Hypothyroid Adrenal Ebook

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Adrenal Fatigue & Metabolic Damage Plan

1) Begin following the outlined plan
2) Watch the video modules to learn: how to address
your individual concerns, what labs to run and other
important considerations.
3) If you need personal one-on-one attention consider
joining the ME-Lifestylers Coaching Group or setting
up an appointment at the Metabolic Effect Clinic.
Brief Overview:
The subject of thyroid, adrenal and metabolic health is large
and complex. There is a reason even physicians struggle to
manage these conditions.

This program gives a crash course in the physiology of your
metabolism with special emphasis on the way the brain
communicates with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and
There is no way to heal and address this system without this
You will also be given all the information required to make
informed decisions about testing and treatment.
As with most Metabolic Effect programs, this program provides
a structured plan, but then provides detailed education and
resources for you to flexibly adjust to your needs (i.e.
structured flexibility).
This document provides the structure. The detailed video
education and other resources provide the flexibility.

The Plan Quick Start
Eat three meals per day
First two meals should be lean protein and non-starchy
vegetable only
The easiest way to do this is to use 20-40g of a
hypoallergenic protein shake for the first two meals. Mix
in water, unsweet almond or coconut milk OR make a
chicken and veggie stew.
Last meal of the day consume a normal meal of protein,
vegetables and the entire days allotment of starch.
Eliminate all grains (except rice or quinoa), all
nightshades (tomato, white potatoes, eggplant, all
peppers), all beans/legumes, soy, eggs, peanuts.
Take daily: Digestive enzymes (with HCL), Primal Defense
Probiotics, GI Revive. (Order Supplements here:
Follow this protocol for 4-12 weeks
Give yourself 7-10 for hunger to adjust. If after this time
you are still hungry add in snacks of protein shakes or
Engage in at least 3, but preferably more, rest & recovery
activities per week (30-90 minutes each). These include:
sex/physical affection, massage, foam rolling, tai chi, yoga
(restorative only), naps, hot baths (preferably with epsom
salt, sauna, hot showers (preferably contrast showers),
slow walking (not power walking), time with pets, funny
Lift weights twice weekly. 4 sets of 10 reps of squat, chest
press, back row, shoulder press. Optionally you can do
the ME DVD workout.
Do 1 hour or more of slow leisure walking on all or most

The Plan In-Depth Overview
In order heal you must address 3 major areas of the body:
1. The Nervous System
2. The Endocrine System (i.e. hormone system)
3. The Immune System
In reality, these are really not three separate systems, but one
integrated system. In functional medicine we call it the
neuroendocrineimmune system
To heal this system the diet needs to have the following

Provide enough nutrition to let the body heal

Give enough time between meals to give the digestive
system a break
Eat enough protein to maintain muscle mass
Time nutrients in a way to help aid sleep
Avoid food sensitivities and allergies to help the immune
system be less reactive
Provide support nutrients, herbs, etc to help balance and
heal all systems.
The 3:2:1 Plan (Nutrition)
The 3:2:1 protocol is a simplistic model that defines exactly
how to eat and addresses the issues described above. It goes
like this:
3= Eat three meals per day
2= Two of those three meals, should be protein & fiber
based. For ease protein shakes work best.
1= One of those three meals should be a regular meal
consisting of 3 parts vegetable, 2 parts protein and 1 part
starch and/or fat. This meal is preferably consumed at the
end of the day to aid sleep. The trick is to eat all of the
starchy carbohydrates at this meal.
The 3:2:1 Plan (Exercise)
Engage in at least 3, but preferably more, rest & recovery
activities per week (30-90 minutes each). These include:
sex/physical affection, massage, foam rolling, tai chi, yoga
(restorative only), naps, hot baths (preferably with epsom
salt, sauna, hot showers (preferably contrast showers),
slow walking (not power walking), time with pets, funny
Lift weights twice weekly. 4 sets of 10 reps of squat, chest
press, back row, shoulder press.
Do 1 hour or more of slow leisure walking on all or most
The Hypoallergenic Protocol (4R gut restoration)
In addition to the 3:2:1 protocol above, it is also a good idea to
follow an allergy elimination diet. This is especially important
for those with Hashimotos thyroid or any other immune

Gut Associated Lymphoid tissue (GALT) makes up more than
50% of the immune system and 70% of the bodys antibodies
are generated via this system.

Research is now becoming clear that digestive tract is the most
important component of the immune system and plays a
central role in metabolic regulation.

This is an essential and hidden issue that must be addressed in
issues of thyroid and adrenal dysfunction and fatigue.
The 4R protocol is used to heal the digestive/immune
component of the metabolism. The 4Rs are:
Remove- Remove any infectious agents or allergenic
Replace- Replace the bodys digestive enzymes
Repopulate- Repopulate the favorable bacteria of the gut
Repair- repair the leaky gut lining
There are two components to the remove phase. Remove any
infectious agents and remove any foods that you are reacting

Infectious agents would be yeast, H.pylori, and other viral,
fungal, parasitic or bacterial infections of the gut. These issues
should be followed up with your physician.

