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Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidhyalaya

Act, 19631
[Act No. 12 of 1963]
An Act to establish and Incorporate a Vishwa Vidyalaya for Krishi Tatha Sambandha
Vigyan at Jabalpur to provide for education and prosecution of research in Agriculture
and Allied Sciences, extension and other matters ancillary thereto
Be it enacted by the Madhya Pradesh Legislature in the Fourteenth Year of the
Republic of India as follows:
Section 1 - Short title and commencement-
(1) This Act may be called the Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Act,
(2) It shall come into force on such date 3as the State Government may, by
notification, appoint.
Section 2 Definitions-
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(i) "Agriculture" means the basic and applied science of soil and water management,
crop and livestock production and management and betterment of rural people;
(ii) "College" means a college of the Vishwa Vidyalaya under the direct control and
management of the Board and the Principal Executive Officer of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya whether located at the head quarters campus or elsewhere;
(iii) "Extension" means all educational programs undertaken for the purpose of
ascertaining the problems of research in agriculture and allied sciences, disseminating
the results of research and providing training for the purpose of such dissemination;
(iv) "Hostel" means a unit of residence for students of the Vishwa Vidyalaya
provided, maintained or recognised by it;

Received the assent of the Governor on the 16-5-1963; assent first published in the "Madhya Pradesh
Gazette, Extraordinary", on the 25-5-1963
Subs. by the M.P. Act No. 15 of 1964
W.e.f. 1-10-1964, by Notification No. 6857-7358-XIV-I dated 29-9-1964, published in M.P. Gazette
Extraordinary dated 22-9-1964


(v) "Registered Graduate" means a graduate registered under the provisions of this
(vi) "Scheduled Castes" means the Scheduled Castes specified in relation to this State
under Article 341 of the Constitution;
(vii) "Scheduled Tribes" means the Scheduled Tribes specified in relation to this State
under Article 342 of the Constitution;
(viii) "Statutes and Regulations", means respectively the Statutes, and Regulations of
the Vishwa Vidyalaya in force for the time being;
(ix) "Student of the Vishwa Vidyalaya" means a person enrolled in the Vishwa
Vidyalaya for taking a course of study for a degree, diploma or other academic
distinction duly instituted;
(x) "Teacher of the Vishwa Vidyalaya" means a person appointed or recognised by
the Vishwa Vidyalaya for the purpose of imparting instructions and/or conducting and
guiding research and/or extension programms and includes a person who may be
declared by the statutes to be teacher;
(xi) "Vishwa Vidyalaya" means the 4Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya.]
Section 3 Incorporation-
(1) The Chancellor and first Vice-Chancellor of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and the first
Members of the Board and of the Academic Council of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and all
persons who may hereafter become such officers or members are, so long as they
continue to hold such office or membership, hereby constituted a body corporate by
the name of the 5Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya.
(2) The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and
shall sue and be sued by the said name.
(3) The headquarters of the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall be located at Jabalpur.
Section 4 - Objects of Vishwa Vidyalaya-
The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall, among others, have the following purposes :
(a) making provision for the education in agriculture and other allied sciences;
(b) furthering the prosecution of research, particularly in agriculture and other allied
(c) undertaking field extension programs; and

Substituted by M.P. Act No. 15 of 1964
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 15 of 1964


(d) such other purposes related to the aforesaid with the object of improving the level
of living of rural people as the State Government may, by notification, direct.
Section 5 - Powers of Vishwa Vidyalaya-
The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall have the following powers, namely:-
(1) to acquire and hold property both movable and immovable, to lease, sell or
otherwise transfer any movable or immovable property vesting in or acquired by it for
the purposes of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(2) to cultivate and promote the study of, and to provide for instruction, teaching and
training in-
(a) agriculture, agricultural engineering, animal husbandry, rural industry and
business, 6[* * *] and other allied sciences; and
(b) such other branches of learning as the Vishwa Vidyalaya may deem fit;
(3) to make provision for research and for the advancement and dissemination of
knowledge in agriculture and allied sciences and to institute and manage agricultural
and extension service including rural youth program;
(4) to institute degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions;
(5) to maintain colleges, schools of studies and hostels in the manner prescribed in the
(6) to institute teaching, research and extension posts required by the Vishwa
Vidyalaya and to appoint persons to such posts;
(7) to determine qualifications for and to recognize teachers as qualified to give
instructions in a college or to carry out research and extension work in agriculture and
allied sciences;
(8) to provide such lectures and instruction for, and to grant such diplomas to, field
workers and other persons, not being enrolled students of the Vishwa Vidyalaya as the
Vishwa Vidyalaya may determine;
(9) to organise laboratories, libraries, agricultural research stations, museums,
agricultural farms including breeding farms, poultry farms, fish farms and the like,
agricultural workshops, and such other equipments as the Vishwa Vidyalaya may
consider it necessary to organise, in field of agriculture and allied sciences;

Omitted by M.P. Act No. 15 of 1964


(10) to hold examinations, and to grant diplomas and confer degrees and other
academic distinctions on persons, who have pursued a course of study under the
Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(11) to confer degrees and/or other academic distinctions on persons who have carried
on independent research under conditions prescribed in the Statutes;
(12) to confer honorary degrees or other academic distinctions on approved persons,
in the manner and under conditions prescribed in the Statutes;
(13) to hold and manage trusts and endowments and to institute, and award
fellowships (including travelling fellowships), scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries,
medals and other rewards in accordance with conditions prescribed in the Statutes;
(14) to arrange for inspection of college and other branches of the Vishwa Vidyalaya
and to take measures to ensure that proper standards of instruction, teaching or
training, research and extension are maintained;
(15) to fix, demand and receive payment of such fees and other charges as may be
prescribed by the Statutes;
(16) to supervise and control the residence, conduct and discipline of students of the
Vishwa Vidyalaya and to make arrangements for promoting their health development
and general welfare;
(17) to create administrative, ministerial and other necessary posts and to make
appointments thereto;
(18) to institute and manage-
(a) Information Bureau;
(b) Printing and Publication Department; and
(c) Employment Bureau;
(19) to make provision-
(a) for extra-mural teaching and research;
(b) for physical and military training;
(c) for sports and athletic activities;
(20) to co-operate with other Universities and authorities in such manner, to such
extent and for such purposes as the Vishwa Vidyalaya may determine;
(21) to do all such other acts and things, whether incidental to the powers aforesaid or
not, as may be requisite in order to further the objects of the Vishwa Vidyalaya.


