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RFP Issuance Date: June 24, 2014

RFP Closing Date: September 5, 2014

RFP Closing Time: 8:00 AM (Pakistan Standard Time)

Pre-Proposal Conference: July 3, 2014

Questions Closing Date: July 8, 2014
Questions Closing Time: 8:00 AM (Pakistan Standard Time)

Subject: Solicitation No.: SOL-391-14-000037 -

Youth Workforce Development Project

Dear Offerors:

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Pakistan, is seeking proposals from
U.S. and International Non-Profit Organizations and For-profit Organizations interested in
providing technical support for the implementation of stabilization initiatives under the Youth
Workforce Development (YWFD) Project. The goal of YWFD Project is to reduce the
likelihood of extremism by increasing stability in targeted areas through engagement of
productive economic activities focusing on the youth.

USAID anticipates awarding a single-award Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) for the
implementation of this activity with a maximum ordering limitation of $61,500,000 over a 5-year
ordering period. The maximum aggregate dollar value of task orders awarded to the Contractor
cannot exceed this IQC ceiling. There is no guarantee on the number of task orders that the
successful Contractor will receive or the amount of money beyond the minimum order guarantee
set forth in this solicitation.

This procurement will be conducted under full and open competition for which U.S. and
international for-profit firms and non-profit organizations are eligible to compete. The
procedures set forth in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 15 will apply.

It is the responsibility of the recipient of this solicitation document to ensure that it has been
received from the internet in its entirety. USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting
from transmission or conversion processes.

Offerors are advised that a pre-proposal conference will be conducted at the

USAID/Thailand facilities in Bangkok, Thailand commencing at 10:00 (a.m.) Bangkok time
the morning of July 3, 2014. The conference is expected to conclude by 16:00. Offerors are
encouraged to attend this conference so that they may fully understand the requirements of
this solicitation. Offerors are requested to acknowledge their attendance by RSVP to Mr.
Muhammad Ali Bilal at no later than June 26, 2014. Due to the limited

Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project
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SOL-391-14-000037 REQ-391-14-000093

7. ISSUED BY CODE 8. ADDRESS OFFER TO (If other than Item 7)


NOTE: In sealed bid solicitations "offer" and "offeror" mean "bid" and "bidder".

9. Sealed offers in original and _6__ copies for furnishing the supplies or services in the Schedule will be received at the place specified in Item 8, or if hand carried,
in the depository located in until local (Islamabad) time .
CAUTION - LATE Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals: See Section L, Provision No. 52.214-7 or 52.215-1. All Offers are subject to all terms and conditions contained in this solicitation.


11. TABLE OF CONTENTS See Attached Table of Contents











OFFER (Must be fully completed by offeror)

NOTE: Item 12 does not apply if the solicitation includes the provisions at 52.214-16, Minimum Bid Acceptance Period.

12. In compliance with the above, the undersigned agrees, if this offer is accepted within __180____ calendar days (60 calendar days unless a different period is inserted by the offeror) from the date
for receipt of offers specified above, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s), within the time specified in the
(See Section I, Clause No. 52-232-8)


(The offeror acknowledges receipt of amendments to the
SOLICITATION for offerors and related documents
numbered and dated:

ADDRESS (Type or print)



AWARD (To be completed by Government)

See Section G.6

(4 copies unless otherwise specified)
10 U.S.C. 2304(a) ( ) 41 U.S.C. 253(c) (1 )

Regional Office, Financial Management Office, USAID/Egypt

1/A, Ahmed Kamel St., Off El-Laselki St.
New Maadi, Cairo, Egypt (Email address:



Luis A. Rivera

(Signature of Contracting Officer)

IMPORTANT - Award will be made on this Form, or on Standard Form 26, or by other authorized official written notice.


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SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICE/COSTS .......................................................................................... 9
B.1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................9
B.2 CONTRACT TYPE ....................................................................................................................................9
B.3 MINIMUM OBLIGATED AMOUNT ........................................................................................................9
B.4 MAXIMUM CONTRACT CEILING .........................................................................................................9
B.5 ESTIMATED COST AND FIXED FEE ....................................................................................................9
B.6 INDIRECT COSTS ..................................................................................................................................10
B.7 CEILING ON INDIRECT COST RATES ...............................................................................................11
B.8 CEILING ON FIXED FEE .....................................................................................................................11
B.9 TASK ORDER LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................11

SECTION C DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS/STATEMENT OF WORK ................................................................... 13

SECTION D - PACKAGING AND MARKING ............................................................................................................. 40

D.1 AIDAR 752.7009 MARKING (JAN 1993) .............................................................................................40
D.2 BRANDING AND MARKING POLICY .................................................................................................40
D.3 BRANDING STRATEGY .........................................................................................................................40
D.4. DELIVERABLES IN PAPER FORM ......................................................................................................41
D.5 DELIVERABLES IN ELECTRONIC FORM .........................................................................................42

SECTION E - INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE ........................................................................................................ 43

E.2 INSEPCTION AND ACCEPTANCE ......................................................................................................43
E.3 RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL ....................................................................................................................43

SECTION F DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................ 44

F.2 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE ..............................................................................................................44
F.3 PLACE OF PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................44
F.4 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS .............................................................................................................44
F.5 REPORTS AND DELIVERABLES OR OUTPUTS ...............................................................................44
F.6 TASK ORDERS ........................................................................................................................................47
F.7 REQUEST FOR TASK ORDER PROPOSALS ......................................................................................47
F.8 TASK ORDER AWARD ...........................................................................................................................48
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F.9 TASK ORDER ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................................48

F.10 RIGHT TO PROCUREMENT FROM OTHER SOURCES ...................................................................48
F.11 KEY PERSONNEL ..................................................................................................................................48
F.12 PERSONNEL ...........................................................................................................................................49
F.13 AUTHORIZED WORK DAY/WEEK ......................................................................................................50
F.14 CONTENT OF TASK ORDERS..............................................................................................................50
DOCUMENTS (SEP 2013) (CLASS DEVIATION OAA-DEV-13-01C) ............................................................51
F.16 PAKINFO REPORTING REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................52
F.17 AIDAR 752.242-70, PERIODIC PROGRESS REPORTS (OCT 2007) ...............................................52
F.18 SECURITY REPORTING .......................................................................................................................53
F.19 ELECTRONIC PAYMENT ......................................................................................................................54

SECTION G - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA ................................................................................................ 55

G.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACTING OFFICE ....................................................................................55
G.2 CONTRACTING OFFICERS AUTHORITY .........................................................................................55
G.3 CONTRACTING OFFICERS REPRESENTATIVE .............................................................................55
G.4. TECHNICAL DIRECTIONS/RELATIONSHIP WITH USAID .............................................................56
G.5 PAYING OFFICE ....................................................................................................................................57
G.6 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA ..................................................................................57
G.7 PRIMARY POINT OF CONTACT ..........................................................................................................58
G.8 AIDAR 752.7003 DOCUMENTATION FOR PAYMENT (NOV 1998) ...............................................58

SECTION H - SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 60

H.2 AIDAR 752.7027 PERSONNEL (DEC 1990) ........................................................................................60
H.3 LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................61
H.4 AIDAR 752.7004 EMERGENCY LOCATOR INFORMATION (JUL 1997) .......................................62
H.5 AUTHORIZED GEOGRAPHIC CODE .................................................................................................62
DEVIATION NO. OAA-DEV-12-01C) .................................................................................................................62
H.8 DEFENSE BASE ACT INSURANCE AND SERVICES ........................................................................64
H.9 AIDAR 752.228-70 MEDICAL EVACUATION (MEDEVAC) SERVICES (JULY 2007) ...................64
H.10 ADS 302.3.5.13(A) USAID DISABILITY POLICYACQUISITION (DEC 2004) ............................65
H.11 ADS 302.3.5.5 REPORTING OF FOREIGN TAXES (JULY 2007) .....................................................65
H.12 AIDAR 752.7007 PERSONNEL COMPENSATION (JULY 2007) ......................................................66
H.13 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONNEL COMPENSATION .........................................66
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1998) 69
COOPERATING COUNTRY NATIONALS (CCNS) ...........................................................................................70
H.17 NONEXPENDABLE PROPERTY PURCHASES ..................................................................................72
H.18 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES ..................................................................................72
H.19 MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES ...............................................72
(AUGUST 2013) ....................................................................................................................................................73
H.21 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED FACILITIES OR PROPERTY .............................................................74
H.22 LOGISTIC SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................74
H.23 AIDAR 752.7013 CONTRACTOR-MISSION RELATIONSHIPS (OCT 1989) ...................................74
H.24 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ......................................................................................................75
H.25 ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ...............................................................................76
SERVICES AND RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF INFORMATION .....................................................................76
H.28 EXECUTIVE ORDER ON TERRORISM FINANCING ........................................................................77
H.29 HOMELAND SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE -12 (HSPD-12) (SEP 2006) .....................77
H.32 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ......................................................................................................79
H.33 CONSENT TO SUBCONTRACT ............................................................................................................81
H.34 NONDISCRIMINATION (JUNE 2012) .................................................................................................81
H.35 SECURITY CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................81
(CLASS DEVIATION OAA-DEV-11-03C, EXPIRATION DATE, SEPTEMBER 8, 2016) ...............................82
H.37 USAID-FINANCED THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES (AUGUST 2013) ...................................................83
H.38 CONFERENCE PLANNING AND REQUIRED APPROVALS (AUGUST 2013) ...............................84
H.39 AMERICAN CITIZENS SERVICES REGISTRATION ..........................................................................84
H.40 ANTI-FRAUD HOTLINE ........................................................................................................................85
H.41 ELECTRONIC PAYMENT ......................................................................................................................86
H.42 STANDARDS OF CONDUCTIMPROPER BUSINESS PRACTICES ..............................................86
H.43 PROHIBITION OF ASSISTANCE TO DRUG TRAFFICKERS ...........................................................86

SECTION ICONTRACT CLAUSES ......................................................................................................................... 87

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I.3 52.209-7 INFORMATION REGARDING RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS (JUL 2013) ...........................93
MATTERS (JUL 2013) ..........................................................................................................................................94
I.5 52.215-23 LIMITATIONS ON PASS-THROUGH CHARGES (OCT 2009) ........................................95
I.6 52.216-8 FIXED FEE (JUN 2011) .............................................................................................................97
I.7 52.216-18 ORDERING (OCT 1995) ..........................................................................................................97
I.8 52.216-19 ORDER LIMITATIONS (OCT 1995) ........................................................................................97
I.9 52.216-22 INDEFINITE QUANTITY (OCT 1995) ....................................................................................98
I.10 52.222-50 COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS (FEB 2009) ................................................99
BUSINESS CONCERNS ......................................................................................................................................101
I.12 752.219-70 USAID MENTOR-PROTG PROGRAM (JUL 2007) .................................................101

SECTION JLIST OF ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................... 105


K.2 52.204-3 TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION (OCT 1998)......................................................................106
K.3 52.204-8 ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (JAN 2014) ...........................108
K.7 INSURANCEIMMUNITY FROM TORT LIABILITY .......................................................................115
K.9 AUTHORIZED NEGOTIATORS ..........................................................................................................115
K.10 AGREEMENT ON, OR EXCEPTIONS TO, TERMS AND CONDITIONS ........................................116
K.11 SIGNATURE ..........................................................................................................................................116
K.12 52.222-22 PREVIOUS CONTRACTS AND COMPLIANCE REPORTS (FEB 1999) ......................116

SECTION L - INSTRUCTIONS, CONDITIONS, AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS ............................................................ 117

ALT I (JAN 2004) ................................................................................................................................................117
L.3 FAR 52.216-1 TYPE OF CONTRACT (APR 1984) ............................................................................121
L.4 FAR 52.233-2 SERVICE OF PROTEST (SEP 2006) ........................................................................121
L.5 QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................121
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L.6 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS ....................................................................................121

L.7 UNNECESSARILY ELABORATE PROPOSALS .................................................................................124
L.9 BRANDING STRATEGY .......................................................................................................................131
L.10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE COST PROPOSAL .....................................133
L.11 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ....................................................................................................139

SECTION M - EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD ............................................................................................. 141

M.1 OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................................141
M.2 CONTRACT AWARD BEST VALUE ................................................................................................141
M.3 TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA .............................................................................................142
M.4 COST EVALUATION CRITERIA .........................................................................................................146
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The purpose of the USAID Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project is to increase
stabilization and reduce likelihood of extremism in targeted areas. The Contractor will
implement this project as prescribed in Section C and Section F.


This is an Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) utilizing individual task orders to provide technical
services. The Government will issue Task Orders that are Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF)
completion type.


The basic IQC includes an initial obligation of funds in the amount of $25,000 to cover the
minimum order guarantee. USAID is required to order and the Contractor is required to furnish
the minimum order amount of services.

Following this initial obligation, individual Task Orders will obligate funds to cover the work
required under such Task Orders.


This is a single-award IQC with an overall ceiling price of $61.5 million. The maximum
aggregate dollar value of task orders awarded to the Contractor may not exceed the IQC ceiling.


(a) The Total Estimated Cost Plus Fixed Fee for each Task Order must be negotiated in
accordance with the terms of the IQC contract. In no event may the indirect rate or fixed fee for a
Task Order exceed the ceilings set forth in Section. B.7 and B.8 of the IQC contract. The U.S.
dollar costs must be limited to reasonable, allocable, and allowable costs determined in
accordance with FAR 31 (Contract Cost Principles), 2 CFR Part 220 (Cost Principles for
Educational Institutions (OMB Circular A-21)), 2 CFR Part 230 (Cost Principles for Non-Profit
Organizations (OMB Circular A-122)), FAR 52.216-7 (Allowable Cost and Payment), FAR
52.216-8 (Fixed Fee) if applicable, and AIDAR 752.7003 (Documentation for Payment).

(b) Fixed Fee Payment. For any Task Order issued under this IQC, at the time of each
payment of allowable costs to the Contractor, the USAID paying office ordinarily pays the
Contractor a percentage of fixed fee that directly corresponds to the percentage of allowable
costs being paid. Two exceptions to paying fixed fee in this manner apply:
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(i) If the Task Order Contracting Officer (TOCO) determines that this method results
in paying a disproportionately higher ratio of fixed fee than the percentage of
work that the Contractor has completed, then the TOCO may suspend further
payment of any fixed fee until the Contractor has made sufficient progress to
justify further payment, up to the agreed percentage.
(ii) The clauses entitled Allowable Cost and Payment (FAR 52.216-7) and Fixed
Fee (FAR 52.216-8) are incorporated into this IQC. The terms and conditions of
these clauses apply after total payments of fixed fee reach eighty-five percent
(85%) of the total fixed fee.


The contract clause entitled Allowable Cost and Payment (DEC 2002), FAR Subpart 52.216-7,
specifies that the indirect cost rates will be established for each of the Contractors accounting
periods which apply to this contract. Pending establishment of revised provisional or final
indirect cost rates, allowable indirect costs will be reimbursed on the basis of the following
negotiated provisional or predetermined rates and the appropriate based:

Description Rate Base Type Period

1/ 1/ 1/
2/ 2/ 2/
3/ 3/ 3/
1/Base of Application
Type of Rate: Predetermined
1/Base of Application
Type of Rate: Predetermined

(a) The Government will not be obligated to pay any additional amount should the final indirect
cost rates exceed the negotiated ceiling rates. If the final indirect cost rates are less than the
negotiated ceiling rates, the negotiated rates will be reduced to conform to the lower rates.

(b) This understanding will not change any monetary ceiling, obligation, or specific cost
allowance or disallowance. Any changes in classifying or allocating indirect costs require the
prior written approval of the Contracting Officer.

(c) The Contractor may recover applicable indirect costs (i.e., overhead, G&A, etc.) if it is part
of the Contractors usual accounting procedures, consistent with FAR Part 31, and
Negotiated Indirect Rate Agreement (NICRA).

(d) While subcontractor indirect cost rates are not incorporated above, subcontractor indirect cost
rates may be included in the Task Order proposals, and are subject to approval of the TOCO
in accordance with FAR 52.244-2, Subcontracts.
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(a) Reimbursement for indirect costs must be at the lower of the negotiated final or
predetermined rates, or the following ceiling rates:

Description Rate Base Type Period

1/ 1/ 1/
2/ 2/ 2/
3/ 3/ 3/
1/Base of Application
Type of Rate: Predetermined
1/Base of Application
Type of Rate: Predetermined

(b) The Government will not be obligated to pay any additional amount should the final
indirect cost rates exceed the negotiated ceiling rates. If the final indirect cost rates are
less than the negotiated ceiling rates, the negotiated rates must be reduced to conform to
the lower rates.

(c) This understanding will not change any monetary ceiling, obligation, or specific cost
allowance or disallowance. Any changes in classifying or allocating indirect costs require
the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer.


For each Task Order issued under this IQC, the TOCO and Contractor agree to negotiate a set
dollar amount for fixed fee. In negotiating the fixed dollar amount for fee, the TOCO must
consider the policies and factors for establishing fee in FAR 15.404-4. In no event, however,
may the amount of fixed fee in any individual task order exceed _____ % percent of the task
orders estimated cost, excluding fee.


(a) Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) Task Orders. Upon issuing each CPFF Task Orders, the TOCO
will state in the Task Order the total estimated cost plus fixed fee, which is the total amount
of the Task Order and the maximum amount the Contractor may be paid without the advance
prior modification of the Task Order by the cognizant Contracting Officer. This maximum
amount represents the negotiated mix of the Contractors and subcontractors professional
labor categories and salaries, an estimated number of workdays, other direct costs and fixed

(b) Minimum Order. When USAID requires services or reports and other deliverables covered
by this IQC in a task order in the amount of less than $25,000, the Contractor is not obligated
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to accept an order to furnish those services or reports and other deliverables under this IQC.
However, if the Contractor agrees to furnish services or reports and other deliverables
required by USAID in an amount of less than $25,000 and is awarded a Task Order to do so,
the Contractor is required to provide said services and reports/deliverables in accordance
with the task orders terms and conditions.

(c) Maximum Order. When USAID requires services or reports and other deliverables covered
by this contract in a Task Order amount of more than $25,000,000 the Contractor is not
obligated to accept an order to furnish those services or reports and other deliverables under
this IQC. However, if the Contractor agrees to furnish services or reports and other
deliverables required by USAID in excess of $25,000,000 and awarded a task order to do so,
the Contractor is required to provide said services and reports/deliverables in accordance
with the task orders terms and conditions.

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As part of its long-term commitment to the Pakistani people, the U.S. Government (USG),
through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has spent more than $3.5
billion in assistance since October 2009. USAID is helping to alleviate Pakistans energy crisis,
increase incomes and employment, meet critical infrastructure needs, and improve access to
quality education and health care. USAID also provides substantial relief and recovery
assistance, such as when floods devastated the country in 2010.

USAID programs in Pakistan focus on five key areas: energy, economic growth, including
agriculture, stabilization, education, and health. All efforts incorporate two cross-cutting
themesgood governance and gender equity. An array of partnerships with the Government of
Pakistan (GoP), the private sector, and Pakistani civil society helps ensure that assistance
programs are aligned with local priorities and build local capacity. USAID/Pakistan now leads
USAID efforts throughout the world in funding local partners and developing legacy institutions
and transformational partnerships to ensure that assistance impact is sustained beyond the end of
our programs.

The USG has committed significant interagency resources to the most vulnerable areas in
Pakistan. A critical part of this focused effort, the Youth Workforce Development (YWFD)
Project is a five year, $61.5 million effort that will provide 47,400 youth with job skills and
employment or entrepreneurial opportunities, increase the capacity of youth-serving 60
educational institutions, and support greater community engagement opportunities for and with
local youth. YWFD Project activities will focus efforts in selected neighborhoods or districts of
Karachi, South Punjab and FATA/ Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and will engage youth in positive
pursuits in order to counteract the dynamics that increasingly transform at-risk communities into
enabling environments for extremism and instability.

YWFD Project will be implemented in three geographic distinct regions; Karachi and South
Punjab in the beginning; and FATA/Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and possibly other locations in
Sindh and Punjab at a later date. These three regions are also the focus of USGs efforts for
countering violent extremism (CVE) and pose unique social, economic, demographic, cultural,
political and institutional challenges. Recognizing the complexities of the USAID program in
Pakistan, the Agency appointed senior leadership i.e., Deputy Mission Directors to lead teams in
their respective regions. To respond to this structure and to the unique and complex conditions of
Pakistan, the Mission intends to award an Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC). Specific
requirements and required activities for each of the targeted regions will be identified under
individual Task Orders that will be submitted to the holder of the IQC.

In that regard, the scope of work that follows includes:

1) Results
2) Sub-Results
3) Key Targets
4) Indicators
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5) Component Wise illustrative indicators

6) Component Wise illustrative activities
7) Component Wise required activities
8) M&E Indicators
9) Illustrative Cross Cutting Activities

The following figure illustrates the management structure for the YWFD Project:

USAID/Pakistan YWFD Project

Management Structure

Full and Open Indefinite Quantity

Contract (IQC)

Contractor IQC Chief of Party

(For IQC Holder)

Task Order Task Order Task Order

for Sindh Activities for Punjab Activities for KP-FATA Activities

USAID TOCOR (Prime) - Karachi USAID TOCOR (Prime) - Lahore USAID TOCOR (Prime) - Islamabad
USAID TOCOR (Alternate) - Karachi USAID TOCOR (Alternate) - Lahore USAID TOCOR (Alternate) - Islamabad

TO Holder's DCoP TO Holder's DCoP TO Holder's DCoP


Pakistan is an overwhelmingly young population. According to US sources, 1the Pakistani

population currently falls into the following age groups:
0-14 years: 34% (male 33,774,720/female 31,967,787)
15-24 years: 21.6% (male 21,560,699/female 20,223,691)
25-54 years: 35.1% (male 35,272,193/female 32,587,417)
55-64 years: 5% (male 4,767,260/female 4,832,047)
65 years and over: 4.3% (male 3,877,418/female 4,375,636)

As a result of these population realities, the USG has prioritized support for Pakistani youth as a
key element of its assistance programming. Youth empowerment in Pakistan has two key

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dimensions: (1) successful transition to gainful employment and (2) constructive engagement of
youth within their communities.

Nearly one million Pakistanis enter the workforce each year. However, Pakistans economy has
grown slowly over the last four years, well below the 7 percent annual GDP growth needed to
absorb new entrants to the labor force. Within this difficult economic environment, youth face
barriers to employment and are twice as likely to be unemployed than non-youth (7.7 percent vs.
3.8 percent). Moreover, female youth are 50 percent more likely to be unemployed compared to
their male counterparts and three times less likely to participate in the labor market as they face
cultural and structural barriers to participation in the labor market. With such a large number of
youth seeking employment, finding gainful employment opportunities can be a challenge. High
unemployment among youth can be destabilizing to families, communities, and even entire
regions of the country. However, as Pakistani youth develop and apply the skills, attitudes, and
behaviors that lead to successful employment and civic engagement, they stand a better chance
of contributing to longer-term stability, economic growth, and the social development of their

Recognizing this reality, the Government of Pakistan announced a new initiative to address
rising youth unemployment in September 2013. This new assistance package includes the
following six programs: 2

1. Micro Interest Free Loans Scheme: Focused on those segments of society who are
financially weak; 250,000 expected beneficiaries; 3.5 billion rupees has been allocated.
2. Small Business Loans Scheme: Focused on educated youth who wish to start their own
business; 50 per cent of these loans will be provided to women; loans will range from
500,000 to 2 million rupees at a discounted interest rate of eight per cent (rate subsidized
by the government) through the National Bank of Pakistan and First Women Bank; five
billion rupees has been allocated.
3. Youth Training Scheme: Focused on young educated people with 16 years of education
from recognized institutions; on-the-job- training will be provided; monthly stipend of
10,000 rupees for a period of six months; 50,000 graduates will benefit from the scheme;
4 billion rupees has been allocated.
4. Youth Skill Development Scheme: Focused on providing vocational training to youth up
to age 25 years with at least an 8th grade education; includes a monthly stipend of 3,000-
5,000 rupees for a period of six months; 800 million rupees has been allocated.
5. Fee Payment for Underprivileged Areas Scheme: Focused on 30,000 students from
remote areas who are interested in higher education; the government will cover the cost
of post graduate programs for MA, MSc or higher level degrees; 1.2 billion rupees has
been allocated.
6. PM Scheme for Provision of Laptops: Building on the Punjab Provincial model, the
scheme will expand to nationwide distribution of laptops for 100,000 students; 4 billion
rupees has been allocated.

A less common road to employment for Pakistani youth is Technical Vocational Education and
Training (TVET); this is partially due to the fact that less than five percent of Pakistani youth

As reported by Agence France-Presse (AFP) on September 21, 2013.
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have access to TVET education. In addition, TVET education is often not seen as relevant or
attractive for young men and women. With few exceptions, Pakistani TVET facilities have not
been able to upgrade their equipment or revise their curriculum in recent years; as a result,
course offerings are often outdated or not linked to local employment opportunities. Also, while
there are ample private sector universities and colleges to train youth, the presence of private
sector support for TVET wage labor jobs is far less prevalent. The sector suffers from
inefficiency, low public and private investment, and the inability to pay for schooling by those
who would most benefit from the training.

Despite the chronic problems in the sector, there are more than three million youth in Pakistan
who would be eligible for TVET education each year; unfortunately public and private sector
institutions combined can only train about 150,000 of them. The Government of Pakistan (GOP)
has acknowledged the pressing need for skills development training leading to employment for
its bulging youth population. The Medium Term Development Framework 2005-2010, the
Vision 2030, the National Education Policy 2009, and the National Skills Strategy 2009-2013 all
document the lack of capacity of the TVET sector to adequately meet the current needs of
Pakistani youth 3. While TVET is being actively promoted by both federal and provincial
governments, the sector still lacks adequate public funding (despite the GOP announcement in
September) and as a result, the governments ability to effectively implement strategic plans in
the sector has been mixed to date. A number of workforce development institutions could
contribute to filling the gap in training opportunities including The National Vocational &
Technical Training Commission; The National Training Bureau; The Waseela-e-Rozgar
program under the GOP's Pakistan Income Support Program (PISP); and the Boards of Technical
Education in the provincial governments including the Punjab Vocational Training Council
(Punjab), the Technical and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA Punjab), the Sindh
Technical and Vocational Training Authority (Sindh TEVTA), the Benazir Bhutto Shaheed
Youth Development Program (Sindh), and the Technical Education and Vocational Training
Agency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (TEVTA KPK). However, to date, they have not been
sufficiently funded and are unable to establish themselves as effective, fully functional governing
bodies. Within this highly complex operational environment, the YWFD Project will serve as a
critical element of the Missions multifaceted effort to address the needs of Pakistani youth.

At the Agency level, the YWFD Project is aligned with five key USAID policies and strategies.

USAID Forward. YWFD Project supports the development of local capacity in the
workforce development sector; promotes the use of information and mobile technology to
expand outreach to a wider range of beneficiaries; works directly with local
organizations; and incorporates a robust monitoring and evaluation process across the
different geographic regions of implementation.

USAID Policy on Youth in Development. YWFD Project aligns with Agency policy to
"improve the capacities and enable the aspirations of youth so that they can contribute to
and benefit from more stable, democratic, and prosperous communities and nations". The
YWFD Project will equip youth with technical, workforce readiness, and leadership skills
so that they can become gainfully employed and contribute to their communities. The

DFID Skill Sector Mapping Study for Developing a Market Oriented Skills program, KPK-FATA, July 2011.
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YWFD Project will meet the Guiding Principles (pages 11-14) and will enable the
Mission to contribute to the Agencys over-all youth results including age-disaggregated
reporting and building the evidence base.

USAID Policy on the Development Response to Violent Extremism and Insurgency.

The YWFD Project builds on a growing knowledge base and numerous background
studies which attempt to identify the factors that drive violence and extremism among
youth in Sindh, Punjab, and KP-FATA. The YWFD Project will give marginalized youth
access to material resources; lift their social status (resulting in greater respect from
peers); and above all inculcate a sense of belonging, self-esteem, and personal
empowerment among youth. The YWFD Project will tailor its regional approach to suit
the local environment by scaling up successful approaches, and strengthening public and
private sector institutions that demonstrate success.

USAID Policy on Gender Equality and Female Empowerment. YWFD Project will
work directly toward achieving the aims of gender equality and female empowerment by
equipping both female and male youth with technical, workforce readiness, and
entrepreneurial skills needed for employment. USAID recognizes that participation of
women in YWFD Project activities will be pivotal and integral to achieving the goal of
stabilization. The YWFD Project will include activities to address gender gaps and will
achieve a minimum requirement of 35% female participation and will aim for a minimum
of 35% female beneficiary participation and an overall goal of 50% female participation
in YWFD Project activities. Where possible, the YWFD Project will work towards the
goals of the USGs Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Strategy, in recognition of the
key link between violence against women and youth attitudes about violence overall.



The goal of the USAID/Pakistan YWFD Project is to reduce the likelihood of extremism in at-
risk neighborhoods and districts by engaging them in productive economic activities and
building the resilience of young people and communities to resist the influence of extremist
ideologies and networks.

The YWFD Project is a five-year $61.5 million effort that will focus on empowering
disadvantaged youth (aged 16-29) by providing them with income-earning opportunities which
will improve their economic status and address one of the primary causes of on-going instability
and violence in the country. The YWFD Project incorporates best practices in youth and
workforce development and lessons from USAID/Pakistans Jobs program (May 2009 March
2011). More specifically, the YWFD Project will engage vulnerable youth especially
disadvantaged and distressed youth in economic and community engagement activities and
provide them market-driven vocational skills, including soft skills or work readiness skills,
which will allow them to become productive members of their communities. The YWFD Project
will enable vulnerable youth to increase their income, seize new work-learning opportunities,
and build skills valued by employers. From an institutional perspective, the YWFD Project will
focus on building the capacity of local training institutions by (a) expanding/improving the
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services catering to the targeted youth groups and (b) building their credibility as high-quality
providers of vocational training and youth development services. Finally, the YWFD Project will
invest in community service efforts to provide positive leadership opportunities for youth, outlets
for creative expression, and mobilization of families and community organizations support youth
development and engagement.

The resilience of youth is assumed to be based on their empowerment both economically and
socially in concert with their families and communities. As a result, the main objectives and
expected results of the YWFD Project are: 1) Increased economic opportunities for youth and 2)
Socially constructive attitudes and beliefs developed. Sub-results are expected for each.

YWFD Project Result 1: Increased youth economic opportunities

Sub-result 1.1 Increased employment for youth (47,400 targeted youth)
Sub-result 1.2 Increased earnings by 20% for YWFD Project beneficiaries from self-
Sub-result 1.3 Linkages for business services (including finance) created, and
Sub-result 1.4 Private sector engagement and resources leveraged by 20%

YWFD Project Result 2: Socially constructive attitudes and beliefs developed

Sub-result 2.1 Youth and communities influenced by celebration of everyday heroes in
the media
Sub-result 2.2 Increased opportunities for youth community service participation and
leadership, and
Sub-result 2.3 Families and communities mobilized in support of youth aspirations
(30,000 heads of households and prominent community figures reached).

Although progress toward these Results may be tracked separately, they must be seen as inter-
connected and mutually dependent. (For example, as youth are exposed to the experience of
successful entrepreneurs who are willing to mentor them, they also develop entrepreneurial
attitudes and skills that will improve their earnings.)

The YWFD Project is directly linked to the USAID/Pakistan Mission Strategic Framework
(MSF) Development Objective 3: Increased stability in target areas, as well as the cross-cutting
Objective 2: Increased gender equality. Specifically, the results of the YWFD Project will
contribute directly to Intermediate Results 3.4 - Economic opportunities expanded and 3.5 -
Attitudes and behaviors that enhance stability adopted. The YWFD Project also supports the
Missions Development Objective 2: Improved economic status in target populations. It
specifically supports the achievement of IR 2.1 Improved economic performance of target
enterprises, sub-IR.2.1.2 - Improved skill development and job placement. To a lesser extent,
there are also supporting linkages to DO4: Improved opportunities for learning and work,
particularly in KP/FATA where continuing education is likely a desired outcome, principally in
the younger segment of the targeted youth population.

The Contractor must assist USAID/Pakistan in achieving these overall Key Targets:
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At least 47,400 at-risk youth must gain measurable increases in work-related skills of
which at least 80% will obtain increased income from long term 4employment or self-
employment. A minimum of 35% of the youth must be female, and 50% is preferred.
At least 35,625 youth (75% of the over-all target) must demonstrate increased pro-social
attitudes and behaviors as a result of community service, leadership, or engagement
experience. (Same gender targets as above are required.)
At least 60 Pakistani institutions must achieve measurable capacity improvement
benchmarks resulting in higher quality services, targeting of more at-risk youth, and/or
greater organizational sustainability.

At a minimum, results must be measured by the following indicators:

F Standard Indicator 4.6.3 that is number of persons receiving new employment or better
employment (including better self-employment) as a result of participation in USG-
funded workforce development program.
Job placement rate of workforce development institutions targeted by USG.
USD value of and percentage change in reported wages/income of program participants.
Number of persons completing USG-funded workforce development programs.
Student retention rate among tertiary and workforce development institutions targeted by

These targets are broken down geographically as follows:

Table: C1
Targets by Regions
YWFD Project Karachi FATA/ KP South Punjab Total
Youth Benefited 16,500 10,000 20,900 47,400
Institutions Supported 26 10 24 60
Communities Supported 26 10 24 60
Note: Component-wise targets will be disaggregated by region in accordance with the
above proportion.


As implemented by the Contractor, YWFD Project will identify, implement and build local
partner capacity for evidence-based programming that meets current global standards. The
YWFD Project will be a regional program with flexibility to meet the specific conditions,
markets, and needs in the three regions where the program will operate: Sindh, Punjab and
KP/FATA. YWFD Project allows for significant variability across regions including in targeting
of youth cohorts and implementation approaches in working with communities and local

Long term employment is defined here as full-time indefinite duration employment contracts; for the purpose of the
YWFD project any employment for minimum six months, directly attributable to the project, will be counted;
preference must be given to longer term employment.
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partners. USAID will define these needs in Task Orders, which will be managed by Contracting
Officer Representatives (CORs) appointed from each of the USAID/Pakistan Regional Offices
for which the Task Orders are issued and administered by USAID/Pakistan Islamabad. The
Contractor must respond to these Task Orders in the context of the geographic area (region) in
which they will be implemented. The Contractor will engage local partners that possess the
capacity and expertise to perform work under each regional Task Order and have demonstrated
commitment to the regions and, if possible, targeted communities. Some YWFD Project
functions will be best conducted centrally with sensitivity to regional variation and capacity
building of Pakistani institutions in each region; these functions include monitoring and
evaluation systems, technical standards and capacity building, sharing lessons learned, and
reporting to USAID. The decentralized management structure of the USAID/Pakistan Mission
will enable YWFD Project to be managed both centrally and regionally through the appointment
of USAID CORs in the regions. The Contractors Central functions will be located in Karachi
with the Contractor establishing regional/provincial offices to meet the needs of implementing
and managing the individual Task Orders.

In the first year, the USG will focus on implementation in two areas: (1) the Korangi, Lyari, and
Sultanabad/Hijrat neighborhoods in Karachi and (2) the Multan, Lodhran, Muzaffargarh, and
Bahawalpur districts in Southern Punjab. During the course of the first year, vulnerable districts/
neighborhoods of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas
(FATA) will be identified for inclusion beginning in the second year of the YWFD Project. In
addition, subject to resource availability, the USG may identify additional vulnerable areas in
Sindh and in Punjab and implement YWFD Project activities in those areas as well.

The Contractors over-all duties will include, but not be limited to, providing technical assistance
and advisory services, training, and direct project management and implementation to support
technical training, service delivery in technical education, institutional capacity building, youth
empowerment, community engagement, and monitoring and evaluation.

Regional activities will be oriented towards effective and adaptive service delivery and
institutional capacity building, while the centralized dimensions of the YWFD Project will focus
on: guiding and consolidating learning, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge sharing, capacity-
building, quality control, cost effectiveness, and reporting across the three regions. Illustrative
cross-cutting activities that will be centrally managed include:

An ICT-enabled YWFD Project platform that allows the three regions (Sindh, Punjab and
KP-FATA) to share data, YWFD Project materials, and lessons learned.
Participatory development of YWFD Project quality standards and indicators of success.
Capacity building and professional development training for YWFD Project staff and
local implementing partners.
Sharing and dissemination of curricula, training packages, assessment tools, protocols,
and program guidance.
Development of national and international private sector partnerships for regional buy-


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The YWFD Project design focuses first on at-risk youth who cannot find jobs. Thirty five
percent of all participants under the YWFD Project must be women and girls with a goal of
achieving a 50% female participation rate. The YWFD Project will also support youth who
cannot find employment because of their past record. Selection criteria for at-risk youth,
especially potential scholarship recipients and apprenticeship opportunities, will be developed by
the implementing partner in close collaboration with the COR(s). Selection criteria used by
USAID/OTI implementing partners already working in these areas as well as the profiles
developed by studies commissioned by USAID will inform the process. Factors to be considered
for the selection criteria include household income, school dropouts, participation/attendance at a
madrasah, criminal record, victims of violence or abuse, and un-/under-employed. YWFD
Project beneficiaries may overlap between two or more components. The Contractor will
coordinate with the Government, security agencies, and local communities to verify that those
with records are no longer involved with gangs, banned groups, drugs etc.

Institutions - The YWFD Project will also emphasize supporting existing institutions rather than
creating new organizations. However, due to the dearth of institutions with high quality services
for at-risk youth, the YWFD Project will develop the capacity and promote the appropriate
expansion (satellite offices or branch offices) of existing institutions. It is expected that the
Contractor will develop partnerships with leading institutions in each province e.g. the Punjab
Vocational Training Council (PVTC) in Punjab.


The objectives of the YWFD Project will be accomplished through five interlinked components:

(1) Community Engagement

(2) Access to Workforce Education and Training
(3) Internship and Apprenticeship Programs
(4) Entrepreneurship and Career Development Support
(5) Institutional Capacity Building, including Monitoring and Evaluation

The details of each component are explained below.

Component 1: Community Engagement

Community engagement is a central pillar of the YWFD Project approach. At the outset of the
YWFD Project, the implementing partner will engage key leaders, stakeholders, female and male
youth and their families in the targeted communities to share the YWFD Project vision, explore
their roles in its overall success, and invite their participation and partnership. It is critical that
these efforts are culturally sensitive and attend to both change and resistance to shifting gender
norms. This approach aims to garner broad-based support for the YWFD Projects various
components, thereby decreasing social or cultural resistance to participation while also
increasing the likelihood of longer-term sustainability of YWFD Project interventions. Inviting
the support of families, community engagement efforts will promote positive leadership roles for
young people vis--vis their communities, will promote integration of at-risk youth with the
broader community, forge stronger, market-responsive linkages among education institutional,
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vocational training providers, and the private sector, and engage community elders in promoting
the success of youth.

