Calculating The Vegetation Indices From Landsat 8 Image Using ArcGis 10 PDF

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7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.

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Step 1:
Re ectance
value from

the Satellite 1/29
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Step 2:
Popular Recent
Re ectance Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service
value with Comments
sun angle Satellite Mapping
Step 3: Request to Download Satellite Geocoding
Imagery from DigitalGlobe, using
Calculating WorldView, SPOT & More. Microsoft Excel
NDVI from Harris MapMart
2013 and
4th and 5th Google Maps API
bands Comments: 60

Step 4: 67 Important
Calculating GIS
SAVI from Applications
and Uses
Re ectance
Comments: 44

Step 5:
Calculating Calculating the
Tasseled cap Indices from
indices Landsat 8
image Using ArcGis 10.1
Step 6: Comments: 31
Tasseled cap
Brightness Know Basics of
indices Remote
Quickly and
Step 7:
Become Expert
Comments: 27
calculate the
Mapping of
indicesTasseled 2015 Public
cap wetness Companies
index Forbes Global
andGreenness 2000

index Comments: 20

The Normalized Di erential Vegetation Index (NDVI) is

a standardized vegetation index which allows us to
generate an image showing the relative biomass. The
chlorophyll absorption in Red band and relatively high

re ectance of vegetation in Near Infrared band (NIR) Arcgis 2/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

re ectance of vegetation in Near Infrared band (NIR) Arcgis

are using for calculating NDVI. ( From ESRI) Blog
An NDVI is often used worldwide to monitor
drought, monitor and predict agricultural LIDAR
production, What
assist in is Remote
predicting Sensing?
hazardous What is GIS?
MapboxTerms of Service
re zones, and map desert encroachment. Maps
The NDVI is preferred for global vegetation
Microsoft Excel
monitoring because it helps to compensate
for changing illumination conditions, surface Python
slope, aspect, and other extraneous factors QGIS
(Lillesand 2004). Remote Sensing
Monitoring the intensity and the density of the green
vegetation growth can be done using the re ection Statistics
from the red band and the infrared band. Green Tutorials
vegetation re ects more energy in the near- infrared What is GIS?
band than in the visible range. It observe red band
What is Remote
more for the photosynthesis process. Leaves re ects
less in the near-infrared region when they are
stressed, diseased or dead. Features like Clouds,
water and snow show better re ection in the visible
range then the near-infrared range, while the TAGS
di erence is almost zero for rock and bare soil. 2013 Add x and y Advantage

Output of of GIS: Arcgis Arcmap

the NDVI Blog Charts Charts on
method the map China Component
creates a of GIS De nition of GIS DEM
single-band Dot Density Map Dr. Roger
dataset that Tomlinson ESRI Excel
only shows Forbes Global 2000
greenery. Forbes magazine
Values close
Satellite Mapping to zero
Geocoding GIS Global
2000 Heat map How GIS
Request to Download Satellite Imagery from represent
Works: Japan John Snow Cholera
DigitalGlobe, WorldView, SPOT & More. rock and
Harris MapMart bare soil Outbreak Map Landsat 8 LIDAR
and data LIDAR DEM map
negative values represent water, snow and clouds. Maps Online open source
Taking ratio or di erence of two bands makes the software map Population
vegetation growth signal di erentiated from the the programming Python

background signal. NDVI method was developed by
QGIS 3/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

background signal. NDVI method was developed by Python code QGIS

the NASA scientist popularly known as Normalized Raster Data shape le
Di erence Vegetation Index (NDVI). By taking a ratio Software United kingdom
of two bands drop the values between -1 to +1. Table USA Vector Data What is GIS
below shows the red and infrared bands re ectance
world map
values of features and their NDVI values.Water has
an NDVI valueHome
less thanWhat is Remote
0, bare Sensing?0 andWhat is GIS?
soils between Terms of Service
0.1, and vegetation over 0.1.Increase in the positive
NDVI value means greener the vegetation.

