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Jose Rizal

June 19, 1861 Birth date of Jose Rizal.

Born in Calamba, Laguna Province.
June 22, 1961 Baptismal of Rizal.
Nickname Pepe.
The greatest Filipino hero and peerless genius.
Father Rufino Collantes Baptized rizal.
Father Pedro Casaas Rizals godfather.
Mariano Herbosa Nephew of Cansaas and marry
Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y Alonzo Realonda.
Lieutenant-General Jose Lemery The governor general of the Philippines when Rizal
was born.

Meaning of name

Jose was chosen by his mother who was a devotee of the Christian saint SanJose (St.
Protacio from Gervacio P. which come from a Christian calendar
Mercado adopted in 1731 by Domingo Lamco (the paternal great-great-grandfather of
Jose Rizal) which the Spanish term Mercado means Market in English
Rizal from the word Ricial in Spanish means a field where wheat, cut while
stillgreen, sprouts again
Alonzo old surname of his mother
Y and
Realonda it was used by Doa Teodora from the surname of her godmother based on
the culture by

Rizals parents

Born on May 11, 1818

Born in Bian, Laguna
June 28, 1848, he married Teodora
The youngest of the 13 children of Cirilia Alejandro and
Juan Mercado


Teodora Morales Alonzo Realonda y Quintos

Born on November 9, 1827
Rizals first teacher
Second child of Lorenzo Alonso and Brigida de Quintos
Went to college of Sta. Rosa
Dona Saturnina Rizal (1850-1913)

The eldest child.

Also known as Neneng.
Married to Manuel Hidalgo.
Studied at La Concordia College.
Published Pascual Pobletes tagalog translation of Noli Me
Died in 1913 at the age of 63.

Paciano Rizal (1851-1930)

The 2nd child.

Elder and only brother of Pepe.
Known as Ciano.
Studied at Colgio de San Jose.
Married to Severina Decena and had 2 children.
Died at the age of 79 because of tuberculosis.
Only brother of Jose Rizal and the second child.
Became a farmer and later a general of the Philippine

Narcisa Rizal (1852-1939)

2nd daughter and 3rd child.

Known as Sisa.
Believed to be the only one sibling that could narrate the poems
of pepe.
Married to a teacher and musician named Antonio Lopez.

Olimpia/Olympia Rizal (1855-1887)

The 4th child.

Known as Ypia.
Married to Silvestro Ubaldo.
Lucia Rizal (1857-1919)

The 5th child.

Married to Matriano Herbosa.

Maria Rizal - (1859-1945)

The 6th child.

Known as Biang.
Married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Bian Laguna.
She was known as Biang.

Jose Rizal (1861-1896)

The 7th child.

Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda.
June 19, 1861.
Known as Pepe.
Famous works: Noli me Tangere and El filibusterismo.
Organizations: La Solidaridad, La Liga Filipina.

Concepcion Rizal (1862-1865)

The 8th child.

Died at the age of three.

Josefa Rizal (1865-1945)

The 9th child.

Known as Panggoy.
An epeliptic.
Died a spinster.
Trinidad Rizal - Trining (1868-1951)

The 10th child.

Like her sister Panggoy, she died an old maid at the age
of 83.
She was the keeper of Rizals dirge mi Ultimo Adios.

Soledad Rizal Cholengs (1870-1929)

The 11th child.

The youngest child married Pantaleon Quintero.


Domingo Lameo Great-great grandfather A Chinese immigrant from Chang Chow

Chinas City of the spring, he was married to Ines De La Rosa.
1731 He adopts the name Mercado meaning market.
Francisco Mercado Fransciscos son, married to Cirilia Alejandro.
Francisco Mercado Rizals father (son of juan Mercado).


Lakan Dula Descendant.

Eugenio Ursua Great-great grandfather of Rizal He was married to Benigna.
Regina daughter of Eugenio, married to manuel De Quintos.
Brigida daughter of regina, married to Lorenzo Alberto, Mother of Narcisa,Teodora,
Greogorio, jose and manuel.
Rizal racial meaning new pasture and green field.

Calamba Cradle of a genius

Earliest childhood memories:

- The first memory of Rizal, in his infancy,
was his happy days in the family garden
when he was 3 years old. He was given the
tenderness care by his parents. His father
built a little cottage for him to play in the
daytime. Another childhood memory was
the daily angelus prayer. His mother
gathered all the children to pray the
angelus. The nocturnal walk in the town,
especially when there was a moon, is
another memory of his infancy.
House of Jose Rizal in Calamba Laguna
First education from mother:
- His first teacher was his mother.
- Jose learned the alphabet and prayers from her.
- Seeing that her boy had a talent for poetry, she encouraged him to write poems.

The first sorrow

- The death of his little sister conch (Concepcion) brought him his first sorrow.
- The people of calamba knew Rizal as Pepe or Pepito. Jose rizal was closest to his older
brother Paciano.

