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Improvement of green tea polyphenol with milk

Published on 02 December 2015. Downloaded by Universitat Rovira I Virgili on 14/02/2017 15:11:09.

Cite this: Food Funct., 2016, 7, 893

on skin with respect to antioxidation in healthy
adults: a double-blind placebo-controlled
randomized crossover clinical trial
Hui-Fang Chiu,a Tung-Yi Lin,b You-Cheng Shen,c Kamesh Venkatakrishnanb and
Chin-Kun Wang*b

Green tea polyphenols (GTP) have been widely tested for their eects on several metabolic syndromes
and degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. The present study was
formulated to assess the physiological ecacy of green tea polyphenol infused with milk (GTPM) on skin
integrity in correlation with antioxidative status in healthy adults. Forty-four healthy voluntary subjects
were recruited and assigned to two groups, who drank 240 ml of mineral water mixed with either an
experimental (GTPM) or placebo package (2 packs per day) for the following 6 months. The experimental
group then switched to the placebo package, and vice versa, for a further 6 months, with one month of
washout period in between. During the initial, 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 13th month anthropometric measure-
ments were performed and fasting blood samples were withdrawn for various biochemical assays. Skin
examination was performed at the initial, 6th and 13th month. No signicant alterations were observed in
any of the anthropometric measurements. Administration of GTPM signicantly increased ( p < 0.05) the
antioxidant index and antioxidant enzyme activities when compared with the placebo group, whereas a
Received 20th October 2015, concomitant decrease in the levels of lipid peroxidation were noted. Moreover, GTPM intake notably
Accepted 28th November 2015
improved skin integrity and texture by markedly lowering ( p < 0.05) skin wrinkles and roughness in elderly
DOI: 10.1039/c5fo01271f subjects. GTPM proved to be an eective antioxidant by lowering oxidative stress and thereby ameliorating skin texture and integrity.

1. Introduction protective, anticarcinogenic, dermaprotective and antimuta-

genic eects ascribed to the presence of various types of
Tea is the second most famous beverage next to water. Green catechins such as ()-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), ()-epi-
tea (non-fermented) and black tea (fully fermented) are the gallocatechin (EGC), ()-epicatechin gallate (ECG), ()-epicate-
major types of tea. Black tea is consumed in Western countries chin (EC), and their epimerization isomers (+)-gallocatechin
and is rich in black tea polyphenols (BTP), i.e., theaflavins and gallate (GCG), (+)-gallocatechin (GC), (+)-catechin gallate (CG),
thearubigins. Meanwhile, green tea is confined mainly to Asia and (+)-catechin (C).46 EGCG is a commonly studied tea poly-
and the Middle East and is rich in green tea polyphenols phenol owing to its numerous beneficial properties.7
(GTP) especially catechins.1,2 Both BTP and GTP have been Despite tea polyphenols being extensively consumed all
widely tested for their eects on several metabolic syndromes over the world, whether the addition of milk to tea modulates
and degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular dis- the biological ecacy of tea polyphenols, especially catechins,
eases and diabetes.3 Epidemiological studies indicate that GTP is still under debate. Several studies indicated that the
may exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, cardio- addition of milk to tea might result in reduced absorption of
flavonoids (catechins) from the gastrointestinal tract due to
the increased binding capacity of milk proteins (casein) with
Department of Chinese Medicine, Taichung Hospital Ministry of Health and Well- the catechins of tea thereby hindering their beneficial
being, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China eects.8,9 However, some studies proved that adding milk to
School of Nutrition, Chung Shan Medical University, 110, Sec. 1, Jianguo North tea had no eect on the plasma concentration of catechins
Road, Taichung City, Taiwan, Republic of China
c and their antioxidant status.1012 Dubeau and his colleagues13
School of Nutrition, Chung Shan Medical University, 110, Sec. 1, Jianguo North
Road, Taichung City, Taiwan, Republic of China. E-mail:; inferred that the addition of milk with tea had a dual eect on
Fax: +886 4 22654529; Tel: +886 4 22653397 the antioxidant capacity. A few studies also demonstrate that

