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Mariachi Music

Teacher: Jazer Sanchez

Artistic processes and Anchor Standards Engaged:

Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
Refine and complete artistic work

Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation
Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work

Perceive and analyze artistic work
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work


Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.

Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to
deepen understanding


1. The students will be able to identify principal characteristics of Mariachi music.

2. The students will be able to name primary instruments used in a mariachi band.
3. Students will be able to learn the first dance steps of a Mexican song El mariachi loco.
4. Students will be able to learn the first verse of the song Si nos dejan

Materials: Percussion instruments, markers, pencils, papers.

Mariachi songs: Si nos dejan, Deja que salga la luna, El jarabe tapatio El son de la
negra El pastor Malaguena El mariachi loco.
20 min. Listening 1.Mexican music is playing as students enter the room.

2. Students listen to one minute of the song El son de la

Instruments negra. Have students guess the style of the music. After
students comment. Teacher introduces Mariachi music to

3. Students split up into teams. Each team gets a piece of paper

with specific characteristics of different elements in Mariachi Teacher walks around
music. Students have 5 minutes to read the information on their the room and makes
papers. After they read. They will be asked to present to the observe that students
other students what they learned about Mariachi bands in a understand the concep
specific order: while they are doing th
- Teacher and students comment and discuss about the
origins of Mexican mariachi. Students who got the
history of mariachi information. Share to other students
what they learned.
- Teacher and students comment and discuss about
mariachi outfits (traje charro).
- Teacher and students listen and comment about
instrumentation of the mariachi bands. Teacher
introduces the instruments: vihuela and guitarron.
Students watch videos of these two instruments.
- Teacher and students comment on the singing style of
mariachi genre: falsetto. Students listen to the song
El Pastor.
- Teacher and students also comment that there is dance
involved in mariachi music. Students talk about
zapateado and how dances are performed with
mariachi bands. Students watch the video El son de la
negra Ballet Folklorico de Mexico.

Teacher asks students to jot down their ideas of what they have
learned. Then, students share their thoughts in class.
15 min. Playing Divide class into groups and students play some rhythmic Teacher walks around
Instruments patterns on percussion instruments. Students play at different the room to make sure
dynamic levels. that students are playin
the correct rhythmic
Dynamics - Have one group to play quarter notes patterns.
- Another group plays half notes
- Another group plays eighth notes

Listening Teacher sings the song Si nos dejan while students are
Singing playing the rhythms.

Si nos dejan (If they let us)

Si nos dejan
Nos vamos a querer toda la vida
Si nos dejan
Nos vamos a vivir a un mundo nuevo
Yo creo podemos ver
El nuevo amanecer
De un nuevo da
Yo pienso que t y yo
Podemos ser felices todava

If they let us
We will love each other a lifetime
If they let us
We will go to a new world
I believe we can see
The new dawn
Of a new day
I think that you and me
can be happy, still.

If they let us
I will hold your hand, my love
And I'll take us there.

Singing Teacher sings and students echo the words. Then, teacher sings
and students echo. All students sing and play instruments. All
students sing and play along with the video.

15 min. Dance Teach a Mexican dance to students El mariachi loco Teacher makes sure th
students are following
Students SAYDO the steps: steps right, slows down
if necessary.
Movement - Three steps forward, and eight jumps back.
- Moving side to side Have students
- Crossing feet left to right and vice versa. SAYDO.
- One step forward, and one step back
Improvisati - Moving side to side and turning to the right
on - Improvisation

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