RED= DN values from REDband

NIR= DN values from Near Infrared band

Dense vegetation 0.1 0.5
Dry Bare soil 0.269 0.283
Clouds 0.227 0.228
Snow and ice 0.375 0.342
Water 0.022 0.013
Fig: Table 1
Table shows typical re ectance values in the red and
infrared channels, and the NDVI for typical cover
types. Water typically has an NDVI value less than 0,
bare soils between 0 and 0.1 and vegetation over 0.1.

Here we are using the Landsat image acquired from

USGS Earth Explorer. The data is in GeoTi format
with 16 bit radiometric resolution (ranges from 0-
65535). Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and
Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) images consist of nine
spectral bands with a spatial resolution of 30 meters
for Bands 1 to 7 and 9. The resolution for Band 8
(panchromatic) is 15 meters. In addition it also have
two Thermal IR bands with a spatial resolution of
100m (later resampled into 30 m).Before calculating

the NDVI the DN data must be converted to 4/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

the NDVI the DN data must be converted to

re ectance using the equations given in their website.
Here the IR and NIR bands are 4 and 5 respectively.
Table shows the Spectral characteristics of
Landsat 8
Bands Wavelength
Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service
Band 1 Coastal aerosol 0.43 0.45
Band 2 Blue 0.45 0.51
Landsat 8
Band 3 Green 0.53 0.59
Band 4 Red 0.64 0.67

Land Band 5 Near Infrared

0.85 0.88
Imager (NIR)
Band 6 SWIR 1 1.57 1.65
(OLI) Band 7 SWIR 2 2.11 2.29
Band 8 Panchromatic 0.50 0.68
Band 9 Cirrus 1.36 1.38
Thermal Band 10 Thermal
Infrared 10.60 11.19
Infrared (TIRS) 1
Band 11 Thermal
Infrared 11.50 12.51
(Obtained from USGS website)

Step 1: Calculating
Re ectance value from the
Satellite data
OLI spectral radiance data can also be converted to
TOA planetary re ectance using re ectance rescaling
coe cients provided in the landsat8 OLI metadata
le. The following equation is used to convert DN
values to TOA re ectance for OLI image:

= M Q cal + A 5/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

= M Q cal + A

= TOA planetary re ectance, without

correction for solar angle. Note that does
not contain What is
a correction forRemote
the sunSensing?
angle. What is GIS? Terms of Service

M = Band-speci c multiplicative rescaling

factor from the metadata
(Re ectance_Mult_Band_x, where x is the
band number)

A = Band-speci c additive rescaling factor

from the metadata (Re ectance_Add_Band_x,
where x is the band number)

Q cal = Quantized and calibrated standard

product pixel values (DN).

(Metadata means the .txt le you can nd along with the

I.Open ArcMap and add satellite images band 4 and
band 5 forcalculating NDVI.

II.Open Arc toolbox in ArcMap

II.From the Arc toolbox open Raster calculator (Arc
toolbox>Spatial Analyst tool>Map Algebra
tool>Raster Calculator tool) 6/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

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Satellite Mapping
Request to Download Satellite Imagery from
DigitalGlobe, WorldView, SPOT & More.
Harris MapMart

IV.Find M Band-speci c multiplicative rescaling

factor from the metadata (Re ectance_Mult_Band_x,
where x is the band number)

A Band-speci c additive rescaling factor from the

metadata (Re ectance_Add_Band_x, where x is the
band number) 7/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

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An example of where the M Band-speci c

multiplicative rescaling factor from the metadata

(Re ectance_Mult_Band_x, where x is the band

number) is found within the metadata le

Apply and perform values in Raster calculator for

both REDand NIR bands (4 and 5 bands)


Band 4 re ectance= (2.0000E-05 *

(sub_tif_Band_4)) + -0.100000




sub_tif_Band_4= 4th band (Red band)

Set the output folder and le name then click

OK 8/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

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Raster Calculator function to perform re ectance


Re ectance calculated for band 4

V. Calculate the Re ectance of band 5th by using the

same method. 9/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

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Re ectance calculated for band 5

Step 2: Correcting the

Re ectance value with sun
Re ectance with a correction for the sun angle is

= /cos SZ = /sin SE

= TOA planetary re ectance

SE = Local sun elevation angle. The scene

center sun elevation angle in degrees is
provided in the metadata (Sun Elevation).