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the consumption of tea with milk increases the plasma anti- 2.3.2 Subjects. This randomized, crossover, double-blind,
oxidant potential in humans.14,15 The above controversial placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted at Chung Shan
results captured our attention and propelled us to investigate Medical University Hospital. The trial was conducted accord-
the real issue between tea polyphenols and milk protein for a ing to the declaration of Helsinki and approved by the
better understanding. Also to date, no long-term crossover Institutional Review Board of Chung Shan Medical University
clinical trials had been carried out with green tea polyphenol Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan (Protocol no. CS08009). The volun-
and milk powder (GTPM) to assess the antioxidant capacity teers (aged between 25 and 80) were recruited for the present
(beneficial eects) in healthy subjects. Thus, the primary goal investigation via advertisements. Written informed consent
Published on 02 December 2015. Downloaded by Universitat Rovira I Virgili on 14/02/2017 15:11:09.

of the present work was to determine the antioxidant levels in was obtained from all subjects before enrollment. The current
healthy subjects (middle and old aged persons) who consumed crossover study was planned with 44 participants based on an
GTPM. As numerous clinical and preclinical studies showed expected dropout rate of around 25% thereby ensuring against
that increased free radical production (oxidative stress) may any lags or any serious impact on the outcome (interpretation).
probably lead to various dermal disorders, especially acne, Subjects were asked to abstain from consuming tea, tea-related
psoriasis, and porphyrias, as well as early onset of aging.16,17 products, vitamins, minerals, and dietary or herbal
Hence, the current investigation was designed to evaluate the supplements during the intervention. If the subjects felt
long-term physiological ecacy of GTPM on skin texture via uncomfortable or distressed during the investigation, they
modulating antioxidant status in healthy adults. could withdraw at any juncture. Other exclusion criteria were
heavy tea drinkers, a history of smoking, alcoholism, pregnant
or lactating women, and hepatic or renal dysfunction.
2.3.3 Experimental study. A physical examination was per-
2. Material and methods formed on 44 healthy voluntary subjects at the beginning of
2.1 Chemicals the study and they were segregated into two groups with 22
Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), subjects in each. Each subject was asked to consume 240 ml of
sodium nitrite (NaNO2), hydrochloric acid (HCl), 6-hydroxy- mineral water mixed with either the experimental or placebo
2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox), package (2 packs per day in the morning and evening with a
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), sodium dihydrogen phosphate minimum of 3 hours fasting) every day for the following
(NaH2PO4), and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) were purchased 6 months. The experimental group then switched to the
from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). placebo package, and vice versa, for a further 6 months, with
one month of washout period in between. During the initial,
2.2 Determination of total phenolic and flavonoids contents 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 13th months anthropometric indices were
in GTPM measured. Each experimental (GTPM) or placebo package was
labeled with a subject number by the electrical randomization
Tea polyphenol milk samples were mixed with 10% aceto-
method. None of the researchers who treated or assessed the
nitrile in a 10 : 1 ratio, homogenized for 30 min and filtered by
subjects was aware of the treatment allocation until the cross-
using Whatman filter paper to get the extract as described by
over study was completed (double blind). By the subjects
the Lorenz method 9 with slight modification. The extract of
records, the average percentage intake of experimental or
GTPM was used to evaluate the total phenolic and flavonoids
placebo beverage was 84% at the conclusion of the experiment.
by the method of Julkunen-Tiitto and Wang.18,19 The total
During the crossover study, two subjects were withdrawn from
phenolic and flavonoid content was expressed as milligrams of
the study (due to personal reasons) and thus the study ended
gallic acid and quercetin equivalents per gram dry wt,
with 42 subjects (males 17, females 25).
2.3.4 Blood sampling. At the baseline (initial and 7th
month), middle time point (3rd and 10th month) and the end
2.3 In vivo studies (clinical trial) of each intervention period (6th and 13th month), fasting blood
2.3.1 Experimental (GTPM) and placebo. GTPM powder samples were collected in an EDTA coated vacuum tube and
was provided by the Standard Food Corporation, Taiwan. Each plasma was separated by centrifuging at 1500g (Supercentri-
experimental packet (35 g) consisted of milk powder ( protein fuge 1K15, Sigma). After removing the intermediate film, the
6.5 g, fat 3 g, carbohydrate 22 g) with green tea polyphenols, settling part of the separated blood samples was washed with
skim milk, whey protein, lactoferrin isolated from soy, and isotonic saline and centrifuged at 1500g to get erythrocytes for
other supplements such as maltodextrin, vegetable oil, sugar, assaying the antioxidant enzymes. All of the samples were
minerals (calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate, zinc stored at 80 C until analyzed.
gluconate), vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, and folic acid), and 2.3.5 Various oxidative indexes. The total antioxidant
carrageenan. Meanwhile the placebo pack also contained all of capacity of plasma was determined by the methods of Arnao20
the ingredients of the experimental package except for green and Miller21 with slight modification. The total TBARS in plasma
tea polyphenols. Both the experimental and placebo packages was determined by reacting with 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) at
were indistinguishably packaged with similar color, flavor, size 90100 C using the Draper method.22 The GSH content in
and shape. plasma was determined by the method of Halliwell and Gutter-

