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More expressions
Put a tick in the correct column.
Im crazy about
I cant stand
I dont mind
Im tired of
I dont care
Id rather + gerund
Im keen on
Im fed up with
I cant put up with
Im fond of

Rewrite the following sentences using the prompt provided.

Watch out for changes in tense.
1. Do you want to see the new Julia Roberts film? - Rewrite using "how about ..."
2. She wanted to start a new English course. Rewrite using "feel like".
3. Do you want to go for a coffee? Rewrite using "would you like"

Listening activity 1 Dislikes

Look at this conversation between Helen and Finn. Some of the words are missing.
Choose the best answer from the options below to complete the sentences.

Helen: Hi Finn! Im having a dinner party on Saturday night, Neils coming, would you
like to come?

Finn: Yes, sounds good, what are we having?

Helen: How do you (1) __________ Chinese food?

Finn: Well to be honest, I dont (2) __________ like it, I had a bad experience once.

Helen: Oh, well, do you (3) __________ Italian food?

Finn: No, I cant (4) __________ it.

Helen: Mmmm, what about French?

Finn: I (5) __________ it!

Helen: Great, thats good news. Ill do a French meal. See you on Saturday at 7.

Finn: Im looking forward to it.

Listening activity 2 Likes

Note down the opinions you hear about each of these answers below:


Yes, I do.

I really like it.

I like it a lot.

I really like it a lot.

I love it.

I really love it.

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