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Evidence-Based Practice
Caring for a Patient Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty
Rebecca J. Parker

More than 500,000 total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgeries were patient to report the amount of pain that is being expe-
performed in 2006 and the number is expected to continue to rienced. The amount and type of pain should be as-
increase (S. Kim, 2008). A background in evidence-based nurs- sessed using a valid and reliable pain scale such as the
ing care will assist any nurse assigned in caring for a postopera- Numeric Rating Scale or the Wong/Baker Facial Pain
Scale (ICSI, 2008; RNOA, 2002). Guidelines from the
tive TKA patient. Strong pain assessment and reassessment skills
ICSI (2008) support pain assessment upon admission,
with an understanding of multimodal pain management bene-
at least once a shift, and at discharge. Additional re-
fits pain control and patient recovery from TKA surgery. Safe assessment should take place following any interven-
mobilization and therapy techniques that reflect evidence-based tion provided when the patients pain goal is not being
practice will keep patients safe. Providing nursing interventions met. Assessing the patients current pain, pain goal, and
that prevent complications from infections or thromboembolism how the pain interferes with activities will help the
will reduce never events from occurring. This article will present nurse develop a plan for managing pain (Akyol,
evidence for the care of a postoperative TKA patient. Karayurt, & Salmond, 2009).


otal knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a successful, Acute pain is best managed using pharmacologic agents
cost-effective, low-risk therapy that offers pain (ICSI, 2008). Because of the severe pain experienced after
relief and improves function for patients who do TKA, preemptive analgesia appears to be the best way to
not respond to nonsurgical treatment (Zhang begin pain management. Aiming to start the analgesic
et al., 2008). DeFrances, Lucas, Buie, and Golosinski (2008) process early and aggressively prevent pain, preemptive
report that 542,000 TKA surgeries were performed in analgesia is sometimes initiated even before the surgical
2006, almost double the number from 2000. Kim (2008) incision is made as anesthesiologists place epidural
estimates that 1.5 million primary TKA surgeries will be catheters or continuous femoral infusions (CFI; Ginsberg,
performed in 2015. Total knee arthroplasty is performed 2001). Chelly et al. (2001) found that patients who recov-
for patients who suffer joint failure from osteoarthritis, ered with a CFI had shorter lengths of stay, decreased
rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, or blood loss, and better postoperative pain control. It has
osteonecrosis. Because of the expanding number of peo- also been reported that patients with a CFI had better
ple undergoing TKA surgery, the chances that a nurse pain management and improved immediate mobilization
will provide postoperative care for a TKA patient is than patients with an epidural catheter or patient-
highly likely. This article will examine evidence-based controlled analgesic (Chelly et al., 2001). A retrospective
practices of postoperative nursing care for TKA patients. review study by Duellman, Gaffigan, Milbrandt, and Allan
(2009) found that preemptively administering oxycodone
and a selective COX-2 inhibitor resulted in reduced intra-
Pain Management venous narcotics postoperatively, increased participation
Aggressive postoperative pain management is required for in therapy, and decreased length of stay.
TKA patients (National Institute of Health, 2003). Strong A multimodal approach to pain uses two or more drug
assessment of the patients pain is the first step toward inter- categories to relieve pain by different mechanism
vening to manage pain. Pain management interventions are (Duellman et al., 2009; Pasero & McCaffrey, 2007). The
both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic. Table 1 in- most effective regimen uses around the clock oral opi-
cludes a synthesis of evidence related to pain management. oids, such as oxycodone, and an around-the-clock nons-
Pain management requires a skilled assessment, involve- teroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as celecoxib, with
ment of patient, and the use of a multimodal approach immediate release opioid for breakthrough pain (Ginsberg,
(Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement [ICSI], 2008;
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario [RNOA], 2002).
Rebecca J. Parker, MSN, RN, CNL, ONC, Saint Marys Health Care,
Grand Rapids, Michigan.
PAIN ASSESSMENT The author has disclosed that she has no financial interests to any com-
The most reliable indicator of pain is through self- mercial company related to this educational activity.
report (ICSI, 2008). The nurse should educate the DOI:10.1097/NOR.0b013e3182057451

