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Arrangement in Step V is the Directions(Q. 56-60) In each 58.

Statement : Many students are

final arrangement and Step V is the unable to cope up with the
question below is given a statement
last step. pressure of examinations and
followed by two courses of action results and commit suicide.
You have to answer the ques- numbered I and II. A course of action Courses of action :
tions by following the same rules as is a step or administrative decision to
illustrated above. I. Education department
be taken for improvement, follow-up should consider reforms in
51. Which step will be the last step or further action in regard to the examination system.
of an input for which third step problem, policy, etc. On the basis of II. Examining authorities should
is 91 go 28 mock pet 43 lead 37 ? the information given in the state- partially do away with
(A) Eighth (B) Seventh ment, you have to assume everything written examinations and
(C) Sixth (D) Fifth in the statement to be true, then instead give weightage to test
(E) None of these decide which of the suggested courses the practical knowledge
of action logically follow(s) for pursu- through other modes of
52. If the second step of an input is assessment.
52 at deep follow 41 16 road 32, 59. Statement : Cases of robbery
what will be the fifth step ? Give Answer :
while travelling in public trans-
(A) 52 at 16 road 32 deep follow (A) If only I follows. port have increased substantially
41 (B) If only II follows. in the recent past.
(B) 52 at 16 road 41 deep follow (C) If either I or II follows. Courses of action :
32 (D) If neither I nor II follows. I. Adequate number of security
(C) 52 at 16 road 32 follow 41 guards should be deployed
(E) If both I and II follow.
deep in all public transport
(D) There will be no such step 56. Statement : All resident doctors vehicles immediately.
in Government Hospitals have II. People should be advised to
(E) None of these
gone on mass casual leave in refrain from carrying highly
53. If the third step of an input is protest against the Govt.s new valuable articles while
65 daily 12 tie 42 23 foreign reservation policy. travelling by public transport
urgent what will be definitely Courses of action : system.
the input ?
I. The Government should call 60. Statement : There is an overall
(A) Foreign 65 tie urgent 12 42 a meeting of the representa- outbreak of epidemics of water-
23 daily tives of the resident doctors borne diseases in the state as an
(B) Foreign 65 urgent tie 42 and request them to resume after effect of recent floods.
daily 23 12 their duties. I. The civic authorities should
(C) Foreign 65 12 urgent tie 42 II. The Government should advise the people to use
daily 23 water purifiers before using
order strict action against
drinking water and also
(D) Cannot be determined striking doctors if they do not advise them to maintain
(E) None of these resume duties immediately. overall cleanliness in the
54. If the second step of an input is 57. Statement : Air pollution level in locality.
76 from 48 super itself 56 18 the city is observed to be rising II. The civic authorities should
went, how many more steps will up day by day. instruct the water supply
be required to complete the department to add extra
Courses of action :
arrangement ? purifying elements to the
I. City development authorities water tanks before supplying
(A) Five (B) Six
should offer incentive for to the public.
(C) Four (D) Three those who are sharing a Directions(Q. 61 to 75) In each
(E) None of these private vehicle. of the questions given below which
55. What will be the third step if the II. City development authorities one of the five answer figures on the
input is thirty days from now 32 should impose heavy taxes right should come after the problem
56 87 24 ? on use of individual private figures on the left, if the sequence
(A) 87 thirty days from now 32 vehicle. were continued ?
56 24
(B) 87 days thirty from now 32 61.
56 24
(C) 87 days 24 thirty from now (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
32 56
(D) 87 thirty 24 days 32 from 62. S C X X X S C
now 56
(E) None of these (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


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