Gameplan Process of Conversion From Waves To Ethereum-Based Tokens

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Process of Conversion From Waves to Ethereum-based tokens

All Waves-based tokens in issuance now will be converted to Ethereum-based tokens.
Following the ICO, holders of COE and MNY will be asked to send the tokens/coins
to an Ethereum wallet address and they will subsequently be issued Ethereum-based:

MNY tokens on a 1-for-1 basis with Waves-based MNY tokens

Additional MNY at a rate of 10,000 MNY/1 COE if they hold COE
A small amount of COA (likely around 10%) will be issued to all holders of
10% of MNZ tokens will be divided among holders of ZUR-Waves and 20% of
MNZ tokens will be divided among holders of MNY
ZUS tokens on a 1-for-1 basis with ZUR-Waves tokens

All COE received will be added to a wallet containing approximately 20m+ ZUR and
stored in a separate portfolio along with Parent and Child token issuances.

Explanation of Game Model

Coins and tokens are divided up according to specific utility functions which occur
and co-occur in the game. The primary object of the game is to obtain high-value ICO
tokens in alternate ways that are cheaper than purchasing the same tokens at market
price as they are gradually introduced to market (these target tokens are those that fall
under the Token Family hierarchy; i.e. Parent and Child tokens).

The secondary object of the game is to be able to extract additional value in the
process of acquiring such tokens at discounted rates. This dual benefit discounted
high-value token purchases combined with the additional value creation that is
achieved in the process of their acquisition achieves an outcome similar to if a
basket of such tokens were purchased using margin/leverage (by applying a return
exponent on gains achieved) while simultaneously diversifying and hence reducing
risk over the long term. In this way, this model achieves a unique value proposition:
higher gains coupled with lower risk (via risk diversification among various assets
with alternately correlated value properties).

As the model is expanded over time, we expect to be able to build into it not just value
created by ICOs and other token returns, but by real-world portfolios managed by
professional asset management firms as well as to diversify attack / technology risk
via utilizing our native ZUR Blockchain that is employed in the game utility.

Tokens & Coins Utility Functions

(ZUR + COE) in MNY formation
MNZ has the properties of the ZUR Blockchain and COEVAL combined (ZUR
Blockchain produces ZUR via mining algorithms and COEVAL produces Parent and
Child Tokens via Monkeys partnerships with other external ICOs). Thus, MNZ can at
various randomly-occurring intervals purchase all assets according to a weighted scale
adding up to 100%: additional MNY; additional ZUS; additional COA. The rate of
purchase is pre-decided by the committee (e.g. 1 MNZ = 0.1 MNY; 0.5 ZUS; 0.2

MNY*1.8 (1.8 B)
MNY can be used to purchase a percentage of the basket of Parent and Child ICOs
and its supply is deleted in terms of number of units according to a predetermined
ratio (guidance ratio is Year 1 5:1 (80%), 3:1 (33.33%), 2:1 (50%) for the first 3
years. (Allows for 118.8m MNY by the end of deletion period, slightly less than

ZUR is a mined Blockchain currency; it is the only currency that can be used to
purchase new issuances of Synthetic ZUR.

Synthetic ZUR (ZUS) = 80,000,000 ZUS (variable this is start rate)
ZUS theoretically represents artificially-created ZUR. ZUS is infinitely issuable,
although new issuances of ZUS must be purchased using ZUR at market rate (no
Special Rate for this is decided by Committee; rather a quantity is decided called the
Habitable Area) and it cannot be issued beyond the number of units of ZUR in
circulation without being accompanied by an issuance of COA. ZUS is burned
according to a specific rate known as Fidelity, a predetermined rate that is based on
Transaction Volume of ZUS and hashrate of ZUR (likely to be slightly more
aggressive than Ethereums. (The Unfaithful Rate is the rate at which ZUS is
increased in supply; since new issuances of ZUS are delivered to a wallet for purchase
by ZUR, this is not a preset rate but rather one that is calculated in arrears by
calculating the rate at which annual/biannual issuances of new ZUS occur. Over time
this may affect the decision to alter the programed equation applied to Fidelity.)

53,000 COE * 13.5 = 715,500
COEVAL Alpha theoretically represents the already-destroyed COEVAL that is in the
Waves burn wallets and Waves secure wallets multiplied by an exponent (13.5). COA
is issued along with ZUS at randomly-occurring periods after the period in which ZUS
issuance is greater than the number of ZUR in terms of supply. A small amount of
COA will be issued with MNZ at MNZs point of issuance. The rate at which COA is
issued alongside ZUS varies by factors such as issuance quantity and price of ZUS in
the market. COA works exactly the same way as COE does, representing an intrinsic
issuance of Parent and Child tokens. The difference between COA and COE is that
COA can be exchanged for a basket of the actual tokens whereas free-trading COE
cannot: it can only be exchanged for MNZ in a one-time event (after that, COEs
properties are exclusively to serve as underlying value for MNZ).
Index Proxy Token
Since Monkey is a large project with a range of assets in the mix, it is appropriate to
construct an index for the purpose of gauging how the market of the tokens as a whole
are acting in relation to individual components of the project.

Monkey Index Token (MNX) is a proxy index token that represents the combined
values and trading volumes of: COA, MNY, MNZ, ZUR and ZUS. Despite not being
a digital token in itself (but rather an index calculation), an attempt will be made to
have the proxy token listed on CoinMarketCap.

Audit Committee Decisions (Biannual)

Audit Committee decides following twice a year:
ZUS Burn Rate (Fidelity; possible criteria may include the Unfaithful rate)
MNZ Purchase Rates (Family Rate)
MNY Deletion Rate (Kidnap Rate)
COA:MNY Rate Used To Buy Basket aka Basket Purchase Ratio (Marriage
ZUS Supply Quantity % Purchasable With ZUR (Habitable Area)

A hedge fund is essentially an actively committee-managed pool of capital where the
managers are employed in the activity of increasing the size of the pool via
performing a number of market functions.

Via employing a Committee and alongside pure market-based activity on the

Blockchain, we have been able to successfully employ market behavior in the creation
of a range of utility functions that, by our estimation, result in what is the worlds very
first capital utility model with value production as the end result.

Plenty of utility models already exist with respect to specific functionality objectives;
turbines produce electricity, trains transport passengers, fuel production enables both
of these processes to happen etc.

What has not been achieved until the present day (at least not purposefully so) is a
paradigmatic employment of utility whereby value production is the end result. Thus,
we can say that the model described achieves an equivalent objective to that of a
hedge fund via an alternate, even converse approach the employment of participants
in a game of variable unit exchanges where utility is the core source of end value (thus
essentially negating its qualification as a security of any kind).

Meanwhile, via the employment of a specific Audit Committee, we have removed the
decentralized approach from the process, which in turn enhances overall value control,
and hence production as and end-point. This combined process results in one specific
product: we have successfully and purposefully, for the first ever time in history, put
capitalism firmly on the Blockchain, and in so doing, set up a guideline for doing so
for other market participants to copy and adapt in the future.

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