4 Orthopaedic Nursing January/February 2011 Volume 30 Number 1

Copyright 2011 National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


4:58 AM

First Author Design, Sample Size Level of Evidence Intervention Outcome Measures Results

Akyol Descriptive study, 120 TKR patients V Brief Pain Inventory Pain characteristics, contributing More information than pain severity
Page 5

Survey POD #4 factors, interference of pain is needed to properly assess pain,

with activities, satisfaction with pain affects activity
pain management after TKA
Duellman Retrospective review, 127 total joint III Multimodal preemptive Postoperative nausea, rehabilitation Multimodal preemptive medication
replacement patients medication with participation, length of stay led to decreased length of stay,
scheduled oxycodone decreased requirement of intra-
and COX-2 inhibitor venous morphine, decreased
Chelly Comparative study with three groups, III CFI for recovery Fever, wound infection, blood CFI had decreased postoperative
1. General anesthesia with PCA only loss and blood transfusions, bleeding, performed better on
2. Epidural analgesia level of pain, and morphine CPM, 90% reduction in serious
3. Continuous femoral infusion 92 consumption and associated complications, and 20% de-
patients adverse effects crease in LOS
Pellino Descriptive comparative and V Kit of nonpharmacologic Pain and anxiety in postoperative Kit used when received, decreased
correlational study, 65 subjects strategies orthopaedic patients opioid use and decreased anxiety

Orthopaedic Nursing

on POD 1 and 2 when kit received
Adie Systematic Review/Meta-Analysis of I Cryotherapy Blood loss, early ROM, transfusion Uncertain benefits, no support for
Random Controlled Trials, 11 requirements, pain, analgesia routine use
studies with 793 TKA patients use, swelling, LOS
Cepeda Systematic review of 51 studies, I Listening to music Effect of music on acute, chronic, Reduces pain intensity levels and
3,663 patients or cancer pain intensity, pain re- opioid requirements, magnitude
lief, and analgesic requirements of benefits is small

January/February 2011
Note. CFI  continuous femoral infusions; CPM  continuous passive motion; LOS  length of stay; POD  postoperative day; PCA  patient-controlled analgesic; ROM  range of motion; TKA  total

knee arthroplasty; TKR  knee replacement.

Volume 30

Copyright 2011 National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Number 1
NOR200171.qxd 1/7/11 4:58 AM Page 6