Illustrative Indicators: The Contractor must undertake at least 60 community engagement

campaigns in total targeting at least 30,000 heads of households and prominent figures in the
community. The results will be monitored through the following illustrative indicators;

Number of community service hours contributed by youth.

Value of community assets built through youth community service.
Number of community members attending youth-organized events.
Number of community members attending youth employment informational sessions.
Percent change in positive adult perceptions of youth.
Percent change in youth perceptions of self-efficacy and empowerment.
Number of private sector businesses contributing to youth employment efforts.

Required Activities

Develop modalities to build youth/adult or peer-to-peer mentoring for youth, including

through mobiles/Information Communications Technology (ICT)/social media.
Engage with potential employers in the local communities to identify in-demand skill sets
required for local employment generally and, more specifically, new and non-traditional
skill sets for women. Labor market assessments already conducted and to be conducted
through YWFD Project support will help engage with employers.
Positive engagement of family and community in youth career decision-making.
Develop media coverage of youth development and entrepreneurship issues.

Illustrative Activities

Engage youth in designing and implementing community service projects based on their
ideas and in developing locally appropriate forms of cultural expression such as festivals,
some of which can become the basis for micro-enterprise activities.
Organize targeted events and informational campaigns to raise awareness of vocational
training and employment opportunities among youth, their families and private sector
employers, especially around emerging technical fields.
Involve local communities and especially female and male youth representatives in the
preparation of selection criteria for participation.
Engage with schools to promote vocational training as a viable option after high school
and link schools to training institutes.
Conduct outreach to families of youth participants to facilitate the participation of young
women in training and work outside the home.

Component 2: Access to Workforce Education and Training

The YWFD Project will increase opportunities for youth to attend vocational and technical
training programs. The Contractor will develop inclusive and gender sensitive selection criteria
for learners, and draw on lessons learned from Pakistani and global experience to ensure gender
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parity in program participation. Education and training will allow youth to develop demand-
driven technical skills, workforce readiness skills (including soft skills 5) and, where necessary,
functional literacy and numeracy skills. In addition to training, career services including
counseling and placement in jobs or further training programs will be offered. The Contractor
will explore possibilities for subsidizing training fees for beneficiaries and will identify and
implement the most cost-effective mechanisms for offering education and training opportunities
for disadvantaged female and male youth. Modalities must build sustainability of these
opportunities to the maximum degree possible, including leveraging funds from private sector
businesses and local philanthropies, partnering with public sector agencies, and exploring the
feasibility of user fees, student loans, and production units.

Costs to be included in this YWFD Project component are tuition fees, books, living stipends,
student support services (mentoring, tutoring, remediation, counseling, etc.), and transportation,
as well as boarding and lodging where applicable. YWFD Project-funded efforts will place
special emphasis on designing and adapting support mechanisms for female participants to
increase their participation and retention; support for their guardians and dependent children; and
on the inclusion of women in non-traditional training courses. Expected areas of study, to be
confirmed by market analysis, include: textiles, manufacturing, automobile and electronic repair
and maintenance, IT services, beauticians, sewing, health services, repair and maintenance of
agricultural implements, food processing, livestock husbandry, hospitality, and construction.
Support for these activities must be coordinated with other USAID and donor programs involved
in sector interventions to promote complementarity, leverage opportunities, and prevent
duplication of efforts, participants, awards, etc. The duplication of effort in developing
appropriate workforce readiness curricula can be avoided by referring to and adapting material
on the USAID-supported Preparing for Work website 6. This, however, is not to infer that the
Contractor is expected to duplicate past practices and materials; rather the Contractor is
responsible for developing a totality of materials that will directly contribute to the effective
implementation of this program.

The Contractor will select training partner(s) with a demonstrable success record, high post-
training employment rate, and linkages with the private sector for employment/placement. The
Contractor must create at least 60 partnerships between the private sector and training providers
to ensure demand-driven training programs. The Contractor will demonstrate in its proposal how
will they leverage at least 20% private sector resources in addition to USAID resources by
partnering with the private sector, including both its business/workforce planning and corporate
social responsibility or philanthropic initiatives. Resources from the private sector may be
financial or in the form of equipment, trainers, assistance in curriculum design, internship
opportunities, and/or employment commitments. Government or training institutions may also
partner by subsidizing participants fees.

Illustrative Indicators: At least 22,700 youth supported to obtain skills in demand-driven trades;
an attrition rate of no more than 5 percent; at least 60 partnerships with the private sector;
minimum 80 percent beneficiaries placed in long-term jobs with a goal of 100 percent
beneficiaries placed. Results will be monitored through the following illustrative indicators;

For example, critical thinking, collaboration and team work skills, problem-solving, decision-making, workplace
ethics, punctuality, managing emotions, creativity/entrepreneurial thinking, respecting self and others, etc.
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Disaggregated by gender where appropriate:

Number of youth receiving new employment or better employment (including better self-
employment) as a result of participation in a USG-funded workforce development
Job placement rate of targeted workforce development institutions.
USD value of and percentage change in reported wages/income of program participants.
Number of youth completing USAID-funded workforce development programs.
Student retention rate among tertiary and workforce development institutions.
Number of youth earning recognized certification in market-relevant skills.

Required Activities

Develop inclusive and gender sensitive selection criteria for learners. Key points for
consideration must include demographic and socio-economic characteristics to provide
support to at least 22,700 youth for different technical vocational training programs.
Identify efforts needed to involve girls in non-traditional vocational sectors, including
possible literacy training.
Select training partner(s) with a demonstrable success record, high post-training
employment rate, and linkages with the private sector for employment/placement. Create
at least 40 partnerships between the private sector and training providers to ensure
demand-driven training programs.
Ensure availability of support in identifying employment opportunities; establishing
linkages with employment agencies; obtaining education about prevalent salary
packages; and provide support to help job-seekers deal with medical, legal and regulatory
issues in foreign labor markets, as appropriate.

Illustrative Activities

Leverage USAID resources by partnering with the private sector and capitalize on its
existing or planned corporate social responsibility or philanthropic initiatives. Resources
from the private sector can be financial or in the form of equipment, trainers, assistance
in curriculum design, internship opportunities, and/or employment commitments.
Government or training institutions may also partner by subsidizing participants fees.
Provide analysis of private sector labor needs to ensure that areas of training curricula
and pedagogy are consistent with market demands.
Forge sustainable partnerships between the private sector (potential employers) and
training institutions.
Develop and pilot innovative financing models to enable more low-income youth to
participate in and finance their workforce education (e.g. a Development Credit Authority
guarantee for student loans, etc.)
Increased private sector participation in and contributions to educational institutions.
Integration of life skills training (including work readiness or soft skills) with technical

Component 3: Internship and Apprenticeship Programs

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The Contractor will be required to formalize agreements with potential employers to provide on-
the-job training. Many vocational training institutions have minimum education requirements
(some require as much as 10-14 years of education) which many of the at-risk youth in the focus
areas may not have, thus limiting their ability to obtain employable skills. Targeted beneficiaries
for this component will primarily be female and male youth with minimal or no formal education
or training. The initial focus of the training will include skills needed in the textile, automotive,
and manufacturing industries with additional sectors added as defined by needs assessments and
industry demand. As with the previous component, YWFD Project funds will defray the costs of
stipends and transportation for trainees and the costs of supervision, monitoring, and follow-up
of the interns by the training institutions; to the extent possible, employers must demonstrate co-
financing of internships and/or associated costs, including increasing contributions by employers
over the life of the YWFD Project, to encourage ownership and perceived value of the internship

Illustrative Indicator: Apprenticeship opportunities for 15,200 youth; minimum 80 percent

beneficiaries placed in long-term jobs with a goal of 100 percent beneficiaries placed after
completion of internship/apprenticeship.

Results will be monitored through the following illustrative indicators.

(Disaggregated by gender where appropriate).

Number of youth receiving new employment or better employment (including better self-
employment) as a result of participation in a USAID-funded workforce development
USD value of and percentage change in reported wages/income of program participants.
Number of youth completing USAID-funded workforce development programs.
Number of new internship or apprenticeships created by the private sector for at-risk
Number of participants experiencing internship in non-traditional career field.

Required Activities

Formalize agreements with potential employers for setting up apprenticeship programs

whereby students will be provided 2-3 months, or more as needed, of basic classroom
training and then be trained on-the-job and possibly employed after successful
completion of training.

Illustrative Activities

Develop selection criteria for potential employers who can accommodate

interns/apprentices, especially young women. Potential criteria will include ability to
absorb trainees, availability of appropriate equipment, access to training curricula,
geographical proximity to training institutions, and sensitivity to a workplace for women
including zero tolerance of sexual harassment, etc.
Develop detailed curricula including basic literacy, numeracy and life skills in
consultation with potential employers. Training will be provided by skilled/accredited
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Component 4: Entrepreneurship and Career Development Support

This component will focus on activities to support gainful income generation opportunities for
unemployed or under-employed youth, especially for those who cannot be employed due to their
past affiliations (with gangs, banned religious outfits, drug trafficking, etc.) and others who may
prefer self-employment. YWFD Project interventions will enable youth with interest in
entrepreneurship to develop the skills required to establish and run a micro-business. The YWFD
Project will work with financial institutions to foster their linkages with YWFD Project
beneficiaries for small-scale lending. Special emphasis will be given to expanding women's
economic participation via enhanced support to micro and small enterprises run or primarily
staffed by women from within the at-risk youth cohort targeted to benefit from the YWFD

The Contractor will provide high quality entrepreneurship training as part of the overall technical
training curricula with standalone advanced programs for youth interested in self-employment.
Beneficiaries will be trained, in addition to other areas, on how to assess market opportunities
and understanding the risks of a new venture. The Contractor will link the entrepreneurs to
existing micro-finance institutions that are willing to provide seed capital for starting and
growing a micro-business and present in its proposal a methodology for establishing or
improving sustainable micro-finance funding for YWFD Project beneficiaries/entrepreneurs. The
Contractor will also develop networks of experienced business leaders and long-term mentors
who will advise youth beneficiaries on successful entrepreneurship and facilitate linkages to
potential business opportunities. The Contractor will liaise with existing entrepreneurship
support organizations, including diaspora supported programs, and explore opportunities for
collaboration with stakeholders, including academia.

This component will also provide intensive job placement assistance and career counseling
interventions for beneficiaries of Component 2 and 3 leading to job placement within six months
of program completion.

Illustrative Indicators: Support at least 9,500 youth; minimum 80 percent beneficiaries (self-)
employed with a goal of 100 percent; with earning enough to be financially sustainable within
eight months after the start-up.

Required Activities

Provide high quality entrepreneurship training both as part of the overall technical
training curricula with standalone advanced programs for youth interested in self-
Support delivery of career development services including identifying specific job
opportunities and internships, counseling in interviewing and CV writing skills, and job-
seeking assistance including via electronic media; and work to mainstream and sustain
these approaches.
Support development of sustainable youth-friendly, walk-in career counseling and
support service centers in partner institutions which are focused on the jobs available and
the skills needed in local communities.
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Illustrative Activities

Provide start-up tool kits, equipment and other in-kind support resulting in business
Ensure availability of support in identifying employment opportunities; establishing
linkages with employment agencies; obtaining education about prevalent salary
packages; and provide support to help job-seekers deal with medical, legal and regulatory
issues in foreign labor markets, as appropriate.
Encourage youth to group together if/when possible to pursue new ventures as a way to
pool resources, hedge individual risk, and prevent localized market saturation.

Component 5: Institutional Capacity Building

There are a limited number of high quality institutions in the targeted regions that provide skills
training for at-risk youth that meet Pakistans or the international markets demands.
Furthermore, even when at-risk youth access basic education and training, they often find it
difficult to find employment and to travel or move to larger cities to obtain more advanced
training and better jobs. The Contractor will help expand partner institutions outreach and
improve their technical capacity, both of which will lead to improved access for disadvantaged
youth, better quality education and increased employability of graduates.

To improve the capacity of training institutions themselves, the Contractor will provide
Technical Assistance and in-kind support including linking potential employers with these
training institutions and encouraging partnerships that allow institutions to understand labor
market demand, providing necessary equipment where needed, providing lectures and seminars
by local and international specialists, and updating training materials. The Contractor will also
explore innovative solutions, such as mobile and ICT based solutions, to expand the outreach of
training institutions via technology. Technical assistance will also be provided to training
institutions to develop curricula as well as to the National and Provincial Technical and
Vocational Training Boards and Authorities to improve their linkages with the private sector and
to establish training standards. These must be carefully coordinated to avoid duplication with
international donor community interventions. Specifically, the Contractor will support
institutional accreditation of offered courses through local and international accreditation bodies.
This may include provincial technical education authorities, international accreditation agencies
like City and Guild, UK, and Australian Technical Accreditation Authorities that are widely
acceptable in both local and international job markets. Training providers will gain the capacity
to measure results against key workforce development indicators (including but not limited to
job placement rate, student retention, and employer satisfaction) to monitor progress, and to
evaluate the impact of interventions.

Results will be monitored through the following illustrative indicators;

Illustrative Indicators: Capacity of at least 60 training institutions built and at least 500 master
trainers trained.

Number of master trainers earning advanced certification in the teaching of critical

market-relevant skills.
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Increased number of training opportunities available to at-risk youth that will be

maintained after USAID funding is completed.
Job placement rate of workforce training providers.
Number of productive partnerships created between workforce training providers and
private sector employers.
Value of private sector leverage to workforce readiness efforts.

Required Activities:

Facilitate creation of national level skills standards in line with internationally recognized
programs. Support the update of current standards (building upon the quality parameters
established by DFID and GIZ) and provide these updated standards to the Provincial
Boards and Authorities for Technical Education.
Support development of updated standards into detailed syllabi and teaching materials
including manuals and books.

Illustrative Activities

Support/facilitate the creation of a system for teaching materials to be periodically

updated while ensuring quality and relevance of curricula.
Support innovative teaching methodologies e.g., mobile technology and applications to
expand the outreach of institutions. This will particularly be useful for areas where youth
have limited or no education.
Support development of sustainable, youth-friendly, walk-in career counseling and
support service centers in partner institutions which are focused on the jobs available and
the skills needed in local communities.
Support creation of a highly qualified faculty and ensure access to modern curricula and
teaching methods. Propose an institutional mechanism whereby industry demands for
adequately trained trainers can be met on an ongoing basis.
Support the development or enhancement of a sustainable web-based system for job-
seekers and employers to apply to/fill employment vacancies, using, if possible, existing
job-seeking web portals available in Pakistan.
Support local and overseas employment agencies and job boards in expanding their
services including providing counseling in health and advice on documentation required.
Help conduct surveys of local employment opportunities to ensure that training
institutions are providing the skill sets needed for the available jobs.
Deploy cost-effective monitoring and evaluation systems within the supported
institutions to measure employment/income outcomes.


Performance Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and reporting of results is a key element of USAID programs. The Agency seeks data
and information to improve performance and effectiveness as well as to inform planning and
management decisions. Accurate and timely monitoring will enable the program to adapt to
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changing conditions and make mid-course corrections as necessary. Data must also be available
to demonstrate program impact. The Contractor will formulate a rigorous monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) system that will identify staffing requirements, technical support and a routine
data collection system. As quality data is critical to the success of the program, the M&E system
must ensure the quality of data.

Indicators and targets for each result and sub-result must also measure how the YWFD Project
will achieve increased youth employment opportunities and socially constructive attitudes and
beliefs in order to reduce the likelihood that youth become involved in extremist networks or
practice violence or intolerant behaviors. The Contractor will develop a YWFD Project learning
agenda based on this development hypothesis and apply findings in an on-going manner to
improving overall performance and sustainability of results. Indicators must have widely shared
definitions and allow aggregation of results across the entire program.

Specific indicators and targets for achievement of program objectives will be developed by the
Contractor and submitted as part of the overall Activity M&E plan. The Contractor will submit a
detailed implementation plan including the Activity M&E plan within 60 days following the
award. The Contractor will work closely with USAID to refine indicators and performance
targets for each technical area covered.

A USAID Contracting Officers Representative (COR) will be designated by the Contracting

Officer. The COR will monitor and evaluate the Contractors overall performance against
deliverables and expected performance using agreed-upon indicators. Semi-annual performance
reviews (SARS) will be conducted throughout the life of the YWFD Project based on USAIDs
SARS calendar. USAID may also conduct management reviews of work progress during the life
of the YWFD Project. USAID will conduct Data Quality Assessment (DQAs) for selected
indicators periodically to ensure that quality data is collected.

The Contractor will conduct (using a third party) a baseline survey during YWFD Project startup
to establish and gauge its progress towards targets.

USAID will conduct an external midterm evaluation of the program 24-30 months after the
award is made and an external final evaluation before closeout. The Contractor must cooperate
fully with the evaluators.


The following indicators are illustrative, except for those marked required. USAID and
Contractor will jointly designate other indictors as required. All indicators (except those relating
to the institutional arrangements) will be disaggregated by gender and age in five-year cohorts
(16-19; 20-24; and 25-29 years). Other forms of disaggregation, such as socio-economic status,
geography, or ethnicity may be needed to ensure equitable access to program activities.

Community Engagement (Component 1)

Number of community service hours contributed by youth.
Value of community assets built through youth community service.
Number of community members attending youth-organized events.
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Number of community members attending youth employment informational sessions.

Percentage change in positive adult perceptions of youth.
Percentage change in youth perceptions of self-efficacy and empowerment.
Number of private sector businesses contributing to positive youth development.

Youth Skills Development and Employment (Components 2-4)

Number of persons receiving new employment or better employment (including better
self-employment) as a result of participation in USG-funded workforce development
program. (required)
USD value of and percentage change in reported wages/income of program participants.
Number of persons completing USG-funded workforce development programs.
Student retention rate among tertiary and workforce development institutions targeted by

Number of youth earning recognized certification in market-relevant skills.

Number of participants completing internship in non-traditional career fields (both male
and female).
Number of businesses still operating 6 months after start-up.

Institutional Capacity Building (Component 5)

Job placement rate of workforce development institutions targeted by USG. (required)
Student retention rate among tertiary and workforce development institutions. (required)
Number of workforce development initiatives completed as a result of USG participation
in public-private partnerships.
Number of master trainers earning advanced certification in the teaching of critical
market-relevant skills.
Number of new internship or apprenticeships for at-risk youth created by private sector.
Value of private sector leverage to workforce development efforts.
Change in number of training opportunities available to at-risk youth that will be
maintained after USAID funding is completed.
Cost-effectiveness of skills development (and other workforce services).

Some aspects of youth skills development (specifically soft skills), integration with their
communities, and changes in community perceptions of and support to youth are challenging to
measure. However, such youth development assets (sometimes called life skills or non-cognitive
skills) are critically important to the health, well-being, and successful employment of young
people as they transition to adulthood. As a result, USAID has prepared State of the Field
Reports 7 on available evidence on youth programming and a review of recommended
measurement tools for gauging progress in youth development 8.

Reports are available here:
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There are a number of current or potential challenges to implementation:

Deterioration in the political and/or security environment in the focus regions could
affect the implementation of the YWFD Project
The workforce development sector has a number of vulnerabilities including: (1)
outdated curriculum and equipment in most TVET facilities; (2) inefficiency of the
sector; (3) low public and private investment; and (4) cost barriers for those who would
most benefit from the trainings.


A number of donors are providing assistance for youth and/or workforce development in
Pakistan. The YWFD Project has been designed in close collaboration with other donors to
complement their programs, avoid duplication, and fill critical assistance gaps. The YWFD
Project will coordinate its activities with these and other donors in the sector so that the programs
are complementary and do not overlap. The Contractor must not count any on-going or
completed activities of the government, non-government, civil society, private sector, donors or
any others, as leverage under the YWFD Project.

The United Kingdoms Department for International Development (DFID)

DFID has invested significant resources into the Punjab Skill Development Fund (PSDF). PSDF
provides skills and vocational training opportunities to the poor and vulnerable populations in
four of the poorest districts of Punjab to help them improve their ability to find work, progress in
their current employment, or develop a new enterprise. It also aims to up-skill those in low-
skills-low-returns jobs to enhance their earning potential. The PSDF provides resources to help
private sector enterprises partnerships develop, and offers vocational training courses. PSDF
aims to encourage efficient use of existing capital investments and assets to achieve the stated
vision through partnerships and innovative delivery methods. 9

Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

GIZ is currently implementing the TVET Reform Support Program, which is funded by
multiple donors with a total budget of 70M and an end date of March 2016. The program is
intended to increase the responsiveness of the workforce development sector to the labor market
and to social needs. The GIZ program is divided into three components:
Component One aims to improve governance in the TVET sector and enhance
institutional structures by developing an effective coordination mechanism for the
activities of stakeholders at both the federal and provincial levels.
Component Two helps to improve the relevance and quality of TVET in Pakistan.
Component Three encourages the greater use of labor market data for decision making
related to TVET sector developments in four specific areas: 1) green skills; 2)
empowerment of women, youth, and marginalized groups; 3) involvement of enterprises;
and 4) entrepreneurship.

The World Bank

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The objective of the World Bank's Sindh Skills Development Project for Pakistan is to support
the Government of Sindh in strengthening its training programs to improve the skills set and
employability of trainees. There are three components to the project:
The first component supports the Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program
which aims to train unemployed youth.
The second component establishes demand-driven institutional training programs to meet
demonstrated local labor market needs.
The third component is focused on capacity building of the Sindh Technical Education
and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA).

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

The UNDP is now in the second phase of its Skills Development in the Garment Sector project
which runs from 2012 to 2017. UNDP is expanding the projects focus areas to Multan and
Muzaffargarh in Southern Punjab along with Karachi, Lahore, and Faisalabad. Under Phase One
of the project, UNDP training was conducted on the industry premises and the five month
training modules on cutting, sewing, finishing, checking, and packing were developed in
consultation with the industry and therefore were demand driven.

Barclays / UNICEF Building Young Futures Program

The Building Young Futures Program is a corporate social responsibility program funded by
Barclays Bank and implemented by UNICEF. The program will run from 2013 to 2015. The
project aims to protect approximately 6,000 young people from exploitation by providing
rehabilitation and support to child and adolescent laborers. Specifically, the program provides
literacy sessions, vocational training, skill enhancement sessions, and conditional cash grants.


Pakistan does not currently have an existing network of youth or community centers or a public
funding stream to support youth centers. The Contractor will adopt the one-stop center concept
to the Pakistani context, including developing to help assure sustainability and conducting
outreach to youth, including women, to enable them to use the centers given local cultural
constraints. The YWFD Project will leave behind youth support centers easily accessible and
managed by communities. Existing space(s) will be retrofitted for this purpose rather than new
spaces built. The Contractor will consider ways that Pakistani youth enjoy gathering and using
public spaces, and to interweave workforce development objectives with young peoples
developmental needs such as access to health information, recreation and opportunities for civic
engagement. Partnerships with local businesses are vital to ensure greater sustainability. This
will entail the consideration of the following approaches:

Partnerships and scale: There are already a significant number of training

institutions and poverty alleviation NGOs in Pakistan, though they are inadequately
distributed across the targeted regions and face challenges achieving outcomes for more
disadvantaged population sub-groups, including vulnerable youth. Many training
programs are able to serve only a few hundred participants and do not track training
outcomes. There is also very little coordination of workforce development programming
across the country. Therefore, the YWFD Project will seek to build linkages and scale up
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existing providers, fostering results-oriented partnerships between the public and private
sectors, among NGOs, community associations, training firms, and businesses.

Leveraging resources: Nurture and facilitate partnerships necessary to create and

sustain the technical training institutions, promoting leveraging measures to help assure
long-term sustainability. In addition to providing technical assistance and project
management, USAID will share the cost of training for participants in the early years of
the YWFD Project. A minimum threshold for leveraging of funds will also be determined
and agreed with the potential YWFD Project partners, though it is expected that the
Pakistani portion of the funds leveraged will ramp up gradually as the YWFD Project

Leverage existing mechanisms: The Contractor will explore utilization of two

partnership and financing tools available through USAID that may strengthen the
technical training centers. These tools are: Development Credit Authority (DCA) and
Global Development Alliance (GDA).

Sustainability: Promote private sector philanthropic investment and community

partner cost-share to build sustainability. When results are demonstrated, engage policy
makers and public sector entities in learning about and replicating the program model in
full or in part.

Mobile Technology
The YWFD Project will promote the use of online and mobile banking services for YWFD
Project related transactions and explore the use of electronic learning platforms.


The Contractor will provide five key personnel, including the Chief of Party, that demonstrate
the experience, expertise, and capacity required both to direct and inform, adaptive, and dynamic
strategies for intervention as well as to manage the cost-effective operations and relationships
involved in the YWFD Project. The Contractors key personnel will include qualified local
professionals as specified below. All key personnel must be fluent in English and capable

Chief of Party (Local National/Expat)

The Chief of Party (COP) will be the YWFD Projects senior supervisor and ultimately
responsible for meeting all YWFD Project deliverables. S/he and will provide strategic guidance
and leadership related to the planning, management, and implementation of the YWFD Project
and will oversee all aspects of YWFD Project performance, both technical and managerial. The
COP will also oversee implementing partners, ensuring timely progress against schedules,
achievement of deliverables, and quality of results.

The COP will serve as the YWFD Projects principal contact person for USAID and must adjust
the program and operations in response to USAIDs technical direction. S/he will also be the
main contact for local stakeholders, including civil society, government, private sector, and
donor counterparts.
Specific Responsibilities:
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Provide overall strategic management of the YWFD Project ensuring all aspects of the
YWFD Project are well coordinated and executed on time, and ensuring that the YWFD
Project maximizes the resources and talents leveraged, and that anticipated outcomes and
impacts are achieved.
Lead development of an overall work plan for the YWFD Project, annual work plans,
budgets, timelines, and other required deliverables which are essential for good execution.
Management of all aspects of implementation in meeting the objectives of the contract
including technical, administrative, operational, and logistical management of YWFD Project
Supervise YWFD Project technical and administrative staff, including staff responsible for
diverse technical activities related to implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the
YWFD Project to ensure completion of deliverables.
Oversee development and implementation of administrative and operational procedures;
strengthen finance, operations, and grant/subcontracts management systems. Ensure fiscal
integrity and compliance with all USAID rules and regulations in all technical, financial, and
administrative activities
Oversee creation and implementation of YWFD Project monitoring and evaluation activities.
Ensure the creation and maintenance of strong alliances at the local, provincial and federal
levels and effective participation of multiple stakeholders (government, business, civil
society organizations, and youth). Successfully engage private sector partners and others in
an effort to leverage more resources for the YWFD Project.
Act as the key liaison between USAID and all other counterparts and local implementing
partners involved with the YWFD Project to achieve results.
Manage subcontractors to ensure that their performance meets or exceeds technical and
financial contractual requirements.

Specific Requirements:
Masters degree or its international equivalent in business, public administration or a field
related to international/human development is required.
Minimum of 10 years' experience in workforce development or economic growth programs
in developing and conflict or post-conflict countries required.
Experience with managing highly decentralized programs is preferred.
Familiarity with USG policies and procedures. Previous COP/DCOP experience preferred.
History of operating in insecure environments is necessary. Prior experience in designing and
implementing economic growth programs in the region is highly desirable.
Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with other contractors, local implementing
partners, and teams implementing USG- and other donor-funded programs.
Demonstrated expertise in youth employability issues, and enterprise development. Proven
capability to design and implement business-led partnerships in youth employment.
Demonstrated ability to find viable solutions to complicated problems in a flexible, time-
sensitive and creative manner and solid troubleshooting skills and sound judgment in
dealing with partners experiencing implementation challenges.
Articulate, professional, and able to communicate in a clear, positive manner with clients and
Organizational acumen and cultural sensitivity with demonstrated exemplary diplomatic,
communication, and interpersonal skills.
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Demonstrated excellence in strategic management of managing complex programs across

multiple sites.
Professional oral presentation and concise writing skills in English are required. Ability to
speak Urdu is preferred.

Karachi with travel to other areas, as needed.

Type of Posting:

Duration of Assignment:
USAID anticipates a performance period of 60 months.

DCOPs / Heads of Regional Offices (Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar/Islamabad 10) (Local

The DCOP/Heads of Regional Offices will ultimately be responsible for meeting all YWFD
Project deliverables in their respective regions. They will provide strategic guidance and
leadership related to the planning, management, and implementation of the YWFD Project and
will oversee all aspects of YWFD Project performance, both technical and managerial in their
region. The DCOP will also oversee implementing partners, ensuring timely progress against
schedules, achievement of deliverables, and quality of results in the region. The DCOP will serve
as the YWFD Projects principal contact person for the relevant USAID Regional Office, and
must adjust the regional programs and operations in response to the USAID Regional Offices
technical direction. S/he will also be the main contact for local stakeholders, including civil
society, government, private sector, and donor counterparts.

Specific Responsibilities:
Effective management of all aspects of contract implementation to meet the objectives of the
YWFD Project, including technical, administrative, operational, and logistical management
of YWFD Project activities.
Supervise YWFD Project technical and administrative staff, including staff responsible for
diverse technical activities related to implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the
YWFD Project to ensure completion of deliverables and achievement of planned results.
Oversee creation and implementation of YWFD Project monitoring and evaluation activities.
Ensure the creation and maintenance of strong alliances at the local, provincial and federal
levels and effective participation of multiple stakeholders (government, business, civil
society organizations, and youth). Successfully engage private sector partners and others in
an effort to leverage more resources for the YWFD Project.
Act as the key liaison between USAID and all other counterparts and local implementing
partners involved with the YWFD Project to achieve results.
Manage subcontractors to ensure that their performance meets or exceeds technical and
financial contractual requirements

DCOP for the KP/FATA Region will be proposed at the time of issuance of Task Order for the region.
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Specific Requirements:
Masters degree or its international equivalent in business, public administration or a field
related to international/human development is required.
Minimum of 10 years' experience in donor funded workforce development or economic
growth programs.
Prior experience in implementing economic growth programs in the region highly desirable.
Prior experience in involving women as equal program beneficiaries.
Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with other contractors, local implementing
partners, and teams implementing USG- and other donor-funded programs.
Demonstrated expertise in youth employability issues and enterprise development. Proven
capability to implement business-led partnerships in youth employment.
Demonstrated ability to find viable solutions to complicated problems in a flexible, time-
sensitive and creative manner, solid troubleshooting skills, and sound judgment in dealing
with partners experiencing implementation challenges.
Articulate, professional, and able to communicate in a clear, positive manner with clients and
Organizational acumen and cultural sensitivity with demonstrated exemplary diplomatic,
communication, and interpersonal skills.
Demonstrated excellence in strategic management of complex programs across multiple
Professional oral presentation and concise writing skills in English and Urdu are required.
Ability to speak the local languages Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashto or Seraiki is preferred.

Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar/Islamabad with travel to other areas, as needed.

Private Sector Engagement/Partnership Development Specialist (Local National)

Specific Responsibilities
Develop and implement strategies for effective outreach to private corporations and other
potential partners.
Identify new partners and develop relationships that will support and enhance YWFD Project
Reach out to and prioritize the development of partnerships with the private sector, public
sector entities, and other non-governmental entities as required to achieve planned YWFD
Project results.
Put action plans in place to operationalize partnerships to implement YWFD Project
activities and achieve planned YWFD Project results.
Support a partnership building technical assistance working group to share contacts, tips,
approaches, and alliance activities.
Create reference resources to help YWFD Project and USAID staff consider and build
effective partnerships as well as contribute to the USGs outreach efforts to inform the
public, beneficiaries, and mission staff about successful partnerships.
Develop a keen understanding of the primary entities that shape the market and become
knowledgeable about where financial resources that could contribute to the sustainability of
YWFD Project activities and results are located.
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Develop an understanding of the primary actors who play a key role in the national and
regional economy.
Develop and maintain lists of private sector contacts and relationships in relevant program
Develop and/or apply appropriate risk assessment instruments to ensure that risk is shared
Stay up to date on the most cutting edge aspects of public-private partnership, CSR
initiatives, and best practices both regionally and globally, that could be applied to USAID
Conduct due diligence research on proposed partners.
Work with the USAID YWFD Project CORs and the USAID Office of Acquisition and
Assistance (OAA) to facilitate the formal agreement process.
Lead and train a team of professionals to implement a private sector engagement and
resource leveraging strategy.

Specific Requirements
Masters degree or its international equivalent in business, public administration, or a related
More than five years of experience with private business and/or corporate social
responsibility activities, preferably with significant time in developing countries. Prior
experience working with bi-lateral or multi-lateral donor development programming is a
plus. Prior experience in the country and/or region is desired.
Demonstrated knowledge of private sector operations and Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) issues and/or sustainable economic growth issues.
Must possess strong negotiation, written and oral communication, and interpersonal skills.
The incumbent is required to be able to: 1) demonstrate strong analytical and writing skills;
2) present technical information in concise written and oral form; 3) develop and implement
action/work plans for operation of proposed partnerships; 4) coordinate programs and visits
independently; 5) organize formal training for USAID staff and partners; 6) demonstrate
proficiency in word processing, spreadsheets, databases and other computer applications (i.e.
Microsoft Office, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).
The incumbent must also have the ability to maintain contacts at all levels of the host
government(s) and with stakeholders in the non-governmental arena and report on their
performance and concerns.
Professional oral presentation and concise writing skills in English and Urdu are required.
Ability to speak the local languages Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashto or Seraiki is preferred.

Duration of Assignment:
USAID anticipates a performance period of 60 months.


Provided below is a list of the types of labor categories that may be required under individual
Task Orders. Other labor categories that are not listed below may also be required under Task
Orders. To clarify duties entailed (and consequently, type of experience required), these labor
categories are defined as follows:
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engaging with the private sector and forging partnerships to formalize private sector support for
training and employment. Lead a team to formalize private sector support and partnerships and
leverage additional resources to meet/exceed YWFD Project objectives and targets.

OPERATIONS MANAGER: This category requires an individual with prior management

experience, specifically an individual who has prepared; negotiated, implemented and monitored
contracts and agreements and who has the ability to work with domestic and mission-based staff
of the USAID Office of Acquisition Assistance. The individual provides analysis, advice and/or
implementation assistance concerning administrative practices and requirements for funds that
may be granted through Task Orders under this IQC. The individual will ensure transparency and
accountability in the administrative processes of sub-awardees. Prior overseas experience
working with host country counterparts and institutions is highly desirable.

SUBJECT MATTER SPECIALISTS: This broad category includes a technically diverse range
of specialists with professional credentials and domestic and foreign experience in the following:

Vocational education

Micro-entrepreneurship support

Institutional capacity development

Mobile technology and mobile money

Training needs assessment

Community engagement

Experience in conflict or post-conflict countries is highly desirable.


information technology assistance regarding tasks specific to this SOW (e.g., YWFD Project
monitoring and evaluation, content specific web sites, data categorization and management).
This assistance will likely include the creation and maintenance of databases and websites as
well as advice on deployment of information and mobile technology to achieve/expand on
YWFD Project targets. Knowledge and experience of mobile money is highly desirable.


communication products in conjunction with subject matter specialists. The Technical
Writer/Editor may be asked to carry out activities such as: (1) assessing communication and
technical writing needs; (2) editing technical materials; and (3) tailor existing communication
and knowledge management products to the appropriate audience.


conducts training needs assessments, facilitates training courses as appropriate, and advises on
procedures for monitoring and evaluating the impact of training efforts.
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PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST: Knowledgeable and experienced regarding

planning, design, development, management, financial analysis, implementation, and
performance monitoring and reporting of USAID-supported programs and activities. Advises
and assists in the comprehensive planning and setting of priorities for new YWFD Project
initiatives and activities; and advises and assists in the strategic management and implementation
of activities, including the development of management information systems and the conduct of
performance monitoring plans.

MONITORING AND EVALUATION SPECIALIST: Development professional with expertise

in monitoring and assessment methodologies. Supports USAID offices in the evaluation and
assessment of YWFD Project outcomes and their contribution to the YWFD Project goal.

ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT: Provides secretarial, logistical and operations support to

Contractor teams, USAID, and cooperating country personnel. Conducts research and obtains
documents to inform technical assistance, briefings and reports. Coordinates logistics for travel,
study tours, training and other events.

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D.1 AIDAR 752.7009 MARKING (JAN 1993)

(a) It is USAID policy that USAID-financed commodities and shipping containers, and
project construction sites and other project locations be suitably marked with the USAID
emblem. Shipping containers are also to be marked with the last five digits of the USAID
financing document number. As a general rule, marking is not required for raw materials shipped
in bulk (such as coal, grain, etc.), or for semi-finished products which are not packaged.

(b) Specific guidance on marking requirements shall be obtained prior to procurement of

commodities to be shipped, and as early as possible for project construction sites and other
project locations. This guidance shall be provided through the cognizant technical office
indicated on the cover page of this contract, or by the Mission Director in the Cooperating
Country to which commodities are being shipped, or in which the project site is located.

(c) Authority to waive marking requirements is vested with the Regional Assistant
Administrators, and with Mission Directors.

(d) A copy of any specific marking instructions or waivers from marking requirements is to
be sent to the Contracting Officer; the original shall be retained by the Contractor.


(a) Branding Strategy Implementation and Markings under this contract shall comply with the
USAID Graphics Standards Manual available at or any
successor branding policy, as detailed in ADS Chapter 320.

(b) The Contractor must comply with the requirements and procedures outlined in ADS 320.3.2,
Branding and Marking in USAID Direct Contracting. Pursuant to ADS 320.3.2, USAID policy
requires exclusive branding and marking in USAID direct acquisitions.

(c) Exclusive Branding means that the program is positioned as USAIDs, as showcased by the
activity name (e.g., USAID/YWFD Project.).

(d) Exclusive Marking means that Contractors may only mark USAID-funded programs,
projects, activities, public communications, and commodities with the USAID Standard Graphic
Identity and, when applicable, the host-country government or ministry symbol or another U.S.
Government logo.

(e) Prime and subcontractors corporate identities and logos must not be used on USAID-funded
program materials in accordance with USAID policy.


USAID will add approved plans at the time of the award.

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In accordance with ADS 320 Branding and Marking, and USAIDs overall policy, all
assistance delivered through this program shall be clearly credited to the American People. This
Branding Strategy (BS) outlines the framework in which materials and communications use to
promote the program deliver the message that the assistance is from the American People, as
well as to ensure appropriate use of the USAID identity markings. To implement the BS,
Offerors shall develop two separate plans with different but related purposes as described below
(see Section L Instructions):

A. Branding Implementation Plan (BIP)

The BIP shall describe how the program shall be promoted to beneficiaries and host country
citizens, specifically how the offeror shall incorporate, and publicize the message This
assistance is from the American People, in its communications and materials.

