Sterling protests that you
even if things evolve and improve. There Before talking about Sunday July 10, its probably the largest anti-racist march
weapons. These objectives can only be In a country where the struggles are or rally in Louisiana since the Jena Six know of?
achieved through trusted libertarian re- part of daily life, where the social move- remains, in Mexico, including in the an- worth mentioning that the day before

54 15
Anti-police demonstration in Baton Rouge, USA Street fighting after police attack on striking teachers in Oaxaca, MEX


OLMOS Excerpt
We write this after reading the State- saying what we think, as there are very In closing, its more than obvious that
ment from the Huajuapan Libertarian few who raise their voices and this hin- the justice the state distributes is to
Bloc on the police murder of com- ders the possibilities of anarchist ten- pacify us and maintain the current or-
paero Salvador Olmos Chava as dencies in Mexico. der of things. Surely the relatives and
we believe given the escalation of the As other compaeros have mentioned those close to Salvador will be sub-
war and advancing repression on anar- and we also argue anarchism in jected to the same ruses as ever; ac-
chist/libertarian settings it is necessary Mexico has been dragging the burden cording to reports there have already
to clarify our positions in the interest of leftism inherited from the popular been arrests of some police allegedly
of identifying the enemys multiple struggle and from its rapprochement responsible, surely his relatives will be
Gavin Longs action has definite- upon the opportunity to amp up the this is being used as an excuse to lock forms, as they are often reduced to with reformist anti-capitalist factions dizzied by legal defenses, bureaucratic
ly changed the atmosphere in Baton pro-police pageantry and repress any up people in North Baton Rouge. That criticisms of government injustices (armed or not), mixing our ideas with paperwork, human rights, etc. In the
Rouge. As capitol of Louisiana, Baton counter-narrative. said Livingston Parish was one of the or simply to believe that evil is em- their statist, democratic and citizenist end it will be the same empty promises
Rouge and the neighboring parishes are worst flooded areas, so who knows, bodied in a person or politician and perspectives. as always. We say this with respect for
As for the flooding, this intersects with not the reality that it is the entire sys- the families and friends, but it is the
home to a lot of the states most racist everything else thats happened in Lou- maybe the police who hail from that For us, its absolutely reprehensible to
tem of rulers and ruled who together truth, there is not just one officer or a
populations whose sentiments played a isiana, but in ways I have trouble speak- area are finally learning what it feels like request, through acts of dissent, that
actively participate in the maintenance group of police who are responsible,
big part in passing Americas first Blue ing to, partially because its so recent to be totally screwed over by forces be- the state do its job. If we lay claim to
of the capitalist social order. the one responsible is the state and
Lives Matter Bill back in May, which yond their control. the old slogan Death to the State,
and my knowledge of Baton Rouge is Let it be clear! The following words the state is the entire cast of charac-
makes targeting police a hate crime. why are we asking it to do its job well?
pretty limited, but also because the full In a broader sense, its also worth noting are in no way aimed at tarnishing the ters who participate in its functioning
Or if the state did its job well, if it gave
Nearly half of the BRPD itself is implication of everything thats hap- that in quick secession, a large Ameri- memory of compaero Chava or (from the lowest ranking cop to the
us security, if the police were honest
manned by residents of neighboring pened in Baton Rouge this summer is can population just experienced first- to start polemical bickering, nor to president of the republic) and the ser-
and only arrested the real criminals,
Livingston Parish, an overwhelming- so tremendous. hand three of the most paradigmatic cause fighting amongst ourselves, this vile and uncritical attitude of society.
if it looked after our access to health-
is above all a reflection from com- Thats why the only justice to be had
ly white area known in the recent past What I do know is that there are peo- phenomena of our times: an anti-po- care and food with ever-increasing so-
paeros for compaeros and we hope is to continue the compaeros strug-
for KKK activity. Even the cops who ple who stepped up during the protests lice uprising, a mass-shooting, and a cial welfare programs, if the governors
it is taken as such. gle, the only true justice is that which
actually live in Baton Rouge Parish are climate-related catastrophe. Taken to- were honest and fulfilled their cam-
who are now stepping up to provide comes from our own hands. The rest,
mostly from the white neighborhoods.
Very few police have any ties to North
relief for those who got flooded. A lot
of this involves facilitating the transfer
gether we have a neat diorama of the ex-
istential disaster capitalism has thrown
The graffiti [We want public works, not
paign promises, if they created all pos-
sibilities to meet the demand for em-
that which comes from the state, will
be an attempt to assuage feelings with
remodeling of faades] done by the ployment and the smooth flow of the
Baton Rouge (the site of the protests), of volunteers and resources to effected us into. For those of us actively looking legal arguments, an illusion. Because
compaero and the arguments sus- economy, with good salaries, well-built
aside from the larger economic interest areas without having to go through the for a line of flight from this catastrophe of that, and though many dont like to
tained in the statement we mentioned recreational spaces, if they filled the
they have in maintaining an atmosphere especially in the South the events hear it, the struggle should be blow for
inefficient bureaucracy of some of these reveal a lack of analysis and depth potholes or paved a road, would we be
of terror there. unfolding in Baton Rouge are very in- blow.
relief organizations, such as Red Cross. within settings identified as anarchist. moving towards fulfilling the slogan of
Given this context, Longs attack has no structive. Even knowing that different tenden- Death to the State? Contra Info
Curfews due to flooding have also been
doubt entrenched the police and their
sympathizers, whove already seized
imposed, and there are rumors that cies exist within anarchism many of
them questionable we will not stop * Transl. Scott Campbell
August 18th, 2016
is a banner for the political class and
a strategy of control that foments fear
through its cynicism and shameless-
never serves their false mask of pluralist
and tolerant democracy.
agement, on horizontalism and mutual
aid. We will fight from each one of our
trenches, coordinated and together, for
For the Combative Anti-Capitalist Co-
ness, it is essential to create ethical and ordinator it is important to forge links other ways of living, for social revolu-
political distance from the institutions of committed efforts and interaction tion, for freedom, for anarchy. Here we
of power, from political parties, from are, here we continue, and here we await SUBMITTED TO ITS GOING DOWN - NOVEMBER 10TH, 2016
with similar collectivities and individu-
business owners and from the political alities who dont sell out to the highest you and tell you: Cheers and freedom! This account and the reflections that follow line, bottle rockets exploded in the air, Thoughts and Reflections
class. It is indispensable that lines of political bidder; who continue resis- For the freedom of political prisoners! are only a glimpse of the events that took and police barricades were dismantled. While talking after the demonstration,
rebellion and resistance are emphasized tance outside of the state, of capital and place in Harrisburg on November 5th. Im This continued on and off for hours as some points came up about things that
For autonomy, self-management and
that continue building autonomies of its institutions; who condemn the not interested in or able to cover the whole tensions rose and fell, responding both could have been done differently, ideas
so as to not fall into their institutions wheeling and dealing of collectives who of what took place; instead Im putting to our own energy as a crowd and to the for how to be more effective in similar
games, as happens when people run for Against all forms of domination!
call themselves revolutionary or left forward how I experienced the day (plus actions of fascists and police in front settings in the future, and criticisms of
office or public positions, that weave but who in reality only play with the Freedom now for Fernando Sotelo, Fer- a few rumors I heard), what I learned, of us. At one point some masked ones both ourselves and the crowd in gener-
national and international solidarity, system. We believe we should get coor- nando Brcenas, Abraham Corts, Mi- and some thoughts that came out of con- began breaking up the cobble stones to al. Two themes came out of our discus-
that tear down the walls of all prisons, dinated, as our name suggests, so that guel Peralta, Roque Coca! versations following the mobilization. The make smaller rocks to launch at white sion: communication and cover; neither
that strengthen the storm and turns it together resistance against the state and Information Commission, Combative reflections and critiques apply to myself supremacy, but were dissuaded by local was completely separate from the other.
into utopia. So that the struggle in the capital grows, to build viable alterna- Anti-Capitalist Coordinator (CCA) and those I was with as much as they do to pacifists.
streets is not coopted by the state and On the 5th, communication between
tives based on autonomy and self-man- anyone else who was in attendance. A lone fascist near the demo was each other and with passersby who
November 5th in Harrisburg, PA punched and beaten by masked people; might be interested in fighting against
LETTER FROM ANARCHIST PRISONER FERNANDO BRCENAS Excerpt Before I got to the meetup spot, a friend police quickly stormed the fight and ar- white power and white nationalist
told me that a fascist livestreamer or rested an antifascist. This again roused groups could have been better. There
Ive heard rumors about an amnesty We dont need amnesties because we from themselves.
promoted by some political parties dont want or need laws to govern our photographer was present and was anger against the police but no concert- was little in the way of chants, speeches,
That is why we burn their facilities, we ed response came from us as a whole.
and institutions and believe it is neces- lives; the mirage of progress makes us sabotage their communications and
filming people. When he was pointed fliers, or graffiti that communicated to
sary here to clarify my stance reject- believe that the state and government we attack the symbols of their societ-
out and confronted, he punched an an- As the fascists packed up and filed off people outside the demonstration why
ing all forms of manipulating peoples are necessary and therefore we dont ies. We storm their cities because ur- tifascist, got jumped right away, and left. the capital stairs, everyone could be we were there. Even though they told
energies just to maintain order. Some directly notice the signs that we are banization is the highest altar to mass By the time I got to the spot, people heard cursing the neo-nazis and cheer- people not to throw stuff at the cops,
believe that an amnesty could address becoming complicit in the slaughter of incarceration, to the privatization of were just about to march. A few blocks ing their departure. Some people began the crew of clowns did more to send a
peoples concerns, shattered into our peoples economic resources. Public transit is of walking and chanting brought us to a proclaiming a victory, others grumbled message (whether I agree with it or not)
pieces by the imposition of wealth at We want to see the insurrection spread a symbol that reminds the marginal- police line behind some wooden barri- and started to mill around. Some blocd than many others there. Im not saying
the cost of economic slavery. We dont everywhere that destroys centralized ized that they are not welcome in the cades. The fascists werent scheduled to up people chanted their intention to that the demonstration was complete-
want to leave one prison to enter an- power, the common yoke that all of us great urban centers. The rate hike for arrive for another hour. People milled find and fight the fascists and began ly silent and inscrutable though; there
other. We want to be truly free, out- poor carry on our backs. the metro, the monopolization efforts about and a few announcements were marching. Moving slowly at first, the were some banners, signs and at least
side of their virtual realities, and if that by this same company to capture the made on the bullhorn. More and more march blocked streets with trash and one instance of anti-fascist graffiti. Itd
We salute acts of insubordination to
means destroying their society, we will entire citys mobility market with its police arrived in riot gear and on horse- newspaper boxes; after turning onto be great to see more communication
the international standards of living
do that believing that something new Metrobus prototype, are signs of the back, strengthening the thin blue line a large street, those at the front of the directed at potential accomplices and
that seek to turn us into efficient piec-
should be born to forever bury this complete privatization of cities. between us and the steps of the capital march saw the fascists in the distance supporters. Often this kind of commu-
es of their machinery.
rotten civilization that forces us to be building where the white power rally and picked up the pace. Those behind nication can add to the kind of cover
We, the marginalized, we are the ones Prison is the common space for all in
automatons and gears of machinery was set to take place. Slow moments them called for the march to stay tight, that Ill talk about a little later.
who bear the weight of this society, this era of technology, which is why we
Political struggles dont matter if should build paths and routes that will passed uneventfully. unaware that there was an opportu- Internal dialogue also fell short in my
and as we are no longer needed in
theyre not part of the permanent help us live at the margins, reinvent- nity to finally bang on the neo-nazis. opinion. As masked people, we didnt
their technological society, they justi- Eventually a man in a confederate flag
conflict that exists everywhere. They ing our lives daily and taking ourselves The mix of fast and slow marching led come together to coordinate or try to do
fy our massacre through informal wars t-shirt appeared on the steps and with
can imprison us but they will not stop back. to riot police moving into the street things that cant be accomplished by in-
on drugs in places where, curiously the help of the cops set up a PA for a bit
the revolt. Angry neighbors go into the fast enough, stopping the head of the dividuals or small groups. If communi-
enough, people have traditions and At war until we are all free. less than an hour. People were becom-
streets to reject development projects march. From there, those at the front cation during the march at the end had
communal ways of life different from Fernando Brcenas ing more agitated, screaming at the fas-
that cause evictions and forced dis- decided it was best to cut losses, leave been better, its possible that we might
those of the state. cist and the police. As the anger in the
placement for thousands of families downtown and disperse. The march have been able to actually lay hands on
crowd was rising and more fascists ar-
who dont have sufficient means to changed direction, rushing down small- the fascists as they were leaving. Its true
rived, including klansmen, members of
get by when public space becomes We cant entrust our lives and that er streets and throwing trashcans into that beyond the friends I arrived with
the National Socialist Movement, Key-
privatized. The privatization of water of our loved ones to the state/mafia, the street as cops closed in, eventually I didnt know many people present, but
stone United, and the Traditionalist
is another clear sign reflecting how they are responsible for the genocide dispersing. I dont think anyone from even if we are unknown to each other, it
Workers Party, I saw people losing pa-
the powerful truly regard us. Modern and slaughter that we breathe daily. As this short march was caught, although doesnt mean we cant propose plans, let
tience. Although never in a coordinat-
slavery, deranged and sweetened with anarchists, we are carrying out a war ABC Mexico I heard one or more people who stayed each other know what cops and fascists
against power, against all that tries to
ed or unified way, eggs, rocks, full soda
luxury items, drugs, and other capital- Transl. Scott Campbell behind at the steps of the capital were are doing, or just talk in general.
delimit individuals and distance them
cans, and vegetables flew at the police
ist aspirations. October 23rd, 2016 arrested.
Cover was another topic that came up BLACK BLOCS & BUTTERFLIES: REFLECTIONS ON THE
as something we would like to see more
of. By cover I mean the amount of ac-
tivity, energy, sound, and anonymity The medic teams decided to approach gitimizes the State, supporting one
that make a crowd feel safe and exciting people while in full black bloc to let another in ways they have never in- ON THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION AND AUTONOMY OF SOCIAL PROTEST
to take direct action from within. The them know we were there and avail- tended to do for us. That girl and many
able in case someone needed medical others will remember the black bloc as FROM RADIO ZAPOTE - TRANSLATED BY SCOTT CAMPBELL - OCTOBER 9TH, 2016
cover waxed and waned throughout the
assistance. There were just a handful being gentle and kind, offering water Forty-eight years after the Tlatelol- sands of people. It also seeks to admin- to deploy thousands of police from vari-
day. Something that seemed to make of us, each with a variety of supplies in- and help and dancing together in cele-
the energy intensify was sound. Drum- co massacre we continue demanding ister social protest, to institutionalize ous agencies: transit, riot police, intelli-
cluding nitrile gloves, gauze, duct tape, bration of shutting the rally down.
mers, chants, fireworks, and the person justice for the murdered, disappeared, and mediate it, to make it a spectacle gence (sic), who from 1pm on, gathered
instant ice packs, and milk of magnesia
banging on that stop sign with a flag These events have shown me that the persecuted, tortured, defamed, and im- or better yet an anniversary meriting around the Antimonument to the 43+
mixtures for pepper spray or mace. I
struggle is tangibly real. It is not just an prisoned, as even though the killers and commemoration. It has tried to do this to surveil and to try to intimidate the
really added to the feeling of power we spoke with a girl no older than 20, her
abstraction to theorize or read about, masterminds have not been tried and with the October 2 March through its march.
felt in the crowd. When the police bar- eyes filled with terror: Ive never been
but a concrete representation of our
ricade was broken, people moved ban- to anything like this before, its scary. punished, those compaeros who fell in committees and its officials, encour- The march headed to Tlatelolco and
fight for liberation, and our work is not
ners to line the whole front of the demo, I saw a flyer that said Nazis were go- the militant struggle remain present in aging and supporting a march that is tried to pass by the Palacio de Bellas
over when the demo ends. There are
which made those of us behind them ing to be in Sacramento and people the popular and social struggles today sympathetic to the government itself, Artes and the Eje Central, but police
legal teams preparing for repression
were going to shut them down. She as part of our memory, solidarity, guid- with controlled media coverage present-
feel both more protected and anony- and harassment, people to articulate surrounded the march at the Hemiciclo
seemed nervous about even the idea ance, dignity, strength, inspiration, rage ed to the world as an example of demo-
mous; it seemed that more throwing our narrative to others, fundraising for a Jurez, preventing its advance. When
of there being medics for protesters,
took place then too. Holding even taller, medical bills, plus numerous shows of and courage. Today, no one doubts that cratic plurality. trying to continue along the Alameda,
not like we were highly trained or any-
reinforced banners, and/or having ban- solidarity from across the country and it was the Mexican state who planned But it doesnt fool anyone. Many social police began beating and arresting sev-
thing. Those new to the struggle and
ners both in front of and right behind world. Providing hospital support was and carried out that mass murder, just organizations, collectives and individu- eral compaerxs, which quickly led to
seasoned veterans alike share similar
an incredibly powerful and inspiring as it did with the disappearance of 43
us, would give even more cover to pro- concerns about safety. als throughout the country dont accept a confrontation with the police and
experience, albeit very exhausting and
tect the people throwing stuff from the teaching college students on September the institutionalization of protest and the rescue of the compaerxs who had
emotional. I watched when one com-
many high-grade police cameras that 26, 2014, as from Tlatelolco to Ayotzin- continue pushing the struggle into the been detained. Given these repres-
When I was finally falling asleep that rade was discharged from the hospital
were watching us. Bringing more things apa one can trace a historical continuity streets, with political autonomy and sive acts, the march decided to change
night, after footage of the madness and stopped to visit another who was
to throw, talking more to people who traveled throughout international also stabbed, turning my head to wipe that affirms the totalitarian character of remembrance as action. Faced with its route and to head to Tlatelolco via
happened to walk by the demo, making news sources, I thought of the terri- away the tears I couldnt stop from the state that today we can characterize the authoritarian power of the state, Avenida Reforma. Police commanders
fiery speeches (that also communicate fied girl from that morning. I hoped escaping. Weve all seen and gone as narco and terrorist. we devise not just several means of re- were forced to allow the free movement
our ideas), filling the area with antifas- she was okay. The media will always through some intense shit together, For decades, on every October 2, thou- sistance and rebellion, but we also build guaranteed by their hypocritical con-
cist posters and tags, surrounding our- paint the black bloc as violent out- and we must never lose sight of this sands of people from all over Mexico other forms of organization and auton- stitution and the thousands of police
selves with banners, and having sound side agitators, opportunists hell-bent less sensational side of revolutionary take to the streets to protest against the omy, from Tlatelolco up to Ayotzinapa. were met with rage, courage and dignity
on bringing the ruckus. They cant see activity.