2001). Because postoperative pain is typically continuous EDUCATION ABOUT PAIN MANAGEMENT
and severe, pain should be continuously treated with
Patients who have had a TKA require education about
around-the-clock medications for the first few days (Pasero
pain. The education should be done immediately post-
& McCaffrey, 2007; RNOA, 2002). The preferred method
operatively and on an ongoing basis during the hospital-
for administration for postoperative pain medication is
ization. Standards from the ICSI (2008) recommend ed-
oral because of convenience, cost, and patient tolerance
ucating on topics that include how long to expect pain,
(Pasero & McCaffrey, 2007; RNOA, 2002). It is reported
the goal of pain management, preventing pain rather
that when pain is managed with a multimodal approach,
than chasing the pain, treatments to manage pain,
patients use less as needed basis (PRN) narcotic, increase
how to ring the nurse for analgesic when needed, and
participation in rehabilitation, have less postoperative nau-
the plan for pain management, including the schedule
sea and vomiting, shorter lengths of stay, and decrease
for medication administration. Instructing patients to
need for skilled nursing at discharge (Duellman et al.,
report unrelieved pain promptly is critical to effective
2009). It is important to treat postoperative pain promptly,
pain management (RNOA, 2002). Prior to discharge, in-
especially breakthrough pain, because inadequate pain
structions regarding pain management, analgesic uses,
control has been linked to slower mobilization of TKA pa-
and side effects and interactions of medications are re-
tients and longer hospital stays (de Beer et al., 2005; RNOA,
iterated (Akyol et al., 2009).
2002). In addition to around-the-clock analgesics, patients
should have analgesics prior to walking, exercise, and sleep
to best control their pain (Akyol et al., 2009). For pain that Patient Mobilization and Therapy
is difficult to control, consider a consult for pain manage-
ment from a pain management expert (RNOA, 2002). Pain Postoperative TKA patients need the opportunity to mo-
that is adequately controlled improves patient satisfaction bilize and ambulate. Postoperative complications are
scores (Smith-Miller, Harlos, Roszell, & Bechtel, 2009). prevented with ambulation. Physical therapy should be
an important part of the multidisciplinary team to teach
NONPHARMACOLOGIC APPROACHES TO PAIN the patient how to use assistive devices and adhere to
Many nonanalgesic methods to managing pain have any weight-bearing restrictions that are ordered. The
been studied. Nonpharmacologic interventions include American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS)
cold application, relaxation, imagery, and music ther- supports mobilization and ambulation by the first day
apy (RNOA, 2002). Muscle relaxation, music, massage, postoperative (Johanson et al., 2009). Although patients
and stress balls are other ways of managing pain that will participate in therapy daily, they need the opportu-
have been reported in the literature (Pellino et al., 2005). nity to practice their new abilities with their nursing
Pellino et al. (2005) offered TKA patients a kit that in- caregivers (Radawiec, Howe, Gonzalez, Waters, &
cluded a cassette player with earphones, a tape of relax- Nelson, 2009). Evaluating each patient for fall risk to
ing music, a tape with instructions for progressive mus- confirm whether needs are met during the early mobi-
cle relaxation, a plastic massager with instructions for lization phase will translate to safe ambulation for the
massage in nonsurgical areas, a stress ball, and a book- patient (Radawiec et al., 2009).
let with information about how to use forms of relax- The National Association of Orthopedic Nurses has
ation. The study found that patients who received the developed an algorithm to help healthcare professionals
kit required less opioids and reported lower levels of determine the assistance needs of the patient on the basis
anxiety on postoperative day 2 (Pellino et al., 2005). of weight-bearing status, safety risk, and ability of other
Music has been reported to have a positive impact on extremities (Radawiec et al., 2009). The algorithm will
pain. A review of the effects of music on pain found that lead the nurse to the safest option for ambulation and list
postoperative pain intensity was decreased by 0.5 units the number of caregivers needed to assist (Radawiec
(Cepeda, Carr, Lau, & Alvarez, 2006). Music is a safe, et al., 2009). Mobilizing patients should be done in a safe
low-cost intervention that nurses can provide to im- fashion following established guidelines to maintain
prove the patient environment by distracting from post- safety for all parties (Nelson & Baptiste, 2006). Many
operative pain and increasing feelings of comfort evidence-based strategies, including patient lift devices,
(Cepeda et al., 2006; McCaffrey, 2008). All nonpharma- establishing no lift zones, using patient lift teams, and
cologic interventions are based on individual preference patient care ergonomic assessment protocols, have been
and should not be considered a substitute for medica- recommended by Nelson and Baptiste (2006). These
tions but rather complimentary therapy. strategies will help promote patient safety, reduce falls,
Another method for pain control is cryotherapy or and minimize employee injuries.
the application of cold to the surgical site. In a system-
atic review and meta-analysis, Adie, Naylor, and Harris CONTINUOUS PASSIVE MOTION
(2009) found that patients who used cryotherapy saw a One aspect of therapy for knee replacement patients is
significant reduction in pain on postoperative day 2 use of continuous passive motion (CPM) machines that
compared with those who did not use cryotherapy. are used to gently flex and extend the knee. They are used
Although reduced pain was reported, this study found to help the patient make progress by increasing range of
that there was no significant decrease in the use of post- motion postoperatively. Following the initial setup of the
operative narcotics with cold therapy. While cryother- machine by the physical therapist, it is often the respon-
apy is a safe and economical way to attempt to manage sibility of the bedside nurse to ensure the proper use.
pain, its benefits are uncertain and may be more related However, the use of the machines has been questioned
to pain wants (Adie et al., 2009). as to their value. A review of eight studies by Grella

