Ec312 - Digital Electronics Tutorial Sheet - 1

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Tutorial Sheet 1

1. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal:

a) (101110)2 b) (1110101)2

2. Convert the following numbers to decimal

a) (12121)3 b) (4310)5 c) 1F316 d) 0xA0F e) 1568 f) 0o372

3. Convert following fractions to decimal

a) (0.1011)2 b) (0.2143)8

4. Convert (1231)10 to binary.

5. Convert the following decimal number to the bases indicated.

a) 65477 to octal
b) 65477 to hexadecimal

6. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, to a maximum of six places after the decimal:
(a) 56.32 (b) 15.97

7. Convert (172605)8 to hexadecimal via binary:

8. A company has (13)r departments and each department has (24)r number of employees. Company is also having
(41)r security guards. The total strength of the company including security guards is (1013)r. What is the value of r?

9. Calculate 9's and 10's complements on the following decimal numbers represented with 8 digits.
a) 12349876 b) 00000000

10. Perform the subtraction with the following unsigned decimal numbers by taking the 10's complement
of the subtrahend.
a) 5250 - 1321 (4 digits) b) 1753 - 8640 (4 digits)
c) 20 - 10 (2 digits) d) 1200 - 250 (4 digits)

11. Subtract the following decimal numbers using 9s complement method

a) 72532 3250 b) 3250 72532

12. Perform the subtraction with the following unsigned binary numbers by taking the 2s complement of
the subtrahend.
a) 11010 -10000 (5 digits) b) 100- 110000 (6 digits)

13. Subtract the following unsigned binary numbers using 1s complement method
a) 1010100 1000100 b) 1000100 - 1010100

14. Perform the following operations using 2s complement method

a) 48 + 23 b) 48 23 c) 23 48 d) - 48 - 23

15. Convert the following (i) Binary codes to Gray Code and then (ii) Gray codes to Binary code .
a) 1100 1010 b) 0101 1100

17. Convert the following decimal number to BCD code.

a) 9.2 b) 34.8 c) 92 d) 321

18. Convert the following numbers to Excess-3 code.

a) 87 b) 159

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