and music all contribute to a feeling that crime and to remember the fallen, they These came from before and will con- as the march was able to advance along
what happens behind the scenes. They
were powerful and builds our capacity wont show what we do in our everyday
raise their voices and point to the state tinue on moving forward. As such, we Reforma, though surrounded by hun-
Its Going Down
up to do even more. lives that wrests power from and dele- and its institutions as the murderers of not only create historical justice for our dreds of riot police, security forces and
July 6th, 2016
See you in the streets Tlatelolco; at the same time, year after compaeros who have fallen in the long the occasional hired goon.
year, the governments crimes mount, night of rebellion, we continue fighting The combative march brought together
from the dirty war of the 1960s for the 43 disappeared from Ayotzin- more than 400 libertarian, anarchist,
through 1980s, to the Aguas Blancas apa and soon we will achieve freedom and antifascist compaerxs who were
and Acteal massacres, to the war on for our political prisoners: Fernando able to get to Tlatelolco to remember
drugs and the most recent massacre Sotelo, Fernando Brcenas, Abraham the fallen from October 2, 1968 and to
in Nochixtln, as well as the thousands Corts, Miguel Peralta, and Roque demand freedom for political prisoners.
of disappeared, political prisoners, dis- Coca, kidnapped by the terrorist Mexi- The punitive, fascist police operation
placed and exiled. We affirm that for all can narco-state. enacted by the Mexican state did not
these crimes, the culprit is the terrorist This past October 2, there were two stop us, did not scare nor threaten us,
Mexican narco-state. marches in Mexico City, one that is we never doubted that the march would
As such, its ridiculous to demand jus- increasingly institutionalized and that arrive at its planned destination. We
tice from the murderer, it is ingenuous took place without incident, calm, did it in the memory of our murdered
and in some cases perverse, to ask for uneventful and for which there was no compaerxs and for the freedom of our
justice from Mexicos legal institutions, security operation mobilized for it. It prisoners. They would had to have beat-
because in its historical configuration, wasnt needed, as that march was of lit- en and arrested all of us in order to keep
in its forms of exercising power, in its tle importance to the state. The other, us from getting to the Plaza de las Tres
daily political practices, the terrorist which was called for by the Combative Culturas.
narco-state murders, persecutes, dis- Anti-Capitalist Coordinator, led the In the current national context where
appears, tortures and imprisons thou- federal and Mexico City governments impunity for the Mexican states crimes
Anti-klan demonstration in Stone Mountain, USA
As should be clear, shared tactics have PICKETS AGAINST STARBUCKS AND MCDONALDS
little relation to a shared projectand
often enough the opposite is the case.
The re-emergent far-right in Europe Responding to the Free Alabama action sprees, ranging from the civ-


(and more often in the U.S. as well) Movements proposal (in Let the il rights era to recent animal rights
has found itself capable of breaking Crops Rot in the Field) and the call struggles. The successful examples
windows and torching refugee hous- for an October 1st day of solidarity seemingly depended on focused tar-
ing, while various authoritarian factions with the prisoners strike, we picket- geting and moving up the food chain
have joined popular uprisings from ed and flyered three Starbucks and a from smaller to larger targets, pick- SUBMITTED TO ITS GOING DOWN - APRIL 15TH, 2016
Kiev to Cairo. Many have observed that McDonalds across Bloomington over ing up victories along the way. If the
this decades revolts appear to belong to two days. We asked for customers to goal is building momentum against the Western Pennsylvania has a split. There Immediately upon reaching the line of white life.
a single trajectory, but the conclusion boycott in solidarity and tried to cre- system of forced labor inside prison are those who seek a better existence attendees flag bats and impassioned en- The slave catchers (police) were also
that we are all partisans of insurrection ate at least a minimal hassle for the lo- by forcing companies to cut ties, we for all. Dreamers, who see possibilities ergy met the domes of Make America targeted in this attack and will con-
together is a false oneeven if some re- cal owners. We agree with FAM that it should consider starting with a specific beyond the Giant Eagles, condo de- Great Again (the slogan worn proudly tinue to be as long as they continue to
fuse to admit it. is easy and simple to target those who corporation of a certain size not so velopments, politicians, the gossip of on Trump hats). Fists hit those who serve as an institutionalized oppressive
This thinking is best represented by the profit off the prison system, with so large that its profit margin is untouch- the nightly news on what black person love to see nothing less than walls put force that seeks to uphold the current
recent video A Resolution, which is a many corporations plugged into the able, but big enough to have branch- did what. They saw a way out of the between our brothers and sisters. That ruling order, lock people up, and deny
short propaganda film that calls people circuits of state violence and control. es or locations in many places. Whole cyclical grip of unchallenged rhetoric, particular sinister smirk and chuckle free existence which is to say as long
to action, but shies away from putting Particularly during moments of crisis Foods, for example, was recently the pounding narratives that regularly that is given by bullies who look down as they are police. Each officer had a de-
forth any position. Simply anyone fight- like now, during the ongoing strike forced to announce an end of its use kill people because of identity, religion, at others as meager and incapable were cision to make when they formed a line
ing for freedom or for the Earth should this is a useful fact. But as a long-term of prison labor. class, gender. Such deaths are often not maced away with pepper spray. On and between the White Supremacists and
join up together and get organized. The strategy, we have concerns, and would We are not sure of this path, but it was seen as murder because the structural off for three hours white supremacists the crowd of Anti-Fascists. It comes as
omission of any discernible ideological like to propose a focused discussion to a part of our conversation during the institution of white supremacy and cap- were beat as the celebratory roar of the no surprise that they chose to form and
grounding is further complicated by the FAM and the broad solidarity move- actions, and were offering it as a small italism have shielded them from contest crowed reverberated off the tunnels of face off with rebels. They had a decision
inclusion of footage from movements ment in order to tighten this approach. contribution to the ongoing discus- with an intentionally despicable educa- the convention center. to make when they arrested three com-
that took a heavily right-wing character. With actions against so many potential sions and solidarity in support of the tion system and apathetic, individualis- Marching bands, colorful signs, chants rades. That is why they were maced and
We must be absolutely clear: we are not targets or even against a single mas- prisoners struggle. We will appreciate tic culture. of No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist hit.
simply advocating for certain tactics, we sive target (McDonalds), its hard to other ideas or responses, and especial- A pervasive discourse that makes excep- USA tangoed with the black flags of Negative actions like this are the lived
intend to see the end of domination. imagine gaining much momentum let ly more actions! tional the wealthy white man above all anarchy to unleash a chaos some inter- act of being present with our capabil-
alone concrete victories. has plagued this region. To live in this net denizen would later characterize as
Footnotes ities. Pittsburghers like the rest of the
There are many useful historical ref- Its Going Down land is to be ruled by this marker, to see Feral, frothing, rabid and violent. To planet have it within to bring closure to
1. See Why We Dont Make Demands by
CrimethInc. erence points of boycotts and direct October 2nd, 2016 ones self in contrast to this and make me it was much more disciplined than a traumatic era of racism, policing, class
2. See Theory of Destitution To Our every opportunity to find validation and that but still wild. Spit landed in the based society, slavery (in the modern
Friends by the Invisible Committee security alone. Class unconsciousness faces of one Trump supporter giving a form of prisons). An unknown freedom
and racism make for an easily manage- Nazi Salute as others drowned him out is made within this negation.
able population by politicians. with chants and protest placards.
In short: Nobody has ever needed some
That is the provincial. The way out was to The Secret Service was made to shut man yellin and telling us what to do!
meet together. the doors to the event as attendees were
Past all the patriarchal call to arms of
As news that the evangelizing force that turned away. Our movement proved ca-
the right, the kitschy politicking of sen-
has been encouraging and embolden- pable of social self-defense. At the end
sibility as a tool of suave leftism exists a
ing Right-wing politics of white con- of Trumps speech the crowd exited,
structural reality that neither the right
venience, entitlement and supremacy they were met with a gauntlet of trips
nor the left truly want to change; poli-
across the nation was coming to town and berating, more fights broke out,
tics seek to manage our movements and
rang, rebels across this city held a ne- more police, more policing. Heated ar-
life. To act with dignity and autonomy
cessity to act. Like Ferguson, St. Lou- guments cleared the air of what people
was to do what needed done. In partic-
is, New York, Anaheim and countless really thought as civil unrest was real-
ular some 4,500 jagoffs were dealt with.
other cities accomplices were found in ized.
This city is unexceptional in its white
resistance to White Supremacy. The Trump crowd was judged by what
supremacy but unfuckingbelievable in
An anti-fascist contingent was man- its material actions were: attending a
its resistance.
ifested as a way of locating sanity, white supremacist rally. The only ethical
response to this decision was confron- In solidarity, love and rage,
self-defense and autonomy. A quick
boisterous march to David L. Law- tation, eviction, and to grant a denial, uncontrollable /// ungovernable
rence Convention Center found a vis- perhaps for the first time to those who One of many Pittsburgh Anti-Fascists
ceral repulsion to organized racism. have have the golden ticket a wealthy
Upscale store vandalized in Montreal, CAN
On June 2nd, we and a large number played political affiliations. surrounding chairman Bob Avakian) ORIGINALLY POSTED TO ITS GOING DOWN - APRIL 19TH, 2016
of people protesting a rally by the pres- Despite all attempts to paint the vio- was there to opportunistically attempt
idential candidate Donald Trump in to hijack the rally and disseminate Written almost a year ago, Do Riots multaneously reinforces their power. I If we set our sights on the social order
lence of the day as the work of Mexican Work? Exploring New Frontiers of Re- refer to this as politics. To take action in its entirety, the tactical maturity will
San Jose clashed with his supporters, and other Latino undocumented immi- their recruiting materials. This attempt
delivered many righteous beatings, tore ultimately fell flat due to their contra- cuperation attempted to clarify a mis- that seeks no concessions or even rec- follow. There is no reason to remain de-
grants through the use of racist language conception of the so-called post-Fer- ognition from power, that advances our voted to pacifist tactics when one stops
up and set their racist paraphernalia like thugs and illegals by Trump him- dictory chants and pointless verbal de-
on fire, and rioted at a scale that hadnt bates with Trump supporters, and was guson era. It addressed the tendency own position in a material way, is some- appealing to the state or the masses.
self and other media sources, a casual to frame riots as a means to achieve times called destitution.2
been seen in city for almost 20 years. glance at the imagery and footage from mostly ignored once the crowds began Of course, the importance of desitition
to enlarge. reforms as a response to pacifism, and A typical anarchist reaction to the ac- is about more than tactics, it is about
What began as an attempt to impose that day reveals a quite different story. claimed that doing so actually forecloses
yet another demoralizing peaceful rally Not only were there large numbers of From the get go, unapologetically pro- tions carried out by these activists usu- making insurrections irreversible. How
revolutionary possibilities. Since then, ally involves suggesting less controlled, else could order be restored, without
was taken over by people who refused Mexican and other Latino protesters, fane chants such as America was nev- the task of further elaboration has prov-
accept idly standing by and chanting especially youth present among us, but er great! Fuck Donald Trump and his more confrontational actions instead the legitimacy of politics? Undermining
en itself more crucial than expected. but as discussed in the original piece, this legitimacy is the only way to pre-
while fascists shat on us boldly and also considerable numbers of black, hate! and Culero! Culero! Culero!
without fear. We were a big enough brown, indigenous, Asian, and white were pitted against the polite and di- Referring specifically to rioting missed this doesnt truly get to the heart of the vent a return to normality. Satisfying
crowd to leave SJPD unprepared to protesters, including women, queers, simpassioned chants from the Silicon the opportunity to address a related matter. More destructive actions can demandsor, all too often, simply the
respond to the size and speed of our and Muslims who directly participated Valley Rising contingent, which had development. In the past year or so, ri- still be captured by politics if politics it- promise to satisfy the demands in the fu-
rapid maneuvering, which at its peak in rioting. appointed itself as the regulator of the oting has not spread nearly as much as self is not confronted. However, the fu- turecan easily halt revolt in its tracks.
swelled to about 400 to 500 people. By protest (more on that shortly). These disciplined militancy. Christmas 2015 ture depicted in Do Riots Work? has When we find ourselves in these situa-
The mood and movement of the crowd in particular was marked with several not yet come to pass: rioting and its as-
and large, SJPD lost control of the area and the resulting violent clashes were profane chants were instrumental in al- tionsin riots, in blockades, in upris-
near the Convention Center for several lowing the militant protesters to push actions by organizations such as Black sociated tactics (property destruction, ingswe dont simply get to choose the
the culmination of the efforts of differ- Seed and various Black Lives Matter street fighting, looting) have not yet
hours while it attempted to corral and ent actors such as ourselves that came back against the attempted pacification character that it takes. For this reason,
contain us. By the time streets were of the atmosphere, and in practice, re- chapters that spectacularly shut down entered the mainstream tactical array of we must find ways to intervene in these
together with a desire to unapologet- highways, airports, bridges, and more. activists in the United States.
cleared later that night, 4 arrests were ically and militantly protest Trump, ject the hollow and superficial no hate political movements to push the ten-
made by SJPD with the help of mutual rhetoric they were trying to impose on Activists carry out bigger and more While anarchists in the United States sions at anti-political fault lines with-
and to break free of the elaborately impressive disruptions that mirror the
aid from other local police departments. orchestrated attempts to keep us paci- the rally. are familiar with a left that represents in these events. Politicians of all sorts
As of this writing an additional 3 peo- uprisings following the acquittal of the pacifist middle ground between must be resisted and their programs
fied. Whats significant is that the riot Its unclear which particular incident George Zimmerman or the murder of
ple have been arrested, all of which are not only marks a violent clash with the kicked things into high gear, but by themselves and the far right, it appears sabotaged, laying bare their attempts to
juveniles, and additional arrests are be- Mike Brown, but remain within the more likely that its function will evolve preserve life as we know itwhile sow-
vulgarly racist, misogynist, and capital- large, it was the result of the aggressive traditional political framework. While
lieved to be imminent. Our collective ist pig that is Donald Trump, his sup- and arrogant racist Trump supporters to capturing tactical escalations within ing the seeds of destitution.
actions for which we have no regrets some see this as a refinement or evo- the political terrain. Instead of, or even
porters, and the Republican Party, but engaging with the crowd of protesters. We also need to operate outside of them
were seen and heard around the coun- lution of the latter spontaneous actions, complimentary to, fighting against es-
in addition, (we would argue more sig- They leveled racist insults (illegals, to maximize our potential. There is no
try and world, and have drawn the con- it could more accurately be described calations of militancy, it will attempt to
nificantly) is a break with the San Jose niggers, terrorists, etc.), made fascist denying the material consequences of
demnations of the people weve always as the capturing of what was previous- make those actions legible to power, to
liberal establishment which up until gestures, threatened violence, and felt attacks or blockades regardless of their
known to be our enemies and that of ly uncontrollable. Instead of agitated explain them politically.
this point had secured the South Bay entitled and safe to enter large crowds political nature. A shut down highway
people who pretend to be our friends crowds chucking proverbial wrenches
as its impenetrable fortress. The estab- of angry people while aggressively in- More and more are becoming frustrat- is a shut down highway, a burnt police
and allies in fighting for a better world. into the gears of the nearest capitalist
lishment had been able to achieve this sulting and in some cases, initiating vi- ed with the plainly ineffective rallies and station is a burnt police station. When
infrastructure, activists carefully craft
Contrary to the racist tropes deployed remarkable feat of governance despite olence against us. Once the grip of the parades, it would be a mistake for the activists carry out their theatrical ac-
a spectacular event for mass consump-
in the narratives of publications such as the city being home to large numbers of police and peace-police loosened, all left to forfeit its own legitimacy so eas- tions, it could be an opportune moment
tion. The latter follows the activist logic
that of the New York Times, which attri- people of color, immigrants, and undoc- hell broke loose which lasted for several ily by abstaining from militancy which to paralyze another node of the me-
of consciousness-raising through me-
butes the violence of the day primarily umented people and the massive waves hours. has become increasingly popular. Con- tropolis. Not because our struggle is the
dia-centric protest, perhaps inherently
to Mexican youth associated with the of rent increases, displacement, and It is quite significant that these events ceding a moderate amount of damage same, but to spread the fires of revolt.
so. These actions interrupt the function-
Norteos and Sureos gangs (though gentrification that the booming tech in- represent a breakdown in the highly is a small price for preserving the social A SHORT POST SCRIPT
ing of society only as required to draw
members were present and overcame dustry has leveled against them. refined local and regional machinery control of politics.
attention to their grievance or cause. Whilst the primary focus of both es-
their antagonism to unite during the Things initially began slowly with small of pacification and counter-insurgency I therefore propose the following hy- says dealt primarily with recuperation
protest), the crowd that clashed with The nature of demands has been more
pockets of people arriving at the ral- that had successfully until this point, pothesis: it will be worth more in the of confrontational tactics from the left,
Trump supporters was quite diverse thoroughly explored elsewhere,1 but
ly point near the Convention Center maintained a consistent climate of so- long run to push the analytical frame- there are more reasons to dis-identify
and varied in terms of their race, gender, put simply: any engagement with those
shortly after 4pm. True to form, the cial peace in the face of increasingly work of destitution rather than trying tactics from motivations.
sexuality, religion, and explicitly dis- in power to address our problems si-
RCP (a vanguardist cult of personality deteriorating social conditions facing to escalate from within a political logic.