Section 6 - Territorial jurisdiction-

(1) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the powers conferred on the Vishwa
Vidyalaya by or under this Act, 7[shall extend to the whole of Madhya Pradesh 8[x x
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force,
no educational institution 9[situated within the areas specified in sub-section (1)] and
run by the Government imparting instruction in agriculture and other allied sciences
for bachelor's degree and/or above, shall be associated in any way with or be admitted
to any privilege of any other university incorporated by law in India and any such
privilege granted by any such other university to any educational institution within the
State prior to the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to be withdrawn on the
commencement of this Act, 10[and shall institutions hall stand affiliated to the Vishwa
Vidyalaya till the date they are transferred to the Vishwa Vidyalaya under Section
(3) The research and extension work undertaken or conducted by or on behalf of the
State Government in the field of agriculture and allied sciences [within the areas
specified in sub-section (1)] shall be coordinated with and integrated into the activities
of the Vishwa Vidyalaya,-
(a) with effect from such date or dates as the State Government may, by notification,
specify and different dates may be specified for co-ordination and integration; and
(b) in such manner and to such extent as may be determined by the State Government
in consultation with the Board.
Section 7 - Vishwa Vidyalaya to have exclusive jurisdiction to provide for
instruction, teaching etc., in agriculture and allied sciences-
The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall have exclusive jurisdiction [throughout the areas
specified in sub-section (1) of Section 6] to provide for instruction, teaching and
training in agriculture and allied sciences and notwithstanding anything contained in

Substituted by M.P. Act No. 20 of 1987
The words "except the areas within the territorial jurisdiction of the Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa
Vidyalaya", omitted by Section 2 of M.P. Act No. 32 of 2000 (w.e.f. 31-10-2000)
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 20 of 1987
Inserted by M.P. Act No. 3 of 1965
The words "except the areas within the territorial jurisdiction of the Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa
Vidyalaya", omitted by Section 2 of M.P. Act No. 32 of 2000 (w.e.f. 31-10-2000)
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 20 of 1987


the law relating to incorporation of any other university in the State no university shall
be competent to provide for instruction, teaching and training in agriculture and allied

Section 8 - Completion of courses of students in colleges affiliated to other

Universities in State-
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or Statutes and Regulations made
(i) any student of a college situate within the State and affiliated to any other
University; or
(ii) any other student;
who immediately prior to the date of the coming into force of this Act was studying or
was eligible, as the case may be, for any examination in agriculture and other allied
sciences of such other University, shall be permitted to complete his course in
preparation therefore, and the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall provide for such period not
exceeding three years and in such manner as may be prescribed by the statutes for the
instruction, teaching, training and examination of such students in accordance with
the course of studies of such other University.

Section 9 - Vishwa Vidyalaya open to all irrespective of religion, caste, sex, place
of birth or opinion-
It shall not be lawful for the Vishwa Vidyalaya to impose any test or condition
whatsoever relating to religion, caste, sex, place of birth or other opinion in order to
entitle any person-
(a) to hold any office in the Vishwa Vidyalaya; or
(b) to be a member of any authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya; or
(c) to be appointed or admitted as a teacher; or
(d) to be admitted to any degree, diploma or other academic distinctions or course of
study or to qualify for any degree, diploma, or other academic distinction; or
(e) to enjoy or exercise any privileges of the Vishwa Vidyalaya or benefication
Provided that the Vishwa Vidyalaya may subject to the previous sanction of the State
Government, maintain any college or institution exclusively for women either for
education, instruction or residence, or reserve for women or members of Scheduled
Castes or Scheduled Tribes or of other classes and communities which are


educationally backward, seats for the purposes of admission as students in any college
or institution maintained or controlled by the Vishwa Vidyalaya:
Provided further that nothing in this section shall be deemed to require the Vishwa
Vidyalaya to admit to any course of study, students larger in number than, or with
academic or other qualifications lower than those prescribed in the Statutes :
Provided also that nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the Vishwa
Vidyalaya from exempting indigent persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes or
Scheduled Tribes or to any other classes or communities which are socially and
educationally backward from attending courses of study or from the fees levied in
whole or in part for attending such courses.
Explanation.--A person shall, for the purposes of this proviso, be deemed to be an
"indigent person" if the annual income of such person or his guardian (where such
person is for his livelihood and education dependent upon such guardian) is less than
such amount as may be specified by the State Government, by notification, in this

Section 10 - Teaching in Vishwa Vidyalaya-

(1) All recognised teaching in connection with the Vishwa Vidyalaya courses shall be
conducted by the teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya in accordance with such scheme
as may be framed for each academic year by the Academic Council and shall include
lecturing, tutorial classes, laboratory work, field work or other teaching, conducted in
accordance with the course of study prescribed by the Regulations.
(2) The authorities responsible for organising such teaching and the maximum
number of students shall be admitted to a course shall be prescribed by the statutes.
(3) The courses and curricula shall be prescribed by the Regulations.

Section 11 - Inspection of Vishwa Vidyalaya-

(1) The State Government shall have the right to cause an inspection to be made by
such person as it may direct, of the Vishwa Vidyalaya generally and other matters
particularly such as its buildings, laboratories, libraries, museums. Agricultural
Research Stations and farms, workshop, and equipment and of any college or hostel,
maintained by the Vishwa Vidyalaya, of the teaching and other work conducted by
the Vishwa Vidyalaya or any college or institution and of the conduct of examinations


held by the Vishwa Vidyalaya and to cause an inquiry to be made of any matter
connected with the Vishwa Vidyalaya :
Provided that the State Government shall, in every case, give notice to the Vishwa
Vidyalaya of its intention to cause an inspection or inquiry to be made, and the
Vishwa Vidyalaya shall be entitled to be represented thereat.
[(2) Such person shall report to the State Government the result of such inspection
or inquiry, and the State Government shall communicate to the Board their views with
reference to the results of such inspection or inquiry. The Board shall thereupon
communicate its views to the Kuladhipati who may advise the Vishwa Vidyalaya
upon the action to be taken, if any.
[(3) xxx]
(4) Where the Board does not, within a reasonable time, take action to the satisfaction
of the Chancellor, the Chancellor may, after considering any explanation furnished or
representation made by the Board issue such directions as he may think fit, and the
Board shall comply therewith.
(5) The report of the inspection and of the directions issued by the Chancellor as a
result of such inspection shall be laid on the table of the Legislative Assembly.

Section 12 - Officers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya-

The following shall be the officers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya, namely :-
(1) the Chancellor;
(2) the Vice-Chancellor;
(3) the Comptroller;
(4) the Registrar;
(5) the Dean of the Faculties;
(6) the Dean of Student Welfare;
(7) the Director of Research Service;
[(8) the Director of Extension services;
(8-a) the Director of Instructions;
(8-b) Director of Farms];

Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Omitted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985


(9) such other officers in the service of the Vishwa Vidyalaya as may be declared by
the statutes to be officers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya.

Section 13 Chancellor-
The Government of Madhya Pradesh shall be the Chancellor of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya. He shall, by virtue of his office, be the Head of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and
shall, when present, preside at any convocation of the Vishwa Vidyalaya.