Devoted Son of Church

- Young Rizal is a religious boy. At the age of 3, he began to take part in the family prayer.
His mother taught him the catholic prayer. When he was 5 years old, he was able to read
haltingly the Spanish family bible. He started his life as a student of ateneo in June 1872
with a prayer. One of the men he esteemed and respected in calamba during his boyhood
was father Leoncio Lopez, the town priest

Rizals three Uncles:

1. Uncle Gregorio He was a lover of books. He taught Rizal to work hard, to think for
himself and to observe life keenly.
2. Uncle Jose - Who had been educated at Calcutta. He encouraged his nephew to paint,
Sketch and sculpture.
3. Uncle Manuel was a big, strong, and husky man. He encouraged young rizals frail
body acquired agility, endurance, and strength.
Artistic talents:
Early childhood Rizal revealed his God-given talents for the arts on:
- He curved figures of animals and persons out of wood.
- He could already sketch pictures of birds, flowers, fruits, rivers etc.
- Aside from painting, sketching, sculpture and wood carving, he had a gift for magic.
- He was born poet. The first known poem that he wrote was a Tagalog poem Sa Aking
Mga Kababata. He wrote it in an appeal to our people to love our national language.

First Poem by Rizal

- Rizal possessed a God-given gift for literature. Since early boyhood he had scribbled
verses on loose sheets of paper and on the textbooks of his sisters. His mother, who was a
lover of literature, noticed his poetic inclination and encouraged him to write poetry.
- At the age of eight, Rizal wrote his first poem in the native language entitled Sa Aking
mga Kababata (To My Fellow Children).

(Sa Aking mga Kababata)

Whenever people of a country truly love

The language which by heavn they were taught to use
That country also surely liberty pursue
As does the bird which soars to freer space above.

For language is the final judge and referee

Upon the people in the land where it holds sway;
To make our human race resembles in this way
The other living beings born in liberty.

Whoever knows not how to love his native tongue

Is worse than any beast or evil smelling fish.
To make our language richer ought to be our wish
The same as any mother loves to feed her young.

Tagalog and the Latin language are the same

And English and Castilian and the angels tongue;
And God, whose watchful care oer all is flung,
Has given us His blessing in the speech we claim,

Our mother tongue, like all the highest that we know

Had alphabet and letters of its very own;
But these were lost --- by furious waves were overthrown
Like bancas in the stormy sea, long years ago.
First Drama by Rizal
- Rizal, who was eight years old, wrote his first dramatic work which was in Tagalog
comedy. It is said that it was staged in a Calamba festival and was delightfully applauded
by the audience.

Rizal as Boy Magician

- Since early manhood Rizal had been interested in magic. With his dexterous hands, he
learned various tricks. He entertained his town folks with magic-lantern exhibitions.
- In later years when he attained manhood, he continued his keen predilection for magic.
He read many books on magic and attended the performances of the famous magicians
of the world.

The Heros First Teacher

Doa Teodora was Joses first non-formal teacher.
- On her lap, Jose learned prayers and the alphabet at the age of three.

Private Tutors of Rizal

- Maestro Celestino was Joses first private tutor.
- Maestro Lucas Padua was the second private tutor.
- Maestro Leon Monroy became the heros tutor in Spanish and
Latin. He was a classmate of Don Francisco.

The Uncles of Rizal

- Uncle Jose Alberto gave wise direction in the studies of
- Uncle Gregorio instilled into the mind of Jose the Jose
Alberto love for education.

The Uncles of Rizal

Work hard and perform every task very carefully; learn to be swift as
well as thorough; be independent in thinking; and make visual
pictures of everything. Uncle Gregorio Jose Alberto

- Uncle Manuel Alberto seeing Jose was frail in nature, concerned himself with the
physical development of his nephew.
- He also taught Jose the love for open air and
admiration for the beauty of nature

Jose Goes to Bian

- Don Leon died five months later and Jose was sent
to a private school in Bian.
- June 1869 Jose goes to Bian with Paciano.
- Carromata the mode of transportation.
- Aunts house where Jose lodged.

First Day in School

- Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz formal teacher. Carromata
- Rizal described Maestro Justiniano as tall, thin, long- necked, sharp-nosed, with a body
slightly bent forward.
- The school was in Maestro Justinianos house.

First School Brawl

- Pedro (the teachers son) wrestling.
- Andres Salandanan arm wrestling.

Painting Lessons in Bian

- Old Juancho freely gave Jose painting lessons.
- Jose Rizal and his classmate Jose Guevarra became apprentices of Old Juancho.

Daily Life in Bian Joses daily routine:

Hears mass at 4 a.m. or studies lesson before going to mass.
Goes to orchard to look for mabolo to eat.
Goes to class at 10 a.m.
Lunch break
Goes back to school at 2 p.m.
Goes home at 5 p.m.
Prays with cousins.
Studies lessons, and then draws a little.
Has supper.
Prays again.
Plays in the street if moon is bright.

Best Student in School

- Jose surpassed his classmates in Spanish, Latin and other subjects.
- His older classmates were jealous and squealed to the teacher whenever he had fights.
- Jose usually received five or six blows while laid out on a bench.