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idge with slight modification.23 The plasma ascorbic acid was tannins, gallic acid and other phenolic acids.31 The endeavor
determined by the method of Zannoni.24 The total phenolic of the present work was to determine the physiological ecacy
content in plasma was determined by the method of Serafini.25 of GTPM on dermal changes in relation to anti-oxidation in
2.3.6 Antioxidative enzymes. Glutathione peroxidase healthy adults. A schematic representation of the present study
(GPx), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase is illustrated in Fig. 1. Polyphenols contain one or more
(GR) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) were aromatic ring with several free hydroxyl groups that make
determined using the Ransel RS 504, 125 kit (Randox Labs, them a potent antioxidant, which has been proven in numer-
Crumlin, UK) and catalase (CAT) was measured by the method ous in vitro studies and clinical trials. Table 1 represents the
Published on 02 December 2015. Downloaded by Universitat Rovira I Virgili on 14/02/2017 15:11:09.

of Aebi.26 Protein content of RBCs was determined using a total phenolic and flavonoid content in the GTPM package.
BCA kit from Thermo Fisher Scientific (Illinois, USA). The total phenolic content was estimated by a Folin-Ciocalteu
2.3.7 Skin examination. A multi-functional skin detector assay of GTPM and displayed the value of 131.37 9.2 mg GAE
(MPA 580, Courage & Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, per g dry weight, whereas in the case of the flavonoids, the
Germany) and skin roughness analyzer (VD 300, Courage & content of GTPM was 91.70 0.5 mg QE per g dry weight.
Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany) were used to These results showed that both the phenolic and flavonoid
detect the biophysical characteristics of skin on the face and content was rich in the GTPM package when compared with
arm regions. Usage of any skin care products was strictly the placebo (data not shown), and those polyphenols were
restricted prior to the measurements (24 h). Skin surface water absent in the placebo group.
loss, elasticity, erythema, melanin index, and hydration were The anthropometric parameters are presented in Table 2.
measured with TEWAmeter, Cutometer, Mexameter, and No substantial alterations were noted in body weight, fat and
Corneometer (CK Electronic GmbH, Germany) probes. body mass index (BMI) during the initial phase (baseline) of
Skin hydration was measured using a Corneometer CM 825, the placebo and GTPM groups. Even at the end of the interven-
which uses the high dielectric constant of water for determin- tion (after 6 months) there were no marked changes in the
ing the water-related changes in the electrical capacitance and levels of body weight, fat and body mass index (BMI) as com-
measuring hydration in system-specific arbitrary units.27 The pared to the baseline values of either group. Moreover, no con-
melanin index was measured using a Mexameter MX 18 based comitant variation was noted between the placebo vs. GTPM
on the strength of the absorbed and the reflected light at groups in any of the anthropometric indices at the end of the
660 nm and 880 nm, respectively. An erythema index was pro- experiment. The total phenolic content in the plasma of GTPM
cessed similarly at 568 nm and 660 nm, respectively.28 The and placebo-treated healthy subjects is represented in Table 3.
levels of TEWL were measured using a TEWAmeter TM 300 and Administration of GTPM showed a substantial enhancement
expressed in g m2 h1.29 The Cutometer MPA 580 pulls the ( p < 0.05) in total phenolic content (3.51 0.16 g mL1 to
skin into the probe by controlled vacuum pressure.30 Skin wrin- 3.75 0.10 g mL1) on comparison between the baseline and
kles, elasticity, and roughness were measured using a Visioscan the 6th month. A significant dierence was found between the
VC 98 (Courage & Khazaka, Cologne, Germany) using a skin placebo and the GTPM group on the 6th month. GTPM exhibits
picture (texture). In brief, two points were measured; one was positive modulation on phenolic content due to increased phe-
between the middle of the nose and right ear, the other one was nolic content in the GTPM package, which is indicated in
between the middle of the wrist and elbow joint of the inner Table 1. This result is well correlated with that of Cabrera
side of the arm. All subjects were requested to wash and clean et al.31 who demonstrated that the addition of milk to tea did
their face and arm, and then stayed calmly for 30 minutes in a not interfere with catechin absorption, instead it improved its
20 2 C and relative humidity 50 2% room before the test. bioavailability. Numerous studies show that increasing the
intake of GTP eventually elevates the phenolic content of
2.4 Statistical analysis plasma .10,32
The results were expressed as a mean standard deviation Antioxidants are molecules that can interact with oxidants
(S.D). The paired t-test was employed to compare the dier- and thereby terminate free radical generation. Various plasma
ence in the same group (baseline vs. end of treatment), the Stu- oxidative indexes (TEAC, TBARS, GSH, vit-C) in placebo and
dents t-test was used to compare the dierence between the GTPM treated healthy subjects are shown in Table 3. Drinking
experimental (GTPM) and control ( placebo) groups and the the GTPM infusion for six months markedly improved ( p <
variables were analyzed via one-way ANOVA with a post hoc LSD 0.05) the levels of TEAC (0.54 to 0.59 M), GSH (18.08 to
test. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Statistical 23.90 M) and vit-C (1.12 to 1.40 M) whereas the TBARS (1.00
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 (Chicago, to 0.63 M) levels were significantly suppressed ( p < 0.05)
USA) was used for analysis. when compared with the baseline period of the GTPM group.
A marked variation was noted between the GTPM and placebo
groups on the 6th month. As discussed earlier, increasing the
3. Results and discussion plasma phenolic content probably regulated those oxidative
indexes in a positive way, thus lowered the free radical gene-
Tea is the most popular beverage and second only to water, ration and subsequently decreased the TBARS levels. Coimbra
owing to its various bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, and his colleagues33 evaluated the eect of green tea against