Section 14 - Powers of Chancellor-

(1) The Chancellor may-
(a) call for any papers for information relating to the affairs of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(b) for reasons to be recorded refer any matter except a matter falling under Section
41 for reconsideration to any officer or authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya that has
previously considered such matter.
(2) The Chancellor may, by an order in writing, annul any proceeding of any officer
or authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya which is not in conformity with this Act, the
Statutes or the Regulations :
Provided that before making any such order he shall call upon the officer or authority
concerned to show cause why such an order should not be made and if any cause is
shown within the time specified by him in this behalf, he shall consider the same.
(3) Every proposal to confer an honorary degree shall be subject to the confirmation
of the Chancellor.
(4) The Chancellor shall exercise such powers as may be conferred on him by or
under this Act.

Section 15 - Vice-Chancellor-
(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor from a panel of not less
than three persons recommended by the Committee constituted under sub-section (2) :
Provided that if the Chancellor does not approve of any of the persons so
recommended or the person or persons approved by the Chancellor out of those
recommended by such committee are not willing to accept the appointment, the
Chancellor may call for fresh recommendations from such committee :


Provided further that the first Vice-Chancellor shall be directly appointed by the
(2) The Chancellor shall appoint a Committee consisting of the following persons,
(i) one person elected by the Board from amongst persons not employed by or on
behalf of the Vishwa Vidyalaya or a College;
(ii) one person nominated by the Chancellor; and
(iii) one person nominated by the State Government.
The Chancellor shall appoint one of the three persons to be the Chairman of the
(3) For constituting the Committee under sub-section (2), the Chancellor shall, before
the expiry of the term of the Vice-Chancellor, call upon the Board and the State
Government to choose their nominees and if any one of them or both fail to do so
within one month of the receipt of the Chancellor's communication in this regard, the
Chancellor may nominate any one or two persons, as the case may be, not employed
by or on behalf of the Vishwa Vidyalaya or College and the persons so nominated
shall be deemed to be the persons elected or nominated by the Board or the State
Government, as the case may be.
(4) The Committee shall submit the panel within six weeks from the date of its
constitution or such further time not exceeding four weeks as may be extended by the
(5) If the Committee fails to submit the panel within the period specified in sub-
section (4), the Chancellor may appoint any person whom he deems fit to be the Vice-
(6) The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of five years and shall be eligible
for re-appointment:
Provided that the first Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term not exceeding five
years as the Chancellor may determine :
Provided further that, notwithstanding the expiry of his term, he shall continue in
office until his successor is appointed and enters upon his office, but this period shall
not exceed six months.


[(7) In the event of occurrence of any vacancy in the office of Kulpati by reason of
his death, resignation or otherwise, a Dean of Faculty nominated by Kuladhipati shall
act as Kulpati until the date on which a new Kulpati, appointed under sub-section (1)
to fill such vacancy enters upon his office :
Provided that the person so nominated shall not hold office for a period of more than
six months.
(8) Where any temporary vacancy in the office of Kulpati occurs by reasons of leave,
illness or other cause, Kuladhipati shall, as soon as possible, make such arrangements
for carrying on the office of the Kulpati as he may think fit.
(9) Until the nomination has been made under sub-section (7) or arrangements have
been made under sub-section (8), the Registrar and if no Registrar has been appointed
or if there be vacancy in the office of Registrar for any reason whatsoever, such
officer of the Vishwa Vidyalaya as Kuladhipati may direct, shall carry on the current
duties of the Kulpati.
(10) All acts done by the person appointed under sub-section (8) or by the Registrar
under sub-section (9) or by the officer directed by the Kuladhipati under the said sub-
section to carry on the current duties of the Kulpati shall be deemed to be acts done by
the Kulpati.]

Section 16 - Emoluments and conditions of service of Vice-Chancellor-

The emoluments and conditions of service of the Vice-Chancellor shall be such as
may be prescribed by Statutes but shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his

Section 17 - Powers and duties of Vice-Chancellor-

(1)The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal executive and academic officer of the
Vishwa Vidyalaya, and shall, in the absence of the Chancellor preside at any
Convocation of the Vishwa Vidyalaya. He shall be an ex officio member and
Chairman of the Board and of the Academic Council and Chairman of such other
authorities of the Vishwa Vidyalaya of which he is a member. He shall be entitled to
be present and to speak at any meeting of any authority or other body of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya but shall not be entitled to vote thereat unless he is member of the authority
or body concerned.

Substituted by M.P. Act No. 17 of 1979 (w.e.f. 5-6-1979).


(2) It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to ensure that this Act, the Statutes and
the Regulations are faithfully observed and he shall have all powers necessary for this
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall have power to convene meeting of the Board and the
Academic Council.
(4) In any emergency which in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor requires that
immediate action should be taken, the Vice-Chancellor shall take such action as he
deems necessary and shall at the earliest opportunity thereafter report his action to
such officer, authority or body as would have in the ordinary course dealt with the
Provided that the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor shall not commit the Vishwa
Vidyalaya to any recurring expenditure for a period of more than three months.
(5) When action taken by the Vice-Chancellor under sub-section (4) affects any
person in the service of the Vishwa Vidyalaya, such person shall be entitled to prefer
an appeal to the Board through the officer, authority or body mentioned in the said
sub-section within thirty days from the date on which such action is communicated to
(6) The action taken by the Vice-Chancellor shall be deemed to be the action taken by
the appropriate authority until it is set aside by such officer, authority or body after
considering the report made by the Vice-Chancellor under sub-section (4) or is
modified or set aside by the Board under sub-section (5).
(7) The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise general control over the affairs of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya and shall give effect to the decisions of the authorities of the Vishwa
(8) The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise such other powers as may be prescribed by the
statutes and Regulations.

Section 18 - Removal of Kulpati-

[(1) If at any time upon representation made or otherwise and after making such
inquiries as may be deemed necessary, it appears to the Kuladhipati that the Kulpati-
(i) has made default in performing any duty imposed on him by or under this Act; or
(ii) has acted in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the Vishwa Vidyalaya; or

Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985


(iii) is incapable of managing the affairs of the Vishwa Vidyalaya; the Kuladhipati
may, notwithstanding the fact that the term of office of the Kulpati has not expired, by
an order in writing stating the reasons therein, requires the Kulpati to relinquish his
office as from such date as may be specified in the order.
(2) No order under sub-section (1) shall be passed unless the particulars of the
grounds on which such action is proposed to be taken are communicated to the
Kulpati and he is given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the
proposed order.
(3) As from the date specified in the order under sub-section (1) the Kulpati shall be
deemed to have relinquished office and the office of the Kulpati shall fall vacant.]

Section 19 Comptroller-
[(1) The Comptroller shall be a whole time salaried officer of the Vishwa Vidyalaya.
He shall be appointed by the Kulpati in accordance with the statutes to be made in this
behalf and his emoluments and conditions of service shall be such as may be
prescribed by the statutes.
(2) Where any vacancy in the office of the Comptroller occurs by reason of leave,
illness or any other cause, the Kulpati shall make arrangement as he deems fit, to
carry on the current duties of the Comptroller.]
(3) The Comptroller shall-
(a) exercise general supervision over the funds of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and shall
advise the Board in regard to its financial policy;
(b) subject to the control of the Board, manage the property and investment of the
Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(c) be responsible for seeing that all moneys are expended on the purpose for which
they are granted or allotted and no expenditure not authorised in the budget, is
incurred by the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(d) exercise such other powers as may be conferred on him by the Statutes.

