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MESSAGE emx_print_string %0s


%CEMESSAGE emx_cannot_get_cwd
Cannot find the current working directory.
Cannot find the current working directory.

%CEMESSAGE emx_cannot_backup_template
Cannot back up the template.
Cannot back up the template.

%CPMESSAGE emx_please_select

%CPMESSAGE emx_select_acc_mdl
Select a model to set its accuracy.
Select a model to set its accuracy.

%CPMESSAGE emx_sel_csys_point_ref
Select the csys or the point of an EMX reference group.
Select the csys or the point of an EMX reference group.

%CEMESSAGE emx_asm_exist
An EMX assembly is already in memory. Erase it to proceed.
An EMX assembly is already in memory. Erase it to proceed.

%CEMESSAGE emx_asm_missing
Cannot identify the EMX assembly.
Cannot identify the EMX assembly.

%CEMESSAGE emx_cannot_use_template_dir
The template directory cannot be used. Change the working directory.
The template directory cannot be used. Change the working directory.

%CEMESSAGE emx_load_error
Cannot load model.
Cannot load model.

%CEMESSAGE emx_rename_error
Cannot rename one or more models. Check the result.
Cannot rename one or more models. Check the result.

%CEMESSAGE emx_listfile_error
Error while creating file list.
Error while creating file list.

%CEMESSAGE emx_file_missing_error
File is missing.
File is missing.

%CWMESSAGE emx_reset_cwd_failed_warning
WARNING: Automatic reset of working directory failed. Reset working directory.
WARNING: Automatic reset of working directory failed. Reset working directory.

%CEMESSAGE emx_no_browser
Cannot find the Windows help browser.
Cannot find the Windows help browser.
%CEMESSAGE emx_no_doc
Cannot find the EMX help document.
Cannot find the EMX help document.

%CEMESSAGE emx_reference_missing
The following reference cannot be found:
The following reference cannot be found:

%CPMESSAGE emx_sel_outline_ref_csys
Select the reference csys.
Select the reference csys.

%CWMESSAGE emx_no_waterline_faces_found
No waterline faces found.
No waterline faces found.

%CWMESSAGE emx_dim_set_error
Cannot set the dimension value. Check the result.
Cannot set the dimension value. Check the result.

MESSAGE emx_cool_anaylsis_in_progress
EMX is analyzing cooling faces...
EMX is analyzing cooling faces...

%CEMESSAGE emx_error_on_holechart_start
Cannot start SMARTHolechart.
Cannot start SMARTHolechart.

%CEMESSAGE emx_flexlm_auth_failed
Cannot find the B&W License Manager. Check the installation.
Cannot find the B&W License Manager. Check the installation.

%CWMESSAGE emx_no_floating_option
No EMX license available. Try later.
No EMX license available. Try later.

MESSAGE emx_run_trailfile
Run trail file:
Run trail file:

%CPMESSAGE emx_middle_to_continue
After using pan and zoom, middle-click to continue.
After using pan and zoom, middle-click to continue.

%CWMESSAGE emx_datum_not_found_error
Cannot find the three major datum planes.
Cannot find the three major datum planes.

MESSAGE emx_eval_remaining_days
This evaluation license lasts for x days:
This evaluation license lasts for x days:

%CWMESSAGE emx_use_first_instance
Cannot identify the instance. The first instance will be used.
Cannot identify the instance. The first instance will be used.

%CWMESSAGE emx_cannot_update_udfs
Cannot update the existing cuts for this model. Check:
Cannot update the existing cuts for this model. Check:

MESSAGE emx_ready

%CWMESSAGE emx_enable_acc
The enable_absolute_accuracy configuration option is set to YES.
The enable_absolute_accuracy configuration option is set to YES.

%CWMESSAGE emx_sel_ejp_note_view
Select a view to place symbols and notes for ejector cutouts.
Select a view to place symbols and notes for ejector cutouts.

%CWMESSAGE emx_sel_in_ref_missing
Reference is invalid or missing. Placement stopped.
Reference is invalid or missing. Placement stopped.