SZ = Local solar zenith angle; SZ = 90


I. Find Sun Elevation from the metadata

Apply and perform the values in Raster calculator
for both REDand NIR band re ectance values (4
and 5 bands)

Example 10/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1


Band 4 corrected_ re ectance=

(4th_r ctnce) / Sin (49.36816761)

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SUN_ELEVATION = 49.36816761

4th_r ctce =uncorrected re ectance

Set the output folder and le name then click


Raster Calculator function to perform sun angle

corrected re ectance

Sun angle corrected re ectance for band 4th

II. 11/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

II. Calculate the Re ectance of band 5th by using the

same method

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Sun angle corrected re ectance for band 5th

Step 3: Calculating NDVI from

4th and 5th bands
As we discussed earlier to nd NDVI we use the
formula of

Here band 4= REDand band 5=NIR

I. Open Raster calculator and apply this formula and

execute the program as follows

NDVI= (Band 5 corrected Band 4

corrected)/ (Band 5 corrected + Band 4

Set the output folder and le name then click OK 12/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

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Raster Calculator function to perform NDVI

Normalized Di erential Vegetation Index

The value of NDVI is always between 1 and -1

Step 4: Calculating SAVI from

Re ectance
Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index shows background soil
conditions. SAVI is a hybrid between NDVI and PVI
(Perpendicular Vegetation Index). 13/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

Where NIR is the 5th band and RED is the 4th band
respectively. L is the Soil brightness correction factor.
The value of L varies by cover of green vegetation.
High vegetation areas L= 0; the areas have no green
vegetation then L=1. Generally L=0.5 in most causes
and it works well. When L=0 then NDVI=SAVI
Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service
I. Open Raster calculator and apply this formula and
execute the program as follows

SAVI= (Band 5 corrected Band 4

corrected)/ (Band 5 corrected + Band 4

Raster Calculator function to perform SAVI 14/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

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Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

Step 5: Calculating Tasseled

cap indices
Tasseled cap indices give the measure of Greenness,
Brightness and Wetness of each pixel and utilize a
linear combination of 6 Landsat bands (From 2nd
band to 7th band). Tasseled cap indices iscalculated
by the following equation

Tas_cap = (coe * band2) + (coe *

band3) + (coe * band4) +

(coe * band5) +(coe *

band6) + (coe * band7)

Where Tas_cap is the calculated tasseled cap index

for brightness, greenness, or wetness from the
coe cient given
Band Band Band Band Band
Index 2 3 4 5
(Blue) (Green) (Red) (NIR) (SWIR

Brightness 0.3029 0.2786 0.4733 0.5599 0.508

Greenness 0.2941 0.243 0.5424 0.7276 0.0713
Wetness 0.1511 0.1973 0.3283 0.3407 0.7117 15/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

Given by Muhammad Hasan Ali Baig et al (2014)

Step 6: Calculating Tasseled

Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service
cap Brightness indices
I. Calculate the Re
ectance of Band 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
using the same method mentioned above (Process 1
and 2)

II.Open Raster calculator and apply the formula for

Brightness index and execute the program as follows

Tas_cap = (0.3029 *(2nd_Band_correted))+

( 0.2786 *

(0.4733 *

( 0.5599 *

( 0.508 *

( 0.1872 *

Raster Calculator function to perform SAVI Raster

Calculator function to perform SAVI 16/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

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Raster Calculator function to perform Brightness


Tasseled cap brightness index

Step 7: Similarly calculate the

other indices using the same
method mentioned above 17/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

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Tasseled cap wetness index

Tasseled cap Greenness index

References: erence_vege

Muhammad Hasan Ali Baigab, Lifu Zhanga, Tong

Shuaiab & Qingxi

Tonga- Derivation of a tasselled cap transformation

based on Landsat 8 atsatellite re ectance (2014) Remote
Sensing Letters

Grant J. Firl, Lane Carter Calculating Vegetation Indices 18/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

Grant J. Firl, Lane Carter Calculating Vegetation Indices

from Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ Data(2011)