Section 20 Registrar-
The Registrar shall be whole-time salaried officer and shall act [as the Secretary of
the Court, the Board and of the Academic Council]. He shall be appointed by the
Vice-Chancellor with the prior approval of the Board in accordance with the Statutes
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985


to be made in this behalf and his emoluments and conditions of service shall be such
as may be prescribed by the Statutes. He shall exercise such powers and perform such
duties as may be conferred or imposed on him by the Statutes and the Regulations.]

Section 21 - Dean of Student Welfare

(1) The Dean of the Student Welfare shall be a whole-time salaried officer of the
Vishwa Vidyalaya and shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor with the prior
approval of the Board in accordance with the Statutes. His emoluments and conditions
of service shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
(2) The Dean of the Student Welfare shall exercise such powers and perform such
duties as may be conferred or imposed on him by the Statutes.

Section 22 - Director of Research Services, Director of Extension Services,

Director of Instructions and Director of Farms
[(1) There shall be a Director of Research Services, Director of Extension Services,
a Director of Instructions and a Director of Farms who shall be whole time salaried
officers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and appointed by the Kulpati with the prior approval
of the Board in accordance with the statutes made in this behalf.]
(2) The emoluments and conditions of service of the officers appointed under sub-
section (1) shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
[(3) The Director of Research Services, the Director of Extension Services, the
Director of Instructions and the Director of Farms shall exercise such powers and
perform such duties as may be conferred or imposed on them by the statutes.]

Section 23 - Other officers-

The appointment of other officers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya referred to in Section 12
shall be made in such manner and the conditions of their service and their powers and
duties shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes and Regulations.

Section 24 - Authorities of Vishwa Vidyalaya-

The following shall be the authorities of the Vishwa Vidyalaya :

Omitted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985


[(i) the Court;]
[(i-a) the Board;
(ii) the Academic Council;
(iii) the Faculties; and
(iv) such other authorities as may be declared by the Statutes to be the authorities of
the Vishwa Vidyalaya.

Section 24-A - Constitution of court-

[(1) The Court shall consist of the following persons, namely :-
(1) The Kuladhipati;
(2) The Kulpati;
(3) The Registrar ex-officio Secretary;
(4) The Comptroller;
(5) Deans of the Faculties;
(6) The Dean of Student Welfare;
(7) The Director of Research Services;
(8) The Director of Extension Services;
(9) The Director of Instructions;
(10) Three teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya who are members of the Academic
Council under clause (v) of sub-section (1) of Section 28;
(11) Secretary to Government, Madhya Pradesh--
(i) Agriculture Department;
(ii) Finance Department;
(iii) Education Department;
(iv) Harjan and Tribal Welfare Department or nominees of such Secretary of each of
the Department aforesaid not before the rank of Deputy Secretary;
(12) Director of-
(i) Agriculture;
(ii) Veterinary Services;
(iii Fisheries;

Inserted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Renumbered by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Renumbered by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985


(13) The Conservator-in-Chief, Forest, Madhya Pradesh;

(14) The Engineer-in-Chief, Irrigation, Madhya Pradesh;
(15) The Managing Director
(i) Madhya Pradesh Dugdh Mahasangh (Sahakari) Maryadit;
(ii) Madhya Pradesh Rajya Beej Evam Farm Vikas Nigam;
(iii) Madhya Pradesh State Land Development Corporation;

(16) Director of the Institutes run by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in
the State.
(17) two teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya from the Faculty of Agriculture to be
elected by the teachers in the Faculty from amongst themselves in the manner
prescribed by the statutes;
(18) one teacher of the Vishwa Vidyalaya each from the Faculty of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry and Faculty of Agriculture Engineering to be elected
by the teachers in the respective Faculties from amongst themselves in the manner
prescribed by the statutes;
(19) two students from the Faculty of Agriculture to be elected from amongst the
office bearers of students unions of the affiliated colleges of Agriculture in the
manner prescribed;
(20) one student from the Faculty of Veterminary Science and Animal Husbandry to
be elected from amongst the office bearers of students unions of the affiliated colleges
of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry in the manner prescribed;
(21) one student from the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering to be elected from
amongst the office bearers of students union of the college of Agricultural
(22) two graduates of agriculture not enrolled as students in any of the colleges for
the time being to be elected by the registered graduates of agriculture of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya from amongst themselves in the manner prescribed by single transferable
(23) one graduate of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry not enrolled as a
student in any of the colleges for the time being to be elected by the registered


graduates of Veterinary science and Animal Husbandry or the Vishwa Vidyalaya

from amongst themselves in the manner prescribed by single transferable vote;
(24) one graduate of Agriculture Engineering not enrolled as student in any of the
colleges for the time being to be elected by the registered graduates of Agricultural
Engineering of the Vishwa Vidyalaya from amongst themselves in the manner
prescribed by single transferable vote;
(25) one teacher and one student having interest in Dairy Technology to be
nominated by the State Government;

(26) five members of the state Legislative Assembly of whom atleast one shall be
from amongst the members elected on a reserved seat for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes, to be elected by the State Legislative Assembly;
(27) one Krishi Pandit to be nominated by the State Government;
(28) one industrialist having interest in agricultural machinery, to be nominated by
the State Government;
(29)one industrialist having interest in agricultural processing industries to be
nominated by the State Government;

Such members of the Board who are not members under any of the foregoing items.
(2) The Kuladhipati shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the Court and in the absence
of Kuladhipati the Kulpati shall be the Chairman of the Court.
Explanation.(i) No person shall be eligible to become a member of the Court under
more than one item.
(ii) No salaried employee of the Vishwa Vidyalaya or any college within the State
shall be eligible to be a member under items (21), (22), (23), (25),(26) and (27).
(iii) The term of office of the member elected under items 19 to 21 of Group-B shall
be one year.
(iv) The term of office of the members under items of Group-B other than the
members referred to under item (iii) above and all members under Group-C shall be
co-terminus with the term of the Court which shall be three years.

Section 24-B - Meeting of the Court and quorum thereat-


(1) The Court shall meet atleast once in a calendar year and at such intervals as may
be prescribed by the statutes.
(2) Twenty members of the Court shall form a quorum.
(3) The members of the Court shall receive such travelling and daily allowance as
may be prescribed by statutes.
Section 24-C - Powers and duties of the Court
Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Court shall exercise the following powers
and perform the following duties, namely:-
(i) to act as an advisory body in all matters relating to the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(ii) to review, from time to time, the broad policies and programs of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya and to suggest measures for the improvement and development of the
Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(iii) to consider and pass resolution on the annual report, the annual accounts and
audit report thereon, if any;
(iv) to consider and pass resolutions on the annual financial estimates of the Vishwa
(v) to confer degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions on the
recommendation of the Board;
(vi) to confer on the recommendation of the Board honorary degrees and other
academic distinctions;
(vii) to review the acts of the other authorities of the Vishwa Vidyalaya save where
such authorities have acted in accordance with the powers conferred upon them by
this Act, the Statutes and the Ordinance;
(viii) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred
or imposed upon it by this Act and the statutes.]