20 49
communities of brown and black peo- location further away from the Conven- tice, completely rejected their politics of
ple, immigrants, and other working tion Center), and used a title similar to dignified and respectable passivity.
class people. the more widely shared Dump Trump Pieces such as the one published by Sil-
This machinery which at its core is event page. The organizers proudly an- icon Valley Debug, insist mainstream
FROM SUBMEDIA - DECEMBER 21ST, 2016 the seamless integration of the politics nounced that monitors (which includ- media have misrepresented the situa-
In 2016, numerous attacks were launched freedom, of sharing and gifting, of rela- repression, the principal method of of Democratic Party, the local busi- ed the Brown Berets with their ironic tion, that this was all the work of a few
at diverse symbols of gentrification in tions outside of work and leisure, of the pacification. To keep us in inaction, im- ness unions and policy organizations masking of their faces with bandanas) bad apples on BOTH sides, or that the
the Montreal neighborhoods of Hochela- joy outside of consumption prisoned in an imaginary where we cant (Working Partnerships USA, South would be present at this rally to keep violence cast the city, in its totality, in
ga-Maisonneuve and Saint-Henri. We take anything or stop anything from Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, SEIU, everyone in line. negative light. At another press confer-
2. I think its worth being explicit about
wanted to give space to the people involved how the struggle against gentrification happening. etc.), non-profits, colleges, universities, As Thursday afternoon drew near, ence held by so-called local community
so that they can explain a point of view, is inevitably a struggle against the po- 1. Whats special about direct action and community groups into the milita- many posts were made on these event leaders, Salvador Chava Bustaman-
that corporate media consistently ignore or lice. The main tool that the city has to is that you finally do away with the rized security and counter-insurgency pages by various individuals (some affil- te urged Latinos to do it the way that
misrepresent. subMedia has obtained an move forward with its project of social ultimate mediator, the State, by acting apparatus of local and regional govern- iated of SV Rising or supporters of the hurts them deny them our vote. He
exclusive interview with two anarchists in- cleansing is the police and the pacifica- directly on the situation. Rather than ment and police, immigration authori- campaigns of Hilary Clinton and Ber- failed to issue a similar prescription for
volved in the actions. tion of residents. This reality is at the giving agency to the city, in demanding ties, and the Department of Homeland nie Sanders) making recommendations achieving broad social change for un-
What does it mean for you to fight against heart of the reflections that orient our something of it, we want to act for our- Security. This machine is comprised of or demanding the protests adhere to a documented immigrants, whom lacking
gentrification? actions. The pacification takes different selves against the forces that gentrify the a complex web of elected officials, paid certain orderly and respectable format, the legal right to vote are apparently to
forms: its the installation of cameras, neighbourhood. The State is afraid of political staffers, non-profit workers, rally at a certain location, or follow a be relegated to the political sidelines and
1. Before anything else, were just and on the ground activists, all connect-
the management of parks and streets, people refusing its role as the mediator. particular marching route. In the words further disempowered. All while the
talking for the two of us, not for anyone ed through formal and informal rela-
but also its the imaginary created by of the people making the posts, this was threat of elections installing a president
else who participated in the action. We Why choose a strategy of direct action out- tionships between the different political
bullshit narratives like social mixity. all to prevent rioting and violence. that will carry out the deportations of
dont want to represent anything. side of a context like those created during entities listed above. Many of these en-
The public consultations, the studies Back at the Trump protest, once the up to 11 million undocumented people
2. I dont want to limit myself to fight- social movements? tities and institutions are staffed by and is at its peak. Others such as prominent
and projects of affordable housing are SV Rising rally was over at the park,
ing against gentrification, which I see as 2. Because we dont want to wait for the serve primarily constituents of people immigrant rights activists and frequent
all just a facade: during this time, the they began marching towards the Con-
an intensification of the misery of cap- right context. We think that its through of color, and function to channel the invokers of revolutionary imagery and
social cleansing advances and more and vention Center with full coordination
italism. And Im against capitalism in intervening in fucked up situations in rage and discontent of local populations language have openly stated their will-
more people are evicted. If these means and escort from a squad of SJPD mo-
all its forms. I struggle against gentrifi- the world that we live in that we create into an endless array of dead-end cam- ingness to cooperate with and provide
of pacification dont work, the city has torcycle police. They entered the Con-
cation because it effects my life and the contexts. The fact that this world is hor- paigns, photo-ops, petitionary efforts, information to the police because they
recourse to repression, thats to say, the vention Center from the San Carlos St.
lives of many people, but also because rible is in itself a good context. Revolt is and annual parades like the heavily have nothing to hide.
police. Its the police who evict tenants, side, marched through the facility, and
its a context that allows the exchange of always worthwhile, every day. policed (both by uniformed cops and
prevent the existence of squats, etc. Ev- exited on Market St. apparently as an These responses betray the strong sense
ideas and practices, to nourish a larger 1. I think thats important to emphasize, self-appointed civilian peace-police)
ery form of offensive organization that expression of symbolic defiance for the of paternalism and condescension that
perspective of anarchist struggle. Ive I dont believe in waiting for social move- May Day march.
refuses the mediation attempts of the consumption of the crowd. Once this these establishment liberal groups and
been inspired by anarchists in other cit- ments to act. Acts of revolt have many To illustrate how this machine operat-
municipal authority will one day be contingent joined the rally, large num- non-profits harbor towards the commu-
ies who have anchored their struggles impacts, even if theyre not inscribed in a ed on June 2nd, we need to go back to
faced with the police. So its also im- bers of people wearing SEIU or other nities they simultaneously celebrate and
in where they live. Theyve managed social movement. And also, when the next Tuesday, May 31st, when a Facebook
portant to develop our capacity to de- SV Rising affiliate organization t-shirts through the application of identity pol-
to make certain neighbourhoods dan- moment of widespread revolt comes, well event titled Dump Trump San Jose
fend initiatives against repression. and signs began dictating chants and itics, claim exclusively represent, while
gerous for the authorities and not very be better prepared to participate. popped up before the time and venue
Without necessarily throwing aside com- policing the rally. At this point, as more paving the path for state repression and
welcoming for capitalist businesses. I for the Trump rally were announced,
munity organizing, many anarchists pre- Lastly, what do you say to those who say youth and other people not affiliated criminalization of these very same com-
would like for the police to be afraid and began gaining traction. Later, an-
fer the method of direct action. Why? that gentrification is an inevitable process? with them began joining the crowd, munities with their condemnations,
of being attacked when they patrol other event page titled Manda A Don-
1. Gentrification is a process of capital- the chants of the SV Rising contingent hypocritical espousals of non-violence,
Hochelag, for small yuppie businesses 1. We dont have demands. We didnt ald Trump A La Chingada! was also cre-
ism and colonialism, among others. It were increasingly drowned out and and at times, open snitching. The mes-
to hesitate before setting up shop here do this action to put pressure on power, ated by a local musician associated with
makes itself seem inevitable, and maybe ignored. Not long after that, the skir- sage embedded in the respectability
because their insurance premiums will so that they grant us certain things. For Silicon Valley Debug. On Wednesday
it is, but its nonetheless worthwhile to mishes broke out. politics that frames their political ide-
be super expensive, for people to think sure people should have access to hous- afternoon, another event was created by
struggle against it and to not let our- In the aftermath of the riot, most of ology is one that is first and foremost
about how if they park their luxury ing, but I dont think that we should Silicon Valley Rising, a coalition lead by
selves be passive. In a world as unlivable the San Jose liberal establishment has concerned with the subjectivity and
cars in the neighbourhood overnight, wait for the State to respond to the de- Working Partnerships USA and South
as the one were in, I have the feeling been quick to thoroughly apologize for approval of the white supremacist op-
theyre risking waking up to them being mands for social housing that have ex- Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, and
that my life can only find meaning if I and issue strong denunciations of the pressor with the nave (or intentionally
trashed, that as soon as graffiti or post- isted since the 80s, in a neighbourhood other local business unions, non-prof-
fight back. violence of that day. Many pieces have perpetuated) notion that wed cease to
ers are cleaned, theyre back up. undergoing gentrification. Im more its, and community groups (includ- made use of patrimonial language to be oppressed and exploited if we just
1. And if we want these people to be interested in seeing what it would look 2. At best, the process of gentrification
ing SEIU, NAACP, Rainbow PUSH chastise those who engaged in violence, look and act like respectable subjects for
afraid, its because we want the space to like for people to take space and defend will move elsewhere, if a neighbour-
Coalition, Silicon Valley Debug, etc.). and to forward the usual range of liberal the white supremacist patriarchal capi-
experiment with other ways of living, it, without asking. Im not interested in hood resists. And yet, struggling against
Unlike the two former events, which rhetorical tools in an attempt to explain talist political system. This also grants
and cohabitation with them isnt pos- dialoguing with power. capitalism and the State opens up pos-
named the San Jose Convention Center away the fact that so many of the people them the perfect excuse for their poli-
sible. Their world will always want the 2. Dialogue with the municipal author- sibilities that otherwise wouldnt have
as their rally points, this event called for they claim to represent as their faithful tics, decade after decade, failing to pro-
destruction of other worlds, those of ities is, along with the threat of police existed.
a rally at Plaza de Csar Chvez Park (a and obedient constituents, had in prac- duce any meaningful social change by
48 21
attributing this failure to not achieving and the plain on which their long-term Guevara t-shirt wearing community are here because we feel life differently for insurgence, to do something. So, between the throwers and ourselves,
the sufficient degree of respectable and manipulations and gas lighting take organizer on our throats until we qual- in a demo, because we love the butter- going to demos, and seeing ourselves because the demo makes it possible to
orderly masses to get out the vote or pe- place. They shroud themselves in the itatively change how we relate to one flies in our stomachs and our wildly become protagonists of this rebellion. reduce this distance. It is us too, we are
tition the centers of power for change. symbols and imagery of past violent another in a manner that goes beyond pounding hearts, adrenaline rising. No longer having in our minds this there, we are them, we are accomplices,
For them, the bitter lamentations of vi- peoples struggles and uprisings, only just displaying symbols, enacting the We also wish to avoid that the demo far off imaginary where others attack. we desire this, our being-spirit is in the
olence are in truth the lamentations of to tell us violence is never legitimate correct identity-based performances, only replies to itself and is contained to Demos have opened up our possibil- rock that smashes.
the threat of imminent irrelevance and a or effective, all while the violent social and longing for an abstract nebulous its own temporal-spatial limits and au- ities, have allowed us to face our fear We would lastly like to question the of-
desire to return to the comfortable sta- war waged against us daily continues to concept of changing the world that we tomatisms. We wish to avoid forgetting of cops, perhaps slowly, over the years, ten-repeated strategy of calling a demo
tus quo where their symbolic rituals of claim millions of lives. cant even imagine ourselves living and it the following day, because we have but always surely. To better understand in the week following a successful demo,
disempowerment as the path to libera- We reject the slow death that is liber- experiencing firsthand. other things to do. We wish to carry the terrain, how the cops move, how to up until the last demo no longer kindles
tion can resume uninterrupted. alism with its array of institutions, po- Fighting to free ourselves of the hierar- the demo within us, to think about it, heal ourselves, when to run and how enthusiasm and is ferociously repressed.
What these liberals are incapable of ever litical parties, non-profits, opportunist chies and domination of white suprem- to talk about it with friends, to see what to stay calm. Where to hit, and how Because we feel it in advance, it was said,
doing is deeming or acknowledging that pacifiers, and willfully nave dupes. To acy, capitalism, patriarchy, and the state we would like to do the next time the to see every bank, bourgeois car, and that the demo of December 18th would
violence that isnt carried out or sanc- us, they are part of the forces that must cannot be waged on the chessboard opportunity presents itself, to always be government building as a target. To no be less strong, that it wouldnt have the
tioned by the state (with its monopoly be overcome to achieve liberation, and and within the confines and safety of alert. To not forget the feeling and exal- longer only see police as executioners, same possibilities as the last. And some
on legitimate violence) can be political we will never forget their shameless be- state-approved activity and its institu- tation possible when we give ourselves but as targets and beings that we can of us did not go to this demo; we gave
and liberating (except when its carried trayals, snitching, and rubberstamping tions. We need to seize the resources the chance, if we let ourselves actualize fight. The moment when we ceased to power to the self-realizing prophecy
out in far away places or times that of our criminalization and repression. and space to put into practice liberat- what we know were capable of when we only be those who watched. And even, that the third demo wouldnt have the
have long since past, of course). Thus, To all those who chose action over ing social relationships based on real prepare well. We dont want to return the moment when we looked at others, scope of the second or even surpass it
the violence of institutions like the masochism, your bravery and acts of solidarity, self-determination, equality, to demos as if we dont believe in them. but when this was an active look. We in intensity.
police, prison system, patriarchy, and defiance sustain us, and breathe hope and shared power. We cannot do this Because by continually not believing in were no longer spectators. If we didnt
And until the next demo, we aim to bet-
capitalism is normalized and treated into our alienated lives. It was an hon- when everything about the sanctioned them, we bar ourselves from the possi- pick up the stone, we nonetheless felt
ter plot the intentions that bring us to
as invisible while the autonomous vio- or to stand with you in the streets, to paths that are laid before us are directly bility that the demo will be virulent and the euphoria of the gesture as the glass
walk against the flow of traffic.
lence of people subjected to a lifetime of experience the power of directly acting counter to ever realizing that. We need combative, that it will only be a parade shattered. There was no longer distance
systemic white supremacist oppression on the world surrounding us based on to build the collective strength and re- of the normative order, whose dissent-
and humiliation, who for once, refuse a collective rejection of submitting to sources to protect and take care of each ing role permits the maintenance of or- EXPLOSIVES ATTACK AT HEADQUARTERS OF BUSINESS
to endure yet another insult from the other, and to move towards building a
belligerent racists standing before them
racist humiliation, and to feel the joy
different world. A world not created
der. We dont want to be fearfully lead GROUPS Communique
of singing and dancing together in the by cops who are better prepared than
is deemed beyond unacceptable. For the through charity, coercive authority, pa- In recent weeks, the social war in the That is why on Sunday, July 3, we de-
streets when for a time, the pigs couldnt us anymore, with our bags too heavy to
liberal, even those explicitly espousing ternalism, and resignation to the col- Mexican region has reached new lev- cided to place explosives at the head-
do anything to stop us. The warmth of run and our hands and ears frozen by els of deepening conflict immersed quarters of business associations
non-violence, the issue is never violence that laughter and howls joy still radiates lective pathology of symbolic moralism in the insurmountable contradiction (CANACINTRA, COPARMEX, CCE)
cold because we forgot a hat and gloves,
itself, but the particular violence of the off the asphalt and concrete of San Car- and pre-approved lip service as solidar- between life and capital. In this set- causing some damage but, above all,
the too-recognizable clothing we wear
oppressed with its frightening and un- los St. despite the there being no visible ity. We seek to embody a form of soli- ting of widespread conflict, the path is announcing that the revolt centered
everyday. We want every demo to cre-
controllable dimensions, which cant be signs of that day, except for now, in our darity whose very practice destabilizes opened for capital, with all its terrorist in Oaxaca has spread, and that the fire
ate an unquenchable thirst for the next, arsenal, to besiege territory and natu- will hit their mansions sooner rather
easily channeled into state-sanctioned memories. We will never forget those and destroys hierarchies, exploitation,
because we are ready, because we are ral resources, to devise austerity mea- than later. In turn, with this we salute
forms of pacified symbolic protest and moments where we were no longer pas- relations of dominance, and the violent-
just waiting for the space to attack again sures, in short, to attack our means of the other boycott and sabotage ac-
petition-based politics for their masters. sive spectators in our lives, and each in ly maintained social peace imposed on existence, attacks that in spite of re- tions that occurred in this countrys
with the weapons that we are sharpen-
Ultimately, liberal ideology when es- our own way, took action in the face of us. gional differences, come together in a city in recent weeks, as well as those
ing every day.
poused and practiced by a manageri- the aggression and entitled hubris of The struggle before us is immense and state-capital strategy on a global scale. to come: strikes in the schools, street
We have also asked ourselves: why is Incidents of growing confrontation in blockades by parents and teachers,
al class of people of color whove been white supremacists. We will never allow seemingly unwinnable. Yet, the idea that
it that we feel so called to by demos? the Southern Pacific Mexican region: the picket line on Insurgentes at Uni-
thoroughly integrated into the institu- them to convince us this was just some San Jose, with its well-oiled machinery versity City.
