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Chapter 6 — Problems to 6-4) KVL: . . Mi Ya tot Imloly + tort -a,v, Vane Re =-(+A)V, the civait cam be simplifud further ao io to —< v, Ve Yo J % => 4A) G FoN4 (Rell ze (+A) Gy % Va & + o Rell fe, wy Re +A => Rose teey, + (Rell = G) (tt CHA) Gro) 0 eae sees Assuming Rer> hq > Re I ft = a = Rout = fot LE UA, = te (Ut it In) = 1 (14) This result as andepondint of A | 6.4) Using (6.10) = Reg = Sony sy sz 1+ A) oohire A= Gustags for the circud of Fig. bb os Reat = Smy sy Masa OF Sms lass) Tag SOMA => 41 = Inn = 350MA 2 Tp3-A00UA BRAG = Tas1 ="dea = Ocean 36.57 k2 BEX L gy KL 0-2 ~ my = SIT D1 Mn Cox qe = 1.68 MAL, Sry Ip3-Ip,=185 4A Also, SIpg = 125MA => Ips =1p, = 254A 2 T5412 Tp2- 100A —_—__—__—, Sony = V2Sp, Hn Cox W/L), = 1.9 MANY j 1 / B ad). => fy = 30.9Mite ,=Imile, = sama 4 4x10 rad/, reas cond. 6.10) (comt.) the slew vate witht the clamp transistors: sR = tol 212.5 Wy. CL boith tne clamp transistors 1254 Joias2 + a = 200M + “Sg uf 31 aA “ tow = => Ipg=s0Tpy = 198 WA => sre MBWA 19.3 y 10 pF 108 Yas 611) Ignoring the gunctron Copacrtances , the Total capacitance at tre chain of Q, can be alemloted ay: (also (grrre Qi3 Since c€ is Small) Cpr =Cdqa + Caqy + Csq5 = Cad covertep) Mery +M5)+ FWLG, = 0-2 FF yy (200+ 300 +60) + ZROOKLOXIFE = 25y FF tus total Cmductane at tis node ws dominated by Ime Using THe resuli of problem 6.10, we haue: Img 7V2TO5 UpCox (Wi)s 2 0.239 mI Tur + Ins. _ 9.33% 10° dig Cpa => f= oe 1u8.5 Miz (cont .) 6.11) 6.42) (ont) Using (5-52), fora Fo phase margin we muat muses ft tun ad => fy = Sh.05 Mie 2 Usi 6.30) = Ope Im Am 2 5.59 pF ng » E 4 ane ft eee Finally D using (16.32) : Bod 25M y se. ou = 12SH _ 92.3 ce sap” 228 Yas With the clamp transistors: sR’= eal = 35.4 Vas Thus 1s equivalend do a wo’ phase margin an toe original deaign : Using (S.62), we have = Pte tin 50 => fh 21 1T, 21967 Mite fhe eS f= 1ofj = 210 Mie The Fina whity—gain Frepueney f= 1.0%; = O1aMk =>o, -_dm _ 4.43 pF Let jt aC With THe xtors: sR- WE ~ jzg y z= t- => Re= = 525 , sR> DG 7 RCL Re adc we a §®) Ip) =Ip.=KIpg = KI, Trot = 2 (Tp, + Ips) = 2 4k) Ips => Ips = ee, zye K Stt 2 (K+) 1 KT 2 Sey = 2281 x K Ett yg ak _ Thom 1 = Veta Ket Velb 1 KT Veta = Ce Assuming a Constant Itotag 4 Vie » both Sn F wy ancrease dith increaaing K 614) The de goin is given by Ay,= Gu Tous cohere, approximately = Gat ~ Img i alos el i and Seite Vea > ee = = » © 48 Comatant! > ea = Le Mahe Tos = Ay = 2 (eye ee ee Vol 1 Veh TDs Ips “dbs ‘ae Notng Jpg=Ips and Ip, =kIpg results in Ay, increases corte K | 6.15) For the folded —cuacode amplifier of Fig. 6.9, We habe - bo = et _ AT D1 Mn Gy (Wie), t CL CL Also, ay, 2 , Dit 4 Ip, = Tg = Ip, = -K— 37 KDI ra Ot cian) te > 0, (folded—Cascrde) = 1 [An Cox Totus (wh}K am K+4 For the current—mirtor opamp ) Wl, ws given by (6-48). Thare fore, Le (filded Car.) _ [ER dp (Ceerread- mir) ~ f 2K(K+1) K 1 24 02, Ratio 1 0.645 0-418 6.16) From taample 6.4 > Cp= 0.46 pF C= 5454 ZOO) - 14.13 pr 14+ 0.4645 Kms 2x1. moby io = Se SA = 47 Ge TAS pr = 595 x10 rad/s or f= 43.6 Me ¢, J-—2 _-_ 8 2474 Cy Cpe Co 