Section 25 Board-
[(1) The Board shall consist of the following persons, namely:-
(i) the Kulapti.......Chairman;
(ii) the Secretary to Government, Madhya Pradesh-
(a) Agriculture Department;
(b) Finance Department;

Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985



(iii) two eminent agriculturists with background of agricultural research or education;
(iv) two progressive farmers from the State;
(v) one outstanding woman social worker having background of rural advancement;
(vi) one eminent veterinary or Animal Husbandry scientist with experience of and
interest in veterinary or Animal Husbandry research or education;


(vii) a distinguished industrialist or manufacturer having special knowledge in
agricultural development;
(viii) one eminent engineer preferably with agricultural engineering background;
(ix) three members from amongst members of the State Legislative Assembly to be
elected by the State Legislative Assembly;
(x) one representative of Indian Council of Agricultural Research to be nominated by
the Director of that Council.
(2) The Registrar shall be the non-member Secretary of the Board.
(3) The term of office of members of the Board other than ex-officio members shall
be three years :
Provided that the member of the Board elected under item (ix) of sub-section (1) shall
cease to hold office as such member if he ceases to be a member of the Legislative
(4) No act or proceeding of the Board shall be invalid merely on the ground of
existence of any vacancy in, or defect in the constitution of the Board.
(5) The members of the Board shall receive such travelling and daily allowance as
may be prescribed by statutes.
Transitory provisions
The following transitory provisions are made by Section 19 of M.P. Act 19 of 1985-
"19. Transitory provisions.--As from the date of commencement of this Act, the
following consequences shall, ensue-


(i) the Board constituted under Section 25 of the principal Act, immediately before
such commencement shall cease to exist;
(ii) the functions of the Board shall, until the Board is reconstituted be carried on by
such person or a committee of persons as the Kuladhipati may appoint in that behalf."

Section 26 - Meeting of Board-

(1) The Board shall meet as often as may be considered necessary on such dates as
may be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor:
Provided that a period of three months shall, as far as may be, not intervene between
the last sitting of the Board and the date fixed for its first sitting in the next meeting.
(2) A meeting of the Board fixed by the Vice-Chancellor under subsection (1) shall
not be cancelled or postponed by the Vice-Chancellor, but the Chancellor may, for
sufficient cause, postpone the meeting to any date not later than fifteen days from the
date originally fixed by the Vice-Chancellor.
[(3) The Kulpati shall upon a requisition, in writing, signed by not less than five
members of the Board, convene a special meeting of the Board within twenty-one
days of the receipt of such requisition.]
(4) When a date has been fixed for the meeting of the Board by the Vice-Chancellor
under sub-section (1) or sub-section (3), the Registrar shall give ten clear days' notice,
in writing, to the members of the Board of such a meeting.
[(5) The quorum for every meeting of the Board shall be six.]
Section 27 - Powers and duties of the Board
[The Board shall be Executive Authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and shall, subject
to such conditions as may be prescribed by or under the provisions of this Act and the
statutes, exercise, the following powers and perform the following duties, namely :-
(i) to approve and sanction the budget of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(ii) to consider the annual accounts and the annual financial estimates placed
before it by the Kulpati and pass them with such modification as it madeem fit;
(iii) to lay before the State Government annually a full statement of the financial
requirement of all branches of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;

Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985


(iv) to make provision for instruction, teaching and training in such branches of
learning and courses of study, as it may think fit, for research and for the
advancement and dissemination of knowledge;
(v) to provide for the establishment and maintenance of colleges, departments, hostels
and institutions of research, and specialized studies and to manage them;
(vi) to organise and make provision, for laboratories, libraries, agricultural research
stations, museums, agricultural farms including breeding farms, poultry farms, fish
farms and the like, agricultural workshops and such other equipments as the Vishwa
Vidyalaya may consider it necessary to organise and provide for in the field of
agriculture and allied science;
(vii) to institute Agricultural Rural Life Research and Extension Service;
(viii) to make provision for
(a) (i) extra-mural teaching and research; and
(ii) Vishwa Vidyalaya xtension activities;
(b) physical and military training;
(c) sports and athletic activities; and
(d) students union and their welfare;
(ix) to make provision for the control of admission, conduct and discipline of the
students of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and to make arrangements for promoting their
health and general welfare;
(x) to institute and confer degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions;
(xi) to recommend to the Court the conferment of honorary degrees and other
academic distinction in the manner prescribed by statutes;
(xii) to provide for the institution, maintenance and award of fellowships,
scholarships, student-ships, exhibitions and medals;
(xiii) to approve the schedule of fees and other charges as may be prescribed by the
statutes upon recommendation of the Kulpati;
(xiv) to make, amend or repeal statutes;
(xv) to consider and cancel, modify or refer back, Regulations;
(xvi) to determine the form of provide for the custody and regulate the use of the
common seal of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xvii) to hold, control and administer the property and funds of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;


(xviii) to transfer any movable or immovable property on behalf of the Vishwa

Vidyalaya subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statutes;
(xix) to accept on behalf of the Vishwa Vidyalaya trusts, bequests, donations and
transfers of movable and immovable property to the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xx) to enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya in the exercise to it by this Act and the Statutes;
(xxi) to make provisions for buildings, premises, furniture, apparatus, books and other
means needed for carrying on the work of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xxii) save as otherwise provided by this Act, or the Statutes, to approve the
appointments of officers, (other than the Kuladhipati and the Kulpati) teachers and
other servants of the Vishwa Vidyalaya, to define their duties and conditions of their
Service and to provide for the filling of temporary vacancies in their posts;
(xxiii) to institute
(a) a Printing and Publication Department;
(b) an Information Bureau; and
(c) an Employment Bureau;
(xxiv) to approve such teaching posts as may be proposed by the Academic
(xxv) to abolish or suspend, after report from the Academic Council thereon, any
teaching post in the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xxvi) to lay down scales of salaries and conditions of the employment of member
of the staff in the various branches of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and to ensure the
observance of the same;
(xxvii) to delegate by Regulation any of its powers to the Kulpati, the Registrar or
such other officer of Vishwa Vidyalaya or a Committee appointed by it as it may
deem fit;
(xxviii) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act or statutes as may be necessary for carrying out the
purposes of this Act.]
Section 28 - Academic Council-
(1) The Academic Council shall be incharge of the academic affairs of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya and shall consist of the following members, namely :-
(i) the Vice-Chancellor;


(ii) the Director of Research Services;

(iii) the Director of Extension Services;
(iv) Deans of Faculties;
(v) three teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya to be elected from amongst themselves in
the manner prescribed by Statutes;
(vi) two persons, not being employees of the Vishwa Vidyalaya co-opted by the
Academic Council for their special knowledge in subjects recognised by the Vishwa
(2) Not less than half of the number of members of the Academic Council for the time
being shall form a quorum :
Provided that the quorum shall not any time be less than four.
(3) The Academic Council shall have power to co-opt as members, two persons
having special knowledge or experience in the subject-matter of any particular
business which may come before the council for consideration. The members so co-
opted shall have all the rights of the members of the council in regard to the
transaction of the business in relation to which they may be co-opted.
(4) All members of the Academic Council other than ex officio members and
members referred to in sub-section (3) shall hold office for a term of three years.