Why not concentrate our energy on Michoacn, Guerrero, Chiapas, Oaxa-
tions and logics of the white suprema- senseless violence that has no place in of pacification and repression, would ca, confirm the possibility of rupturing No possible solution exists for the op-
cist establishment, serve as the agents of the democratic process, or that what be the site of such a powerful violent ninja-actions? Why wait for the next
social peace and widespread paraly- pressed within institutional margins ex-
protecting and reproducing that power we experienced wasnt significant and autonomous response to the white su- demo if we can do actions in the night
sis: barricades, pickets, occupations, cept uncompromising struggle against
structure, and work to obscure the meaningful beyond just roughing up premacist establishment and its dutiful with our trusted friends? Because the sabotage, expropriations, in short, the state-capital that enables an open-
shared memory of violent social strug- some deserving Trump supporters. liberal caretakers seemed impossible on demo has something of its own that direct attacks on the free circulation ing for widespread insurrection which,
these actions dont; the demo is open, of merchandise. We affirm that these establishing a dialectical relationship
gle by hollowing it out of its content The future we want to fight for is not June 1st. We yearn to see you again in
the demo is public. In the demo there struggles do not belong to any unions, between spontaneity and organization,
and reducing it to unthreatening sani- one of diversity, token representation, the streets, to share more moments like parties or NGOs, they are the genu- puts social peace in checkmate in the
tized symbols. They act as the softer and these together, and to perhaps one day, are those we dont know, who desire to
empowerment through consumption, ine and necessary expression of rage Mexican region and spreads across the
more empathic faces of the same power make a world arising out of standing be there. Like us at one point, who were and contempt for the dictatorship of entire globe.
unshakable calcified identities, dog-
structures and systems of oppression by and fighting together and for each other alone and who came to demos. And capital, those in the struggle asserting Death to the State/Capital! Freedom
matic and nostalgic adherence to failed
feeding us a preprocessed diet of passive permanent. who saw the distance between those their refusal to be obedient workers, for the Prisoners of Social War!
ideologies, or symbolic reverence for a civic citizens or professional politicians
disempowerment dressed up as gradual who throw rocks and ourselves falter.
different social existence that will nev- In solidarity, or activists. Contra Info
social progress. Maintaining the veneer Ourselves, who were there because we Transl. Its Going Down
er come. We will continue to have the Your co-conspirators
of social peace is central to this process, didnt find any other space in our lives July 11th, 2016
jackboots of the police and the Che
FROM MONTREAL COUNTER INFO - MARCH 31ST, 2016 We are still reeling; reality feels disjoint- political difference and find solutions. science, and rationality have always con-
ed, vertiginous. A fascist will run this Underneath this shredded veil, the on- tained political assumptions. Truth is
The three night-demos of this past No- of those we hate, in the infantilizing and Already, we crave to see the demo as a country for at least the next four years. going truth of civil war emerges again: a never neutral. We should not be nostal-
vember and December left a mark on numbing response of the Media that space of exploration. To try a little to That distant shadow looming on the variety of different worlds and forms of gic for an era of democracy, rationality
us, a call for reflection. This is what we will only ever see us as violent imbeciles imagine beyond the gestures already horizon was not so distant; it was just a life, incompatible with each other. and science which depended on white
propose to share with you in the follow- not really dangerous. And worse still, learned breaking windows, throwing trick of the light, or perhaps a media-in- It is not the first time that a fascist has supremacy and patriarchy. Instead, in
ing pages. they reflect to us a mirror image that rocks at cops, putting up graffiti, dis- duced fog that obscured it. When the been democratically elected. This is one the midst of civil war, we might begin
Before and after these three demos, we strips away our power. This brings us to tributing flyers, shooting fireworks, etc. fog lifted it was upon us already. In this of the problems with posing democracy to craft different worlds, with different
were able to follow the unfolding of think that these demos, these moments And for us, this doesnt necessarily imply way the onset of fascism is like climate contra fascism. Instead of automatical- regimes of truth.
conversations those that happened of revolt that we open, can only be for starting to seek new gestures, but per- change: the gradual rise of oceans seems ly taking the side of democracy and A final note on social networks: since
between friends as much as those we us. If they are directed as messages for haps to find in these gestures, repeated to bear consequences only in some dis- joining in a popular front, we might the election, pundits scrambling to ex-
heard by chance in bars, living rooms others, they become meaningless. a thousand times by all kinds of people, tant future, until the dikes break and conceive of this historical moment as plain their own ineptitude have pointed
and in the street the furtive or noisy We refuse to fill the void that we felt a little more than their habit. To reflect flood waters rush in overnight. So, there a global war with three players. There to the partisan echo chamber of social
course of a feeling that seemed to be with more demands addressed to those on the intentions behind these gestures, is a sense of disorientation, and it might is liberal democracy governed by a cy- media. Algorithms determine what
shared by many people: a feeling of we wish to destroy. We dont want to looking for their unique meaning each take us a moment to find our bearings bernetic neoliberalism, the regime that news we see, what political ads show
emptiness. After the 200 person black wait for the next mass movement to at- time. Even if it is only in search of tak- in the rising waters. has managed the past four decades. up in our web browsers, which friends
bloc, after the broken windows, we tack this world that does violence to us. ing pleasure in them, a feeling of eupho- But we cannot take too long. A racist, There is reactionary populism governed comments we see on Face book. The
heard what else? insistently. To the We arent here to sacrifice ourselves for ria in the action. Making these gestures misogynist autocrat has control over by strong-man posturing. And there is confirmation bias is cybernetically
point where, when we asked friends if the cause, nor because we have to. In active, and not only reproducing them the surveillance and policing apparatus- a third, heterogeneous array of resis- enhanced: we see and hear facts that
they were going to the third demo on these demos, we draw strength from the as images of themselves. Further, what es that have been built up over the past tances, those struggling against police confirm what we want to believe, not
December 18th, the majority answered feeling of deciding to live in the city dif- this implies for us is to take demos seri- two decades, and he has a long list of and prisons and pipelines. Liberal de- simply because we ignore the rest but
that they had other things to do, like ferently. We take control, with the sense ously, to prepare ourselves for them be- enemies. Migrants and muslims, wom- mocracy has been dealt a blow, and the because it doesnt show up at all. As
having dinner at a friends house. of chaos making us alert, the feeling fore they are even called. Knowing that en and transfolk, queers and the poor jackboots might soon hit the street. It is usual, though, the pundits miss the
that we are learning to navigate because there will be others and we are already will be targeted by government forces frightening, but liberal democracy was point. What is most worrying is not
So today, and in the past few months,
it is the enemy of order and the nor- ready, already charged up, like springs and newly energized neo-nazi thugs. never that kind to us either. the fracturing of incompatible worlds
we continue to ask ourselves what push-
mative universe. In these moments of only waiting for the moment of release. Police will receive more weapons, more There are some interesting elements to but the algorithms and the companies
es those close to us, those who share the
same desires to tear up the world and to chaos we no longer hear the trendy slo- What this also means for us is to avoid funding, and more legitimacy. Politi- this. For all of his racist demagoguery, behind this sorting. The truth used to
nourish our rage, to chill with friends as gans repeated until they lose meaning, falling into this trap of living demos as cal enemies will be targeted. Times are Rush Limbaugh pointed at some deep- appear objective and universal, while
we always do, rather than to seize the but bursts of destruction, fireworks and pressure valves; moments where we feel dark. But wringing hands and profess- er truth when he denounced the use of in fact it was determined by scientists
(rare) opportunity for a wild unleash- the howling that echoes them, windows like we are acting against the forces of ing shock is not enough; our task now is fact-checks by media outlets: It allows and political leaders and media outlets.
ing. This brings us to more questions: shattered by rage and hammers. We feel this world and which then permit us to be truly contemporary, to understand them to fool you into thinking they have Now, however, the truth is personal-
how can we think of these demos out- the force of overturning this order, for to forget, to feel better so that we re- the new realities of the moment and not an objective, nonpartisan staff or per- ized, custom-tailored to meet our own
side of the moments of strike which the time that it lasts. turn to school and work. We want the hold tight to empty myths. Remem- son analyzing everything the candidates expectations, and controlled by com-
often push people to prioritize demos And if there is a feeling of emptiness demo to overflow into our lives, for it ber, though, that fascism also relies on are saying, and telling you what theyre puter algorithms created by private cor-
over dinners? What can our place be that lives with this furious and ecstat- to be contagious and animate our daily myth, and the myths of the fascists are saying is true, or what theyre saying is porations. Deleuzes warning on societ-
in these demos outside of social move- ic jouissance, its because we know that gestures. For it to light fires in our lives equally fragile. false. His words echo Judith Butlers ies of control remain important: what
ments? What place do these demos take we seek to destroy more than windows. so that we can then imagine a network LIBERAL DEMOCRACY IS OVER discussion of truth: Each society has matters in mechanisms of control is not
in our daily lives? We cant be content with the image of of destructive and subversive actions; a its regime of truth, its general politics the instances of control that are affect-
Liberal democracy has been dead for
destruction. We dont want to bask in web of rebellions that we give name to of truth: that is, the types of discourse ed (a particular advertisement shown
What is at the heart of our reflections, some time, but November 8, 2016 saw
in the spectacle of our own radness. We and tie together. So that we manage to which it accepts and makes function or not shown) but the computer that
this feeling of emptiness, we have felt in its most violent death throes. Its de-
couldnt, it rings false. This void, we feel make sense of all these spasms of resis- as true; the mechanisms and instanc- tracks each persons position and effects
all its force. These phrases repeated ad mise has been a long time coming. This
it at our fingertips, because at the end, tance, without waiting to embed them es which enable one to distinguish a universal modulation.
nauseam: but where are we going with is not to say that the election was not
this?, what are these demos embedded we are left bored. At the end, youve in a social movement. For us, the demo democraticthis is beside the point. true and false statements, the means PROGRESS IS DEAD
broken a window but this changes can be a celebration that overturns and What finally ruptured was the appear- by which each is sanctioned; the tech- McKenzie Wark describes this moment
in?, its not by breaking windows that
nothing; nothing but a sort of catharsis, subverts lived time, that drags us out ance of a general consensus that politics niques and procedures accorded value as the death of liberalism, and with it
we harm Capital, the State isnt shaken
finally hurting something other than from the banality of daily life. We burn should take the form of rational debate, in the acquisition of truth; the status the death of progress. This, too, is not
by our nocturnal destructive wander-
ourselves. So how can we go further together, running where we wish in the argumentation, and compromise; what of those who are charged with saying a bad thing. Economic progress has not
ings. The void, we feel it in the absurdi-
than breaking windows, how can we streets and sidewalks with speed and broke was the Enlightenment-based what counts as true. While Trump has generated the larger cake that we all
ty of gestures engaged for anyone other
nourish these signs of power within us, determination, and we violently repel conceit that we all share the same world, certainly mastered post-truth politics, split or new forms of jobs; Trump sup-
than ourselves, in the ridiculous silence
against the world? cops as soon as they approach us. We that we can have conversations across we know that discourses of objectivity, porters recognize that there is no future
46 23
for them in business as usual. As Wark against Trump, when they have been The good news is that it seems less like- be filled with collective life. But for this, Of surviving a collision. be reshaped and concretized around the
says: the old working class cannot be content to sit by the sidelines during ly than ever; voter turnout hit a 20-year a different series of questions must be We need to get away from the exhaust- substantial situation in which we face
articulated to a progressive project, even ongoing attacks on other communities; low this November. Trump was elected placed at the forefront of anti-police ed debate around riots versus peaceful the world together, here and now.
a merely liberal one, because the growth a commitment to build power in the by a quarter of eligible voters. Only cyn- struggle: marches, violence and non-violence, A police-free zone is not a model or a
and development of the economy will streets and not in electoral politics; a ical politicians and true believers still On the one hand, logistical questions safety versus risk, etc. Our time is much program, it brings no pre-formed uto-
only push them (or their offspring) willingness to connect Trump with the keep faith in democracy. what resources would we need to hold better spent getting organized in the pia into being. It is an opening of the
further into marginality. It is not mi- police, and to stand resolutely against Whatever happens on the national out? who can cook for two dozen, for a places where we already live in ways possible that clears a space of encoun-
grants and trade deals that are taking both. political level, the next four years will hundred? who knows how to effectively that can make pushing for experimen- ter, of intense inhabitation, an under-
our jobs, of course, but automation and I had another encounter which felt so be catastrophic. We should expect to circulate info throughout the immedi- tal police-free zones a plausible poten- commons ripped from the hands of
the general law of capitalist accumula- familiar that I couldnt help but recall see reproductive care and health care ate and remote parts of town? how can tiality. And anyway, from the moment the pacified metropolis, for as long as
tion, but the problem remains. Howev- past struggles against fascists. As friends gutted; a continued increase of white we safeguard our need for anonymity, we take hold of such a zone, questions it can be held down. If the abolition of
er the death of progress opens up other were chanting no more presidents supremacist organizing and street vio- resist the trap of the media spectacle, that right now are too-often answered police is to become more than a slogan,
possible futures. Let us not forget all of A man came up to me, pleading. He lence; raids and attacks on immigrant and still evade the wingnut caricatures by reference to sterile ideological oppo- its preparation must begin with small
the horrors visited on workers, deviants, wanted us to lay aside our differences communities; state targeting of Mus- thrust upon us by the state? if one such sitions, or else by sorting people accord- realities.
black, brown and queer bodies and the and agree that none of us want a fascist lims and refugees, and more. And, of zone were able to be held for a longer ing to their structural identities, tend to
environment in the name of progress. president. After we get him out, you can course, the catastrophes of late capital- duration, how could it propagate itself?
Colonization was progress; The Da-
kota Access Pipeline is progress; the
continue to fight for total freedom. But ism will continue; the financial crises So-called technical questions like these BATON SONG: THE ZAD, DESTITUENT ASSOCIATION,
first, no fascist president! I dont know are not over, the climate continues to
TPP was progress; drone strikes on what he expected us to do, or how he warm with increasingly disastrous con-
cannot be detached from social ones: AND THE JOY OF PLEDGING WAR Excerpt
how will we negotiate the ethical differ-
wedding parties and mass deportation expected to drive Trump out of office, sequences. If there is hope, it lies in the After winning 55% support for the ing parts or factions each defined via
ences between us once the cops ceased
of migrants under Obamas administra- but it could only result in some other expansion of existing struggles. airport in a widely-contested referen- mutually contested claims over the
to play a role? if we had to defend the dum earlier this year, the French gov- management of the whole, but rather
tion were progress. political figure in power. The appeal to LIVING AND FIGHTING zone against police, who on our blocks ernment promised an eviction of the as the intensification of asymmetrical
NO POPULAR FRONT electoral politics has already begun, and would we find ourselves standing along- ZAD this october, or this autumn. In differences that were already there
And today, there are struggles all around
I ended up in the streets of Oakland once Democrats regain their footing side? The degree of trust and shared defiance of the governments threats, within the way we live, which the sav-
us. The struggle against the construc-
on the day after the election. It was the we will start to hear urgent calls to or- vision existing between folks who find tens of thousands answered a callout age peace of the State only ever man-
tion of the Dakota Access Pipeline has to travel to the ZAD with wooden ba- ages at best to attenuate, but never
best place to be on that day, with such a ganize for the 2018 and 2020 election themselves positioned differently by po-
brought more people together in more tons, with which to make a visible and extinguishes.
strong culture of resistance to the rac- cycles. I remember the Bush years, and lice violence will play an important role
fierce resistance to capitalist infrastruc- collective sign of their determination
ist & capitalist hell we inhabit. There the ways that global justice organizing here. If those most targeted by police to defend it. Upon arrival,they plant-
ture than anything else in the US in re- What might those of us engaging
were thousands of people, and a sense turned into anti-war mass movement, lynching have the impression that the ed their batons in the ground, and
cent history. The camps there are worlds with infrastructural struggles in North
of strength and anger and conviction. I which was then seamlessly integrated white folks arent serious about defend- pledged that if the territory should
in their own right, worlds that, for all come under attack, they would each America draw from this gesture of
heard many things I agreed with: a frus- into Democratic electoral campaigns. ing the space, if our contingency plans war?
of their flaws and internal conflicts, are return, collect their baton, and wield it
tration that white liberals only came out We cannot let the same thing happen. arent adjusted appropriately to the de- As infrastructural struggles such as
taking form against this one. The pris- against the ZADs enemies.

gree of organization and the density of NoDAPL and Mississippi Stand con-
tinue to attract more newly-disaffect-
ANTI-COLONIAL & ANTI-FASCIST ACTION: MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR THIS bonds between the different crews of Regardless of how one feels about the ed Sandernistas (a development we
folks going into it, then runs the risk
SYSTEM TO GOVERN ON STOLEN LAND Excerpt of feeling more like a Custeristic prov-
ZAD, at a purely formal level it is cer- should welcome), the latters occa-
tainly possible to read this demo as an sionally fanatical insistence on non-vi-
For those of you surprised at the re- if our bodies are the land desecrat- to govern the country, and must put ocation of the cops than an experiment admittedly-very-large but ultimately olence and symbolic stunt activism
sults of this tumultuous spectacle, ed with each cycling of our abuser. In power in the hands of the people in the in defending a space expressive of a real symbolic show of force, not funda- can make trust and shared understand-
welcome to the America that we the case of electoral politics the cy- streets. Lorenzo Komboa Ervin mentally different from your garden ing between newcomers and more
desire for collective life.
have always known. This is the blinding cle isnt challenged and neither is the variety leftist protest march or politi- seasoned warriors difficult. In such a
greatness of America that today is abuse. Only the degree of which the Still, our separation will not be over- cal festival. context, it is important that we find
As reformists were more interested
invigorated by the islamaphobic an-
ti-immigrant nationalist right.
veil covers the wounds is of concern.
The matter is not seeing the abuse,
in prolonging the agony, we started
bracing ourselves with the under-
come prior to engaging in such exper-
iments. And yet, to tear a block or a *
Here we wish to suggest that in the
ways to resist reproducing the pacifist
vs. radical binary, which condemns us
to marginality, makes us more easily
its seeing the effect which moves the standing that the suffering is going to whole neighborhood away from the 40,000-strong Baton Song pledge
zone of comfort to nearly unsettling. at the ZAD we can see much more targeted, and reduces the overall po-
But this is two sides of the same coin. get worse. This was not to resign our forces of order and begin experimenting tential for ungovernability and disrup-
This process is highly objectifying, and power, but as an assertion of our ability with collective forms of life, we actual- than the contours of a familiar leftist
Trumps fascist, islamaphobic, anti-im- protest march. Everything appears as tion. Clearly the question cannot be
many of us play into that role, as con- to heal on our terms. We started pre- ly neednt share the same experiences solved by tactical compromisesmost
migrant, anti-black, anti-indigenous, if, by severing the two elements of
cerning that being objectified is, the paring our spirits, minds, and bodies of us wont be going down for volun-
and misogynist actions and attitudes of those forces we seek here to exclude the classical theory of the social con-
alternative is to be rendered invisible, with this understanding. We recon- tary non-violent arrests. Nor can we
represent a system, not just one per- (police, prisons, etc.). As was pointed tract, Zadists and their supporters per-
unknown, and non-existent. But re- nected to the understanding that we remain content with the liberal notion
son or party. out elsewhere: formed a pact of association against
sistance struggles become emaciated never had a choice but to fight. That subjection, rather than for it. In its re- of a diversity of tactics, whereby our
Theres a discourse regarding a lesser
when only fed on a diet of recognition. colonization has always been war. A police-free zone is not a new world, it is fusal to countenance the state refer- separation into radicals and pacifists is
evil and a diatribe about hope some- ultimately reinforced through a polite
This is something the ongoing global merely the collision of many. Many worlds endums electoral majority, what is at
where in there, but these themes have indifference to one another.
struggle against fascism knows very smaller than that of police order and gov- issue is an irreducibly partisan pledge.
been beaten into our flesh so that our
well. Indigenous Action Media ernance individually, but that perhaps to- Such a gesture is best understood not Ill Will Editions
skin has lost its ability to scar. Its as
We must make it impossible for Trump November 9th, 2016 gether are capable of defending themselves. as a splitting of a totality into compet- October 10th, 2016
knee-jerk impulse which, for all its his- at the massive autonomous territory tion against the State. If the horizon of on strike that took place in September highways and burning pipeline con- NOLA TURNS UP AGAINST
torical rationale (highways were often at Notre-dame-des-landes in West- abolitionism in our context remains a was the largest organized action in US struction equipment, but also the pow- TRUMP Communique
instruments to deepen segregation), is ern France (known as the ZAD or the question mark at presentif its utility prisons in history; repression continues, er of feeding each other, of inhabiting a
beginning to feel like a flat routine. In Zone-to-defend) can tell you, the fact has not been sapped by liberals like An- but so does organizing, between prison territory, of building worlds capable of The day after the election a crowd
gathered around one of this cities
Chicago, things reached the point that that police dont enter the ZAD shapes gela Davis and co.then let it point to rebels on the inside and accomplices on withstanding the collapse of this one.
more odious monuments: the statue
when the first Alton Sterling demo took the experience of being within it in an the struggle in Oaxaca, which is living the outside. It is the power of disarming the police,
and obelisk of General Lee. The choice
place a week and a half ago, the police essential way. The problem cuts two abolitionism. For the barricades that The relationships built there have the not through policy, but through mak- of locations, while perhaps tactical-
all-but-invited us to take over the I-94, ways, of course, since the mutilated dot the map of the region have the po- potential to continue and grow. The an- ing it materially impossible for them to ly questionable, did serve to link the
knowing that at most wed be out there structures of behavior and association tential to rid their territory not only of ti-police movements of the past several govern. It is the power of disrupting the election with the larger apparatus of
a few minutes before leaving and going we have internalized as governed sub- the pestilence of police and politicians, years have set a new bar for resistance in surveillance apparatuses that Trumps white supremacy. This would become
home. Our impression is that the situa- jects do not spontaneously disappear they carry within them the potential to this country; highway blockades, burn- regime will attempt to use to control us. a reoccurring theme throughout the
tion isnt altogether different elsewhere. when the police withdraw. Even small abolish the economy as well. ing barricades, and looting are now on It is the power of networks built to sur- night.
