Job Interview: ENGLISH: Course. Students

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Job interview

ENGLISH: Course.

Castrejon Cueva Ebaristo

Herrera Gutierrez Segundo

INSTRUCTOR: Lucy Lizarraga

YEAR: 2015
DATE: 0 /04/2015
Job interview
Segundo: Hello,Ebaristo. How old are you?

Ebaristo: Im twenty.

Segundo: can you speak any foreign languages?

Ebaristo: No,I canT.

Segundo: do you go running?

Ebaristo: yes I do.

Segundo: Can you swin?

Ebaristo: yes,Ican

Segundo: can you sing?

Ebaristo: no,I cant.

Segundo: I see. Can you play any sport?

Ebaristo: yes,I can. Ican play football and basketball.

Segundo: What about volleyball?

Ebaristo: No,I cant play volleyball.

Segundo: can you drive?

Ebaristo: yes,I can

Segundo: ok. And can you play the piano?

Ebaristo: no,I cant I can play the guitar.

Segundo: I see. Can you cook?

Ebaristo: yes I can. Im a chef

Segundo: ok. And can you use a computer?

Ebaristo: yes I can. I play computer games

Segundo: ok thank you.

NAME: Ebaristo AGE: 20


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