Section 29 - Powers and duties of Academic Council-

The Academic Council,-
(a) shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, generally regulate and
have the control of, and be responsible for, the maintenance of standard of teaching,
research and examination of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and for the requirements for
obtaining degrees;
(b) shall advise the Board and other authorities of the Vishwa Vidyalaya on all
academic matters;
(c) shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be
conferred or imposed upon it by or under this Act.

Section 30 Faculties-
(1) The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall have such Faculties as may be prescribed by the


(2) Each Faculty shall consist of such members and shall have such powers and
perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
(3) There shall be a Dean for each Faculty who shall be appointed by the Chancellor
in such manner and for such period as may be prescribed by the Statutes.

Section 31 - Department of Studies-

(1) Each Faculty shall comprise of such Department of Study as may be prescribed by
the Statutes.
(2) There shall be a Head of the Department for each Department of Study.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall nominate one of the professors as Head of the
Department and if there is no Professor, the Dean of the Faculty shall act as the Head
of such Department until a duly qualified person is available.
(4) The terms and conditions of appointment, duties and functions of the Head of the
department, shall be prescribed by the statutes.

Section 32 - Other Authorities of Vishwa Vidyalaya-

The constitution, powers and duties of such other authorities as may be declared by
the Statutes to be the authorities of the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall be provided for in the
manner prescribed by the Statutes.

Section 33 - Agricultural Research Station and Agricultural Rural Life and

Extension Service-
(1) The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall establish and/or maintain a Central or State
Agricultural Research Station with appropriate regional and other sub-stations for
conducting research, both fundamental and applied, in all faculties within its
territorial jurisdiction.
(2) The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall also establish an Agricultural Rural Life and
Extension Service which shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes,
make available useful information to the farmers and house-wives to help them, solve
their problems and take all necessary measures for developing in young people
interest in agriculture and rural life.

Section 34 - Vishwa Vidyalaya Fund-


(1) The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall establish a fund to be called the Vishwa Vidyalaya
(2) The following shall form part of or be paid into, the Vishwa Vidyalaya Fund-
(a) any loan, contribution or grant by Central or State Government or any body
(b) the income of the Vishwa Vidyalaya from all sources including income from fees
and charges;
(c) trusts, bequests, donations, endowments and other grants, if any.
(d) all other sums received by the Vishwa Vidyalaya.
(3) The Vishwa Vidyalaya Fund shall be kept in any scheduled bank as defined in the
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (No. 2 of 1934), or such other bank as may be
approved by the Reserve Bank of India or invested in securities authorised by the
Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (No. 2 of 1882), at the discretion of the Board.
(4) Nothing in this section shall in any way affect any obligations accepted by or
imposed upon the Vishwa Vidyalaya by any declaration of trust executed by or on
behalf of the Vishwa Vidyalaya for the administration of any trust.

Section 35 - Objects to which Vishwa Vidyalaya Fund may be applied-

The Vishwa Vidyalaya Fund shall be applicable to the following objects-
(a) to repayment of debts incurred by the Vishwa Vidyalaya for the purposes of this
Act and the Statutes, and the Regulations made thereunder;
(b) to the expenses of any suit or proceedings to which the Vishwa Vidyalaya is a
(c) to the payment of the salaries and allowances of the officers and servants of the
Vishwa Vidyalaya, members of the teaching staff and the establishment employed in
the colleges and the departments of Vishwa Vidyalaya for and in furtherance of the
purposes of this Act, and the Statutes, and the Regulations made thereunder and to the
payment of pension or any Provident Fund contribution to any such officers and
servants, members of the teaching staff or the members of such establishments;
(d) to the payment of the travelling and other allowances of the members of the Board
and the Academic Council and any other authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya or the
members of any Committee appointed by any of the authorities of the Vishwa


Vidyalaya in pursuance of any provision of the Act, and the Statutes, and the
Regulations made thereunder;
(e) to the payment of fellowships, scholarships, student-ships and other awards to
(f) to the upkeep of colleges, departments, residence and hostels established by the
Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(g) to the payment of the cost of audit of the Vishwa Vidyalaya Fund;
(h) to the payment of any expense incurred by the Vishwa Vidyalaya in carrying out
the provisions of this Act, and the Statutes, and the Regulations made thereunder; and
(i) to the payment of any other expense, not specified in any of the preceding clauses
declared by the Board to be the expense for the purpose of the Vishwa Vidyalaya.

Section 36 Statutes-
Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes may provide for all or any of the
following matters, namely-
(i) the constitution, powers and duties of authorities of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(ii) the manner of election or appointment and term of office of the members of the
authorities referred to in clause (i), including the continuance or retirement in the
office of the first members, and filling of vacancies of members and all other matters
relating to those bodies for which it may be necessary or desirable to provide;
(iii) allowances payable to the members of the Board;
(iv) emoluments and conditions of service of the Vice-Chancellor, and his powers;
(v) appointment of Comptroller, Registrar, Dean of Faculties, Dean of Student
Welfare, Director of Research Services, Director of Extension Services and other
officers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya, their powers and duties and the emoluments, terms
and conditions of their service;
(vi) the contribution of a pension or provident fund and the establishment of an
insurance scheme for the benefit of the officers, teachers, and other employees of the
Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(vii) the holding of convocation to confer degrees;
(viii) conferment of honorary degrees and other academic distinctions;
(ix) the withdrawal of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions;
(x) the establishment, amalgamation, sub-division and abolition of Faculties;
(xi) the establishment and abolition of departments of teaching in Faculties;


(xii) the establishment and abolition of hostels maintained by the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xiii) qualifications, classification and mode of appointment of teachers of the Vishwa
(xiv) the administration of endowments, and the institution and conditions of award of
fellowships, scholarships, studentships, exhibitions, bursaries, medals, prizes and
other award;
(xv) the maintenance of a register of registered graduates;
(xvi) the admission of students to the Vishwa Vidyalaya and their enrolment and
continuance as such;
(xvii) the fees that may be charged by the Vishwa Vidyalaya for any purpose;
(xviii) the courses of study to be laid down for all degrees, diplomas and certificates
of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xix) the degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions to be awarded
by the Vishwa Vidyalaya, the qualifications for the same, and the steps to be taken
relating to the granting and obtaining of the same;
(xx) laying down conditions for conferral of degrees and other academic distinctions
for research;
(xxi) the maintenance of discipline among the students of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xxii) the conditions of residence of the students of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and the
levy of fees for residence in hostels;
(xxiii) the recognition and management of hostels not maintained by the Vishwa
(xxiv) the special arrangements, if any, which may be made for the residence,
discipline and teaching of women students, and prescribing for them special courses
of study;
(xxv) the arrangement of colleges and other institutions founded or maintained by the
Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xxvi) constitution of a Selection Committee for appointment of teachers;
(xxvii) number, qualifications and conditions of appointment including pay scales and
other emoluments of teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xxviii) the duties of teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(xxix) the date on or before which the annual report shall be submitted to the Board;


(xxx) the mode of execution of contracts or agreements by or on behalf of Vishwa

Vidyalaya; and
(xxxi) all other matters which by this Act or to be may be provided for by the statutes.