6 Orthopaedic Nursing January/February 2011 Volume 30 Number 1

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(2008) found that the use of the CPM machine has no in- blood, hypotension, and lightheadedness (Johanson
fluence on short- and long-term knee extension, long- et al., 2009).
term knee flexion, pain, complications such as infection,
deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and need for manipulation,
or length of stay when compared to rehabilitation with Elimination
early knee mobilization. Better outcomes with short- Indwelling urinary catheters are sometimes used for pa-
term knee flexion have been seen when the CPM is ap- tients undergoing TKA with operative bladder draining
plied immediately postoperatively at a high flexion arc as the indication (Madeo & Roodhouse, 2009).
of motion, and for a significant amount of time each Placement of an indwelling catheter increases the pa-
day (Grella, 2008, p. 277). A study examining the use of tients risk of developing the most common nosocomial
CPM in 65 patients undergoing computer-navigated infection: a catheter-acquired urinary tract infection
TKA found no benefit postoperatively of CPM use. There (CAUTI) (Newman, 2007). A patient who develops CAUTI
was no statistically significant difference in flexion be- has a longer length of stay and the cost to treat the infec-
tween the no-CPM group and the CPM group at 2 weeks, tion increases the hospital bill (Madeo & Roodhouse,
6 weeks, and 3 months (Alkire & Swank, 2010). 2009). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
lists prolonged surgical duration as an indication for a
Foley catheter but states that it should be removed as
Prevention of Thromboembolism soon as possible and especially within 24 hr of insertion
For patients undergoing an orthopaedic surgery, in- (Gould, Umscheid, Agarwal, Kuntz, & Pegues, 2009).
cluding TKA, DVT and pulmonary embolism (PE) are
the most common life-threatening complications (Rice NURSING ROLE
& Walsh, 2001). Without prophylaxis, 40%60% of pa- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services includes
tients undergoing elective total hip replacement, total CAUTIs on the list of never events (Centers for
knee replacement, and hip fracture repair would de- Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2010). The bedside nurse
velop a DVT within 7-14 days following surgery (Geerts is an essential participant in ensuring that the catheter is
et al., 2008). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid maintained appropriately. Assess that the catheter bag is
Services (2010) named DVT following total joint re- positioned below the bladder to avoid reflux of urine into
placement surgery a never event in 2008. the bladder and prevent kinks in the tubing that will pre-
vent the urine from flowing freely (Madeo & Roodhouse,
MECHANICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPHYLAXIS 2009). The recommendations from the Centers for
Prophylaxis of DVT and PE is an important part of post- Disease Control and Prevention include securing the
operative care for the TKA patient. Guidelines from the catheter to prevent movement (Gould et al., 2009).
AAOS (Johanson et al., 2009) recommend mechanical Tubing is usually anchored or secured to the upper thigh
and chemical prophylaxis. Intermittent compression (Newman, 2007). The nurse should review the need for
devices should be applied to the TKA patients legs ei- catheterization and remove the indwelling catheter as
ther intraoperatively or immediately postoperatively. soon as possible after placement. Because duration of
All members of the multidisciplinary team should en- the catheter is directly linked to the risk of bacteruria
sure that the compression devices are on the legs at all and development of CAUTI, prompt removal is of up-
times, even when the patient is out of bed. TKA patients most importance (Madeo & Roodhouse, 2009).
should mobilize as soon as it is possible. Patients should The nursing care provided to a TKA patient will help
be taught to perform dorsi and planterflexion of the an- the patient recover safely and quickly. Managing pain,
kles 10 to 20 times every half hour while awake. The mobilizing patients, following recommendations for
AAOS recommends that patients be in a chair several thromboembolism prophylaxis, and decreasing the risk
times per day. Even patients with epidurals should be of CAUTI all contribute to safe postoperative care.
encouraged and expected to be out of bed, and they can Using evidence-based practices to guide the nursing
begin to stand and ambulate when they are physically care for TKA patients will help to ensure patient safety
able (Johanson et al., 2009). Chemical prophylaxis will and recovery.
vary on the basis of physician preferences and patient
preoperative identified risk of PE and bleeding ten- REFERENCES
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