B. Marking Plan (MP)

The MP shall detail the public communications, commodities, program materials, and other
items that shall visibly bear or be marked with the USAID identity.

Branding Strategy for the YWFD Project

The branding strategy for this contract as specified in USAID ADS 320.3.2.1 is as follows:

Program Name:-
Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project

The branding shall incorporate the message: The assistance is from the American People jointly
sponsored by USAID.

Level of Visibility:-
USAID identity shall be prominently displayed in: commodities or equipment; audio, visual or
electronic public communications; studies, reports, publications, web sites, and all promotional
and informational products; and events.

Other Organizations:
The branding may acknowledge other organizations deemed as partners of an event or


(a) The cover page of all deliverables submitted in paper form shall include the USAID logo
(or the name of the Agency written out) prominently displayed, the contract number (see
the cover page of this contract), Contractor name, the publication or issuance date of the
document, document title, author name(s), project/activity number, and project/activity
title). All materials shall include the name, organization, address, and
telephone/fax/internet number/address of the person submitting the materials.

(b) Deliverables submitted in paper form shall be prepared on non-glossy paper (preferably
recycled and white or off-white) using black print. Elaborate art work, multicolor
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printing, and expensive bindings are not to be used. Whenever possible, pages shall be
printed on both sides.


(a) Deliverables submitted in electronic form must utilize the Office 2010 program and shall
be submitted with the following descriptive information:

(i) Name of application software used to create the files on the diskette;
(ii) The format for any graphic and/or image files included, e.g., TIFF-compatible;
(iii) Any other necessary information, e.g., special backup or data compression
routines/software used for storing/retrieving submitted data.

(b) The Contractor shall also comply with the clause of this contract entitled "Rights in Data
- General" (FAR 52.227-14 with any Alternates).

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The following contract clauses pertinent to this section are hereby incorporated by reference (by
Citation Number, Title, and Date) in accordance with the clause at FAR 52.252-2 (CLAUSES


(48 CFR Chapter 1)




USAID inspection and acceptance of services, reports and other required deliverables or outputs
must take place at:

US Consulate
Karachi, Pakistan

Or at any other location where the services are performed and reports and deliverables or outputs
are produced or submitted. The COR listed in Section G has been delegated authority to inspect
and accept all services, reports and required deliverables or outputs.

CORs may also be designated for a specific Task Order. If so, the Task Order COR (TOCOR)
may inspect and accept all services, reports and required deliverables or outputs if specified in
the Task Order.


In accordance with the clauses of this IQC entitled Inspection Cost Reimbursement (FAR
52.246-5) inspection required by each Task Order issued hereunder must be made by the
cognizant COR for that Task Order. Acceptance of goods/services and reports or other
deliverables by the cognizant COR for that Task Order must form the basis for payments to the
Contractor, and will form the basis of the Contractors permanent performance record with
regard to this contract.

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The following contract clauses pertinent to this section are hereby incorporated by reference (by
Citation Number, Title, and Date) in accordance with FAR 52.252-2, (CLAUSES
INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE), in Section I of this contract.


Federal Acquisition Regulation
(48 CFR Chapter 1)



a) The ordering period for this IQC is five (5) years from the date of award of the IQC.

b) (i) The period of performance of potential Task Orders awarded under the IQC will be
determined in the year in which it was issued.
(ii) A Task Order cannot exceed five (5) years in duration at any time.


(a) The place of performance under this contract is Pakistan as specified in Section C of this

(b) The Contractor may perform certain tasks outside of Pakistan (such as, in the Contractors
home offices or elsewhere), as appropriate, when approved by the COR in advance.


Evaluation of the Contractors performance in accordance with the performance requirements set
forth in Task Orders will be conducted jointly by the COR(s) and the Contracting Officer, and
must form the basis of the Contractors permanent performance record with regard to this IQC.


In addition to the requirement set forth for submission of reports in Section I and J and in
AIDAR clause 752.242.70, Periodic Progress Reports, the Contractor must submit the following
deliverables or outputs to the COR specified in Section G.3.

(a) Contents of the Periodic Performance Reports

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1. Performance Monitoring Reports (PMRs): The Contractor must submit quarterly

performance reports summarizing progress of major activities which contribute to
meeting the YWFD Projects goals and objectives (Section C.3.1). In addition to
achievements, these reports will also address any problems encountered, and propose
remedial actions as appropriate. Results and impact must be reported in keeping with
performance monitoring plans or other results monitoring mechanisms. In addition,
beginning with the second PMR, and continuing subsequently with even numbered
PMRs, the Contractor must include a section which discusses any salient programmatic
trends that can be distilled from major activities that are in process or recently completed;
and highlights the unresolved or on-going administrative/bureaucratic constraints to the
Contractors optimal performance. An update of which will be used as part of future
award evaluations.
2. IQC Financial Report: The Contractor must submit a IQC Financial report including the
(i) Notification of New Task Order Report Content:
a. Task Order Number,
b. Period of Performance,
c. Contracting Officer,
d. COR,
e. Ceiling Price,
f. Initial Obligated Amount, and
g. Amount Expended.

(ii) Modifications to Existing Task Orders Report Content: A short description of any
of the following changes to existing Task Orders:
a. Incremental funding,
b. Time extensions,
c. Change of CO and/or COR,
d. Completion of work, and
e. Amount expended.
3. The above reports must be submitted within 30 days of the three-month periods (calendar
quarters) ending on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
4. The Contractor must submit the reports to the COR identified in Section G of the
Schedule, with copies to the Contracting Officer and the TOCORs.
5. The Contractor must promptly notify the Contracting Officer and COR(s) of any
problems, delays, or adverse conditions which materially impair the Contractors ability
to meet requirements of the IQC.

(b) Language of Reports and Other Deliverables

All reports and other deliverables must be in the English language, unless otherwise specified by
the IQC or Task Order COR.

(c) Meetings
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The Contractor must be responsible for attending semi-annual meetings with the IQC COR and
the TOCORs which will capitalize on the five interlined components of this IQC. The
completion of the meeting minutes will be the responsibility of the Contractor and will include a
summary of key decisions made between USAID and the Contractor and follow up actions
required. The meeting minutes will be submitted to the IQC COR and the TOCORs within one
week of the conclusion of each semi-annual meeting. Meeting minute format is to be decided
upon between the IQC COR and the Contractor. These meeting minutes will be part of the
official USAID management files for the IQC. The location of the meeting will be determined by
the IQC COR.

(d) Reports

(1) The cover page of all deliverables required in this IQC must include the USAID logo
prominently displayed, the Task Order number, Contractor name, name of the
USAID/Pakistan regional office, the publication or issuance date of the document,
document title, author name(s), project number, and project title. Descriptive information
is required whether Contractor-furnished products are submitted in paper or electronic
form. All materials must include the name, organization, address, and
telephone/fax/internet number of the person submitting the materials.
(2) Hard copy reports must be prepared on non-glossy paper using black print. Elaborate art
work, multi-color printing, and expensive bindings are not to be used. Whenever
possible, pages must be printed on both sides of the report.
(3) Electronic formats must be submitted with the following descriptive information:
(i) Operating system format, e.g. Microsoft Windows XP;
(ii) Name of application software used to create the files on the
compact disc (CD), e.g. Microsoft Word;
(iii) The format for any graphic and/or image files included, e.g. pdf
format compatible, and
(iv) Any other necessary information, e.g., special backup or date
compression routines/software used for storing/retrieving
submitted data.

(e) Distribution to IQC COR and Briefings

1. Distribution of Task Orders to Basic IQC COR

One copy of each new Task Order issued under this IQC must be forwarded to the IQC
COR within one week of receipt by the Contractor.

2. Briefings

Prior to completion of each Task Order or departure from post of Contractor staff
specifically retained for a Task Order (whichever is earlier), Contractor personnel must
brief the relevant USAID Mission and/or cooperating country officials on the principal
activities, accomplishments, and finding during the assignment, unless a briefing is not
desired as determined by the Contracting Officer.
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(f) Development Experience Documentation

The Contractor must submit one electronic and/or one hard copy of development experience
documentation (electronic copies are preferred), pursuant to AIDAR 752.7005, to the YWFD
Project IQC COR and the TOCORs.

(g) Other Reporting

The Contractor will provide copies of reports, deliverables and outputs required by individual
Task Orders to the IQC COR and the TOCORs. These reports will be defined in individual Task
Orders but may include work plans, quarterly and annual progress reports, and Performance
Monitoring and Evaluation Plans.

The IQC COR has the authority to approve individual statement of work before it may be issued
as a request for proposal for a Task Order under the IQC. The IQC COR must decide which Task
Orders will be subject to the additional M&E guidelines.

Each Task Order under this IQC will also provide guidelines specific to USAID/Pakistan on
other reporting requirements.


(a) Task Orders will be issued by USAID/Pakistan Contracting Officers.

(b) Each Task Order will carry a specific Task Order number which will be cited on each invoice
place against this IQC.

(c) In no event, will the aggregate total of all Task Orders exceed the Maximum Ordering
Limitation authorized in this IQC. All Task Order statements of work and performance
periods must be within the scope of work and effective period of this IQC.

(d) The FAR and AIDAR clauses/provisions included in the IQC are applicable to Task Orders
as issued based on their individual scopes of work. Clauses and provisions remain applicable
throughout the terms of the IQC and Task Orders. Additionally, there may be
clauses/provisions that apply only at the Task Order level, as applicable (e.g. AAPD 07-03
Anti Trafficking Activities).

(e) All Statements of Work for prospective Task Orders must be cleared by the COR for the
Basic IQC.


(a) USAID is Task Orders to be issued in this IQC, one for each region, i.e. Punjab, Sindh and
FATA/KP. Individual Task Orders will clearly describe all services to be performed or
supplies to be delivered so that the full cost of price for the performance of the work can be
established when the order is placed. Task Orders must be within the scope, issued within the
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period of performance, and be within the maximum value of this IQC. Only the Contracting
Officer for the Basic IQC may modify the basic IQC to change the scope, period, or
maximum ceiling.
(b) The terms of this IQC requires that whenever a Task Order award is contemplated, the
Contractor will receive a request for Task Order proposal (RFTOP) and that all Task Order
proposals must include the Contractors cost or price to perform the anticipated Task Order.
The RFTOP must be in writing (via mail, e-mail, fax, or other, as set out in the RFTOP) and
include a description of the intended services and the evaluation procedure, including the
factors considered for award.
(c) When determining whether to award subsequent Task Orders after issuance of the first Task
Order, the Contracting Officer will consider such criteria as the quality of the performance of
the Contractor under the current IQC.
(d) The Contractor must comply with the page limitations for proposals described in the RFTOP
while submitting proposals. USAID will not evaluate any pages that exceed these limits.


The Contractor must not commit to any work or any cost under each Task Order until authorized
to do so by the TOCO.


Task Order Extensions (non-funded). The TOCOR has the authority to extend the Contractors
performance under the Task Order beyond the estimated completion date set forth therein,
provided that:

This approval is made in writing before the original estimated completion date set forth in
the Task Order and clearly states that the extension is at no additional cost to the Task
Performance must not extend beyond 60 calendar days from the original estimated
completion date set forth in the Task Order, and
Performance must not extend beyond the end of the period of performance in Section F
of the base IQC.
No additional costs will be incurred beyond the Task Order awarded amount.

Prior to the original estimated completion date, the Contractor must provide a copy of the
TOCORs written approval for any extension to the term of the Task Order to the TOCO. The
Contractor must attach a copy of the TOCORs approval for such continued performance under
the Task Order to the completion voucher submitted by payment for each Task Order.


The Government, under the terms of this IQC, retains the right to procure similar services from
other sources during the period of this IQC.


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(a) The Contractor must furnish key personnel for the IQC Management Team and as stated in
the Task Orders. This IQC Management Team includes positions which will also be
accountable for Task Order performance.

Key Personnel Positions

Chief of Party (IQC)
Private Sector Engagement/Partnership Development Specialist
Deputy Chief of Party (Task Order Sindh)
Deputy Chief of Party (Task Order -Punjab)
Deputy Chief of Party (Task Order FATA/KP) (To be proposed at a later date)

(b) The key personnel specified in the IQC and Task Orders are considered to be essential to the
work being performed thereunder. The Contractor must remain responsible for providing
such key personnel for full time performance for the term of this IQC unless otherwise
agreed by the Contracting Officer.

(c) Prior to replacing any of the specified individuals, the Contractor must immediately notify
both the Contracting Officer and the COR reasonably in advance and must submit written
justification (including proposed substitutions) in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the
impact on the program. No replacement of key personnel must be made by the Contractor
without the written consent of the Contracting Officer.

(d) The failure to provide the key personnel designated above may be considered
nonperformance unless such failure exists beyond the control, and through no fault or negligence,
of the Contractor.

(e) The Contractor must not replace the Chief of Party and the Private Sector
Engagement/Parternship Development Specialist without the prior written approval of the
Contracting Officer and concurrence of the COR. The Contractor must not replace the
Deputy Chief of Parties without the prior written approval of the TOCOR and the
concurrence of the TOCOR.

(f) The Contractor must furnish key personnel who possess the qualifications specified in
Section C.4.

(g) USAID reserves the right to adjust the level of key personnel during the performance of this


(a) The Contractor bears the primary responsibility for all necessary logistical support, including
approved local and international travel arrangements, IT support, procurement, personnel,
reporting, team planning facilitation, report editing and dissemination, and other management
related requirements.
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(b) The Contractor must provide central management and oversight of this IQC (See Section

(c) The Contractor must ensure the competence of its key and non-key personnel, including the
quality of the work product and deliverables submitted by these individuals. The Contractor will
provide staff with the requisite technical expertise and experience to perform high-quality
performance management tasks, as determined by the COR.

The Contractor will provide non-key personnel with the appropriate technical skill and
experience to perform the five interlinked components of this IQC. When requested through a
RFTOP, the Contractor may need to secure the specialized expertise; including, but not limited
to, the following:

Information Management Specialist

Communications and Outreach Specialist
Training and Human Resource Development Specialist
Program Development Specialist
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
Administrative Support


No terms contained in this IQC authorize overtime or premium pay. This IQC allows the
Contractors key personnel and individuals providing short-term technical assistance to work six
day work weeks without premium pay and the need for prior written approval by USAID.


Task Orders will include the following (as appropriate):

(a) Source of Funds and Fiscal Data;

(b) Total Estimated Cost/Ceiling Price;
(c) Obligated Amount (which will constitute the maximum liability on behalf of the
(d) Statement of Work (SoW) that is based upon performance standards, deliverables, and
results to which the Contractor must be held;
(e) Budget;
(f) Place of Performance;
(g) Period of Performance;
(h) Logistic Support;
(i) USAID and Other Officials (e.g. Contracting Officer, COR);
(j) Language Requirements;
(k) Deliverables/Results;
(l) Special Requirements/Relevant Information (e.g., source/origin waivers);
(m) Task Order Number and IQC Number;
(n) Government-Furnished Property, if any, to be furnished to the Contractor;
(o) Authorized Work-Week;
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(p) Key/Essential Personnel; and

(q) Payment Office.



(a) Contract Reports and Information/Intellectual Products.

(1) Within thirty (30) calendar days of obtaining the Contracting Officer Representative's
approval, the Contractor must submit to USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse
(DEC) one copy each of reports and information products which describe, communicate or
organize program/project development assistance activities, methods, technologies, management,
research, results and experience. These reports include: assessments, evaluations, studies,
technical and periodic reports, annual and final reports, and development experience documents
(defined as documents that (1) describe the planning, design, implementation, evaluation, and
results of development assistance; and (2) are generated during the life cycle of development
assistance programs or activities.) The Contractor must also submit copies of information
products including training materials, publications, databases, computer software programs,
videos and other intellectual deliverable materials required under the Contract Schedule. The
following information is not to be submitted:

(i) Time-sensitive materials such as newsletters, brochures or bulletins.

(ii) The Contractor's information that is incidental to award administration, such as financial,
administrative, cost or pricing, or management information.

(2) Within thirty (30) calendar days after completion of the contract, the Contractor must submit
to the DEC any reports that have not been previously submitted and an index of all reports and
information/intellectual products referenced in paragraph (a)(1) of this clause.

(b) Submission requirements. The Contractor must review the DEC website for the most up-to-
date submission instructions, including the DEC address for paper submissions, the document
formatting and the types of documents to be submitted. The submission instructions can be found

(1) Standards.

(i) Material must not include financially sensitive information or personally identifiable
information (PII) such as social security numbers, home addresses and dates of birth. Such
information must be removed prior to submission.

(ii) All submissions must conform to current USAID branding requirements.

(iii) Contract reports and information/intellectual products can be submitted in either electronic
(preferred) or paper form. Electronic documentation must comply with Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
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(iv) The electronic submissions must consist of only one electronic file, which comprises the
complete and final equivalent of the paper copy. In the case of databases and computer software
the submissions must also include necessary descriptive information, e.g., special backup or data
compression routines, software used for storing/retrieving submitted data, or program installation

(v) Electronic documents must be in one of the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA)-approved formats as described in NARA guidelines related to the transfer of permanent

(2) Essential bibliographic information. Descriptive information is required for all Contractor
products submitted. The title page of all reports and information products must include the
Contract number(s), Contractor name(s), name of the USAID Contracting Officer's
Representative, the publication or issuance date of the document, document title, (if non-English,
provide an English translation of the title), author name(s), and development objective or activity
title (if non-English, provide a translation) and associated number, and language of the document
(if non-English). In addition, all hard copy materials submitted in accordance with this clause
must have, attached as a separate cover sheet, the name, organization, address, telephone
number, fax number, and Internet address of the submitting party.


USAID/Pakistan utilizes a management information system (MIS) called PakInfo, to track

activities for all mission-funded projects at the national, provincial, district, and village
Monitoring and Evaluation Program levels. The purpose of this database is to map the location of
project implementation sites to the nearest village or geospatial coordinates, monitor the use of
funds at the district and tehsil level and the performance of projects to meet timely information
requirements for USAID/Pakistan and several interested parties. These interested parties are
USAID/Washington, Congress, implementing partners, the Government of Pakistan, other
donors, and stakeholders. This reporting process supports the bilateral agreement between the
U.S. Government and GOP by sharing information on USAID/Pakistans Mission-funded
activities. The Awardee must provide a monthly update of information (including, but not
limited to, performance results, geospatial coordinates, and photographs) on the activities under
the acquisition or assistance agreement by entering this information into the USAID/Pakistans
MIS. The Contractor or Recipient must enter information via an Internet website or a Microsoft
(MS) Access Database; USAID will provide the URL address or Access Database, and a user
ID/password. A comprehensive user manual will be provided by USAID/Pakistan. Upon receipt
of the manual, the Awardee will enter and manage the data accordingly.


(a) The Contractor must prepare and submit progress reports as specified in the contract
schedule. These reports are separate from the interim and final performance evaluation reports
prepared by USAID in accordance with FAR 42.15 and internal Agency procedures, but they
may be used by USAID personnel or their authorized representatives when evaluating the
Contractor's performance.
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(b) During any delay in furnishing a progress report required under this contract, the Contracting
Officer may withhold from payment an amount not to exceed US $25,000 (or local currency
equivalent) or 5 percent of the amount of this contract, whichever is less, until such time as the
Contractor submits the report or the Contracting Officer determines that the delay no longer has
a detrimental effect on the Government's ability to monitor the Contractors progress.


As part of the overall security requirements, the Contractor must report immediately any security
threats and/or incidents orally to the following USAID/Pakistan representatives:

- Task Order Contracting Officer Technical Representative (TOCOR) or Alternate TOCOR in

the TOCORs absence;
- Executive Officer (EXO);
- Security & Safety Specialist and any other USAID/Pakistan EXO designated official(s).

Subsequently, a written report will be submitted in accordance with approved procedures. The
Contractor must develop a list of specific steps to track any potential/identified threats, which
will be part of its overall security system. All subcontractors will be required by the Contractor
to report any threats/incidents to the prime Contractor, who will immediately after notify the
above listed USAID/Pakistan representatives.

USAID requires appropriate Security reports be submitted to the TOCOR and other
USAID/Pakistan officials as directed by USAID. The type and frequency of these reports may
vary with the project scope, location, and criticality. The Contractor must report an Initial Threat
Assessments and subsequent changes as often as the situation requires (weekly, bi-weekly,
monthly etc.). The Contractor is also required to notify USAID of any security related incident in
a timely manner according to the following guidelines:

Incident Reporting

There are various types of Incident Reporting: Serious Incident Report (SIR); Incident Report
(IR); Situation Report (SITREP); and any other security related report that may be required by

Serious Incident Report (SIR)

An incident that involves the death, injury, kidnapping of IP personnel and/or damage to IP
An incident that has critically damaged the funded program, such as fire, catastrophic flood,
Initial SIR must be reported verbally immediately, and within 4 hours of the incident
A Complete SIR must be filed in writing within 24 hours of the incident.
Updated SIR will continue to be filed in a timely basis (daily, weekly) as long as the situation
exists. The time line will be adjusted as required by USAID.
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Final Report SIR will summarize the incident, the subsequent happenings and the final

Incident Report (IR)

An incident involving accidents, potential harm, suspicious persons or acts, threats or harassing
actions against personnel or the program.
IR must be filed as soon as possible (within 24 hours) after the incident is evaluated, and a
complete report not later than 72 hours after the incident.

Situation Report (SITREP)

A report that a significant, but not critical action or activity, has taken place that has impacted,
or may impact, on the wellbeing of the personnel or the success of the program.
This report may describe trends, second hand information that may have bearing on the project,
or impact on future operations.
There is no pre-determined reporting timeline. The report will be issued as needed. E-mail is
the preferred method of communication to file a report and it must be as detailed as possible. The
report must follow the format approved in the original Security Plan (referenced in Section H.23)
but at a minimum it must contain the name of the company, name of the victim(s), date, time, a
description of what happened, where the incident occurred, and any other relevant details
surrounding the incident. If this is an ongoing incident, progress reports must be submitted in
accordance with the guidelines provided in order to keep USAID security personnel apprised of
the situation.


USAID encourages host country governments, bilateral and multilateral development partners,
Contractors, subcontractors, grantees, sub-grantees, and private sector alliance partners to help
strengthen the financial services sector in the countries we work. Where programs propose cash
distributions, partners must consider incorporating electronic payment systems into program
design and implementation where feasible, thereby reducing reliance on physical cash. If you are
considering the use of electronic payments in your operations and programs, please include in
your application a brief explanation of the selected method of electronic payment, and where
feasible, how you propose to reduce the reliance on physical cash. Examples of operational costs
that can use e-payments are: temporary staff salaries; vendor payments; travel per-diem for staff.
Examples of program costs that can use e-payments are: cash for work payments; payment to
trainers or trainers of trainers; direct grants to beneficiaries. This discussion of the type of
payment is for informational purposes and for our understanding of how you propose to pay
recipients/ beneficiaries. This information will be used by USAID to understand and measure the
impact of USAIDs promotion of the use of electronic payments by implementing partners. The
information provided in your proposal/application will not be an evaluation factor unless
specifically stated as such in the evaluation criteria in this solicitation document.

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(a) The Administrative Contracting Office is:

Local Address International Address

USAID/Pakistan USAID/Pakistan - OAA
Acquisition and Assistance Office Acquisition and Assistance Office
US Embassy US Embassy
Diplomatic Enclave Diplomatic Enclave
Islamabad, Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-51-208-1272 Telephone: +92-51-208-1272

(b) The Contractor will submit any questions concerning the administration of this IQC to the
Contracting Officer through the COR unless a situation warrants urgent attention or the COR is

(c) The Contractor assumes the sole responsibility to inform the Contracting Officer of any
requests that will affect any and all sections of the IQC.


The Contracting Officer is the only person authorized to make or approve any changes in the
requirements of this IQC and notwithstanding any provisions contained elsewhere in this IQC,
the said authority remains solely in the Contracting Officer. In the event the Contractor makes
any changes at the direction of any person other than the Contracting Officer or his
representative, when appropriate, the Contracting Officer will determine that the Contractor
made this change without requisite authority (unless ratified ex post at the discretion of the
Contracting Officer). Accordingly, the Contracting Officer will not make an adjustment to the
IQC terms and conditions, including price, based on such unauthorized changes


(a) The Contracting Officer will designate a COR through a separate COR designation letter.

(b) The Contracting Officer will provide a copy of the COR designation letter to the Contractor
at the time of award.

(c) [] will serve as the COR until the Contracting Officer designates otherwise.

(d) CORs may also be designated for a specific Task Order. If a TOCOR is designated for
specific Task Order, the TOCO will designate the TOCOR through a separate TOCOR
designation letter. The TOCO will provide a copy of the TOCOR designation letter to the
Contractor at the time of issuance of the Task Order.
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(a) The COR will provide technical direction and oversight to the Contractor. Additionally, the
following guidance also applies to the TOCORs.

(b) Technical Direction will include:

(1) Written directions to the Contractor which fill in details, suggest possible lines of
inquiry, or otherwise facilitate completion of work;
(2) Provision of written information to the Contractor which assists in the interpretation
of drawings, specifications, or technical portions of the work statement;
(3) Review and, where required, provide written approval of technical reports, drawings,
specifications or technical information to be delivered. Technical directions must be in
writing, and must be within the scope of the work as detailed in Section C.

(c) The COR is authorized by designation to take any or all action with respect to the following
which could lawfully be taken by the Contracting Officer, except any action specifically
prohibited by the terms of this IQC:

(1) Assure that the Contractor performs the technical requirements of the IQC in
accordance with the contract terms, conditions and specifications.
(2) Perform or cause to be performed, inspections necessary in connection with a) above
and require the Contractor to correct all deficiencies; perform acceptance for the
(3) Maintain all liaison and direct communications with the Contractor. All requests from
the Contractor to the Contracting Officer must be through the COR.
(4) Issue written interpretations of technical requirements of Government drawings,
designs and specifications.
(5) Monitor the Contractors production or performance progress and notify the
Contractor in writing of deficiencies observed during surveillance, and direct appropriate
action to effect correction. Record and report to the Contracting Officer incidents of
faulty or nonconforming work, delays or problems.
(6) Obtain necessary security clearance and appropriate identification if access to
Government facilities is required. If to be provided, ensure that Government furnished
property is available when required.

(d) Limitations. The COR is not empowered to award, agree to, or sign any IQC (including task
orders) or modifications thereto, or in any way to obligate the payment of money by the U.S.
Government. The COR may not take any action which might impact on the IQC schedule, funds,
scope or rate of utilization of LOE. Only the Contracting Officer will make contractual
agreements, commitments, or modifications that involve prices, quantities, quality.

(1) In the absence of the designated COR or Alternate COR, the Contracting Officer may
designate someone to serve as an Acting COR in their place.

(2) Contractual Issues. Contractual issues, of any nature, that might arise during the life of the
IQC must be handled in conformance with specific public laws and regulations. The Contractor,
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through the COR, must bring all contracting issues to the immediate attention of the Contracting
Officer. Only the Contracting Officer is authorized to formally resolve such issues. The
Contracting Officer will be responsible for resolving legal issues, determining contract scope and
interpreting contract terms and conditions. The Contracting Officer is the sole authority
authorized to approve changes in any of the requirements under this IQC.
Notwithstanding any clause contained elsewhere in this IQC, the said authority remains solely
with the Contracting Officer. These changes include, but will not be limited to the following
areas: scope of work, price, quantity, technical specifications, delivery schedules, and IQC terms
and conditions. In the event the Contractor effects any changes at the direction of any other
person other than the Contracting Officer, the change will be considered to have been made
without authority.

(3) Failure by the Contractor to report to the Contracting Officer any action by the Government
considered to be a change, within the specified number of days contained in FAR 52.243-7
(NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES), waives the Contractors right to any claims for equitable

(e) In case of a conflict between this IQC and the COR designation letter, the IQC prevails.


The Office of Financial Management will serve as the paying office for this contract:

Regional Office
Financial Management Office
1/A Ahmed Kamel St.
Off El-Laselki St.
New Maadi, Cairo, Egypt



A: GLAAS Requisition ______________.

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B. Contractor Specific Information:



The Contractor must provide one primary point of contact to support this IQC. The IQC
Management Team must be the individuals bearing the primary responsibility for procurement,
personnel, reporting, and other management related requirements of the IQC (See Section F.11).


(a) Claims for reimbursement or payment under this contract must be submitted to the Paying
Office indicated in the schedule of this contract. The Contracting Officers Representative
(COR) is the authorized representative of the Government to approve vouchers under this
contract. The Contractor must submit either paper or fax versions of the SF-1034--Public
Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal. Each voucher shall be identified by
the appropriate USAID contract number, in the amount of dollar expenditures made during the
period covered.

(1) The SF 1034 provides space to report by line item for products or services provided. The
form provides for the information to be reported with the following elements:

(Document Number: XXX-X-XX-XXXX-XX)
Line Description Amt. Vouchered Amt. Vouchered
Item No. To Date this Period
0001 Product/Service Desc. for Line Item $XXXX.XX $XXXX.XX
0002 Product/Service Desc. for Line Item $XXXX.XX $XXXX.XX

(2) The fiscal report shall include the following certification signed by an authorized
representative of the Contractor:

The undersigned hereby certifies to the best of my knowledge and belief that the fiscal report and
any attachments have been prepared from the books and records of the Contractor in accordance
with the terms of this contract and are correct: the sum claimed under this contract is proper and
due, and all the costs of contract performance (except as herewith reported in writing) have been
paid, or to the extent allowed under the applicable payment clause, shall be paid currently by the
Contractor when due in the ordinary course of business; the work reflected by these costs has
been performed, and the quantities and amounts involved are consistent with the requirements of
this Contract; all required Contracting Officer approvals have been obtained; and appropriate
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refund to USAID shall be made promptly upon request in the event of disallowance of costs not
reimbursable under the terms of this contract.
BY: ______________________________________________________

TITLE: ______________________________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________________________

(b) Local currency payment. The Contractor is fully responsible for the proper expenditure and
control of local currency, if any, provided under this contract. Local currency shall be provided
to the Contractor in accordance with written instructions provided by the Mission Director. The
written instructions shall also include accounting, vouchering, and reporting procedures. A copy
of the instructions shall be provided to the Contractor's Chief of Party and to the Contracting
Officer. The costs of bonding personnel responsible for local currency are reimbursable under
this contract.
(c) Upon compliance by the Contractor with all the provisions of this contract, acceptance by the
Government of the work and final report, and a satisfactory accounting by the Contractor of all
Government-owned property for which the Contractor had custodial responsibility, the
Government shall promptly pay to the Contractor any moneys (dollars or local currency) due
under the completion voucher. The Government shall make suitable reduction for any
disallowance or indebtedness by the Contractor by applying the proceeds of the voucher first to
such deductions and next to any unliquidated balance of advance remaining under this contract.

(a) The Contractor agrees that all approvals of the Mission Director and the Contracting
Officer which are required by the provisions of this contract shall be preserved and made
available as part of the Contractor's records which are required to be presented and made
available by the clause of this contract entitled "Audit and Records--Negotiation".

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The following contract clauses pertinent to this section are hereby incorporated by reference (by
Citation Number, Title, and Date) in accordance with FAR 52.252-2, Clauses Incorporated By
Reference, in Section I of this contract.


Agency for International Development Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 7)

752.7028 Differential and Allowances JUL 1996

H.2 AIDAR 752.7027 PERSONNEL (DEC 1990)

(a) Clearance.

(1) Individuals Engaged or Assigned Within the United States. The Contractor will obtain written
notification from the Contracting Officer of Cooperating Country clearance of any employee sent
outside the United States to perform duties under this contract.

(2) Individuals Engaged or Assigned When Outside the United States. No individual shall be
engaged or assigned when outside the United States to perform work outside the United States
under this contract unless authorized in the schedule or otherwise approved by the Contracting
Officer or Mission Director. However, when services are performed in the Cooperating Country
on a casual or irregular basis or in an emergency, exception to this provision can be made in
accordance with instructions or regulations established by the Mission Director.

(b) Physical fitness of employees and dependents. See the clause of this contract entitled Physical

(c) Conformity to laws and regulations of Cooperating Country. Contractor agrees to use its best
efforts to assure that its employees and their dependents, while in the Cooperating Country, abide
by all applicable laws and regulations of the Cooperating Country and political subdivisions

(d) Importation or sale of personal property or automobiles. To the extent permitted by

Cooperating Country laws, the importation and sale of personal property or automobiles by
Contractor employees and their dependents in the Cooperating Country shall be subject to the
same limitations and prohibitions which apply to U.S. nationals employed by the Mission. This
provision does not apply to employees or consultants who are citizens or legal residents of the
Cooperating Country.

(e) Economic and Financial Activities. Other than work to be performed under this contract for
which an employee or consultant is assigned by the Contractor, no such employee or consultant
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of the Contractor shall engage, directly or indirectly, either in his/her own name or in the name
or through the agency of another person, in any business, profession or occupation in the
Cooperating Country or other foreign countries to which he/she is assigned, nor shall he make
loans or investments to or in any business, profession or occupation in the Cooperating Country
or other foreign countries in which he/she is assigned. This provision does not apply to
employees or consultants who are citizens or legal residents of the Cooperating Country. [The
following paragraphs (f) and (g) are applicable only to cost reimbursement contracts.]

(f) Duration of Appointments.

(1) Regular employees will normally be appointed for a minimum of 2 years which period
includes orientation (less language training) in the United States and authorized international
travel under the contract except:

(i) An appointment may be made for less than 2 years if the contract has less than 2 years but
more than 1 year to run provided that if the contract is extended the appointment shall also be
extended to the full 2 years. This provision shall be reflected in the employment agreement prior
to employment under this contract.

(ii) When a 2-year appointment is not required, appointment may be made for less than 2 years
but in no event less than 1 year.

(iii) When the normal tour of duty established for USAID personnel at a particular post is less
than 2 years, then a normal appointment under this contract may be of the same duration.

(iv) When the Contractor is unable to make appointments of regular employees for a full 2 years,
the Contractor may make appointments of less than 2 but not less than 1 year, provided that such
appointment is approved by the Contracting Officer.

(2) Services required for less than 1 year will be considered short-term appointments and the
employee will be considered a short-term employee.

(g) Employment of Dependents. If any person who is employed for services in the Cooperating
Country under this contract is either (1) a dependent of an employee of the U.S. Government
working in the Cooperating Country, or (2) a dependent of a Contractor employee working under
a contract with the U.S. Government in the Cooperating Country, such person shall continue to
hold the status of a dependent. He or she shall be entitled to salary for the time services are
actually performed in the Cooperating Country, and differential and allowances as established by
the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas).


(a) The Contractor will produce all reports and deliverables in standard English.

(b) The Contractor must ensure that the Contractors employees and consultants possess the
appropriate level of skill in written and spoken English and local language proficiency, as
needed, to perform the contract requirements.
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(c) Contractor key personnel and/or consultants must have English and local language
proficiency as needed, to perform contract requirements.


(a) The Contractor agrees to provide the following information to the Mission Administrative
Officer on or before the arrival in the host country of every contract employee or dependent:

(1) The individuals full name, home address, and telephone number.

(2) The name and number of the contract, and whether the individual is an employee or

(3) The Contractors name, home office address, and telephone number, including any after-
hours emergency number(s), and the name of the Contractors home office staff member having
administrative responsibility for the contract.

(4) The name, address, and telephone number(s) of each individuals next of kin.

(5) Any special instructions pertaining to emergency situations such as power of attorney
designees or alternate contact persons.


(a) The Authorized Geographic Code for procurement of goods and services under this contract
is 937. See Section J.1.

(b) Authorized Geographic Code 937 includes the United States, the recipient country, and
developing countries other than advanced developing countries, but excluding any country that is
a prohibited source. USAID maintains a list of developing countries, advanced developing
countries, and prohibited sources in ADS Chapter 310.



(a) Except as may be specifically approved by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor must
procure all commodities (e.g., equipment, materials, vehicles, supplies) and services (including
commodity transportation services) in accordance with the requirements in 22 CFR Part 228,
Rules on Source, Origin and Nationality for Commodities and Services Financed by USAID.
The authorized source for procurement is Geographic Code 937 unless otherwise specified in the
schedule of this contract. The Contractor may obtain any guidance on eligibility of specific
goods or services from the Contracting Officer.
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(b) Ineligible goods and services. The Contractor shall not procure any of the following goods or
services under this contract:

(1) Military equipment

(2) Surveillance equipment
(3) Commodities and services for support of police and other law enforcement activities
(4) Abortion equipment and services
(5) Luxury goods and gambling equipment, or
(6) Weather modification equipment.

(c) Restricted goods. The Contractor shall not procure any of the following goods or services
without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer:

(1) Agricultural commodities,

(2) Motor vehicles,
(3) Pharmaceuticals and contraceptive items
(4) Pesticides,
(5) Fertilizer,
(6) Used equipment, or
(7) U.S. government-owned excess property.

If USAID determines that the Contractor has procured any of these specific restricted goods
under this contract without the prior written authorization of the Contracting Officer, and has
received payment for such purposes, the Contracting Officer may require the Contractor to
refund the entire amount of the purchase.



(a) The Contractor agrees to procure Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance pursuant to the terms of
the contract between USAID and USAIDs DBA insurance carrier unless the Contractor has a
DBA self-insurance program approved by the Department of Labor or has an approved
retrospective rating agreement for DBA.

(b) If USAID or the Contractor has secured a waiver of DBA coverage (see AIDAR 728.305-
70(a)) for Contractors employees who are not citizens of, residents of, or hired in the United
States, the Contractor agrees to provide such employees with workers compensation benefits as
required by the laws of the country in which the employees are working, or by the laws of the
employees native country, whichever offers greater benefits.

(c) The Contractor further agrees to insert in all subcontracts hereunder to which the DBA is
applicable, a clause similar to this clause, including this sentence, imposing on all subcontractors
a like requirement to provide overseas workmens compensation insurance coverage and obtain
DBA coverage under the USAID requirements contract.
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(a) Contractors must apply for DBA insurance coverage directly from AON Risk Insurance
Services, Inc., the agent for Allied World Assurance Company (AWAC), at either one of the
following offices:
(1) AON Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
199 Fremont St., Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94105
Hours: 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 PM, Pacific Time

Primary Contact: Fred Robinson

Phone: (415) 486-7516
Fax: (415) 486-7059

Secondary Contact: Angela Falcone

Phone: (415) 486-7000

(2) AON Risk Insurance Services East, Inc.