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Published on 02 December 2015. Downloaded by Universitat Rovira I Virgili on 14/02/2017 15:11:09.

Fig. 1 Flow chart of present study.

Table 1 The total phenolic and avonoid content in GTPM oxidative stress in aged subjects and found that GTP can
eectively lower the TBARS levels in RBC membranes. Moreover,
GTPM adding milk to green tea decreases the formation of hydro-
Total phenolics a
131.37 9.2 gen peroxide (a form of free radical) by forming a complex
Total flavonoidsb 91.70 0.5 (catechincasein), which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into
a b oxygen and water.32,34
mg gallic acid equivalent per g of GTPM, dry wt. mg quercetin
equivalent per g of GTPM, dry wt. The antioxidants in the human body neutralize free
radicals. These antioxidants are called endogenous ones. The
major endogenous antioxidants are CAT, GPx, GST, and GR.
CAT and GPx both convert hydrogen peroxide to water and
oxygen at the expense of GSH, the GR-catalyzed regeneration
of GSH from its oxidized form can sustain the GSH-dependent
oxy-radical scavenging activity.35 The antioxidant enzymes
Table 2 The anthropometric parameters in placebo and GTPM treated
healthy subjects such as CAT, GPx, GST, GR and G-6-PDH in the erythrocytes of
placebo and GTPM treated healthy subjects are shown in
Group Weight (Kg) Body fat (%) BMIa (kg m2) Table 4. Administration of GTPM exhibited a healthy enhance-
Baseline Placebo 60.26 12.47a 25.88 7.89a 22.45 3.82a
ment in the levels of CAT (214.49 to 351.68 IU per g Hb), GPx
GTPM 59.98 12.57a 25.28 8.31a 22.33 3.85a (49.96 to 55.04 IU per g Hb), GST (4.85 to 8.74 IU per g Hb),
3rd month Placebo 60.03 12.82a 25.26 7.86a 22.34 3.88a GR (9.16 to 11.86 IU per g Hb) and G-6-PDH (1490.94 to
GTPM 59.95 12.60a 25.19 7.87a 22.35 3.82a
6th month Placebo 60.03 12.84a 25.23 7.81a 22.34 3.82a
1754.61 IU per g Hb) on comparison between the baseline and
GTPM 59.93 12.76a 25.04 7.90a 22.23 3.93a the end of the treatment (6th month). A notable alteration was
also observed between the GTPM and placebo groups on the
Values are expressed as means SD (n = 44). Data within the same
column of each group sharing dierent superscript letters were 6th month. The main contributor to the antioxidant activity in
significantly dierent (p < 0.05).a BMI: body mass index. GTPM could be the catechins, especially EGCG, which has

