Car 21 QB 02112015

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CAR-21(Rev -3, 24 April -15)

1) Application for issue of noise certificate is

(a) CA2006-1 (b) CA2005-1 (c) CA2006-1A (d) CA2005-1A

2) CA 45A is
(a) Application for issue of noise certificate (b) Production organization approval certificate
(c) Certificate of airworthiness (d) noise certificate

3) CA80-A is
(a) Application for design organization approval (b) as in ((a) Renewal of DOA under CAR 21
subpart JA
(c) As in ((a) renewal of DOA under CAR 21 subpart JB (d) only ((a) is correct

4) CA 80-B
(a) Application for design organization approval
(b) Application for significant changes to design organization approval
(c) As in ((a) renewal of DOA under CAR 21 subpart JB
(d) As in ((b) renewal of DOA under CAR 21 subpart JB

5) The applicant shall provide the DGCA with

(a) Certificate program detailing means of compliance demonstration
(b) As in ((a) document shall be updated during certification process
(c) As in (b) applicant shall reword justification of compliance

6) Approval of major change is

(a) Type design is limited (b) Type certificate is limited (c) type design/ type certification is
(d) As in (c) these specific configuration in the type design upon which the change is made

7) Minor changes in the type design/ type certificate shall be classified approved by
(a) DGCA (b) Appropriately approved design organization (c) Either ((a) or ((b) (d) both ((a)
and ((b)

8) Subpart E establish approval of major changes to

(a) Type design under supplementary type certificate procedure
(b) Type certificate under supplementary type certificate procedure
(c) Type design/ type certificate under supplementary type certificate procedure (d) only (b) is

9) According to CAR 21 in case of level two finding

(a) Corrective action period will be within one month (b) corrective action period will be with in
three months
(c) As in (a) it may be extend period from one month to 45 days
(d) As in ((b) it may be extend period from three month to six month

10)* Organization carried out production without production organization approval shall have
(a) Safety management system in accordance with CAR section 2 series E part -1
(b) Safety management system in accordance with CAR section 2 series C part -1
(c) Safety management system in accordance with CAR section 1 series C part -1
(d) Safety management system in accordance with CAR section 1 series E part -1

11) MTCS
(a) A repair to ITSO article shall be treated as changes to ITSO design
(b) A repair to ITSO article other than APU treated as ITSO design
(c) As in ((a) shall be process in accordance with design changes
(d) As in ((b) shall be process in accordance with design changes
12) A repair may be
(a) Major / minor (b) As in (a) in accordance with change in the type design certificate
(c) As in ((a) in accordance with change in the type design/type certificate (d) only (b) is correct

13) When software is involved if a change is made to software produced in accordance with guidelines of
(a) Latest revision of EUROCAE ED12/RTCA DO-178 (b) latest revision of EUROCAE ED14/RTCA
(c) Latest revision of EUROCAE ED13/RTCA DO-178 (d) latest revision of EUROCAE ED11/RTCA

14) What is EUROCAE BED12/RTCA DO_178?

(a) Hardware consideration in airborne system and equipment certification
(b) Hardware consideration in ground system and equipment certification
(c) Software consideration in ground system and equipment certification
(d) Software consideration in airborne system and equipment certification

15) The change of software system should be classified as

(a) Minor (b) Major (c) As in (a) and failure effect in catastrophic, hazardious or major
(d) As in (b) and failure effect in catastrophic, hazardous or major

16) Major change to the type designs are classified in to two groups
(a) Group 1& group 2 (b) Group A& group B (c) Group 3 & Group 4 (d)
Group C& group D

17) The group 1 contains cases where design organization approved under
(a) Car 21 subpart JA (b) Car 21 subpart JB
(c) As in (1) & group 2 case where the alternative procedure may be accepted
(d) As in (b) & group 2 cases where the alternative procedure may e accepted

18) The following item are coming under group 1 according to subpart E
(a) Conversion to tail wheel configuration (b) fairing nacelle landing gear
(c) As in ((a) spoiler installation, increase in MTOW (d) as in (b) spoiler installation, and increase