1120 20th St., N.W., Suite 600
Washington D.C. 20036
Hours: 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Eastern Time

Primary Contact: Ellen Rowan

Phone: (202) 862-5306
Fax: (202) 429-8530

Secondary Contact: Chris Thompson

Phone: (202) 862-5302


(JULY 2007)

(a) Contractors must provide MEDEVAC service coverage to all U.S. citizen, U.S. resident
alien, and Third Country National employees and their authorized dependents (hereinafter
individual) while overseas under a USAID-financed direct contract. USAID will reimburse
reasonable, allowable, and allocable costs for MEDEVAC service coverage incurred under the
contract. The Contracting Officer will determine the reasonableness, allowability, and
allocability of the costs based on the applicable cost principles and in accordance with cost
accounting standards.

(b) Exceptions.
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(i) The Contractor is not required to provide MEDEVAC insurance to eligible employees and
their dependents with a health program that includes sufficient MEDEVAC coverage as
approved by the Contracting Officer.

(ii) The Mission Director may make a written determination to waive the requirement for such
coverage. The determination must be based on findings that the quality of local medical services
or other circumstances obviate the need for such coverage for eligible employees and their
dependents located at post.

(c) Contractor must insert a clause similar to this clause in all subcontracts that require
performance by Contractor employees overseas.


(a) The objectives of the USAID Disability Policy are (1) to enhance the attainment of United
States foreign assistance program goals by promoting the participation and equalization of
opportunities of individuals with disabilities in USAID policy, country and sector strategies,
activity designs and implementation; (2) to increase awareness of issues of people with
disabilities both within USAID programs and in host countries; (3) to engage other U.S.
government agencies, host country counterparts, governments, implementing organizations and
other donors in fostering a climate of nondiscrimination against people with disabilities; and (4)
to support international advocacy for people with disabilities. The Contractor can request the full
text of the policy paper from the COR.

(b) USAID therefore requires that the Contractor not discriminate against people with disabilities
in the implementation of USAID programs and that it make every effort to comply with the
objectives of the USAID Disability Policy in performing this contract. To that end and within the
scope of the contract, the Contractors actions must demonstrate a comprehensive and consistent
approach for including men, women and children with disabilities.


(a) The Contractor must annually submit a report by April 16 of the next year.

(b) Contents of Report. The report must contain:

(1) Contractor name.

(2) Contact name with phone, fax and email.
(3) Contract number(s).
(4) Amount of foreign taxes assessed by a foreign government [each foreign government must be
listed separately] on commodity purchase transactions valued at $500 or more financed with
U.S. foreign assistance funds under this agreement during the prior U.S. fiscal year.
(5) Only foreign taxes assessed by the foreign government in the country receiving U.S.
assistance is to be reported. Foreign taxes by a third party foreign government are not to be
reported. For example, if a Contractor performing in Losotho using foreign assistance funds
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should purchase commodities in South Africa, any taxes imposed by South Africa would not be
reported in the report for Lesotho (or South Africa).
(6) Any reimbursements received by the Contractor during the period in (4) regardless of when
the foreign tax was assessed and any reimbursements on the taxes reported in (4) received
through March 31.
(7) Report is required even if the Contractor did not pay any taxes during the report period.

(8) Cumulative reports may be provided if the Contractor is implementing more than one
program in a foreign country.

(c) Definitions. For purposes of this clause:

(1) Agreement includes USAID direct and country contracts, grants, cooperative agreements
and interagency agreements.
(2) Commodity means any material, article, supply, goods, or equipment.
(3) Foreign government includes any foreign governmental entity.
(4) Foreign taxes means value-added taxes and custom duties assessed by a foreign
government on a commodity. It does not include foreign sales taxes.

(d) Where. Submit the reports to: One copy of each report should be sent to the COTR and one
copy to the USAID/Liberia Mission Controller at the Liberian address listed in the above Section
G.8, Invoicing Instructions.

(e) Subagreements. The Contractor must include this reporting requirement in all applicable
subcontracts and other subagreements.


(a) Direct compensation of the Contractors personnel will be in accordance with the
Contractors established policies, procedures, and practices, and the cost principles applicable to
this contract.

(b) Reimbursement of the employees base annual salary plus overseas recruitment incentive, if
any, which exceed the USAID Contractor Salary Threshold (USAID CST) stated in USAID
Automated Directives System (ADS) Chapter 302 USAID Direct Contracting, must be approved
in writing by the Contracting Officer, as prescribed in 731.205-6(b) or 731.371(b), as applicable.


(a) Limitations. Salaries and wages may not exceed the Contractors established policy and
practice, including the Contractors established pay scale for equivalent classifications of
employees, which the Contractor must certify. Further, no individual salary or wage can exceed
the employees current salary or wage, or the highest rate of annual salary or wage received
during any full year of the immediately preceding three (3) years without prior approval of the
Contracting Officer.
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(b) Setting Salaries. The Contracting Officer will evaluate the reasonableness of proposed
compensation (i.e., salaries) through the applying of the factors set forth in the applicable cost
principles contained FAR Part 31 and AIDAR 752.7007. In addition to these factors, the
Contracting Officer will consider the market value of each proposed position and the
associated minimum qualifications as defined in the solicitation. Salaries and wages must reflect
the market value for each position along with salary history. In the instance where the
Offeror/Contractor believes that a particular salary cannot be accommodated within the market
value, the Contractor must fully substantiate the need to exceed the established value or ceiling.

(c) Initial Salaries. Contractor must compensate non-US personnel in accordance with its salary
scale, staffing plan, and compensation package. The Contracting Officer hereby approves the
salary rates for those individuals for whom the Contractor submitted Employee Biographical
Data forms during the cost evaluation. The initial starting salaries of all U.S., TCN, and CCN
employees providing longterm technical assistance directly charged to this contract require prior
Contracting Officer approval. Further, the Contractor must submit a salary scale which reflects
its proposed staffing plan covering all planned non-US (CCN/TCN) positions together with
Contractor's compensation policies. The compensation plan will cover all proposed initial
salaries and salary ranges for all positions. Initial salaries will be within each range and will be
based on other factors including but not limited to consideration of the prevailing in country
salaries for similar positions in the markets, the individual's education, salary and/or consultant
rate history over the most recent 3 years. TCNs will be authorized packages similar to US
Nationals consistent with Contractor approved policies and procedures.

To-Be-Determined (TBD) Positions. The initial salaries for TBD positions whose
annual salary exceeds PKR 1,707,441 (approximately $17,074), excluding benefits, per
year and are charged as direct costs to this Contract must be approved, in advance and
in writing, by the Contracting Officer. Initial starting annual salaries for long-term
principal project staff that do not exceed PKR 1,707,441 and are charged as direct
costs to this contract must be approved, in advance and in writing, by the COR.

(d) Replacement Staff. With the exception of Key Personnel, the initial salaries of new staff
replacing those individuals previously approved in the Contractors Final Proposal Revision do
not require prior approval by the Contracting Officer; provided, however, that (i) the contract
authorized the position; and (ii) the initial salary will not exceed either the candidates recent
long-term salary by seven percent, as evidenced by the Contractor Employee Biographical
Data Sheet, or the approved salary for the particular position in the Final Proposal Revision,
whichever is less.

(e) Salaries during Travel. Salaries and wages paid while in travel status will not be reimbursed
for a travel period greater than the time required for travel by the most direct and expeditious air

(f) Return of Overseas Employees. Salaries and wages paid to an employee serving overseas who
is discharged by the Contractor for misconduct, inexcusable nonperformance, or security reasons
will in no event be reimbursed for a period which extends beyond the time required to return him
promptly to his point of origin by the most direct and expeditious air route.
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(g) Salary Ceiling. The Contracting Officer established a ceiling for both expatriate and CCN
staff on the reimbursable base salary or wage paid to personnel under the contract. For
international staff, the ceiling equates to the maximum annual salary of the USAID established
rate for agencies without a certified Senior Executive Service performance appraisal system,
referred to as the USAID Contractor Salary Threshold, published at, as amended from time-to-time, unless the
Contracting Officer approves a higher amount in accordance with the Agency policy and
procedures. For CCN staff, the ceiling equates to the maximum salary of the highest senior
Foreign Service National (FSN) position authorized under the Mission Local Compensation
Plan. See J.8 for the summary.

(h) Annual Salary Increases. For international staff, one annual increase salary increase not
more than seven percent (includes promotional increase) may be granted after the
employees completion of each twelve month period of satisfactory services under the
contract. Annual salary increases of any kind exceeding these limitations or exceeding the
maximum salary rate described in above may be granted only with the advance written approval
of the Contracting Officer. Automatic salary increases to the maximum salary rate for those
approved at the current maximum salary rate are not authorized without prior written approval by
the Contracting Officer. For CCN staff, one annual salary increase of not more than seven
percent (includes promotional increase) may be granted after the employees completion of
each twelve months of satisfactory services under the contract. Annual salary increases of
any kind exceeding these limitations, or exceeding the maximum salary of the highest senior
FSN position authorized under the U.S. Embassy Compensation Plan (currently at PKR 20,989
or US$210 per day using an exchange rate of US$1 to PKR 100), may be granted only with the
advance written approval of the Contracting Officer.

(i) Short-Term Technical Assistance and Independent Consultants. No compensation for

consultants will be reimbursed unless their use under the contract has advance written approval
of the COR. If such provision has been made or approval given, compensation will not exceed:
(1) the highest rate of annual compensation received by the consultant during any full year of the
immediately preceding three years or (2) the maximum daily salary rate as described above,
whichever is less.

(j) Work Week.

(1) Non-overseas Employees. The length of the Contractors U.S., non-overseas employees
workday must conform with the Contractor's established policies and practices and must not be
less than 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week.

(2) Overseas Employee. The work week for the Contractors overseas employees must not be
less than 40 hours and must be scheduled to coincide with the work week for those employees of
the USAID Mission and the Cooperating Country associated with the work of this contract. 5-
day work week is authorized for all resident long-term staff. However, short-term consultants
may be authorized 6-day week by the COR.
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(3) Short-Term Technical Assistance. Any proposed six-day workweek for those providing
shortterm technical assistance requires prior written concurrence from the COR and prior written
approval of the Contracting Officerwith no authorization of premium pay available.

(k) Definitions. As used in this contract, the terms salaries and wages mean the periodic
remuneration received for professional or technical personal services rendered. Unless the
contract states otherwise, these terms do not include any other elements of personal
compensation described in the cost principle in FAR 31.205-6, Compensation for Personal
Services, such as (but not limited to) the differentials or allowances defined in the clause of this
contract entitled Differentials and Allowances (AIDAR 752.7028). The term compensation
is defined in FAR 31.205-6(a) and includes fees and honoraria related to the personal services
provided under this contract, but excludes earnings from sources other than the individual's
professional or technical work, overhead, or other charges.

(l) Special Provision Regarding CCNs Employed by the Contractor to Exclusively Work Under
this USAID Contract. USAID considers CCNs employed by the Contractor to exclusively work
under this contract as employed by the Contractor for a specified or fixed period. The Contractor,
however, at its sole discretion, may employ CCNs to work exclusively under this Contract for
either a specified period (a specified period employee) or for an unspecified period (a permanent
employee), in accordance with Pakistani law. If the Contractor elects, at its sole discretion, to
employ CCNs to work exclusively under this fixed period Contract for an unspecified
employment period, the Contractor will be responsible for the payment of any benefits that may
be due and owing such employees under Pakistani law if the Contractor then elects, at its sole
discretion, to terminate their employment at the conclusion of this contract. The Contracting
Officer will determine which costs, if any, associated with the Contractors termination of a CCN
under an unspecified period employment agreement with it under this fixed term contract are
allowable and allocable costs under this contract in accordance with the cost principles set forth
in FAR Part 31.

(m) Special Provision Regarding Benefits under Government of Pakistan Law. In addition to
base pay or salary, benefits mandated under the Government of Pakistan Labor Law are allocable
for CCN staff: (a) Mandatory Medical Allowance and Compulsory Death Insurance, which
includes medical and life insurance and pension; (b) 13th month bonus; (c) leave mandated under
law which is applicable to the individual; and, (d) payments made at the conclusion of an
employees employment consistent with law and demonstrated within the employees
employment agreement. In addition to the medical benefits provided within the Pakistani Labor
Laws provisions, a Contractor may provide supplemental medical benefits provided they do not
exceed the limit established for an employers contribution under the Missions Local Employee
Compensation Plan, i.e. PKR 600,000/year. The Mission provides medical benefits to employees
whose contracts/agreements are for at least one year. Employee benefits that are not addressed
above require the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer.



(a) Salary supplements are payments made that augment an employee's base salary or premiums,
overtime, extra payments, incentive payment and allowances for which the HG employee would
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qualify under HG rules or practice for the performance of his/her regular duties or work
performed during his/hers regular office hours. Per diem, invitational travel, honoraria and
payment for work carried out outside of normal working hours are not considered to be salary

(b) Salary supplements to HG Employees are not allowable without the written approval of the
Contracting Officer.



(a) Pursuant to AIDAR 752.7032, International Travel Approval and Notification

Requirement,(JAN 1990), AIDAR 752.7027, Personnel, (DEC 1990), and AIDAR 752.7002,
Travel and Transportation, (JAN 1990), AIDAR clauses with which the Contractor must
comply, the Contracting Officer hereby provides prior written approval for international travel
specifically identified in the approved and awarded contract budget (e.g., entitlement travel);
provided, however, that the Contractor obtains written concurrence from the COR prior to the
assignment of the individuals outside the United States.

(b) Pursuant to AIDAR 752.7032, International Travel Approval and Notification

Requirement,(JAN 1990), AIDAR 752.7027, Personnel, (DEC 1990), and AIDAR 752.7002,
Travel and Transportation, (JAN 1990), AIDAR clauses with which the Contractor must
comply, the Contractor must seek COR concurrence and subsequent Contracting Officer
approval for any international travel not identified in the approved and awarded contract budget
as well as for proposed international travel associated with each component task after the
finalization of the Annual Work Plan.

(c) The Contractor must notify the COR of the approved international travel at least one week
prior to the commencement of the international travel. The Contractor must identify the
travelers, purpose of the travel, the time and dates of travel, the origin and destination (including
intervening stops), the itinerary of each traveler, the costs of the proposed travel, and, if
applicable, the statement of work performed by the traveler during the trip.

(d) The Contractor must seek COR concurrence at least three weeks prior to the
commencement of the international travel. The Contractor must identify the travelers, the time
and dates of arrival, and the itinerary for each traveler.

(e) The international travel must comply with the terms of this contract and remains subject to
the availability of the funds. The Contractor must not construe any approval or concurrence as an
authorization to either increase the total estimated cost of the contract or exceed the obligated
amount. The Contractor must retain a copy of each travel concurrence for audit purposes.


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(a) General. It is USAID policy that cooperating country nationals (CCNS) and third country
nationals (TCNs), who are hired abroad for work in a cooperating country under USAID-direct
contracts, generally be extended the same benefits, and be subject to the same restrictions as
TCNs and CCNs employed as direct hires by the USAID Mission. Exceptions to this policy
may be granted either by the Mission Director or the Assistant Administrator having program
responsibility for the project. (TCNs and CCNs who are hired to work in the United States shall
be extended benefits and subject to restrictions on the same basis as U.S. citizens who work in
the United States.)

(b) Compensation. Compensation, including merit or promotion increases paid to TCNs and
CCNs may not, without the approval of the Mission Director or the Assistant Administrator
having program responsibility for the project, exceed the prevailing compensation paid to
personnel performing comparable work in the cooperating country as determined by the USAID
Mission. Unless otherwise authorized by the Mission Director or the Assistant Administrator
having program responsibility for the project, the compensation of such TCN and CCN
employees shall be paid in the currency of the cooperating country.

(c) Allowances and differentials. TCNs and CCNs, hired abroad for work in a cooperating
country, are not eligible for allowances or differentials under USAID-direct contracts, unless
authorized by the Mission Director or the Assistant Administrator having program responsibility
for the project.

(d) Country and security clearances. The Contractor shall insure that the necessary clearances,
including security clearances, if required, have been obtained for TCN and CCN employees in
accordance with any such requirements set forth in the contract or required by the USAID
Mission, prior to the TCN or CCN starting work under the contract.

(e) Physical fitness. Contractors are required to insure that prospective TCN and CCN employees
are examined prior to employment to determine whether the prospective employee meets the
minimum physical requirements of the position and is free from any contagious disease.

(f) Workweek, holidays, and leave. The workweek, holidays, and leave for TCN and CCN
employees shall be the same as for all other employees of the Contractor, under the terms of the
contract; however, TCN and CCN employees are not eligible for home leave or military leave
unless authorized by the Mission Director or the Assistant Administrator having program
responsibility for the project.

(g) Travel and transportation for TCNs and CCNs. Travel and transportation will be provided
TCN and CCN employees on the same basis as for all other employees of the Contractor, under
the terms of the Contract.

(h) Household effects and motor vehicles. USAID shall not provide household effects to TCN
and CCN employees; such employees may ship their household effects and motor vehicles to
their place of employment on the same basis as for all other employees of the Contractor, under
the terms of the contract unless they are residents of the cooperating country.
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(a) Nonexpendable Property less than $500 in value. For all properties within this category and
approved in the Contractors budget, the Contracting Officer, hereby provides prior approval to
purchase subject to compliance with all terms and applicable conditions of this contract.

(b) Nonexpendable Property exceeding $500 in value. For properties within this category and
approved in the Contractors budget, the Contracting Officers written approval, with the
concurrence of the COR, is required.

(c) With the exception of restricted commodities, all non-expendable property, including IT
equipment, the Contracting Officer hereby approves all non-expendable property, including IT


(a) The Contractor must comply with the requirements contained in ADS 548 which require
review and approval by the Office of Information Resource Management (M/IRM) in
USAID/Washington of information technology components in which the life-cycle cost of
commodities or services (e.g., installation, maintenance, and technical assistance) exceeds

(b) The Contracting Officer hereby authorizes the purchase of the following Information
Technology resources: [TBD].


(a) Pursuant to ADS 547, the term information technology', with respect to an executive agency
means any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, that is used in the
automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display,
switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information by the executive
agency. For purposes of the preceding sentence, equipment is used by an executive agency if the
equipment is used by the executive agency directly or is used by a Contractor under a contract
with the executive agency which (i) requires the use of such equipment, or (ii) requires the use,
to a significant extent, of such equipment in the performance of a service or the furnishing of a

(b) The term information technology' includes computers, ancillary equipment, software,
firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources.

(c) Notwithstanding subparagraphs (a) and (b), the term `information technology' does not
include any equipment that is acquired by a federal Contractor incidental to a federal contract.
(Source: Clinger-Cohen Act) (ADS Chapters 541-548, 552)
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(d) The Contractor must maintain accountable property records of IT resources. These records
must identify each accountable item of U.S. Government-funded property acquired or furnished
under the contract in a format acceptable to the contracting officer and must be furnished to the
contracting officer six (6) months after the effective date of the contract or task order and
thereafter annually based on the effective date of the contract.

(e) In the event any IT resources are lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged beyond economical
repair, the Contractor must promptly notify both the COTR and the Contracting Officer.

(f) As part of the Property Disposition Plan, the Contractor will provide a separate and final
inventory of IT resources. After consultation with the COTR and the USAID Office of
Information Resource Management, the Contracting Officer will provide disposition instructions
to the Contractor. The Contractor will provide a final report to the COTR and Contracting
Officer on the final disposition of all IT resources.



(a) A U.S. citizen or resident alien engaged in the performance of this award as an employee,
consultant, or volunteer of a U.S firm may obtain access to USAID facilities or logical access to
USAIDs information systems only when and to the extent necessary to carry out this award and
in accordance with this provision. The Contractors employees, consultants, or volunteers who
are not U.S. citizen as well as employees, consultants, or volunteers of non-U.S. firms,
irrespective of their citizenship, will not be granted logical access to U.S. Government
information technology systems (such as Phoenix, GLAAS, etc.) and must be escorted to use
U.S. Government facilities (such as office space).

(b) Before a Contractor (or a Contractor employee, consultant, or volunteer) or subcontractor at

any tier may obtain a USAID ID (new or replacement) authorizing him/her routine access to
USAID facilities in the United States, or logical access to USAIDs information systems, the
individual must provide two forms of identity source documents in original form to the
Enrollment Office personnel when undergoing processing. One identity source document must
be a valid Federal or State government-issued picture ID. Contractors may contact the USAID
Security Office to obtain the list of acceptable forms of documentation. Submission of these
documents, to include documentation of security background investigations are mandatory in
order for the Contractor to receive a PIV/FAC card and be granted access to any of USAIDs
information systems. All such individuals must physically present these two source documents
for identity proofing at their enrollment.

(c) The Contractor or its Facilities Security Officer must return any issued building access ID
and remote authentication token to the Contracting Officers Representative (COR) upon
termination of the individuals employment with the Contractor or completion of the contract,
whichever occurs first.

(d) Individuals engaged in the performance of this award as employees, consultants, or

volunteers of the Contractor must comply with all applicable Homeland Security Presidential
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Directive-12 (HSPD- 12) and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) procedures, as described
above, and any subsequent USAID or government-wide HSPD-12 and PIV procedures/policies.

(e) The Contractor is required to include this provision in any subcontracts that require the
subcontractor, subcontractor employee, or consultant to have routine physical access to USAID
space or logical access to USAIDs information systems.


The Contractor and any employee or consultant of the Contractor is prohibited from using U.S.
Government facilities (such as office space or equipment) or U.S. Government clerical or
technical personnel in the performance of the services specified in the Contract unless the use of
U.S. Government facilities or personnel is specifically authorized in the Contract or is authorized
in advance, in writing, by the COTR.


(a) The Contractor will furnish all logistic support in the United States and overseas.

(b) The Contractor remains responsible for all logistical support except the following:
Duty free entry for Contractor professional commodities and IT commodities purchased
with USAID funds under the contract; customs clearance (with the exception of customs
exemption letters provided by USAID)
Long-term residence visas for the Chief of Party and any expatriate providing long-term
technical assistance during the contracts period of performance.

(c) Pursuant to existing USAID/Pakistan policy at the time of any request, the Mission may
Custom and/or tax exemption certificates for long-term expatriate staff for
Unaccompanied Airline Baggage (UAB), Household Effects (HHE), Personally
Owned Vehicles (POV), office and residential furniture, appliances, equipment, hotels;
Letters to facilitate the Contractors establishment of bank accounts, leasing of housing
and office space, and the obtainment


(a) The Contractor acknowledges that this contract is an important part of the United States
Foreign Assistance Program and agrees that its operations and those of its employees in the
Cooperating Country will be carried out in such a manner as to be fully commensurate with the
responsibility, which this entails.

(b) The Mission Director is the chief representative of USAID in the Cooperating Country. In
this capacity, he/she is responsible for the total USAID program in the cooperating country
including certain administrative responsibilities set forth in this contract and for advising USAID
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regarding the performance of the work under the contract and its effect on the United States
Foreign Assistance Program. Although the Contractor will be responsible for all professional,
technical, and administrative details of the work called for by the contract, it shall be under the
guidance of the Mission Director in matters relating to foreign policy. The Chief of Party shall
keep the Mission Director currently informed of the progress of the work under the contract.

(c) In the event the conduct of any Contractor employee is not in accordance with the preceding
paragraphs, the Contractors Chief of Party shall consult with the Mission Director and the
employee involved and shall recommend to the Contractor a course of action with regard to such

(d) The parties recognize the right of the U.S. Ambassador to direct the removal from a country
of any U.S. citizen or the discharge from this contract of any third country national or
cooperating country national when, at the discretion of the Ambassador, the interests of the
United States so require. Under these circumstances termination of an employee and replacement
by an acceptable substitute shall be at no cost to USAID.

(e) If it is determined that the services of such employee shall be terminated, the Contractor shall
use its best efforts to cause the return of such employee to the United States or point of origin as


(a) Contractors are reminded that information furnished under this solicitation may be subject to
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Therefore, all items that are
confidential to business, or contain trade secrets, proprietary, or personnel information must be
clearly marked. Marking of items will not necessarily preclude disclosure when the U.S. Office
of Personnel Management (OPM or The Government) determines disclosure is warranted by
FOIA. However, if such items are not marked, all information contained within the submitted
documents will be deemed to be releasable.

(b) Any information made available to the Contractor by the Government must be used only for
the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this contract and must not be divulged or made
known in any manner to any person except as may be necessary in the performance of the

(c) In performance of this contract, the Contractor assumes responsibility for protection of the
confidentiality of Government records and must ensure that all work performed by its
subcontractors must be under the supervision of the Contractor or the Contractor's responsible
(d) Each officer or employee of the Contractor or any of its subcontractors to whom any
Government record may be made available or disclosed must be notified in writing by the
Contractor that information disclosed to such officer or employee can be used only for a purpose
and to the extent authorized herein, and that further disclosure of any such information, by any
means, for a purpose or to an extent unauthorized herein, may subject the offender to criminal
sanctions imposed by 19 U.S.C. 641. That section provides, in pertinent part, that whoever
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knowingly converts to their use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys, or
disposes of any record of the United States or whoever receives the same with intent to convert it
to their use or gain, knowing it to have been converted, must be guilty of a crime punishable by a
fine of up to $10,000, or imprisoned up to ten years, or both.


Any concerns/issues related to Organizational Conflict of Interest prior to or during the

performance of this contract must be brought to the attention of the Contracting Officer as soon
as it appears. See CIB 99 online.



(a) The Contractor agrees that, if after award it discovers either an actual or potential
organizational conflict of interest with respect to this contract, it must make an immediate and
full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Officer which must include a description of the
action(s) which the Contractor has taken or proposes to take to avoid, eliminate or neutralize the

(b) The Contracting Officer will provide the Contractor with written instructions concerning the
conflict. USAID reserves the right to terminate the contract if such action is determined to be in
the best interests of the Government.



(a) This contract calls for the Contractor to furnish important services in support of the
monitoring and evaluation of USAID/Pakistans portfolio. In accordance with the principles of
FAR Subpart 9.5 and USAID policy, the Contractor remains ineligible to furnish, as a prime or
subcontractor or otherwise, implementation services under any contract or task order that results
in response to findings, proposals, or recommendations in the evaluation report within 18 months
of USAID accepting the report, unless the Head of the Contracting Activity, in consultation with
USAIDs Competition Advocate, authorizes a waiver (in accordance FAR 9.503 determining
that preclusion of the Contractor from the implementation work would not serve the
Governments interest.

(b) In addition, through the execution of this contract, the Contractor agrees that it will not use or
make available any information obtained about another organization under the contract in the
preparation of proposals or other documents in response to any solicitation for a contract or task

(c) If the Contractor gains access to proprietary information of other organizations in performing
its monitoring and evaluation services, the Contractor must agree with the other organizations to
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protect their information from unauthorized use or disclosure for as long as it remains
proprietary, and must refrain from using the information for any purpose other than that for
which it was furnished. The Contractor must provide a properly executed copy of all such
agreements to the COR.


The Contractor is reminded that U.S. Executive Orders and U.S. law prohibits transactions with,
and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with
terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of the Contractor to ensure compliance with these
Executive Orders and laws. This provision must be included in all subcontracts or subawards
issued under this contract. The Contractor can find a list of these names at the web site of the
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) with the Department of Treasury at



In response to the general threat of unauthorized access to federal facilities and information
systems, the President issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12. HSPD-12 requires all
Federal agencies to use a common Personal Identity Verification (PIV) standard when
identifying and issuing access rights to users of Federally-controlled facilities and/or Federal
Information Systems. USAID will begin issuing HSPD-12 smart card IDs to applicable
contracts, using a phased approach. Effective October 27, 2006, USAID will begin issuing new
smart card IDs to new Contractors (and new Contractor employees) requiring routine access to
USAID controlled facilities and/or access to USAIDs information systems. USAID will begin
issuance of the new smart card IDs to existing Contractors (and existing Contractor employees)
on October 27, 2007. (Exceptions would include those situations where an existing Contractor
(or Contractor employee) loses or damages his/her existing ID and would need a replacement ID
prior to Oct 27, 2007. In those situations, the existing Contractor (or Contractor employee)
would need to follow the PIV processes described below, and be issued one of the new smart

Accordingly, before a Contractor (including a Personal Services Contractor or a Contractor

employee) may obtain a USAID ID (new or replacement) authorizing him/her routine access to
USAID facilities, or logical access to USAIDs information systems, the individual must provide
two forms of identity source documents in original form and a passport size photo. One identity
source document must be a valid Federal or state government-issued picture ID. (Overseas
foreign nationals must comply with the requirements of the Regional Security Office.)
USAID/W Contractors must contact the USAID Security Office to obtain the list of acceptable
forms of documentation, and Contractors working in overseas Missions must obtain the
acceptable documentation list from the Regional Security Officer. Submission of these
documents, and related background checks, are mandatory in order for the Contractor to receive
a building access ID, and before access will be granted to any of USAIDs information systems.
All Contractors must physically present these two source documents for identity proofing at their
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USAID/W or Mission Security Briefing. The Contractor or his/her Facilities Security Officer
must return any issued building access ID and remote authentication token to USAID custody
upon termination of the individuals employment with the Contractor or completion of the
contract, whichever occurs first.

The Contractor must comply with all applicable HSPD-12 and PIV procedures, as described
above, and any subsequent USAID or government-wide HSPD-12 and PIV procedures/policies,
including any subsequent related USAID General Notices, Office of Security Directives and/or
Automated Directives System (ADS) policy directives and required procedures. This includes
HSPD-12 procedures established in USAID/Washington and those procedures established by the
overseas Regional Security Office. This includes HSPD-12 procedures established in
USAID/Washington as well as those procedures established by the overseas Regional Security
Office. In the event of inconsistencies between this clause and later issued Agency or
government-wide HSPD-12 guidance, the most recent issued guidance should take precedence,
unless otherwise instructed by the Contracting Officer.

The Contractor is required to include this clause in any subcontracts that require the
subcontractor or subcontractor employee to have routine physical access to USAID space or
logical access to USAIDs information systems.

In the event of inconsistencies between this clause and later issued Agency or government-wide
HSPD-12 guidance, the most recent issued guidance should take precedence, unless otherwise
instructed by the Contracting Officer.

The Contractor is required to include this clause in any subcontracts that require the
subcontractor or subcontractor employee to have routine physical access to USAID space or
logical access to USAIDs information systems.



(a) This contract is authorized under the United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS,
Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 (Pub.L. No. 108-25), as amended. This Act enunciates
that the U.S. Government is opposed to prostitution and related activities, which are inherently
harmful and dehumanizing, and contribute to the phenomenon of trafficking in persons. The
Contractor shall not use any of the funds made available under this contract to promote or
advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution or sex trafficking. Nothing in the preceding
sentence shall be construed to preclude the provision to individuals of palliative care, treatment,
or postexposure pharmaceutical prophylaxis, and necessary pharmaceuticals and commodities,
including test kits, condoms, and, when proven effective, microbicides.

(b) (1) Except as provided in (b)(2) and (b)(3), by its signature of this contract or subcontract for
HIV/AIDS activities, a non-governmental organization or public international organization
awardee/subawardee agrees that it is opposed to the practices of prostitution and sex trafficking
because of the psychological and physical risks they pose for women, men, and children
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(2) The following organizations are exempt from (b)(1): the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria; the World Health Organization; the International AIDS Vaccine
Initiative; and any United Nations agency.
(3) Contractors and subcontractors are exempt from (b)(1) if the contract or subcontract is for
commercial items and services as defined in FAR 2.101, such as pharmaceuticals, medical
supplies, logistics support, data management, and freight forwarding.
(4) Notwithstanding section (b)(3), not exempt from (b)(1) are contractors and subcontractors
that implement HIV/AIDS programs under this contract or subcontract by:
(i) providing supplies or services directly to the final populations receiving such supplies
or services in host countries;
(ii) providing technical assistance and training directly to host country individuals or entities on
the provision of supplies or services to the final populations receiving such supplies and services;
(iii) providing the types of services listed in FAR 37.203(b)(1)-(6) that involve giving advice
about substantive policies of a recipient, giving advice regarding the activities referenced in (i)
and (ii), or making decisions or functioning in a recipients chain of command (e.g., providing
managerial or supervisory services approving financial transactions, personnel actions).

(c) The following definitions apply for purposes of this provision: Commercial sex act means
any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person.
Prostitution means procuring or providing any commercial sex act and the practice of
prostitution has the same meaning. Sex trafficking means the recruitment, harboring,
transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. 22
U.S.C. 7102(9).

(d) The contractor shall insert this provision in all subcontracts.

(e) Any violation of this provision will result in the immediate termination of this award by

(f) This provision does not affect the applicability of FAR 52.222-50 to this contract.



Funds in this contract may not be used to finance the travel, per diem, hotel expenses, meals,
conference fees or other conference costs for any member of a foreign government's delegation
to an international conference sponsored by a public international organization, except as
provided in ADS Mandatory Reference Guidance on Funding Foreign Government Delegations
to International Conferences or as approved by the Contracting Officer.


(a) The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, Section 117 requires that the impact of
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USAIDs activities on the environment be considered and that USAID include environmental
sustainability as a central consideration in designing and carrying out its development programs.
This mandate is codified in Federal Regulations (22 CFR 216) and in USAIDs Automated
Directives System (ADS) Parts 201.5.10g and 204 (,
which, in part, require that the potential environmental impacts of USAID-financed activities are
identified prior to a final decision to proceed and that appropriate environmental safeguards are
adopted for all activities.

(b) In addition, the contractor must comply with host country environmental regulations unless
otherwise directed in writing by USAID. In case of conflict between host country and USAID
regulations, the latter will govern.

(c) No activity funded under this contract will be implemented unless an environmental threshold
determination, as defined by 22 CFR 216, has been reached for that activity, as documented in a
Request for Categorical Exclusion (RCE), Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), or
Environmental Assessment (EA) duly signed by the Bureau Environmental Officer (BEO)
(Taken together, Approved Regulation 216 Environmental Documentation.)

(d) An IEE has been approved for YWFD Project funding this RFP. The IEE covers activities
expected to be implemented under this contract. USAID has determined that a Negative
Determination with conditions applies to one or more of the proposed activities. This indicates
that if these activities are implemented subject to the specified conditions, they are expected to
have no significant adverse effect on the environment. The contractor will be responsible for
implementing all IEE conditions pertaining to activities to be funded under this award.

(e) As part of its initial Work Plan, and all Annual Work Plans thereafter, the contractor, in
collaboration with the USAID COTR and Mission Environmental Officer (MEO) or BEO, as
appropriate, will review all ongoing and planned activities under this contract to determine if
they are within the scope of the Approved Regulation 216 Environmental Documentation.

(f) If the contractor plans any new activities outside the scope of the Approved Regulation 216
Environmental Documentation, it will prepare an amendment to the documentation for USAID
review and approval. No such new activities must be undertaken prior to receiving written
USAID approval of environmental documentation amendments.

(g) Any ongoing activities found to be outside the scope of the Approved Regulation 216
Environmental Documentation must be halted until an amendment to the documentation is
submitted and written approval is received from USAID.

(h) When the Approved Regulation 216 Environmental Documentation is (1) an IEE that
contains one or more Negative Determinations with conditions and/or (2) an EA, the contractor:

(1) Unless the Approved Regulation 216 Environmental Documentation contains a complete
environmental mitigation and monitoring plan (EMMP) or a project mitigation and monitoring
(M&M) Plan, the contractor will prepare an EMMP or M&M Plan describing how the contractor
will, in specific terms, implement all IEE and/or EA conditions that apply to proposed project
activities within the scope of the award. The EMMP or M&M Plan will include monitoring the
implementation of the conditions and their effectiveness.
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(2) Integrate a completed EMMP or M&M Plan into the initial Annual Work Plan.

(3) Integrate an EMMP or M&M Plan into subsequent Annual Work Plans, making any necessary
adjustments to activity implementation in order to minimize adverse impacts to the environment.


(a) Pursuant to FAR 52.244-2, Subcontracts, the Contracting Officer hereby consents to the
Contractors award of the below subcontracts as proposed in the Contractors proposal that
resulted in the award of this contract to the following firms for the products or services specified

(1) Subcontractor Name: [TBD].

Amount: [TBD].

(b) The Contractor must request Contracting Officer consent and submit the information required
by FAR 52.244-2, Subcontracts, for any subcontracts requiring consent but not listed above.


FAR Part 27 and the clauses prescribed in that part prohibit contractors performing in or
recruiting from the U.S. from engaging in certain discriminatory practices. USAID is committed
to achieving and maintaining a diverse and representative workforce and a workplace free of
discrimination. Based on law, Executive Order, and Agency policy, USAID prohibits
discrimination in its own workplace on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including
pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, disability, age, veterans status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, marital status, parental status, political affiliation, and any other
conduct that does not adversely affect the performance of the employee. USAID does not
tolerate any type of harassment, either sexual or nonsexual, of any employee or applicant for
employment. Contractors are required to comply with the nondiscrimination requirements of the
FAR. In addition, the Agency strongly encourages all its contractors (at all tiers) to develop and
enforce comprehensive nondiscrimination policies for their workplaces that include protection on
these expanded bases, subject to applicable law.


(a) The Contractor must remain vigilantly aware of security conditions in Pakistan, and by
entering into a contract, assumes full responsibility for the safety of its employees. Prior to
commencing work, the Contractor must ensure that it has adequate procedures in place to advise
its employees of situations or changed conditions that could adversely affect their security. In
order to keep abreast of security conditions in Pakistan, the Contractor must seek information
from all available sources, including the USAID/Pakistan EXO/Safety & Security Office
(SSO), for all areas in which its employees work or travel.
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(b) The Contractor acknowledges that security conditions are subject to change at any moment,
that USAID cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information that it may provide to the
Contractor and that USAID assumes no responsibility for the reliability of such information. The
Contractor has sole responsibility for approving all travel plans for its employees or their
dependents (for expat personnel, if any) traveling to post if allowed by the Contractors
personnel internal policies. The Contractor is also responsible for immediately notifying
USAID/Pakistan and the U.S. Embassy American Citizen Services section in the event a U.S.
citizen employee does not return from travel as expected or does not report to work. In the event
that USAID requests the Contractor to do so, the Contractors Chief of Party (COP) must assume
responsibility for contacting all of its employees.

(c) The Contractor will provide to the USAID Pakistan EXO/SSO the name, current address, and
current home and/or cellular telephone number of the COP and of an alternate designated
employee. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the information on file in the USAID
Pakistan EXO/SSO is up-to-date so that in an emergency, the COP or alternate representative
can be reached immediately and he/she can rapidly contact all other affected employees.

(d) The Contractor is requested to notify USAID/Pakistan COR and EXO/SSO about any
changes of the individual listed in the security plan as in charge of security.

(e) LIFE SUPPORT AND SECURITY SERVICES. The Contractor is responsible for
maintaining the security of its personnel, materials and equipment. All employees of the
Contractor must meet the requirements of their work-site, which may include, but not limited to
background checks, security/restricted area clearances, drug-free workplace, safety training
and/or any other company safety and security requirements.