140.4645, T= 12 4.4 nsec AM For a 14 Gecuracy, We need 4.6% or 14.5 nsec 617) Using (6-53) 4 (6.68): SR= 25.4 Vig Assuming high-gain opamp = ~ AVo 2 = Cr _ =SPF 14 =-4V Py= Vin C2 5 pF —> bo => Tw edput voltage rate of change arbutd be dvey Ve LA Lg YW > 284 Vuc Dt may Tv FB ns vas Thefore, the eutpud aul be Vimited by the suo rate! the gutped voltae wud ramp — ‘Ves, 4. oe Up with 25.4 Viys unlcl The enponontial—cuve derivate . tt 4s equol do The sled rate = o ¢ . tof At time te, we hour: te = 25.4 Viyg —toye => tp=12-63 ns 2 (te )a0eV leone ee > at time tat; , Te butpal Ww madud to 80% oh ats final valuc. (t4= 31-8 ns) TS ~(t-ti/t 2 WVplt)= 084 date +1) For Av,(t)= 0.99 => t-t,= 23.37 ns For tat, Tis as The time wequired after ty for Me output An settle Ao 1% of its finak value 6.18) Fully if folded—aa. : posite SR = 23-74 _ (Kt)Tq-Ty kT cL cL CL ta ska Mae SRE Ee a» fir K22 and Jy =40uA portbne SR=%V/ negatiue sR= 4 Vins Fully ub. Carront- mir. = situs SR = negatine sR. KE oias P "4 “2c. oo. for K22 £ Iy,p.= 160 MA, we hane - pesihue SR= regalia SRe 16 YW, 6.19) tees | — Kons Note that both maximums occur simutrnnenally . K 6.20) to, = “ss OM Guy = /2 Toy MnCor (WLD4 i Fore 24K a Oe & J2¢ Tang Hn Cox (WiL)y Also, Liptay = (24K) Ipy => toy = 6.21) The maximum value of Voy coittrut The T,—transistor going ‘ale te triode regi us A-\Vypl=ttv. At tis voltoge , all the bias current wil flow thrruph ecther Q, or Q, therefore, I= Kaay Far the bias Condit (Veud+ =0), we have 2 By ~ KY > Vo = Fao Transistor Q) with shutoff chon Veg,= Vtp[=0-1 v. At thus pond, Ve,=2aV and ry flows Thrrgh a Vonts| = 0-09 =11V XK When V4, goes below zero, Ve, starts to full off from ils vias value (i.e. 1.68) untcl it reaches 0.90. At twa point, Q, shuts off and Lg col pass through Qy ae Vonks Incr = 09-22-11 Note That a Velf (bia) That ua higher Than the optimum valu2 (7-e. O48 V) cof! Cauae Ip-transistor 40 exter Tht triode Neguon at a lower Vyzsy voltage Also, a Yoff, (bias) that ua lower Than the optimum will shut off Q) at c lower Veots Voltage. In both Cres, the voltage range of Vaaty for Ainawr operaterm us feduced $22) [Vip] = [Vepo] +1 (/iMesl+]2%¢]| —/T2e7 ) For VesQv 4 Ver a5V, |2o-|20-4V => Mtpfet1 va tek(a-t4y For the bias condition (Yprty =0) , we have 2 7h =K (Veh) => “ah = 0.63 7 Vowte| = 2-11 20.4 9 Max Vout aig = Wepl ~ Yous = Wep[=(Idtp] 404 )=—04 Vv 6.23) Vin = Vp Ri Il Sry 7 ane Vo Real dM ge, a Vaz Vin => Vo _ R1+Re ° Tin = SR + Re (Sims In) a, blag Ry The first term can be recognized as the voltage gain cohen Ym, = Im2 =? 6.24) Using Eg (6-62), (6.64), (6.65), and (6-66) c Kim t- 1-1 ooh b- uM w= 4, 3% Cum +CitCp | Cy Su Ertl) Cyyt OP St an [ome + Cp + Mae ae +O] BU Lg 5 —COr, 1 oo es = JMG 36,79 Ce ty Cy ope a 4 Coy 6.25) T= gz [2to+Cp+ Git + C4] - ig, eee BE 10] PA aohere C, must be expressed in pF unit Ch, opt = /GCp 20.29 pF od K3n,t| = 25 ps min The falowing table shows Kg, c for some oTher values of C, CiUPF) [04 0-3 0-5 0.3 04 1 kg t [ps]|2.65 2.52 265 282 3 3.1 Kam T Crs] 2s |-- 04 0.3 0S 0% 09 1 CylpF)

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