The more our methods become calcified experiments such as the one in Carbon- To defeat and then depose the police, to the table. And the protests that erupted vive ICE raids and to keep people out After a number of speeches, some
and predictable, the more easily they are dale the other night reminded us at cer- abolish the economythis would the after Trumps election were unprece- of detention centers, to confront white rousing, others tedious as well as
tain moments that hostilities within our supremacists in the streets and to care some monument redecoration, the
governed, assimilated, and neutralized. horizon of a superior abolitionism, or dented; no president has faced so much
communities will continue to surface in for each other while we do it. crowd was on the move. Fireworks
But even more importantly, the more better yet, what a friend has elsewhere resistance before even taking office.
contexts of reduced state presence. Yet trumpeted our rejection of both Trump
our gestures fail to become worthy of preferred to call demolitionist desire. Peoples willingness to go toe-to-toe We cannot afford to wait until the and his cabal and the entire charade of
the thought-event of the polices desti- there is no mistaking the feeling one has with the police, to eschew the politics next election cycle; we need to act now,
But were not there yet. Were nowhere electoral politics. Revolutionary slo-
tution (i.e. their having been momen- when navigating a car or bike through of respectability in favor of confronta- carefully but decisively, to sabotage the gans were scrawled across the sup-
near the level of organized struggle seen
tarily stripped of any veneer of legiti- the circuitous barricade architecture tion and conviction, reveals their deeper mechanisms of policing and repression plicating walls of the citys Central
in Oaxaca. To propose passing from
macy, through the exhibition of the raw that marks the outer edges of the ZAD, understanding of the situation: there is before they are further activated. Cops Business District: silent and sterile no
the highway shutdowns going on now
violence that it served to conceal). For and feeling the weight of the air change no democratic remedy to Trumps fas- cant patrol with fat tires; lists of Mus- more. Several Police cruisers, too slow
to the highway barricades seen down
legitimacy can be stripped without the as you pass inside, just knowing that cism, there is only the power we build, lims and criminal immigrants wont or stupid to move aside, themselves
south would require a quantum leap
force of the police being truly deposed. at least for a while, at least here, we together. work if theyre polluted with false reg- became canvases. The facade of a
in our organization that is difficult at Chase bank was crumpled inwards and
For the latter to happen, we must man- neednt worry about police checkpoints, istrations or hacked. There are a mil-
present to imagine, if it were even de- This is not a power of organizations, with it any lingering doubts about the
age to articulate concrete forms of living stop-and-frisks, and all their attendant lion different ways to fight, but fight
sirable (the highway might, after all, be of mobilizing masses, of membership nature of capitals relationship to the
in which they exert no force, nor shape forms of everyday terror. The feeling is we must. There is no longer any point
the least habitable space in the metro- lists and get-out-the-vote drives. It is state in spite of the best efforts of
the economy of meaning around us. For palpable: it feels like an opening of the in struggling to control a system that
politan fabric). a power of action, of choosing sides, millennial peace police to yoke and ob-
this to happen, we must do more than possible. is hostile to our existence; there is only scure folks insurrectionary impulses.
For now, we propose a diffuse experi- getting organized, and sabotaging the

abandon any residual reliance upon In a different context, whose fate is no fascist machine by any means necessary. the matter of elaborating our survival,
ment with cop-free-zones in spaces we
and faith in the police. We must create less uncertain as we write this, dozens It is the power of finding new spaces creating a multiplicity of worlds that are
stand a better chance of holding down
open-ended experiments in relating to of barricades remain in force across of encounter, of building friendships all incompatible with fascism and capi-
and inhabiting, such as blocks in our
one another where they arent. the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, as teach- and relationships with others who will talist disintegration. If we do it right, we
neighborhoods. The latter presents the
DEMOLITIONIST DESIRE ers and comrades of all ages push into be targeted by the police and white su- might help one another survive not just Its Going Down
incomparable advantage that it can ac-
their second month of frontal insurrec- premacists. It is the power of blocking Trump, but the ongoing disaster of this November 10th, 2016
As anyone who has ever spent any time tually conceivably hold and materially

Barricades after police attack on striking teachers in Oaxaca, MEX Anti-Trump demonstration in Atlanta, USA
[B]eneath the surface of that idea that While this first experiment was modest the level of practical methods.
truism, black lives matter is an unset- in its scale and intensity, we think that We have the impression that the cur-
tling challenge. What would it mean to experimenting with police-free zones rent tactical menu (freeway blockades
create a world, or at least a space, where has a strong potential for resonance in and generally-pacified protest marches)
that actually was true? the current North American context. It actually fall short of what makes sense
A COP-FREE ZONE IN CAR- is less Carbondales specific event and to people right now. Both on social me-
BONDALE rather the broader proposal that we dia, in everyday encounters weve had,
wish to focus on below. as well as in recent demonstrations
On Friday night a couple dozen folks
converged on the local autonomous in- SENSE AND TACTICS among some of the newer Black activ-
foshop in Carbondale, IL for an illegal While recent weeks have seen thou- ist cadres, folks right now seem to be
Top left: Clouds of smoke rise over a pedestrian overpass while cops and anti-police rebels exchange much more interested in talking about
dance party in the street. In addition to sands of people blockading traffic and
volleys of flash bangs and rocks, respectively in St. Paul, USA locals, cars arrived from Bloomington, freeways across the USA, the tactical the abolition of police than its reform
Chicago, and St. Louis to participate. impulses and the actions attempted in or community control. We see this as a
The plan was to throw an unpermitted this cycle of anti-police struggle have significant ideological development (to
street party with free food and loud mu- largely rehashed what we saw in the speak loosely) that is encouraging, but
Top right: Barricades burn during a solidarity action for anarchist prisoners in Mexico City, MEX which has so far failed to have any ma-
sic, and as things progressed and energy summer and fall of 2014, without in-
rose, to block off the street and visibly venting or experimenting with anything terial consequences at the level of new
polarize the space against state violence all that new. practices. If we dont want better po-
Bottom: Graffiti painted in Pennsylvania, USA with large handmade banners declaring licing but rather to have police out of
When we think strategically about
it a cop-free zone. our lives, what sorts of experiments can
tactical issues, it is important to recall
respond to this collective need? What
The event proceeded more or less as that the relationship between sense and
does it mean to give this theoretical and
planned: a collective cook-out transi- gesture is a dynamic and fluid one, one
effective destitution of the police a prac-
tioned into a dance party, furniture was which camps on a shifting soil of forc-
tical face, one that corresponds to our
dragged into the streets and fireworks es and events. Sometimes thought falls
currently low levels of material orga-
were set off, until banners painted ear- short of the tactics and gestures that
nization? This is the question that the
lier in the evening were finally strung were engaging in, and we find ourselves
current cycle of struggle is attempting
up across the two lanes of the street demanding things we already possess,
to ask, and its one that calls for a prac-
and the block was taken over. Several or framing things through terms or
tical answer.
police SUVs circled at a distance but oppositions that the movement has
avoided any direct contact for almost already surpassed at a practical level. At the same time, a cruel but appar-
the entire evening. By the time they fi- Other times, thought runs ahead of ently inexorable logic seems to ensure
nally approached the block on foot, the our tactical repertoire, such that every that virtually irrespective of its initial
party was already being slowly wrapped effort to elaborate a practice that feels radicality, the more a certain tactic gets
up and a large contingent of friends appropriate to the effective declension repeated, the more its impact tends to
and locals had just bounced to go lake of hostilities and the ideas that folks are become purely symbolic.
swimming. A decision was made not to thinking about seems to fall short. The Washington Post reports that in
enforce the blockade, yet after the street Our sense is that our present situation some parts of this country over half
was cleared for two minutes and the resembles the latter scenario, where of the demos in the past two years
police left, it was promptly re-blocked thought runs ahead of the gestures were have blocked freeways. While it once
with furniture as loud jams continued seeing. The current cycle exhibits both a pushed the limits of the thinkable and
to sound out into the night for another rupture in thought (since the 2014 cycle broke open a new terrain of struggle,
hour until the last people left. of struggle) as well as an exhaustion at the freeway blockade has become a

the networks that facilitate its produc- The NoDAPL camps are part of the interactive mapping project begun in 2009.
tion. Infrastructure itself is a dominant experiences through which protectors As a collaborative initiative, Empire Logis-
force of governing that underpins in- are developing their collective abilities tics maps the global supply chain through
dustrial culture as a whole. Not only to both foster and endure the present research that articulates the infrastructure
and externalized costshuman, economic,
does it facilitate capitalist commodity apocalypse. What gives the NoDAPL
social and environmentalof the interna-
flows, it also embodied in everything encampents their strength isnt just tional flow of things. You can find key rail
that produces life and who we are as in- their ability to physically interfere with intersections, ports, warehousing distri-
dividuals, as groups and a society. Land the pipeline project from time to time bution sites, etc with detailed information
use, the way we feed ourselves, how we in spectacularized clashes. What gives it such as tons shipped per year to really get
are organized spatially and relate to one its punch and its ability to disrupt the the most bang for your buck (or the most
another, the way we ensure our eco- enemys infrastructure in a sustained buck for your block?).
nomic well-being are all entangled with way is the life it has produced. We risk People of the Pines is the insiders account
infrastructure. framing our struggles as only reactive of the amazing events at Oka and Kahn-
Not only can blockades shut down the if we fail to point out that in struggle awake in the summer of 1990, written by
we can create a different, better world. two journalists who lived at the warrior en-
world, they also open up space for a new
The camps of NoDAPL are producing campment in the final weeks of the military
one to be built, or in the case of colo- siege.
nized peoples, a world restored. We can a way of life that is worth living and one
that is worth defending. Petropolis is an interactive map that doc-
look to many of the indigenous block-
uments the oil pipeline infrastructure
ades or occupations of the last several We hold evident that blockades are a throughout North America with particular
decades for the examples of ceremonial, crucial tactic in our war against plane- attention paid to the Chicagoland area. The
culinary, and other socially reproductive tary annihilation. We hope that this text map serves as a valuable research in locating
practices that point toward new ways of has demonstrated this. With this tacti- possible targets and shows the type of re- Top left: March against a scheduled KKK rally that is eventually cancelled due to prominent anti-fascist
living which are themselves produced cal imperative, we call on all warriors search that local struggles could engage in. presence in Pelham, USA
through resistance. Similarly, we see the and revolutionaries around the world to Power is Logistical, Block Everything!, In-
revitalization of warrior culture being immediately orient themselves around visible Committee: Much of the analysis in
expressed at Standing Rock and other blockading infrastructure. Collectives the Power Resides in the Infrastructure of
moments of indigenous revolt to be in- must research infrastructure to find the World section is owed to (if not direct- Top right: A police car is vandalized during clashes outside a Trump rally in Costa Mesa, USA
dicative of a broader possibility of life the most vulnerable chokepoints and ly plagiarized) from the chapter Power is
without the state or capitalism. We can get organized to block them in effective Logistical, Block Everything! in Invisible
Committees book, To Our Friends
also see a new world being forged in the ways. Those without fighting comrades
social experimentation and land-based can still contribute by engaging in lone Warrior Publications: Gord Hill (Kwakwa- Bottom: March in solidarity with the uprising in Oaxaca takes to the streets in San Francisco, USA
communal living found in occupation/ wolf acts of sabotage. kawakw nation) runs this fabulous website
that seeks to function as an historical ar-
blockade of the international airport in Be Safe. Get Going. chive of Indigenous anti-colonial struggles
Notre-Dame-des-Landes, where peo-
FURTHER RESOURCES and resistance, and to provide analysis of
ple raise animals, grow food, and live, these struggles.
Plan your action! Empire Logistics is an
build, and defend their land together.


In late August, a crew of women of
Tsimshian, Haida, Nisga, and Gitxsan
bloodlines initiated the defense of Lax
any further destruction of their land,
as Petronas and Pacific North West
LNG (PNW LNG) are planning on
Struggle is always strengthened by
a de-centralized and broad attack,
Uula (Lelu Island) and the Flora Bank1 building a $11 billion liquefied natural solidarity can also include resistance
from LNG industry destruction. The gas (LNG) plant on Lax Uula, which is to industrial developments in your
Gitwilgyoots Tribe Smogyet Yahaan at the mouth of the Skeena river near own backyard (Site C Dam, the Trans
(hereditary chief) and Ligitgyet Gwis Prince Rupert, BC. Mountain and Line 9 being just a few
Hawaal (hereditary house leader), and
their families began a defense camp
on Lax Uula, which is Gitwilgyoots
If we wish to see victory in this strug-
examples). These projects are also fa-
cilitated by the bureaucrats who work
for the governments and companies
traditional hunting and fishing territo- gle against petro-corporations and the
Canadian state we must continue to and whos offices are located in urban
ry. They were also joined by various sig- centers. In the past, solidarity has been
nificant hereditary people from other provide solid material support. We also
need to proliferate social agitation and shown through noise demonstrations
Tsimshian tribes, and a motley crew and other actions against these offices
of native and non-native outside sup- disruption of daily life in the population
centers throughout this region and and company infrastructures.
beyond. Montreal Counter-Info
This camp has been set up to prevent Febrauary 11th, 2016
SALUTE TO JORDAN MACTAGGART FROM ANARCHISTS IN NEW YORK Communique means massive losses: the trucking indus- lation. Everything is oriented around There is no railroad terminal, port, or
try alone is worth $65 billion dollars and continuous movement and anything trucking distribution facility without
When anarchism was born, it was born the inescapable draw of a free life. of us who remain to keep the revolu-
as a borderless struggle and as a strug- tion going. employs over 260,000 drivers. not in circulation cuts profits, it is a the oil infrastructure used to power
We are here to say goodbye to Jor-
gle for a free world. From its inception The Economics of Insurgency, sitting waste. From the perspective of the train engines, trucks and barges.
dan MacTaggart (also known as Ciwan For the sacrifice you have made we
as a political theory its proponents Firat). He was an american anarchist deepen our commitments to the Thoughts on Idle No More & critical those that blockade, this emphasis on Inversely, there is no way to build pipe-
moved across territories to engage and YPG fighter who gave his life for struggle here, infrastructure the quick and never ending flow of com- lines without the railroad terminals,
in the struggle, connected with com- the liberation of Manbij: a key point in modities multiplies a blockages power. trucks and production facilities used to
to fighting for the revolution in Rojava, The police even attested to this point:
rades, and fought alongside those who the struggle for Rojava and a city un- Pipelines are one of many components forge or transport pipeline equipment.
struggled for liberation as virulently as and to acting on all fronts of this battle First Nations have the ability to paralyze
der the oppressive rule of Daesh. of critical infrastructure. Because of the BLOCKADES SHUT DOWN THE
they did. with the dedication you have set. this country by shutting down travel and
We salute you as a comrade who deep-
Biji Ciwan Firat
volume of product (gasoline, natural WORLD: LEVERAGING POWER,
In New York we struggle on the backs ly knew the struggle we face here.
trade routes, It is a difficult situation no
gas, crude oil) they transport, they are a BUILDING NEW FORMS OF LIFE
of giants, yet still for a hundred years, Biji Rojava matter how we view or address it.