(a) Ammonium Nitrate (AN) and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) are marketed and
used as fertilizers for agricultural applications, and as explosives for construction/demolition
None of the funds made available under this contract/agreement shall be used, directly or
indirectly, to produce, acquire, use, transport, store, sell, or otherwise deal with AN for
agricultural applications or CAN for agricultural or construction/demolition applications. This
clause/provision supersedes the terms and conditions of any other clause/provision, including
any deemed approval, in this contract/agreement applicable to restricted goods and services. This
clause/provision shall not be altered or its applicability waived.

(b) If USAID determines that the contractor/recipient or any subcontractor/subawardee has used
any funds under this contract/agreement contrary to the restriction in paragraph (a) of this
clause/provision, the Contracting Officer may require the contractor/recipient to refund the entire
amount used for such purposes.
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(c) The contractor/recipient shall insert this clause/provision in its entirety in all
subcontracts/subawards, including (without limitation) Grants under Contracts (GUCs).


(a) Definitions: Third-party websites means sites hosted on environments external to USAID
boundaries and not directly controlled by USAID policies and staff, except through the terms and
conditions of a contract. Third-party websites include project sites.

(b) The Contractor must adhere to the following requirements when developing, launching, and
maintaining a third-party website funded by USAID for the purpose of meeting the project
implementation goals:

(1) Working through the COR, the contractor must notify the USAID Bureau for Legislative and
Public Affairs/Public Information, Production and Online Services (LPA/PIPOS) of the website
URL as far in advance of the site's launch as possible.
(2) The contractor must comply with Agency branding and marking requirements comprised of
the USAID logo and brandmark with the tagline from the American people, located on the
USAID Website at
(3) The website must be marked on the index page of the site and every major entry point to the
Website with a disclaimer that states:
The information provided on this Website is not official U.S. Government information
and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development
or the U.S. Government.
(4) The website must provide persons with disabilities access to information that is comparable
to the access available to others. As such, all site content must be compliant with the
requirements of the Section 508 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act.
(5) The contractor must identify and provide to the COR, in writing, the contact information for
the information security point of contact. The contractor is responsible for updating the contact
information whenever there is a change in personnel assigned to this role.
(6) The contractor must provide adequate protection from unauthorized access, alteration,
disclosure, or misuse of information processed, stored, or transmitted on the websites. To
minimize security risks and ensure the integrity and availability of information, the contractor
must use sound: system/software management; engineering and development; and secure-coding
practices consistent with USAID standards and information security best practices. Rigorous
security safeguards, including but not limited to, virus protection; network intrusion detection
and prevention programs; and vulnerability management systems must be implemented and
critical security issues must be resolved as quickly as possible or within 30 days. Contact the
USAID Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at for specific standards
and guidance.
(7) The contractor must conduct periodic vulnerability scans, mitigate all security risks identified
during such scans, and report subsequent remediation actions to CISO at and
COR within 30 workdays from the date vulnerabilities are identified. The report must include
disclosure of the tools used to conduct the scans. Alternatively, the contractor may authorize
USAID CISO at to conduct periodic vulnerability scans via its Web-scanning
program. The sole purpose of USAID scanning will be to minimize security risks. The contractor
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will be responsible for taking the necessary remediation action and reporting to USAID as
specified above.

(c) For general information, agency graphics, metadata, privacy policy, and 508 compliance


The contractor must obtain USAID approval prior to committing costs related to conferences
funded in whole or in part with USAID funds where:

(1) Twenty (20) or more USAID employees are expected to attend.

(2) The net conference expense funded by USAID will exceed $100,000 (excluding salary of
employees), regardless of the number of USAID participants. A conference is defined as a
seminar, meeting, retreat, symposium, workshop, training activity or other such event that
requires temporary duty travel of USAID employees. For the purpose of this policy, an employee
is defined as a U.S. direct hire; personal services contractor, including U.S. PSCs, Foreign
Service National (FSN)/Cooperating Country National (CCN) and Third Country National
(TCN); or a Federal employee detailed to USAID from another government agency.
Conferences approved at the time of award will be incorporated into the award. Any subsequent
requests for approval of conferences must be submitted by the contractor to the USAID COR.
The COR will obtain the required agency approvals and communicate such approvals to the
contractor in writing. The request for conference approval must include:

A brief summary of the proposed event;

A justification for the conference and alternatives considered, e.g., teleconferencing and
The estimated budget by line item (e.g., travel and per diem, venue, facilitators, meals,
equipment, printing, access fees, ground transportation);
A list of USAID employees attending and a justification for each; and the number of
other USAID-funded participants (e.g., institutional contractors);
The venues considered (including government-owned facility), cost comparison, and
justification for venue selected if it is not the lowest cost option;
If meals will be provided to local employees (a local employee would not be in travel
status), a determination that the meals are a necessary expense for achieving Agency
objectives; and
A certification that strict fiscal responsibility has been exercised in making decisions
regarding conference expenditures, the proposed costs are comprehensive and represent
the greatest cost advantage to the U.S. Government, and that the proposed conference
representation has been limited to the minimum number of attendees necessary to support
the Agencys mission.


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All American staff who work for the Contractor, including Americans working for subawardees,
must register with the American Citizens Services System. The Contractor may locate this
system at or contract the following address for further

American Citizens Services

U.S. Embassy
Diplomatic Enclave
Ramna 5
Islamabad, Pakistan

The link also provides access to the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), allowing an
individual to create a profile with contact information so that the Department of State can better
assist contacting the appropriate individuals in case of an emergency.


The Contractor will comply with the following provision language as well include this provision
in all subcontracts.

(a) The Contractor awardee is required to include the following language on its website(s), and in
any solicitations, procurements and recruitments:
In cooperation with the Office of the Inspector General, USAID/Pakistan established the
Anti-Fraud Hotline to provide an avenue for the reporting of fraud, waste, and abuse
potentially associated with USAID-funded projects in Pakistan. The Anti-Fraud Hotline handles
complaints with complete confidentiality and individuals are encouraged to report when
corruption, fraud, waste or abuse may exist in the USAID/Pakistan activities. Reports can be
filed anonymously via the easy-to-use Hotline (toll free number 0800 84700); e-mail at; fax at 021-35390410; postal address at 5-C, 2nd Floor
Khayban-e-Ittehad, Phase VII, DHA, Karachi, Pakistan; and on the website www.anti-

(b) Fraud awareness materials (in all regional languages) are available at www.anti-, and the Contractor must use reasonable efforts to ensure that
USAID/Pakistans sub awardees are provided these materials.

(c) The Contractor must prominently post notice(s) of USAID/Pakistans Anti-Fraud Hotline
within public areas of its projects offices and implementation areas in the appropriate local
languages (unless USAID agrees to the contrary in special circumstances i.e. security threats or
law and order issues). Copies of the posters are available at Anti-Fraud Hotline office and can be
requested by contacting the hotline number or emailing them at
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USAID encourages host country governments, bilateral and multilateral development partners,
contractors, subcontractors, grantees, sub-grantees, and private sector alliance partners to help
strengthen the financial services sector in the countries we work. Where programs propose cash
distributions, partners shall consider incorporating electronic payment systems into program
design and implementation where feasible, thereby reducing reliance on physical cash. If you are
considering the use of electronic payments in your operations and programs, please include in
your application a brief explanation of the selected method of electronic payment, and where
feasible, how you propose to reduce the reliance on physical cash. Examples of operational costs
that can use e-payments are: temporary staff salaries; vendor payments; travel per-diem for staff.
Examples of program costs that can use e-payments are: cash for work payments; payment to
trainers or trainers of trainers; direct grants to beneficiaries. This discussion of the type of
payment is for informational purposes and for our understanding of how you propose to pay
recipients/ beneficiaries. This information will be used by USAID to understand and measure the
impact of USAIDs promotion of the use of electronic payments by implementing partners. The
information provided in your proposal/application will not be an evaluation factor unless
specifically stated as such in the evaluation criteria in this solicitation document.


(a) USAID will not tolerate any corruption or any other improper business practices related to
the solicitation and resultant contract. Transactions relating to the expenditure of public funds
require the highest degree of public trust and an impeccable standard of conduct by contractors,
subcontractors, and any other agent acting in connection with this contract. Examples of such
unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to, providing or offering of bribes to any
person associated with the contract or any subcontracts; soliciting or accepting kickbacks or
bribes; and knowingly making any false or misleading accounting reports or financial statements.

(b) Contractors, subcontractors and any other agents acting under contracts awarded herein are
expected to employ due diligence and have internal controls in place towards practicing good
governance in execution of the contract. Any one of these entities found to have engaged in
illegal activity, improper behavior, or corrupt practices will be subject to corrective actions in
accordance with the respective FAR clause incorporated into the solicitation and resultant


USAID reserves the right to terminate this Contract, to demand a refund or take other appropriate
measures if the Contractor, any subawardee, or any project staff acting under the auspices of the
Contractor is found to have been convicted of a narcotics offense or to have been engaged in
drug trafficking as defined in 22 CFR Part 140.

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The following contract clauses pertinent to this section are hereby incorporated by reference (by
Citation Number, Title, and Date) in accordance with the clause at FAR 52.252-2, Clauses
Incorporated by Reference, in Section I of this contract. See FAR 52.252-2 for an internet
address (if specified) for electronic access to the full text of a clause.


Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 1)

52.202-1 Definitions (NOV 2013)

52.203-3 Gratuities (APR 1984)
52.203-5 Covenant Against Contingent Fees (MAY 2014)
52.203-6 Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government (SEP 2006)
52.203-7 Anti-Kickback Procedures (MAY 2014)
52.203-8 Cancellation, Rescission and Recovery of Funds for Illegal Activity (MAY 2014)
52.203-10 Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity (MAY 2014)
52.203-12 Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions (OCT 2010)
52.203-14 Display of Hotline Posters (DEC 2007)
52.203-16 Preventing Personal Conflicts of Interest (DEC 2011)
52.203-17 Contractor Employee Whistleblower Rights and Requirement to Inform
Employees of Whistleblower Rights (APR 2014)
52.204-4 Printed or Copied Double-Sided on Postconsumer Fiber Content
Paper (MAY 2011)
52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel (JAN 2011)
52.204-10 Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract
Awards (JUL 2013)
52.204-13 System for Award Management Maintenance (JUL 2013)
52.209-6 Protecting the Governments Interest When Subcontracting with
Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (AUG 2013)
52.209-10 Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations (MAY 2012)
52.210-1 Market Research (APR 2011)
52.215-2 Audit and RecordsNegotiation (OCT 2010)
52.215-8 Order of PrecedenceUniform Contract Format (OCT 1997)
52.215-14 Integrity of Unit Prices (OCT 2010)
52.215-15 Pension Adjustments and Asset Reversions (OCT 2010)
52.215-18 Reversion or Adjustment of Plans for Postretirement Benefits (PRB)
Other Than Pensions (JUL 2005)
52.215-19 Notification of Ownership Changes (OCT 1997)
52.216-7 Allowable Cost and Payment (JUN 2013)
52.217-2 Cancellation Under Multi-Year Contracts (OCT 1997)
52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns (MAY 2014)
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52.219-9 Small Business Subcontracting Plan (JUL 2013)

52.219-16 Liquidated DamagesSubcontracting Plan (JAN 1999)
52.219-23 Notice of Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged
Business Concerns (OCT 2008)
52.219-25 Small Disadvantaged Business Participation ProgramDisadvantaged
Status and Reporting (JUL 2013)
52.222-2 Payment for Overtime Premium (JUL 1990)
52.222-19 Child LaborCooperation with Authorities and Remedies (JAN 2014)
52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (FEB 1999)
52.222-26 Equal Opportunity (MAR 2007)
52.222-29 Notification of Visa Denial (JUN 2003)
52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Veterans (SEP 2010)
52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities (OCT 2010)
52.222-37 Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the
Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans (SEP 2010)
52.222-38 Compliance with Veterans Employment Reporting Requirements (SEP 2010)
52.223-6 Drug Free Workplace (MAY 2001)
52.223-18 Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban Text Messaging While
Driving (AUG 2011)
52.225-13 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (JUN 2008)
52.227-14 Rights in DataGeneral (MAY 2014)
52.227-23 Rights to Proposal DataTechnical (JUN 1987)
52.228-3 Workers Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act) (APR 1984)
52.228-7 InsuranceLiability to Third Persons (MAR 1996)
52.228-8 Liability and InsuranceLeased Motor Vehicles (MAY 1999)
52.229-8 TaxesForeign Cost Reimbursement Contracts (MAR 1990)
52.230-2 Cost Accounting Standards (MAY 2014)
52.230-4 Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting
PracticesForeign Concerns (MAY 2012)
52.230-6 Administration of Cost Accounting Standards (JUN 2010)
52.232-9 Limitation on Withholding of Payments (APR 1984)
52.232-17 Interest (MAY 2014)
52.232-18 Availability of Funds (APR 1984)
52.232-20 Limitation of Cost (APR 1984)
52.232-22 Limitation of Funds (APR 1984)
52.232-23 Assignment of Claims (MAY 2014)
52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds TransferCentral Contractor
Registration (JUL 2013)
52.232-39 Unenforceability of Unauthorized Obligations (JUN 2013)
52.232-40 Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Contractors (DEC 2013)
52.233-1 Disputes (MAY 2014)
52.233-3 Protest after Award (AUG 1996)
52.233-4 Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim (OCT 2004)
52.237-3 Continuity of Services (JAN 1991)
52.237-9 Waiver of Limitation on Severance Payments to Foreign Nationals (AUG 2003)
52.242-1 Notice of Intent to Disallow Costs (MAY 2014)
52.242-3 Penalties for Unallowable Costs (MAY 2014)
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52.242-4 Certification of Final Indirect Costs (JAN 1997)

52.242-13 Bankruptcy (JUL 1995)
52.243-2 ChangesCost-Reimbursement (AUG 1987)
52.243-2 ChangesCost Reimbursement Alternate I (APR 1984)
52.243-7 Notification of Changes (APR 1984)
52.244-2 Subcontracts (OCT 2010)
52.244-2 Subcontracts Alternate I (JUN 2007)
52.244-5 Competition in Subcontracting (DEC 1996)
52.244-6 Subcontracts for Commercial Items (MAY 2014)
52.245-1 Government Property (APR 2012)
52.245-9 Use and Charges (APR 2012)
52.246-23 Limitation of Liability (FEB 1997)
52.246-25 Limitation of LiabilityServices (FEB 1997)
52.247-63 Preference for U.S.-Flag Air Carriers (JUN 2003)
52.247-64 Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels (FEB 2006)
52.249-6 Termination (Cost-Reimbursement) (MAY 2004)
52.249-14 Excusable Delays (APR 1984)
52.251-1 Government Supply Sources (APR 2012))
52.253-1 Computer Generated Forms (JAN 1991)


Agency for International Development Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 7)

752.202-1 Definitions (JAN 1990)

752.204-2 Security Requirements
752.209-71 Organizational Conflicts of Interest Discovered After Award (JUN 1993)
752.211-70 Language and Measurement (JUN 1992)
752.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns and Small Disadvantaged Business
752.225-71 Local Procurement (FEB 1997)
752.226-2 Subcontracting with Disadvantaged Enterprises (JUL 1997)
752.226-3 Limitations on Subcontracting (JUN 1993)
752.227-14 Rights in DataGeneral (OCT 2007)
752.228-7 InsuranceLiability to Third Persons (JUL 2007)
752.229-70 Federal, State and Local Taxes
752.231-70 Salary Supplements for Host Government Employees (OCT 1998)
752.245-71 Title to and Care of Property (APR 1984)
752.7001 Biographical Data (JUL 1997)
752.7002 Travel and Transportation (JAN 1990)
752.7003 Documentation for Payment (NOV 1998)
752.7006 Notices (APR 1984)
752.7008 Use of Government Facilities or Personnel (APR 1984)
752.7010 U.S. Dollars to Local Currency (APR 1984)
752.7011 Orientation and Language Training (APR 1984)
752.7014 Notice of Changes in Travel Regulations (JAN 1990)
752.7015 Use of Pouch Facilities (JUL 1997)
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752.7018 Health and Accident Coverage for USAID Participant Trainees (JAN 1999)
752.7019 Participant Training (JAN 1999)
752.7023 Required Visa Form for USAID (APR 1984)
752.7025 Approvals (APR 1984)
752.7029 Post Privileges (JUL 1993)
752.7031 Leave and Holidays (OCT 1989)
752.7032 International Travel Approval and Notification Requirements (JAN 1990)
752.7033 Physical Fitness (JUL 1997)
752.7034 Acknowledgment and Disclaimer (DEC 1991)
752.7035 Public Notices (DEC 1991)


(APR 2010)

(a) Definitions. As used in this clause

Agent means any individual, including a director, an officer, an employee, or an
independent Contractor, authorized to act on behalf of the organization.
Full cooperation
(1) Means disclosure to the Government of the information sufficient for law enforcement
to identify the nature and extent of the offense and the individuals responsible for the conduct. It
includes providing timely and complete response to Government auditors and investigators'
request for documents and access to employees with information;
(2) Does not foreclose any Contractor rights arising in law, the FAR, or the terms of the
contract. It does not require
(i) A Contractor to waive its attorney-client privilege or the protections afforded by the
attorney work product doctrine; or
(ii) Any officer, director, owner, or employee of the Contractor, including a sole
proprietor, to waive his or her attorney client privilege or Fifth Amendment rights; and
(3) Does not restrict a Contractor from
(i) Conducting an internal investigation; or
(ii) Defending a proceeding or dispute arising under the contract or related to a potential
or disclosed violation.
Principal means an officer, director, owner, partner, or a person having primary
management or supervisory responsibilities within a business entity (e.g., general manager; plant
manager; head of a division or business segment; and similar positions).
Subcontract means any contract entered into by a subcontractor to furnish supplies or
services for performance of a prime contract or a subcontract.
Subcontractor means any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm that furnished supplies or
services to or for a prime contractor or another subcontractor.
United States, means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and outlying areas.
(b) Code of business ethics and conduct.
(1) Within 30 days after contract award, unless the Contracting Officer establishes a longer
time period, the Contractor shall
(i) Have a written code of business ethics and conduct; and
(ii) Make a copy of the code available to each employee engaged in performance of the
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(2) The Contractor shall

(i) Exercise due diligence to prevent and detect criminal conduct; and
(ii) Otherwise promote an organizational culture that encourages ethical conduct and a
commitment to compliance with the law.
(3)(i) The Contractor shall timely disclose, in writing, to the agency Office of the Inspector
General (OIG), with a copy to the Contracting Officer, whenever, in connection with the award,
performance, or closeout of this contract or any subcontract thereunder, the Contractor has
credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, or subcontractor of the Contractor has
(A) A violation of Federal criminal law involving fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, or
gratuity violations found in Title 18 of the United States Code; or
(B) A violation of the civil False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. 3729-3733).
(ii) The Government, to the extent permitted by law and regulation, shall safeguard and
treat information obtained pursuant to the Contractors disclosure as confidential where the
information has been marked confidential or proprietary by the company. To the extent
permitted by law and regulation, such information shall not be released by the Government to the
public pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request, 5 U.S.C. Section 552, without prior
notification to the Contractor. The Government may transfer documents provided by the
Contractor to any department or agency within the Executive Branch if the information relates to
matters within the organizations jurisdiction.
(iii) If the violation relates to an order against a Government wide acquisition contract, a
multi-agency contract, a multiple-award schedule contract such as the Federal Supply Schedule,
or any other procurement instrument intended for use by multiple agencies, the Contractor shall
notify the OIG of the ordering agency and the IG of the agency responsible for the basic contract.
(c) Business ethics awareness and compliance program and internal control system. This
paragraph (c) does not apply if the Contractor has represented itself as a small business concern
pursuant to the award of this contract or if this contract is for the acquisition of a commercial
item as defined at FAR 2.101. The Contractor shall establish the following within 90 days after
contract award, unless the Contracting Officer establishes a longer time period:
(1) An ongoing business ethics awareness and compliance program.
(i) This program shall include reasonable steps to communicate periodically and in a
practical manner the Contractors standards and procedures and other aspects of the Contractors
business ethics awareness and compliance program and internal control system, by conducting
effective training programs and otherwise disseminating information appropriate to an
individuals respective roles and responsibilities.
(ii) The training conducted under this program shall be provided to the Contractors
principals and employees, and as appropriate, the Contractors agents and subcontractors.
(2) An internal control system.
(i) The Contractors internal control system shall
(A) Establish standards and procedures to facilitate timely discovery of improper
conduct in connection with Government contracts; and
(B) Ensure corrective measures are promptly instituted and carried out.
(ii) At a minimum, the Contractors internal control system shall provide for the
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(A) Assignment of responsibility at a sufficiently high level and adequate resources to

ensure effectiveness of the business ethics awareness and compliance program and internal
control system.
(B) Reasonable efforts not to include an individual as a principal, whom due diligence
would have exposed as having engaged in conduct that is in conflict with the Contractors code
of business ethics and conduct.

(C) Periodic reviews of company business practices, procedures, policies, and internal
controls for compliance with the Contractors code of business ethics and conduct and the special
requirements of Government contracting, including
(1) Monitoring and auditing to detect criminal conduct;
(2) Periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of the business ethics awareness and
compliance program and internal control system, especially if criminal conduct has been
detected; and
(3) Periodic assessment of the risk of criminal conduct, with appropriate steps to
design, implement, or modify the business ethics awareness and compliance program and the
internal control system as necessary to reduce the risk of criminal conduct identified through this
(D) An internal reporting mechanism, such as a hotline, which allows for anonymity or
confidentiality, by which employees may report suspected instances of improper conduct, and
instructions that encourage employees to make such reports.
(E) Disciplinary action for improper conduct or for failing to take reasonable steps to
prevent or detect improper conduct.
(F) Timely disclosure, in writing, to the agency OIG, with a copy to the Contracting
Officer, whenever, in connection with the award, performance, or closeout of any Government
contract performed by the Contractor or a subcontract thereunder, the Contractor has credible
evidence that a principal, employee, agent, or subcontractor of the Contractor has committed a
violation of Federal criminal law involving fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, or gratuity
violations found in Title 18 U.S.C. or a violation of the civil False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. 3729-
(1) If a violation relates to more than one Government contract, the Contractor may
make the disclosure to the agency OIG and Contracting Officer responsible for the largest dollar
value contract impacted by the violation.
(2) If the violation relates to an order against a Government wide acquisition
contract, a multi-agency contract, a multiple-award schedule contract such as the Federal Supply
Schedule, or any other procurement instrument intended for use by multiple agencies, the
contractor shall notify the OIG of the ordering agency and the IG of the agency responsible for
the basic contract, and the respective agencies contracting officers.
(3) The disclosure requirement for an individual contract continues until at least 3
years after final payment on the contract.
(4) The Government shall safeguard such disclosures in accordance with paragraph
(b)(3)(ii) of this clause.
(G) Full cooperation with any Government agencies responsible for audits,
investigations, or corrective actions.

(d) Subcontracts.
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(1) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (d), in
subcontracts that have a value in excess of $5,000,000 and a performance period of more than
120 days.
(2) In altering this clause to identify the appropriate parties, all disclosures of violation of
the civil False Claims Act or of Federal criminal law shall be directed to the agency Office of the
Inspector General, with a copy to the Contracting Officer.
(End of clause)



(a) Definitions. As used in this provision

Administrative proceeding means a non-judicial process that is adjudicatory in nature in order

to make a determination of fault or liability (e.g., Securities and Exchange Commission
Administrative Proceedings, Civilian Board of Contract Appeals Proceedings, and Armed
Services Board of Contract Appeals Proceedings). This includes administrative proceeding at the
Federal and State level but only in connection with performance of a Federal contract or grant. It
does not include agency actions such as contract audits, site visits, corrective plans, or inspection
of deliverables.

Federal contracts and grants with total value greater than $10,000,000 means

(1) The total value of all current, active contracts and grants, including all priced options;

(2) The total value of all current, active orders including all priced options under
indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity, 8(a), or requirements contracts (including task
and delivery and multiple-award Schedules).

Principal means an officer, director, owner, partner, or a person having primary management
or supervisory responsibilities within a business entity (e.g., general manager; plant manager;
head of a division or business segment; and similar positions).

(b) The offeror [_] has [_] does not have current active Federal contracts and grants with total
value greater than $10,000,000.

(c) If the offeror checked has in paragraph (b) of this provision, the offeror represents, by
submission of this offer, that the information it has entered in the Federal Awardee Performance
and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) is current, accurate, and complete as of the date of
submission of this offer with regard to the following information:

(1) Whether the offeror, and/or any of its principals, has or has not, within the last five
years, in connection with the award to or performance by the offeror of a Federal contract
or grant, been the subject of a proceeding, at the Federal or State level that resulted in any
of the following dispositions:
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(i) In a criminal proceeding, a conviction.

(ii) In a civil proceeding, a finding of fault and liability that results in the payment
of a monetary fine, penalty, reimbursement, restitution, or damages of $5,000 or

(iii) In an administrative proceeding, a finding of fault and liability that results


(A) The payment of a monetary fine or penalty of $5,000 or more; or

(B) The payment of a reimbursement, restitution, or damages in excess of


(iv) In a criminal, civil, or administrative proceeding, a disposition of the matter

by consent or compromise with an acknowledgment of fault by the Contractor if
the proceeding could have led to any of the outcomes specified in paragraphs
(c)(1)(i), (c)(1)(ii), or (c)(1)(iii) of this provision.

(2) If the offeror has been involved in the last five years in any of the occurrences listed
in (c)(1) of this provision, whether the offeror has provided the requested information
with regard to each occurrence.

(d) The offeror shall post the information in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iv) of this
provision in FAPIIS as required through maintaining an active registration in the System for
Award Management database via (see 52.204-7).

(End of provision)



(a) The Contractor shall update the information in the Federal Awardee Performance and
Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) on a semi-annual basis, throughout the life of the
contract, by posting the required information in the System for Award Management database via

(b) As required by section 3010 of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010 (Pub. L. 111-
212), all information posted in FAPIIS on or after April 15, 2011, except past performance
reviews, will be publicly available. FAPIIS consist of two segments

(1) The non-public segment, into which Government officials and the Contractor post
information, which can only be viewed by

(i) Government personnel and authorized users performing business on behalf of

the Government; or
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(ii) The Contractor, when viewing data on itself; and

(2) The publicly-available segment, to which all data in the non-public segment of
FAPIIS is automatically transferred after a waiting period of 14 calendar days, except for-

(i) Past performance reviews required by subpart 42.15;

(ii) Information that was entered prior to April 15, 2011; or

(iii) Information that is withdrawn during the 14-calendar-day waiting period by

the Government official who posted it in accordance with paragraph (c)(1) of this

(c) The Contractor will receive notification when the Government posts new information to the
Contractors record.

(1) If the Contractor asserts in writing within 7 calendar days, to the Government official
who posted the information, that some of the information posted to the non-public
segment of FAPIIS is covered by a disclosure exemption under the Freedom of
Information Act, the Government official who posted the information must within 7
calendar days remove the posting from FAPIIS and resolve the issue in accordance with
agency Freedom of Information procedures, prior to reposting the releasable information.
The contractor must cite 52.209-9 and request removal within 7 calendar days of the
posting to FAPIIS.

(2) The Contractor will also have an opportunity to post comments regarding information
that has been posted by the Government. The comments will be retained as long as the
associated information is retained, i.e., for a total period of 6 years. Contractor comments
will remain a part of the record unless the Contractor revises them.

(3) As required by section 3010 of Pub. L. 111-212, all information posted in FAPIIS on
or after April 15, 2011, except past performance reviews, will be publicly available.

(d) Public requests for system information posted prior to April 15, 2011, will be handled under
Freedom of Information Act procedures, including, where appropriate, procedures promulgated
under E.O. 12600.

(End of clause)


(a) Definitions. As used in this clause

Added value means that the Contractor performs subcontract management functions that the
Contracting Officer determines are a benefit to the Government (e.g., processing orders of parts
or services, maintaining inventory, reducing delivery lead times, managing multiple sources for
contract requirements, coordinating deliveries, performing quality assurance functions).
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Excessive pass-through charge, with respect to a Contractor or subcontractor that adds no or

negligible value to a contract or subcontract, means a charge to the Government by the
Contractor or subcontractor that is for indirect costs or profit/fee on work performed by a
subcontractor (other than charges for the costs of managing subcontracts and any applicable
indirect costs and associated profit/fee based on such costs).
No or negligible value means the Contractor or subcontractor cannot demonstrate to the
Contracting Officer that its effort added value to the contract or subcontract in accomplishing the
work performed under the contract (including task or delivery orders).
Subcontract means any contract, as defined in FAR 2.101, entered into by a subcontractor to
furnish supplies or services for performance of the contract or a subcontract. It includes but is not
limited to purchase orders, and changes and modifications to purchase orders.
Subcontractor, as defined in FAR 44.101, means any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm
that furnishes supplies or services to or for a prime Contractor or another subcontractor.
(b) General. The Government shall not pay excessive pass-through charges. The Contracting
Officer shall determine if excessive pass-through charges exist.
(c) Reporting. Required reporting of performance of work by the Contractor or a
subcontractor. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing if
(1) The Contractor changes the amount of subcontract effort after award such that it exceeds
70 percent of the total cost of work to be performed under the contract, task order, or delivery
order. The notification shall identify the revised cost of the subcontract effort and shall include
verification that the Contractor shall provide added value; or
(2) Any subcontractor changes the amount of lower-tier subcontractor effort after award
such that it exceeds 70 percent of the total cost of the work to be performed under its
subcontract. The notification shall identify the revised cost of the subcontract effort and shall
include verification that the subcontractor shall provide added value as related to the work to be
performed by the lower-tier subcontractor(s).
(d) Recovery of excessive pass-through charges. If the Contracting Officer determines that
excessive pass-through charges exist;
(1) For other than fixed-price contracts, the excessive pass-through charges are unallowable
in accordance with the provisions in FAR subpart 31.2; and
(2) For applicable DoD fixed-price contracts, as identified in 15.408(n)(2)(i)(B), the
Government shall be entitled to a price reduction for the amount of excessive pass-through
charges included in the contract price.
(e) Access to records.
(1) The Contracting Officer, or authorized representative, shall have the right to examine
and audit all the Contractors records (as defined at FAR 52.215-2(a)) necessary to determine
whether the Contractor proposed, billed, or claimed excessive pass-through charges.
(2) For those subcontracts to which paragraph (f) of this clause applies, the Contracting
Officer, or authorized representative, shall have the right to examine and audit all the
subcontractors records (as defined at FAR 52.215-2(a)) necessary to determine whether the
subcontractor proposed, billed, or claimed excessive pass-through charges.
(f) Flowdown. The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this
paragraph (f), in all cost-reimbursement subcontracts under this contract that exceed the
simplified acquisition threshold, except if the contract is with DoD, then insert in all cost-
reimbursement subcontracts and fixed-price subcontracts, except those identified in
15.408(n)(2)(i)(B)(2), that exceed the threshold for obtaining cost or pricing data in accordance
with FAR 15.403-4.
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(End of clause)

I.6 52.216-8 FIXED FEE (JUN 2011)

(a) The Government shall pay the Contractor for performing this contract the fixed fee specified
in the Schedule.

(b) Payment of the fixed fee shall be made as specified in the Schedule; provided that the
Contracting Officer withholds a reserve not to exceed 15 percent of the total fixed fee or
$100,000, whichever is less, to protect the Governments interest. The Contracting Officer shall
release 75 percent of all fee withholds under this contract after receipt of an adequate certified
final indirect cost rate proposal covering the year of physical completion of this contract,
provided the Contractor has satisfied all other contract terms and conditions, including the
submission of the final patent and royalty reports, and is not delinquent in submitting final
vouchers on prior years settlements. The Contracting Officer may release up to 90 percent of the
fee withholds under this contract based on the Contractors past performance related to the
submission and settlement of final indirect cost rate proposals.

(End of clause)

I.7 52.216-18 ORDERING (OCT 1995)

(a) Any supplies and services to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered by issuance of
delivery orders or task orders by the individuals or activities designated in the Schedule. Such
orders may be issued from __TBD_____ through ____TBD______ [insert dates].

(b) All delivery orders or task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. In
the event of conflict between a delivery order or task order and this contract, the contract shall

(c) If mailed, a delivery order or task order is considered issued when the Government deposits
the order in the mail. Orders may be issued orally, by facsimile, or by electronic commerce
methods only if authorized in the Schedule.

(End of clause)

I.8 52.216-19 ORDER LIMITATIONS (OCT 1995)

Order Limitations (Oct 1995)

(a) Minimum order. When the Government requires supplies or services covered by this
contract in an amount of less than $25,000, the Government is not obligated to purchase, nor is
the Contractor obligated to furnish, those supplies or services under the contract.

(b) Maximum order. The Contractor is not obligated to honor

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(1) Any order for a single item in excess of $25,000,000;

(2) Any order for a combination of items in excess of $25,000,000; or

(3) A series of orders from the same ordering office within 10 days that together call for
quantities exceeding the limitation in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section.

(c) If this is a requirements contract (i.e., includes the Requirements clause at subsection 52.216-
21 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)), the Government is not required to order a part
of any one requirement from the Contractor if that requirement exceeds the maximum-order
limitations in paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the Contractor shall honor any order
exceeding the maximum order limitations in paragraph (b), unless that order (or orders) is
returned to the ordering office within 5 days after issuance, with written notice stating the
Contractors intent not to ship the item (or items) called for and the reasons. Upon receiving this
notice, the Government may acquire the supplies or services from another source.

(End of clause)

I.9 52.216-22 INDEFINITE QUANTITY (OCT 1995)

(a) This is an indefinite-quantity contract for the supplies or services specified, and effective for
the period stated, in the Schedule. The quantities of supplies and services specified in the
Schedule are estimates only and are not purchased by this contract.

(b) Delivery or performance shall be made only as authorized by orders issued in accordance
with the Ordering clause. The Contractor shall furnish to the Government, when and if ordered,
the supplies or services specified in the Schedule up to and including the quantity designated in
the Schedule as the maximum. The Government shall order at least the quantity of supplies or
services designated in the Schedule as the minimum.

(c) Except for any limitations on quantities in the Order Limitations clause or in the Schedule,
there is no limit on the number of orders that may be issued. The Government may issue orders
requiring delivery to multiple destinations or performance at multiple locations.

(d) Any order issued during the effective period of this contract and not completed within that
period shall be completed by the Contractor within the time specified in the order. The contract
shall govern the Contractors and Governments rights and obligations with respect to that order
to the same extent as if the order were completed during the contracts effective period;
provided, that the Contractor shall not be required to make any deliveries under this contract
after TBD.

(End of clause)
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(a) Definitions. As used in this clause

Coercion means
(1) Threats of serious harm to or physical restraint against any person;
(2) Any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that failure to perform an
act would result in serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; or

(3) The abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.

Commercial sex act means any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or
received by any person.

Debt bondage means the status or condition of a debtor arising from a pledge by the debtor of
his or her personal services or of those of a person under his or her control as a security for debt,
if the value of those services as reasonably assessed is not applied toward the liquidation of the
debt or the length and nature of those services are not respectively limited and defined.

Employee means an employee of the Contractor directly engaged in the performance of work
under the contract who has other than a minimal impact or involvement in contract performance.

Forced Labor means knowingly providing or obtaining the labor or services of a person

(1) By threats of serious harm to, or physical restraint against, that person or another person;
(2) By means of any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause the person to believe that, if the
person did not perform such labor or services, that person or another person would suffer serious
harm or physical restraint; or

(3) By means of the abuse or threatened abuse of law or the legal process.
Involuntary servitude includes a condition of servitude induced by means of

(1) Any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that, if the person did not
enter into or continue in such conditions, that person or another person would suffer serious harm
or physical restraint; or

(2) The abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.

Severe forms of trafficking in persons means

(1) Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in
which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or

(2) The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or
services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary
servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Sex trafficking means the recruitment, harboring,
transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.
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(b) Policy. The United States Government has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding
trafficking in persons. Contractors and contractor employees shall not

(1) Engage in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of performance of the

(2) Procure commercial sex acts during the period of performance of the contract; or
(3) Use forced labor in the performance of the contract.

(c) Contractor requirements. The Contractor shall

(1) Notify its employees of

(i) The United States Governments zero tolerance policy described in paragraph (b) of this
clause; and

(ii) The actions that shall be taken against employees for violations of this policy. Such actions
may include, but are not limited to, removal from the contract, reduction in benefits, or
termination of employment; and

(2) Take appropriate action, up to and including termination, against employees or

subcontractors that violate the policy in paragraph (b) of this clause.

(d) Notification. The Contractor shall inform the Contracting Officer immediately of

(1) Any information it receives from any source (including host country law enforcement) that
alleges a Contractor employee, subcontractor, or subcontractor employee has engaged in conduct
that violates this policy; and
(2) Any actions taken against Contractor employees, subcontractors, or subcontractor employees
pursuant to this clause.

(e) Remedies. In addition to other remedies available to the Government, the Contractors failure
to comply with the requirements of paragraphs (c), (d), or (f) of this clause may result in

(1) Requiring the Contractor to remove a Contractor employee or employees from the
performance of the contract;

(2) Requiring the Contractor to terminate a subcontract;

(3) Suspension of contract payments;

(4) Loss of award fee, consistent with the award fee plan, for the performance period in which
the Government determined Contractor non-compliance;

(5) Termination of the contract for default or cause, in accordance with the termination clause of
this contract; or
(6) Suspension or debarment.
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(f) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this
paragraph (f), in all subcontracts.

(g) Mitigating Factor. The Contracting Officer may consider whether the Contractor had a
Trafficking in Persons awareness program at the time of the violation as a mitigating factor when
determining remedies. Additional information about Trafficking in Persons and examples of
awareness programs can be found at the website for the Department of States Office to Monitor
and Combat Trafficking in Persons at

(End of clause)



The Foreign Assistance Act calls for USAID to give small businesses an opportunity to provide
supplies and services for foreign assistance projects. To help USAID meet this obligation, the
following paragraph is to be added to the clause prescribed in FAR 19.708(a): (See FAR 19.708)
USAID small business provision. To permit USAID, in accordance with the small business
provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act, to give small business firms an opportunity to
participate in supplying equipment supplies and services financed under this contract, the
Contractor shall, to the maximum extent possible, provide the following information to the
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), USAID, Washington, D.C.
20523-1414, at least 45 days prior to placing any order in excess of the simplified acquisition
threshold, except where a shorter time is requested of, and granted by OSDBU:

(1) Brief general description and quantity of commodities or services;

(2) Closing date for receiving quotations or bids; and
(3) Address where invitations or specifications may be obtained.