A true diagnosis should be made and drug treatment may be
necessary. If you require help with this, you can contact the
Metabolic Effect clinic (mailto:clinic@metaboliceffect.com).
Foods that are potential allergens and/or gut irritants should
also be removed. These include all grains (except rice &
quinoa), all milk based/dairy foods, eggs, nightshades (tomato,
white potatoes, all peppers, eggplant), soy, beans/legumes, and
This phase lasts between 4 & 12 weeks and includes a
challenge phase at the end of the elimination phase.

Since the reactions to these foods are not true allergies, but
rather often delayed food sensitivities, it may take up to 4 days
to see any reactions.

For those reasons, all food challenges should be done with
single foods challenged one at a time by having one normal
serving of the food and then waiting for 4 days before eating
that food or any other potentially sensitive food.
If no reactions occur, than that food can be added back in. If a
reaction does occur eliminate that food from the diet.
When a reaction is complete for one food, move on to the next
food. Possible food reactions might be:
Sinus or ear infections (often with dairy foods)
Skin reactions like eczema or psoriasis (often with grains)
Acne (often with dairy)
Joint pains and muscle aches (often with nightshades)
Gas, bloating, heartburn or other digestive complaints
Mood changes
Development of colds, flus or illness.
Adequate digestion of food is essential to break large food
particles down into smaller nutrient components. This process
is important in reducing infections agents (bacteria, viruses,
etc), allergenic proteins and the right environment for growth
of healthy bacteria.

Digestion starts in the mouth with the enzyme amylase to
break down starch. When food arrives at the stomach
hydrochloric acid (HCL) is then secreted to aid protein
The food is then passed into the small intestine. At that point
enzymes from the pancreas (amylase, lipase, protease, trypsin,
chymotrypsin) and bile from the gallbladder (for fat
digestions), are released.
HCl production by the stomach is critical at this point because
if the food released from the stomach into the intestines is not
acid enough, pancreatic enzyme secretion is lowered and
healthy bacterial populations in the gut are negatively

Stress is a major contributor to low enzyme and acid
production by the digestive tract. Good digestion requires
activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (AKA the
rest & digest system).
Since stress turns on the sympathetic nervous system (AKA the
fight or flight system) it interrupts digestion by reducing
enzyme production and release.
During this process you should take a full spectrum digestive
enzyme that contains the following:
HCL (may need to purchase separately)
The product used at the Metabolic Effect Clinic is called
Digestzymes. It can be ordered directly from Designs For
Health at 800-FOR-HEAL. They will ask for a doctors name
(you can mention Dr. Jade Teta or Metabolic Effect) you can
also order online here http://bit.ly/emersonme.

Always check with your own physician first before instituting
any new supplement or dietary habits.

The digestive tract contains more bacteria than there are cells
in your body. These bacteria are symbiotic to humans and
essential for the proper function of our nervous system,
hormone system and immune system.

The right types of bacteria provide many health benefits.
These are called probiotics or good bugs (bug is a phrase
often used as short-hand for bacteria). This is one of the most
exciting areas of research in natural health.
Many things disrupt the delicate balance of good bugs in the
digestive system. Some of these things include:
High sugar diets
High grain diets
High fat diets
Extreme and/or chronic stress
Digestive infections
Antibiotic use (this may be the primary trigger for many
peoples issues and why it is recommended probiotics be
used for at least 3 months post antibiotic use).
To repopulate the digestive tract with good bacteria requires
regular supplementation with probiotics. However, contrary to
popular belief probiotics are not one thing, but many things.

It is important to supplement with enough probiotic, a diverse
population of probiotics and the right strains of probiotic.

There are very few good over the counter probiotic
supplements. The one recommended in this program is from
Garden of Life brand and is called Primal Defense HSO
Probiotic Formula. Take 1 capsule or scoop with each meal.
Primal Defense HSO 1capsule or scoop with each meal
(order here http://bit.ly/emersonme)

The repair phase consists of using nutrients and herbs that
heal and increase the protective barrier of the gut.

The probiotics and enzymes from the replace and repopulate
sections begin this process. In addition it is suggested that
three supplements are used in this phase:
GI Revive 7 capsules per day (add 1 capsule per day until
7 is reached. Take until bottle is gone)
4R Protocol Overview:
1) Institute the remove, replace and repopulate phases at
the same time and continue for at least 4 weeks
2) Starting at week 2, add in the items from the repair phase.
3) Follow the protocol for another 2 to 10 weeks after
starting the repair phase (the longer the better)
4) At the end of the 4R protocol, challenge the eliminated
foods by having one dose of each food.
5) Make sure the food is challenged separate from any other
eliminated foods
6) Eat the challenged food once, and the return to the 4R
diet for 4 days waiting to note any reactions.
7) If there are any reactions eliminate the food in question
indefinitely (you can challenge again every few months)
8) If there are no reactions after 4 days, challenge the next
Note, the use of hypoallergenic protein shakes makes the
integration of the 3:2:1 and the 4R super simple. Simply have
one shake fro breakfast, another for lunch and then a dinner.
This way the dinner is the only meal you need to worry about
food elimination with.

Suggested hypoallergenic protein shakes include:
Isagenix Dairy Free. Purchase Here:
Vega Sport Protein. Available @ Whole Foods & Vitamin
Plant Fusion
Any other pea, rice or hemp based protein
Avoid whey, casein, egg, or soy proteins.

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