%CWMESSAGE emx_referenzfehler
Reference error. Placement stopped.
Reference error. Placement stopped.

%CPMESSAGE emx_sel_trim_face
Select a trim reference face.
Select a trim reference face.

%CWMESSAGE emx_rename_problem
Cannot rename the model.
Cannot rename the model.

%CWMESSAGE emx_cannot_add_loc_param
Cannot create the local parameter file.
Cannot create the local parameter file.

MESSAGE emx_benutzerabbruch
Action stopped.
Action stopped.

%CWMESSAGE emx_accuracy_warning
Cannot adjust the accuracy.
Cannot adjust the accuracy.

MESSAGE emx_sel_pos_and_leader
Select arrow and balloon position.
Select arrow and balloon position.

MESSAGE emx_activate_asm
EMX main assembly was set as active model. Please try again!
EMX main assembly was set as active model. Please try again!

MESSAGE emx_assemble_error
Failed to assemble.
Failed to assemble.

MESSAGE emx_trimface_exist
This face already exists in the list.
This face already exists in the list.

MESSAGE emx_load_insert_assembly
Please load original Insert assembly first.
Please load original Insert assembly first.

MESSAGE emx_select_mdl_for_dwg
Select a model to open its drawing.
Select a model to open its drawing.

MESSAGE emx_no_components
Cannot find template model. Abort.
Cannot find template model. Abort.

MESSAGE emx_enter_dia
Enter new diameter.
Enter new diameter.

MESSAGE emx_enter_detail_num

%CEMESSAGE emx_lic_failed
No EMX license available.
No EMX license available.

MESSAGE emx_load_dwg_template
Please load a plate drawing template first from components/<unit>/plates.
Please load a plate drawing template first from components/<unit>/plates.

%CEMESSAGE emx_owner_asm_not_found
Cannot identify owner assembly. Abort.
Cannot identify owner assembly. Abort.

MESSAGE emx_no_udf_data_found
No UDF-checkdata found in udf_data.txt. Cannot add interference based cuts.
No UDF-checkdata found in udf_data.txt. Cannot add interference based cuts.

%CWMESSAGE emx_reset_temp_interface
Option CREATE_TEMP_INTERFACE is set to YES. This might cause problems in EMX.
Option CREATE_TEMP_INTERFACE is set to YES. This might cause problems in EMX.

MESSAGE emx_sel_ejp_es_default
Please select the default placement plane for ejector pins ejection side.
Please select the default placement plane for ejector pins ejection side.

MESSAGE emx_sel_ejp_is_default
Please select the default placement plane for ejector pins injection side.
Please select the default placement plane for ejector pins injection side.

MESSAGE emx_sel_sprue_default
Please select the default placement plane for sand sprues.
Please select the default placement plane for sand sprues.

MESSAGE emx_sel_hotbox_asm
For Hot Box: Select one plate of the assembly where shrinkage will be added.
For Hot Box: Select one plate of the assembly where shrinkage will be added.

MESSAGE emx_insert_def_ejp_offset
Please insert the offset of the ejector plate in the injection side [100].
Please insert the offset of the ejector plate in the injection side [100].
%CEMESSAGE emx_dwgdl_isnot_emxasm
The active drawing model is not an EMX assembly.
The active drawing model is not an EMX assembly.

MESSAGE emx_no_matfile
Cannot find material file for:
Cannot find material file for:

MESSAGE emx_no_cool_cfg_entry
Cannot find valid entry in bore_cooling.cfg for BORE_REF_DIA:
Cannot find valid entry in bore_cooling.cfg for BORE_REF_DIA:

MESSAGE emx_predef_exist
Predefined component was assembled already, redefine not possible!
Predefined component was assembled already, redefine not possible!