19) The following item in a/c coming under group 2 according to subpart E
(a) Fairing nacelle landing gear (b) cap seals, aileron, flap, empennage, doors (c)
Spoiler installation (d) both ((a)&((b)

20) CAR 21 was drawn up based on the regulation of

(a) JAR 21, amendment 4 (b) JAR 21, amendment 2 (c) JAR 21, amendment 3
(d) JAR 21, amendment1

21) According to CAR 21 type certificate issued/ validated by DGCA in accordance with
(a) Rule 49, 49A and 49C (b) rule 49, 49A and 49D (c) rule 49, 49A and 49B (d) rule 49, 49A
and 50

22) CAR21 also contains requirements for approval of design and production organization as per the provision
of rule
(a) 133 B (b) 133C (c) 133 A

23) Engine means unit used for a/c propulsion and it consist of
(a) At least these component & equipment necessary for functioning and controls
(b) As in ((a) but include the propeller / rotors (c) as in (a) but exclude the propeller / rotors
(d) Only ((a) is correct

24) Power plant means the system consisting of

(a) All engine, drive system component, propellers
(b) As in (a) accessories, ancillary parts, & fuel and oil system (c) As in (b) including the rotors for
(d) As in ((b) excluding the rotors for helicopter

25) IPA means the article has been in accordance with

(a) Approval design data not belonging to type certificate holder of related product
(b) As in one except for ITSO ARTICLE (c) As in (a) including ITSO article (d) Only ((a) is

26) Safety management system means

(a) Systematic approach to managing safety
(b) As in ((a) including necessary organization structure, policy and procedure
(c) As in ((a) excluding necessary organization structure, policy and procedure (d) Only (a)

27) An integrated set of regulation and activities aimed at improving safety

(a) Safety state program (b) Safety management system (c) State safety program
(d) Central safety program

28) An application for a/c type certificate or RTC shall be combined by

(a) 3 view drawing of a/c and preliminary basic data
(b) As in (a) including proposed operating characteristics and limitations
(c) As in (a) excluding proposed operating characteristics and limitations (d) all are correct

29) An application for engine or propeller type certificate combined by

(a) Three view drawing, a description of design feature
(b) General arrangement drawing, a description of design feature
(c) As in (a) the operating characteristics, operating limitations of engine or propeller
(d) As in (b) the operating characteristics, operating limitations of engine or propeller

30) An application for TC shall be submitted to

(a) RAO (b) DGCA (c) As in (a) along with requisite fees as applicable
(d) As in (b) along with requisite fees as applicable

31) The applicable noise requirement for the issue of Type Certificate of a/c according to provision of
(a) Chap 1 of annex 16 volume 1 part (ii) to the Chicago convention
(b) Chap 2 of annex 16 volume 1 part (ii) to the Chicago convention
(c) Chap 3 of annex 16 volume 1 part (ii) to the Chicago convention
(d) Chap 4 of annex 16 volume 1 part (ii) to the Chicago convention

32) The applicable noise requirement foe the issue of TC for subsonic aero plane given in
(a) Volume I part II chapter 2, 3, 4 (b) Volume I part II chapter 3,4,5,6 (c) Volume I part II chapter 8.

33) The applicable noise requirement for issue of TC for propeller driven aero plane in
(a) Volume I part II chapter 2,9,9,6 (b) Volume I part II chapter 7,2,6,9
(c) Volume I part II chapter 5,7,2,1 (d) Volume I part II chapter 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10

34) The emission requirement for the issue of TC for an aircraft and engine prescribed in
(a) Annex 16 to the Chicago convention (b) Annex 17 to the Chicago convention
(c) Annex 3 to the Cape down convention (d) Annex 5 to the cape down convention
35) The applicable emission requirement for issue of TC for prevention of intenstional fuel venting is in
(a) Volume II part III chap 4 (b) Volume II part II chap 2 (c) Volume III part II chap 3
(d) Volume II part III chap 3