We salute you for recognizing the im- vital part of the capitalist economy and When one enters the NoDAPL camps,
against a massive state that never Long live the anarchist fighters Chris Lewis, commissioner of the
portance of Rojava in our international its why during war, they are often sub- they are greeted by over 200 tribal flags
stopped its colonial, imperial incur- Ontario Provincial Police
struggle and for making the ultimate Long live the revolution ject to attack. Since World War II, the
sions. Rojava has pried open the hege- whipping in the gusty prairie wind.
sacrifice to help keep the revolution- Anarchists of New York Historically infrastructure has been a Air Force has been developing the idea
monic monster of the state and illumi- Over a thousand tents, teepes, long-
ary struggle alive. major component of anti-capitalist so-
nated the possibility of liberation in the of infrastructure warfare, seeing civil houses, wigwams, trailers, and other
struggle of anarchists worldwide; not We will never forget that when you lay Its Going Down cial movements. For example, Timothy and industrial infrastructure (bridges, structures line the distance. People ride
just anarchists but all those who feel on that field injured, you asked those August 23rd, 2016 Mitchell argues that the coal industry railroads, pipelines, etc) as valuable tar- on horseback in every direction while
was the condition of possibility for the gets for bringing its opponents to their children play and elders sit in quiet
SEEDS BENEATH THE SNOW: ANARCHISTS MOURN OUR DEAD Communique workers movement to be as successful as knees. discussions around fires. The camps
On Saturday night, the snow-swept We do, however, know that is inevitable not be leashed and captured by the in- it was. As soon as the switch to oil was During the Idle No More movements are full of builders, thinkers, and dwell-
statue of the revolutionary Emiliano that those of us who struggle, who re- effectual Workers Party whose capit- initiated, you no longer had large num- January 16th Day of Action, Indige- ers that have put their arsenal of skills
Zapata on Lake Street in Minneapo- volt against the crushing daily violence ulation to neoliberalism paved the way bers of unskilled proletarians making nous demonstrators stopped passenger together in producing communal life
lis was cast in the light of emergency of the state, capital, and all existing hi- for the rise of the reactionaries. DIY the economy run. Instead, inanimate in- railway traffic lines between Toronto, on camp. Protectors have built heated
flares and surrounded by a black-clad erarchies, will be put in the crosshairs spaces and projects of reclamation will frastructure was created to facilitate the Ottawa and Montreal. Others stalled gravel showers for bathing. People sew
crew, as anarchists held a memorial of repression. We know that those of continue to seize the structures left new oil industry. When infrastructure major highways and rail lines in parts of together large pieces of canvas on in-
observation for our comrades fallen in us who seek to build new worlds in the gutted and abandoned by globalization itself did not take the place of masses Alberta, New Brunswick, Ontario, and dustrial, foot-pedaled sewing machines
recent weeks. cracks and unstable edges and bound- and deindustialization, and fill them of workers, the oil industry required far Manitoba, including Portage la Prairie, to construct teepees and yurts. Others
We gathered to mourn three trage- aries of the old, will face all the dangers with those displaced by gentrification. fewer jobs and those that did exist tend- which a CN Rail spokesman described chop and mill wood. Some operate
diesthe death of Michael Israel and of the current worlds collapse, and of We will improve the security of these ed to be more highly skilled. as a critical link in its network (do drones to surveill police and construc-
other freedom fighters in Rojava, the those who try to cement it together spaces, both from accidental fires and An analysis of supply chain capitalism your homework: maximize damage/ tion operations. Schools, communal
murder of Guilherme Irish by his na- again in blood and terror. We are born collapses, and from far-right and state is necessary to understand the condi- risk). Demonstrators also gathered in kitchens and libraries operate in retired
tionalist father in Brazil, and the doz- in the history of the Haymarket Mar- attacks. Every day we wake and draw
tion of Earth today and the dilemmas Windsor, Ontario at the Ambassador surplus military tents. Water Protectors
ens of dead friends lost in Oaklands tyrs hanged for resisting the industri- breath, we strive to undermine and
it faces. Supply chain capitalism refers Bridge to Michigan, shutting down scheme, conspire and plot their next
Ghost Ship fire. alists police, of Suga Kanno strangled attack the systems that murdered our
to commodity chains based on sub- traffic through North Americas busiest missions around fires at night. Com-
by the Empire of Japan, and of Carlo comrades and friends.
At the Zapata statue, anarchists gave
Giuliani shot down by the Italian cops.
We inherit a flag stained black in the
In memory of Michael Israel, of Guil-
contracting, outsourcing, and allied ar-
rangements in which labor, capital and
border crossing for trade between Can-
ada and the U.S. with 10,000 trucks on
mon life is chaotically organized (there
are no hierarchical leaders determing
herme Irish, of Denalda, Feral, and all nature are mobilized in fragmented, average passing daily. These anti-infra- camp operations), but in an effective,
eulogies to our fallen comrades, read remembrance of our dead, in the ne- other victims of the Ghost Ship fire, but linked economic niches. Such sup- structural actions suggest a conscious self-determined way.
passages in commemoration, and gation of their killers, and in the prom- we remember the verses of the Greek ply chains connect seemingly indepen- link between resitance to threatened
poured out whiskey in celebration of ise to never surrender. As we have seen with the Oka Crisis
poet, Dinos Christianopoulos, echoed dent entrepreneurs through expansive lands and blockage of circulation.
their lives. and several other indigenous rebellions,
The tragedies of November ended our in the Mexican counterculture: They
transportation infrastructure, making Supply chains are vulnerable: every sup- blockades can help leverage negotiat-
comrades lives, but not the visions tried to bury us; they did not know we it possible for commodity processes
As anarchists, we do not make a fetish they lived for. The Revolution in Roja- were seeds. ply chain is now reaching such a level of ing power for Indigenous people over
to span the globe. Known in industry specialization that if one of them disap- their lands. When planned strategical-
out of death, in the way that fascists, va carries on the fight for autonomy terms such as Toyotism or Just-in-time peared that would be enough to para- ly, blockades can physically block the
armies, and nations do. We do not pre- as the Syrian regime batters its Op- Production ( JIT), this is the nature of lyze the whole chain. In the absence of shipments of vital materials for the
fer our comrades, friends, and lovers position, the Erdogan regime attacks the modern economy. Each particular standing inventories, a blockade of just specific mega-infrasture projects that
as cold and stern memorials, or as rose Kurds on both sides of the border, and
flow in a supply chain is a moment of a few days could effectively paralyse sev- call so many people into resistance. As
colored memories revived in the haze foreign powers, confident in the YPGs
the overall reproduction of capitalism eral production sites and retailers. The was earlier noted, a large shipment of
of sentimental poetry. We prefer them defeats of Daesh, prepare for their in-
and its society. To physically block these economic cost of even a week of such frac proppants was blocked in Olympia
beside us, creating with us the spac- evitable betrayal of the revolutionary
flows of commodities, is to attack the co-ordinated efforts spread across the for six days, enough to pose a threat to
es and struggles of our liberation and cantons. The rightist coup in Brazil will
system as a whole, for most of what so-called United States would be crip- the stability of business for Bakken Oil
fighting alongside us in defense of our be opposed every inch of the way, and Conflict MN
accounts for global commodity produc- pling and impossible to control given sites. Blockades attack the global system
lives. We do not ask for martyrs. the popular movement against it will December 18th, 2016
tion is submitted to the logic of circu- current police and military resources. of capitalism by immediately disrupting
REMEMBERING THE WIDE- Bridge and Routes 132, 138, and 207 to evict the Mohawks from their occu-
SPREAD SUPPORT FOR THE were all blocked creating substantial pation and proved to be very effective in
OKA WARRIOR disruption to traffic. When the Kahn- securing their victory to protect their
Much of this section was straight up awake-manned barricades at the Mer- burial grounds and pines.
jacked from Warrior Publications which is cier Bridge were removed, protesters POWER RESIDES IN THE INFRA- FROM FILLER - APRIL 6TH, 2016
paraphrased from the books, People of the at Kanehsatake knew that they had STRUCTURE OF THIS WORLD GENDER AS GOVERNANCE (man/woman, etc). These norms are reactionaries. Revolutionaries need to
Pines and Entering the War Zone little hope of continuing the struggle regulated by stricter interpretation for push beyond half-measures, beyond re-
As argued in The Invisible Committees Gender is a hierarchy, one of the ap-
without such an important negotiat- women, and with harsher punishment form, concession and rollback, and push
Putting up those barricades, we devel- text, To Our Friends, Power no longer paratuses of governance, that differen-
ing item; they had lost an important for transgression. Gender is what tells for breaking from the normalcy of dai-
oped a stronger sense of pride. Protecting operates on the level of representation tiates and categorizes bodies/people.
resource. women that we are not enough or too ly life. We must push for insurrection
what was left of our territory, we regained or institutions (President, King, Pope, Bodies are categorized into genders
a sense of history. putting up those bar- In northern Ontario, Anicinabe near General Secretary, etc). The real power based on ones appearance, behavior, much anything and everything. Gender against all governance.
ricades, protecting our land that gave us Longlac (Long Lake) blocked the structure today is in the material, phys- economic/social/cultural position, and regulates our movements (its not safe The Coming Insurrection states, The
power. I became a warrior because it gave Trans-Canada Highway in early Au- ical and technological organization of others. The categories are stacked in at night) and our capabilities (thats goal of any insurrection is to become
me a chance to make up for a history that gust. On August 13 they also blocked the enginereered, configured, purposed a hierarchy, where men and mens la- not what women do, women shouldnt irreversible. To be irreversible means
cheated us out of our territorythere was Canadian National Rail for about 1 world. Power is exercised through bor are more valued than women and do this or that). Gender creates our the roots are dug up and patriarchy,
a coming together, and I wanted to be part week (costing an est. $2.6 million in the global capitalist economy which womens labor (domestic work, youth/ anxieties/desires to be manly and and all forms of hierarchy, are disman-
of that. lost revenue each day). This blockade is arranged through an integrated in- elderly care, psychological/social work, womanly, to meet the capitalist ideal tled. In more real terms, it means that
was soon followed by blockades on frastructure of production clusters (a food service, retail, all jobs based on of easily identifiable, categorizable, and we have communities and spaces that
Anonymous Mohawk Warrior
nearby Canadian Pacific railways by the geographic concentration of intercon- emotional labor, etc). predictable bodies and actions. Gender arent just safe, but dangerous to those
(People of the Pines, 281)
Pic Mobert and Pays Plat bands. When nected businesses, suppliers, and asso- governs the social sphere. who oppose our desires and our spaces.
To really understand the power of Gender uses its categories to play a
court injunctions were obtained by rail- ciated institutions in a particular field), Governance and gender define all as- Not just a reading group safe space, but
widespread anti-infrastructural soli- part in governing the social sphere to
way officials, another blockade would transportation networks and standing pects to the hierarchy of civilization. reclaimed territories capable of provid-
darity with Indigenous land struggles maintain social reproduction. It creates
be set up by another band. armies of police. From the mine and Governance is the regulation, normal- ing for the needs of the working class/
it would be mistaken to not study the a gendered division of labor, between
In mid-August, a railway bridge in refinery to the railroad and port; from masculine and feminine, mans work ization, and (re)production of bodies/ women/the excluded (free from gen-
Oka Crisis. During summer of 1990,
northeastern Alberta was set ablaze. the distribution facility to the trucking and womens work. Womens work people and territory. It does so through der/gendered violence). These spaces
The Oka Crisis was the top story in
In late August, just after hours after route; from the loading docks to the is valued and paid less, and for much prisons, police, surveillance, borders, cant simply be given to us by a higher
Canadian news. It was a crisis that par-
RCMP cleared railway at Seton Lake, shopping mall; through the information domestic work not at all. The valuing gender, work, evictions, school, racism, power. Through occupations of the bor-
alyzed an entire province, gripped the
BC, a fire caused extensive damage to and energy that circulate through wire womens labor less than mens attempts debt, xenophobia, etc, creating a class of derlands and sites of production, or less
nations imagination, and forever trans-
Seton Portage railway bridge. networks and broadband fibres; these to make working class women reliant those who benefit and a class of those formal territories of resistance, such as
formed the politics of aboriginal people
In response to rail blockades, a CP Rail are nodes that power flows through. upon men economically. The forced re- who suffer. friends who have each others backs, we
in Canada. The armed warriors at both
Kanehsatake and Kahnawake fighting official, John Cox, stated: Shiri Pasternak noted: liance on heterosexual relationships is DONE BE TO IS WHAT? will make or take the commons back.
to protect a sacred burial site from the Virtually all our transcontinental traffic The real role of right wing alarmists in as old as civilization and class society. Everyone in the milieu knows to make NO TUCKING, NO MASTERS
development of a golf-course, inspired has been disrupted. We are at the mercy the Idle No More movement: to maintain Women are coerced, structurally and total destroy, abolish whatever, to Our insurrection against gender cannot
widespread support and solidarity from of individual bands & whatever decisions the economic status quo, because territory interpersonally, into relationships with smash this or that. Gender is but an- stop with just gender self-identification,
Indigenous people throughout Cana- they make (Entering the War Zone, p. is capital. Land is money. And the circula- men for the sake of survival, and the re- other apparatus to be smashed, burned, or with a new list of terms for everyone
da. Protests, occupations, blockades, 147). tion of goods, resources and energy through production of civilization. As Against and scattered. To destroy an apparatus, to learn to respect. Insurrection must
and sabotage actions were carried out, In early September, after military ad- territory is the very essence of capitalism the Couple-Form puts it, rather than we must destroy its roots. But first, the push beyond these limits to a free-play
indicating the great potential for revolt vances into Mohawk territory, 5 hy- today The fact is that critical infrastruc- an essentialist concept, the category of soil that covers and protects the roots. of actions, behaviors, sexuality, etc.
amongst Indigenous peoples. dro-electric towers were felled in south- ture in Canada is at the mercy of Indig- woman stems a gendered mode of ex- The police, racists, misogynistspatri- Where doing or enjoying one action or
By late July, Indigenous barricades had western Ontario. A railway bridge was enous peoples, who are more rural than ploitation and relegates certain types of archs of all varietiesthis is the soil we another does not categorize you into a
been set up on seven roads and railways also set on fire in the same region. Canadians and have access to important labor to a private, unwaged sphere. The must dig up. limiting role.
in British Colombia, initially just in arteries for economic flows: transportation sphere of reproductive labor.
In southern Alberta, Peigan Lonefight- Easier said than done. Confronting To be free from governance entails be-
support of the Mohawk warriors, but corridors, energy sectors, and sites of natu- Economic exploitation is not the only police requires militancy (vigilance + ing free from gender. Being free from
ers began diverting the Oldman River
later mutated into a negotiating tactic in ral resource extractionThis vulnerabili- way gender governs us. On a social lev- awareness + tactical knowledge), but gender entails being free from categori-
away from a half-constructed dam. On
a determined effort to seek justice from ty is deadly to the logistics industry. el, gender sets standards and norms for militancy demands the kind of commit- zation, normalization, and exploitation
September 7, dozens of police escorted
the provincial government. The block- provincial employees and heavy equip- Logistics is a business science concerned our bodies and behaviors. Bodies get ment and preparation many arent ready of governance.
ades wreaked havoc on the tourism and ment to repair the dyke which had been with the management of goods and infor- put into categories based on second- for. In most progressive milieus, going Lena Kafka
forestry industries of central British breached by the Peigan. Warning shots mation through global supply chains. As ary sex characteristics, voice, behaviors, on the offensive is seen as hasty, ill-ad-
Colombia, halted freight train circula- were fired and a 33-hour standoff oc- the World Bank has declared: A com- dress/aesthetic/ethnicity, etc. These vised, or at worst, as reactionary. Rev-
tion in the interior of the province, and curred. petitive network of global logistics is the expectations vary based upon social/ olutionaries know that those who wait
brought losses of $750,000 a day to BC backbone of international tradeFor an cultural situation and position. Gender for the states offensive to hit them, who
In the end, the widespread campaign regulates bodies into certain norms to
Rail (People of the Pines, 281). industry dependent on maintaining open wait for some tragedy to use as leverage
of blockades, sabotage and occupation be interpreted into certain categories
At the peak of the crisis, the Mercier channels for capital circulation, a blockade and justification for reform, are the real
served to put extreme costs on attempts
40 29
ly morning to protest against the con- Kahnewake CP Rail Blockade, No- To be against pipelines is to be against
troversial pipeline along Highway 132. vember 30, 2016 the very world we inhabit. No struggle
Later, 150 students from Kahnawake Mohawks from Kahnawake prevented that sets out to permanently destroy
Survival School, the local high school, freight trains carrying oil or other dan- the possibility of all future pipelines im-
FROM ANARCHY LIVE - SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2016 blocked the highway. posed on this Earth can ever be success-
gerous materials from passing through
The web has been abuzz with informa- successfully locking themselves in and out their cell and attack the police. Mandan, North Dakota, BNSF the territory on a Canadian Pacific Rail- ful without radically transforming the
tion about the recent riots here in Ala- everyone else out. The queer prisoner Also in 2012 at Holman prison, queer Rail Blockade, November 15, 2016 way line for 24 hours. society that produces them through its
bama at Holman prison the stabbing started calling these guys on this and prisoners formed the Gay Militia as a energy needs.
400 protesters put a pickup truck and We as the Mohawk people have a duty to
of a warden and correctional officer, the called them pigs, Uncle Tom, etc. all prison gang for the protection of them- tree branches on BNSF Railway tracks protect mother earth, and we will continue The DAPL will cause irreparable dam-
fires that were set, the overcrowding, while brandishing a knife. selves against homophobes. Tuesday near a pipeline work staging to defend our mother earth for the coming age to the Missouri River, which 10
etc. but what has been left out of this And this is not the only instance of area, about an hour away from the large- generations as our ancestors did, million people depend on, including
At Donaldson prison in Alabama,
narrative is that the catalyst for the riots queer resistance against the pigs: scale camps resisting the Dakota Access people from 10 states and 28 different
queer prisoners form F.A.G. as a Kahionwinehshon Phillips, Mohawk
was a fight between two queer prison- Pipeline. The railroad says trains were indigenous territories. The DAPL is
In 2012, a stabbing of a guard in the self-defense organization. AGAINST PIPELINES AND THE
ers about queer relations. After quell- delayed three hours. A group of pro- an insanely destructive project, but it is
segregation unit at Holman was taking In 2015 at Holman prison, a queer WORLD THAT PRODUCED THEM
ing their beef, a pig and the warden at- testers also blocked access to the yard just one of a million examples of how
place while showers were being done, prisoner set fire to a guard in the segre-
tempted to intervene and was stabbed. by disabling a car between the road and The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) land and life are commodified and how
and Fredricka, a queer prisoners, cell gation unit.
