Your Own Thoughts in Your Own Words - Sample Paraphrases and Summaries

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Your own thoughts in your own words by Jane Sherman (1992)

(Introduction : sample paraphrases and summaries)

Paraphrases Summaries
1. From 30 months of experience teaching 1. In the introduction of an article entitled
English to Italian university students, Your own thoughts in your own words
Sherman (1992) realized that there was a (1992), Sherman discusses the four major
mismatch between her expectations and problems causing the mismatch between
students fulfillment/actual performance in teachers expectations and students
academic reading and writing which, fulfillment of academic papers at Italian
accordingly, made both the students and univesities.
herself dissatisfactory.

She went on with the discussion by

listing/pointing out four major
problems/causes./In her further analysis,
she listed/pointed out four major
problems/causes :

2. In completing reading exercises or tests, 2. Students took original information from

almost all students, not excluding those the text witout making any
being considered strong ones, repeated modification/further changes.
exact information from the texts without
making any further changes such as
rephrasing or reasoning.

3. For tests/exams, students usual way is 3. For tests/exams, rote-learning is the

rote- learning which also means the common/usual way .
relevance of subject or context are not
taken into consideration.

4. In their writing, students borrowed/used 4. In their writing, students borrowed/used

a great deal of other peoples ideas but other peoples ideas without
failed to give credit to the original sources. acknowledging the original sources.

5. Not being able to build an argument was 5. The lack of arguments in students
a weakness of students in academic academic writing was due to the absence of
writing. Even for those who could good supporting details or transitional
construct an argument, theirs were still not devices.
well supported due to the absence of good
supporting details or transitional devices.

Passage summary:
In the introduction of an article entitled
Your own thoughts in your own words
(1992), Sherman discusses the four major
problems causing the mismatch between
teachers expectations and students
fulfillment of academic papers at Italian
univesities namely/which includes the act
of providing exact answers without
making necessary modifications, rote-
learning, plagiarism and lack of well
supported arguments.

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