Section 37 - Statutes how made-

(1) The first Statutes with regard to matters set out in Section 36 shall be made by the
State Government and a copy thereof shall be laid on the Table of the Legislative
Assembly for fourteen days and they shall be subject to such additions and alterations
as may be agreed to by the Legislative Assembly but without prejudice to the validity
of anything previously done thereunder.
(2) The Board may from time to time make new or additional Statutes and may amend
or repeal the Statutes in the manner hereinafter in this section provided.
(3) The Academic Council may propose to the Board the draft of any new Statute or
amendment of any existing Statutes to be passed by the Board and such draft shall be
considered by the Board at its next meeting :
Provided that the Academic Council shall not propose the draft of any Statutes or any
amendment of a Statute affecting the status, powers or constitution of any existing
authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya until such authority has been given an opportunity
to express its opinion upon the proposal and any opinion so expressed shall be
considered by the Board.
(4) The Board may approve any such draft as is referred to in sub-section (3) and pass
the Statute or reject it or return it to the Academic Council for reconsideration, either
in whole or in part, together with any amendments which it may suggest.
(5) Any member of the Board may propose to the Board, the draft of any new Statute
or amendment to existing Statute and the Board may either accept or reject the
proposal if it relates to a matter not falling within the purview of the Academic
Council. In case such draft relates to a matter within the purview of the Academic
Council, the Board shall refer it for consideration to the Academic Council, which
may either report to the Board that it does not approve the proposal, which shall then
be deemed to have been rejected by the Board, or submit the draft to the Board in
such form as the Academic Council may approve, and the provisions of this section
shall apply in the case of a draft so submitted as they apply in the case of a draft
proposed to the Board by the Academic Council.


(6) A new Statute or addition to the Statutes or any amendment or repeal of a Statute
shall require the previous approval of the Chancellor who may sanction, disallow or
remit it for further consideration.

Section 38 Regulations-
(1) The authorities and other bodies of the Vishwa Vidyalaya may make regulations
consistent with this Act and the Statutes-
(a) laying down the number of members required to form a quorum and the procedure
to be observed at the meetings;
(b) providing for all matters which by this Act, and the Statutes are to be provided for
by the Regulations; and
(c) providing for any other matters solely concerning such authorities and bodies and
not provided for by this Act and the Statutes.
(2) Every authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall make Regulations providing for the
giving of notice to the members of such authority of the dates of meetings and of the
business to be considered at meetings and for the keeping of a record of the
proceedings of meeting.
(3) The Board may direct the amendment, in such manner as it may specify, of any
Regulations made under this section of the annulment of any Regulations made under
sub-section (1) by any authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya.
(4) The Academic Council may, subject to the provisions of the Statutes, make
Regulations providing for courses of study for the various examinations and degrees
of the Vishwa Vidyalaya after receiving drafts of the same from the Faculty
[(5) The Academic Council may either approve or reject or alter the draft received
from the Faculty or return it to the Faculty for further consideration together with its
own suggestions.]

Section 39 - Annual Report

[The annual report of the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall be prepared under the direction of
the Board and shall be submitted to the Court on/or before such date as may be
prescribed by the statutes and shall be considered by the Court at its annual meeting.
The Court may pass a resolution thereon and communicate the same to the Board.
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985
Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985


Such annual report as approved by the Court shall be submitted to the Kuladhipati and
the State Government and shall be placed before the State Legislature.]
Section 40 - Accounts and audit
(1) The annual Accounts and balance sheet of the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall be prepared
by the Comptroller under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor, and all moneys
accruing to or received by the Vishwa Vidyalaya from whatever source and all
amounts disbursed or paid shall be entered in the accounts.
[(2) The accounts and the balance sheet shall be submitted by the Board to the Court
and the Court shall at its annual meeting consider and pass a resolution and
communicate the same to the Board and, thereafter the same shall be submitted to the
State Government which shall cause an audit to be carried out by such person as it
may direct.]
(3) The accounts when audited shall be printed and copies thereof shall, together with
the copies of the Audit Report, be submitted by the Vice-Chancellor to the Board
which shall forward them to the State Government with such comments as may be
deemed necessary. The Audit Report with comments of the Board shall be placed
before the State Legislature.

Section 41 - Disputes as to constitution of Vishwa Vidyalaya authorities and

If any question arises regarding the interpretation of any provision of this Act or of
any Statute, or Regulation or as to whether any person has been duly elected or
appointed as, or is entitled to be a member of any authority or other body of the
Vishwa Vidyalaya the matter shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision
thereon shall be final:
Provided that before taking any such decision the Chancellor shall give the person or
persons affected thereby a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
Explanation.--In this section, the expression "body" includes any committee
constituted by or under the Act.

Section 42 - Constitution of Committees-

Where any authority of the Vishwa Vidyalaya is given power by this Act or the
Statutes to appoint committees, such committees shall, save as otherwise provided,

Substituted by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985


consist of members of the authority concerned and of such other persons, if any, as
the authority in each case may think fit.

Section 43 - Filling of casual vacancies-

Save as otherwise provided in this Act, all casual vacancies among the members other
than ex-officio members of any authority or other body of the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall
be filled, as soon as conveniently may be, by the person or body who appointed,
elected or co-opted the member whose place has become vacant, and the person
appointed, elected or co-opted to a casual vacancy shall be a member of such
authority or body for the residue of the term for which the person whose place he fills
would have been a member.

Section 44 - Vacancy, etc., not to invalidate proceedings-

No act of the Vishwa Vidyalaya or any authority or other body thereof shall be invalid
merely by reason of-
(a) any vacancy in, or defect in the constitution of; or
(b) any defect in the election, nomination or appointment of a person acting as a
member thereof; or
(c) any irregularity in its procedure not affecting the merits of the case.