MESSAGE emx_sel_runner_feat
Select runner feature to be considered in the calculation
Select runner feature to be considered in the calculation

MESSAGE emx_runner_feat_exist
The selected feature is already in the list
The selected feature is already in the list

%CPMESSAGE emx_select_ejp_owner
Select models for predefine ejector pins
Select models for predefine ejector pins

%CPMESSAGE emx_ejp_owners_defined
Selected models are now ready to predefine ejector pins
Selected models are now ready to predefine ejector pins

%CPMESSAGE emx_sel_waterline_plate
Select model to add a waterline
Select model to add a waterline

%CPMESSAGE emx_continue_will_remove_instances
Pasting content from clipboard will remove current instances. Continue?
Pasting content from clipboard will remove current instances. Continue?

MESSAGE emx_minimum_one_ref
Component needs at least one placement reference. Operation stopped.
Component needs at least one placement reference. Operation stopped.

MESSAGE emx_no_duplicate_instname
One or more Instances are duplicated. Make instance names unique for each line.
One or more Instances are duplicated. Make instance names unique for each line.

%CEMESSAGE emx_emx_asm_exist
An EMX assembly is already in memory. Erase it to proceed.
An EMX assembly is already in memory. Erase it to proceed.

%CEMESSAGE emx_emx_asm_missing
Cannot identify the EMX assembly.
Cannot identify the EMX assembly.

%CPMESSAGE emx_remove_instances
Pasting content from clipboard will remove current instances. Continue?
Pasting content from clipboard will remove current instances. Continue?
MESSAGE emx_point

MESSAGE emx_axis

MESSAGE emx_csys

MESSAGE emx_curve

MESSAGE emx_surface

MESSAGE emx_datumplane

MESSAGE emx_surface_datum
Surface, Plane
Surface, Plane

MESSAGE emx_cut_quilts
Cut Quilts
Cut Quilts

MESSAGE emx_orient_surface
Orientation Surface
Orientation Surface

MESSAGE emx_width_plane
Width Datum Plane
Width Datum Plane

MESSAGE emx_length_plane
Length Datum Plane
Length Datum Plane

MESSAGE emx_select_model_first
Select a model to proceed.
Select a model to proceed.

MESSAGE emx_sel_plate_to_place
Select reference plate.
Select reference plate.

MESSAGE emx_instance_not_found
Size does not exist in database
Size does not exist in database

MESSAGE emx_long_paramname_cut
Parameter name has exceeded 31 characters and was truncated
Parameter name has exceeded 31 characters and was truncated

MESSAGE emx_long_paramvalue_cut
Parameter value has exceeded 80 characters and was truncated
Parameter value has exceeded 80 characters and was truncated

MESSAGE emx_model_with_name_exist
Model name already in use.
Model name already in use.

MESSAGE emx_check_out
Try to retrieve model from commonspace:
Try to retrieve model from commonspace:

%CEMESSAGE emx_cannot_assemble_model
Cannot assemble the model.
Cannot assemble the model.

%CEMESSAGE emx_cannot_regen_instance
Cannot regenerate instance:
Cannot regenerate instance:

%CEMESSAGE emx_cannot_assemble_udfs
Cannot assemble the cutouts.
Cannot assemble the cutouts.

%CIMESSAGE emx_split_in_process
The chosen comp_data-file is separated into individual datfiles ...
The chosen comp_data-file is separated into individual datfiles ...

MESSAGE emx_selected_model_or_owner_is_hidden
Selected model or one of the owner assemblies of the selected model is hidden.
Selected model or one of the owner assemblies of the selected model is hidden.

MESSAGE emx_reference_model_or_owner_is_hidden
Reference model or one of the owner assemblies of the reference model is hidden
Reference model or one of the owner assemblies of the reference model is hidden

%CIMESSAGE emx_no_reference_model_found
No insert reference model found.
No insert reference model found.

%CIMESSAGE emx_default_ejp_component_is_invalid
EMX Option for EJP Designer default component is invalid.
EMX Option for EJP Designer default component is invalid.

%CIMESSAGE emx_selected_ejector_pin_is_locked
Selected Ejector Pin is locked.
Selected Ejector Pin is locked.

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