36) The emission requirement for the issue of TC for turbojet and turbo fan engine
(a) Intended for propulsion only at subsonic speed (b) Intended for propulsion only at subsonic speed
(c) As in (a) volume II part III chap 2 (d) As in (b) volume II part III chap 3

37) The emission requirement for the issue of TC for turbojet and turbo fan engine
(a) Intended for propulsion only at supersonic speed (b) Intended for propulsion only at supersonic
(c) As in (a) volume II part III chap 2 (d) as in (b) volume II part III chapter 3

38) Any natural person proposing to change a protuct shall apply for new type certificate
(a) If DGCA finds change in design power (b) If RAO finds change in design power
(b) As in (a) thrust or mass (d) As in (b) thrust or mass

39. Flight testing for the purpose of obtaining type certificate for aircraft incorporating turbine engines of type
not previously used in type certificate aircraft
(a) At least 300 hours of operation with full complement of engine that conforms to TC
(b) At least 500 hours of operation with full complement of engine that conforms to TC
(c) As in ((a) for all other aircrafts 150 hours of operation
(d) As in (b) for all other aircraft atleast 150 hours of operation

40. MTCS
(a) Engine type certificate data sheet includes record of emission compliance
(b) TC / RTC shall be issued for unlimited duration
(c) Upon surrender or revocation the TC / RTC shall be returned to DGCA (d) All the above

41. The holder of TC / RTC shall furnish atleast

(a) One set of complete instruction for continuing airworthiness
(b) Two set of complete instruction for continuing airworthiness
(c) Three set of complete instruction for continuing airworthiness
(d) Four set of complete instruction for continuing airworthiness

42. Airworthiness certificate shall be issued for period in accordance with

(a) CAR section 2 airworthiness series F part 3 (b) CAR section 2 airworthiness series F
part 1
(c) CAR section 2 airworthiness series F part 7 (d) CAR section 2 airworthiness series F part 20

43. In Sub part JA, a design organization approval shall be issued for
(a) Unlimited period (b) Limited period (c) As in (b) not exceeding 12 months
(d) As in ((b) not exceeding 6 months

44. In Subpart JA, in case of level two finding the corrective action period granted by
(a) DGCA shall be within not exceeding 30days
(b) DGCA shall be granted within not exceeding 10 days
(c) As in ((a) it may be granted further period of 15 days by the Regional Head of office
subjecting to notifying HODO.
(d) As in ((b) it may be granted further period of 15 days by the Regional Head of office subjecting to
notifying HODO
45. ..rule stipulates that there shall be c of A for operation of an a/c in India
(a) 50 A (b) 49 (c) 50 (d) 49B

46. I. CAR 21 prescribes procedural requirement for issue of type certificate

II. It does not cover matter related to design manufacture and all issue related to airworthiness
(a) (I) is correct (b) (II) is correct (c) both are correct

47. Set of processes by which an a/c, engine, propeller or part compliance with the applicable A/W
requirements is
(a) Continuing A / W (b) Airworthy (c) Maintenance (d) CAMO

48. MTCS
(a) ARTICLE means any part & appliances to be used on military a/c
(b) PERSON means illegal entity which is subject to the jurisdiction of India
(c) ENGINE means unit used or intented to be used for a/c propulsion but includes the propeller or
(d) None

49. Any reportable failures shall be made in form and manner established by
(a) DGCA (b) Not later than 72 HRS as in (a)
(c) As in (b) unless exceptional circumstances (d) none

50. Airworthiness Directive means

(a) Issued by DGCA (b) issued whenever unsafe condition has been determined by DGCA
(c) Such condition is likely to exit (or) develop in other a/c (d) all

51. Airworthiness directive shall contain

(a) Identification of unsafe condition (b) Identification of the affected a/c
(c) The action required (d) all

52. Any organization applying for a type certificate or RTC shall demonstrate its capability of by holding
(a) Design organization approval (b) Production organization approval
(c) ITSO (d) any one of the above