No one wants to mention that out of the door hadnt closed and she ran out the railroad tracks, by slashing the tires and is a major infrastructure project that our lives are arranged and controlled
six prisoners who were charged with the The history of queer resistance is long will connect the Bakken Oil fields of through oppressive and authoritarian
cell, down the stairs and into the con- dismantling part of the engine. They
stabbings of the warden and correction- and beautiful. It didnt start with Stone- North Dakota to domestic and foreign politics. It is emblematic of the system
trol unit. She kicked the pig down who filled the vehicle with tumbleweed, and
al officer, four are queer. Historically, wall. consumers. In the last ten years we have that promotes the insane myth that
was in the control unit, handcuffed him the Morton County Sheriff s Depart-
attempts have been made to write queer and opened some of the segregation cell In Solidarity, ment alleges they tried to start it on fire. witnessed an explosion in domestic measurable economic productivity and
resistance out of history. But, despite all doors, allowing other prisoners to come Queer Resistance energy projects. Energy independence infinite growth are the purpose of hu-
Bellingham, Washington, BNSF Rail
the attempts, queer folk have refused to is a national security issue: The U.S. man organization and is a continuation
Blockade, November 15, 2016
Govt knows it cannot rely on oil from of the colonial genocide that began over
allow these stories to go unknown. INTERVIEW WITH FIREHAWK OF UNSTOPPABLE Excerpt From 1:30 p.m to Sundown, railroad politically unstable regions such as the
What I think most people refuse to ac- 500 years ago.
How does womens/femme participation most vaguely political literature. So tracks were blocked by a large group of Middle East. Americas dependence on
knowledge is that prisons are extensions in the prison strike differ from mens fa- unfortunately the biggest challenge How they are developing it is similar to
people that started as a demonstration, imported oil as a primary source of en-
of patriarchal control. Male prisons are cilities? Are there differing challenges? has been getting word about the strike how our everyday lives are managed: Its
including a symbolic lockdown by a ergy proved to be a weakness that could
hyper-macho environments with very The women and transwomen weve in to women and transwomen. the development and hierarchicaliza-
married elderly couple. be exploited to influence or subvert
hierarchical structures and class divi- spoken with have been excited by the Even for those women and trans- tion of space by power, its the constant
sions. In the prisons, queer prisoners rebellions and many have engaged in women who do know about the strike, Montreal, Canadian National Rail- U.S. foreign policy, has disrupted the surveillance and intimidation, the occu-
some way. Three women in Washing- theres some uncertainty at how much way Blockade, November 15, 2016 economy, and has transferred billions pation of roads and neighborhoods by
have taken on a submissive and passive
ton refused to work on September 9th support theyll receive from outside Fifteen non-native militants blocked of dollars to foreign national treasuries
persona, because they themselves are and were promptly thrown in the hole. supporters and among other prison- armed police. The world of the pipeline
not immune to all the psychological the Canadian National railroad tracks hostile to U.S. global hegemony. is in systemic racism, in social isolation,
An entire unit in Colorado refused to ers. For some, there is some hesitancy
bullshit that society teaches about gen- go to the chow hall on September 9th in participating for fear that they will in Pointe-Saint-Charles around 4 PM. At a time of such great challenge for the wage system, in prison. Its in the
der, sex, and class, and how that gender at the same time that the prison shut be the only one or that they will face The action lasted for around twen- America, no single issue is as fundamen- suicides, addictions, rapes. Its in the
down all work operations in anticipa- serious reprisals. ty minutes, during the busiest time of tal to our future as energy. Americas de- explosions and massive spills. The pipe-
should be lived you know, females are
tion of a strike. Women in a prison in Are certain tactics more common train circulation in Montreal. pendence on oil is one of the most serious
weak and only to use, and control. The California refused to go to work for a line is there in the rising tides of climate
amongst women/femme rebels? threats that our nation has faced. It bank-
queer prisoner is on the bottom of the number of days. And two transwomen Kahnewake Peoples Fire/CP Rail change thats swallowing small island
in Washington refused meals in protest Generally, women/femme and men rolls dictators, pays for nuclear prolifera- communities and coastal villages. Its in
social ladder, just above snitches. The life rebels share similar tactics. Although Blockade, November 16, 2016
of the queer prisoner is one of gross dis- for the transmisogynist harassment tion, and funds both sides of our struggle the drought and forest fires that have
theyve been receiving by guards and it often goes unnoticed, women pris- Canadian Pacific Rail and AMT com-
respect, violence, and oppression, from oners have a history of taking over against terrorism. It puts the American been incinerating the forests and wild-
other prisoners. The largest difference muter rail blocked for 24 hours by Mo-
prisoners and pigs alike. Most prisoners cellblocks like in the 1974 August Re- people at the mercy of shifting gas prices, life of Georgia and the Carolinas for
weve noticed is that women/tran- hawks.
look at being queer as an abomination, swomens participation in the strike bellion and 1975 riot at a North Car- stifles innovation and sets back our ability seven weeks straight, and in the hurri-
olina prison. Twenty-two women at an We should be defending ourselves every to compete.
as something nasty and weak. seems to be less sustained than some canes and tropical storms that are tear-
of the mens facilities. immigrant detention center in Berks way we can. The train blockage here was
But on March 11, 2016, that narrative County, PA have been on a sustained Barack Obama, January 26, 2009 ing apart cities with more ferocity every
This is probably due to the challenges a great success. A train did come at 2.00 year. No DAPL is the event that has
was shattered after queer prisoners hunger strike since August of this year. Pipelines are pieces of critical infra-
in sharing information with women/ We should not assume that women
am. Warriors lit flares and turned on allowed us all to meet; to find a com-
went on the offensive against the pigs. transwomen prisoners. Much of the bright lights and went on the train to kind- structure produced to satisfy the ener-
and transwomen are more passive. mon struggle and the means by which
One queer prisoner went from dorm to outside support efforts and resources Other tactics include mutual aid and ly ask them to reverse. They did. The pas- gy needs of the global capitalist world.
have been directed towards cis-men in There isnt a way to have operating free- we confront and attack the system that
dorm inviting, exhorting, and encourag- emotional support, particularly con- sengers who work in Montreal made other
mens prisons, often because of preex- sidering the psychological assaults ways, stores full of the latest electronic is destroying the planet and all that is
ing prisoners to come out of their cells isting relationships and contacts. But arrangements to get to work such as buses.
women experience by guards and pris- gadgets, military occupations of foreign sacred. It is one way that some avenge
and join in tearing the prison down. another large obstacle has been that They supported what we were doing.
on programming. countries, or Super Wal-Marts full of their ancestors, and produce, with all of
One dorm refused and placed a lock mail-room staff at womens prisons Anonymous Kahnewake Mohawk
Its Going Down food grown by wage slaves in the glob- the others, a new way of thinking and
and chain on their dorms cell door, have particularly repressive and quick
Warrior doing that breaks the prevailing stupidity.
to ban materials, sometimes even the October 8th, 2016 al south without the oil infrastructure.
30 39
Over the last month, thousands of pris- for @SpecialOlympics. Employees Levi got together in unity to stand together
Hundreds of demonstrations have oc- spotlight, signaled an intensification of major artery for CSX thoroughfare oners at three different prisons in Mich- Bender & Adam Pancheri won best cos- against the severe prison conditions. It
curred across Turtle Island to express the struggle, and raised the bar for what into and out of Atlanta with a wide va- igan have taken part in mass protests tume! was a two-day event. On Sunday, nearly
solidarity with the Oceti Sakowin and appropriate solidarity should look like. riety of industrial products and goods against the conditions of their confine- These protests are happening simul- the entire population (over 1200 persons)
their fight for sovereignty against the It inspired revolutionaries, environmen- passing through along the rails: Auto- ment and as a demonstration of their taneously with work strikes in Texas came out of the housing units and stood on
development of the Dakota Access tal activists, and indigenous groups into mobiles, Coal, Gas Tankers, lumber, collective strength. Prisoners at Kinross prisons as well as ongoing resistance in the basketball court. No one was allowed
Pipeline (DAPL). These actions ex- taking action in their own localities. military equipment; nearly everything Correctional Facility began the wave of Alabama prisons, which recently saw a to play ball. That first day was to show our
pand the struggle, by de-cententering The following is a short summary of you could imagine being transported protests on March 20th and 21st with series of riots at Holman Correctional unity. We looked like a solid wall made of
the area in which conflict can occur actions that have followed the Sacred via train has been seen travelling on 1,000 of the prisons 1,300 prisoners and where prisoners are currently call- bricks. I viewed it as a start of something
and help transform supportive people Ground camp. these tracks. Barricades were erected refusing meals. The strike then spread ing for a work stoppage on May 1st. All greater to come.
from afar into active participants rath- out of tires, scrap lumber and railroad to Chippewa Correctional Facility, also of this is happening in the lead up to a The next day, no one went to the dining
Kahnawake/Montreal, Honor Merci- in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, on
er than passive social media spectators. er Bridge Blockade, October 28, 2016 ties and other junk laying around the call by prisoners across the country for hall, unless persons had medical condi-
#NoDAPL solidarity has mainly con- edges of the yard. Operations came to March 26th through 28th where at least a national prison strike on September tions. This was not a protest because we
In response to the siege and violent 800 prisoners refused meals for the en- 9th, the anniversary of the Attica Re- submitted no formal complaint. This was
sisted of rallies, marches, vigils, lock- a halt with several engines trapped at
eviction of Sacred Ground, Mohawks tire weekend. Then, on April 12th, pris- bellion. about unity. The first and most difficult
downs at banks or intersections, graffi- the yard lead, and the mainline being
in Kahnawake territory erected a block- oners at a third facility, the Cotton Cor- step.
ti, speakouts, and in more recent cases jammed up, preventing any passage for As of yet, the protests in Michigan do
ade and shut down an onramp for 2 rectional Facility, joined in with about
vandalism at pipeline financiers as well trains needing to pass through Atlanta. not show any obvious signs of being I really did not have great emotions over
hours on Highway 132. Mercier bridge 660 prisoners refusing meals.According
as the blockage of transportation cor- Members of the crowd of protectors lit connected to the other rebellions go- the first day, because I am looking to-
is an extremely vital commuter link to the media, the protests are sparked
ridors essential to interstate commerce a major fire before dispersing, igniting ing on in prisons in other parts of the ward the end result. Yet what spark me,
providing the only access across the St. by problems with food quality, but ac-
and resource extraction. This text seeks the creosote soaked railroad ties below country. As people on the outside who and behoove me was the unity. It showed
Lawerence River from the south. An cording to the prisoner whose report-
to catalog the recent gestures of block- the blaze. Significant fire damage was want to see an end to prisons, it is our me the power in unity. An act I want to
estimated 30 million vehicles use the back is below, this was about unity.
age and elaborate on why spreading an done to the tracks, requiring a day of job to connect them. By creating as be involved in in the future. Because it
bridge every year, with about 1.4 mil- According to the Detroit Free Press:
anti-infrastructural approach, with ma- repair and rebuilding, further blocking many points of contact as possible be- showed me that unity, without a demand,
lion of them being trucks used for in-
terial blockades along major transport traffic through the yard. Both protests were characterized by ex- tween prison rebels and rebels on the can bring an oppressor to the table with
dustrial/commercial purposes (about
networks and clusters of production, Olympia, Washington, Blockade of tremely high participation rates among outside and by sharing news of their the hope of compromising in the interest
may be an important weapon for lever- Union Pacific at Port of Olympia, No- inmates, which disturbed Michigan Cor- revolt, we create the possibility of help- of self-preservation. The oppressor rather
aging power in the fight against pipe- Kahnewake, Canadian Pacific Rail rections Organization officials and also got ing to spread prisoners protests, riots compromise than have disruptions.
vember 11-17, 2016
lines and their world. Blockade, November 3, 2016 the attention of the prisons administra- and other forms of resistance. Also, by
A blockade was erected along a private The idea of not going to the dining hall
RECENT ATTACKS ON LOGISTICS Mohawks close Canadian Pacific tracks tion, Gautz said. Its definitely something taking action in solidarity with prison came from Minister Louis Farrakhans
rail line operated by Union Pacific out-
for 5 hours at Adirondack Junction in the facilities took seriously, Gautz said. It rebels, we create multiple zones of con- reminder of Martin Luther King Jr.s last
Sacred Ground, also known as Front- side of the Port facilities, in solidarity
Kahnawake Territory to show further is unusual in a high school or a prison, be- flict and prevent the prison walls from speech. Dr. King stated, when a business
line Camp or 1851 Treaty Camp, with Oceti Sakowin. Protesters essen-
solidarity with Oceti Sakowin. Their cause there are different groups or cliques confining the prisoners resistance. We does not treat you right, then the people
was established on October 23rd, 2016 tially halted interstate commerce for the
statement also says that the women that form, to have everybody on the same never know when our small acts of sol- must show unity and redistribute the pain,
as the only camp in the direct path of Port and other local business customers
have identified a link between the trains page. It takes some coordination. idarity might echo back and add neces- through economic withdrawal. We recog-
the DAPL. Without evicting Sacred (e.g. Mottman Business Park), includ-
that travel through Kahnawake on the When the strike spread to a third facili- sary energy to an ongoing rebellion. nize that Trinity, the food service provid-
Ground, the DAPL could not be com- ing a train shipping fracking proppants
CP rail and the origins from Standing ty, The Detroit Free press reported that Below are some reports from prison- er, is a business, and that each meal is a
pleted, and evict it they did. Hundreds bound for North Dakotas Bakken Oil
Rock of the Bakken crude oil that is ex- the MDOC suspects that the protest ers in Michigan, two of whom were dollar in Trinity pocket. Thus, not eating
of riot police fired tear gas, sprayed pep- Fields (the same oil set to flow through
tracted from North and South Dakota. at Cotton may have been instigated by a involved in the protest at Kinross and for an entire day was a form of redistribut-
per spray and beat Water Protectors the Dakota Access Pipeline). The
with batons, pushing them south out Atlanta, Georgia, Rail Blockade and blockade became an indefinite camp, prisoner who was transferred there for give a striking report of prisoner unity, ing the pain. I got great pleasure of doing
of the construction zone. Numerous Sabotage of CSX Transportation staying for almost a week before being assaulting a prisoner who chose to go including details not found elsewhere. that. Because at least 1200 persons learn
arrests were made, but the Water Pro- Rail, November 4, 2016 violently evicted by riot police from to the chow hall during an earlier food The other provides an analysis of the a lesson that could be shared with others
tectors did not go without a fight. Barri- A solidarity march made its way to three different jurisdictions. Fires were protest at Kinross Correctional Facility situation based on his experience in anywhere in the world.
cades constructed out of trees, plywood, the CSX Hulsey Yard in East Atlanta, set on tracks leading through down- in the UP, Gautz said. On March 20th, Michigan prisons. In the future, our movement must be be-
automobiles (war ponies), and tires occupying it for 6 hours. The Hulsey town Olympia. as at least 1,000 prisoners at Kinross From a prisoner at Kinross Correction- yond prison conditions. It must be based
were set ablaze. At night, rocks and mo- Yard is a major intermodal terminal, Kahnewake, Highway 132 Blockade, were refusing meals, the MDOC had al Facility, April 14, 2016: on repairing the capture and releasing re-
lotov cocktails were thrown. The images providing rail-to-truck and truck-to- November 15, 2016 this to say: form men back into the community. This
In regard to the March 2016 events. The
of the battle captured the international rail transloading services. It is also a Chippewa Corr. Facility raised $2,164 religious groups and street organizations must be the next step.
Nearly 200 people gathered in the ear-
38 31
It is my prayer that my experience will be the demo and about drug activity in the population.
helpful to others. prison. I was included. After a week went From a prisoner at Alger Correctional
From a second prisoner at Kinross Cor- by and some changes were made they were Facility, April 15, 2016:
rectional Facility, 14 April, 2016: investigating who was responsible for or-
The prisoners at old Hiawatha Tempo-
ganization of the demo. Their answer to
Without putting any names or pinpoint- rary Facility, now the new Kinross Correc-
the problem was to retaliate against us by
ing specifics we as a whole (General Popu- tional Facility (KCF) took action against
transferring key representatives t oother
lation) were tired of the living conditions, the terrible food the new private food ser-
prisons in the state of Michigan. Even our
the way officers treat us, and the food vice contractor, Trinity, is serving us.
Chairman. It was a tactic to intimidate us
that Trinity was serving us. All our com- On 20 and 21 March, Sunday and Mon-
and make sure we dont do it again. But it
plaints and cries for relief fell upon deaf day, prisoners, about 1,000 (out of no
does not move our leadership. When one
ears. First, a peaceful stand off would take more than 1,200) either refused to eat in
leaves another replaces him.
place on the 20th of March 2016. All we the chow hall and/or all requested a sub
were to do was to stand at attention for We had a new election and I was nomi-
(vegetarian) tray, which wreaked havoc
35 minutes on the recreational commons nated the Chairman again. I dont know
on the system, either way. If they dont go
area then disburse at the same time. In where this journey will lead us but we will
to chow and swipe their ID card, Trinity
sequence. We were closing our yard 10 unite and rise again. They have struck
doesnt get paid. If they all request subs, not
minutes early. There wasnt a soul left on down some of our brothers but we wont
only does Trinity have to come up 1,000
the yard. The officers were stunned. As the abandon them. We may get weary but we
subs when normally they might have 50
shit was changing 2:45pm until 3:20pm will find rest for the journey. We will keep
prepared, they have to toss the 1,000 reg-
they were witnessing the biggest peaceful hope alive that someone out there will hear
ular trays theyve already prepared. This
demonstration in years. Every organiza- our cries of affliction. Some of us realize
was a successful nonviolent action no mat- Top left: Prisoners set fires after taking control of their dorm at Holman prison in Alabama, USA
tion, every gang, every white, black, and that we dont deserve the life we live but it
ter which way it actually went down (the
latino renegade participated. isnt up to us
reports Ive received, the press and oral,
On the 21st of March 2016 no one went Until then we are waiting to see if they are vary and our news channels, local, ABC,
to the chow hall. Everyone sat in and ate going to prove good on their word. If they CBS, NBC, FOX and PBS were blocked
together. Whoever didnt have they re- dont put some of the key issues in play by on those days and the MDOC is trying to
Top right: Graffiti painted during anti-gentrification Halloween march in Montreal, CAN
ceived from the fellow inmate. And this the time the heat hits this place is going to keep all newspapers with articles on this
was coming from one of the supposedly blow up in violence. action out of these prisons). No prisoners
violent prisons in Michigan. It lets you The thing about me is that I never took an were hurt and Trinity took it in the pock-
know that we are fed up. And we were oath to join a gang but Ive been part of etbook. Compared to what recently went Bottom: Barricades burning during eviction of Sacred Ground camp in Standing Rock, USA
willing to unite for one common good. the Brown Movement all of my 30 years down at Holman in Alabama, this was a
Every Wednesday we (Prisoner Block in. My life has been dedicated to serve my great success! Or the action in Tecumseh
Representatives) meet with staff to discuss Latino people, but what happened here let State Correctional in Nebraska, for that
our issues that effect the general popula- me know I am now devoted to the whole matter.
tion. On this particular day, no staff mem-
ber showed up so we adjourn the meeting INTERVIEW WITH PRISONER ON SOUTH CAROLINA
and walked out. The officers came running REBELLION AT TURBEVILLE Excerpt
after us to get us back to the meeting. The
look of concern on their face was priceless. What facility erupted tonight? the prison strike, etc?