Know Basics of Remote

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Quickly and Become Expert

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Tags: Arcgis Arcgis Raster Calculator Bands Landsat 8 NDVI

NIR RED re ectance SDVI Tasseled cap indices

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A to Z About Active Vegetation Spectral

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hi Mate

Thank you very much for your useful information

about NDVI, I have a question:
I download Landsat 8 images from USGS, mostly
surface re ectance and in some case NDVI data,
I want to change the resolution of NDVI to 15m, I
do with resampling in Arcgis, it does and you get
the 15m, but for presentation purpose on screen
the sell size remain 30 m,also I did raster to point
from my NDVI and then with interpolation I
made 15m sell size. but this process may slightly
change the NDVI data.

can I apply pan sharpening process on NDVI

which is one band image? I would appreciate if
you consider my questions.

kind regards 20/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

kind regards

November 20, 2015 at 3:16 am Reply

Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service

I will try to nd answer for you, thank you

for your comment

November 23, 2015 at 4:14 pm Reply

Excellent article ! Congrats !

February 23, 2016 at 6:59 pm Reply

Thank you

February 23, 2016 at 9:23 pm Reply

Hello Sir
I have calculated NDVI and SAVI for landsat-8
image as you given. But Iam getting higher value
of NDVI than SAVI
Can you tell me reason for this
Speci c band values are
toa b4- 0.130
toa b5- 0.3650

March 6, 2016 at 6:23 am Reply 21/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

Hey, youve a mistake with corrected re ectance

AL = Band-speci c additive rescaling factor from

the metadata (RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_x
Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service

April 4, 2016 at 1:26 pm Reply

Thanks I will go through it and amend it,

Appreciate for that.

April 6, 2016 at 6:39 pm Reply

very good your website, thank you

July 12, 2016 at 4:25 pm Reply

Thank you

July 12, 2016 at 9:43 pm Reply

Shouldnt you convert the angle to radians?
I thought that ArcGIS prefers to work in radians.
Also, woking with trig also requires setting the
cell size and extent in the ArcGIS geoprocessing
environment, something I learnt the hard way.

July 19, 2016 at 7:32 am Reply 22/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

Yes you have to convert to radians in

Arcgis, good info.

Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service

July 19, 2016 at 5:50 pm Reply

So just use:

(4th_r ctce) / 0.75890963 OR (4th_r ctce) /

Sin(49.36816761 * math.pi / 180)

in the raster calculator step 1, agreed?

July 20, 2016 at 7:44 am Reply

please how do you convert to radians and what

do you set the cell side and extent to? please I
would appreciate an immediate reply. thank you

August 6, 2016 at 4:01 pm Reply

can you upload the tutorial for enhanced

di erence vegetation index, generalized
di erence vegetation index, normalized
di erence water index, speci c leaf area
vegetation index, and simple ratio.

August 8, 2016 at 6:57 am Reply

I have tried these steps several times using

radian and degree as well,but I am getting NDVI

more than +1 to -1..It is showing NDVI values 23/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

more than +1 to -1..It is showing NDVI values

from 549 to -99..How is this possible??

August 29, 2016 at 5:30 am Reply

Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service

i have also same problem.. why??

October 21, 2016 at 9:54 am Reply

Thank you so much. Your post gave me an easy

and clear way to calculate NDVI. But I have some
questions confused me a long time.
In website, there
are two di erent directories L8 OLI/TIRS and
Landsat Surface Re ectance L8 OLI/TIRS,
whats the di erence between them? It seem
that your method is used the former data. How I
can calculate NDVI use the later data?
For the same pixel, the DN values of them are
not identical. Could you give me some
explanation for this?
For an example, LC80420352015194LGN00 :
cfmask 0
cfmask_conf 1
B1 10267 sr_band1 194
B2 9326 sr_band2 259
B3 8666 sr_band3 486
B4 7922 sr_band4 452
B5 19322 sr_band5 3123
B6 13520 sr_band6 1928
B7 9597 sr_band7 1102
B8 8321 sr_cloud 16
B9 5062
B10 29159
B11 26862
BQA 20512