(a) Large and small business are encouraged to participate in the USAID Mentor-Protg
Program (the Program). Mentor firms provide eligible small business Protgs with
developmental assistance to enhance their business capabilities and ability to obtain Federal
(b) Mentor firms are large prime contractors or eligible small business capable of providing
developmental assistance. Protg firms are small business as defined in 13 CFR Parts 121, 124,
and 126.
(c) Developmental assistance is technical, managerial, financial, and other mutually beneficial
assistance that aids Protgs. The costs for developmental assistance are not chargeable to the
(d) Firms interested in participating in the Program are encouraged to contact the USAID
Mentor-Protg Program Manager (202-712-1500) for more information.
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The term Government furnished property wherever it may appear in the following clause, shall

(1) non-expendable personal property owned by or leased to the U.S. Government and furnished
to the contractor and (2) personal property furnished either prior to or during the performance of
this contract by any U.S. Government accountable officer to the contractor for use in connection
with performance of this contract and identified by such officer as accountable. The term
"government property", wherever it may appear in the following clause, shall mean government-
furnished property and non-expendable personal property title to which vests in the U.S.
Government under this contract. Non-expendable property, for purposes of this contract, is
defined as property which is complete in itself, does not lose its identity or becomes a component
part of another article when put into use; is durable, with an expected service life of two years or
more; and which has a unit cost of more than $500. Reporting Requirement: to be inserted
following the text of the FAR clause. Reporting Requirements: The contractor will submit an
annual report on all non-expendable property in a form and manner acceptable to USAID
substantially as follows:


(Name of Contractor) As of (End of Contract Year), 19xx Motor Vehicles Furniture and
furnishings Other non-expendable property Office Living quarters

A. Value of property as of last report.

B. Transactions during this reporting period.

1. Acquisitions (add):

a. Purchased by contractor 1/

b. Transferred from USAID 2/

c. Transferred from others- Without reimbursement 3/

2. Disposals (deduct):

a. Returned to USAID

b. Transferred to USAID-Contractor Purchased

c. Transferred to other Government agencies 3/

d. Other disposals 3/
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C. Value of property as of reporting date.

D. Estimated average age of contractor held property

Years Years Years Years

1/ Property which is complete in itself, does not lose its identity or become a component part of
another article when put into use; is durable, with an expected service life of two years or more;
and which has a unit cost of more than $500.

2/ Government furnished property listed in this Contract as non-expendable.

3/ Explain if transactions were not processed through or otherwise authorized by USAID


I attest that (1) physical inventories of Government property are taken not less frequently than
annually; (2) the accountability records maintained for Government property in our possession
are in agreement with such inventories; and (3) the total of the detailed accountability records
maintained agrees with the property value shown opposite line C above, and the estimated
average age of each category of property is as cited opposite line D above. Authorized Signature.


(JUN 2008)

(a) Requirements for Voluntary Sterilization Program. None of the funds made available under
this contract shall be used to pay for the performance of involuntary sterilization as a method of
family planning or to coerce or provide any financial incentive to any individual to practice

(b) Prohibition on Abortion-Related Activities.

(1) No funds made available under this contract will be used to finance, support, or be
attributed to the following activities: (i) procurement or distribution of equipment
intended to be used for the purpose of inducing abortions as a method of family planning;
(ii) special fees or incentives to any person to coerce or motivate them to have abortions;
(iii) payments to persons to perform abortions or to solicit persons to undergo abortions;
(iv) information, education, training, or communication programs that seek to promote
abortion as a method of family planning; and (v) lobbying for or against abortion. The
term motivate, as it relates to family planning assistance, shall not be construed to
prohibit the provision, consistent with local law, of information or counseling about all
pregnancy options.

(2) No funds made available under this contract will be used to pay for any biomedical
research which relates, in whole or in part, to methods of, or the performance of,
abortions or involuntary sterilizations as a means of family planning. Epidemiologic or
descriptive research to assess the incidence, extent or consequences of abortions is not
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(c) The contractor shall insert this provision in all subcontracts.

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The following contract clauses pertinent to this section are hereby incorporated by reference (by
Citation Number, Title, and Date) in accordance with FAR 52.252-2, Clauses Incorporated By
Reference, in Section I of this contract.


Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 1)
52.209-2 Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic
CorporationsRepresentation MAY 2011
52.225-25 Prohibition on Contracting with Entities Engaging in Certain
Activities or Transactions Relating to Iran Representation
and Certifications DEC 2012
52.237-8 Restriction on Severance Payments to Foreign Nationals AUG 2003


(a) Definitions.
Common parent, as used in this provision, means that corporate entity that owns or controls an
affiliated group of corporations that files its Federal income tax returns on a consolidated basis,
and of which the Offeror is a member.

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), as used in this provision, means the number required
by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to be used by the Offeror in reporting income tax and
other returns. The TIN may be either a Social Security Number or an Employer Identification

(b) All Offerors must submit the information required in paragraphs (d) through (f) of this
provision to comply with debt collection requirements of 31 U.S.C. 7701(c) and 3325(d),
reporting requirements of 26 U.S.C. 6041, 6041A, and 6050M, and implementing regulations
issued by the IRS. If the resulting contract is subject to the payment reporting requirements
described in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 4.904, the failure or refusal by the Offeror to
furnish the information may result in a 31 percent reduction of payments otherwise due under the

(c) The TIN may be used by the Government to collect and report on any delinquent amounts
arising out of the Offerors relationship with the Government (31 U.S.C. 7701(c)(3)). If the
resulting contract is subject to the payment reporting requirements described in FAR 4.904, the
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TIN provided hereunder may be matched with IRS records to verify the accuracy of the
Offerors TIN.
(d) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

[ ] TIN:. ____________________________

[ ] TIN has been applied for.

[ ] TIN is not required because:

[ ] Offeror is a nonresident alien, foreign corporation, or foreign partnership that does not have
income effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States and
does not have an office or place of business or a fiscal paying agent in the United States;

[ ] Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of a foreign government;

[ ] Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of the Federal Government.

(e) Type of organization.

[ ] Sole proprietorship;

[ ] Partnership;

[ ] Corporate entity (not tax-exempt);

[ ] Corporate entity (tax-exempt);

[ ] Government entity (Federal, State, or local);

[ ] Foreign government;

[ ] International organization per 26 CFR 1.6049-4;

[ ] Other ___________________________________________

(f) Common parent.

[ ] Offeror is not owned or controlled by a common parent as defined in paragraph (a) of this

[ ] Name and TIN of common parent:

Name ____________________________________________________

TIN ____________________________________________________
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(a)(1) The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is

(2) The small business size standard is $7,500,000.

(3) The small business size standard for a concern which submits an offer in its own name, other
than on a construction or service contract, but which proposes to furnish a product which it did
not itself manufacture, is 500 employees.
(b)(1) If the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management, is included in this
solicitation, paragraph (d) of this provision applies.
(2) If the provision at 52.204-7 is not included in this solicitation, and the Offeror is currently
registered in the System for Award Management (SAM), and has completed the Representations
and Certifications section of SAM electronically, the Offeror may choose to use paragraph (d) of
this provision instead of completing the corresponding individual representations and
certifications in the solicitation. The Offeror shall indicate which option applies by checking one
of the following boxes:

[ ] (i) Paragraph (d) applies.

[ ] (ii) Paragraph (d) does not apply and the Offeror has completed the individual representations
and certifications in the solicitation.

(c)(1) The following representations or certifications in SAM are applicable to this solicitation as

(i) 52.203-2, Certificate of Independent Price Determination. This provision applies to

solicitations when a firm-fixed-price contract or fixed-price contract with economic price
adjustment is contemplated, unless
(A) The acquisition is to be made under the simplified acquisition procedures in Part 13;
(B) The solicitation is a request for technical proposals under two-step sealed bidding
procedures; or
(C) The solicitation is for utility services for which rates are set by law or regulation.
(ii) 52.203-11, Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal
Transactions. This provision applies to solicitations expected to exceed $150,000.
(iii) 52.204-3, Taxpayer Identification. This provision applies to solicitations that do not include
the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management.
(iv) 52.204-5, Women-Owned Business (Other Than Small Business). This provision applies to
solicitations that
(A) Are not set aside for small business concerns;
(B) Exceed the simplified acquisition threshold; and
(C) Are for contracts that will be performed in the United States or its outlying areas.
(v) 52.209-2, Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic CorporationsRepresentation.
This provision applies to solicitations using funds appropriated in fiscal years 2008, 2009, 2010,
or 2012.
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(vi) 52.209-5, Certification Regarding Responsibility Matters. This provision applies to

solicitations where the contract value is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.
(vii) 52.214-14, Place of PerformanceSealed Bidding. This provision applies to invitations for
bids except those in which the place of performance is specified by the Government.
(viii) 52.215-6, Place of Performance. This provision applies to solicitations unless the place of
performance is specified by the Government.
(ix) 52.219-1, Small Business Program Representations (Basic & Alternate I). This provision
applies to solicitations when the contract will be performed in the United States or its outlying
(A) The basic provision applies when the solicitations are issued by other than DoD, NASA, and
the Coast Guard.
(B) The provision with its Alternate I applies to solicitations issued by DoD, NASA, or the Coast
(x) 52.219-2, Equal Low Bids. This provision applies to solicitations when contracting by sealed
bidding and the contract will be performed in the United States or its outlying areas.
(xi) 52.222-22, Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports. This provision applies to
solicitations that include the clause at 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity.
(xii) 52.222-25, Affirmative Action Compliance. This provision applies to solicitations, other
than those for construction, when the solicitation includes the clause at 52.222-26, Equal
(xiii) 52.222-38, Compliance with Veterans Employment Reporting Requirements. This
provision applies to solicitations when it is anticipated the contract award will exceed the
simplified acquisition threshold and the contract is not for acquisition of commercial items.
(xiv) 52.223-1, Biobased Product Certification. This provision applies to solicitations that require
the delivery or specify the use of USDAdesignated items; or include the clause at 52.223-2,
Affirmative Procurement of Biobased Products Under Service and Construction Contracts.
(xv) 52.223-4, Recovered Material Certification. This provision applies to solicitations that are
for, or specify the use of, EPAdesignated items.
(xvi) 52.225-2, Buy American Act Certificate. This provision applies to solicitations containing
the clause at 52.225-1.
(xvii) 52.225-4, Buy American ActFree Trade AgreementsIsraeli Trade Act Certificate.
(Basic, Alternates I, II, and III.) This provision applies to solicitations containing the clause at
(A) If the acquisition value is less than $25,000, the basic provision applies.
(B) If the acquisition value is $25,000 or more but is less than $50,000, the provision with its
Alternate I applies.
(C) If the acquisition value is $50,000 or more but is less than $79,507, the provision with its
Alternate II applies.
(D) If the acquisition value is $79,507 or more but is less than $100,000, the provision with its
Alternate III applies.
(xviii) 52.225-6, Trade Agreements Certificate. This provision applies to solicitations containing
the clause at 52.225-5.
(xix) 52.225-20, Prohibition on Conducting Restricted Business Operations in Sudan
Certification. This provision applies to all solicitations.
(xx) 52.225-25, Prohibition on Contracting with Entities Engaging in Certain Activities or
Transactions Relating to Iran-Representation and Certifications. This provision applies to all
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(xxi) 52.226-2, Historically Black College or University and Minority Institution Representation.
This provision applies to
(A) Solicitations for research, studies, supplies, or services of the type normally acquired from
higher educational institutions; and
(B) For DoD, NASA, and Coast Guard acquisitions, solicitations that contain the clause at
52.219-23, Notice of Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns.

(2) The following certifications are applicable as indicated by the Contracting Officer:
__ (i) 52.219-22, Small Disadvantaged Business Status.
__ (A) Basic.
__ (B) Alternate I.
__ (ii) 52.222-18, Certification Regarding Knowledge of Child Labor for Listed End Products.
__ (iii) 52.222-48, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Act to Contracts for
Maintenance, Calibration, or Repair of Certain Equipment Certification.
__ (iv) 52.222-52, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Act to Contracts for
Certain ServicesCertification.
__ (v) 52.223-9, with its Alternate I, Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for
EPA Designated Products (Alternate I only).
__ (vi) 52.227-6, Royalty Information.
__ (A) Basic.
__(B) Alternate I.
__ (vii) 52.227-15, Representation of Limited Rights Data and Restricted Computer Software.
(d) The Offeror has completed the annual representations and certifications electronically via the
SAM website accessed through After reviewing the SAM database
information, the Offeror verifies by submission of the offer that the representations and
certifications currently posted electronically that apply to this solicitation as indicated in
paragraph (c) of this provision have been entered or updated within the last 12 months, are
current, accurate, complete, and applicable to this solicitation (including the business size
standard applicable to the NAICS code referenced for this solicitation), as of the date of this
offer and are incorporated in this offer by reference (see FAR 4.1201); except for the changes
identified below [Offeror to insert changes, identifying change by clause number, title, date].
These amended representation(s) and/or certification(s) are also incorporated in this offer and are
current, accurate, and complete as of the date of this offer.

FAR Clause # Title Date Change

____________ ________ ________ _______

Any changes provided by the Offeror are applicable to this solicitation only, and do not result in
an update to the representations and certifications posted on SAM.


(APR 2010)

(a)(1) The Offeror certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that
(i) The Offeror and/or any of its Principals
(A) Are [] are not [] presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared
ineligible for the award of contracts by any Federal agency;
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(B) Have [] have not [], within a three-year period preceding this offer, been convicted of
or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in
connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local)
contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes relating to the submission
of offers; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of
records, making false statements, tax evasion, violating Federal criminal tax laws, or receiving
stolen property (if Offeror checks have, the Offeror shall also see 52.209-7, if included in this
(C) Are [] are not [] presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a
governmental entity with, commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph
(a)(1)(i)(B) of this provision;
(D) Have o, have not o, within a three-year period preceding this offer, been notified of any
delinquent Federal taxes in an amount that exceeds $3,000 for which the liability remains

(1) Federal taxes are considered delinquent if both of the following criteria apply:
(i) The tax liability is finally determined. The liability is finally determined if it
has been assessed. A liability is not finally determined if there is a pending
administrative or judicial challenge. In the case of a judicial challenge to the
liability, the liability is not finally determined until all judicial appeal rights have
been exhausted.
(ii) The taxpayer is delinquent in making payment. A taxpayer is delinquent if the
taxpayer has failed to pay the tax liability when full payment was due and
required. A taxpayer is not delinquent in cases where enforced collection action is
(2) Examples.
(i) The taxpayer has received a statutory notice of deficiency, under I.R.C.
6212, which entitles the taxpayer to seek Tax Court review of a
proposed tax deficiency. This is not a delinquent tax because it is not a
final tax liability. Should the taxpayer seek Tax Court review, this will not
be a final tax liability until the taxpayer has exercised all judicial appeal
(ii) The IRS has filed a notice of Federal tax lien with respect to an
assessed tax liability, and the taxpayer has been issued a notice under
I.R.C. 6320 entitling the taxpayer to request a hearing with the IRS
Office of Appeals contesting the lien filing, and to further appeal to the
Tax Court if the IRS determines to sustain the lien filing. In the course of
the hearing, the taxpayer is entitled to contest the underlying tax liability
because the taxpayer has had no prior opportunity to contest the liability.
This is not a delinquent tax because it is not a final tax liability. Should the
taxpayer seek tax court review, this will not be a final tax liability until the
taxpayer has exercised all judicial appeal rights.

(iii) The taxpayer has entered into an installment agreement pursuant to

I.R.C. 6159. The taxpayer is making timely payments and is in full
compliance with the agreement terms. The taxpayer is not delinquent
because the taxpayer is not currently required to make full payment.
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(iv) The taxpayer has filed for bankruptcy protection. The taxpayer is not
delinquent because enforced collection action is stayed under 11 U.S.C.
362 (the Bankruptcy Code).

(ii) The Offeror has o has not o, within a three-year period preceding this offer, had one
or more contracts terminated for default by any Federal agency.

(2) Principal, for the purposes of this certification, means an officer, director, owner, partner,
or a person having primary management or supervisory responsibilities within a business entity
(e.g., general manager; plant manager; head of a division or business segment; and similar
positions). This Certification Concerns a Matter Within the Jurisdiction of an Agency of the
United States and the Making of a False, Fictitious, or Fraudulent Certification May Render the
Maker Subject to Prosecution Under Section 1001, Title 18, United States Code.
(a) The Offeror shall provide immediate written notice to the Contracting Officer if, at any time
prior to contract award, the Offeror learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or
has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances.
(c) A certification that any of the items in paragraph (a) of this provision exists will not
necessarily result in withholding of an award under this solicitation. However, the certification
will be considered in connection with a determination of the Offerors responsibility. Failure of
the Offeror to furnish a certification or provide such additional information as requested by the
Contracting Officer may render the Offeror nonresponsible.
(d) Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of
records in order to render, in good faith, the certification required by paragraph (a) of this
provision. The knowledge and information of an Offeror is not required to exceed that which is
normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings.
(e) The certification in paragraph (a) of this provision is a material representation of fact upon
which reliance was placed when making award. If it is later determined that the Offeror
knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the
Government, the Contracting Officer may terminate the contract resulting from this solicitation
for default.



Note: This notice does not apply to small businesses or foreign governments. This notice is in
three parts, identified by Roman numerals I through III.

Offerors shall examine each part and provide the requested information in order to determine
Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) requirements applicable to any resultant contract.

If the Offeror is an educational institution, Part II does not apply unless the contemplated
contract will be subject to full or modified CAS coverage pursuant to 48 CFR 9903.201-2(c)(5)
or 9903.201-2(c)(6), respectively.


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(a) Any contract in excess of $700,000 resulting from this solicitation will be subject to the requirements
of the Cost Accounting Standards Board (48 CFR Chapter 99), except for those contracts which
are exempt as specified in 48 CFR 9903.201-1.

(b) Any Offeror submitting a proposal which, if accepted, will result in a contract subject to the
requirements of 48 CFR Chapter 99 must, as a condition of contracting, submit a Disclosure
Statement as required by 48 CFR 9903.202. When required, the Disclosure Statement must be
submitted as a part of the Offerors proposal under this solicitation unless the Offeror has already
submitted a Disclosure Statement disclosing the practices used in connection with the pricing of
this proposal. If an applicable Disclosure Statement has already been submitted, the Offeror may
satisfy the requirement for submission by providing the information requested in paragraph (c) of
Part I of this provision.

Caution: In the absence of specific regulations or agreement, a practice disclosed in a Disclosure

Statement shall not, by virtue of such disclosure, be deemed to be a proper, approved, or agreed-
to practice for pricing proposals or accumulating and reporting contract performance cost data.

(c) Check the appropriate box below:

[ ] (1) Certificate of Concurrent Submission of Disclosure Statement. The Offeror hereby

certifies that, as a part of the offer, copies of the Disclosure Statement have been submitted as
(i) Original and one copy to the cognizant Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) or
cognizant Federal agency official authorized to act in that capacity (Federal official), as
applicable; and
(ii) One copy to the cognizant Federal auditor.

(Disclosure must be on Form No. CASB DS-1 or CASB DS-2, as applicable. Forms may be
obtained from the cognizant ACO or Federal official and/or from the loose-leaf version of the
Federal Acquisition Regulation.)

Date of Disclosure Statement: _________________________

Name and Address of Cognizant ACO or Federal Official Where Filed:

The Offeror further certifies that the practices used in estimating costs in pricing this proposal
are consistent with the cost accounting practices disclosed in the Disclosure Statement.
[ ] (2) Certificate of Previously Submitted Disclosure Statement. The Offeror hereby certifies that
the required Disclosure Statement was filed as follows:

Date of Disclosure Statement: _________________________

Name and Address of Cognizant ACO or Federal Official Where Filed:

The Offeror further certifies that the practices used in estimating costs in pricing this proposal
are consistent with the cost accounting practices disclosed in the applicable Disclosure
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[ ] (3) Certificate of Monetary Exemption. The Offeror hereby certifies that the Offeror, together
with all divisions, subsidiaries, and affiliates under common control, did not receive net awards
of negotiated prime contracts and subcontracts subject to CAS totaling $50 million or more in
the cost accounting period immediately preceding the period in which this proposal was
submitted. The Offeror further certifies that if such status changes before an award resulting
from this proposal, the Offeror will advise the Contracting Officer immediately.

[ ] (4) Certificate of Interim Exemption. The Offeror hereby certifies that (i) the Offeror first
exceeded the monetary exemption for disclosure, as defined in (3) of this subsection, in the cost
accounting period immediately preceding the period in which this offer was submitted and (ii) in
accordance with 48 CFR 9903.202-1, the Offeror is not yet required to submit a Disclosure
Statement. The Offeror further certifies that if an award resulting from this proposal has not been
made within 90 days after the end of that period, the Offeror will immediately submit a revised
certificate to the Contracting Officer, in the form specified under paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of
Part I of this provision, as appropriate, to verify submission of a completed Disclosure

Caution: Offerors currently required to disclose because they were awarded a CAS-covered
prime contract or subcontract of $50 million or more in the current cost accounting period may
not claim this exemption (4). Further, the exemption applies only in connection with proposals
submitted before expiration of the 90-day period following the cost accounting period in which
the monetary exemption was exceeded.



If the Offeror is eligible to use the modified provisions of 48 CFR 9903.201-2(b) and elects to do
so, the Offeror shall indicate by checking the box below. Checking the box below shall mean that
the resultant contract is subject to the Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices
clause in lieu of the Cost Accounting Standards clause.

[ ] The Offeror hereby claims an exemption from the Cost Accounting Standards clause under
the provisions of 48 CFR 9903.201-2(b) and certifies that the Offeror is eligible for use of the
Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices clause because during the cost
accounting period immediately preceding the period in which this proposal was submitted, the
Offeror received less than $50 million in awards of CAS-covered prime contracts and
subcontracts. The Offeror further certifies that if such status changes before an award resulting
from this proposal, the Offeror will advise the Contracting Officer immediately.

Caution: An Offeror may not claim the above eligibility for modified contract coverage if this
proposal is expected to result in the award of a CAS-covered contract of $50 million or more or
if, during its current cost accounting period, the Offeror has been awarded a single CAS-covered
prime contract or subcontract of $50 million or more.


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The Offeror shall indicate below whether award of the contemplated contract would, in
accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of the Cost Accounting Standards clause, require a change in
established cost accounting practices affecting existing contracts and subcontracts.

[ ] YES [ ] NO



The Contractor shall check Yes' below if the contract award will result in a required or
unilateral change in cost accounting practice, including unilateral changes requested to be
desirable changes.
[ ] Yes [ ] No
If the Contractor checked Yes' above, the Contractor shall
(1) Prepare the price proposal in response to the solicitation using the changed practice for the
period of performance for which the practice will be used; and
(2) Submit a description of the changed cost accounting practice to the Contracting Officer and
the Cognizant Federal Agency Official as pricing support for the proposal.


The Offeror represents that it [ ] is, [ ] is not a State agency or charitable institution, and that it [ ]
is not immune, [ ] is partially immune, [ ] is totally immune from tort liability to third persons.



(a) The Offeror represents that, if it is subject to the reporting requirements of 38 U.S.C.
4212(d)(i.e., the VETS-100 report required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation clause 52.222-
37, Employment Reports on Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era), it has [ ] has
not [ ] submitted the most recent report required by 38 U.S.C. 4212(d).
(b) An Offeror who checks "has not" may not be awarded a contract until the required reports are
(31 U.S.C. 1354)


The Offeror represents that the following persons are authorized to negotiate on its behalf with
the Government in connection with this request for proposals or quotations: [list names, titles,
and e-mail addresses of the authorized negotiators].
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The Offeror has reviewed the solicitation (Sections B through J of which will become the
contract) and [ ] agrees to the terms and conditions set forth therein; or [ ] has the following
exceptions (continue on a separate attachment page, if necessary):


By signature hereon, or on an offer incorporating these Representations, Certifications, and

Other Statements of Offerors, the Offeror certifies that they are accurate, current, and complete,
and that the Offeror is aware of the penalty prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001 for making false
statements in offers.

Solicitation No. ____________________________________

Offer/Proposal No. ____________________________________

Date of Offer ____________________________________

Name of Offeror ____________________________________

Typed Name and Title ____________________________________

Signature ____________________________________

Date ____________________________________



The offeror represents that

It has [ ], has not[ ] participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal
Opportunity clause of this solicitation;

It has [ ], has not[ ] filed all required compliance reports; and Representations indicating
submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be obtained
before subcontract awards.
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The following solicitation provisions pertinent to this section are hereby incorporated by
reference (by Citation Number, Title, and Date) in accordance with the FAR provision at FAR
of this solicitation. See FAR 52.252-1 for an internet address (if specified) for electronic access
to the full text of a provision.



52.204-6 Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number JUL 2013

52.215-16 Facilities Capital Cost of Money JUN 2003
52.222-24 Preaward On-Site Equal Opportunity Compliance Evaluation FEB 1999
52.222-46 Evaluation of Compensation for Professional Employees FEB 1993
52.237-10 Identification of Uncompensated Overtime OCT 1997



(a) Definitions. As used in this provision

Discussions are negotiations that occur after establishment of the competitive range that may,
at the Contracting Officers discretion, result in the offeror being allowed to revise its proposal.

In writing, writing, or written means any worded or numbered expression that can be read,
reproduced, and later communicated, and includes electronically transmitted and stored

Proposal modification is a change made to a proposal before the solicitations closing date and
time, or made in response to an amendment, or made to correct a mistake at any time before

Proposal revision is a change to a proposal made after the solicitation closing date, at the
request of or as allowed by a Contracting Officer as the result of negotiations.

Time, if stated as a number of days, is calculated using calendar days, unless otherwise
specified, and will include Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. However, if the last day falls
on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the period shall include the next working day.

(b) Amendments to solicitations. If this solicitation is amended, all terms and conditions that
are not amended remain unchanged. Offerors shall acknowledge receipt of any amendment to
this solicitation by the date and time specified in the amendment(s).
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(c) Submission, modification, revision, and withdrawal of proposals.

(1) Unless other methods (e.g., electronic commerce or facsimile) are permitted in the
solicitation, proposals and modifications to proposals shall be submitted in paper media in sealed
envelopes or packages (i) addressed to the office specified in the solicitation, and (ii) showing
the time and date specified for receipt, the solicitation number, and the name and address of the
offeror. Offerors using commercial carriers shall ensure that the proposal is marked on the
outermost wrapper with the information in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this provision.
(2) The first page of the proposal must show
(i) The solicitation number;
(ii) The name, address, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the offeror (and
electronic address if available);
(iii) A statement specifying the extent of agreement with all terms, conditions, and
provisions included in the solicitation and agreement to furnish any or all items upon which
prices are offered at the price set opposite each item;
(iv) Names, titles, and telephone and facsimile numbers (and electronic addresses if
available) of persons authorized to negotiate on the offerors behalf with the Government in
connection with this solicitation; and
(v) Name, title, and signature of person authorized to sign the proposal. Proposals signed
by an agent shall be accompanied by evidence of that agents authority, unless that evidence has
been previously furnished to the issuing office.
(3) Submission, modification, revision, and withdrawal of proposals.
(i) Offerors are responsible for submitting proposals, and any modifications or revisions,
so as to reach the Government office designated in the solicitation by the time specified in the
solicitation. If no time is specified in the solicitation, the time for receipt is 4:30 p.m., local time,
for the designated Government office on the date that proposal or revision is due.
(ii)(A) Any proposal, modification, or revision received at the Government office
designated in the solicitation after the exact time specified for receipt of offers is late and will
not be considered unless it is received before award is made, the Contracting Officer determines
that accepting the late offer would not unduly delay the acquisition; and
(1) If it was transmitted through an electronic commerce method authorized by the
solicitation, it was received at the initial point of entry to the Government infrastructure not later
than 5:00 p.m. one working day prior to the date specified for receipt of proposals; or
(2) There is acceptable evidence to establish that it was received at the Government
installation designated for receipt of offers and was under the Governments control prior to the
time set for receipt of offers; or
(3) It is the only proposal received.
(B) However, a late modification of an otherwise successful proposal that makes its
terms more favorable to the Government; will be considered at any time it is received and may
be accepted.
(iii) Acceptable evidence to establish the time of receipt at the Government installation
includes the time/date stamp of that installation on the proposal wrapper, other documentary
evidence of receipt maintained by the installation, or oral testimony or statements of Government
(iv) If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal Government processes so
that proposals cannot be received at the office designated for receipt of proposals by the exact
time specified in the solicitation, and urgent Government requirements preclude amendment of
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the solicitation, the time specified for receipt of proposals will be deemed to be extended to the
same time of day specified in the solicitation on the first work day on which normal Government
processes resume.
(v) Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice received at any time before award.
Oral proposals in response to oral solicitations may be withdrawn orally. If the solicitation
authorizes facsimile proposals, proposals may be withdrawn via facsimile received at any time
before award, subject to the conditions specified in the provision at 52.215-5, Facsimile
Proposals. Proposals may be withdrawn in person by an offeror or an authorized representative,
if the identity of the person requesting withdrawal is established and the person signs a receipt
for the proposal before award.
(4) Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, the offeror may propose to provide any
item or combination of items.
(5) Offerors shall submit proposals in response to this solicitation in English, unless
otherwise permitted by the solicitation, and in U.S. dollars, unless the provision at FAR 52.225-
17, Evaluation of Foreign Currency Offers, is included in the solicitation.
(6) Offerors may submit modifications to their proposals at any time before the solicitation
closing date and time, and may submit modifications in response to an amendment, or to correct
a mistake at any time before award.
(7) Offerors may submit revised proposals only if requested or allowed by the Contracting
(8) Proposals may be withdrawn at any time before award. Withdrawals are effective upon
receipt of notice by the Contracting Officer.

(d) Offer expiration date. Proposals in response to this solicitation will be valid for the number
of days specified on the solicitation cover sheet (unless a different period is proposed by the

(e) Restriction on disclosure and use of data. Offerors that include in their proposals data that
they do not want disclosed to the public for any purpose, or used by the Government except for
evaluation purposes, shall

(1) Mark the title page with the following legend:

This proposal includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not
be duplicated, used, or disclosedin whole or in partfor any purpose other than to
evaluate this proposal. If, however, a contract is awarded to this offeror as a result ofor in
connection withthe submission of this data, the Government shall have the right to
duplicate, use, or disclose the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract. This
restriction does not limit the Government's right to use information contained in this data if
it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction are
contained in sheets [insert numbers or other identification of sheets]; and
(2) Mark each sheet of data it wishes to restrict with the following legend:
Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page
of this proposal.

(f) Contract award.

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(1) The Government intends to award a contract or contracts resulting from this solicitation
to the responsible offeror(s) whose proposal(s) represents the best value after evaluation in
accordance with the factors and sub-factors in the solicitation.
(2) The Government may reject any or all proposals if such action is in the Governments
(3) The Government may waive informalities and minor irregularities in proposals received.
(4) The Government intends to evaluate proposals and award a contract without discussions
with offerors (except clarifications as described in FAR 15.306(a)). Therefore, the offerors
initial proposal shall contain the offerors best terms from a cost or price and technical
standpoint. The Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if the Contracting Officer
later determines them to be necessary. If the Contracting Officer determines that the number of
proposals that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an
efficient competition can be conducted, the Contracting Officer may limit the number of
proposals in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient
competition among the most highly rated proposals.
(5) The Government reserves the right to make an award on any item for a quantity less
than the quantity offered, at the unit cost or prices offered, unless the offeror specifies otherwise
in the proposal.
(6) The Government reserves the right to make multiple awards if, after considering the
additional administrative costs, it is in the Governments best interest to do so.
(7) Exchanges with offerors after receipt of a proposal do not constitute a rejection or
counteroffer by the Government.
(8) The Government may determine that a proposal is unacceptable if the prices proposed
are materially unbalanced between line items or sub-line items. Unbalanced pricing exists when,
despite an acceptable total evaluated price, the price of one or more contract line items is
significantly overstated or understated as indicated by the application of cost or price analysis
techniques. A proposal may be rejected if the Contracting Officer determines that the lack of
balance poses an unacceptable risk to the Government.
(9) If a cost realism analysis is performed, cost realism may be considered by the source
selection authority in evaluating performance or schedule risk.
(10) A written award or acceptance of proposal mailed or otherwise furnished to the
successful offeror within the time specified in the proposal shall result in a binding contract
without further action by either party.
(11) If a post-award debriefing is given to requesting offerors, the Government shall
disclose the following information, if applicable:
(i) The agencys evaluation of the significant weak or deficient factors in the debriefed
offerors offer.
(ii) The overall evaluated cost or price and technical rating of the successful and the
debriefed offeror and past performance information on the debriefed offeror.
(iii) The overall ranking of all offerors, when any ranking was developed by the agency
during source selection.
(iv) A summary of the rationale for award.
(v) For acquisitions of commercial items, the make and model of the item to be delivered
by the successful offeror.
(vi) Reasonable responses to relevant questions posed by the debriefed offeror as to
whether source-selection procedures set forth in the solicitation, applicable regulations, and other
applicable authorities were followed by the agency.
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L.3 FAR 52.216-1 TYPE OF CONTRACT (APR 1984)

The Government contemplates award of a single Indefinite Quantity Contract with Cost-Plus-
Fixed-Fee completion type Task Orders resulting from this solicitation.

L.4 FAR 52.233-2 SERVICE OF PROTEST (SEP 2006)

(a) Protests, as defined in Section 33.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, that are filed
directly with an agency, and copies of any protests that are filed with the Government
Accountability Office (GAO), shall be served on the Contracting Officer (addressed as follows)
by obtaining written and dated acknowledgment of receipt from the Contracting Officer at:

Office of Acquisition & Assistance

U.S. Embassy
Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5
Islamabad, Pakistan

The copy of any protest shall be received in the office designated above within one day of filing
a protest with the GAO.

(b) A copy of any protest shall be faxed simultaneously to the attention of Luis A. Rivera,
fax number 0092-51-262-3567, and to the attention of Mr. William Buckhold, fax number 001-


Any questions concerning this RFP must be submitted to the Acquisition Specialist, Mr.
Muhammad Ali Bilal via e-mail to no later than the local Islamabad date
and time indicated at the top of the cover letter to this solicitation (Request for Proposals
RFP). No questions will be accepted after this date. Oral explanations or instructions given
before award of the Contract will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective
Offeror concerning this RFP will be furnished promptly to all other prospective Offerors as an
amendment of this RFP, if that information is necessary in submitting proposals.



All proposals received by the deadline will be reviewed for responsiveness to the specifications
outlined in these guidelines and the proposal format. Proposals which are submitted late or are
incomplete run the risk of not being considered in the review process. Each initial offer must
contain the Offerors best proposal from both a cost and a technical standpoint.

The proposals must be prepared according to the structural format set forth below. Proposals
must be received at the place designated and by the date specified in the Cover Letter of
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this solicitation (Request for Proposals - RFP), and must be considered valid for a period of
180 calendar days from the solicitation closing date.


The Offeror must submit the proposal both in hard copies and electronically, as follows:

(a) Electronically internet email with attachments compatible with MS WORD, Excel,
Adobe Acrobat in MS Windows environment to: Mr. Muhammad Bilal at


(b) Hard Copies submit one (1) original and six (6) copies of the Technical Proposal and
one (1) original and three (3) copies of the cost proposal to:

Office of Acquisition & Assistance

U.S. Embassy
Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5
Islamabad, Pakistan

Proposals sent via postal and courier service must be received by the due date specified in
the Cover Letter. Lost or misdirected courier packages received after the due date will be
considered as having been submitted late.


USAID/Pakistan will only consider and review all proposals received by the specified closing
date and time (Pakistan Standard time) indicated in the Cover Letter of this RFP. Proposals that
are submitted after that date and time will not be considered in the review process. In contrast, all
proposals received by the deadline will be reviewed for responsiveness to the proposal format
and to the program guidelines (see below).


Proposals must be submitted in two separate parts: (a) Technical Proposal and (b) Cost Proposal.
Technical Proposals must not make reference to cost data in order that the technical evaluation
may be made strictly on the basis of technical merits.

Offerors are to submit one (1) original plus six (6) copies of a Technical Proposal and one (1)
original plus three (3) copies of the cost proposal. All pages of the technical and cost proposals
must be sequentially numbered and dated, and each section must be separated by a tab. Failure to
include all information, or to organize the proposal in the manner prescribed, may result in
rejection of the proposal as being unacceptable.
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All copies of the Technical and Cost proposals, respectively, must be separately placed in sealed
envelopes clearly marked on the outside with the name and address of the Offeror, the RFP
Number SOL-391-14-000037, and the content (e.g. Technical or Cost [as appropriate] Proposal).

These same requirements exist for the submission of subsequent revised technical and/or cost
proposals, and technical/financial clarifications.


Proposals must respond directly to the terms, conditions, specifications and provisions of this
RFP. Proposals not conforming to this RFP may be determined as non-responsive, thereby
eliminating them from further consideration.


Offerors are expected to review, understand, and comply with all aspects of the RFP. Failure to
do so will be at the Offerors risk. For this purpose, written inquiries may be submitted via e-
mail to the Acquisition Specialist, Mr. Muhammad Ali Bilal, identifying this
RFP by Number. Any inquiries, however, must be submitted no later than the designated date
and time as specified in the Cover Letter and in Section L.5 of this RFP.

Offerors must include on the cover page of both the technical and the cost proposals (1) the
printed or typed name and title of the authorized representative; (2) information regarding the
person to be contacted both during the period of evaluation of proposals and for negotiations
leading to award. This information is to include name, title, address, phone number, internet e-
mail and facsimile number.

Offerors are to ensure that the authorized representative signs the proposal and to print or type
his/her name and title on the Cover Page of the technical and cost proposal. Erasures or other
changes must also be initialed by the person signing the proposal. Proposals signed by an agent
must be accompanied by evidence of that agent's authority, unless that evidence has been
previously furnished to the issuing office. Similarly, the cost volume of the Offeror's proposal
must identify the individual(s) having authority to bind the Offeror.

Offerors who include data that they do not want disclosed to the public for any purpose or used
by the U.S. Government except for evaluation purposes, must:

Mark the title page with the following legend: "This proposal includes data that must not be
disclosed outside the U.S. Government and must not be duplicated, used, or disclosed, in
whole or in part, for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal. If, however, a Contract
is awarded to this Offeror as a result of, or in connection with, the submission of this data,
the U.S. Government must have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose the data to the extent
provided in the resulting Contract. This restriction does not limit the U.S. Government's
rights to use information contained in this data if it is obtained from another source without
restriction. The data subject to this restriction are contained in sheets [insert numbers or other
identification of sheets]"; and
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Mark each sheet of data it wishes to restrict with the following legend: "Use or disclosure of
data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal."