I think it was a tactic by staff to see where It erupted at Turbeville C.I. in SC. The strike news got us holding some
our minds were at but it backfired. That Tough guard got mad because prison- long overdue conversations. The spirit
day Warden Duncan MacLaren, Depu- ers didnt obey a command. of Attica is in the air.
ty Warden Hardwood, and Deputy Da- Why did things pop off? What happened? How can people support you?
ley thoroughly discussed the changes they When the guard reached for their Help us by standing up for us in places
were going to make immediately. Why mace, they were surrounded and beat we cant go! Im here for the people,
did it take a demonstration to get them to up. the most oppressedall the prisoners
do their job? Who isnt paying attention that feel as I do.
How did the guards react?
to daily activities? How relax could these
officers be that 1200 inmates could plan, When the other guards arrived like
design and carry it out right under their they were going to jump on the prison-
noses? Poor security. That is the reason ers, everyone stood up and ran them
out of dorm.
why this place is so violent.
How does this fit into everything else Its Going Down
Several inmates were questioned about
already happening in the facility around September 27th, 2016
we have the opportunity to make de-
liberate and well-considered proposals
for a society without police. In NYC we
intend to put our organizing efforts to- There are those who wish to ignore, In solidarity with prisoners risking their
wards this purpose: creating the foun- to defend, or to hide away the torture, lives for their dignity, a roving picket
dational groups that can help people slavery, and isolation that occurs in this mobilized in Atlanta to bring the strike SUBMITTED TO ITS GOING DOWN - MAY 22ND, 2016
country under the comforting banner directly to those who benefit the most
evade prison society, while building re- A feisty group of protestors took on At least four banners were dropped the as PIC-abolitionist resources and in-
of Justice. from their free labor.
sources based on mutual aid outside the the annual shareholders meeting of morning of the demonstration along formation about solidarity with prison
We do not understand them, and they Marching behind banners and a sound
state apparatus. For example, some of the Corrections Corporation of Amer- Nashville area highways dissing CCAs rebels. Our strategy was to try to meet
do not understand us. system, picketers stopped at the loca-
us are in the process of creating a Rapid ica (CCA) in Nashville on May 12th. racist prison profiteering. folks where theyre at while offering info
The practical destruction of capitalism tions of multiple prison-profiteering
Responders Network for people who corporations including Wendys, Mc- Among the 50 to 60 people who gath- on more radical perspectives on resis-
requires that we continue threading Also, CCA employees arrived at the
cant or dont want to call 911, in turn Donalds, Starbucks, and major prison ered were former prisoners from CCA tance to incarceration (whether public
together practices of revolt and au- headquarters that morning to find that
removing their reliance on the authori- tonomy, that we continue to sense out contractor Aramark. After disrupting facilities, religious radicals, members or private). It remains to be seen how
ties that hurt them when they are most their elegantly flowing fountain was
the new realities emerging from our business-as-usual at the Wendys, a of peace and justice groups, and a large effective this will be.
vulnerable. renegade police officer attempted
stained blood red. They shut it off, but
movements. It is absolutely clear to us contingent of rural queer and trans
to use his cruiser to run over demon- the grim spectacle of the bloody pool Another set of questions arose around
We will build our connections with that as we continue to get organized, folks, including many anarchists.
strators who refused to get out of the was unavoidably visible to all of the en- the extremely mild response of the
each other based on principles and that is, to give greater substance to
our situation, to make it seem and feel street. In the McDonalds, staff and One contingent held a steady presence tering shareholders as well as protesters police. In the aftermath of the Fergu-
strength of character that cannot be patrons erupted into applause, shout- by the entrance to the meeting at the and passersby. Interested parties might son and Baltimore rebellions, police
more and more real, that we will en-
broken by counterinsurgency of reac- ing black lives matter, dancing in the CCA corporate headquarters, con- wish to note that dyeing fountains as a departments around the country have
counter other forces which are either
tionary forces less acute than us. We lobby, and demanding $15 an hour fronting shareholders and employees complement to anti-corporate protests responded in quite divergent ways.
doing the same, or which are organiz-
will esteem each others efforts publicly ing to preserve the current stupidity. from their bosses. None were scan- as they entered and exited, and hearing is very easy, quick, visually striking, and While some intensify their militariza-
while also engaging in critical thinking dalized when demonstrators helped from a number of speakers discussing hard to undo. tion and immediately deploy maximum
This deep ethical polarization, this
about the repercussions of our actions. themselves to free drinks and fries,
struggle between competing ideas of private prisons and exploitation. An- Some of the questions this demonstra- force against any potentially disruptive
This will allow us to continually evolve slashed cushioned seating, and cov-
life and happiness, signals the end of other rowdy crew marched to a nearby tion raised for us: activity, others are taking a page out of
and in turn resist recuperation by the ered restaurant equipment with stick-
the democratic fiction, the end of so- major road and disrupted traffic, block- the community relations playbook, at-
state and its lackeys. ers decrying prison slavery. As antagonists in middle Tennessee, an
ciety. Even the rich agree: there is no aded the road leading to the CCA head- tempting to cultivate a friendly and pro-
Most importantly, we will never yield
and never be cowed by state interven-
one world and there never has been.
For at least forty years since the last *
Demonstrations of complicity and sup-
quarters at two different intersections,
and confronted police before marching
area of the country not noted for ac-
tive resistance not in this century, at
free speech image as a means of mini-
mizing conflict. The Nashville Police
great assault on capital was defeat- port for the strike have echoed across least how much should we prioritize
tion/intimidation or reactionary forces back to rejoin the rest of the protest. An Department is definitely on this page.
ed crisis management has been the the continent and even the world. We cultivating ongoing relationships with
vying for power or reform. It is clear activist shareholder from Prison Legal From the very beginning, the police
preferred technique of governmen- hope to see these groups continue to others with whom we share (at least
from the general trends in anti-prison/ tal control. Islamic terrorism, spree amplify the struggle against prisons. News returned to the demonstration summoned to the scene quite earnestly
police organizing that those involved some) political ground at the expense of
shootings, illegal immigration, and We anticipate that the striking pris- and reported on the proceedings inside, tried to convince us that were on your
in social movements are moving in a a wider range of tactics, versus pursuing
black revolt have all been used to jus- oners will feel more confident in their and energetic protesters harangued the side, we understand where youre coming
more liberatory direction, and thus a confrontational action regardless of the
tify a regime of increasing police mili- actions knowing the solidarity that ex- profiteers as they left the parking lot. from, we support your right to protest
more militant one. Meanwhile, those tarization, preemptive containment in ists on the outside, and that some who
social cost?
Attendees at the demonstration dis- (peacefully), we just need yall to get out
subjugated by the most oppressive forc- ghettos and jail cells, and the redevel- did not fight this weekend will consider This demonstration revealed some of of the road. In fact, it would help you get
tributed literature about CCAs slimy
es of the state and capitalism are ready opment of city space in the name of fighting in the future because of this. the tensions among folks from different your message across more effectively if
safety, resilience, and economic hyper profiteering from racist mass incarcer-
to buck the system. As anarchists, the We recognize that the free sharing political perspectives who are interested you werent annoying these ordinary folks
productivity. Retired drones from the ation, their role in promoting policies
current outlook calls for us to turn our of potential the liberation of life in challenging prison profiteers. When whore just trying to get to work by block-
war in Iraq hover over Baltimore while is bound up and directly implicated
that maximize sentences and destroy
convictions into action and our ideas a member of a local peace and justice ing traffic! Cmon, yall, pleeeease?
Terra Bella one of Googles latest in the ability of prisoners to catalyze communities, scandals around corrup-
into reality. group attempted to lead a chant of Hey
fancy purchases plans to deploy sat- crises inside the prison system. Their tion, riots, and deaths in their facilities One of the funniest moments of the
hey, ho ho, private prisons have got to
Until all our free, none our free! ellite cameras across the entire plan- success is tied to our ability on the over the last year, and the particularly demo took place when a police sergeant
et. The existential ruin necessary to go!, others edited the chant to ALL
Burn down the american plantation! outside to initiate mass confrontations terrible conditions in CCA prisons that pleading with blockaders to get out of
organize this much suffering has left prisons have got to go! While most of
with carceral infrastructures and their stem directly from their profit motive, the road was told that the person they
- NYC Anarchist Action no one unscathed. In all of this, prisons the feedback the blockaders heard from
proxy operations in retail and industry. as minimizing expenses on health care, were pleading with was an anarchist.
function not only as the camps which other protesters was positive, weve also
In these moments of struggle, posi- food, and other basic necessities trans- Cop: So that means you dont recognize
contain and repress surplus proletari- heard informally about some blow-back
tions have been taken which have be- lates directly into more money for their any legitimate form of authority, more or
ans unable or unwilling to be integrat- from peace and justice liberals who
gun to constitute parties grasping for shareholders. Protesters also promot-
ed into the dominant form of life, but would have preferred a tamer protest. less?
new ideas, tools, and strategies for or- ed the upcoming national prison work
also as productive centers constantly Protestor: Yeah, basically.
ganizing inside of and against the pres- In the flyers and literature we produced
churning out passive tolerance and stoppage planned for September of this
ent apocalypse. for the demonstration, we tried to strike Cop: Well, believe it or not, Im actually
spiritual destitution amidst a civiliza- year, handing out hundreds of copies of
tion in decay. This is a Call to Action Against Slavery a balance, including links and referenc- a lot more in line with that than you might

Its Going Down in America. es to Prison Legal News and the an- think. No, really! But still, even so, youve
September 12th, 2016 ti-CCA divestment campaign as well got to agree that we at least need to have
36 33
SOME rules, right?
For those of us who cut our teeth at the
of us facing police departments that
are desperate to avoid Ferguson-type
disrupt traffic and daily life around it,
to connect with others whore outraged A FIRE THAT CANNOT BE CONTAINED
Miami FTAA or SHAC campaign pro- explosions, whose counter-insurgen- about prison profiteering and to expand SUBMITTED TO ITS GOING DOWN - SEPTEMBER 14TH, 2016
tests, this is not the kind of interaction cy strategy relies more on minimizing the range of tactics we felt entitled to
arrests and positioning themselves as use. We also began building towards The prison strike noise demo in New american flag was burned, barricades available and most efficacious in the
were accustomed to having with police!
defenders of (peaceful) free speech, we the September national prison strike, York City reinvigorated the revolu- were rolled out, and flares were lit. Pass- moment, towards the final goal of total
We were able to block or delay traffic
may be able to plan more ambitious co- which we hope will catalyze thousands tionary movement and demonstrated ers-by echoed chants of Fuck the police annihilation of the status quo. On the
right around the corner from our target
ordinated actions and disruptions than of people both inside and outside the the strength of our new organization- and young people joined the march. other, the state itself is digging its own
for well over an hour, and directly and
wed anticipated possible. prison walls to take action against all al forms. We saw independent groups, At one point, a roll door swung open grave. With every egregious act of vio-
bodily defy explicit police orders with-
of the institutions and individuals that committed to prison abolition, congre- and people inside a gym clapped and lence and every dismissed conviction of
out any arrests. This has us wondering We dont have any illusions that CCA
keep incarceration, capitalism, and gating in the streets to escalate actions cheered as protesters passed. These acts a killer cop, they affirm to those watch-
about the most strategic way to use or its shareholders give a hoot about
white supremacy running day after day. against state repression. However, this of solidarity further fueled the energy ing that their sole purpose is the main-
this unexpected capacity for disruption us. But we were able to embarrass and
was not simply a matter of anarchists of the crowd, with only one set of de- tenance of oppressive relations and in-
with minimal consequences. For those harass the attendees at the meeting, to
leading the march; rather, it was inde- tractors capable of bringing the energy stitutions. The wider acknowledgment
pendently formed revolutionary groups down remaining: the liberals. However, of the irredeemable nature of the con-
militantly resisting against oppression the usual complaints of liberals in the temporary plantation was evidenced in
and raising the standard of rebellion in crowd such as Youll get us in trouble! the recent occupation of City Hall Park,
the city. As we well know, the stakes of and This is a shame! were completely which was held under the banner of po-
resistance are a matter of life and death. disregarded. The rampant liberalism lice abolition, rather than the typical
The choice between movement or mor- that has dominated NYC marches for liberal promotion of reformation.
tality, dignity or slavery, and life or death, so long was totally eclipsed and the With the prison strike underway, a
was reflected by the actions of those in peace keepers quickly found themselves historic event initiated by the Free Al-
the prisons. In the streets we wished to without their usual ability to dominate abama Movement and anarchist pris-
display our commitment to destroying and stagnate. As expected, the militant oners inside, we have a unique oppor-
elite society and our actions shed light discourse and action resonated directly tunity for action. The challenge we face
on the growing anarchist movement in with the prisoners and those who need today is how to make the contemporary
NYC which is preparing itself for the no explanation of modern slavery. underground railroad. The prisoners
revolutionary challenges ahead. In addition, the police were baffled to inside are calling for the end of prison
The connection between the hundreds an embarrassing extent. The two squad slavery, and putting their lives at risk,
gathered outside of Brooklyns Metro- cars that showed up at the noise demo not just for themselves, as Lucasville
BLOCKADE OF CORRECTIONAL OFFICER TRAINING ACADEMY Communique politan Detention Center (MDC) and were completely disrespected and the prisoner Keith Lamar pointed out, but
On September 18, in solidarity with the Strike Solidarity and other signs, while ber of administrative offices may be those imprisoned inside was palpable. force couldnt pivot fast enough to keep for all the people swept up in the states
national prison strike now in its second pumping some great Fuck the Police weak points where we can aim to make As chants were belted, banners were up with turns of the march or defeat dragnet, struggling towards the goal of
week, a group of anarchists and oth- tunes from a mobile sound system. On the system immediately unworkable
ers blockaded the road leading to the the count of three say fuck the police on the ground.
unfurled, and everything from frying the barricades. The Brooklyn-Queens a liberated society. Still, the question re-
Correctional Officers Training Acade- 1. 2. 3. pans to car alarms were used to make Expressway (BQE) was taken for over mains, where do we as a revolutionary
In the context of Tucsons recent his-
my in Tucson, Arizona, occupied Toho- Some local residents in the extraor- tory of directly disruptive actions, in- music of liberation, those on the inside twenty minutes before a squad car fi- anarchist movement fit into this puzzle?
no OOdham land. dinarily wealthy area surrounding cluding multiple interventions against pounded on metal, flicked light switch- nally caught up, which was easily side- UNTIL THE SMOKE CLEARS
All prison guards in the Arizona state COTA called the police upon reaching police-Border Patrol collaboration, es, and displayed cellphones in an im- stepped with a swift exit. In the end, ev-
prison system must attend the 6-week the barricades despite being offered a blockade of the G4S bus depot, It is clear that we have the advantage
passioned response. Demonstrators eryone made it home safely to continue
training at COTA, and this action was clearance. We decided to bail with and the wildly successful blockade of of being able to operate outside prison
banged in reply on a metal roll door, the celebration of resistance.
timed to impede the arrival of the in- the blockade still intact, successful- Streamline buses which immediately walls. Any solidarity and support we
coming class. Participants built bar- ly avoiding any police interaction. For prevented jail time for 70 people in echoing their rhythms. A few cops at- A MATCH LIT FOR THE FLAME can give is exponentially magnified in-
ricades of chained together pallets, future reference, COTA is located Border Patrol custody, we hope that tempted to quell the crowd with their
How did this happen in a city notorious side. As anarchists of New York, we will
furniture and tires, adorned with ban- at 5601 West Trails End Road and is todays experiment in direct interfer- car megaphones but their pathetic tools
ners reading Free the Prisoners, Fire only accessible from the east end of ence while actively seeking to avoid for its standing army of 40,000 police intensify our support for the Free Ala-
of pacification were no match for the
the Guards and No Pipelines, No the road, which dead-ends at a gated arrests can also be an offering on how and its wealthy, stultified leftist liberals? bama Movement, the Free Ohio Move-
fire of the people. The booming sound
Prisons. Other banners were strung community. So, fuck everyone on that more of us can fight back and get away On the one hand, over the last few years ment, IWOC, and all those groups
across the road, including one bearing stretch, right? with it in the future. caused by both the inmates and those
multiple anarchist and other militant directly working with the rebels inside.
only the names of Marcia Powell and In trying to disrupt the smooth func- In complicity with prison rebels and outside completely dwarfed that of the
groups have been building deliberate- This intensification may come in many
Mariam Abdullah, both of whom were tioning of COTA, we aspired to find outside insurrectionaries fighting for cops and they quickly gave up. It was
killed in the Perryville womens prison. ly and concertedly: some cutting their forms, from direct discussions to direct
points beyond the prison walls them- lived liberation, right now. soon made even more clear from the
We remember them and will not stop selves where we can directly interfere
teeth in the streets, others in discus- actions. The only constant will be our
Against colonial prisons, police, bor- meager outpouring of guards that they
fighting to destroy the institutions and with prison operations. Training facili- sions and organizing projects. Regard- fierce dedication to the war against the
individuals responsible for taking them ders, and the world they protect. were overwhelmed and outnumbered.
ties, sites of logistical infrastructure less of the strategy, the important point state and its ultimate death.
from us. We will escalate and we will win. As the demonstration morphed into
such as prison bus depots, manufac- is that these groups are all coming up Being in the unique position of having a
Further down the road from the barri- turers and distributors of law enforce- a march, the passion of that moment under the banner of revolution: their
cades, another group blocked the road ment weaponry or other supplies, Its Going Down political position that has advocated for
erupted in the streets. Immediately an purpose is to act on whatever front is
with a large banner reading Prison cameras in the streets, and any num- September 19th, 2016 social organization without the state,

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