53. Application for an a/c TC or RTC shall be accompanied by

(a) 3 view drawing of a/c (b) as in (a) & Preliminary basic data
(c) As in (b) includes the proposed operating characteristics (d) none

54. Application for type certificate or restricted type certificate shall be submitted
(a)DGCA (b) DGCA HQ (c) RAO ` (d) any one of the above

55. Applicable noise requirement for issue of type certificate are prscribed in
(a) Chapter 1 of annex 16 (b) Chapter 11 of annex 16 (c) chapter 1 of annex 18
(d) Chapter 11 of annex 18

56. Applicable emission requirement for issue o0f type certificate are prescribed in
(a) Annex 17 (b) Annex 16 (c) Annex 18

57. Flight testing for purpose of obtaining type certificate shall be conducted in accordance with condition
specified by
(a) Manufacturer (b) DGCA (c) either (a) or ((b) (d) both (a)&((b)

58. Validity of type certificate & restricted type is for

(a) Unlimited period (b) maximum1 yr (c) max. Period of 12 yrs (d) none

59. Upon surrender or revocation, the TC & RTC shall be returned to

(a) RAO (b) Sub RAO (c) DGCA HQ (d) DGCA

60. -------- Shall maintain and update master copies of all manual srequired by the applicable type certificate
(a) Holder of TC (b) holder of RTC (c) either 1 or 2 (d) none
61. A change that does not affect characteristics affecting A/W of product
(a) Minor change (b) major change (c) minor repair (d) major repair

62. Other than TC holder may apply for approval of major change to type design under
(a) Subpart A (b) subpart B (c) subpart D (d) subpart E

63. Any natural or legal person person may apply for approval of a minor change to type design under
(a) Subpart A (b) subpart B (c) subpart D (d) subpart E

64. Minor change in a type design shall be classified

(a) By DGCA
(b) By an appropriate approved design organization under a procedure agreed with DGCA
(c) Either (a) or (b) (d) only (c) is correct

65. An application for a change to a TC for large aeroplanes and large rotor a/c is effective for
(a) 8 years (b) 5 years (c) 6 years (d) 3 years

66. An application for a change to a TC for small aeroplanes and small rotor craft is effective for
(a) 8 years (b) 5 years (c) 6 years (d) 3 years

67. Any organization applying for a supplementary type certificate shall demonstrate its capability by holding a
(a) DOA (b) POA (c) TC (d) RTC

68. A supplementary TC shall be issued for an

(a) 8 years (b) 4 years (c) 1 years (d) none

69. The holder of the STC for an a/c engine or propeller, shall furnish ----- of the associated variation to the
instruction for continued A/W
(a) At least two set (b) at least one set (c) at least one complete set (d) none

70. Any compliance with this part which could lead to uncontrolled non compliance with applicable design
data, which could affect the safety of the aircraft.
(a) Level 1 finding (b) Level 2 finding (c) Level 3 finding (d) None

71. In case of a level 1 finding, the holder of the letter of agreement shall demonstrate corrective action to the
satisfaction of
(a) DGCA (b) Within period of 07 working days (c) As in 1 extend max 21 working days (d) All

72. In case of level 2 findings, the corrective action period granted by

(a) DGCA (b) DGCA HQRS (c) As in 1 shall be within 03 months
(d) As in 2 shall be within 03 months

73. The letter of agreement may be subject to a partial or full limitation, suspension and revocation incase of
(a) Level 1 finding (b) Level 2 finding (c) Both 1 & 2 (d) None

74. Validity of letter of agreement is for

(a) Unlimited period (b) 01 Yr (c) 02 Yrs (d) None

75. Each production test procedure shall include

(a) Check on handling qualities (b) Check on flight performances
(c) Check of A/C Characteristics of the a/c ground (d) all

76. In the statement of conformity signed by

(a) Authorized person b) approved person c) licensed AME
77. Sub part G establishes:-
(i) The procedure for the issuance of production organization showing conformity of products, parts&
(ii) The rules governing the rights & obligations of the applicant for, 4 holders of such approvals.
(a) i is correct (b) ii is correct (c) both are correct (d) None

78. Incase if chang in ownership POA s

(a) Not transferable (b) Transferable (C) Suspended (d) None

79. 1. Each change to the terms of approval shall be approved by DGCA.