End of Bian Schooling

- December 17, 1870 Jose left Bian.
- Talim the steamer that Jose rode.
- Arturo Camps a Frenchman and a friend of Don Francisco,
he took care of Jose during the trip.

Martyrdom of GOMBURZA
- January 20, 1872 Cavite mutiny.
- February 17, 1872 Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and
Jacinto Zamora were implicated and executed.
- The GOMBURZA were leaders of the secularization
- The martyrdom of the three priests inspired Rizal to fight the
evils of Spanish tyranny.
- In 1891, Rizal dedicated his second novel El Filibusterismo to

Injustice to the Heros Mother

- In 1872, Doa Teodora was arrested on a malicious
charge that she aided his brother Jose Alberto in trying
to poison his wife.
- Jose Alberto planned to divorce his wife because of
her infidelity.
- Jose Albertos wife connived with the Spanish
lieutenant of the Guardia Civil and filed a case against
Rizals mother.
- Antonio Vivencio Del Rosario gobernadorcillo of
Calamba, helped the lieutenant arrest Doa Teodora. Provincial Prison in Santa Cruz
- 50 kilometers Doa Teodora was made to walk from Calamba to the provincial prison
in Santa Cruz.
- Don Francisco de Marcaida & Don Manuel Mazano most famous lawyers of Manila,
defended Doa Teodora in court.
- After 2 years the Royal Audiencia acquitted Doa Teodora.

Thanks to Almighty God for giving me strength and ability to understand learn
and complete this report.

I would like to express our thanks and gratitude to my subject teacher Mrs. Pilar
Dignadice who has given her valuable support cooperation and suggestions from time to
time in successfully completing this project work.

I am also thankful to the field work fellows service scholars because they people
help me in collecting information and preparing this report and at end I am very thankful
to my parents specially my sweet mother that she praying for me and give me the
opportunity for education.

The book Jose Rizal is all about our National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal His life and
works, his struggles in order to free his countrymen from abuse, until his death under the
hands of the Spaniards who occupied our country for a very long time. The story of the
book took place during Rizals imprisonment at Dapitan wherein he meets Taviel, a
Spanish officer, who will eventually defend him on his trial in court. During their
meeting, Taviel asks Rizal everything about him and his works through various
questions. Every answer that Rizal brought out from his mouth made Taviel realize that
Rizal was indeed an innocent man.

On the course of their conversation, Rizal talks about the making of his Two
Novels Noli Me Tangere and its sequel El Filibusterismo which are both anti Spanish
Novels that depicts how the Spaniards rule the Philippines and how the rights of the
Filipinos were abolished. Rizal portrayed himself on the said Novels as Crisostomo
Ibarra on Noli Me Tangere and as Simeon on ElFilibusterismo.

Going through with the book, while Rizal is telling his story to Taviel, the story in
the book switches from his life story then to his portrayal on his Novels. Sometimes the
story gets very difficult to understand because of the sudden switches during the scenes
on the book most especially during the time that his first novel was on the process of
writing. Rizal, a brave and a man of his word, was never afraid whatever the
consequences he may suffer because of his writings that are against the friars and also to
Spaniards. His goal was to free the Philippines from the unjust government of Spanish

Writing a reflection paper about Rizals poem is a first for me. We didnt have
this in high school even though we tackle Rizals life and his 2 great and astounding
novels. Rizal had a colourful, heroic yet tragic life. He had written poems at an age where
most children are just playing and carefree. The poem that I am going to reflect on is My
First Inspiration. This poem was dedicated to his mother who had taken care of him and
taught him his first lessons. Well, for me, my first inspirations were my parents. Not only
just my mother, but also my father. They have equally contributed to my early lessons in
life. My father first taught me how to read and write. I remembered that he taught me
using yellow pad paper with words In Alphabet form.

I was really inspired and motivated then whenever he teaches me how to read and
write. I was never bored and thus making writing and reading books as my favorite hobby
when I was a child. I am thankful to my father that he was able to teach me at an early
age because those abilities that Ive learned from him were my advantage to other
children with the same age as me at that time. Winning spelling bees and quiz bees are
my proofs that he was successful as my teacher. My mother also taught me how to be
brave and see life as an optimistic person sees it. Yes, there will be problems, its normal
but we are set to find solutions. She is a very brave woman and through the years, with
trials going on with our life, I am becoming courageous like her. I am able to reason out
and prove myself to other people whatever they may accuse me of. I am so very thankful
that my parents are always by my side and they still are my inspiration in my life, in
pursuing the course I am currently studying and I will never ever forget those lessons
theyve taught me years ago. I am glad that I have such great parents like Rizal.

I therefore conclude that the novels written by our National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal.
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo has its distinct differences and likeness. We all
know about the novels, but some of us know about his third novel. Noli me Tangere is
almost about the romance of Crisostomo Ibarra and Maria Clara. While El Filibusterismo
is about political status if the Philippines during that time.

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