Thanks again. 24/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

Xudong Zhang
September 25, 2016 at 11:08 pm Reply

For the rst step :

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1. Calculating Re ectance value from the Satellite

The formula is like this L = MLQcal + AL or =

M Q cal + A


L = TOA spectral radiance (Watts/( m2 * srad *

ML = Band-speci c multiplicative rescaling factor
from the metadata (RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_x,
where x is the band number)
AL = Band-speci c additive rescaling factor from
the metadata (RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_x, where x
is the band number)
Qcal = Quantized and calibrated standard
product pixel values (DN

so in the map algebra :


because I cant do it for rst step. Please help

November 2, 2016 at 12:04 pm Reply

I cant run for the formula greenness and

wetness and there is an error for the formulation
I use as below:

0.2941 *(band2corrected.img)- 0.243 *
(band3corrected.img)- 0.5424 *

(band4corrected.img)+(0.7276 * 25/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

(band4corrected.img)+(0.7276 *
(band5corrected.img))+(0.0713 *
(band6corrected.img))- 0.1608 *

(0.1511 *(band2corrected.img))+
Home (0.1973
What is Remote *
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(band3corrected.img))+(0.3283 *
(band4corrected.img))+(0.3407 *
(band5corrected.img))+(0.7117 *
(band6corrected.img))+(0.4559 *

please give me some suggestion

November 10, 2016 at 4:07 am Reply

Please can you tell me how can i calculate

Aerosol optical depth using landsat_8 data ?
thank you so much, anything would be helpful
and apreciated

elhilali soufyane
November 19, 2016 at 3:57 pm Reply

hi everyone, please tell me .1 why we are using

calculate only PM10 using landsat 8 images,why
cant other(03,N02,CO2 CONCENTRATION) ?, and
also 2 how we are calculate PM10 using landsat
8 (images, DN values and MTL les ) brie y ?
thanks in advance .

December 6, 2016 at 5:23 am Reply

Hello, Thank you for this very good explination!

I am also using Landsat 7 data for NDVI

calculation and was wondering whether to do
the same steps as for Landsat 8 (step 1 & 2 for 26/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

the same steps as for Landsat 8 (step 1 & 2 for

correction, and then step 3 for NDVI but with
band 3+4 instead of 4+5).

If this is so, where do I nd

Re ectance_Mult_Band_x and
Re ectance_Add_Band_x
Home Whatfor LandsatSensing?
is Remote 7? What is GIS? Terms of Service

December 14, 2016 at 2:18 pm Reply

Thank you, please see on this tutorial,

December 14, 2016 at 8:31 pm Reply

How can we Calculate the le size (in bit) of the

Landsat 8 OLI le assuming that only the
information for each pixel are stored within the

December 22, 2016 at 12:09 am Reply

i just read this, it is really helpful and

systematically outlined, bravo to the author.

May 6, 2017 at 5:51 am Reply

Thank you Johnie

May 6, 2017 at 2:43 pm Reply 27/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

Hi, congrats on the blog and the guide. I just

have one question arent TOA re ectance
values supposed to be converted to BOA
(bottom of the atmosphere) re ectance through
Dark Object Subtraction, or any other method, in
Home What is Remote Sensing? What is GIS? Terms of Service
order to remove the atmospheric signal. As far
as I know, this should be done before any kind of
analysis involving indexes or classi cation is

May 17, 2017 at 10:11 am Reply

I will see and reply to you.

May 19, 2017 at 1:00 am Reply

I have done the same as you have shown, but Im

getting very higher level NDVI data why is it so ?
The data is L8 OLI/TIRS

May 29, 2017 at 5:36 pm Reply

how can i retrieve LAI leaf area index using NDVI
and SAVI?

Ahmad Shah
June 2, 2017 at 9:47 am Reply

Thank you for the guide & it was very helpful to
me. As well as I need to know about the cloud
correction for Landsat8, Landsat7 & Landsat5.
Thank You! 28/29
7/20/2017 Calculating the Vegetation Indices from Landsat 8 image Using ArcGis 10.1

Thank You!

June 19, 2017 at 4:09 am Reply

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