Offerors must set forth accurate and complete information as required by this RFP. The penalty
for making false statements in proposals to the U.S. Government is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001.

Offerors must retain for their records one copy of their proposal and all enclosures that
accompany it.


Offerors must submit a proposal directly responsive to the terms and conditions of this RFP. If
an Offeror chooses to submit an alternate proposal, the Offeror must, at the same time, submit a
proposal directly responsive herein for any alternate to even be considered.


Issuance of this solicitation does not constitute a commitment on the part of the U.S.
Government to make an award nor does it commit the Government to pay for any costs incurred
in the preparation and submission of a proposal. Further, the U.S. Government reserves the right
to reject any or all proposals received.


Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations beyond those sufficient to present a

complete and effective proposal in response to this RFP are not desired and may be construed as
an indication of the Offeror's lack of cost consciousness. Elaborate art work, expensive paper and
bindings, and expensive visual or other presentation aids are neither necessary nor wanted.



L.8.1 The Technical Proposal in response to this solicitation must address how the Offeror
intends to carry out the Performance Statement of Work (SOW) contained in Section C.
The Technical Proposal must be specific, complete, presented concisely, and responsive
to the instructions contained herein. It will clearly demonstrate how the proposed
approach will meet the goals, objectives and results of the program as outlined in Section
C; the results and objectives outlined in the SOW were not exhaustive; the Offeror is
encouraged to suggest innovative approaches to achieve overall objectives, and fulfill the
Contractors program implementation responsibilities. The Technical Proposal will be
organized by the technical evaluation criteria listed in Section M.2, as clarified further
below. Offerors are also requested and encouraged to:

a) Focus their response to this RFP on Results, Sub-Results, Key Targets, and
Indicators. Indicators and activities for the three regions will be required at the
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Task Order level only (i.e., bidders are not expected to respond to these in their
proposal.). This information is included here so that bidders have an
understanding of the overall requirements of this program (refer to Section C.1:
b) To propose additional targets by region (refer to Table C.1)
c) To propose innovative activities and additional targets within the program
components (refer to Section C.3.2: Implementation Approach)
d) To identify and propose partners in each region for USAID consideration under
its proposal (refer to Section C.3.3: Selection Criteria and Participant Focus
e) To propose changes or additional indicators in their proposal that best describe
the targets under each component (refer to Illustrative Indicators for each
component under Section C.3.4: YWFD Project Components).
f) To suggest changes to the illustrative activities or propose additional activities in
their proposal that best ensure the achievement of YWFD Project targets under
each component and to propose interventions in case the security situation
deteriorates in the target areas (refer to Illustrative Activities for each
component under Section C.3.4: YWFD Project Components
g) To propose additional program indicators in their proposals in addition to the
ones provided Section C that will measure program progress and impact more
effectively (refer to Section C.3.5: Monitoring and Evaluation).
h) While preparing their proposals, to adapt and use existing frameworks and tools
to conduct analysis on correlations between youth development assets and
employment and violence prevention outcomes, and then share results with
communities of practice (refer to Section C.3.5: Monitoring and Evaluation)

L.8.2 The Technical Proposal is limited to 30 pages and must be written in English. Offerors
must use 12 pt font Arial font with margins no less than one inch on each border. Number
each page consecutively. Those pages that exceed the page limitation will not be

NOTE: Any page in the Technical Proposal that contains a table, chart, graph, etc. not
otherwise specifically excluded below, is included within the above page limitation for
the Technical Proposal.

Not included in this page limitation are the following:

Cover Letter/Title Page;

Table of Contents;
Executive Summary (not more than three pages);
Table summarizing qualifications of proposed personnel;
Appendix attachments which contain biographical information (i.e., resumes/CVs and
other documentation provided by the Offeror) for proposed key personnel candidates;
Corporate Technical Experience Matrix;
Branding Strategy and Marking Plan;
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Contractor Past Performance Report (See Attachment J.10); and

Charts, such as Management Structure Organizational Chart(s).

All critical information from appendices must be identified and summarized in the
Technical Proposal.

L.8.3 Offerors must organize the Technical Proposal to follow the information set forth below.

(a) Executive Summary (Page Limitation: 3)

This section must summarize the key elements of the Offerors strategy, approach,
methodologies, personnel and implementation plan.

(b) Understanding of the Context [see Section M.3.(a) (iii)] (Page Limitation: 2)

This section must include the Offerors knowledge and understanding of the context,
background and challenges in addressing the problems as identified in Section C
including knowledge and understanding of other Government of Pakistan, donor and
private sector initiatives to address the challenges as identified in Section C. This section
must include the Offerors knowledge and understanding of opportunities and limitations
in targeted geographic areas, beneficiaries, economy, culture, institutions and industry.
This section must also include the application of the understanding of the context to
support an innovative, creative, flexible and realistic implementation.

(c) Technical Approach [see Section M.3(a)(i)] (Page Limitation: 15)

The Technical Approach must include a clear description of the Offerors conceptual
approach and the general strategy (i.e. methodology and techniques) being proposed for
the implementation of the major YWFD Project components identified in Section C.3.4:
Component 1 Community Engagement; Component 2 Increased access to workforce
education and training; Component 3 Internship and Apprenticeship Programs;
Component 4 - Entrepreneurship and Career Development Support; and Component 5
Institutional Capacity Building. The technical proposal must demonstrate responsiveness
to the current Pakistan development context as described in this RFP, attachments and
links. The implementation plan must clearly outline the relationship between the
conceptual approach and proposed results:

1. Section C Statement of Work. Offerors must focus on describing how they propose
to achieve the YWFD Project objective(s) as stated in Section C.3 Statement of
Work. The Offeror must present clearly how activities will be phased and how they
will be linked. In addition to presenting how the YWFD Project will make a
significant contribution towards achieving the USAID/Pakistans Stabilization and
Economic Opportunities strategic objectives and areas for action identified in the
Statement of Work, the description must present the Offerors innovative ideas,
approaches, and strategies to achieve the results of the YWFD Project. The Offeror
must demonstrate how they will utilize information and communications technology
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and use mobile and electronic payments and other mobile technology to achieve
YWFD Project outcomes. Results indicated in Section C are conservative; the Offeror
must demonstrate how these will be exceeded as well as discuss and support
additional proposed activities, indicators and results. The Offeror must demonstrate
how its approach will integrate cross-cutting themes, youth development and
combating violent extremism in particular, and must include a gender analysis in its
proposal. The Offeror must address the challenges included in the Statement of Work
and show how they will be dealt with in the overall YWFD Project approach,

Offerors are to clarify to what extent their approach will achieve the objectives of
the YWFD Project.
Offerors are to explain to what extent their approach will be tailored to urban and
rural settings and to what extent parallel approaches in multiple locations will be
Offerors are to address how they will engage in private-public partnerships to
meet the requirements of the Statement of Work as well as their historic ability to
do so.
USAID will conduct an independent mid-term evaluation approximately 24
months into the YWFD Project. Offerors are to propose a set of design and
implementation questions to be included in the proposal. The questions must
serve to illustrate what the Offeror believes will have been accomplished by then
and what challenges and design flaws they anticipate which will need to be

2. YWFD Project Initiation: Describe the Offerors plan to fully mobilizing personnel
and office in-country (including communication systems) within 30 days of the initial
Task Order award.
3. Sub-awardees/Sub-contractors: An organization might not possess all the skills
required to achieve all the results identified in this RFP; therefore, organizations may
enter into partnerships with other organizations for the specific purpose of
implementing specific aspects of the YWFD Project, including but not limited to non-
profit indigenous Pakistani organizations, if that makes the most technical sense.
Under this RFP, only one organization must be designated to serve as the prime
organization (the prime Contractor) and will be responsible for the achievement of
results and the implementation of the YWFD Project. However, if Offerors intend to
utilize sub-awards, the proposals must indicate the extent intended, the method of
overseeing performance, and the tasks/functions they will perform. Subawards must
not be made to duplicate functions which could be performed by the prime contractor.
Offerors must state whether or not they have existing relationships with these other
organizations and the nature of the relationship (e.g., subgrantee, subcontractor,
partnership. etc.). A SIGNED letter of commitment from the proposed partner must
be submitted as Annex. The Offeror must specify the technical resources and
expertise of proposed sub-awardee organizations, and technical plan information for
proposed sub-awardees must follow the same format as that submitted by the Offeror.

(d) Award Monitoring and Evaluation [see Section M.3(a)(iv)]

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(Page Limitation: 3)

This section must include a sound causal model which relates YWFD Project
activities to outputs, outcomes and impacts. Offerors must include a plan and
methodology for collecting baseline and follow-on data and monitoring, verifying and
reporting on YWFD Project activities. This section must also include how quality
assurance will be ensured by the Offerors project managers and how the monitoring
and evaluation system will be used to make management decisions in the YWFD

(e) Sustainability and Resource Mobilization [see Section M.3(a)(ii)]

(Page Limitation: 2)

This section must include an implementation approach that centers on capacity

building of local organizations, both public and private sector, to ensure
sustainability. Offerors must propose targeted interventions to enhance the capacity of
local institutions to make them effective development partners and an exit strategy.
This section must also include how the Offeror plans to promote sustainability of
YWFD Project activities beyond the life of the YWFD Project and mobilize
additional resources to increase the number of target beneficiaries and institutions.

(f) Past Performance [see to Section M.3(b)] (Page Limitation: 1)

i) Proposals must include a complete list of all U.S. Governmental and/or privately
funded contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, etc. received by prime offeror
as well as on any proposed major subcontractor (defined as exceeding 10% of the
proposed budget for any one contract year) in the last three years involving
programs similar to the program proposed in your proposal. Include the following
for each award listed:

Name of awarding organization or agency;

Address of awarding organization or agency;
Place of performance of services or program;
Award number;
Amount of award;
Term of award (begin and end dates of services/program);
Name, current telephone number, current fax number, and email address of a
responsible technical representative of that organization or agency; and
Brief description of the program, achievement of targets and overall impact.

(USAID recommends that Offerors alert the contacts that their names have been
submitted and that they are authorized to provide performance information
concerning the listed contracts if and when USAID requests it.)

ii) USAID may contact references and use the past performance data, along with
other information to determine the Offerors responsibility. The Government
reserves the right to obtain other information to determine the Offerors
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responsibility. The Government reserves the right to obtain information for use in
the evaluation of past performance from any and all sources inside or outside the

(iii) If extraordinary problems impacted any of the referenced contracts, provide a

short explanation and the corrective action taken (FAR 15.305(a)(2)).

(iv) Describe any quality awards or certifications that indicate exceptional capacity to
provide the service or product described in the statement of work. This
information is not included in the page limitation.

(v) Performance in Using Small Business (SB) Concerns (FAR 19.001).

(1) This section (iv) is not applicable to offers from small business concerns.

(2) As part of the evaluation of performance in Section M.3(d) of this

solicitation, USAID will evaluate the extent Offerors used and promoted the
use of small business concerns under current and prior contracts. The
evaluation will assess the extent small business concerns participated in
these contracts relative to the size/value of the contracts, the complexity and
variety of the work small business concerns performed, and compliance with
your SB subcontracting plan or other similar small business incentive
programs set out in your contract(s).

(3) In order for USAID to fully and fairly evaluate performance in this area, all
Offerors who are not small business concerns must do the following:

(A) Provide a narrative summary of the Offerors use of small business

concerns over the past three years. Describe how you actually use
small businesses--as subcontractors, as joint venture partners, through
other teaming arrangements, etc. Explain the nature of the work small
businesses performed--substantive technical professional services,
administrative support, logistics support, etc. Describe the extent of the
Offerors compliance with your SB subcontracting plan(s) or other
similar SB incentive programs set out in your contract(s) and explain
any mitigating circumstances if goals were not achieved.

(B) To supplement the narrative summary in (A), provide with the

narrative summary a copy of the most recent SF 294 Subcontracting
Report for Individual Contracts" for each contract against which you
were required to report for the past 3 years.

(C) Provide the names and addresses of three Small Business concerns to
be contacted for their assessment of the Offerors performance in using
Small Business concerns. Provide a brief summary of the type of work
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each Small Business concern provided, and the name of a contact

person, his/her title, phone number, and e-mail address for each.

(d) Key Personnel, Staffing Pattern and Management Structure

[see Section M.3(c)] (Page Limitation: 5)

The Offeror must identify key personnel as prescribed in Section C.4. Offerors must
present a team with the appropriate background needed to successfully carry out the
proposed approach. The quality of their team and the overall fit of expertise to the
tasks outlined will determine how personnel and staff are evaluated. All key
personnel must be full-time, must be located in Pakistan, and must be affiliated with
the prime Contractor, unless justified by extraordinary expertise required in the
approach which is only available through a sub-contracting arrangement. Offerors are
encouraged to utilize local staff and consider gender equity. Offerors must include, as
Annex, resumes/CVs for all key personnel candidates. Resumes may not exceed three
pages in length and must be in chronological order starting with most recent
experience. Each resume must be accompanied by a signed letter of commitment
from each candidate indicating his/her: (a) availability to serve in the stated position,
in terms of months; after award; and (b) intention to serve for a stated term of the
service. The Offeror must also submit a minimum of three (3) references of
professional contacts within the last three years. Offerors must provide current phone,
fax address, and email address for each reference contact. USAID reserves the right
to interview proposed personnel for the YWFD Project during the evaluation process.

Proposals must (1) identify all proposed partners/subcontractors and discuss their
respective roles and responsibilities; (2) specify the composition and organizational
structure of the entire YWFD Project team (including country office and
regional/field sub-offices); (3) describe each staff members role, technical expertise,
and estimated amount of time each will devote to the YWFD Project; (4) identify
areas in which short-term technical assistance (STTA) will be provided, with an
illustrative estimate of level of effort for each identified local or international STTA
need. Offerors may propose a mix of international and domestic advisors and
specialists to cover the full range of objectives and activities; and (5) specify how
sub-contracting or institutional partnerships will be used, if any, in order to support
contract objectives.

The contract proposed by this solicitation includes a key personnel clause, and the
quality of key personnel proposed will be an evaluation factor. The Offeror must
include as part of its proposal a statement signed by each person proposed as key
personnel, confirming their present intention to serve in the stated position and their
present availability to serve for the term of the proposed contract. This statement can
be included as Annex.

This section must also include a management structure proposed by the Offeror
consisting of a management approach for the overall execution of the program,
organizational structure, responsiveness to geographic needs, utilization and
management of sub-awardees and sub-contractors (if proposed by the Offeror)
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including how the subcontractors work will be fully integrated into the YWFD
Project and management lines of authority. Offerors must also include a contingency
management plan for replacement of key personnel.

(e) Corporate/Institutional Capability[see Section M.3(d)] (Page Limitation: 2)

Offerors must present evidence of good organizational and management practices and
systems. Offerors and their proposed major subcontractors (defined as exceeding 10%
of the proposed budget for any one contract year) must provide evidence of their
technical and managerial resources and expertise (or their ability to obtain such) in
program management, design and delivery of technical assistance, development of
relationships with relevant private and government offices, as well as their experience
in managing similar programs in Pakistan or elsewhere. Information in this section
must include, but is not limited to, the following:

Brief description of organizational history/expertise;

Past experience and examples of accomplishments in developing and implementing
similar programs in Pakistan or elsewhere;
Relevant experience with proposed approaches;
Institutional strength as represented by breadth and depth of experienced personnel in
YWFD Project relevant disciplines/areas and working relationships in pre and in-
service training;
Sub-awardee or subcontractor capabilities and expertise; and
Financial controls.


Branding Policy and Strategy. USAID policy on the branding and marking of the work products
of this contract is contained in the USAID Automated Directive System (ADS), Chapter 320. In
response to this RFP, the Offeror must include a Branding Implementation Plan which describes
how they will communicate to beneficiaries and stakeholder audiences that the work of this
contract is from the American people. Requested exceptions to ADS, Chapter 320
requirements, must be included in the Branding Strategy Plan.

While not allocated points during pre-award evaluation, an acceptable Branding Implementation
Plan and Marking Plan must be provided by the highest evaluated Offeror being considered for
an award prior to an award. Failure to submit an acceptable plan may cause the Government to
award to the next successful Offeror. Preparation of an Offerors Branding and Marking Plan
must focus on the following:

(a) Completeness of the plans.

(b) Responsiveness to specific circumstances, implementation challenges and working
(c) Comprehensiveness to include contract deliverables and performance requirements.


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Offerors must prepare a Branding Implementation Plan (BIP) to address the Branding Strategy
described in Section D.2. The BIP must be submitted as an annex and as part of the Technical
Proposal. Offerors must note that the BIP is a separate item and will not be scored. However, the
BIP from the apparently successful Offeror will be reviewed and subject to approval prior to
contract award. The BIP will not be counted in the page limitation. This BIP must specifically
address the following:

How to incorporate the message, This assistance is from the American people, in
communications and materials directed to beneficiaries, or provide an explanation if this
message is not appropriate or possible.

How to publicize the program, project, or activity in the host-country and a description of
the communications tools to be used. Such tools may include the following:

- Press releases,
- Press conferences,
- Media interviews,
- Site visits,
- Success stories,
- Beneficiary testimonials,
- Professional photography,
- PSAs,
- Videos, and
- Webcasts, e-invitations, or other e-mails sent to group lists, such as participants for a
training session, blast e-mails or other Internet activities.

The key milestones or opportunities anticipated to generate awareness that the program,
project, or activity is from the American people, or an explanation if this is not appropriate
or possible. Such milestones may be linked to specific points in time, such as the beginning
or end of an activity, or to an opportunity to showcase publications or other materials,
research findings, or activity success. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Launching the activity,

- Announcing research findings,
- Publishing reports or studies,
- Spotlighting trends,
- Highlighting success stories,
- Featuring beneficiaries as spokespeople,
- Showcasing before-and-after photographs,
- Marketing agricultural products or locally-produced crafts or goods,
- Securing endorsements from ministry or local organizations,
- Promoting final or interim reports, and
- Communicating activity impact/overall results.

The Branding Implementation Plan (BIP) must implement USAIDs branding strategy as
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Activity Name: Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project

Branding: The branding must incorporate the message that the assistance is From the
American People and by USAID

Desired Level of Visibility: USAID identity must be prominently displayed in:

commodities or equipment, printed, audio, or electronic public communications; studies,
reports, publications, web sites, and all promotional and informational products; and

Organizations to be acknowledged: None


There is no page limitation for the cost proposal. Offerors must submit the Cost Proposal in one
(1) original and three (3) hard copies and must include the following information. The Cost
Proposal must contain an executive summary that does not exceed two pages and that
summarizes how the proposed costs maximize the Missions investment. This section must
clearly highlight how the proposed funding will be maximized to support the targeted results of
this program. The memo must also briefly highlight (1) the amount of overhead, (2) the
proposed fee, and (3) what the offeror did to develop a budget that demonstrates efficiency.
Efficiency would be reflected, as an example, in the overhead area.

L.10.1 Part 1 - Standard Form (SF) 33

The Offeror must submit the cover page (Section A) of this Solicitation [Standard Form (SF) 33,
"Solicitation, Offer, and Award"], with blocks 12 through 18 completed, with an original
signature of a person authorized on behalf of the Offeror to sign the offer.

L.10.2 Part 2 - Proposed Costs/Prices

(a) Offerors must submit a Cost Evaluation Matrix pursuant to the template set forth in
Attachment J.11. The Cost Evaluation Matrix is to be provided in Excel Spreadsheet. The
spreadsheet must be unlocked and clearly identify the formulas used to arrive at calculations in
each cell. While Offerors may propose other labor categories, Offerors must propose cost of key

(b) Offerors must propose ceiling indirect cost rates for itself as well any proposed subcontractor
that has approved indirect cost rate. These ceiling indirect cost rates will be utilized in the Cost
Evaluation Matrix and will be incorporated into the IQC (See Section B.6).

(c) The proposed fixed fee percentage in the Cost Evaluation Matrix will be incorporated into the
IQC as the maximum fixed fee percentage allowed for all task orders (See Section B.8). Offerors
may not proposed a fixed fee percentage above the statutory limit (10%) set forth in FAR
15.404-4 (c) (4) (i) C.
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(d) AID Form 1420-17 Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheets [Attachment J.2]:
The Offeror must submit fully completed and signed USAID Biographical Data Sheet (AID
Form 1420-17) for each proposed staff member. The Offeror must certify in Block 11 of AID
Form 1420-17 that it has taken reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of information,
particularly salary history, provided in the form.

NOTE: For CCNs, the salary in Blocks 6, 14 and 15 must be stated in Pakistani Rupees.

(e) Indirect Cost Information: Offerors must submit indirect cost information to support the
indirect costs in the proposal.

(i) Offerors must include a complete copy of its most current Negotiated Indirect Cost
Rate Agreement (NICRA) or other documentation from its cognizant Government
Audit Agency, if any, stating the most recent final indirect cost rates. The proposal
must also include the name and address of the Government Audit Agency, and the
name and telephone number of the auditor.
(ii) If the Offeror or any Sub-Contractor(s) does not have a NICRA or a cognizant
Government Audit Agency, audited balance sheets and profit and loss statements for
the last two complete years, and the current year-to-date statements (or such lesser
period of time if the Offeror is a newly-formed organization), must be included in
the proposal. The profit and loss statements must include detail of the total cost of
goods and services sold, including a listing of the various indirect administrative
costs, and be supplemented by information on the prime Contractor's customary
indirect cost allocation method, together with supporting computations of the basis
for the indirect cost rate(s) proposed.

(f) Offerors must keep in mind that it is their responsibility to ensure that the information
provided is sufficient to provide a basis for USAID to determine that the costs proposed are
reasonable and realistic. Please also note that USAID expects Offerors to propose reasonable
and minimal costs for office space, furnishings, home office support and related
administrative inputs. Any excessive or luxury inputs proposed in the cost proposal will
not be accepted.

(g) Components of cost to be evaluated include: Direct Costs, Other Direct Costs,
Indirect Costs, Security Cost and proposed labor categories. To facilitate USAIDs
evaluation of all applications, all applicants must provide a detailed breakdown of all unit
cost(s) that make-up the larger cost area(s) (e.g. direct costs, other direct costs, indirect
costs, etc.). All elements of the overall cost (including unit cost(s)) must be necessary and
reasonable for proper and efficient accomplishment of project or program objectives.

Budget Line Item Definitions and Illustrations:

The regulatory references provided below for each Budget Line Item are not intended to be a
complete list of applicable regulations or policies. Also, the regulatory references assume cost-
reimbursement contract types, and may vary or differ in their applicability given other types of
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Labor Category - Salaries and Wages. FAR 31.205-6, AIDAR 732.205-46 and AIDAR
752.7007 provides for compensation for personal services. Direct salary and wages must be
proposed in accordance with the Offerors personnel policies and meet regulatory requirements.
For example, costs of long-term and short-term personnel must be broken down by person years,
months, days or hours.

Fringe Benefits. FAR 31.205-6 provides for allowances and services provided by the
Contractor to its employees as compensation in addition to regular wages and salaries. If fringe
benefits are provided for as part of a firms indirect cost rate structure, see FAR 42.700. If not
part of an indirect cost rate, a detailed cost breakdown by benefits types must be provided for
both international and CCN staff.
NOTE: Those benefits and allowances authorized by the U.S. Embassy for its CCN
employees are: annual leave; sick leave; maternity leave; bonus (as applicable); and service
pay. Transportation allowance is not authorized.

Consultants. FAR 31.205-33 provides for services rendered by persons who are members of a
particular profession or possess a special skill and who are not officers or employees of the
Contractor. For example, costs of consultants must be broken down by person years, months,
days or hours.

Travel, Transportation, and Per Diem. FAR 31.205-46, AIDAR 731.205-46 and AIDAR
752-7032 provide for costs for transportation, lodging, meals and incidental expenses. For
example, costs must be broken down by the number of trips, domestic and international, cost per
trip, per diem and other related travel costs.

Equipment and Supplies. FAR 2.101 provides for supplies as all property except land or
interest in land, FAR 31.205-26 provides for material costs, and FAR 45 prescribes policies and
procedures for providing government property to Contractors, Contractors use and management
of Government property, and reporting, redistributing, and disposing of Contractor inventory.
For example, costs must be broken down by types and units, and include an analysis that it is
more advantageous to purchase than lease.

Subcontracts. FAR 44.101 provides for any contract entered into by a Sub-Contractor to
furnish supplies or services for performance of a prime contract or a subcontract. Cost element
breakdowns must include the same budget items as the prime as applicable.

Allowances. AIDAR 752.7028 provides for differentials and allowances with further references
to Standardized Regulations. For example, allowances must be broken down by specific type and
by person, and must be in accordance with Offerors policies and these regulations.

Participant Training (if any). AIDAR 752.7019 and ADS 253 provides for participant training
and training in development. For example, costs must be broken down by types and participants.

Other Direct Costs. FAR 31.202 and FAR 31.205 provides for the allowability of direct costs
and many cost elements. This includes report preparation costs, passports and visas fees, medical
exams and inoculations, insurance (other than insurance included in the offeror's fringe benefits),
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as well as any other miscellaneous costs, which directly benefit the program proposed by the
offeror. The narrative must provide a breakdown and support for all other direct costs.

Program Activities Cost. This includes cost directly associated with any of the activities
provided in Section C. The contractor must propose cost for each activity separately.

Security costs. The Contractor must provide USAID/Pakistan a security plan (referenced in
Section H. 27 and Attachment J.3) and budget for security. The Security Plan and budget must
delineate and justify the reasonableness of all costs and provide a coherent, overall integrated
security plan that demonstrates that the Contractor has undertaken a thoughtful review of their
security needs and includes analysis of the various elements of a security plan.

Small Grants. If considered a method of intervention, Offerors are to include a detailed line
item in their proposed budget for grants. Administration of a grants under contract (GUCs)
component will be subject to the approval of USAID and must be in accordance with USAID
policies and practices governing GUCs.

Overhead, G&A and Material Overhead. FAR 31.203 and FAR 42.700 provides for those
remaining costs (indirect) that are to be allocated to intermediate or two or more final cost
objectives. For example, the indirect costs and bases as provided for in an Offerors indirect cost
rate agreement with the Government, or if approved rates have not been previously established
with the Government, a breakdown of bases, pools, method of determining the rates and
description of costs.

(h) FAR Part 4.6, Contract Reporting, requires all successful Offerors to have a DUNS
Numbers when the anticipated value of any single award is expected to be over $2,500 or the
local currency equivalent. The DUNS Number is the unique identifier that is used to retain
information on all companies, organizations and people that have awards with the U.S.
Government. All vendors, including foreign businesses and individuals, receiving USAID
awards over this monetary threshold must obtain the DUNS Number themselves. In addition, all
vendors doing business with the Federal Government must be registered in the CCR In order to register in the CCR, a DUNS number is required.

(i) If the Offeror is a joint venture or partnership, the cost proposal must include a copy of the
agreement between the parties to the joint venture/partnership. The agreement will include a full
discussion of the relationship between the firms including identification of the firm which will
have responsibility for negotiation of the contract, which firm will have accounting
responsibility, how work will be allocated, overhead calculated, and profit shared, and the
express agreement of the principals thereto to be held jointly and severally liable for the acts or
omissions of the other.

(j) Value for Money (See Section M.4(e)). The Cost Proposal must include a Value for
Money section. Value for Money means how programmatic results will be maximized
without minimizing the allocation of the budget to activities cost (versus administrative costs),
the use of local organizations, and maintaining an efficient, yet effective contract administration
structure. In this section, the Offeror must propose a strategy to achieve value for money
during contract implementation without sacrificing results, but nevertheless remain consistent
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with the proposed technical approach and management plan. Furthermore, the Offeror must
describe how employing the proposed strategy will lead to concrete efficiencies and value during
contract implementation, without sacrificing results.

Exchange Rate - For evaluation purposes only, a fixed conversion rate of 98.77 Pakistani
Rupees (PKR) to 1.00 US Dollar (USD) will be used and applied for all costs to be incurred in
IDR (i.e., for local [Pakistani] subcontractors, local staff, etc.) and which are to be paid in US
Dollars to the contractor.

(k) The Contracting Officer has determined that a full time IQC Management Team (see
Section C.1, YWFD Project Management Structure and Section C.3.2, Implementation
Approach) will be required of the Contractor. The Contractor will be authorized to incur
IQC management costs that reflect the projects core administrative costs under the Sindh
Task Order. Contractors shall propose a centralized management structure that allows for
recovery of IQC management cost as part of its direct costs.

L.10.3 Part 3 Central Contractor Registration and Online Representations and

Certifications Application

Per FAR 52.204-7, the Central Contractor Registration ( is the primary vendor
database for the U.S. Federal Government. Since October 1, 2003, it is federally mandated that
any business wishing to do business with the federal government under a FAR-based contract
must be registered in CCR before being awarded a contract. In addition, vendors must maintain
their CCR records annually and CCR contains a link to the Online Representations and
Certifications Application ( ORCA replaces most of the paper based
Representations and Certifications (Reps and Certs) in Section K FAR 52.204-8 mandates the
use of ORCA. Confirmation of CCR and ORCA registration is necessary not later than prior to
any award. However, Section K may be submitted with the initial proposal, if access to ORCA
is not readily available. In addition to the Offeror, each proposed Sub-Contractor must complete
ORCA or Section K, "Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror", and
sign and date on the last page in the space provided.

CCR and ORCA are complementary systems. ORCA reuses data pulled from CCR and pre-
populates many of the required Representations and Certifications. Then, the vendor completes
the remaining Reps and Certs with the understanding that with each solicitation they are
certifying to current, accurate and complete information.

L.10.4 Part 4 - Policies and Procedures

If the Offeror does not have prior USAID contracting experience, it must submit a copy of its
personnel and travel policies, especially regarding salary and wage scales, fringe benefits, merit
increases, promotions, leave, differentials, travel and per diem regulations, etc.

L.10.5 Part 5 - Evidence of Responsibility

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The Offeror must submit sufficient evidence of responsibility for the Contracting Officer to
make an affirmative determination of responsibility pursuant to the requirements of FAR
Subsection 9.104-1. However, in the case of a small business Offeror, the Contracting Officer
will comply with FAR 19.6. Accordingly, Offerors must seriously address each element of

To be determined responsible, a prospective Contractor must:

(1) Have adequate financial resources to perform the contract, or the ability to obtain them (see
FAR 9.104-3(a));

(2) Be able to comply with the required or proposed delivery or performance schedule, taking
into consideration all existing commercial and governmental commitments;

(3) Have a satisfactory performance record (See FAR 9.104-3(b) and Subpart 42.15). A
prospective Contractor must not be determined responsible or non-responsible solely on the basis
of a lack of relevant performance history, except as provided in FAR 9.104-2;

(4) Have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics;

(5) Have the necessary organization, experience, accounting and operational controls, and
technical skills, or the ability to obtain them (including, as appropriate, such elements as
production control procedures, property control systems, quality assurance measures, and safety
programs applicable to materials to be produced or services to be performed by the prospective
Contractor and Sub-Contractors). (See FAR 9.104-3(a));

(6) Have the necessary production, construction, and technical equipment and facilities, or the
ability to obtain them (See FAR 9.104-3(a)); and

(7) Be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and
regulations (e.g., Equal Opportunity, Clean Air and Water, etc.).

L.10.6 Part 6 Sub-Contractor Information

The information set forth below must be provided for each Subcontractor, if any, proposed. A
tab or colored sheet must separate each element of Sub-Contractor information, as well as each
Subcontractor. Each page must have the Subcontractors name clearly marked.

(1) A letter, on Sub-Contractor letterhead, and signed by an authorized representative of each

Subcontractor, which specifically indicates the Sub-Contractor's agreement to be included in the
Offeror's proposed teaming arrangement.

(2) The Offeror must address each of the elements in FAR 44.202-2 in order for proposed
Sub-Contractor(s) to be considered by the Contracting Officer for consent of Sub-Contractor(s)
to be granted with the award.

(3) A discussion and arrangement on type(s) of subcontract(s) to be used, and approximate

percentage of each type of work to be subcontracted.
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(4) The information requested above in Parts (2), (3), (4) and (7) for each Sub-Contractor.

L.10.7 Part 7 - Information Concerning Work-Day, Work-Week, and Paid Absences

(1) The Offeror and each proposed major Subcontractor must indicate the number of hours and
days in its normal work-day and its normal work-week, both domestically and overseas, for
employees and consultants. In addition, the Offeror and each proposed major Subcontractor must
indicate how paid absences (US holidays, local holidays, vacation and sick) must be covered.

(2) A normal work-year, including paid absences (holidays, vacations, and sick leave) is 2,080
hours (260 days x 8 hours per day). However, some organizations do not have an 8-hour
workday, and some accounting systems normally provide for direct recovery of paid absences by
using a work-year of less than 2,080 hours to compute individuals' unburdened daily rates.
Accordingly, the Offeror and major Sub-Contractors must describe their work day and work
week policies.

(3) The work day and work week policies and the method of accounting for paid absences for
the Offeror and major Sub-Contractors in affect at time of award must remain enforce throughout
the period of the award.


(a) Offerors are reminded that information furnished under this solicitation may be subject to
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Therefore, all items that are
confidential to business, or contain trade secrets, proprietary, or personnel information must be
clearly marked. Marking of items will not necessarily preclude disclosure when the U.S. Office
of Personnel Management (OPM or The Government) determines disclosure is warranted by
FOIA. However, if such items are not marked, all information contained within the submitted
documents will be deemed to be releasable.

(b) Any information made available to the Contractor by the Government must be used only
for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this contract and must not be divulged or made
known in any manner to any person except as may be necessary in the performance of the

(c) In performance of this contract, the Contractor assumes responsibility for protection of the
confidentiality of Government records and must ensure that all work performed by its Sub-
Contractors must be under the supervision of the Contractor or the Contractor's responsible

(d) Each officer or employee of the Contractor or any of its Sub-Contractors to whom any
Government record may be made available or disclosed must be notified in writing by the
Contractor that information disclosed to such officer or employee can be used only for a purpose
and to the extent authorized herein, and that further disclosure of any such information, by any
means, for a purpose or to an extent unauthorized herein, may subject the offender to criminal
sanctions imposed by 19 U.S.C. 641. That section provides, in pertinent part, that whoever
knowingly converts to their use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys, or
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disposes of any record of the United States or whoever receives the same with intent to convert
it to their use or gain, knowing it to have been converted, will be guilty of a crime punishable by
a fine of up to $10,000, or imprisoned up to ten years, or both.

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(a) The Government may award a contract without discussions with Offerors, in accordance
with FAR 52.215-1.

(b) The Government intends to evaluate Offerors proposals in accordance with Section M of
this RFP and make contract award to the responsible Offeror whose proposal represents the
best value to the U.S. Government.

(c) The Technical Proposal will be evaluated by a technical evaluation committee using the
technical criteria shown below. When evaluating the competing Offerors, the Government
will consider the written qualifications/capability information provided by the Offerors and
any other information obtained by the Government through its own research.

(d) Cost has not been assigned a numerical weight. The technical factors are significantly more
important than Cost. However, Offerors are reminded that the Government is not obligated
to award a negotiated contract on the basis of lowest proposed cost, or to the Offeror with
the highest technical evaluation score. Although for this procurement the Technical Proposal
merits are considered substantially more important than cost relative to deciding which
Offeror might best perform the work, cost factors and USAIDs budget may also be
considered. Therefore, after the final evaluation of proposals, the Contracting Officer will
make the award to the Offeror whose proposal offers the best value to the Government
considering both technical and cost factors.


(a) The Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if determined by the Contracting
Officer to be necessary.

(b) Proposals received in response to this solicitation will be evaluated by USAID pursuant to
the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and the Agency for Development Acquisition
Regulation (AIDAR). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, and as set forth in Section L of this
solicitation, one award will be made by the Contracting Officer to the responsible Offeror
whose proposal, conforming the solicitation, is determined most advantageous to the
Government, technical and cost factors considered. The formula set forth herein will be used
by the Contracting Officer as a guide in determining which proposals will be most
advantageous to the Government.
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The Government will conduct its evaluation of Offerors Technical Proposals as prescribed


(a) Strategy, Technical Approach, and Understanding 35 points

(b) Past Performance 25 points
(c) Staffing Pattern, Key Personnel and Management Structure 25 points
(d) Corporate/Institutional Capability 15 points
100 points

The following selection criteria (1) serve as the standard against which all proposals will be
evaluated; and (2) serve to identify the significant matters which Offerors must address in their

(a) Strategy, Technical Approach, and Understanding, (See Section C) 35 Points

The Offeror will be evaluated on the innovation, creativity, flexibility and realism of their
approach to YWFD Project implementation, as well as their proposed YWFD Project structure
and understanding of those efforts requisite for effective and successful achievement of the
objectives outlined in the statement of work. The evaluation will be based on the following in
order of importance:

(i) Technical Approach:

Provides a clear strategy and methodology for achieving the program
objectives. Identifies clear, measurable outputs, performance-based
monitoring, baseline, evaluation and data validation. Describes a clear
and specific approach to deliver interventions which address the
objectives and results described in Section C and directions under Section
L. Clearly outlines the required, illustrative and proposed activities
supporting interventions, addresses cross-cutting themes and challenges
such as gender, youth development, ICT and inclusiveness. Proposes
innovative, creative and flexible approaches to achieve YWFD Project
results and demonstrates the use of information and communications
technology, particularly mobile communication and technology, to
achieve YWFD Project outcomes. Proposes and promotes the use of local
entities and locally developed platforms for YWFD Project
implementation. Proposes interventions in case security situation in target
areas deteriorates.
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(ii) Sustainability and resource mobilization:

Demonstrates capacity building of local organizations, both public and
private sector as a central pillar of YWFD Project implementation
approach to ensure sustainability and provide an exit strategy.
Demonstrates a plan to promote sustainability of YWFD Project
activities beyond the life of YWFD Project and mobilize additional
resources to increase the number of target beneficiaries and institutions.

(iii) Understanding of the Context:

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the context, background
and challenges in addressing the problems as identified in Section C and
the solicitations background documents. Demonstrates knowledge and
understanding of other Government of Pakistan, donor and private sector
initiatives to address the challenges of workforce development, youth
employment and combating violent extremism. Demonstrates knowledge
and understanding of opportunities and limitations in targeted
geographical areas, beneficiaries, economy, culture, institutions and
industry. Appropriately applies understanding of the context of the
YWFD Project to support an innovative, creative, flexible and realistic

(iv) Award Monitoring and Evaluation:

Demonstrates a sound causal model which relates YWFD Project
activities to outputs, outcomes and impacts. Describes a plan and
methodology for collecting baseline and follow-on data and monitoring,
verifying and reporting on YWFD Project activities. How quality
assurance will be ensured by project managers and how the monitoring
and evaluation system will be used to make management decisions in the
YWFD Project.