2. An application for a change to the terms of approval shall be made in form & manner established by TC
(a) 1 is correct (b) 2 is correct (c) both are correct

80. Restricted C of A shall be issued to a/c which conforms to

(a) RTC (b) TC (c) POA (d) DOA

81. Application for C of A shall include

(a) Statement of conformity (b) As in (a) & weight and balance report
(c) As in ((b) maintenance manual (d) All

82. Statement of conformity shall be issued not more than _______ before presentation of the a/c to DGCA.
(a) 30 days (b) 60 days (c) 90 days (d) 120 days

83. Placards related to public information shall be presented in

(a) English & Hindi (b) English only (c) Hindi only (d) either English (or) Hindi

84. Placards not related to pblic information shall be presented in

(a) English & Hindi (b) English only (c) Hindi only (d) Either English (or) Hindi

85. A/W certificate may be amended or modified

(a) By DGCA (b) Manufacture (c) Suspended (d) Amended

86. During a ownership change C of A can be

(a) Statement of conformity (b) Weight & balance report (c) Flight manual (d) All

87. The records regarding shall be archieved for a minimum retention period of
a.) 6 Years (b) as in (a) as the leaving the register (c) 8 Years
(d) As in ( c) after leaving the register

88. Design assurance system shall included an

(a) Separate checking function (b) Principle checking function (c) Independent checking

89. The requirements of production without POA given in CAR-21

(a) SUBPART-F (b) subpart-G (c) subpart- E (d) subpart- O

90. Major change to the part of product covered by STC shall be approved in accordance with CAR -21
(a) SUB PART E (b) subpart- G (c) Subpart- O

91. Statement of conformity a DGCA form 52 signed by an authorized person, who holds responsible position
is issued under
(a) Sub Part- F (b) Subpart- E (c) subpart- O

92. MTCS; regarding noise certificate

(a) It is valid for un limited duration
(b) it is valid for limited duration.
(c) As in ((a) & subject to compliance with applicable type design &environment production
(d) As in ((b) & subject to compliance with applicable type design &environment production

93. The requirement of production with POA given in CAR-21

(a) SUB PART-G (b) subpart- E (c) subpart- O

94. For an imported a/c DGCA shall issue C of A of a/c if, application include
(a) A statement signed by the exporting authority that a/c conform to design approved by authority
(b) As in (1) &documented required as per CAR 21 subpart G
(c) As in (1) &documented required as per CAR 21 subpart O
(d) As in (1) &documented required as per CAR 21 subpart H

95. CAR 21 is issued for or applicable for

(a) Certification procedure for a/c
(b) Certification procedure for a/c and related to products
(c) Certification procedure for a/c and related to products and parts (d) none

96. Production organization approval for products, parts and appliances is reflected in
(a) Production organization exposition (b) maintenance organization exposition
(c) Both (1) & (2) correct (d) only (2) is correct

97. CAR21 prescribes the procedure requirements for

(a) The issue of C of A and export C of A for new a/c manufactured in India only
(b) As in (1) the export of C of A and export C of A for new A/C manufactured in India only
(c) As in (2) new a/c manufactured in India only
(d) As in (2) new a/c manufactured in outside India

98. Aircraft imported in to India must conform to type design under regulation of
(a) CAR & EASA or any other authority acceptable to DGCA
(b) FAA & CAR or any other authority acceptable to DGCA
(c) FAA & EASA or any other authority acceptable to DGCA
(d) FAA & EASA or any other authority acceptable to RAO

99. Subpart O of CAR 21

(a) General provision (b) Permit to fly (c) Parts and Appliances (d) ITSO

100. Production of product in conformity with the applicable design data without production organization approval is
Covered under CAR-21

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