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been reported to activate nuclear factor erythroid 2-related


Values were expressed as means SD (n = 44). Data within the same column of each group bearing dierent superscript letters were significantly dierent (p < 0.05). *Students t-test was

factor 2 (Nrf2) which in turn up-regulates the downstream anti-

oxidant genes and thereby enhances antioxidant enzyme
Several studies suggest that the addition of milk to tea

1.40 0.25b
1.04 0.47a
1.12 0.33a
1.00 0.36a
1.17 0.30a
1.07 0.26a
Vit-C (M)
might modulate its biological ecacy (decrease, increase or no
eect) by reducing the absorption of flavonoids (catechins)
from the gastrointestinal tract due to the increased binding
Published on 02 December 2015. Downloaded by Universitat Rovira I Virgili on 14/02/2017 15:11:09.

capacity of milk proteins (casein) with catechins of tea.8,9 A

few studies prove that adding milk to tea had no eect on the

plasma concentration of catechins and antioxidant status.1012



Dubeau and his colleagues13 inferred that the addition of milk

to tea had a dual eect on the antioxidant capacity. However,
some studies also demonstrate that the consumption of tea
21.16 3.22b

23.90 3.28b
18.04 1.30a

17.89 1.80a

17.63 1.84a
18.08 3.51c

with milk increases the plasma antioxidant potential in

humans.14,15 Furthermore, Xie et al.38 showed that milk can
enhance the intestinal absorption of green tea catechins
(EGCG) in a Caco-2 cell model.
It has been reported that the non-gallated catechins (EGC,

EC) are more stable than gallated derivatives (EGCG, ECG)



during the digestion process, which may contribute to lower

bioavailability of EGCG.39,40 Moreover, the free hydroxyl (OH)
group in catechin EGCG makes it more hydrophilic in nature
Total phenol (g mL1)

and leads to lower bioavailability of EGCG.41 Hence, infusion

of milk (casein) with GTP probably favors the gallated catechin
becoming more stable by forming a complex (catechincasein),
3.56 0.17b
3.49 0.20a
3.51 0.16a
3.51 0.19a

3.50 0.08a
3.75 0.10c

which in turn improves the intestinal transport rate38 as well

as masking the free hydroxyl group and thereby increasing the
bioavailability of EGCG. Moreover, scientific evidence supports
the beneficial eects of GTP consumption and closely relates
to catechins, especially EGCG.42 Probably the increased
Various plasma oxidative indexes in placebo and GTPM treated healthy subjects


antioxidant activity in the GTPM group might be due to the



increased bioavailability of EGCG, which has been confirmed

used to assess the statistical significance between placebo and GTPM groups.

by the elevated phenolic content in plasma (Table 4). These

results are in agreement with Moser and his coworkers,43 who

0.81 0.28b
1.13 0.36a
1.09 0.35a
0.98 0.38a

1.07 0.42a
0.63 0.14c

indicated that bioaccessibility (bioavailability) of catechins was

improved by the infusion of GTP with milk proteins. Henning
et al.44 also showed that the antioxidant activity of plasma was
increased in GTP due to enhanced bioavailability. Bourassa
et al.45 pointed out that EGC had improved its antioxidant

capacity while binding with milk protein (casein) through the




pyrogallol group, where the active formation of free radicals is

generated. Therefore, by inhibiting the pyrogallol group of
EGC the free radical generation was substantially lowered,
0.58 0.01b

0.59 0.01b
0.55 0.01a
0.54 0.01a
0.56 0.01a

0.56 0.01a

which could be the reason for the enhanced antioxidant


activity. Calcium and magnesium present in the milk and

mineral water of GTPM favor the formation of metallic-
polyphenol complexes, which has been previously proved.46
Furthermore, such complexes were reported to be less



susceptible to oxidation when compared with uncomplexed





Human skin acts as a barrier between the internal and the
external environment, protecting the body from mechanical
3rd Month