(b) Past Performance 25 Points

Past performance will be evaluated in accordance with the demonstrated breadth and depth of
experience of the Offeror and any proposed major subcontractor (defined as exceeding 10%
of the proposed budget for any one contract year) as it relates to the size and complexity of
activities described in Section C.

(i) The contractor performance information determined to be relevant will be evaluated

in accordance with the elements below:

1) Demonstrated success in implementation of programs of similar size and

complexity, timeliness of performance, including adherence to contract
schedules and other time-sensitive project conditions, and effectiveness of home
and field office management to make prompt decisions and ensure efficient
completion of tasks.
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2) Effectiveness of key personnel, including retention of key personnel and prompt

and satisfactory changes in personnel when problems with clients were

3) Cost control, including forecasting costs as well as accuracy in financial


4) Business relations, addressing the history of professional behavior and business-

like concern for the interests of the customer, including coordination among
subcontractors and developing country partners, cooperative attitude in
remedying problems, and timely completion of all administrative requirements.

5) Customer satisfaction with performance, including end user or beneficiary

wherever possible.

6) Prime offerors who are not small business concerns will be evaluated on their
performance in using small business concerns as subcontractors, joint ventures,
and in other teaming arrangements.

(ii) Performance information will be used for both the responsibility determination and
best value decision. USAID may use performance information obtained from
sources other than those identified by the offeror/subcontractor. USAID will utilize
existing databases of contractor performance information and solicit additional
information from the references provided in Section L of this RFP and from other
sources if and when the Contracting Officer finds the existing databases to be
insufficient for evaluating an offerors performance.

(iii) If the performance information contains negative information on which the offeror
has not previously been given an opportunity to comment, USAID will provide the
offeror an opportunity to comment on it prior to its consideration in the evaluation,
and any offeror comment will be considered with the negative performance

(iv) USAID will initially determine the relevance of similar performance information as
a predictor of probable performance under the subject requirement. USAID may
give more weight to performance information that is considered more relevant
and/or more current.

(v) In instances where (a) an Offeror lacks relevant performance history, or (b)
information on performance is not available, then the Offeror will not be evaluated
favorably or unfavorably on performance. The neutral rating assigned to any
Offeror lacking relevant performance history is a score commensurate with the
percentage of points received vs. possible points. Prior to assigning a neutral past
performance rating, the Contracting Officer may take into account a broad range of
information related to an Offerors performance. For example, if this sub-factor is
worth a possible 10 points out of a total possible point value of 100 for the technical
proposal, then the Offerors technical proposal would have a maximum of 90
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possible points. If it was assigned a score of 80 points out of the 90 maximum

possible points, the Offerors technical proposal for evaluation against the other
Offerors would be 88.89 (i.e., 80/90). USAID understands that there might be minor
arithmetic differences in percentage terms as a result; however, it considers these
differences to be minor and that would not impact any best value decision made
under this solicitation.

(c) Staffing Pattern, Key Personnel and Management Structure 25 Points

The Offerors staffing pattern and key personnel will be evaluated based on the following:

Key Personnel. Individuals proposed as key personnel will be

evaluated for their strengths and skills, including education and prior
work experience, past performance, interpersonal skills, technical
skills (knowledge and experience of working on assignment/project of
similar size and scope with demonstrable understanding of local
milieu qualified local resource must be preferred) and contract
management skills. They will be evaluated in terms of their ability to
meet the criteria established for each position. References for key
personnel will be checked by USAID as part of the proposal
evaluation process. They will be evaluated on the results they have
achieved in past development programs.

Staffing Pattern and Management Structure

The proposed staffing pattern will be evaluated on the extent to which
the proposed positions support the proposed activities and demonstrate
the requisite expertise, experience, language skills, and other
capabilities necessary to effectively launch and implement the
contract. Clear and realistic description of timely plans for general
staffing and mobilization, including the hiring of personnel, and the
establishment of offices and communications systems will be
evaluated. Demonstrates maximum utilization of local staff with
gender equity considerations. The proposed management structure
will be evaluated on: 1) the management approach for the overall
execution of the program; 2) organizational structure and its
responsiveness to geographic needs, including a description of how
the Offeror will utilize and manage sub-awardees; 3) management
lines of authority for all staff members; 4) how the work of
subcontractors/sub-grantees will be managed and fully integrated into
the YWFD Project; (5) proposed contingency management plan that
provides quick and effective replacement of key personnel.

(d) Corporate/Institutional Capability 15 Points

USAID will evaluate Offerors and their proposed major subcontractors on the depth of their
corporate experience, including experience with contracts of a similar nature in developing
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and volatile operational environments. Offerors capability of working collaboratively with

varied public and private institutions will be evaluated.


(a) No points are assigned to the cost proposals evaluation. While the technical evaluation
criteria are significantly more important than cost, cost remains important.

(b) Cost will primarily be evaluated for realism, allowability, and reasonableness. This
evaluation will consist of a review of the cost portion of an Offerors proposal to
determine if the overall costs proposed are realistic for the work to be performed, if the
costs reflect the Offerors understanding of the requirements, and if the costs are
consistent with the Technical Proposal.

(c) Evaluation of the cost proposal will consider the following:

cost reasonableness, cost realism and completeness of the cost proposal and supporting
overall cost control/cost savings evidenced in the proposal (avoidance of excessive
salaries, excessive home office visits, and other costs in excess of reasonable
requirements); and
amount of the proposed fee, if any.

(d) Cost realism is an assessment of accuracy with which proposed costs represent the most
probable cost of performance, within each Offerors technical and management approach.
A cost realism evaluation will be performed as part of the evaluation process as follows:

Verify the Offerors understanding of the requirements.

Assess the degree to which the Cost Proposals accurately reflect the technical and
Management approach as well as the risk that the Offeror will provide the Supplies or
services for the costs proposed.
Assess the degree to which the costs included in the Cost Proposals accurately represent
the work effort included in the respective Technical Proposals.

The results of the cost realism analysis will be used as part of the Agencys best
value/tradeoff analysis. Although technical evaluation criteria are significantly more
important than cost, the closer the technical evaluation scores of the various proposals are to
one another, the more important cost considerations will become. Therefore, the evaluation
of costs proposed may become a determining factor in making the award.

(e) Value for Money. As defined in Section L.10.2 (i), USAID will evaluate the Offerors
proposed strategy to achieve value for money on the extent to which the Offeror
demonstrates a realistic analysis of how its technical approach will provide USAID with a
cost effective solution for satisfying the requirement described in Section C. USAID will
also evaluate this section of the cost proposal on the quality and realism of the
management efficiencies gained through the proposed management plan, without
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sacrificing results, while remaining consistent with the proposed technical approach. This
means that USAID/Pakistan will consider how the Offeror will provide overall cost
controls and cost savings, i.e., limiting salaries, home office support, travel, supplies,
equipment, and other administrative costs, to the minimum necessary to effectively
implement the proposed technical approach. USAIDs evaluation will also consider the
ratio of administrative costs to direct program implementation costs to indirect costs;
whereby, USAID may deem a higher proportion of direct program costs as a better value
for money. However, USAID will consider robust justifications for how administrative
costs necessarily will further successful contract implementation.



(a) Competitive Range: The Government intends to evaluate proposals and may award a
contract without discussions. However, if the Contracting Officer determines that
discussions are necessary, he/she will establish a Competitive Range composed of only the
most highly rated proposals. In certain circumstances the Contracting Officer may determine
that the number of most highly rated proposals that might otherwise be included in the
competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted.
In this case, the Contracting Officer may then limit offers in the competitive range to the
greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers.
The Government may exclude an offer if it is so deficient as to essentially require a new
technical proposal. The Government may exclude an offer so unreasonably priced, in
relation to more competitive offers, as to appear that there will be little or no chance of
becoming competitive. The Government may exclude an offer requiring extensive
discussions, a complete re-write, or major revisions such as to allow an Offeror unfair
advantage over those more competitive offers.

(b) Tradeoff: This procurement utilizes the tradeoff process set forth in FAR 15.101-1. If the
Contracting Officer determines that competing technical proposals are essentially equal,
cost/price factors may become the determining factor in source selection. Conversely, if the
Contracting Officer determines that competing cost/price proposals are essentially equal,
technical factors may become the determining factor in source selection. Further, the
Contracting Officer may award to a higher priced offeror if a determination is made that the
higher technical evaluation of that offeror merits the additional cost/price.

(c) Award: In accordance with FAR 52.215-1(f), the Government intends to award a contract
resulting from this solicitation to the responsible Offeror(s) whose proposal(s) represent the
best value after evaluation in accordance with the factors and subfactors as set forth in this

Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-1
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The USAID Geographic Code Book sets for the official description of all geographic codes
used by USAID in authorizing or implementing documents, to designate authorized source
countries or areas. The following are summaries of the principle codes:

(a) Code 899--Any area or country, except the cooperating country itself and the foreign policy
restricted countries.

(b) Code 935--Any area or country including the cooperating country, but excluding the foreign
policy restricted countries.

(c) Code 937The United States, the cooperating /recipient country and developing countries
other than advanced developing countries, and excluding prohibited sources.

*Has the status of a Geopolitical Entity, rather than an independent country.

Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-2
Solicitation Number SOL-391-14-000037 Page 1 of 3

1. Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Contractors Name

3. Employees Address (include ZIP 4. Contract Number 5. Position Under Contract

6. Proposed Salary 7. Duration of Assignment

8. Telephone Number 9. Place of Birth 10. Citizenship (If non-U.S. citizen, give visa status)
(include area code)
1. Names, Ages, and Relationship of Dependents to Accompany Individual to Country

of Assignment
12. EDUCATION (include all college or 13. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY
university degrees)
INSTITUTION Speaking Reading
2/S 2/R
2/S 2/R
2/S 2/R
1. Give lasts three (3) years. List salaries separate for each year. Continue on separate sheet of paper
if required to list all employment related to duties of proposed assignment.
2. Salary definition basic periodic payment for services rendered. Exclude bonuses,
profit-sharing arrangements, commissions consultant fees, extra or overtime work payments,
overseas differential or quarters, cost of living or dependent education allowances.
EMPLOYERS NAME Dates of Employment Annual Salary



15. SPECIFIC CONSULTANT SERVICES (give last three (3) years)

SERVICES EMPLOYERS NAME Dates of Employment Days at Daily Rate
Rate In Dollars
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Solicitation Number SOL-391-14-000037 Page 2 of 3

16. CERTIFICATION: To the best of my knowledge, the above facts as stated are true and correct.
Signature of Employee Date
Contractor certifies in submitting this form that it has taken reasonable steps (in accordance with
sound business practices) to verify the information contained in this form. Contractor understands that
USAID may rely on the accuracy of such information in negotiating and reimbursing personnel under
this contract.
The making of certifications that are false, fictitious, or fraudulent, or that are based on inadequately
verified information, may result in appropriate remedial action by USAID, taking into consideration all
of the pertinent facts and circumstances, ranging from refund claims to criminal prosecution.
Signature of Contractors Representative Date

AID 1420-17 (4/95)

Indicate your language proficiency in block 13 using the following numeric interagency Language Roundtable
(Foreign Service Institute levels). Also, the following provides brief descriptions of proficiency levels 2, 3, 4,
and 5. S
indicates speaking ability and R indicates reading ability. For more in-depth description of the levels refer to
Handbook 28.
2. Limited working proficiency
S Able to satisfy routine social demands and limited work requirements.
R Sufficient comprehension to read simple, authentic written material in a form equivalent to
usual printing or typescript on familiar subjects.

3. General professional proficiency

S Able to speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to
participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations.
R Able to read within a normal range of speed and with almost complete comprehension.

4. Advanced professional proficiency

S Able to use the language fluently and accurately on all levels.
R Nearly native ability to read and understand extremely difficult or abstract prose, colloquialisms
and slang

5. Functional native proficiency

S Speaking proficiency is functionally equivalent to that of a highly articulate well-educated
native speaker.
R Reading proficiency is functionally equivalent to that of the well-educated native reader.
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The information requested by this form is necessary for prudent management and administration of public funds
under USAID contracts. The information helps USAID estimate overseas logistic support and allowances; the
educational information provides an indication of qualifications; the salary information is used as a means
of cost monitoring and to help determine reasonableness of proposed salary.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average thirty minutes per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data
needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:

United States Agency for International Development

Procurement Policy Division (M/OP/P)
Washington, DC 20523-1435;
Office of Management and Budget
Paperwork Reduction Project (0412-0520)
Washington, DC 20503

AID 1420-17 (4/95) Back

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The items contained herein are to be considered a baseline in the development of a Security Plan.
As this guidance was developed for use across the Agency, it cannot take into account all on-
the-ground situations. Thus, developers must consider the augmentation of their security plans
to meet specific threats and possible emergencies posed by the environment. USAID partners are
responsible for their own security. By approving, denying, or requesting modifications in a
security plan, USAID does not assume responsibility for the security of a partner or its

Each USAID partner will look at its security posture differently. The plan will include:

1) An opening statement of management responsibilities with a brief description that summarizes

the corporate, company, and or organizational philosophy regarding security in general (high
profile, low profile etc.) and specifically towards this program/project.

2) A description/summary with an overview of the particular program/project. The plan must

also indicate the intended method of managing the safety and security program for example in
house by a security manager or contracted to a third party.

3) A Threat Analysis and a Risk Assessment conducted by a competent authority, preferably a

professional Security Expert. This product must cover all facets of the Offerors operations
(including lodging, office, transportation, operational area, etc.)
Current and previous security situation (to include crime, insurgent activity, kidnappings,
police and military operations, etc.) in the area(s) of proposed program/project activities, the
company's offices, and employee living areas.
Previous security incidents that involved the company and/or its personnel or other
organizations in the vicinity previous and current threats against the company and/or its

4) Location(s) of proposed program/project offices and activities.

5) Period of Performance of the contract.

6) The company's current security plan (if applicable) including perimeter security such as "11'
high, l' foot thick, concrete and brick wall, with razor wire on top totaling approx. 13' that
surrounds the facility/ies, CCTV system, 10' high metal entry/exit door manned by a 24/7 armed
guard, with cabin, etc.

7) For requests of vehicles:

Number of vehicles requested
Vendor that will be utilized
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Frequency of travel utilizing vehicles

Driver Training Plan
Passenger orientation and driver training plan.

Note: Armored vehicles have different handling characteristics and drivers and perspective
passengers must be trained in evasive driving techniques as well as handling the particular type
of vehicle in emergency situations.

8) A security point of contact in case for questions or clarifications.

9) Planned methods to mitigate the threats, including evidence of an assessment or evaluation of

alternative security precautions. These may include but not be limited to:
Issuance and use of two-way radios and/or other communication networks, upgrading buildings,
deploying guards and/or guard force, CCTV system, or purchasing additional vehicles as
recommended by security experts, assessing the manner in which the FAV is envisaged to be
used in terms of safety etc.

10) A cost breakdown along with comprehensive budget narrative. Initial funding request must
be identified broken out by line item and incremental funding identified capturing annual cost
and overall funding limit for the life of the award.

Please note that the above items are not an all-inclusive list; there may be additional relevant
information or items to be considered. Therefore, when submitting a Security Plan, all relevant
and necessary information must be addressed/explained.


The following topics are not part of an all-inclusive list, but represent a guidance of the elements
the developer can consider to protect life and property from attack, theft, or environmental loss.
If any of the topics is not considered relevant for the specific program/project, a short statement
outlining why the topic is not relevant to the plan must be included.

Physical Security for the Program/Project Office(s) and/or personnel residences

- Facility Location(s) provide pertinent security information for each facility and/or

- Site Plan(s) / photographs

- Perimeter
o Barriers (bollards/vehicle control/personnel access control/ditch)
o Perimeter wall (anti-climb/construction)
o Visitor and package/mail screening
o CCTV coverage and data storage method to monitor and security of the storage
o Lighting
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o Setback

- Hardline protection
o Wall construction
o Man-passable openings
o Doors and Locks
o Windows and Shatter Resistant Window Film (SRWF)
o Access control procedures
o Eliminating climbable platforms if applicable

- Interior
o CCTV ( archiving)
o Imminent Danger Notification System type alarm
o Safe room - procedures
o Room locks
o Emergency procedures posted, drilled, and documented

Guard Force Considerations for the Program/Project Office(s) and/or personnel residences

- Guard Force
o Guard force duties
o Staffing per shift
o Equipment that will be issued (armed/unarmed etc.)
o Shift hours (avoid 12 hour shifts)
o Pre-hire screening
o Documented training (rules of engagement, firearms, first aid etc.)


- Power
o Generator (back-up power) size
o Fuel delivery and storage

- Other Considerations
o Potable water source and emergency supply
o Environmental factors (flood/seismic)
o Proximity to emergency response
o Fire safety, smoke and carbon-monoxide alarms
o Emergency food stores


Corporate, company, and or organizational policies and plans that are specific to the
program/project must be addressed.
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- Incident reporting (SIR, IR, SR, etc.)

- Weapons on the premises/
- Premises access
- Pre-hire staff vetting
- Branding (USAID and other)
- ID issuance and display
- Medical treatment
- Movement on foot and vehicular
- Vehicle accident
- Night letters and other threats to staff
- Visitors access procedures
- Safeguarding sensitive information
- Travel policies including local, field and international.
- Compliance with licenses under Pakistan laws.


- Communications plan (including emergency cascade phone list)

- Fire in/on the premises
- Bomb threat
- Emergency Evacuation from premises
- Emergency Evacuation area/country
- Personal Recovery/Kidnapping release plan
- Emergency Action Plan


Training must be addressed at the outset of the program/project with scheduled refresher training
included. Additionally, all training must be documented and recorded. Drills to establish the
level of comprehension must also be considered.

- Operational Security
o Cell phone
o Travel
o Handling of sensitive information
o Public

- Environmental Awareness/Cultural Sensitivity

- First Aid what supplies and capabilities will be on premises
- Driving/Passenger
- Counterintelligence
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0001 - YWFD.pdf
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Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-6
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Branding Implementation Plan

Please note: all text in Italics is only for guidance; please delete it from your final version! This
text aims to give you some guidance about the plan; however, it does not aim to cover all
possible situations pertinent to your project.

Project Title:
Agreement Number:
Period of Activity:
Implementing organization:

Branding implementation plan hinges on three factors: (1) public communications to further
projects goals; (2) telling the project story and its achievements and (3) telling why that story
and those achievements are possible i.e., highlighting the support of the American people.

To implement this approach, all staff will receive training and regular updates on the details of
the (project name) project, its successes, talking points, as well as USAID and the American
peoples role in the development process. In addition to ensuring that all staff can speak about
the project and explain USAID and the American peoples role in the process, (implementing
organization) will develop a comprehensive package of communication materials, such as
success story and press release templates, banners, information packages, brochures, videos and
project summaries among others.

1. Name of the Program

In English: (include any relevant translations)

Guidelines: This document needs to identify how the project will be referred to for public
communications purposes; it does not necessarily need to be the same as the officially given title
in the contracting mechanism.

2. Program Communications and Publicity

a). The primary and secondary audiences for this project or program

Guidelines: Please include direct beneficiaries and any special target segments or influencers
(please remember to consider/include the audiences listed in the branding strategy). For
example: Primary audience: schoolgirls age 8-12, Secondary audience: teachers and parents
specifically mothers.

b). Main Program Message

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Guidelines: Include the intended message(s) of the project. For example: "Be tested for HIV-
AIDS" or "Have your child inoculated."

c). Communications or program materials that will be used to explain or market the
program to beneficiaries

Guidelines: These include training materials, posters, pamphlets, Public Service

Announcements, billboards, websites, and so forth. Explain how they will be used to promote the

d). Promotion of the project among host country citizens (within the framework of the
branding strategy)

Guidelines: Please include a brief description of your overall approach to promotion efforts:
what will the focus be, what media (regional or national, print or TV, or radio) you will
primarily engage, etc. and only then discuss specifics as suggested below.

Please specifically describe the following:

How the project will be publicized in the host-country within the framework of the
branding strategy.
Explain which communications tools will be used to target which of the focus audiences
and how. Such tools may include press conferences, public events, press releases, media
interviews, site visits, success stories, beneficiary testimonials, photos, PSAs, videos,
websites, e-invitations, or other e-mails sent to group lists, such as participants for a
training session blast e-mails or other Internet activities, etc. Explain how each of these
tools will be used, how many you plan for each country a year, etc.
What key anticipated milestones or opportunities the project will use to generate
awareness that the project (or a specific activity) is from the American people. Such
milestones may be linked to specific points in time, such as the beginning or end of a
program, or to an opportunity to showcase publications or other materials, research
findings, or program success. These include, but are not limited to launching the
program, announcing research findings, publishing reports or studies, spotlighting
trends, highlighting success stories, featuring beneficiaries as spokespeople, showcasing
before-and-after photographs, marketing agricultural products or locally-produced
crafts or goods, securing endorsements from ministry or local organizations, promoting
final or interim reports, and communicating program impact/overall results.
Explain how any of the public communications materials will be disseminated in the
country or province(s) where the project is implemented.

Sample optional table for c).and d):

Communication Start Date Frequency Audience Dissemination

Product mechanisms
Project Launch and November 1, Twice in each NGO Local media
Close-Out 2006 - country Community, local
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Conferences (10 September, government,

total) 2009 USAID target
audiences in the
host country
Project Fact Sheet December 1, Revised Government, Given to
and Brochure 2006 annually USAID, USAID beneficiaries, other
(2,000 copies target host groups at meetings
annually) country audiences and events, included
in material packages
for all events
Community March 1, 2007 80 project Local Local press invited
Project Opening grants across community, local to each, press
Ceremonies the region government, release prepared and
media, disseminated

CD-ROM (1,000 January 1, Revised central and local Included in material

copies annually) 2007 annually government, packages for all
beneficiary events
USAID target
host country
Success Stories December 1, 2/country/year NGO community, Translated to local
2006 USAID languages and sent
to local media,
included in
packages for
relevant trainings
and other events
Press Releases November 1, Monthly in NGO Sent to media
2006 each country Community,
USAID target
audiences in the
host country
Impact Stories for December 1, one story a NGO Sent to USAID
USAID monthly 2006 month, on a Community,
newsletter basis of the Government,
press releases USAID, USAID
target audiences
in the host
T-shirts to promote January 1, Annually USAID target Disseminated at all
the project (500) 2007 audiences in the public events
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host country
PSAs on October 2007 One for each Mothers with Disseminated
programmatic country children under 5 through the TV
issues (5) channels in each
Leaflets on health June 2007 Annually Mothers with Disseminated
issues (50,000) children under 5 through projects

e). Conveying the Message From the American People through Public Communications

Guidelines: Please indicate how the project will incorporate the message, This assistance is
from the American people in communications and materials directed to beneficiaries as well as
to the other host country audiences, or provide an explanation if this message is not appropriate
or possible.

E.g., At each public event, including (please include such as conferences, seminars, training
events, and other events) USAID and the support from the American people will be verbally
acknowledged in the following way: (please explain; it is best to develop a standard phrase
which will be used by all project staff in all verbal and written communications this way staff
does not have to invent a new explanation each time)

3. Acknowledgement of other organizations

Guidance: Please explain how you will acknowledge organizations listed in the Branding
strategy (if there are such). For example, when describing an activity that was implemented in
cooperation with the National AIDS Center, the project will state: the project, in cooperation
with the National AIDS Center, has opened/facilitated/organized/prepared. ..

Additionally, please consider if the project needs to acknowledge any other organizations, in
addition to the ones outlined in the branding strategy, for its successful operations and if there
are such, list them here. Include a brief explanation why the project feels these organizations are
important to be acknowledged.

4. Coordination with USAID on publicity and project promotion issues

The project will clear any press releases, media as well as public events, and media interviews
with USAID (COR and outreach coordinator) and follow other relevant guidance provided by
the Mission.

Throughout the project implementation, (implementing organization) will provide to USAID:

a) Quarterly list of public events to be organized by the project during the coming three
months, including approximate date, location, and audience.
b) One success story every six months with an accompanying photograph (see item c) for
specifications). The success stories will be provided in a Word Document format.
c) At least 20 photographs illustrative of projects achievements, in jpeg format, a year. The
photographs will comply with a guidance provided in the USAID Graphic Standards
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Manual, and be at least 500kb in size each. Each photograph will have a brief explanation
about its subject, and identify: the author and his/her organization, person(s) featured in
the photograph, and the location where the photograph was taken.
d) Clippings of press articles that mention the project.
e) At least 2 copies of all public communications materials produced by the project.
f) Once a year, the project will present to USAID an overview of the implemented publicity
events and received media coverage.

In the event of changed circumstances for implementation of this Branding Implementation Plan,
(implementing organization), through its COR , will submit to USAID a request to modify this
plan and/or other related documents, such as the Marking Plan.
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Please note: all text in Italics is only for guidance; please delete it from your final version! This
text aims to give you some guidance about the plan; however, it does not aim to cover all
possible situations relevant to your project.

Project Title:
Agreement Number:
Period of Activity:
Implementing organization:

(Implementing organization) intends to mark deliverables and public communications under this
project as outlined in this Marking Plan.

1. Marking of sub-awards (implementing organization) will include, in each solicitation, the

standard clause about USAID Branding and Marking requirements for the information purposes
of the applicants that the grantee/contractor will be required to comply with the Branding and
Marking requirements of ADS320 (and, for grants, 22 CFR 226.91) during the implementation
of the grant/contract.

a) When issuing a sub-contract under this project, (implementing organization) will include the
following marking provision in any USAID funded sub-contract (please adjust as necessary):
As a condition of receipt of this sub-award, exclusive marking with the USAID Identity
and the U.S. flag is required. The contractor will not mark any deliverables or public
communications (including, but not limited to training events and materials, conferences,
seminars, brochures, press releases, promotional items, etc.) with any other logo or
identity but USAID identity and the U.S. flag. The only exception allowable is the logo
of the local government, upon approval and in accordance with guidance from USAID.
The sub-contractor will comply will all provisions of the projects marking plan,
branding strategy, and branding implementation plan, pertinent to the sub-contract.

2. Disclaimer language for publications (please include only applicable translations of the
disclaimer below): All studies, reports, publications, web sites, and all informational and
promotional products will contain the following provision:

This study/report/Web site (specify) is made possible by the support of the American
people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The
contents are the sole responsibility of the (name of organization) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

3. Design of publicity materials and the use of the USAID identity and the U.S. flag:
For all printed matter (such as publications, official and/or public project communications,
banners and other signs, plaques, certificates, also promotional products developed to increase
Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-7
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the visibility of the project among its target audiences, etc.), the project will use guidance set in
the USAID Graphic Standards Manual. This includes such issues as the use of the USAID
identity, also colors scheme, design, and typeface for any project materials. The U.S. flag will be
placed in such a way as to generate a pleasing design, but will follow the same requirements for
the size, visibility, and background as the USAID identity.

4. Marking of project deliverables and public communications

List and describe public communications, commodities, and program materials that will be
produced as part of the contract and will visibly bear the USAID identity and the U.S. flag:

Guidance: Explain the general approach the program will use to mark all the public
communications, commodities, and program materials that will be produced as part of the
assistance agreement with the USAID identity. Remember to consider and include
program, project, or activity sites funded by USAID, including visible infrastructure projects
or activities that are physical in nature (must have temporary and permanent signs,
according ADS 320)
technical assistance, studies, reports, papers, websites, PSAs, audio-visual productions, and
other promotional, informational, media, or communications products funded by USAID
events under the project training courses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, fairs,
workshops, press conferences, and other public activities
all commodities provided through the project, including those for humanitarian assistance,
and all other equipment, supplies, and materials, and their export packaging, funded by
any promotional materials pens, caps, t-shirts, etc.

Table #1: Marked deliverables and public communications

Guidance: Please
include and discuss marking of any items relevant to your project, such as Websites,
Brochures, Reports, manuals, textbooks, Events (conferences, trainings, study tours, etc.),
Training materials, Surveys, Promotional materials (e.g., t-shirts, pens, caps, pins, etc.),
PowerPoint presentations, Commodities (equipment, tools, furniture, instruments, etc.-
only those used for programmatic purposes), Plaques, Certificates, Press releases,
Factsheets, Invitations, Documentaries, TV and radio public service announcements,
Articles in the print media, Activity sites and physical infrastructure objects, and any
other public communications means the project plans to use.
Discuss groups of items marked the same way rather than going through each item
Consider if there might be some more efficient/visible ways to mark provided assistance
(e.g., instead of marking every classroom table and chair with a USAID sticker, consider
attaching a plaque to the room in which USAID-funded items are placed)
include clear explanation where the USAID identity will be placed, on which
page/location/site, etc. Similarly discuss placement of the disclaimer and any other used
means of marking.
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attach samples of how you are planning to mark various types of documents: i.e., include
a sample factsheet or a certificate, etc.

(Contractor organization) will display the USAID identity and the U.S. flag in the following

Items included in the table below are only examples, please change as applicable.

Project deliverable/ Placement of the Notes Disclaimer, text

public USAID identity, U.S. about USAID
communication flag
press releases Identity will be placed in Electronic Text about USAID to
the upper left hand side identity to be be included in the first
of the first page, and the added; press paragraph
U.S. flag in the upper releases will start
right. June 2007, est.
monthly issuance
brochures about the USAID identity will be June 2007; Text about USAID
project placed in the upper left Updated included as the first
corner of the front page annually in June paragraph; disclaimer
U.S. flag in the upper at the bottom of the
right corner. back page

reports, researches, the identity will be June 2007; The disclaimer will be
and other multiple centered on the cover at quarterly included at the bottom
page documents the top of the page of the first page
requiring a cover
Training events Banner with the USAID June 2007;
identity at the front of the monthly
Training materials (list Identity on cover page, 2006-2007; Disclaimer at the
titles/other details if top left corner monthly; total bottom of the front
known) est. 30,000 page, in italics
Renovated schools A plaque by the entrance
(specify est. number) of the school
t-shirts to promote On the front of the shirt,
program top left

Any items not mentioned in Tables #1 or #2 will be marked in a fashion similar to the one
described in Table #1, unless they are exempt from marking by USAID regulations (i.e., business
cards, items for solely project administrative use, administrative letters).

Table #2: Deliverables without marking

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There are 8 exceptions that you could ask for -see ADS320. Please review those exceptions and
consider, if any deliverables or public communications under this project must not be marked
with the U.S. flag or the USAID identity. If you identify such, please include them into the table

Project Rationale (explain how the How will USAID assistance Estimated
deliverable exception applies) be acknowledged if the period/date of
USAID identity is not application
(name the (identify, which exception is
deliverable applicable and briefly explain,
that you why this exception is requested)
propose to
not be
with the

Table #3: Public Communications, Branding and Marking Budget

Items included in the table below are only samples, please change as applicable

item Description Quantity Cost

Press conferences 5 $XXX
Public service 6 $XXX
Photo and video materials $XXX
for publicity
Banner with the USAID 1mx2.5m 2 $XXX
identity (see attachment
XX with the design)
Stickers with the USAID Plastic, 10x20 cm 1000 $
identity (see attachment
XX with the design)
Project brochures Russian language 2000 $
Plaques for assisted 30x60cm, white plastic, 50 $
schools (see attachment English and Russian text
Total $

5. Modifications

In the event of changed circumstances for implementation of this Marking Plan, (recipient
organization), through its AOTR, will submit to USAID a request to modify this plan and/or
other related documents, such as the Branding Strategy.
Attachments (please include any templates and sample designs the project will use)
Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-8
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Information to be Included in Letter of Recommendation for Key Personnel


[Name of Firm Employing Candidate]
[Name of Candidate]


Discuss how you know this candidate and what your professional relationship with this
candidate was.

Discuss the candidates ability to manage a large team of people.

Discuss the candidates responsiveness to the needs of the client and other stakeholders.

Discuss whether or not the candidates technical skills provide value to the client.

Discuss whether or not you would recommend this candidate for a key position on a
major infrastructure project.


Please provide your name and affiliation.

Please provide an email address and a telephone number where you may be contacted to
verify the information provided in this letter of recommendation.
Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-9
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Annual Gross Salary

(effective from June 30, 2013 )
Range in PKR

40 Hours per Week

Type of Jobs
(Starting - Ending)
Rs. 336,415 - Rs.
1 Manual Labor and Semi-Skilled
Janitor/Janitress, Janitor Supervisor, Laborer, Gardener,
Duplicating Equipment Operator, Chauffeur, Gardener,
Automotive Mechanic, Motor Vehicle Serviceman, Trades
Helper, Warehouseman, Clerk Typist, Distribution Clerk, Guard,
Mail Clerk/ File clerk, Maintenance Man, Power Plant Operator,
Receptionist etc.
Rs. 568,081 - Rs.
2 Skilled Labor

Automotive Mechanic, Boiler Operator, Chauffeur, Clerk

Stenographer, Clerk Typist, Dispatcher, Guard,
Guard/Receptionist, Locksmith, Mail Clerk, Maintenance Man,
Mechanic (Building Trades), Power Plant Operator, Procurement
Clerk, Receptionist, Supply Clerk, Telephone Operator, Guard
Supervisor, Library Clerk, Mail Supervisor Maintenance
Foreman, Medical Technician, Payroll Clerk, Personnel Clerk,
Program Clerk, Purchasing Agent, Receptionist, Secretary,
Security Clerk, Shipment Clerk, Telephone Supervisor, Travel
Clerk, Utilities Foreman, Voucher Examiner, Work Control Clerk,
Administrative Assistant, Automotive Mechanic Foreman,
Customs Expediter, Guard Supervisor, Library Assistant
(Technical Services), Library Clerk (LOC), Medical Technician,
Motor Pool Supervisor, Payroll Clerk, etc.

Rs. 1,014,257 - Rs.

3 Middle Level Management & Assistants
Accounting Technician, Administrative Assistants, Agricultural
Assistant, Arts and Graphics Assistant, Budget Analyst, Cashier,
Commercial Assistant, Cultural Affairs Assistant, Development
Assistance Assistant, Distribution Assistant , Economic Assistant,
Information Assistant, Language Instructor, Librarian
,Maintenance Supervisor, Nurse, Participant Training Assistant,
Payroll Supervisor, Personnel Assistant, Political Assistant,
Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-9
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Procurement Agent, Program Assistant, Project Management

Assistant, Protocol Assistant, Purchasing Agent, Reference
Librarian, Secretary , Security Investigator, Security Investigator,
Shipment Assistant, Shipment Assistant, Shipment Assistant
(POV), Shipment Supervisor, Supervisory Accounting
Technician, Supervisory Audio Visual Technician, Supervisory
Language Instructor, Supervisory Voucher Examiner, Supply
Supervisor, Technical Services Librarian, Translator, Travel
Assistant, Voucher Examiner, etc.
Rs. 2,315,426 - Rs.
4 Management Level employees

Accountant, Agricultural Specialist, Arts & Graphics Specialist,

Budget Analyst, Chief Accountant, Chief Librarian, Commercial
Specialist, Cultural Affairs Specialist, Cultural Affairs Specialist,
Cultural Affairs Specialist, Development Assistance Specialist,
Development Program Specialist, Distribution Record System
Specialist, Distribution Specialist, Economic Specialist, Engineer,
Financial Analyst, Information Specialist, Library Director,
Maintenance Supervisor, Medical Officer, Participant Training
Specialist, Personnel Specialist, HR Specialist, Political
Specialist, Procurement Supervisor, Program Specialist, Project
Management Specialist, Security Investigator, Supervisory
Budget Specialist, Supv. Financial Analyst etc.
Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-10
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Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-11
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The following sets forth the process to be utilized for evaluation of proposed costs under this
RFP. The Offerors proposed costs and salaries for the 5-year period must be incorporated into
the Sample Budget below where indicated. The total cost plus fixed fee in the Sample Budget is
the offerors proposed cost for evaluation purposes.

Note1: Key Personnel must be in accordance with Section C.

Note2: The personnel proposed for the labor categories including key personnel in Section C
and/or additional personnel proposed by the offeror must be proposed full-time. Annual salaries
for the full-time positions must be consistent with the offerors personnel policies and the
proposed Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet submitted for each labor category.
Normally a work-year is 2,080 hours (260 days x 8 hours per day), including paid absences
(holidays, vacations, and sick leave). However, some organizations do not have an 8-hour
workday, and some accounting systems normally provide for direct recovery of paid absences by
using a work-year of less than 2,080 hours to compute individuals' unburdened daily rates.
Therefore, the Offeror must propose a work-year in accordance with your organizations
personnel policies and accounting systems. The cost proposal must clearly indicate the number
of hours and days in the Offerors normal work-day and normal work-week, indicate how paid
absences (US holidays, local holidays, vacation and sick) will be covered, and describe the
organizations work day and work week policies in accordance with Section L.10.7.

Note4: The application of indirect cost line items in the budget proposal may be adjusted by the
Offeror pursuant to the application of indirect cost rates set forth in the prime offerors NICRA.

Note5: The proposed Fixed Fee percentage in the Cost Evaluation Matrix will be incorporated
into the IQC as the maximum fixed fee percentage allowed for all Task Orders.

Note 6:
Offerors are to propose salaries as part of their cost proposals.
For salaries, specify the escalation rate used between years for each labor category
For Fringe: specify rate and detail base of application used -
Sample - "B: Fringe Benefits: 15%
Base of application: [$3,210,000 (Total Direct Labor)] * 15 % = $481,500]"
For Overhead: specify rate and detail base of application used -
Sample - "C. Overhead: 20%
Base of application: [$3,210,000 (Total Direct Labor) + $481,500 (Fringe Benefits)] *
20% = $738,300
Youth Workforce Development (YWFD) Project Attachment J-11
Solicitation Number SOL-391-14-000037 Page 2 of 2

Applied Total
A Labor Categories* (%) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Estimated
where Cost
Chief of Party - Mandatory
Deputy Chief of Party (Karachi)
Deputy Chie of Party (Lahore) -
Private Sector Engagement Specialist -
Operations Manager
Subject Matter Specialist
Information Management Specialist
Communication Specialist
Training and Human Resources Specialist
Program Development Specialist
M&E Specialist
Administrative Support
STTA Consultants
Sub-Total Direct Labor
B Fringe Benefits
C Indirect Cost on Labor and Fringe
D Other Direct Cost
Travel Transporation and Per Diem
Non-expendable Equipment
Security Cost
E Indirect Cost Rate on ODCs
Total Estimated Cost
Fixed Fee
Total Estimated Cost + Fixed Fee
1. Offerors must propose Key Personnel. Other labor categories mentioned are optional and Offerors may propose
labor categories in accordance with its technical proposal. The rates of all labor categories proposed will be
negotiated at the IQC level.
2. This budget template is only illustrative.

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