Section 45 - Conditions of service-

(1) Every salaried officer and teacher of the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall be appointed
under a written contract which shall be lodged with the Vice-Chancellor and a copy
thereof furnished to the officer or teacher concerned.
(2) No such officer or teacher as is referred to in sub-section (1) shall be offered nor
shall he accept any remuneration for any work in or outside the Vishwa Vidyalaya
except as may be provided by the Statutes.
(3) Any dispute arising out of a contract between the Vishwa Vidyalaya and any of its
officers or teachers shall, at the request of officer or the teacher concerned or at the
instance of the Vishwa Vidyalaya be referred by the Chancellor to a tribunal of
arbitration consisting of one member appointed by the Board, one nominated by the
officer or teacher concerned and an umpire appointed by the Chancellor, and the
decision of the tribunal shall be final and no suit shall lie in any Civil Court in respect
of the matters decided by the Tribunal.


(4) Every request under sub-section (3) shall be deemed to be a submission to

arbitration upon the terms of this section within the meaning of the Arbitration Act,
1940 (No. 10 of 1940) and all the provisions of that Act, with the exception of
Section 3 thereof, shall apply accordingly.

Section 46 - Pension and Provident Fund-

(1) The Vishwa Vidyalaya shall constitute for the benefit of its officers, teachers,
clerical staff and employees in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed by the Statutes, such pension, insurance and provident fund as it may deem
(2) Where any provident fund has been so constituted the Chancellor may declare that
the Provident Funds Act, 1925 (No. 19 of 1925), shall apply to such fund as if it were
a Government Provident Fund.

Section 47. Protection of acts and orders.

All acts and orders in good faith done and passed by the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall be
final and no suit shall be instituted or damage claimed for anything done or committed
in pursuance of the Act, Statutes and Regulations.
Section a[48. x x x ]

Section 49. Appointment of teachers by Board.

No person shall be appointed by the Board as a salaried teacher of the Vishwa
Vidyalaya, except on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted for
the purpose in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes.

Section 50. Salaries of teachers.

The payment of salaries to the teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya, shall be in
accordance with the scales fixed by Statute with prior approval of the State
Section 51. Term of office of member of authority of Vishwa Vidylaya.
(1) Wherever any person becomes a member of any authority by virtue of the office
held by him, he shall forthwith cease to be a member of such authority if he ceases to
hold such office before the expiry of the term of his membership :


Provided that he shall not be deemed to have ceased to hold his office merely by
reason of his proceeding on leave for a period not exceeding four months.
(2) Whenever any person becomes a member of any authority, as a representative of
another body, whether of the Vishwa Vidyalaya or not, he shall cease to be a member
of such authority if before the expiry of his term he ceases to be a member of the body
by which he was nominated, appointed or elected.
Section 52. Resignation of member or officer of Vishwa Vidyalaya.
(1) Any member, other than an ex officio member of the Board, the Academic Council
or any other Vishwa Vidyalaya Authority or Committee, or a Dean of a Faculty, may
resign by letter addressed to the Registrar, and the resignation shall take effect as soon
as the letter is received by the Registrar.
(2) Any officer of the Vishwa Vidyalaya whether salaried or otherwise other than a
Dean, may resign his office by letter addressed to the Registrar. Such resignation shall
take effect from the date on which the same is accepted by the authority competent to
fill the vacancy or on the expiry of three months from the date of receipt by the
Registrar, whichever is earlier.

Section 33[53. Removal from membership of any authority or Board of Vishwa

The Kuladhipati may on the request of the Board remove any person from the
membership of any authority, including the Board, of the Vishwa Vidyalaya upon the
ground that such person has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude :
Provided that no order for removal shall be passed against any person without giving
him an opportunity of being heard :
Provided further that nothing in this section shall apply where the person concerned is
a member in his capacity as a member of the Legislative Assembly of the State.]
Section 54. Removal of difficulties.
(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the State
Government may, by order, do anything not inconsistent with the provisions of this
Act which appears to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing the

Subs, by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985.


(2) No order made under sub-section (1) shall be questioned in any Court of law on
the ground that no difficulty as is referred to in the said sub-section existed or was
required to be removed.
Section 55. Transfer of property and personnel.
(1) As from such date34 as the State Government may, by notification, specify in this
behalf all Government colleges imparting instruction in agriculture an veterinary
science and animal husbandary for bachelors degree or above and all research
stations 35[within the areas specified in sub-section 6] which are operated for carrying
out research in agriculture and allied sciences together with lands, hostels and other
building, furniture, library , books, laboratories, stores, instruments, apparatus,
appliances and equipments and livestocks belonging to such colleges and stations and
the budget programme made for them shall be transferred to and vest in the Vishwa
Vidyalaya 36[x x x].
(2) On and from the date of transfer of any college or research station under sub-
section (1) the following consequences shall ensue, namely:-
[(a) the Government employees
(1) who were working in or were attached to the Colleges or reasearch stations on
the said date; or
(ii) who but for their temporary absence from such colleges on account of any cause
would have emained attached thereto on the said date;
shall becames of the Vishwa Vidyalaya and shall deemed to be absorbed in the
service of the "Vishwa Vidyalaya with effect from the expiry of a period of two years
from the said date (hereinafter in this sub-section referred to as the aforesaid period)
and shall thereafter be governed by the terms and conditions governing the said
service under the Vishwa Vidyalaya, unless within the aforesaid period
(i) any Government employee opts for reversion to his services under the State
(ii) the State Government recalls the Government employee from the said
services under the Vishwa Vidyalaya :
Provided that
1-9-1964 has been specified as the date for the purposes of Section 55(1), by Notfn. No.S745-8425-
XIV-1, dated 28-11-1964.
Subs, by M.P. Act No. 20 of 1987.
Omitted by M.P. Act No. 3 of 1965.
Subs, by M.P. Act No. 3 of 1965.(w.e.f. 1-10-1964).


[(i) the term and condition offered by the Vishwa Vidyalaya to such employee
cosequent on their absorption in the services of the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall not be
less favourable than those applicable to such employees immediately before the said
date; and]
(ii) the Vishwa Vidyalaya shall not require any such employee to accept provident
fund benefits under any scheme prepared by it in lieu of pensionary benefits, if any,
available to him under the Government unless he is given a reasonable opportunity of
exercising his option in that behalf;
[(aa) during the aforesaid period the Government employees referred to in clause
(a) shall be treated as on deputation to the Vishwa Vidyalaya on such foreign service
conditions as may be determined by the State Government in consultation with the
Provided that no deputation allowance shall be payable to the Government employees
under this clause.]
(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, occurred or incurred by the
State Government in respect of the 2[colleges or research stations as the case may be]
shall be deemed to be the right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or
incurred by the Vishwa Vidyalaya;
(c) any contract entered into by the State Government in respect of the [colleges or
research stations as the case may be] shall be deemed to be a contract entered into by
the Vishwa Vidyalaya.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorise the Vishwa Vidyalaya to sell,
lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of any land or building of any college or
research station, transferred to the Vishwa Vidyalaya under sub- section (1) except
with the prior concurrence of the State Government.

Subs, by M.P. Act No. 19 of 1985.
Subs, by M.P. Act No. 24 of 1965.
Subs, by M.P. Act No. 24 of 1965.

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