6 Month

damage, noxious substances, and penetration by pathogens

Table 3

and radiation, as well as regulating the excretion of metabolic


waste products and maintaining temperature.48 The skin is

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Table 4 Erythrocyte antioxidative enzymes in placebo and GTPM treated healthy subjects

Group CAT (IU per g Hb) p-Value* GPx (IU per g Hb) p-Value* GST (IU per g Hb) p-Value* GR (IU per g Hb) p-Value* G-6-PDH (IU per g Hb) p-Value*

Baseline Placebo 258.91 105.35a 0.02 52.90 7.50a 0.05 7.16 3.17a 0.01 8.90 1.72a 0.62 1401.45 286.90a 0.244
GTPM 214.49 123.63b 49.96 8.66a 4.85 1.63a 9.16 1.68a 1490.94 380.18b
3rd month Placebo 245.18 82.48a 0.001 52.21 6.70a 0.56 6.85 2.58a 0.36 8.76 1.49a 0.02 1385.60 381.16a 0.07
GTPM 324.19 101.13b 53.25 9.44b 5.18 2.08a 9.63 1.98a 1557.20 469.78b
6 month Placebo 253.94 79.80a 0.001 52.52 9.47a 0.21 7.65 2.85a 0.09 9.17 1.96a 0.001 1364.17 412.86a 0.001
GTPM 351.68 100.07b 55.04 8.71b 8.74 2.97b 11.86 2.50b 1754.61 399.75a

Values were expressed as means SD (n = 44). Data within the same column of each group bearing dierent superscript letters were significantly dierent (p < 0.05). *Students t-test was
used to assess the statistical significance between placebo and GTPM groups.

Table 5 Skin examination in placebo and GTPM treated healthy subjects

Placebo GTPM

Parameter Duration Face Arm/T-zone Face Arm/T-zone

Skin elasticity Baseline 0.860 0.06a 0.891 0.05a 0.871 0.06a 0.893 0.05a
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6th month 0.861 0.08a 0.889 0.05a 0.869 0.06a 0.891 0.04a
Skin moisture Baseline 46.45 13.92a 41.65 6.70a 44.70 14.14a 40.22 7.43a
6th month 46.72 14.54a 40.83 7.66a 44.61 14.78a 43.33 6.86a
Surface water loss (g m2 h1) Baseline 8.73 2.28a 5.33 1.65a 8.77 3.17a 4.88 1.93a
6th month 8.75 3.28a 5.30 2.59a 8.75 3.24a 4.85 2.01b
Skin wrinkles Baseline 35.15 3.26a 36.95 3.22a 35.74 3.81a 36.93 3.61a
6th month 35.50 3.89a 36.13 3.58a 35.22 3.09a 36.21 4.48a
Skin melanin index Baseline 214.01 37.56a 196.76 40.91a 210.44 36.13a 194.58 37.81a
6th month 212.93 37.02a 195.05 41.25a 212.70 40.37a 194.79 44.08a
Skin erythema index Baseline 286.13 74.15a 238.20 56.97a 286.11 75.07a 225.68 51.44a
6th month 289.56 80.55a 234.67 51.70a 286.86 77.74b 220.00 53.81a

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Values were expressed as means SD (n = 44). Data within the same column of each group sharing dierent superscript letters (a, b) were significantly dierent (p < 0.05).
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Table 6 Skin examination in placebo and GTPM treated subjects over 60 years old

Placebo GTPM

Parameters Duration Face Arm/T-zone Face Arm/T-zone

Skin elasticity Baseline 0.806 0.04a 0.800 0.07a 0.842 0.06a 0.803 0.08a
6th month 0.832 0.086a 0.803 0.08a 0.807 0.06b 0.853 0.06b
Skin roughness Baseline 2.36 1.06a 1.96 0.78a 2.37 1.07a 1.89 0.81a
6th month 2.37 1.07a 1.89 0.81a 2.39 0.58a 1.58 0.73a
Skin erythema index Baseline 260.21 47.17a 231.68 33.06a 260.12 80.73a 224.53 52.96a
Published on 02 December 2015. Downloaded by Universitat Rovira I Virgili on 14/02/2017 15:11:09.

6th month 262.37 42.15a 229.40 31.93a 264.25 73.01b 232.24 53.14a
Skin wrinkles Baseline 39.63 3.83a 42.00 3.67a 41.07 4.53a 42.08 3.63a
6th month 41.07 4.53a 42.08 3.63a 37.20 3.61b 37.72 3.99b

Values were expressed as means SD (n = 44). Data within the same column of each group sharing dierent superscript letters (a, b) were
significantly dierent (p < 0.05).

one of the major targets of free radical attack since it is directly roughness. GTP has been reported to have some positive
exposed to UV radiation and a variety of environmental impact on the cellular and molecular level in the epidermis
pollutants and in addition, it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty and thereby act as a derma-protective agent.50 Moreover,
acids, which are highly susceptible to oxidation. Numerous ascorbic acid has been reported to lower oxidative stress by
pre-clinical and clinical studies showed that increased acting as a skin barrier.51 As discussed earlier, during the
oxidative stress may probably end with various dermal intake of GTPM ascorbic acid levels were significantly elevated
disorders, especially acne, psoriasis, porphyrias as well as the and thus ended up enhancing epidermal dierentiation, but
early onset of aging.16,17 Hence, the study was blueprinted this was more eective in aged subjects owing to elevated
to determine the long-term physiological ecacy of oxidative stress. It is well documented that UV light can initiate
GTPM on skin texture via modulating antioxidant status in free radical formation in the epidermis by inducing lipid
healthy adults. oxidation, which results in premature aging of the skin.52 Oral
A multifunctional skin analyzer (MPA 580, Courage & administration of GTP (EGCG) significantly lowers the
Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany) was used to oxidative stress initiated by UV light in the skin.53,54
detect the skin changes in the face and arm regions. Skin para- Furthermore, EGCG markedly reduces UVB-induced MMP-1,
meters including skin elasticity, moisture, surface water loss, MMP-8, and MMP-13 in a dose-dependent manner via its
melanin, erythema and skin wrinkles were analyzed. Table 5 interference with mitogen-activated protein kinase-responsive
represents the skin examination in placebo and GTPM treated pathways.55
healthy subjects. In the placebo group, no marked changes Fig. 2 depicts the skin surface topography of subject 13
were observed in any of the skin parameters. Meanwhile viewed under ultraviolet light. Fig. 2A and C represents the
on infusion with GTPM, subjects after 6 months exhibited no facial and arm skin of the placebo group, which indicated less
significant alterations in either the face nor arm regions in skin integrity, whereas Fig. 2B and D represented the facial
relation to any of the skin parameters compared with the and arm skin after 6 months treated with GTPM, which
baseline. However, slight variations (but not significant) indicate improved skin integrity and texture. Elevated free
were noticed in skin elasticity and wrinkles, which influenced radicals are responsible for the weakening of elastin and
us to concentrate on aged subjects alone, as their collagen, hence ending up in increased skin wrinkles,
antioxidant levels were lower compared to middle-aged fragility, dull appearance and aging.56 Due to the
subjects. During the aging process, oxidative damage is mostly derma-protective and antioxidant activity of GTP and the
found in parallel with the declined capacity of antioxidant improved bioavailability of catechins (EGCG) using milk
systems.49 powder, this made GTPM a perfect blend to exhibit its holistic
Table 6 shows the skin examination in placebo and GTPM eect by improving skin elasticity and texture. A limitation of
treated subjects over 60 years old. Consumption of GTPM the present study was the usage of a lesser number of subjects,
substantially augmented the levels of skin elasticity and con- no separate group for GTP alone to compare with GTPM, and
comitantly attenuated the levels of skin wrinkles and also a the bioavailability of catechins in plasma not being
slight decrease in the level of skin roughness was found. No carried out, as well as the absorption of catechins being
significant alteration was seen in the erythema index in both aected by various factors. As it is a pilot study, we began with
groups. These results signified the importance of GTPM on few subjects and a randomized placebo cross-over study, which
the aging process too. Enhanced antioxidant activity might restricted us from adding more groupings for the present
improve the skin integrity and texture in older subjects by study. Recently, we started to work on kinetics studies, which
increasing skin elasticity with decreased wrinkles and could give a detailed mechanism for the metabolism of GTPM.

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Fig. 2 Skin surface topography viewed under ultraviolet light (Visioscan). Examination of facial and arm skin of subject 13. A and C represent the
facial and arm skin of the placebo group, which indicate less skin integrity, whereas B and D represent the facial and arm skin after 6 months treated
with GTPM, which indicate improved skin integrity and texture.

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